Glutamine - an essential supplement or useless? What is L-glutamine? How to take it correctly and why Glutamine where

If you remove one brick from a building, it is likely that the house will remain undamaged for a certain amount of time, after which it will gradually begin to fall apart. This process can last years or decades, and the result is natural - by removing one brick, we significantly accelerate the collapse of our building.

But what happens if you remove not a brick from a building, but a wall? Most likely, the building will either collapse immediately or will exist for some time in an inferior form. And if arginine can be considered a building block, then glutamine is the wall on which the entire human muscular foundation rests.

What is glutamine?

Every novice bodybuilder, every more or less educated person knows that protein consists of amino acids. Perhaps some people really believe that the meat eaten immediately turns into muscles, attaching itself to our muscles. Naturally, in reality things are completely different.

In the gastrointestinal tract, protein is broken down into amino acids, after which some of the amino acids, to put it very simply, go to build muscles, and some to other needs of the body.

Despite the fact that l-glutamine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid, muscle protein consists of 60% of it.

Therefore, this amino acid is essential for muscle growth. Research supports the conclusion above. So, back in the mid-80s, when the market sports nutrition was not as developed as it is now, scientists have discovered a pattern: the more of a given amino acid in an athlete’s body, the more impressive his muscle mass. In addition, this is another amino acid that affects the amount of nitrogen released. This means that it also has some of the properties of arginine, including:

  • Effect on muscle growth.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Increasing the production of growth hormone - one of the main hormones for building muscle mass.

Scientific research proves that glutamine is a powerful anti-catabolic. Scientists have repeatedly proven its positive effect on the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that slows muscle growth and suppresses testosterone production. Therefore, glutamine is also useful in hormonal matters, where we need to increase the level of anabolic hormones while reducing the levels of catabolic hormones in the blood.

Due to its effect on the hormonal system, the supplement allows you to gain muscle mass more effectively and quickly; the amino acid can also improve your mood. Again, we are talking about reducing the level of cortisol, the excess of which leads to stress, preventing you from enjoying life.

How to take L-glutamine correctly?

To be honest, there is no difference in how you take glutamine. Another thing is that the advice to take before, during and after training does make some sense. Since glutamine is anti-catabolic, we have the opportunity to suppress catabolism, speeding up post-workout recovery. It is advisable to take a small dose before and during training, followed by a larger dose at the end of the training session.

Now let's decide on the dosages.
Depending on the manufacturer, the recommended dose ranges from 900 milligrams to 3 grams. Athletes are recommended to consume about 5 grams per day. But, understanding that this is only a conditionally replaceable acid, we can look at real data on how much glutamine is synthesized in the human body per day. 10 grams? 20? Is it really 50? No, you didn't guess. Our body produces about 150 grams per day.

Naturally, about one gram of amino acid obtained from a supplement may only work as a placebo effect. In fact, from 1, 2, 5 and even 10 grams you will not feel any real effect. Working dosages are from 15 grams of glutamine per day. Really working - from 30 grams. However, it is worth starting with 15 grams if you simultaneously consume protein products of animal origin.

Perhaps for an athlete who consumes 3-4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, 30 grams of glutamine will be excessive. But for the majority of ordinary people visiting Gym, this is the dosage that can be called working.

Glutamine in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, this amino acid became popular in the 90s. Moreover, domestic bodybuilders immediately noticed that there was “something wrong” with the working dosages indicated by the manufacturer. It got to the point that athletes stopped counting dosages and ate the supplement as if it were some kind of candy and not an amino acid.

Now l-glutamine has lost its position in bodybuilding and you will no longer see “crazy jocks” gorging on glutamine. But that doesn't mean it's ineffective. Indeed, over the past decades, studies have repeatedly been carried out proving the uselessness of this amino acid. Therapeutic doses were taken (up to 4 grams) and based on the results obtained, which, of course, cannot be achieved at such dosages, conclusions were drawn that this sports supplement was useless. Naturally, this is not so.

Glutamine in large dosages is still used by some bodybuilders, who know that in large dosages it is an indispensable supplement to any sports diet. And it is used very successfully.

Scientifically proven fact: glutamine levels in the body, as well as its natural production by the body, drop by 25% during a low-carb diet.

And if within the framework of a mass-gaining cycle you can do without an additive, saving money and not achieving a better result, then during drying it is an indispensable additive, which you still have to fork out for. If earlier adherents of iron sports consumed it on a regular basis, since the supplement cost a penny, now this may cause financial difficulties.

Thirty grams all year round- this is quite expensive, especially in our crisis conditions. Therefore, if your wallet is not happy that you have just discovered l-glutamine, you can not use it during a mass-gaining cycle, purchasing it only during cutting, where it is not only proven to be 100% effective, but also the fate of your muscles is decided, which can “burn” along with fat if a low-carbohydrate diet provokes a lack of glutamine.

You've probably heard about the sports supplement glutamine, but most likely you've never tried to include it in your sports nutrition kit. Think you don't need glutamine? Perhaps this is true, perhaps not...

Once upon a time there were two sisters - creatine and glutamine. Creatine is hot - there's no doubt about it. She looks great - beautiful tan, long legs, shod in sandals. Yes, Creatine made people turn heads wherever she appeared. She even made it onto the covers of popular magazines!

Glutamine, on the contrary, is reserved, wears glasses, braces on her teeth, and rarely lets her hair down. Of course, it doesn't get as much attention as Creatine. But that didn't seem to bother her, even when the guys "pushed her aside" in favor of hanging out with Creatine a little more.

But if you take off Glutamine's glasses, her braces, and let her hair flow, you'll see a very sexy thing. Yes, besides, she is smart and highly bank account. A complete set, what can I say!

"I think it's time to take a closer look at Glutamine"!

Why do I need glutamine?

Glutamine is one of those substances that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Unfortunately, it turned out to be pushed into the shadows by brighter products like creatine, growth hormone, and prohormones. In the highly competitive sports supplement industry, manufacturers are racing to bring the newest, best, edge-providing supplements to the shelves.

People are usually shocked that I classify glutamine as an “essential supplement” (essential supplements are those that I can’t live without). In my opinion, glutamine ranks in the same place as whey protein, meal replacement powders (MRP's), and essential fatty acids. Yes, that's right, boys and girls, I put glutamine above creatine in terms of importance. Shocked? Believe me, you are not the first...


Did you know that a large dose of glutamine is contained in the BCAA Aminoblast product from Rocket Nutrition with the taste of "Cola" and "Mojito"! Over 3 grams of glutamine per serving, plus a high dose of BCAA and citrulline!

Order right now on our website with delivery throughout Russia and Belarus!

Now, glutamine doesn't have pages and pages of hype about how it will increase muscle mass by 200% or even 300%, but it does lay the foundation for a solid foundation for athletes and everyday people alike. Glutamine can increase the release of growth hormone, reduce muscle pain, speed up recovery, help your body in moments of stress, help stimulate protein synthesis, increase muscle size, provide support for the immune system, and help a huge number of internal organs.

Plasma glutamine levels are an indicator in determining Overtraining Syndrome (OTS), and glutamine may help prevent this syndrome. Moreover, glutamine helps in the production glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body. Like I said, glutamine is a sexy little thing.

What is glutamine?

Glutamine is one of the many amino acids that make up protein. In the human body, the proportion of glutamine among free amino acids is more than 60 percent, making glutamine the leading amino acid. Glutamine was originally classified as a nonessential amino acid because it could be synthesized from other amino acids - glutamine amino acid, isoleucine and valine.

However, glutamine has recently been relegated to the category of “conditionally essential” amino acids because the human body cannot always produce as much glutamine as required. I believe both of these labels are wrong.

When something is declared to be “not essential,” people too often begin to think that it is unnecessary, unnecessary, or unimportant. I believe that glutamine is both important and necessary. The bulk of glutamine is produced and stored in skeletal muscle and lungs. Glutamine is sold in powder or capsule form. The powder I prefer is white and fluffy, like the stuff you see at Hollywood parties (just don't try snorting glutamine). The aroma is sweetish, the taste is not tasty, although sports nutrition manufacturers will not let you feel it by adding tasty flavors.

Why would someone need more glutamine than their body can produce?

Exercise or everyday stress (like almost getting caught with your boss's the boss's desk) can reduce glutamine stores. Sick people, people in critical condition, burn patients, and postoperative patients also require additional doses of glutamine. When the body is stressed or injured, it begins to absorb glutamine from stores found in skeletal muscle.

In an attempt to heal itself, the body sends accumulated glutamine into damaged tissue. When glutamine stores are depleted, the ability to repair damaged tissue is reduced. Catabolic stress associated with stress or injury can reduce glutamine levels by more than 50%. This greatly expands the list of those who need additional glutamine, anyone who exercises, is exposed to everyday stress, is injured, is sick will benefit from additional glutamine. So if your boss caught you, you may need glutamine as an anti-stress or post-surgery remedy.

Are you overtraining?

“I work out five days a week, trying to make my butt smaller, and I’m not getting any results. But that's not all, I'm constantly sick, I'm irritable, my ass wiggles a meter behind me when I walk. I don't think I can train any more, but I want to see some results. What am I doing wrong?"

This was a question I was asked recently, would anyone say this is overtraining? Sometimes daily slaps aren't enough to wake someone up. There are many situations in life in which more is not better (of course, it often happens that more is better).

Often, overtraining, as measured by plasma glutamine levels, results from training volumes or intensities that are greater than what is acceptable given the recovery time available. If you don't give the body a chance to recover sufficiently between workouts, the body can't adequately repair itself, and the result is overtraining. Overtraining is responsible for decreased physical activity, problems with immunity, inactivity, and irritability. The most annoying thing is that if you have overtraining, only time, rest, nutrition, and supplements can help. Unfortunately, it takes much longer to recover than it does to “get” overtraining.

Many athletes are in a state of overtraining for 6 months straight. When conducting recent studies Scientists observed seven athletes who ran a long distance for 10 days in a row. According to scientists, even after 6 days allotted for recovery, some athletes had low levels of glutamine in their blood plasma.

In the same study, researchers found that after athletes performed only one training session of short sprints, plasma glutamine levels dropped by 45%. As you can see, plasma glutamine levels can drop very easily, and they can stay low for quite a long time.

I believe that taking glutamine supplements is a smart way to maintain skeletal muscle glutamine stores as well as maintain plasma glutamine levels. Maintaining glutamine stores and plasma glutamine levels can be very effective way limit the possibility of developing overtraining. The ancients said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It couldn’t be truer.

What about growth hormone?

Growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, is a very complex hormone consisting of 191 amino acids. An increase in lean body mass, a decrease in body fat, an increase in sexual attractiveness, mood, memory, alertness - all this is associated with growth hormone. Unfortunately, After age 30, the body begins to produce less growth hormone, and its secretion decreases with age.

Due to the decrease in the secretion of growth hormone, we should expect a reverse manifestation of the above-described qualities. If we can prevent and reverse the decline in growth hormone secretion, we can add a little spring to our walk, a little firmness to our pen movement, and a little more yo to our yohoo. It is very possible that growth hormone is the very fountain of youth.

There are two ways to increase growth hormone secretion: use recombinant growth hormone (synthesized in laboratories and given as an injection), or stimulate the pituitary gland to increase hormone secretion naturally. Synthetic growth hormone therapy costs more than $20,000 per year and is not covered by health insurance in most cases.

For most, synthetic growth hormone is not available due to financial reasons. On the other hand, using products that stimulate the pituitary gland, you can increase the secretion of growth hormone in a fairly economical way.

Glutamine is a proven supplement that is essential increasing the level of growth hormone in the blood plasma. Within 45 minutes of eating a light breakfast, nine participants received a two-gram serving of glutamine. After just 30 minutes, plasma levels of growth hormone increased by 430% and returned to normal levels after 90 minutes. Considering the volume of discoveries regarding increasing growth hormone levels, this study is very encouraging.

If you are interested in an inexpensive way to increase plasma levels of growth hormone, you can take two to 5 grams of glutamine at a time, 5 to 6 times a day between meals. Growth hormone usually enters the bloodstream shortly after falling asleep, so make sure that your last glutamine intake is shortly before bedtime.

How to use glutamine correctly?

Answering the question of how much glutamine you should consume is quite difficult. There is no one standard answer that fits every case. When determining the dose of glutamine, body weight, activity level, level of daily stress, general health, and diet are taken into account. You also need to consider the purpose for which you are using glutamine. Preventing overtraining, stimulating growth hormone production, aiding the immune system, or simply replacing sugar in your post-workout mixture?

If it is to prevent overtraining, then I recommend consuming glutamine before and after training, as well as before bed. Again, there are too many variables to consider to give you an accurate answer on exactly how much to consume. Basically - 4-10 grams before and after training, as well as before bed. If you're on a low-carb diet, you may want to increase this amount, especially in your post-workout blend. Glutamine increases glycogen stores by 16% when taken after a workout.

I have seen recommendations to consume 1 gram of glutamine per kilogram of body weight. Taking large doses of glutamine half an hour before your workout will provide you with an unforgettable experience. After experimenting with 30 grams of glutamine pre-workout, I experienced such an increase in muscle mass that I could no longer strain my muscles.

No supplement, including creatine, has given such a “pump” before!

However, I must warn you: someone has told me that they feel nauseous after consuming large amounts of glutamine at once (but I personally have not experienced any side effects from consuming large doses).

But at the same time, they said that the workout after taking large doses of glutamine was one of the most wonderful. Interestingly, while I experimented with higher doses (30 grams before or during training and 15 grams after) I found that it was almost impossible for me to get muscle soreness. I would usually hobble around in pain for four to five days after a hard leg workout, so I was understandably thrilled to be able to walk without pain.

What I will suggest is unlikely to have scientific evidence, but if you experience delayed pain after training ( DOMS- severe muscle pain that occurs and peaks 48 hours after exercise), I recommend that you consider incorporating glutamine into your diet.

Unfortunately, as in many other topics about our body, there is no clear answer to what dose of glutamine should be taken. Use the above recommendations as a guide and listen to what your body is telling you. If you eat 30 grams of glutamine in one sitting and feel like you're about to be torn to pieces, then reduce the dose next time. If you experience nausea or any abdominal discomfort, start with small doses and gradually increase them.

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You’ve decided to take care of yourself, pump up your muscles a little, but you don’t know where to start or what to do. Don't worry, we will tell you everything. So just be careful and listen to all the advice. Of course, the gym is good, it will have excellent results, but not for all the time. You will have to supplement it with something after a while. But than, of course, glutamine. Use it and enjoy the effect, you will simply be delighted with it.

Glutamine,why do we need it?

If this is your first time hearing about this magical word glutamine, don’t worry, we will tell you many nuances about it and advise you on its use. You will learn, . Glutamine is a common amino acid that is found in almost every protein in your body. Don't delay using it, just start using it. Glutamine is sometimes in short supply in the body. Most of all it is located in your muscles. That is why it will begin to climb from the muscles.

Glutamine, why do we need it?

There will come a time when the muscles stop growing, and if you stop training, they may disappear altogether. Do we really need this? Of course not. So to avoid this, you simply need to consume glutamine. Consuming glutamine is a fairly complex process. We'll talk about it a little below. Glutamine will not only help build your muscles, but also improve your immunity.

The answer to the question is yes, because you will get sick less and feel better. Your body will be less sensitive to various diseases. So glutamine is simply necessary for those who want to use it and get sick less. You also just need glutamine if you get sick a lot. It will help you feel much better, more alert, more rested. You will be able to get enough sleep and spend less time on rest.

What is glutamine for?

If you need to do something urgently, for example, write a lot. Glutamine will help you with this, it will simply clear your brain, make your thoughts brighter and clearer. So the work will go much faster. Let's consider also. Glutamine is a must if you spend a lot of time training. During training, the body gets tired, it experiences fatigue, apathy and even stress. After some time after long workouts, you may become irritable and tired. You will become rude to people and much more.

In order to avoid this, you will need to reinforce the body with something, add something for it and simply restore it. Glutamine is what you and your body need. Many consumers have already written about this on our website.

Glutamine allows the body to get the necessary energy, strength and even rest. With glutamione, you can train longer, rest less, and do absolutely everything. You will also need less time to sleep, you will have time for yourself and things that you have been putting off for a long time.

What is Glutamine, how much and why should you take it? - video

  • Glutamine is the innovation of today. It is necessary for those who have problems with the intestinal tract and the alkaline balance of your body. So use it and your problems will be gone. There is one thing, but glutamine has not yet been confirmed by research. Its effect has not yet been scientifically confirmed. But the result is worth it. This can be verified by reviews from customers who use glutamine. There are a huge number of them.

Customers leave both positive and negative reviews. We will look at them all in great detail. Positive reviews are, of course, the results that glutamine gives. Your body will very quickly acquire the muscle shape and mass that you need. Good review and the answer to the question, . To build muscle. You will also just be able to have an amazing view. You will look rested, cheerful and simply in perfect shape. Let's consider Forwhat is glutamine needed for? girls.

Why do girls need glutamine?

Moreover, glutamine can be used not only by men, but also by girls. Girls get the same effect, because glutamine affects them in exactly the same way. Glutamine has excellent effects on the body of both men and women. The only thing is the proportions. They depend on weight. Girls weigh much less than guys, so much less glutamine is needed. Glutamine is easy to use. Next, let's look at the negative reviews, there are much fewer of them. Firstly, the price. Some companies sell glutamine at a much higher price than others. Glutamine usually costs about 250 rubles, but if the company is advanced, then the companies can charge three hundred or three hundred and fifty rubles. But the composition is the same. Glutamine is practically no different. Just choose a slightly cheaper option and that's it. And another negative review is the lack of scientific evidence. But this is only said by those who have not yet tried glutamine.


Finding glutamine is not difficult. You already know, . You just need to choose the best option to purchase it. There are two of them. The first is a pharmacy. Anyone can buy glutamine there. You will not be asked for any documents or a prescription; you simply buy it like a regular medicine. But this option takes time. There is another option for purchasing glutamine - the Internet.

Looking for glutamine?

Enter buy glutamine into a search engine and you will see a huge number of sites that offer glutamine. Its cost is cheaper there. But you should pay attention to delivery. If it is far away, then it will be quite expensive. And this is a plus to the price. So it might be a little bigger. The advantage of shopping online is that you can buy glutamine at any time. Even at night. And delivery can also be chosen by you. You can receive glutamine by mail, or by courier. That is, you can get glutamine directly to your home or work. If you do not have a lot of time, then it is advisable to agree on the delivery time in advance.

Instructions for use

Glutamine is easy to use. You need to choose capsules or powder. Having answered the question, let's look at how to use it. Simply take glutamine capsules cold water, and mix the powder with the protein shake. As for the proportions, if you weigh up to 67 kilos, you can consume approximately 10-12 grams; if you weigh more than a hundred kilos, 23 grams will be enough for you.

Instructions for use

As for the time of administration, the ideal time would be immediately after sleep, when the body requires food. This is an ideal option for those who simply cannot eat breakfast. The second glutamine intake is after training, when the body is very tired and stressed. The third dose of glutamine is before bed, when the body simply needs rest and wants to sleep, so you wake up alert and rested. Now you too will answer the question.

What is glutamine for - video

In the bodybuilding world, the amino acid Glutamine is known as one of the best supplements on the market.

How to take glutamine?

The amino acid glutamine is best taken immediately after, when its level in the body can drop by 50%. After exercise, glutamine is needed to be transported into muscle cells to support growth and recovery. It may take several hours (or even days!) for the body to synthesize the required amount of glutamine on its own. It is in this case that additional amino acid intake is needed. You can add glutamine to your diet after training.

Benefits of taking Glutamine for muscle growth.

  • Stimulating muscle growth by transporting nitrogen into the “building” muscle cell
  • Reduced recovery time after training
  • Increase in growth hormone levels
  • Protecting muscles from damage during training
  • Increased endurance by restoring glycogen levels during training
  • Strengthening the immune system and increasing disease resistance
  • Avoiding Overtraining
  • Amino acid Glutamine has no side effects and age restrictions

Glutamine is one of the safest supplements. This amino acid helps prevent overtraining syndrome and create beautiful muscle definition.

What is glutamine?

Glutamine (in English Glutamine) is a substance from the group of non-essential amino acids. More precisely, it is conditionally irreplaceable. It is widespread in nature. The amino acid is part of the protein, which means it is found in a significant amount in the blood and accumulates in the muscles.

In muscle cells, glutamine is produced from other types of amino acids, such as isoleucine, glutamic acid and valine. It is believed that glutamine is required by humans to improve the immune system and actively build muscle tissue. It is glutamine that predominates in the body among other amino acids. Muscle tissue contains about 60% glutamine. Today, glutamine is actively used in sports. This supplement has been well studied by specialists in the field of sports nutrition and bodybuilding.

How does glutamine work?

Glutamine is necessary for immunity and cell growth. Increased training loads or stress provoke a decrease in the percentage of glutamine in the blood. This effect is directly related to the weakening of the immune defense and an increased likelihood of infection by pathogens entering the body. At the same time, the glutamine content in the muscles decreases. This causes muscle wasting, even with regular exercise.

Features of glutamine

According to information from manufacturers, glutamine helps maintain protein reserves, which is important during constant training. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of authoritative scientists. According to some tests, taking glutamine supplements immediately after training helps to quickly restore the body, protect against infections and colds, and reduce the risk of muscle pain.

According to other tests, there is no real benefit. For example, studies by Canadian scientists have shown that the effect of glutamine is comparable to placebo drugs in terms of gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Scientific tests were carried out at the following dosage: glutamine 100 mg per 1 kg of weight. The supplement was taken within 2 hours after intense exercise or after sports competitions. If an athlete weighs 70 kg, then the portion will be 7 g.

There is no guarantee that glutamine will have a positive effect on the body. Benefits and harms can only be assessed after individual testing of supplements. Glutamine can be found in meal replacement products and protein supplements.

Glutamine in foods

Let's briefly list where glutamine is found:

  • plant foods - beans, cabbage, parsley, spinach and beets;
  • animal food - dairy products, beef, chicken fillet, eggs and fish.

In addition, free L-glutamine is found in small amounts in miso paste and vegetable juices. To get more information about glutamine and what this substance contains, the data is collected in the table.

How does glutamine work?

Athletes receive the following benefits from glutamine supplements:

  • increasing energy reserves (another source of energy is glucose);
  • active substances promote the production of proteins for muscles (however, the effect on muscle growth has not been scientifically confirmed);
  • prevention of overtraining;
  • inhibition of the process of cortisol production (this is called the anti-catabolic effect);
  • rapid recovery after physical activity;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Alternative opinions should also be considered. Many well-known sources prove that the use of glutamine plays an insignificant role in bodybuilding. Researchers say fortifying foods with glutamine does not speed up muscle protein production after exercise. Combining carbohydrates with glutamine reduces the likelihood of muscle breakdown, but does not increase the rate of glycogen recovery after exercise, compared to consuming carbohydrates alone.

A study of the bodies of young people who took glutamine during training showed that the supplement did not affect the rate of protein production and muscle growth.

As you know, consuming glutamine means saturating the blood with this amino acid. However, many researchers say that these changes do not affect overtraining and do not change the state of the immune system.

There is also reliable data on the same strength indicators of two groups of athletes performing the bench press and leg press. One group took glutamine supplements, the other a placebo.

In general, regarding the risk of infections, immune activity, strength gain and muscle mass, expert opinions vary greatly. Many sources claim that the same things can be achieved without glutamine. Therefore, most likely, our body does not require additional portions of the amino acid when playing sports and bodybuilding. You can also find a lot of materials from fans of powerlifting on the topic of the undoubted benefits of supplements. From all of the above, it follows that there are many different opinions and theory may differ from practice.

How is glutamine taken?

The generally accepted norm is to take 4 to 8 g of glutamine per day. It is permissible to make 2 receptions. One serving is taken immediately after training, and the second at night. The product compensates for exhaustion during and after training, reduces catabolism, and promotes muscle growth. It is recommended to take glutamine at night, since it is during sleep that the body produces growth hormone; a glutamine supplement is taken before bed to make this process more intense. Athletes also have free days without training, in which case the supplement is taken at lunchtime and at night.

It is best to consume glutamine on an empty stomach. It is better to pause 30 minutes before eating. Half an hour is enough to absorb the amino acid. Perhaps it is at the peak of amino acid saturation that the body produces growth hormone to the maximum.

Some athletes take 30 grams of glutamine each time before training, and do not experience discomfort, but only notice a strong muscle-enhancing effect. This proves that the supplement is safe.

Many sources recommend taking 5-10 grams before and after training, as well as at night. Everyone chooses the dosage according to their own needs. To determine the dose individually, you will have to take into account your weight, level of physical activity, your goals, the amount of stress, the way you eat and the condition of the body as a whole.

Sports nutrition and glutamine

A large number of sports supplements combine harmoniously with glutamine. Active substances enhance each other's effects. Here are the basic rules for combining glutamine with sports supplements:

  • take creatine and glutamine together, and then take protein (with this approach, you can use pre-workout and anabolic products, for example, a testosterone booster);
  • It is not recommended to combine protein and glutamine so that the absorption of the latter does not deteriorate (you need to wait at least 30 minutes).

A pre-workout complex should be understood as a sports supplement for bodybuilding with a rich composition - 10-20 ingredients for productive training, increasing endurance and strength, muscle growth and recovery. The most common components are: creatine, taurine, BCAA, beta-alanine, caffeine, minerals, vitamins, arginine. You can easily combine BCAAs with glutamine.

Does glutamine cause side effects?

The natural amino acid supplied to the body with food is safe for humans. From additional servings of glutamine side effects excluded. It is possible that after taking a single portion of 15 g or more, the intestines will react with irritation. In general, we can say that glutamine does not cause harm, but there is no need to abuse it. A dosage of more than 10 g is unreasonable, because the body can absorb a limited amount of the substance. It is believed that 4-8 g is absorbed, the excess leaves the body naturally.

Glutamine is involved in the production of muscle protein, is an energy supplier, provides an anti-catabolic effect, strengthens the immune system and prevents overtraining syndrome

Glutamine for weight loss

Both men and women take amino acids for weight loss. Glutamine and other supplements:

  • create conditions for fat burning;
  • help you lose weight and maintain muscle mass;
  • increase performance.

Some athletes prefer to take glutamine before exercise for a powerful boost of energy. It all depends on the goals. If you consume amino acids before breakfast, the production of growth hormone will accelerate. A portion of amino acids before exercise maximally protects and increases muscle volume, afterward it helps burn fat, increases glycogen reserves by 16% and supports muscle growth.

Of course, free amino acids are appropriate for weight loss. Glutamine helps accelerate natural fat burning and accelerates metabolism to the desired speed. In support of this fact, we present research results. Taking glutamine with breakfast significantly benefits from taking a mix of amino acids - alanine, glycine, serine. In the first case, more calories are burned, which means there is a chance to remove more fat deposits. Another study found that taking glutamine before exercise caused you to burn more calories than taking an amino acid mixture.

The factor of strengthening the immune system is very useful for those who adhere to a low-calorie diet. Increased production of growth hormone as a strong anabolic and substance for lipolysis is also useful. To reduce body weight, it is recommended to take 5-10 g of glutamine with breakfast, before training with heavy weights and at night.

Other free amino acids also contribute to weight loss, which is why L-arginine, BCAAs and complex preparations with essential amino acids are so common in the sports environment.

It should be noted that glutamine does not burn fat and is not involved directly in the process of lipolysis. At the same time, amino acids are an important element of the diet for body shaping. Amino acids are taken to provide the body with building materials for protein. Such support allows you not to waste muscle fibers on various physiological processes. More muscle mass means more intense fat burning and the fastest possible metabolism.

It should be noted that amino acids give a strong effect to people with a large amount of muscle. For beginners, sports supplements are insignificant; they need to get used to training and switch to proper nutrition. Who really needs glutamine - people who understand supplements and understand why exactly they want to enrich their diet. Of course, the basis for losing weight and building beautiful body- This is a long-term competent calorie deficit in nutrition in combination with training.

If you experience muscle pain that becomes most severe 2 days after training, then glutamine is appropriate in the nutrition system.

Glutamine can definitely benefit those losing weight. Properties and application show that the substance is not a fat burner, a sweetener, a full-fledged immunomodulator and does not reduce appetite.

Glutamine for women

Glutamine for weight loss is equally useful for women as it is for men. Thanks to this amino acid, muscles recover faster, so the results of improving your figure appear in a short time. Girls like this bonus. After impressive physical exertion, the body comes into a state of physical stress, at which time it is important to protect muscle fibers.

Thanks to glutamine, cortisol levels are restrained, which means fats are burned freely in problem areas. That is why the female form is rapidly transforming. The abdomen, hips, chest, legs and other areas acquire a toned silhouette. If you take glutamine correctly while cutting, you can significantly improve your body.

With proper nutrition, glutamine does not need to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although supplements without artificial ingredients and flavors are definitely not harmful. Some moms take BCAAs and feel great. If a woman led an active lifestyle and took sports supplements before conception, then most likely she will have to continue to lead this lifestyle while carrying and feeding a child. Only with a different type of load. The packaging of some supplements states that they are contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. But this mark is made because detailed studies have not been conducted in this group of people.

BCAAs without harmful additives during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it can and should definitely be taken if a woman plays sports and does not receive enough valuable protein from food.

Let's summarize the information. Some experts consider taking glutamine supplements unnecessary, since a person can get this amino acid from food or the body produces it from BCAA on its own. But we also need to take into account the opinion of other experts who believe that there is no such thing as excess glutamine in the body - rich reserves are used for easy recovery after exercise and gain muscle mass.