Sanitary and hygienic indicators of water quality. Causes and deadly consequences of water pollution Indirect indicators of microbial contamination of water supply networks

Nitrogen-containing substances (ammonium ions, nitrite and nitrate) are formed in water as a result of the reduction of nitrites and iron nitrates with hydrogen sulfide, humic substances, etc., or as a result of the decomposition of protein compounds introduced into a reservoir with wastewater. In the latter case, the water is unreliable in sanitary terms. In artesian waters, the nitrite content reaches tenths of mg / l, and in surface water ah - up to thousandths of mg / l. The forms of nitrogen-containing compounds present in water make it possible to judge the time of introduction of wastewater into the water. For example, the presence of ammonium ions and the absence of nitrite are indicative of recent water pollution.[ ...]

Nitrogen-containing substances (ammonium ions, nitrite and nitrate ions) are formed in water as a result of the decomposition of protein compounds that almost always enter it with domestic sewage, wastewater from coke-benzene, nitrogen-fertilizer and other plants. Protein substances under the action of microorganisms undergo decomposition, the final product of which is ammonia. The presence of the latter indicates water pollution by sewage.[ ...]

Among the nitrogen-containing pollution in wastewater, ammonia is one of the most dangerous. It is the main food source for nitrifying bacteria; by increasing the pH, it contributes to the vital activity of the latter. Biological oxidation of ammonia consumes the largest number oxygen. So, according to the data, the oxygen consumption is 4.57 kg/kg of ammonia, 1.14 kg/kg of nitrites and 2.67 kg/kg of hydrocarbons.[ ...]

The decomposition of nitrogen-containing substances to the stage of ammonia (occurs rather quickly, therefore, its presence in water indicates its fresh pollution. The presence of nitrous acid in it also indicates recent water pollution.[ ...]

The scale of pollution, its nature and the duration of the pollutants in the areas of activity of agro-industrial enterprises are different. They are characterized by both nitrogen-containing organic and biogenic compounds (ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, etc.), pathogenic microorganisms, and mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and their metabolites. Contaminated soils and groundwater in some cases can be localized within the area of ​​the agro-industrial complex itself and adjacent areas (large livestock complexes, farms, etc.), in others they occupy large areas measured in thousands of square kilometers (irrigated and rain-fed lands with intensive technology for growing agricultural products). The duration of the presence of polluting ingredients is determined by the rate of decay of organic and mineral substances, the life time of microorganisms. As a result, when the source of pollution is eliminated, the lifetime of some polluting components is measured from several days to 1-3 years, while others reach tens and even hundreds of years.[ ...]

Optimization of soil regimes, creation of optimal C:N ratios favors the mineralization of oil waste and reduces the time for cleaning soils from pollutants. With very intense, deep soil contamination with oil and oil products (especially in the southern regions), it is recommended to remove oil-saturated horizons and bury them, followed by the creation of bulk artificial fertile horizons.[ ...]

By the presence of nitrogen-containing substances in water, one can judge the contamination of it with domestic sewage. If the contamination is recent, then all the nitrogen is usually in the form of ammonia. If along with ammonia there are nitrites, then this means that some time has passed since the infection. And if all nitrogen is represented by nitrates, then a lot of time has passed since the infection, and the water of the reservoir at the sampling site has self-purified. It has been established experimentally that when room temperature 10 mg of ammonium salt nitrogen is oxidized to nitrite after 15 days, while nitrite is oxidized to nitrate in 40 days.[ ...]

To determine pollution from natural sources, the flow of a pollutant is recorded over a certain surface area or the amount of substances deposited on special collectors is measured (taking into account the products of their subsequent oxidation); in this case, the estimate will be correct only if the amount of natural emissions greatly exceeds the amount of anthropogenic pollution. It is in this way that nitrogen oxides generated by lightning in areas remote from industrial zones are determined. The amount of oxides is determined by the amount of nitrates precipitated with precipitation. Emissions of alkaline materials from so-called "open" sources (unpaved roads, atmospheric soil erosion, agrotechnical measures, etc.) are estimated from the deposition of solid alkaline particles. However, in some cases, emissions from natural sources are quite difficult to attribute to specific objects. Thus, when applying fertilizers to fields, the total amount of ammonia emitted both by plants and as a result of the transformation of nitrogen-containing chemicals is usually determined.[ ...]

By the presence of certain nitrogen-containing compounds, the time of water pollution by effluents is judged. Thus, the presence of NH in the water and the absence of nitrites indicate recent water pollution. Their simultaneous presence indicates that a certain period of time has already passed since the initial pollution. The absence of MN in the presence of nitrites and especially nitrates indicates that pollution has occurred a long time ago and the water has self-purified during this time.[ ...]

Of the indicators of chemical pollution of source water or domestic drinking tap water, the decomposition products of organic compounds in water of nitrogen-containing substances in the first place deserve attention. and N0; The presence of albuminoid ammonia MH+ in water, even in the form of traces, indicates fresh contamination; if there are at least traces of the nitrite ion NO in the water, the water is usually considered suspicious in sanitary terms; the presence of nitrates NO in the water in the absence of ammonia and nitrites indicates the presence of pollution and completed mineralization. Salt ammonia and traces of the nitrite ion can also be present in unpolluted water as a result of the processes of reduction of nitrate salts when they interact with humic substances. However, in the absence of ammonia and nitrite ion, with a large amount of nitrate ion, increased oxidizability, and the presence of large amounts of chlorides and sulfides, water is usually considered suspicious in sanitary terms. Thus, the presence of nitrogen-containing substances in the absence of other indicators of pollution does not serve as evidence of the poor quality of water, especially if the water is artesian.[ ...]

Wastewater from lubricant production. Waste water pollution from the production of lubricants is represented by paraffinic, cycloparaffinic and aromatic hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids (and their esters), aliphatic alcohols, phenols and other organic substances. The concentration of contaminants in wastewater fluctuates greatly. Organic contaminants also include components of the oil base of lubricants, esters of glycols, glycerol and high molecular weight fatty acids, organosilicon acids, resins, various substances used as thickeners (petrolatums, ceresins, paraffins, urea derivatives and other nitrogen-containing compounds). The biochemical characteristics of effluents are given in Table. 1.3.[ ...]

A solution of phosphorus- and nitrogen-containing compounds (phosphorus up to 3 and nitrogen up to 15 mg/l) is supplied to the mixer / if these compounds are not present in the industrial effluent. Further, wastewater is sent to the aerotank 2, in which organic pollution is oxidized by activated sludge microorganisms during intensive aeration. Activated sludge adsorbs and, in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, oxidizes a significant part of the pollution.[ ...]

The process of nitrification is the final stage of the mineralization of nitrogen-containing organic pollutants. The presence of nitrates in treated wastewater is one of the indicators of the degree of their purification; therefore, it is necessary to use such treatment facilities that would provide optimal conditions for the vital activity of nitrifying bacteria.[ ...]

Destructive schemes involve the destruction of ammonia and other nitrogen-containing compounds with the production of elemental nitrogen. The best option destructive schemes - the decomposition of contaminants directly in the gas or liquid system being cleaned. This option is limited only by the volume of gas or liquid. With large volumes, capital and operating costs rise sharply, and the costs increase exponentially as the content of contaminants in the treated gas decreases.[ ...]

Nitric oxide (I) N20 (nitrous oxide, laughing gas) does not have a great effect on air pollution, but is of known interest due to its prevalence in low concentrations. At a concentration of about 0.3 ppm, Li20 is a normal component of the unpolluted atmosphere, and at about the same concentration it is found in dissolved form in sea water. Trace amounts of N20 were also found in tobacco smoke (40 μg per 1 g of tobacco). Due to the lack of specific detection methods and due to good solubility in water, the presence of 1

At specific loads of 80-150 mg/g, complete oxidation and nitrification of nitrogen-containing contaminants is ensured. Ecological conditions correspond to the p-mesosaprobic zone of the reservoir. With the complete oxidation of dissolved organic substances entering the treatment, an undisturbed balance of their sorption and oxidation, low loads on activated sludge and a developed nitrification process, the most ecologically perfect biocenosis is formed - nitrifying activated sludge.[ ...]

Chemical analysis allows you to detect water components that are indicators of its pollution; these chemicals, which are harmless to the human body in the quantities in which they are found in water, indicate, however, the connection of the reservoir with one or another source of its pollution. Of the indicators of chemical water pollution, first of all, the decay products of organic compounds in the form of nitrogen-containing substances MH4‘, N02 "and M03" deserve attention (the sanitary significance of these substances was clarified in detail during their study). However, when assessing the sanitary value of nitrogen-containing substances, great care is needed, since they are, as mentioned, of mineral origin. The presence of nitrogen-containing substances in the absence of other indicators of pollution does not serve as evidence of the poor quality of water, especially if underground deep waters are investigated (from artesian wells.[ ...]

Biochemical wastewater treatment is carried out mainly to remove organic contaminants.[ ...]

The presence of all three ingredients in water indicates, on the one hand, a relatively old pollution, and, on the other hand, also the presence of fresh pollution. However, the given data on the significance of the determination of nitrogen-containing substances for assessing water in a sanitary sense can only be taken as a scheme, since it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that are detailed when determining the sanitary significance of each individual element in the group of nitrogen-containing substances.[ ...]

The presence of only nitric acid in the water, while the absence of ammonia and nitrous acid, indicates water pollution in the past. In this case, from the moment of water pollution, a period sufficient for nitrogen-containing substances to be completely mineralized has passed; therefore, the death of pathogenic microorganisms must also occur, and the water can be considered satisfactory in epidemiological terms, which must be confirmed by bacteriological research data.[ ...]

When designing and implementing monitoring of natural waters and soils, first of all, there is a need for geochemical mapping of oil and gas fields contaminated with various chemical and organic substances, with the identification and ranking of pollution sources according to their role in the formation of polluting technogenic flows, as well as with the determination of regional background values ​​of pollutants ( mainly heavy metals, hydrocarbons, nitrogen-containing organics, etc.).[ ...]

The ability to wash chemicals from the soil by surface runoff has been demonstrated in many compounds. Thus, the intensive use of nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers has led to a sharp increase in nitrogen compounds in groundwater. Polluted waters pose an even greater danger as a habitat for living organisms used by humans for food. The tendency of exogenous chemicals to migrate through food chains and accumulate leads to the fact that fish, mollusks, crustaceans, which have concentrated significant amounts of harmful substances, can cause poisoning of people. Thus, the well-known Minamata disease (Japan) is caused by water pollution with organomercuric substances and their concentration in algae used by the population as food.[ ...]

Wastewater from coke plants and factories. Wastewater from coke hydrocutting plants contains cycloparaffinic and aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols and nitrogen-containing compounds. The content of these contaminants in the effluent depends on the composition of heavy oil residues: fuel oil, tars, extracts from the selective purification of oils and other raw materials.[ ...]

The communal services of settlements are currently considered as one of the most important destructors of the sustainability of anthropogenic ecosystems. A special danger of pollution from communal sources began to acquire in the conditions of megacities. The main hazard factor is the unreliability and obsolescence of equipment and structures of engineering networks: water supply, sewerage; filtrate from storages of municipal solid waste. Water treatment facilities with extensive silt maps, aerators and settling tanks at wastewater treatment plants, sewage sludge fields and linear sewerage facilities discharge dirty wastewater as losses into the first aquifer from the surface. In large, especially old historical cities that have a tendency to turn into a metropolis or have become a metropolis, such as Moscow, the exploitation, conservation and liquidation of cemeteries becomes an acute problem. Underground water with the wrong choice of location for the cemetery is heavily polluted with nitrogen-containing compounds.[ ...]

Denitrification - the process of biochemical reduction of nitrate and nitrite nitrogen into oxides and free nitrogen - is used as a step in the biological treatment of wastewater from nitrogen-containing compounds. The process of denitrification requires the presence in the treated water of a specific biochemically easily degradable organic substrate. It undergoes, as a rule, complete oxidation to CO2 and H20. Denitrifying bacteria (heterotrophs present in large numbers in wastewater) can oxidize a very wide range of organic substances: hydrocarbons, alcohols and organic acids. If the denitrification process is carried out with biologically purified water, practically devoid of initial organic substances, then methanol is most often used as a carbon feed. The latter is completely consumed in the process of denitrification and does not contribute to the secondary pollution of treated wastewater.[ ...]

Mixed waste 25 enters the denitrifier 26, where the process of reduction of nitrites and nitrates to free nitrogen takes place, as well as the oxidation of organic pollution by nitrogen-containing compounds by saprophytic microorganisms. The sludge mixture 27 enters the secondary settling tank 29, where the purified liquid 28 is separated from the activated sludge. Activated sludge from the secondary settling tanks 12, 20, 29 is partly returned to the corresponding stages of the biochemical treatment process as return sludge 10, 17, 31, and partly as excess sludge 13, 21, 30 is fed to the sludge treatment.[ ...]

For wastewater treatment, which takes place most successfully under aerobic conditions, as can be seen from the previous one, the presence of oxygen is necessary to oxidize the organic matter that is part of the wastewater pollution. The oxygen consumed for this is replenished again mainly due to its dissolution from atmospheric air. Thus, in sewage treatment plants, which serve to mineralize organic contaminants that make up wastewater, two processes simultaneously occur: oxygen consumption and its dissolution. It has been established that the mineralization of organic matter, which occurs as a result of its oxidation with the assistance of mineralizing microorganisms or the so-called biochemical oxidation, occurs in two phases: in the first phase, carbon-containing substances are oxidized, resulting in carbon dioxide and water, in the second phase, nitrogen-containing substances are oxidized, first to nitrites, and then to nitrates.[ ...]

About 93% of nitrogen oxides are released from anthropogenic sources, mainly in the form of nitrogen monoxide, which is converted into nitrogen dioxide as a result of atmospheric free radical reactions. Estimates of nitrogenous emissions are less accurate than estimates of sulfur dioxide emissions. According to various researchers, in 1982 in the United States 5.6-7.2 million tons of nitrogen oxides (in terms of NO2) were emitted into the atmosphere by thermal power plants; when burning fuel in industry 3.1-3.8; vehicles 7.0-7.9; from other sources 2.8-3.0; total 18.7-21.7 million tons of pollution. Data on BO2 and NO emissions by seasons are given in Table 1. 4.[ ...]

Valuable information in the analysis of PAS can be provided by detectors that react specifically to individual heteroatoms or certain functional groups. It is a nitrogen-sensitive thermionic detector suitable for detecting nitrogen compounds. PAS at the level of picograms. For example, simultaneous detection of PAHs and[ ...]

In pure groundwater, they are not more than 0.1 mg / l, but in places where mineral fertilizers are used, the concentration increases sharply. The content of nitrates in soil solutions reaches 300 mg/l and more. The detection of nitrates and nitrites in soils and underground waters indicates their contamination with nitrogen-containing organic substances. They enter the body with food, as they can accumulate in various agricultural plants, and cause methgenoglobinemia, irritate the skin, etc. The toxic effect of nitrites on the body is due to their effect on the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the central nervous system, as well as the formation in the body of strong carcinogens - nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are also found in engine oils (up to 3%!). MPC in water - 45 mg/l, MPC in water according to the sanitary-toxicological sign of harmfulness - 10 mg/l.[ ...]

Sodium hypochlorite is a selective oxidizing agent, it oxidizes mainly ammonia, urea, amino acids and other substances and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates. If, in parallel with the determination of chlorine capacity, the determination of permanganate oxidizability is carried out, then this allows one to get some idea of ​​the nature of wastewater pollution. The action of NaOC1 will be even more selective if the analyzed water is boiled for only 1 min and in the analysis of heavily polluted waters instead of 0.02 N. NaOS1 solution, use 0.1 N. solution. Under these conditions, the effect of hypochlorite on carbohydrates is weakened, and on nitrogen-containing compounds remains unchanged.[ ...]

In natural waters, nitrogen is found in the form of a number of inorganic and various organic compounds. The inorganic forms of this element include ammonium, nitrites and nitrates - all highly soluble. Protein-like compounds, polypeptides, humic substances, amino acids, amines, urea - this is not a complete list of nitrogen-containing organic substances that are present in water in suspension (organism residues), in the form of colloidal and true solutions. Mutual transitions are constantly carried out between inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds. An increase in the content of nitrates and nitrites in water indicates water pollution. IN clear waters nitrite ions are not analytically detected.[ ...]

Thus, eutrophication of water bodies can be prevented by removing at least one nutrient. In practice, this comes down to the removal of phosphorus compounds from wastewater, since carbon in the form of bicarbonates, and nitrogen as a result of assimilation from the air by some types of aquatic vegetation are almost always present in natural waters. In addition, due to the high solubility of most mineral nitrogen-containing salts, finding effective and economical methods for their removal is very difficult. However, in Lately the need for strict regulation of the content of ammonium salts and nitrates in the water of reservoirs was revealed. The “Rules for the Protection of Surface Waters from Pollution by Waste Waters” (1975) in force in our country, on the basis of toxicological characteristics, in the water of reservoirs of fishery significance, the content of ammonium compounds is limited, and in the water of reservoirs for drinking and domestic use - the content of nitrates. The maximum permissible concentration of ammonium compounds is 0.5 mg / l, and for nitrates (in terms of nitrogen) - 10 mg / l.[ ...]

The fall of rain causes the air to be purified in yet another way besides the one just described. Earlier we have already said that droplets are formed inside the cloud as a result of condensation on small particles with a radius of 0.1-1.0 microns. Sea salt particles are effective condensation nuclei. According to scientists, the majority of even smaller condensation nuclei are sulfur-containing particles, which are emitted into the atmosphere by sources of industrial pollution. Certain nitrogen compounds can also serve as condensation nuclei. When it rains, the droplets inside the cloud, as a result of collision and merger, are combined with raindrops. When they fall to the ground, they carry sulfur and nitrogen-containing substances with them. Sometimes these two types of substances even fertilize the soil, as they add nutrients (for plants) to it.[ ...]

The proportion of easily oxidized organic matter in relation to the total varies considerably and depends on the limnological type of the reservoir, the season of the year, biological processes, surface runoff, etc. . G. G. Vinberg showed that in the section of the upper Dnieper BODtot was 37.3-44.1% of the COD in July, and in June and February 16.7-22.5 and 23.5-37.2%, respectively. The values ​​given in the same book for other water bodies range from 4.6 to 50%. Thus, the BODtotal/COD ratio can increase not only due to the pollution of a water body with domestic wastewater, but also due to natural processes that need to be distinguished when taking into account the anthropogenic impact on the water body. If BODtotal/COD does not exceed 10% in river sections, this clearly indicates the presence in the reservoir of compounds that do not decompose during treatment at the city aeration station. According to T. Stones, 37% of carbon-containing organic matter in domestic wastewater is not subject to complete biochemical oxidation. In the second phase of oxidation (after 5–10 days), the nitrification process proceeds intensively, which is estimated by the consumption of oxygen after sowing into highly diluted wastewater of nitrifying microorganisms isolated from treated wastewater. The process of decomposition of nitrogen-containing compounds is most active after the 15th day of incubation.[ ...]

The degree of biochemical oxidation of many organic compounds polluting wastewater is low. The degree of biochemical oxidation of sulfur- and nitrogen-containing compounds is very different - from 0.02 to 0.95. Moreover, the analysis of the real composition of wastewater in the sewer collectors of a number of industrial areas indicates a high content of conservative pollutants in them (BODp/COD from 1/6 to 1/15) .[ ...]

Statistical Methods conditionally can be divided into direct and indirect. Indirect methods1 include methods of correlation analysis based on the use of correlation coefficients and elasticity. In particular, the existence of a risk of morbidity can be indicated by a high value of the correlation coefficient between the level of pollutant concentration in a particular area of ​​the environment and the level of morbidity in the population, calculated from information reflecting the corresponding indicators in the totality of territories. Correlation analysis, for example, confirms the existence of direct relationships between the concentration of CO in the atmosphere and the frequency of asthma, the concentration of lead in the atmosphere, water and blood diseases, the concentration of nitrogen-containing and chlorine-containing compounds in water and diseases of the stomach and kidneys, the level of bacterial pollution of water and intestinal diseases, etc. d.

In various analytical laboratories in our country, specialists annually perform at least 100 million water quality analyzes, with 23% of the determinations being an assessment of their organoleptic properties, 21% - turbidity and concentration of suspended solids, 21% is the determination of general indicators - hardness, salinity, COD , BOD, 29% - determination of inorganic substances, 4% - determination of individual organic substances. A significant number of analyzes are performed by sanitary and epidemiological services.
The results of the analyzes show that every fourth sample is chemically hazardous to health, and every fifth sample is bacterial. It should also be noted that the cost of a comprehensive quality analysis drinking water abroad is about 1100 dollars.

According to quality standards that determine the presence and permissible concentrations of impurities, waters are distinguished as drinking, natural waters (reservoirs for drinking, cultural, domestic and fisheries purposes) and waste waters (standard-purified, drains of unknown origin, storm water). Sometimes they also distinguish various types of water consumption sources, for example, water supply, wells, artesian wells, underground sources and surface sources, etc. Such a selection is carried out in cases where it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the source, or when any characteristic methods of water pollution can be expected, as well as distribution routes pollution.

Water quality standards various sources— maximum allowable concentrations (MAC), indicative permissible levels (TAC) and indicative safe exposure levels (SLI) — are contained in the regulatory and technical literature constituting the water and sanitary legislation. These include, in particular, State standards - GOST 2874, GOST 24902, GOST, various lists, norms, footwear, sanitary rules and norms for the protection of surface water from pollution by sewage SNiP No. 4630, etc. .

Among the water quality standards, limiting indicators of harmfulness are established - organoleptic, sanitary-toxicological or general sanitary. The limiting indicator of harmfulness is a sign characterized by the lowest harmless concentration of a substance in water.

Organoleptic limiting indicators include standards for those substances that cause an unsatisfactory organoleptic assessment (taste, smell, color, foaminess) at concentrations that are within acceptable values. Thus, the MPC for phenol, set by the presence of odor, is 0.001 mg/l under the condition of water chlorination, and 0.1 mg/l in the absence of chlorination. The organoleptic limiting indicators also include MPC for coloring compounds of chromium (VI) and chromium (III); having the smell and characteristic taste of kerosene and chlorophos; foaming sulfolane; and the like.

Limiting general sanitary indicators are established in the form of standards for relatively low-toxic and non-toxic compounds - for example, acetic acid, acetone, dibutyl phthalate, etc.

For the rest (the bulk) of harmful substances, limiting sanitary and toxicological indicators of harmfulness are established.



- GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water";
- GOST 25151-82 “Water supply. Terms and Definitions";
- GOST 27065-85 “Water quality. Terms and Definitions";
- GOST "Use and protection of water. Terms and Definitions";
- SanPiN No. 4630-88 "Maximum concentration limit and TAC of harmful substances in the water of water bodies for drinking and domestic water use";
- SanPiN "Drinking water. Hygiene requirements to the quality of water in centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control"

1.1. Temperature

Temperature is an important hydrological characteristic of a reservoir, an indicator of possible thermal pollution. Thermal pollution of a reservoir usually occurs as a result of the use of water to remove excess heat and the discharge of water with an elevated temperature into the reservoir. With thermal pollution, the water temperature in the reservoir rises compared to natural temperatures at the same points during the corresponding periods of the season.

The main sources of industrial thermal pollution are the warm waters of power plants (especially nuclear ones) and large industrial enterprises, which are formed as a result of heat removal from heated units and machines.

Power plants often discharge water into reservoirs that has a temperature of 8-12 ° C more than water taken from the same reservoir.

Thermal pollution is dangerous because it causes the intensification of vital processes and the acceleration of the natural life cycles of aquatic organisms, changes in the rates of chemical and biochemical reactions occurring in the reservoir.

Under conditions of thermal pollution, the oxygen regime and the intensity of the processes of self-purification of the reservoir change significantly, the intensity of photosynthesis changes, etc. As a result, the natural balance of the reservoir is disturbed, often irreversibly, and special ecological conditions develop that negatively affect the animal and plant communities. , in particular:

Heated water disorients aquatic organisms, creates conditions for the depletion of food resources;
. temperature differences intensify along the vertical layers, especially in the cold season, according to the "inverted" type, opposite to that which develops as a result of the natural distribution of water temperatures;
. when the water temperature rises, the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases, which aggravates the oxygen regime, especially in the areas of discharge of domestic wastewater;
. at elevated temperatures, many aquatic organisms, and in particular fish, are in a state of stress, which reduces their natural immunity;
. there is a mass reproduction of blue-green algae;
. thermal barriers are formed on the ways of fish migrations;
. the species diversity of the plant and animal “population” of water bodies is decreasing, etc.

Experts have established: in order to prevent irreversible violations of the ecological balance, the temperature of the water in the reservoir in summer as a result of the discharge of polluted (warm) water should not rise by more than 3 ° C compared to the average monthly temperature of the hottest year over the past 10 years.

2. Organoleptic indicators

Any acquaintance with the properties of water, whether we realize it or not, begins with the definition of organoleptic indicators, i.e. such that we use our senses to determine (sight, smell, taste), Organoleptic assessment brings a lot of direct and indirect information about the composition of water and can be carried out quickly and without any instruments. Organoleptic characteristics include color, turbidity (transparency), smell, taste and taste, foaminess.

2.1. Chroma

Color is a natural property of natural water, due to the presence of humic substances and complex iron compounds. The color of water can be determined by the properties and structure of the bottom of the reservoir, the nature of aquatic vegetation, soils adjacent to the reservoir, the presence of swamps and peat bogs in the catchment area, etc. The color of water is determined visually or photometrically, comparing the color of the sample with the color of the conventional 100-degree color scale from a mixture of potassium bichromate K2Cr2O7 and cobalt sulfate CoS04. For water of surface reservoirs, this indicator is allowed no more than 20 degrees on the color scale.

2.2. Smell

The smell of water is due to the presence in it of volatile odorous substances that enter the water naturally or with sewage. Almost all organic matter(especially liquid ones) have an odor and transfer it to the water. Usually the smell is determined at normal (20 °C) and at elevated (60 °C) water temperature.

By nature, the smell is divided into two groups, describing it subjectively according to its sensations: 1) natural origin (from living and dead organisms, from the influence of soil, aquatic vegetation, etc.);
2) artificial origin. Such odors usually change significantly when the water is treated.

The nature and intensity of the smell

The intensity of the smell is evaluated on a 5-point scale shown in table. 5 (GOST 3351).

Table for determining the nature and intensity of the smell

Odor intensity

The nature of the odor

Estimation of odor intensity

The smell is not felt

Very weak

The smell is not immediately felt, but is detected upon careful examination (when water is heated)


The smell is noticeable if you pay attention to it


The smell is easily noticed and causes disapproval of the water.


The smell attracts attention and makes you refrain from drinking

Very strong

The smell is so strong that it makes the water unusable

For drinking water, an odor of no more than 2 points is allowed.

It is possible to quantify the odor intensity as the degree of dilution of the analyzed water with odorless water. In this case, the “threshold number” of the odor is determined.

2.3. Taste and taste

Estimate water taste carry out drinking natural water in the absence of suspicions of its contamination. There are 4 tastes:salty, sour, bitter, sweet. The rest of the taste sensations are considered flavors (brackish, bitter, metallic, chlorine, etc.).

The intensity of taste and taste is evaluated on a 5-point scale shown in table. 6 (GOST 3351). Do not swallow water when determining taste and taste!

Table for determining the nature and intensity of taste and taste

Intensity of taste and taste

The nature of the manifestation of taste and taste

Evaluation of the intensity of taste and aftertaste

Taste and taste are not felt

Very weak

Taste and taste are not immediately felt by the consumer, but are detected during careful testing

Taste and taste are noticeable if you pay attention to it.


Taste and taste are easily noticed and cause disapproval of water.


Taste and taste attract attention and make you refrain from drinking

Very strong

The taste and flavor is so strong that it makes the water unfit for drinking.

For drinking water, values ​​of indicators of taste and taste of not more than 2 points are allowed.

2.4. Turbidity

The turbidity of water is due to the content of fine impurities suspended in water - insoluble or colloidal particles of various origins.
The turbidity of the water also determines some other characteristics of the water, such as:
- the presence of sediment, which may be absent, insignificant, noticeable, large, very large, measured in millimeters; - suspended solids, or coarse impurities - are determined gravimetrically after filtering the sample, by the weight of the dried filter. This indicator is usually uninformative and is important mainly for wastewater;
- transparency, measured as the height of a column of water, when viewed through which a standard font can be distinguished on white paper, see the "Transparency" section.

Turbidity of the water

2.5. Transparency

Transparency, or light transmission, of water is due to its color and turbidity, i.e. content in it of various colored and mineral substances. Water clarity is often measured along with turbidity, especially when the water has slight color and turbidity that is difficult to detect.

2.6. Foaminess

Foaminess is the ability of water to retain artificially created foam. This indicator can be used for a qualitative assessment of the presence of such substances as detergents (surfactants) of natural and artificial origin, etc. Foaminess is determined mainly in the analysis of waste and polluted natural waters.

3. Hydrogen index (pH)

The hydrogen index (pH) is the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution: pH= -lgH+.
For all life in water (with the exception of some acid-fast bacteria), there is a minimum possible value pH=5; rain having a pH< 5,5, считается кислотным дождем.
In drinking water pH 6.0-9.0 is allowed; in the water of reservoirs for household and domestic water use - 6.5-8.5. The pH value of natural water is determined, as a rule, by the ratio of the concentrations of bicarbonate anions and free CO2;. The reduced pH value is characteristic of bog waters due to the increased content of humic and other natural acids.
Measurement of pH in the quality control of natural and drinking water is carried out almost everywhere.

4. Alkalinity and acidity

Alkalinity is due to the presence in water of substances containing hydroxo anions, as well as substances that react with strong acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric). These connections include:

1) strong alkalis (KOH, NaOH) and volatile bases (for example, NH3 x H2O), as well as anions that cause high alkalinity as a result of hydrolysis in an aqueous solution at pH> 8.4 (S2-, P043-, SiO32- and etc.);
2) weak bases and anions of volatile and non-volatile weak acids (HCO3-; CO32-, H2PO4-; HPO42-, CH3COO-, HS-, anions of humic acids, etc.).
The alkalinity of a water sample is measured in g-eq / l or mg-eq / l and is determined by the amount of strong acid (usually hydrochloric acid is used with a concentration of 0.05 or 0.1 g-eq / l) used to neutralize the solution.

When neutralizing strong alkalis to pH values ​​of 8.0-8.2, phenolphthalein is used as an indicator. The value determined in this way is called free alkalinity.

When neutralizing weak bases and anions of volatile and non-volatile weak acids to pH values ​​of 4.2-4.5, methyl orange is used as an indicator. The value determined in this way is called total alkalinity. At pH 4.5, the water sample has zero alkalinity.

The compounds of the first group from the above are determined by phenolphthalein, the second - by methyl orange. The alkalinity of natural waters, due to their contact with atmospheric air and limestone, is mainly due to the content of bicarbonates and carbonates in them, which make a significant contribution to the mineralization of water. We will pay enough attention to these components, considering them in detail in the "Carbonates and hydrocarbonates" section. Compounds of the first group can also be found in waste and contaminated surface waters.

Similar to alkalinity, sometimes, mainly in the analysis of waste and process water, the acidity of water is determined.
The acidity of water is due to the content in water of substances that react with hydroxo anions.

These connections include:

1) strong acids: hydrochloric (HCl), nitric (HNO3), sulfuric (H2SO4);
2) weak acids: acetic (CH3COOH); sulfurous (H2SOz); coal (H2CO3); hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and the like;
3) cations of weak bases: ammonium (NH4+) cations of organic ammonium compounds.

The acidity of a water sample is measured in g-eq / l or mg-eq / l and is determined by the amount of strong alkali (usually KOH or NaOH solutions with a concentration of 0.05 or 0.1 g-eq / l) are used to neutralize the solution . Similarly to the indicator of alkalinity, there are free and total acidity. Free acidity is determined by titrating strong acids to pH 4.3-4.5 in the presence of methyl orange as an indicator. HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 H3PO4 are titrated in this range.

Natural acidity due to the content of weak organic acids natural origin(for example, humic acids). Pollution that gives water an increased acidity occurs during acid rain, when it enters water bodies that have not undergone neutralization of sewage from industrial enterprises, etc.
The total acidity is due to the content of cations of weak bases, determined by titration to pH values ​​of 8.2-8.4 in the presence of phenolphthalein as an indicator. In this range, weak acids are titrated - organic, carbonic, hydrogen sulfide, cations of weak bases.

5. Mineral composition

The mineral composition of water is interesting in that it reflects the result of the interaction of water as a physical phase and the environment of life with other phases (environments): solid, i.e. coastal and underlying, as well as soil-forming minerals and rocks; gaseous (with air) and the moisture and mineral components contained in it. In addition, the mineral composition of water is due to a number of physical, chemical and physical processes occurring in different environments - dissolution and crystallization, peptization and coagulation, sedimentation, evaporation and condensation, etc. The mineral composition of surface water bodies is greatly influenced by those occurring in the atmosphere and in other media, chemical reactions involving compounds of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, sulfur, etc.

A number of water quality indicators, one way or another, are associated with the determination of the concentration of various mineral substances dissolved in water. The mineral salts contained in the water make a different contribution to the total salt content, which can be calculated by summing the concentrations of each of the salts. Fresh water is considered to be water having a total salt content of not more than 1 g / l. There are two groups of mineral salts commonly found in natural waters.

Main Components mineral composition water
Permissible value total hardness for drinking water and sources of centralized water supply is no more than 7 mg-eq / l (in some cases - up to 10 mg-eq / l), the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.

Component of the mineral composition of water

Maximum allowable concentration (MAC)15


1. Cations:

Calcium (Ca2+)

Sodium (Na+)

Magnesium (Mg2+)

2. Anions:

Bicarbonate (HCO3-)

Sulfate (S042-)

Chloride (Cl-)

Carbonate (CO32-)


/. Cations

Ammonium (NH4+)

Heavy metals

0.001 mmol/l

Iron total (total Fe2+ and Fe3+)

Nitrate (NO3-)

Orthophosphate (PO43-)

Nitrite (N02-)

As can be seen from Table. 8, the main contribution to the mineral composition is made by salts of the 1st group), and form the so-called "main ions"), which are determined in the first place. These include chlorides, carbonates, bicarbonates, sulfates. The corresponding cations for the named anions are potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium. Salts of the 2nd group must also be taken into account when assessing water quality, because each of them has a MPC value, although they make an insignificant contribution to the salinity of natural waters.

5.1. Carbonates and bicarbonates

As noted above (in the Alkalinity and Acidity section), carbonates and bicarbonates are the components that determine the natural alkalinity of water. Their content in the water is due to the processes of dissolution of atmospheric CO2, the interaction of water with limestones located in adjacent soils, and, of course, the vital processes of respiration of all aquatic organisms occurring in water.

The determination of carbonate and hydrocarbonate anions is titrimetric and is based on their reaction with hydrogen ions in the presence of phenolphthalein (in the determination of carbonate anions) or methyl orange (in the determination of hydrocarbonate anions) as indicators. Using these two indicators, it is possible to observe two equivalence points: at the first point (pH 8.0-8.2) in the presence of phenolphthalein, the titration of carbonate anions is completely completed, and at the second (pH 4.1-4.5) - bicarbonate- anions. Based on the results of titration, it is possible to determine the concentrations in the analyzed solution of the main ionic forms that determine the consumption of acid (hydroxo-, carbonate- and bicarbonate-anions), as well as the values ​​of free and total alkalinity of water, because they are in stoichiometric dependence on the content of hydroxyl, carbonate and bicarbonate anions

The definition of carbonate anions is based on the reaction:


The presence of a carbonate anion in concentrations determined analytically is possible only in waters with a pH of more than 8.0-8.2. In the case of the presence of hydroxo anions in the analyzed water, the neutralization reaction also proceeds during the determination of carbonates:


The definition of bicarbonate anions is based on the reaction:


Thus, when titrating against phenolphthalein, OH- and CO3- anions participate in the reaction with acid, and when titrating against methyl orange, OH-, CO3- and HCO3-.
The value of carbonate hardness is calculated taking into account the equivalent masses of carbonate and hydrocarbonate anions involved in the reactions.

It should be borne in mind that when determining acid consumption for methyl orange (Vmo) titration, both carbonates and hydrocarbonates are sequentially titrated. For this reason, the resulting volume of VMO acid contains the corresponding proportion due to the presence of carbonates in the original sample, which have passed after the reaction with the hydrogen cation into hydrocarbons, and does not fully characterize the concentration of hydrocarbons in the original sample. Therefore, when calculating the concentrations of the main ionic forms that determine the consumption of acid, it is necessary to take into account the relative consumption of acid during titration with phenolphthalein (Vph) and methyl orange (Vmo). Let's consider several possible options, comparing the values ​​of Vo and VMO.

1. Vph=0. Carbonates, as well as hydroxo anions, are absent in the sample, and consumption of acid during methyl orange titration can be due only to the presence of bicarbonates.
2. Vf?0, and 2Vf moreover, the share of the latter is equivalently estimated as Vk=2Vf, and hydrocarbonates - as Vgk=Vmo-2Vf.
3. 2Vf = Vmo. There are no bicarbonates in the original sample, and acid consumption is due to the content of practically only carbonates, which quantitatively turn into bicarbonates. This explains the doubled, compared with Vf, consumption of VMO acid.
4. 2Vf>Vmo. In this case, there are no bicarbonates in the original sample, but not only carbonates, but also other acid-consuming anions, namely, hydroxo anions, are present. In this case, the content of the latter is equivalent to Von =2Vf - Vmo. The content of carbonates can be calculated by compiling and solving a system of equations:

Vk + Von \u003d Vmo)

Von + 2Vf = Vmo

)Vk = 2(Vmo - Vph)

5. Vph = Vmo. Both carbonates and bicarbonates are absent in the original sample, and acid consumption is due to the presence of strong alkalis containing hydroxo anions.
The presence of free hydroxo anions in appreciable amounts (cases 4 and 5) is possible only in wastewater.
The results of titration for phenolphthalein and methyl orange make it possible to calculate the alkalinity index of water, which is numerically equal to the number of acid equivalents used to titrate a 1 liter sample.
At the same time, acid consumption during titration by phenolphthalein characterizes free alkalinity, and by methyl orange - total alkalinity, which is measured in mg-eq / l. The alkalinity index is used in Russia, as a rule, in the study of wastewater. In some other countries (USA, Canada, Sweden, etc.), alkalinity is determined when assessing the quality of natural waters and is expressed as a mass concentration in CaCO3 equivalent.

It should be borne in mind that, when analyzing waste and polluted natural waters, the results obtained do not always correctly reflect the values ​​of free and total alkalinity, because in water, in addition to carbonates and hydrocarbonates, compounds of some other groups may be present (see "Alkalinity and acidity").

5.2. sulfates

Sulfates are common components of natural waters. Their presence in water is due to the dissolution of some minerals - natural sulfates (gypsum), as well as the transfer of sulfates contained in the air with rains. The latter are formed during oxidation reactions in an atmosphere of sulfur oxide (IV) to sulfur oxide (VI), the formation of sulfuric acid and its neutralization (complete or partial):


The presence of sulfates in industrial wastewater is usually due to technological processes occurring with the use of sulfuric acid (production of mineral fertilizers, production of chemicals). Sulfates in drinking water do not have a toxic effect on humans, but worsen the taste of water: the taste sensation of sulfates occurs at their concentration of 250-400 mg/l. Sulfates can cause deposits in pipelines when two waters with different mineral compositions are mixed, such as sulfate and calcium (CaSO4 precipitates).

MPC of sulfates in the water of reservoirs for household and drinking purposes is 500 mg/l, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.

5.3. chlorides

Chlorides are present in almost all fresh surface and ground waters, as well as in drinking water, in the form of metal salts. If sodium chloride is present in water, it has a salty taste already at concentrations above 250 mg/l; in the case of calcium and magnesium chlorides, water salinity occurs at concentrations above 1000 mg/l. It is by the organoleptic indicator - taste that the MPC for drinking water for chlorides (350 mg / l) was established, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.
Large quantities of chlorides can be formed in industrial processes of solution concentration, ion exchange, salting, etc., forming wastewater with a high chloride anion content.
High concentrations of chlorides in drinking water do not have toxic effects on humans, although saline waters are very corrosive to metals, adversely affect plant growth, and cause soil salinization.

6. Dry residue

The dry residue characterizes the content of non-volatile dissolved substances (mainly mineral) and organic substances in water, the boiling point of which exceeds 105-110 ° C.

The dry residue value can also be estimated by the calculation method. In this case, it is necessary to sum up the concentrations of mineral salts dissolved in water, as well as organic substances obtained as a result of analyzes (hydrocarbonate is summed up in an amount of 50%). For drinking and natural water, the dry residue is practically equal to the sum of the mass concentrations of anions (carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate) and cations (calcium and magnesium, as well as those determined by the calculation method of sodium and potassium).

The value of dry residue for surface waters of reservoirs for household and domestic water use should not exceed 1000 mg/l (in some cases up to 1500 mg/l is allowed).

7. General hardness, calcium and magnesium

Water hardness is one of the most important properties that has great importance when using water. If there are metal ions in the water, which form insoluble salts of fatty acids with soap, then in such water it is difficult to form foam when washing clothes or washing hands, resulting in a feeling of hardness. Water hardness has a detrimental effect on pipelines when water is used in heating networks, leading to the formation of scale. For this reason, special “softening” chemicals have to be added to the water. Water hardness is due to the presence of soluble and slightly soluble mineral salts, mainly calcium (Ca2 + ") and magnesium (Mg2 +).

The value of water hardness can vary widely depending on the type of rocks and soils that make up the catchment basin, as well as on the season and weather conditions. The total hardness of water in lakes and rivers of the tundra, for example, is 0.1-0.2 mg-eq / l, and in the seas, oceans, groundwater reaches 80-100 mg-eq / l and even more (Dead Sea). In table. 11 shows the values ​​of the total water hardness of some rivers and reservoirs in Russia.

The values ​​of the total water hardness of some rivers and reservoirs in Russia

Sea, lake

dry residue,

Total hardness, mg-eq/l


dry residue,

Total hardness, mg-eq/l

Caspian Sea

Black Sea
Baltic Sea
White Sea
Lake Balkhash
Lake Baikal
Oz. Ladoga

Of all salts related to hardness salts, bicarbonates, sulfates and chlorides are distinguished. The content of other soluble calcium and magnesium salts in natural waters is usually very low. The hardness attached to water by hydrocarbons is called hydrocarbonate, or temporary, because. Hydrocarbonates when boiling water (more precisely, at a temperature of more than 60 ° C) decompose with the formation of poorly soluble carbonates (Mg (HC03) 2 in natural waters is less common than Ca (HCO3) 2, since magnesite rocks are not common. Therefore in fresh waters, the so-called calcium hardness prevails):


IN natural conditions the above reaction is reversible, however, when underground (ground) waters, which have significant temporary hardness, come to the surface, the equilibrium shifts towards the formation of CO2, which is removed into the atmosphere. This process leads to the decomposition of bicarbonates and the precipitation of CaCO3 and MgCO3. In this way, varieties of carbonate rocks called calcareous tuffs are formed.
In the presence of carbon dioxide dissolved in water, the reverse reaction also occurs. This is how the dissolution, or washing out, of carbonate rocks occurs in natural conditions.

Hardness due to chlorides or sulfates is called constant, because. these salts are stable when heated and boiled in water.
Total water hardness, i.e. the total content of soluble salts of calcium and magnesium, is called "total hardness".

Due to the fact that hardness salts are salts of different cations having different molecular weights, the concentration of hardness salts, or water hardness, is measured in units of equivalent concentration - the number of g-eq / l or mg-eq / l. With a hardness of up to 4 mg-eq / l, water is considered soft; from 4 to 8 meq/l - medium hardness; from 8 to 12 meq/l - hard; more than 12 meq/l - very hard (there is also another classification of water according to degrees of hardness) /l), the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.

The permissible value of the total hardness for drinking water and sources of centralized water supply is no more than 7 mg-eq / l (in some cases - up to 10 mg-eq / l), the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.

8. Total salt content

To calculate the total salt content by the sum of the mass concentrations of the main anions in milligram equivalent form, their mass concentrations determined during the analysis and expressed in mg / l are multiplied by the coefficients indicated in Table. 12, after which they are summed up.

Concentration conversion factors

The concentration of the potassium cation in this calculation (for natural waters) is conventionally taken into account as the concentration of the sodium cation. The result obtained is rounded to whole numbers (mg/l)

9. Dissolved oxygen

Oxygen is always present in dissolved form in surface waters. The content of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water characterizes the oxygen regime of a reservoir and is of paramount importance for assessing the ecological and sanitary state of a reservoir. Oxygen must be contained in the water in sufficient quantities, providing conditions for the respiration of aquatic organisms. It is also necessary for self-purification of water bodies, since it participates in the processes of oxidation of organic and other impurities, and the decomposition of dead organisms. A decrease in the concentration of RK indicates a change in biological processes in the reservoir, pollution of the reservoir with biochemically intensively oxidized substances (primarily organic). Oxygen consumption is also determined by the chemical processes of oxidation of impurities contained in water, as well as by the respiration of aquatic organisms.
Oxygen enters the reservoir by dissolving it upon contact with air (absorption), as well as as a result of photosynthesis by aquatic plants, i.e. as a result of physicochemical and biochemical processes. Oxygen also enters water bodies with rain and snow water. Therefore, there are many reasons that cause an increase or decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water.
Oxygen dissolved in water is in the form of hydrated O2 molecules. The content of the RK depends on the temperature, atmospheric pressure, the degree of water turbulence, the amount of precipitation, the mineralization of water, etc. At each temperature value, there is an equilibrium concentration of oxygen, which can be determined from special reference tables compiled for normal atmospheric pressure. The degree of saturation of water with oxygen, corresponding to the equilibrium concentration, is assumed to be 100%. The solubility of oxygen increases with decreasing temperature and mineralization, and with increasing atmospheric pressure.
In surface waters, the content of dissolved oxygen can range from 0 to 14 mg/l and is subject to significant seasonal and daily fluctuations. Significant oxygen deficiency can occur in eutrophicated and heavily polluted water bodies. A decrease in the concentration of RK to 2 mg / l causes mass death fish and other aquatic organisms.

In the water of reservoirs in any period of the year until 12 noon, the concentration of RK should be at least 4 mg / l. MPC of oxygen dissolved in water for fishery reservoirs is set at 6 mg/l (for valuable fish species), or 4 mg/l (for other species).
Dissolved oxygen is a very unstable component of the chemical composition of waters. When determining it, sampling should be carried out with particular care: it is necessary to avoid contact of water with air until oxygen is fixed (binding it into an insoluble compound).
During the analysis of water, the concentration of RK is determined (in mg / l) and the degree of saturation of water with it (in%) in relation to the equilibrium content at a given temperature and atmospheric pressure.
The control of the oxygen content in water is an extremely important problem, which is of interest to almost all sectors of the national economy, including ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry, agriculture, medicine, biology, the fish and food industry, and environmental protection services. The content of RK is determined both in uncontaminated natural waters and in wastewater after treatment. Wastewater treatment processes are always accompanied by the control of oxygen content. Determination of DO is part of the analysis in determining another important indicator of water quality - biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

10. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
Organic substances are always present in the natural water of reservoirs. Their concentrations can sometimes be very low (for example, in spring and melt waters). Natural sources of organic substances are the decaying remains of organisms of plant and animal origin, both living in the water and falling into the reservoir from the foliage, through the air, from the shores, etc. In addition to natural sources, there are also technogenic sources of organic substances: transport enterprises (petroleum products), pulp and paper and timber processing plants (lignins), meat processing plants (protein compounds), agricultural and fecal effluents, etc. Organic pollutants enter the reservoir in different ways, mainly with sewage and rain surface washouts from the soil.
Under natural conditions, organic substances in the water are destroyed by bacteria, undergoing aerobic biochemical oxidation with the formation of carbon dioxide. In this case, oxygen dissolved in water is consumed for oxidation. In water bodies with a high content of organic matter, most of the RA is consumed for biochemical oxidation, thus depriving other organisms of oxygen. At the same time, the number of organisms more resistant to a low content of RA increases, oxygen-loving species disappear and species tolerant of oxygen deficiency appear. Thus, in the process of biochemical oxidation of organic substances in water, the concentration of DO decreases, and this decrease is indirectly a measure of the content of organic substances in water. The corresponding indicator of water quality, which characterizes the total content of organic substances in water, is called biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
The determination of BOD is based on measuring the concentration of RA in a water sample immediately after sampling, as well as after sample incubation. The sample is incubated without access to air in an oxygen flask (i.e., in the same vessel where the value of the RK is determined) for the time necessary for the biochemical oxidation reaction to proceed.
Since the rate of the biochemical reaction depends on temperature, incubation is carried out in a constant temperature mode (20 ± 1) °C, and the accuracy of the BOD analysis depends on the accuracy of maintaining the temperature value. Usually BOD is determined for 5 days of incubation (BOD5) (BOD10 for 10 days and BODtot for 20 days can also be determined (in this case, about 90 and 99% of organic substances are oxidized, respectively)), however, the content of some compounds is more informatively characterized by the value of BOD for 10 days or for the period of complete oxidation (BOD10 or BODtotal, respectively). An error in the determination of BOD can also be introduced by sample illumination, which affects the vital activity of microorganisms and can, in some cases, cause photochemical oxidation. Therefore, the incubation of the sample is carried out without access to light (in a dark place).
The value of BOD increases with time, reaching a certain maximum value - BODtotal; moreover, pollutants of various nature can increase (decrease) the BOD value. The dynamics of biochemical oxygen consumption during the oxidation of organic substances in water is shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. Dynamics of biochemical oxygen consumption:

a - easily oxidized ("biologically soft") substances - sugars, formaldehyde, alcohols, phenols, etc.;
c - normally oxidizing substances - naphthols, cresols, anionic surfactants, sulfanol, etc.;
c - heavily oxidized ("biologically rigid") substances - non-ionic surfactants, hydroquinone, etc.

Thus, BOD is the amount of oxygen in (mg) required for the oxidation of organic matter in 1 liter of water under aerobic conditions, without access to light, at 20 ° C, for a certain period as a result of biochemical processes occurring in water.
It is tentatively assumed that BOD5 is about 70% BODtot, but can be from 10 to 90% depending on the oxidizing substance.
A feature of the biochemical oxidation of organic substances in water is the accompanying nitrification process, which distorts the nature of oxygen consumption.

where: Q is the energy released during reactions

Rice. 9. Change in the nature of oxygen consumption during nitrification.

Nitrification proceeds under the influence of special nitrifying bacteria - Nitrozomonas, Nitrobacter, etc. These bacteria provide the oxidation of nitrogen-containing compounds that are usually present in polluted natural and some waste waters, and thereby contribute to the conversion of nitrogen, first from ammonium to nitrite, and then to nitrate forms

The process of nitrification also occurs during the incubation of the sample in oxygen bottles. The amount of oxygen used for nitrification can be several times greater than the amount of oxygen required for the biochemical oxidation of organic carbon-containing compounds. The beginning of nitrification can be fixed at a minimum on the graph of daily BOD increments over the incubation period. Nitrification begins approximately on the 7th day of incubation (see Fig. 9), therefore, when determining BOD for 10 or more days, it is necessary to introduce special substances into the sample - inhibitors that suppress the vital activity of nitrifying bacteria, but do not affect the usual microflora (i.e. on bacteria - oxidizers of organic compounds). As an inhibitor, thiourea (thiocarbamide) is used, which is injected into the sample or into dilution water at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.

While both natural and domestic wastewater contains a large number of microorganisms that can develop due to the organic matter contained in the water, many types of industrial wastewater are sterile, or contain microorganisms that are not capable of aerobic processing of organic matter. However, microbes can be adapted (adapted) to the presence of various compounds, including toxic ones. Therefore, in the analysis of such wastewater (they are usually characterized by an increased content of organic substances), dilution with water saturated with oxygen and containing additives of adapted microorganisms is usually used. When determining the BODtot of industrial wastewater, the preliminary adaptation of the microflora is crucial to obtain the correct analysis results, because. the composition of such waters often includes substances that greatly slow down the process of biochemical oxidation, and sometimes have a toxic effect on the bacterial microflora.
For the study of various industrial wastewaters that are difficult to biochemically oxidize, the method used can be used in the variant of determining the "total" BOD (BODtotal).
If the sample is very high in organic matter, dilute water is added to the sample. To achieve maximum BOD analysis accuracy, the analyzed sample or the mixture of the sample with diluting water should contain such an amount of oxygen that during the incubation period there was a decrease in its concentration by 2 mg/l or more, and the remaining oxygen concentration after 5 days of incubation should be at least 3 mg/l. If the content of RA in the water is not enough, then the water sample is pre-aerated to saturate the air with oxygen. The most correct (accurate) result is considered to be the result of such a determination, in which about 50% of the oxygen originally present in the sample is consumed.
In surface waters, the BOD5 value ranges from 0.5 to 5.0 mg/l; it is subject to seasonal and daily changes, which mainly depend on temperature changes and on the physiological and biochemical activity of microorganisms. Changes in BOD5 of natural water bodies are quite significant when polluted by sewage.

Standard for BODtot. should not exceed: for reservoirs of domestic and drinking water use - 3 mg / l for reservoirs of cultural and domestic water use - 6 mg / l. Accordingly, it is possible to estimate the maximum permissible BOD5 values ​​for the same water bodies, which are approximately 2 mg/l and 4 mg/l.

11. Biogenic elements

Biogenic elements (biogens) are traditionally considered elements that are included, in significant quantities, in the composition of living organisms. The range of elements classified as biogenic is quite wide, these are nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.
The issues of water quality control and environmental assessment of water bodies have introduced a broader meaning into the concept of biogenic elements: they include compounds (more precisely, water components), which, firstly, are the waste products of various organisms, and secondly, are “building material” for living organisms. First of all, these include nitrogen compounds (nitrates, nitrites, organic and inorganic ammonium compounds), as well as phosphorus (orthophosphates, polyphosphates, organic esters of phosphoric acid, etc.). Sulfur compounds are of interest to us in this regard, to a lesser extent, since we considered sulfates in the aspect of a component of the mineral composition of water, and sulfides and hydrosulfites, if present in natural waters, then in very small concentrations, and can be detected by smell.

11.1. Nitrates
Nitrates are salts of nitric acid and are commonly found in water.. The nitrate anion contains a nitrogen atom in the maximum oxidation state "+5". Nitrate-forming (nitrate-fixing) bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate under aerobic conditions. Under the influence of solar radiation, atmospheric nitrogen (N2) is also converted predominantly into nitrates through the formation of nitrogen oxides. Many mineral fertilizers contain nitrates, which, if applied excessively or inappropriately to the soil, lead to water pollution. The sources of nitrate pollution are also surface runoff from pastures, stockyards, dairy farms, etc.
The increased content of nitrates in water can serve as an indicator of pollution of the reservoir as a result of the spread of fecal or chemical pollution (agricultural, industrial). Ditches rich in nitrate water worsen the quality of water in a reservoir, stimulating the mass development of aquatic vegetation (primarily blue-green algae) and accelerating the eutrophication of reservoirs. Drinking water and foods containing high amounts of nitrates can also cause illness, especially in infants (so-called methemoglobinemia). As a result of this disorder, the transport of oxygen with blood cells worsens and the “blue baby” syndrome (hypoxia) occurs. At the same time, plants are not as sensitive to an increase in nitrogen content in water as phosphorus.

11.2. Phosphates and total phosphorus
In natural and waste waters, phosphorus can be present in different types. In a dissolved state (sometimes they say - in the liquid phase of the analyzed water) it can be in the form of orthophosphoric acid (H3P04) and its anions (H2P04-, HP042-, P043-), in the form of meta-, pyro- and polyphosphates (these substances use to prevent the formation of scale, they are also part of detergents). In addition, there are a variety of organophosphorus compounds - nucleic acids, nucleoproteins, phospholipids, etc., which can also be present in water, being products of vital activity or decomposition of organisms. Organophosphorus compounds also include some pesticides.
Phosphorus can also be contained in an undissolved state (in the solid phase of water), present in the form of sparingly soluble phosphates suspended in water, including natural minerals, protein, organic phosphorus-containing compounds, remains of dead organisms, etc. Phosphorus in the solid phase in natural water bodies is usually found in the bottom sediments, but can occur, and in large quantities, in waste and polluted natural waters.
Phosphorus is an essential element for life, but its excess leads to accelerated eutrophication of water bodies. Large amounts of phosphorus can enter water bodies as a result of natural and anthropogenic processes - surface soil erosion, improper or excessive use of mineral fertilizers, etc.
MPC of polyphosphates (tripolyphosphate and hexametaphosphate) in the water of reservoirs is 3.5 mg/l in terms of orthophosphate anion PO43-, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.

11.3. Ammonium

Ammonium compounds contain a nitrogen atom in the minimum oxidation state "-3".
Ammonium cations are a product of microbiological decomposition of proteins of animal and vegetable origin.
The ammonium formed in this way is again involved in the process of protein synthesis, thereby participating in the biological cycle of substances (nitrogen cycle). For this reason, ammonium and its compounds in small concentrations are usually present in natural waters.
There are two main sources of environmental pollution with ammonium compounds. Ammonium compounds in large quantities are part of mineral and organic fertilizers, the excessive and improper use of which leads to the corresponding pollution of water bodies. In addition, ammonium compounds are present in significant amounts in sewage (faeces). Impurities not properly disposed of can penetrate into groundwater or be washed away by surface runoff into water bodies. Effluent from pastures and livestock gathering places, wastewater from livestock complexes, as well as domestic and domestic fecal effluents always contain large amounts of ammonium compounds. Dangerous contamination of groundwater with domestic fecal and domestic wastewater occurs when the sewerage system is depressurized. For these reasons, elevated levels of ammonium nitrogen in surface waters are usually a sign of household faecal contamination.
MPC for ammonia and ammonium ions in the water of reservoirs is 2.6 mg/l (or 2.0 mg/l for ammonium nitrogen). The limiting indicator of harmfulness is general sanitary.

11.4. Nitrites

Nitrites are salts of nitrous acid.
Nitrite anions are intermediate products of biological decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic compounds.
and contain nitrogen atoms in the intermediate oxidation state "+3". Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium compounds to nitrites under aerobic conditions. Some types of bacteria can also reduce nitrates to nitrites in the course of their life activity, but this occurs already under anaerobic conditions. Nitrites are often used in industry as corrosion inhibitors and in the food industry as preservatives.
Due to the ability to convert to nitrates, nitrites are generally absent from surface waters. Therefore, the presence of an increased content of nitrites in the analyzed water indicates water pollution, and taking into account the partially transformed nitrogenous compounds from one form to another.
MPC of nitrites (according to N02-) in the water of reservoirs is 3.3 mg/l (or 1 mg/l of nitrite nitrogen), the limiting indicator of harmfulness is sanitary-toxicological.

12. Fluorine (fluorides)

Fluorine in the form of fluorides can be contained in natural and ground waters, which is due to its presence in the composition of some soil-forming (parent) rocks and minerals. This element can be added to drinking water in order to prevent caries. However, excessive amounts of fluoride have a harmful effect on humans, causing the destruction of tooth enamel. In addition, an excess of fluorine in the body precipitates calcium, which leads to disturbances in calcium and phosphorus metabolism. For these reasons, the determination of fluoride in drinking water, as well as groundwater (eg water from wells and artesian wells) and water from drinking water bodies, is very important.
MPC for fluorine in drinking water for different climatic regions ranges from 0.7 to 1.5 mg/l, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is sanitary-toxic.

13. Metals

13.1. Iron total

Iron is one of the most common elements in nature. Its content in the earth's crust is about 4.7% by weight, so iron, in terms of its prevalence in nature, is usually called a macroelement.
Over 300 minerals containing iron compounds are known. Among them are magnetic iron ore α-FeO(OH), brown iron ore Fe3O4x H2O, hematite (red iron ore), hemite (brown iron ore), hydrogoethite, siderite FeCO3, magnetic pyrites FeSx, (x = 1-1.4), ferromanganese nodules and others. Iron is also a vital microelement for living organisms and plants; an element necessary for life in small quantities.
In low concentrations, iron is always found in almost all natural waters (up to 1 mg/l with MPC for the amount of iron 0.3 mg/l) and especially in wastewater. Iron can get into the latter from wastewater (wastewater) from pickling and electroplating shops, metal surface preparation areas, wastewater from fabric dyeing, etc.
Iron forms 2 kinds of soluble salts, forming Fe2+ and Fe3+ cations, however, iron can be found in solution in many other forms, in particular:
1) in the form of true solutions (aquacomplexes) 2+ containing iron (II). In air, iron (II) is rapidly oxidized to iron (III), the solutions of which have a brown color due to the rapid formation of hydroxo compounds (the solutions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ themselves are practically colorless);
2) in the form of colloidal solutions due to peptization (decomposition of aggregated particles) of iron hydroxide under the influence of organic compounds;
3) in the form of complex compounds with organic and inorganic ligands. These include carbonyls, arene complexes (with petroleum products and other hydrocarbons), 4-hexacyanoferrates, etc.

In an insoluble form, iron can be present in the form of various solid mineral particles of various compositions suspended in water.
At pH>3.5, iron (III) exists in an aqueous solution only in the form of a complex, gradually turning into a hydroxide. At pH>8, iron (II) also exists in the form of an aqua complex, undergoing oxidation through the stage of iron (III) formation:

Fe (II) > Fe (III) > FeO (OH) x H2O

Thus, since iron compounds in water can exist in various forms, both in solution and in suspended particles, accurate results can only be obtained by determining the total iron in all its forms, the so-called "total iron".
Separate determination of iron (II) and (III), their insoluble and soluble forms, gives less reliable results regarding water pollution by iron compounds, although sometimes it becomes necessary to determine iron in its individual forms.
The transfer of iron into a soluble form suitable for analysis is carried out by adding a certain amount of strong acid (nitric, hydrochloric, sulfuric) to the sample to pH 1-2.
The range of determined concentrations of iron in water is from 0.1 to 1.5 mg/l. Determination is also possible at an iron concentration of more than 1.5 mg/l after appropriate dilution of the sample with clean water.

MPC of total iron in the water of reservoirs is 0.3 mg/l, the limiting indicator of harmfulness- organoleptic.

13.2. Amount of heavy metals
Speaking about the increased concentration of metals in water, as a rule, they imply its pollution with heavy metals (Cad, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Hg, etc.). Heavy metals, getting into water, can exist in the form of soluble toxic salts and complex compounds (sometimes very stable), colloidal particles, precipitation (free metals, oxides, hydroxides, etc.). The main sources of water pollution with heavy metals are galvanic production, mining, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine-building plants, etc. Heavy metals in the reservoir cause a number of negative consequences: getting into the food chain and violating the elemental composition of biological tissues, they thereby have a direct or indirect toxic effects on aquatic organisms. Heavy metals enter the human body through food chains.
Heavy metals by nature biological impact can be divided into toxicants and microelements, which have a fundamentally different nature of the impact on living organisms. The nature of the dependence of the effect exerted by an element on organisms, depending on its concentration in water (and, therefore, as a rule, in body tissues), is shown in Fig. 10.

As can be seen from fig. 10, toxicants have a negative effect on organisms at any concentration, while trace elements have an area of ​​deficiency that causes a negative effect (less than Ci), and an area of ​​concentrations necessary for life, when exceeded, a negative effect occurs again (more than C2). Typical toxicants are cadmium, lead, mercury; microelements - manganese, copper, cobalt.
Below we provide brief information about the physiological (including toxic) of some metals, usually classified as heavy.

Copper. Copper is a trace element found in the human body mainly in the form of complex organic compounds and plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis. In the harmful effects of excess copper decisive role plays the reaction of Cu2+ cations with SH-groups of enzymes. Changes in the content of copper in serum and skin cause the phenomena of skin depigmentation (vitiligo). Poisoning with copper compounds can lead to disorders of the nervous system, impaired liver and kidney function, etc. MPC of copper in the water of reservoirs for drinking and cultural purposes is 1.0 mg/l, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is organoleptic.

Zinc. Zinc is a trace element and is included in the composition of some enzymes. It is found in blood (0.5-0.6), soft tissues (0.7-5.4), bones (10-18), hair (16-22 mg%), (a unit of measurement of low concentrations, 1 mg %=10-3) i.e. mainly in bones and hair. It is in the body in dynamic equilibrium, which shifts under conditions of increased concentrations in environment. The negative impact of zinc compounds can be expressed in the weakening of the body, increased morbidity, asthma-like phenomena, etc. The MPC of zinc in the water of reservoirs is 1.0 mg/l, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is general sanitary.

Cadmium. Cadmium compounds are highly toxic. They act on many systems of the body - the respiratory organs and the gastrointestinal tract, the central and peripheral nervous systems. The mechanism of action of cadmium compounds is to inhibit the activity of a number of enzymes, disruption of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, metabolic disorders of microelements (Zn, Cu, Pe, Mn, Se). The MPC of cadmium in the water of reservoirs is 0.001 mg/l, the limiting indicator of harmfulness is sanitary-toxicological.

Mercury . Mercury belongs to ultramicroelements and is constantly present in the body, acting with food. Inorganic mercury compounds (first of all, Hg cations react with SH-groups of proteins (“thiol poisons”), as well as with carboxyl and amine groups of tissue proteins, forming strong complex compounds - metalloproteins. As a result, deep dysfunctions of the central nervous system occur , especially its higher departments. Of the organic compounds of mercury, methylmercury plays the most important, which is highly soluble in lipid tissues and quickly penetrates into vital organs, including the brain. As a result, changes occur in the autonomic nervous system, peripheral nerve formations, in heart, blood vessels, hematopoietic organs, liver, etc., disturbances in the immunobiological state of the body Mercury compounds also have an embryotoxic effect (lead to damage to the fetus in pregnant women). sanitary and toxicological.

Lead. Lead compounds are poisons that affect all living things, but cause changes especially in the nervous system, blood and blood vessels. Suppress many enzymatic processes. Children are more susceptible to lead exposure than adults. They have embryotoxic and teratogenic effects, lead to encephalopathy and liver damage, and suppress immunity. Organic lead compounds (tetramethyl lead, tetraethyl lead) are strong nerve poisons, volatile liquids. They are active inhibitors of metabolic processes. All lead compounds are characterized by a cumulative effect. The MPC of lead in the water of reservoirs is 0.03 mg / l, the limiting indicator is sanitary-toxicological.
The approximate maximum allowable value for the amount of metals in water is 0.001 mmol/l (GOST 24902). The MPC values ​​for the water of reservoirs for individual metals are given earlier when describing their physiological impact.

14. Active chlorine

Chlorine can exist in water not only in the composition of chlorides, but also in the composition of other compounds with strong oxidizing properties. Such chlorine compounds include free chlorine (CL2), hapochlorite anion (СlO-), hypochlorous acid (НClO), chloramines (substances that, when dissolved in water, form monochloramine NH2Cl, dichloramine NHCl2, trichloramine NCl3). The total content of these compounds is called the term "active chlorine".
Substances containing active chlorine are divided into two groups: strong oxidizing agents - chlorine, hypochlorites and hypochlorous acid - contain the so-called "free active chlorine", and relatively less weak oxidizing agents - chloramines - "bound active chlorine". Due to their strong oxidizing properties, active chlorine compounds are used for disinfection (disinfection) of drinking water and water in swimming pools, as well as for the chemical treatment of some wastewater. In addition, some compounds containing active chlorine (for example, bleach) are widely used to eliminate the foci of the spread of infectious pollution.
The most widely used for the disinfection of drinking water is free chlorine, which, when dissolved in water, disproportionates according to the reaction:


In natural water, the content of active chlorine is not allowed; in drinking water, its content is set in terms of chlorine at the level of 0.3-0.5 mg / l in free form and at the level of 0.8-1.2 mg / l in bound form (In this case, the concentration range of active chlorine is given , because at lower concentrations, an unfavorable situation is possible in terms of microbiological indicators, and at higher concentrations, an excess directly on active chlorine.). Active chlorine in the indicated concentrations is present in drinking water for a short time (no more than a few tens of minutes) and is completely removed even with short-term boiling of water. For this reason, the analysis of the selected sample for the content of active chlorine should be carried out immediately.
Interest in the control of chlorine in water, especially in drinking water, has increased after the realization that chlorination of water leads to the formation of appreciable amounts of chlorinated hydrocarbons that are harmful to public health. Of particular danger is the chlorination of drinking water contaminated with phenol. MPC for phenols in drinking water in the absence of chlorination of drinking water is 0.1 mg/l, and under conditions of chlorination (in this case, much more toxic and pungent characteristic odor chlorophenols are formed) - 0.001 mg/l. Similar chemical reactions can occur with the participation of organic compounds of natural or technogenic origin, leading to various toxic organochlorine compounds - xenobiotics.
The limiting indicator of harmfulness for active chlorine is general sanitary.

15. Integral and comprehensive assessment of water quality

Each of the indicators of water quality separately, although it carries information about the quality of water, still cannot serve as a measure of water quality, because. does not allow to judge the values ​​of other indicators, although sometimes it happens indirectly, it is associated with some of them. For example, an increased value of BOD5 compared to the norm indirectly indicates an increased content of easily oxidizable organic substances in water, an increased value of electrical conductivity indicates an increased salt content, etc. At the same time, the result of assessing water quality should be some integral indicators that would cover the main indicators of water quality (or those for which problems are recorded).
In the simplest case, if there are results for several evaluated indicators, the sum of the reduced concentrations of the components can be calculated, i.e. the ratio of their actual concentrations to MPC (summation rule). The criterion for water quality when using the summation rule is the fulfillment of the inequality:

It should be noted that the sum of the given concentrations according to GOST 2874 can only be calculated for chemicals with the same limiting hazard indicator - organoleptic and sanitary-toxicological.
If the results of analyzes are available for a sufficient number of indicators, it is possible to determine water quality classes, which are an integral characteristic of surface water pollution. Quality classes are determined by the water pollution index (WPI), which is calculated as the sum of the actual values ​​of 6 main water quality indicators reduced to MPC according to the formula:

The WPI value is calculated for each sampling point (site). Further on the table. 14, depending on the WPI value, determine the water quality class.

Characteristics integral assessment water quality

Water quality class

Water quality assessment (characteristic)

Less than and equal to 0.2

Very clean

More than 0.2-1

Moderately polluted


More than 4-6

Very dirty

Extremely dirty

When calculating the WPI, the 6 main, so-called "limited" indicators, without fail, include the concentration of dissolved oxygen and the BOD5 value, as well as the values ​​of 4 more indicators that are the most unfavorable for a given reservoir (water), or that have the highest reduced concentration (Ci/MACi ratio). Such indicators, according to the experience of hydrochemical monitoring of water bodies, are often the following: the content of nitrates, nitrites, ammonium nitrogen (in the form of organic and inorganic ammonium compounds), heavy metals - copper, manganese, cadmium, etc., phenols, pesticides, petroleum products, synthetic surfactants ( Surfactants - synthetic surfactants.There are non-ionic, as well as cationic and anionic surfactants.), Lignosulfonates. To calculate the WPI, indicators are selected regardless of the limiting sign of harmfulness, however, if the given concentrations are equal, preference is given to substances that have a sanitary and toxicological sign of harmfulness (as a rule, such substances have a relatively greater harmfulness).

Obviously, not all of the listed water quality indicators can be determined by field methods. The tasks of the integrated assessment are further complicated by the fact that in order to obtain data when calculating the WPI, it is necessary to analyze a wide range of indicators, with the selection of those for which the highest reduced concentrations are observed. If it is impossible to conduct a hydrochemical survey of a reservoir for all indicators of interest, it is advisable to determine which components can be pollutants. This is done on the basis of an analysis of the available results of hydrochemical studies of past years, as well as information and assumptions about the likely sources of water pollution. If it is impossible to perform analyzes for this component by field methods (surfactants, pesticides, oil products, etc.), samples should be taken and preserved in compliance with the necessary conditions (see Chapter 5), after which the samples should be delivered to the laboratory for analysis at the required time.

Thus, the tasks of the integral assessment of water quality practically coincide with the tasks of hydrochemical monitoring, since for the final conclusion about the class of water quality, the results of analyzes for a number of indicators over a long period are needed.

An interesting approach to assessing water quality, developed in the United States. The National Sanitary Foundation of this country in 1970 developed a standard generalized indicator of water quality (CQI), which has become widespread in America and some other countries. When developing PCV, we used expert opinions on the basis of extensive experience in assessing the quality of water when it is used for domestic and industrial water consumption, recreation on the water (swimming and water entertainment, fishing), protection of aquatic animals and fish, agricultural use (watering, irrigation), commercial use (navigation, hydropower, heat power industry), etc. PQV is a dimensionless value that can take values ​​from 0 to 100. Depending on the value of PQV, the following water quality estimates are possible: 100-90 - excellent; 90-70 - good; 70-50 - mediocre; 50-25 - bad; 25-0 is very bad. It has been established that the minimum value of the PCV, at which the majority of state standards water quality is 50-58. However, the water in the reservoir may have a PCV value greater than the specified one, and at the same time not meet the standards for any individual indicators.

PCV is calculated based on the results of determining the 9 most important water characteristics - private indicators, and each of them has its own weighting coefficient characterizing the priority of this indicator in assessing water quality. Particular indicators of water quality used in the calculation of PCV, and their weighting factors are given in Table. 15.

Weighting coefficients of indicators in the calculation of PCV according to the data of the National Sanitary Foundation of the USA

Name of indicator

The value of the weighting factor

Dissolved oxygen

Number of Escherichia coli

Hydrogen index (pH)

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)

Temperature (Δt, thermal pollution)

total phosphorus


Dry residue

As follows from the table. 15 data, the most significant indicators are dissolved oxygen and the number of Escherichia coli, which is quite understandable if we recall the most important ecological role of oxygen dissolved in water and the danger to humans caused by contact with water contaminated with feces.

In addition to weight coefficients that have a constant value, weight curves have been developed for each individual indicator, characterizing the level of water quality (Q) for each indicator, depending on its actual value determined during the analysis. Graphs of the weight curves are shown in fig. 11. Having the results of analyzes for particular indicators, the weight curves determine the numerical values ​​of the assessment for each of them. The latter are multiplied by the appropriate weighting factor, and receive a quality score for each of the indicators. Summing up the scores for all defined indicators, the value of the generalized PCV is obtained.

The generalized PCV largely eliminates the shortcomings of the integral assessment of water quality with the calculation of the WPI, since contains a group of specific priority indicators, which include an indicator of microbial contamination.
When assessing water quality, in addition to the integral assessment, which results in the determination of the water quality class, as well as hydrobiological assessment by bioindication methods, as a result of which the purity class is established, sometimes there is also the so-called integrated assessment, which is based on biotesting methods.

The latter also refer to hydrobiological methods, but differ in that they allow one to determine the reaction of aquatic biota to pollution using various test organisms, both protozoa (ciliates, daphnia) and higher fish (guppies). Such a reaction is sometimes considered the most revealing, especially in relation to the assessment of the quality of polluted waters (natural and waste) and even makes it possible to determine quantitatively the concentrations of individual compounds.




thermotolerant coliform bacteria

The number of bacteria in 100 ml.


Common coliform bacteria

The number of bacteria in 100 ml.


Total microbial count

The number of colony-forming bacteria in 1 ml.

No more than 50


The number of plaque forming units (PFU) in 100 ml.


Spores of sulfite-reducing clostridia

The number of spores in 20 ml.


Giardia cysts

The number of cysts in 50 ml.


The safety of drinking water chemical composition determined by its compliance with the following standards:



Standards (MAC) no more

Harm factor

Hazard Class

Generalized indicators

Hydrogen indicator

pH units

within 6-9

Total mineralization (dry residue)

General hardness

Oxidability permanganate

Oil products, total

Surfactants (surfactants), anionic

Phenolic index

inorganic substances

Aluminum (Al3+)






Boron(B, total)


Iron (Fe, total)


Cadmium (Cd, total)


Manganese (Mn, total)


Copper (Cu, total)


Molybdenum (Mo, total)


Arsenic (As, total)


Nickel (Ni, total)


Nitrates (according to NO3)


Mercury (Hg, total)


Lead (Pb, total)


Selenium (Se, total)




Sulphates (SO42_)


Fluorides (F) for climatic regions
- I and II







organic matter

γ - HCCH (lindane)


DDT (sum of isomers)



Chemical substances

  • residual free
  • residual bound


within 0.3-0.5
within 0.8-1.2


Chloroform (when chlorinating water)


Ozone residual


Formaldehyde (when ozonating water)




Activated silicic acid (pr Si)


Polyphosphates (according to PO43_)


Residual quantities of aluminum- and iron-containing coagulants

See indicators "Aluminum", "Iron"

Organoleptic properties

No more than 2

No more than 2


No more than 20 (35)


FMU (formazin turbidity units) or
mg/l (for kaolin)

2,6 (3,5)
1,5 (2)

A list of harmful substances that may be contained in drinking water, their sources and the nature of the impact on the human body.

Substance groups



Impact on the body

Inorganic components


Water treatment facilities, non-ferrous metallurgy

Neurotoxicity, Alzheimer's disease

Production of pigments, epoxy resins, coal preparation

Impact on the cardiovascular and hematopoietic (leukemia) systems

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Decreased reproductive function in men, violation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle in women (OMC), carbohydrate metabolism, enzyme activity

Corrosion of galvanized pipes, dye industry

Itai-itai disease, an increase in cardio-vascular morbidity (CVD), renal, oncological (OZ), violation of the CMC, pregnancy and childbirth, stillbirth, bone tissue damage.


Mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy

Increased CVD, gout, epidemic goiter, violation of the OMC,

Smelter, glass, electronic industry, orchard

Neurotoxic effects, skin lesions, OZ

Mine, storm water

Hypertension, hypertension

Electroplating, chemical industry, metallurgy

Damage to the heart, liver, OZ, keratitis

Nitrates, nitrites

Animal husbandry, fertilizers, wastewater

Methemoglobinemia, gastric cancer

Grain treatment, electroplating, electrical components

dysfunction of the kidneys, nervous system,

Heavy industry, soldering, plumbing

Kidney damage. nervous system, hematopoietic organs, CVD, avitaminosis C and B


natural background

Strontium rickets

Mining, electroplating, electrodes, pigments

Impaired liver function. kidney

Plastics, electrodes, mining, fertilizers

Damage to the nervous system, thyroid gland

Salts of calcium and magnesium

natural background

Urolithiasis and salivary stone disease, sclerosis, hypertension.

natural background

Impaired kidney function, liver, decreased potassium

natural water

Fluorosis of the skeleton and teeth, osteochondrosis

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Hepatitis, anemia, liver disease

organic toxicants

carbon tetrachloride

Solvents, a by-product of water chlorination (PPC)

OZ, mutagenic action

Trihalomethanes (chloroform, bromoform,)

PPKhV, medical industry

Mutagenic effect, partially OZ


PPKhV, production of liquefied gas, paints, fumigants

Chlorinated ethylene

PVC, textile, glue industry, metal degreasers, dry cleaners, solvents,

Mutagenic effect, oz

Aromatic hydrocarbons:
- benzene



Manufacture of food products, medicines. pesticides, paints. plastics, gases

Coal tar, combustible organics, vulcanization
- forest protection, herbicides

Effects on the liver and kidneys

Effects on the liver and kidneys, OZ

- lindane


Atrazine - 2,4-
dichlorophenoacetic acid


Insecticide for cattle, forest, vegetables

Pesticide (banned for use)

Pesticide production

Grain herbicide

Herbicide treatment of wheat, corn, root crops, soil, lawns

Herbicide for cereals and algae

Damage to the liver, kidneys, nervous, immune, cardiovascular systems

OZ, damage to the nervous system and liver

Breast tumors

Damage to the liver, kidneys

Chemicals affecting organoleptic
water properties

Receipt from the water network, natural background

Allergic reactions. blood diseases


natural background

Diarrhea, an increase in the number of hypoacid conditions of the stomach, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

natural background

Hypertension, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Chlorinated phenols


natural background

Has elebriotoxic and gonadotoxic effects

Water sampling and conservation

Sampling - operation, on the correct implementation of which the accuracy of the results obtained largely depends. Sampling during field analyzes must be planned, outlining the points and depths of sampling, the list of indicators to be determined, the amount of water taken for analysis, the compatibility of methods for preserving samples for their subsequent analysis. Most often, so-called one-time samples are taken on the reservoir. However, when examining a reservoir, it may be necessary to take a series of periodic and regular samples - from the surface, deep, bottom layers of water, etc. Samples can also be taken from underground sources, water pipes, etc. The averaged data on the composition of the waters give mixed samples.
The regulatory documents (GOST 24481, GOST, ISO 5667-2, etc.) define the basic rules and recommendations that should be used to obtain representative10 samples. Different kinds reservoirs (water sources) determine some features of sampling in each case. Let's consider the main ones.
Samples from rivers and streams are selected to determine the quality of water in the river basin, the suitability of water for food use, irrigation, for watering livestock, fish farming, bathing and water sports, and to identify sources of pollution.
To determine the influence of the place of wastewater discharge and tributary water, samples are taken upstream and at the point where the water has completely mixed. It should be borne in mind that pollution can be unevenly distributed along the river flow, therefore, samples are usually taken in places of the most turbulent flow, where the flows mix well. Samplers are placed downstream of the stream at the desired depth.
Samples from natural and artificial lakes (ponds) are taken for the same purposes as water samples from rivers. However, given the long existence of lakes, monitoring of water quality over a long period of time (several years), including in places intended for human use, as well as establishing the consequences of anthropogenic water pollution (monitoring its composition and properties) comes to the fore. Sampling from lakes must be carefully planned to provide information to which statistical evaluation can be applied. Slowly flowing reservoirs have a significant heterogeneity of water in the horizontal direction. The quality of water in lakes often varies greatly in depth due to thermal stratification, which is caused by photosynthesis in the surface zone, water heating, the effect of bottom sediments, etc. Internal circulation may also appear in large deep reservoirs.
It should be noted that the quality of water in reservoirs (both lakes and rivers) is cyclical, with daily and seasonal cyclicity observed. For this reason, daily samples should be taken at the same time of day (eg 12 noon) and the duration of seasonal studies should be at least 1 year, including studies of series of samples taken during each season. This is especially important for determining the quality of water in rivers with sharply different regimes - low water and high water.
Wet precipitation samples (rain and snow) are extremely sensitive to contamination that may occur in the sample when using insufficiently clean dishes, ingress of foreign (non-atmospheric) particles, etc. It is believed that wet sediment samples should not be taken near sources of significant atmospheric pollution - for example, boiler houses or thermal power plants, open warehouses materials and fertilizers, transport hubs, etc. In such cases, the sediment sample will be significantly affected by the indicated local sources of anthropogenic pollution.
Precipitation samples are collected in special containers made from neutral materials. Rainwater is collected by means of a funnel (at least 20 cm in diameter) into a measuring cylinder (or directly into a bucket) and stored there until analysis.
Snow sampling is usually carried out by cutting cores to the full depth (down to the ground), and it is advisable to do this at the end of the period of heavy snowfalls (in early March). The volume of snow converted to water can also be calculated using the formula above, where D is the core diameter.
Groundwater samples are selected to determine the suitability of groundwater as a source of drinking water, for technical or agricultural purposes, to determine the impact on the quality of groundwater of potentially hazardous economic facilities, while monitoring groundwater pollutants.
Groundwater is studied by sampling from artesian wells, wells, and springs. It should be borne in mind that the quality of water in different aquifers can vary significantly, therefore, when sampling groundwater, it is necessary to assess by available methods the depth of the horizon from which the sample was taken, possible gradients of underground flows, information about the composition of underground rocks through which the horizon runs. Since a concentration of various impurities can be created at the sampling point, different from the entire aquifer, it is necessary to pump out from the well (or from the spring, making a recess in it) water in an amount sufficient to renew the water in the well, water pipe, recess, etc.
Water samples from water supply networks are selected in order to determine the general level of tap water quality, search for the causes of contamination of the distribution system, control the degree of possible contamination of drinking water with corrosion products, etc.
To obtain representative samples when sampling water from water supply networks, the following rules are observed;
- sampling is carried out after the water has been drained for 10-15 minutes - the time usually sufficient to renew the water with accumulated pollutants;
- for sampling, do not use the end sections of water supply networks, as well as sections with pipes of small diameter (less than 1.2 cm);
- for selection, whenever possible, areas with turbulent flow are used - taps near valves, bends;
— When sampling, water should slowly flow into the sampling container until it overflows.
Sampling to determine the composition of water (but not quality!) Is also carried out when studying wastewater, water and steam from boiler plants, etc. Such work, as a rule, has technological goals, requires special training and compliance with additional safety rules from personnel. Field methods can be quite (and often very effectively) used by specialists in these cases, however, for the reasons indicated, we will not recommend them for work. educational institutions, the public and the public, and describe appropriate sampling techniques.
During sampling, attention should be paid to (and recorded in the protocol) the accompanying hydrological and climatic conditions, such as precipitation and its abundance, floods, low water and stagnation of a reservoir, etc.
Water samples for analysis can be taken both immediately before the analysis and in advance. For sampling, experts use standard bottles or bottles with a capacity of at least 1 liter, which open and fill at the required depth. Due to the fact that 30-50 ml of water is usually sufficient for field analysis for any one indicator (with the exception of dissolved oxygen and BOD), sampling immediately before analysis can be done in a 250-500 ml flask (for example, from the laboratory kit, measuring kit, etc.).
It is clear that the sampling vessel must be clean. The cleanliness of dishes is ensured by pre-washing them with hot soapy water ( washing powders and do not use chromium mixture!), repeated rinsing with clean warm water. In the future, it is desirable to use the same glassware for sampling. Vessels intended for sampling are thoroughly washed beforehand, rinsed at least three times with sampled water and sealed with glass or plastic stoppers boiled in distilled water. Between the stopper and the sample taken in the vessel, air with a volume of 5-10 ml is left. A sample is taken into a common dish for analysis only of those components that have the same conditions of conservation and storage.
Sampling not intended for analysis immediately (i.e., taken in advance) is carried out in a hermetically sealed glass or plastic (preferably fluoroplastic) container with a capacity of at least 1 liter.
To obtain reliable results, water analysis should be performed as soon as possible. The processes of oxidation-reduction, sorption, sedimentation, biochemical processes caused by the vital activity of microorganisms, etc. take place in water. As a result, some components can be oxidized or reduced: nitrates - to nitrites or ammonium ions, sulfates - to sulfites; oxygen can be spent on the oxidation of organic substances, etc. Accordingly, the organoleptic properties of water can also change - smell, taste, color, turbidity. Biochemical processes can be slowed down by cooling the water to a temperature of 4-5 ° C (in the refrigerator).
However, even if you know the field methods of analysis, it is not always possible to perform the analysis immediately after sampling. Depending on the expected storage time of the collected samples, it may be necessary to preserve them. There is no universal preservative, so samples for analysis are taken in several bottles. In each of them, water is preserved by adding the appropriate chemicals, depending on the components being determined.
In table. methods of conservation, as well as features of sampling and storage of samples are given. When analyzing water for certain indicators (for example, dissolved oxygen, phenols, oil products), special requirements are imposed on sampling. So, when determining dissolved oxygen and hydrogen sulfide, it is important to exclude the contact of the sample with atmospheric air, so the bottles must be filled with a siphon - a rubber tube lowered to the bottom of the bottle, ensuring that water overflows when the bottle is overfilled. Details of specific sampling conditions (if any) are given in the description of the respective analyses.

Methods of conservation, features of sampling and storage of samples

Analyzed indicator

Preservation method and amount of preservative per 1 liter of water

Maximum sample storage time

Features of sampling and storage of samples

1. Active chlorine

Not canned

A couple of minutes

2. Ammonia and
ammonium ions

Not canned

Store at 4°C

2-4 ml of chloroform or 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid

3. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

Not canned

Store at 4°C

4. Suspended solids

Not canned

Shake before analysis

5. Taste and flavor

Not canned

Take only in glass bottles

6.Hydrogen index (PH)

Not canned

When sampling

Do not leave air bubbles in the bottle, protect from heating

7. Hydrocarbonates

Not canned

8. Iron general

Not canned

2-4 ml of chloroform or 3 ml of concentrated nitric (hydrochloric) acid (dorH2)

9. Hardness overall

Not canned

10.Smell (without

Not canned

Take only in glass bottles

11. Calcium

Not canned

12. Carbonates

Not canned

13. Heavy metals (copper, lead, zinc)

Not canned

On the day of selection

3 ml nitric or hydrochloric acid (up to pH2)

Store at 4°C

14. Turbidity

Not canned

Shake before analysis

It should be borne in mind that neither conservation nor fixation ensures the constancy of the composition of water indefinitely. They only keep the corresponding component in the water for a certain time, which makes it possible to deliver samples to the place of analysis, for example, to a field camp, and, if necessary, to a specialized laboratory. The sampling and analysis protocols must indicate the dates of sampling and analysis.

The composition of wastewater and their properties are evaluated according to the results of a sanitary-chemical analysis, which, along with standard chemical tests, includes a number of physical, physico-chemical and sanitary-bacteriological determinations.

The complexity of the composition of wastewater and the impossibility of determining each of the pollutants lead to the need to select indicators that would characterize certain properties of water without identifying individual substances.

A complete sanitary-chemical analysis involves the determination of the following indicators: temperature, color, odor, transparency, pH value, dry residue, solid residue and loss on ignition (ppp), suspended solids, settling solids by volume and mass, permanganate oxidizability, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrogen (total, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate), phosphates, chlorides, sulfates, heavy metals and other toxic elements, surface-active substances (surfactants), petroleum products, dissolved oxygen, microbial count, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (ECG), helminth eggs. The number of mandatory tests of a complete sanitary-chemical analysis at urban sewage treatment plants may include the determination of specific impurities entering the drainage network of settlements from industrial enterprises.

Temperature - one of the important technological indicators. A function of temperature is the viscosity of the liquid and, therefore, the force of resistance to settling particles. Temperature is of paramount importance for biological purification processes, since the rates of biochemical reactions and the solubility of oxygen in water depend on it.

Coloring - one of the organoleptic indicators of wastewater quality. Household and fecal wastewater is usually weakly colored and has a yellowish-brownish or gray tint. The presence of intense coloring of various shades is evidence of the presence of industrial wastewater. For colored wastewater, the color intensity is determined by dilution to colorless, for example 1:400; 1:250 etc.

Smell - an organoleptic indicator that characterizes the presence of smelling volatile substances in water. Usually, the smell is determined qualitatively at a sample temperature of 20 °C and described as faecal, putrid, kerosene, phenolic, etc. If the odor is not clearly pronounced, the determination is repeated by heating the sample to 65 °C. Sometimes it is necessary to know the threshold number - the smallest dilution at which the smell disappears.

Hydrogen ion concentration expressed as pH. This indicator is extremely important for biochemical processes, the rate of which can significantly decrease with a sharp change in the reaction of the environment. It has been established that wastewater supplied to biological treatment facilities should have a pH value in the range of 6.5-8.5. Industrial wastewater (acidic or alkaline) must be neutralized before being discharged into the sewerage network to prevent its destruction. Municipal wastewater is usually slightly alkaline (pH = 7.2-7.8).

Transparency characterizes the total contamination of wastewater with undissolved and colloidal impurities, without identifying the type of pollution. The transparency of urban wastewater is usually 1-3 cm, and after treatment it increases to 15-30 cm.

Dry residue characterizes the total contamination of wastewater with organic and mineral impurities in various states of aggregation (in mg/l). This indicator is determined after evaporation and further drying at t- 105 °C wastewater samples. After annealing (at t= 600 °C) the ash content of the dry residue is determined. According to these two indicators, one can judge the ratio of organic and mineral parts of contaminants in the dry residue.

dense residue - this is the total amount of organic and mineral substances in the filtered wastewater sample (mg/l). It is determined under the same conditions as the dry residue. After calcination of the dense residue at T = 600 °C, it is possible to roughly estimate the ratio of the organic and mineral parts of soluble sewage contaminants. When comparing calcined dry and dense residues of urban wastewater, it was determined that most of the organic pollutants are in an undissolved state. At the same time, mineral impurities are mostly in dissolved form.

Suspended solids - an indicator that characterizes the amount of impurities that lingers on the paper filter when filtering the sample. This is one of the most important technological

water quality indicators, allowing to estimate the amount of precipitation formed in the process of wastewater treatment. In addition, this indicator is used as a design parameter when designing primary clarifiers. The amount of suspended solids is one of the main standards when calculating the required degree of wastewater treatment. Losses on ignition of suspended solids are determined in the same way as for dry and solid residues, but are usually expressed not in mg / l, but as a percentage of the mineral part of suspended solids to their total dry matter. This indicator is called ash content. The concentration of suspended solids in municipal wastewater is usually 100-500 mg/l.

Settling substances - part of suspended solids settling to the bottom of the settling cylinder during 2 hours of settling at rest. This indicator characterizes the ability of suspended particles to settle, allows you to evaluate the maximum effect of settling and the maximum possible volume of sediment that can be obtained at rest. In urban wastewater, sediments average 50-75% of the total concentration of suspended solids.

Under oxidizability understand the total content of organic and inorganic reducing agents in water. In urban wastewater, the overwhelming majority of reducing agents are organic substances; therefore, it is believed that the oxidizability value is fully related to organic impurities. Depending on the nature of the oxidizing agent used, chemical oxidizability is distinguished, if a chemical oxidizing agent is used in the determination, and biochemical, when aerobic bacteria play the role of an oxidizing agent; this indicator is the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). In turn, chemical oxidizability can be permanganate (KMn0 4 oxidizer), bichromate (K 2 Cr 2 0 7 oxidizer), and iodate (Kiu 3 oxidizer). The results of determining the oxidizability, regardless of the type of oxidizing agent, are expressed in mg/l 0 2 . Bichromate and iodate oxidizability is called chemical oxygen demand, or COD.

Permanganate oxidizability - oxygen equivalent of easily oxidized impurities. The main value of this indicator is the speed and simplicity of determination. Permanganate oxidizability is used to obtain comparative data. Nevertheless, there are substances that are not oxidized by KMn0 4 . Only after determining the COD, it is possible to fully assess the degree of water pollution with organic substances.

BOD - oxygen equivalent of the degree of contamination of wastewater with biochemically oxidizable organic substances. BOD determines the amount of oxygen required for the vital activity of microorganisms involved in the oxidation of organic compounds. BOD characterizes the biochemically oxidizable part of organic wastewater contaminants, which are primarily in the dissolved and colloidal states, as well as in the form of suspension.

Nitrogen found in wastewater in the form of organic and inorganic compounds. In urban wastewater, the bulk of organic nitrogenous compounds are substances of a protein nature - feces, food waste. Inorganic nitrogen compounds are represented by reduced - and TN 3 and oxidized forms N0 ^ and N0 ^. Ammonium nitrogen is formed in large quantities during the hydrolysis of urea, a human waste product. In addition, the process of ammonification of protein compounds also leads to the formation of ammonium compounds.

In urban wastewater, nitrogen in oxidized forms (in the form of nitrites and nitrates) is usually absent before treatment. Nitrites and nitrates are reduced by a group of denitrifying bacteria to molecular nitrogen. Oxidized forms of nitrogen can appear in wastewater only after biological treatment.

Connection source phosphorus in sewage are physiological excretions of people, waste economic activity human and some types of industrial wastewater.

The concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater are the most important indicators of sanitary-chemical analysis, which are important for biological treatment. Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential components of the composition of bacterial cells. They are called biogenic elements. In the absence of nitrogen and phosphorus, the biological treatment process is impossible.

Chlorides and sulfates - indicators, the concentration of which affects the total salt content.

To the group of heavy metals and other toxic elements includes a large number of elements, which increases with the accumulation of knowledge about cleaning processes. Toxic heavy metals include iron, nickel, copper, lead, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, chromium, mercury; to toxic elements that are not heavy metals - arsenic, antimony, boron, aluminum, etc.

The source of heavy metals is industrial wastewater from machine-building plants, electronic, instrument-making and other industries. Wastewater contains heavy metals in the form of ions and complexes with inorganic and organic substances.

Synthetic surfactants (surfactants) - organic compounds consisting of hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts, causing the dissolution of these substances in oils and water. Approximately 75% of the total amount of surfactants produced is accounted for by anionic substances, the second place in terms of production and use is occupied by nonionic compounds. In urban wastewater, these two types of surfactants are determined.

Oil products - non-polar and low-polar compounds extractable with hexane. The concentration of oil products in water bodies is strictly regulated; and since the degree of their retention does not exceed 85% at city treatment facilities, the content of oil products in the wastewater entering the station is also limited.

Dissolved oxygen in the wastewater entering the treatment plant is absent. In aerobic processes, the oxygen concentration must be at least 2 mg/l.

Sanitary and bacteriological indicators include determination of the total number of aerobic saprophytes (microbial number), bacteria of the Escherichia coli group and analysis for helminth eggs.

microbial count evaluates the total contamination of wastewater with microorganisms and indirectly characterizes the degree of water pollution with organic substances - food sources for aerobic saprophytes. This figure for urban wastewater ranges from 10 6 -10 8 .

The concentration of contaminants in wastewater (mg/l or g/m 3) is calculated by the formula

In ep - the concentration of any of the pollutants in the wastewater entering the treatment; A - the amount of pollution, g/day, per person; q- water disposal rate, l / person, per day.

The amount of pollution in wastewater per person is given in Table. 8.1

Table 8.1

Number of pollutants per inhabitant

Notes: 1. The amount of pollutants from the population living in non-sewered areas should be taken into account in the amount of 33%.

2. When discharging domestic wastewater from industrial enterprises into the sewer locality the amount of pollutants from operating personnel is not additionally taken into account.



Today we tell you everything you wanted to know about organic water pollutants.

Organic water pollutants

In addition to inorganic substances ( iron , manganese , fluorides) water contains organic matter. In our blog you will learn about the types of organic pollutants and how to detect their excess.

Sources of water pollution:

There are 3 main types of sources of water pollution:

  • Settlements. Sewer drains are in this case the main place of accumulation of household waste. Every day, people use a huge amount of water for drinking, cooking, hygiene and cleaning, after which this water, along with detergents and food waste enters the sewer. Then there is a purification by municipal facilities, and the water is returned for reuse.
  • Industry. It is the main pollutant in developed countries with a large number of companies. The amount of wastewater they emit is three times the amount of domestic wastewater.
  • Agriculture. In this area, crop production intensively pollutes water bodies, due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides. about a quarter nitrogen fertilizers, a third of potash and 4% of phosphorus fertilizers end up in water bodies.

Impact of organic pollutants on human health

There are many diseases caused by water pollution. For example, washing with contaminated water can cause conjunctivitis. Shellfish and algae living in the water can cause schistosomiasis (fever, liver pain).

How to determine the amount of organic matter in water

The value characterizing the content of organic and mineral substances in water is called oxidizability. To estimate chemical oxygen demand, i.e. oxidizability of water, use the bichromate and permanganate method. The determination of bichromate oxidizability requires a rather long time, therefore, it is not very convenient for mass control of the operation of treatment facilities. It is permanganate oxidation that regulates the quality of drinking water according to SanPiN.

What is permanganate oxidizability?

Permanganate oxidizability is an indicator obtained for the evaluation of COD by the permanganate method, in other words, it is an indicator of the total amount of organic substances in water. Permanganate oxidizability is expressed in milligrams of oxygen used to oxidize these substances contained in 1 dm3 of water. This indicator does not name the organic substances contained in the water, but only speaks of the excess of their amount.

Signs of excess permaganate oxidizability