Methodology for the formation of speech breathing in people who stutter. Speech limitation mode for stuttering. Treatment method from A. N. Strelnikova




3.1 Inhibition of pathological speech motor stereotypes

3.2 Organization of a special protective regime for people who stutter

When rehabilitating people who stutter, an integrated approach should be used, since impaired speech fluency is associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological. A comprehensive approach to overcoming stuttering involves two aspects.

Firstly, it is a combination of correctional pedagogical and therapeutic work, which is aimed at normalizing all aspects of speech, motor skills, mental processes, educating the personality of a stutterer and improving the health of the body as a whole.

Secondly, an integrated approach includes a system of clearly demarcated, but coordinated means of influence by different specialists. This involves the joint work of a doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, educator, logorhythmist, music worker, and physical education specialist. The range of specialists involved in the rehabilitation process may be wider.

Currently, the pedagogical literature presents both individual methods of speech therapy work with people who stutter, and a number of complex rehabilitation systems. Their use depends on the type of institution in which people who stutter receive help, on the number of specialists taking part in the rehabilitation process, on the level of professional training of specialists, etc.

The purpose of the work is to determine ways of developing stable automated skills of continuous speech in people who stutter. different conditions communications.

The objectives of the work are to consider the main directions of the formation of fluent speech.


Developing stable, fluent speech is the main goal of rehabilitation work with people who stutter.

Achieving stable, fluent speech in people who stutter is possible by solving three main problems:

Formation of fluent speech skills.

Personality development for a person who stutters.

Prevention of relapse and chronicity of stuttering.

The solution to the first problem involves the use of a number of speech therapy technologies:

1. Inhibition of pathological speech motor stereotypes.

2. Regulation of emotional state.

3. Development of coordination and rhythm of movements.

4. Formation of speech breathing.

6. Development of the prosodic side of speech.

7. Development of the planning function of speech.

The solution to the second problem is associated with psychological and pedagogical work aimed at educating and re-educating attitudes towards oneself, one’s speech defect and the formation of social activity. This is done through psychotherapy, psychological training, functional training and speech therapy classes.

The implementation of these tasks is included, to one degree or another, in each of the known comprehensive rehabilitation systems for stutterers of any age group. The sequence of application of various technologies to solve these problems may be different. In most cases, they are used simultaneously, becoming more complex in accordance with the stages of correctional pedagogical work.

Success correctional work is checked by follow-up, i.e. an indicator of its effectiveness is the absence of relapses of stuttering, which is ensured by solving the third task 1.

A comprehensive method of rehabilitation for people who stutter is implemented in stages. The concept of phasing in pedagogy includes the provision that all types of correctional work should proceed from simple to complex, which must be taken into account when conducting speech therapy, logorhythmic, psychotherapeutic and other activities. Any rehabilitation intervention should be preceded by an examination of people who stutter 2 .


To adequately plan a program of speech therapy and treatment work with people who stutter and determine its effectiveness, it is necessary to properly examine the person who stutters, taking into account all the symptoms of this complex speech disorder.

The examination of people who stutter should be comprehensive. It should include a psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy study of a stuttering child, as well as an analysis of the results of a medical examination.

The doctor determines the somatic, neurological and mental state of the stutterer. A speech therapist examines the state of speech of a stutterer, his personality traits, and motor skills. Before the speech therapist begins the examination, he must carefully study the medical and psychological-pedagogical documentation. This documentation may contain data on the state of intelligence, hearing, vision (opinions of specialists: neuropsychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.). In addition, the documentation may include characteristics compiled by an educator, teacher, psychologist and other specialists.

The examination usually consists of two stages: 1) collection of anamnestic data; 2) examination of speech and motor skills; 3) study of the personal characteristics of a stutterer.

Anamnestic information about the individual characteristics of the development of speech and motor skills of each stutterer allows the speech therapist to correctly assess his condition and then plan work.

Main component speech therapy examination is the drawing up by a speech therapist of characteristics of the speech state for each person who stutters - the so-called “speech status”. The speech therapist draws up this characteristic before starting correctional work with people who stutter. The study of the personal characteristics of a stutterer can be carried out by both a speech therapist and a psychologist. It is clear that any scheme cannot reflect the full complexity of an individual speech therapy examination of a stutterer. Rubrification individual aspects survey is to a certain extent conditional.

Getting rid of stuttering involves solving two problems: internal And external. Internal- these are the efforts of the sufferer himself, external- help from the people around him.

Anyone who wants to get rid of stuttering needs to firmly understand at least two things. The first thing is to want it badly. It must be a huge, indomitable, persistent, constant desire to achieve normal speech. Secondly, remember that “without labor, you can’t catch a fish out of the pond”!

In addition, you should also know that recovery is a process extended over time; it requires several weeks, and in advanced cases, several months of daily exercise for about an hour a day. Instant healing is a myth. Scanned speech, whispering, and singing create the illusion of recovery. Full recovery means normal speech in any situation, including under high load (for example, when speaking in front of an audience). And this can only be achieved as a result of long-term efforts of the person himself.

Quite often, a person who stutters hears advice: “Watch your speech. Do not rush. Speak clearly!” etc. However, they are all akin to advising a drowning person to swim to the shore. Trying to monitor his speech, a stutterer falls into a vicious circle, since concentrating on the shortcomings of pronunciation, which only aggravates the defect. The situation seems hopeless. Where is the way out? In the breath!

All over the planet, people speak while breathing. The normal breathing rate is 12-15 breaths per minute. Normal pronunciation speed is 60-90 words per minute. Professional announcers are able to speak at a speed of 120 words per minute without loss of speech quality. We are interested in the lower limit of normal speed immediate speech. This is 60 words per minute, that is, 4 - 5 words per exhalation.

So, the main one internal task for a person who has decided to fight stuttering, - watch your breathing.

A short inhalation (shorter in time compared to exhalation) and continuous, non-stop, long, relaxed, light and silent exhalation through the mouth lasting 4 - 5 seconds. Let the child try to breathe like this under your control: short inhale - long exhale (4-5 seconds).

Once you have mastered this exercise, you can move on. Take any book, brochure, newspaper and count the number of words from the beginning of any sentence to the nearest punctuation mark, between two punctuation marks and finally to the end of the sentence. Often, very often, it will be 4 – 5 words. Namely, this is how many words the child needs to say as he exhales. So, let the child begin to read aloud, following his breathing: take a short breath and read aloud(on a continuous, non-stop, long, relaxed, light and silent exhalation through the mouth for 4 - 5 seconds). Remember, this is the rate of normal breathing. When you reach the nearest punctuation mark, stop it, take a short breath, and let him read on.

Do this for an hour a day until you are completely free of the disease. It is better if you practice 4-6 times a day (i.e. 10 - 15 minutes). You will feel noticeable improvements no earlier than after 10–15 days. Don't expect your performance to improve from session to session. Remember the law: quantity turns into quality. And this always happens in leaps and bounds.

Having achieved the first successes, do not stop under any circumstances; consolidate your child’s successes by continuing training sessions. The amount of work to be done is tens, and in advanced cases, hundreds of hours. The effectiveness of speech classes can be increased by using self-hypnosis formulas. Have the child mentally repeat a phrase, for example: “I always and everywhere speak completely normally” or “I can speak normally.” Repeats in time with steps. If you don't like this phrase, make up another one. But at the same time, avoid phrases like: “I don’t stutter,” because. The child’s attention, according to the law of psycholinguistics, can be focused on the word “I stutter.”

Thus, internal task consists of the following points:

Desires to overcome illness;

A firm and unambiguous attitude towards long-term, significant volitional efforts and daily (without passes or breaks) classes.

Controlled exhalation through the mouth - long, continuous without stopping, relaxed, light and silent;

Self-hypnosis of normal speech.

External task in the fight against stuttering, as mentioned above, this help from people around: family, friends, teachers, comrades.

Adults are sometimes not always loyal, if not completely wrong, towards children who stutter. They try to eradicate the defect with comments and even punishments. Such methods of dealing with stuttering are completely unacceptable, because... They only emphasize the child’s shortcomings, aggravate his suffering, which intensifies stuttering. A good environment in the family, warmth and a friendly attitude towards a sick child is one of the most important conditions for eliminating the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to start, first of all, with creating a calm environment in the family, regulating the daily routine, the ratio of sleep and rest, strengthening nervous system sick child. In everyday life, you should not focus your child’s attention on the speech disorder. Protect him from possible ridicule from his brothers and sisters, who may tease him in a moment of irritation. Don't demand quick answers from children who stutter. It is better to develop a leisurely speech in them. Always be prepared to reassure and reinforce your child's confidence that the stuttering will go away.


According to modern pedagogical theories, the idea of pedagogical technologies is associated with a certain set of basic techniques, the use of which allows one to predict and achieve the desired result of the educational process 3.

3.1 Inhibition of pathological speech motor stereotypes

The need for corrective work in this direction can be justified by physiological data indicating that an important mechanism for maintaining and aggravating pathological motor reactions is the flow of abnormal kinesthetic impulses from the muscles involved in convulsive activity. As a result of this, when stuttering, a “vicious circle” of pathological muscle excitations is formed. In other words, muscle spasms of the speech apparatus themselves become a generator of subsequent spasms. The presence of this mechanism dictates the need for special speech regimes aimed at excluding those types of speech from communication in which convulsive hesitations most often manifest themselves. Such measures include “silence regime”, “speech restriction regime”, “gentle speech regime”, “special protective regime”, etc.

The organization and duration of these regimes depends significantly on the age of the stutterer, the type of institution in which correctional work is carried out, and the experience of the speech therapist. A “special protective regime”, as a rule, is organized at the beginning of correctional work with people who stutter.

“Special protective regime” is understood as a sparing health regime, against the background of which a “speech restriction regime” or “silence regime” occurs. A gentle health regimen for both adults and children includes a clear daily routine, which generally rhythmizes the activity of all body functions and contributes to their normalization. People who stutter are offered more hours of rest, with additional hours of sleep, and it is recommended to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins with food. These activities are aimed at the overall health of the body.

During this period, measures that promote overexcitation of the central nervous system are inappropriate. Carrying out such a regime has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and the state of the central nervous system of people who stutter, and therefore its adaptive qualities increase 4 .

3.2 Organization of a special protective regime for people who stutter

The daily routine of children who stutter should be fairly clear, but not rigid. This implies a smooth transition from one type of activity to another, a gentle overcoming of the child’s possible negativistic attitudes. The child should be provided with medical assistance in case of sleep disturbances, fears, increased anxiety, excitability, tearfulness, motor disinhibition, as well as persistent loss of appetite. During this period, it is necessary to exclude bright new impressions and those life situations, which can excite the child and encourage him to speech activity (entertainment events, guests, television programs, etc.). Noisy games, during which the child may become overly excited, as well as any mental and physical stress are not allowed. It is advisable that the child’s social circle be as narrow as possible at this time.

Verbal communication with parents, staff and other children should be limited. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the child’s verbal communication is elementary in form (in the form of monosyllabic answers). To do this, the question posed to the child must have a key word for the answer (for example: “Do you want soup or porridge?” “Porridge”) or require a short answer in the form of a statement or denial (“Yes,” “No”).

The general rule is a calm, friendly tone of speech, a quiet voice, intonated and rhythmic (measured) speech.

At home and in kindergarten It is preferable to engage the child in activities such as drawing, modeling, designing, etc.

Children with a neurotic form of stuttering, as a rule, verbalize their play. Their stuttering usually does not appear at these moments and therefore such speech should not be prohibited.

With a neurosis-like form of stuttering, children usually do not verbalize the game. They have difficulty focusing their attention on the game process, and therefore it is important to organize a change in their activity.

In the process of implementing a speech restriction regime for stuttering preschoolers, it is recommended to organize special “silent” games.

The speech restriction mode can be planned for different periods. The optimal time for it is 10-14 days. The speech restriction mode can smoothly transition to a gentle speech mode, during which the child’s speech activity gradually increases. Its duration can be individual. The organization of a speech restriction regime and a gentle speech regime is most fully presented in the works of V.I. Seliverstova, 1979, 1994 and I.G. Vygodskoy et al., 1993 and others.

This mode is possible insofar as adults can exercise conscious control over their speech activity.

Such a regime in various rehabilitation systems can be carried out at different stages of corrective action. The duration of the silent regime in adults who stutter can also be different: from 1 day to 10-12 days. In this age group, the combination of the “silence mode” with intensive psychotherapeutic influence aimed at emotional restructuring and restructuring of personal attitudes is very important.

During the period of speech restriction, both children and adults who stutter actively use nonverbal communication techniques. Nonverbal communication for a stutterer is not accompanied by an emotional state negative sign, which usually occurs in them during verbal communication, and in adolescents and adults - also logophobia and vegetative shifts. Thus, activation different forms nonverbal communication helps reduce emotional stress.

As is known, in people who stutter, both facial expressions and gestures can be impoverished to varying degrees. This makes it necessary to use special technicians, aimed at activating non-verbal methods of communication: gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes. During this same period, work begins on mastering the skills of muscle relaxation and the formation of speech breathing. The inclusion of various protective regimes in the complex of rehabilitation measures contributes to obtaining more successful results of subsequent corrective intervention 5 .


Stuttering most often appears between the ages of two and five years, that is, at the moment of speech formation. Therefore, it is useful for teachers and parents of young children to know some things.

Sometimes parents get scared if Small child begins to repeat the same sound or syllable over and over again. This is not necessarily a sign of stuttering. Most often this is the normal option speech development. Absolutely all children go through it: some a little earlier, others a little later; In some children this phenomenon is more noticeable, in others it is less noticeable. Therefore, there is no need to immediately grab the child under the arm and run with him to the speech therapist.

Not a single competent speech therapist will undertake to work with a stuttering child who is less than five years old. Only when the process of speech development is largely completed can an accurate diagnosis be made. Often, functional stuttering goes away on its own. And under no circumstances should you rudely and nervously deal with repetitions in children’s speech. This means fixing the child on stuttering, as a result of which it can actually develop.

But some preventive measures can be taken. In the presence of a child, calm, well-articulated speech should be heard. We need to try to exclude his contacts with people who stutter. If the parents themselves stutter, a situation arises when, when addressing the child, they must force themselves to speak smoothly, calmly, and in control. After all, a child’s speech develops based on a model. It is necessary to stop all attempts by a child to tease a stutterer - and not only for moral reasons, which are, of course, very important. Mimicking spasmodically interrupted speech, the child copies it. And this is very harmful, as it can develop into a habit.

And finally, the most important thing.

In almost all cases, stuttering is a consequence of the child’s emotional stress. Emotional stress occurs as a result of the child living with a feeling of anxiety or fear. Of course, the child must be protected from direct mental trauma. (By the way, intimidation of children by adults for reasons of teaching little ones to be attentive and vigilant, and exposure of adults to panic states can also provoke mental trauma.)

Stuttering can occur as a result of information overload - when TV, computer, zoo and theater are served in “one bottle” during one weekend day. A child cannot process an excessive amount of information for his own benefit: overfeeding can cause illness just as much as malnutrition.

But anxiety is very often characteristic of children who have not been directly exposed to mental trauma. The reason for their anxiety is “dislike.” Such children grow up not only with frankly bad mothers - in general, there are not many of them. Unloved children can live next to good mothers- or rather, with those mothers who would like to be good, but do not know how to saturate their child with love, do not know how to do this.

Dispelling this anxiety and creating a warm and calm atmosphere around the child is the first condition for both the prevention and treatment of stuttering.

After all, it’s not the stuttering itself that’s scary. As can be seen from historical examples, many people learn to cope with it. It's scary when it pathologically changes a person's personality. This is what should not be allowed. Stuttering is a combination of a speech disorder and other disorders. A strong personality learns to avoid stuttering and overcomes it within himself.

Therefore, both parents and specialists need to learn one very important principle: it is not the stuttering that needs to be dealt with, but the child. Not to treat a specific disease, but to treat the patient. Don’t look at your child’s mouth every time with fear that he will start to stutter, but love him. This is the main strengthening agent. Stuttering most often appears between the ages of two and five years, that is, at the moment of speech formation.


Harutyunyan L.Z. How to cure stuttering. Methodology for sustainable speech normalization. M.: Pedagogy, 1993.

Artemov V.A. Psychology of speech intonation. M.: Knowledge, 1976.

Lokhov M.I. Psychological mechanisms of speech correction for stuttering. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1994.

Nekrasova Yu.B. The use of complex interventions in eliminating stuttering in adults. Abstract of dissertation. ...cand. ped. Sci. M., 1968.

Speech rhythm and its functions / Ed. A.M. Antipova. M.: Logopedia, 1987.

1 Harutyunyan L.Z. How to cure stuttering. Methodology for sustainable speech normalization. M.: Pedagogika, 1993. P. 92.

2 Lokhov M.I. Psychological mechanisms of speech correction for stuttering. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1994. pp. 90-99.

3 Artemov V.A. Psychology of speech intonation. M.: Znanie, 1976. P. 276.

4 Nekrasova Yu.B. The use of complex interventions in eliminating stuttering in adults. Abstract of dissertation. ...cand. ped. Sci. M., 1968. P. 70.

5 Speech rhythm and its functions / Ed. A.M. Antipova. M.: Logopedia, 1987. pp. 105-109.

Silent mode when stuttering

Develop joint ways of a gentle regime during the period of studying the primer: communication using simplified forms of speech, relying on clarity. Do you want to cure your stuttering and make friends? Yes, there is effective help for stuttering, the main thing is to seek it!

Organizing a home routine for a child who stutters.

A properly organized home regime is the favorable background against which stuttering treatment will have the greatest effect. By regime we must understand the child’s entire lifestyle: study, rest, sleep, nutrition, everyday life. Everything should help to heal and strengthen the child’s nervous system.

The system of raising a child who stutters includes creating a calm, friendly environment that presupposes an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and love in the family. He should not witness quarrels between loved ones, and it is not permissible to involve him in family conflicts as a participant.

The key to success in speech therapy classes is also good healthy relationships between parents and children and between the parents themselves. Family relationships significantly influence the child’s speech, its improvement or deterioration. Omissions, quarrels, and scandals in the family create a tense environment in the house, and the child, like a barometer, reacts sensitively to this. He is deeply worried about family discord, often cries, is nervous, is constantly in a tense state, and, of course, against this background his speech deteriorates. In such a situation, speech therapy classes will certainly not give any results.

I would like to give a few practical advice parents. A child should never be present during “adult” conversations. The attitude towards the child should be equal on the part of the father, mother and other adult family members. Parents must be very consistent in their demands. By banning, for example. A child should watch evening television programs for adults; parents should never deviate from this. Only then will their demands not cause protest in the child.

A child who stutters should not feel either inferior or privileged in the family, i.e. you cannot pet him, indulge all his whims and protect him from all difficulties, but you also cannot emphasize his inferiority to everyone, punish him physically. Both can have a negative impact on a child’s development.

tic impulses from the muscles involved in convulsive activity (I.V. Danilov et al., 1970). As a result of this, when stuttering, a “vicious circle” of pathological muscle excitations is formed. In other words, muscle spasms of the speech apparatus themselves become a generator of subsequent spasms. The presence of this mechanism dictates the need for special speech regimes aimed at excluding those types of speech from communication in which convulsive hesitations most often manifest themselves. Such measures include “silence regime”, “speech restriction regime”, “gentle speech regime”, “special protective regime”, etc.

The organization and duration of these regimes depends significantly on the age of the stutterer, the type of institution in which correctional work is carried out, and the experience of the speech therapist. A “special protective regime”, as a rule, is organized at the beginning of correctional work with people who stutter.

“Special protective regime” is understood as a sparing health regime, against the background of which a “speech restriction regime” or “silence regime” occurs. A special protective regime for both adults and children includes a clear daily routine, which generally rhythmizes the activity of all body functions and contributes to their normalization. People who stutter are offered more hours of rest, with additional hours of sleep, and it is recommended to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins with food. These activities are aimed at the overall health of the body.

During this period, measures that promote overexcitation of the central nervous system are inappropriate. Carrying out such a regime has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and the state of the central nervous system of people who stutter, and therefore its adaptive qualities increase.

The daily routine of children who stutter should be fairly clear, but not rigid. This implies a smooth transition from one type of activity to another, a gentle overcoming of the child’s possible negativistic attitudes. The child should be provided with medical assistance in case of sleep disturbances, fears, increased anxiety, excitability, tearfulness, motor disinhibition, as well as persistent loss of appetite. During this period, it is necessary to exclude vivid new impressions and those life situations that can excite the child and encourage him to speech activity (entertainment events, guests, television programs, etc.). Noisy games, during which the child may become overly excited, as well as any mental and physical stress are not allowed. It is advisable that the child’s social circle be as narrow as possible at this time.

Verbal communication with parents, staff and other children should be limited. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the child’s verbal communication is elementary in form (in the form of monosyllabic answers). To do this, the question posed to the child must have a keyword for the answer (for example: “Do you want soup or porridge?” - “Porridge”) or require a short answer in the form of a statement or denial (“Yes”, “No”).

Parents, when communicating with the child and among themselves in the presence of the child, must adhere to the rules of speech technique that are recommended by the speech therapist.

The general rule is a calm, friendly tone of speech, a quiet voice, intonated and rhythmic (measured) speech.

At home and in kindergarten, it is preferable to keep the child occupied with activities such as drawing, modeling, designing, etc.

Children with a neurotic form of stuttering, as a rule, verbalize their play. Their stuttering usually does not appear at these moments, and therefore such speech should not be prohibited.

With a neurosis-like form of stuttering, children usually do not verbalize the game. They have difficulty focusing their attention on the game process, and therefore it is important to organize a change in their activity.

In the process of implementing a speech restriction regime for stuttering preschoolers, it is recommended to organize special “silent” games.

And for two years now, Yuri Grigorievich has been treating his stuttering on his own. 350 people studied according to his system. Many letters, telegrams with words of gratitude and appreciation speak for themselves.

What is the treatment system that Yuri Grigorievich uses? The course of treatment lasts ten days. Patients must remain silent for six days. This is an indispensable condition, and the result largely depends on how conscientiously the person followed the regime of silence. Throughout this time, the group meets together twice a day, morning and evening, for special classes. It’s not for nothing that they say, a healthy mind in a healthy body. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on physical training: every morning begins with jogging and exercises. Plus, exercises to relax the respiratory and speech organs, psychotherapy, elements of hypnosis, and the use of a variety of music. Patients communicate with Yuri Grigorievich during these six days in writing. Everyone starts a notebook where they write down their thoughts on the proposed topics, for example, “how do you understand the saying “silence is golden” or “what can you say about stuttering?” It is necessary to write in block letters.

Bunny, bunny!
Little bunny!
Long ears
Fast legs.
Bunny, bunny!
Little bunny!
Are you afraid of children?
Bunny is a coward!

Turn your arms bent at the elbows left and right, letting your hands hang freely.
Place open palms to the head (“ears”)
They clap their palms on their knees.
Turn your arms bent at the elbows from side to side.
Shaking with lowered hands (“the bunny is trembling”)

Children imitate the speech of the adults around them. You can quietly help your child change his speech style; to do this, try to speak less and slowly, in short and understandable phrases, using simple words familiar to the child. Your speech should be clear, clear, concise. Without requiring the child to speak rhythmically, speak and read to him with rhythm more often, so that the “monkey” reflex will work, and the child will use the technique of rhythmizing speech unconsciously. Don't ask your child too many questions or involve him in difficult conversations. Analyze how many and what questions you ask your child, how many of them are empty, simply stupid, and do not require any answer at all. Do not provoke your child to speak. Learn to pause before you say anything. Give yourself time to see what's going on. A certain slowness of adults always has a suggestive effect on children.

Think about how to organize your life together with your child so that you don’t have to rush him. Your task is to teach your child to speak more slowly. And it becomes absolutely impossible when you start rushing and rushing your child, making his life even more stressful. Approximately every second child cannot cope with the pace offered to him by an adult; not everyone is able to immediately break away from an exciting activity and quickly fulfill your request. Just like yourself, give your child a sufficient supply of time - “you put this car in the garage, and we will. ", "soon I'll ring the bell and we'll begin. " If circumstances are such that you need to act immediately, do not argue, do not bargain, give orders confidently and cheerfully. Sometimes, without further ado, gently hug and lead away. Always act according to the situation and intuition. Difficult moments in your interaction with your child arise every day, do not be afraid to experiment.

can be planned for different periods. The optimal time for it is 10-14 days. Speech restriction mode can smoothly transition to

during which the child’s speech activity gradually increases. Its duration can be individual. The organization of a speech restriction regime and a gentle speech regime is most fully presented in the works of V.I. Seliverstova, 1979,1994 and I.G. Vygodskoy et al., 1993 and others.

In adolescents and adults who stutter, speech restriction may occur in the form of complete silence.

The first signs of stuttering

  • The child suddenly becomes silent and refuses to speak. This state can last from two hours to a day, after which the baby begins to speak again, but stuttering.
  • The child begins to insert extra sounds (a, and) before some words.
  • The child repeats the first syllables or whole words at the beginning of a phrase.
  • The child is suddenly forced to stop in the middle of a word or phrase.
  • The child has difficulty starting speech.

Behavior of parents of a child with speech hesitations

states of reactive development of chronic protracted course, which can have an adverse effect on the formation of the child’s personality, contribute to Stuttering, which usually occurs in the development of speech, tends to.

Factors influencing the occurrence of stuttering.

- infectious diseases, central nervous system injuries

- brain damage in early childhood

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Stuttering is one of the most complex speech disorders associated with a convulsive state of the articulatory apparatus. Most often it appears in preschool age, but can appear later. By school age, a stutterer develops a fear of his own speech, a number of tricks and accompanying movements appear, which not only do not help, but also aggravate numerous hesitations, stops, repetitions of sounds, syllables and words.

Unfortunately, no matter what suffering a speech deficiency brings, practice shows that people who stutter are often passive, they seek help when they are quite old and look for techniques and methods that would make their speech perfect without any effort of their own. Eliminating stuttering is a long and complex matter, requiring persistent and systematic work not only on your speech, but also on yourself.

Since in most cases stuttering is preceded by neurotic disorders, it is believed that even after complete elimination of a speech defect due to any stress, relapses are common. In addition, there is a point of view that in adults it is incurable. In any case, you need to put in enough effort to learn to control your speech and significantly improve it.

Methods for eliminating stuttering include psychotherapy, a regime of silence and whispered speech, speech therapy sessions with breathing, articulatory and voice exercises, hypnotherapy sessions, self-hypnosis techniques, etc.

This article will focus on training one of the the most important conditions correct smooth speech - breathing. When stuttering, it is almost always impaired. The volume of exhaled air is so small that it is not enough to pronounce a phrase, and often a stutterer even speaks while inhaling or holding his breath, which is absolutely wrong. Therefore, mastering correct speech breathing is an important and necessary foundation for further speech correction for a stuttering person.

Speech and vital breathing: differences

It is necessary to understand the difference between speech and basic physiological breathing. The purpose of speech breathing is to participate in the creation of a voice through a smooth and uniform exhalation. The main function of vital breathing is to maintain human life through continuous gas exchange in the body (when inhaling, oxygen enters the body, when exhaling, carbon dioxide is released).

Unlike physiological breathing, speech breathing is voluntary. The person himself controls the dose of air required for a particular phrase and compares the moments of inhalation with speech pauses.

During normal breathing, we breathe through our nose, inhalation and exhalation have the same duration, while with speech breathing, breathing occurs simultaneously through the mouth and nose, while inhalation is several times shorter than exhalation. Vital breathing is clavicular, thoracic and abdominal. The most convenient for speech is diaphragmatic-costal (lower diaphragmatic) breathing.

In people who do not suffer from m, correct speech breathing is developed automatically; when stuttering occurs, it is impaired and must be developed consciously.

Treatment of stuttering: development of speech breathing

With the speech type of breathing, the diaphragm (thoraco-abdominal septum) quickly descends, increasing the volume of the lungs, and rises when exhaling. It is best to practice lower diaphragmatic breathing half an hour before meals in the morning and in the evening before bed. Clothing should not restrict movement. After exercise, a short rest is necessary.

1. Exercise “Balloon”

Lying on your back, place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale calmly and smoothly. When you inhale, your stomach should inflate like a balloon, and your arm should rise. Then exhale slowly while lightly pressing your hand on your stomach. The chest is in a calm state during inhalation and exhalation.

At first, to avoid dizziness from excess oxygen, the number of breaths should not exceed five. Then the number of breaths can be increased to fifteen.

The “Balloon” exercise must be consolidated for two to three weeks. After this period, the hand may no longer provide mechanical assistance, but rather control proper breathing. Then this exercise is reinforced while standing and sitting.

2. “Storm in a teacup”

When performing this exercise with the left hand, proper breathing is also controlled. Inhalation is done through the nose and slightly parted lips in a smile. The exhalation is done through a cocktail straw, the end of which is lowered into a glass half filled with water. It is necessary to ensure that the lips are motionless and the cheeks are not puffed out.

Similar to the previous exercises, you can blow on a piece of cotton wool, a strip of paper, a pinwheel, a feather, release soap bubbles, etc.

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova

Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova are often used to correct stuttering. The peculiarity of this technique is the combination of a short and sharp breath with movements. Active movements of all parts of the body cause a strong need for oxygen. Inhalation is done instantly and emotionally, exhalation is spontaneous.

When working with people who stutter, I often use the Pump and Shoulder Hug exercises. With their help, within two months you can achieve deep and smooth breathing, and the vocal cords become more flexible and mobile.

1. "Pump"

Performed from a vertical position, arms down. The inhalation is short, sharp and carried out in parallel with a downward tilt, while the back is round and the head is lowered.

After this, you should rise slightly and exhale air through your nose or mouth. Normally, the exercise is 8 breaths 12 times with pauses of 3-5 seconds.

But before performing such a large number of inhalations and movements, daily training is necessary for 2-3 weeks, starting with the number of movements that does not cause tension in the lumbar region, dizziness and feeling unwell. In severe condition, the exercise can be performed from a sitting position.

Contraindications to performing this exercise are: head and spine injuries , displacement of intervertebral discs, the presence of vertebral hernias, increased arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure, stones in the kidneys , liver and bladder, high degree of myopia, chronic and, pregnancy, feeling unwell before or during exercise.

2. “Hug your shoulders”

It is also performed from a vertical position, with the arms bent and raised at shoulder level with the hands facing each other. A short noisy inhalation is carried out at the moment of bringing your hands towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders, while the elbows converge on the chest. It is necessary that the arms are parallel to each other, and not crosswise. At the moment of exhalation through the mouth or nose, the arms diverge slightly, forming a square in front of you.

The number of inhalations-movements is 8 breaths 12 times with pauses between them; after 2-3 weeks of daily training, you can increase the number of inhalations-movements to 32 16 times and do them without stopping.

If you have heart failure or other serious illnesses, the exercise should not be performed. You can also train in a sitting position and even lying down.

Treatment of stuttering: a reminder for strengthening speech breathing

  1. Before you speak, take a breath.
  2. You can only speak while exhaling.
  3. The inhalation is always short, and the exhalation is smooth and long. Exhalation must be “spared.”
  4. You need to breathe “with your stomach”, while your chest is motionless, your shoulders are motionless and do not rise.
  5. On one exhalation you need to say no more than three or four words.
  6. Words in a sentence cannot be broken into syllables; they should be pronounced together. You should take a breath in meaningful pauses.
  7. When speaking, you must ensure that there is no tension in the muscles of the vocal apparatus, neck, or face.

When correcting stuttering, you need to be patient. Speech improvement occurs slowly and has a spasmodic character. Sometimes correcting stuttering requires more effort and time than the patient expected, which leads to despair, he gives up training and withdraws even more into himself. However, experience shows that proper and regular exercise helps to cope with m, no matter how strong it may be.

Yulia STEPANOVA, speech therapist, psychologist

Breathing exercises have found wide application in the fight against stuttering due to its high effectiveness.

Stuttering is a common speech pathology that brings many problems to people who suffer from it. However, doing the exercises every day will help get rid of not only speech impairment, but also the reasons that provoked its development.

Breathing exercises for stuttering can completely improve the patient’s speaking function, provided that all rules of implementation are regularly followed.

What is stuttering

A disorder in the rhythm and tempo of speech is called stuttering.

It most often affects boys between the ages of two and five years.

It is during this period that children actively begin to use phrasal speech. Accordingly, any negative factors (pathologies of the nervous system, psychological problems, frequent colds) can provoke disturbances in speaking function various types, including stuttering.

A hereditary predisposition to this disease cannot be ruled out either.

If symptoms of stuttering occur in a child, it is necessary to visit several specialists with him - a neurologist, psychologist and speech therapist.

The physiology of stuttering consists of the following processes occurring in the human body:

  • There is an imbalance in the transmission of nerve impulses to the area responsible for speech reproduction.
  • Muscle spasms, so-called “cramps,” appear. In the organs of the articulatory apparatus (tongue, larynx, lips, pharynx). The diaphragm, muscles of the chest and peritoneum also take part in the pathological process.
  • Patients who stutter are characterized by high emotionality and psychological imbalance.
  • There is a constant upset, tense facial expression.
  • Words are pronounced with a noticeable lengthening, uncontrolled stops in the process of pronunciation - rrr-rya-bina, bb-bit.
  • Tremor of the mouth muscles is observed.
  • Important! Stuttering is much easier and quicker to correct if you consult a doctor as early as possible. A child, faced with strong communication tension, may refuse to talk at all.

    Voice formation, breathing, articulation are three inextricably linked processes. Respectively breathing exercises will be very useful for restoring speaking function for any type of stuttering, as well as normalizing the nervous system.

    However, for the patient to fully recover, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Often, along with breathing exercises, drug therapy and various psychotherapeutic techniques are used.

    General characteristics of breathing exercises

    Patients who stutter will greatly benefit from breathing exercises specially selected by a doctor after a medical examination in the fight against the disease.

    It consists of exercises of varying difficulty.

    Breathing exercises for stuttering, if performed regularly, will help establish the correct rhythm and tempo of speech.

    Initially, the exercises are carried out without turning on the voice function, then they are complicated by playing sounds.

    In order to achieve the maximum effect from gymnastics, it is necessary to understand the main tasks that this technique solves. For example, such as:

  • Maintaining the correct balance of inhalation and exhalation.
  • Increased abdominal muscle tone.
  • Development of diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Independent regulation of respiratory rhythm.
  • Formation of relaxed breathing when speaking.
  • Systematic implementation of breathing exercises for stuttering will teach the patient to inhale the required amount of oxygen when speaking, gradually give self-confidence, and completely eliminate the pathology.

    However, you should be patient. Getting rid of stuttering is slow. Treatment requires a lot of effort, but the prognosis is favorable for pathology of any severity.

    Strelnikova method

    There are a large number of breathing techniques for stuttering. Strelnikova’s gymnastics are considered the most effective.

    The technique for performing basic exercises can be found in the table below.

  • You must stand straight.
  • Close your lips.
  • Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them up.
  • Take eight noisy breaths through your nose. At this time, squeeze your palms.
  • Exhale through the mouth, with lips parted, smoothly without delay. Unclench your palms.
  • Pause 2-3 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 24 times.
  • It is necessary to control the shoulders, make sure that they do not rise while working on breathing

  • Place your hands clenched in fists on your waist.
  • Take eight active full breaths and smooth exhalations.
  • While inhaling, push your fists down with force. Return while exhaling.
  • Pause 3 seconds.
  • Repeat the cycle 12 times
    1. Bend over with your arms down.
    2. Take eight breaths.
    3. As you exhale, return to a standing position.
    4. The break is about three seconds.
    5. Repeat 12 times.
    6. To make it easier to imagine how this exercise is done, you need to visualize that a car tire is being inflated with a hand pump

      The lesson takes approximately fifteen minutes. Gymnastics should be done regularly twice a day: morning and evening.

      Some rules should be followed when performing breathing techniques. For example, such as:

    7. Attention should be directed specifically to inhalation (only through the nose, noisy and sharp, reminiscent of clapping your hands).
    8. Exhalation is passive, silent through the mouth.
    9. All movements are performed only simultaneously with inhalation.
    10. The set of exercises is carried out in any convenient position for the patient.
    11. Important! You need to know that during the period when the patient breathes using this technique, he may feel dizzy. If such a manifestation is present, the exercises should be performed while sitting.

      When the child stops experiencing difficulties during exercise, the doctor adds more complex exercises.

      To consolidate breathing techniques during communication, you need to remember the following basic aspects:

    12. Before you start talking, it is very important to take a breath.
    13. Words are pronounced as you exhale, one exhalation – 3-4 words.
    14. Abdominal breathing (belly) should be present.
    15. Try to inhale during pauses that correspond to the meaning of the conversation.
    16. When reproducing speech, you need to monitor the condition of the muscles - avoid tension in the face, neck, and articulatory apparatus.
    17. Breathing exercises for stuttering, like any other type of therapeutic intervention, have its contraindications.

      For example, such as:

    18. Various acute conditions (fresh traumatic brain injury, high body temperature, pain).
    19. Increased arterial and intracranial pressure.
    20. Urolithiasis disease. With this disease, the doctor is selective in the choice of exercises. For example, a technique such as a “pump” can provoke an exacerbation.
    21. Spinal column injuries.
    22. Congenital heart disease is a relative contraindication. It is possible that the doctor will allow you to do the exercises after making some restrictions, depending on the severity of the disease.
    23. Necessary conditions for performing breathing exercises

      In order to achieve the most positive effect when performing exercises for stuttering, you must follow the following rules:

    • Always ventilate the room before classes.
    • Keep the room clean, regularly wipe off dust, and carry out wet cleaning.
    • Do not exercise in a room with high humidity.
    • You cannot start breathing exercises on an empty stomach, but it is also not recommended with a full stomach. After eating, at least 2 hours should pass.
    • It is necessary to avoid physical fatigue and get enough sleep.
    • It is important for a patient struggling with stuttering to add sports activities that have a beneficial effect on the heart, nervous and respiratory systems (running, swimming, skating, skiing).
    • It is necessary to improve the diet. The child needs to eat lean meat, dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, sea fish, cereals. It is better to organize four meals a day, observing the exact timing of meals.
    • If the patient has complaints of difficulty breathing (rhinitis, cough), it is better to postpone classes until complete recovery.
    • It is important to understand that breathing exercises for stuttering in children should evoke positive associations. You can’t yell at your baby while doing exercises or force him to train. It is necessary to maintain a calm, favorable environment in the family. The baby must trust his parents and feel their support.

      Stuttering: victory “in one breath”

      Continuation. Started in N 22, 23, 24 for 2005, N 1, 2, 3, 4 for 2006. One of the most important problems that one has to face when correcting stuttering and logoneuroses is a violation of “speech breathing”. This may be a lack of air to pronounce a full phrase, forced additional breaths within a word, an attempt to speak while inhaling, a feeling of tightness in the chest, a lump in the throat. Director of the Research Center of Biocybernetics Alexey BLUDOV talks about how to deal with respiratory discomfort.

      Continuation. Started in N 22, 23, 24 for 2005, N 1, 2, 3, 4 for 2006

      One of the most important problems that one has to face when correcting stuttering and logoneuroses is a violation of “speech breathing”. This may be a lack of air to pronounce a full phrase, forced additional breaths within a word, an attempt to speak while inhaling, a feeling of tightness in the chest, a lump in the throat. Director of the Research Center of Biocybernetics Alexey BLUDOV talks about how to deal with respiratory discomfort.

      IT IS BELIEVED that breathing is one of the few, if not the only functions that, on the one hand, ensures the maintenance of vital parameters of the body, and on the other hand, is amenable to effective volitional control. It is much easier to influence breathing than, say, the functioning of the heart or kidneys. Why did nature allow consciousness to interfere with the constancy of the internal environment of the body? She made this concession just for the sake of speech! The role of breathing in voice formation is fundamental. The lungs provide air support under the vocal cords, being the bellows and pipes of the human organ. With correct resonant speech production, as with correct singing, the loss of air per unit of time is minimal. To ensure speech, motor speech centers take over control of breathing. And if there is hypertonicity of these centers, naturally, breathing also begins to become upset.

      It is similar to the sea surf. It is not surprising that the word breeze English language is the same root as the word breath. If the waves from the speech center do not travel rhythmically, the rhythm of speech is disrupted. If they encounter an obstacle, the volume and fluency of speech is disrupted. If they collide with each other, a vegetative storm begins: spasm of the respiratory muscles, stupor, feeling of irritation, etc.

      How to learn control

      In general, techniques for setting breathing can be divided into two large groups: a group of techniques for volitional adjustment of breathing and techniques for automatically adjusting breathing.

      The first group includes paradoxical breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova, which, among other things, is used to treat stuttering; yoga breathing exercises systems. Breathing exercises are also used, aimed at coordinating oral and nasal breathing, developing a lower costal type of breathing with the active participation of the diaphragm, and developing a long and economical exhalation. Usually breathing exercises are first done without speaking.

      At our center we practice automatic breathing adjustment. In this case, the trainee should not monitor the duration of inhalation and exhalation, or the depth of breathing. The patient speaks into the microphone, and the BreathMaker program increases the duration of vowels by two to three times. Thus, we automatically achieve an increase in the duration of exhalation during speech (vowels are formed only during exhalation) and the correct exhalation-inhalation ratio. Automatic breathing adjustment is especially important for children. And for adults it is much easier not to constantly monitor their breathing, but to switch their attention to other things.

      Case from practice

      The parents of third-grader Maxim K came to our center. The boy had moderate logoneurosis. Problems began at age 6. The examination revealed that Maxim’s dominant eye is his left, and his dominant hand is his right. There is discordination in the functioning of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Speech is fast, interrupted by additional breaths within the word. Speech breathing was performed by a speech therapist, but due to the child’s restlessness, the results were minimal. During a trial lesson at our center, the boy automatically established correct speech breathing within 7 minutes. The “secret” is that the program is designed in such a way that it does not allow you to speak and breathe incorrectly. It was decided to continue the classes, which ultimately helped Maxim solve his speech problem.

      When conscious control of breathing is minimal or completely absent, we recommend training in automatic correct breathing (without in any way recommending other methods). This recommendation also applies to adults.

      Working on breathing when stuttering

      Stuttering treatment classes begin with breathing exercises. Speech breathing differs from ordinary vital breathing:

    • if outside of speech we breathe through the nose, then during speech the breath is taken through the mouth;
    • If outside of speech, inhalation and exhalation are equal in duration, then in speech, inhalation and exhalation are uneven: the inhalation is short, but not sharp, and the exhalation is long.
    • During classes you need to pay attention to:

    • so that the child does not start talking without taking a breath;
    • to always speak only while exhaling;
    • so that when you inhale, do not inhale air through your nose, but inhale through your mouth;
    • so that the inhalation is soft and short, and the exhalation is long and smooth;
    • so that the shoulders are completely motionless while breathing;
    • so that the chest does not rise strongly when inhaling and does not fall when exhaling;
    • so that, after taking a breath, the child immediately begins to speak without holding his breath;
    • so that after exhaling, before inhaling again, be sure to stop for about 2-3 seconds;
    • so that there is no tension during speech breathing.
    • Complex relaxation exercises for stuttering correction

      At this stage of working on breathing, you can add general gymnastics exercises and massage.

      Hand exercises

      Exercise No. 1 .
      Standing (sitting). Stretch your arms forward with tension, clench your fingers into a fist, straining your hands, forearms, and shoulders. Alternately relax your hands, then your forearms and completely your arm muscles.

      Breathing exercises with movements to correct stuttering

      Exercise No. 1.

    • Hands forward - inhale, hands down - exhale.
    • Hands to the sides - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale.
    • Hands up - inhale,
    • lower your hands down - exhale.
    • Exercises to develop nasal breathing skills when stuttering

      Exercise No. 1.
      Stroke your nose from the tip upwards with your middle fingers - inhale; tap your nostrils with your middle fingers - exhale.

      Exercise No. 2.
      Open your mouth wide and breathe through your nose.

      Exercise No. 3.
      Close one nostril with your middle finger - inhale, exhale. Perform the exercise one by one.

      Exercise No. 4.
      Close one nostril with your middle finger - inhale. Exhale through the other nostril (then change).

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              Development of speech breathing in preschoolers

              Abdullina Guzel Irikovna,
              teacher speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Sunny”
              Yazykovo village, Blagovarsky district,
              rep. Bashkortostan

              Certificate of Publication:

              Correct speech breathing is the basis of sounding speech. It ensures normal voice and sound formation, maintains smoothness and musicality of speech. With proper speech breathing, the baby will be able to pronounce sounds correctly, speak loudly, clearly, expressively, smoothly and observe the necessary pauses. The very first thing that is important for a child to learn is to exhale strongly and smoothly through the mouth. The baby needs to learn to control the time of exhalation, use air sparingly, and also direct the air stream in the right direction. Everyone knows what an important role the breathing apparatus plays in the life of every person. The birth of a baby begins with the first breath and, following this breath, a cry. However, you cannot be sure that if a child is breathing, then everything will be fine with his speech.

              Correct physiological breathing does not imply correct speech breathing. This is due to the fact that the respiratory apparatus not only performs the main physiological function - gas exchange, but also participates in the formation of sound and voice. It is thanks to correct speech breathing that we change the volume of speech, make it smooth and expressive. Speech breathing is a person’s ability to make a short, deep entrance and rationally distribute air when exhaling while simultaneously pronouncing various sound combinations. Only correct speech breathing allows a person to expend less muscle energy, but at the same time achieve maximum sound and smoothness.

              Speech breathing occurs voluntarily (the person controls himself), while non-speech breathing is performed automatically. When speaking, a person controls the inhalation and exhalation, changing it and ensuring smoothness, duration and ease of utterance. As our experience shows, young children in the process of speaking often begin to speak at the input or at the residual output. There are cases when children take a deep breath before pronouncing each word. Undoubtedly, this negatively affects mastery correct pronunciation and the construction of a smooth and coherent speech utterance. If a child speaks poorly, then work on speech development should begin, first of all, with the development of breathing.

              Various games and exercises help develop breathing. What is it for? Proper breathing will help your child learn to speak calmly, smoothly, and slowly. Some breathing exercises also help teach the child how to pronounce certain sounds correctly. If a child puffs out his cheeks while speaking, then his speech is slurred precisely for this reason. And before you start making sounds, you need to teach your child how to properly produce an air stream.

              The objectives of the work on the development of speech breathing are:
              1) developing the skills of correct speech breathing;
              2) strengthening the muscles of the face and chest;
              3) prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nervous system;
              4) increasing the mental performance of children;
              5) normalization of sound pronunciation and prosodic components of speech;
              6) consolidation of lexical topics and grammatical categories;
              7) stimulation of interest in classes.

              Breathing exercises improve posture, stimulate the movements of the diaphragm, improve blood circulation, harmonize the activity of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Breathing is a reflex act and occurs without the intervention of human consciousness. But on the other hand, breathing is a controlled process when it is directly related to speech production. This breathing is called speech (phonation, or sound) breathing, and it requires special training.
              The development of breathing is one of the first and very important stages of correctional influence on children - speech pathologists, regardless of the type of their speech defect.

              What is the difference between speech breathing and normal breathing? Breathing in human life is involuntary; it performs the function of gas exchange in human body. Inhalation and exhalation are performed through the nose; they are short and equal in time. The sequence of physiological breathing is inhalation, exhalation, pause. For speech, especially monologue, physiological breathing is usually not enough. Speaking and reading aloud require large quantity air, a constant respiratory reserve, its economical use and timely renewal, regulated by the respiratory center of the brain. In the initial stage of mastering speech breathing, will and consciousness are involved, aimed at performing the desired breathing task. Such voluntary speech breathing, achieved only through training, gradually becomes involuntary and organized.

              It is imperative to breathe through the nose; the habit of breathing through the mouth has a very harmful effect on the human body, leading to diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils, and the entire respiratory system. Nasal breathing protects the throat and lungs from cold air and dust, ventilates the lungs well, the cavity of the middle ear, which communicates with the nasopharynx, has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain. It is imperative to breathe through your nose in everyday life and when performing breathing exercises. The role of proper nasal breathing and breathing exercises in a person’s life is enormous. Breathing exercises are successfully used as a valid method of treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis), bronchial asthma, and neuroses. Healthy people can use breathing exercises to prevent many diseases. In speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are not equal; the latter is much longer than the inhalation. The breathing sequence is also different. After a short inhalation, there is a pause to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and then a long sound exhalation. Since speech sounds are formed during exhalation, its organization is of paramount importance for the establishment of speech breathing and voice, for their development and improvement. Therefore, the ultimate goal of training speech diaphragmatic-costal breathing is to train a long exhalation, to train the ability to rationally use up the air supply during speech. To do this, it is necessary to train the muscles involved in the respiratory process and holding the chest in an expanded state not to relax passively immediately after exhalation. Relaxation should occur gradually as needed, obeying our will. To develop this type of breathing, educational and training exercises will be given below to develop and strengthen the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles.

              The formation of speech breathing is carried out throughout the entire work with the child. Unfortunately, parents do not always pay due attention to breathing defects. This is partly understandable: they are not very noticeable in the general condition of the child. But even a minor “malfunction” of nasal breathing has a harmful effect on the entire body. After all, a child takes more than 20 inhalations and exhalations per minute! And all this air must pass without any obstacles through the “entrance gate” - the nose. Here it is cleansed, warmed, moisturized and becomes what the body needs.

              Why is it harmful to breathe through your mouth? Firstly, much less air enters the lungs; only their upper sections will work, which means the body will receive less oxygen. Secondly, the voice changes, speech is disrupted, the child begins to nasal and speak monotonously. In addition, it becomes more difficult for him to chew food. The sense of smell becomes dull due to a “bad nose,” and appetite disappears. Improper breathing also affects the teeth: they gradually become curved and caries can develop. And that's not it. The fluid that washes the brain stagnates, and substances harmful to the nervous system accumulate in it. Therefore, children who breathe through their mouths are irritable, whiny, absent-minded and lethargic.

              These facts demonstrate how important it is to monitor the breathing of young children. If your baby, while climbing the stairs, doing exercises, doing some of his business, keeps his mouth open or sleeps with his mouth open, if he breathes frequently, has become lethargic, pale, and his lips are constantly chapped and covered with cracks - these are the first symptoms that he gets used to breathing incorrectly. What to do if a child breathes through his mouth? First of all, be patient and persistent. Breathing can be trained. Special exercises are recommended, the task of which is to learn to breathe only through the nose. Individual techniques should be practiced until normal nasal breathing becomes habitual. Here is the simplest exercise - closing the mouth “with a lock” (all exercises are in a playful form): the mouth is closed with the fingers or covered with the palm and the child is asked to breathe only through the nose. Gradually the mouth is closed for longer and longer periods of time. After a few days, the exercise becomes more complicated: they do it while walking. To strengthen the muscles of the nose, mouth, and throat, it is useful to read aloud more. You need to speak clearly and understandably. The child can control himself by loudly pronouncing the consonant sounds [b], [v], [zh], [m], [p], [t], [f], [sh], monitoring his breathing while performing this exercise. The following exercise is very useful: inhale and exhale slowly 5-6 times, closing your mouth. The hands should be placed on the back of the neck or on the upper abdomen. Systematic sound gymnastics classes are carried out with the child after appropriate consultation with a doctor. They restore breathing through the nose and increase emotional tone. This method Treatment of patients after adenotomy should be given preference. Here are some exercises. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory apparatus. After breathing rhythmically, close your mouth tightly. Repeat the consonant sounds [b], [v], [m], [p], [t], [zh], [sh], [f] at rhythmic intervals. The air seems to be pushed out through the nose.

              Of interest to modern scientists is the study of the possibility of using breathing exercises to improve the health of sick and weakened children, as well as the beneficial effects of these exercises on the body healthy child. The respiratory cycle consists of three phases: inhalation, exhalation and pause. During physiological breathing, inhalation and exhalation occur only through the nose. In the process of speaking and singing, exhalation occurs mainly through the mouth, while inhalation occurs simultaneously through the nose and through the mouth. During physiological breathing, according to V. G. Ermolaev, N. F. Lebedeva, V. P. Morozov, the ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation ranges from 1:1 to 1:2; during singing or talking, the duration of the exhalation phase can be 12, 20 or even 30 times longer than the inhalation phase. O. V. Pravdina points to the same ratio of inhalation and exhalation - 1:20, 1:30, but believes that inhalation will occur mainly through the mouth (the path of inhaled air through the mouth is shorter and wider than through the nose, therefore it occurs faster and more inconspicuous). E.D. Dmitrieva believes that during long stops, air must be inhaled through the nose, and during short stops (to get air), inhalation must be done through the mouth. O.Yu. Ermolaev, a supporter of the three-phase breathing system, argues that inhalation should be carried out exclusively through the nose.

              The smoothness of the sound of speech depends on speech breathing. Moreover, it often depends not on the amount of air taken at the moment of inhalation, but on the ability to rationally spend it in the process of speaking. To maintain its smoothness, lightness and duration, it is necessary not only to rationally spend air in the process of speaking, but also to obtain it in a timely manner. Important point in mastering correct speech breathing is a question of what type of breathing a person uses during a speech utterance. Physiologists distinguish and distinguish three main types of breathing: thoracic, abdominal and mixed. It has been established that the most correct and convenient for speech is costal-diaphragmatic breathing, in which the lungs are ventilated evenly in all parts. Currently, most researchers prefer this type of breathing, as they regard it as the most beneficial for the body. With this type of breathing, during inhalation, the shoulders do not rise, the abdominal press moves forward somewhat, the ribs move apart, and air fills all the lungs. During exhalation, air leaves the lungs, the ribs move closer together, and the abdominal muscles fall. Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, creates conditions for maintaining normal speech volume, strictly observing pauses, maintaining fluency of speech and intonation expressiveness.

              The speech breathing of preschoolers differs sharply from the speech breathing of adults: it is characterized by weakness of the respiratory muscles and small lung volume. Many children use upper chest breathing and often inhale with a sharp rise in their shoulders. Some children do not know how to expend air rationally during the process of speaking; they often take in air almost before every word.

              Imperfections of speech breathing in preschool children:
              1. Very weak inhalation and exhalation, which leads to quiet, barely audible speech. This is often observed in physically weak, sedentary, shy children.
              2. Uneconomical and uneven distribution of exhaled air. As a result of this, the preschooler sometimes exhales all the air on the first syllable and then finishes the phrase or word in a whisper. Often, because of this, he does not finish speaking and “swallows” the end of a word or phrase.
              3. Inept distribution of breathing according to words. The child inhales in the middle of the word (the doll and I sing - (inhale) - we're going for a walk).
              4. Hasty pronouncing of phrases, without interruption and while inhaling, with “choking.”
              5. Uneven jerky exhalation: speech sounds either loud or quiet.
              6.Weak exhalation or incorrectly directed exhaled air stream, in turn, leads to distortion of sounds.

              Work on the formation of speech breathing includes the following stages:
              *Expanding the physiological capabilities of the breathing apparatus (establishing diaphragmatic-costal breathing and forming a long exhalation through the mouth).
              *Formation of prolonged phonation exhalation.
              *Formation of speech exhalation.

              The formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech. It is known that fluency of speech is a holistic, continuous articulation of an intonationally and logically completed segment of an utterance in the process of one continuous exhalation.

              In preschool age, the formation of diaphragmatic breathing must be carried out at the initial stage in a lying position. In this position, the muscles of the whole body relax slightly, and diaphragmatic breathing is established automatically without additional instructions.

              In the future, various game techniques are used to train diaphragmatic breathing, its strength and duration. In this case, the following guidelines should be taken into account.
              * Breathing exercises should be organized in such a way that the child does not focus on the process of inhalation and exhalation.
              * For children preschool age breathing exercises are organized in the form of a game so that the child can involuntarily take a deeper breath and exhale longer.
              * All exercises for training speech breathing are associated with performing two main movements: the arms move from the “to the sides” position “in front” with the girth of the chest, or from the “up” position they move down. Body movements are usually associated with bending down or to the sides.
              * Most exercises for preschool children include exhalation with articulation of consonants (mainly fricatives) or phonation of vowel sounds, which allows the speech therapist to auditorily control the duration and continuity of exhalation, and subsequently forms biological feedback in the child.

              The child is in a supine position. The child's hand rests on the upper abdomen (diaphragmatic region). The child’s attention is drawn to the fact that his stomach is “breathing well.” You can put a toy on your stomach to attract attention. This exercise lasts on average 2-3 minutes. The exercise should be performed effortlessly to avoid hyperventilation and increased muscle tone.

              Blow out the candle
              Children hold strips of paper about 10 cm from their lips. Children are asked to slowly and quietly blow on the “candle” so that the flame of the “candle” is deflected. The speech therapist notes those children who blew on the “candle” the longest.

              Tire burst
              Starting position: children spread their arms in front of them, depicting a circle - a “tire”. As they exhale, children slowly pronounce the sound “sh-sh-sh”. At the same time, the arms are slowly crossed, so that right hand falls on the left shoulder and vice versa. The chest contracts easily during exhalation. Taking the starting position, children involuntarily inhale.

              Inflate the tire
              Children are asked to pump up a “burst tire.” Children “clench” their hands into fists in front of their chests, taking an imaginary “pump” handle. Slowly bending forward is accompanied by exhaling to the sound “ssss.” When straightening, inhalation is involuntary.

              The exercise is similar to the exercise “The tire burst,” but while exhaling, the children pronounce the sound “f-f-f.”

              Starting position: bend your arms at the elbows and place them on your belt. Exhaling, children say “puff-puff-puff”, moving their elbows forward. Taking the starting position, children involuntarily inhale.

              Starting position: raise your arms up to your sides. Slowly lowering their arms and squatting, the children pronounce a drawn-out “K-a-a-a-r.” The speech therapist praises those “crows” that slowly descended from the tree to the ground. Taking the starting position, children involuntarily inhale.

              Starting position: place your hands on your belt. Slowly tilt your torso forward without lowering your head down. Say “G-a-a-a” in a drawn-out manner. Taking the starting position, inhale.

              The duration and force of exhalation can be trained in exercises such as:
              * Exhale to a mental count (inhale for a count of 1-2-3; exhale: 4-5-6-7-8 to 15).
              * Pronounce slot sounds (s, sh, f, etc.) while exhaling, controlling the duration of exhalation with a stopwatch.
              * “Exhale and roll” an imaginary cotton ball along the length of your entire arm.

              In the future, the diaphragmatic type of breathing must be trained when performing physical exercises (walking, bending and turning the body, etc.).

              One of the common mistakes in working on the formation of speech breathing is excessive filling of the lungs with air during inhalation. Inhaling too much creates excessive tension in the respiratory muscles, creating conditions for hyperventilation.
              The next stage of work is the development of prolonged phonation exhalation. The formation of phonation exhalation is the basis for the development of coordinating relationships between breathing, voice and articulation. To avoid fixating attention on the process of inhalation, the instructions should concern only the duration of the sound.

              After children have mastered the long pronunciation of one vowel while exhaling, they are asked to pronounce the combination of their two vowels together on one exhalation A______ O______.
              The number of vowel sounds pronounced on one exhalation gradually increases in the following order: A - O - U - I (standard vowel sounds).
              The child can control diaphragmatic inhalation and exhalation during these exercises with the palm placed on the diaphragm area. In addition to auditory control, the duration of phonation exhalation can be controlled by smooth hand movements.

              The next stage of working on breathing includes the formation of the actual speech exhalation. Syllables, words, phrases are introduced into the exercises.
              When learning new skills, it is necessary not only to explain, but also to repeatedly demonstrate and connect various types control (auditory, visual, kinesthetic). Training should be systematic, long-term and included in all types of activities conducted with children.

              Since the formation of speech breathing is closely related to the formation of the skill of rational vocal delivery and voice guidance, these tasks are solved almost simultaneously.

              Work to overcome speech disorders in preschool children, carried out in a specialized kindergarten or group, is implemented through the use of a step-by-step system of speech formation. Considering the fact that a number of speech disorders have in their symptoms the syndrome of impaired physiological and speech breathing, this work is complex in nature and includes the “staging” of correct physiological and speech breathing. For this purpose, static and dynamic breathing exercises are used, aimed at developing the ability to breathe through the nose, developing oral exhalation, the ability to differentiate nasal and oral exhalation, and rationally use exhalation at the time of pronouncing sounds, syllables, words, phrases.

              Performing breathing exercises in a playful way causes a positive emotional mood in the child, relieves stress and contributes to the formation of practical skills. While doing breathing exercises, a child will find himself in a special microworld of fairy tales, songs, games, and poems.

              Fairy tales are a popular genre loved by children. In modern pedagogy and psychology, a fairy tale is considered as a source of child development that is diverse in its capabilities. Particular attention is paid to the close connection between the fairy tale and the game. Through fairy tales and motifs, the child is more easily included in the proposed type of activity.

              Poems are short rhymed lines (rows), correlated and commensurate with each other. Poems are well remembered and emotionally perceived by children. Explanations regarding the meaning of the exercises, methods of performing them, or the rules of the game are better perceived and remembered by children if presented in the form of poems or short rhymes. The poem itself may contain some kind of fairy-tale plot calling for play.

              Music is an auxiliary tool necessary to create a positive emotional mood, an atmosphere of creativity and fantasy. A music director can provide assistance in selecting a musical repertoire to accompany breathing games and exercises.

              Singing is a form of breathing exercises that develops the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, and improves speech. The systematic use of singing has a pronounced positive dynamics in the indicators of external respiration function. There is an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, reserve volumes of inhalation and exhalation, a simultaneous decrease in the frequency and minute volume of breathing, as well as a decrease in respiratory energy costs.

              Work on the formation of correct physiological and speech breathing in children with speech pathology, carried out in a specialized group of a preschool educational institution, involves solving the following tasks:
              *Improve the function of external (nasal) breathing.
              *Produce deeper inhalations and longer exhalations.
              *Develop phonation (voiced) exhalation.
              *Develop speech breathing.
              *Train speech breathing while pronouncing the text.

              A child who has mastered proper breathing needs constant monitoring and monitoring of the correctness of his breathing. Hence the need for constant repetition of breathing exercises to consolidate the skills of correct physiological and speech breathing. All work on the formation of physiological and speech breathing, which is carried out in preschool educational institution, requires the participation of the following specialists: speech therapist, teacher, music director, instructor for physical culture, psychologist, medical workers. IN speech therapy work The game method is widely used, which involves the use of various games, exercises of a gaming nature in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanation, instructions and questions. In the practice of correctional education and upbringing of preschool children, breathing games and exercises aimed at developing correct physiological and speech breathing are widely used. Special games and exercises are described in the manuals: G.A. Volkova, V.I. Seliverstova, E.N. Krause, I.A. Povarova, R.I. Lalaeva, S.E. Bolshakova, N.G. Komratova and etc. Regular exercises for the development of speech breathing, conducted by a speech pathologist in classes and teachers in a group, will ensure normal sound pronunciation, create conditions for maintaining the volume of speech, strictly observing pauses, maintaining fluency of speech and intonation expressiveness. In addition, they will strengthen the child’s health, increase his mental abilities, and correctly shape the child’s breathing.

              List of used literature.

              1. Fedyukovich N.I. Human Anatomy and Physiology: Tutorial. — Ed. 2nd. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2003. - 416 p.
              2. Tkachenko B.I. Normal human physiology. — 2nd ed. - M.: Medicine, 2005. - 928 p.
              3. Speech therapy: textbook for students. defectol. fak. ped. higher textbook establishments. / Ed. L.S. Volkova. ? 5th ed. ? M.: Vlados, 2008. - 703 p.
              4. Semenova K.A., Mastyukova E.M., Smuglin M.Ya. Clinical symptoms of dysarthria and general principles speech therapy. // Speech therapy. Methodological heritage. In 5 books. ? Book I: Disturbances of the voice and sound-pronunciation aspect of speech: At 2 o'clock? Part 2: Rhinolalia. Dysarthria: a manual for speech therapists and students. defectol. faculties of pedagogy universities / Shakhovskaya S.N. and etc.; edited by L.S. Volkova. ? M.: Vlados, 2006. ? 303 pp.
              5.Belyakova L.I., Dyakova E.A. Stuttering. Textbook aid for students ped. institutes for special “Speech therapy”. - M.: V. Sekachev, 1998. - 304 p.: ill.
              6.Verbovaya N.P., Golovina O.M., Urnova V.V. The art of speech. ? M., 1977.
              7. Kochetkova I.N. Paradoxical gymnastics by Strelnikova. ? M., 1989.

    Elena Bazhina
    We breathe correctly and speak easily. Formation of speech breathing during stuttering

    We breathe correctly - we speak easily.

    Formation of speech breathing during stuttering.

    The most important condition correct speech is a smooth, long exhalation, clear and relaxed articulation.

    Speech breathing different from normal life breathing. Speech breathing is a controlled process, physiological breath does not require the participation of the will and occurs automatically.

    It has been established that the most correct, convenient for speech is the diaphragmatic - costal breath when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The bottom, most capacious part is active lungs. The upper parts of the chest, as well as the shoulders, remain practically motionless, while creating the most favorable conditions for the functioning of the vocal apparatus. Control correct speech breathing is possible, placing your palm on the area of ​​the diaphragm, i.e. between the chest and abdomen. When you inhale, the abdominal wall rises and the lower part of the chest expands. When you exhale, the abdominal and chest muscles contract.

    Breathing in while speaking is short, easy. Exhale – long, smooth (in relation to 1 :10 ; 1 :15) .During the process of speech, the functional significance of the exhalation phase increases significantly. Before speaking, a quick and deeper breath is usually taken than at rest. Speech inhalation is carried out through the mouth and nose, and in the process speech exhalation, the air flow goes only through the mouth. Great importance for voicing a statement, it has a rational way of using the air stream. The exhalation time is extended as much as the sound of the voice is necessary during the continuous pronunciation of an intonation-logically completed segment of the utterance.

    Correct speech breathing, clear, relaxed articulation is the basis for the sound of the voice. Improper breathing leads to forced and unstable voice.

    Speech breathing is considered incorrect, if the following are detected errors:

    Lifting the chest up and drawing in the abdomen while inhaling

    Inhale too much

    Frequency breathing

    Short exhalation

    Inability to make air intake unnoticed by others

    incorrect posture

    In the clinical picture stuttering disorder is noted breathing. The main violations of phonation breathing in people who stutter are:


    Uneconomical use of air in the process of voice formation

    Shortened, jerky, sporadic exhalation

    Frequent intakes of air unjustified syntagmatic and logical division speech flow

    Spontaneous delays breathing at the height of inhalation or exhalation

    Most often there is a predominant use of the upper costal or thoracic during speech. breathing, accompanied by a strong rise in the shoulder girdle, chest, tension in the neck muscles, as a result of which breath become noisy and tense.

    U those who stutter are noted to be unformed coordination mechanisms speech- And voice formation: phonation breath becomes superficial, arrhythmic, volume exhaled air decreases, is used irrationally, there is no time relationship between the exhalation phase and the implementation of the articulatory program of utterance. Therefore, when correcting speech fluency disorders, there is a need to specially organize the activities of peripheral parts speech apparatus.

    An important aspect in working on developing voice production techniques is staging correct phonation breathing. Formation of speech inhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech; great attention is paid to cultivating the activity of the diaphragm and lower ribs, the development of the nasal breathing.

    Exercises are grouped according to their degree complications:

    1. Static breathing exercises, whose main task is form mixed diaphragm type breathing, coordinate correct ratio of inhalation and exhalation, achieve conscious voluntary breathing control.

    2. Dynamic breathing exercises, facilitating the process of mastering the skill of coordinated breathing, indirectly affect the process of phonation.

    3. Phonation breathing exercises

    Tasks Areas of work

    1. Production correct breathing kinesthesia. 1. Normalization of tone respiratory muscles

    2. Formation of force, focus and duration of the air stream

    3. Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation

    2. Production correct phonation kinesthesia 1. Formation of phonation during exhalation

    2. Determining the most comfortable sounding voice

    3. Coordination respiratory, phonation and articulatory kinesthesia

    4. Increase in phonation time

    3. Rhythm correction breathing 1. Formation of breathing rhythm

    2. Conscious regulation correct inhalation and exhalation ratio

    3. Distribution of exhalation into specific speech segments dictated by logic

    Education and development of tempo and rhythm breathing implemented through the system targeted training. Tempo and rhythm breaths are formed during exercises (static and dynamic, which are performed first without speech, then with verbal accompaniment.

    Static breathing exercises.

    The main task of a speech therapist is to explain to students "techniques" performing exercises. At the first stage, the focus is on formation lower costal type breathing with the active participation of the diaphragm, coordination of rhythmic inhalation and exhalation. A speech therapist teaches how to eliminate excess tension in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, chest, and arms. The training is carried out sitting or lying down (in this position the muscles of the whole body relax slightly).After 5-7 days, after establishing an even rhythmic breathing proceed to the formation of breathing skills during physical activity.

    Dynamic breathing exercises.

    When performing dynamic exercises, the voluntary component of regulation is improved breathing. The choice of a set of dynamic exercises depends not only on physical capabilities stutterers, but also from identified deficiencies in phonation breathing. Thus, for asthenia, complexes that activate muscle muscles are recommended, for vocal and respiratory spasms speech apparatus - exercises that help relieve excess tension respiratory muscles, in some cases they combine activating and relaxation exercises. Dynamic respiratory exercises are carried out in combination with movements of the torso, arms, and neck. The main goal of the training is achieved by changing the tempo, frequency, and nature of the exercises. To activate the muscles, use sharp jerks of the arms (pushing movements, bending, turning the body, and to relieve tension, use slow and smooth movements. When educating correct speech breathing alternate activating and relaxation exercises. For automation and consolidation correct breathing patterns select exercises that are close to the natural conditions of human life (walking, climbing stairs, physical activity).Multiple repetitions of complexes become stereotypical and automated, as a result of which the character and rhythm change breathing: instead of superficial and frequent a calmer environment is forming, deep rhythmic breath, which ensures optimal speech sound.

    Phonation breathing exercises.

    The next stage of work is the development of prolonged phonation exhalation. Formation phonation exhalation is the basis for the development of coordinating relationships between breathing, voice, articulation. Because the the formation of speech breathing is closely related to the formation skills of rational vocal delivery and voice guidance, then these tasks are solved almost simultaneously. Work on phonation begins with voiceless fricative consonants and vowels. These exercises are performed in static or dynamic modes (slow extension of the arms to the sides, tilts and turns of the head and torso, movement of the legs, etc., performing long exhalation training. Next is the choice speech material depends on individual characteristics stutterers and is selected in accordance with the learning objectives. For example, with hyponasality, it is recommended to pronounce sonorous sounds "m" And "n" as physiologically the most convenient and controllable, then vowel sounds are practiced.

    For vocal spasms use aspirated phonation, and in difficult cases (speech block) classes begin with the mental utterance of sounds or whispers.

    In development speech breathing on a long smooth exhalation, they are introduced speech exercises, which are gradually complicate: increase the number of sounds pronounced in one exhalation, from sound to syllable, word, phrase and phrase. Focus on technology breathing while speaking: strive to avoid excessive loss of air during exhalation, monitor uniformity breathing when completing a task. When conducting speech training is monitored correct breath trying to avoid "brute force" air. Diaphragmatic inhalation and exhalation while performing these exercises stuttering can control with the palm placed on the diaphragm area, the smoothness of abdominal movements during inhalation and exhalation corresponds to the natural pattern breathing, which indicates coordination of phonation and breathing.

    Exhalation training is carried out when pronouncing short simple proverbs, proverbs, sayings, then move on to complex phrases. When practicing complex statements, students pronounce the first part of the phrase, and then, after gaining air, complete the statement.

    When choosing speech material, it is necessary to take into account the age and interests of students, which makes it possible to increase their interest and speed up the process of automating new speech stereotypes.

    Depending on the somatic state of the students, the optimal result is achieved by training lasting 5-10 minutes with an interval of 10-15 minutes. Those who stutter It is recommended to repeat the exercises systematically twice a day on your own.

    When learning new skills, it is necessary not only to explain, but also to demonstrate it multiple times and connect various types of control. (auditory, visual, kinesthetic).

    Used Books:

    1. Povarova I. A. Stuttering: diagnosis and correction of tempo-rhythmic disorders of oral speech. Monograph. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2005.

    2. Povarova I. A. Workshop for stutterers. – St. Petersburg: "Publishing house SOYUZ", 2000.

    One of the constant signs of stuttering is impaired speech breathing. In addition to the possibility of the appearance of convulsive activity in the muscles of the respiratory apparatus, impaired speech breathing in people who stutter is expressed in the following indicators: insufficient volume of inhaled air before the start of a speech utterance, shortened speech exhalation, immaturity of coordination mechanisms between speech breathing and phonation.

    Work on the formation of speech breathing includes the following stages:

    1) Expanding the physiological capabilities of the breathing apparatus (establishing diaphragmatic-costal breathing and forming a long exhalation through the mouth).

    2) Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

    3) Formation of speech exhalation.

    The formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech. It is known that fluency of speech is a holistic, continuous articulation of an intonationally and logically completed segment of an utterance in the process of one continuous exhalation.

    Considering that people who stutter have shallow, insufficiently regular breathing, in which the muscles of the chest, especially the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, are in a state of excessive tension, most practitioners use diaphragmatic-costal breathing, which is often called diaphragmatic, in the correction of stuttering. With this type of breathing, the work of the abdominal muscles is of particular importance.

    Diaphragmatic-costal breathing begins in a lying position. It is optimal that diaphragmatic breathing is carried out against the background of muscle relaxation. As a rule, during this period, people who stutter are already familiar with the elements of relaxation.

    In preschool age, the formation of diaphragmatic breathing must be carried out at the initial stage in a lying position. In this position, the muscles of the whole body relax slightly and diaphragmatic breathing is established automatically without additional instructions.

    In the future, various game techniques are used to train diaphragmatic breathing, its strength and duration. The following must be taken into account: methodological instructions.

    1. Breathing exercises should be organized in such a way that the child does not focus on the process of inhalation and exhalation.

    2. For preschool children, breathing exercises are organized in the form of a game so that the child can involuntarily take a deeper breath and exhale longer.

    3. All exercises for training speech breathing are associated with performing two main movements:

    the arms from the “sideways” position move “anteriorly” with the girth of the chest, or from the “above” position they move downwards. Body movements like

    usually associated with a downward or sideways tilt. 4. Most exercises for preschool children include exhalation with articulation of consonants (mainly fricatives) or phonation of vowel sounds, which allows the speech therapist to auditorily control the duration and continuity of exhalation, and subsequently forms biological feedback in the child.


    The person who stutters is in a supine position. The child's hand rests on the upper abdomen (diaphragmatic region). The child’s attention is drawn to the fact that his stomach is “breathing well.” You can put a toy on your stomach to attract attention. This exercise lasts on average 2-3 minutes. The exercise should be performed effortlessly to avoid hyperventilation and increased muscle tone.