Composition of the Dnieper flotilla in 1945. Dnieper flotilla. Eternal memory and glory to the Russian soldier

Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 EE "BSPU IM. M. TANKA FEV Department Information technologies in the formation of the Dnieper military flotilla. Vodchits D. The Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 The abstract reflects a little-studied and until recently little-known page in the history of the Brest region - the history of the Dnieper military flotilla, based in Pinsk. The role of the flotilla in the establishment of Soviet power during the years of the civil war is emphasized. Reliable facts taken from the archive of the flotilla emphasize an important idea: brave people served here, loyal to the oath and Fatherland. The main part of the essay is devoted to the feat of sailors in the years of the Great Patriotic War . The abstract is written exclusively on the materials of the museum of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov, I degree of the Dnieper military flotilla in Pinsk. The abstract is up-to-date, it is distinguished by the absolute reliability of the facts and documents presented, and meets all the requirements of the competition. In the text we find the names of people about whom books have not yet been written, and not everyone knows these names. However, the description of their exploits is impossible to read without tears. The feat of 15-year-old cabin boy O. Olkhovsky and his father, after whom one of the streets of Pinsk is named; for the first time, the names of the Dnieper residents - Heroes of the Soviet Union - were announced. All this contributes to the education of patriotism, love for one's Motherland in practice, and not for the sake of beautiful words. history flotili feat of Oleg Olkhovsky sailors of the Dnieper peoples of the photo open event Vodchits D. 2 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Contents I. Introduction………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………. 1 II. Pinsk Soviet flotilla………………………………………..……………………………………3 III. The combat path of the flotilla since 1943…………………………..…………………………………….6 1. The liberation of the city of Pinsk…………………………….. ……………………………………14 2. On the approaches to Warsaw…………………………………….………………………………….18 3. In the battles for Berlin……………………………………………..…………………………………….26 IV. The feat of Oleg Olkhovsky…………………………………………..…………………………………….30 V. Dnieper sailors – Heroes of the Soviet Union……….…… …………………………….36 VI. Moments of Victory………………………………………………………………………………………….54 VII. Museum………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………65 VIII. Open Event………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………70 IX. References………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………72 Vodchits D. Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Introduction War. People. Victory. These words express many stages in the history of our state and at the same time the stages of the path of the Dnieper military flotilla. War - there is no crueler word. War - there is no sadder word. War - there is no holier word. In the anguish of the word of these years. And according to our charter, there can be no other way yet. In the harsh, difficult years of the civil war, the Dnieper military flotilla was created on the personal instructions of Lenin and the Central Committee of the Communist Party on March 12, 1919. The young Soviet Republic fought to establish the power of the Soviets, fighting off the onslaught of the interventionists, on the other hand, and waging bloody battles on the fronts of the Civil War, on the other. And from different military detachments of river ships, the Dnieper flotilla was formed, the ships of which differed from ordinary steamships only in the presence of guns on the deck. Formidable armor is represented by a wall of 2 rows of boards, the space between which was covered with sand. And the wall was sheathed with mild steel. The first commander was the Black Sea sailor Andrei Vasilievich Polupanov, and the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet became the main core of the flotilla. Spring and summer of 1919 Dnieper sailors fought White Guard and nationalist gangs in Ukraine. In March 1920 after the liberation of Ukraine from the Whites, the Far Eastern Fleet returned to Kyiv, but did not stay there for long, because. in April 1920 intervention began - Poland, led by General Pilsudski, moved to Soviet Russia. The Red Army retreated, the ships of the Far Eastern Fleet left Kyiv, and the last ones. In May 1920 the chief of staff received the task of the ships of the Far East Fleet: to break through to Kyiv, create panic among the enemy, and prevent the explosion of the Kyiv bridges. Vodchits D. Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 The ships of the flotilla were divided into two parts. The first went to Kyiv through the powerful coastal defenses of the enemy and helped the second part to make a brilliant breakthrough from Trypillia from Dnepropetrovsk. For this operation, the sailors were thanked from the Revolutionary Military Council. Unparalleled heroism was shown by the Dnieper during the Loevsky breakthrough in 1920. After fighting 120 km, the sailors went to the area of ​​​​Loevsky positions. The sailors passed under the very nose of the enemy, climbed the bridge, silently removed sentries, cut the telephone line and quietly returned to the ship. It was impossible to give a signal, so as not to reveal oneself to the enemy. Therefore, by order of the detachment commander, the ships went on a breakthrough. Surprise, courage and heroism - stunned the enemy, the sailors captured the right bank of the Dnieper and thereby ensured the forcing of the Dnieper. For courage, the Northern Detachment of the Dnieper was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner. The best commanders and ordinary sailors were awarded orders and medals. In December 1920 The DVF was disbanded. But after 5 years, the "Squad of ships" was again formed on the Dnieper, later renamed the Dnieper military flotilla. I. Pinsk Soviet military flotilla After September 17, 1939. the state border of the USSR has moved significantly to the west. Due to the fact that Kyiv was in the deep rear, the strategic role of the Dnieper flotilla was significantly reduced, and according to the pre-war operational plans, no military operations were expected in the Dnieper region. Since, in case of hostilities, Kyiv was considered as a city of a distant rear, the river ships and the command of the Dnieper flotilla had to be relocated closer to the new western border, that is, Pinsk. A significant part of the ships of the former Polish river flotilla entered the Soviet Pinsk military flotilla ... Soviet Vodchits D. 2 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 The Pinsk Flotilla was directly subordinated to the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy, Admiral of the Fleet N.G. Kuznetsov. and By the beginning of the war with Germany, the Pinsk flotilla had 2,300 Red Navy men, foremen and officers in its ranks. It consisted of command and staff, river forces, mobile formations, ground and rear units. The river forces of the flotilla consisted of seven monitors, 4 gunboats, thirty armored boats, a Pina minelayer and seven minesweepers - a total of 49 combat units. And this is not counting the 2 staff ships and auxiliary ships. June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union, although the Soviet government foresaw this attack. At 0010 hours on June 22, People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR Admiral Kuznetsov signed a directive with the following content: “Extremely to the Military Councils of 1) the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, 2) the Northern Fleet, 3) the Black Sea Fleet, the Commander of the Pinsk Flotilla, the Commander of the Danube Flotilla During 22.06-23.06 possible surprise attack by the Germans. The attack may start with provocative actions. Our task is not to succumb to any provocative actions that could cause major complications. At the same time, the fleets and flotillas should be in full combat readiness to meet a possible surprise attack by the Germans or their allies. I order you to switch to operational readiness No. 1, carefully mask the increase in combat readiness. I categorically forbid reconnaissance in foreign territorial waters. Do not carry out any other activities without special instructions. 0h 10 min. June 22, 1945 Kuznetsov. » Therefore, the Pinsk River Flotilla, like the entire Soviet Navy, was not taken by surprise by this attack. On that fateful day for the Soviet Union, the forward detachment “one monitor, four armored boats” and the main forces of the flotilla (four monitors, six armored boats, the mine layer “Pina”) were in Pinsk, and the rest of the ships of the flotilla were at that moment in Kiev. The Western Special Military District was immediately transformed into the Western Front, to which the Pinsk Flotilla continued to be operationally subordinate. Exactly four o'clock in the morning on June 22, 1941, the ships of the forward detachment and the main forces of the flotilla left Pinsk to meet the enemy. The ships of the flotilla, firing back from German aircraft, moved towards Brest to carry out a combat mission: to establish contact with the Fourth Army of the Western Front and assist its units. At the same time, from June 23, 1941, a general mobilization was carried out in the flotilla, and from July 28 to July 4, the Pinsk base was evacuated to Rovlya. The non-exported property was blown up by the personnel of the flotilla, and Vodchits D. 3 Dnieper military flotilla On December 10, 2011, the ships retreated to the Luninets area to interact with units of the Red Army. The enemy was rapidly advancing and the flotilla found itself at the junction of two enemy army groups ("south" and "center") and two Soviet fronts (Western and Southwestern). The enemy bypassed the Pripyat lowland from two sides, so it became necessary to use the forces of the flotilla on a wide front for more comprehensive assistance to the units of the Red Army. Based on this, on July 11, 1941, by a joint directive of the People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR N.G. Kuznetsov and chief General Staff Red Army General G.K. Zhukov, the Pinsk military flotilla was divided into three detachments: Pripyatsky, Berezinsky and Dnieper. After successfully ensuring the crossings of the retreating Soviet troops, the flotilla concentrated its efforts on the defense of Kyiv, but in mid-September 1941, the Soviet troops failed to change the situation on the fronts in their favor. The advantage remained on the side of the enemy. In connection with the abandonment of Kyiv by the Soviet troops, the surviving ships were tasked with stopping the withdrawal of Red Army units, preventing the enemy from forcing the Dnieper near Kyiv. But with the loss of the capital of Ukraine, both banks of the Dnieper to Kherson itself were occupied by German troops. And this completely excluded the breakthrough of the ships of the Pinsk Flotilla into the Black Sea. Therefore, in connection with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the borders of the rivers of the Dnieper basin, the ships of the flotilla that remained in combat formation were blown up by their crews on the Dnieper on September 18, 1941, and the sailors as part of a separate detachment bravely fought along with the surrounded units of the Red Army. Those who were taken prisoner did not bow their heads before the Nazi invaders. So, on January 10, 1941, the Germans shot about a hundred sailors, foremen and officers of the Dnieper detachment of the Pinsk River Flotilla in Babi Yar. October 5, 1941, in connection with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the borders of the Dnieper basin, People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR, Admiral of the Fleet N.G. Kuznetsov signed an order to disband the Pinsk River Flotilla. And then came July 1943. The summer offensive of the Germans in the region of Orel and Belgorod, the so-called Kursk Bulge, failed. The subsequent successful offensive of the Red Army was supposed to provide it with access to the rivers of the Dnieper basin. Therefore, at the end of the summer of 1943, the State Defense Committee decided to create the Dnieper military flotilla - on August 26, 1943, the battle for the Dnieper began. On September 14, 1943, the People's Commissar of the Navy issued an order to begin the formation of the Far East Fleet from ships and units of the Volga Military Flotilla. II. The combat path of the flotilla since 1943 So, in the fall of 1943, the Far Eastern Fleet found itself in the zone of action of the troops of the 1st Vodchits D. 4 Dnieper military flotilla on December 10, 2011 of the Ukrainian Front. The flotilla, taking into account large formations, consisted of 2 brigades of river ships, a trawling brigade, anti-aircraft artillery battalions and a floating battery with 100-mm guns. The ships began to prepare for combat operations in the 1944 campaign, being based in the winter in the Chernigov region. Ship repairs began on the flotilla. On February 23, 1944, the 1st issue of the newspaper of the Far East Fleet “Krasny Dneprovets” was published, N.N. Nolde, his deputy. -: Medvedev F.K. Kyiv was the main base of the former Far East Fleet. Warships were based here, they fought here in 1941. Here, on Podol, where before, the headquarters of the operating flotilla was located. The port was destroyed: about 180 ships lay at the bottom, the shipyards of the factories were blown up, the workshops were plundered. And hard work begins to restore the Kyiv port. "On February 22, 1944, by the directive of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command of the Far East, I was included in the composition 2 On March 28, the 1st brigade moved up the Dnieper. It suddenly got colder. The ice mixture rustled at the sides of the ships. The speed decreased, but on March 31, the ships of the 1st echelon, in spite of everything, entered Mozyr district. The enemy was no more than 8 km away. Out of 25 thousand citizens, by the time of liberation, about 10 thousand remained. Think about this figure! The rest were tortured, shot, taken out ... Taking into account the complexity of the tasks assigned to the flotilla On April 3, People's Commissar of the Navy signed an order to create the Military Council of the Dnieper Military Flotilla, which included the commander of the Far Eastern Fleet, Captain I Rank Grigoriev V.V. and a member of the Military Council, Colonel Boyarchenko Petr Vasilievich; the military council became the head of the flotilla. The Far Eastern Fleet was now subordinate to the commander th Bel. Front to Rokossovsky KK, who determined the tasks of the flotilla (the same) at a personal meeting with members of the Military Council of the Far East Fleet. Vodchits D. 5 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 In the Bagrimovichi region, the 1st combat operation took place jointly with the 67th Army to capture control prisoners and to clarify the enemy's front line of defense. It was carried out from April 22 to April 23, 1944. 2 groups were landed. (1- consisting of 31 people) 2 gr. - in 25 people. After capturing the prisoners, they took the landing back and retreated to the Zhakhovichi district. Commanded the operation. l-t Plekhov I.M. The landing commander was Captain III rank Peskov. And in May, the flotilla was included in the defense system of the Mozyr junction. Its task was to cover Mozyr along the river and artillery support for the flanks of the riverine units to a depth of 5 km. The patrol was round-the-clock and consisted of 4 ships: an armored boat, a mine boat with the installation of RK (Katyushas) and 2 semi-gliders. For the successful conduct of the operation, which weakened the front line of the enemy’s defense in the Bagrimovichi-Ptich area, 14 people were awarded, including art. Lieutenant Plekhov - Order of the Red Banner, Art. Lieutenant Khvatov - Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. etc. This was the first group of awardees in the flotilla. On the riverine sector of the front, the enemy had no rest. During May - 1 half of June, the ships of the flotilla destroyed the German fortifications, destroyed equipment and manpower. Participation in the operation "Bagration". D V F in c o s t a e 1 - g o B e l. front took an active part in the operation "Bagration" first in the Berezinsky and then in the Pripyat directions. On May 11, echelons of the 2nd brigade, led by brigade commander Mitin, set off for the Berezina. The ships had to go up the Dnieper more than 300 km at a speed of 6 km / h, because. at the bottom of the river there are many sunken military equipment, aircraft wrecks, many low-water crossings, Vodchitsy D. 6 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 and even the mines left by the Nazis. In the region of the mouth of the Pripyat, the detachment was divided into 2 parts, 1 went to Pripyat, the other - to the region of Rechitsa. During the war, the Germans organized a small navigation on the river. Small-draft tug boats (“Maybachs”) and flat-bottomed barges “walked” here. Food was delivered to the front on them, and stolen property was taken back. Retreating, they destroyed bridges, all structures, which made the task very difficult. In June 1944, the flotilla was given the following tasks: to assist the offensive of the Red Army units with naval artillery fire, landing troops, destroying enemy crossings on the river, ensuring crossings and transportation of parts of equipment, ammunition and food of the Red Army. Particularly strong fortifications were the points of Zdudichi, Belcho and Parichi. Early in the morning, June 24, 1944, artillery preparation began, which lasted more than an hour. Then the planes rushed into battle, and at 6 in the morning the infantry went into battle, first 48 armies, and then 65 armies. Armored boats opened fire on naval artillery. The enemy backed off. But in the Zdudichya district, the attacks of our troops were repulsed. And then a plan was ripened - to land troops from armored boats on the eastern side of the Zdudich, which, with the support of naval artillery, was supposed to break the enemy's resistance. The landing was allocated 200 people. The landing was carried out in 2 throws at 20:00 on June 25. At this time, the sun is still shining. And so this decision was unusual and designed for surprise. At 22 hours 23 minutes, the landing force was landed on the shore. But the unloading of ammunition still continued. At this time, minesweepers began to clear the passage in the minefield. A lot of wounded. There was a threat of loss of all personnel. And then they went to the trick: the miners with charges were carefully lowered into the water, and the ships went down, simulating a refusal to try to blow up the mines. Miners from the ship swam to the shore, to a shallower depth, went chest-deep in water. So it is easier to carry land mines. Minefield nearby. Miners worked silently, in complete darkness. The shells were touched by touch. The barbed wire, spirally wrapped around the logs of the barrier, painfully pricked his face and hands, tearing them to blood. That and look you will remain without eyes. And then they found mines Vodchits D. 7 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 protracted action. Finally, the charges were brought up, the fuses were lit. Now rather from min. The current helps you swim. The consciousness that the work is done gives strength. Soon after, there was a deafening explosion behind him. The way for the ships is open. A large group of officers, foremen and sailors who distinguished themselves in battle were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. The Germans had high hopes for Parichi. After all, it was there that the only crossing in the area across the Berezina was located, which allowed the enemy to transfer troops from one coast to another. Therefore, the flotilla was faced with the task of breaking the crossing. It was a very difficult task. The absence of roads, the presence of swamps, both banks of the river are in the hands of the enemy, the passages are mined, and there is practically no time to prepare the operation. And on the way there are fortifications in the village of Belcho, on the left bank of the river. But the ships meanwhile confidently went forward, making passages in minefields. At dawn on June 27, 8 armored boats, led by Captain III rank Peskov, began moving up the river to assist the riverine units in the liberation of the city of Bobruisk. Reconnaissance was carried out in combat while moving in the village. Seliba, and cabin boy Oleg Olkhovsky excelled here. He helped with well-aimed fire from a machine gun to capture the first group of fascists in the amount of 27 people. A detachment of ships rushed to the city. A white rocket soared into the air - and all the ships, without slowing down, immediately opened fire from all types of weapons. The appearance of ships near the walls of the city was a complete surprise for the enemy. Here an incident took place that for a long time sunk into the souls of sailors. From the side of the enemy, from a house that stood on the outskirts of the city, a girl of about 12 separated, with a red flag, which she held high above her head. She headed for the shore, apparently towards the ships. Light, cheerful, bouncing on thin legs, she ran, bathed in the sun. It was not difficult to understand that the heart of the patriot was overflowing with long-awaited joy - ours had come! The sailors free from firing, as if on command, were on the upper deck. The enemy fire did not stop them. With hidden anxiety, they looked at the running girl, who had forgotten about the danger, - They will kill, - they were worried alone. “They won’t dare,” others said. And she ran downhill faster and faster. Suddenly a German sniper's bullet caught up with her. The girl somehow unnaturally jumped, stopped for a moment and collapsed to the ground. The red flag slowly descended on her body. Vodchits D. 8 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 All this was seen from the ships. The sailors' hearts sank. With hitherto incredible rate of fire, guns began to work, machine guns fired. “For the girl!”, “For our youth!” - the sailors shouted, sending for the projectile, turn after turn, destroying the V fortifications of the enemy, his firing points, destroying the soldiers. The flagship armored boat No. 93, breaking through enemy fire to the railway bridge, shot the enemy with direct fire. Having shot the ammunition, a detachment of ships left the battle to replenish ammunition and eliminate the damage received in battle. Then a new order was received: to take on board the ships a landing force in the amount of 200 people and land it in Bobruisk. The operation went immediately. The ships with the landing force, firing, went straight at the enemy, among the explosions of shells and mines, especially along the course of the ship. But, in spite of everything, on the evening of July 28, under enemy fire, the landing force was landed in Bobruisk. The fight went on all night. The city was on fire. The Germans, apparently, understood that their last hour in the city was approaching. In furious anger and powerlessness to hold back the onslaught of the Soviet wolves, they rushed around the city with torches and explosives, setting fire to and blowing up houses, bridges, railway tracks of the station along with trains of wagons. Moreover, incendiary bombs were dropped from planes. But the city was taken. In the battles during the capture of the city of Bobruisk, the sailors of Captain I rank Grigoriev, Captain II rank Lyalko, Captain III rank Peskov distinguished themselves. About 300 sailors, foremen and officers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. After the defeat of the German troops in the Bobruisk region, the flotilla was faced with the task of attacking together with the 1st Belorussian Front in the Slutsk-Baranovichi direction. For the Pripyat flotilla, a direct path to the west. Its final point is Pinsk, a river port and the base of the former Pinsk military flotilla. From here, along the Dnieper-Bug Canal, one could go to the Western Bug and along it to other rivers of Poland and Germany. But the Pripyat is not an easy river to navigate. Its width and depth are variable. Pilot Vodchits D. 9 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 the map is outdated. The low banks could not hide the ships from the eyes of the enemy. The troops of the 61st army were stretched out, which made it difficult to interact on such a length of the front. Therefore, the brigade was replenished with new ships. A reconnaissance detachment of sailors was formed, headed by junior lieutenant Chaly. Hydrographers, headed by Captain-Lieutenant Berdyaev, worked on drawing up a pilot chart, a plan for the city of Pinsk, and a diagram of the Dnieper basin. Until the end of June, the 61st army of General P.A. Belov and the 2nd brigade of river ships interacting with it were on the defensive of the Mozyr junction. They were opposed by the 2nd german army and the Knot group. They did not want to allow a breakthrough of Soviet troops in the direction of Brest. The defensive system of the enemy relied on the fortified points of Petrikov, Doroshevichi, Turov. Bono-high-explosive barriers were put up on the river. Luninets, David-Gorodok, Pinsk were most heavily fortified. The Germans called them "fortresses". The mastery of these settlements would hasten the exit of our troops to the western borders of the Soviet Union. By this time, the front line was still passing along the right bank of the river. Bird to its mouth and then went west along the left bank of the Pripyat River. On its right bank, the enemy had separate bridgeheads on the outskirts of Novoselki and the town of Petrikov, in the Turov region and on the outskirts of Pinsk. The conditions of Polissya forced the enemy to retreat along the railway line to Luninets. The capture of this "fortress" was essential for advancing to Pinsk and Brest. Therefore, the flotilla was faced with the task of breaking through the ships to the rear along the Pripyat River, landing troops in the Novoselok region, then performing the same actions in the Zhitkovichi region and further on Luninets. And the sailors fulfilled this task with honor, although with great difficulty. Then the ships of the Far Eastern Fleet carried out the crossing of army units across the river, and went to Turov. On the river they met a barrier - in front of the bridge near Borki: a metal mesh at a depth of 6 m - to the bottom. And when the bridge was blown up by fragments of logs, and the boards, together with the net, tightly clogged the fairway (passage), it took 6 hours to clear the ship's passage. The way to Turov was open. By July 5, the city was taken. The successful advance of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front in the Baranovichi-Brest direction created a favorable situation for the actions of the 61st Army, the command was given the task of encircling the enemy troops in the Luninets area. The enemy felt the danger - and began to strengthen the Luninets group of troops at the expense of the units located on the right bank. They carried out the transfer of troops along 2 bridges: the highway near the village. Lyakhovsky, and railway station. Pripyat railway Luninets - Sarny. It was necessary to break through to the bridges and capture them. Reconnaissance was first undertaken, during which the sailors of the Vodchits D. 10 Dnieper military flotilla on December 10, 2011 met with a partisan detachment of 85 people. They singled out scouts who, together with the sailors, went up the river, indicating the fairway and the location of the enemy. On the morning of July 8, 1944, the ships reached the bridge, breaking through the enemy's fire screen. A stream of German troops flowed across the bridge. The ships immediately opened fire from all types of weapons. There was a panic on the bridge. But the enemy quickly came to his senses and opened fire. All the machine guns on the armored boats were put out of action, the shells were running out, many wounded and killed. The decision was made to move down the river. The enemy immediately blew up the bridge. And after 2-3 hours our teams were already working here, clearing the fairway. On July 9, the troops of the 61st Army of General Belov (in our city one of the streets bears his name), with the assistance of the ships of the 2nd brigade, captured the city of Luninets, an important railway junction of Polesie. The next day, in the order of the commander-in-chief, among the units that distinguished themselves, "parts of the Dnieper River Flotilla were mentioned, captain of the 1st rank Grigoriev, captain of the 2nd rank Mitin ... "And the second brigade was introduced to the name "Luninetskaya". This is a very high assessment of the heroism of the Dnieper people. Now it was necessary to capture the railway bridge at the station. Pripyat. The detachment was commanded by Peskov A.I. We reached the railway bridge at full speed. But they were late. The Germans had already blown up the bridge. Then the ships went to the Bereztsy region to carry out the crossing of army troops. An assault force was landed, supported by artillery fire from naval artillery. The Germans resisted, but after a short battle they retreated to Pinsk. 1. The liberation of Pinsk An important stage in the activities of the Dnieper flotilla was the assistance to the ground forces in the liberation of Pinsk, which was turned by the Nazis into a strong stronghold, protected by wire barriers and minefields. In order to divert the forces of the Nazis from the direction of the main attack of our troops and disorganize the enemy defenses, the commander of the 61st Army, Lieutenant General P.A. Belov set a task for the flotilla: to land two regiments of the 415th Infantry Division from ships in Pinsk. The command of the flotilla divided its forces into two directions and assigned them tasks: Vodchits D. 11 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 a city along the Yaselda and Pina rivers. When all the attention of the enemy was focused east of Pinsk, where the main grouping of troops of the 61st Army was advancing, the ships of the 1st Brigade on the night of July 11-12, taking on board the people and equipment of the 1326th Infantry Regiment (550 people) and detachment of sailors, went to Pinsk. The landing was made near the village of Lemeshevichi, 18 km from the enemy defenses. At the head of the landing detachment were armored boats of the 2nd Guards Bobruisk Division. Behind them - minesweepers, patrol boats. In the silence of the night, without a single shot being fired, the ships landed the fighters of the first echelon in the area of ​​the city park. The calculation for the secrecy of the transition and surprise was fully justified. The paratroopers began to move quickly towards the city center. The armored boats took up firing positions 2-3 km below Pinsk and, together with floating batteries, joined in the artillery support of the landed, firing at targets indicated by outposts deployed along the coast. In two hours, the landing force captured most of the city, completely upsetting the defense of the Nazis. On July 12, the Nazis launched ten counterattacks, pushing our soldiers to the shore. The bridgehead was reduced, and there was a threat of its complete loss. Needed help. Armored boats, minesweepers, patrol boats approached Pinsk with the second echelon of landing (450 people). Some ships were loaded with anti-tank guns, shells, cartridges, grenades. At the head of the column were guards armored boats BKA No. 2,92,93,43. The Nazis met the ships with intense artillery and mortar fire. The Germans directed fire at the BKA-92. An unequal, but stubborn duel ensued. The gun turret of the boat was commanded by the Communist of the Guards, foreman of the 1st article N. Nasyrov, the loader was the Hero of the Soviet Union, Red Navy sailor A. Kulikov. To match them, Oleg Olkhovsky, a 15-year-old boy, acted in the machine-gun turret. Vodchits D. 12 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 An enemy mine falls on the armored casing of the boat. Several paratroopers were killed. Many soldiers are jumping overboard. And the BKA-92 continues to move forward. The boat has reached the pier. Remaining in the forward cockpit, the soldiers jumped ashore and began to make their way to the first landing detachment. After some time, Nabyula ​​Nasyrov fell out of the hatch. His left leg was torn off at the knee, his hands were burned, his forehead and eyes were covered in blood. Waking up, the hero got up, and, straining his last strength, said: "Forward! Beat the bastards! For the Motherland!" night fell ... Under the cover of darkness, a bulkhead of ammunition and replenishment for the paratroopers was established across the Pina River. Only the Red Navy sailor A. Firsov made several dangerous boat trips during the night, delivering boxes of ammunition and grenades. On July 12 and 13 fierce fighting continued. Marines also proved themselves on the banks of the Pina. The 28 sailors delivered in the first throw did not falter in front of the enemy. They were distinguished by courage, sailor prowess. The battle went on for two days. Shells and mines plowed the whole city. And all this time the sailors fought selflessly. The paratroopers, repelling one attack after another, steadfastly held on to the occupied lines, destroyed hundreds of enemy soldiers and officers. They not only defended themselves, but also attacked themselves. The armored boats of the 2nd brigade, which approached Pinsk along the Yaselda and Pina rivers, established close contact with the 397th Sarny division and supported it with their fire. The landing in the villages of Ostrovichi, Pochepovo, Pinkovichi, artillery shelling of positions forced the enemy to curtail the defense of important riverine points. On July 13, the landing force, landed from ships, with the support of artillery, drove the Germans out of the suburban village of Pinkovichi. later, developing the offensive from the occupied bridgehead, the regiments of the 397th broke into Pinsk from the north side and joined up with the airborne detachments defending in the city. At the cost of their lives, they helped the army units to hold their line, until the approach of the main forces. The divisions of the 9th Guards Rifle Corps crossed the Pripyat River and went west of Pinsk. Units of the 415th division approached the city from the south. On the morning of July 14, thanks to the efforts of the troops of the 61st Army, the Dnieper flotilla and partisans, Pinsk was completely liberated. "Krasny Dneprovets" - the sailors' newspaper - the next day wrote: "Hello, dear Pinsk. We snatched you from the bloody paws. The Motherland will never forget its heroes." For heroic actions during the liberation of Pinsk, the Dnieper flotilla was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and more than 500 sailors and officers were awarded orders and medals. After the completion of Operation Bagration, the ships of the flotilla were transferred to the Oder to assist the troops advancing on Berlin. The sailors bravely fought on the Oder and the Spree. Under fierce fire Vodchits D. 13 Dnieper military flotilla On December 10, 2011, the crews of armored boats ferried the enemy across the river. Spree 16 thousand of the 9th Corps of the 5th Shock Army. For the Berlin operation, the Dnieper flotilla was awarded the highest naval award - the Order of Ushakov, 1st degree. From Stalingrad to Berlin - The Dnieper flotilla passed such a military path. 20 sailors became Heroes of the Soviet Union during the war years. Hundreds of Red Navy sailors were awarded orders and medals. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to eleven paratroopers. These are junior lieutenant N. Chaly, chief foreman G. Popov, foreman of the 2nd article V. Kanareeva, sergeants A. Stolyarov, M. Ponomarev, sailors L. Kukolevsky, T. Murzakhanov, V. Kirillov, N. Sikhorsky, A. FIrsov, G. Tupitsyn. 2. ON THE APPROACHES TO WARSAW The fighting on the rivers of Belarus ended: Berezina, Pripyat, Yaselda and Pina. The front moved to the west, approached the borders of the Soviet Union. Operation "Bagration", which began on the Berezina, ended with the complete defeat of the Nazi troops in Belarus. The Red Navy did not want to remain in the rear when the Red Army was pushing the enemy to the west. Impatience was expressed by everyone and everywhere. And then, like oil fire; the second brigade, by order of the commander of the flotilla, began to prepare for the transition to Mozyr. Departed from Pinsk ten kilometers down the Pripyat and the first brigade, Dispersal - an indispensable condition for war. The front is near. It's not safe to stand up. Ships that were under repair remained in the port of Pinsk. In the city, in the surviving buildings, the command, headquarters and departments of the flotilla were located. . The uncertainty did not last long. On August 4, the commander of the Belorussian Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky made a decision: from August 8 to August 13, 1944, five echelons to relocate the flotilla to the Vistula in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bDemblin. The Military Council determined two points for loading ships: the port of Pinsk, the port of Pkhov (Mozyr). Vodchits D. 14 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 For the first time, the Red Banner Dnieper Flotilla was to enter the rivers of a foreign state. The territory and rivers of Poland were completely unknown to the flotilla in terms of navigation. This left a special imprint on the whole work. By mid-August, the "Brief hydrographic description of the navigable part of the Western Bug River from Brest to the mouth" was completed. The "Description" was followed by the compilation of the "Scheme of the rapids of the Bug River with an indication of the depths on them." We found out that 93 riffles lie in the way of the ships and that the minimum depths on them are 30-50 cm, they left the Bug and took up the Vistula. By the end of August, it became clear that it was not safe to launch ships on the Vistula. But the loading of the ships onto the railway platforms began on 12 August. Armored boats climbed the slipway of the Pinsk river port. To do this, a sled was brought under the armored boat in the water, as was done in Stalingrad, and then it was pulled out to the platform along with the sled with an electric winch along the rails of the slipway. In the same way ships were loaded and in 14 days it was loaded in Pinsk - 77, in Pkhov - 66. And then it turned out that there was no place to unload the ships. A critical situation arose: the front demanded wagons, and there was nowhere to unload the ships. But then The military council stopped at Malkinya-Gurna.On the way, the first echelon was expecting a “surprise.” Not reaching the Vodchits station, D. 15 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Gorodets train was stopped. Polish workers found mines under the tracks, apparently intended to blow up the train. Miners from the echelon, led by senior lieutenant E. G. Yagunov, detonated and galvanic impact mines. Lyalko thanked the Polish workers who reported the danger, and the train proceeded on. Most of the Poles were friendly towards us. Having met sailors on their land, the Poles were quite surprised by their appearance and straightening. “You are in good shape and well dressed,” they said. The first echelon arrived at Treblinka station on September 12 and was immediately transferred to Malkinia Gurna. It was followed by other echelons of the first and second brigades. The ships were launched into the water by cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 and 25 tons. Down the river, where the ships were to go, one could see the Warsaw railway bridge destroyed by the Germans. Armored boats were unloaded only during the day. The movement of ships to the front line began on the eve of a significant date - September 14th. A year ago, on this day, an order was signed to create the Dnieper military flotilla. In one year, the flotilla traveled from the banks of the Volga to the banks of the Western Bug. This path was not easy both in transitions and in battles. On the first day, we managed to pass one roll out of ninety-three, the next roll went faster. Where there were shallow depths, the ships were dragged by a tractor. More than fifteen kilometers were covered in nine days. Difficulties did not decrease. The level in the river dropped by two to three centimeters daily. Ammunition, machine guns, food supplies, fuel, clothing and skipper allowances had to be removed from the ships and sent all this along the shore. But it was not easy on the beach either. The roads, broken by the war, were in poor condition, many sections of them remained mined, and detours had to be used. In total, the passage along the Western Bug lasted 45 days; personnel worked 12-16 hours a day at low temperatures, when sleet often fell. IN cold water I had to work for several hours at a time. By the time the flotilla reached its starting positions - in the area of ​​​​KanyaPolsk - Gulchevo (seven kilometers from Serotsk) - troops of the 65th Army were operating on the right bank of the Western Bug, and on the left - of the 70th Army. The flotilla ended up at the junction of the two indicated armies, it included more than 40 ships. On the right bank of the Nareva River, above Serotsk, the 65th Army had a bridgehead up to 25 kilometers along the front and from 8 to 19 kilometers in depth. The German command considered the Narevsky bridgehead dangerous for itself and called it "a pistol aimed at the heart of Germany." Ono Vodchits D. 16 On December 10, 2011, the Dnieper military flotilla tried with all its might to liquidate it, but to no avail. In this sector, the Germans created a number of powerful defensive lines, concentrating significant forces on them, saturated with a variety of military equipment. Among others, there were selected divisions "Viking" and "Dead Head". At 10.00 on October 19, the troops of the 46th Corps began artillery preparation. The ships of the brigade opened fire from the river. To assist the troops of the corps in the possession of Serotsky, simultaneously with the offensive of the army, the flotilla had to strike from the river and, if necessary, land troops in the city. The approach to Serock was not easy. The actual position of the fairway and its depth were not known. The defense of the enemy in the coastal part of the city was also unknown. Where and what firing points of the enemy could offer resistance to the ships remained a mystery. It was then that the Military Council of the flotilla decided to form a detachment of light forces. It included: two small armored boats No. 36, 37; two air defense boats No. 69, 70 with PC installations (katyushas), four patrol boats and six semi-gliders. The draft of the armored boats did not exceed thirty centimeters, the rest of the ships was a little over half a meter. Captain 3rd rank I. V. Prokhorov was appointed commander of the detachment, and captain I. Tikhonov was appointed deputy commander for political affairs. By order of Lyalko, reconnaissance was entrusted to a detachment of half-gliders of Lieutenant M. M. Kalinin. He coped with this task with honor. The data obtained helped a detachment of ships break through to Serotsk and land at 1600 on October 20. At 19.30, a detachment of light forces again began a breakthrough to Serotsk. The ships broke through to the city at the moment when, from the north, the troops of the 46th Rifle Corps reached the outskirts of the city. Vodchits D. 17 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 On the evening of the same October 20, under the blows of the troops of the 46th Corps, with the assistance of the flotilla, the city of Serotsk was completely cleared of the enemy. The enemy retreated to Zegrze. In the battle for Serock, an armored boat and three semi-gliders were damaged. The detachment had the wounded and killed. After the capture of Serotsk, the troops of the corps were ordered to force the river and cross the right bank. The command of the 70th Army decided to transfer the corps on ships On a dark night, into the fog, on the shallow section of the river, on October 21, the crossing began. And in just over a day, the ships of the first brigade transported troops - 4314 - people, 122-mm howitzers - 8, guns of various calibers - 28, anti-tank batteries - 6, 37-mm cannons - 2, self-propelled guns - 26, machine guns and mortars - 127, anti-tank rifles - 95 boxes, ammunition - 960 boxes, motor vehicles - 30, wagons - 56, horses - 120, kitchens - 14. The troops of the 47th Corps, transferred to the right bank, immediately launched an offensive on Zegrze - a fortress with reinforced concrete fortifications that go deep into the ground and are covered by an earthen rampart. She had her own garrison and firepower and was part of the Vodchits D. 18 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 the system of fortresses of the Warsaw Wall. Selected personnel for the SS division "Grossdeutschland" were trained here. The attack on Zegrze began from the land and from the river. The paratroopers met with strong fire. The ships of the detachment approached at close range and shot the enemy almost point-blank. Support ships also helped. Their artillery fire suppressed the enemy's artillery battery in the fortress. The Germans could not stand the joint attack of the troops of the division and ships and began to retreat. At nine in the evening on October 21, the fortress was cleared of the enemy. On the way of the movement of our troops to the Dembe fortress there were two fortified enemy defense centers: on the right bank - the Izbica region, on the left - Komarnitsa. To clarify the situation on the site of the 96th Corps, the command decided to get a "language". But taking a prisoner when the front has stabilized is not an easy task. Repeated attempts at army intelligence did not bring success. Then the command of the corps decided to include one sailor in the group of its scouts. Anti-aircraft gunner A.V. Novoseltsev from the 293rd OZAD was assigned to reconnaissance. The scouts, disguised, advanced in a chain, carefully forced a minefield, a wire fence and came close to the enemy's trenches. Novoseltsev was ahead. Suddenly a German rocket flashed in the sky, its pale light trembled over the field. "Damned," someone said. The Germans, apparently, suspected something, opened automatic and machine-gun fire. The scouts lay down, decided to wait. The fire intensified. There was nothing to hope for. Novoseltsev got up and quickly rushed to the enemy trench, throwing a grenade at it on the run. Grenades were bursting to the right and left, which were thrown by army scouts who rushed after Novoseltsev. Anatoly was the first to break into the enemy's trench. At some point, he jumped over the corpses of German soldiers and found himself in front of a frightened fascist clinging to a machine gun. Shaking him and forcing him to take a machine gun with signs, Novoseltsev got out of the trench with him. Vodchits D. 19 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 The army team didn't catch the "tongue". They killed some with grenade explosions, others managed to escape. On the night of October 25, the ships landed in the Zegrze area, below the bridges, from the left bank. On the armored boat No. 1, 41 - forty people each, on patrol boats and on a half-glister - the rest 80 people. The landing force was landed at about six o'clock in the morning, but not behind enemy lines, as planned, but on the front line of our defense. (Whose mistake it was, it is impossible to say.) The sailors immediately burst into the enemy's trenches. The sailors were firmly entrenched in the enemy trenches they captured. The landing party launched a counterattack, broke into Komarnitsa and, pursuing the enemy, went out to the west of it, cutting off the road to the Dembe crossing. In these positions, the paratroopers were firmly entrenched. Active hostilities on the Western Bug ended. In ten days of fighting, the flotilla destroyed and suppressed 29 artillery and mortar batteries, 18 machine-gun points, knocked out and destroyed 3 self-propelled guns, 2 tanks, liquidated 9 warehouses with ammunition and fuel, 22 vehicles, 40 wagons and up to five enemy infantry battalions. During this time, 4394 soldiers and officers with equipment and weapons were transported across the river. Landed in the rear of the enemy 371 paratroopers in full gear. The flotilla lost 41 people killed, 98 people were wounded. Four ships and two barges were damaged. Wintering in Poland began with the digging of dugouts. Repairs started on their own. Polish ship repair shops and factories were also used to repair ships, especially in Płock and Torun. At the beginning of 1945, the Soviet troops faced a difficult task: to break the German defensive line between the Vistula and the Oder and free the Polish people from fascist enslavement. The flotilla was to use all possible artillery means to take part in the offensive of the troops of the 47th Army when breaking through the enemy defenses north of Warsaw (in the Bugo-Narev-Vistula interfluve). The Western Bug and Vistula by that time were ice-bound, and the ships could not take part in the offensive operation. Then the Military Council of the flotilla formed an artillery group. Anti-aircraft batteries, mounted on vehicles, could accompany the infantry, being in its combat formations during the offensive. On the morning of January 14, artillery preparation of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front began, which marked the beginning of a major Vistula-Oder operation. Artillery, together with the artillery group of the flotilla, dealt a strong blow to the German defenses. The blow turned out to be so strong that after ten minutes the German defense was undermined, and partly destroyed. Vodchits D. 20 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Floating batteries fired at a high rate of fire. On the barrels of the guns of the anti-aircraft battery of Senior Lieutenant N. G. Drynov, the paint even burned. The cold didn't help. The barrels were cooled with wet felt. January 17, 1945 Warsaw was completely cleared of the German occupiers. The participation of the flotilla in the Vistula-Oder operation was also appreciated by the Polish government. Also assisting in the construction of bridges, it awarded a number of officers and sailors with the Polish medal Virtuti Militari ("Honored on the Battlefield"). It was an important victory on the outskirts of Berlin, which was 60-70 kilometers away. Vodchits D. 21 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 3. IN THE BATTLE FOR BERLIN The way to Berlin was not long: 100-200 km, and from the Kyustrinsky bridgehead - only 60-70 km. But the enemy hoped to hold Berlin, encircling it with concrete and reinforced concrete structures saturated with fire weapons. The second strip of German fortifications was 10-20 km from the first. The third line of defense was at a distance of 20-40 km and was already beyond the firing range of the artillery weapons of the flotilla. The exit of ships to the Oder could be carried out in two ways: introductory and railway to a chosen point on the Oder. The military council decided to use both paths. The opening of rivers in Poland usually occurs in mid-March 1945 was no exception. This determined the timing of the readiness of the flotilla. On March 15, the loading of the ships was completed. The Oderek turned out to be the most suitable place for launching ships on the Oder. At the beginning of the second half of March, the train from Pinsk left for Oderek. The launching of the ships began on the second of April. On the morning of April 8, the unloading of the ships was completed, and the division began to prepare for hostilities. The general offensive was scheduled for the morning of 16 April. At 05:00 on April 16, 1945, artillery preparation for the Berlin operation began. For 30 minutes there was an artillery rumble in the battlefield, and suddenly thousands of multi-colored rockets soared into the air. At this signal, 140 searchlights flashed, located every 200 meters. Their rays, like knives, slashed the enemy's positions. Everything lit up like daylight. The Germans were stunned. The bright light blinded their eyes, frightened them. The confused German command reported to headquarters: “The Russians have used new weapons. We are blinded! By the light of the searchlights, the gunners stepped up their fire. Infantry and tanks rushed to the front. The fighters closely followed the barrage and so close that there were cases of injuries from shrapnel from their shells and mines. Vodchits D. 26 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 By dawn on April 16, the troops of the front broke through the enemy's first line of defense and launched an attack on the second. By the end, fortifications on the Seelow heights were broken through and the Germans began to retreat. From Grossen, the ships moved to the Lama area and took up firing positions. And then there was the capture of Furztenberg, which was of great operational importance, since the Oder-Spree canal begins from it. On the morning of April 24, Fuostenberg was taken. The Germans did not have time to blow up the entrance lock in the Oder-Spree canal. The ships were preparing to move down the Oder to the Hohenzollern Canal leading to Berlin. In this situation, the command of the 61st army proposed to the commander of the first brigade Lyalka to land troops in the Hohenzaatan area. Taking this point allowed the ships to enter the channel. As a result of the fighting, the enemy left Hohensaaten, but at the same time blew up the bridges on the canal. The hard work of cleaning it up began. Between the Oderberg and Ebersbapiede, on the canal, there were the largest hydraulic structures - the Haberwerke hydraulic lift. The destruction of these structures would tightly close the passage through the canal. The command of the flotilla informed the headquarters of the army about this and asked to prevent attempts from destruction. The army men complied with the request of the sailors and the ships began to move along the Rogenzollern Canal. It was 50-60 km to the capital of Germany. 12 passages in bridges and crossings have already been cleared. There were still 38 blockages left, but the brigades were not destined to dismantle them and reach Berlin. On May 2, Berlin fell. The brigades were transferred to the Second Belorussian Front and went to the Stettin-Swinemünde area. They were needed to occupy the acquired islands in the Pomeranian Bay. But the enemy so quickly left their positions that by the time the ships arrived on May 8, the garrison of the islands capitulated. Vodchits D. 27 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 And in the first hour of the night on May 9, 1945, the German command signed an act of unconditional surrender. On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. The best of the best were selected for the Victory Parade: G.S. Suvorov, A.S. Zapolin, M.I. Nefaev, V. Ryabenko, G. Paleny, K. Galygin, P. Grobarov, Hero of the Soviet Union V.G. Kanareev and others - a total of 67 Dnipro residents. In Moscow, the participants in the Victory Parade were the first to be awarded medals "for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." A consolidated naval regiment was also formed there under the command of Vice Admiral V.G. Fadeev. June 24 came, overcast, with a fine autumn rain. Like tears for the dead, drops of rain fell from the visors of their caps, flowed down their faces. It seemed that those who died in the battles in these solemn moments came to Red Square. At the Kremlin tower 19 hours. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. rode out of the Spassky Gate on a white horse. Zhukov hosting the parade. The commander of the parade, Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K., approached to meet him on a black horse. Rokosovsky. The marshals met - a report, a detour of the troops - and Marshal Zhukov went up to the podium of the Mausoleum V.I. Lenin. The regiments trembled, having accepted the command. In alignment with the right, they passed by the stands of the Mausoleum and it seemed that with their close ranks, the clear sound of victorious footsteps, the decisiveness in their eyes, they were reporting the victorious end of the war. The Mausoleum has a combined marine regiment. The clarity and alignment is amazing! The regiments passed, the parade ended. And suddenly the music stopped, there was a tense silence. Drums struck, and to the sounds of a battalion of winners. With the flagpoles of the German fascist army lowered in their hands, approaching the Mausoleum, he threw them on a wooden platform so as not to desecrate the sacred stones of Red Square. This act also executed the military honor and military symbols of Nazi Germany. Vodchits D. 28 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 The feat of Oleg Olkhovsky ... 1941. There is a war going on. The children of Leningrad are taken to different parts of our country. What kind of children? Children of sailors, employees of the Baltic Shipping Company and Lenport rested in Leningrad. Danger threatened, and the children were taken to the Kostroma region. The newcomers were accommodated in the building of a two-storey rural seven-year school built in the middle of a field. Almost every day, up to 10-15 people who were evacuated from Leningrad to Siberia and died on the way, are buried without coffins in the frozen ground. It was almost impossible to keep the pupils from running out to make sure their parents weren't theirs. Here, in the boarding school with everyone else, the Olkhovsky family was also accommodated. Oleg and his younger brother Gennady arrived earlier. A Vodchits D. 29 Dnieper Military Flotilla On December 10, 2011, a few months later, their mother Yulia Vladislavovna Olkhovskaya entered the boarding school as a cook. Her three-year-old daughter Lida also came with her. The head of the guard family, Senior Technician Lieutenant Pyotr Efimovich Olkhovsky, left for the front. The first year of life in the boarding school was difficult: poor food, nothing to wear and shoe, and therefore not everyone was able to go to school (the school was 3.5 km away). Oleg became noticeable at school, helped his rural comrades. Every day I visited my younger brother and sister, a preschooler, who lived in another hostel. Only in the spring life improved, when they brought clothes, shoes, and then they went to school. Once, when the pupils once again ran to the cemetery to see who was being buried, Oleg was with them. His cheeks burned, his eyes sparkled with anger, and turning to someone, he firmly said: “For all the dead, tortured, tormented, my father and all the defenders of our holy Motherland, and people like me. We will knead the fascist reptiles and sweep them off the face of the earth. I swear to you dead! He swore so confidently that everyone understood that he was a great patriot. From the first days of the war, Oleg's father volunteered for the army, fought as part of a partisan detachment. In July 1942 he was appointed as a mechanic in the division of armored boats of the Volga military flotilla. In May 1943, a letter arrived at the orphanage. The guys of the senior group were invited to Baku, to the jung school. Oleg was one of the first to apply. He, like his other peers, studied military affairs at school, rushed to the front. On the way south, the cabin boys stopped in Saratov. Oleg immediately ran to the port to look at the ships. And it had to happen that it was on this very day and hour, when Oleg was at the pier, that armored boat No. 92 approached the shore. Mechanic P.E. Olkhovsky stood at the handrails. He recognized his son and brought him to the commander of the guard detachment, captain of the third rank Alexander Ivanovich Peskov. Oleg asked his father so fervently and passionately that Peskov agreed and immediately wrote an order to enroll cabin boy O. Olkhovsky on armored boat No. 92. An energetic and hardworking boy quickly mastered the specialties of a signalman and machine gunner, and became the favorite of the entire crew. In the autumn of 1943, when our troops were driving the enemy to the west, the guards division of armored boats from the Volga was transferred by rail to the Dnieper. On the ship, the cabin boy fulfilled 3 norms and was preparing to pass the exams for the 7th grade as an external student. In the summer of 1944, Oleg was released by the high command and passed all the subjects perfectly well in six days. Oleg received his first baptism of fire during the assault on Parichi (on the Berezina). Accurately and cold-bloodedly he fired from a machine gun. The next day he took a boat and went to the place of yesterday's battle. Having made his way through the bushes to a clearing, Oleg suddenly saw a group of Nazi soldiers talking animatedly about something. Machine guns lay at their feet. Not at a loss, the cabin boy pointed his machine gun at the Nazis and became Vodchits D. 30 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 to call for help. The sailors, hearing the screams, hurried to the clearing and disarmed the Nazis. The entire crew of the armored boat acted bravely and skillfully. On the same evening, Guards Lieutenant Chernozubov wrote submissions to Oleg. And the next day, P.E. Olkhovsky informed his wife: “Oleg and I were introduced to the orders of the Patriotic War ...” After the Berezina - Pripyat. Almost every village, every village had to be taken with a fight ... And here is Pinsk. It was not possible to take it on the move, the enemy managed to create a powerful defense. Around midnight (from July 11 to 12, 1944), armored boats with troops on board, turning off their engines, secretly moved along the river. Pripyat became shallow, the Nazis believed that ships would not pass through it to Pinsk. More than once the leading ship ran aground, but the sailors, having descended into the water, on their hands transferred the ships through shallows and rifts. From the front line. From the front line (18 km) it took more than four hours. In the morning, the paratroopers were the masters in the city, and in the afternoon they were pushed back into the park. The sailors took up all-round defense. A fierce battle ensued. By the middle of the day, the landing force was running out of ammunition, many were wounded and killed. Commander Peskov, having received a report on the radio, ordered a group of armored boats to break into the city, deliver ammunition and reinforcements. “You will stay on the shore,” said Chernozubov to Oleg Olkhovsky. On July 8, he turned 15 years old. But Oleg did not want concessions. He asked Chernozubov so much that the commander relented. The ships went on a breakthrough. Through the barrage of artillery batteries, tanks, self-propelled guns, the 92nd, firing from all guns, broke through to help the paratroopers. A fire broke out in the artillery tower from the hit of an enemy shell. The wounded, bleeding guardsmen N. Nasyrov and A. Kulikov fired at the enemy until the last minute of their lives. Dies in front of his son and Peter Efimovich Olkhovsky. And then guards cabin boy Oleg Olkhovsky rushed to the silenced machine gun, began to mow down the Nazis in long bursts. “Into the water,” the fighters shouted to Oleg, “jump into the water, now the tower will explode.” But on December 10, 2011, a machine gun was still shooting from the burning tower of the D. 31 commanders of the Dnieper military flotilla. It was possible to jump out of the tower and dive in to put out the burning clothes, but then the reinforcements would be left without cover, they would not have time to reach the trench ... After the military operation, our paratroopers found the cabin boy hanging on the handle of a heavy machine gun ... completely cleared of Nazi invaders. Under the canopy of centuries-old trees, on a marble plaque among the names of the sailors of the flotilla and the soldiers of the 61st Army, who died a heroic death during the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders, is carved: “Senior technician-lieutenant P. E. Olkhovsky”, and just below “Jung O. P Olkhovsky". For the heroic feat accomplished in the battle on July 12, 1944, during the liberation of the city of Pinsk, Guards Senior Technician Lieutenant Pyotr Efimovich Olkhovsky was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, and his son of the Guards cabin boy Oleg Olkhovsky was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree. There is a small street in the city of Pinsk, two hundred paces long, which bears the name of the Olkhovskys. Several old houses and green trees. A street is not a street, a visitor will think. And he does not know how important it was for those who fought here in July 1944 for the liberation of Pinsk. "In order to perpetuate the memory of the guards senior technician Lieutenant Olkhovsky Pyotr Efimovich and his son guards cabin boy Olkhovsky Oleg Petrovich, who died heroically during the liberation of the city of Pinsk from the Nazi invaders, the executive committee of the City Council of Workers' Deputies decided: to rename Shkolnaya Street in the city of Pinsk to Olkhovsky Street" . (From the decision of the Executive Committee of the Pinsk City Council of July 5, 1962) Jung Oleg Olkhovsky did not die. Heroes don't die. He lives in our hearts. Vodchits D. 32 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Foreman_2 articles Red Navy Red Navy Red Navy Sergeant Red Navy Sergeant Chief Petty Officer Red Navy Red Navy Junior Lieutenant Kanareev Vladimir Grigorievich. Kirillov Vladimir Yakovlevich Kukolevsky Leonid Dmitrievich. Murzakhanov Galyam Gimadeevich. Popov Gennady Petrovich. Ponomarev Mikhail Petrovich. Sikorsky Nikolai Anufrievich. Stolyarov Alexander Nikanorovich. Tupitsyn Grigory Afanasevich. Firsov Alexander Vasilievich Chaly Nikolay Polikarpovich, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 23, 1944, for the exemplary performance of command assignments in battles with the Nazi invaders, for the capture of the city of Pinsk and the valor and courage shown at the same time, the Dnieper military flotilla and three of its formations were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 15, 1945, for the valor and courage shown on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders, the Red Banner Dnieper Flotilla was awarded the highest naval order of Ushakov, 1st degree. By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of October 5, 1967, in order to educate the personnel of the Soviet Armed Forces on revolutionary and combat traditions, the government awards of the Dnieper Flotilla were transferred by succession to our unit. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 7, 1945, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal: Vodchits D. 33 Dneprovskaya military flotilla December 10, 2011 HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION MIKHAIL PONOMAREV Mikhail Petrovich Ponomarev was born in 1915. His youth passed on the banks of the picturesque Ural river Chusovaya, in the village of Kosheli. Here, Mikhail graduated from a rural school, worked on a collective farm, standing out among his peers for diligence and perseverance. When the time came for conscription, Ponomarev asked to join the fleet. His request was granted. June 1944 The year of mass expulsion of Germans from our land. Pripyat. A detachment of Dnieper sailors under the command of junior lieutenant N.P. Chaly landed on the shore near the village of Skrygalovo. Minefield ahead. Without waiting for the miners, Sergeant Ponomarev led his squad forward. The paratroopers quickly overcame the barbed wire and "burst into the enemy trenches. Hand-to-hand combat is terrible. Bayonets, butts and knives were used. The enemy was driven out of the bridgehead he occupied. Pursuing the retreating enemy, the sailors approached the village of Konkovichi, then drove the Nazis further. Sergeant Mikhail Ponomarev was always in the most critical areas, he went to night reconnaissance, looking for "language", firing points of the Nazis. An excellent fighter, the squad leader Ponomarev brought up his subordinates with brave, disciplined wars. In two operations, his daredevils destroyed 3 dugouts, 2 machine-gun points and up to 20 Nazis ....,. Mikhail Petrovich Ponomarev met the day of the long-awaited Victory in defeated Berlin. Shortly after the end of the war, he was demobilized. Leaving, the Dnipro resident urged the youth to sacredly honor the memory of the dead, to increase the glorious traditions of the sailors of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov, I degree of the military flotilla. Now the Dnipro hero lives in the city of Perm. Vodchits D. 34 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION VLADIMIR KIRILLOV Vladimir Yakovlevich Kirillov was born in 1923. The Great Patriotic War found him in the village of Afalichino, Vetluzhsky district, Gorky region. He worked on a collective farm. In 1941 he was drafted into the ranks of the Navy. Fought on the Volga, on the Dnieper. An experienced warrior was enlisted in the detachment of junior lieutenant N.P. Chaly. In all five landing operations carried out in June - July 1944 in the area of ​​​​Skrygalono, Konkovichi, Doroshevichi, Belkovichi and Petrikov was in the group of chief foreman Popov. He bravely overcame minefields and barbed wire. Once, while moving through the bushes, I noticed a dugout into which the Nazis brought ammunition. "Destroy!" - the decision has ripened. Without wasting a second, using the terrain, the soldier imperceptibly approached the enemy dugout and with well-aimed fire from a machine gun destroyed three Germans, the rest fled in a panic. In the battle for Skrygalovo, Red Navy sailor Kirillov personally destroyed two bunkers, one machine-gun point and up to 15 Nazis. The sailor of the Dnieper acted no less bravely during the liberation of the village of Doroshevichi and the city of Petrikov. Examples of courage and heroism Vladimir Kirillov showed battles for Gshnsk. At the very beginning of the operation, he personally destroyed a bunker with a combat crew. When the situation demanded, he changed into a civilian dress and, having made his way behind enemy lines, conducted reconnaissance of his firepower. Subsequently, the naval artillery of the flotilla suppressed the enemy batteries. On another occasion, three paratroopers - foreman 2nd article V. Kanareev, sailors L. Kukolevsky and V. Kirillov secretly made their way to the officer's casino (now the Rodina cinema), where a group of Germans were drinking. Throwing grenades at the building, the sailors caused great panic and confusion in the enemy garrison, which facilitated the advance of the landing force. On July 14, 1944, Red Navy sailor V. Kirillov was among those whom the inhabitants of Pinsk sincerely thanked for their liberation from the Nazi invaders. Subsequently, Vladimir Kirillov's battle routes ran through Poland and ended in the capital of Germany, Berlin. He currently lives in the Sorkovskaya region. Vodchits D. 35 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION VLADIMIR KANAREEV VLADIMIR GRIGORYEVICH was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 7, 1945 AWARD LIST For the commander of the department of the 66th separate detachment of the Red Banner Dnieper military flotilla foreman 2 articles KANAREEV VLADIMIR GRIGORYEVICH HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION I. Brief, concrete presentation of personal military feat and merits. Comrade Kanareev took part in five landing operations in the areas of Skrigalov, Belkovichi, Doroshevichi, Petrikov, and Pinsk. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bSkrigalovo and Petrikov, the Kanareev squad was thrown ashore and overcame wire and mine obstacles, as well as strong enemy artillery and mortar fire, boldly entered into battle with superior enemy forces, ensuring the landing of the remaining landing groups. On June 28, during the battle in the Skrigalovo area, the enemy strongly opposed the advance of the landing force. Tov. Kanareev, despite the strong artillery and mortar fire of the enemy, crawled up to the pillbox and destroyed it along with the Nazis who had settled in it. In the same battle, Kanareev captured a German officer along with important operational documents. June 24 Comrade. Kanareev landed with his squad in the Belkovichi area for the purpose of reconnaissance, secretly made his way behind enemy lines, determined the location of his forces and firepower, marked a passage through the swamp, and then returning, led the entire landing group into the rear of the enemy as part of the naval detachment and battalion 107 infantry regiment of the 55th Mozyr Rifle Division, which contributed to the successful performance of the Red Army units and their rapid advance to the outskirts of the city of Pinsk. In an operation near the village of Doroshevichi, comrade. Kanareev replaced the commander of the amphibious assault, who was out of action, and skillfully organized the defense, repulsed two violent counterattacks that outnumbered the enemy, inflicted damage on the enemy in manpower, losing only the wounded and one killed on his part. In the battles for the city of Petrikov Comrade. Kanareev exemplarily organized the offensive of his squad, wedged into the enemy’s defenses, captured two light and one heavy machine guns, exterminated up to 70 Nazi soldiers and captured II. With his own strength and decisive actions, he ensured the successful advance of the entire detachment and the occupation of the city. Petrikov. Exceptional examples of courage, courage, heroism and low military skill Comrade. Kanareeva showed in the battles for the city of Pinsk. Having landed in the port area of ​​Comrade. Kanareev with his squad broke through to the crossing, and personally destroyed two enemy bunkers. Throwing the enemy away from the crossing comrade. Kanareev with his department Vodchits D. 36 Dnieper military flotilla broke into the city center on December 10, 2011, attacked the prisoner of war camp and, having killed its guards, freed about 200 Soviet prisoners of war. Being on the occupied bridgehead in the city of Pinsk and occupying the defense sector of comrade with his department. Kanareev repulsed 27 counterattacks of superior enemy forces within two days. Taking part in all the battles of the five landing operations, skillfully leading his subordinates comrade. Kanareev showed high military skill, personal courage and the ability to win over superior enemy forces at the cost of little blood. In all battles, the branch of comrade. Kanareeva lost only one person. For courage and heroism, high military skill, comrade. Kanareev deserves a government award - the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" on June 25, 1944. II. Conclusion of the Soviet Navy Worthy of being awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. Commander of the Red Banner Member of the Military Council of the Dnieper Flotilla Red Banner Dnieper Captain 1st Rank Grigoriev Vodchits D. 37 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION ALEXANDER STOLYAROV Alexander Nikanorovich Stolyarov was born in 1913. Baby and youth spent in the village of Melniki, Ivanovo-Voznesensk region. The school years have passed. Alexander entered the textile factory. Soon becomes one of the best weavers. In 1935, the young man "was drafted to the Red Banner Amur Flotilla. Sailor training and combat training received on the Amur were especially useful to Alexander when in 1942, being a sailor of the Volga military flotilla, he fought against the German invaders for Stalingrad. And in the summer of 1944, Sergeant Stolyarov at the head of the detachment of sailors-paratroopers participates in the liberation from the enemy of Soviet Belarus. Five times he landed with a landing force. He acted boldly and decisively near Skrygalovo, Novoselki, Petrikov, Doroshevichi, Pinsk. In these battles, his detachment destroyed up to 70 Nazis, 5 bunkers, 3 firing points. During the liberation of Pinsk, the sailors repulsed dozens of enemy counterattacks. Sergeant Stolyarov always went ahead of his squad. His machine gun was the first to exterminate the Nazis in Doroshevichi and Bagrimovichi on the Pripyat. Later in July 1944, Stolyarov with his squad was included in the landing force to capture the city At night, the ships of the Dnieper military flotilla quietly landed daredevils in the park area. Having overcome the furious fire of the Nazis, a detachment of sailors broke into the streets of the city. An unequal battle lasted for two days between a small group of paratroopers and the German garrison. The enemy went on a rampage. But neither the attacks of German tanks and self-propelled guns, nor the frenzied mortar fire saved the Nazis. Masters of street fighting - Soviet soldiers drove the Germans out of Pinsk, returned the city to their homeland. The fighters of Sergeant Stolyarov showed truly military prowess in these battles. They skillfully found vulnerabilities in the enemy's defenses and mercilessly exterminated the Germans. Ivan Lovtsov, a subordinate of Stolyarov's Red Navy, quietly crawled up to the German bunker. A deft throw of a grenade - and the firing point fell silent. But an enemy bullet hit the sailor. Revenging for the death of his fighting friend, Sergeant Stolyarov broke into the thick of the enemy. The whole squad followed the beloved commander. The Nazis paid dearly for the death of Lovtsov. In his order to the soldiers of our unit, sent to the Constitution Day of the USSR in 1966, comrade. A. Stolyarov writes: “Diligently study military affairs, the naval specialty. Prepare diligently for service on ships. Strengthen yourself physically and spiritually. Be honest and disciplined. Remember that soldiers are not born. They become. Cultivate in yourself the courage and determination so necessary for a military sailor. Vodchits D. 38 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION GENNADY POPOV Gennady Petrovich Popov was born in 1917 in the city of Ufa. In 1938 he graduated from the Perm College of Physical Education. The following year he was called to military service. Acquired the specialty of a radio operator. Subsequently, he was sent to a separate detachment of smoke-camouflage and degassing of the Dnieper military flotilla. In June 1944, battles began to liberate Belarusian cities and villages. The flotilla operated in cooperation with the 1st Belorussian Front. The combat situation required the organization of a special reconnaissance detachment. It was headed by a former Black Sea sailor, junior lieutenant N. Chaly. Komsomol member Gennady Popov was appointed assistant commander. Chief Petty Officer Popov immediately gained the respect of paratroopers. Together with the commander, he studied each soldier, prepared them for battles. As part of the naval detachment, the Dnipro sailor took part in 5 landing operations. In the battle near the village of Skrygalovo, chief foreman Popov conducted reconnaissance, looking for enemy firing points and directing artillery strikes from armored boats supporting the paratroopers at them. In this battle, the group of chief foreman Popov suppressed 7 bunkers and several machine-gun points of the enemy, he destroyed two of them himself. Retreating, the Nazis set fire to a large ammunition depot. Gennady Popov and his comrades, under the fire of the Nazis, organized the extinguishing, the warehouse was saved and later used by our troops. In the battle for Doroshevichi, when the commander of the detachment N.P. Chaly died a hero's death, he led the fighters, repulsed two attacks of the enemy and at the head of the unit entered the village. The Nazis lost here up to 60 people killed. Commanding abilities of the chief sergeant showed up brilliantly in the battles for the city of Pinsk. Leading a group of soldiers, within two days he repelled 16 enemy counterattacks supported by tanks and self-propelled artillery. In between attacks, with his comrades, he made bold forays into the location of the Germans, while destroying 4 bunkers and two machine-gun points. At one of the sites, the Nazis managed to press a group of Red Navy men to the river. Assessing the situation and taking into account the critical moment that threatened the death of part of the landing, Popov, unnoticed by the enemy, made his way to the rear of the Germans and shouting "Hurrah!" fell upon the enemy. The Nazis wavered and retreated. In this battle, Gennady Popov personally destroyed 15 Nazis. His group suffered no casualties. The war ended in Berlin. In the autumn of 1945 he was demobilized and returned to Sverdlovsk. The war hero was appointed to the leading physical education work. Then he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute and in 1957, by decision of party and Soviet organizations, he was sent to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he has been working to this day. Vodchits D. 39 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander FIPCOV Alexander Vasilievich Firsov was born in 1914. Before the service, he lived in the village of Sokolinka, Elkhovsky District, Kuibyshev Region. By the time of the fighting on Belarusian soil, he was already an experienced warrior. He participated in the heroic defense of Sevastopol, landed on the Kerch Peninsula, fought with the Nazis for Novorossiysk, was wounded twice. In 1944, when Soviet army liberated Belarus from Nazi invaders, the Red Navy sailor Firsov participated in the landing in Skrygalovo, Belkovichi, Doroshevichi, Petrikov and Pinsk. Acting in the detachment of N. Chaly, with the exclamation "For the Motherland!", He was one of the first to rush to the wire fence in the Skrygalovo area. His example was followed by other fighters, and the enemy, unable to stand it, retreated. Another time, an enemy bunker furiously hit the paratroopers. Then Firsov quietly crept up to him and threw grenades at him. Comrades-in-arms continued to build up the offensive. After some time, the brave fighter destroyed another bunker. High discipline helped Alexander to fight skillfully. He acted boldly and decisively in the operation to free Pinek. A handful of Marine paratroopers, together with the Red Army, fought off countless attacks of the Ferdinands. In this battle, the Red Navy sailor Firsov was wounded in the head, but did not leave his place and formation until he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, he again returned to his fighting friends. The commander of the landing detachment ordered Firsov to swim across the river, taking with him a seriously wounded officer, and on the way back to deliver ammunition. The fighter did not even hint that he was wounded, that he had lost a lot of blood and could barely stand on his feet. He understood that his comrades were in a critical situation - they were running out of ammunition and grenades. And the dawn was approaching, which means a new desperate attempt by the Nazis to knock out the Dnieper from the patch of land they occupied. Death did not frighten the glorious patriot in moments of formidable danger. The thirst for battle is what made up the meaning of his life. With this thought, Alexander Firsov energetically rushed to the river. He took a seriously wounded commander and, under enemy fire, swam to the opposite shore. Having handed over the officer to the dressing station, he loaded the fishing boat with ammunition and returned to his comrades. Then he did it three more times. The position was saved. With the help of the ammunition delivered by Firsov, the paratroopers repulsed twelve fierce attacks of the enemy. Communist A. V. Firsov celebrated Victory Day in Berlin. After the end of the war, he was demobilized, moved to his native places, where he selflessly worked in the national economy. Vodchits D. 40 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 The combat prowess of a Dnieper sailor will never be forgotten. She, like a beacon, will shine and show us the way to victory. Hero of the Soviet Union Grigory Tupitsyn The Great Patriotic War found Grigory Afanasyevich Tupitsyn at the Gorky Shipyard. The enemy rushed to the heart of our Motherland-Moscow. Casters, carpenters, turners, masters of all specialties built warships. Gregory also worked selflessly in one of the workshops. But in 1942, he had already joined the fighting family of Soviet sailors and went to fight. Krasnoflotets Tupitsyn - a participant in five landing operations carried out by the command of the Dnieper military flotilla to liberate Belarus from Nazi invaders. He is a fighter of the reconnaissance detachment of junior lieutenant N.P. Chaly. The war made him bold and courageous. The fascists, with their unheard-of cruelties and crimes, awakened in him rage and anger, a burning hatred for the invaders. In the battles for the settlements of Skrygalovo and Konkovichi, Grigory Tupitsyn was in the most dangerous areas and, acting as part of a group of paratroopers, more than once made his way behind enemy lines. The Nazis, defending the village of Skrygalovo, surrounded it with a wire fence. The sailors lay down. Red Navy sailor Tupitsyn volunteered to open the way. Soon the fighters through the passages in the barbed wire quickly broke into the trenches of the Nazis. During the battles for Petrikov, Grigory Tupitsyn with a group of fighters, acting in reconnaissance, discovered a minefield on the outskirts of the city. To go straight meant to suffer heavy losses, to disrupt the task. And here Tupitsyn came to the rescue again. He quickly found the shortest way around the dangerous place. Desperate resistance was offered to the Chaly detachment by the Nazis in the operation to capture the village of Doroshevichi. The battle lasted especially long in the area of ​​the former state farm. The German defense line consisted of several bunkers. For the landing created a difficult situation. Then Gregory crawled forward. His maneuver succeeded. Having caught up with two bunkers, he rose to his full height and threw grenades at the enemy fortifications. Sailors rushed into the gap that had formed. In the battle to capture and expand the bridgehead in Pinsk, the Red Navy sailor Tupitsyn, at the head of a group of fighters, was among the first to break into the city center, and, having killed the camp guards, freed about 200 Soviet prisoners of war. Later, as part of a handful of brave paratroopers, for several days he steadfastly defended the captured bridgehead in the city park area, withstanding 27 fierce enemy counterattacks. Vodchits D. 41 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 In the battles on the territory of Belarus, the Red Navy soldier Grigory Afanasyevich Tupitsyn personally destroyed 5 bunkers, together with their servants, two machine-gun emplacements and up to 30 Nazis. The sailor - Dneprovets and in subsequent battles showed a personal example of courage and courage, inspired his comrades to new feats in the name of our Motherland. After demobilization, G. A. Tupitsyn left for the city of Barnaul, where he does a lot of military-patriotic work among young people. Hero of the Soviet Union Galyam MURZAKHANOV Galyam Gimadeevich Murzakhanov was born in 1925 in the village of Naratlay, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. When the young man met his eighteenth spring, fellow villagers accompanied him to military service. Galyam was cordially greeted by a friendly naval family. A man with a big heart and an inquisitive mind, he gave all his strength to combat training, preparing for future battles. Days of hard work, familiarity with the glorious naval traditions were not in vain. As a tree absorbs the life-giving juices of the earth, so the young Red Navy man absorbed everything that his senior comrades-foremen and officers taught him. So the days passed. And the flurry of war was already rushing west along the high steeps of the Dnieper region, across the Belarusian land. Fierce battles began for Bobruisk, Luninets, and Pinsk. Galyam Murzakhanov was also in the ranks of the fighting soldiers. At that time he was in the paratroopers. When landing in the Skrygalovo area, the Red Navy sailor Murzakhanov was among the first to jump ashore and, under enemy artillery and machine-gun fire, made a passage in a wire fence and destroyed a firing point with its crew. Soon a group of Red Navy men received the task to go on a search. It was necessary to reconnoiter the area of ​​the village of Konkovichi. With darkness, the fighters set off and crossed the front line. When the task was completed and the scouts were already returning home, they stumbled upon an ambush. There were many more Nazis. Galyam Murzakhanov and his comrades entered the battle. The fire of his machine gun did not allow the Germans to raise their heads. Acting with a rifle and a grenade, Murzyakhanov exterminated more than half of the Nazis, and put the rest to flight. The combat account of the Dnipro sailor is rich. In the battle near the village of Doroshevichi, he personally destroyed two bunkers with granite. But the Red Navy soldier Murzakhanov behaved especially bravely and heroically during the battles for Pinsk. One of the first he entered the embankment of the city. The advance of the landing parties was greatly hindered by enemy fire, which was fired from the building. Then Murzakhanov broke into the house, destroyed the enemy soldiers, two machine guns, and one fascist, took him prisoner. As a result of this bold and daring act, the path to the crossing and to the city center was opened. For two days Murzakhanov did not leave the battlefield. In a difficult situation, the operation was ordered to move forward, take the observation Vodchits D. 42 Dnieper military flotilla on December 10, 2011 point and report on enemy actions. Under heavy fire, Galyam Murzakhanov spent several hours in the attic of the building and from there reported on the actions of the enemy, timely warned of impending counterattacks. Murzakhanov's actions largely contributed to the success of the operation in Pinsk. Upon returning to his location, the sailor was seriously injured. But, despite this, he refused to be evacuated to the rear, took part in the battles until the city was completely liberated from the Nazi invaders. Galyam Murzakhanov completed his military career as part of the Dnieper military flotilla in Berlin. After demobilization, he left for his native Tataria and worked there for a long time as the chairman of the agricultural artel. The warriors of the younger generation, who took over from their fathers, are proud of the feat of the Dnipro, learn from his example to serve the Motherland, to fulfill the difficult duties of a sailor. Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai SIKORSKII Hero of the liberation of Soviet Belarus Nikolai Anufrievich Sikorsky was known on the Red Banner Dnieper Flotilla as one of its famous heroes. Nikolai Sikorsky was born in 1920 in the city of Svobodny on Far East . There he spent his childhood and youth. And when the time came to go to military service, he was sent to the Pacific Fleet, to the guard ship. Like many Pacific people, at the very beginning of the war, Sikorsky filed a report with a request to send him as a volunteer to the front. The request was granted. As part of the Marine Corps, he defended Moscow. He was wounded, treated in the hospital, then again the front. It so happened that the Pacific had to fight for the liberation of the Belarusian Polesye. Here he ended up on the Dnieper flotilla. He happened to participate in the battles for the cleansing of the Belarusian land from the Nazi evil spirits as part of the landing detachment of junior lieutenant Chaly. The landing of our troops near the village of Skrygalovo was resisted fiercely by the Germans, but the undaunted Dnieper bravely made their way to the enemy defenses. The first to reach the shore and made passages in the barbed wire was the Red Navy sailor Sikorsky. Acting resolutely and resolutely, N. Sikorsky and his comrades destroyed the bunker with a fascist calculation and created an opportunity for the advancement of the entire detachment. The actions of the paratroopers were supported by artillery of armored boats. The effectiveness of her shooting depended on the adjustment. Then Nikolai Sikorsky volunteered to help with accurate firing. Together with two comrades, he quietly made his way to the village occupied by the Nazis, chose an advantageous position and within 12 hours reported Vodchits D. 43 Dnieper military flotilla on December 10, 2011 data on the location of enemy trenches and the accuracy of our shells. Thanks to this, 7 guns, 6 mortars were destroyed by the fire of the ships and the fire of 9 enemy firing points was suppressed. On another occasion, when the unit was preparing for a battle for the village of Konkovichi, a brave Dnieper went on reconnaissance behind enemy lines. He secretly made his way to the location of the Germans, spotted their firing points and reported the data to the command. With accurate information, the Soviet soldiers suddenly attacked the Nazis, defeated them and liberated the village. In this operation, Sikorsky destroyed up to 20 German soldiers and officers, 2 bunkers and 2 machine guns with their calculations. In the battle near the village of Doroshevichi on July 2, 1944, junior lieutenant Yakushev was seriously wounded. Nikolai Sikorsky lifted the officer in his arms, carried him out of the battlefield and gave him first aid. The commander's life was saved. Participating in the liberation of Pinsk, N. Sikorsky landed with a detachment in the port area and boldly acted with a group of Red Navy and Red Army men. In the battle to hold the bridgehead within the city, the communist Sikorsky was already leading a group of fighters. During the first day of fighting, seven enemy attacks were repulsed, supported by tanks and self-propelled guns. In this battle, N. Sikorsky conducted observation and accurately beat the fascist warriors. Helped him masterfully exterminate the enemy accurate calculation and iron will. Now the Hero of the Soviet Union N. A. Sikorsky is in reserve and lives in the city of Zaporozhye. The feat of N. Sikorsky is a vivid example of Soviet patriotism, boundless love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies. Hero of the Soviet Union Leonid KUKOLEVSKY Leonid Dmitrievich Kukolevsky was born in 1921 on the Volga. In 1940 he was drafted into the ranks of the Navy. Arrived at the Dnieper military flotilla already seasoned and fired upon the sailor. Appointed senior chemist of a separate detachment of smoke masking and degassing. But, as they say, he did not have to work in his specialty. The experienced warrior was included in the reconnaissance detachment of junior lieutenant N.P. Chaly. There he quickly found himself, boldly and bravely fought against a hated enemy. In all five landing operations, the Red Navy sailor Kukolevsky acted hand in hand with his immediate commander, Sergeant Stolyarov. Together with him, in the area of ​​​​the village of Skrygalovo, when breaking through the first line of defense of the enemy, he destroyed an enemy bunker. In subsequent operations, Leonid Kukolevsky repeatedly went to reconnaissance, delivering valuable information about the disposition of forces and firepower of the enemy. Vodchits D. 44 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 In the battle for the village of Doroshevichi, Red Navy sailor Kukolevsky, at the height of the attack, found himself in a group of Red Army paratroopers. They hesitated a bit. A sailor from the Dnieper led them and they were the first to break into the center of the Polissya village. The commander of the army unit spoke highly of the tactical skill of Leonid Kukolevsky. The most fearless and skillful warriors were among a handful of brave men who landed on July 12, 1944 in Pinsk occupied by the Germans. Among them was the Red Navy sailor Kukolevsky. The squad leader Stolyarov, without hesitation, included him in the paratrooper lists. And he justified the confidence of the sergeant. At first, the Nazis faltered and retreated because of the suddenness of the attack by the Soviet soldiers. But then they came to their senses and launched an attack on the paratroopers. In this battle, Kukolevsky was wounded, but refused to leave the battle. Continue to hit the enemy. In one of the bunkers, the Germans installed a flamethrower and a machine gun, the fire of which made it impossible to raise their heads. Then the Red Navy sailor Kukolevsky used a military trick, and soon the enemy point fell silent. In these battles, an ordinary Soviet sailor, passionately loving his Motherland and burningly hating her enemies, personally destroyed 6 bunkers, 2 machine guns, exterminated more than twenty Nazis and knocked out the Ferdinand self-propelled gun. After the end of the war, Komsomol member L. D. Kukolevskyan continued to serve in the ranks of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov, I degree, Dnieper flotilla, and became a foreman of the 1st article. Being in the reserve, Leonid Dmitrievich Kukolevsky often meets with the youth of the Yaroslavl region, where he now lives, teaches them to staunchly and selflessly defend their beloved Soviet Motherland. HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION NIKOLAI CHALYI Nikolai Paul and Karlovich Chaly was born in Ukraine on July 7, 1915 in the family of a railway worker. At the age of sixteen, he went to the Komsomol brigade in Novosibirsk to build the Sibstroyput railway. In 1936 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Electrotechnical College. He was called up for naval service in 1937, studied the specialty of a radio operator. For excellent development and use of the materiel, he is awarded the badge "Excellent worker of the Navy." In 1940, he trained at the communications school as an instructor for a shift of naval electricians. In 1941, Nikolai Chaly became a member of the CPSU. The high morale and fighting qualities of the foreman Chaly were remarkably manifested in the first period of the Great Patriotic War. Despising death, he defended Odessa and Sevastopol. At the end of 1942 he graduated from the political courses of the Black Sea Fleet and became an officer. He arrived at the Dnieper military flotilla in May 1944 after studying at the advanced training courses for officers of the Marine Corps. Vodchits D. 45 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Was appointed commander of a group of wave officers in a separate detachment of smoke masking and degassing. However, he did not have to be in this position. During the offensive battles for the liberation of Belarus, a reconnaissance detachment was formed from this personnel, and officer N.P. Chaly was appointed commander. In June and July 1944, N.P. Chaly four times led the landing of the unit on the banks of the Pripyat. The Dnieper sailors defeated the enemy not by numbers, but by skill. During the landing near the village of Skrygalovo, N.P. Chaly skillfully organized overcoming the dense network of wire and mine obstacles of the Nazis, determined the location of their forces, outflanked, recognized the enemy’s fire and ensured the landing of advanced units of the 55th Mozyr Rifle Division. Advancing along with the army, the sailors captured the village of Konkovichi. The detachment of N. P. Chaly successfully operated in operations to defeat enemy groups in the areas of Belkovichi, Mitsura, Otsirka, Novoselki, and Petrikov. An example of courage and heroism was given to the fighters by officer Chaly. In these battles, the Chalovites destroyed 13 bunkers along with their personnel, several machine-gun emplacements, and 10 mortars. In total, up to 70 soldiers and officers were killed. The command of the 55th Mozyr Rifle Division highly appreciated the combat deeds of the detachment of N.P. Chaly. In a fierce battle near the village of Doroshevichi, officer Chaly died a hero's death. In the feat of Nikolai Polikarpovich Chaly, wonderful spiritual qualities, brought up in Soviet sailors by the Communist Party, manifested themselves with amazing force. His life and military deeds are an inspiring example, calling on a new generation of defenders of our Motherland to selflessly fulfill their military duty. By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Junior Lieutenant N.P. Chaly was enrolled forever in the lists of personnel of one of our units. Vodchits D. 46 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 We are overgrown with memory, As the wasteland is overgrown with forest, And the memory birds sing in the morning, And the wind-memory buzzes on the legs, Memory-trees babble all day long. But in our memory such power is hidden, That returns the image and multiplies .... Noisy, incessantly, the memory-rain, And the memory-snow flies and cannot fall. War... just five letters, what a short word... But how much grief, ruined human destinies, lives, spilled blood. Even after 65 years, this word inspires us with horror and shudder. When a friend is killed before your eyes, when a 15-year-old boy dies in an unequal battle under machine-gun fire, when women die and children die of hunger, this is war. And today I would like to tell you about the true heroes, about those whom the Nazis called the "Black Death", about the sailors - Dnieper and about the Dnieper-Pinsk military flotilla. And it all started a long time ago. After all, as it turns out, Pinsk, where parts of the flotilla were formed, was one of the first cities of the young Russian fleet. Let's plunge into the story "Under the sails from Pinsk to Azov" The young Tsar Peter I came to terms with the fact that Russia was cut off from the seas. He is taking vigorous steps to resolve this problem. Shipyards are being built. In the spring of 1691, the tsar began a war with Turkey for Russia's access to the Black Sea. With incomprehensible speed, during one winter, a whole fleet was built in Voronezh for the siege of Azov. Vodchits D. 47 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Traces of his deeds on the birth of the fleet are also found in the Pinsk region. They are connected with the name of Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev (1686-1750) - the future scientist, diplomat, educator and traveler. A prominent statesman of the 18th century, he became famous as the author of the five-volume "History of the Russian" and the first Russian andcyclopedic dictionary "Lexicon". In 1710, a messenger from St. Petersburg arrived in his native village of Boretki, in the Pskov region, where Tatishchev was convalescing after being wounded in the battle of Poltava. The sovereign's paper instructed to immediately go to Belarus and precisely Pinsk. The purpose of the trip to Pinsk was to recruit recruits on the basis of an agreement between Peter 1 and his ally, the Polish king Augustus I. The preparations were not long. So, the beginning was already laid, the time machine of the formation of the flotilla was launched. Centuries pass, eras, rulers, regimes change, but then 1917 comes. A defining moment for our history. In the harsh, difficult, formidable years of the Civil War, the Dnieper military flotilla was created on the personal instructions of Lenin and the Central Committee of the Communist Party on March 12, 1919. And from different military detachments of river ships, the Dnieper flotilla was formed, the ships of which differed from ordinary steamships only in the presence of guns on the deck. Terrible armor was represented by a wall of 2 rows of boards, the space between which was covered with sand. And the wall was sheathed with mild steel. The first commander was the Black Sea sailor Andrey Vasilyevich Polupanov. For the courage shown during the years of the civil war, the Northern detachment of the Dnieper was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner. The best commanders and ordinary sailors were awarded orders and medals. Pinsk Soviet military flotilla. After September 17, 1939, the state border of the USSR moved significantly to the west. River ships and the command of the Dnieper flotilla had to be relocated closer to the new western border, that is, to Pinsk. After joining Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Moldavian SSR in June 1940, which changed southern border USSR, it was decided to transfer the main ships of the Dnieper flotilla to the Danube. As a result, in June 1940, the Dnieper flotilla was disbanded and two new ones were created on its basis - the Danube and Pinsk, the Pinsk river Soviet flotilla began to be created according to the order of the People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR, Admiral of the Fleet N.G. Kuznetsov, No. 00184 dated June 17, 1940. the main base in Pinsk and the rear in Kiev under the command of Captain 1st Rank (later Rear Admiral) D.D. Rogachev. Vodchits D. 48 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Captain 2nd rank G.I. Brakhtman was appointed chief of staff of the Pinsk flotilla, regimental commissar G.V. I.I. Kuznetsov, head of the captain of the 1st rank P.A. Smirnov. A significant part of the ships of the former Polish river flotilla entered the Soviet Pinsk military flotilla ... The Soviet Pinsk flotilla was directly subordinate to the People's Commissar of the Navy of the USSR, Admiral of the Fleet N.G. Germany Pinsk flotilla numbered in its ranks 2300 sailors, foremen and officers. It consisted of command and headquarters (the Bug and Pripyat ships were attached to the flotilla headquarters), river forces, maneuver formations, ground and rear units. The river forces of the flotilla consisted of seven monitors, four gunboats, thirty armored boats, a Pina minelayer and seven minesweepers - a total of 49 combat units. And this is not counting the two command ships and auxiliary vessels. But what’s next, what history is preparing for her Radio summary: “Emergency to the Military Councils of 1) the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, 2) the Northern Fleet, 3) the Black Sea Fleet: Commander of the Pinsk Flotilla Commander of the Danube Flotilla During 22.6 - 23.6, a sudden attack by the Germans is possible. The attack may start with provocative actions. Our task is not to succumb to any provocative -> actions that can cause major complications. At the same time, the fleets and flotillas should be in full combat readiness to meet a possible surprise attack by the Germans or their allies. I order you to switch to operational readiness No. 1, carefully mask the increase in combat readiness. I categorically forbid reconnaissance in foreign territorial waters. Do not perform any other activities without a special order. 0 h. 10 min. June 22, 1941 KUZNETSOV. On that fateful day for the Soviet Union, the advance detachment (one monitor, four armored boats) and the main forces of the flotilla (four monitors, six armored boats, the Pina mine layer) were in Pinsk, and the rest of the ships of the flotilla were at that moment in Kiev. Vodchits D. 49 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 The Western Special Military District was immediately transformed into the Western Front, to which the Pinsk Flotilla continued to be operationally subordinate. Exactly at 4 o'clock in the morning on June 22, 1941, the ships of the forward detachment and the main forces of the flotilla left Pinsk to meet the enemy. In connection with the abandonment of Kiev by the Soviet troops, the surviving ships were tasked with covering the retreat of the Red Army units, preventing the enemy from forcing the Dnieper near Kiev and the city of Desna from the mouth of the river to the Letka pier. But with the loss of the capital of Ukraine, both banks of the Dnieper to Kherson itself were occupied by German troops. And this completely excluded the breakthrough of the ships of the Pinsk flotilla into the Black Sea. They stayed in Kyiv……… Some of them forever. On one of the cold and dank December days of 1941, the Nazis led about 60 sailors along Khreshchatyk. Barefooted, in only vests, bloodied, with their hands tied with wires and barbed wire, they walked proudly, with their heads held high and did not stop singing the song "Varangian". The Nazis raged, but could not silence them. A melody sounds. Upstairs, comrades! All in place! The last parade is coming! Our proud "Varyag" does not surrender to the enemy, Nobody wants mercy, it rushed along the hushed street of the city. The words sounded like an oath that the sailors would not bow their heads to the enemy, preferring death to serving the Nazis. They were shot at Babi Yar. The Dnieper vowed to avenge the torture and death of their comrades. In 1942, the flotilla was disbanded due to the large loss of personnel and ships. But that 42nd did not yet know that 1943 was preparing a radical change - the transfer of the initiative of military operations into the hands of the Soviet command. On September 14, 1943, the People's Commissar of the Navy issued an order to begin the formation of the Far Eastern Fleet from ships and units of the Volga military flotilla. The Sarepta backwater on the right bank of the Volga, 25 km below Stalingrad, was chosen as the place for the deployment of the flotilla. It needed to be repaired. In addition, for the installation and transportation of ships, special railway platforms were needed, but there were none on the Volga. Therefore, the ships were lifted out of the water on a sledge mounted on a cart, from which the armored boats were dragged to the railway platforms by a tractor, and the smaller ships were transferred by a crane. The lifting of one armored boat lasted 2-3 hours. Vodchits D. 50 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 They worked around the clock, without interruptions. The first echelon of 13 ships was formed on October 22, 1943, and on October 24 it left for Pirogovka. There were 84 wagons in the echelon. In order to disguise the armored boats and mine boats, they were partially sheathed and covered with fresh branches. We moved very slowly, 2-3 km/h, and often stood idle for 12 or more hours. Letter "Urgent" helped a little. From Pirogovka (near Bryansk) to Chernigov - 300 km of waterway. It was very difficult to walk. Freezes have begun. The water level in the river dropped. But they went fast. Not a single ship ran aground. At noon on November 22, the transition for the first group ended. The ships moored 3 km above Chernigov. From Chernigov, the ships went to the Dnieper, where they were divided into two directions: to Bobruisk and to Pinsk. At dawn on June 27, 1944, 8 armored boats, led by Captain III rank Peskov, began moving up the river to assist the riverine units in the liberation of the city of Bobruisk. Reconnaissance in combat was carried out when moving in the village. Seliba, and cabin boy Oleg Olkhovsky excelled here. He helped with well-aimed fire from a machine gun to capture the first group of fascists in the amount of 27 people. A detachment of ships rushed to the city. A white rocket soared into the air - and all the ships, without slowing down, immediately opened fire from all types of weapons. The appearance of ships near the walls of the city was a complete surprise for the enemy. Here an incident took place that for a long time sunk into the souls of sailors. From the side of the enemy, from a house that stood on the outskirts of the city, a girl of about 12 separated, with a red flag, which she held high above her head. She headed for the shore, apparently towards the ships. Light, cheerful, bouncing on thin legs, she ran, bathed in the sun. It was not difficult to understand that the heart of the patriot was overflowing with long-awaited joy - ours had come! The sailors free from firing, as if on command, were on the upper deck. The enemy fire did not stop them. With hidden anxiety, they looked at the running girl, who had forgotten about the danger, - They will kill, - they were worried alone. “They won’t dare,” others said. And she ran downhill faster and faster. Suddenly a German sniper's bullet caught up with her. The girl somehow unnaturally jumped, on Vodchits D. 51 Dnieper military flotilla on December 10, 2011 stopped for a moment and collapsed to the ground. The red flag slowly descended on her body. All this was seen from the ships. The sailors' hearts sank. With hitherto incredible rate of fire, guns began to work, machine guns fired. “For the girl!”, “For our youth!” - the sailors shouted, sending for the projectile, line after line, destroying the enemy's fortifications, his firing points, destroying the soldiers. The flagship armored boat No. 93, breaking through enemy fire to the railway bridge, shot the enemy with direct fire. Having shot the ammunition, a detachment of ships left the battle to replenish ammunition and eliminate the damage received in battle. And in the western direction, Pinsk was waiting for the sailors. Where fires are burning over Pina, Where the poplar trees whisper softly. A soldier with a motor over the grave They froze, bowing their heads. Their faces are stern and sad, In the eyes of loss, grief: Here their fellow soldiers shed their blood for Pinsk. And no one knew yet that their name would be forever inscribed in the history of Pinsk by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 7, 1945, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, they were awarded the title of Gebra of the Soviet Union with by awarding the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal: 1. Foreman of the 2nd article Kanareev Vladimir Grigorievich. 2. Krasnoflot to Kirillov Vladimir Yakovlevich. 3. Leonid Dmitrievich Kukolevsky of the Krasnoflot. 4. Krasnoflotc Murzakhanov Galyam Gimadeevich. 5. Sergeant Ponomarev Mikhail Petrovich. 6. Chief Petty Officer Popov Gennady Petrovich. 7. Red Navy Sikorsky Nikolai Anufrievich. 8. Sergeant Stolyarov Alexander Nikanorovich. 9. Red Navy Tupitsyn Grigory Afanasyevich. 10. Krasnoflot Firsov Alexander Vasilievich. 11. To Junior Lieutenant Chaly Nikolai Polikarpovich. Vodchits D. 52 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 In the silence of the night, without a single shot, the ships landed the fighters of the first echelon in the area of ​​the city park. The calculation for the secrecy of the transition and surprise was fully justified. The paratroopers began to move quickly towards the city center. The armored boats took up firing positions 2-3 km away. Below Pinsk and together with floating batteries, they joined the artillery support of the landed, firing at targets indicated by outposts deployed along the coast. In two hours, the landing force captured most of the city, completely upsetting the defense of the Nazis. At dawn, the German command pulled two regiments reinforced with self-propelled guns into the city and threw them against the paratroopers. Heavy fighting ensued. Help was needed. Armored boats, minesweepers and boats were approaching Pinsk with the second echelon of landing (450 people). Some ships were loaded with anti-tank guns, shells, cartridges, grenades. The Nazis met the ships with intense artillery and mortar fire. But they went straight to the shore. The Germans directed fire at the BKA-92. An unequal, but stubborn duel ensued. The gun turret of the boat was commanded by the communist of the guards foreman of the 1st article N. Nasyrov, the loader was the Hero of the Soviet Union, Red Navy A. Kulikov. NA SYROV NA BULLA Guards foreman of the 1st category, party organizer of the armored boat detachment, gun commander of the BK-92 armored boat, participant in the defense of Odessa, Sevastopol. Stalingrad, a sailor hardened in battles with the Nazi invaders, as part of the Dnieper flotilla, smashed the enemy, on the Berezina and Pripyat, near Bobruisk, Petrikov, Doroshevichi, died a heroic death in the battle for the liberation of the city of Pinsk on July 12, 1944, having fulfilled his sacred duty to the end Oleg Olkhovsky, a 15-year-old boy, acted in the machine-gun turret to match them. The wounded, bleeding guardsmen N. Nasyrov and A. Kulikov fired at the enemy until the last minute of their lives. Pyotr Efimovich Olkhovsky also died before the eyes of his son. And then the guards cabin boy Oleg Olkhovsky rushed to the silenced machine gun, began to mow down the Nazis in long bursts. , - the soldiers shouted to Oleg, - jump into the water, now the tower Vodchits D. 53 The Dnieper military flotilla will explode on December 10, 2011. But a machine gun was still scribbling from the burning tower. It was possible to jump out of the tower and dive to put out the burning clothes, but then the reinforcements would be left without cover, they would not have time to reach the trench ... After the military operation, our paratroopers found the cabin boy hanging on the handle of a heavy machine gun ... “I swear to the Fatherland to be faithful to the end , Enemies to destroy the damned, Jung swore. And the guys will never forget the oath of a fighter.” From Stalin's Order ... Today, July 14, at 2 2 o'clock, the capital of our motherland, MOSCOW, on behalf of the Motherland, salutes the valiant troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, who captured the city of Pinsk with twenty artillery volleys from two hundred and twenty, four guns. I APPRECIATE GRATITUDE For the excellent military operations of the troops led by you who participated in the battles for the liberation of the city of Pinsk. Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our country! Death to the German invaders! SUPREME COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF MARSHAL OF THE SOVIET UNION I. STALIN July 14, 1944. The war did not end there, because the sailors went through Poland, Germany and reached Berlin. They remember the Dnieper reaches ... ... To the sailors - veterans of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov, I degree of the Dnieper flotilla Vodchits D. 54 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 June of the forty-first year Came to us with a military disaster, For our country, for the freedom of the people The Dnieper flotilla entered the battle. Roads of war debts, After going through more than one rift, the Dnieper fought on the Volga For the hero city of Stalingrad. Sometimes the depths are lost. But, sliding on the bottom of the sand, the Dnieper reached Berlin, They fought on the Spree River. For a long time the legendary true story Words about the Dnieper people are heard... There is no more Dnieper flotilla, But the glory of the Dnieper people is alive! Yevgeny Zholkovsky, Veteran of the Dnieper Flotilla From the memoirs of Vice-Admiral V.V. Grigoriev “On April 7, I was called to the Front Command Post. They went to the front commander together with Colonel General Malinin. Marshal G.K. Zhukov greeted us warmly: - Well, sailor, did the ships get it? And yet we crawled almost to Berlin!” At 9:50 pm on April 30, 1945, the Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin by the victorious troops of the Red Army! Several days have passed. In the first hour of the night on May 9, 1945, the German command signed an act of unconditional surrender. On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. The best of the best were selected for the Victory Parade: G.S. Suvorov, M.I. Nifaev. V. Ryabenko, G. Paleny, K. Galygin, P. Grabarov, Hero of the Soviet Union V. G. Kanareev and others - a total of 67 Dnipro residents. In Moscow, participants in the Victory Parade were the first to be awarded the Vodchits D medals. 55 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Memory of the war Time has its own memory - history. And that is why the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including the cruel wars that claimed millions of lives, threw back civilizations, and destroyed the great values ​​created by man. With all the interweaving of light and shadows of the post-war decades, the main thing remains unchanged - the immortal feat of the victorious people. We simply have no right in everyday troubles, in the joy of events and the bitterness of failures, to forget those who gave us the opportunity to live. We must remember everything... The Museum of Military Glory of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov, 1st Class, of the Dnieper Flotilla. high school №2 Profile - historical. The teaching staff and students of secondary school No. 2 have been working for many years to collect materials and exhibits to create a museum. Step by step, they made a journey with the students into the depths of history. In such an environment, the school becomes the main instance of the upbringing of patriotic principles in the younger generation through various forms of museum life. Love for one's Motherland, readiness to defend it was considered at all times important moral qualities. The study of the history of the formation of the Dnieper flotilla, the life and exploits of the Defenders of the Fatherland are the content of the museum. The teaching staff of school No. 2 considers communication and cooperation with the museum of the same profile with school No. 1 to be very important. There are general activities. The work is not carried out in isolation, but in the system of the educational process. Educational institutions exchange information, work on joint projects. The museum is located at the address: Pinsk, st. Kalinovaya 4a, Secondary school No. 2, tel. 33-29-20. The head of the museum is Sokolyuk Tatyana Stepanovna. Vodchits D. 56 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 The museum was opened on February 22, 1981 (on the basis of order No. 132 of September 01, 1981, director of SP T No. 2 Voronovich M. M.). A part of the recreation on the 3rd floor has been allocated for the museum, the main walls have been made. The area of ​​the museum premises is 48 m2. The room has two windows and one door. The museum has 1000 exhibits registered in the inventory book. The main sections of the exposition: - "The formation of the Dnieper flotilla" - "The flotilla in the years of the Civil War" - "The flotilla in 1933 - 1940" - "The beginning of the Great Patriotic War" - "The battle path of the Dnieper flotilla in 1944 - 1945." - "Command and political composition of the flotilla" - "Liberation of the city of Pinsk from the Nazi invaders" - "Heroes of the Soviet Union" - "Jung Oleg Olkhovsky" - "... And the memory of the heart speaks" The museum has 500 exhibits of the main fund. Auxiliary fund - about 600 exhibits. Fund work: - organization of accounting and preservation of museum exhibits, ensuring their integrity; - research based on work with museum expositions as a result of the activities of the council of the KOUDF museum, the council of the Dneprovets club and expedition teams; - restoration of museum objects; - replenishment of the museum with new exhibits as a result of organizing meetings with veterans of the Far Eastern Fleet; Vodchits D. 57 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 - promotion of museum materials during the work of the school radio studio (heading "Callsigns of the school museum KOUDF") and the release of special bulletins (monthly); - replenishment of the collection of weapons, military paraphernalia, as well as individual items of military subjects during the transfer of collections from other museums; - compiling a music library “They say Dnipro. ..» - systematization of museum materials, compilation of a catalog - registration of search materials by expeditionary teams - work on structuring the existing material - improvement of the museum exposition, collection and design of materials from trips to places of military glory, meetings with interesting people - holding traditional events (literary drawing rooms, final conferences, the birthday of the museum, the work of the school radio station "Call signs of the museum") Exhibitions: - "The Dnieper people who made a great contribution to the creation of the school museum" (traditionally organized on February 22 - the birthday of the school museum) - "The streets of our city are named after them" - to the first Sunday in October - City Day. - Exhibition of drawings "No one is forgotten" - "Liberation of the city of Pinsk" - on the occasion of the Victory Day, the Liberation of Pinsk The museum works on a voluntary basis under the guidance of school teachers. The pedagogical management of the work of the museum is carried out by the head of the museum, who is appointed by order of the director of the school. The work of the museum is organized on the basis of self-government through the work of the ideological club "Dneprovets". From among the teachers and students of the school, an asset of the museum-member of the club "Dneprovets" is selected. The council of the club is elected at the meeting of the museum's activists. The Club Council at its meetings considers and approves the museum's work plans, develops tasks for search groups and expeditionary teams, discusses the training of guides, lecturers, and the study of the asset. Vodchits D. 58 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Council of the club: Sokolyuk T. S. - head of the club, Nikiporchik I. Yu. - deputy. director for educational work Khmyz VV - deputy. director of the AHS, member of the council of veterans Doronkina L. A. - history teacher Polikovskaya M. B. - history teacher Lira T. P. - head. library Doroshenko T. V. - teacher-organizer Krutsenko Anton 9a - president of the club "Dneprovets" Shulyak Irina 9a - assistant to the president Sachkovskaya Olga 9a - secretary of the club "Dneprovets" Evgenia Voronkova 8 b - responsible for the work of archivists Blyakharchuk Vitaly 6 b - responsible for work of volunteers Doroshenko Ekaterina Grade 9 - Responsible for holding mass events Polyukhovich Vita 8a - Responsible for the work of guides Verenich Anna guides 8a - Head of the preparatory group Babina Alina 8a - Responsible for the work of the press center of the museum Shulyak Irina 9a - Responsible for compiling the record library "They say Dnipro" On the basis of the club works 5 groups: Propaganda group (press center of the museum) Guides Archivists (work with the museum funds) Organizers of public events ), was awarded numerous certificates and diplomas. Vodchits D. 59 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 On the basis of the museum there is an ideological club "Dneprovets", which operates on the basis of the Club's Declaration. Every year in grades 5-9, meetings are held at which the most deserving students are selected who are entrusted to work in the club. In that academic year the club works within the framework of the Memory Watch and the republican action of young students “Live in Belarus and tym ganarus”. The club is planned. Club "Dneprovets" directs the work of expeditionary teams to fulfill the tasks of the action, the results of this work are summed up at the traditional scientific and practical conference in April of each academic year. Mass work: Conducting excursions - “We keep the memory of the heroes” - “So our city was liberated” - “And the saved world remembers” - “The battle path of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov I degree of the Dnieper military flotilla”. - "Heroes, we remember your names" - "Field of memory" - "The streets of our city are named after them" - "The memory of the Olkhovskys is forever in our hearts" - sightseeing tour Vodchits D. 60 Dnieper military flotilla December 10, 2011 Other forms of work : - participation in the patriotic action "No one is forgotten" - clarification of the lists and addresses of sailors from the Dnieper; - participation in the action "Field mail": congratulations of Dnipro veterans on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day; - Rendering assistance to veterans in need of it. - processing information centers KOUDF: going on the air of the Radio station of the school museum, issuing newsletters - reader competitions - assisting expeditionary teams in fulfilling the tasks of the school museum - patriotic song festivals - essay competition - meetings with veterans in literary drawing rooms - final scientific and practical conferences Vodchits D. 61 Dneprovskaya military flotilla December 10, 2011 References Vodchits D 62 Dnieper Military Flotilla December 10, 2011 Worked on the project by: Vodchits Daria September 24, 1993 Born in the city of Pinsk. In 2011 she entered the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. Maxim Tank. Vodchits D. 63

  • Dnieper military flotilla - the name of the formations of combat river ships on the Dnieper River during the Russian-Turkish war (1735-1739), the Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791), the Civil War, in 1931-1940. and during the Great Patriotic War.

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By July 16-17, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front reached the cities of Svisloch and Pruzhany. Two days before, the army of General P.A. Belova with the assistance Dnieper military flotilla Rear Admiral V.V. Grigoriev and partisans liberated the city of Pinsk and began to move towards Kobrin. By mid-July, the operational situation of the 1st Belorussian Front had improved significantly. If by the beginning of Operation Bagration his right-flank and left-flank groups were separated by the vast swamps of Polesie, now they are left behind, and the length of the front line has almost halved.

Related concepts (continued)

Don Flotilla (May 11, 1918 - 1919) - river flotilla of the White Don Cossacks (Great Don Army) during the Russian Civil War. In addition to the detachment of river ships, it included the Azov naval detachment and marine railway batteries. During 1918−1919. assisted the Don Army. At the beginning of 1918, the Naval Administration developed a plan to create a navy on the Don River. This was due to the fact that almost all large villages were scattered along the river ...

The Riga River Flotilla is an operational formation of ships created to assist Russian troops operating in the Riga Fortified Region.

The White Fleet is the naval formations of the White movement during the Civil War of 1918-1922 in Russia, which included fleets, flotillas, detachments and other formations of ships and auxiliary vessels. The White Fleet included both specially built warships and mobilized and requisitioned ships.

Caspian military flotilla - naval formation (association, naval flotilla) of the armed forces Russian Empire and the USSR.

The Romanian Navy (Rom. Forţele Navale Române) is one of the branches of the Romanian armed forces. Mainly include the navy, marines, special forces units and subunits.

The Siberian military flotilla (Siberian flotilla) is an association of warships and vessels that has been created several times in the Russian Far East.

The Satakunda flotilla of the Guards crew is a formation (flotilla) of the Russian Imperial Fleet (RIF), which operated in 1916-1917, during the First World War, on Lake Nyasijärvi.

The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire - officially created on May 2 (13), 1783. It originates from the Russian navy, created on the Black Sea after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire from the ships of the Azov and Dnieper military flotillas.

Red landing - a military operation of the Red Army to capture the city of Taganrog, occupied German army held in June 1918. The landing failed, more than two thousand Red Army soldiers were captured by the Germans. All prisoners were executed by order of the German military command.

The Pacific Fleet is an operational-strategic association of the Navy in the Armed Forces of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Formed in January 1935 by renaming the naval forces of the Far East.

The 2nd Baltic Detachment of Border Vessels - a formation of the naval border troops of the NKVD of the USSR, which took part in the Great Patriotic War.

The flotilla of the Arctic Ocean is a Russian military flotilla of the beginning of the 20th century. Based in Romanov-on-Murman and Yokangsky churchyard.

The Danube military flotilla is a Soviet operational association of warships and vessels of the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR in the period 1940-1941 and a separate operational association of the USSR Navy in the period 1944-1960, operating in the Danube river basin, as well as in the South Bug and Dnieper river basins.

Croatian Naval Legion independent state Croatia, who fought in the Kriegsmarine on the Eastern Front.

The expedition of the Russian fleet to the shores of North America in 1876-1877 or the Second American Expedition is a generally accepted term for the actions of the military fleet of the Russian Empire off the coast of the North American United States during the aggravation of relations between Russia and Great Britain after anti-Turkish speeches in the Balkans and before the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 -1878 years.

Odessa evacuation (January 21 - January 26, 1920) - a historical event during the Civil War in Russia, associated with the evacuation by sea from Odessa of military units, rear institutions, weapons, ammunition and other material property of the troops of the Novorossiysk region of the All-Union Socialist League and the Odessa garrison, as well as civilian population who did not want to remain in the territories occupied by the Red Army. The need for evacuation is ripe due to catastrophic changes at the front after the Red Army crossed...

The Navy of Peter I - the naval forces (army fleet) created in the Russian Kingdom during the reign of Peter I, and laid the foundation for the navy of the Russian Empire.

The foreign military intervention in northern Russia (also known as the Northern "Russian" campaign) was part of the foreign intervention in Russia after the October Revolution. The interventionists acted as allies of the white movement. The northern campaign of the interventionists began in 1918, in recent months World War I, and ended with the complete evacuation of the interventionist troops in September 1919. White troops, who refused to evacuate along with the interventionists, continued to fight in the north until the beginning of 1920 ...

A special purpose company of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (abbreviated as ROSNAZ KBF or ROSNAZ BF) is a military unit of long-range reconnaissance of the Baltic Fleet of the USSR Navy, which operated during the Great Patriotic War; the first underwater formation of special purpose long-range reconnaissance of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

The Russian squadron is a tactical formation of ships, auxiliary military vessels of the Russian Imperial Fleet, as well as mobilized steamships that participated in the evacuation of the Russian Army of General Wrangel from the Crimea and the civilian population who did not accept Bolshevism. Existed in 1920-1924.

Azov campaign - the fighting of the Anglo-French fleet against Russian cities on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov during the Crimean War.

The Beiyang Fleet (Chinese: 北洋海軍, pinyin: Běiyáng Haijun) was one of the formations of the Chinese naval forces in 1875-1895, which took an active part in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.

Demining the Danube is a joint operation to clear the Danube river bed (from the mouth to Vienna), begun in 1944 and continued until 1948, in which the navies of the USSR, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia participated.

Landings on Lunkulansaari - Mantsinsaari (July 24 - 27, 1941) - landing operation of the Soviet Ladoga flotilla during the defensive operation in Karelia during the Great Patriotic War.

Gunboat (gunboat) " Votyak" (May 15, 1927 renamed the "Proletarian") - a river gunboat of the Russian, and later the Soviet Navy, which served in the Amur military flotilla.

The Baku Officers' School of Naval Aviation (BOSHMA) is the second educational institution of the Russian Empire, designed to train officers in the specialty "naval pilot" and related to the system of specialized training of officers of the navy.

Naval soldiers - the historical name of the military branch of the army fleet of the Russian army, later the fleet, which served as marines.

Ships (vessels) of the "Elpidifor" type (sometimes the name "Elpifidor" is found) - armed landing steamers, which were also used as minelayers and minesweepers, were later reclassified and part was built as gunboats (gunboats, gunboats, KL), and part - as merchant fleet ships.

Guardcoats (from French gardekote - coast guard) - a series of 18 small sailing and rowing vessels intended to protect navigation along the Volga. The ships did not have their own names and went under numbers - from 1 to 18. All guardcoats were built by the Kazan Admiralty and were originally included in the Caspian Flotilla of Russia.

Skerry fleet ( official name- Army fleet; Swede. Skärgårdsflottan, Arméns flotta; also galley fleet, rowing fleet) - the formation of the Swedish naval forces that existed in the years 1756-1823: an association of combat and auxiliary ships, the main mover of which was oars.

The Northern Pacific Flotilla was formed in the Pacific Fleet in August 1939 to defend the coast and sea lanes in the Tatar Strait and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The main base is the city of Sovetskaya Gavan, auxiliary De-Kastri and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

Rota (Spanish: Rota) is a joint Spanish-American naval base in the area of ​​the city of the same name. Opened in 1955. In addition to the Navy, units and units of the US Air Force and Marine Corps are also based here. Naval Base Rota is the first port visited by US Navy ships bound for the Mediterranean. A company is one of the bases of the 6th operational fleet of the US Navy.

Malaya Zemlya is a bridgehead in the Stanichki area (Cape Myskhako) south of Novorossiysk, formed on February 4, 1943 as a result of the landing operation of the 18th landing army of the Black Sea Group of Forces and the Black Sea Fleet, undertaken to liberate the city. The heroic defense of this piece of land lasted 225 days and ended on the morning of September 16, 1943 with the liberation of Novorossiysk. For courage and courage, 21 soldiers were awarded the highest degree of distinction of the USSR - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Mediterranean Fleet (eng. Mediterranean Fleet or abbr. Med Fleet) is an independent command of the British Royal Navy, which existed intermittently from the time of the Restoration until 1967. His area of ​​responsibility, as the name implies, was the Mediterranean Sea and exits from it. During its period of greatest growth, the Mediterranean Fleet was the second largest and most numerous among the British fleets, and provided for the post of Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean Sea (Eng. CinC Med).

The Anglo-French blockade of the Rio de La Plata was a military and economic action by the British and French authorities against the Argentine Confederation during the Civil War in Uruguay. Argentine historiography also uses the term Paraná War. The blockade was launched in 1845 to support the Colorado forces in the internecine war with the pro-Argentine Blancos. Rosas pursued a protectionist policy to improve the state of the weak Argentine economy. To open navigation on the rivers of La Plata...

Ural Separate Army (Separate Ural Army) - a military unit of the White Army: a) created in April 1918 by the Ural military government, consisting of units formed mainly from the Ural Cossacks and fought within the lands of the Ural region and adjacent regions of the Volga region and Southern Urals; b) formed by order of the Supreme Ruler of Russia No. 92 dated December 28, 1918 from units of the Ural Cossack army and other military units formed within ...

The Armed Forces of the Russian Empire - the totality of all land, air and sea military contingents, both for waging a foreign war and for maintaining order in the country, the modern designation of the land and sea forces of the Russian Empire that existed from October 22 (November 2), 1721 before February Revolution and the proclamation of a republic in 1917, designed to protect and defend Russia.

The squadron of the Pacific Ocean of Admiral S. S. Lesovsky or, in literature, more often, the squadron of Lesovsky, is a formation of the Russian navy, organized during a period of tension in relations with China because of the Ili region (Kuldzha conflict) in 1879-1881.

Soviet Republic of Sailors and Builders, Russian Soviet Republic of Nargen, Volny Nargen; in Estonian Soviet historiography, the Soviet Republic of Naissaara (Est. Naissaare Nõukogude Vabariik)) is a “Soviet republic” during the Civil War in Russia, self-proclaimed by the revolutionary sailors of the Russian Baltic Fleet on the island of Nargen (now Naissaar) on December 17, 1917. The garrison was evacuated to Kronstadt on February 26, 1918.

German occupation of Estonia - occupation by German troops imperial army the territory of Estonia, which took place in October 1917 - November 1918.

The Second Pacific Squadron of the Russian Imperial Fleet or, as it was called in official documents, the 2nd Squadron of the Pacific Fleet was formed on April 17, 1904 (hereinafter, the dates are in the old style); Rear Admiral Zinovy ​​Petrovich Rozhestvensky, Acting Chief of the Main Naval Staff (GMSH), was appointed its commander. The initial purpose of creating the squadron was to strengthen in connection with the beginning Russo-Japanese War 1st Squadron of the Pacific Fleet, located in Port Arthur ...

DNEPROVSKAYA MILITARY FLOTILE, formations of the Russian and Soviet Navy, intended for operations in the Dnieper River basin.

1) Created in 1737 to assist the Russian Dnieper army during the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-39. The Dnieper military flotilla consisted of over 650 small vessels. Abolished due to the end of the war (1739). Commanders: Vice Admiral N. A. Senyavin (1737-38), Rear Admiral V. A. Dmitriev-Mamonov (1738-39), Rear Admiral Ya. S. Barsh (1739).

2) Formed as part of the RKKF in March 1919 in Kyiv due to the mobilization and arming of water transport vessels consisting of 19 combat and auxiliary vessels. Initially, it was subordinate to the Department of Military Communications of the Ukrainian Front, then - to the 12th Army of the Western Front. Since August 1919, it was subordinated directly to the commander of the Naval Forces of the Republic, and operationally - to the command of army formations, in the zone of which the ships of the Dnieper military flotilla operated. It included ships of the disbanded Pripyat military flotilla. Participated in the elimination of the Grigoriev rebellion of 1919, fought against the river forces of the White Fleet, carried out transportation and protection of shipping. By 1920, the Dnieper military flotilla included 32 warships and 41 auxiliary ships, landing and hydro-aviation detachments. After the capture of Kiev on May 6 by Polish troops during the Soviet-Polish war of 1920, the Dnieper military flotilla was divided into 3 detachments: Berezinsky (base - in the city of Zhlobin), Northern (Gomel) and Southern (Ekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk). Units of the Dnieper military flotilla distinguished themselves during the Kyiv offensive operation of the Soviet troops of the Southwestern Front (on June 12, the gunboat "Destructive" was the first to enter Kiev along the river). It was disbanded in December 1920. It was re-established in October 1925 as a Special detachment of ships on the Dnieper River, and from June 1931 - as the Dnieper military flotilla (main base - Kyiv, from 1939 - Pinsk). In July 1940, it was disbanded, its ships were transferred to the formation of the Danube military flotilla and the Pinsk military flotilla. In September 1943, it was again created from the ships of the Volga military flotilla, the main base was in Chernigov, from November - in Kyiv, from July 1944 - in Pinsk. By the spring of 1944, the Dnieper military flotilla included about 140 warships and vessels, a floating artillery battery and 2 anti-aircraft artillery battalions. Since April 1944, it has been transferred to the operational subordination of the commander of the 1st Belorussian Front. It operated on the rivers Dnieper, Berezina, Pripyat, Western Bug, Vistula, Oder, Spre, assisting the advancing troops in destroying enemy groups, forcing water barriers, liberating cities, transporting goods and landing troops. The Dnieper military flotilla took part in the Belorussian operation of 1944, the Lublin-Brest operation of 1944 and the Berlin operation of 1945. In the summer of 1945 it was disbanded. Commanders: A. V. Polupanov (1919); P. I. Smirnov-Svetlovsky (1919-20); B. V. Korsak (1920); M. G. Stepanov (1920-21); captain of the 1st rank (since 1935) B.V. Horoshkhin (1931-37), captain of the 2nd rank G.B. Chubunov (1937-40); captain 1st rank, from June 1940 rear admiral N. O. Abramov (1940); captain of the 1st rank, from October 1943 Rear Admiral V. V. Grigoriev (1943-45).

Lit.: Battle chronicle Russian fleet. M., 1948; Loktionov I. I. Pinsk and Dnieper flotillas in the Great Patriotic War. M., 1958; Combat annals of the Navy, 1941-1942. M., 1992; three centuries Russian fleet: In 3 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1996.

    Created in 1737, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1735 39. In March 1919, the Soviet Dnieper military flotilla was created; distinguished herself in the Kyiv operation (1920). Existed in 1931 40. Recreated in September 1943. In October 1943 May 1945 ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    DNEPROVSKAYA MILITARY FLOTILA, a formation within the Navy, created in 1737, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1735 39. During the Civil War in March 1919, the Soviet Dnieper military flotilla was formed; distinguished herself in the Kyiv operation ... ... Russian history

    Created in 1737, participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739. In March 1919, the Soviet Dnieper military flotilla was created; distinguished herself in the battles for the liberation of Kyiv from the Polish troops (1920). It also operated in 1931 40 and 1943 45. In October 1943 ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dnieper military flotilla- DNEPROVSKAYA MILITARY FLOTILE, created. in March 1919 in Kyiv. She took an active part in the Civil war. Dec. 1920 disbanded. Secondary creation in June 1931, in June 1940 it was again disbanded, its ships and vessels became part of the Danube and Pinsk ... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: Encyclopedia

    It was first created in 1737 under the command of Vice Admiral N. A. Senyavin. Consisted of small ships and supported Russian troops during the Russian-Turkish wars of the 18th century, it existed until 1789. In March 1919, to assist the Red Army ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    First created during the Russian. tour. war of 1735 39 and abolished after its end. At the Sov. authorities in March 1919 on the Dnieper formed a department. river ship units converted in Aug. 1919 in D. v. f. (up to 30 vessels). Participated in battles with ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Azov. Azov military flotilla (Azov naval flotilla) ... Wikipedia

Legends were made about the heroism of the sailors of the Dnieper flotilla during the Great Patriotic War, and the German invaders called them “black death” for their desperate fearlessness. This military formation distinguished itself in the defense of Polissya and Stalingrad, and then liberated Belarus with battles and reached Berlin, its soldiers and officers signed on the walls of the defeated Reichstag. For unparalleled feats, 3,000 sailors of the flotilla were awarded orders and medals, 20 became Heroes of the Soviet Union, many posthumously.

On February 18, the heroic flotilla turns 100 years old. Let us recall the most striking events of the battle path of the brave river sailors.

Dnieper military flotilla. Semi-gliders on the Spree. April 1945

Defending Polissya

In 1941, the Dnieper sailors, together with scattered units of the 4th Army of the Western Front, defended Pinsk, Luninets, and Turov. History has preserved many heroic episodes. Once, the Bobruisk monitor, commanded by Senior Lieutenant F. Semenov, was given the task of breaking into the enemy's location for reconnaissance. At night, the monitor traveled 30 kilometers along Pripyat, fired on David-Gorodok, inflicted significant damage on the enemy and returned with valuable intelligence. And a group of ships consisting of the Smolensk monitor and three armored boats, passing along the Berezina to the rear of the enemy, suddenly hit the accumulation of enemy troops, destroying the crossing, destroying up to 100 armored vehicles and vehicles.

Another unforgettable combat episode. The Germans reinforced the grouping of troops advancing on Kyiv. The command of the flotilla sent a detachment of ships to disrupt the crossing of enemy troops across the highway bridge in the Okuninovo area. The Dnieper troops approached the target at 1.5 km and fired directly at the bridge along which the German units were moving. As a result, the bridge was destroyed, the enemy suffered losses. Subsequently, when Soviet troops were forced to leave Kyiv, the sailors of the flotilla blew up the ships and went to the left bank of the Dnieper. Together with units of the Southwestern Front, they fought stubborn battles in the encirclement, and then, tired, wounded, having no ammunition, made their way through the front line and poured into the active units. They fought near Moscow, Stalingrad, in the Crimea.

In 1943, when the front rolled to the west and the liberation of Ukraine and Belarus began, it became necessary to recreate a military flotilla on the rivers of the Dnieper basin. Its commander was the chief of staff of the Volga military flotilla, captain 1st rank V. Grigoriev, chief of staff - captain 2nd rank K. Balakirev. The core of the flotilla was made up of sailors who had passed through the severe trials of the Battle of Stalingrad.

River Guard "Bagration"

On the eve of the strategic offensive operation Bagration, the flotilla was operationally subordinate to the 1st Belorussian Front and consisted of 23 armored boats, 20 minesweepers, 13 patrol boats, 10 air defense boats, 26 half-gliders, 6 self-propelled floating batteries, 2 anti-aircraft artillery divisions. Sailors participated in artillery support ground forces, carried out the crossings of our fighters and disrupted the enemy, provided mine defense, landed troops. The Dnieper became the Iron Guard, the first to attack the enemy and set a heroic example.

So it was in the battle for Bobruisk. The armored boats took part in powerful artillery preparation during the assault on the city. Transferred to the right bank of the 217th rifle division. The ships twice broke through to the railway bridge within the city and with direct fire from 300 - 500 meters they shot the firing points and manpower of the enemy. During the fighting in the Bobruisk direction, they destroyed and suppressed 25 artillery and mortar batteries, 6 tanks, 4 warehouses and 13 ammunition wagons, 44 bunkers. For the liberation of the city, the 1st brigade of river ships and the 2nd separate guards division of armored boats were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, they were given the title of Bobruisk.

On the left is the commander of BK No. 2 N. Buraminsky, in the center is the commander of the landing in Pinsk, Captain of the 3rd rank A. Peskov, on the right is the commander of BK No. 92 I. Chernozubov. 1974

During the liberation of the Belarusian Polesye, the landing detachment under the command of junior lieutenant N. Chaly especially distinguished himself. He skillfully led the battle, and at critical moments was a model of heroism. In a fight with the enemy, the brave sailor died. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The sailors of the flotilla also showed mass heroism during the liberation of Pinsk. The command set a combat mission: to land an assault force in the city, 20 kilometers behind the front line. The ships of the flotilla took on board fighters and equipment, and at about 3 am on July 12, the first detachments of paratroopers moored at the berths of the river port. Taking advantage of surprise, the paratroopers quickly captured a significant part of the city, although the front was still in the Luninets area. The group of foreman V.Kanareev, the Red Navy men L.Kukolevsky and V.Kirillov acted especially boldly. Secretly making their way to the city cinema, where there was a large group of German officers, the sailors blew it up, causing panic and confusion in the enemy garrison. Then they stormed the prison and freed more than 200 Soviet prisoners of war, who were to be shot at dawn. Many of the liberated joined the paratroopers.

With the support of floating batteries and armored boats, the paratroopers repelled all attacks and firmly held their positions in the eastern part of the city, but suffered heavy losses, and ammunition was running out. Urgent help was needed, and the troops advancing by land were still far away. The same waterway remained, but it was shot through by German batteries, it seemed impossible for our ships to pass. Nevertheless, the flotilla command decided to send reinforcements. The river boiled with explosions of mines and shells, but the armored boats managed to break through to the shore.

A special story deserves the feat of the crew of the armored boat No. 92, now installed on the banks of the Pina, to which he broke through on a July day in 1944. Lieutenant Igor Chernozubov commanded the guard boat. The ship was leading, and the Nazis concentrated their fire on it. It was already a stone's throw to the shore, the paratroopers got ready to throw, and at that moment an enemy shell hit the wheelhouse from the port side. The commander and two sailors were thrown overboard by the blast. The situation was becoming critical. Commanders opened fire on the enemy with direct fire. Here the fascist self-propelled gun failed, but the armored boat shuddered from the enemy shell, and began to roll on board. It was engulfed in flames, but the tower continued to fire. An enemy tank was hit, another self-propelled gun. Our cannon also fell silent. The entire personnel of the armored boat died, but reinforcements were delivered to the paratroopers. And on the morning of July 14, Pinsk was completely cleared of the invaders. For the heroism shown at the same time, junior lieutenant M. Chaly and a group of other sailors of the flotilla were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And the Dnieper flotilla, its 1st and 2nd brigades of river ships, the 2nd separate guards division of armored boats were awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Fire flights on the Spree

The words of the naval writer Leonid Sobolev, who passed many miles of fire with the sailors of the Dnieper, are fair: “The Dnieper flotilla is remarkable in that, by its nature, according to its traditions, it acts suddenly, boldly and boldly. She is remarkable in that all time is running forward of the army, for its task is to create a front behind enemy lines. This was fully confirmed in the battles for the liberation of Poland and during the capture of Berlin. On April 22, 1945, there was very little left to the center of the fascist lair. But a water barrier stood in the way - the Spree River, up to 300 meters wide. Continuous minefields stretched along its western shore, there were many armored caps and bunkers. Every house, every window, every crevice spewed fire. Army pontoons in the area of ​​Treptow Park tried to make a crossing, but were brutally fired upon. There was only one thing left: a bold and decisive landing.

The command turned to the sailors and soon received a separate detachment of half-gliders under operational control. These were nondescript, battered plywood boats, equipped with a motor from a lorry and a lorry and a Maxim machine gun, the crew was two people. At night, in complete darkness, the sailors, together with the soldiers, lowered the boats into a small backwater. They quickly settled the core of the first throw - a battalion led by the Hero of the Soviet Union N. Oberemchenko. The commander of the detachment of boats, Lieutenant M. Kalinin, gathered the sailors, once again clarified the task. Three boats were the first to cross the river under the command of experienced foremen Mikhail Sotnikov, Andrey Zapolin and Georgy Dudnikov. Under the nose of the enemy, they successfully landed paratroopers without a single shot and losses. The Germans did not expect a surprise in this sector. But soon the enemy realized that he had miscalculated. Bullets whistled over the paratroopers, a fierce duel ensued, enemy armored personnel carriers moved forward. Hand-to-hand combat began in some areas. However, it was no longer possible to stop the crossing: the commander of the Kalinin detachment, choosing the moment, sent boats one after another. The crossing of the second battalion was in full swing. The situation grew more tense with each passing hour. Small boats, protected only by the fearlessness and courage of the crews, literally made their way through the fire. Often they returned riddled with bullets and shrapnel. Then the group of the mechanic of the detachment of officer G. Chernov took up the matter. She brought the boats back to life, restored their combat capability, and they again went to the enemy shore with the landing force.

Breaking through the wall of fire, Sotnikov's boat was already with the third division of paratroopers, when the Germans fired at him with aimed fire. The boat was thrown like a piece of wood. The shell pierced the side, but the experienced foreman managed to restore the course, jump over the zone of fire, and land reinforcements. Already on the way back, an enemy landmine overtook the boat. Sotnikov was killed, minder Nikolai Baranov took the helm. He made 10 daring flights, but also died. And yet the crossing did not stop for a minute. When the fire became unbearable, the boats took cover under the enemy shore, in the dead zone, and the sailors with machine guns got ashore into the trenches and beat the enemy. As soon as the lead storm subsided, the boats again rushed to their shore for new landing forces. In order to prevent delays in replacing those who left, the commander of the detachment, Lieutenant M. Kalinin, officers, political worker G. Suvorov, and mechanic G. Chernov, became at the helm. Pontoons were lowered into the water, onto which guns and mortars were loaded. The boats took the pontoons in tow and, supported by fire, moved forward. By noon, the sailors had already gained experience and in the afternoon they took up the crossing of heavy tanks.

Battle path of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov I degree of the Dnieper military flotilla.

For three days there were fiery flights. Under the onslaught of our troops and the "black death", as the Nazis called the Soviet sailors, the enemy had to retreat. The Nazis lost quarter after quarter. Dozens of rapid flights were made by semi-gliders. The mean lines of the historical journal say that these bullet-ridden boats, drenched in the blood of our soldiers and sailors, from April 23 to 25 transferred 16 thousand soldiers and officers, several pontoons with tanks and other military equipment to the enemy shore. In a combat recall, the commander of the 9th Rifle Corps of the Red Banner, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General I. Rosly, noted that the heroism and courage of the half-glider team, of course, played decisive role in forcing the Spree River, which ensured the further fulfillment of the task of the corps. The Nazis were driven out, and late in the evening on May 8, 1945 they signed the Act of Surrender.
The motherland highly appreciated the feat of the sailors. The Red Banner Dnieper Flotilla was awarded the Order of Ushakov, I degree, and the entire personnel of the 1st separate detachment of semi-gliders of the 1st Bobruisk Red Banner Brigade of river ships of the flotilla, who participated in the landing operation, was presented for awards. Nine sailors were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, many of them posthumously.

Traditions in inheritance

After the war, the Dnieper flotilla was stationed in Pinsk, and in 1951 was disbanded. On its basis, a training detachment was created to train specialists for ships and units of the USSR Navy. He inherited the glory and awards of the Dnieper. Monuments, obelisks were erected at the sites of the flotilla's military operations, the graves of heroes were landscaped, and museums were opened. And in Pinsk there is a museum of the Dnieper flotilla. Members of the Belarusian Union of Military Sailors gather here, veterans are always welcome guests in schools, student audiences, factories and factories. Significant event took place in October 2017 near the monument to the sailors of the Dnieper in Pinsk. Here, a solemn ceremony was held to extract the capsule message from the youth of 1970 and lay an appeal to the people of Pinsk in 2047, when the 950th anniversary of the city will come. This is how the glorious traditions of the Red Banner Order of Ushakov, I degree, of the Dnieper military flotilla are passed on from generation to generation.


The flotilla was founded on February 18, 1919. The former sailor of the Black Sea Fleet A. Polupanov became the commander. Its ships acted against the troops of Denikin in the Yekaterinoslav direction and fought fierce battles against the troops of pan Poland on Pripyat, especially in the area of ​​​​the cities of Turov and Mozyr. After the final expulsion of the Poles, the need for a military flotilla on the Dnieper disappeared and it was disbanded. However, it was re-established in June 1931. In September 1939, the personnel of the Dnieper flotilla, in cooperation with units of the Red Army, participated in the liberation of Western Belarus. In June 1940, the flotilla was reorganized and became known as the Pinsk flotilla at the location of the main base, Rear Admiral D. Rogachev was appointed commander. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the flotilla consisted of 9 monitors, 8 gunboats, 9 patrol ships, 14 minesweepers, 20 gliders and semi-gliders, a mechanically propelled anti-aircraft artillery battalion, and a company of marines.

Vasily KIRICHENKO, captain of the 1st rank, retired, candidate of philosophical sciences.