What types of rockets exist. The main types of rockets. Tactical guided missiles

Ballistic missiles have been and remain a reliable shield of Russia's national security. A shield, ready, if necessary, to turn into a sword.

R-36M "Satan"

Developer: Design Bureau Yuzhnoye
Length: 33.65 m
Diameter: 3 m
Starting weight: 208 300 kg
Flight range: 16000 km
Soviet strategic missile system of the third generation, with a heavy two-stage liquid-propellant, ampulized intercontinental ballistic missile 15A14 for placement in a silo launcher 15P714 of increased security type OS.

The Americans called the Soviet strategic missile system "Satan". At the time of the first test in 1973, this missile became the most powerful ballistic system ever developed. Not a single missile defense system was able to withstand the SS-18, the radius of destruction of which was as much as 16 thousand meters. After the creation of the R-36M, Soviet Union could not worry about the "arms race". However, in the 1980s, "Satan" was modified, and in 1988, the Soviet Army entered service with a new version SS-18 - R-36M2 "Voevoda", against which modern American missile defense systems cannot do anything.

RT-2PM2. "Topol M"

Length: 22.7 m
Diameter: 1.86 m
Starting weight: 47.1 t
Flight range: 11000 km

The RT-2PM2 rocket is made in the form of a three-stage rocket with a powerful mixed solid-propellant power plant and a fiberglass body. Rocket testing began in 1994. The first launch was carried out from a silo launcher at the Plesetsk cosmodrome on December 20, 1994. In 1997, after four successful launches, mass production of these missiles began. The act on the adoption by the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation of the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile was approved by the State Commission on April 28, 2000. As of the end of 2012, there were 60 mine-based and 18 mobile-based Topol-M missiles on combat duty. All silo-based missiles are on combat duty in the Taman missile division (Svetly, Saratov region).

PC-24 "Yars"

Developer: MIT
Length: 23 m
Diameter: 2 m
Flight range: 11000 km
The first rocket launch took place in 2007. Unlike Topol-M, it has multiple warheads. In addition to warheads, Yars also carries a set of missile defense breakthrough tools, which makes it difficult for the enemy to detect and intercept it. This innovation makes the RS-24 the most successful combat missile in the context of the deployment of the global American missile defense system.

SRK UR-100N UTTH with 15A35 rocket

Developer: Central Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering
Length: 24.3 m
Diameter: 2.5m
Starting weight: 105.6 t
Flight range: 10000 km
Intercontinental ballistic liquid rocket 15A30 (UR-100N) of the third generation with a multiple reentry vehicle (MIRV) was developed at the Central Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of V.N. Chelomey. Flight design tests of the ICBM 15A30 were carried out at the Baikonur training ground (chairman of the state commission - Lieutenant General E.B. Volkov). The first launch of the ICBM 15A30 took place on April 9, 1973. According to official data, as of July 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation had 70 deployed 15A35 ICBMs: 1. 60th Missile Division (Tatishchevo), 41 UR-100N UTTKh UR-100N UTTH.

15Ж60 "Well done"

Developer: Design Bureau Yuzhnoye
Length: 22.6 m
Diameter: 2.4m
Starting weight: 104.5 t
Flight range: 10000 km
RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" - strategic missile systems with solid-fuel three-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles 15Zh61 and 15Zh60, mobile railway and stationary mine-based, respectively. Appeared further development complex RT-23. They were put into service in 1987. Aerodynamic rudders are placed on the outer surface of the fairing, allowing you to control the rocket in a roll in the areas of operation of the first and second stages. After passing through the dense layers of the atmosphere, the fairing is reset.

R-30 "Mace"

Developer: MIT
Length: 11.5 m
Diameter: 2 m
Starting weight: 36.8 tons.
Flight range: 9300 km
Russian solid-propellant ballistic missile of the D-30 complex for placement on Project 955 submarines. The first launch of the Bulava took place in 2005. Domestic authors often criticize the Bulava missile system under development for a fairly large proportion of unsuccessful tests. According to critics, the Bulava appeared due to Russia's banal desire to save money: the country's desire to reduce development costs by unifying the Bulava with land-based missiles made its production cheaper , than usual.


Developer: MKB "Rainbow"
Length: 7.45 m
Diameter: 742mm
Wingspan: 3 m
Starting weight: 2200-2400
Flight range: 5000-5500 km
New generation strategic cruise missile. Its hull is a low-wing aircraft, but has a flattened cross-section and side surfaces. Warhead missiles weighing 400 kg can hit 2 targets at once at a distance of 100 km from each other. The first target will be hit by ammunition descending on a parachute, and the second one directly when a missile hits. With a flight range of 5000 km, the circular probable deviation (CEP) is only 5-6 meters, and with a range of 10,000 km does not exceed 10 m.

Directory "Domestic missile weapons"contains information about 520 combat, experimental and experimental missile systems, missiles, jet systems salvo fire and their modifications, which were or are in service Soviet army And Russian Army, as well as about rocket projects created in 38 leading design bureaus (leading development enterprises) of the USSR, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Includes data on intercontinental ballistic missiles ah, ballistic missiles submarines, medium-range missiles, operational-tactical, tactical, cruise, aeroballistic, anti-aircraft, anti-tank, anti-submarine missiles and anti-missiles on the following items: Short story creation, year of adoption, performance characteristics, data on carriers, launchers, mass production and operation in the army.

Sections of this page:



Aircraft solid propellant rocket (aircraft unguided missile to combat air and ground targets). One of the first serial combat rockets in the country and in the world. Developed at the Jet Research Institute (RNII) under the leadership of Ivan Kleymenov, Georgy Langemak, Yuri Pobedonostsev. The tests took place in 1935-1936. Adopted by the Air Force in 1937. I-15, I-153, I-16 fighters, and IL-2 attack aircraft were equipped with shells. In August 1939, for the first time in Russian history, RS-82s were used in combat operations near the Khaphin-Gol River from I-16 fighters. The maximum firing range is 5.2 km. Projectile weight - 6.82 kg. The maximum speed is 350 m/s. The mass of explosives is 0.36 kg. Caliber - 82 mm. Removed from service.


Aircraft solid propellant rocket (aircraft unguided rocket to combat ground targets). Developed at the Jet Research Institute (RNII) under the leadership of Ivan Kleymenov, Georgy Langemak, Yuri Pobedonostsev. Adopted by the Air Force in 1938. The SB bombers were equipped with shells. The maximum firing range is 7.1 km. Projectile weight - 23.1 kg. The mass of explosives is 1 kg. Caliber - 132 mm. Removed from service.

C -1

Aviation unguided feathered solid propellant turbojet projectile. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) for attack aircraft. Adopted by the Air Force in the mid-50s, but not mass-produced due to the cessation of production of attack aircraft. Caliber - 212 mm.

C -2

Aviation unguided feathered solid propellant turbojet projectile. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) for attack aircraft. Adopted by the Air Force in the mid-50s, but not mass-produced due to the cessation of production of attack aircraft. Caliber - 82 mm.

C -3

Aviation unguided feathered solid propellant turbojet projectile. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) for attack aircraft. Adopted by the Air Force in the mid-50s, but not mass-produced due to the cessation of production of attack aircraft. Caliber - 132 mm.

C -3K

Aviation unguided anti-tank solid propellant rocket. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the guidance of designer Z. Brodsky for SU-7B aircraft in 1953-1961. The maximum firing range is 2 km. Armor penetration - 300 mm. Projectile weight - 23.5 kg. Warhead weight - 7.3 kg. It has a cumulative high-explosive fragmentation charge. Adopted in 1961. Mass-produced until 1972. Removed from service.

S-21 (ARS-212)

Heavy aircraft unguided solid-propellant air-to-air missile. Improved RS-82. original title- ARS-212 (aircraft rocket projectile). It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the guidance of designer N. Lobanov for MIG-15bis and MIG-17 aircraft. Adopted in 1953

Caliber - 210 mm. It has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. Withdrawn from service in the early 1960s.

C -24

Aviation unguided solid-propellant feathered rocket designed to destroy protected ground targets. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the guidance of designer M. Lyapunov in 1953-1960. Adopted in the mid-60s. Designed for airplanes and helicopters of front-line aviation IL-102, MIG-23MLD, MIG-27, SU-17, SU-24, SU-25, Yak-141. Firing range - 2 km. Projectile weight - 235 kg. Projectile length - 2.33 m. Caliber - 240 mm. The mass of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead is 123 kg. When the projectile burst, up to 4000 fragments were formed.

Used during the war in Afghanistan. Is in service.


Aviation unguided missile to destroy protected ground targets. Modification S-24. It has a modified fuel composition. A high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 123 kg contains 23.5 kg of explosives. When detonated, 4000 fragments are formed with a radius of destruction of 300-400 m. Equipped with a non-contact radio fuse.

The missiles were used during the war in Afghanistan and during the fighting in Chechnya.

C -5 (ARS-57)

Aviation unguided air-to-surface missile. The original name is ARS-57 (aircraft rocket projectile). Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Adopted for service in the 60s. Warheads of high-explosive fragmentation type. Caliber - 57 mm. Length - 1.42 m. Weight - 5.1 kg. Warhead mass - 1.1 kg. Firing range - 2 - 4 km. Has a solid propellant.

An experimental use of the S-5 for firing at air targets was developed. An experienced fighter Pavel Sukhoi P-1 was supposed to carry 50 S-5 missiles. S-5s with UB-32s were also installed on the T-62 tank.

S-5s were delivered to many countries of the world, participated in the Arab-Israeli wars, in the Iran-Iraq war, in combat operations in Afghanistan, during military operations in Chechnya.

C -5M

Aviation unguided air-to-surface missile. Modification C-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Caliber - 57 mm. Length - 1, 41 m. Weight - 4.9 kg. Warhead weight - 0.9 kg. Firing range - 2 - 4 km. Has a solid propellant.

Designed to combat manpower, weak targets, artillery and missile positions of the enemy, parked aircraft. A fragmentation-type warhead forms 75 fragments with a mass of 0.5 to 1 g upon rupture.


Aviation unguided air-to-surface missile. Modification of S-5 with enhanced fragmentation warhead. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Caliber - 57 mm. When exploded, it gives up to 360 fragments weighing 2 g each. Has a solid propellant.


Aviation unguided air-to-surface missile. Modification C-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Caliber - 57 mm. Designed to combat armored vehicles (tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles). It has warheads of cumulative action. Has a solid propellant. Armor penetration - 130 mm.


Aviation unguided air-to-surface missile. Modification C-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of the chief designer

director Alexander Nudelman. It has a combined cumulative-fragmentation warhead. Caliber - 57 mm. Has a solid propellant. When broken, it forms 220 fragments weighing 2 g each.


Aviation unguided air-to-surface missile. Modification C-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. It has a warhead, which has 1000 swept submunitions (SPEL). Caliber - 57 mm. Has a solid propellant. To destroy the manpower of the enemy.

NAR S-8 in B8V20 container (photo from Military Parade magazine)

NAR S-8 in the container B8M1 (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

S-8A, S-8V, S-8AS, S-8VS

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missiles. S-8 modifications with improved solid propellant rocket engines, fuel composition and stabilizers.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. It has a warhead with enhanced fragmentation action and a solid propellant rocket engine with an extended operating time.

C -8C

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. It has a warhead equipped with 2000 arrow-shaped submunitions.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. It has a concrete-piercing penetrating warhead.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. Contains 2.15 kg of liquid explosive components that mix and form an aerosol cloud of a volumetric detonating mixture.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25. For defeat modern tanks, lightly armored and unarmored vehicles. The maximum firing range is 4 km. The mass of the rocket is 11.3 kg. Rocket length - 1.57 m. Caliber - 80 mm. Warhead weight - 3.6 kg. The mass of explosives is 0.9 kg. Armor penetration - 400 mm. Has a cumulative charge. Is in service.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. Concrete-piercing missile with a penetrating warhead. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25. To defeat the materiel and manpower in fortifications.

The maximum firing range is 2.2 km. The mass of the rocket is 15.2 kg. Rocket length - 1.54 m. Caliber - 80 mm. Warhead weight - 7.41 kg. The mass of explosives is 0.6 kg. Is in service.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface rocket with a volumetric detonating mixture. Modification C-8. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25. To destroy targets located in trenches, trenches, dugouts and other similar shelters.

The maximum firing range is 4 km. The mass of the rocket is 11.6 kg. Rocket length - 1.7 m. Caliber - 80 mm. Warhead weight - 3.8 kg. The mass of explosives is 2.15 kg. Is in service.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-8. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25.

The mass of the rocket is 15 kg. Rocket length - 1.7 m. Caliber - 80 mm. The mass of explosives is 1.6 kg. Armor penetration - 400 mm. It has a tandem shaped charge. Is in service.


C -13

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-30, MIG-29 aircraft. To destroy aircraft in railway shelters, as well as military equipment and manpower in especially strong shelters. It has a concrete-piercing type warhead. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 57 kg. Rocket length - 2.54 m. Caliber - 122 mm. Warhead weight - 21 kg. The mass of explosives is 1.82 kg.

S-13 missiles of various modifications were used during the war in Afghanistan. Is in service.

C -13T

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-13. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-37, MIG-29 aircraft. To destroy aircraft in reinforced shelters, command posts and communication points, disable airfield runways. It has two separable autonomous warheads, the first of which is penetrating, the second is high-explosive fragmentation. The maximum firing range is 4 km. The mass of the rocket is 75 kg. Rocket length - 3.1 m. Caliber - 122 mm. Warhead weight - 37 kg. Is in service.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-13. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-37, MIG-29 aircraft. It has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a given fragmentation into fragments (it is crushed into 450 fragments weighing 25-35 g). The warhead is equipped with a bottom fuse that fires after being buried in the ground. Able to penetrate the armor of an armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle.

The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 69 kg. Rocket length - 2.9 m. Caliber - 122 mm. Warhead weight - 33 kg. The mass of explosives is 7 kg. Is in service.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification C-13. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-37, MIG-29 aircraft. It has a warhead with a volumetric detonating mixture.

The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 68 kg. Rocket length - 3.1 m. Caliber - 122 mm. Warhead weight - 32 kg. Is in service.

C -25-O

Aviation especially heavy unguided air-to-surface missile. Came to replace the S-24. Developed in the 70s. in OKB-16 (now - Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. It is supplied to the Air Force in a disposable container PU-0-25 - a wooden launch tube with metal lining. Has a fragmentation warhead. Designed to destroy manpower, transport, parked aircraft, weakly protected targets. The solid propellant rocket engine has 4 nozzles and a charge weighing 97 kg of mixed fuel. Sighting range - 4 km. Warhead weight - 150 kg. The warhead in the explosion gives up to 10 thousand fragments. With a successful hit, one missile can disable up to an enemy infantry battalion.


Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification of the S-25. Developed in the late 70s. in OKB-16 (now - Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. It has been operated by the troops since 1979. Designed for front-line aircraft. To combat light armored vehicles, structures and manpower of the enemy. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 381 kg. Rocket length - 3.3 m. Caliber - 340 mm. Mass warhead high-explosive type - 194 kg. The mass of explosives is 27 kg. Is in service.


Modernized air-to-surface solid-propellant guided missile. Modification S-25. Developed in the 80s at OKB-16 (now the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Designed for front-line aircraft. To destroy single fortified ground targets. It has a hardened penetrating warhead for breaking through strong fortified structures. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 480 kg. Rocket length - 3.3 m. Caliber - 340 mm. Warhead weight - 190 kg. Is in service.


Laser-guided air-to-surface solid-propellant aviation missile. Modification of S-25OFM. Developed in the late 70s. in OKB-16 (now - Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman). Chief designer— Boris Smirnov. It has been used by the troops since 1979. It is intended for front-line aviation aircraft as a laser-guided guided missile. The laser seeker was developed at NPO Geofizika. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 480 kg. Rocket length - 3.83 m. Caliber - 340 mm. Warhead weight - 150 kg. Is in service.


Modernized air-to-surface laser-guided extended-range solid-propellant guided missile. Developed in the 80s at the Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman. Chief designer - Boris Smirnov. Operated in the army since 1985. Designed for attack aircraft SU-25T.

The maximum firing range is 10 km. Is in service.


Mechanics(Greek μηχανική - the art of building machines) - a branch of physics, a science that studies the movement of material bodies and the interaction between them; at the same time, movement in mechanics is a change in time of the relative position of bodies or their parts in space.

“Mechanics in the broad sense of the word is a science dedicated to solving any problems related to the study of the movement or balance of certain material bodies and the interactions between bodies that occur in this case. Theoretical mechanics is the branch of mechanics that deals with general laws movement and interaction of material bodies, that is, those laws that, for example, are valid for the movement of the Earth around the Sun, and for the flight of a rocket or artillery shell, etc. Another part of mechanics is made up of various general and special technical disciplines devoted to the design and calculation of all kinds of specific structures, engines, mechanisms and machines or their parts (details). 1

The special technical disciplines include the Flight Mechanics proposed for you to study [ballistic missiles (BR), launch vehicles (LV) and spacecraft (SC)]. ROCKET- an aircraft moving due to the rejection of high-speed hot gases created by a jet (rocket) engine. In most cases, the energy to propel a rocket comes from the combustion of two or more chemical components (fuel and oxidizer, which together form rocket fuel) or from the decomposition of a single high-energy chemical 2 .

The main mathematical apparatus of classical mechanics: differential and integral calculus, developed specifically for this purpose by Newton and Leibniz. The modern mathematical apparatus of classical mechanics includes, first of all, the theory of differential equations, differential geometry, functional analysis, etc. In the classical formulation, mechanics is based on Newton's three laws. The solution of many problems in mechanics is simplified if the equations of motion allow the formulation of conservation laws (momentum, energy, angular momentum, and other dynamic variables).

The task of studying the flight of an unmanned aircraft in the general case is very difficult, because for example, an aircraft with fixed (fixed) rudders, like any rigid body, has 6 degrees of freedom and its movement in space is described by 12 differential equations of the first order. The flight path of a real aircraft is described by a much larger number of equations.

Due to the extreme complexity of studying the flight path of a real aircraft, it is usually divided into a number of stages and each stage is studied separately, moving from simple to complex.

At the first stage research, you can consider the movement of an aircraft as the movement of a material point. It is known that the movement solid body in space can be divided into translational motion of the center of mass and rotational motion of a rigid body around its own center of mass.

For studying general pattern flight of an aircraft in some cases, under certain conditions, it is possible not to consider rotational motion. Then the movement of the aircraft can be considered as the movement of a material point, the mass of which is equal to the mass of the aircraft and to which the force of thrust, gravity and aerodynamic resistance is applied.

It should be noted that even with such a simplified formulation of the problem, in some cases it is necessary to take into account the moments of forces acting on the aircraft and the required deflection angles of the controls, since otherwise, it is impossible to establish an unambiguous relationship, for example, between lift and angle of attack; between lateral force and slip angle.

At the second stage the equations of motion of the aircraft are studied taking into account its rotation around its own center of mass.

The task is to study and study the dynamic properties of the aircraft, considered as an element of a system of equations, while mainly interested in the reaction of the aircraft to the deviation of the controls and the influence of various external influences on the aircraft.

At the third stage(the most difficult) conduct a study of the dynamics of a closed control system, which includes, along with other elements, the aircraft itself.

One of the main tasks is to study the flight accuracy. Accuracy is characterized by the magnitude and probability of deviation from the required trajectory. To study the accuracy of aircraft motion control, it is necessary to compose a system of differential equations that would take into account all forces and moments. acting on the aircraft, and random perturbations. The result is a system of high-order differential equations, which can be non-linear, with correct time-dependent parts, with random functions in the right parts.

Missile classification

Missiles are usually classified by type of flight path, by location and direction of launch, by range, by type of engine, by type of warhead, by type of control and guidance systems.

Depending on the type of flight path, there are:

Cruise missiles. Cruise missiles are unmanned guided (until hitting the target) aircraft that are supported in the air for most of their flight due to aerodynamic lift. The main purpose of cruise missiles is to deliver a warhead to the target. They move in the Earth's atmosphere using jet engines.

Intercontinental ballistic cruise missiles can be classified according to their size, speed (subsonic or supersonic), flight range and launch site: ground, air, ship or submarine.

Depending on the flight speed, rockets are divided into:

1) Subsonic cruise missiles

2) Supersonic cruise missiles

3) Hypersonic cruise missiles

Subsonic cruise missile moving at a speed below the speed of sound. It develops a speed corresponding to the Mach number M = 0.8 ... 0.9. A well-known subsonic missile is the American Tomahawk cruise missile. Below are diagrams of two Russian subsonic cruise missiles in service.

Kh-35 Uranium - Russia

supersonic cruise missile moves at a speed of about M = 2 ... 3, that is, it overcomes a distance of approximately 1 kilometer in a second. The modular design of the rocket and its ability to launch at different angles of inclination allow it to be launched from various carriers: warships, submarines, Various types aircraft, mobile autonomous installations and launch mines. The supersonic speed and mass of the warhead provides it with high impact kinetic energy (for example, Oniks (Russia) aka Yakhont - export version; P-1000 Vulkan; P-270 Mosquito; P-700 Granite)

P-270 Mosquito – Russia

P-700 Granite - Russia

Hypersonic cruise missile moves at a speed of M > 5. Many countries are working on the creation of hypersonic cruise missiles.

ballistic missiles. A ballistic missile is a missile that has a ballistic trajectory for most of its flight path.

Ballistic missiles are classified according to range. The maximum flight range is measured along a curve along the surface of the earth from the launch site to the point of impact of the last element of the warhead. Ballistic missiles can be launched from sea and land carriers.

The launch site and launch direction determine the rocket class:

    Ground-to-ground missiles. A surface-to-surface missile is a guided projectile that can be launched by hand, vehicle, mobile or fixed installation. It is propelled by a rocket engine or sometimes, if a stationary launcher is used, it is fired using a powder charge.

In Russia (and earlier in the USSR), ground-to-ground missiles are also divided according to their purpose into tactical, operational-tactical and strategic. In other countries, according to their purpose, ground-to-ground missiles are divided into tactical and strategic.

    Surface-to-air missiles. A surface-to-air missile is launched from the surface of the earth. Designed to destroy air targets, such as aircraft, helicopters and even ballistic missiles. These missiles are usually part of the air defense system, as they reflect any kind of air attack.

    Surface-to-sea missiles. A surface (land)-sea missile is designed to be launched from the ground to destroy enemy ships.

    Air-to-air missiles. The air-to-air missile is launched from aircraft carriers and is designed to destroy air targets. Such rockets have speeds up to M = 4.

    Air-to-surface (ground, water) missiles. The air-to-surface missile is designed to be launched from aircraft carriers to strike both ground and surface targets.

    Sea-to-sea missiles. The sea-to-sea missile is designed to be launched from ships to destroy enemy ships.

    Sea-to-land (coastal) missiles. The sea-to-land (coastal zone) missile is designed to be launched from ships at ground targets.

    Anti-tank missiles. The anti-tank missile is designed primarily to destroy heavily armored tanks and other armored vehicles. Anti-tank missiles can be launched from aircraft, helicopters, tanks, as well as from shoulder-mounted launchers.

According to the flight range, ballistic missiles are divided into:

    short-range missiles;

    medium-range missiles;

    medium-range ballistic missiles;

    intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Since 1987, international agreements have used a different classification of missiles by range, although there is no generally accepted standard classification of missiles by range. Different states and non-governmental experts use different classifications of missile ranges. Thus, the following classification was adopted in the treaty on the elimination of medium-range and short-range missiles:

    short-range ballistic missiles (from 500 to 1000 kilometers).

    medium-range ballistic missiles (from 1000 to 5500 kilometers).

    intercontinental ballistic missiles (over 5500 kilometers).

By type of engine from the type of fuel:

    solid propellant engine or solid propellant rocket engines;

    liquid engine;

    hybrid engine - chemical rocket engine. Uses propellant components in various states of aggregation- liquid and solid. The solid state can be both an oxidizing agent and a fuel.

    ramjet engine (ramjet);

    ramjet with supersonic combustion;

    cryogenic engine - uses cryogenic fuel (these are liquefied gases stored at a very low temperature, most often liquid hydrogen used as a fuel, and liquid oxygen used as an oxidizer).

Warhead type:

    conventional warhead. A conventional warhead is filled with chemical explosives that explode on detonation. An additional damaging factor is fragments of the metal plating of the rocket.

    Nuclear warhead.

Intercontinental missiles and medium-range missiles are often used as strategic missiles, they are equipped with nuclear warheads. Their advantage over aircraft is their short approach time (less than half an hour at an intercontinental range) and high speed of the warhead, which makes it very difficult to intercept them even with a modern missile defense system.

Guidance systems:

    Electrical guidance. This system is generally similar to radio control, but is less susceptible to electronic countermeasures. Command signals are sent through wires. After the launch of the rocket, its connection with the command post is terminated.

    Command guidance. Command guidance includes tracking the missile from the launch site or carrier and transmitting commands by radio, radar or laser, or through the thinnest wires and optical fibers. Tracking can be done by radar or optical devices from the launch site, or through a radar or television image transmitted from the missile.

    Ground guidance. The system of correlation guidance on ground reference points (or on a map of the area) is used exclusively in relation to cruise missiles. The system uses sensitive altimeters that track the terrain profile directly below the missile and compare it to a "map" stored in the missile's memory.

    Geophysical guidance. The system constantly measures the angular position of the aircraft in relation to the stars and compares it with the programmed angle of the rocket along the intended trajectory. The guidance system provides information to the control system whenever it is necessary to make adjustments to the flight path.

    inertial guidance. The system is programmed before launch and is completely stored in the missile's "memory". Three accelerometers mounted on a stand stabilized in space by gyroscopes measure accelerations along three mutually perpendicular axes. These accelerations are then integrated twice: the first integration determines the speed of the rocket, and the second - its position. The control system is configured to maintain a predetermined flight path. These systems are used in surface-to-surface (ground, water) missiles and cruise missiles.

    Beam guidance. A ground-based or ship-based radar station is used, which accompanies the target with its beam. Information about the object enters the missile guidance system, which, if necessary, corrects the guidance angle in accordance with the movement of the object in space.

    Laser guidance. With laser guidance, the laser beam is focused on the target, reflected from it and scattered. The missile is equipped with a laser homing head, which is able to detect even a small source of radiation. The homing head sets the direction of the reflected and scattered laser beam to the guidance system. The missile is launched in the direction of the target, the homing head looks for the laser reflection, and the guidance system directs the missile to the source of the laser reflection, which is the target.

Combat missile weapons are usually classified according to the following parameters:

    aircraft types accessoriesground troops, naval troops, air force;

    flight range(from the place of application to the target) - intercontinental (launch range - more than 5500 km), medium range (1000-5500 km), operational-tactical range (300-1000 km), tactical range (less than 300 km);

    physical environment of application- from the launch site (ground, air, surface, underwater, under ice);

    basing method– stationary, mobile (mobile);

    the nature of the flight- ballistic, aeroballistic (with wings), underwater;

    flight environment- air, underwater, space;

    type of control- managed, unmanaged;

    target appointment- anti-tank (anti-tank missiles), anti-aircraft (anti-aircraft missile), anti-ship, anti-radar, anti-space, anti-submarine (against submarines).

Classification of launch vehicles

Unlike some horizontally launched aerospace systems (AKS), launch vehicles use a vertical launch type and (much less often) air launch.

Number of steps.

Single-stage launch vehicles that carry payloads into space have not yet been created, although there are projects of varying degrees of development ("KORONA", HEAT-1X and others). In some cases, a rocket that has an air carrier as the first stage or uses boosters as such can be classified as a single-stage rocket. Among the ballistic missiles capable of reaching outer space, there are many single-stage ones, including the first V-2 ballistic missile; however, none of them is capable of entering the orbit of an artificial satellite of the Earth.

The location of the steps (layout). The design of launch vehicles can be as follows:

    longitudinal layout (tandem), in which the stages are located one after the other and work alternately in flight (LV "Zenith-2", "Proton", "Delta-4");

    parallel layout (package), in which several blocks located in parallel and belonging to different stages operate simultaneously in flight (Soyuz launch vehicle);

    • conditional-package layout (the so-called one and a half-stage scheme), which uses common fuel tanks for all stages, from which the starting and sustainer engines are powered, starting and operating simultaneously; at the end of the operation of the starting engines, only they are reset.

    combined longitudinal-transverse layout.

used engines. As marching engines can be used:

    liquid rocket engines;

    solid rocket engines;

    different combinations at different levels.

payload mass. Depending on the mass of the payload, launch vehicles are divided into the following classes:

    super-heavy class missiles (more than 50 tons);

    heavy missiles (up to 30 tons);

    medium-class missiles (up to 15 tons);

    light class missiles (up to 2-4 tons);

    ultra-light missiles (up to 300-400 kg).

The specific class boundaries change with the development of technology and are rather conditional, at present, rockets that put a load of up to 5 tons into a low reference orbit are considered a light class, from 5 to 20 tons of medium - from 5 to 20 tons, heavy - from 20 to 100 tons, superheavy - over 100 There is also a new class of so-called "nano-carriers" (payload - up to several tens of kg).

Reuse. The most widely used disposable multi-stage rockets, both batch and longitudinal layout. Disposable rockets are highly reliable due to the maximum simplification of all elements. It should be clarified that, in order to achieve orbital speed, a single-stage rocket theoretically needs to have a final mass of no more than 7-10% of the starting one, which, even with existing technologies, makes them difficult to implement and economically inefficient due to the low mass of the payload. In the history of world cosmonautics, single-stage launch vehicles were practically not created - there were only so-called. one and a half step modifications (for example, the American Atlas launch vehicle with resettable additional starting engines). The presence of several stages allows you to significantly increase the ratio of the mass of the output payload to the initial mass of the rocket. At the same time, multi-stage rockets require the alienation of territories for the fall of intermediate stages.

Due to the need to use highly efficient complex technologies (primarily in the field of propulsion systems and thermal protection), fully reusable launch vehicles do not yet exist, despite the constant interest in this technology and periodically opening projects for the development of reusable launch vehicles (for the period 1990-2000s). - such as: ROTON, Kistler K-1, AKS VentureStar, etc.). Partially reusable was the widely used American reusable space transport system (MTKS)-AKS "Space Shuttle" ("Space Shuttle") and the closed Soviet program MTKS "Energy-Buran", developed but never used in applied practice, as well as a number of unrealized former (for example, "Spiral", MAKS and other AKS) and newly developed (for example, "Baikal-Angara") projects. Contrary to expectations, the Space Shuttle was unable to reduce the cost of delivering cargo to orbit; in addition, manned MTKS are characterized by a complex and lengthy stage of pre-launch preparation (due to increased requirements for reliability and safety in the presence of a crew).

The presence of a person. Missiles for manned flights should be more reliable (they are also equipped with an emergency rescue system); permissible overloads for them are limited (usually no more than 3-4.5 units). At the same time, the launch vehicle itself is a fully automatic system that launches a device with people on board into outer space (these can be both pilots capable of direct control of the device, and the so-called "space tourists").

Classes and types of rocket weapons

One of characteristic features development of nuclear missile weapons consists in a huge variety of classes, types, and especially models of launch vehicles. Sometimes, when comparing certain samples, it is difficult to even imagine that they belong to missile weapons.

In a number of countries of the world, combat missiles are divided into classes according to where they are launched from and where the target is located. According to these features, four main classes are distinguished: "earth - earth", "earth - air", "air - earth" and "air - air". Moreover, the word "land" refers to the placement of launchers on land, on water and under water. The same applies to target placement. If their location is denoted by the word "land", then they can be on land, on water and under water. The word "air" suggests the location of launchers on board aircraft.

Some experts subdivide combat missiles into a much larger number of groups, trying to cover all possible locations of launchers and targets. At the same time, the word "land" already means only the location of installations on land. Under the word "water" - the location of launchers and targets above and below water. With this classification, nine groups are obtained: "earth - earth", "earth - water", "water - earth", "water - water", "earth - air", "water - air", "air - earth", " air - water", "air - air".

In addition to the types of rockets mentioned above, the foreign press very often mentions three more classes: "earth - space", "space - earth", "space - space". In this case, we are talking about rockets taking off from the earth into space, capable of launching from space to earth and flying in space between space objects. An analogy for first-class rockets can be those that were delivered into space by the Vostok spacecraft. The second and third classes of missiles are also feasible. It is known that our interplanetary stations were delivered to the Moon and sent to Mars by rockets launched from the mother rocket in space. With the same success, a rocket from a mother rocket can deliver cargo not to the Moon or Mars, but to Earth. Then the class "space - earth" will turn out.

The Soviet press sometimes uses the classification of missiles according to their belonging to the ground forces, the Navy, aviation or air defense. The result is such a division of missiles: ground, sea ​​battle, aviation, anti-aircraft. In turn, aircraft are subdivided into guided projectiles for air strikes against ground targets, for air combat, and aircraft torpedoes.

The dividing line between missiles can also pass in terms of range. Range is one of those qualities that characterizes weapons most clearly. Missiles can be intercontinental, that is, capable of covering distances separating the most distant continents, such as Europe and America. intercontinental missiles can hit enemy targets at a distance of over 10 thousand km. There are continental missiles, that is, those that can cover distances within one continent. These missiles are designed to destroy military facilities located behind enemy lines at ranges of up to several thousand kilometers.

Of course, there are missiles of relatively short range. Some of them have a range of several tens of kilometers. But all of them are considered as the main means of destruction on the battlefield.

The closest thing to military affairs is the division of missiles according to their combat mission. Missiles are divided into three types: strategic, operational-tactical and tactical. Strategic missiles are designed to destroy the most militarily important enemy centers hidden by him in the deepest rear. Operational-tactical missiles are a mass weapon of the army, in particular the ground forces.

Operational-tactical missiles have a range of up to many hundreds of kilometers. This type is divided into short-range missiles, designed to hit targets located at a distance of several tens of kilometers, and long-range missiles, designed to hit targets located at a distance of several hundred kilometers.

Between the missiles there are differences also in the features of their design.

Ballistic missiles are the main fighting force. It is known that the nature of the rocket flight depends on the device and type of engine. According to these features, ballistic, cruise missiles and projectiles are distinguished. Ballistic missiles occupy a leading position: they have high tactical and technical characteristics.

Ballistic missiles have an elongated cylindrical body with a pointed warhead. The head part is intended to hit targets. Inside it is placed either nuclear or conventional explosive. The body of the rocket can simultaneously serve as the walls of the tanks for fuel components. The case provides several compartments, one of which houses the control equipment. The body basically determines the passive weight of the rocket, that is, its weight without fuel. The higher this weight, the more difficult it is to get a long range. Therefore, they try to reduce the weight of the case in every possible way.

The engine is located in the tail section. These rockets are launched vertically upwards, reach a certain height, at which devices are triggered, reducing their angle of inclination to the horizon. When it stops working power point, the rocket under the action of inertia flies along a ballistic curve, that is, along the trajectory of a freely thrown body.

For clarity, a ballistic missile can be compared to an artillery shell. The initial, or, as we have called it, the active part of its trajectory, when the engines are running, can be compared with a giant invisible gun barrel that tells the projectile the direction and range of flight. During this period, the missile's speed (on which the range depends) and the angle of inclination (on which the course depends) can be directed by the automatic control system.

After the fuel burns out in the rocket, the warhead in the uncontrolled passive section of the trajectory, like any freely thrown body, is affected by the forces of gravity. At the final stage of the flight, the warhead enters the dense layers of the atmosphere, slows down the flight and falls on the target. When entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, the head part is strongly heated; so that it does not collapse, special measures are taken.

To increase the flight range, the rocket may have several engines that operate alternately and are automatically reset. Together, they accelerate the last stage of the rocket to such a speed that it covers the required distance. The press reported that a multi-stage rocket reaches a height of more than a thousand kilometers and covers a distance of 8-10 thousand km in about 30 minutes.

Since ballistic missiles rise to thousands of kilometers in height, they move in practically airless space. But it is known that the flight of, for example, an aircraft in the atmosphere is affected by its interaction with the surrounding air. In a vacuum, any apparatus will move just as accurately as celestial bodies. This means that such a flight can be calculated very accurately. This creates opportunities for unmistakable ballistic missile hits on a relatively small site.

Ballistic missiles come in two classes: ground-to-ground and air-to-ground.

The flight path of a cruise missile is different from that of a ballistic missile. Having gained altitude, the rocket begins to plan towards the target. Unlike ballistic missiles, these missiles have bearing surfaces (wings), and a rocket or air-jet engine (using oxygen from the air as an oxidizer). Cruise missiles are widely used in anti-aircraft systems and in the armament of fighter-interceptors.

Projectile aircraft are similar in design and engine type to aircraft. Their trajectory is low, and the engine runs throughout the flight. When approaching the target, the projectile dives sharply at it. The relatively low speed of such a carrier facilitates its interception by conventional air defense systems.

To conclude this overview existing classes and types of missiles, it should be noted that the US aggressive circles are placing their main stake on the rapid development of the most powerful types of nuclear missile weapons, apparently hoping to gain military advantages over the USSR. However, such hopes of the imperialists are absolutely unrealizable. Our nuclear missile weapons are being developed in full accordance with the task of reliably protecting the interests of the Motherland. In the competition imposed on us by the aggressive forces for the quality and quantity of the produced nuclear missile weapons, we not only do not yield to those who threaten us with war, but in many respects surpass them. A powerful nuclear missile weapon in the hands of the Soviet Armed Forces is a reliable guarantee of peace and security not only for our country, but for the entire socialist camp, for all mankind.