Ayran - benefits and harms to the health of the body. Ayran - what is it, useful properties of a sour-milk drink, recipes for cooking at home What is airan made of

Ayran is a fermented milk drink made from katyk with the addition of water and salt. It is considered by many people to be one of the healthiest drinks a person can consume. It is high in electrolytes and is helpful for dehydration. When the body loses a lot of fluid, the muscles begin to contract, spasms appear, which leads to dizziness.

Ayran is considered a traditional drink, common in the countries of the Middle East region and Asia, they love it in the Caucasus, the Balkans and in many other countries. In this article, you will learn how ayran is useful, what is its use for the human body, how to use and prepare it.

Many people are well aware of the health benefits of fermented dairy products. The Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about their beneficial properties, effects on the human body, and methods of use for certain diseases.

They are mentioned in scientific research, written in the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as in many modern medical sources, which describe the positive effects of such foods on the digestive tract and overall health. The use of such drinks and foods helps to treat chronic fatigue, as well as solve problems associated with weight.

Fermented milk products have been widely used throughout the world. For example, they helped restore the health of the French King Louis XI. Their positive impact on health was noted in the works of our compatriot, scientist biologist, Professor Mechnikov I.I.

Airan history

History does not know for certain how ayran turned out and who first invented it. It is believed that the Turkic peoples first invented it. Quite possibly, wandering in the steppe, they got a very thick fermented milk product, which, to make it convenient to drink, was diluted with water. And to keep it longer, salt was added to it.

This drink was familiar to the Caucasian peoples as early as the fifth or second century BC.

Today ayran is declared the national drink of Turkey. But not only in Turkey they love him. Although this country is the largest producer of the drink. It can be found here in any restaurant, cafe, bar and so on. Sauces are prepared from it, meat is marinated, various dishes are seasoned.

Traditionally, cow, goat or sheep milk is used for its production. In some countries and regions, the taste of the drink and its consistency may differ. This is how the most sour ayran is made in Bulgaria.

What is useful ayran composition

Under the influence of enzymes, milk significantly changes its biochemical composition. So, fermented dairy products contain 11 times more amino acids than whole milk. Therefore, in the composition of such products, including ayran, there are:

Essential amino acids: glutamine, lysine, arginine, glycine and others;

Vitamins: groups B, A, E, D;

Micro and macro elements, including phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, sodium, zinc and others.

In addition, as a dairy product, it contains:

Lactic acid.

Vitamin D is important for the skeletal system, it helps the body absorb calcium better.

Vitamin A, an antioxidant, helps maintain normal vision and is important for maintaining healthy skin.

Vitamin E improves skin regeneration.

B group vitamins are involved in metabolic processes in the body, affect the functioning of the nervous system, the condition of the mucous membranes, and are responsible for the condition of the skin and hair.

Amino acids are involved in many processes in the human body, including protein biosynthesis.

Ayran's calorie content may differ depending on what milk it is made from and how much it is diluted with water. The highest calorie content of undiluted ayran can be 65-67 kilocalories per 100 grams. But, as a rule, in the store you can buy a drink with a calorie content of no more than 24-25 kcal.

Ayran benefits for the body

Whole milk is not always well absorbed by everyone. Some people have intolerance to it, which cannot be said about fermented milk products.

Fermented milk contains lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, which help in the breakdown of proteins and promote the digestion of lactose, stimulating digestion.

Lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation process, protects the body from the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria, inhibits their growth and produces the growth of beneficial microflora.

Given that dairy products contain a number of useful macro and microelements, under the influence of enzymes, their digestion is facilitated and, consequently, absorption by the body, metabolism improves.

  • Suppress putrefactive processes;
  • Improve digestion and promote absorption nutrients;
  • Normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stimulate the protective functions of the intestinal walls;
  • Develop the body's resistance to various pathogenic microbes, including tubercle bacillus;
  • Reduce gas formation;
  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Strengthen the bone skeleton;
  • Prevent fat deposits;
  • Reduce negative impact antibiotics and sulfonamides on the human body.

The use of ayran, due to the diverse set of different nutrients:

Promotes the production of gastric juice, normalizing and increasing appetite;

Improves the intestinal microflora, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria;

Removes toxins from the body and reduces the level of bad cholesterol;

Promotes better absorption of calcium, strengthens teeth and bones, serves as a prevention of osteoporosis;

Reduces the risk of cancer;

Contributes to the normalization of water-salt balance;

Relieves signs and symptoms of a hangover;

It affects the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system;

Improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity;

Improves blood circulation;

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;

Strengthens defenses and helps fight viral and bacterial diseases;

Reduces the risk of colds and inflammatory diseases during the cold period;

Promotes raising the tone and energy potential.

Of particular note is its benefit to the female body. Given that women are much more likely to be at risk of osteoporosis during menopause, they should definitely include this drink in their diet.

The folic acid contained in it is necessary during pregnancy to reduce the risk of developing the neural tube of the fetus, and will help with toxicosis.

During breastfeeding, it improves the production of breast milk and its quality.

You can not bypass it and men. With regular use, ayran improves sexual function and reduces the risk of many male diseases.

Ayran useful properties for treatment

Ayran has long been used not only as food product but also for treatment. Of course, not as the main medicine, but as an auxiliary. It can be drunk in case of poisoning, which will contribute to a faster removal of toxins from the body.

Assign it to people with poor appetite and suffering from anorexia. It stimulates and improves appetite.

It will relieve the symptoms of prolonged drinking. Improving metabolic processes, promotes faster removal of decay products alcoholic beverages, cleanses the body and prevents intoxication.

Airan has a positive effect on the liver. It is recommended to drink up to one and a half glasses daily for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, which improves the recovery of its cells.

It is indicated for diabetes, as it does not contain sugar. half a glass a day will have a positive effect on health.

Who suffers from frequent constipation, ayran should become a regular drink in the daily menu. It not only stimulates the intestines, but also helps to restore healthy microflora.

It is indicated for scurvy, anemia, neurasthenic conditions, pancreatic disease, tuberculosis, hypertension.

Ayran for weight loss

Ayran improves metabolic processes, cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances. Daily use will promote weight loss.

Can do fasting days, during which you need to drink one to one and a half liters of this drink. During fasting days, it is imperative to observe drinking regimen. It is better to prepare the drink yourself, without adding salt to it.

Ayran application in cosmetology

Dairy products are one of the best that many beauties have in their arsenal. Ayran is also used for this purpose. Masks are made from it for both the face and hair. In the Caucasus, many women to this day wash their hair only with them. Their hair is more luxurious than the most expensive shampoo.

Airan helps to get rid of pigmentation and freckles. As an acidic product, it can be used in place of a scrub to remove dead cells.

It well moisturizes and tones the skin, reduces the manifestations of premature aging of the skin.

How is ayran made

Ayran is one of the best and healthiest drinks. It's a quick and easy way to replenish your body's supply of nutrients and minerals. To quench your thirst in the summer heat, just drink a glass of ayran.

Once it was made in some of our republics only at home. Today, its production has been established at many dairy industrial enterprises.

For the first time such production was launched in the early 70s in the Soviet Union. Then ayran was produced at only a few enterprises, mainly in those regions where it is considered a traditional drink: in the Uzbek SSR, the Azerbaijan SSR, in Karachay-Cherkessia.

But by the end of the last century, dozens of dairies produced it. At the same time, specifications for its production were first developed.

The ayran production stage consists of two stages: first, katyk is made. Whole milk is fermented with rennet, which is obtained from calves. Then it is diluted with water. Subsequent batches of the drink can be made already on the sourdough from the resulting fermented milk drink.

To obtain a drink, mainly cow's milk is used. But you can make it with goat or sheep milk.

How to make ayran at home

Ayran can be bought at almost any grocery store today. But it is quite easy to make it yourself at home. Moreover, it is not necessary to look for a starter for him and ferment milk.

To do this, it is enough to buy kefir or natural yogurt in the store, ferment milk, add salt, spices and spices to taste.

But who likes to do everything from scratch, here is a simple recipe for this drink.

Any milk is suitable for cooking. The main thing is that it should not be sterilized (the benefits in such milk are minimal), without additives.

The first thing to do is to get katyk - a fermented milk product similar in consistency to thick kefir, yogurt or not very thick sour cream.

Now it is not difficult to buy a starter for lactic acid drinks. If not, you can use kefir sourdough.

Milk, preferably not diluted, homemade, pour into a saucepan. Bringing to a boil, boil it until about one third of the original volume remains.

This will turn out to be a thick product, from which you then need to make a drink. Remember to leave about 100 grams for sourdough for subsequent servings.

To dilute sour dairy product use cold boiled water. If you like a carbonated drink, you can dilute it with sparkling water.

To taste, salt, finely chopped dill, cumin seeds, cinnamon, basil and more are added to it.

Use the drink to prepare various cocktails, for example, with apple, cucumber. By the way, salt is optional.

Airan contraindications and harm

Despite the fact that fermented milk products rarely cause allergies, they can still cause individual intolerance.

Keep in mind that this is an acidic product. Therefore, it can cause discomfort during exacerbation of gastric or duodenal ulcers.

It is forbidden to use ayran with lactose intolerance.

The main harm from this drink can be mainly due to a violation of the technology for preparing the drink or the use of low-quality products, which in turn can lead to poisoning.

How to store ayran

Ayran should be stored in the refrigerator. After opening the package, it should be consumed no later than within a day.

With ayran they cook cold soups, okroshka and, of course, just drink it.

Ayran is delicious and healthy drink, which is a good source of beneficial bacteria, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and promote healing.

A drink called ayran is a fermented milk product, often found on store shelves next to kefir and tan. What are the benefits and harms of ayran, how does it clearly differ from similar drinks?

What is this drink

The basis for the traditional Caucasian drink is the sourdough milk - cow, goat or sheep - with the addition of water and salt, although the last ingredient is optional. A part of the stomach of a newborn calf called "abomasum" or yeast can act as a starter. The drink differs markedly from kefir and yogurt in its density, as well as an unusual, sour-salty taste.

What is the difference between ayran and tan

By origin, both ayran and tan are Caucasian drinks, both of them belong to the category of fermented milk products, and there is an external similarity between them. Therefore, they are often confused - but they are far from identical to each other.

  • The classic basis for tan is camel or buffalo milk, for ayran goat or cow milk is more often used.
  • Tan - more salty drink. There is little salt in ayran, and sometimes it may not be at all.
  • Tan is always liquid, with ayran everything is not so simple - it can be both liquid and very thick.

The composition and calorie content of ayran

The benefit of the drink lies in its rich composition, saturated with important elements and vitamins. A quality fermented milk product must contain:

  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • magnesium and sodium, calcium and phosphorus, zinc and iron;
  • sulfur, potassium, iodine, selenium;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins D, E, A and C;
  • vitamins PP and N.

The calorie content of ayran per 100 g depends on its variety - a thick drink can contain up to 67 calories, the nutritional value of a liquid product is usually no more than 25 calories. The nutritional value the drink is balanced - it contains proteins in a volume of 1.1 g, carbohydrates and fats - 1.4 g and 1.5 g, respectively.

The benefits of ayran for the body

The popularity of the drink is due not only to its unusual taste, but also primarily to its benefits. Fermented milk product:

  • excellent effect on the intestines and stomach, restoring the microflora;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • contributes to the saturation of the body with oxygen, which has a good effect on brain activity and the respiratory system.

Why ayran is useful for men

The benefit of the product for men is the increased content of vitamin C and lactic bacteria in its composition. After a hangover, Ayran returns cheerfulness, eliminates nausea, and quenches thirst. The drink has a positive effect on potency.

The benefits of ayran for women

On critical days, women often suffer from gastric disorders, and a fermented milk product during such periods will be of particular benefit. It can help with inflammation of any kind, with psycho-emotional stress and severe fatigue.

Is it possible for children to have ayran

The exceptional benefits of ayran allow you to introduce the drink even into the diet of newborns - already after 6 months of life. But you need to give it to your child no more than 200 ml per day.

Attention! It is possible to offer a fermented milk drink to children only with the permission of a pediatrician, since for all its benefits it has a number of contraindications.

Ayran for pregnant and lactating

For women in position, a fermented milk product will be of great benefit, because:

  • fully supplies the body with calcium;
  • protects the intestines from both constipation and diarrhea;
  • copes well with edema;
  • helps fight colds;

Important! When drinking a drink, you need to know the measure. Even on early dates it is recommended to drink it no more than 400 ml per day, and in the second and third trimesters it is better to reduce the norm to 2-4 glasses per week.

Is airan good for weight loss?

You can include this drink in your diet - it will saturate the body with valuable substances and natural protein, and also help get rid of toxins. However, it is not worth taking it in large volumes - the product stimulates appetite and, moreover, in principle, cannot be the basis of a diet.

Standard norm for an adult

Since the product contains a large number of lactic bacteria, its excessive consumption can be harmful and cause diarrhea. The daily dosage of the drink is a maximum of 2 - 3 glasses.

How to drink ayran for medicinal purposes

Healthy ayran is not in vain considered a drink of centenarians - it helps in curing a number of ailments and alleviates the symptoms of chronic diseases. In particular, drinking it will be very useful:

  • with flu, colds and SARS;
  • with diabetes, problems with the liver and metabolism;
  • with chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • with obesity;
  • with pressure surges;
  • with anemia.

Airan for liver diseases

The benefit of ayran for the liver is that the drink takes over part of the functions of this organ and helps cleanse the body of toxins. For hepatitis, cirrhosis and other ailments, it is worth taking 1.5 cups of the drink daily right with meals.

Airan in case of poisoning

Severe poisoning with spoiled foods is difficult to tolerate. But the recovery process will go faster if on the first day you completely refuse food and drink only a fermented milk drink and water.

Airan for diabetes

At elevated level blood sugar, after consulting a doctor, you can add ayran to the diet. Drink it should be a maximum of half a glass a day.

The use of ayran in cosmetology

The benefits of the sour-milk drink ayran also extend to cosmetology. With its help at home, you can improve the condition of hair and skin. The product has a whitening effect on the face, tightens wrinkles, regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and promotes cell renewal.

For facial skin

To eliminate acne and inflammation, you can regularly wash yourself with fresh ayran or make masks based on it, applying the product on your face for 15 minutes.

It can also be mixed with white clay and egg yolk. The effect of such a mask, if done once a week, will be even better - the skin will become softer, black dots will disappear.

For hair

To strengthen and improve hair, it is recommended to mix 100 g of ayran with 2 large spoons of starch, and then add a little burdock oil and liquid honey. A slightly heated mixture is applied to the hair, carefully rubbing into the roots, and kept for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

How to drink ayran

A fermented milk drink goes well with most foods in the fridge. It can be used with meat and fish, boiled and fatty fried foods. The drink is drunk even with fresh vegetables. It can be used instead of mayonnaise or sour cream as a healthy dressing for main dishes and salads.

However, 2-3 glasses per day will be more than enough. It is not worth taking a drink in too large quantities, otherwise it will have a laxative effect.

How to choose ayran

When buying a drink in a store, you need to pay special attention to quality.

  • This fermented milk product does not contain any dyes or flavor enhancers. Only salt can act as a preservative.
  • Milk in a good ayran should not be dry, but natural.
  • Even a liquid drink should be heterogeneous in consistency.
  • A good product is white in color and always foams a little in the glass.

How to cook ayran at home

Homemade ayran is easy to do with your own hands.

  • As a basis, you can take goat or cow's milk, kefir or yogurt - and boil it.
  • Then add fermented milk starter - in an amount of not more than 40 g per 1 cup of the base. If desired, greens can be chopped into the drink or chopped cucumber can be added.
  • After that, the workpiece is mixed, tightly closed with a lid and left in a warm place in the shade for 7 hours.

Advice! The benefits of fresh ayran do not last very long - just a day. Therefore, it is pointless to cook it in large quantities - the product must be consumed immediately.

Ayran harm and contraindications

The drink has only a few contraindications. It will cause harm to health if you use it with:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased acidity;
  • acute gastritis.

Also, the product is dangerous if the measure is not followed, as it can provoke a gastric upset.


The benefits and harms of ayran are determined by the absence or presence of contraindications. For people without acute gastric diseases, the drink will be extremely useful and will only improve health in all areas.

The varieties of dairy products are simply breathtaking.

And if you consider how useful these sweet and sour and salty foods are, how amazing their properties and composition are, it becomes clear why their history began tens of centuries ago and there is no end in sight.

Use as a full-fledged basis for okroshka and milkshakes. A cheese-like product, suzma, is even prepared from it, removing the remaining whey. And from suzma, salting and drying - kurut.

Delicious, healthy, low-fat drink from the past

It originally appeared among the Turkic peoples and was an alternative food for nomads. It was prepared simply - milk with a special starter was poured into a bag (skin) (the initial one was the abomasum of a newborn calf, then the remains of the finished drink) and after several hours of travel, a hearty and tasty drink is ready.

The heat of the horse, live bacteria and constant shaking made the drink invigorating, with a spicy taste. For food, they used an undiluted product, creamy (nomads), and for drinking they diluted it with spring water, adding a pinch of salt (sedentary peoples).

Technology in a nutshell
Ideally, a frothy, playful cocktail is made on the basis of katyk as a result of mixed fermentation (sour milk and yeast). Since katyk is boiled, more precisely boiled milk (up to a third of the original volume), the basis for ayran is very concentrated milk. And after exposure to Bulgarian sticks and other sourdough bacteria, a foamy, satisfying and incredibly tasty, invigorating product is obtained.

The composition and calorie content of ayran

This dairy product is rich in calcium and phosphorus, proteins and vitamins, amino acids, lactic acid and fermentation bacteria.

Ayran must be drunk on the day of preparation or shaken thoroughly to combine the protein base and the separated one.

You need to start with a few sips to notice if it does not fit.

The uniqueness of the composition of ayran

  • Simple proteins, easily and completely digestible, are in the form of small flakes or in a nearly dissolved state.
  • Bacteria in the composition of the starter produce vitamins of different groups.
  • It has antimicrobial properties due to antibiotics produced during fermentation.
  • The piquancy of the composition (traces of alcohol, lactic and carbonic acid) activates the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the complete absorption of nutrients from the dish.
It is usually drunk, diluted with pure non-alkaline water and salt. Sometimes they are bred with milk, koumiss, etc. To enhance the invigorating, refreshing taste, crushed ice and aromatic herbs (, and, etc.) are added.
That's why ayran's calorie content is minimal (20-100 kcal/100 ml) with a pronounced taste.

A sweetish version is also prepared by adding pieces of fruit, grinding the mixture before use, or leaving it in its original form.

Usually the composition of ayran is about 90% water, up to 2% fat, protein and up to 1% lactic acid.

Tan or airan

The tan drink is very similar to ayran. It is not easy to describe in words how airan differs from tan, since the preparation technology is identical, as well as the main properties. The difference lies in the composition of the sourdough and the taste of the finished drink - tan is lighter and more salty. The processes occurring in milk are also different - in ayran alcohol and sour milk, in tan - only lactic acid.

Ayran drink: benefits and harms

It is very difficult to list the benefits and harms of ayran, it has so many advantages, and contraindications - at least. But in general, they can be conditionally divided as follows:

What is useful drink ayran:

Improved overall health– strengthening the immune system (production of vitamins of group B, C, etc.), prevention of colds (rich in calcium and phosphorus, vitamin C and other acids), support for a weakened body (protein in an easily digestible form, casein stimulates the production of hemoglobin), optimization activity of the CCC (strengthens blood vessels) and the respiratory system (increases blood flow to the lungs).

Normalization of digestion processes- improved appetite, suppression of putrefactive bacteria, improved digestion of food (stimulate the production of bile and gastric juice), more complete absorption of proteins (found in the form of simple proteins). Removes constipation (activation of the intestines, removal of inflammation and putrefaction in the intestines).

Feeling better- refreshes and nourishes, invigorates and quenches thirst and hunger. The presence of lactic acid, ascorbic acid, etc. allows the use of ayran as a natural anti-pohmelin.

The rich composition, salt, pure water contribute to the normalization of the water-salt composition of the human body - this is not the whole benefit of ayran for the body, if it is consumed at least several times a week.

Ayran fermented milk drink indications and contraindications

Ayran is incredibly useful during pregnancy - it reduces the likelihood of constipation, improves well-being and protects against viruses.

The rich composition, live microorganisms, against the background of low fat content and moderate acidity, lead to an improvement in cholesterol metabolism, reduce edema (normalization of kidney function). Therefore, this low-calorie drink is indicated for diabetics suffering from obesity, hypertension, constipation, gout, etc.

Ayran is becoming more and more popular - a great option both, and as the basis for a variety of healthy dishes.


There are dozens of technologies on how to make ayran at home, which differ in base and sourdough. Often, not ayran is used at home, but only the way it is used: dilution with water, enhancing the taste with herbs and salt, whipping to foam.

It is not difficult to make ayran drink at home. Recipes:

Traditional- boil milk, leave on low heat until reduced by 1/3 part, cool. Add live ayran sourdough, leave warm for 4-6 hours. Dilute the finished product with water, add salt, sugar, and spices, depending on the desired taste of the final dish. In summer, ayran and cucumber are popular, freshly prepared from the refrigerator.

Simplified ayran drink recipe - add sourdough (bio yogurt, bio sour cream or bio kefir) to prepared and cooled milk, leave it warm until a dense consistency. Use as desired - clean, as a separate dish or sauce for meat, or diluted, as a drink or base for okroshka.

Ayran is a fairly popular non-alcoholic drink, similar in composition to another drink - Tang. In this article, we will find out what Ayran is made of, and also study it. beneficial features and harm to the body.

Ayran is a type of fermented milk drink based on katyk or a variety. Katyk is curdled milk made from boiled milk. Ayran among settled peoples is liquid in consistency and quenches thirst very well, while among nomadic peoples it is thicker (like liquid sour cream), which, in turn, is convenient for its storage and transportation.

Composition of ayran

Traditional ayran is made from cow's milk with the addition of water and salt. Instead of cow's milk, goat's or sheep's milk is sometimes used. Airan usually contains:

  • 94% water
  • 1.2-1.5% fat,
  • 1.7% protein
  • 0.75% lactic acid (in Bulgarian ayran, the content of lactic acid reaches 1.16%).

The calorie content of ayran is about 27 kcal per 100 g of the product.

The abomasum of a slaughtered newborn calf is usually used as the initial starter. For this, the abomasum is salted and dried. After receiving an ayran, it can be used as a starter for making another ayran.

A distinctive feature of the ayran of settled peoples is that when preparing it, katyk is mixed with cold boiled, spring or mineral water with the addition of ice cubes. Ayran is considered the best, in which water makes up no more than 30%, and ice - a little less than 10% of the total amount of sourdough.

Ayran among nomadic peoples is made by fermenting milk, which was previously poured into a leather skinskin with leaven fastened to the saddle, now milk, after adding leaven, is placed in warm place. For eating, ayran of nomadic peoples is used as is, and to quench their thirst it is mixed with water or koumiss, or simply with milk. At the same time, ayran of industrial production has a more liquid consistency than ayran prepared in the traditional (in a wineskin) or "home" (at home) way. Ayran is also used to produce the product suzma by removing the whey. From suzma, in turn, by adding salt and drying in the shade, kurut is made.

Ayran benefit and harm

Many people like to argue about the benefits and harms of ayran for the body, but truth is born in a dispute. As with any product, ayran can be beneficial for one person and harmful for another.

Many people use ayran for weight loss, because. the calorie content of this fermented milk product is low, and its saturation is excellent.

Another use of ayran is with a hangover. The lactic acid bacteria contained in the product normalize digestion, improve food digestion and protect the liver, and salts help to quickly restore the water-salt balance (just like brine).

Other useful properties of ayran:

  • restores the intestinal microflora and removes toxins from the body,
  • regular use of ayran strengthens the immune system and prevents inflammatory diseases,
  • promotes blood flow to the lungs, improving the functioning of the respiratory centers of the body.

Ayran, like all fermented milk products, should not be consumed in hyperacid conditions: duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, gastritis.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Among the Eastern peoples, sour-milk drink ayran is very popular. Each sip of this wonderful drink invigorates, refreshes, improves mood. Due to the effect of the healing fluid in cold weather, the body's immune defenses begin to increase, which helps in the fight against many ailments. Milk health elixir can be bought at the store or made at home.

What is ayran

Ayran is widely used in the national cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Such a drink is used not only to quench thirst and saturate the body, but also for medicinal purposes. Ayran is a fermented milk drink based on milk and yeast. Today, the product can be found ready-made on store shelves or made independently using step-by-step recipes.

What are they made of

According to tradition, Kazakhs and Turks use goat, cow or sheep milk as a basis. Special starter cultures are added to the selected liquid. Both ingredients are diluted with spring water in a certain proportion. Ice is added before serving. If the drink was prepared in advance, the liquid should be shaken before drinking. You can make a useful remedy at home based on whole milk with the addition of kefir, sour cream, yogurt or special sourdough with bulgarian stick, yeast, thermophilic streptococcus (streptococcus thermophilus).

The history of the drink

The product became famous about 15 centuries ago. Ayran was the favorite drink of the people of Kerkinitida in Ancient Greece. Then the recipe for a white liquid, which was effective in quenching thirst and treating certain diseases, came to the nomads. During the period of the Great Migration of Peoples, nutritious drink, which retains its beneficial properties for a long time, was necessary for people in order to successfully survive the difficulties of wandering.

Highlanders, who lived in ancient times, carefully guarded the recipe for obtaining the elixir of health. On the territory of Russia, according to legend, the healing drink of the Caucasian centenarians appeared thanks to a girl who agreed to become the wife of an Armenian prince in exchange for a wineskin with valuable sourdough. Industrial production began at the end of the 20th century. The store version resembles the original only remotely; every hostess can try to prepare a healing liquid in her own kitchen.

Ayran composition and nutritional value

The classic composition includes katyk (boiled sour milk) and suzma (whey, which is formed after the separation of curdled milk). The drink contains a large amount of fatty and amino acids, which are easy to digest. Drinking is considered a storehouse of useful micro and macro elements. The composition includes zinc, iodine, selenium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, iron. There are a number of vitamins: D, A, E, group B, ascorbic acid. Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 1.1 g;
  • fats - 1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.4 g.


Sour-milk health elixir differs not only in its content a large number substances that favorably affect the state of the body, but also low in calories. The energy value of 100 grams of the product is only 24-69 kcal, depending on the density, fat content. Such properties make ayran an indispensable component of the diet of people who want to lose weight. excess weight, because the use will not harm the figure.

Taste of sour milk drink

By its taste and smell, this Caucasian elixir of health resembles salty kefir with a slightly more pronounced sourness. You can diversify the aroma of the product due to seasonings, fruits or berries. Not many people like the original taste of ayran. Those who prefer this drink say that the product differs from kefir in tenderness, softness, and has a more delicate aroma.

Why ayran is useful

There is an opinion among the Caucasian peoples that ayran is the key to their longevity and health. The beneficial bacteria contained in the healing elixir contribute to the production of vitamins and other essential substances that regulate the vital activity of the body. The main favorable properties are:

  • elimination of bile stasis processes;
  • an increase in the proportion of beneficial microorganisms in the composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • relief from a hangover;
  • improving respiratory function by increasing the flow of oxygen to the lungs;
  • fight against inflammatory processes;
  • reducing the severity of symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • maintaining an optimal level of water-salt balance;
  • rapid recovery of the body under heavy loads;
  • increase in metabolic rate;
  • normalization of the blood circulation process;
  • maintaining a normal level of development of the child in the phase of active growth;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • rapid elimination of hunger;
  • ability to reduce swelling.

Healing properties

A unique fermented milk product is used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Doctors prescribe a medicinal fluid for diabetes to lower the level of glucose in the blood, with arterial hypertension, to stabilize the pressure, with dysbacteriosis to increase the number of bacteria necessary to normalize the activity of the intestine. Healing drink is used as part of the treatment of tuberculosis, scurvy, anemia, typhoid fever, neurasthenia, pancreatic disorders.

There is evidence of the inhibitory effect of the therapeutic fluid on cancer cells, the ability to prevent their development. Ayran during early pregnancy is recommended to drink to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis. It is useful to drink for people of different ages with frequent stress, excessive physical and mental stress, adverse environmental impacts, as a laxative for constipation.

The drink is also known for its antiviral properties, so doctors recommend drinking it at a high risk of respiratory diseases, people with weakened immune systems. Ayran is considered one of the best means used to prevent osteoporosis, since calcium is more efficiently absorbed human body together with milk fat.

Application of ayran

The birthplace of a healthy dairy product is Circassia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The drink was widely used in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Sedentary peoples prefer a liquid consistency. They use it to improve digestion, fill you up quickly, and keep you cool in the heat. Nomadic peoples prefer a thick product because it tolerates transportation better. Before drinking, it is customary to dilute such a drink with mineral or ordinary water, koumiss or milk.

In Armenia, an analogue of ayran is used - tan. Products have an identical technology of preparation and effect on the body. Tang has a milder and saltier taste. Today, ayran, due to the content of a large number of useful substances, minerals and vitamins, is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and dietetics. How cosmetic product used in the form of masks, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

In cooking

In the East, the drink is widely used. Traditionally, it is used as a refreshing drink that helps quench thirst. To improve the taste, you can add mint to the healing liquid. The product is part of summer cold soups. Another property of the miracle drink is the ability to improve appetite. A mixture with herbs (basil, cilantro, dill, parsley) and spices (paprika, coriander, zira) turns into delicious sauce to meat dishes.

You can use the product as a dessert. To do this, pieces of fruit or berries are added to the fermented milk drink. The most successful cocktail is considered to be a mixture with green apple. The fruit adds fruity sourness, softens the taste. It is better to prepare such a drink at night, then beat it with a blender in the morning. Combined with pastries, you get a delicious, healthy and nutritious breakfast.

When losing weight

With a low calorie content, the drink is ideal for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. Its use will help to quickly saturate the body, give the strength needed for weight loss. It is useful to spend unloading days on ayran. To lose weight by 2-3 kg, you will need to drink this fermented milk product for 3 days. Due to the absence of harmful fats, artificial preservatives and carcinogens, ayran is often a recommended component of the menu of many diets.

In the process of losing weight, try to consume 1-1.5 liters of the drink daily, distributing this amount into several doses of 1 glass, which must be repeated every 3-4 hours. In addition to the dairy product, to maintain the water-salt balance and saturate the body with antioxidants, it is recommended to drink simple clean water and green tea without sugar with the addition of lemon.

For medicinal purposes

Mountain peoples often use ayran to cope with ailments. If you want to use a miracle drink for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, you should observe a certain systematicity:

  • For the treatment of disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), it is necessary to drink 0.2 liters together with meals.
  • To remove toxins from the liver in case of poisoning, you need to make a fasting day, refusing other foods.
  • To strengthen immunity in diseases caused by viruses, it is necessary to use 1 glass 1 hour before a meal.
  • To prevent dysbacteriosis when using antibiotics, you need to drink a healing liquid of 100-200 ml 60 minutes before a meal.

How to cook ayran at home

Today, this healing oriental drink can be found on store shelves. Before use, you only need to beat and add the desired additional ingredients. You can also prepare ayran at home. The technology to make it is simple. To get a delicious invigorating miracle drink, it is recommended to choose traditional recipes and fresh, quality products. Whole milk can become the basis, and kefir, sour cream, and yogurt are often used as starter cultures.

Classic recipe

The main ingredient for a miracle drink prepared at home is high-quality whole milk, which is recommended to be boiled. Sour cream, curdled milk or kefir can act as a starter. Classic recipe will help you make a delicious, healthy drink that keeps your body in good shape in your own kitchen.


  • whole milk - 0.88 l;
  • sourdough - 160 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool liquid at room temperature.
  2. Add the starter of your choice to the milk, mix well.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a ceramic or glass container under a tightly closed lid, hold for 5-6 hours.

Turkish ayran

A fresh, aromatic fermented milk drink with a rich taste can be prepared according to a Turkish recipe. Ayran is ideal for quenching thirst, gives vigor, and has a beneficial effect on mood. In Turkey, the product is considered an excellent addition to meat dishes: it emphasizes their taste, helps to normalize the digestion of heavy food. In combination with herbs, it can be used as a sauce.


  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • water (plain or mineral) - 150 ml;
  • natural yogurt - 0.75 l;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Inside a deep bowl, whisk water with yogurt for 30 seconds. Add salt while mixing.
  2. Put the chopped cucumber pulp, drip a little olive oil. Whisk all ingredients again until foamy.
  3. Serve fresh, poured into glasses.

Ayran recipe from kefir

In order to make a drink according to this recipe on your own, it is better to use kefir made at home using special natural starter cultures. If this is not possible, take a quality fermented milk product from the store. Salted cucumbers, dill in the composition will give ayran a piquant taste, make it even more useful.


  • serum - 500 ml;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl, beat a little using a blender or mixer.
  2. Cucumbers cut into small pieces. If peel canned fruits too hard, carefully remove it.
  3. Finely chop dill greens, add to kefir. Put cucumber slices there, salt.
  4. Dilute the resulting mass with whey to obtain the desired consistency. When serving, you can add a few ice cubes.

How to use

The main rule that must be observed when using is that the product must be fresh. They drink it to strengthen the immune system during the cold months, improve well-being, and eliminate thirst. Useful and tasty are yoghurts based on a fermented milk product. To prepare them, pieces of fruit or berries are added to the drink. To make a savory sauce for meat dishes, stir in basil, dill, cilantro, paprika. Aromatic liquid is also used for dressing okroshka. The dish comes out especially tasty if you add a lot of greens, mustard.

Ayran with cilantro and basil

The combination of a curative fermented milk product with herbs can bring many benefits to the human body, saturating it with essential vitamins and microelements. A drink with cilantro and basil has a pleasant spicy taste that will tone and good mood. Drink should be consumed fresh, so it is recommended to cook in small portions.


  • parsley - 1-3 branches;
  • basil - 2-3 branches;
  • cilantro - a small bunch;
  • ayran - 2 tbsp.;
  • dill - 1 small bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse greens thoroughly, dry and chop finely.
  2. Pour the fermented milk drink into a suitable vessel, mix with herbs. If desired, you can add a little salt, ice cubes when serving.

Okroshka on ayran

A suitable dish for a summer feast will be okroshka seasoned with a sour-milk drink. Cold soup has a refreshing effect, saturates the body with useful substances. In terms of taste, the dish is similar to the usual okroshka on kvass with sour cream, but it has interesting notes of the taste of a fermented milk product. The cooking process is reduced to mixing the salad with a fragrant liquid.


  • boiled chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • green onion - 1 bunch;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • radish - 0.4 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • boiled potatoes - 2-4 pcs.;
  • ayran - to taste;
  • milk sausage (ham) - 0.4 kg;
  • parsley and dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Take boiled potatoes, remove the peel from it, cut into small cubes. Put the prepared component inside the salad bowl with the first layer.
  2. Place finely chopped fresh cucumbers on top. Next, add the radishes chopped into small cubes.
  3. Finely chop sausage, meat or ham and eggs, send to vegetables. Onions and herbs should be chopped, add to the salad with the last layer. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, salt a little, arrange in portioned containers.
  4. Before serving, fill the dish with a drink so that the okroshka acquires the consistency you need.

sweet pastries

Ayran, like other fermented milk products, can become the basis for sweet pastries. It is easy to make pies, pancakes, muffins, pies with filling from the mass with this ingredient. Airan dough is tasty, simple and light. Prepare your own mannik at home with fruit filling. Such baking does not require much effort and time from the hostess.


  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • dried fruits, nuts - to taste;
  • semolina - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • ayran - 1 tbsp.;
  • baking soda - 1/3 tsp;
  • fruits (berries) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs inside a deep bowl, add sugar. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until foamy.
  2. Add a fermented milk product, butter, flour, semolina, chopped dried fruits, grated cinnamon, vanilla to the dough. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Cut the fruit into slices, put on the bottom of the form, which is first recommended to be greased with oil. Pour the batter on top.
  4. Place the pie inside the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until tender about 50 minutes.
  5. Allow the product to cool in the form so that the dough does not settle. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Harm and contraindications

The use of the product can bring the body not only benefit, but also harm. Drink should be, following some recommendations:

  • A fermented milk product is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, having high acidity, with individual intolerance to dairy products.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules of storage: the miracle drink should be consumed freshly prepared. You can keep it in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
  • To avoid poisoning, it is important to properly prepare the fermented milk drink ayran, using quality ingredients, controlling the fermentation process. If you buy a drink in a store, pay attention to the expiration date.


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Ayran - what is it, useful properties of a fermented milk drink, recipes for cooking at home