Jasmine's son Mikhail Semenduev Instagram. The sons of Russian stars are growing sex symbols. Is it easy to be the son of a celebrity?

Jasmine is a popular artist Russian stage. Interest in her work has not waned since the end of the last millennium. Listeners love her and enjoy her performances.

Many people do not know that Jasmine is a stage name. In fact, the young woman's name is Sarah Shore. She loves her husband and children. Woman in last years somewhat reduced her artistic activity. The reason for this is the children. As soon as they become large enough, the singer will begin to actively tour again, which will bring joy to her many fans.

In the late 90s of the last millennium, numerous music lovers heard the divine voice of a girl about whom nothing was known. It was not known who she was. People began to look for information, including her height, weight, age. How old is Jasmine various sources has been interpreted differently.

Currently, the popular pop artist is 40 years old. She is in excellent physical shape. With a height of 170 cm, Jasmine weighs 55 kg.

Jasmine, whose photos in her youth and now are the pride of her husband Ilan, adheres to a unique menu. She designed it herself. A woman goes in for sports every day.

Biography of Jasmine (singer)

A charming girl was born into the Manakhimov family at the end of 1977. Father - Lev Yakovlevich and mother - Margarita Semyonovna were creative people. They tried to ensure that children grew up in love and contentment. The daughter was not the only child in the family. Sarah has an older brother, Anatoly, whom the popular singer Jasmine still calls her main friend and protector.

As a child, Sarah dreamed of studying languages ​​and becoming a translator. But the dream was not destined to come true. Due to circumstances, the girl had to become a student medical college, from which she graduated with honors. It was at this time that the singing talent of the pop star manifested itself, whose name would soon be known to a large number of residents Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Hearing their daughter’s voice, her parents allowed her to enter Gnesika, which is located in the Russian capital. After the performer’s first appearance with the song “It Happens” in front of the general public, people started talking about her. It was then that listeners heard the name of the new star. The girl called herself Jasmine, and this became her stage name.

At the same time, the girl becomes the official representative of the Jitrois fashion house in the Russian Federation. But soon, due to her busy schedule, Jasmine stopped modeling.

In mid-2001, after the release of the album, called “I’ll Rewrite Love,” the popular artist made her first tour across the country. She was soon recognized and loved by Israeli, American, Baltic, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and German audiences. In mid-2009, the popular artist became Honored Artist of Dagestan.

Jasmine has starred in several films. Her roles in the musicals “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” and “The Three Musketeers” became especially popular.

Jasmine's biography also includes a career as a TV presenter. She worked in the Wider Circle program.

Currently, Jasmine has subordinated her life to her family. She only sometimes leaves her children for tours. But fans of the singer hope that soon Jasmine will perform again as actively as before.

Personal life of Jasmine (singer)

Jasmine's personal life is no secret for fans of the popular singer. She shares with listeners everything that happens in her life.

The girl’s first husband is Vyacheslav Semenduev. He began to promote his talented lover. But the happiness did not last long. After the birth of his son Mikhail, Vyacheslav became jealous of his wife towards men. Semenduev beat Jasmine, which became the reason for the divorce.

In 2010, the popular artist began dating Ilan Shor, one of the richest businessmen in Moldova. A year later, the wedding of the lovers took place, which was attended by several hundred invited guests. Soon a wonderful girl appeared in the family, who was named Margarita.

In mid-2015, it became known that an addition was expected to the family. In 2016, Jasmine (singer) gave birth to her third child. The boy was named Miron. Currently, the popular artist is happy and loved, she is trying to do everything for her husband and children.

Jasmine Family (singer)

Jasmine's family was artistic. Father and mother raised their children in the spirit of Dagestan traditions. The girl learned to cook, sew, and knit well. The parents wished only the best for their daughter. At one time, her mother dreamed of being a doctor, so Sarochka was offered this particular specialty.

After her divorce from her first husband, Jasmine's parents and brother supported her. Nowadays, grandparents often visit their grandchildren. They are happy that Jasmine is happy and loved.

The popular pop singer counts her husband and three children as members of her family, who constantly make her happy.

Children of Jasmine (singer)

Like a true Dagestan, in children's and teenage years The Russian pop star dreamed that she would have 5 children, which she repeatedly stated in her numerous interviews. Long time Jasmine had only one beloved son, whom the woman spoiled and raised alone.

Currently, the artist has three children, the youngest of whom was born in 2016.

Recently, in one of the music television programs aired in New Year, Jasmine’s children and she herself sang a song about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. At this time, the youngest of the offspring, Myron, stood and smiled directly at the camera.

Jasmine's son - Mikhail Semenduev

The first-born in the family of a popular artist appeared in the late 90s of the last century. It was decided to give the boy the name Misha. WITH youth the son did not cause any problems. He considered his mother a true friend and shared all his secrets with her.

After his parents’ divorce, Jasmine’s son, Mikhail Semenduev, often communicated with his father. The boy studied at one of the capital's schools. He received only excellent marks. Misha travels a lot, and extreme sports are among his favorite activities.

Mikhail recently celebrated his 20th birthday. He currently lives with a girl whose name he prefers not to reveal.

Jasmine's son - Myron Shor

The popular singer had her youngest son quite recently, in 2016. He is too young to understand what he will become. Soon the boy will turn 2 years old. Jasmine says that Myron loves to walk with his sister. A boy plays with a ball.

If a popular artist has to leave home, she takes her little son with her. He visited Jasmine’s native Dagestan, Moscow.

Jasmine’s son, Miron Shor, is the heir to the entire empire of Moldovan businessmen. Both grandfathers and grandmothers love him. The boy loves to visit their home, where he has his own room with toys that are waiting for their owner during his absence.

Daughter Jasmine – Margarita Shor

Jasmine's daughter, Margarita Shor, was born shortly after her parents' wedding in one of the best maternity hospitals in the capital's metropolis. The girl was raised in love. Her parents and grandparents want nothing but the best for her. Margarita participated in several fashion shows. She is incredibly artistic and sweet.

The girl is currently preparing to go to 1st grade. She enjoys reading and counting. Despite her young age, Rita dances well, plays sports, and attends the hand-to-hand combat section. My daughter draws well, especially she likes to depict flowers and animals.

Jasmine's ex-husband - Vyacheslav Semenduev

For the first time, Vyacheslav heard the voice of his future wife in the mid-90s of the last century. He was struck by the beautiful and pure timbre, which literally penetrated into the soul and called for him. Soon the young people met. A few months later they got married. It was Vyacheslav who began to promote his wife. For several years, the lovers lived happily, raising their son Mishenka. But at the beginning of the new millennium, the marriage cracked. Vyacheslav became jealous of his wife, he often beat her. Jasmine loved her husband and, like a true woman of Dagestan, forgave him.

In 2005, Jasmine was beaten so badly by her husband that she was hospitalized for a long time, and immediately after leaving the hospital she filed for divorce.

Jasmine's ex-husband, Vyacheslav Semenduev, despite separating from his wife, participated in raising his son.

Jasmine's husband - Ilan Shor

The popular artist met Ilan at the beginning of the new millennium. During the period of her divorce from Vyacheslav Semenduev, the man supported Jasmine in every possible way. Ilan Shor is one of the richest Moldovan businessmen.

In mid-2011, the couple officially registered their relationship. A magnificent wedding was celebrated in Chisinau (Moldova). The age difference did not become an obstacle to their happiness.

Soon a daughter, Margaritka, appeared in the marriage. The happiness of the spouses was cloudless. But in 2015, Jasmine’s wife was accused of grand theft. He was arrested. The businessman denied everything. He was acquitted and elected mayor of the small town of Orhei.

In 2016, Jasmine’s husband, Ilan Shor, told everyone that his wife made him a father again, giving him a son.

Soon the theft case arose again. Ilan has been in prison for several months. But then he was acquitted. Currently, the couple live in Moscow, where their daughter Margarita will study in one of the schools.

Photos of Jasmine in Maxim magazine can be viewed often. The popular artist constantly favorably accepts offers for a photo shoot. But candid photos cannot be found on the pages of the publication. The pictures are very chaste. Jasmine herself says that, as a true woman of the East, she will never act naked.

On her Instagram page you can admire the perfect form of the popular artist. Jasmine in a swimsuit was recently photographed at one of the Turkish resorts. The woman was photographed by her beloved husband Ilan, who believes that the entire male population of the world should envy him.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jasmine

Instagram and Wikipedia Jasmine are the most complete sources of information about the popular artist. Wikipedia provides all the information about the creative path of the Russian pop star.

The Instagram page is run by the singer’s beloved husband and by herself very actively. Jasmine posts photos of her adored children and talks about their achievements.

Unlike his wife, Ilan posts photos of Jasmine herself. He touchingly signs each photo, considering himself the happiest of mortals to have such a wife and children.

He puts no less effort into the upbringing and development of children than into creativity. The eldest son of the 40-year-old singer has long been independent - last year Mikhail turned 20 years old. However, six-year-old Margarita and Miron, who will turn two in April, still require tireless attention and care from their parents.

Jasmine often posts photos and videos of younger children on Instagram, but Mikhail’s photos almost never appear on her blog.

Recently, the singer gave a rare gift to her subscribers. The artist published a short video capturing the tender embrace of Mikhail and Margarita, accompanied by the caption: “Happy Happy Day, friends.” In the video, the girl runs up to her brother, who picks her up and kisses her. Jasmine's voice is heard behind the scenes: “Good morning, comrades!”

Jasmine's children - Mikhail Semenduev and Margarita Shor

The singer’s fans reacted with enthusiasm to the rare video and were amazed at how Mikhail had grown: “I didn’t recognize Misha! Quite an adult!” Singer Valeria could not contain her surprise: “Is this grown man your Misha? No, how can that be?!? Wow! You’re the girl next to him—his girlfriend.” Jasmine replied: “Can you imagine?!? I’m shocked myself.”

Many noted that the eldest son looks like his star mother: “Handsome”, “Mom’s pride”, “Son looks like you.”

Netizens were glad that Margarita and Miron had a caring adult brother: “It’s great happiness to have such a wonderful older brother,” “Having such an adult brother is priceless,” “I can imagine how he spoils his little sister,” “Margarita certainly happy in the safe hands of her older brother! Children are your pride” (spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved. - Ed.).

A post shared by Jasmin(@jasmin) on Jan 13, 2018 at 7:57am PST

In 2006, after ten years of marriage, Jasmine broke up with the father of her eldest son Mikhail, businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev. Former spouse beat the singer, as a result of which she received a concussion and a broken nose.

Seven years ago, the singer married the president of the Moldovan-Israeli Center for Foreign Economic Relations, Medicine and Training, general director of the Dufremol company, Ilan Shor. In the summer of 2015, her husband was elected mayor of the Moldovan city of Orhei. The couple has two children together: six-year-old Margarita and one-and-a-half-year-old Miron.

In 2017, a Moldovan court convicted Ilan Shor of major fraud. Jasmine’s husband is now free, but cannot leave Moldova, so the singer has to live in two countries.

The 17-year-old son of singer Jasmine from his first marriage found a girl to match him. Mikhail Semenduev is in love with the daughter of the ex-president of the Spartak football club Diana Chervichenko, and his feeling is mutual.

17-year-old Mikhail Semenduev is the son of 37-year-old singer Jasmine and her first husband, owner of the Eldorado chain of stores and restaurants, Vyacheslav Semenduev. The young man often goes out with his famous mother and is on excellent terms with his stepfather, businessman Ilan Shor. Now Semenduev Jr. is finishing school and, by his own admission, is going to enter MGIMO.

But as it turns out, preparing for exams is far from the only thing that worries the star’s son now. Mikhail spends all his free time with his beloved Diana Chervichenko, the daughter of the ex-president of the Moscow football club Spartak.

The couple does not hide their tender relationship and regularly posts common photos on social networks. And in response to a question from one of the users about how Diana sees her future husband, the girl simply posted a photo of Jasmine’s son - apparently, Chervichenko is serious.

The young people have known each other for a long time, but 1.5 months ago the friendship between them turned into romantic relationship. By the way, Diana Semendueva is an enviable bride in every sense. Her father, businessman Andrei Chervichenko, sold FC Spartak to billionaire Vyacheslav Fedun in 2004. According to rumors, her family owns property in Monaco, where Diana and her friends regularly spend the summer. In addition, the girl has a bright appearance, which, according to the couple’s mutual friends, “hooked” Mikhail Semenduev.

Singer Jasmine prefers not to talk about the personal life of her eldest son, 20-year-old Mikhail. “He had a girlfriend, now, in my opinion, he is also dating someone,” the artist very vaguely described the events in the private life of the heir.


Jasmine prefers not to think at all about the fact that her son might get married. “I’m not ready to be a mother-in-law yet. Maybe he’s ready to get married. But I’m not. I don’t feel like an adult yet. At heart I’m still the same young girl. I warn you: I’ll be a jealous mother-in-law,” the popular singer is quoted as saying by Interlocutor ".

In 2014, Jasmine's son Mikhail Semenduev had an affair with the daughter of the ex-president of the Spartak football club Andrei Chervichenko Diana. Mikhail Semenduev, the heir to the substantial fortune of his father and stepfather in the person of Ilan Shor, spent all his free time from studying with a charming high school student.

Immediately after classes, the couple went on a run through the most fashionable cafes and restaurants in the capital, while away the time by talking and smoking fragrant hookahs. The relationship between young Mikhail and Diana began with friendship and only over time developed into romantic affection.

For the first time, journalists paid attention to Semenduev and Chervichenko at one of the parties in Moscow. However, as attentive secular chroniclers found out, having combed through the accounts of Mikhail and Diana in in social networks, the couple spent their holidays together abroad at the world's best resorts.

The relationship between the young people was more than serious. In the eldest son of the popular pop singer Jasmine, Diana literally saw the ideal of a future husband, which she did not hesitate to admit on social networks. However, in Lately information appeared that Diana and Mikhail had ended their relationship.

According to the readers of Woman's day, the new generation of Russian sex symbols is led by four children of celebrities, whose stunning appearance is breathtaking. Each of these young people is unique, beautiful and interesting in their own way. We can definitely say that not a single girl will be able to look indifferently into the blue eyes of Philip Gazmanov, to resist the romance of Mikhail Semenduev, not to appreciate the kindness and sincerity of Denis Baysarov and not to fall in love with the mysterious nature of Arseny Shulgin. Each of the young men answered the questions of the questionnaire, in which they openly talked about their lives. About who broke their hearts, what kind of girls they like and what plans they make for life after school.

Son of Oleg and Marina Gazmanov - Philip Gazmanov

Date of Birth 29 11 1997

Height about 180

Weight 70

Favorite music

Everyone knows that my father is a musician. This greatly influenced my attitude towards music. I'm a music lover, it's easier for me to name music that I don't like. For example, I have a hard time listening to Screamo. I listen to different music depending on the environment.

Favorite movie

“2000: A Space Odyssey”, “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, “The Hunger Games”, “The Bourne Identity”, “Fight Club”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Inception”, “The Dark Knight”, “Assassination”, "300 Spartans", "Turkish Gambit".


I take care of myself, draw, read books and study. In addition, I have been interested in football since childhood, play rugby professionally, and go skiing every winter season.


I want to study Business and Management, I just started studying potential universities in detail, I have Oxford, UCL, LSE in mind.

Grades at university (school)

We are equally evaluated both by our demonstrated knowledge and by our diligence. My grades are not perfect and I have some work to do, but they are good.

I would like to, based on my merits and achievements.

What is most important to you in life?

Humanity. Family and people close to me. Good movies, good food, happiness and a gym across the street.

It was nice, however, this fact does not give the privilege of going to the front of the line in the school cafeteria.

It happens... Girls are more active by nature than I thought before. In this regard, I now like sincere, hard-to-get and smart girls.

Strictly and warmly, attentively and carefully, as if you were treating a flower that would dry up without your care and attention.

No, I would like to learn how to be more romantic, however, theory very rarely coincides with practice on such issues.

How do you look after the ladies?

If my mother asks me to look after her, I willingly do it, although, unfortunately, not always the way she wants it. I often carry my younger sister’s things on me out of a sense of caring. As for ladies outside the family, my practice included gifts in the form of flowers, visits to theaters and water parks.

What type of girls do you like? (you can compare it with a popular actress)

I like girls who take care of themselves. While many popular actresses, if not all, are followed by professional stylists and designers.

Yes, it's very personal. And that girl still knows me, so I won’t tell her real name, place or time. Let's call her Katya. I can only say that I wanted to know all its magical qualities, I was fascinated by its versatility. It all ended with me realizing that no one is perfect, and any relationship is a team effort.

Is there a girl on this moment? (Who is she, how we met, how we courted her)

At the moment, there is no girl. I'm studying.

I am grateful to my parents, and I cannot express enough how grateful I am for all the conditions in which I live. My parents provided me with everything I needed, or even more, from a material point of view. And I’m still silent about love and education. Consequently, I did not need to earn money on my own, but still, when possible, I made money.

When I become wealthy, the first thing I will do is provide for my parents so that they can do their favorite things and relax. I love children very much, and I plan to find an understanding wife.

The son of singer Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin - Arseny Shulgin

Date of Birth 8.11.1998

Height 182

Weight 63

Favorite music

I am a music lover, I like different types of music.

Favorite movie

"Fight club".


What university are you studying at? (about to enroll)

Chopin College of Music.

Grades at university? (school)

Is it easy to be the son of a celebrity?

It doesn't give me any difficulty.

Would you like to become a famous person too?

I don't set myself such a goal.

What is most important to you in life?


You are one of the most attractive celebrity children. What do you think about it?

I don't attach any importance to this. It's not important for me.

Do you get a lot of female attention?


How should you treat a girl?

Do you consider yourself romantic?

Yes, I am a romantic person.

How do you look after the ladies?

Everything comes from within, from the heart. I don't have a clear algorithm. Each girl is individual.

If we compare with the type of actress, then I like girls who look like Charlize Theron.

Have you already had your first love?

No, I'm free now.

Have you ever had to earn money on your own?

Certainly. I earned my first money when I was 4 years old.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to be able to do what I love.

The son of singer Kristina Orbakaite and businessman Ruslan Baysarov - Denis Baysarov

Height 181

Weight 73

Favorite music

POP, RAP, R&B, Dance, Rock, some classics.

Favorite movie

"Interstellar", "The Great Gatsby".


Music, sports, theater.

What university are you studying at (planning to enroll) I'm going to enter a university in England

School grades

Fours and Fives.

Is it easy to be the son of a celebrity?

You see, I can’t say it’s difficult, but I can’t say it’s easy either. You have a responsibility, and not a small one.

Would you like to become a famous person?

I would definitely like to leave my mark on history.

What is most important to you in life?

Family! There is an expression: “The best things in the world are not things.” My family is the most valuable thing to me! I love all the members of my family! I love it very much!

You are one of the most attractive celebrity children. What do you think about it?

I am pleased that I was so appreciated. I hope people are interested in me not only because of my attractiveness.

Do you get a lot of female attention?

I don't know if it's a lot, but it's enough.

How should you treat a girl?

You need to treat with dignity! You should never humiliate or suppress a person (mentally and physically).

Do you consider yourself romantic?

How do you look after the ladies?

Flowers, meetings, walks and a lot of communication))

What type of girls do you like? (can be compared to an actress)

I like modest, smart, sympathetic people and those with whom I can freely communicate and spend time!

Have you already had your first love?

I think it's too early to talk about true love, but there were feelings.

Do you have a girlfriend at the moment?

Not at the moment.

Have you ever had to earn money on your own?

No, but I hope to gain such experience in the near future.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to get an education, start working, help my family and, of course, after receiving higher education create a family.