Delicious pork meat rolls. Pork belly roll is a homemade delicacy. Pork roll boiled "Simple"

This appetizer can be served as an independent dish, as well as used as a filling for sandwiches.

  1. Put the pork knuckle in a deep saucepan. Pour 3 liters into the bowl cold water, and when the liquid boils, remove the foam with a spoon and reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil the meat for 2.5 hours, then add salt, peppercorns and Bay leaf.
  2. When the meat is tender, remove the shank from the pan and transfer to a cutting board. Carefully remove the bone and unfold the workpiece.
  3. Finely chop the peeled garlic with a knife. Lay it on top of the pork.
  4. Roll up the workpiece and wrap it in cling film.
  5. Put the shank in a bowl under oppression. You can use a cutting board, and put a liter jar of water on it.
  6. Send the roll for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator.

When will it pass right time, release the roll from the film and cut it into thin slices. Serve it to the table with a side dish of cereals or vegetables, bread, horseradish and mustard.

Boiled Pork Roll Recipe

This delicious dish of Ukrainian cuisine looks very appetizing and has a spicy aroma. It is prepared from the peritoneum with a thin and delicate skin. When choosing a piece for a roll, pay attention to the fat - the more it is, the juicier the roll will be.

  1. Wash a piece of peritoneum weighing 1500 g under running water and then pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon of Provencal herbs, 2 tablespoons of sea salt, 0.5 teaspoon of ground pepper. Rub meat with spices.
  3. Peel the head of garlic from the husk, cut the slices into thin slices. Lay them out on the board.
  4. Roll up the meat, then tie it securely with twine.
  5. Place the meat in a heatproof roasting bag and lower into a pot of water.
  6. Put the dishes on medium heat and wait until the liquid boils. After that, reduce the heat and cook the roll for 1.5-2 hours.
  7. When the meat is ready, cool it to room temperature.

Before serving, try to cut the roll as thin as possible. The appetizer goes well with strong drinks, and you can supplement it with mustard or spicy tomato sauce.

Boiled pork rolls are often stuffed with mushrooms, cereals, vegetables, and prunes. An interesting taste of the snack can be given with the help of aromatic herbs and spices.

It is rightfully called a homemade delicacy. Preparing it is quite simple, and does not require large expenses. The roll in the oven turns out juicy, fragrant and with a crispy appetizing crust. It can be served to the table in any form: cold and hot.

K is usually served with all sorts of sauces that can further increase their taste. Try to cook pork belly roll, you will definitely like it. Such a dish will perfectly decorate the festive table. Only try to choose meat with a layer and preferably young.

Pork belly roll

We will need: peritoneum, five large cloves of garlic, bay leaf, black and red pepper, salt.

Preparation: thoroughly wash the pork and rub well with salt. You do not need to remove the skin, it will make a very tasty crust.

Grind the garlic, spread it evenly on the surface of the peritoneum, sprinkle abundantly with red and black pepper and put the parsley.

We roll the pork peritoneum roll as tight as possible and tie it with a sufficiently strong rope.

Now we take a large saucepan, put a roll in it, fill it with water, salt and leave to marinate for a day and a half.

After the set time has passed, we remove the peritoneum from the brine and dry it with a towel.

Next, put the roll in a baking sleeve and make a few punctures.
We send the baking sheet to the preheated oven and immediately reduce the temperature to the minimum. Here our roll will be baked for about three hours. Then we take the pan out of the oven. cut, take out the roll from the pork peritoneum, let it cool a little and send it to the refrigerator until completely cooled.

The dish is ready!

Pork belly roll in haste

We will need: one and a half kilograms of peritoneum, ten cloves of garlic, pepper, salt, any vegetable oil.

Preparation: Pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press. My peritoneum and rub well with pepper, salt and garlic. We twist it very tightly into a roll, tie it with a strong thread and put it in a baking sheet, previously lubricating it with oil. Bake for about an hour at 180 degrees. Cool the finished roll, cut the thread and cut into pieces.

Pig head roll

Required ingredients: pork head, five cloves of garlic, a couple of sprigs of rosemary, a pinch of dried basil, rosemary and thyme, pepper, salt.

Preparation: Thoroughly clean the pig's head with a brush, then rinse and dry. We take the sharpest knife and carefully cut off the meat from the skull along with the fat. We separate the tongue and ears, clean them well and rinse.
We put the tongue along the head, in the place where the eyes were, we put pieces of meat. We slightly incise the muscles of the neck, sprinkle everything evenly with spices and rub well with chopped garlic. We turn the head into a tight roll and tie it with a dense thread or twine. We put sprigs of rosemary under the thread.

We take the largest baking dish, lay out pieces of cut fat in it and add spices. Put the roll on top of the fat, cover with a piece of foil on top and put in a hot oven. We bake for about three hours, from time to time pouring the fat that has melted into the pan.

Before removing the roll, remove the foil and leave in the oven for a few more minutes until a golden crust appears. After that, cool the dish and put it in the refrigerator. for eight o'clock.

Pork skin roll

Necessary products: pork skins, a bunch of any greens, pepper, salt.

Preparation: We put a pot of water on a large fire. We take the skins without bristles, rinse well and put them in a pan with boiled water. We cook for an hour and a half. But just don't overcook them.

We lay out the finished skins on the table, sprinkle with salt, pepper and chopped herbs. We roll them into a roll. Wrap it in cling film and leave it in the refrigerator until it cools completely. It is better to cut a chilled roll directly with a film.

Enjoy your meal!

Menu to festive table rarely does without high-calorie and incredibly tasty dishes based on various types meat. It might be hot different kinds salads or fragrant snacks, of which there are a huge variety.

Among the latter, pork belly roll is especially popular. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most original and popular methods of its preparation, so:

General principles of preparation

First, it is worth using exclusively fresh pork belly. Moreover, the more meat and layers on it, the tastier the roll will turn out.

Immediately before cooking, the meat should be thoroughly rinsed in running water. If traces of contamination are visible on the skin, it is necessary to remove them, for example, with a knife. In some cases, bristles may also come across, which is better to grind with a candle, or, using a knife, rinse under running water.

In many cases, for the preparation of the roll, the peritoneum is pre-marinated, using spices, water brines or salt for this (depending on the requirements of the recipe). Moreover, the more time the meat spends in contact with the components of the marinade, the more saturated its taste will be.


Usually it is customary to wrap in such a roll:

  • several varieties of fresh and dry peppers;
  • a little mustard or garlic;
  • adjika or other sauces suitable for meat;
  • greenery.

The meat is rolled up, after which it is tied as tightly as possible with a strong thread so that during the cooking process the pork peritoneum roll does not lose its integrity and aesthetic appearance, and send the oven, slow cooker or pot of water. In some cases, a combined cooking method is used, which combines boiling and baking in the oven.

After the dish is ready, you should wait for it to cool completely, then keep it in the refrigerator and only after that cut the thread and serve with ketchup, garlic sauce or adjika. However, in some cases, the dish can be served hot.

How to bake a pork belly roll in a slow cooker and salt the lard

You can inexpensively buy such a part of the pig as the peritoneum (flank). What it is? In fact - the chest part, its thin end, closer to the hind legs, to the groin. From this and the name - flank.

Usually there are small ribs. They are easily separated along with the meat. They make an excellent stew or hodgepodge. There is a piece of fat on the skin and a little meat. This meat is not very soft, which is why the hostesses do not like it. But there is a great way to make a roll from the peritoneum, which turns out to be similar to homemade sausage. It can be served warm with a side dish or cooled, cut into thin pieces.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • - pork (peritoneum);
  • - garlic;
  • - spices for meat;
  • - salt;
  • - mustard.

Take a piece of peritoneum, carefully cut off the meat part.

It separates easily. It is necessary to capture a small part of the fat in order to make the roll more juicy.

There remains a piece of fat, it can be salted.

To do this, you need to salt it and pepper it well.

Cut the garlic and cover it with a piece of fat.

Cover the prepared pork with a lid and refrigerate for salting. In a week, the fat will be ready. It can be cut for food, or you can scroll in a meat grinder with herbs and serve as a snack.

Process a piece of the remaining lean peritoneum with spices: salt, pepper.

Squeeze out the garlic.

Spread it over the surface of the meat.

Coat with spices for meat.

Roll up a piece.

Tie it with thread.

Cover the roll with mustard.

Spread it with a brush in a thin layer.

Put a piece in the multicooker bowl. Turn on the "baking" mode for 60 minutes.

An hour later, the roll is ready.

It is better to remove the threads after the meat has cooled. If you remove them earlier, the roll will be loose. But for "hot" you can remove the threads earlier. It turns out extremely tasty and beautiful.

And most importantly, the dish is prepared very easily and quickly.

We offer you 2 more recipes for cooking this delicious dish in the oven and in cellophane.

Roll of peritoneum baked in foil

Agree, dishes cooked in the oven have their own, expressive, incomparable taste.

The main condition for the preparation of such a roll is the presence of foil, in which it is wrapped during the cooking process, in order to prevent the juice from flowing out of the meat, giving the roll the opportunity to properly nourish them.

At the same time, the dish itself, subject to its proper preparation, turns out to be dense, very juicy and soft.

So, we need:

  • A kilogram of pork (belly);
  • 40 grams of garlic;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • a mixture of spices to taste - 15 grams;
  • fine salt - 30 grams.

Let's make a reservation right away that the main part of the time necessary for making the roll (about ten hours) will be spent on preparing the meat, the baking itself will last about two hours.

At the preparatory stage, the peritoneum cut must be thoroughly washed, allowed to drain, then rubbed with salt on both sides and sent to the refrigerator for ten hours (do not forget to cover).

After this period, the meat that has already managed to let the juice out is removed from the refrigerator and washed from salt, which is no longer required.

After that, deep cuts are made along the entire length of the piece, starting from the meat part (up to the very skin, without violating its integrity!).

Having finished with the meat, we proceed to the manufacture of a mixture of garlic, which is cut as finely as possible and pepper, which is best ground in a brander to the state of gruel.

The resulting substance should be carefully rubbed on the inner surface of the future roll, wrap the meat and fix it in this form with a thread wound across.

The rolled roll is rubbed on the outside with the remnants of the pepper-garlic mixture, and then wrapped in foil (it is recommended to wrap it twice) and placed in the oven, preheated to a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees, for an hour and a half.

You can cut the finished dish only after it has completely cooled down. Such a roll is served with various sauces, ketchup, mustard, adjika or bread.

Pork belly roll boiled in cellophane

To prepare this dish, we will need:

  • Bay leaf - three pieces;
  • Garlic - four cloves;
  • Black ground pepper - one teaspoon;
  • Salt - one to two tablespoons;
  • Pork peritoneum - one kilogram.

How to cook?

First of all, we extract lard from a piece of peritoneum, since in this part of the carcass it is quite thin and it is possible to roll it up, then we wash it with running water and clean the skin, part of which can be cut off.

We rub the inner surface of the future roll with salt, passed through a special press with garlic, sprinkle with bay leaves and black pepper on top (you can also use other seasonings to taste).

After all the manipulations described above, the fat is rolled up, tied as tightly as possible with a strong thread to fix the shape and sent to the refrigerator for a day for salting.

After twenty-four hours, we remove the roll blank from the refrigerator, put it in plastic bag(it is better to use two at once) and lower it into boiling water for an hour.

When ready, let the roll cool down (this will take about three hours, but it is better to leave the dish to cool for the whole night) and serve.

  • In no case do not leave the meat in a container with water, but rinse it exclusively under the tap.
  • It is best to choose the peritoneum, in which the meat has a light, pinkish tint, and the fat is white.
  • In no case do not use the peritoneum with a thick layer of fat, as this will negatively affect the calorie content of the finished dish;
  • Don't abuse storage meat products V freezer, this can lead to a lack of juiciness, and the finished roll runs the risk of being hard and loose.
  • To give the dish a pleasant aroma and freshness, moisten the lard with lemon juice.

And most importantly, don't be afraid to cook! Remember that any, even the most daring experiments in the kitchen may well result in the creation of a unique culinary masterpiece!

According to this recipe, you can cook a great pork belly meatloaf, tasty and mouth-watering!

Pork belly is a part of a pork carcass from the belly of an animal, which usually has more fat than meat. But if you come across a good peritoneum with solid layers of meat, then you can make a great meatloaf out of it. And such a meatloaf, it should be noted, is one of the easiest to prepare: you just need to rub the meat with spices, roll it into a roll, tie it with a thread and bake it in the oven. Cases for a maximum of two hours, and the active cooking time is completely minimal. And as a result, you get an amazing meat delicacy and, of course, a lot of compliments from relatives and friends who admire your culinary talents!


  • pork, 500 g (peritoneum with layers of meat)
  • garlic, 3 cloves
  • mustard, 2 tbsp.
  • black pepper

How to cook pork belly roll in the oven:

Rinse the pork belly well, rub on both sides with pepper, mustard and salt (other spices can be used).

Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves, spread evenly over the inner surface of the peritoneum.

Roll the peritoneum into a roll, tie with twine, then wrap with foil, put in a baking dish or on a baking sheet, put in an oven heated to 200 degrees, bake for 80-90 minutes.

10 minutes before the end of baking, unfold the foil so that the roll is browned.

You can serve pork belly roll to the table both hot for the second, and completely cooled down as an appetizer.

Such a roll of pork peritoneum can be stored in the freezer for a long time. Once cooled, slice and freeze - take out as needed. This is a great appetizer for strong drinks.

- this is an appetizer, and hot, and a great alternative to sausage. It looks much more advantageous on bread, tastier and more natural.

You can cook this miracle yourself different ways. What? Now find out!

Pork roll in foil in the oven - general principles of cooking

No need to look for a flat piece of meat for the roll. Take any, cut it with a “book” and unfold it into a layer. Can be cut in a spiral into 3 or 4 parts.

The meat will be more tender if it is lightly beaten off and greased with sauce in advance. You can leave to marinate for several hours.

The roll will not unwind if it is tied in several places with threads.

Usually meat rolls in foil are baked in 2 stages: they are brought to readiness, then the top of the foil is removed and fried. But this is optional. You can just bake in foil without browning.

Rolls are baked at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees. When frying the crust, you can add up to 220-230.

Bright pork roll in foil in the oven (with carrots and garlic)

A variant of a very fragrant and appetizing pork roll in foil in the oven. Vegetable filling will make the dish lighter, if desired, spinach can be added to carrots.


0.5 kg of pork;

1 carrot;

3 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of mustard;

Salt and pepper;

1 tsp vegetable oil.


1. We start with pork. Rinse, cut a piece across, but not to the very end. We unfold it like a book and lightly pass with a hammer.

2. Mix mustard with vegetable oil, salt and pepper. In general, you can add any spices to your taste. We stir. Rub the pork on all sides. Leave to marinate while preparing the filling.

3. We clean the carrots. If the root crop is small, then you can take two pieces. We rub on a large grater. Chop the garlic, add to the carrots. Add chopped spinach if desired. We season the filling with spices, but not much.

4. We take our meat, lay out the carrot filling, distribute an even layer, twist the usual roll.

5. We wrap the bundle with threads, tie it.

6. Transfer to foil, wrap.

7. Put in the oven for an hour. Pork roll is prepared at 200 degrees. If desired, brown by cutting and unfolding the foil at the end of cooking.

Pork garlic roll in foil in the oven

A variant of a simple, but very tasty and fragrant pork roll in foil in the oven. If desired, honey from the recipe can be omitted or replaced. granulated sugar.


0.6 kg of pork;

1-2 tablespoons of mustard;

1 tsp honey;

1 tsp spices for meat;

2 spoons of soy sauce;

5 cloves of garlic;

0.5 bunch of dill.


1. Mix honey with mustard in a bowl and soy sauce. Add seasonings.

2. Cut the piece in half, not to the very end, open it. If the piece is thick, you can make a triple cut, first on one side not to the very end, then also on the opposite side.

3. Pour the sauce over the pork, rub it thoroughly with your hands and leave it in a bowl for an hour, cover it from above so that the meat does not dry out.

4. Chop the garlic and dill.

5. Pour the filling onto the unfolded piece of pork, roll up the usual roll. We tie with threads for strength.

6. Transfer to foil. From above, you can coat with sauce, which remained in the bowl after marinating the base of the roll.

7. We seal, bake for an hour at an average temperature of 180-190. Don't forget to remove the strings before serving.

Pork roll in foil in the oven with prunes

One of the popular fillings for pork roll in foil, which is cooked in the oven. Dried dried apricots can also be used instead of prunes. The principle of preparation is absolutely the same, but the taste will be different.


0.5-0.7 kg of pork;

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (sour cream);

0.08 kg of prunes;

1 clove of garlic;

Spices for pork.


1. Cut the washed piece so that it can be rolled up.

2. Mix mayonnaise with any seasonings of your choice, add chopped garlic. Brush the pork with half of the sauce. The second part is left for the top finish.

3. If the prunes are soft, then just rinse. If it is very dry, then pre-soak in warm water, but not for long. Enough 10-15 minutes.

4. We spread the prunes on the prepared layer of meat. We twist in a spiral.

5. Wrap with threads in three places.

6. Lubricate the rest of the sauce on top. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream for it, but only fat.

7. Wrap the pork in foil.

8. We send to bake. On average, it will take 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees. This roll, like all others, can be opened and browned at the end.

Pork mushroom roll in foil in the oven

A variant of a delicious pork mushroom roll in foil in the oven. For its preparation, it is not necessary to use the mushrooms indicated in the ingredients. You can take others at your discretion.


800 g pork;

0.15 kg of pickled champignons;

6-7 slices of cheese;

3 tsp granular mustard;

Pepper, salt.


1. Cut a piece of pork so that you get one canvas, tap a little with a hammer.

2. Combine mayonnaise and granular mustard, mix with spices. In addition to salt and pepper, you can add something else to your taste.

3. Spread the sauce over the meat, reserving 1 tablespoon for topping the roll before baking. Distribute the sauce.

4. We cut the pickled mushrooms into slices, spread them over the entire surface of the pork, but retreat from the edge by a centimeter.

5. Lay slices of cheese on top of the mushrooms. If it does not bend well, then you can grate the same amount and sprinkle.

6. We twist the roll carefully, try not to shift the layers of the filling. Tighten the thread carefully. It's better to get someone's help.

7. We shift to the prepared piece of foil.

8. We take the sauce that was left earlier. We coat the pork on top so that the roll also has taste on this side.

9. Close the foil. We shift the bundle into a mold, pour 1-2 cm of water on the bottom.

10. Put the meat to bake. The time depends on the thickness of the roll, on average it is an hour. Temperature 190-200. Optionally, at the end, fry the bundle to a crust, freeing from the foil.

Pork nut roll in foil in the oven

Recipe for an amazing roll with walnuts from pork tenderloin. It is also cooked in the oven, the product is wrapped in foil. Used as cold appetizer, absolutely any cheese can be used, it serves as a bonding layer, the nuts will not crumble.


A piece of pork 700-800 g;

150 g nuts;

120 g of cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

A mixture of peppers;

1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;


1. We cut the pork to make a layer no more than 2 cm thick. Tap for softness with a hammer.

2. Rub the meat with salt and a mixture of peppers. If the cheese is salty, then we take this into account and do not season the inside strongly.

3. Fry the nuts a little, chop into pieces. Add coarsely grated cheese, immediately chop the garlic and add mayonnaise. You can use sour cream.

4. Distribute the filling, roll up a tight roll.

5. We tie a bundle with a thread.

6. We pack in a piece of foil, send it to the oven.

7. We cook the roll with cheese at a temperature of 170-180, otherwise the filling will overheat and leak out. Bake exactly 70 minutes. Then cool directly in foil.

Pork roll in foil in the oven "Delicious"

A chic version of meatloaf, for which you need beef tongue. The dish is really tasty, original.


700 g pork neck;

1 tongue (about 500 g);

Spices and spices (cloves, pepper, laurel);

5 strips of bacon;

2 spoons of mustard;

1 spoon of ketchup;

2 spoons of mayonnaise.


1. Boil the tongue until tender in a saucepan with spices. Add peppercorns, laurel, at the end be sure to salt. Cool down, clean up.

2. We cut the neck so that we get a layer. Cover with foil and beat with a hammer. The piece should be such that you can wrap your tongue in it.

3. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup and mustard. Lubricate the pork with a thin layer, coat the tongue as well.

4. We wrap the prepared tongue with strips of bacon, put it on the meat.

5. We hide the tongue in pork. We tie with threads, grease with the rest of the sauce. We do it all at once on the foil.

6. We pack the roll, bake for 40 minutes in foil, then remove and cook for another 20 minutes. All this time the temperature is 200.

Pork roll in foil in the oven (with pineapple)

Pork and pineapple is a chic combination that can be used in a roll too. It will definitely turn out juicy and flavorful. If desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of walnuts to the filling, the aroma will be chic.


600 g pork;

2 spoons of mayonnaise;

3 pineapple rings;

10 olives;

70 g cheese.


1. Cut the pork with a book, unfold and slightly beat off.

2. We combine mayonnaise with salt and half of the spices, grease the meat with one spoon.

3. Cut pineapples into slices, halves of olives.

4. Spread the stuffing mixed on the meat.

5. Just rub the cheese, sprinkle a little on top. It will hold the pieces together so that the filling does not fall out when cutting the finished dish.

6. We wrap a tight roll, wrap it with thread.

7. Lubricate with the remaining mayonnaise with spices, wrap it in a piece of foil and send it to the oven for an hour. For this pork, the temperature is 200.

Pork roll in foil in the oven - tips and tricks

To make the roll beautifully fried, after opening the foil, the product can be re-lubricated with sauce, honey or soy. You can also sprinkle lightly with grated cheese. Just remember to remove the threads first in this case.

If you do not like the taste of boiled garlic, you can simply place a few cloves in foil near the roll.