How many conscripts serve in the morflot. ... How many years did you serve in the Russian army before? How did the service life in the Navy change?

Every young man who has reached military age and even earlier is interested in how many people are serving in Russian army. This issue will be discussed in this article.

In 2020

Relatively recently, the term of service in the Russian army for compulsory conscription was a long 24 months. Since 2007, conscripts began to serve 18 months, and since 2008, their term of service is 12 months. Such a systematic reduction was planned for a long time, experts attribute it to three determining reasons:

  • Thirdly, it was necessary to solve at least partly the problem of hazing among military personnel, to establish discipline and order;
  • Secondly, to provide the conscript with the opportunity to quickly return to his family, work and other life plans in civilian life;
  • First, and most importantly, to carry out the next stage of the transition to a contract army.

Thus, in 2020, Russian guys will be called up to serve in the army for 12 months.

Morflot - how long does the elite serve?

It was an honor to serve in the Navy at all times - both in the USSR and today. Maritime military uniform always attracted the attention of others, and the daily life of a sailor is full of surprises and surprises. The living conditions on the ship compare favorably with the conditions of stay in the barracks. How many years do Russian sailors serve now, because their term of service has always differed from that of ground or air forces?

Interesting! The Russian Navy is staffed by conscripts and contractors. Rumor has it that the fleet will someday be made up entirely of mercenaries. Well, for now, only submarines only contractors serve!

Indeed, until 1996, sailors served 3 years, while soldiers on land served 2. The new reform equated all troops, and rono began to serve everywhere for 2 years. Last changes 2007-2008, concerning the term of service of military personnel, reduced it to 12 months.

Thus, today all conscripts in all troops serve exactly 1 year.

Cancellation of the call

The fact that the Russian army in the near future, like many armies foreign countries, will consist entirely of mercenaries, seems to be a vague prospect. And although the President of the country has repeatedly spoken out in favor of the abolition, the features of geography and the economy Russian Federation will not be allowed to do this as a one-time volitional decision.

However, discussions about the abolition of the universal emergency call are heated. Opponents of the contract service consider their arguments the most weighty, adherents of the army, staffed by trained professionals, give their arguments, no less convincing.

In 1925, a law was passed regulating the terms of service in Soviet army. They served on land for 2 years, in the navy and in aviation - 3 years. On September 1, 1939, the country's leadership adopted a law on general conscription, according to which the term of service in all troops was increased by a year.

A very big number! By the end of 1945, the size of the Soviet army was a record 11 million people. After the war, there were already about 3 million soldiers in the armed forces of the USSR. Today, the Russian army has about 1 million people. In terms of numbers, the Russian army ranks second in the world. Guess from one time, who has the 1st place and 2 million 200 thousand soldiers? China, of course!

The new law on military service for citizens of the USSR did not bring any changes - to land and air force called for 3 years, for the fleet - for 4.

A new stage in the development of the army service falls on 1967. The new law on universal military service reduced the term to 2 years in ground forces, up to 3 years - in the Navy.

This law was in effect for a very long time, almost 35 years. In 1993, a new law "On military duty and military service', which is still in effect today. According to it, the service life was reduced to 1.5 years on land and up to 2 years in the navy. This regulation was in effect until 1995.

How did the Chechen military campaign affect the service life

The armed conflict in the Chechen Republic, which began in 1994, had its impact on the general conscription into the army. For one spring campaign, it was planned to send almost 225 thousand recruits, but the military registration and enlistment offices fulfilled this figure by only 40%. There were a lot of detractors. A direct consequence of this failure was that the service life increased by half a year, from 1.5 to 2 years.

In 1996, in the full swing of the election campaign, Boris Yeltsin issued a statement in which he promised to completely abolish conscript service by the year 2000. The purpose of such a promise was quite understandable - to attract as many young people as possible to the polls. Many politicians considered such a statement populist. And so it happened. In 1998, he canceled his decree.

Other countries - other customs

Many far-abroad countries, including European, African and Asian countries, have long ago switched to an army manned by mercenaries. Among them are Albania, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Ethiopia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and, of course, the USA. There are only about a hundred such countries. Contract soldiers serve in such professional armies from 2 to 6 years with a possible prolongation of the contract.

Our nearest neighbors

Belarus and Kazakhstan have not abandoned conscription service, and are unlikely to do so in the near future. The economies of our neighbors are not so optimistic as to bear the burden of 100% professional army consisting of contractors.

In these countries, the term of military service depends on the degree of education of a potential recruit. Men without higher education serve 1.5 years, with higher education- only 1 year.

Israel is a delicate matter!

The Israeli army, with its deep traditions, is still based on emergency conscription. Moreover, the obligation to serve applies to both men and women who have reached the age of 18. Men serve 3 years, women 2 years.

Married, pregnant women and women with children have the right not to serve. In addition, a religious girl, with a set of strict rules for her lifestyle, may also not serve.

It is worth noting that the Israelis themselves consider the duty of service in the army to be honorable and call it "sacred". There are not many deviators in Israel, but they still exist. Last year, 2017, they counted as many as 700 people. Basically, they were representatives of religious groups.

Despite such an insignificant number of those who did not want to give 3 years of their lives to the state, military leadership The country is taking decisive action to minimize cases of evasion, and at the same time to promote military service. The monetary allowance of a soldier increased almost 8 times - from 300 shekels to 2.5 thousand, and the statute of limitations for evading service was made indefinite. So, even 20 years after the illegal teaching of the delay, the man will be held criminally liable.

How many women serve in the Russian army

As you know, universal compulsory conscription in Russia does not apply to women. However, this does not mean that the road to the army for women is closed. Girls can also serve in the Russian army, but only under a contract. They must be between the ages of 20 and 40 and must pass appropriate physical endurance tests as well as mental toughness tests.

Not a little, not a lot! Today, about 60,000 female servicemen serve in the Russian army. They participate in all exercises, perform all the duties of a soldier on an equal basis with men. But! The law does not allow the use of women for guard duty!

The service life of women contract workers is the same as that of men.

Terms of contract service in 2020

Initially, the first contract, according to the Law, was to be at least 3 years. However, by decree of V.V. Putin, who had the goal of popularizing military service under a contract, a candidate could conclude a contract for 2 or 3 years. Today, repeated contracts can be concluded for 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. It is also possible to conclude an indefinite contract, even if the age limit for service under the contract has already been reached. For officers, it is 45 years.

Foreign citizens can serve in the Russian army, but only in the rank of officer and for a period of 5 years or more.

Learn student!

IN Lately cases when students of universities and colleges express a desire to go to serve under the contract have become more frequent. Is there a possibility of such service for this category of citizens? Yes, it is provided, but only for first-year students and for a period of at least 5 years. Students of the second and subsequent courses are not accepted for contract service.

Such selection conditions are connected, first of all, with the desire to give a try in the military field only to those students who, having entered an educational institution, decided that studying is not what they would like to do in the next few years.

From a conscript to a contractor? Easily!

An ordinary conscript can become a contract soldier. To do this, he must serve at least 3 months of regular service. The first contract can be concluded for a period of 2 years. Until 2008 minimum term the first contract was 3 years, but at that time the military service lasted not 1 year, but 2.

Will they serve again for 18 months?

Back in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev promised that by 2020 the ratio of conscripts and contract soldiers in the Russian army would be 15% to 85%. Today, the numbers are completely different - 35% and 65%, respectively.

In addition, against the backdrop of new military operations of an international scale, in which the Russian army is directly involved, reports of an increase in the length of conscription service have increasingly begun to appear. You can find information about a 1.5-year-old and even a two-year period.

Representatives state power they always try to dispel this false information, calling such news "stuffing" a desire to excite society. And although individual representatives of the factions of the State Duma tried to introduce bills to increase the service life, their attempts always failed. The current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has also repeatedly spoken out against such measures.

Therefore, in the coming years, our guys will serve no more than 1 year.


The topic of military service, especially with regard to the timing of its completion by urgent draft boys, has always been hotly discussed in our society. Foreign military operations with the participation of Russia, individual cases of hazing fueled this interest.

We tried to answer the question in as much detail as possible how many years servicemen of various categories are serving in the Russian army now. We hope that now you know a little more than before reading this article.

For decades, such a system has developed that conscripts in the Morflot had to serve 12 months longer than in the ground forces. This long period was intimidating for many young people. Gradually, the term was reduced and since 2008 it has been calculated according to the new rules. In connection with the innovations, many are interested in how many military personnel are serving in the navy today, called up for military service and by contract?

This fact was explained by the complexity of the service, technical equipment and participation in navigation. Each recruit is also subject to high demands on stress resistance and balance of character. Over the past decade, the reformation of the Russian Army has been underway, and a gradual transition to a contract type of service. The current political situation in the world places high demands on the technical equipment of the Army and the professionalism of the command personnel.

Requirements for the conscript of the Morfleet:

  • stable psyche;
  • height no more than 180 cm;
  • category A3 and more.

Growth restrictions are due to the height of the interior of the submarine. But some conscripts can also serve on the shore at the headquarters, so height does not matter.

How many serve in the navy on conscription and contract?

According to Russian law, namely Art. 38 No. 53-FZ, the service life in the navy is strictly regulated:

  • for military conscripts - 12 months;
  • for junior officers and recruits - 2 or 3 years, depending on the conditions specified in the contract;
  • For foreign citizens junior staff - 5 years;
  • for senior officers in the officer rank - 5 years.

After the expiration of the specified period, a re-contract will be concluded, starting from 1 year to the maximum possible, depending on how the special person. After the retirement age, a re-contract can be issued for a period of 1 to 10 years.


In the Russian Army, including the Navy, specialists with a specialization in welding, engineering, radio engineering, etc. have always been valued. Having additional skills always increases the chance of getting into the desired unit. By contacting the unit commander, you can clarify whether he needs a specialist in this area. With a positive decision, the contract can be drawn up at the military registration and enlistment office upon submission of a letter of recommendation.

Military service appeared in our country many centuries ago. A well-organized army existed even in the Muscovite state. The nobles carried out permanent service, and the rest of the population was called up only in cases of special need. The main military force at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. there was cavalry, and under Ivan the Terrible, infantry began to play an important role in ensuring the country's security. The first permanent foot army was made up of archers.

However, a full-fledged regular army appeared in the Russian state already under Peter I on the basis of a recruitment call, which fell under the peasants, philistines and other taxable estates. Military service was communal and lifelong.

Further serious transformations are associated with the reign of Alexander II. In 1862, he freed the nobility from duty, and later representatives of some other classes: merchants and the clergy. Thus, the basis of the army was made up of peasants and philistines. However, some time later, in 1874, Russian emperor introduced universal personal service, which was subject to the entire male population of the country who had reached the age of 21. In addition, from that moment on, the call extended to representatives of all nationalities living in Russia.

At the beginning of the XX century. the term of active service in the infantry and foot artillery was 3 years, in other branches of the ground forces - 4 years, in the navy - 5 years. Some categories of citizens were granted benefits. For example, the term of service for young people who completed the course of an educational institution of the 1st category (as well as 6 classes of a gymnasium) was 2 years. Completely unable to carry weapons for health reasons, they were completely exempted from service. Some ministers of the church were also exempted from military service.

The conditions for conscription were again tightened after the Bolsheviks came to power. The Decree of 1918 "On compulsory recruitment into the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army" had a pronounced class character and provided for compulsory military service for workers who had reached the age of 18. Later, in 1930, a new Soviet law was adopted - "On Compulsory Military Service", according to which the defense of the USSR with arms in hand was carried out only by workers. The non-working classes were entrusted with the performance of other duties - the service of the army. Thus, the class approach to the performance of military service duties by citizens was preserved.

4 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War a law was passed according to which the conscription of male citizens was held once a year in November-December. In addition, new terms of service were established in the Armed Forces of the USSR: in the Ground Forces (SV) and the Air Force (Air Force) - 3 years, in the Navy (Navy) - 4. Later, in 1968, the term military service was reduced to 2 years in the Army and to 3 years in the Navy. Graduates of institutes who did not receive military training served for 1 year. In addition to the autumn draft, the spring draft was also introduced.

For more than a year now, the public has been kept in suspense by reports according to which military service in the RF Armed Forces will again stretch for 2 years. As a rule, such "news" is not confirmed at a high level. Neither the prime minister, nor the president, nor the head of the Ministry of Defense has ever questioned one of the key foundations of military reform - the priority of the contract recruitment system. armed forces above the call. To verify this, just look at how many people serve in the army in Russia in 2018-2019.

Possible reasons for longer service life

At the moment, there are three factors contributing to reports of increased service life.

First, the country lives in the realities of a protracted crisis. In this regard, the apparatus weight of the Ministry of Finance has grown sharply, which since the time of Alexei Kudrin has been skeptical about large-scale appropriations for the army. The will of the financiers has already bowed to most other departments, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have already experienced or are yet to experience significant cuts. However, while the Ministry of Defense is a kind of "sacred cow", over which the Ministry of Finance cannot "bring a knife" without "the highest permission." And the crisis threatens to linger in the country for a long time. Therefore, the “siloviki” may, willy-nilly, have to curtail costly defense programs, including contract service in the army in Russia 2018-2019. If this happens, the army will again consist mainly of conscripts who will serve 2 or more years.

Secondly, after the Crimean events, the Russian Federation and the West came together in a tough clinch. Both sides are generous with menacing statements and a show of force. NATO is coming close to the borders of Russia, and the rank and file members of the alliance are almost openly confronting the Russian Federation. So the prospect of, if not a third world war, then a protracted confrontation in the "cold phase" is an almost accomplished reality. The conflict may force the country to return to the Soviet practice of many years of military service, when the ground forces "trampled boots" for 24 months, in the navy the service lasted as much as 3 years, in order to somehow come closer to parity with the NATO military bloc.

Thirdly, the country is in a deplorable demographic situation. The children of the 1988-1989 generation will not come of age soon, so we have to deal with the “offspring of the 90s”. Who knows, maybe the existing demographic hole will inspire the government to take radical measures, even if they are temporary?

How many will serve in the army from 2019

While the term of military service has not changed. All the same 12 months in the army, in the navy. Moreover, there is a tendency to gradually replace conscripts with professionals. So, young people have the right to immediately sign a contract for 2 years, bypassing military service. According to the bold estimates of Dmitry Medvedev, the number of contract soldiers in active units in 2019 should reach 90%. True, ambitious plans had to be slightly corrected. So experts agree that the mixed recruitment system of the RF Armed Forces will continue for many more years.

And how long will guys serve in the army in Russia in 2018-2019 with higher education? Conditions for them will not change significantly. Students can either continue their studies, applying for deferrals, or combine service and educational process. The last opportunity will be given to students whose universities have a military department. In this case, they expect 450 hours of theoretical material and 3 months of field trips. This innovation came into force back in 2014, it can be used by young people who receive professions in demand for the army. This is about medical workers, programmers, engineers, etc. From these guys, the security forces will form scientific, technical and medical companies.


It is unlikely that the service life will exceed 1 year. About how many days they serve or will serve in the army in Russia 2018 2019, the first persons of the country have repeatedly told, refuting the most ridiculous rumors. Fundamental changes in the conditions of recruitment are possible only either in the realities of an inevitable military clash, or the complete financial insolvency of the state. We hope that both troubles will bypass our country!