Word of tanks update. Latest World of Tanks update

The release date of update version 1.2 is approaching and it's time to talk about the changes that World of Tanks is waiting for in the next patch.

In general, the upcoming update can be called complementary. After all, there will be no global changes in World of Tanks, the balance of tanks in the game will not be affected by patch 1.2, as it was in one of the previous patches. We will talk in detail about the innovations and changes in WOT 1.2. After reading to the end, you will find out the exact release date of update 1.2.

World of Tanks 1.2 changes

Operation "Second Front"

This is the third part of Operation Second Front. It will be tested during common test Update 1.2 between September 13th and 26th. At this time, every World of Tanks tanker will be able to test the tanks that are designed to reward the players of the first and second parts of Operation Second Front.

One of these combat vehicles will be Object 279 (p), which will appear in patch 1.2. Read about the superiority of premium tanks in our article.

Premium account for completing tasks in World of Tanks 1.2

As a reward for fulfilling open order forms during the third part of the "Second Front" in the World of Tank players will be able to receive the following awards:

  • tank girl for completing the 15th task of the "Alliance", "Union", Block" or "Coalition". For example, for the "Alliance" it is necessary, in 3 battles out of 15, to get the 1st degree of class badge. If you manage to get the class badge "Master", then in addition you will receive 800,000 silver.
  • 1 day premium account for the completion of the 13th combat mission. For example, for the "Coalition" you need to reflect twice the amount of damage corresponding to the maximum durability of your combat vehicle in 5 battles in 4 of them.
  • Also premium account for 1 day can be obtained for completing additional condition in problems numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14.

Tanks on artificial intelligence

We talked in detail about the plans of the developers of World of Tanks to introduce tanks with artificial intelligence in version 1.2. The main purpose of AI tanks is to help reduce the wait time for players. This innovation will not affect the RU-region, EU-region and NA-region.

It was decided to test artificial intelligence right away in the regions that need it the most - these are Australia and South America.

Later, artificial intelligence in World of Tanks versions 1.3 and 1.4 will be used to implement PVE in the game.

Maps in update 1.2

Map "Empire's Frontier"

New map "Empire's Frontier" will appear in World of Tanks with the release of update 1.2. The game location will be available for three game modes at once: "Encounter battle", "Assault" and "Standard battle" ("Random battle"). Oriented new map for tanks 4-10 levels. The development of the map was carried out on the Core engine, which we told you about in the overview of the changes in the World of Tanks 1.0 update.

Loading screen soundtrack for Empire's Frontier

A special soundtrack has been prepared for the new gaming location. The sound track will accompany the players during the loading of the battle and at the beginning of the battle at the gaming location "Empire's Border".

Widepark Map

Also converted to HD american style maps "Highway" and "Widdlepark". For the game location "Widepark" in update 1.2 for World of Tanks, a new soundtrack will appear, which will sound during its loading and at the beginning of the battle.

Overview of the updated map "Widepark" with the release of patch 1.2

  • Overview of the updated Widepark map
  • Widepark map after update
  • New Widepark in World of Tanks
  • Widepark map overview
  • Screenshots of Widepark
  • Widepark in HD
  • World of Tanks Maps - Widepark

In the pictures above you can see the updated game location in HD graphics. Widepark has been completely transformed. The map was not altered, but actually created anew, repeating the places and positions for tanks familiar to the players. World of Tanks 1.2 comes with two maps with HD graphics.

Loading screen soundtrack for Widepark

Map "Highway"

The Highway map, beloved by many tankers for its incredibly beautiful graphics and atmosphere, has been transformed in update 1.2 and will delight you with new positions for tanks.

Overview of the Highway map in World of Tanks 1.2

  • Highway map overview
  • Highway map in World of Tanks 1.2
  • Updated highway map
  • Highway in WOT
  • Highway in HD
  • Game location Highway
  • World of Tanks map Highway
  • Highway map screenshot

In the screenshots above, you can see a series of changes that will appear in patch 1.2 for World of Tanks on the Highway map. The completely changed map impresses with its saturation of colors and the abundance of positions for tank destroyers and tanks.

Release date of patch 1.2 for World of Tanks

Release of update 1.2 for World of Tanks appointed on Thursday 27 September 2018(postponed) to Tuesday 09 October 2018.
Game servers will be unavailable on the night of 26 to 27 September(Rescheduled) on the night of October 08-09, 2018. On Thursday morning on Tuesday, you will start the game and you will see that the launcher shows an update available for download. After downloading the patch in automatic mode, you can immediately start playing World of Tanks 1.2.

Download World of Tanks 1.2

Those who want to download update 1.2 now can download a preliminary version of the patch starting from October 04, 2018. For those who download World of Tanks 1.2 in advance, at the time of the release of the update, it will be necessary to download the missing few megabytes using the launcher in automatic mode in order to start the game already in new version of World of Tanks. Update 1.2 preload takes about 2-20 minutes depending on your Internet connection speed. Patch 1.2 files are 1.4 GB in size.

With the release of each update, it becomes necessary to update the client.

Basically, it automatically updates itself, but there are situations when:

The game itself gives out that it is necessary to update the client;
after installing the game update, the client gives an error;
during a client update, an additional download of updates begins.

Most of the problems with updating the client in the game application can be associated with the extensive use of cheat mods. They are the ones downloaded and installed with the presence a large number viruses do not allow a gamer to play normally in an online game.

Consider some ways to update the World of Tanks game client

1. We try to run the game application file with a link to the new update. After launch, the client must update itself, as it provides for an independent (automatic) update.

2. In cases involving a manual or selective update method, it is necessary on the official website of the game application in the "Game" tab, by date to find the last update released. Select the required file and download it to the World of Tanks installation folder.

The next step is to start the client and, if necessary, specify the path to update the new downloaded update file

3. If you refuse to start the client, you must check for "permission to automatically install updates". If there is a ban, then the game will not start without updating and rebooting.

4. Sometimes you need to find the "Launcher" in the installation folder and run it. This action will push the slowing system to update quickly.

5. The last way to update the client World games of Tanks and solve problems with the game not starting after the update, you can call the elimination of prohibited modifications.

It is a large number of them that sometimes do not give permission to automatically update the client.

Therefore, as it were, it was not sad for “honest” players, but they would have to remove all prohibited mods and run the client to update. Subsequently, of course, you can download again and install all the necessary mod packs. But again, this is at your own peril and risk, since they are prohibited and in the future they may also be a source of such problems.

Official mods can not be touched, they cannot cause any glitches even when cheating mods are removed, others should not be touched.

The developers of World of Tanks have a lot of plans for the upcoming 2018. The nearest of them is the release of update 9.22 World of Tanks. Its main focus is on Soviet technology. Branches PT, ST and TT are changing dramatically.

When will update 9.22 be released World of Tanks?

From the grand event WG FEST 2017 it became known that next update patch will be 9.22 WoT, and already in March 2018 we should expect world of tanks 1.0 (game with new HD maps).

And also don't forget to check how well the existing hardware can draw HD cards, for this, use World of Tanks enCore and test the new engine and your computer power.

Release date - updates 1.2

General test of update 9.22

Update 9.22 Public Test is scheduled for release in February 2018.

Due to numerous requests from players, the branch of Soviet anti-tank guns with a rear wheelhouse will be reworked. Of course, the main prize here is the Object 263 - a powerful and interesting machine, however, the branch itself is generally problematic and unplayable. Therefore, the developers have planned the following changes:

  • SU-101 and SU-101M1 remain in their places, however, will be upgraded.
  • SU-122-54 will disappear from the upgraded branch. This vehicle does not correspond to the logic of the branch development, having a standard cabin location, weak armor and a relatively low amount of XP. Due to these design features, the car could not compete on equal terms with most classmates.
  • Object 263 "moves" to the 9th level.
  • Object 268 Option 4 - will be a new top.

Changes are also planned for the branch of medium tanks. In particular, the game will develop 3 branches with unique gameplay and combat characteristics:

Good news awaits fans of Soviet heavyweights. Starting from the KV-13, an additional line of heavy tanks with aft turrets will be developed. 3 fundamentally new machines will appear here: IS-2Sh, Object 705 and Object 705A.

In many respects, these machines resemble the legendary IS-7, but they offer a completely new gameplay.

New premium tanks

The developers plan to carry out large-scale work on premium tanks with a reduced level of battles. Often beneficiaries are unable to equally counteract their classmates. This is due to the fact that the pumped equipment is regularly improved, and the characteristics of premium tanks do not change. This problem requires a comprehensive solution, however, it must be implemented gradually to avoid imbalance in the game.

Game Modes

New game modes will be added to the game, which will help make the gameplay more vivid and rich. In addition, changes are expected in the Ranked Battles that many people like. Here, the game mechanics will be somewhat reworked, which will allow for healthy competition at key stages. In particular:

  • Chevrons will be awarded to players from both teams, however, the winners will be entitled to more chevrons.
  • The ranking system will be increased, but will retain the general concept of the second season.
  • The ranks obtained will now be saved even after unsuccessful battles, but players will have to defend their current status on the battlefields.
  • The duration of the stages will be increased, therefore, you will not have to sit all day at the computer to achieve certain results. This decision is aimed at the efficiency of the players.

What to expect in Update 9.22

In addition to the changes listed above, other improvements, changes in development branches and much more are planned in the game.

How bonds will be earned

Planned new options for obtaining an alternative game currency. Bonds are now earned for epic rewards and achievements earned while playing on Tier 9-10 vehicles. In addition, you can earn currency in the general battle mode and on global map. However, mindful of their promises, the developers have planned several additional ways to get hold of bonds, and are considering the possibility of spending them on acquiring equipment and modifying appearance machines.


In 2018, World of Tanks will feature new atmospheric events similar to New Year's Offensive and Leviathan Invasion. A more extensive list of available rewards will be implemented here, including the ability to receive bonds for certain achievements. Let's add that tank football competitions will be held in the summer, which many players liked.

The game World of Tanks is constantly updated. Developers are trying to quickly introduce a variety of innovations that will not let the player get bored. No wonder gamers get confused when trying to figure out which version of the game is currently installed.

Today we will answer the question, what version of World of Tanks do you have now, tell you what is interesting in it, and talk about its features.

Update 9.16 General Information

The current version of World of Tanks is 9.16. In it, the players encountered the changed visibility mechanics, the first Swedish-made tank, vehicles reworked in HD, the new map "Paris" and other interesting things.

An interesting innovation is a change in the mechanics of the “light” of tanks. As the developers say, recently a tank moving at high speed was rendered with some delay, which made the players uncomfortable - they had to shoot with a large lead.

Now the enemy is immediately visible - this allows you to respond to a change in the situation faster.

An important novelty is the appearance of the first Swedish tank, the predecessor of a whole line new technology. We are talking about a Swedish combat vehicle of the sixth level. The medium premium tank, equipped with a loading drum, surprised the players.

Someone will be impressed by the new map "Paris". You will find yourself in the square of the French capital, where you will see the Eiffel Tower. The map is a great place for heavy tank battles. There is an open area for high-speed cars, there is a central square where those who want to compete close up come together.

Now players have the opportunity to take allies from other clans on raids.

Useful little things

The developers decided to relieve the creators of modifications from the need to introduce some of them into the game by adding new version the most popular add-ons.

Today, March 20, 2018 released world update of Tanks versions 1.0. What changes have taken place in the game?

Graphics changes in WOT 1.0

First of all, this is the new Core graphics engine instead of the old BigWorld. The main goal of introducing its own engine for World of Tanks is an attempt to reduce operating costs and costs associated with renting a BigWorld license from an Australian developer. What awaits the players new world of Tanks 1.0?

The main change in graphics will be the ability to increase detail and performance. World of Tanks Core allows you to increase the number of triangles for each texture as much as necessary specific computer user. The more powerful the PC, the more realistic World of Tanks will be. At the same time, performance will not be excessively loaded due to the use of optimizations in the Core engine.

How the Core graphics engine works

The trees in the game will become a set of 3D screenshots, which will significantly save computer resources with high quality textures. Any fire effects will only be detailed externally, and the invisible area of ​​the effect will remain at low resolution. This will significantly reduce resource consumption and add smoothness to the movement of the tank, remove lags due to the lack of graphics adapter performance on medium PCs. Most graphics calculations will be done once in advance. Each time, the triangles will not be recalculated, and the Core engine will only display the reflections of surfaces, water, or metal sheen that it already has.

World of Tanks 1.0 Update Overview

List of changes in update 1.0

We have divided all changes in World of Tanks version 1.0 into global and local ones. Here are their lists.

global changes

  • Core graphics engine
  • HD cards 29 pcs.
  • New sound design
  • New hangar in HD graphics
  • Visual effects World of Tanks Core
  • Optimizing the use of PC resources

Local changes

  • Now the closer the car is, the louder you hear the sounds from it;
  • If you set the graphic fov setting above 120 in the hangar, the drawing level will change;
  • The camera in the Core engine will penetrate into combat vehicles;
  • Added the ability to control the crew of a tank in combat;
  • Tank camouflage has become brighter;
  • Loading screens in World of Tanks 1.0 are new;
  • The training ground has a new hangar and all its maps have become HD;
  • Now, when shooting in a random battle, you will receive notifications about the reflected damage, ricochets, and inflicted critical damage;
  • Added sound design for maps, such as sounds of nature, as well as added new vehicle sounds;
  • The sound theme of World of Tanks has been replaced with a new one, as well as the sounds of defeat, victory and a draw;
  • Animated characters are now displayed in the hangar;
  • Projectile tracers replaced;
  • Water in patch 1.0 has a new design and visual effects, has become more deeply developed;
  • The tracks left by tank tracks have been completely reworked;
  • Changed the effects of destruction of static objects on the maps.