Alfa insurance loan insurance waiver form. How to apply for a refund of alpha insurance life insurance and get your money back. How to get your insurance back if you repay your loan early

When concluding a loan agreement, banks always offer the borrower to insure life, health and the risk of disability. Such an agreement is a kind of safety net that will help pay debts on time in the event of dismissal or an accident. The total amount of contributions can reach 15% of the loan amount, and the borrower pays attention only to the reduced interest rate.

Unfortunately, the lender does not always fully inform its clients about this agreement. Having read the contract in more detail, most citizens immediately think about the possibility of terminating it.

Below we will consider the features of registering a waiver of Alfa Insurance Life insurance.

Waiver of voluntary insurance at different stages of obtaining a loan

The legislation provides an exhaustive list of types of insurance for which it is impossible to terminate the contract ahead of schedule and, in fact, a refund. Thus, it is impossible to formalize an early cancellation of a voluntary insurance contract unilaterally when registering:

  1. Medical insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation staying in the territory of a foreign state;
  2. Medical insurance foreign citizens and stateless persons who arrived in Russia for work;
  3. Insurance contracts by persons who, only if they have one, are allowed to work due to their professional duties;
  4. Contracts of civil liability insurance within the framework of international systems for vehicle owners.

As we can see, if an insurance contract is concluded during the lending process, refusal is possible. Moreover, the borrower is not initially obliged to enter into such an agreement, since the law establishes a voluntary procedure. On the other hand, refusing personal insurance usually leads to an increase in the interest rate, so it is better to calculate the overpayment in both cases in advance and choose the most profitable option for yourself. Below we will consider the features of terminating a contract with an insurance company at different stages of obtaining a loan.

Refusal at the loan application stage

Many large banks cooperate with the Alfa Insurance Life service. When concluding a loan agreement, they, of course, offer the borrower to protect themselves from common insurance events, such as injury or loss of work. The main word here is offer. According to numerous reviews on the Internet, some lenders very persistently impose these services on their clients, and if they refuse, they do not approve applications at all.

This practice is common, but it is completely contrary to current legislation. The difficulty is that it is almost impossible to prove this reason for refusal, so the creditor cannot be punished. It turns out that it is possible to refuse life and health insurance in words, but in practice this may well lead to the search for a new bank.

There is a way out of this situation, and the Central Bank gave it to us with its new resolution, according to which borrowers have the opportunity to terminate the insurance agreement after receiving a loan within 14 days (during the so-called cooling period) and return the funds paid towards the insurance premium.

Refusal after receiving a loan

The so-called “cooling off” period (14 days) is given to borrowers to consider the terms of the agreement. If during this period a citizen changes his mind about paying insurance premiums, the procedure for returning the premium will be greatly simplified. The only condition in this case is the non-occurrence of an insured event.

If the deadlines and the above conditions are met, the money will be returned to the client within 10 days after receipt of the application.

If the loan is paid

Having missed all possible deadlines and paid off the loan, the borrower still has a chance to return the money paid towards the insurance premium. To do this, they go to court with a corresponding application. The chances of winning are quite high, but it will not be possible to return all the money in full, because there will be some time before the borrower applies Insurance Company still fulfilled her duties.

Refusal for early loan repayment

The chance of an insured event occurring over the entire loan period is quite low. It decreases even more if it is possible to pay off the debt ahead of schedule. In this case, the borrower is also entitled to return the money back from the insurer. Unfortunately, some lenders use a trick and provide in the agreement a clause according to which it is impossible to receive a refund of the premium if the loan is paid ahead of time. All that remains is to go to court with a demand to declare this provision illegal.

Procedure for canceling loan insurance Alfastrakhovanie

To summarize what was said above, the client has two ways to return the money paid towards the insurance premium:

  1. Contact the insurance company directly if less than 14 days have passed since the conclusion of the contract.
  2. Write an application to the court for a refund if you missed the “cooling off” period.

14 days during which the borrower has the right to refuse insurance and a simplified scheme for receiving money are counted from the time of transfer Money to the insurer.

The contract terminates exactly from the moment the organization receives the document, along with which the following documents are transferred to Alfa Insurance Life:

  • original contract for the provision of insurance services;
  • a copy of the payment document confirming the transfer insurance premium companies.

Such a small package of documents is sent to the main office of the insurer. It is advisable to keep a copy of the application for yourself so that you have a document in your hands confirming your desire to refuse the company’s services.

Cancellation through the company

You can cancel your Alfa Insurance policy at the organization’s office, at the nearest Alfa Bank branch, as well as on the official website of the service online. To submit an application online you need:

  1. Go to the website of Alfa Insurance Life Insurance Company;
  2. Find the client area and click on the “Ask a question” sign;
  3. Go to the menu on the right to the section “Cancellation of the insurance contract”;
  4. Read the information provided there and download the template to fill out yourself;
  5. Send an email to the address listed on the same page.

To ensure that the company receives the application no later than the 14th day, it is better to send it a day or two after the money is transferred. Otherwise, you will have to prove in court that you did not miss the deadline.

Going to court

To terminate an insurance contract in court, the client will need the following documents:

  • a statement of claim addressed to the insurer for cancellation of the contract;
  • a copy of the insurance contract;
  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • refusal of the insurer to voluntarily terminate the contract (if received).

To compile statement of claim and for detailed advice on the specifics of the trial, it is better to contact a lawyer.

Additional documents

When drawing up an agreement (credit and insurance), some organizations give clients special documents to sign, indicating their informed consent to enter into an insurance agreement and that this agreement is voluntary.

If during the trial the defendant, i.e. If the insurance company provides such papers, the client is guaranteed to leave the courtroom with nothing. Therefore, we once again draw your attention to the fact that at any stage of applying for a loan, it is important to study in detail the documentation on which you leave your signature.

Refund amount when canceling insurance

By canceling the insurance contract, the client can count on a full refund of the funds paid, with the exception of those that were used to pay for the company’s services during the validity period of the contract. For example, the client submitted an application on the fourth day after making the first payment. This means that he will be refunded the money minus the cost of insurance for the past 4 days. As a rule, the amount of such deduction is insignificant, but only if you managed to notify the company of your refusal during the “cooling off” period.

IN Lately Most consumers perceive insurance as an imposed service. However, banks everywhere continue to promote both their own insurance products and those belonging to partners. Of course, now the schemes have changed significantly. They are usually used in relation to legally weak borrowers who consider an insurance contract necessary and are forced to make a choice - take what they give, or leave without money at all. Every borrower should know how to apply for waiver of insurance.

However, there is another important factor that makes people agree to insurance. The fact is that the bank’s credit conditions are often formed so that products with the inclusion of insurance seem more favorable to the client in terms of interest rate, loan duration and amount. The borrower thinks he has made the right decision, but in reality the total amount of the bank's funds, plus interest and insurance, comes out to be larger than the debt with higher interest but no insurance, which is typical marketing ploy, which works very effectively. We have to find out whether it is possible to waive insurance after receiving a loan, and if so, how.

Insurance Law

More recently, when applying for a loan and signing an application for insurance, a person was practically unable to reverse the move. Further appeals to the bank and the relevant companies were rejected with a categorical refusal: since the application was signed by the borrower himself, then his action was deliberate and voluntary. This problem was resolved through the courts, but only if the person could prove that the service was being imposed.

Only a small number of financial institutions, as an exception, provided the opportunity to cancel bank insurance and return the money for it within a few days.

On June 1, 2016, the Bank of Russia, which also regulates the insurance market, made an announcement that citizens who purchased the policy could return it and withdraw the money paid. For this purpose, a so-called cooling period (five days) was introduced. During this period, the client could change his mind and contact the insurer, who is obliged to return the money to him. Legal insurance refunds are carried out very quickly, the money is transferred to the applicant within ten days.

In addition to waiving insurance new law allows clients to disagree with various additional services that are imposed by relevant organizations. However, in this case the risk of the financial institution increases significantly. That is why banks increase interest rates or reserve the right to change them if the client refuses. And this path is prescribed in the loan agreement. This often stops borrowers from active actions. If the client does not agree to take out insurance, banks are reluctant to return his money. However, this is still possible, even if the whole process will be accompanied by long debates with the financial institution.

A sample waiver of loan insurance is presented in the article.

What types of insurance are refundable?

In the field of lending, there are both voluntary and mandatory types of insurance services, which include policies such as:

  • Real estate insurance, relevant for loans secured by real estate, mortgages, where the collateral must be protected.
  • CASCO, when, when taking out a car loan, the bank obliges the client to insure the purchased car - transport as collateral gives the bank financial protection. So how do you process a waiver of insurance after receiving a loan? More on this later.

All other types of services accompanying the conclusion of a loan agreement are voluntary.

Insurance can be refunded in cash, trade credits, credit cards, etc., which are accompanied by:

  • client life insurance;
  • title insurance;
  • insurance policy in case of layoffs at work;
  • protection against financial risks;
  • insurance of the borrower's property.

Insurance is legal in any case, since it is an additional service offered to the client when concluding a loan agreement. If it is not on the list of mandatory ones, the borrower can refuse it legally. True, such a choice will lead to a negative decision in issuing money. When a bank offers insurance, the law is not being violated in any way.

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

It is possible to cancel insurance, but it is not easy to do. Some borrowers even sue creditors for their right to this action, but this option is not suitable for everyone, and the likelihood of losing is not canceled, since bank employees can easily turn the situation in their favor. At the same time, the client can ask his lender about whether it is possible to write an application to waive loan insurance several months after the contract is drawn up and payments are made on time. But such a procedure can be carried out only when a simple consumer loan is taken out

Subtleties in the law on the cooling period

The recently passed law does not affect collective agreements. It only applies if a contract is concluded individual and an insurance company. This is why banks often sell additional services as part of a collective agreement (in fact, the bank acts as an insurer), and the return of insurance during the cooling-off period becomes impossible.

Available ways to cancel insurance

Many people think that insurance is a mandatory procedure when taking out a loan. However, Russian legislation affirms the voluntary nature of the insurance contract. The catch is that a financial institution can refuse a loan even without specifying a reason.

Most often, clients are given this alternative:

  • A program with a low interest rate and mandatory insurance.
  • More high interest rates and lack of insurance.

Many are afraid that option number 2 is unprofitable. And therefore they themselves agree to additional services that they do not need. But it often happens that the increased interest is cheaper than the insurance policy payments, which can be up to 30% of the total amount.

If the client has chosen the first path, he has the right to receive a loan and then legally issue an insurance waiver (sample application below). When the application is approved by the bank and the agreement is signed, the borrower may consider payment for additional services unjustified and cancel it.


There are two ways to cancel your insurance policy:

  • by contacting the bank with a written request;
  • through the court.

A refusal can also be issued if the loan has been repaid regularly within six months. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Contact the bank's credit department.
  • Make a written request to terminate the insurance contract.
  • Wait for the bank's response.

In many cases, financial institutions respond positively to such requests from clients, if there are no late payments for the entire period and there are no insurance cases. Then the bank recalculates interest rates and increases them to compensate for the risks.

A financial institution can carry out recalculation only if this is provided for in the agreement. Otherwise, the client will refuse his request.

Documents for going to court

If the bank does not accommodate the borrower, it is possible to refuse insurance on the loan through the court. In order to file a claim, the following documents are needed:

  • loan agreement;
  • insurance policy;
  • bank refusal in writing.

It is imperative to provide evidence of the imposition of insurance services, so it is better if all conversations with bank employees are recorded on a voice recorder. To increase your chances of winning, it is advisable to enlist the support of a professional lawyer if the client is not sufficiently competent in legal subtleties.

The chances of winning the case are quite high: you just need to prove that the insurance policy was imposed by the bank fraudulently (for example, by including it in the monthly premium without warning). If a program with low interest rates and insurance was chosen voluntarily, it will be much more difficult to refuse.

Features of the return of funds deposited under insurance

The new legislation provides that refusal of loan insurance during the cooling-off period guarantees that the bank will return the funds spent on purchasing the insurance policy within ten days.

It is also possible to satisfy the client’s request if there is no insurance case during the cooling-off period. Since the policy does not always take effect immediately after signing the contract, the amount of funds returned may be full or partial. If the insurance contract has not yet taken effect, the premium amount is refunded in full. Otherwise, the amount for the past time is deducted from the funds, and the company has every right to do this, since the service was provided.

Features of insurance return after a cooling period for an outstanding loan

If the cooling-off period has already passed, the registration of the service does not fall under the new law. There is no need to rush to file a lawsuit to cancel insurance (many people download a sample application on the Internet). It's better to try contacting your bank. Many organizations are now very loyal to customers and give them the opportunity to refuse additional services even later than five days. This is how VTB 24 banks operate (under agreements executed before February 1, 2017), Home Credit, and Sberbank (30 days).

If you send a claim to an organization, it will almost 100% be rejected, justified by the fact that the client himself signed the application. In this case, the borrower, confident that he is right, can only go to court, and it is better to do this through lawyers who can suggest some loopholes. However, in reality it is very difficult to return the money, because the person himself agreed to the service and even paid for it.

Early repayment and return of insurance

Is it possible to return the insurance if the loan is repaid early? Since the policy is issued for the term of the loan repayment, a person who repays it in full ahead of schedule is entitled to receive a portion of the insurance fee. If the loan was taken out for two years, and 60,000 rubles were paid for insurance, then if it is paid off after a year, 30,000 rubles are supposed to be returned. In general, you need to contact the bank with this question.

An application for a refund is drawn up either when an application for early repayment is written, or immediately after closing the loan. To resolve this issue, the bank can refer the client directly to the insurance company. There he can also request a sample application for refusal of insurance.

Should I act on my own or contact a lawyer?

If you return the insurance within the five days required by law, you will not need the help of a lawyer. But after this period, the process will become complex and in some cases impossible. If you receive a refusal from the bank, it is still worth seeking qualified legal assistance, since a specialist will be more competent in this matter.

To avoid such delays and unplanned expenses for hidden insurance, you need to carefully study each clause of the loan agreement, since some banks may take on the deduction of insurance premiums. Therefore, it is worth spending time studying the contract to avoid financial problems and litigation.

Then a sample application for waiver of loan insurance will not be needed.

Often financial organizations in the process of processing loans for their consumers, they offer, and sometimes even impose, an insurance policy. Of course, it helps lower the loan rate and therefore looks like a tempting offer. However, no one canceled the policy fee, and it is this expense that makes the loan completely unprofitable.

Despite the fact that Art. 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is about the voluntariness of the insurance process; representatives of the lion's share of financial institutions ignore this aspect and are directly imposing the services of their partner companies. When the borrower realizes that he has been deceived, he has a desire to correct the situation and return the amount of funds paid. The article will discuss the direction of Alpha Life Insurance, return of insurance.

Alfastrakhovanie offers its clients various programs

Insurance is one of the most common services provided by banking organizations. Its cost traditionally refers to the total amount paid for the loan. The lion's share of clients of such organizations are convinced of the absolute uselessness of this product and that its acquisition can only provoke additional expenses. In fact, this is a false belief.

There are several sides to this agreement, and there are both positive and negative aspects.
In the process of the occurrence of an insurance event specified within the framework of the contractual agreement, winning positions can be occupied by both the person taking the loan and the party issuing it. For financial structure this only means the possibility of minimizing your own risks that the client will avoid returning money and interest charges. If a bank client is faced with a difficult situation, he can pay a visit to the insurers, who will carry out all operations for him. The law stating that the borrower has the right to refuse imposed services came out only in 2016; previously, borrowers did not have such an opportunity.

Several recommendations for citizens involved in applying for a loan

The first and only thing that the borrower must understand is that no bank or insurer has the right to impose insurance. Of course, this product includes several advantages, but not every person can afford it, and not everyone needs it. Many rumors have spread throughout the Internet that the lion's share of branches of large banking structures impose various insurances, and without them they completely refuse to lend. Practice includes several such cases. But the changes that have occurred in the legislation of the Russian Federation indicate that the law today is on the client’s side.

The fact is that government bodies began to receive an increasing number of complaints from dissatisfied customers, and refusal of credit insurance became the norm. After all, the Central Bank gave instructions related to the revision of contracts and individual conditions, which would give the borrower the opportunity to cancel the insurance policies that were issued and purchased together with loans. According to these standards, refunds for cancellation of insurance must be carried out within a 10-day period, starting from the moment of the client’s request.

Life insurance is optional

Procedure for obtaining a refund for insurance

To return the money that was paid by the bank client for purchasing the policy, you must contact the bank where you drafted the loan agreement. Most likely, he will refer you to an insurance organization that is his partner and is your direct insurer. It is necessary to create an application for a refund of money for insurance, that is, make a written refusal of the policy previously purchased.

The insurance company or bank where the loan was received must communicate to the client about certain points that will be required to form this agreement. In addition to the application paper itself, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documentation. A more specific list can also be obtained from your insurance company. On the official website of the company in question, you can look at the section that contains a sample application for refusal of insurance. This can also be done at the insurer’s office, where you will be assisted by competent, qualified specialists.

There are several documentation options that will certainly help speed up the procedure for issuing money previously paid to the insurance organization in the form of an insurance premium:

  • a photocopied version of the agreement concluded with the insurance company;
  • a copy of the premium payment receipt;
  • a statement written within a 5-day period from the moment the agreement was concluded, otherwise it may be too late, and you will not be able to return the funds quickly and without problems.

Features of insurance cancellation at Alfa Insurance

You can ensure the return of loan insurance online or directly at the office of this organization, as well as at Alfa Bank itself.

The easiest and fastest way to cancel a policy is to submit an application for a refund online. Let's consider step by step process actions in case of using the IC website:

  1. Visit the official website of the organization.
  2. Search for the section related to the refusal of the insurance contract.
  3. Go to the client area and search for the “ask a question” section.
  4. Review the information provided on the page.
  5. Study the sample and template of the application.

To remain confident that the letter will arrive at the right address and you will achieve the desired result, you need to submit this document on the 1st or 2nd day, no later. Otherwise, you will have to prove some facts in the courts.

After a positive decision is made, the money will be returned

What does the new Central Bank resolution indicate?

According to the updated rules, absolutely all insurance companies retain their obligations to return insurance funds. If the application was submitted by the client from the moment the insurance contract was drawn up, this rule remains in force. As additional condition It is mandatory to comply with the 5-day deadline for notifying the Investigative Committee of one’s own decision. If this deadline is met, then no problems are expected in terms of the funds paid, and the client will receive his funds back within a maximum of 10 days.

As part of an insurance agreement, sometimes there may be an agreement on certain conditions, which, even if the rules are followed by the client with the submission of paper, involve leaving part of the funds with the insurance company. For example, the refusal was drawn up on the 4th day, i.e. formally during these four days the client used insurance services, so the company has the right to receive its funds during this time. Such aspects are discussed in detail with the manager of the insurance company. Traditionally, the amount of money held is negligible.

Features of the policy return in case of early repayment of the loan

If you have never encountered an insured event, and the term of the loan agreement has already expired, i.e. you have repaid the obligation in advance, there is every right to terminate the agreement drawn up with the insurance company. But within the framework of the operating principles of some insurance companies, conditions are stipulated that do not require reimbursement of the insurance premium in the event of early repayment of the loan. In this case, the client has no choice but to contact the fiscal authorities, having previously secured the support of a competent lawyer.

As judicial practice shows, absolutely every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to expect a refund for insurance, but you will have to provide proof of the fact that the insurance risk has ceased to exist. That is, in the event of termination of the operation of a credit agreement, which previously acted as a subject of risk, the risk factor itself is eliminated.

Many banks often offer citizens applying for a loan to take out a personal insurance contract, that is, to insure their health and life.

The insurer will require a certain remuneration from the loan recipient - an insurance premium. These are additional costs for the consumer of borrowed funds. Of course, in this way the credit institution minimizes its own risks and receives additional income. And Alfa Bank is no exception.

This bank offers its borrowers to issue a personal insurance contract through the AlfaStrakhovanie-Life company. Is this beneficial for the borrower? In any case, you should know how to cancel Alpha Insurance after receiving a loan.

The consumer has the right to independently decide whether he needs to purchase a personal insurance policy or not (as opposed to compulsory car insurance).

However, bank employees often neglect this norm and actually impose insurance products on borrowers, strongly recommending that they apply to certain insurers to purchase a policy.

Very often, applicants agree to enter into a personal insurance contract. This helps to approve the loan application and reduce the cost of borrowing.

You can subsequently cancel such insurance and receive back the money paid as a premium. . How to do this correctly if the client still prefers AlfaStrakhovanie? Waiver of loan insurance must be completed correctly.

Refusal at the loan application stage

As already mentioned, health and life insurance is a voluntary matter for the recipient of a bank loan. No one has the right to impose such insurance - neither the creditor bank nor the insurance company. Thus, a citizen who has submitted a loan request to the bank has the right to refuse to purchase a personal insurance policy offered by the lender.

However, in this case, the borrower must be prepared for the following possible consequences:

  • increased interest rate on the loan issued;
  • probable refusal of the lender to approve the client's application.

Refusal after receiving a loan

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which regulates the banking sector and the insurance industry, ordered banks to include in loan agreements a mandatory condition that allows the loan recipient to refuse the insurance purchased when applying for the loan.

If the borrower terminates the personal insurance contract after the loan is issued, the insurer undertakes to return to him the money paid as an insurance premium no later than 10 days from the date the client submits a refusal application.

According to the new rules, the policyholder has the right to declare termination of the personal insurance contract and demand the insurer to return the money paid within 5 days from the date of conclusion of this contract. The client of the insurance company is allowed to do this if, during the above-mentioned five-day period, no insured event covered by the policy has occurred.

Refusal for early loan repayment

If the insured event does not occur and the borrower repays the loan to the bank ahead of schedule, he also has the right to terminate the agreement with AlfaStrakhovanie-Life, demanding the return of the money paid as an insurance premium.

In this situation, the scenario of filing a complaint or court resolution of the issue cannot be ruled out. It may be necessary to prove that the risk provided for by the insurance policy was actually eliminated due to the full repayment of the loan, since the object of risk was the loan agreement concluded with the bank.

Ways to get your money back for insurance

The policyholder must send an application to the insurer to terminate the contract and return the money before the end of the five-day period from the date of registration of the service. In the case of the AlfaStrakhovanie-Life company, this can be done either at the insurer’s office or by mail.

To speed up the process, the following documents should be attached to your application.

Possibility to refuse the concluded insurance contract related to credit agreement, borrowers received back in 2016. By its Directive, the Central Bank granted them this right. The period for refusal was determined to be five days. At the same time, insurers developed a procedure for returning payments already made. Let's consider the nuances of the AlfaStrakhovanie-Life company and the rules for returning insurance.

The organization independently developed conditions for early termination of contracts at the request of clients and the return of paid fees. Citizens received an answer to the question of how to return AlfaStrakhovanie insurance. Consumers can familiarize themselves with all their rights before signing contracts.

B Note Central Bank changes were made in the middle of last year, which came into force in January of this year. Now citizens will be able to terminate the contract with the insurer unilaterally within two weeks. When concluding an agreement, the parties have the opportunity to increase it by mutual desire. In particular, Sberbank has established a period for early termination of the contract of thirty days. The day the bonus is paid does not matter. It is important from what date the insurance coverage began to apply. This determines what amount will be returned to the client upon early termination of the contract. As a rule, the policy begins the day after payment is made.

Most banks, when assessing submitted loan applications, strongly offer their clients various insurance programs:

  • life;
  • health.

This approach can be considered as an imposition of additional services and a violation of the Law “On Consumer Rights”. It prohibits organizations from making a citizen's ability to obtain one service dependent on the purchase of another.

These types of proposals do not only apply to mortgage borrowers. When citizens purchase cars on credit, the lender offers the same insurance programs. All of them are voluntary types. This gives the client the right to refuse.

Insurance and credit

Trying to minimize potential losses from non-repayments, banks make offers to borrowers, giving them the opportunity to choose:

This practice even affected consumer loans for the purchase of household appliances.

In the event that the borrower chooses a reduced rate and agrees to the proposed insurance option, this is sometimes reflected in the loan agreement. As soon as it is signed by the parties, in accordance with civil law, its participants are considered to have accepted obligations. And if the borrower refuses the insurance after some time, trying to cancel it, he will thereby violate the loan agreement concluded with the bank. After which the latter has the right to demand:

  • termination of the contract;
  • full repayment of the debt.

Either by mutual agreement of the parties the debtor renews the insurance as defined in his agreement with the bank, or he will have to repay the debt.

Car insurance

Especially many questions arise when obtaining a loan to buy a car. Cars belong to the category movable property, serving as collateral from the bank for a car loan. The lender requires the owner of the vehicle to apply for CASCO insurance, where the bank is the beneficiary. In this situation, the AlfaStrakhovanie client will most likely not be able to obtain a waiver of loan insurance, although it is a voluntary type.

The creditor motivates its claim with justified references to the law:

  1. Law "On consumer credit"(Article 7) gives the creditor the right to demand from the borrower insurance of the property that was transferred to him and is the object of lending.
  2. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives banks the right to demand CASCO insurance from their clients as insurance for their risks.

OSAGO is not taken into account, since it has nothing to do with the car. Only the driver's civil liability is protected here. If an insured event occurs, the compensation will partially or fully cover the damage caused by the culprit of the accident to a third party and his property.

If the bank insists on additional insurance against injuries and risks, loss of work and life, then the borrower has much more rights and opportunities to disagree with its demands.

When the loan agreement does not provide for the citizen’s obligation to insure the car for the entire loan term, then in the event of a demand from the outside credit organization You can renew your insurance by referring to this condition of the contract and refusing. Although CASCO is protection not only for the bank, but also for the debtor himself.

If the client tries to take a tough position and categorically refuses insurance, banks offer financing on the following terms:

  • inflated percentage;
  • shortened loan term;
  • reduced loan amount;
  • increased amount of the down payment from the cost of the vehicle;
  • increased requirements for documentation from the borrower.

How to cancel AlfaStrakhovanie loan insurance: procedure

You can apply for a waiver of voluntary loan insurance in 2 ways:

  • immediately at the time of discussing the terms of the loan, without initially agreeing to buy an insurance policy;
  • after receiving the loan money and concluding the insurance agreement.

When interacting with the AlfaStrakhovanie-Life organization, the process of returning insurance is technically carried out as follows:

  • online on the company’s official website;
  • at a personal reception in the office premises of the Insurance Company;
  • in the office itself, if the registration and filling out of insurance papers was carried out by bank employees;
  • send by mail.

It is advisable to do all this within a two-week period from the date of conclusion of the contract, even if the contract provides for a longer period.

Sending by mail least suitable option. It is not possible to resolve the issue over the phone.

For any of the options, you must submit an application. Automatic revocation of insurance is not provided for by law. A sample application can be obtained on the company's website. On the downloaded form, type the text where you need to accurately indicate:

  • information about the applicant;
  • number and dates of insurance and credit agreements;
  • account number for crediting refundable amounts.

It is important to clearly describe the reason for refusal. If the reason is stated to be the fact that when discussing the terms of the loan, insurance programs were imposed by bank employees, evidence will be required. In a situation where the insurance company refuses to voluntarily return the money, the statement made will have to be substantiated in court. This is the most difficult basis for a claim in terms of evidence.

If the insurance policy has not started, the money paid by the client will be returned in full. At the beginning of the coverage - minus the amounts paid for the specific period of insurance coverage.

The insurance ends before the expiration of the term if the insured property is destroyed for reasons that are not covered by the insured event. This provision is directly reflected in the Civil Code (Article 958). If such circumstances arise, the insurance company unconditionally returns the money and terminates the contract.

Return of already issued insurance: procedure

The important point here is whether this insurance was interconnected with the loan agreement. If this is the case, you need to look at the terms of the loan agreement, credit agreement and other papers signed by the borrower. You need to pay attention to the following issues:

  • is insurance one of the borrower’s obligations;
  • whether it reduces the interest rate of a specific loan agreement;
  • consequences for the borrower if he refuses insurance.

If the presence of such a policy is included in the terms of the agreement, then by refusing it, the borrower unilaterally changes the terms of the loan agreement with all the ensuing consequences.

Selling a car

A common reason for early cancellation of life insurance is the sale of a car purchased with borrowed funds. In this situation, creditors are no longer interested parties. Initially, the debtor informs the bank of his intention to sell the pledged car. After obtaining the lender's consent and sale, the borrower pays the bank in full and the loan agreement is closed.

Insurance is not transferred to the new owner of the car. In this regard, the company in most cases returns money for the entire period when insurance cannot be used, unless a prohibition on return is expressly contained in the contract.

The refusal can be challenged in court.

Non-refundable insurance

If the purchase of a policy has nothing to do with lending at all, then you need to take into account that there are those types of voluntary insurance, contracts under which are not subject to early termination by citizens unilaterally. These include:

  • medical insurance for foreigners and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation for the purpose of working;
  • medical insurance for Russians abroad;
  • contracts that are a mandatory requirement for the admission of individuals to execution professional activity in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance of civil liability of transport owners in international systems insurance.

Completing an application for insurance refund

A written appeal is considered the main document in the matter of termination of the contract. It sets out the basic requirements for a refund and the undeniable grounds for this. The form of presentation is free. If the applicant subsequently has to go to court, he will indicate the claims on the basis of his initial appeal submitted to the insurer.

The following are attached to the application:

  • a copy of the insurance document;
  • credit agreement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • proof of payment.

If it is difficult to understand from the meaning of the insurance papers how the policy can be terminated early, it is advisable to clearly state the requirements in the application:

  • terminate the insurance period from a specific date, namely from the moment of filing the application;
  • return the money from the moment the policy terminates, namely from the date when the application is submitted.

The timing of filing affects the amount that will be refunded to the applicant. If, for example, you contact the insurance company 2 days after concluding the contract, only the monetary coverage for using the service during these two days will be withheld from the refund amount. If you apply after 25 days, money will be withdrawn from the policy price for twenty-five days. Consequently, the amount returned will be significantly less.

The decision on return is made by the insurer within ten days.

How to get your insurance back if you repay your loan early

Early repayment of borrowed funds is an independent basis for terminating personal insurance related directly to the loan. This return scheme is not suitable for corporate life insurance.

Loan agreements, if they provide for the protection of the borrower’s life, then for the entire period of the loan. At the same time, insurers have certain age requirements for life insurance clients, namely:

  • at least 18 years of age;
  • no older than 75.

Insurance contracts cannot be shorter than one year.

All funds paid by the borrower to the insurer before the loan is closed are non-refundable, except if the applicant raises the question of the invalidity of the insurance contract as a whole on the basis of:

  • unreasonable imposition or coercion of a conclusion on the part of the bank;
  • gross violation of current legislation.

In this case, both the credit institution and the insurer will be defendants in the case. If the agreement is declared invalid in court, all funds paid under it will be returned to the plaintiff.

By submitting an application, accompanied by a letter from the bank about the closure of the loan agreement, the borrower can expect to receive a refund of the amount deposited into the insurer's account and covering the period after full settlement with the bank from the moment the loan agreement is closed.

Termination of the contract and refund of funds is possible provided that the agreement with the insurance company provides for this. If there is no such provision in the document, then the issue can only be resolved in court, since the insurance company will refuse to return the money.

Before going to court, it is advisable to imagine how much cash refund you can calculate whether it is worth starting an expensive and lengthy legal procedure at all. The state fee is paid by the plaintiff before going to court. Its size will depend on the amount of the claim. If the plaintiff loses the case, it cannot be returned.

Subtleties and nuances of the procedure

Life insurance can be issued as:

  • personal;
  • corporate.

The main difference is that a corporate insurance policy covers a group of people, for example:

  • labor collective;
  • pool of borrowers.

In this case, the insured is the organization, not the individual. Single-person insurance concerns a specific citizen, and he is the one who issues it. And if the insured person can terminate individual insurance or try to do so by sending a corresponding application on his behalf to the insurer, then with corporate insurance this is impossible.

Using a corporate form of insurance, many banks protect the interests of their borrowers. Every citizen who applies for a loan is invited to join the already existing system collective insurance. The amount of payment for entering the system is quite affordable and lower than individual insurance. Borrowers agree. If his opinion changes, the debtor will no longer be able to terminate such an agreement, because:

  • the insurer is the bank;
  • The Central Bank's instruction applies only to individuals.

To challenge your presence in court collective system insurance is not possible because:

  • a specific citizen is not a party to the agreement;
  • personally signed the application to join the insurance system.

Additional documents

AlfaStrakhovanie-Life is one of the largest insurance companies that works with many banks, including Sberbank and VTB, being their accredited insurer. In the practice of her work, additional documents are common that are signed by an individual borrower when applying for loans. For example, a statement where the borrower confirms that:

  • he knows that life insurance is a voluntary type;
  • he expresses his desire to issue such a policy.

As shown arbitrage practice, after signing such documents, the court denies the plaintiffs to receive funds from insurance companies for “imposing” the contract, even if it is established that the company employee illegally made the requirement to insure dependent on the issuance of a loan. After all, this dispute goes into the plane civil law and is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and not by Law No. 2300–1.

Evaluation of proposals

When applying for a loan and life insurance, you need to calculate the cost of mandatory payments. Insurance premiums can reach up to 15% of the loan cost. Along with paying interest on the loan, it is easy to reach an amount that will be greater than the highest interest rate. If early payment is possible, it is not advisable to take out insurance.