How to terminate a loan agreement with a Russian standard bank. Other reviews about the Russian standard Termination of the loan agreement by agreement of the parties

Most of the inhabitants of our country have long been accustomed to solving their financial problems with the help of loans. But life circumstances, sometimes, make you think about how to quickly get rid of obligations to the bank. Insofar as the relationship between the lender and the borrower is sealed by a loan agreement, the question arises of how to terminate the loan agreement with the bank. Let's analyze the issue in more detail.

You can terminate the contract with the bank until you have borrowed money. That is, the contract, in principle, is considered as such only after that. How the creditor fulfilled his obligations, that is, issued the money. If the borrower did not take funds from the bank, then the contract cannot be considered concluded. So, if you change your mind about taking a loan from this bank, for example, you find a better offer, then notify the lender of your decision, the contract between you will be terminated.

The second way to terminate the agreement with the bank ahead of schedule, return the funds within 2 weeks after the agreement entered into force, if we are talking about targeted lending, then within a month. Here you do not need to inform the lender, just put money into a credit account.

Please note that for each day while the money was in your use, and it does not matter whether you used it or not, you need to pay interest.

Termination of the loan agreement by agreement of the parties

If you are interested in whether it is possible to terminate the loan agreement with the bank solely on the initiative of the borrower? The answer is obvious - no, you can't. The essence of the agreement of the parties is that the bank issued the money and the borrower undertakes to return it, the creditor fulfilled his obligation, respectively, until the borrower fulfills his obligations, it is impossible to terminate the agreement.

But you can terminate the loan agreement ahead of schedule when both parties agree to it. For example, you carry out a debt restructuring in a bank, that is, in fact, you take new loan to pay off the old one. Accordingly, the old loan agreement will be terminated with the lender, but a new one will be concluded.

By the way, the borrower can terminate the partnership with the bank ahead of schedule if he pays the entire amount at a time and fulfills his obligation ahead of schedule.

Basically, it is in court that all proceedings under loan agreements take place. Most borrowers, when they are unable to cope with the credit burden, stop paying on the loan and wait for the lender to file a lawsuit with the court. Indeed, basically all banks sue the borrower, only not for the purpose of terminating the contract, but for the enforcement of debt collection.

Only here there is one significant nuance - as long as the loan agreement between the borrower and the lender is in effect, the bank continues to collect additional funds from the client, namely fines, penalties and forfeits. Even after a court decision to collect the debt, the bank has the right to take a penalty if the contract has not been terminated in court.

Pay special attention, if the bank has filed a lawsuit against you to recover funds from an unpaid loan, be sure to file a counterclaim to terminate the loan agreement, otherwise the bank will continue to charge you interest, penalties and fines.

The borrower also has the right to file a lawsuit to terminate the loan agreement with the bank. Only for this he needs very weighty circumstances. For example:

  • the bank increased the rate on the loan or changed the terms of the agreement unilaterally, for example, charges fines that are not provided for in the agreement;
  • the creditor wrote in the contract in an unreadable font important conditions affecting the final cost of the loan;
  • if circumstances have changed in your life that were not at the conclusion of the contract, resulting in the insolvency of the client.

Only the plaintiff needs to take into account that the court will never oblige the bank to forgive him the entire debt. The only thing you can count on is the abolition of part of the fines, the principal debt and interest will have to be paid unequivocally.

If, due to life circumstances, it is not possible to pay the loan, you should not immediately go to court and file a lawsuit to terminate the contract, because you can resolve the issue amicably directly with the creditor. To get started, contact the bank with a written application for debt restructuring, of course, the bank will not reduce the percentage, but it can increase the term of the contract or provide an installment plan for several months. The application should be submitted to the credit department and ask the manager to make a copy of it and put a note that the application was accepted, the number and signature of the employee.

If the creditor considers the application and makes a positive decision, then there is no point in going to court, the agreement will be terminated by mutual agreement of both parties. If the bank refuses you, then ask for a written refusal, in the future it will be useful to you in court.

How to terminate a credit card agreement

If you are a user of a credit card and want to terminate the contract for servicing it with the bank, then you will have to act differently. Firstly, if you simply pay off the debt and interest on the card, the contract will not be considered terminated, because the credit card is a revolving line of credit, that is, you can use borrowed funds again. Secondly, the bank deducts from the client's account a fee for services, for example, SMS informing and annual maintenance.

How to terminate an agreement with a bank on a credit card? To get started, specify the exact amount of debt for a specific number, then replenish the account for that amount. Then contact the bank branch and write an application to terminate the agreement.

Please note that before paying off the amount of debt on a credit card, turn off all paid services if you used them.

So, we can conclude that there are quite a few ways to terminate a loan agreement with a bank. Just do not think that terminating the contract with the bank will save you from debts on loans. Not at all, the easiest and most affordable way to prematurely terminate a relationship with a creditor is to fulfill your obligations and return the borrowed funds.

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If it becomes necessary to terminate the loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank and given that it is impossible to terminate the loan agreement unilaterally (the prohibition of unilateral termination of the agreement is expressly stated in the relevant legislative acts),

You have the opportunity to choose one of several options:

1. Terminate the agreement in accordance with the voluntary agreement of each of the parties that signed the loan agreement. In practice, termination of a loan agreement by mutual and voluntary agreement of the parties is rarely possible. The main reason is that the bank is unlikely to want to give up the income that it will be able to receive in the future. Accordingly, as an option, if the loan agreement has already been signed and cash received by the client, the only way out is to pay the loan earlier than the deadlines established by the contract. Consequence: automatic termination of the loan agreement.

2. You can terminate the loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank through the court. However, the Borrower must have good reasons to apply to the court. Such grounds, according to which the court will unambiguously decide in favor of the plaintiff and terminate the loan agreement, include:

  • unilateral change by the bank of credit conditions; delay in payments and non-payment of debt;
  • delay in disbursement of funds specified in the loan agreement or disbursement of borrowed funds in an incomplete amount.

So, for example, banks often use the practice, according to which the interest rate is increased without prior agreement with the Claimant or begins to charge for those services that were free of charge at the time of the conclusion of the loan agreement. In addition, the grounds for terminating the contract may also be the incapacity of the citizen who entered into the contract; if the transaction violates any norms of the current legislation, as well as if the transaction was made under the threat of physical violence or reprisals, as a result of fraud or a combination of difficult circumstances that the other party did not fail to take advantage of. All of the above reasons are required not only to be correctly stated in statement of claim but also supported by relevant documentary evidence.

3. The refusal to carry out the transaction may also become the basis for terminating the loan agreement. This situation has its own specifics, which is expressed in the fact that any borrower is entitled to refuse a loan, even if the loan agreement is signed, if such a desire is expressed by him before the funds were received by him. Such a right of the borrower is provided for by the current legislation, in particular Art. 821 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. In this case, the termination of the contract does not entail any adverse consequences for the borrower (in particular, the application of penalties).

Russian Standard Bank" Q&A documents

In the comments to the article “Russian Standard Bank Credit Cards”, written by me back in June 2006, an active discussion of various aspects of the work of clients with Russian Standard Bank continues and many questions are asked. I note that the relationship of Russian Standard Bank with customers is based on the TERMS OF PROVISION AND SERVICE OF RUSSIAN STANDARD CARDS approved by the bank.

In this post, I tried to answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

  1. Why did Russian Standard Bank send me a credit card if I do not have a loan agreement and did not sign it?
    In accordance with the "Conditions ...", a loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank can be concluded in one of the following ways:

    1) in accordance with clause 2.2.1. - by signing by the client and the bank of a bilateral document on paper. The contract is considered concluded from the date of signing the contract by the parties.

    In other words, an ordinary standard contract is drawn up and signed, which stipulates the issuance of a credit card attached to the crediting account.

    2) in accordance with clause 2.2.2. - by acceptance by the bank of the application (offer) of the client. In this case, the agreement is considered concluded from the date of acceptance by the bank of the application (offer) of the client. The acceptance of the application (offer) is the bank's actions to open an account for the client.

    In other words, you write to the bank an application for a loan, the bank considers this application and agrees to issue a loan by opening a loan account in your name. I remind you that the word acceptance means consent to payment.

    A notification about the amount of the established credit limit is sent to you simultaneously with the credit card, and this once again confirms that the credit account has already been opened for you. True, until the moment the card is activated, the lending account by Russian Standard Bank is blocked.

  2. If I change my mind about using a credit card, can I unilaterally destroy the card without prior notice to the bank?
    No. You cannot destroy or throw away a credit card. First, in accordance with the Regulations of the Central Bank Russian Federation dated April 9, 1998 No. 23-P - “On the procedure for issuing credit organizations bank cards and making settlements on transactions made with their use”, a plastic card issued by a bank belongs to the bank that issued it, and not to the client. Secondly, it is not economically safe, as there are many ways of card fraud.

    Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 7.3. of the “Terms…” of Russian Standard Bank, you are obliged to return the credit card to the bank within 3 (Three) working days after:

    • its termination,

    • upon withdrawal from the contract,

    • upon presentation by the Bank of a written request for the return of the Card (including in the form of a final invoice-statement issued to the client).

  3. How to terminate the loan agreement and return the credit card to Russian Standard Bank?
    In accordance with clause 10.1 of the “Terms…”, you have the right to refuse to use a credit card and terminate the agreement. To do this, you need to do the following:

    • in accordance with paragraph 10.1.1. submit a written application to the Bank in the form established by the bank;

    • simultaneously return to the Bank all credit cards issued under this agreement that have not been previously returned to the Bank and not reported as lost/stolen.
    The specified application must be submitted to the bank at least 60 (Sixty) calendar days before the expected date of termination. The date of submission of the application is the date of receipt of the application by the bank.
    And yet, in accordance with paragraph 10.1.2., the contract will be considered terminated only if all debts under the contract are repaid.

    In order to avoid misunderstandings with Russian Standard Bank, send an application to the bank to terminate the contract and return the plastic card itself and the PIN code in an unopened envelope (if the card is not activated) only in person or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt of the letter. You can return the PIN-code only by a separate registered mail. Receipt stubs for sending registered letters must be kept until the issue is fully resolved.

  4. Do I need to notify the bank if the details of the client specified in the agreement have changed?
    In accordance with clause 7.1. "Conditions ..." when changing any of the data specified in the questionnaire, it is necessary to notify Russian Standard Bank in writing within 5 (Five) calendar days. During the entire lending period, Russian Standard Bank must report:

    • about changing the surname, name, patronymic,

    • about the change of address,

    • about changing passport data,

    • home phone number or business address and phone number,

    • place of work (source of income),

    • any circumstances that may affect your ability to make loan payments.

    Messages about a change in the home phone number, place of work (source of income), business address and phone, as well as any circumstances that may affect the Client's ability to make payments on the Loan, can be received by the Bank orally (by calling the Reference and Information Center).

    To avoid trouble, verbal notices are best done only in addition to written notice. So, for example, after a change of address and a timely written notice to the bank about it, the latter, in case of a delay in sending invoices to a new address, will not be able to apply penalties to you, and if necessary, this can always be proven.

Duplicate from my LiveJournal to this community.

Part 1.

Yesterday (03/15/2011) I came to Russian Standard Bank to completely close the loan. They called the amount, fully paid before 18:00, with the recommendation of employees to pay at the cash desk until 19:30 or at an ATM until 19:00. It seems to have done it. Everything down to the penny. One thing - the bank employee said that she could only verbally name the amount of the loan, but she would not give an extract because it had not yet been formed. He listened, wrote down, asked again, checked - everything was written down correctly.

I paid - I came up to say that I want to close the credit card agreement. They said that the application can be written the next day after the repayment of the entire debt. Came today (03/16/2011) late in the evening to the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the bank. Filled out an application for termination of the contract - they said that it was terminated after two months. Technical procedures and all that. I believed, because I do not understand anything in the intricacies of banking. But!!! The application for termination of the credit card service agreement turned out to be one. They gave me a copy, and not the very best quality, which they flatly refused to certify with any seal of the bank. Yeah, fun ... I sensed something was wrong. I came to the office, called their toll-free number 8-800-200-6-200 and woo-a-la the operator with a sweet voice says - nifiga, the loan has not yet been closed. He still owes 5 rubles 24 kopecks and every day he drips about 5 kopecks.

The amount is ridiculous as such, but I was asked to come to the bank in a little over two months to "find out that the contract was definitely terminated." Knowing "Russian Standard", I can say with confidence that in these two months they will accumulate interest for me and issue a couple of missed payments. If I hadn’t called and scored, they would have called in a year with a proposal to repay the amount of thousands at 10-20-50, I don’t know how many fines they have for regular passes there now.

As I talked with the operator on a toll-free number, I wrote them a small claim on about three sheets, which politely asks them to sort out what happened (you won’t drink away the experience =)). Plus I scraped together 5 rubles 24 kopecks + 5 kopecks for tomorrow from a pile of coins on the table. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to them again.

If their employees / friends read me, tell me, let them prepare vaseline)))

I will write about the continuation of the story when I return from the bank.

Part 2.

I continue my heroic epic)))

I come today to the bank "Russian Standard". I pretend to be a log. Again I ask for the balance of the loan. Voiced 5.25 rubles. I open kata - I show the claim. They refuse to accept my choice. They ask you to write on the letterhead of the bank. But there is not a claim written, but a statement !!! I am writing, along the way, sending a failed teller or whatever her position actually is to the authorities to ask permission to accept my version, as an alternative, I suggest that they participate in the court, where I will be the plaintiff. A minute later he agrees to accept my version of the claim. I tear up the half-written version on their letterhead and give it back. I have a claim. They are trying to persuade me to leave the package "Bank in my pocket", an application for the termination of which I have already submitted. I'm in denial. They mourn. I pay at the box office 5.50 rubles. Tomorrow I'm going to fill out an application for issuing me a certificate of debt to the bank. Today I wrote a statement about the absence of debt under the "Bank in my pocket" pact. Fucked up there ... IMHO - the worst bank in terms of attitude towards customers.

Part 3

About 2 days ago, they called me from Russian Standard Bank and said that the certificate on my request was ready. Only today, March 25, 2011, reached him. They gave me a certificate. According to the "Bank in your pocket" package, they did not give a credit card. And again they began to insist that I HAVE to write any application ONLY on their company bank. As I came from the branch of the bank "Russian Standard" I called their hotline 8-800-200-6-200 and talked to the operator. As a result of the conversation, the results are as follows: the bank owes zero rubles, zero kopecks, according to the claim dated March 17, 2011, Russian Standard Bank is investigating. Although, according to the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (Article 31), they have 10 days to respond to it, it turns out that they have less and less time.

Observation while I was standing there. A lot of people come to terminate credit card agreements. And everyone is only called the full amount of the debt and the bank employees never print it out or write it by hand (with their own hand). And next to the amount they already write the contract number and something else ... Just like in my situation. And as a result, I almost owed the bank five rubles with change. It looks like massive misrepresentation. Very, although I'll be glad if it's not.

I am waiting further development Oh how I'm waiting. Especially the response to the claim.

As soon as there is news there will be a new post. Who faced the bank "Russian Standard" in such situations - tell us what and how did you do it? Really curious.

Legal advice:

1. Russian Standard Bank calls for a loan by phone numbers not specified in the contract. Is it possible to write a complaint to the SSP or the prosecutor's office or to the court.

1.1. You can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office or to the branch of the Central Bank in the region that the bank violates the law on personal data.

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1.2. You should contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint about illegal actions. Make a complaint in any form. Must respond within one month. Article 10 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office.

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1.3. dear visitor!
Of course, in this case, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.
Good luck and good luck with your issue!

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2. My daughter, she is 22 years old, has a lot of loans and cannot pay. Can she file for bankruptcy? One large loan at the post office bank, 1 Tinkov credit card, 1 Russian standard credit card, 1 halva card, and 2 Alfabank credit cards, but according to Alfabank, they already want to transfer the requirement to pay the full contract. The total debt is closer to a million.

2.1. If the delay is more than three months, then maybe. The procedure is also judicial (arbitration), but the sooner you start, the faster everything will pass.

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2.2. You can do it all, but it also costs money.

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3. The store offered to buy goods in installments, they made a scan of the passport and a photo in order to form an application for a consumer loan at Russian Standard Bank. The terms of the contract did not suit me, I did not sign the contract. Bought the item for cash. Called from the bank, they said that the application is cancelled. Is this situation safe for me? How can I protect myself from the illegal use of my personal and biometric data by bank or store employees?

3.1. Tatyana, theoretically, you can protect yourself by taking copies of your passport from the store and the bank.

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4. I took a phone on credit in 2007 through Russian Standard Bank. Didn't pay. A decision came in the form of a court order from a justice of the peace to collect a debt from me on the basis of contract No. in favor of a completely different organization Sirius - Trade. It is proposed to submit objections within 10 days. What can I do in this case? Term limitation period does it work in this case? And which? Which article to refer to? Thank you.

4.1. In this case, it is necessary to urgently cancel the order, if the deadline has not been missed, when did you receive it?

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4.2. You need to cancel the court order in order to avoid freezing your accounts. After an objection is filed, the judge will cancel the order.

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5. In 2013, my mother took out a loan from Russian Standard, where the contract also included a request for a card. She received money from the card in June 2013. And in August 2013, she found out that she had cancer, she had an operation, she received the second group. We notified the bank and she stopped paying the loan. She died in 2016. We received an inheritance of 20,000 rubles. In 2019, the bank sued me as an heir, so that I would pay the debt in the amount of the inheritance. Hasn't the statute of limitations passed?

5.1. In general, the statute of limitations of three years begins to run from the date of entry into the inheritance-Article 1175 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

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6. Yes, hello. Tell me how can I do it right? I want to terminate the consumer credit insurance contract in Russian Standard. The bank began to manipulate me that if I terminate the contract, the bank will raise my interest rate or even ask me to return the loan. And what to do?
I don't want to pay extra money for insurance.

6.1. If you have not missed the cooling period (14 days from the date of conclusion of the insurance contract), then there should not be any consequences, BUT to answer for sure, you need to carefully read your loan agreement!

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6.2. The bank does not have the right to raise the interest rate or ask to repay the loan in full. This is illegal. Be sure to submit an application for termination of the insurance contract. Leave a copy of the application with the insurer's mark on receipt of the application within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement. The application is sent to the insurer.

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7. I received a court order to pay off the debt to the Russian Standard Bank. I was not informed about the trial and the bank did not inform about the debt. The last time I paid was in 2014. They want to recover the amount for the period of the loan agreement from 04/21/2006 to 08/21/2015. Can I close the debt not immediately the entire amount?

7.1. Isn't it easier to cancel the court order, and if the creditor applies for collection in the course of action proceedings, ask to dismiss the claim due to the omission of the limitation period?

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8. Lost the loan agreement on the card. The court is scheduled for September 12 at our request to the Russian Standard Bank .. the court order was canceled and we want to return our money. Which the bailiff managed to remove and send to the bank. We petition that the statute of limitations has passed a long time ago, but for some reason the bank demands money from us from 2003 to 2011. I don’t understand why such a period? Credit. 4 years paid then stopped? What do we do... what do we tell the judge? Thank you.

8.1. If you need a loan agreement, you can get a certified copy of the agreement from the bank. If you need a well-developed strategy in order to participate in the process, then you need to personally contact the lawyer you like personally, since this service is provided on a paid basis.

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8.2. To begin with, it is necessary to declare the application by the court of the consequences of the expiration of the limitation period. If for some reason the judge does not satisfy, then apply for the claimant to demand the originals of the loan agreement, primary accounting documents, on the basis of which accounting is kept. accounting confirming the transfer of funds, an agreement to open a bank account to which the funds were allegedly transferred, the bank's balance sheet on the day the loan was issued. The account statement and the calculation of the debt without the "primary" are just pieces of paper, they are not proof. Copies of documents in the absence of their originals are also not evidence. This is in short. Do everything right, then you will be happy. I do not urge you not to pay, but just explain your rights.

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9. In 2014 there was a court with the Russian Standard, the decision was in favor of the bank. 4 years have passed, the bank has not presented a decision for collection to the bailiffs. Now the bank has filed an application for issuing an order to the court. The court rejected the order. But they warned me that the bank would file again. contract has not been terminated. The loan card expired in 2017. What needs to be done so that I am a pensioner and a disabled person 3 gr indefinitely.

9.1. Termination of the contract unilaterally, unfortunately, is not possible in your case, the limitation period for delays has passed. There is nothing to worry about. The limitation period begins to run from the date of the LAST payment on the card, it is impossible to recover from you now.

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10. My name is Natalia. I received a letter with a notification that Credit Incaso Rus LLC sued me to collect a debt of 70,000. The contract was drawn up on 07/03/2012. The debt was formed from 10/16/2014 to 03/23/2018. Under a loan agreement with Russian Standard Bank.

10.1. If you really went to court, then you must definitely appear in court and declare that the limitation period has passed if the last payment on the loan was more than three years ago. If this is not done, the court will recover this money from you.

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11. They took a loan on a Russian Standard card, without an agreement, in 2003 they stopped paying, because the debt did not decrease, until 2018 they transferred the debt to collectors twice, demanded 75,000, this year it came judgment, funds were debited from the Sberbank card in favor of the bank, the debt is the same, a protest was sent to the court, the judge canceled the bank's decision, the money continued to be withdrawn. The bailiffs have no decision to arrest the account. Who to contact, and is there a statute of limitations on this loan.

11.2. Based on the content of the issue, the debt was collected in the order of writ proceedings and the executive document was sent to the OSP.
If the DCO did not receive a decision to cancel the court order, contact the precinct of the Justice of the Peace who issued it for a copy and submit it to the DCO yourself.
The general limitation period is 3 years, calculated separately for each payment.

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11.3. the limitation period is 3 years, i.e. if the bank has not applied to the court for the recovery of funds from the date when you were obliged to repay the loan, then the bank (if you filed a missed deadline) loses the right to recover the debt.
In addition, you have the right to return your debited money. Write your situation in more detail.

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12. Need help with a loan. In 2015, we re-executed a loan agreement with Russian Standard. All checks were paid without delay. From October to December 2017, they did not pay, in January they began to pay off the debt again. After 3 months, they called from the bank with a threat of arrest if the entire amount was not fully repaid within 10 days. We want to sue to pay a fixed amount without interest. Because otherwise with this bank it will not be possible to disperse for good.

12.1. Anastasia, if you are late in payments from October to December 2017, then formally the bank has the right to demand from you early repayment the entire loan amount. Of course, interest in this case can only be accrued until the day of actual repayment (before repayment, the payment amount is calculated separately). On this issue, I do not see a topic for litigation.
Another thing is, if in 2015 you took out a new loan to pay off the debt on the old loan, and three years have not passed since the “refinancing”, you have the right to raise the issue of unjust enrichment of the bank at your expense in the repayment amount penalties on the first loan, etc.

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13. The husband took a loan from a Russian standard bank, transferred money to the account specified in the contract at the right time, they call from the bank and say that the money did not reach. As a result, they talk about accruing% to him, plus the credit history is damaged, what should I do?

13.1. I think it would be right to get rid of this loan altogether, not bankruptcy. Ready to help in this matter. There is good jurisprudence.

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13.2. If the violation of the terms of the loan agreement occurred through no fault of the payer of the loan, then it is possible not to pay interest, or to return already paid, and it is also possible to restore credit history. This can also be done in court. In general, you need to look at the terms of the loan agreement.

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Consultation on your question

call from landlines and mobiles is free throughout Russia

14. I bought a subscriber to a beauty salon (massage services, masks, a weight loss program), TO CREDIT (Russian Standard Bank), went for four procedures, and now I have moved to another city, this salon is not in this city. I don't pay a loan. Can I somehow get my money back for not visiting this salon., if so, how? I would then return this money to the bank. .The contract with the salon was lost, help!

14.1. In this case, a claim is submitted to the salon and the service contract is terminated. The salon must transfer the money to the bank. So file a claim. If a lawsuit doesn't help.

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14.2. You are entitled under Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" refuse to fulfill the contract with the salon for the provision of services and demand the return of funds paid for services. Send an application for cancellation of the contract to the salon.

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15. In April last year, an agreement was concluded with Beauty Time for the provision of services through Russian Standard Bank, but since I live in another city, I did not receive the service, I was going to do it on vacation when I was in Volgograd. Is it possible to return the money, because I paid the loan for a year, but the service was not provided?

15.1. Yes it is possible. It is necessary to terminate the contract for the provision of services and the loan agreement in turn. More details can be consulted at a personal appointment.

Sincerely, Lawyer in Volgograd - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

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16. A consumer loan was issued at Russian Standard Bank a very long time ago. Several payments were made, then 2 passes due to financial reasons, and then the bank was closed. A few years later letters and calls began to arrive. They were from various collection agencies. To date, only one agency "KEF" writes and calls. The whole point is that I don’t have any documents from the bank at all: no loan agreement, nothing. What is the right thing to do in this situation?

16.1. you should not worry, but communication with collectors should be stopped if something happens. If you can't pay, don't pay. Let them sue, and in court you will declare the expiration of the statute of limitations.

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16.2. A long time ago - how many years ago? If more than three years, then you can ignore all callers, since the statute of limitations for this case has expired. Correctly get rid of credit debt and the loan agreement itself a financial lawyer can help.

Sincerely, financial lawyer - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

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17. A court order for a loan from the Russian Standard Bank came, the date of the loan agreement was 19.12. 2006. I paid off the loan many years ago, but of course there were no receipts left, and now a court order is coming to collect the debt, what should I do?

17.1. you have ten days from the date you receive a copy of the court order to file an objection to the execution of the court order.
Good luck and all the best

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17.2. File an application with the court that issued the writ to set aside the writ within 10 days of receipt.

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17.3. Objections urgently need to be prepared. . Written in free form with a statement and explanation of the circumstances of the case. From whom, your address and phone number, to whom (name or name of organization, position), what, where, when, what you ask or what you want to know ... Date, signature.

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17.4. You must file an objection within 10 days of receiving a copy of the order and the judge will then revoke the order. In the objection, it is enough to express disagreement with the order.

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18. How to repay the loan in full ahead of schedule in the "Russian standard"? This is not stated in the contract. There is no bank office in our city. Communication only by phone. How to be?

18.1. Call them on the phone and they will explain to you how to pay. The call is free. It makes no sense to deceive the bank on this issue.

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19. Bank "Russian Standard" unilaterally increased the interest on the loan (under the agreement 28%, increased to 36%, motivation - the Central Bank's rate increased), then, at my request, returned the interest rate as in the agreement (28%), and the funds overpaid for the time when the set minimum payment was paid at a rate of 36% - refuses to return - writes: the bank has no grounds for recalculation. Is it legal?

19.1. these actions are illegal, so you have the right to apply for the protection of your violated rights in court.
Good luck and all the best

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19.2. The refusal is not legal and you have every right to file a lawsuit against the bank. Good luck and all the best.

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20. She stopped paying payments on the Russian Standard bank loan in full, but at the same time she deposited a smaller amount than the payment to the account of the loan agreement. After 2 years, the bank filed a lawsuit, allegedly for two years I did not pay at all. What can be done in this situation?

20.1. Good day
According to the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, you underpaid, and therefore you have debts, and rather big ones.
Write a review, make a contrast

Good luck in resolving your issue.

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20.2. If a court order is issued, cancel it with a simple statement. In court, you can reduce interest and fines in accordance with Article 333 of the Civil Code. After opening enforcement proceedings, apply for installments and deferred payments. Also, in court, provide all the evidence that at least some money was contributed by you.
Best wishes to you!

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20.3. Get an account statement from the bank for the period during which you made the loan payment. Submit this statement to the court as proof that payments have been made. Apply for a reduction in the amount of the penalty in accordance with Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. All the best to you!

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21. I have a question with Russian Standard Bank. I have two bank cards. One for the amount of 30,000, the other for the amount of 50,000. Since 2009, I have been paying, but the amount has not decreased. I looked at the contract and there is still registered insurance on the loan. I wrote to the bank statements about the termination of insurance, the statements were taken, but no action was taken. They provided insurance. You can somehow solve the issue with the insurance and return the money for it to the payment of the loan.

21.1. Olga. After you receive a written refusal from the bank, you have the right to apply to the court to terminate the insurance contract and return the funds. However, if the contract was concluded in 2009, after 8 years, it will not be easy to satisfy your requirements, and in some cases it will be almost impossible. Arbitrage practice in the regions of the Russian Federation it is completely different .. If you applied, say, within 3 years from the date of the conclusion of the contract, the chances of defending your rights would be much greater ..
Everything will depend on the evidence base that you present to the court.
All the best to you!

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22. I took out a loan from Russian Standard and paid about a year on time, then I had problems with work. After half a year, I went to pay with a card, the ATM ate it. Where the bank was already another bank, the contract is lost, and now they call me and write SMS from the trust and guarantee company, they want the whole amount at once, offered in parts, they refuse.
What should I do?
And it really affects the credit history, can they issue a loan in another bank?

22.1. Pay no attention to collectors. Send to court. You didn't take anything from them. In case of delay, the bank submits information about this to the credit bureau. In every specific case The bank decides whether or not to lend. Sometimes loans are issued with a bad credit history. Of course, it is better not to take loans at all. This is such a bondage. All the best and good luck in resolving your situation safely.

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23. I have a loan in the Russian standard, I pay regularly. But I lost the agreement, I came to the bank to ask for a copy of the agreement, but I was refused, is this legal? Why did I ask for a copy, I have doubts that I am already overpaying. THANK YOU.

23.1. Marina, good afternoon. You can try to refer to Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:
Violation of other consumer rights

1. Violation of the consumer's right to receive the necessary and reliable information about the goods (work, service) being sold, about the manufacturer, about the seller, about the performer and about the mode of their work -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; on legal entities- from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.
Or Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data":
The subject of personal data has the right to receive the information specified in part 7 of this article, except for the cases provided for in part 8 of this article. The subject of personal data has the right to demand from the operator the clarification of his personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take measures provided by law to protect their rights .
It is best to apply in writing. If they refuse (also in writing), you can go to court.

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24. There is a court decision on the payment of debt under a loan agreement to Russian Standard dated 2014. In 2015, the bank sold the debt to Credit Collection Rus LLC. How to stop the execution. Proceedings by Judgment.

24.1. Marina

On this basis, the enforcement proceedings cannot be stopped.

In accordance with Art. 52 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" In the event of the withdrawal of one of the parties to enforcement proceedings (death of a citizen, reorganization of an organization, assignment of the right to claim, transfer of debt), the bailiff replaces this party of enforcement proceedings with its successor.

Sincerely, Natalia Agapitova.

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24.2. If you have sufficient reason to believe that such an agreement has been concluded, you need to take a certificate from Russian Standard Bank stating that you are no longer a debtor of this bank and also submit an application to replace the party in the obligation. But this is usually done by the claimant himself for the bailiff to complete For this enforcement proceeding, a certificate from the bank stating that it has no more claims against you as a debtor with a contract for the assignment of the right to claim is sufficient.

Russian Standard Bank is a Russian commercial institution engaged in lending activities. The legal form of this bank is Joint-Stock Company. The head office of Russian Standard is located in Moscow. Represents a credit institution banking products that are in demand among the general population.

Initially, it had the name "Agrooptorgbank". Its activity has been registered in central bank in 1993. The initial purpose of the creation was the implementation of mutual settlements between institutions and enterprises. But due to the instability of the economy in Russia, Russian Standard Bank ceased to exist as an organization for mutual settlements and ceased to be active in the financial market.

In 1999, the bank was reorganized in connection with its acquisition by the new management. The deal amounted to 100 thousand dollars. Its priority for this moment is consumer lending and issuance of credit cards.

In addition, the bank actively attracts free cash individuals into deposits. The bank also has acquiring, settlement and cash services, credit lines, international transfers and calculations.

Loan conditions

Russian Standard Bank offers several. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cash loan

This program is the most popular among clients of Russian Standard Bank. Its advantage lies in the misuse of the issued funds. Under the loan program, the bank offers the following conditions:

The advantages of the presented program are also that:

  • to apply for a loan, confirmation of official employment with certificates is not required;
  • credit obligations can be issued according to two documents;
  • a large selection of payment options for monthly payments.

Cash loan for regular borrowers

Such a program is offered by Russian Standard Bank individually for its clients. You can get such a loan only if there are no overdue payments and timely payment of the loan in the amount established by the agreement.

  • rate on credit obligations - 24% per annum;
  • the maximum amount to be issued is 500 thousand rubles;
  • the credit limit is issued for a period of up to three years;

All other conditions are similar to the previous option.

Consumer credit plus

This program from Russian Standard Bank is a mini-loan for obtaining borrowed funds before wages. Suitable for citizens who need a small amount to purchase any product. The terms of the consumer loan are as follows:

When applying for a loan, the funds are transferred to the already issued Bank in the Pocket card.

Consumer credit 24

Russian Standard Bank offers loans on improved terms. The program is designed for a certain category of clients who wish to borrow a substantial amount of money. Conditions for this offer:

  • 24% per annum is charged for using the credit program;
  • the amount of the provided credit limit - 300 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • repayment period - from 6 months to 3 years.

Not always the desires of a person coincide with the possibilities. That is why Russian Standard Bank decided to enter the microcredit and commodity lending market. Now you should not think about the lack of funds when buying goods and services. The missing money can be obtained in the form of this bank.

A financial institution offers profitable banking products for the purchase of goods without overpayment. You do not have to visit a branch to get a loan. You just need to go to the information desk on the territory of the bank's partner store and apply for a credit limit at the outlet. This saves the individual's time.

To apply for a loan, a person will only need a passport and an additional document, for example, TIN or SNILS. Conditions for the program "Credit for the purchase of goods":

What do you need

For registration at the bank Russian Standard consumer credit You don't have to go to his branch. It is enough to go to the official website of the bank and fill out the questionnaire presented there. It is necessary to indicate only real data, otherwise the potential borrower will be denied a loan.

As soon as the questionnaire is processed, a bank employee will contact the client to clarify the data. With a positive decision financial organization the client will be invited to come to the branch to personally submit documents and receive borrowed funds.

To purchase credit obligations, an individual will need to provide the following package of documents:

Client Requirements

The main requirements for a future borrower are:

  • the presence of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration in the territory of residence;
  • the age limit is 21–65 years. In some cases, the age limit is from 18 years;
  • availability of certificate 2-NDFL. You can not provide it, but then the interest rate will be higher;
  • the presence of a landline phone (home, work).

A potential borrower must have a positive credit history or even be without it. He should not have current debt on other loans from other banks.

Russian Standard often issues a loan to citizens who have a salary of at least 20 thousand rubles. This is due to the minimum amount necessary for an average person to live, it is approved by law in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. If you have a child, the amount of income should be about 30 thousand rubles.

For small loans, the bank does not ask to provide a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL, a second identity document, as well as title documents for property. But if a potential client requests a significant amount of money, then he is obliged to provide all of the above documents.

A loan from a Russian standard bank is suitable for the general population. in the Russian standard are beneficial to pensioners. When providing a document confirming retirement, a citizen has the right to count on a decrease in the cost of a banking product by several points.

Applying for and getting a loan

Gathering everything Required documents, the potential borrower does not know how to proceed further. Often, bank specialists do not say how to get a loan cheaper and easier. It is better to take a loan online.

In order to take out a loan, you need:

  • go to the official resource of Russian Standard Bank;
  • go to the "Credits" tab;
  • choose the best product for you;
  • click "Finish";
  • fill out the submitted questionnaire;
  • agree with the point of processing personal data and wait for a response.

You can get money on a loan at Russian Standard Bank both in cash and on a bank card, depending on the program chosen.

(!) We recommend that you take advantage of a more convenient and advantageous offer - Apply for an online Platinum credit card from Russian Standard Bank with the ability to withdraw cash for free (credit money - up to 300,000 rubles)!

Why is a card better than a cash loan?

  • Free shipping– the courier will bring the card himself and hand it over to you personally.
  • No fees— free cash withdrawal from ATMs (0% commission).
  • Interest-free installment up to 12 months (1 year).


You can pay off a loan at Russian Standard Bank in several ways:

  • automatic write-off from bank card"Bank in your pocket";
  • at the cash desks and ATMs of the represented bank;
  • interbank transfer;
  • at Qiwi, MKB, Eleksnet terminals;
  • wire transfer Leader;
  • postal transfer;
  • transfer from a mobile phone account.

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to deposit funds in advance and in the amount specified in the contract.

Lending at Russian Standard Bank is an advantageous offer for all individuals. The presented programs allow you to realize your dreams without postponing them until tomorrow.