Mate contraindications. Useful properties and contraindications of Paraguayan mate tea. Harm from use, contraindications

Some have only heard about it, others have already managed to appreciate this magnificent, giving vivacity and good mood, drink. Mate tea - heritage of the Indians South America- has become a real gift for lovers of exotic drinks.

This is a fragrant drink that has a pronounced tonic effect. It is made from the dry collection of leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly. This tall (up to 15 meters) shrub grows in other countries of South America, but the Indian tribes were the first to brew a drink from holly many hundreds of years ago.

Mate is a high caffeine tonic drink.

Even then they noticed him beneficial features. After drinking tea, there was a surge of strength, stomach ailments passed. The Indians gave the drink the name "Mate" ("Mate"), which means "a jug made of pumpkin" - it was in such vessels that tea was brewed and served before.

The habit of drinking Mate was adopted by travelers and conquerors who arrived on the continent. He rendered invaluable assistance to them in the fight against the consequences of scurvy, which arose after long sea passages.

The Spanish conquerors brought Mate to Europe. But the drink was "an amateur", and did not immediately take root in European countries. Initially, it was used as a medicine to strengthen the body and fight anemia.

Today, Mate tea is popular. The holly grows both naturally and in specially created plantations, where the shrub is tended and then the leaves and shoots are harvested to make tea.

The chemical composition and calorie content of the drink

Mate tea contains alkaloids, tannins, iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, copper and magnesium. Also, those who drink Mate receive beta-carotenes and vitamins C, B, P and E.

Tea to combat stress and colds.

100 g contains 151.8 kcal, as well as 13% protein, 11.3% fat and no more than 2.5% carbohydrates.

Thus, Paraguayan tea can provide a person with many necessary substances. And it's just amazingly delicious.

Useful properties of Mate tea for health:

One of the most popular drinks on the planet.

This drink is truly invaluable:

  1. The benefits of Mate tea are used in the treatment of a number of diseases. First of all, it should be drunk by those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system - gastritis with high acidity and heartburn, constipation.
  2. The drink is able to normalize the pressure in hypertensive patients. It tones the walls of blood vessels, improves cerebral circulation.
  3. The level of cholesterol, thanks to the use of tea, goes down.
  4. A slight diuretic effect also refers to the beneficial properties of this tea.
  5. Mate is also used to strengthen the immune system. It helps a person gain strength after suffering serious illnesses.

And it is also worth considering that matein, which is part of tea, invigorates no worse than coffee.

What is useful for women

Drinking tea helps to lose extra pounds.

Women drink Mate to lose weight faster. It allows you to lose extra pounds, as it accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with regular use of this drink, diets are easier to tolerate, since it dulls the feeling of hunger.

Mate is also useful for heavy painful menstruation

Useful properties for men

Paraguayan tea is invaluable for men who can not get rid of bad habits. It removes toxins from the body, reduces dependence on tobacco and alcohol. Thanks to tea, the body is updated and cleansed.

Instructions for use

Mate tea is brewed in a slightly different way than regular black tea. You will have to get calabash and bombilla - special dishes, close in properties to the authentic.

How to brew and drink mate tea

The best option would be to brew this type of tea in calabash. It is a special vessel, which can be purchased at stores selling various types tea. There you can also ask for a bombilla - an interesting tube with a filter.

  1. Mate tea is poured into calabash. It should fill about two-thirds of the volume of the dish.
  2. The calabash is shaken and tilted slightly.
  3. Then a bombilla is placed in the vacated place, after which the vessel is placed on the table.
  4. According to the line of the tube, cold water is poured. It should also occupy two-thirds of the remaining space. The remaining third is filled with boiling water.
  5. After that, the tea is allowed to brew for 1-2 minutes.

In addition to this, the base, there are other various recipes for making Mate tea. It can be served with or with milk. In the latter version, up to 5 tablespoons of tea are poured into a liter of boiling milk, let it brew for a couple of minutes, and only after that they drink it.

Instead of cold water, you can use any sweet juices. Pour apple, peach, orange, pear or multifruit nectars into calabash. It is also allowed to add cinnamon and ginger to the drink.

Having learned how to brew and drink Mate tea correctly, you understand that you have mastered a real art that all lovers of this drink should definitely master.

You also need to know how to drink Paraguayan tea correctly. It is customary to slowly sip it from the dishes in which it was brewed, that is, from calabash. Leaving the drink "for later" is categorically not recommended - it will start to taste bitter, and the further, the more.

Those who have taken the time to study the rules of brewing Mate tea remain faithful to this magnificent drink for many years.

Mate tea for weight loss

Mate tea is part of many diets. If you simultaneously adhere to moderation in food and give the body physical activity, you can achieve excellent results. Subject to all conditions, it turns out to lose up to 4-5 kg ​​per month.

Regular use has a beneficial effect on the body.

In order for Mate to give the maximum effect, you need to drink it for at least a month. But not more than 1 liter per day. Otherwise, you can earn a pronounced tachycardia and insomnia, because the composition of the drink includes caffeine.

Thanks to this tea, metabolic processes are accelerated, which contributes to the burning of calories, the breakdown and removal of fats. The diuretic effect of the drink helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

Mate also dulls the feeling of hunger. A cup of tea instead of dinner or an afternoon snack - and you will feel great, quietly losing pounds.

To whom the drink is contraindicated, and what is the harm from it

Before use, you must read the contraindications.
  • These are small children and women who are expecting a child or breastfeeding.
  • Do not drink the drink and those who suffer from colds with high fever.
  • It is undesirable to use Mate for persons with stones in gallbladder or kidneys, allergy sufferers and those who have an individual intolerance to this drink.
  • Those with a predisposition to oncological diseases of the esophagus or lungs (inflammatory processes, heredity) are also better off refusing to regularly consume Paraguayan tea.

How to store

Mate tea is a tonic drink from the collection of herbs.

When choosing tea in a store, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The country of origin is indicated on the package. It is best to buy tea made in Paraguay.
  2. Also look at the expiration date. The collection should not be old - it loses its aroma and properties over time.
  3. The best mate tea is made from hand-picked leaves. It is not at all clear how this can be verified, but knowing this fact does not hurt anyone.
  4. The most fragrant and tasty will be a drink made from dry raw materials, which contains the minimum number of shoots and the maximum number of leaves.
  5. The packaging must be undamaged.
  6. The composition of tea may contain various additives. Which option to choose is a matter of taste.

To keep tea for a long time, you should choose the right container for it. A tightly closed lid and airtight packaging will preserve the pleasant smell of Mate and avoid the absorption of foreign impurities. It is recommended to keep tea in a dry place.

You should not buy such a vegetable collection hastily at the first outlet that comes across. It is better to take a walk to specialized stores - there you can choose the tea you like from several options, as well as purchase everything you need to brew it. And let the tea party be your holiday!

The invigorating drink mate (mate) is a natural tonic energy drink with many useful properties. It can be drunk by people who are contraindicated for caffeine. It has an invigorating effect on a par with coffee, but is not addictive. Instead of caffeine, the drink contains mateine, it does not increase blood pressure.

Drinking a cup of this tea at night will not interfere with sleep. But for the first acquaintance with the drink, you should choose the morning hours. So a person will better appreciate its action, invigorating taste and unusual aroma.


The birthplace of the drink is Paraguay. The Indians claim that they have known about its beneficial properties for about eight thousand years. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived on the mainland, they noticed that mate quickly cured scurvy, a disease associated with a lack of vitamin C. It also saved from yellow fever, quenched thirst in hiking through the impenetrable jungle and dulled the feeling of hunger.

In Europe, the drink was not immediately brewed as tea, it was insisted on alcohol and added to the balm. Sold in pharmacies as a medicine and tonic. In the middle of the nineteenth century, mate began to be used as an invigorating and tonic drink.

Tea tree

Mate tea is made from the crushed shoots of the Paraguayan holly. Harvest begins to be harvested five years after planting the cuttings. The entire shoot is torn off, not just the upper leaves. Raw materials are sent to special dryers to completely rid the leaves of the moisture that they accumulate abundantly. Dry at high temperature and then crushed into small pieces. A classic drink should be golden green in color and include 3 components in a certain proportion:

  • leaves (50-60%), on which the shade and astringency of the drink depends;
  • shoots (10-20%), in which all useful components are concentrated;
  • dust (30-40%), confirming proper drying.

Depending on the processing and fermentation, mate is black, red, white, yellow and green.

The shelf life of tea is approximately five years. An expired drink has a bitter taste, and there are few useful substances in its composition.

Brewing rules

To feel the real taste of Indian tea, you need to try the traditional way of brewing. To do this, use calabash - a round container with a narrow neck. The Indians made them from mother gourds. A vessel with a drink and called common word- mate. It is believed that tea retains all its beneficial properties only in such vessels. This is done in stages:

  1. 1. Leaves are poured first cold water barely getting them wet.
  2. 2. After 3 minutes, add eighty-degree water and wait 3 minutes.
  3. 3. Then a bombilla (a special tube made of reed or metal) is inserted. There is a mesh in the metal tube that does not allow thicker to get into the mouth.

They drink mate tea in small sips through a straw, sipping liquid from calabash.

Mate brewed in calabash

When all the traditional attributes are missing, it is brewed in a simple way like coffee or tea. Five large spoons of dry tea leaves are taken per liter of water. Put the dishes on the fire, and when the first bubbles appear, remove from the stove. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise the drink will have a bitter taste. After letting it brew for a couple of minutes, it is poured into cups through a strainer.

In the hot season, you can prepare a cold drink: pour two tablespoons of latte with a liter of hot, but not boiled water (70 degrees) and brew for 10 minutes, then strain. Add ice, mint or vanilla to the prepared drink. Sweet lovers can use honey and sugar. This tea quenches thirst.

There is a recipe for making tea with milk: put two tablespoons of dry tea leaves in half a liter of water and heat it up to sixty degrees. Add honey or sweeten with sugar. Such a healthy drink treats colds and coughs.

To brew mate in bags, you must first fill it with cold water for two minutes, then add water heated to 80 degrees. Infuse for two minutes and drink in small sips.

Beneficial features

The benefits of the drink are associated with the content in it of biologically active compounds and vitamins necessary for the human body. It has an immunostimulating and tonic effect. Strengthens the nervous system and improves mood. When drinking tea, endurance increases, sleep improves and a person copes with stress more easily. It contains the following trace elements:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • manganese.

The composition of mate tea includes B vitamins, as well as C, P and E. It contains panthenolic acid, xanthine alkaloids, tannins and beta-carotene. The drink affects the body in the following ways:

  1. 1. Normalizes digestion.
  2. 2. It has an antispasmodic effect on the walls of the stomach.
  3. 3. Stabilizes pressure.
  4. 4. Improves coronary and cerebral circulation.
  5. 5. Reduces cholesterol.
  6. 6. Helps improve oxygen supply to the heart.
  7. 7. Is a good diuretic.
  8. 8. Improves the activity of the entire cardiovascular system.

The drink is used as an additional remedy for infectious diseases and to strengthen the immune system.

Women drink mate tea for weight loss to improve metabolism, lose weight excess weight and keep it within the normal range. It dulls the feeling of hunger and burns body fat. One cup after dinner prevents the accumulation of fat on the thighs and abdomen. Improves mood and is recommended for use before the start of the menstrual cycle.

- This is a very tasty tonic drink containing a large amount of caffeine, prepared from the dried crushed leaves of the Paraguayan holly, which is also called "grass". Therefore, the drink has such a name.

The plant itself, whose leaves are the main ingredient of this tea, is an evergreen shrub that reaches a height of 15 meters and has a high distribution area in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Usually holly grows in the wild, or it is grown on special plantations.

Meaning of the word "Mate" has interesting history. It comes from the language of the ancient Quechua tribe and means "jug of gourd for drinks or food" The Guarani Indians of what is now Paraguay and Brazil used mate to treat heartburn and many other ailments, and used sweet stevia leaves as a sweetener.

Health benefits of mate tea

In general, this drink is used as a means to reduce the effects of depression and neurosis, and in turn, relieves such familiar symptoms as insomnia, fussiness, anxiety, nervousness and emotional imbalance. In fact, mate tea helps suppress the release of the hormone adrenaline. By drinking this drink, a person does not disturb the sleep cycle.

Most people report that after drinking mate, they spend less time sleeping and get enough sleep. And this is due to the fact that the body simply plunges into the stage of deep sleep, relieving fatigue and stress. Tea is also recommended as an excellent tonic that improves digestion and liver function, and also has a positive effect on the heart. vascular system man and making our vessels clean and elastic.

If you will use mate during a cold, you can recover faster, as it stimulates the immune system and resists disease. This tea is a kind of "pantry of beneficial properties", because it contains a huge variety of beneficial vitamins groups A and B, but especially predominate B1 and B2, as well as trace elements, which are magnesium, sulfur, manganese, potassium and iron. Mate, in its composition, can be compared with ordinary tea. Although, strongly brewed, this drink has a bitter taste.

Mate tea contraindications

Speaking about the benefits of this wonderful tea, I would like to note that it also has contraindications. For example, people with high acidity and kidney disease, and especially those prone to salt deposits (stones, sand), are not recommended to drink mate. Including children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How should you drink this unusual drink?

First, you need special utensils. The traditional utensil for making mate is called CALABASA (calabaza). It is a small vessel in which mate is brewed and drunk. And another indispensable attribute for drinking tea is BOMBILLA (bombilla). If translated literally, then this is a "straw" through which they drink mate (length 15-25 cm).

Secondly, the correct brewing of tea, consisting of 6 fairly painstaking steps. And finally, thirdly, the tradition of drinking this tea. Mate is drunk slowly, trying to sip in small sips the very thick of the remaining tea from the bottom of the jug.

The time of infusion of tea is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it is during this time that you need to drink it, otherwise the mate starts to taste very bitter. Mate is a delicious and original drink with undoubted healing properties. Everyone should definitely try this wonderful Paraguayan tea and enjoy its extraordinary taste!

Hello everyone!

I decided to write a post about mate tea.

Today it can be found in almost every supermarket in packages with screaming names that it is superior to tea and coffee combined in its medicinal properties!

You just need to additionally purchase oscillas and bombilla, and then you can already enjoy a delicious Paraguayan drink without leaving your home.

In general, I decided to figure it out, is it worth buying all these “miracle things” with funny names, and why is mate tea so useful?

From this article you will learn:

Mate tea - useful properties and recipes for use

They say that this exotic mate tea has not only an amazing taste, but also a lot of useful properties.

True lovers of this non-traditional drink know exactly how positively it affects the body.

What is this exotic tea and how to drink it?

What is mate tea?

Mate, also in Spanish-Russian dictionaries, the stress on the first syllable is sometimes found, due to pronunciation in Spanish) - a tonic drink prepared from dried crushed leaves and young shoots of Paraguayan wiki holly

Many scientists claim that Paraguayan tea is one of the most ancient drinks in the world. Mate tea was used by the Indians in the 7th century BC. e.

This type of tea is different from the usual traditional drinks.

We are used to brewing the leaves of the plant, and this drink is made from the leaves and stems of the Paraguayan holly, an evergreen shrub with a whitish bark, similar to a small tree, which, for use, is not fermented, but very finely ground, sometimes almost into dust.

Therefore, if you do not know how to choose a mate, make sure that small grains are observed in the dry mixture, as confirmation of its naturalness and high quality.

How is mate tea obtained?

The leaves and stems of the tree-like holly are collected in large plantations, after harvesting the plant is dried under the action of high temperatures.

The resulting dry branches are crushed into powder, after which it is ready for further use.

An interesting fact: when the leaves are processed, fermentation is not performed, therefore, with a long infusion, the drink acquires a bitter taste.

Brewing tea also requires compliance with special rules. Usually it is prepared not in a cup familiar to us, but in a special vessel called "kalabas" (calabash).

From it they drink this unusual tea through a tube, at the end of which there is a mouthpiece, and on the other side there is a strainer - this is a bombilla.

Calabash, also calabash, calabash, mate - the common name for vessels for drinking hot infusion of Paraguayan holly leaves, better known as mate (yerba mate). Vessels were made by the Indians from the gourd (Lagenaria siceraria).

Mate tea - Chemical composition

Rich chemical composition and is the reason for the many beneficial properties of this rare exotic tea. Scientists agreed that this drink combines about 190 components.

The composition of the leaves and stems of the Paraguayan holly is diverse, they contain the following components:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E (they improve metabolism, help in the absorption of iron);
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids (reduce cell oxidation);
  • saponins (reduce inflammation);
  • tannins (have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • antioxidants (remove free radicals);
  • beneficial minerals.

An important distinguishing feature of mate tea

The composition of tea is rich in antioxidants and alkaloids, including matein. It is similar in its properties to caffeine, but acts more gently, without affecting the functioning of the heart and without stimulating the body as a whole.

In addition, the effect of caffeine lasts no more than 3 hours, and mateine ​​tones and refreshes the body for more than long time. The advantage of the drink, along with coffee, is that it does not disturb sleep.

It is also worth noting that mate, unlike coffee, is not addictive.

Healing properties of mate tea

The healing effect of the drink has been known since ancient times, when the Indians used mate as a remedy for various diseases, in particular infectious ones.

However, Paraguayan tea will be more than useful for other diagnoses.

Mate tea has the following effect:

  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • relieves spasms;
  • improves the immune-protective function of the body;
  • promotes the cleansing of blood vessels;
  • reduces appetite, improving metabolism;
  • helps with depression and mental disorders.

Mate is also very low in calories. There are only 30 calories per 1 liter of finished tea, which allows you to use this healing drink for weight loss.

In addition, this tea allows you to burn fats and carbohydrates in the body, thanks to great content various acids.

It has a mate and diuretic effect, improves metabolic processes in the body and increases energy costs, which allows you to burn excess calories with great intensity.

Mate removes and breaks down fats, and therefore helps to lose weight.

How to brew and drink?

The process of preparing and brewing mate tea should not be done in a hurry.

The utensils for tea in which it is prepared are of great importance. The drink must be brewed only in calabash.

  1. First, the required amount of dry powder is poured into a small amount of cold water, in which the drink should swell.
  2. After that, a tube is inserted into the resulting slurry and hot water is added to the vessel, with a temperature of not more than 80 C.
  3. Drink mate immediately after brewing.
  4. As soon as the liquid in the tea is over, you can add more water and use this healthy and tasty drink again.

It is worth remembering that if the mate has stood for a while, it can ferment and acquire a bitter and unpleasant taste. This bitterness usually soaks into the walls of the calabash and the tea becomes unusable.

When preparing mate, sugar is usually not added, but its pleasant taste can be supplemented with a little milk or lemon juice.

Mate tea - contraindications for use

A large set of useful active substances certainly plays in favor of this tea.

But today you can find information that low-quality mate tea, if prepared incorrectly, can provoke the development of cancer, which makes you think about its use, and when purchasing a drink, you need to be 100% sure that it does not contain flavorings, that when collecting it used a lot of agrochemicals and defoliants, and it has never been gas-dried.

And mate tea should never be consumed at an infusion temperature above 80C!!!

Mate also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

  • has an increased acidity of the stomach;
  • suffering from kidney disease;
  • prone to the formation of salts in the body.

And also it is worth adding to the contraindications that it is forbidden to drink mate for children and nursing mothers, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. For these categories of people, mate is a particular danger.

That's the information, friends!

Do you drink mate tea?

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

In Paraguay, mate is a popular healthy drink. It is one of the best tonics, it is made on the basis of dry, finely chopped leaves of the Paraguayan holly. Mate must be brewed in a special pumpkin bowl; for ingestion, a special tube with a strainer is used.

Cooking mate

1. Take a calabash (a special container for a drink) and fill it halfway with grass.

2. Where the bowl is empty, pour hot water; in the heat, it is recommended to pour cold water.

3. After the water has already been well absorbed, the tea leaves must be turned into one mass, after which the bombilla is placed to the very bottom.

4. Fill completely with water. Insist 5 minutes.

Please note that if you pour boiling water over mate, it will lose all its beneficial substances, some medical scientists say that it can harm the body, tea often becomes bitter. Water should be no more than 70 degrees.

If you like sweet tea and want to increase the level, you need to pour a small amount of sugar on the bottom of the mate container, honey is more useful, then the grass is poured and everything is filled with water.

Mate must not be infused for a long time, after 3 minutes you can drink tea, otherwise it will be bitter.

Useful properties of mate

The composition of the drink includes vitamins, minerals. Also a large number of vitamins of groups B, C, A, E, R. Rich in mate, sodium, manganese, sulfur.

If you regularly use mate, you can:

1. Protect it from environmental influences.

2. Increase physical endurance.

3. Improve attention, intelligence.

4. Get rid of apathy, fatigue, depression.

5. Resume sexual function.

6. Improve metabolism, with the help of mate, useful substances will be better absorbed.

7. Get rid of, the sleep cycle is restored.

Application of mate

Due to the fact that the drink contains a large number of natural components, with the help of it you can improve the condition of the body. Mate will help to remove toxins and decay products from the body. The drink relieves various allergic reactions, energizes. If the patient drinks tea diabetes can protect against high blood sugar levels. With the help of a mat, you can relax after physical exertion. Due to the biological components, mate is used for weight loss, it will help burn a large number of calories.

Mate is especially useful for thought processes, it can be used to concentrate memory, attention, encourages, improves mood, resumes metabolic processes, relieves hunger, with it you can slow down the development of a malignant tumor, if taken in moderation, in cases of overdose, it can be the other way around aggravate the situation. Mate is the best prophylactic for heart attack, stroke, it improves the digestive process.

Some compare mate with green tea, the effect on the body is the same, but mate has more benefits. chemical substances, how . Due to the fact that the products are carefully processed, this is the best antioxidant agent, it contains a large amount of polyphenol

Mate is considered a safe drink because it does not increase blood pressure, negative impact to the heart area. Mate energizes the body, but does it very carefully.

It has been proven that with the help of a drink you can prolong youth, strengthen cells that are damaged, and prevent various diseases from developing. For the decoction to be effective, you need to be able to properly prepare the decoction. Take a small amount of grass and mate leaves, pour half a liter of water, in no case boiling water.

It is advised to drink tea after playing sports, with the help of it you can renew energy reserves, there is a large amount of matein in the mat. It acts the same way as caffeine, tones the body. Caffeine and mateine ​​differ in that the latter does not lead to an increase in blood pressure, does not speed up the heartbeat. This is the best prophylactic of ARVI, influenza.

Mate contraindications

It has been proven that if you often get carried away with mate, cancer of the esophagus, lung and urinary system can develop. It is important to brew the drink correctly and not get carried away with it, then you can avoid disastrous consequences.

Under no circumstances should you use mate infectious disease in the lungs, bronchi, because it contains theophylline. Children are prohibited. Tea is contraindicated in stomach ulcers. With gastritis with high acidity, you can not drink hot tea.

Those who have hypertension should be careful with the mat, it leads to disorders nervous system. When the brain is strongly excited, the vessels begin to narrow, and this is dangerous for human life.

You can not drink tea at night, it tones the body. You can not use it at high temperatures, because of it, blood vessels expand, sweat may increase, severe thirst will begin to disturb. Because of the theophylline, which is part of mate, the body temperature may rise even more, and antipyretic in this situation will not help.

So mate is delicious and healthy drink but in spite of all positive sides, you can not abuse it in order to avoid disastrous consequences. It is dangerous that the use of tea in in large numbers leads to the formation of a malignant tumor.