What is the best car hood lock? Do-it-yourself lock on the hood - protect the car from theft. Which one is better to put

Every driver who loves his car sooner or later thinks about how to pump his "iron horse". Many car enthusiasts, inspired by the world-famous “Pimp a Wheelbarrow” program, close in their garage for a week and begin to “create”, pumping the car’s factory forms, bringing them to perfection, or updating and finalizing the “stuffing”. Well, then how can you sleep peacefully with such a “beauty”? The hijackers are on the alert… Fortunately, modern motorists do not forget about installing special protective devices, for example, a security lock on the hood, which will be discussed in this article.

Today, this protective device is quite popular among drivers; and if you are still not among the owners of this lock, but want to purchase it, we will help you figure out how to choose a high-quality and convenient lock for your car, and we will also help you implement correct installation do-it-yourself castle

1. Choice of hood lock

On my own Hood lock(it doesn’t matter if it’s mechanical or electromechanical), as a rule, it performs a protective function, preventing unauthorized access to the engine compartment, where, as a rule, such important devices are located, from the point of view of any hijacker, as: digital lock, siren, (electronic block engine control, which is located in the passenger compartment on some vehicles), etc.

Although, on the other hand, the electromechanical hood lock, if the operation of the security complex is implemented correctly and efficiently, works on the principle of automatic opening when the alarm is disarmed or abnormal and automatic closing when the alarm is set directly into the "guard" mode.

If we talk about a mechanical hood lock, it will require the owner to perform additional opening and closing actions. Most often, such actions on the part of the owner are needed in cases where you just need to add some technical fluids or check their level. So, if you decide to purchase a lock on the hood, when choosing this device, you need to consider the following nuances:

- in the event that the lock is brought into operation extremely rarely, this may cause a situation where the control mechanisms of the lock may simply become clogged or oxidized, and this may lead to the fact that the lock simply cannot be opened on its own;

In accordance with the rules of traffic safety, any emergency hood lock directly during the movement of the car must be in the open state in case of an accident or fire or smoke;

In a detailed assessment of the anti-theft properties of the lock, it is extremely important to note that a properly installed electromechanical hood lock is more interesting than a mechanical one, for the reason that the electromechanics does not have access to the car interior;

If you carry out a competent and high-quality installation of an electromechanical hood lock, keep in mind that it is simply impossible to get to the emergency cable, for example, without a jack and a removed wheel, this has already been tested in practice;

If you want to choose a really good and most suitable hood lock for your car, you first of all need to understand what you expect from this device; so, for example, if you choose an electromechanical lock, it is important to consider the fact that if your car has a fairly impressive hood, you will have to install two such locks. Such locks, as a rule, will be located along the edges of the hood, and they should obviously not be controlled by a regular security system. Here are a few secrets, thanks to which you can choose the right lock for the hood.

So, when choosing a lock, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to lock grub.As a rule, it should be the owner of protection against drilling, protection against bumping-opening (technology for opening lock cylinders without damaging them), as well as protection against "rotation" and against opening by means of a master key-manipulator. It is important to always remember that the very best locks should always be equipped with lock cylinders with five or more million key combinations, double pin-coded cylinders, floating cylinders (the so-called cylinder-in-cylinder technology), as well as improved security cylinder keys.

Also be sure to pay attention to the control cable blocker. Experts say that its optimal thickness should be at least 2.5mm. This thickness can guarantee protection against any attempt to cut or cut the cable.

Pay your attention also to the metal hose, in which the cable itself is located. It must be made of a special material that will reliably protect against biting. The best samples of metal hoses, as a rule, are made using multilayer technology. Interestingly, each of the layers performs its own protective functions. For example, if a three-layer technology was used during the manufacture of a metal hose, the first layer will protect the cable from biting, the second layer will prevent sawing, and the third layer of a large section will simply block access to the previous layer.

Also, do not forget about the crossbar of the castle, take a closer look at it. A quality deadbolt must be made of carbide material, and must also be able to resist sawing attempts. It is for this purpose that floating inserts are used, which rotate around their axis, making the whole “process” complicated. In general, we can say that you should not rush and buy the first bumper lock that comes across - remember that the safety of your car depends on this device, so be as attentive as possible to the details. We think that thanks to our tips you will make right choice! Good luck to you!

After the purchase, you are faced with a completely different task: how to install the lock correctly? Many motorists do not risk getting down to business with their own hands and give their car into the hands of experienced craftsmen. And, you know, they are right! After all, if you are not sure that you can install the lock on the hood correctly, it is better not to get down to business. Whatever one may say, the safety of your car depends on it. Well, if you are confident in your knowledge and sleight of hand, and also do not want to throw a large amount of money for the installation - then proceed! And we, in turn, will help you with this.

So, we stock up on patience and proceed to the operation. To begin with, you should prepare all the necessary tools that you will need during the installation process. You must have a drill with a set of drills, and you can’t do without a round file, a tape measure and a Phillips screwdriver. Do not forget about the key at 19, anti-corrosion fluid or primer and grease grease. Let's get to the main work.

First, we make the installation of the locking bolts. To do this, using a marker, you need to mark on the iron bar above the headlights the place where you will install the hood lock bolts. Pay attention to the fact that both sides have the same distance. Next, we start the drill and drill a hole. Then we take up the bait of the bolts and applying drops of lubricant to their tips (you have grease). The latter is done so that the places of the bolts are imprinted on the hood of the car. So, we close and immediately open the hood again - the marks for the locks are already clearly visible.

After the work done, we take up drilling a hole in the hood for the lock. Experts advise to be very careful here. Therefore, in order to drill a hole, first you need to use a small drill, and then increase the diameter with larger drills and, finally, process the hole with a file. It is important to remember that you need to drill a hole only from the side of the hood, in order not to damage the top layer of paint. Check - if the hood closes freely, and the holes do not touch the rods in any way, then you did everything correctly. In order to prevent corrosion, we do the processing of the edges with a primer.

After that, we proceed to the installation of the hood lock. Consider this process using the example of a mechanical lock. First, we make four holes for the screws using a thin drill. After that, you need to screw the plates to the hood. Then we open the hood and fasten the rods to the bar so that they rise above the plates for subsequent fixation of the studs in their holes. Finally, we attach the safety cables to the body using self-tapping screws. These cables are needed so that the studs are not lost. And that's it! Your hood safety lock is ready!

There are also some tricks, thanks to which you can quickly, and most importantly, qualitatively install the hood lock of your car. These outstanding tips should be well remembered. So, it is necessary to attach the cylinder with the key cylinder to the interior body as rigidly as possible, using shear bolts. Otherwise, all the "bells and whistles" described by us on the safety of the larva itself may lose their meaning. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the hijacker simply does not need to “steam” with the process of drilling or opening the cylinder, if you can simply pull it out, as they say, “with meat” and immediately get access to the control cable.

If we talk about the hood release control cable, when installing it, it is important to ensure that it is installed on your car in such a way that it cannot be pryed out from under the hood and have a bite.

Also, according to the advice of experts, when installing an additional lock on the hood, you need to make sure that it is equipped behind the radiator - as they say, it will be much safer. And no wonder, because otherwise the car thief will be able to simply remove the bars and get direct access to the lock.

3. Pros and cons of the hood lock

Now let's summarize everything that has been said above and still try to highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of this blocking device. Whatever they say, the hood lock is not just some kind of bonus to auto-tuning. Today, of course, many motorists do just fine without it, using the good old car alarm. But if you really love your car, and are worried about how it would not fall into the hands of intruders, a hood lock will be a vital thing for you that will allow you to sleep peacefully at night.

Based on the fact that the hood lock is not a new thing on the market, it is quite clear that such devices have managed to acquire several modifications. Today, two types of locks can be purchased at car markets: mechanical And electromechanical. The equipment of each type differs from the rest directly in the principle of operation and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

As a rule, mechanical locks on the hood are the most popular among motorists. Let's use their example to consider the main disadvantages and advantages of locks on the hood. Mechanical locks include all security devices that operate with the help of mechanical devices. In other words, in order to open or close the hood with a mechanical interlock, it is not necessary to use an electric drive.

Usually, the mechanical lock itself works according to this principle: in order to lock the hood cover, the driver needs to press on the cylindrical lock cylinder. In this case, the crossbar of the hood lock is displaced to the bracket, which is installed on the hood. In order to open the hood, the driver will need to insert the key into the cylinder lock and turn. The bolt will move away from the bracket, and the hood will open.

The advantages of this type of lock on the hood include its high reliability, as well as ease of use. Also, a mechanical lock is a non-volatile device and always works, even when the car's power system is de-energized. Another plus is the fact that the engine cannot be started in any way while the hood is in the locked state (due to additional wires that prevent the engine from starting).

As practice shows, the hood lock not only serves as protection against thieves, but is also able to prevent spontaneous opening of the hood while the car is moving and, as often happens, at the most inopportune moment for this. Especially this situation is not very pleasant when driving at high speeds. So, in any case, installing a blocker never hurts.

But what are the disadvantages of mechanical locks on the hood? Firstly, the motorist needs to constantly use the key in order to open and close the hood. Secondly, a closed hood will become a serious obstacle on the way of the driver to the engine.


IN last years the number of thefts has increased tenfold. In connection with this sad fact, the owners are trying to protect their iron horse as much as possible from unauthorized entry and install a large number of security devices designed, if not to interfere, then to extend the time that an attacker needs to steal. Today we will look at one of these devices - electromechanical - and tell you why this device is good and why it is so popular with car owners.


When it comes to anti-theft devices, the focus is not only on the degree of security of the car as a whole, but also on the need and expediency of the operation of one or another blocker on the car.

As it has already become clear, the main purpose of the hood lock is to protect the car as much as possible from intruders entering the engine compartment. Why is this needed?

Firstly, when entering the engine compartment, the hijacker gets an unlimited number of possibilities. For example, it is often located under the hood electrical systems that connect the battery and the alarm.

This means that a knowledgeable person can simply disconnect the desired wire from the contacts and be able to completely disable all security systems and blockers present on the car.

Car batteries are often borrowed on less expensive cars: this is especially true for cars. domestic production, the number of such incidents regarding which for some reason turned out to be the highest.

On expensive cars, expensive xenon headlights are often taken out for sale. The fact is that on premium cars, such headlights are often equipped with an electric drive, a large number of electronic sensors and systems that make one illuminator equal in cost to an inexpensive foreign-made car.

Principle of operation

It has always been believed that the installation of an electromechanical interlock is a complicated and overwhelming procedure for an ordinary car owner. This is true, but only when it comes to proprietary systems that are extremely expensive and have a large number of different tricks designed to prevent the hijacker from getting into the engine compartment.

But when it comes to an inexpensive mass-produced blocker, which is sold in any automotive store, then, having spent only a few hours of time, you can significantly save on services by doing the entire installation procedure yourself.

The main element that equips the blocker system is the electrically operated lock itself, which, upon receipt of a special signal, can open and close, giving the owner access to the engine compartment. It must be fixed to the place where the hood mechanism is located: the electric drive will push the metal tongue into the gap of the mechanism and completely immobilize it.

The blocker must be connected to the battery and the alarm unit: the place where the blocker is connected is usually indicated in the installation instructions. Having assembled the entire system, you can safely test it. However, it should be borne in mind that various security systems have their own characteristics, and in some cases the installation may require additional operations, the list of which must be indicated in the instructions for the alarm itself.

According to statistics, most car thefts in our country can be carried out after intruders penetrate under the hood of the car. It is there that such important car protection devices as gearbox and pedal locks are located. It is much easier for intruders to open the hood and start the car than to fiddle with door locks. To protect against theft, you can install a hood lock. Let's talk in more detail about the types of locks, their pros and cons, as well as the principles of self-installation on the hood.

1 Mechanical blockers: pros and cons, do-it-yourself tuning features

Due to the fact that the hood lock is not a new thing on the market, it is quite understandable that such devices have managed to acquire several modifications. Today in the stores of our country you can find two types of locks: mechanical and electromechanical interlocks. Each type of equipment differs from the rest in the principle of operation and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical locks include all security devices that operate with the help of mechanical devices. In other words, in order to open or close the hood with a mechanical interlock, the participation of electric drives is not required.

The mechanical lock works according to the following principle: to lock the hood, the driver presses on the cylindrical lock cylinder. In this case, the bolt of the hood lock is shifted to the bracket installed on the hood. Thus, the hood, which has a similar tuning, is securely fixed on the car body. To open the hood cover, insert the key into the cylinder lock and turn. The crossbar is displaced from the bracket, and the hood opens.

The advantages of a mechanical interlock include:

  • reliability and ease of use;
  • energy independence. The mechanical lock always works, even when the vehicle's power system is de-energized;
  • the engine will not start while the hood is locked - due to additional wires preventing the engine from starting.

But such locks are inconvenient to use. After such tuning for the hood of a car, the driver has to use the key all the time. Constantly leaving the hood closed is also not a way out of the situation, because in an emergency situation the driver will need to act quickly. A closed hood will become a serious obstacle on the way of the driver to the engine.

After the mechanical lock is acquired, you can carry out auto. To begin with, we lay the metal hose, which is included in the blocker kit, bypassing the moving parts of the machine to the passenger compartment. We connect the second end of the lock to the crossbar of the hood lock. Inside the metal hose, carefully place the metal cable. We connect one end of the cable to the bolt of the hood lock, and the other end to the lock cylinder in the car. After that, we get a reliable lock that blocks the hood under any conditions.

2 Features of mounting the electromechanical lock of the hood cover

Protective devices of this type are actuated by means of electric drives. The principle of operation of the electromechanical lock is as follows: in the process of locking the hood of the car, the electromagnet closes the bolt, making it motionless. To open the hood, the driver just needs to press the button, after which the rod is attracted by an electromagnet. Do not forget that you can open or lock the hood equipped with an electromechanical lock only if there is a continuous power supply to the magnet.

Tuning a car with an electromechanical blocker has several advantages that make it popular among buyers:

  • convenience in operation. The driver only needs to press a button to open or lock the bonnet;
  • security of the car against intruders. A well-hidden lock button guarantees an unpleasant surprise for the robber;
  • tuning using older models of electromechanical locks is notable for its simplicity. In these cases, there is no need to fiddle with thin and slippery cables.

The disadvantages of the electromechanical lock include the fact that in the event of a discharge of the battery to unlock the hood, you will need to use an emergency cable. As practice shows, the latter does not always work, which can cause a lot of trouble for the driver.

Do-it-yourself installation of an electromechanical lock is available to every car owner. Moreover, despite the need to work with electrical wires, the installation of this type of blockers is simpler than tuning the hood of a car with a mechanical lock.

In order to tune the car with the participation of an electromechanical interlock, the driver will need to install a hidden button in the car. Next, we mount an electromagnet on the hood cover. To do this, the kit has all the necessary fasteners. After mounting the electromagnet from it to the salon, we stretch the electrical wires and connect them to the button according to the instructions. Having done all these simple steps, we completed the tuning of the car hood.

3 Choosing a quality lock on the hood

Regardless of which hood lock you choose, you should be aware of the best security equipment available. If you decide to purchase a mechanical lock on the hood of your car, then you should pay special attention to company blockers. Megalock, star line And Guarantee. The products of these manufacturers are united by durability, low cost and a simple installation principle.

As for the market of electromechanical interlocks, there are also leaders here. The highest quality products include equipment companies UniLock, Dragon And Mul-T-Lock. Electromechanical locks from these manufacturers are in demand due to their long service life and ease of do-it-yourself installation.

All categories of hood locks are divided into two groups - mechanical and electromechanical. The latest type of devices must be installed taking into account the recommendations that are indicated in the service book for the product. Depending on the manufacturer, the installation process can be performed in different ways.

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Also, hood locks are divided into classes:

  1. Mechanical products for additional protection against theft. Such devices are made by various brands, but structurally they are all similar to each other. The differences are in the length of the emergency cable, which is from 30 to 213 cm. The procedure for activating and deactivating the mechanisms is carried out using a special key made in a cylindrical shape. This type of lock is the most expensive and less reliable, its secret part is too weak and must be regularly treated with lubricants.
  2. Mechanical devices designed to protect access to the engine compartment and block the operation of the regular lock. Activation and deactivation of the product is carried out by a key, the latter can have different levels of secrecy. This type of mechanism is used to block the regular lock and allows you to keep it in the locked position. Experts do not recommend installing such devices on modern cars, since they cannot be called the most reliable. The first such locks were developed more than 20 years ago and during this time their design has hardly changed.
  3. Universal mechanical products that have an additional level of blocking. This type of device is the most effective and is commercially available in many models. To prevent theft, the automatic blocking of the engine compartment is carried out by a separate mechanism that is not associated with a regular lock. The larva of the device is protected from scrolling and drilling, as well as other opening options. The package may include additional mounts and brackets for certain car models.
  4. Model fixtures. Almost the same type of device as the universal options. Only these mechanisms are developed for specific model cars.
  5. Electromechanical type of lock, can be made as a separate mechanism and used as a main or additional blocker. Protection of the engine compartment is carried out by means of an auxiliary device that is not associated with a standard lock. To open and close the device, special electrical impulses emanating from the security complex are used. They are transmitted through power lines that perform activation and deactivation using relays. The device can be connected to a regular engine blocker.

The electromechanical type of locks is considered the most effective and reliable protection option due to its design and method of authorizing the car owner. But if problems appear in the on-board network of the car, power surges, this can lead to incorrect operation of the mechanism. In the event of a breakdown, the device can be opened with the safety cable included in the package.

The Autostudio channel spoke in detail about the types of protective devices for car engine compartments.

Photo gallery "Types of devices"

Photo different types devices for protecting the engine compartment.

Mechanical hood lock Electromechanical type of devices

Advantages and disadvantages

The mechanical type of devices has one advantage - no additional elements are required to control the device, one key is enough.

It has a lot more cons:

  1. The effectiveness of the device depends on the correct installation. As a result of the absence of an electronic lock, it may be difficult to prescribe a new key to a standard internal combustion engine blocker. A competent hijacker will be able to disable the device while in the cabin. Therefore, the installed lock may not save from theft.
  2. Structurally, such a product is equipped with a well, which can be hacked with a master key.
  3. Fixture installation is usually done in plastic components. Therefore, for more effective protection, you will have to buy an armored case, which can cost as much as the lock itself.
  4. The cost of quality mechanical devices is always high. Cheap fixtures, as reviews show, will not be able to effectively protect the car.

Advantages of electromechanical products:

  1. If the system is installed correctly and the device is connected correctly, the burglar will not have access to the cable or other component. Opening is almost impossible if you tie the device to an interactive engine blocker or an anti-theft system. You can connect to a secret that works with regular buttons in the cabin. To bind to the security complex, a lock control relay must be used. In the case of an immobilizer, a built-in or additional element will be required.
  2. The design of electromechanical products eliminates the possibility of debris or moisture entering the device. This provides a higher service life of the lock. The user does not need to use the emergency cable to open the device.
  3. The criminal will not be able to unlock the device, since it is controlled by an additional anti-theft tool. In particular, if the locking mechanism itself is installed in the engine compartment.

Cons specific to these devices:

  1. The effectiveness of the product depends on the correct installation and binding to the anti-theft system. In order to prevent poor-quality functioning, it is recommended to entrust the installation procedure to professionals.
  2. Structurally, the product includes an electric motor, which has a certain service life. But there are devices whose service life, according to manufacturers, is 5-8 years.

The AUTOSECURITY - Anti-theft Studio channel talked about the types of locking devices, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Which is better to choose?

When choosing a blocking device for a car, it is necessary to take into account not only its principle of operation, but also other nuances:

  1. If the device is mechanical, then it must be equipped with floating cylindrical elements. These hood locks use cylinder-in-cylinder technology.
  2. The lock larva must have at least five million combinations for opening and closing with a key.
  3. The degree of secrecy of cylindrical keys should be maximum.
  4. It is desirable that the locking device has a double password with a code cylinder.
  5. The cable thickness of the device must be at least 26 mm. This will ensure maximum protection of the product from biting and sawing.
  6. It is important that the protective sleeve of the cable is made of a multi-layer material. Each of them will perform a specific protection function. For example, in three-layer products, the first layer prevents biting, the second - sawing, and the third will protect the previous layer.

The channel "Alex Auto" spoke about the features of the choice of protective devices for the engine compartment.

Defen Time

The device belongs to the category of electromechanical devices. During installation, the consumer does not need additional brackets and clamps. The hood latch works effectively in all weather conditions.

Features of this model:

  • the product does not require regular maintenance;
  • increased level of protection of the engine compartment;
  • protection against corrosion and destruction;
  • the possibility of reserve opening of the product;
  • ease of installation;
  • automatic operation of the device;
  • the possibility of fixing the closed and open position;
  • the presence of a built-in ignition unit.

star line

Models L10, L11 and L12 belong to the class of electromechanical and provide maximum protection for the vehicle due to the effective fastening of the hood cover. The design features of the device provide access to the engine compartment of the car in case of emergency.

Model features:

  • blocking the lock cylinder when trying to hack;
  • ease of installation and operation of the product;
  • versatility - devices can be installed on any car model;
  • increased level of reliability due to the technologies used in production;
  • defence from negative impact corrosion;
  • locks from this manufacturer are compatible with Starline anti-theft systems and can be connected to a microprocessor module.

The AutoaudioCentre channel spoke about the features and differences between the Starline hood locks of different models.

Fortess Lock

This type of protective devices was developed for vehicles used in aggressive weather conditions and environments. The device can be installed on any models of machines due to its design features. The device is equipped with protection against overheating of the electric motor, which generally increases the quality and service life of the lock.

The main features of the Fortess Lock:

  • high-quality fixed cable for opening;
  • the safety device is equipped with a system for regular processing of the locking mechanism, so the consumer will have to periodically service it;
  • emergency opening of the device;
  • the presence of a system to prevent biting or breaking of the emergency cable;
  • in the manufacture of the device, composite materials with steel inserts and reinforcement are used, which significantly increases the security and service life;
  • the mechanism is delivered in a moisture- and dust-proof sealed case;
  • protection against corrosion.


Devices of a mechanical type belong to the class of model devices. Three keys and a code card are included in the package of Konstrakt locks. The device consists of a locking mechanism made in a cylindrical body, as well as a control locking element. The latter is controlled by a cable made in a flexible braid. A hook is fixed on the hood cover, which engages with the valve, the latter is attached to the car body.

The SPVcompany channel spoke about the features of Konstrakt lock products.

Atlet Neo Electro

The device is controlled according to the principle of operation security system installed in the car. The latter are alarms, engine blockers, as well as various digital devices.

Product Features:

  • according to the manufacturer, the products are protected from picking keys and scrolling due to the absence of a larva in the design;
  • in the locked state, the engine compartment opening handle moves freely, so it will not break;
  • gears are not made of plastic, which ensures their high reliability;
  • the versatility of the device ensures the possibility of its installation on any models of cars, but first it is necessary to modify the standard hood lock;
  • in practice, such products practically do not jam if the engine compartment opens;
  • the consumer has the possibility of mounting two independent devices along the edges of one;
  • there are no external changes in the design of the device;
  • if the device is locked, it is impossible to break it, so the performance of the limit switch on the hood does not matter;
  • for the manufacture of the body and the moving component are used modern materials, excluding the possibility of souring and corrosion.

Photo gallery "Hood locks"

Photos of blocking devices for protecting the engine compartment are presented in this section.

Atlet Neo Electro Fortress Lock Starline hood lock Construct device

How to install an additional hood lock with your own hands?

You can install the engine compartment access blocker yourself. You can not install additional locks on cars that are still under warranty.

What will be needed?

To complete the task you will need:

  • drill with a set of drills;
  • tape measure or meter;
  • round file;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • set of wrenches;
  • grinder or electric jigsaw with a disc for metal;
  • primer or anti-corrosion agent;
  • lubricant, for example, grease.

Step-by-step instruction

Bonnet lock assembly procedure:

  1. Before performing the task, the latch must be removed from the spring elements of the hood, as well as from the safety hook. During installation, you will have to open and lock the hood, and standard protection will interfere with this.
  2. Then you need to choose on the frame of the engine compartment the places where the pin locks will be installed. Marking is done with a marker, holes are drilled by the door. It is recommended to drill in several stages. First with a 4 mm drill, then 8 mm, and then 12 mm.
  3. The pins are installed, their nuts are tightened. In height, these elements should be slightly larger than necessary. The pins will subsequently be adjusted, so do not tighten the nuts all the way.
  4. Then grease is applied to the ends of the installed elements, and a hood is carefully placed on top. This procedure must be performed carefully so that traces remain on the surface of the body, its inner part. In accordance with them, the hood is drilled from the inside. 8 and 12 mm drills can be drilled from the outside, and 4 mm from the inside. When the hood is covered, bars must be placed between it and the frame.
  5. Then you need to match the holes made. If they do not match slightly, then you can refine them with a file.
  6. The next step is to make a hole for the lining. The front part of the hood is pasted over with masking tape, it should be several layers. This must be done to prevent damage to the paintwork when drilling holes for the lock.
  7. Then a locking device is installed on the pin, you need to determine its position. The outline of the device is outlined with a marker or pencil. It is allowed to use the box from the kit as a stencil. When the markup is ready, you can proceed to the next step. With the help of a grinder, holes are made along the marked contour, it is necessary to act carefully and carefully.
  8. Using a file, it is necessary to align the edges, the lock is tried on. The hole should not be allowed to be large, as there will be problems with fixing the device. The locking device must fit properly into the seat.
  9. At the final stage, the overlays are installed. The lock is being installed, after which marking is done and holes for fixing are drilled. The locking device is fastened, the length of the pins is adjusted. Overlays are installed and diagnostics of the correctness of the work performed are made.

Installation of electromechanical devices.

Which hood latch to choose?

Before every car owner who understands all the advantages of a hood lock, the question arises - what kind of lock should be put on the hood? In addition to the fact that they differ in manufacturers, there are two main categories of locks - mechanical and electromechanical.

Mechanical hood lock

The most popular manufacturers of mechanical hood locks are Mul-t-lock and Dragon. The principle of operation is the same for them, the lock is displayed in the salon. Due to the peculiarities of the technology and the quality of the materials used, it is almost impossible to break these locks by force, so thieves try to steal the key from it, or they open the hood.

Scheme of installing a mechanical lock on the hood

Benefits of mechanical hood locks

  • Reliable and simple locking mechanism;
  • it is almost impossible to hack by force without special equipment;
  • cannot be hacked with electronic devices.


  • Functionally limited;
  • with rare use, they can turn sour;
  • cannot be integrated into a common anti-theft complex;
  • compared to the electronic hood lock - less convenient operation.

Electromechanical hood lock

The main block of the lock, in which the electrical impulse is converted into translational movement, is performed according to the principle of an electric door drive. The body of the locking mechanism is most often hidden in the cavity of the upper panel of the radiator lining, and the locking element is attached to the hood cover. If the locking element is made in the form of a hook, then there is a groove in the body of the locking mechanism, and if in the form of a sphere, then a hole. The advantage of the sphere is the smaller required width of the case, due to which it becomes possible to mount the mechanism in a narrow cavity.

Locks of this type are controlled by signals coming from the immobilizer or alarm, which simplifies their management, and also makes it possible not to detect their presence until the last.

The leaders among companies producing electromechanical locks for the hood, on Russian market are DefenTime and StarLine. The main difference between their products is the principle of the implementation of the locking device. For DefenTime it looks like a sphere. At the same time, the reliability of both those and others is confirmed by time.

Spherical rod type

Benefits of electromechanical hood locks

  • Very convenient to use;
  • due to the constant movement of the pin when reading the mark, souring becomes almost impossible;
  • integrability into a common security structure;
  • stealth.


  • A control device is required;
  • additional installation costs;
  • can be easily opened due to the presence of a safety cable. However, sometimes they don’t put it, but instead, two wires or a special socket are hidden in a hidden place in the cabin, into which a spare battery can be plugged in if there are power problems.

Scheme of installation of an electromechanical lock on the hood