The benefits of stewed cabbage with carrots. Stewed cabbage: benefits and harms. Sauerkraut juice benefits and harms

Familiar to everyone. Our ancestors cultivated this product and used it in food and medicine long before our era. Its benefits to the life of the body is simply invaluable. Cabbage is the leader in content ascorbic acid, which is so necessary for us to fight viruses, it contains B vitamins and minerals.

What can be cooked

Anything can be made from cabbage. In addition to being used in all kinds of salads, it is subjected to heat treatment. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which helps prevent atherosclerosis. Stewed cabbage, the calorie content of which is negligible, fits perfectly into the diet. If you are a fan healthy lifestyle life or stick to a vegetable diet, know that you can eat stewed cabbage as much as you want. However, if you cook it with the addition of a large amount of vegetable oil or high-calorie ingredients, the nutritional value of the dish can change dramatically.

simple recipes

The classic recipe for cooking "stewed cabbage", the calorie content of which is minimal, is available to everyone. The chopped vegetable should be put in a deep frying pan, pour a small amount of water and cover with a lid. Salt lightly at the end. Such stewed cabbage, the calorie content of which will be approximately 29 Kcal per 100 g, is extremely useful. This side dish perfectly saturates, is easily digested and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Eat this product more often, and you will begin to easily lose kilograms. Indeed, almost all modern diets are based on the use of cabbage and dishes from it.

What if it's fried?

If you use vegetable oil during cooking, then the calorie content increases. Cabbage stewed in oil with vegetables immediately loses the status of a dietary dish. Addendum tomato paste will also affect the composition and energy value dishes. You can stew sauerkraut - it contains much more minerals than regular cabbage. The taste is completely different - sharper and more sour. Remember that fried cabbage has a high calorie content due to the oil used in processing. Many people prefer to cook a hodgepodge of stewed cabbage with smoked sausages. It is first fried, and then the rest of the ingredients are added. Of course, it is very tasty and satisfying. This dish is loved by adults and children. Nevertheless, the amount of fat and carbohydrates do their job, and such cabbage stew calories becomes colossal.

Benefit or harm

Despite all the merits and the endless list useful properties, cabbage, like any product, has some contraindications. Do not eat stewed cabbage with dairy products, this can cause increased gas formation. It is also not recommended to use it for diseases of the pancreas. In any case, the benefits of cabbage are much greater than the harm. And you need to use it as often as possible. And stewed cabbage is one of the most low-calorie dishes.

Garden cabbage is an agricultural plant. It is widely used in cooking for salads, soups, casseroles and other dishes. Cabbage is also baked, fried and stewed. Cabbage has valuable nutritional qualities. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of stewed cabbage.

What is useful stewed cabbage

Braised cabbage is considered a low-calorie dish. It is indispensable in the diet of people who monitor their weight. Cabbage is stewed fresh, salted and sauerkraut. Vitamin B2 contained in the product contributes to the normalization of human energy metabolism. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin PP strengthens the vascular walls. It also has a vasodilating effect. Braised cabbage rich in vitamin C. It helps strengthen blood vessels, has antioxidant properties, normalizes cholesterol metabolism. The fiber in the stew activates intestinal motility, preventing constipation.

Stewed cabbage is very useful to include in the diet of the elderly. It has an anti-sclerotic effect. Fiber reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, cabbage has a laxative effect. Constipation often occurs in older people.

This dish has a beneficial effect on the immune system, increases the efficiency of the body. This is achieved due to the high content of vitamin C. Scientists have found that stewed cabbage reduces the likelihood of breast cancer, because it contains indole-tri-carbinol. This substance is known for its strong anticarcinogenic properties.

Stewed cabbage is desirable to include in the diet in the offseason. It will compensate for the lack of vitamin C. To provide the body with a daily dose of this vitamin, it is necessary to include 200 grams of the product in the menu. In addition to vitamins, cabbage contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. This dish protects the retina from negative impact ultraviolet.

Harm of stewed cabbage

There are contraindications in which eating stewed cabbage is undesirable:

  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • enterocolitis;
  • intestinal spasms;
  • increased acidity;
  • transferred operations on the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney disease.

When eating this dish, a person may experience increased pain from irritation of the mucous membrane and intestines.

It is worth remembering that cabbage is not combined with dairy products. Their interaction may cause indigestion.

The taste of stewed cabbage is familiar to everyone. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the essence is the same - stewed cabbage is very healthy and tasty, it can go with main dishes or be used on its own. put out delicious vegetable at home is very simple and cheap. This option suitable for those who for some reason cannot eat fresh cabbage. Is stewed cabbage useful, are there any contraindications to its use? Let's try to understand this issue.

The composition and calorie content of the product

Cabbage is an inexpensive and affordable vegetable that can be purchased at any time of the year. The vegetable is used fresh, it is wetted, fermented, salted. Most of all they prefer stewed product. Cooking cabbage this way is quick and easy. It is not necessary to use a white variety, it can be broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. The dish is easy to make varied and more attractive in taste: they add meat products, sausage, vegetables. The main and invariable ingredients for preparing a stew are as follows: finely chopped cabbage, onions, tomatoes, any vegetable oil, salt and spices. Depending on the spices used, a different taste is obtained.

The product has a high content of vitamins and minerals. Stewed cabbage boasts a high concentration of vitamin B2, there are also vitamins C, K, E, A, PP and others. Among the mineral components, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fiber, lactose, and sulfur are distinguished. Vitamin-mineral complexes have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, accelerate metabolic processes, and strengthen the vascular walls. Vitamin PP prevents vasospasm, which has a beneficial effect on health with frequent headaches, attacks of cholecystitis.

Braised cabbage is a low-calorie product.

On average, one hundred grams of a dish contains only one hundred kilocalories. Adding other ingredients changes the calorie content. Mushrooms and stewed vegetable differ in low calorie content, but cabbage with meat approaches five hundred kilocalories in one hundred grams.

The use of onion peel for healing the body

The benefits of stewed cabbage for the human body

The product has a positive effect on the body. This is manifested in the following changes:

  • the body is saturated with vitamins and microelements;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • the product is a prevention of oncological neoplasms;
  • improves intestinal peristalsis;
  • constipation prevention;
  • there is a normalization of the nervous system;
  • protection of the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • increases the production of gastric juice;
  • immunity is activated;
  • prevention of sclerotic changes;
  • increases the activity and efficiency of a person.

With excess body weight, nutritionists recommend eating cabbage stewed in a small amount of oil or water. If there are no contraindications, you can replace dinner and lunch with a stew. As a result, body weight stabilizes, you can lose up to five kilograms per month. It is necessary to sit on a cabbage diet no longer than five to seven days, after which you need to take a break for a few days.

  • diabetes;
  • frequent constipation;
  • digestive problems;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • malfunctions of the immune system.

The benefits of cabbage for the elderly

Older people need special nutrition, and the older the person, the higher the requirements. The gastrointestinal tract of older people does not work as well as it used to. Many foods are not fully digested, and heavy meals cause discomfort and disruption of digestive functions. The product has anti-sclerotic properties, this is achieved thanks to vitamins C, A, E and their antioxidant capacity. The systematic use of stewed cabbage reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic vascular changes. In addition, the product weakens and persons prone to constipation note an improvement in their condition.

Cabbage stewed in a small amount of oil is a dietary product and prevents weight gain. The components of the product have a positive effect on the immune system and contribute to the activation of its work. The body is filled with vitamins, which are many in the stew. The ability of cabbage to prevent the risk of breast cancer has scientific justification. The product is rich in indole-tri-carbinol, which prevents cell pathology and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

White cabbage is a vegetable rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, as well as minerals and fiber, and due to its long shelf life, cabbage can be consumed throughout the year. Also no less useful is stewed cabbage containing a large number of useful substances.

Photo Shutterstock

Stewed cabbage is a low-calorie dish that is rich in vitamin B2, which can normalize energy metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and skin condition, as well as vitamin PP, which strengthens the vascular walls, and also has a vasodilating effect. 200 grams of stewed cabbage contains daily rate vitamin C, which has pronounced antioxidant properties, promotes cholesterol metabolism and strengthens blood vessels. The composition of stewed cabbage also includes fiber, which enhances the efficiency of the intestines and, as a result, eliminates the occurrence of constipation, as well as correctly lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.

100 grams of the finished product contains approximately 20 kilocalories

Braised cabbage - very healthy dish for the elderly, as it has anti-sclerotic properties, and this, thanks to antioxidants (E, A and C), can prevent the development of atherosclerosis. White cabbage is a vegetable of the cruciferous family, which contains indole-tri-carbinol, which has an anticarcinogenic effect, in particular, on the development of estrogen-dependent tumors. That is why it reduces the risk of breast cancer.

It is better to stew cabbage with carrots and onions, and season with unrefined sunflower oil, so the dish will be tastier, more aromatic and healthier.

And finally, stewed cabbage is a source of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as many useful vitamins.

For example, to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin C, it is enough to consume 200 grams of the product.