What needs to be done to have a beautiful figure. Exercises for a slim figure: how to achieve a beautiful body. Secrets for Effective Home Workouts

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To stay fit, you need to eat less and move more. Even children know this. But there are other tricks that will help you become slimmer.

website invites you to get acquainted with the latest recommendations from nutritionists and weight loss experts. Who knows - maybe this is exactly what you have been looking for.

1. Set goals correctly.

Losing n kg is obviously a bad goal. See how different Jared Leto and Sylvester Stallone look - both in the photo have the same height (178 cm) and weight (93 kg).

There is another one in the photo below. case in point that a beautiful figure is not just a number on the scales.

The correct goal is not to lose weight, but to reduce the percentage of fat and increase the percentage of muscle. Eating right and exercising regularly will help.

2. Follow the 1/1/4 rule.

In the very general view the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the human diet should fit into the formula: 1/1/4 (that is, 1 g of protein, 1 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight). Depending on the lifestyle and loads, this ratio may vary. Main - All nutrients must enter the body. So forget about mono-diets.

Another important point - drinking regimen. For every kilogram of weight should be at least 30 ml of water daily.

3. Regularly take full-length photos of yourself.

If you seriously decide to review your habits and get a new figure for the summer - take pictures. Every week. The study found that people who follow a proper nutrition program and regularly photograph their body changes usually achieve their goals. It is the photographs in which you see how the waist is reduced that are the main motivator not to give up halfway through, scientists say.

4. Dim the lights before you sit down at the table.

Are you afraid to eat too much? Try dimming the lights and turning on some soft music. In soft lighting, food lovers eat less.

5. Keep a diary.

No, you don't have to write down your workouts and nutrition plan. Write everything that hurts the soul. Women who spit out their problems and worries on paper for 15 minutes a day can lose about 1.5 kg in 3 months without any diets, the study showed. And this is not surprising: by describing your difficulties, you will get rid of stress, which means you will not jam problems.

6. Listen to the right music during your workout.

The effectiveness of training directly depends on what you are listening to in the background. Several studies have shown that energetic music subconsciously motivates us to move more actively, which means to burn more calories. The ideal option is music at a speed of 120-140 beats per minute. It helps to distract from fatigue and improves stamina by 15%.

Every girl dreams of becoming the owner perfect figure. But not everyone manages to achieve perfection. The thing is that in pursuit of a better shape, you need not only to engage in active physical exercises, but also not to forget about the other components of a beautiful body.

Proper nutrition, cosmetic procedures and healthy sleep are the three pillars on which the external and internal beauty of a girl is based. They are not only an addition to sports activities, but also help to quickly bring weight back to normal, as well as give energy and maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

Victory over yourself

The most important enemy of an ideal figure is laziness, and in order to achieve at least not great results, you need to make, first of all, a victory over yourself. At first, this can be quite difficult. After all, you need to overcome your sense of habit, fear and an established lifestyle. Many girls believe that it is possible to achieve stunning results only by regularly visiting the gym and sitting on a strict diet. But this is far from true. Many Hollywood stars have long developed special sets of home exercises to create the perfect figure. After all, they are busy enough to constantly visit the gym.

Moreover, it is possible to perform various physical activities even with a child in your arms and no one will interfere with this. Thousands of insta-moms serve as an example and proof of this. And not only abroad, but also here in Russia. Enough to start small. After all, as they say, the first step is already half the battle.

Effective exercises for a perfect figure at home

The most effective way to get your body in order quickly and at the same time, without visiting the fitness room, is the possibility with the help of home circuit training. Their essence lies in the fact that literally in 30-40 minutes you work out all the muscles completely and at the same time perform them in the cardio load mode. That is, no breaks. So you don't have to pay extra excess weight by running. Due to the fact that our body is in continuous tone, the body begins to throw off excess fat.

Regardless of where the training will take place, at home or in the gym, you need to observe their regularity. Just 2 times a week for 1 hour is enough.

For detailed home exercises, see the video

It is not necessary to force yourself to do only monotonous fitness exercises if you do not like them. There are many other types of physical activity that may be much more interesting and enjoyable to perform. For example, look at yoga, dancing or aerobics. Their varieties provide a large selection for different tastes. So any girl will definitely be able to choose something suitable for herself.

Proper nutrition during training

Building a beautiful figure without proper nutrition is not possible. This is claimed by all nutritionists and fitness trainers. After all, our muscles are protein, and therefore they need constant nourishment in the form of a balanced diet. Also, neglecting the diet, it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly lose weight or get cubes on the press.

Proper nutrition should include vegetable fats(oil for fresh addition to salads) and animal fats (meat, chicken, fish), vegetables (in any form), fruits. But sweets (in the form of flour) and unhealthy fats (fried food) should be avoided, especially at night.

  • Breakfast should be nutritious and healthy (omelette with vegetables, oatmeal with fruit or cottage cheese with yogurt).
  • You need to eat at least 1-2 hours before training.
  • Before training, eat a lot of protein foods (eggs, chicken, fish).
  • As a snack, fruit, whole grain breads and fresh vegetables are great.
  • Give preference to steamed, stewed, boiled or baked dishes.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure drinking water in a day.
  • Last meal 2 hours before bed in the form of light proteins.

Beauty salon without leaving home

One of the most simple ways to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin is a contrast shower, it perfectly improves the tone of the whole body. It is also very useful to do wraps several times a week. The mixture is prepared from clay or from a mixture of honey and essential oils. Apply the resulting composition to the thighs and abdomen, then wrap these areas cling film and try to rest and relax for 1 hour.

Scrubbing and massage will be a useful addition to sports exercises. They get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, the main enemy of all girls - cellulite. For the procedure, ground coffee or crushed sea salt mixed with olive or vegetable oil is suitable. With this mixture, you need to treat all the problem areas of the body. To do this, rub the scrub vigorously into the skin to warm it up. Then rinse with water and start massaging. For this, a washcloth in the form of a mitten made of natural materials is perfect.

Proper rest is a guarantee good training

All actions will be in vain if the body is tired and exhausted. Indeed, due to a banal lack of energy, you are unlikely to want to perform physical exercise in full force. Plus, girls very often "seize" fatigue and bad mood. And this is already a clear violation of the regime, which can lead to the failure of all previous exercises.

Therefore, for successful fight with extra pounds and to guarantee good workouts, you need to get enough sleep for at least 8 hours a day. It is also important to create comfortable conditions. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. And if you still can’t establish a healthy sleep throughout the night, try a cup of soothing tea with mint or lemon balm at night.

Little tricks

  • Remember that even an ideal figure is spoiled by improperly selected underwear and shapeless clothes. Therefore, going to the store, enlist the support of a specialist, that is, a sales assistant. Choose a beautiful classic-shaped push-up bra and be sure to immediately check how it will look under clothes. It is better to give preference to light and smooth models of the bodice, they always go well with any even tight-fitting things.
  • If you have just begun to realize the dream of an ideal body, but you already want to feel slim, take a closer look at the slimming underwear. It will not only give a beautiful look to your figure, but also accustom the abdominal muscles to a new position.
  • Try to choose things with a straight cut, so that they sit on the figure. You should not deliberately purchase a model of a smaller size, otherwise they will sit tight and only emphasize the flaws.

A beautiful figure is the result of a lot of work on yourself. The issue needs to be approached in a comprehensive manner. Today, there are many different exercises and techniques. Each girl decides for herself what is better to choose, depending on what she likes best. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and combine exercises.

There is an opinion that in order to become super well-groomed, athletic, beautiful, slim, you need to go to salons, spa treatments, gyms, medical centers. And nothing else! So, I never went to the salon for body treatments, I went to the gym for 4 months and then, lazily. Everything I have, I created myself. At home! All this is budget, not particularly difficult. I did not jump rope around the clock and run up the stairs. Just regular maintenance. All in a complex, gives an amazing result. Of course, diets and proper eating habits are very important! I have a lot of reviews about this, at the end I will throw links to the most effective. But now, we're not talking about diets. Namely, about caring for the skin of the body, for the figure. Some tips are more difficult, and some are generally simple :) Well, let's go?)

To begin with, I will please you with a contrast photo Before and After The difference is about 2.5 years :)

Many people think that diets and proper nutrition are needed to lose weight. However, no! Let's start with my favorite aspect of nutrition. WATER!

80% - a newborn, 70% - a middle-aged person, up to 58% - in old age. Aging is "drying out".

Well, I don’t know if water will save you from aging. But it will definitely save your skin. My nose was flaky in September. I started drinking a lot of water, nothing flakes at all, my hands do not dry. Also, water helps to get rid of cellulite. We are a huge percentage of water, our body needs it! I already got my mom hooked on it :) And I myself can clearly say, 1.5 liters pure water do wonders for the skin every day. And the complexion is so generally super :) Here is my review on how to lose weight from water. Just get a bottle, drink enough water, you will change very quickly :) Juices, tea, coffee, not that. It is pure cold water.

We are what we eat! And our skin too! Therefore, it is necessary to eat more or less correctly. Well, you ate candy, well, it's okay. But if you eat it every day and have a snack with chips ... This is no longer super. Proper nutrition is not an empty phrase. People yell that sour cream is terrible. No, it can. A lot of things can be done with proper nutrition. Much more than impossible. Here's to me for half a day. Cabbage with low-fat cheese and herbs, regular rice, two eggs.

Yes, this is not a super low-calorie food. But it is good for the skin of your body. I'll have a salad tonight :)

For those who do not want to cram protein into themselves, that is, chicken, cottage cheese and the like, they came up with Protein :) In small doses, it is useful even for those who do not swing. If I can’t eat enough protein on a certain day, I drink protein :) Now it’s not very tasty for me, I advise vanilla, diluted with low-fat milk. This is delicious:)

Get rid of sugary drinks. Their skin is disgusting. More green tea is better :)

Sometimes the skin of the body is bad, dry, uneven due to a lack of vitamins! Any will do. Just a vitamin complex. Hair will be better, nails. And of course your body.

And my favorite Cicteral helped me with acne on my body! It has many wonderful properties :) But including acne :)

Now a little about how to influence problem areas from the outside.

Have you all heard of the baking soda bath? That you can lose weight ... You know, I have not lost weight. But after a course of such baths, I look very fit! Everything is simple. You went to the bathroom, poured warm water, threw in 1/2 or a full package of soda, added sea salt to the eye, you can still have oil, turned on the music, and rest for half an hour. Can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as applying a mask to the face and hair. It's not difficult, right?) And it works very cool!

Now let's talk about creams. There is such a cream for the udder of cows. It cost 60 rubles when I bought it.

A kind of Zorka. Fat as hell. But, if you apply it on the heels, and put on socks on top, then after that they will become much softer. I do it this way, I smear it on my ass, and my knees, and my elbows, and my hands. Better than any cream! Face, I don’t smear it, I’m afraid :) Although, many smear their face. I heard that it rejuvenates. It's too early for me, but still :) There are analogues of it, only for people, 600 rubles each ... Better buy this one, it's cooler!

So, creams for weight loss, for cellulite, stretch marks, for skin tone ... This is just a small part of what I have tried.

I smear without fanaticism. Sometimes at night. But, there is a cool way to enhance any of this cream. Even several ways. First, wrap with cling film. You can wrap a cream, scrub, gel, mask. And sit there for a couple of hours. It hurts sometimes. Then the legs and butt are red. But, but the effect is what :) In general, all creams are of the same type. I can only pick this one :)

He, on the skin steamed in the bathroom or sauna, gives pain) Even if without a film) Then everything is red :) But, on the other hand, cellulite kills perfectly, it’s a pity that there are no stretch marks ...

Another strange way is to blow a hot dryer on the skin with cream :) It helps me to enhance the effect :)

Vacuum massage is often done in salons. But, you can make it at home too! Buy jars at a pharmacy, or on Aliexpress. Smear with cream and drive jars over problem areas. So they will ride. Boring, but also helpful!

In the salon they will do better, of course, but you can do it yourself. I sometimes watch TV shows and do massage, just on the machine :) You can also use an anti-cellulite massager. Lying right on the couch.

Well, now about the coolest and efficient way get the figure of your dreams! Fitness!

The load on the body gives a variety of results. Eliminates cellulite, makes the skin supple and beautiful! And most importantly, it changes the shape of your body! You become more resilient. Let's start with the simplest. Many people live in multi-storey buildings. So why not walk up the stairs? This gives great results! It's more like cardio. You are in good shape, you are losing weight. Your skin of legs and priests is more elastic.

Exercise for the lazy! Fitness in bed! Yes it is possible. Of course, it is better to do it on the floor. But also on the couch. You turn on your favorite series or movie. Lie on your back. You tear your ass off the sofa, as if making a bridge. Blades on the couch. The legs are bent at the knees. So hang as long as you can. I sometimes weigh like this for about 10 minutes. The plank can be done on the floor by the TV :) The tension of the priests on the couch is also suitable. This can be done in the subway, at work, everywhere. You are unlikely to shake muscles, but add tone! Another one of my favorite exercises for the lazy is the vacuum. It's hard for me to explain, watch the video on the net. The tummy shakes with a bang, it is the relief that gives. Unless, of course, you have a layer of fat :)

Now to more explicit exercises. Squats! Oh my love :D

I'll tell you how, how much and when I do. Damn, I'm showing all my cards :) It's no secret that squatting is good for the priests. But not everyone knows which is better. I found the best option for me. Again, I can't stand boredom. Therefore, I turn on something on the computer display, or on the TV. Feet shoulder width apart, hands clasped. I look up, make a small deflection. I rarely take weight. But, there is such a thing, with it you can increase muscle mass. Or kick your leg...

So, you can start with 50 a day. My record is 600 per day. Now, when arms and legs reach, I do a maximum of 200 per day. 30 times in the approach, the break between sets is small, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I used to do it every other day. Now at least once a week. Still, the effect does not disappear. From squats, the press also swings, take note :) And the butt is a nut, and the legs are in good shape, and the press is also my favorite exercise. Yes, your legs will become fat. This is a minus for those who want thin matches. Then, for you, cardio and stairs of your entrance / house: D

My favorite pastime is posing :) Useless? No. Not even at all. After a 3-hour photo session, everything hurts so much that I can hardly walk. But you can do it at home too. First, you learn your good angles! But most importantly, these are static exercises! Like a plank, basically. Only it's not boring. You may not show these photos to anyone. Just try to take different poses in underwear, complex, simple, strain the muscles of the priests and legs, violently pull in the stomach, all sorts of backbends, poses on the toes. What a load. But it’s fun :) You need it in underwear, otherwise you won’t try to pull in or strain your stomach :)

Another exercise that I like. It is not as effective, but still there is a sense. Just jump in place. Again, for the series. For a long time, until shortness of breath begins :) It leads to tone perfectly :)

Lunges ... Well, I don't like them :) In other matters, like jogging :) I have VSD since childhood, I often feel dizzy. And here is the biker! This is paradise. Though the simulator, even in the country. Legs work great, but the whole body works. By the way, more about the bar. It also works almost everything. Arms, back, neck, abs strong, hips strong, booty, calves, chest. This is a wonderful exercise.

On this moment, only plank and squats, I don’t do anything else :) It’s been like this for a long time. I got lazy. But the form remains!

Of course, if you're exercising, you need to watch your diet! Read my other reviews if you're interested. Who is too lazy, I’ll say a multiple :) A lot of water, proper nutrition, an approximate calculation of calories, do not eat at night. In general, this is the main thing. The body is work. This is long work.

You will not get a dream figure in a month, you will not lose 20 kg in a week. Alas. Gotta plow!

I don't aspire to be anorexic. But I have a weakness with harmony.

But at the same time, I want a relief :) A little advice is also a solarium It is harmful if you sit there very often and for a long time. If you choose a quality solarium, follow all the rules, then everything is fine. A tanned body looks much better than a pale one. Not to mention the terrain. Have you noticed that all Fitness bikinis look like overcooked chicken? So, all for the sake of relief :)

We moisturize the face, almost everything. So the body needs to be hydrated! Shower gel, lotions! Dry skin is ugly skin. And one water in large numbers It won't save you.

When I was engaged in the gym, I was generally a jock. But, I didn’t like it :) Now I study at home, little by little)

I wish you good luck on your journey to your ideal! Thanks for reading :)


Here are mine about diets, for those who are interested:) Only what really works! But I also have other opinions.


Oh, I want to write a couple more secrets :) And of course, a photo for your motivation! So, there was this hamster.

No waist, because there was fat. From malnutrition, it is the stomach and sides that most often get fat.

Also, cellulite! Where without it! Yes, even if you are not fat. But he may well be.

On all the legs, on the pope ... Everything hangs, there is no form. Yes, I didn’t even buy pajamas with shorts at some point. I rarely wear shorts in the summer. Where do I go? I don’t have those photos, I deleted this tin. But even on ordinary photos, which I posted on the network, everything is visible ...

From junk food I was cheeky. Maybe it's the age. But at 12 she wasn’t cheeky, but by 14 ...

The feeling that the photo is an adult woman. And I'm 14 here. Fat ages. Thinness and sportiness are a sign of youth. Nobody wants cellulite! Throw away your laziness. Now or never! So I would sit at home, hating myself. And I wouldn't be anything at all. Not because it's terrible. And from self-doubt. I promised myself for a long time that I would become an ideal. And we must not promise, we must do.

And I wouldn't be...

The same wall. But the girl is different. Loving yourself is extremely important. Therefore, I believe that everything should be done for this!

And now a little secret.

I have already advised you to drink plenty of water. What's more, you won't look good without water. This is a must! But the tea is also very good. Plain green tea. I have a 600 ml mug. I put 3 tea bags and 1 teaspoon of sugar on it. To not be sad at all. Tea cleanses the body. Accelerates metabolism. Amazing effect on the skin! Water water, tea not included daily allowance water. Just not to drink only water, I also drink tea :) Well, coffee :) It also speeds up metabolism :) But tea is good for skin tone! I drink it all day, I like it cold.

Another secret. Scrubs are often so expensive. Buy salt, mix with instant coffee and go! Add olive oil. To create mass. Believe me, it won't seem enough to you :) And the effect, well, is amazing. It is much tougher than store bought scrubs. And much cheaper. Can be added coffee grounds, coffee, by the way, is a chic cellulite remedy if you do scrubs and masks with it. Verified :)

But, cooler than my hardcore soda bath recipe with elements of sadism ... There is nothing.

You know, now I generally train very little. But the shape is excellent! You are building yourself. How you've been spoiling your appearance with pizzas at night for years. After all, it's hard to be beautiful! I know for myself. My adolescence is a period of food. I ate, always, everywhere, everything. Here, for 2.5 years I blinded the form. Yes, I can easily get fat. But I have already lost the habit of eating harmful! But the physical form is generally difficult to kill completely. You are building your future... Yourself.

I killed cellulite almost completely. And he was very hard on me. Even though I was 14-16 years old. I matured very quickly, I was always tall. Now I'm younger :)

Appearance gave me self-confidence. Now I communicate normally with people, I am confident in myself. Is it redundant? Become more confident? Obviously not. The main thing is not to be arrogant :)

I understand that it is difficult to start doing all this at once. Start gradually. Velvety smooth skin, without orange roots ... It's amazing! Work hard! Don't expect results in a week. Patience, consistency. And you don't recognize yourself. I love McDuck, but I don't eat it. Because it's more important to me to look good. If food is more important to you, that's your right :) If watching a movie is more important than spa treatments, scrubs and exercises are more important, your right! My review is for those who want to change their appearance :) I wish you all success, everything will work out!


I can’t say that a complete absence can be made from a running one. But in a week of such procedures, you will notice a clear result. So, we buy a high-quality hard massage washcloth. For example a mitten. We climb into the bath, if there is, with soda. If not, just in the shower. And three! Three so that everything is red, we do not feel sorry for ourselves. We all know that it is the skin scrub that saves from cellulite. And we are lazy :) We feel sorry for ourselves, we are waiting for a miracle ... But in vain :) Believe me, nothing is cooler than a steamed skin scrub. And it is not necessary to use an expensive store scrub. Salt with coffee grounds is a great option! And if it's even simpler - Washcloth! Only tough. Here you can read in more detail and. It's about how to enhance the effect of a washcloth :)

Plank! Forward!

The plank is the best exercise for the press. I want to talk about it separately. This is the best for the relief of the tummy. And this waist does not go away. Yes, and the legs swing :) In general, an exercise for everything, universal) And it will take 2 minutes a day maximum :)

How to make a waist already?

No, well, you can of course sleep in corsets. Or remove edges. But if you are still adequate ... NO! Or you lose weight all over, including the waist. Or build up muscles on the hips, thereby making the waist visually narrower. I use this method :) Exercises for the waist will only help if you have fat there. If it is not there, your bones will no longer be. Alas ... So we drive fat, in any way, and grow muscles on the pope and hips :)

Deadlift is the "new" trendy exercise. And a little useful for those who want a beautiful ass.

No, this exercise has been around for a long time. But it has become fashionable for girls recently. In general, this exercise used to be mainly done by bodybuilders. With some terrible weight. I won't lift one like that, even if I strain with all my might. And this exercise, in fact, should grow muscles. BUT! Watch the video, deadlift for girls. Weight take 10-15 kg some. What is its advantage over squats? I can only say that my legs hurt less, and my buttocks hurt more. The disadvantage of squats for me is that my legs grow. But I don’t need it, I already have such a body shape that fat goes to the lower part of the body. I’m sick, I can’t do weights, full-fledged workouts too ... Well, once a week I do it now. The deadlift was recommended to me by a friend. Out of habit, everything ached for me, namely the buttocks strongly, less strongly the back of the thigh. And I practiced with a cosmetic bag, with varnishes ... She is 6 kg. Many squat and work out with a canister of water, but I have a giant cosmetic bag: D My muscles have lost the habit, I barely crawled for 3 days. So now I'm just warming up. I don't really want to build muscle right now. I want more tone, more elasticity, more cool shape. I'm so asshole. I just want to tighten it up. Eventually. I have a deadlift with no weight. Well, more precisely, its likeness, not the craving itself. Just similar movements, with the tension of the buttocks, of course. And even during exercise, I can directly feel the buttocks. Purely their tension on the couch does not give this ... As a result, the legs do not grow much, and the butt comes into tone. My friend is more trained than me. She does with weight. Her butt is growing, but her hips are slightly. She put me on the bar :) And I put her on the water While it’s hard for me to assess how effective the deadlift and its similarity to own example. I can only say that it is the buttocks that hurt the next day. This pleases, usually the hips and calves hurt the most.

Looks like I'm skinny, right? No, I'm a sly bastard :)

Now my muscles are falling off my legs ... Achieved by squats. Legs are toned, but thinner. And the buttocks are muscles that are, as it were, a frame. And they have a good amount of fat. But, thanks to soda and a washcloth, this fat looks noble: D Training, of course, also plays a role. When you take weight during training, first of all (as I noticed) volumes increase. And training without weight is monotonous. But less muscle growth. But, they add tone. With weight, people squat 10, well, 20 times per workout. And I did it without weight. 300 times a day. A beautiful body is hard work. It is easier to be thin and beautiful than to be lush and beautiful. Alas ... I was 4 kg thicker, then my stomach sticks out slightly under a tight-fitting dress, then the side of the melting is pinched. And on a slender body it is easier to wear something. Everything fits properly. It is also easier for thin people to achieve relief. I am amazed at how "swag" girls achieve such abs, while having huge priests ... I don't know how, honestly :) In general, there is a phrase that a man to be skinny and without cubes is a shame) Shame, not a shame, but it's easier for thin people achieve relief. It's easier for men to build muscle...

I am not a doctor, not a coach) I only write what helps me, I am not responsible for the full usefulness and correctness. I have achieved this, I am writing frankly :) You can read the rest of my reviews. There's a lot about body care, especially diet. But no matter how hard I try to dissuade people from starving, people will continue. Those who read the review. After all, someone else wrote that this is a great method. Everything is individual. I love squats, a lot of people hate it. And I hate cardio. But we have to.

All success :)


I didn't think that my reviews would have such a strong success at all :) I'm very glad that I'm helping. At the moment I'm trying to return some relief. Having studied every article on the Internet and my past experience, I realized that I need a bar. I now have a small layer of fat. Therefore, the relief will be easier to obtain than six months ago.

I weigh now 57-57.5 kg

And for several weeks now I have been doing the bar every day (I didn’t do it once). I love this exercise because it sculpts without ruining my waist like standard ab exercises. Plus, the legs are very pumped up. As well as the body and hands. This exercise pumps almost everything! It's amazing, but it's true. I do minutes. I set a timer on my phone and stand at the counter. I do everything by default. On the elbows. That is directly the most standard lath. Not lateral.

Once I did exactly 2 minutes. The next day it was painful to laugh... I think that a beginner should start with about 20 seconds :) This is how I started :) Over time, I will increase the standard time in this static exercise. But here's a minute :)

I want to go back to full-fledged squats :) And resume protein) While it just doesn’t make sense, I don’t grow mass especially ... I eat protein, I try :)

A little motivation!) Here are my changes for 3 years)

I was active in the gym only in 2014. And then she focused on cardio there. I feel comfortable working out at home. And at home it is really possible to achieve results. The main thing is to really want. And don't rush.

I don’t do baths with soda very often ... But I regularly apply creams :) And I keep the food more or less balanced and healthy)

Before going to bed, I always dreamed that I could film my body on video, walk around in the shortest denim shorts and a crop top. That everyone will look at me ... This motivated me a lot. I also subscribed to the pages beautiful girls on Instagram. Beautiful to your liking. It's in terms of figure. And every day I saw them in the feed. How beautiful they are, how people care about each of their photos. I dreamed about it ... And I got it :) I already have 37,500 subscribers, this motivates me not to relax :) After all, envious people will bite me if I become like 3 years ago again ... Find your motivation! At home it is quite possible to blind yourself. Without miracle pills and creams for 5000 rubles. Everything is real :) Without good food Your workouts will be much less effective. Glad to be of service... Good luck to everyone!

Be perfect! I do not impose my ideals, I just help those who want it.

A beautiful figure is the dream of every woman. With ideal parameters, you feel confident: the clothes fit perfectly, and men hold their eyes, and it’s nice to see your reflection in the mirror. It cannot be said that an ideal body is the key to a happy life, but it certainly adds self-confidence.

I want a good figure

It is quite natural to wish this, but how to make a figure beautiful? After all, not many can boast of model parameters: most women are seriously upset when they try on clothes or stand on the scales. No problem! You can deal with many visual defects and make the body of your dreams.

To begin with, let's make a list of the most common figure flaws, because, as they say, "you need to know the enemy in person." So, what makes a female silhouette unattractive:

  • Overweight;
  • Visual defects against the background of normal weight, the so-called problem areas: sagging or bulging abdomen, flat buttocks, “ears” on the hips, cellulite, etc .;
  • Flabby skin that has lost its elasticity and beautiful color;
  • "Spider webs" of veins on the legs and thighs, which sometimes take the form of ugly bumps (thrombophlebitis);
  • Weakly defined waist or its absence (observed even with normal weight due to the features of the figure);
  • Bad wardrobe.

Everyone can supplement this list with personal observations at their discretion, the main thing is to identify their problem areas and start acting. Don't know how to get the perfect figure? Read on and learn the art of perfecting your body with us.

What is good for the figure

Before you take care of yourself and start working with your body, you should know what activities will bring the greatest benefit. You can't act randomly good effect can be achieved only by working through a lot of information on a topic of interest. So, let's note for ourselves what is useful for the figure:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Sports loads;
  • Cosmetic procedures;
  • Good dream.

It would be useful to note that an important role in the visual improvement of the figure (its perception by others) is played by properly selected clothes. With the help of a successful ensemble, you can, if not make the figure perfect, then at least hide its flaws.

How to make a figure beautiful: adjusting nutrition

When women say “I want a good figure”, they, for the most part, dream of some kind of “magic” diet, which in a matter of days (a maximum of a couple of weeks) will make a slim, graceful lady out of a puffy plump woman. If your goal is to improve the figure to ideal parameters, then this path is not for you.

How to make a figure beautiful with the right diet? Experts recommend a split-nutrition system, as frequent eating in small portions contributes to optimal weight loss and well-being.

The principles of fractional balanced nutrition, or how to make the figure perfect:

  • There is little, but often (5-6 times a day);
  • The volume of any portion is no more than a palm;
  • Do not drink food, you can drink 1.5 hours after eating;
  • Light snacks between meals are allowed (unsweetened fruits, nuts).

What is useful for the figure:

  • Fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • Dairy products;
  • Greenery;
  • Pure non-carbonated water (up to 2 liters per day);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Fat-burning spices and spices (turmeric, ginger, etc.);
  • Herbal teas that regulate metabolism.

What is harmful to improve the figure:

  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Sweets;
  • Lemonade and alcohol;
  • Fast food, dough products, pastries;
  • Abundance of meat food;
  • Eat before bed.

Proper nutrition is not a guarantee of ideal parameters. Yes, you can lose weight healthy food will make the skin fresh and cleanse the body, and the abundance of natural products will charge you with energy and vivacity. However, in order to completely remove visual defects (“ears” on the hips, sagging skin after losing weight, etc.) one balanced diet not enough. To make a figure beautiful, you need not only to remove extra pounds, but also to strengthen the body, raise skin tone, give forms of relief and elasticity.

How to make a figure perfect: go in for sports

Suitable for creating a beautiful body different kinds physical loads. Each person can choose for himself suitable look sports or physical activity, based on their preferences. Sports loads that help to improve the figure:

  • Shaping, fitness, training on simulators;
  • Various areas of fitness - callanetics, pilates, step aerobics, etc.;
  • Complexes of strength exercises from Hollywood stars or from famous trainers;
  • Swimming, water aerobics;
  • Running, jumping rope, cardio exercises;
  • Additional loads in the form of classes on the "Health Disc", torsion of a gymnastic hoop, etc.

Practice shows that the words “I want a good figure” from the lips of a woman do not mean at all that she is ready to immediately run to the gym or regularly visit the pool. Most ladies are sincerely convinced that sports are not for them. How to make a figure beautiful without special physical exertion? It is not advisable to manage with one diet, especially for young ladies after 30 years old, but dancing is a very suitable alternative.

Ballroom dancing will help to make the figure as graceful as possible - regular classes correct posture, tighten the muscles of the buttocks, make legs and hips slimmer. If fitness, aerobics and other sports activities are not for you, sign up for a dance studio and your silhouette will acquire beautiful outlines and grace.

Body shaping with cosmetic procedures

For a beautiful figure, no less than proper nutrition and sports activities, constant body care is important. It is necessary to regularly nourish the skin with useful substances, cleanse the body of toxins, as well as dead skin cells and keratinized particles of the epidermis.

What procedures help to make the figure beautiful and slim:

  • Wraps and various body masks (clay, honey, chocolate, oil, etc.);
  • Cleansing the skin with a scrub;
  • pilling;
  • Bath, sauna, steam room;
  • Various types of massage.

These pleasant procedures, in addition to their effective impact on the body, have another important meaning - they have a positive effect on the psychological state of a person, helping him tune in to positive emotions. And the right attitude is an important factor in striving to make the figure as good and beautiful as possible.

Sleep and a beautiful figure

It would seem, how to make a figure slim and beautiful with the help of sleep? Yes, everyone knows that not getting enough sleep is harmful, and chronic lack of sleep contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles on the face and dark circles under the eyes, but what does the ideal body parameters have to do with it? However, the connection between good rest and a beautiful figure exists.

The fact is that a sleepy person tends to replenish the supply of missing energy with the help of high-calorie foods, especially sweets. Gradually, such nutrition becomes the norm, which leads to inevitable weight gain. In order to keep your body in good shape, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. With proper rest, you will have the strength for the necessary physical activity, diet and procedures to improve your figure.

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Exclusively for Cosmopolitan fitness bloggers and fitness professionals proper nutrition gave their "golden advice", which will help in the fight for the perfect body. Explore and find out what you've been doing wrong so far.

Eat sweets in the morning

Remember that there are no "forbidden" foods! The mistake of many people is to severely and drastically limit their desires. Of course, if you eat fried potatoes every evening and treat yourself to dessert, you will not see health and a toned body. But you won’t last long on a severe restriction either. For myself, I revealed the golden rule: 1-2 times a week, in the morning until 12 noon, I allow myself a small piece of “nasty things”. This is especially true for girls, since we all need moral relief and the appearance that we are not on a diet. Such a rule will not harm your figure, but it only works if you follow a proper, balanced diet every day and if you have regular workouts!

Exercise to sleep well

fitness blogger, nutritionist

Properly selected loads have a positive effect on the quality of sleep, because during training, hormones are released that contribute to the normalization of the internal processes of the body. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many hours you spend in bed, it's important that you wake up refreshed. The dependence here is direct: the more you move, the better your sleep.

Drink cold water

blogger, fitness model, nutrition and fitness specialist

We all want to lose a little weight for the summer and look perfect in our favorite bikini, and therefore, we want to burn as many calories as possible. I share a secret: every time, throughout the day, drink ice water, not room temperature, as we are usually taught. In order to warm it up to body temperature and assimilate, the body will spend additional energy, which means that the total calorie consumption during the day will be much higher! Good luck with your weight loss!

Don't starve or diet

blogger, nutritionist

There is a widespread belief that fast weight loss need to starve. I'm telling you, don't go hungry! Yes, psychologically it’s hard to believe, I myself at the beginning of my journey could not be comfortable with this, but after a week of systemic nutrition, I saw the result - minus 4 kilograms. Let's analyze fasting: you decided to lose weight, choose fasting, they say, I'm calm about food, the main thing is that I want to be slim, but I must survive. BUT the stronger the hunger, the less motivation - soon you will no longer see yourself as slim. When the strongest hunger sets in, thoughts appear very naturally, such as: “Ai! I live once! I'm going to eat a piece of cake!" And what's going on? You break down and gain even more excess weight than before you started losing weight. Do not starve and get out of this vicious cycle of diets. Diets don't work. And point.

Wake up with a mood

There are people who, having barely opened their eyes, are ready to conquer the world, and there are those who, in the first minutes after waking up, barely remember their names. We all develop our own morning habits, we are all different, and that's great! How about adding something new to your morning routine? For example, get up early and do morning exercises? I would recommend starting the morning not with a cup of invigorating coffee, but with yoga - do at least a few simple asanas!

Don't forget to have breakfast

Try not to skip breakfast - this is the most important trick food, the first after sleep, and its task is to restore our strength and saturate us with energy for the whole day. Like any meal, breakfast should consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. Foods ideal for breakfast: whole grain toast with cheese, fruits, cereals, dairy products, eggs. Properly combining them, you can cook delicious dish. For those who adhere to the training regimen, I recommend drinking a fast protein before breakfast - a casein shake, for example.

Workout outdoors

blogger, vice world champion, winner of international bikini fitness tournaments

In summer GYM's usually empty, but, alas, not all of their visitors go to play sports on the street. Don't let yourself just lie lazy in the sun! Believe me, from sports to fresh air you will get much more benefit and pleasure. Get a mat, bodybar, dumbbells and start doing at least simple exercises in the park. The result will be reflected in your figure very soon!

Eat often and in small portions

Perfect body coach #sekta

The biggest mistake that losing weight girls make is to try to eat as little and as little as possible. In fact, in this mode, you will only slow down your metabolism and the weight will “stand up”. Golden Rule healthy eating- eat often, at intervals of 2-4 hours, but in small portions in the amount of 200-250 ml. Of course, this should not be a piece of chocolate cake, but a balanced meal.