Ritual with poppy from enemies. The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation. Poppy spells for good luck at work

Since ancient times, it has been customary to use food for magical purposes. Firstly, you do not need to worry about searching for attributes, and secondly, they can be found in every home. Quite often one of these products is poppy. If earlier it was used only as an ingredient in baking, now it is one of the most basic magical ingredients. For example, the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova uses this food product in almost most of her rituals.

On this moment time, the poppy plot is not presented in one version. With its help, it is easy to solve problems with the financial situation, with love troubles, and even recover from diseases. No need to look for a special poppy. The magic uses the most common food poppy, which is sold publicly in grocery stores.

brief information

Rites that contain poppy can be performed not only by professional magicians. This can be done by ordinary people at home and on their own. In order to properly conduct the ritual, you do not need to have great knowledge in the field of magic. You just need to find the right option, and follow all the instructions. You also need to understand what is at stake, and bring faith into every spoken word. Magical help is based on faith. If you do not believe, then the result will not be achieved.

If you turn to magic just for the sake of experiment or joke, then this can lead to unforeseen and negative consequences. Is it dangerous. As a result, you will get problems that will become much more difficult to solve. And then you have to seek help from a specialist. That's just not the fact that he will correct your mistakes. Therefore, before using magic, think about the possible negative consequences.

If you go to the church on Makovey and consecrate the poppy, you can enhance its effect many times over.

Rite rules

In order to help yourself in solving any kind of problem, you must remember the most basic rules that magic puts forward.

  1. Do not violate the principle of the ritual. It is necessary to follow strictly according to the instructions. In such cases, you reduce the likelihood that the result will be of poor quality. Also, you minimize the consequences that may arise in the future.
  2. Pay attention to which rite is used. Since they are all different, the ingredients should be selected according to the chosen method.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the type of poppy used. In some methods, the type of product is prescribed. If you have chosen a method where there is no exact indication, then it is better to use a mixture.
  4. It is necessary to pay attention not only to general form, but also poppy color. You should not replace the gray poppy with other colors, and vice versa.
  5. Conduct rituals only on the days that are provided for their implementation.
  6. Eating a charmed poppy is prohibited.

Conspiracy for financial gain

If you need to attract money, then use the following ritual. Place the cloth on the table. It is desirable that it be green. With soap, you need to outline a circular figure on the fabric, in the center of which the poppy should be located. On a pile of seeds, draw a cross with your hand, then pronounce the slander.

“In the distant ocean you can see a large island. Our God and the Virgin Mary live on it. I'm going to visit them. I will come to them with respect and faith. My bows will speak of it. I will ask the Mother of God for help to teach me how to make a profit. She once walked the earth and bought bread. Without money, it is now impossible to buy bread, sew clothes, or buy church candles. Please help me to get this sum of money how many poppy seeds I put on this fabric. Raising money is one of my problems. Amen".

Divide the charmed poppy into two piles. One part should be poured into the wallet. Pour another part into the bathroom room temperature where you put your feet. Now repeat the already spoken conspiracy. Stay in the water for a few more minutes, while imagining that finances are coming to you from all sides.

A conspiracy to improve trade

During the growing moon, be sure on Thursday, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a small towel. The towel should be spread out on the counter in the store. You need to pour the entire volume of poppy on it, and speak it with the following words:

“Every time someone steps on a charmed poppy, this person will immediately start buying from me. Amen".

The slander is read at least nine or twelve times. It all depends on the desired result. Every day, before you start trading, sprinkle poppy seeds on the doorstep of the store. The effect of the performed ritual will be achieved only for a month, before the next time the moon will grow. A month later, the ritual must be repeated.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye

Consecrate the poppy in the temple. It is better to do it on Makovey. With the sunrise over it, you need to read a slander:

The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“Birds are very fond of poppies. So it is with me, the servant of God (your name), let all single men love me. Birds cannot live without poppies, let my betrothed only love me. That there were no other women in his life. I alone should be in his heart and in his thoughts. Let the man who is dear to my heart look for me all over the world. My man must love me and cherish me. Let him not notice anyone but me. I am a beautiful girl, let every potential groom pay attention to me. This is nowhere to go. I myself will choose. Amen".

A charmed poppy for love needs to be poured into the garment of the desired man. The result is achieved in a short time. Literally in a week your personal life will be arranged as you wished.

A conspiracy to trade and good luck so that the business flourishes read on poppy

Conspiracies and magic for trade and business that improve trade helped the seller to quickly sell the goods and increase the turnover of money, bringing good revenue. Today, many people work in trade and selling goods is their job. The competition is great and the question of how to make sure that you get mac simum profit from your business every day forces you to go to tricks of the trade and use magical means and magic from the book of Vanga and other healers and magicians. As a rule, this trade conspiracies which belong to white magic, therefore, do not have any negative consequences, and one of these methods is conspiracy for successful trading on poppy .

conspiracy to trade on poppy

Conspiracies for successful trading with the help of poppy magic and a simple magical rite quickly attract buyers by luring them from competitors. Therefore, if your business and sales go from bad to worse, effective conspiracies for successful, successful trading able to quickly fix the problem. Popular with experienced sellers ritual for trading with the use of poppy seeds made at the workplace right on the counter. To do it right ritual for poppy on Thursday, during the waxing moon, pour poppy seeds into a handkerchief spread on the counter. You need to pour so much poppy so that it is enough for the entire lunar month, because the rite for poppy implies its daily scattering on the floor in front of the counter. Every day before the start of trading, you need to perform a ceremony with poppies - throw three pinches of poppy in the place where buyers most often go. So, spreading a scarf with a poppy on the counter, read 9 times conspiracy words for successful trading :

How many poppy seeds I have and they can not be counted,

So my customers can not be counted.

How does a person step on this poppy,

So I have all the goods will buy.

Poppy magic is strong, because he has more than one head.

Tie a charmed poppy in a scarf and store it at the workplace in a secluded place, not forgetting to sprinkle poppy seeds every day in a passageway so that improve your trade and attract a buyer to your product with the help of a poppy conspiracy .

Good conspiracies for trade and a quick sale of your goods that you can read on your own are very rare. If you read strong conspiracy for sale, magic will help you quickly sell any stale goods at the highest price: things, a house, land, a car or an apartment. A simple rite of magic will begin to work on the day when you read a conspiracy for good luck in trading and attracting

Prayer for the work of the seller provides instant help to the seller and is read daily for good luck in trading. This is the strongest trading prayer of the seller for good trade, which was passed from mouth to mouth among merchants and merchants. It is this old prayer of the seller that is able to sell everything you need very quickly at the highest price. Conspiracy - a prayer for trade is possible

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in trading is often read by sellers so that every day trading is successful and there is no end to buyers. Orthodox prayer St. Nicholas for good trade is aimed at good sales of any product and attracting cash buyers. No matter what type of activity you are engaged in: real estate sales, stock exchange or small retail,

Prayer for help in trading matters Seraphim of Sarov needs to be read daily for good and successful trading. This strong Orthodox prayer is read by people whose activities are aimed at selling. These are realtors, sellers and even exchange workers, all whose activities are at least somehow connected with trade before the start of the sale they pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov. Orthodox

Strong prayer for trading is the best way to get help in trading by turning to prayer for the help of white church magic. This strong prayer about trade allows you to improve trading affairs in a store or in a market - a bazaar, if you need to quickly and successfully sell goods for a profit, read this prayer for good trading and it will definitely help you. Who needs to pray for

Who to pray for good trading? The strongest Orthodox prayer for trade is addressed to the patron saint of trade, John Sochavsky. The icon for successful trading helps in trading and selling all goods if it is located directly at the trading place: market, shop, office. The Orthodox prayer for successful trading is intended for daily reading in case of

All Orthodox prayers for trade are strong word magic that has a quick effect on the sale of any product. If you urgently need to sell a house, apartment, car or product on the market, in a store and find a good buyer, this rare Vanga prayer for trade quickly helps in selling your product. Orthodox prayer for trade addressed to a specific Saint

A conspiracy to trade and good luck so that the business flourishes read on poppy REVIEWS WHO DID:

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Conspiracies, love spells and prayers for all occasions

Conspiracy to trade on poppy. Read a strong conspiracy to trade on a poppy so that trade goes well


Conspiracies for excellent trade and business always read by successful people, that's just to talk about a ritual that attracts buyers and customers for the quick sale of goods is not accepted. Conspiracies on will tell this a strong conspiracy for good luck in trading and good sales, which you will not find in any books - Vanga told the conspiracy to trade only a few times! A conspiracy for good trading and good luck in business should be read on a poppy. Magic ritual with poppy seeds independently made on the counter for which you trade. On any day on the waxing moon, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a new handkerchief to read the plot to trade.

How to conduct a ceremony on a poppy for good and successful trading

Spread a handkerchief on the counter and pour the whole poppy on it 9 times, read the plot for good trade, read strictly on the poppy:

How unmeasured and countless poppies,

So there will be so many buyers for my product.

All those who step on scattered poppy seeds,

Be sure to buy my goods for themselves and friends.

I exchange goods for money with profit, I glorify God.

After that, you need to scatter a little charmed poppy every morning near your counter, where people usually walk. As soon as people step on a scattered and charmed poppy, it will attract the attention and interest of buyers, forcing potential customers to buy your product.

Strong trade conspiracies that you need to read for good luck in trade and any business related to sales, said Vanga. The strongest conspiracy to improve trade told by Vanga should be read for sugar once a week (the best day is Wednesday), on next week the plot must be repeated. Salespeople large and small believe in the power of magic, especially when it comes to luck at work. Many people associated with sales use a trade plot that will attract a buyer and raise income, while leaving the price stable. There are many traders, but without magic, it is not possible for many to sell their goods profitably. This conspiracy from Vanga's book for trading helps many sellers quickly

Rituals and conspiracies for trade and good business help merchants quickly and profitably sell any product. In order for your trading to be successful and luck to help you in trading allows you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit, you need to read the strongest conspiracy on your own every day before opening and conduct a ritual for trading in salt. To attract customers, salt must be taken from the salt shaker every time everything that is in the salt shaker at home. In the morning before the opening of the store (outlet), take the salt you brought with you in your hand and throw it right hand over the left shoulder quickly saying a plot on

All the conspiracies and prayers that need to be read every day for brisk trade and business will bring a daily increase in sales in the market and in the store. The seller who performed the rite so that the trade goes better will quickly grow profits and after reading the conspiracy and prayer, you can sell everything you need quickly and profitably. Prayer for a brisk trade helps to lure the buyer and quickly sell the goods. If, after a prayer, you read a conspiracy to brisk trade from Vanga, which helps to remove all competitors with magic and lure their customers to you. It will not be a secret for anyone that almost all sellers want to sell all their goods as soon as possible, and when there are many competitors around, prayer for an increase

In order to improve trade quickly and successfully sell all goods, Vanga advised reading this ancient conspiracy of successful merchants that attracts a buyer and turns any sale into a good trade. Also, to improve sales, any seller in a store or tent should have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who helped many people raise their business and improve sales. You need to read the conspiracy to trade on any piece of fabric that should be brushed off the “dust” from the counter. At the moment when you wipe the counter or shop window, read an ancient and very strong conspiracy on

If you want to use magic to make sure that you always have success in trading and the profit from the sale grows every day, read this old conspiracy of a successful seller on your own. A conspiracy to trade well and attract buyers needs to be read every day and he will make sure that competitors do not have trade and all buyers and clients line up for you. On the very first day of the ceremony, you will see how great the power of money magic is and how quickly your trading business will grow, bringing more and more profit. The plot is read on the largest coin that is in your wallet before the start of the working day and the start

All sellers know how easy it is to frighten off luck in trading and jinx the goods that the buyer will be “empty”. In order for your goods to always sell well, to have a good trade and each customer becomes a regular customer, you need good protection from the evil eye and envy. Trade protection is done once a month on the 19th for the most common penny. By performing this simple action, no one will ever jinx your product and you will always have a good buyer. You need to take any penny in your hand and cross yourself, the counter and the product with it, read a good white conspiracy that protects the product and you from

If you need to sell all the goods quickly and with the highest profit, take a piece with you rye bread and when you come to work, where you trade three times, say a conspiracy to trade for bread. After reading the “good seller” conspiracy, the charmed piece of bread must be eaten. You will be surprised how buyers will flow to you and start buying your product without haggling, even if the price of a similar one from your neighbor is cheaper than yours. A conspiracy for bread for a successful trade that you need to read on the working

Vanga's white magic recommends reading this strong trade conspiracy and conducting a special ceremony, after which any product will be sold well and very quickly and good luck in trading will never leave you. When luck in trading turned away, sales fell and the buyer passes by, you urgently need to read the conspiracy for good trading told by Vanga. You must independently conduct a magical rite for good trading and read the conspiracy to trade from Vanga's book. For the ceremony, you need a new handkerchief and a nickel. Wrap it in a scarf and put a nickel (or a 5 ruble coin) in your left pocket after saying a conspiracy to it 12 times for good trading and good luck in

This is the most powerful prayer for trade that has been passed from mouth to mouth and is able to sell any stale goods very quickly with the biggest profit for you. Conspiracy - a prayer for trade can be read as many times as needed (at least every day) and there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, after reading a prayer for sale, your business will only flourish and bring great profits. If you urgently need to sell something quickly and profitably, go to church, put a candle on any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray. Reading the following prayer

For profit growth and good trading, every day you need to read a conspiracy for honey, which will lure buyers and trade will go more fun, bringing more money (profit). Those who are constantly involved in sales know that some sellers sell bad goods better and buyers constantly stand in line, this is magic. A special rite of daring sellers has no consequences - this is not black magic, but a white magical rite for good trading. If, before selling, you do everything as they say conspiracies on and read a special conspiracy for good sales from a young merchant, then your product will be sold first, even if the neighbor has a look and price much

A strong white conspiracy to improve trade will help to remove the evil eye and damage from the trading place and improve trade, which does not have bad consequences. Read this trading conspiracy - you need to pray for holy water when you come to your workplace. Having finished reading the prayer for trade, take holy water in your mouth and sprinkle it over the workplace (counter). Pour the remaining water where people (buyers and potential customers) walk. Put a coin from a glass spelled on holy water in your left pocket, it will attract money buyers and avert the evil eye. For a ritual to attract a buyer and increase profits, you need to pour holy water into a clean glass of water and

Prayers for good and successful trading are read by all sellers of services and goods. You can find out which of the prayers for trading to increase sales is the strongest, you can only read all the prayers in turn (on different days). Only in this way can you figure out an effective prayer to attract buyers and customers and increase sales and profits that is right for your business. This method will help you determine which patron saint to trade your merchandise will best help you increase your sales. Vanga said that there are saints and icons helping people on their life path. For business, you need to read prayers to the Saints who help in trade, this is Spiridon,

Conspiracy for poppy seeds

Magicians and psychics use the most different products nutrition. So, poppy was widely used among sorcerers.

To date, more than one poppy conspiracy is known, with which you can correct your financial situation, solve love affairs or improve your health. The most common poppy is used to perform rituals; you can find it in any grocery store.

Conspiracies, where the poppy plays a leading role, can be carried out not only by powerful sorcerers. So, an ordinary person can also cast spells, it is enough to put all his energy and faith into the spoken words. Magic will only help if the person believes in it and trusts it. A playful or frivolous use of magic can cause unpleasant consequences.

By consecrating the poppy in the church on the holiday of Makovey, you will increase the power of the plant.

Mac is not simple plant, and this was noted by people in ancient times. By imposing a conspiracy on poppy seeds, you can use its energy and strength, which increases significantly after consecration on the holiday of Poppy. A plant under the influence of magic is able to return a husband, charm a loved one, solve financial problems and much more.

How to make a conspiracy

To conduct a ceremony for money, love or trade with the help of a poppy, you need to know about some of the rules and conditions for its performance. So, the ritual should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, without violating it. Rites from each other may differ in the ways of creation. From a careful study of the instructions and the exact observance of the sequence of actions, the effectiveness of the rite will depend, whether it is for love, money or trade.

If the instructions do not specify exactly which poppy should be chosen for the ceremony, then it is best to take a mixed mixture. If the color is specified (black, gray), it is necessary to use it. It is allowed to perform the ceremony only on the days allotted for it, while the word order in the spell cannot be changed, as well as removing and adding words to the text.

How to spell love and tune in to successful trading

Among the abundance of various conspiracies carried out through the poppy, rituals against the betrayal of a husband, love spells and lapels, as well as rituals for money and attracting successful trade are very popular. Such magic should be used very carefully, as it can cause consequences.

So, if the spouse begins to look at other women, it is enough to conduct a very effective ceremony. It should be carried out at the time of the husband's stay at home. The wife will need to quietly slip out of the apartment and lay a poppy path in front of the entrance, saying magic words three times, then return home. The spouse should be the first to cross the poppy line, and adultery on the part of the husband will be stopped in advance.

For successful trading, the ritual is performed on Thursday, while the Moon must be in a growing phase.

The merchant is advised to purchase a handkerchief and a glass of poppy. On this day, from the very morning, a scarf should be spread on the counter where trade is carried out and the available poppy should be poured onto it. The seeds are spoken 9 times, after which they are poured onto the territory near the counter.

You can bewitch a lover or beloved if you pour this person a charmed poppy into a bag or clothes. It is recommended to speak seeds on Wednesdays or Fridays on the growing moon. Moreover, the words of the conspiracy clearly make it clear that it is necessary to use gray seeds in the ritual.

Will there be retribution?

Any conspiracy requires retribution over time, because they come to help in solving a particular problem. higher power. So, the most severe consequences can affect the performer of a love spell or his victim.

In this case, it is possible that the victim (beloved person) will soon hate the performer of the rite.

rituals to improve financial condition at some point, they can come back to haunt the performer with severe poverty and begging. A person who once corrected financial affairs through a conspiracy may lose a large amount of money, suddenly find himself in debt, or completely lose his property.

Religious reading: a prayer that the enemy does not succeed in helping our readers.

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the intrigues of these people can seriously spoil our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of filth, intrigue and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help to escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rites - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. Getting rid of the enemies is hard, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy, protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

How to pacify ill-wishers

There are enough enemies and envious people in everyday life. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, causing them to suffer and suffer. There's a proven plot to get you out of your insecurities and make your enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

"If bad person(the name is called) on God's servant (your name) or a cow, a dog, my horse will covet, then he will forever be unhappy. I collect sand from the sea, I take your anger. The trees cannot be counted and all the water of the sea cannot be drunk, so this man cannot defeat me. Let the evil man break the joints like roots God's power breaks in the forest. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magic neutralization of the enemy

Some especially powerful rites designed to make the offender afraid of you. Such conspiracies are read from enemies once, with the right hand placed on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who interfere with your life, mentally cast a spell:

“Not me to suffer, but you. From an evil thought, Lord, protect me, take black deeds away. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are wax. From intrigues and unnecessary evil, my prayer is strong. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai."

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who have decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious and spiteful critics who interfere with career advancement, get their photos. In order for the spell from ill-wishers at work to be effective, the picture must be individual. You would not want to black magic did bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of which is your sworn enemy. To perform a magical rite, take scissors and remove unnecessary characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wind it harder on the extracted photo. The thread against enemies at work should be woolen. The order of actions:

  1. Cast a spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots is enough for you).
  3. Say the phrase: "I go and say - so be it."
  4. After reading the plot on the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. Conspiracies from ill-wishers are different, they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Spells are read to some spiteful critics for food, to others - for three candles. Here full text"working" spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that for many adversaries the undertakings come to a standstill. Let (the mention of a name or names) take their hands off me, they do not achieve their task. I wind the black thread, I wish to exterminate the enemy. Let (the name of the enemy) suffer from envy, but he cannot take away my strength. Forever will stray, lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

With a powerful conspiracy, you will protect yourself from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both on the Slavs and on representatives of other peoples. The main thing is to know the name of a potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, earthly and water forces, tell me how to get rid of the envious. I will lead the Guardian Angel to battle, all his strength will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly host, to cope with an unpleasant person. Whoever thinks evil - stop, who gets rid of me - warn. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief, you can put the enemy to a standstill, prevent his aggressive actions. This is a strong defense against enemies, but you need to cast a spell before leaving the apartment. Pay attention to a number of points:

  • we speak the handkerchief in a whisper;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before going to work;
  • after wiping your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the rite is repeated daily;
  • the spell can restore health, ward off damage and create good conditions for business.

A scarf will create a bunch of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and sudden guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What is stuck will turn into a scarf.

Rite with poppy seeds

A poppy conspiracy is considered a preventive rite - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. At the same time, the status of a person and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Pour the poppy into a clay container.
  3. Cross food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - it is enough to toss the grains into the pocket of a jacket or shirt. You can do this when the guest wants to go to the toilet. With a well-wisher, everything will be in order, and a potential enemy will have problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought was born, immediately returned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals something, damn it.”

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. A candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual, you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross and drink water, light candles and start reading the prayer:

“Lord, save me from intrigues and networks, insidious notions and evil ideas, swords and poisons. May the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and enemy will not strike me. Hot words, false promises, a sinking wave wild animal and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, from early death, sickness and an inverted cross will protect me. Fuck me. Amen".

return hex

There are slanders, popularly referred to as "boomerangs". The following spell is recited mentally in the face of an enemy arguing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Mentally pronounce the slander.
  3. Seeing the fear in the eyes of the opponent, add: "It will return to you."

Hex-return works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“Mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts - in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a charm from enemies

Experienced healers recommend conspiracies so that enemies are afraid to combine with the manufacture of magical artifacts. Get loose gray poppy and proceed to the ceremony on Thursday. Important point: change in the store when buying a poppy is not taken. The protective poppy itself crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“Behind the shoulders of a month, before the eyes of the sun is red. If the adversary conceived a dangerous one, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll out, gray poppy, to my enemies to ruin and the plans of vile ruin. Key and lock with tongue. Evil is escaping. Amen".

We have given the simplest and most effective rites, since ancient times used by our ancestors in everyday life. There are also more complex conspiracies pronounced at midnight or on major Religious holidays. Some rituals fall under the category of dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

How I got rid of herpes with lipstick

Hi all! Previously, for 6 years I suffered from herpes. Rashes were every month. Based on my experience with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs help well at first, and then the effect of the treatment disappears. She was observed in a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment was ineffective. A lot of money spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick from herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now not a hint of herpes!

How to protect yourself from enemies?

None of us is immune from ill-wishers. However, from time immemorial, people who practice magic have a lot of various ways resist negative influences.

From childhood, we all remember different fairy tales, Where main character, putting on a magic hat, became invisible and invulnerable. And, most likely, the people who created these stories, under the cap of invisibility, meant the charmed hats used by the people, which helped protect themselves from ill-wishers.

Strong conspiracies from enemies help to make ill-wishers and envious people afraid to harm you, help to punish or take revenge on a bad person.

Features of the impact of magical rituals

Using special rituals, you can significantly reduce the level of negative impact and get rid of various kinds of troubles. It is clear that each individual person has very different enemies. But the essence of their impact, as a rule, is to harm.

Someone is trying to provoke hopeless situations, someone is trying to create problems at work, someone wants to take revenge. Regardless of what goals the enemy pursues, a conspiracy from enemies is relevant in any situation.

Remember that even the use of black magic will not help you radically change the attitude of the ill-wisher: he will still treat you negatively. However, a correctly executed conspiracy from the enemy will help protect yourself from negativity and prevent you from having a negative impact on your destiny or doing harm in business, work or personal life.

Different conspiracies on the enemy have different effects:

Such rituals help to get rid of negative influence other people, remove the consequences of the evil eye or other negative impact.

  • rituals to identify ill-wishers.

    Conspiracies of this type allow you to recognize the most dangerous type of enemies - those who conduct their activities on the sly, without betraying a negative attitude towards you.

  • rituals to get rid of enemies.

    In this case, your enemy will forget that he wanted to harm or take revenge. Prayers of this type universal remedy from ill-wishers, which has a slight effect and does not apply to black magic.

  • rituals and prayers that allow you to punish enemies or avenge them for the evil done.

    These rituals belong to black magic and can be used only in the most extreme cases, so as not to incur the consequences of such an impact on oneself.

  • Against enemies, the rituals of the Siberian healer, prayers for salt, conspiracies for a hat and other magical rites are considered very effective and effective, thanks to which protection is enhanced or it becomes possible to get rid of or punish ill-wishers.


    Even if you do not know your enemies by sight and do not observe negative phenomena in your life, protection from enemies will not be superfluous.

    As a rule, such rituals and prayers are read on hats, pins, or on other items that are always with you.

    A conspiracy from enemies to a pin

    To protect yourself from negative influences and remove any possibility of failure in various endeavors, the following rite of the Siberian healer is used. On a new pin, say the words of the prayer three times:

    “I burn, I prick, I cut, I drive away enemies!

    After that, pin a pin on your clothes and make sure that you always have it with you.

    Hat protection

    This ritual also helps to protect oneself from negative influences and is used against enemies. On a hat or other head device, the words of the amulet of a Siberian healer are read:

    “The hat is now my protection.

    While I am in it, I will be stronger than my enemies!

    And let their slander pass me by!

    It is advisable to speak all the hats that you wear. In this case, the protection will be greatly enhanced, and the ill-wishers will not achieve their goals.

    Such rituals help to get rid of enemies, protecting and protecting a person. In addition, if you take care in advance by performing one of these simple rituals, then you will not have to turn to black magic later to bring punishment or revenge to life.

    When the ill-wisher is unknown

    Sometimes it happens that everything in life does not go well and does not stick. Quite often, the reason may be a negative attitude towards you of a person who does not openly demonstrate his intentions. In such a situation, a conspiracy against enemies will help.

    By the light of lit candles during the waning month, read the words of the prayer three times:

    “Lord God, protect me, my relatives, my shelter!

    Save my work, my work from enemies visible and secret,

    From everyone I know, whose names I list, but from whom I suffer!

    Protect me, protect me, protect me.

    If the troubles do not stop, then the ceremony can be repeated several times a week. With it, you can get rid of enemies without resorting to black magic, protect yourself from ill-wishers at work and exclude such people from your circle of friends.

    Rite from the enemy

    Such a conspiracy against enemies is quite strong and is done when you know the name of the enemy, and you want to limit his activities regarding you, without resorting to such radical methods as revenge or punishment.

    To perform the ritual, you will need three candles. At midnight on a waning month, place them in front of you.

    Looking at the flame of the central candle, clasp your hands and say the magic words:

    “How the devil does not tolerate and cannot endure the sight of God,

    Fire can't stand water, body can't stand arrows,

    So that I, the servant of God (name), do not see, do not hear the servant of God (name).

    Close to me, so as not to come up, I did not say a bad word,

    He did not intrigue against me!

    I didn’t crush, I didn’t scold, I didn’t curse, I didn’t bother!

    So that they don’t remember about me, how the dead lie and sing

    They don't hear the church, they don't see the sun,

    So the servant of God (name) did not remember me and did not know!

    Repeat the words of the conspiracy nine times, then leave the candles to burn out on their own. This conspiracy helps to get rid of one particular ill-wisher, who can weave intrigues at work, invade personal life. However, after performing this ritual, everything will stop.

    Rite for revenge

    Only in the most extreme cases can black magic be used. Conspiracies to take revenge on the enemy are very dangerous and are considered corruption. And inducing damage, as you know, can negatively affect both the enemy and the person who decided to punish the enemy.

    For this ceremony, you will need a few hairs of the enemy, two candles and scissors. Light candles late at night. Taking the hairs of the victim in your hands, cut them into several parts with scissors with the words:

    “I cut, I cut, I punish the slave (name)!

    So that all my troubles go away to him, all troubles follow him!

    So that all the evil that he did to me, he himself returned!

    Yes, it turned out even stronger, but everything did not go quickly!

    I cut, I cut, I make the fate of the slave (name) look like mine!

    So that all sins turn into misfortunes for the villain!

    "Burn everything, burn everything, my word is strong!"

    In the fight against enemies and ill-wishers, the use of magic is considered an effective and efficient method. A strong rite will help not only get rid of the enemy and minimize his intrigues and negative impact, but also protect a person from possible troubles at work or in his personal life, which may be the result of the activities of your opponent.

    In addition, using conspiracies, you can take revenge on the enemy for any trouble. However, such rituals should be treated with caution: the consequences of these rituals are very diverse and may affect the performer.

    Not every plant is endowed with the ability to ward off evil spirits, protect from witches, sorcerers. But poppy is the owner of superpowers. Ancestors used the flower even before the adoption of Christianity. This is an important attribute for magical rituals. More often use the grains of a ripe plant.

    The poppy conspiracy can be read in different interpretations. Witches advise using seeds, both consecrated in the church and collected on certain days. The variety of poppy rituals, the creation of amulets, protective materials impress experienced fans of magic and beginners in esoteric arts.

    Poppy conspiracies will help in any situation

    Poppy charmed in a special way was used in practice not only by the Slavs. The plant was discovered repeatedly during excavations of ancient civilizations in Switzerland and Greece. In ancient countries BC. e., such as:

    • Egypt;
    • Assyria;
    • Babylon;
    • Byzantium.

    The rite for poppy seeds was read to attract love and improve trade, from dirty neighbors and the return of a loved one from the battlefield. All nations attributed to him not only power as a protection. The flower was called a symbol of fertility, idle life, beauty and youth.

    For many, the scarlet flower brought success and happiness. The possibilities of this unique plant do not end there. Many rites and rituals have been lost, but for a modern person they would be useless. These include: from the sword and attack on the ground, from the arrow.

    The main magical abilities, especially if the charmed poppy was grown specifically for magical rituals, include:

    1. Protection from enemies. In cases where the enemy worries with the help of black magic. Poppy seeds can be removed, prevent black effects, such as damage to death. It will be able to punish in a peculiar way the one who made the lining or other black deed.
    2. Will provide a strong plot good trade. Customers will be satisfied with the purchase, and will also bring buyers with them. Poppy is widely used to attract suppliers who will offer a quality product at a low price. And the owner of the store, the merchant will be satisfied with the ritual.
    3. Women who want to get pregnant need to read magical texts on a poppy. The plant has been a symbol of fertility for centuries. If the absence of children was the result of witchcraft, then the ceremony will help neutralize the effect of damage, help remove the consequences forever. The one who suffered from infertility will return health to 100%.
    4. Readings on poppy seeds are able to restore beauty, youth. And also to keep the love of her husband or to ward off a rival.

    How to find love with a poppy

    From separation, to attract strong feelings, a consecrated poppy will definitely help. The grains that are holy on Makovey's day have a special power. Provided that they did not have time to take it to the church for consecration, you can always conduct a ceremony at home: sprinkle it with holy water. Luck in love or bewitch will help poppy plus salt. Such a mixture will protect from the enemy, remove damage. The texts are different.

    Problems with creating a family, finding a loved one are complicated against the background of damage to beauty, luck, health. Poppy spelled with salt prevents even the strongest slander. Returns luck, money. The enemy, the envious person, the person who sent the negative, will face sad consequences. When using poppy magic, one cannot read texts with hatred, envy or anger. All deeds return like a boomerang.

    Both ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. If salt and poppy seeds have already been consecrated in the church, then no additional action is required. While mixing (stir with three fingers of the left hand), say the words learned by heart:

    “When you, the villain (name of the mistress), find each grain and collect it back in the bag, then my beloved, (name of the spouse), will leave me. Amen".

    To return the love of her husband

    Mac will also help.

    The rite does not bring good luck in love, but returns feelings that have lost their power. The reason is usually become a rival. The mother-in-law can also be the culprit. Poppy with honey and pepper additives is an excellent neutralizer of negative energy to destroy feelings.

    At sunset, prepare a special mixture of three components. While mixing, read the following plot:

    “The villainous snake (name) should not stand in my way. My dear cannot be taken away. As you step on a poppy, you will forever yield love to me! Amen!"

    The same conspiracy is read to eliminate the enemy. With the prepared mixture, you need to lubricate your husband's things, your own. Can be applied to the ceiling front door. If you know where the apartment of the rival, the enemy, then put a cross with a poppy mixture just above the middle of the door.

    Mac hexes for work

    For quiet work, use the options for a conspiracy that will close the eyes of ill-wishers, bosses. They will help you when looking for a job, before the interview. To do this, at dawn, the seeds are poured from one hand to another with the words:

    “Poppy is not dew. The pocket is not empty. Work for the servant of God was found. Amen".

    Poppy seeds will help to make workers listen to the opinion at work

    So that no one does badly, and the workers listen to the opinion, we read on the seeds:

    “The sun is shining from the sky. Hello to anyone on earth. Mac it caressed, bequeathed its strength to me. I order the grains to sit in the bag. Strictly look around. Whoever plans evil against me, they will confuse his thoughts. Whoever says an offensive word will be punished by poppy seeds! be according to this, according to my mind! Amen!"

    The conspiracy brings money, and at work, employees will stop "eating with their eyes", "putting spokes in the wheels." Do the reading in the same way as in the previous case.

    A conspiracy to remove the enemy from his path

    In order not to lose work, in pockets, a bag they carry a well-read and consecrated poppy with the words:

    “Archangel Gabriel walked in heavenly ways. He collected poppy seeds and distributed them to good people. Besov did not endow them. He closed the way to heaven for them. On each grain is the seal of Gabriel. Whoever breaks it, that's the grave! Amen!"

    Mac will also help for good trading

    The poppy conspiracy for a good trade has several text options. You will need to mix poppy and money (coins of the same denomination). The text for fast and successful trading is read three times:

    • when mixing;
    • entering the workplace;
    • while spreading in the corners.

    "Saint George! Give me a strong will! Give a bag of good luck so that no one leaves without shopping! I turn to you, I need help! Mack put on strength to lure thousands of customers! Whoever steps on it will buy my goods! Amen!"

    Conspiracy to attract buyers so that everyone is sold out

    So that customers are satisfied, and the goods disperse, sorcerers recommend mixing red pepper with poppy seeds, scatter them in the corners with the words:

    “Poppy with pepper is good, so that the product has a lot of sense. Spicy powder, get in the bag. You sit under the counter, give me a buyer. You work approximately, so that trade goes perfectly! Amen!"

    The ritual will speed up the sale of an apartment and other real estate, a car. The mixture is scattered indoors, near the threshold of the housing for sale.

    Poppy is a special plant. Attracts money to the house, protects and protects from trouble. You can perform magical rituals on any day of the week. But there are prohibitions on the use and conduct of rituals. It is strictly forbidden to do any manipulations with poppy seeds if a large religious holiday(except for Makovei) and there is a dead man in the house.