Is Sberbank lowering interest rates on existing mortgages? Decrease in mortgage interest in banks of the Russian Federation. Is it possible to reduce the interest rate on a consumer loan

Mortgage lending for many families is the only way to purchase their own housing. However, it is difficult to call this program universal, since they set rather stringent conditions for borrowers and set relatively high interest rates. Given the long loan period, even a one percent difference will come out in a large amount of money. How to reduce the interest on a mortgage is an issue that is extremely relevant both for those who are just going to apply for this loan, and for those who are already paying it off for one or another period of time.

How to reduce the interest on a mortgage when applying for a loan?

For those wishing to apply for a mortgage loan, the bank sets a number of requirements. All of them are aimed at making sure that the client's solvency is sufficient. The more confidence the bank has in your conscientious fulfillment of its obligations, the more loyal credit conditions can become. In particular, when applying for a mortgage loan, those who want to pay less should be guided by the following rules:

  1. Submit the maximum number of documents. The main thing to take care of is the availability of documentary evidence of your income.
  2. Contact the bank where the client is served on an ongoing basis. The presence of a positive credit history in an open bank may be the basis for lowering the interest rate on a mortgage.
  3. Contact your card issuer. As a rule, special conditions apply for employees of companies that are partners of the bank.
When applying for a mortgage loan, you should also pay attention to the availability additional conditions, the implementation of which makes bank services much more expensive. These include mainly such as issuing an insurance policy and paying various commissions.

Is it possible to reduce the interest on an existing mortgage?

Not every borrower knows whether mortgage interest can be reduced. Banks are not interested in losing part of their profits, so they do not advertise on what grounds the terms of the contract can be revised. These include, for example, various benefits. However, they have their own option, how to reduce the interest on the current mortgage - to restructure the loan. This can be a really good deal, especially if done in the early stages of paying off a mortgage, when a smaller portion of the accrued interest has been paid. In this case, the decrease in the mortgage rate in 2019 is due to the conclusion of an agreement with another bank, the lending conditions of which are more favorable. The new bank repays the client's debt in the old credit institution ahead of schedule, after which it is necessary to go through the entire procedure for obtaining a mortgage again.

As a result, the client will give monthly payments to the new creditor, and their amount should decrease. Currently, all the leading banks in the country offer such a service, including such as, and. To start the process, you should start by collecting the necessary package of documents and submitting an application. Thus, it makes sense to constantly review the current offers that appear on the housing loan market. However, before making decisions about refinancing, it is recommended to carefully calculate everything. Re-registration of the contract entails a number of additional costs, including such as:

  • appraisal of the property;
  • the procedure for removing the encumbrance in one bank and its imposition in another;
  • purchasing a new insurance policy and so on.

Any additional costs incurred shall be borne by the borrower. Thus, a tangible benefit can only be obtained if there is a difference of at least two percent.

If you do not want to change banks, you can pay attention to the following tips to reduce loan payments:

  • reduce the loan term (as a result, the size of the overpayment is reduced);
  • pay the maximum down payment (thus, it is possible to achieve a reduction not only in the amount of debt, but also in the interest rate, since such a borrower looks more solvent for the bank);
  • Do not forget about the possibility of obtaining a property tax deduction.

The main benefits that affect the size of the interest rate

With an application for refinancing a loan on more favorable terms, it is possible not only to other credit institutions, but also to your bank, in which the mortgage was issued. For example, when a child is born, family income often decreases. This should be confirmed by the bank.

Note that if at least one of the spouses is under 35 years old, they can apply for a mortgage loan under a separate

Welcome! We began to be asked very often the question: how to lower the mortgage rate at Sberbank? Today we will analyze in detail all the possible options for this process. We will tell you step by step how to reduce the interest on a mortgage at Sberbank with comments from our project experts.

Sberbank is the only state banking structure in Russia. At the same time, Sberbank is considered the most reliable creditor in the entire banking sector of the Russian Federation, this is due to the maximum degree of coverage (an extensive network of branches) and participation in government programs for vulnerable segments of the population.

Sberbank has always been a locomotive in the mortgage business. It occupies more than 50% of the mortgage market in Russia. The rest of the competing banks are closely monitoring his actions and trying to respond.

On June 9, 2018, Sberbank carried out the third reduction in mortgage interest this year. Other banks followed suit. you can find out from this table. But already in October 2018, she grew up.

ProgramsMaximum amount, thousand rublesBid, %Term, yearsDown paymentNote
Finished housing15 000 10,1 30 15 +0.2% if HP is from 15-20%,

+ 1% in case of cancellation of insurance; +0.6% on mortgages for two documents:
+ 0.3% if you refuse to buy an apartment through the domclick website;
Promotion young family - base rate 9.6%
Constructionup to 85% of the property value10,2 30 15 +0.2% if HP is from 15-20%,
+ 0.3% if there is no Sberbank salary card,
+ 0.1% in case of refusal of electronic registration;
+ 1% in case of cancellation of insurance; +0.3% on mortgages for two documents:
Residential building constructionup to 75% of the value of the deposit11 30 25

country estateup to 75% of the value of the deposit11,1 30 25 +0.3% if the borrower does not receive a salary on a Sberbank card;
+1% in the absence of a life insurance policy;
+1% if the mortgage is issued after registration of real estate in the bodies of Rosreestr
military mortgage2 502 9,5 20 20
Non-targeted loan secured by real estateup to 60% of the cost12,4 20 + 0.5% - if not a salaryman;
+ 1% - in case of cancellation of life insurance.
Mortgage for garage and parking place 11 30 25 + 0.3% if not a salary project, + 1% if insurance is cancelled.
Family mortgageup to 6 million in the regions and up to 12 million in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.6 30 20
Mortgage refinancing 10,6 30

Contrary to the promises of government officials, the reduction of mortgage rates is not enshrined in law. Banks independently regulate this process. As a result, since 2015, there has been a decrease in the rate from 1.5 to 5%. The reduction is insignificant, but if you calculate the overpayment for the entire period of lending, then the amount is quite impressive. Since the beginning of 2018, according to AHML, the interest rate has been reduced from 1.2 to 1.5%, and in 2019 it is planned to increase by 0.5-1%.

In the light of recent events, mortgage borrowers who have previously issued it at 13-15% are asking a legitimate question: can Sberbank reduce the mortgage interest? Let us try further without illusions to reveal this question.

Reasons for the rate cut

Current borrowers are disappointed because they have taken out more expensive loans, with contracts already signed and changing conditions only in exceptional cases. A team of qualified lawyers is working on the loan agreements of the bank, the document will be valid after it is signed by both parties.

Important! IN loan agreement cases of changing conditions are indicated. The bank does not have the right to raise the current rate if it is not specified in the contract (for example, linking the rate to Mosprime, etc.). The bank may lower the rate, but this is its right, not its obligation.

The borrower is eligible to apply for a possible mortgage interest rate reduction , but the final decision will already be with the bank. By the way, they are obliged to accept an application for revision, the refusal in this case is illegal.

Allocate possible reasons to reduce rates:

  • the client became a member of one of the state social programs that provides benefits.
  • Mortgage rates dropped significantly in the market.
  • possible re-crediting associated with the deterioration of the financial condition of the borrower or other circumstances not provided for by the contract.

It is not necessary to place special hopes, lowering rates, this is a significant reduction in the bank's profits. Therefore, especially good reasons are needed to reduce interest rates.

On this moment Sberbank cuts interest rates on existing loans to a maximum of 10.9%.

Reduction Options

If it so happened that citizens took out a mortgage at a savings bank according to standard conditions (for that period), then you can look for an alternative to lowering interest. It is immediately worth noting that only those borrowers who did not allow delays in payments have such a chance. Naturally, if the client has a penalty, then its write-off is not a reduction in the loan rate.

Ways to reduce the interest on a mortgage in Sberbank:

  • restructuring;
  • rate reduction upon application;
  • by reviewing the terms of the contract in connection with the decision of the court.

The presented options on how to lower the rate are absolutely legal. However, no one will give a 100% guarantee that it will work and the mortgage will become cheaper. In each case, everything is individual.

Rate reduction on request

Most best option. It allows you to reduce the rate on the current mortgage of Sberbank without unnecessary consequences for the credit history and further refinancing of the mortgage or participation in special government programs such as, for example,. The terms of which are a restriction on lowering the mortgage rate for those borrowers who have had a restructuring.

To what rate can be reduced:

  • Up to 10.9% - if the current mortgage was issued with insurance and you also conclude a new contract with the financial protection of the health and life of the borrower;
  • 11.9% - if the original contract provided for life insurance, but in the new one, after lowering the rate, you refused it;
  • Up to 11.9% - if earlier in your contract there was no clause on life insurance of the borrower;
  • 11.9-12.9% - if a non-purpose mortgage was issued secured by real estate (12.9 in case of refusal of insurance).

The rate can be reduced repeatedly, but usually the bank sets a limit per year between acts of interest reduction.

At the same time, in order to obtain approval for interest reduction, Sberbank establishes certain requirements:

  • Mortgages must be paid on time without delay;
  • The loan was issued at least a year ago;
  • There was no restructuring;
  • The balance of the debt is not less than half a million.

An application can be submitted in two ways:

  1. Through the branch of Sberbank
  2. Via the Internet on the DomClick website at this link.

The term for consideration of an application for a rate cut in Sberbank is thirty days.

A more profitable option for lowering the rate is to contact another bank and conclude an agreement. Some bankers today offer to draw up an agreement on favorable terms (from 10.9% per annum) and even allow, in addition to this, to take an additional loan. Such operations are aimed at attracting customers. However, it should be understood that such a mortgage will be with an encumbrance, the property itself acts as a pledge. In addition, refinancing involves the collection of a complete package of documents. However, sometimes Sberbank employees, learning about the possible loss of a client, make concessions to him and still revise the current conditions under their contract.


A more problematic step is debt restructuring. Such measures provide for the renegotiation of the contract, and this information will be displayed in the BCI, which may have a negative impact further.

Earlier, we examined in detail how it happens and what options for this operation are possible.

Restructuring is possible:

  • change the mortgage currency to rubles;
  • make an extension of the term - the total term increases, the rate is not reduced, the monthly payment is reduced, the overpayment increases;
  • make a deferment for a certain period (6,12,24 months) - for the period of deferment, the minimum payments are paid, the overpayment increases.

At the same time, the borrower must have good reasons for these actions, namely:

  • Dismissal, reduction or significant reduction in salary;
  • Conscription to the army for military service;
  • Decree;
  • Health problems that limit the ability to continue working.

The restructuring procedure is as follows:

  1. A package of documents is provided to the bank;
  2. The bank makes a decision;
  3. New documents are being signed.

At the same time, you can apply for mortgage restructuring at Sberbank both online and at a bank branch.

Separately, it is worth considering the restructuring of mortgages with the help of the state. For borrowers of Sberbank and a number of other banks, there is an opportunity to write off mortgage debt up to 1.5 million rubles. Having taken a mortgage before April 2015, it becomes available to you, which we talked about in detail earlier.


For the contract to be renegotiated by judgment, there are only two reasons, these are: an illegal increase in rates and the introduction of hidden fees. In this case, the terms of the contract must be violated, from a legal point of view. In such nuances, a lawyer is best versed.

It should be noted that Sberbank is a respectable large enterprise that does not make sense to spoil its reputation with minor legal flaws. Therefore, in an agreement with Sberbank, it is rarely possible to dig into anything, and there have never been any jumps in rates under existing agreements.

Important! In any litigation, the borrower still undertakes to repay the monthly payments according to the schedule. Otherwise, not only a fine will be charged to him, but his credit history will also deteriorate. And overpaid funds will be credited as early repayment of the debt. If the loan is already closed (repaid), then the excess is also returned to the borrower to his account.

We hope now it has become clear to you how you can reduce the interest on a mortgage at Sberbank. This is a rather difficult question. To date, the bank does not provide for any program to reduce rates for already concluded agreements. However, the client has a chance to independently regulate the amount of overpayment by early repayment or arrange for restructuring. As a last resort, you can use the refinancing program at another bank that offers lower rates.

If you need the support of an experienced mortgage lawyer in a dispute with a bank, we recommend that you sign up for a free consultation with our specialist in a special form in the corner of the screen.

We are waiting for your questions and comments under the article. We will be grateful for your experience, likes and reposts.

IN last years there is a downward trend in mortgage interest rates. Including Sberbank reduces interest rates on housing loans. There are standard market rates, but they can be reduced if you know how to do it correctly in accordance with the law. You can not only lower the rate, but also extend the term of payments on a mortgage loan, or vice versa, shorten it. Any manipulations with interest require intervention from the bank's management, as well as their approval.

Ways to reduce the rate on an already issued mortgage in Sberbank

Reducing the interest rate in Sberbank on a mortgage loan is possible even if several mortgage payments are made. Standard conditions for each client are offered initially. If the borrower agrees to them, then the bank does not make concessions and draws up documents on current proposals. You can get on promotional programs or independently inquire about their availability on this moment. If the client signed papers with standard conditions, then there are several options for how to switch to favorable conditions in the future and reduce the rate. Among the popular ways to reduce the rate the following:

  • mortgage restructuring;
  • refinancing method;
  • modification of the terms of the contract on the basis of a court decision.

These options only work if borrowers have no problems with previous mortgage payments and there are no debts or penalties. Not necessarily each of these options will work in practice, and the amount of payments will decrease as a result. But a person can try to use the techniques. Everything is decided directly with the institution in individually.

Refinancing- this is an option to renew the contract on more favorable terms for the client. The institution enables the borrower to re-register a mortgage taken from another bank. With the help of reduced interest, the client can make payments to other banks on time, and deposit a feasible amount with a reduced amount of interest to Sberbank. In any case, the client can contact the bank on an individual basis and ask for a rate reduction. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • You must contact the nearest branch of Sberbank or at the place where the mortgage agreement was concluded.
  • You need to bring the original contract with you. If there is no paper, then the bank will have to send a request to the archive, and the client will have to wait 30 days for a response from the archive.
  • A written application is submitted on behalf of the borrower to the bank's management with a request to reduce the interest rate. The application indicates the reason for the action, sometimes documents are attached on the basis of which the paper is drawn up. Some departments have application templates.
  • The document is certified by a bank employee, you should definitely make a copy of it to prevent loss.
  • Within 30 days, the borrower must wait for a written response in an official form. If the result of the negotiations is positive, then a new contract is signed based on the approval of the management.

The possibility of refinancing a mortgage is currently considered the most profitable option. Bankers offer to issue more favorable conditions with an interest rate of 10% per annum. Such manipulations are designed to attract a large number of clients, but often such a mortgage involves leaving a collateral in the form of an existing or purchased property. Refinancing also requires a complete collection of documentation, paperwork is carefully checked by employees, all correspondences are sought. Sometimes, with significant losses for a bank client, employees meet him halfway and re-register the contract with a reduction in interest without involving an extended package of papers.

Restructuring debt is an option to lower the rate and fast way mortgage repayments. This method does not allow you to reduce the interest rate, but allows you to draw up a new schedule for paying monthly installments. Formally, the process of restructuring can be equated to a reduction in mortgage rates. Although the percentage remains the same, the payment period increases and the amount of contributions changes accordingly due to the prolongation of the contract. Restructuring in Sberbank allows you to extend mortgage payments up to 30 years. But this process requires substantial grounds.

To reduce the amount of interest accrued during the restructuring, you can pay large amounts in one month. Then the difference in the amount is transferred to the body of the loan, which decreases over time. If the borrower's income increased during the payment of the mortgage, then with a certificate you need to contact the bank and draw up a new schedule. Sberbank has a positive attitude towards early repayment. Restructuring aimed at reducing the term with an increase in payments can be carried out independently, without additional agreement with the bank. You can ask an employee to calculate the amounts that are required to be paid monthly to pay off the debt for five years, and not for ten.

There is also a type of restructuring, which involves an increase in the payment period. Such modification of the account will not contribute to the reduction of the interest rate. For example, types of loans with prolongation of the repayment period:

  • an increase in the total term, that is, its prolongation while maintaining the rate and reducing the loan body. This contributes to an increase in the final overpayment;
  • deferment from monthly installments for a specified period, for which the borrower pays only interest without a principal installment, which ultimately increases the overpayment;
  • quarterly payment of interest and making payments in a single amount, but less often;
  • promotional offer "Credit holidays". It is rarely used by Sberbank, it allows you to reduce the rate for a certain time and reduce the overpayment;
  • individual repayment offers are provided for a certain type of customers who, for various reasons, cannot cope with monthly installments.

If the bank is required to restructure the loan and prolong the payment period, then the client must have a good reason for this operation. The payer may experience financial difficulties and this must be confirmed by the credit institution. For example, you can submit a certificate from the hospital about the treatment of the borrower or a letter of resignation from the company. The package of documents should be as complete as possible; an application with a request for an extension of the payment period is attached to it. Restructuring can also be carried out with the help of government proposals. Sberbank is one of a number of banks that interact with the state. Low-income families, as well as single-parent families, can ask for a write-off of up to 30% of the final cost of an apartment from a mortgage. The maximum amount of assistance from the government of the Russian Federation is 1.5 million rubles. The assistance program for mortgage borrowers is updated annually, and the program for assistance to foreign currency borrowers remains especially relevant.

Going to court is an option to legally lower the interest rate without loss of funds for the borrower. The main reasons and reasons for the bank's client to go to court are the gradual increase in loan rates, as well as the introduction of hidden fees. That is, on the part of the bank, the terms of the mortgage agreement are violated from a legal point of view. The approach to the institution is found by the lawyer, and it is he who must initiate the trial.

It should be clarified that Sberbank is a large enterprise that borrows money from citizens to purchase housing. Therefore, the bank has no shortcomings in the contracts, which is explained by many years of experience and saving its reputation. In this case, it is difficult to find serious violations; they can be considered the inclusion by the bank in the contract of additional mortgage services for which the client did not agree.

In any litigation with the bank, the interest rate as such will not decrease. You can only influence the additional funds paid for the included services. These funds will be returned to the borrower's money account or transferred as an early payment of the mortgage fee. If the client refuses to pay the funds, then his credit history will deteriorate and he will be obliged to pay fines.

Participation in social programs- a great chance to reduce the interest rate even before applying for a housing loan. The following groups of people can participate in the programs:

  1. parents and guardians of minors;
  2. combat veterans;
  3. disabled people, as well as parents of children with disabilities;
  4. clients who have a child who is on full-time education at a university up to 24 years old.

Banks have a number of requirements that any borrower who wants to participate in state or bank support programs must pass. Among the requirements are financial condition client, namely:

  • the income of the borrower's family should not exceed double the subsistence level adopted in the region for the last three months;
  • the monthly payment on the loan has increased by 30% or more since the date of signing the agreement.

The area of ​​the apartment for which you can receive a subsidy or compensation from the bank is also limited. For example, a one-room apartment should not be more than 45 square meters. For a two-room apartment, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b65 and for a three-room apartment of 85 square meters is allowed. The family's existing apartment is provided as collateral. In this case, Sberbank can reduce the cost of housing by 30% of the total cost of housing, provided that 30% of the amount does not exceed 1.5 million rubles.

There are no other ways to reduce mortgage rates. They are not legal, and regular non-payment of interest rates and monthly installments will make the borrower a penal, he will be charged a penalty. Applications for rate cuts can be made using the following resources:

  • Sberbank online and personal account;
  • DomClick;
  • official website of the bank.

Chances of lowering mortgage rates at Sberbank

Some categories of citizens have chances to reduce the rate. Not all categories of borrowers can reduce the number of payments on a housing loan. If the borrower's interest rate is below 12%, then most likely the bank's client will be denied an additional reduction. A refusal can be obtained in cases of lack of housing insurance, as well as in the absence of insurance for the borrower's ability to work. Reduction of the interest rate cannot be carried out if the borrower regularly pays the monthly installment late or if the borrower is in arrears at the time of the loan application. The rate can be reduced to 12% according to the average statistics of banks. If the interest rate on loans was initially raised to 13 or 15%, then companies make concessions to their customers. It is impossible to say in advance by how many percent the bank can change the size of the bet exactly.

How to reduce the Sberbank mortgage rate at the stage of its registration?

If a person has just submitted documents or left an application for a mortgage, he may not sign the papers and ask the consultant to reduce the interest rate. You may have to sign another petition, arguing it with a decrease in your financial situation. You can participate in social programs like state support aimed at providing residents of the Russian Federation with economy-class apartments.

The mortgage rate is a fixed rate, but it can be reduced by legal means even at the stage of payments. For this you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort. Reduced rate mortgages pay off faster and the borrower can enjoy their own apartment and budget to the fullest. The issue of reduction is resolved over a long period. In any situation, a client can apply for a mortgage restructuring or take a loan from another bank with reduced rates to pay off a mortgage at Sberbank.

The State Bank of the Russian Federation is a reliable lender; millions of citizens use its services. Most of the mortgage loans are issued in Sberbank, so many third-party financial structures base their strategy on the achievements of a competing organization.

How to lower the interest rate when applying for a mortgage?

Starting from the first month of the last year, 2017, Sberbank held promotions, which resulted in a reduction in interest rates on long-term loans. Until the end of the summer, many clients of the financial institution took advantage of the offer, as evidenced by statistics. To date, specialists from the largest bank in the Russian Federation have developed several long-term lending programs that differ from each other in terms of obtaining and interest rates. If you become a member of one of them, citizens have the opportunity to:

  1. Buy housing on the secondary market by paying an initial fee of 15%.
  2. Get a loan to build a house, subject to a down payment of 25%.
  3. Buy housing in a new building.
  4. Arrange a mortgage for maternity capital. The first installment is 800 thousand rubles.
  5. Get a loan to build or buy country house, cottages or cottages.
  6. Buy housing in the secondary or primary real estate market (designed for the military and does not provide for a down payment).

The longest term of the contract is 30 years, except for the program under No. 6 (20 years). The interest rate varies from 7.4 to 10.9%.

Ways to reduce interest

Four long-term lending programs provide for a reduction in interest rates (except for the latter and with maternity capital). To take advantage of the discount offer, you must fulfill all at once or one of three conditions:

  1. Buy an insurance policy, get a 1% discount.
  2. Register a deal personal account web banking and count on a one-tenth percent lower rate.
  3. The bank reduces mortgage interest by 2 units if the client purchases an apartment from a developer cooperating with Sberbank, or is ready to sign an agreement valid for up to seven years.

The rate depends on the status of the client. If his salary card was issued at Sberbank, then he can count on privileges in the form of a 0.5% reduction in interest. Thus, a "salary" client who has fulfilled all the conditions receives a total discount of 3.6%.

Mortgages issued earlier are subject to other rules, methods of reducing the interest rate are expressed in:

  1. Debt restructuring.
  2. Refinancing.
  3. Writing an appeal addressed to the head of the bank, which sets out a request to change the terms of the contract.
  4. Revising the contract after filing a lawsuit.

Any client can apply for a reduced interest rate if he has been making payments accurately throughout the entire time and has not had any delays. If the contract does not contain a separate clause providing for a change in conditions at the initiative of the bank, then you should not be afraid of raising the interest rate. To make recalculations that will lead to a decrease in mortgage payments, the financial institution is not at all obliged. His decision largely depends on a number of factors and is made on an individual basis.


One way to renegotiate the terms of a previously signed contract is to reduce the total amount that the client must repay. Its essence is to reduce the term of the contract (for example, from 20 years to 15). At the same time, the interest rate - 10% - does not change, and the amount of overpayment falls by almost 50%. Significant difference, right?

To cut the term of the mortgage loan agreement, you need to pay a visit to the office and submit documents confirming the increase in wages (as an example). In principle, the bank does not object to the early repayment of the debt, and often meets the needs of its customers.


If the mortgage was issued in a third-party financial institution, it can be transferred to Sberbank without stopping monthly payments. By expanding the client base, the bank plans to increase profits, therefore, it conducts the procedure for refinancing loans on more advantageous terms.

If you warn the bank about your intentions, it will most likely agree to cooperate and revise the requirements listed in the current contract. The result of refinancing should be lowering the interest rate.


A decrease in mortgage interest rates may be preceded by several factors related to:

  • Deterioration of the financial situation of the borrower (loss of source of income).
  • Participation in one of the social programs providing certain benefits.
  • Decreasing the base rate.

To resolve the issue, the client needs:

  • Visit a branch of Sberbank.
  • Fill out an application form addressed to the head.
  • Get a copy of the document certified by the stamp.
  • Wait for the decision, which should be made within 10-30 days. A written response is sent to the client's home address, the presence of a stamp on it is mandatory.

You can also apply online for a lower interest rate. On the Sberbank website, using the feedback form, you need to:

  • Make a statement, setting it out in any form.
  • Make it a scan.
  • Send the document to the bank manager as a message.
  • Expect a response.

An appeal sent in this way is endowed with the same legal force as that which was drawn up in the office and certified with a stamp.

Revision of the terms of the contract through the court

If the client has received a refusal to refinance or restructure a loan, but does not want to give up the goal, he can go to court. However, there must be good reasons for this:

  • Violation of the terms of the contract by the bank.
  • Finding an item that was not previously seen. However, this fact must be proven, since it must be carefully studied when signing a contract.
  • Illegal rise in interest rates.
  • The bank resorted to introducing additional commissions after the signing of the contract.

When seeking justice through the courts, it is important to find an experienced lawyer who will represent your interests. But even his competence in such matters does not guarantee that the judge will make a positive decision for you. Such cases are extremely rare, so it is better to take action and go through the early repayment of the loan or write an appeal for debt restructuring. As a last resort, resort to another method and transfer the mortgage to another bank that offers more favorable lending conditions.

After submitting the documents, you just need to wait for the decision of the credit institution. Banks often re-evaluate the solvency of their customers when applying for a rate cut. Therefore, the time for consideration of applications in different banks differs markedly and ranges from several days to several weeks. The borrower will be informed about its results by mail or in another way specified in the application.

In case of a positive decision, the client goes to his credit organization and renew the mortgage at a lower interest rate. However, banks do not always cut rates on the first call.

How to change conditions

As a rule, when changing the mortgage rate under the current agreement, an additional agreement is concluded in “your” bank to amend the terms of the current agreement. The agreement is signed by both parties (including co-borrowers) in 2 copies and contains information about the new interest rate, the total cost of the loan, the new term or month from which the monthly payment will be changed. Additionally, a new payment schedule is calculated and issued to the borrower.

What to do in case of refusal

The first thing to do is to try to understand the cause of the failure and eliminate it. If the borrower has other, smaller loans, it makes sense to close them first and then try to achieve refinancing. And of course, there should be no delays.

Another way to get a positive decision from your bank is to get an approved refinancing offer from another bank. If you have an offer from a competitor in your hands, the chances of getting approval from your bank will increase markedly.

Therefore, the borrower must:

  1. Upon receipt of a refusal, if possible, eliminate its probable causes.
  2. Contact another bank and get approval for refinancing there (competitors will only be happy about a new client).
  3. Having an offer from another bank in hand, apply again to your own. The prospect of losing a borrower usually makes the bank more accommodating in refinancing matters.

Reducing the interest rate on the current mortgage of Sberbank in 2019

You can fill out an application on the website.

The decision-making process takes from a month. Upon approval of the application, the rate can be reduced to the following values.

The main requirements of the bank:

  • the interest on the current loan is higher than presented above;
  • no delays in payments;
  • the balance of the debt - more than 0.5 million rubles;
  • the loan was issued more than a year ago and there was no restructuring on it.

Other factors may also influence the bank's decision.

Reducing the interest rate on the current mortgage of Rosselkhozbank, VTB and others in 2019

On the official websites of banks, not a word is often said about mortgage refinancing for their clients. However, this does not mean at all that lowering the rate will not work. It is simply unprofitable for banks to advertise such information. To achieve a recalculation of interest, the borrower must take the initiative himself and apply directly to the organization that issued the loan.

How many times can you lower your mortgage rate?

Theoretically, this can be done any number of times. However, it all depends on the position of the creditor bank. For example, Sberbank is ready to recalculate interest even for those who have already had their rate reduced in previous years.

Pros and cons of lowering the rate in "your" bank

One of the advantages of lowering the rate in "your" bank is the ease of registration. Often the set of documents is minimal, and the bank needs only a few days to make a decision.

However, a bank that has already entered into an agreement on certain conditions does not always voluntarily lower the rate. Therefore, the approval of mortgage refinancing by another bank is necessary. This process takes time and paperwork.

If we compare the reduction in the rate on the current mortgage with the original lender and the refinancing of the mortgage loan in another bank, then the first option is preferable in terms of the following parameters:

  1. There is no need to re-register collateral in favor of a new lender.
  2. There are no additional costs for the removal and registration of encumbrances, notary fees, etc.
  3. Saving time, since the transfer of a mortgage to another bank is a rather lengthy process, involving a lot of time and effort.