Rituals for carnival. Rituals, divination and conspiracies for Maslenitsa and Shrovetide week. Shrovetide holiday Conspiracies for pancakes Shrovetide

Maslenitsa is a holiday famous not only for pancakes. This is a popular time for magical accomplishments. Millions of Slavic girls are waiting for this week of the year to tell fortunes, conduct ceremonies, rituals. Shrovetide conspiracies have been an integral part of traditions for several centuries. Pancake week can turn a person's life upside down, so you should prepare carefully.

Rules and rituals of Shrovetide week

Beating dishes for happiness is not about Shrovetide. Broken plates, cups attract failures in love affairs. Even a small crack in the cup can attract a big crack in the family. Therefore, the first thing to do is to check all the dishes and get rid of the spoiled ones. The girl, who is suitable for marriage by age, is the first to bake pancakes, of which there should be an even number. It will attract love.

It is necessary to pay attention to how the first flour product was prepared. If he stuck to the pan, then this year the girl will not marry, and if it easily comes off, does not tear, then most likely the girl will be called to marry. When preparing pancakes, the girl needs to say the following words:

“Each cake has its own pair. Let me have it too. Amen".

The conspiracy must be repeated for as long as the girl bakes these products.

To find out what awaits someone this year, you need to cook pancakes with different fillings: with cheese, cottage cheese, honey, meat. Put them on a flat dish. Each member of the family chooses a pancake, not knowing which filling is which. Whoever comes across a cheese filling means separation from a loved one awaits him. Curd filling means boredom. Honey is the sweet life. Meat is wealth. For new useful acquaintances, at the table, on one of the Maslenitsa evenings, a person is invited who has not been in this house even once before this moment. The hostess says a prayer:

“A new guest, new successes, new care, easy work, bring more friends, and wait for happiness in your home. Amen".

A woman who wants to have a baby treats nine people to pancakes made by her. It must be strangers. If the first person to whom she gives a treat is a man, then a boy will be conceived, if a woman, then a girl will be born. If you hear the crowing of a rooster three times (one every morning), then the cherished dream will come true. After the third crowing, say:

"Rooster, rooster! Holy Spirit, fulfill my dream this year, please hurry. Amen".

How to behave

For those who have land plot, it will be useful to tell fortunes on the harvest. It is necessary to prepare the seeds of those crops that are planned to be planted this year. They must be planted in a small pot of earth, and say:

“Whatever comes up, comes up; what doesn’t come up, so be it. Amen".

Those seeds that have sprouted will give a good harvest, and those that have not hatched can not even be planted. To check if a husband is faithful, you need to get up early in the morning on Saturday. Go outside and say:

"Shrovetide, Shrovetide, let me know if mine goes to the left to sleep."

After these words, you need to go to the left of the door of the house, standing with your back to it. If the first person you meet along the way is a girl, then there is a chance that the husband will betray. Having met a man, he is faithful.

In case of quarrels in the family, it is necessary on Forgiveness Sunday to get up before the sun. Next, carve three stripes on the threshold with a knife. Then, say:

“Three roads, three ways, anger and anger go away. The family in the world will now heal, joy and happiness will come to our house.

After that, leave the door open until everyone in the house wakes up. It is believed that during this time all the spirits responsible for sowing negativity in family relationships will leave. For those who have pets, a ritual should be performed on their health. You need to go outside with a handful of stove ash. It is necessary to scatter it and say:

Ashes from home. Ailment from (animal name). Water in the house, health in (animal name)."

To keep the summer warm, on Tuesday night, go outside with a pancake in your hands and say a conspiracy:

"I treat you with a pancake, I'm waiting for the summer with warmth."

Leaving the pancake on the ground, you need to go home. In the morning, without finding a treat, it means that a warm summer is guaranteed, and if the pancake lies untouched, it will be a cold summer.

Conspiracy to increase finance

IN Lately Increasingly, the Maslenitsa week serves not only to invite spiritual blessings, but also material ones. A conspiracy to increase the budget can only be made by those people who really have problems with prosperity. The rich, and those who have enough material security, you can not even try, because nothing will come of it. There are several different plots for financial recovery.

  1. Spelled dough is perfect for improving the material side of life. When preparing the dough, you need to read the following prayer: “How much flour is in the dough, so much money is in the house. As milk flows, so does the flow of money. Get rid of evil spirits, add rubles. Amen".
  2. Cooked pancakes must be stacked and placed on the table, in a semicircle. Put 3 candles: opposite, and on the sides. Say the following: “So many pancakes, you can’t count them, so there will be money, let me not get up. So many pancakes - do not count, we have so much money in our family. Amen". You need to repeat the plot three times. Blow out one candle each time. Dishes should be left on the table untouched until the next morning.
  3. On Friday night, go outside and say, “How many stars are there in heaven? How many meters to the moon? How many people sleep now? So much currency in my pocket. Amen".

Love spells

These are the most popular magical rituals. Girls guess, husbands invite themselves.

  1. Test ritual. A girl who wishes to make a verdict on her beloved must cook the dough and pancakes on her own. One batch needs to be loaded. Pouring the dough into the pan, you need to say a prayer: “The sun is clear, the sun is beautiful, you get up early in the morning and give off warmth. Burn the soul (the name of the young man), and kindle love, let his heart beat quicken when my name meets, passion for me wakes up, and rivals are forgotten. Every day the sun rises, my betrothed comes to me. Amen". This plot must be repeated before preparing each pancake from this batch. When the attribute of the holiday is ready, you need to go to visit young man for which the ritual was performed and to treat. The action will begin after the first piece eaten.
  2. ritual at a distance. Not every girl will go to treat her chosen one, because the distance between them can be calculated in kilometers. In that case, there is an alternative spell. When stirring the dough, you need to say the following: “Everyone loves Shrovetide, so you love me. How much hair I have in a braid, you will love me so much. As they look at the clear sun, so you look at me. Shrovetide is beautiful, love (name of the chosen one) me. Mix the dough in a clockwise direction. After cooking, the girl bites off each pancake from this dough once. Then he takes these treats outside and feeds them to the birds.
  3. When there is a crisis in a relationship. Shrovetide has a cleansing quality. Everything bad remains until this holiday, after a new day comes, and you can start everything from clean slate. When a crisis in a relationship comes, Maslenitsa will help you get through it with ease. While preparing the dough, you need to say: “Great Maslenitsa, get rid of adversity, get rid of sadness and unnecessary worries. Let all grievances go away at this very hour. Adversity, loss, will leave us. We are waiting only for happiness to come. May this year be happy. Amen".
  • Ritual to attract money. On the Sabbath day, you can perform an oil ritual aimed at increasing money. You need to take a glass of water and add a few drops of oil. Then throw three coins of different sizes into the glass. Holding a glass in right hand, say: “Money, money, come to me. Come not by yourself, but with an army of friends. Let the debts disperse, the money will be given back, the need will weaken the fight, I will live in abundance. Sinister people will disappear from the wallet, a river of money will appear. Amen". Then, taking out the coins, drink the whole glass of the charmed mixture. Put one of these coins in your wallet, give the other to the first child you meet, and bury the third under a tree in the garden with the words: “When you rot, then you will take my money. Amen".
  • On any day of Maslenitsa, the power of the conspiracy will be total. Magic is increasing these days, and not taking advantage of it would be a mistake. Therefore, think about your own desires and on the eve of the great holiday, you can easily take one more step towards their implementation.

    A lot of ancient magical rites are associated with Maslenitsa. Many conspiracies for Maslenitsa have been preserved since pre-Christian times, when it was celebrated as a holiday for the beginning of the new year and the awakening of the earth after winter. Priests and sorcerers by secret rites tried to promote the fertility of the earth, animals and people. Other rituals were aimed at attracting good luck, wealth and strength in the new cycle. Some of them are still alive today.

    Rituals to attract profit

    At all times, Maslenitsa conspiracies related to attracting money and wealth have been very popular. Their effectiveness has been tested by time, but they will be effective only for hardworking people.

    In addition, you need to understand that in order to attract money to yourself, you need to treat him with respect. You can not carelessly handle paper bills: crumple or crumple. We must always remember the importance of money in a prosperous life and that it is the equivalent of human labor.


    Ancient conspiracy

    If you have the opportunity to be out of town these days, you can use the old Maslenitsa conspiracy to attract profit and prosperity in the new season. To do this, you need to build a large fire and burn some old unnecessary things in it (the more, the better). By getting rid of the old unnecessary property, you thereby symbolically make room for the new.

    At the same time, looking at the fire, repeat:

    “I burn the old, unnecessary,
    New good invite.
    Let all the old go.
    Let the new profit bring.
    Let the unnecessary turn into ashes
    From the ashes will be reborn with new successes!

    At the place of the festivities

    You can attract cash flows by a ceremony that is held at the place of the festivities. It is necessary to visit the place of the national holiday the next day, that is, on Monday. There you need to walk around until you find a coin, and this, in a place of public pastime, will definitely happen.

    The coin should be lifted with the left hand and the following magic words should be spoken:

    “I, the Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) walked (walked) and found money on its way (found it). As I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) came (came) to this money, so let the money come to me in the future by itself. As there were many people at this place on Holy Shrovetide, so may I always have a lot of money. Amen".

    The charmed coin must be hidden in your own house and kept all year round. It will attract money and improve well-being like a magnet. A year later, on Maslenitsa, the coin must be lost again in the same place.

    With the use of snow

    The magic of this holiday will help in the material sphere. On the growing moon, you can read a plot for financial well-being using snow. At the same time, it is better to take snow for the ceremony at the crossroads, and leave a yellow coin there as a ransom. Having brought snow into the house, you need to put it on a dish, then light a green candle.

    Then say the following magic words:

    "As soon as White snow in a wide field it melts, so in a stormy river the water rises. As soon as I, the Servant of God (proper name), go down the street, I will immediately find a job for myself, both for the soul and for money. My word is strong. Each word is tied in a knot - no one will untie it. Amen".

    After the snow melts, you need to touch the melt water with your lips, after which the melt water is thrown out into the street.

    rituals for good luck

    On Maslenitsa, you can use conspiracies to attract good luck in your own life. And, as you know, this concept is associated with the fulfillment of desires and the protection of one's own life from alien influence. But such rituals are effective only if you yourself do not wish harm to others.

    Popular protective conspiracy

    If you feel that you have become a victim of someone's damage or evil eye, or if you suspect that this may happen in the near future, you can use protective conspiracies for Maslenitsa. One of the most popular such conspiracies is done as follows. At the dawn of the first day of Maslenitsa, face the rising Sun.

    Then say:

    “Maslenitsa will protect from all evil,
    Everything evil and bad will turn me away.
    On the first day, every evil eye will be reflected from me.
    On the second day, all corruption will evaporate from me.
    On the third day, the evil plot will be broken into pieces.
    On the fourth day, everything will respond to the offenders.
    On the fifth day, evil thoughts will turn to dust.
    On the sixth day, all my troubles will cease.
    On the seventh, luck and strength will return to me.

    Repeat this plot at the dawn of every day of Maslenitsa. This conspiracy should become your magical armor, protecting you from other people's malice and deceit.

    with pancakes

    You can also try a Shrovetide conspiracy with pancakes, which attracts good luck and averts misfortune. Take the smoothest and prettiest pancake you've ever baked. Cut it strictly in half, and then slowly move the halves apart.

    At the same time, pronouncing a conspiracy for pancakes:

    “As sunrise and sunset do not converge,
    so all troubles will pass me by.
    Troubles will be far from me
    I will live freely and easily.

    For the fulfillment of a wish

    On Maslenitsa, you can conduct a conspiracy that will help make your cherished desire come true. The ceremony is held late on Sunday evening. It is advisable to visit a festive festivities before this in order to recharge with positive energy.

    On the same day, before going to bed, you should say the following conspiracy:

    “Light up, bright star, in high heaven, to the joy of the whole baptized world, light up with a clear light and unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. Look into the star with your rays and into the house of the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name). Sanctify, festive star, with a bright fire my dwelling. I voice to you, star, my cherished desire, hear it. (You need to briefly formulate your cherished desire). Amen".

    After pronouncing the words, you need to cross yourself three times, bow three times, turning to the east. Then you need to go to bed and at the same time it is important to fall asleep as soon as possible, discarding all extraneous thoughts.

    The dream that will be dreamed that night will be prophetic. It is by its content that it will be possible to judge whether your desire will come true. Therefore, when you wake up, try to remember the dream you saw and analyze it. The more positive there is in a dream, the higher the likelihood that the desire will come true. Negative feelings from sleep indicate that, most likely, your request was not heard.

    From evil spells

    You can perform this ritual on any day except Sunday. To do this, you should go outside and say, looking at the sky, magic words.

    They sound like this:

    “By the power of the magic word, I, the Servant of God (my own name), conjure that you, witches, evil branded devils, can harm me and my house only when you count all the stars in the bottomless sky and all the grains of sand on the sea coast.”

    After pronouncing such words, you need to pour three pinches of salt on the outer window sill of the window, which faces the east side and is located at the same time. front door. On Sunday evening, that is, on the last day of Maslenitsa, it is necessary to sweep the salt into a black canvas bag. In the process of this, it is necessary to say the well-known prayer “Our Father”. Then it must be taken away from the house and buried in a deserted place.

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    Conspiracy for pancakes from betrayal

    Conspiracy for pancakes from betrayal

    Such a conspiracy will prevent the possible betrayal of your husband. On Sunday morning, knead the dough and say:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink, get drunk, and when he is full, let his homesickness eat him up, do not let him go beyond the threshold, let him yearn for his family, let his lawful wife (name) have mercy. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that homesickness tormented him both in the day-noon and at night-midnight. From now on and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Then feed pancakes to your husband. And be sure to give some tea. Without spoken tea, your previous actions will not be as successful. When brewing tea, say these words:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, Let the servant of God (name) drink tea, let the servant of God be sick without me, let the servants of God (name) not be able to spend an hour without a house and without me, not a minute to pass. No sleep, no breath. From now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

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    Pancakes WHEAT-BUCKWHEAT PANKE Take: 1 1/2 cups wheat flour, 2 1/2 cups buckwheat flour, 2 cups milk, 2 1/2 cups water, 25 g yeast, 3 eggs, 60 g butter, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar. Heat the water and dilute the yeast in it. Add 1 1/2 cups wheat

    Shrovetide is a holiday that is a symbol of the departure of winter and the beginning of spring. The custom of saying goodbye to winter has been left to us from our pagan ancestors. Holiday festivities last a whole week, always starting on Monday. Shrovetide conspiracies are distinguished by special magical power. With their help, you can attract various benefits into your life, get rid of bad habits and cleanse your home of negativity.

    The beginning of the festivities

    The first day of Shrovetide week is popularly called "meeting". It is believed that it is on this day that winter meets spring. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, as soon as the first star appears in the sky, the oldest representative of the fair sex in the house should go to the reservoir or spring and ask the month to blow on the dough:

    “Look out the window for a month, show your golden horns, blow on the dough.”

    You can't eat the first pancake on Monday. It should be taken out on the porch and put as a delicacy for dead souls. When laying a pancake on the porch, you need to say:

    "Relatives from the other world, we are waiting for your greetings, here is the first pancake left for you."

    On the first day of Shrove Week, it is customary for newlyweds to drive around the village in beautiful, carved sledges and visit everyone who was at their wedding celebration. Also on Monday they made a straw effigy, dressed him in women's clothing and sleigh rides throughout the settlement. A conspiracy read on the first Monday after Shrove Week will help to double your cash receipts, you should go where the biggest festivities were held and find money there.

    Picking up a coin, read the plot:

    “I didn’t walk on the ground for long (his name), I found money. Just as I went to them, so let them now go into my hands. How many people were here for Shrovetide, so much let me have money.

    On Monday, they read conspiracies for Shrovetide, protecting from the witch's evil eye:

    “A witch, a witch, a branded devil, how can you not drink all the water from the reservoirs of the world, how not to gnaw all the trees on earth, so it won’t be possible to ruin my life, put damage on my house and harm my family.”

    The ritual can be performed on the street, looking at the starry sky.


    Tuesday is popularly known as "flirting". On this day, the future husband was chosen by pancakes. According to the preferences of gourmets, it was possible to find out what character a man had and decide whether to connect his life with him:

    • with caviar, a real strong man prefers pancakes, who has a way in the household and his children-wife are always dressed like sweets;
    • pancakes with red fish are preferred by an intelligent guy, they were not appreciated in Rus', because they were not accustomed to living in the village, they only have higher goals and the spiritual world on their minds, but they are not accustomed to earthly affairs;
    • pancakes with cottage cheese are loved by docile, gentle men who need a woman commander nearby to follow her commands unquestioningly;
    • pancakes with sour cream are loved by people who try to please everyone, they always agree with everyone, do not have their own opinion;
    • butter is put in pancakes by affectionate, gentle men, ideal in relationships, but not in household chores, because apart from talking about their love, they can’t do anything else;
    • pancakes with eggs can only be eaten by the most unpleasant person, in a simple bore, he performs all duties only on the knurled one, but he is not enough for more, he always grumbles, is not cheerful;
    • pancakes with jam are loved by loving guys, such a one will have time everywhere and put things in order at home, provide for the family and run to the left to the neighbor.

    How to remove negativity

    A cleansing ritual with a conspiracy for Shrovetide was held on Monday. To conduct the ceremony, you need to collect pure snow in a large basin. The basin, along with the snowball, should be brought into the house and wiped completely from head to toe, you need to rub it thoroughly. During this procedure, conspiracies should be read all the time:

    “Come out, pour out all the corruption and malice from my body. Let the icy snow flow down with water and wash away all the slander and evil slander of others. All angels and archangels drive away damage from me. Amen".

    From what remains in the basin, a snowman should be fashioned. Draw his eyes, mouth and nose. Next, you need to write your name back to front on the snowman and read the following plot 33 times:

    “Whoever caused the damage, he took it back, but he could not return it back. I never do anything bad to anyone and I don’t wish it, and the one who does not live in honor, let him pay for his evil himself.

    When the snowman melts, you need to pour the water at the crossroads, away from your house, on the same evening, do not leave the used liquid at home overnight.

    How to protect yourself from envious people

    An envious person is a deeply unhappy person who cannot find his place in life, therefore he envies every little thing. Their negative energy pours out on everyone around, often you can suffer greatly from such a stream. When a person is envied, he starts to get sick, fails after failure. To protect themselves from such influences, a special spell is read on the last day of Shrove Tuesday.

    “Higher powers, I trust in your favor, I ask for protection. As I walk along the path, neither envious nor enemies will meet me on the way. On the narrow path I will only meet friends, I welcome them to my home. All my paths are clean, there are no pebbles, no marshy swamps, no deep pits on them.

    For greater effectiveness, you should read the spell three times.

    How to lure money into the house

    To perform the ritual, you will need snow collected at the crossroads. For snow, you need to put a golden penny at the crossroads in order to pay off. At home, light a green lamp and start casting a spell over the snow.

    “As the snow melted on the field, water increased in the river. As I (name) went along the path, wherever I went, they can’t refuse me anywhere, they offer work everywhere. I will choose a business to my liking, a profitable one, but I will cope with it.

    As the snow melts, you need to wash your face with water and pour the rest of the liquid through the window into the street.

    A spell to guide a husband walking on the true path

    The ritual is performed on the last day of Shrovetide week. If a husband walks on other women or looks at other people's skirts, read this spell over the pancake dough:

    “As soon as I ate pancakes, and went beyond the threshold, I couldn’t move a single step. His green longing for home and for his wife immediately overcame him. As he looks at others, so now let him only look at his lawful wife, he does not know life without her, but does not turn his head around.

    From the charmed dough you need to cook pancakes. Make tea with pancakes, or better yet, put your favorite alcoholic drink, on which you should also, first, read the plot:

    “As I tasted the drink, I noticed my wife again. Now others will not dream everywhere, only I have sunk into my heart and soul forever, so I stayed there, everything free place took over."

    Dish for husband

    With the beginning of Shrovetide week, pancakes are cooked every day. So on the second day of the festivities, the first pancake should be eaten by yourself, the second one should be fed to the birds, and on the third one should read a slander:

    “As melancholy walked, rushed about, so I got into this pancake. Whoever eats it now will dry for me (name).

    This pancake must be eaten by your husband. The very next day you will notice how his behavior and attitude towards you will change. With the help of such a ritual, you can revive the former passion or return the feelings of the husband who was about to leave.

    Protective spells

    From our ancestors, a lot of signs and conspiracies have come to us that correspond to the days of the celebration of Shrovetide. Magic these days is very strong, it's a sin not to use it for the benefit of the family. Some of them are successfully used in modern life.

    1. On Monday - they make a charm for prosperity and satiety: under the pan in which the dough for pancakes is kneaded, you should put a handful of coins and read the corresponding plot, after which the coins should be hidden and kept in the house until the next butter.
    2. On the second day, conspiracies are read that will help ward off death and illness from home. At night, it is customary to put a treat on the brownie and ask him for protection and help.
    3. On the third day, you need to hang a broom at the threshold and read the following words: “do not let witchcraft into the house, drive witches away from the threshold.”
    4. On Thursday, they read a conspiracy for peace and harmony in the family. In a jug of milk, you should put as many grains of wheat as there are people in your family and say: “as grains in a jug do not crowd and push, so peace and harmony in my family.”
    5. On Friday, you should put a guard against fires and thieves. On a piece of white paper, you need to write a conspiracy: “the bright walls in my house cannot be burned with fire, evil people will bypass us, angels will not let us be offended.”