Is it possible to bewitch a twin man. How to win a Gemini man: secret tricks for brave ladies. Gemini women in love

People born under the auspices of the air element and the planet Mercury are distinguished by their liveliness in spiritual and physical terms. To win a Gemini man, you need to analyze his worldview. Such a person needs complete freedom, he himself will determine how to dispose of it.

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The Gemini guy is easy to recognize among the crowd of people, because he never holds his eyes for a long time, he is unusually mobile and easy to move. An elusive charm emanates from him even when he is silent (which is extremely rare). But as soon as he speaks, many women fall into his net at the same time.

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    General characteristics of the sign

    The Gemini man is born between May 22 and June 21. People of this sign have absorbed all the delights of the end of spring and the beginning of summer, when nature comes to life and blooms with bright colors. The nature of the representatives of the air element is changeable and inconsistent, since the choleric temperament does not allow them to remain without moving forward. Happy shades range from bright yellow (intermediate: blue, green, silver) to dull gray.

    This fully describes the mood of a man who, like the dawn of a bright sun, is upbeat and cheerful. By lunchtime, irresistible melancholy and disappointment are replaced by joy (very similar to a gray cloud), and by evening the mood becomes playful and provocative again. A man has the same attitude towards work and family. He needs fresh impressions, because without them the guy just starts to get sick. He is not inclined to do routine work and, together with his beloved, spend hours looking at old photographs. He needs a change of scenery in every way.

    The Gemini man is too smart to pay much attention to things known to himself. His desire to know the novelty does not make it possible to stay in one place of work or communicate with only one woman. He strives to convey his knowledge in all areas to a vast number of listeners. It doesn’t matter to the guy what gender they will be, since he is only interested in spiritual communication. In his qualities of character, a man knows how to combine almost incompatible traits. An example is boundless generosity and simultaneous stinginess. Gemini guy has:

    • sharp analytical mind;
    • ability to sciences;
    • rapid development of foreign languages;
    • abilities for literary creativity;
    • oratory;
    • mental alertness;
    • desire for change;
    • love of love;
    • tact;
    • upbringing;
    • intelligence;
    • ease of lifting;
    • the gift of persuasion;
    • intuition;
    • generosity;
    • tight-fistedness in trifles;
    • the ability to seduce women;
    • the ability to convince people;
    • talent to do business;
    • organizational skills;
    • inconsistency;
    • lack of desire to build long-term plans;
    • high competitiveness;
    • morality;
    • love of freedom;
    • unsurpassed sense of humor.

    A Gemini man is able to live his whole life with one woman, never cheating on her. But the duality of his nature necessarily compensates for this "uniformity" in love. The guy will have two cars or two apartments, two parallel jobs or two hobbies.

    What kind of women attract a Gemini guy

    You can win a Gemini man if you give him complete freedom. He always highly appreciates just such care from a woman. He does not care about the sexuality of the partner, her thriftiness and even appearance (these qualities will affect the guy's decision only at the initial stage of communication).

    The most important thing is exclusively spiritual kinship, since it implies the presence of their own space for each of the partners.

    How to get a man's attention

    To hook a Gemini guy, you need to have an original appearance. The guy loves everything unusual. He will like the girl not for her beauty, but for her unusual hair color, clothing style and creative approach to life. A girl who actively participates in the conversation, who has a good sense of humor, has every chance to interest a guy. At the first meeting, you should not be shy and the bull is closed. You need to tell about your interesting observations, give the guy a compliment or thank you for some little thing.

    A huge plus will be the fact that the girl is engaged in an unusual sport for the fair sex or has an original hobby. This will make the guy really happy. Gemini is a very sociable, active sign. A man likes to be constantly in touch with his girlfriend. After a date, you need to call, participate in correspondence. Do not ignore his communication, even if the woman is tired and wants to sleep. The man will immediately switch to another object.

    It is worth showing interest in his hobbies. This should be done frankly and without flattery. Gemini has an overdeveloped intuition, they are able to expose the presence of pretense and cunning. If you ask him to talk about what he is interested in, the guy will appreciate the role of a worthy listener to his endless story. These impressions from the meeting will be enough for him to think about the girl again and try to meet her.

    With a guy, the first intimacy is possible at the beginning of a relationship. Here it is necessary to look at the situation. She will not become an obstacle and will not be condemned if people become close emotionally.

    How to please a man

    To charm a Gemini, you need to treat life in exactly the same way as he does himself. A girl needs to have the following character traits:

    • Intelligence. A Gemini man will be able to conquer an exceptionally smart, well-read girl. It should be comprehensively developed and be able to support any topic in a conversation.
    • Energy. Easy-going, mobile, energetic women will immediately be able to attract the attention of a representative of the Gemini sign. The guy does not like to sit still, he needs a change of scenery. A woman of this type is extremely close to him.
    • Sociability. A man will always prefer a woman who easily contacts people. Emancipation in the views and movements of the girl will allow the guy to immediately find a common language with her
    • Positive character. A Gemini man can be interested in an exceptionally kind, sympathetic woman. She must be generous and compassionate. Willingness to help always remains a priority for a guy.
    • Having a sense of humor. You can hook a Gemini guy not only with jokes and funny stories (this also has a huge priority), but also with the ability to get out of any situation with humor.
    • Mysteriousness. An air sign suggests a desire to comprehend something unknown. The ability of a woman to surprise with the presence of original views and qualities of character will achieve his location.
    • Having personal interests. The girl's passion for original hobbies or sports will be a huge bonus in her personal qualities.

    Very important point What the Gemini man pays attention to is the woman's interest in his life priorities. For joint harmonious communication, it is necessary to show your participation in all events, fall in love with your partner's hobbies and be able to correctly give wise advice. The detachment of a woman and the passion solely for her problems will quickly bore the guy, and he will quietly disappear from her life.

    What is forbidden in communication with Gemini

    A guy born under the constellation Gemini has an independent character. There are qualities of a girl with which he categorically will not put up with. Fortunately, a man does not need much time for this. The guy will very quickly stop communicating if he notices the following characteristic signs in the chosen one:

    • Lack of education. If a girl is not smart enough and educated enough, the guy will not even talk to her. A man determines the presence of intelligence in the first minute of communication.
    • Pessimism. A man will never choose a pessimistic woman as his companion. The problems of her past and present life will be ignored, as the guy expects joy and pleasure from communication.
    • Lack of sense of humor. The Gemini man has a sophisticated sense of humor. If a girl does not understand his jokes, ignore them, take them too seriously or be offended, they will quickly break up.
    • Lack of sociability. A man strives to constantly communicate with people. A Gemini in love requires endless attention. He constantly calls, participates in correspondence, looking for meetings. If a girl is busy with her own affairs or she is tired of this way of communication, the guy will not linger next to her.
    • Impracticality. If a woman has neither a material nor a moral base in life and seeks to get it all from a man, her choice is wrong. Gemini does not want and cannot take responsibility for a helpless, unadapted woman.
    • High morality. The Gemini man remains a child until the end of his life. Sometimes he wants to play pranks and fool around. If a girl takes this behavior too seriously, the couple is threatened with parting.

    The most important postulate for all women who want to connect their lives with Gemini Men will be to provide them with complete freedom. This guy does not tolerate control and does not allow violent actions on the part of a woman. If you press him against the wall and force him to answer the question, the man will find an opportunity to avoid responsibility. Air cannot be held in a fist, it will certainly break out. Gemini can never be forced to do what they don't want to. He will tell or do everything necessary when he sees fit.

    How to make a Gemini guy fall in love with you

    To fall in love with a man born under the air constellation, you must be prepared for his mood swings and unexpected decisions. He is able to beautifully look after, declare his love and dream about further meetings. Then he suddenly disappears for an indefinite time, returns in a completely different mood and does not remember past meetings. A woman needs to restrain her emotions and not show in any way that something has changed in a relationship. After a short amount of time, the guy will become even kinder and friendlier than on the previous date.

    If the girl passes this test, she will be adequately rewarded. Do not be offended and think that the guy is doing this on purpose. Such behavior occurs in a man involuntarily, and he greatly appreciates the endurance and understanding of the chosen one (or does not remember at all that he behaved differently). A woman should also give a guy surprises. You don’t need to tell everything about yourself to the smallest detail, you need to leave an element of mystery. When the relationship is a little stronger, it is recommended to repeat the behavior of the young man and disappear for a while.

    Then appear and tell the amazing realistic story of his disappearance. The guy will be interested and intrigued. It must be remembered that it is not recommended to delay your absence, as the man will run to look for another companion.

    How to keep an air representative

    In order to remain in his heart for life, it is necessary for a man to become a true friend with whom he will always be interested. It is recommended to trust Gemini. A guy with such character, strength and discipline is impossible to keep. It is necessary to give him personal space and participate as much as possible in his interests. Praise and thank the representative of this sign should be several times a day. The main conditions should be honesty and sincerity.

    If you follow all these recommendations, the guy will never leave his chosen one. He will not cheat on her, since physical intimacy will not be a priority for him. A man himself will try to create conditions for a woman that all the wives of the world dream of. He will allow her to develop, give all finances into her hands, always listen to her decisions and help in all matters. A huge advantage is that Gemini men try not to infringe on the interests of women and always treat them with respect.

    Compatibility by zodiac signs

    The air representative of the sign Gemini loves all people. He is great with women, as they raise his self-esteem. As soon as a guy starts a conversation, girls even stop paying attention to his appearance, this man is so charismatic and charming.

    But still, among his preferences there is a certain type of women.

    Compatibility with other signs:

    Zodiac sign Description
    AriesThe Aries woman suits the Gemini man by more than 50%. This is a wonderful couple that attracts each other with brightness, originality, and a desire to get the most out of life. A man is able to fall in love with a girl almost at first sight. His talent to present his partner with the possibility of new discoveries is very appealing to active, energetic representatives of the fire sign. But this idyll will not last long. An airy man will seem to a woman not temperamental enough in terms of sex. The jealousy of the girl will become a constant pain, since she is the owner. If she can abstract from these concepts and accept the man as he is, the couple will forever be provided with a harmonious life. Everything suits a man in the behavior of Aries, since such a union allows you to achieve material well-being and all sorts of success
    TaurusAir Gemini does not fit well with representatives of earth signs. He needs space and is very limited by earthiness. The representative of the Taurus sign is no exception. She is too practical, because she loves solid ground under her feet and categorically does not accept change. It is difficult for her to understand why the achieved well-being needs to be changed for something and move forward. The guy does not tend to stop, he does not understand the conservative position of the chosen one. These people cannot agree, because they are completely different in temperament. The woman will become jealous, she is annoyed by the inconsistency and irresponsibility of Gemini. The guy does not see the motivation for living together, which kills all his initiatives in the bud. The psychological compatibility of these signs is about 30%, so for a life together, both partners need to do a lot of work.
    TwinsHarmony in the relationship of partners of two identical signs is equal to 60%. It depends only on each of them to what extent this figure can fall or rise. Two people are perfect for each other in temperament. They are easy-going, energetic, inquisitive. In everyday life, creativity and business relations the couple is able to achieve the highest rates, as the partners find complete mutual understanding. The only negative will be the inability to complete what has been started or to make a thorough in-depth analysis of actions. A reasonable solution would be to look for a representative of a different sign. The couple will become a generator of ideas, and an independent person will become an executor of the plan, which will bring it to life. Such people can become relatives or friends who will help in raising children and joint business. In sex, this couple has perfect compatibility
    CancerGemini and Cancer have a great chance of remaining ideal lovers and happy spouses for life, since their harmony is about 70%. The Cancer woman is able to seduce her chosen one with refined manners, romance, the necessary surroundings for joint leisure. She will take care of the main domestic problems, bring the work begun to the end. If she manages to overcome her jealousy and not pay attention to the jokes of the Gemini man (they seem too offensive to her), then she is provided with a comfortable life. A guy will be able to teach a girl to take life easier and enjoy it. He will pull the chosen one out of her solitude and bring her into society interesting people. The woman is completely satisfied with the Gemini, since they both need personal space and provide each other with the opportunity to use it. The guy does not react to jealousy and whims of his wife
    a lionA Gemini man suits a Leo woman by 45%. This couple has high chances for a harmonious life together, if everyone takes into account the interests of their chosen one. They have a lot in common, because they love independence, a big society, to attract attention, to have a large audience of listeners. But there are some difficulties. A woman strives for leadership not only in the domestic sphere, but also in intimate relationships. Leo's emancipation and love for experiments in bed can attract Gemini and win his heart. But the guy is not ready for the constant dominance of a fiery woman, he will begin to look for connections on the side. The girl also does not want to put up with the loving nature of her companion, because she is jealous and possessive. She will not be enough for the temperament of Gemini in bed. A frank conversation between partners will help fix everything
    VirgoThis is a difficult union that is 40% compatible. Partners are completely different in temperament, they have different priorities in life and views on some issues. Only sex can become ideal for lovers. Virgo will treat the process with high quality, and Gemini will add bright colors of diversity and originality to it. In other aspects of living together, a lot of hard work awaits the couple. A pragmatic, serious and punctual girl will be constantly annoyed by an irresponsible, cheerful and wasteful guy. Where she intends to save money, there a man will easily spend it. The constant absence of a spouse at home, his communication with other representatives of the opposite sex, the lack of planning for a future life can bring the girl to the decision to part. The guy will not tolerate control and reproaches regarding his behavior
    ScalesRepresentatives of these signs belong to the same air element. The harmony of their compatibility is about 80%. It will not be difficult for an elegant, graceful Libra girl to seduce a Gemini guy. He will immediately feel a kindred spirit in her and proceed to action. A woman is also impressed by an easy, sociable guy who is well-mannered and has a great sense of humor. Partners are also satisfied with intimate relationships. Having a similar temperament, they know how to give mutual pleasure. With regard to sex, they have no prohibitions and condemnations, both love to experiment. The only drawback will be the unwillingness of both spouses to take responsibility. This applies to both business and domestic conditions. This couple needs the firm hand of a disinterested person who can help achieve their goals. Relatives and friends will be great helpers.
    ScorpionGood compatibility (almost 50%) gives partners a chance to live a long and happy life. To do this, each of the spouses needs to adapt a little to the character of their chosen one. A woman is jealous and possessive, because she is set for a long-term serious relationship. A man prefers relationships without obligations and is prone to constant betrayal. If the girl does not press hard and gives the guy more freedom, he will gladly refuse other representatives of the fair sex. He feels the huge potential of his partner, who is able to perform any work with high quality and provide for a man. ideal conditions. Gemini has great connections and will help his companion with the necessary protection. This union will not only be successful in personal relationships, it has many prospects for running a profitable joint business.
    SagittariusThis couple has the opportunity to live a long happy life, because the stars endowed them with good compatibility (about 70%). They are very energetic, freedom-loving and sociable. Partners like to be in crowded places, they like to be in the spotlight, everyone has friends of the opposite sex. Their desire for knowledge and constant spiritual development allows them not to plunge into a boring routine. sex life full of experiments and thirst for new sensations. But there is a great danger of dispersing as enemies, since the love of freedom can cause jealousy on both sides. Aspirations and goals can suddenly change (this is typical of these representatives of signs), things will remain unfinished (both quickly lose interest). It is in this union that each partner has principles that they cannot deviate from, this leads to a quarrel and enmity
    CapricornA pair of Gemini men and Capricorn women have completely different temperaments. This contradiction of views does not always bad influence on life together. Harmonic compatibility is more than 70%, so the couple has a chance to build a great relationship. A very fast energetic guy at the first meeting will be interested in a calm earthly woman. As you know, opposites attract, especially in the early stages of a relationship. Further life together can be a disappointment for a woman, because she is used to controlling everything to the smallest detail. But her desire to be close to an intelligent man and accept his conditions will allow her to come to terms with her partner's temperament. The wife will take responsibility for life important issues, and the husband will try to provide her with a comfortable spiritual balance. The sexual side of relationships is quite successful
    AquariusThis tandem has excellent compatibility, which is about 90%. People belong to the same air element, they are united by one type of temperament. Partners are able to discern a soul mate at a glance. The future life will also be beautiful. They work great and live in the same mode. In bed, they experiment and liberate themselves with pleasure. Intimate life brings them not only physical satisfaction, but also an excellent emotional release. The couple has many friends, they spend their leisure time excitingly. The only obstacle in the harmony of relations can be the jealousy of the spouse. After marriage, Aquarius women remain faithful to their partner, which cannot be said about Gemini men. If the girl is not too suspicious and is still emotionally close to the guy, he will not look for a replacement for her.
    FishHarmony in the relationship of a couple in which the man was born in the air element of Gemini, and the woman in water element There are almost no fish (it fluctuates within 40%). This union will interfere with different temperaments. A woman lives in her illusory world, devoid of speed and rapid change of scenery. She seeks to create family comfort and fully rely on her husband in all matters. She will become constantly jealous of her man, who will not appreciate her efforts (he rarely spends time at home watching TV). The girl is very vulnerable and impressionable, her life will turn into a series of experiences and suspicions. An energetic guy is not ready to accept his romantic, but slow partner. Control and resentment on her part irritate him and deprive him of the opportunity for self-realization. In intimate life, everything will be fine, but sex will not solve the accumulated moral problems.

A man born under the sign of Gemini gives the impression of uniqueness and genius. He will easily support any topic of conversation, will desperately dream, make grandiose plans and broadcast about his past and future victories. But do not forget that Gemini is a dual nature, ever-changing and unpredictable, so trying to comprehend it inner world possible indefinitely. The Gemini man is mysterious and secretive, but at the same time charming and positive. Loving everyone's attention, he is open to communication and is constantly surrounded by friends and girlfriends.

If a Gemini man fell in love, then his chosen one will be surrounded by care and attention. He is able to tirelessly surprise and pamper his beloved, shower her with compliments and delight with cute surprises. The stronger sex, born under this sign, is a tasty morsel for many women. Few of them can resist his charm, but not everyone can keep him around. How to achieve the location of the Gemini man, take possession of his thoughts and evoke reciprocal feelings?

What kind of women does a Gemini man like?

A man cannot stand this sign when they encroach on his freedom and unceremoniously begin to restore order in his personal space. In a woman, he appreciates prudence, tact and calm character. Gemini will be happy if you, being next to him, do not cross the line of permissiveness.

The ideal woman, in the understanding of the Gemini man, is an intellectual, versatile person who is able to support any conversation. She must have an excellent sense of humor, ease of character and not judge her partner for his inconstancy. Gemini appreciates devotion, so his woman is a faithful companion of life, following him everywhere.

The portal site recommends maintaining the interest of the Gemini man in his person all the time. A woman resembling an open book will quickly get bored with him. And if he was about to leave you, then it is useless to throw yourself on his neck, begging him to stay, and swearing eternal love. The riddle, which he had already solved, would no longer interest him.

But you should not be afraid of the windiness of this zodiac sign - in marriage, the Gemini rarely cheat on their beloved. If a man loves you, then only you will occupy his thoughts and heart. You just need to give up trying to remake it and accept your partner as he is. And in return, Gemini will make life together bright and eventful, completely devoid of routine and boredom.

How to attract the attention of a Gemini man?

To interest the representatives of this sign, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Stand out from the crowd, become special for him;
  • Do not impose or restrict his freedom;
  • Become sociable, do not withdraw into yourself;
  • Joke, make jokes, but only without causticity and irony;
  • Do not drive yourself into the framework, become unpredictable and adventurous;
  • Show attention to his person, know how to listen;
  • Admire his achievements, praise, compliment;
  • Be humble when required, and remember to be polite;
  • Show your intelligence and curiosity.

How to win a Gemini man to women of different zodiac signs?

Aries woman. Thanks to the incredible charm, you can easily capture the heart of a Gemini man. But your relationship is likely to be unstable, although it can last a lifetime. Both signs are quite capricious and welcome disputes. And the frequent scandals that arise between Gemini and Aries in the process of disputes will lead to resentment and anger.

Taurus woman. To interest and retain a sign representative Gemini, you need to be flexible with your emotions. Learn from Gemini a riot of feelings and a palette of moods, do not withdraw into yourself and do not try to seem like a snow queen, otherwise you will quickly get bored of him.

Gemini woman. The Gemini will get an explosive tandem, they will not get tired of surprising each other. These signs will definitely not be bored in a pair. But both the woman and the man of this sign need a partner who will be more down to earth in order to become a support and direct their throwing in the right direction. Therefore, in order to keep a Gemini man next to you, you will need to “grow up” and think more rationally.

Cancer Woman. The desire to lead in you just rolls over. But, if you want to conquer the Gemini man, you will have to work on yourself a little. This sign does not tolerate encroachments on his freedom and does not want his every step to be controlled. Your vital energy, which is in full swing, will certainly not leave the Gemini man indifferent, and, with the proper approach, it will not be difficult for you to conquer him.

Leo Woman. Your rich inner world and incredible charm will throw the Gemini man at your feet. He will admire the beauty and subtle mind of his chosen one. But the main thing in such an alliance is to prevent oversaturation. Don't be perfect all the time, it's good to change your tactics from time to time so you don't get fed up.

Virgo woman. Virgo's excessive desire to create home comfort and improve family life can cause frequent reproaches and scandals in family life two signs. The freedom-loving Gemini and Virgo's thriftiness are features that are poorly compatible. If you are trying to conquer a man born under this sign, you need to be patient and not require him to constantly stay with you.

Libra woman. Versatile development, the desire to learn new things and sociability make you an ideal partner for a Gemini man. But when entering into an alliance with this sign, weigh all the pros and cons in advance, because because of the frivolity of Gemini and his fear for personal freedom, you may not receive the kindness and care that you crave from a partner.

Scorpio woman. Being paired with a Gemini man, the main thing for you is not to destroy the relationship because of self-love and your own selfishness. Learn to sincerely enjoy the gifts of the chosen one, respond to his compliments and take care of him.

Sagittarius woman. It is not difficult for these signs to converge, as they are attracted by the opposite of each other. The Gemini man will be interested in your hobbies and impulses, which are so different from his own. But over time, interest can turn into boredom if you do not find joint hobbies and do not take the time to delve into your partner's preferences.

Capricorn woman. The mysteries and mysteries that attract the Gemini so much, you do not hold. You can quickly take over his thoughts, but do not delay with riddles for too long, otherwise the man will simply get tired of picking up the key to you and he will switch his attention to a more open person.

Aquarius woman. Relationships in such a pair will be built on quivering feelings and vivid emotions. Both the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman are bright and extraordinary natures. Their sociability and activity will fuel mutual feelings. Just beware of restricting a man’s freedom and involving him too often in routine affairs, the women’s magazine website reminds, otherwise quarrels will become your constant companions.

Pisces Woman. The union of these signs is classic, they fit together perfectly. You will become for the Gemini man the support that he is looking for in a life partner, and he will be your protector and helper for you. But, when creating a family with a Gemini, you will have to come to terms with his craving for freedom. By striving to keep a man close, you will create a real test for him, which he may not be able to withstand.

Winning a Gemini man is a difficult but doable task. If you do not strain him by setting impossible goals, but approach communication with ease and ease, entertain him with interesting conversations and from time to time amaze him with wit, then the Gemini man will never refuse the gift of fate in your face. And do not forget that the restriction of freedom of the freedom-loving Gemini will be the collapse of all your efforts. Therefore, being near him, try to keep your distance.

People born under this constellation are distinguished by a combination of bright appearance and a sharp mind, they are lucky in life due to the ability to present themselves from a favorable side. Falling in love with him is not difficult, but in order to win a Gemini man, you need to try, even if he already shows sympathy for you.

Understand what attracts Gemini to opposite field, you can, if you know the main features of his character.

At first glance, Gemini is simply the embodiment of the ideal of a man. This is the soul of the company, he communicates with others easily and naturally, is able to immediately make friends even in an unfamiliar society.

Gemini can keep up the conversation on any topic, he is always aware of all the latest events. He is a star of the dance floor, a wit, he is fond of everything at once - from travel to esoteric literature.

Getting to know a girl is not a problem for a Gemini, and if he has an attractive appearance, there is no doubt that women simply curl around him.

A man of this sign likes women who are bright, confident in themselves and their attractiveness. Owners of a nondescript appearance and self-critical prudes are not for him, with such he quickly becomes bored.

Ease in attitude to life is another quality that will attract a Gemini guy. He is optimistic about the world, enjoys every new day and does not like to make long-term plans. His dream is a girl with a reckless character, ready for any adventures and adventures. No need to load him with problems and difficulties, make claims, otherwise the ending is obvious - one day he will be disappointed in such a relationship.

Romanticism is a quality that is inherent in any man of this air sign, and he wants the other half to share his mood. An affair with a lover must certainly be accompanied by stormy emotions and passions. It will not be easy for pragmatic, calm women to constantly maintain the intensity of passions he needs.

Sociability: the partner should be as sociable, versatile person as her beloved. Quiet evenings in the family circle are not for him. You have to be ready to suddenly break into a trip, for example, if a rock concert of his favorite band is taking place in a neighboring city. In the company of Gemini, you will have to lead an active public life, go to nightclubs or charity parties, depending on his interests.

Devotion: you need to be able to share his hobbies and hobbies, lifestyle, become his support and faithful assistant, and you will most likely have to forget about your favorite activities.

How to Get the Attention of a Gemini

Such a man is used to being the center of the universe, spoiled by female attention, so it is useless to stand on the sidelines and wait for him to be the first to get acquainted.

You need to stand out from the crowd, position yourself as a bright and extraordinary personality. Even better, if one of the mutual acquaintances will tell him about your talents. Then Gemini, who loves everything unusual, will take the initiative with pleasure and will certainly want to get to know each other.

How to please a Gemini man if sociability and wit are not the strongest sides of a woman! You can try to start a correspondence with him, because in a calm atmosphere it is much easier to find the right words to attract his attention and reveal your strengths. Men often fall in love through correspondence on the Internet. After getting to know each other better, you can invite him to a personal meeting.

Gemini is always ready for a romantic relationship, so with the right approach it is not difficult to attract his attention, even if he is already married. seduce married man especially easy at the moment when he is tired of everyday problems and monotonous family life. One day he will want something new. It is worth at this moment a spectacular girl appears in his field of vision, Gemini is already ready to start a little affair with her.

How to fall in love with a Gemini man at first sight

You won’t be surprised by the usual ways of seducing Gemini; a special approach is needed here.

  1. Before approaching him, you need to think over the topics for a casual conversation in advance. Standard flirting will not arouse his interest. During the conversation, you need to emphasize your merits, try to reveal yourself in a favorable light. Well, if you can show off your wit.
  2. If you decide to conquer a guy who is younger than you, do not try to teach him life at the first meeting, on the contrary, let him know that he is in charge, to feel his importance.
  3. A man who is older than you does not need to be reminded of his age once again, try to find neutral topics for conversation, you do not need to behave ridiculously or defiantly with him.
  4. At the same time, you need to be ready to listen carefully, because the man of this sign loves to talk and is proud of his eloquence. At the same time, it is necessary not only to nod your head, but to react vividly to his stories, showing emotions, answering questions in the right way. Otherwise, the barely manifested interest will immediately fade away.
  5. After he has become interested in you, it is best to disappear from his field of vision for a while, thus giving him freedom.
  6. To finally win the heart of a man, you need to make him constantly think about you, but at the same time keep him at some distance. Distance is what the freedom-loving Gemini needs, it will allow him to escape from thoughts about family ties, which he is afraid of like fire, and calmly immerse himself in romantic relationship with a lover.

How to Conquer Gemini for Women of Different Zodiac Signs

An Aries woman will likely find it easy to attract a Gemini due to her natural charm. However, hold side by side long time these signs will not be easy, because they are both prone to disputes and rarely make concessions, and constant conflicts gradually destroy relationships.

The Taurus woman, who is not naturally prone to excessive emotionality, will have to learn to express her feelings violently, otherwise the partner will quickly cool off towards her. If the union nevertheless develops, it will be strong, since the temperaments of these signs compensate each other well.

A Gemini woman paired with a man of the same sign is an explosive mixture, together they will be capable of any adventure. However, such an alliance will not last if the partner does not learn to be a little wiser and encourage her fickle man to make smart decisions.

Lady Cancer is a born leader, but she will not be able to openly command an independent Gemini. To conquer it, you will have to go to all sorts of tricks and tricks. The energy and active life position of Cancer will cause the respect of a partner, so such a union can become happy.

It is easy for a Leo woman to succeed with a representative of any sign of the Zodiac because of her magical charm. This woman is perfection. There will be no limit to the delight and adoration of Gemini, but from time to time it is useful for Lady Leo to remove the royal crown, otherwise he will want something simpler.

The Libra woman will be helped by her education and curiosity to charm Gemini. She will gladly share her man's hobbies. But it is unlikely that he will receive the same interest in return. Therefore, before entering into a relationship, you need to carefully weigh everything.

To win the Gemini man, the Scorpio woman needs to moderate her own egoism a little. Sincere joy in response to the manifestation of his feelings, gifts and compliments, as well as tender care for him, is what will make the relationship of these signs long and harmonious.

The Sagittarius woman will interest him with her unusualness, non-standard hobbies. But if in the future their hobby does not become common, such a relationship is doomed to failure.

It will not be easy for a Virgo woman to attract the attention of a Gemini, because the temperaments of these signs are diametrically opposed. The earthy Virgo is focused on creating a strong family, and the freedom-loving Gemini is in the clouds. Such a union can only be formed if the Virgo agrees to endure his inconstancy and will not try to keep him close to him.

The Aquarius woman needs to show her partner the full range of feelings and vivid emotions that she is capable of. In such an alliance, spouses can give each other a happy and eventful life if they do not quarrel and blame each other for routine household problems, but fairly share them among themselves.

A Pisces woman is not recommended to seek to tie a man with family ties. It is better to become his faithful and sympathetic assistant, then he himself will begin to play the role of a reliable and caring head of the family. The union of these signs is considered the strongest.

The Capricorn woman can interest Gemini with her mystery. He will be attracted by the mysterious inner world of the chosen one. However, it is not necessary to force him to pick up a clue to his person for a long time, otherwise he may get tired and switch to a more understandable object.

7 facts about a relationship with a Gemini man

  • they love joint holidays with the whole family: they go shopping with their spouses with pleasure, look at family photos, help prepare an unusual dish;
  • they do not thank their loved ones for kindness towards them, because because of their self-centeredness they take it for granted;
  • they rarely confess their love, but if the confession was uttered, then this is pure truth;
  • they cannot be angry for a long time, but at the same time they will never ask for forgiveness, even if they themselves are to blame for the quarrel, since they are not ready to accept their defeat;
  • they are rarely married once and for life, as they constantly improve themselves and look for a partner who matches their worldview in this period;
  • in bed, they always occupy a dominant role, while they do not like darkness, as they strive not only to feel, but also to see their partner;
  • if you are tired of a relationship with a man of this sign, you just need to become uninteresting to him, start complaining about your many problems, and he will quietly disappear from your life.

How to win his heart forever

It is one thing to start a fleeting romance with a representative of the Gemini sign, it is quite another to win his love for life. While a romantic relationship lasts, a man in love is ready for his beloved to do the most unexpected things, showering her with gifts and compliments. However, passionate passion does not last long, and the prose of life cools his feelings.

Not only to fall in love, but also to keep such a windy and fickle man next to her, only a strong, wise, truly patient woman is capable of turning a blind eye to his shortcomings, forgiving infidelity, able to start relationships again and again from scratch.

The Gemini man will appreciate a woman who can:

  • constantly change;
  • do not claim his freedom;
  • take care of him;
  • able to take the initiative in their own hands at a crucial moment.

You need to constantly surprise Gemini, appearing before him either as a vamp woman, or as a caring housewife, or as a romantic Turgenev girl. And this applies not only to behavior, but also to appearance. Her frequent dramatic changes are welcome, from a short-haired brunette with boyish whirlwinds to a golden-haired Thumbelina. The interest of a man will not fade if he sees in front of him every time a new beautiful stranger who needs to be conquered again and again.

As for personal space, it’s better not to go too far, loading your loved one with duties and responsibilities. You need to leave him more free time, for example, let him go to a bar with friends or go fishing. Having rested, the spouse will repay you for his "vacation" with care and affection.

Like any man, Gemini appreciates sincere spiritual communication, if there is no trust between spouses, then he will look for an opportunity to give vent to emotions on the side.

It is difficult for a representative of this air sign to play a leading role all the time, his creative personality is often tormented by crises, routine is stuck. During such periods, he will gladly give the initiative in making important decisions to his partner.

Thus, a bright unforgettable romance with a Gemini man is far from always able to turn into a lasting family union.

Such men are called true seducers. Gemini always prefer to be in the center of attention, they cannot be kept within four walls, public life is very important for them. Therefore, go with him to the cinema, to exhibitions, go out with him to people as often as possible.

Gemini men combine several opposite personalities. But which of them will arise in front of you today, it is difficult to understand. This is the difficulty of conquering Gemini. If today this man is unrealistically serious and boring, then the very next day he is a restless and noisy boy, and the day after tomorrow he will turn into a gentle romantic, confusing the beautiful half of humanity with his behavior.

Winning a Gemini guy is difficult, but possible. For starters, you must always look flawless. A well-groomed lady will certainly captivate and intrigue Gemini. After all, he will never pass by a pretty woman.

However, you must understand that it is impossible to keep a Gemini man for a long time only with a beautiful appearance. To amaze such a man with his beauty is half the battle. In addition, you must have a passion for adventure and adventure.

How to understand that a Gemini man is in love?

A Gemini in love is something incredible. So much energy awakens in him that it becomes difficult for him to understand what is happening in his soul. There is even a legend that if a Gemini is in love, his eye color changes.

Having fallen in love, he puts an end to his past life and changes dramatically. If earlier Gemini was shy and uncommunicative, then soon, to the surprise of everyone, he turns into an uninhibited merry fellow. Despite all the changes in life, the Gemini guy will never give up his hobbies. However, he can easily combine his hobbies and relationships with his beloved.

The Gemini man will try to surprise his chosen one, starting with a cooked dinner and ending with an unusual luxurious gift. He always tries to justify his beloved - when he sees one flaw, he will instantly find ten virtues. He can abandon all his friends and comrades if one of them drops at least one bad word to the side of his beloved.

The Gemini man is very changeable by nature. Therefore, it will be very difficult to fall in love with him for life. But do not despair, there is still a chance to do it.

If you want to fall in love with a Gemini guy forever, then you must:

  1. Be an extraordinary person with whom your man will always be interested.
  2. Surprise your loved one. Invite on unusual dates, make pleasant surprises. Don't let your man get bored. Let each time he wonders what to expect from you tomorrow.
  3. Always look your best. Be stunning, let passing men look at you with admiration, and Gemini is jealous of you. If you keep him in good shape, he will never look at another.

And the last piece of advice, be patient. Gemini can be tricky sometimes. Therefore, try to be calm about changes in his mood and forgive him for his inconstancy.

Video: How to win a Gemini man

Do not try to conquer the Gemini man: he prefers to belong to everyone and no one. The only one this guy will be loyal to is Liberty.

A man born under the gentle sun of the first summer days easily conquers everyone around him: women, men, children and the elderly. This is because a man is, first of all, a Personality - bright, extraordinary, interesting. It is not surprising that one can fall desperately in love with such a person and fall into the abyss. It is much more difficult in such a situation to answer the question, how to bind him to yourself once and for all? After all, the representative of this freedom-loving zodiac sign never gives himself completely to anyone.

It's actually quite easy to get his attention. He will not hesitate to flirt with any girl, even if she is not the first beauty, and can easily move from the first acquaintance to an intimate relationship. However, keeping his task is more difficult, because the Gemini has little heavenly beauty or the ability to perform miracles in bed. He is a dual nature, completely unbridled in his curiosity, and it is not so easy for one person to satisfy this curiosity.

So, we found out what is the main quality that attracts Gemini. How can we use it now? You just need to be among his friends. Believe me, he will not refuse friendship. As a friend, tell him about the most intimate and painful, about the funny and intimate - everything, without hiding. The Gemini man will certainly appreciate such utmost confidence on your part. Make appointments with him under the pretext that something special has happened and you urgently need to discuss it with him - your best friend. And then, when you become an integral part of his life, when he also gets used to sharing everything with you and without you, he begins to feel a lack of something important ... That's when you come to him in upset feelings with the words: “There is no one who is just pat me on the head and tell me he loves me." At such a moment, he will definitely answer: “I love you.” Only, once you hear this, be satisfied and do not expect him to tirelessly swear in love. Geminis don't like to show their feelings. No matter how much they say, it is very difficult for Gemini to make herself weak and defenseless in front of a woman, because you can never be sure that she will not use it against him, making him suffer.

So, we managed to attract a Gemini man, managed to call him in, how now to keep him? Of course, first of all, you can’t relax, you need to continue to be interesting to him. The second side concerns intimate relationships. Geminis love variety in bed and are the type to try everything. At the same time, such a man will not accept the passive participation of his partner, she must constantly be the inspirer and initiator of something new and unexpected. And if you, having become the spiritual companion of your chosen one, will also be the best of his mistresses, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to part with you. Only one thing could tear you apart now, and that is possessiveness on your part. A man of a dual sign will not tolerate encroachments on his freedom. He will never limit his half in something and will expect the same from you. A woman who understands the value of her own and other people's freedom will be able to keep him near her for a long time.