What is worcester sauce recipe. Worcestershire sauce: homemade recipes

Worcestershire sauce has English roots and has a unique, unsurpassed aroma and rich sweet and sour taste due to the fact that its main composition includes fish, vinegar and sugar (see photo). It would seem, how can such ingredients create and give your dish a persistent and rich flavor? However, if you just add even one teaspoon of this sauce to a dish, it will truly sparkle with new colors for you.

Let's try for a moment to plunge into the history of the creation of this masterpiece. There are quite a few legends that tell about the origin of the sauce. One of them tells that one of the English pharmacies in Worcestershire (hence the name of the sauce) was approached by Lord Marquez Sandy, who had previously worked as a governor in India. From there, he brought the recipe, as well as some spices for cooking, and asked the pharmacists to make the mixture according to the available instructions. But something went wrong, and the lord refused to take this mixture, because, according to him, it was not what he wanted to receive. Well, the pharmacists had no choice but to remove this mixture into the basement. And only a few years or a few months later, in this the legends differ from each other, when the pharmacists decided to conduct an audit, they stumbled upon the forgotten sauce. After tasting it, they could not believe their taste sensations. During the stay in the basement, the sauce has infused and acquired a tart, sweet and sour taste. Fortunately, the apothecaries found the recipe brought by the lord and set up the production of the sauce. To date, it has received universal approval in many countries around the world.

Sauce is added mainly to fish and meat dishes, and alcoholic drinks, such as " Bloody Mary and Caesar.

Worcestershire Sauce Ingredients

Worcestershire sauce contains as many as 25 ingredients, some of which vary depending on the country where the sauce is sold. Most of the ingredients are simply incompatible with each other, but this is what gives zest and uniqueness to the contents of the sauce.

To prepare the sauce, the following main ingredients are used:

  • anchovies;
  • tomato paste;
  • mushroom extract;
  • port wine;
  • curry;
  • aspic (defatted concentrated meat extract);
  • lemon juice;
  • tarragon extract;
  • corn syrup or sugar;
  • malt vinegar;
  • black molasses or burnt sugar;
  • tamarind.

Let's look at what gives the sauce a sweet and sour taste, in addition to lemon juice, vinegar and sugar. Is it really necessary to add such a huge amount of spices? Most of the seasonings used in the sauce have a sharp taste and a sharp aftertaste (asafoetida, horseradish, Bay leaf, nutmeg, chili pepper, black pepper, allspice, garlic), but they are softened by tamarind, as it gives the dish sourness.

The latter is an important component of Worcestershire sauce. It is tamarind that sets that sweet and sour taste that distinguishes it from other sauces. It belongs to long-lived plants, because of this it grows for a long time. Its fruit consists of pulp and seeds. Sometimes recipes list the tamarind seed, but only the flesh is edible when the fruit is brown or red-brown in color. The consistency of the pulp is sticky, thick and has a spicy apricot flavor. Tamarind is rich in sugar and acids, and is also a source of calcium. If you don't find it, then in a pinch you can replace the tamarind with lemon juice, but the taste will still be different.

I would like to remind you once again that spices play an important role in the preparation of the sauce. If you do not add at least one of the above ingredients, then, alas, you will not get the amazing taste that Worcester sauce has. Chefs around the world recommend being careful in cooking, observing a sense of proportion in everything, not pouring everything and more, otherwise the taste will deteriorate, and this, in turn, threatens to spoil the dish.

Recipe for cooking at home

The recipe for Worcestershire sauce is quite simple, and it can be prepared even at home. Nobody officially advertises the original sauce recipe, but if for some reason you could not find the product on store shelves, then you can cook it at home, and the taste will certainly not be very different from the purchased one.

We offer one of the simplest and best recipes sauce preparation. To do this, prepare gauze in advance and fold it in several layers (it’s just that some products will be better cooked in a gauze bag).

Now let's move on to the cooking method. First, pour 2 tablespoons of acetic acid into a bowl and put the onion in this solution, leave for a few minutes. Then chop finely. Next, chop two cloves of garlic and sprinkle with vinegar. In a gauze bag put the onion, garlic, cinnamon stick, half a teaspoon of red and black pepper, cloves and cardamom. At this stage, the prepared gauze pocket needs to be tied tightly enough, because during the cooking process we will periodically wring out this bag. Pour half a cup of soy sauce into a saucepan and acetic acid, pour one hundred grams of sugar and put tamarind. Pour in some water and put on fire. Boil over low heat for about thirty minutes. Now cut the prepared anchovy into small pieces, put it in a separate bowl, add half a teaspoon of curry there, salt to taste, dilute with clean cold water and mix everything thoroughly. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, where the sauce itself is cooked directly, continue cooking.

At the next stage, we shift the gauze pocket with spices into a glass jar, after turning off the fire. Pour the sauce into it and tightly twist the lid. Waiting for the liquid to cool completely room temperature and then put the jar in the fridge. For a week, squeeze the bag daily, then remove the pocket with spices from the jar. Pour the sauce into small bottles and leave it in the refrigerator or in some other dark cool place for storage (this product easily adapts to home storage conditions).

Application in cooking

The use of Worcestershire sauce in cooking has gained wide popularity among all the peoples of the world. It is the most common condiment in England, which is not surprising. Most often this sauce is used to create:

  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • drinks.

It is customary to use the sauce as a marinade for meat dishes, for example, cutlets, beef tenderloin, carbonates, barbecue, baked chicken, scrambled eggs with bacon, roast beef. It can even be added to rice, pasta, dumplings, vegetable stew, Caesar salad. Do not do without it and everyone knows alcoholic drink"Bloody Mary". But most of all, the sauce shows its taste and aroma in the preparation of fish dishes. It is enough to add just a teaspoon of this sauce to the finished dish - and its taste will change beyond recognition, sparkle with new flavors.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the sauce is contraindicated in case of allergies to seafood and increased acidity of the stomach. The calorie content of this product is relatively low, and most often it is added to dishes in a small amount, so everyone can use it, excluding the above contraindications.

What can be replaced?

What can be substituted for this sauce? - this question very often worries housewives who, for whatever reason, cannot purchase this product. Some try to create its analogues, but picking up something similar just won’t work for one simple reason: the sauce has a too peculiar taste, and the substitute is simply unable to repeat it. Someone is trying to use soy sauce as a substitute. Others suggest using balsamic vinegar, a mixture of sauces containing seafood and similar condiments. But, as the chefs say, then you get a completely different taste. Therefore, it is better to find an original product, especially since very little is required for a dish.

The original taste of this sauce cannot be expressed in words. At least once cook a dish with it yourself and appreciate its taste.

Do you know what Worcestershire sauce is? Few homeowners have heard of this. Let's try to figure it out together and find out something about this sauce in more detail. So, Worcestershire sauce is a versatile, popular and very concentrated seasoning of English cuisine with a rich bright burgundy color, on a base with a spicy taste.

It consists of one third of tomato paste, and the rest of the volume is occupied by about 25 more ingredients, including Jamaican and black pepper, hot chili pepper, walnut extract, ginger, cloves, mushroom decoction, garlic, flour, salt and wine.

The use of Worcestershire sauce is quite wide. It is used in meat stews and fried foods ah, they flavor hot appetizers, boiled and fried fish. This condiment was invented in Britain about a century and a half ago. It has an original, pleasant and piquant sweet and sour taste.

Classic Worcestershire sauce is produced only in an industrial way. The production technology of the sauce popular in most countries, of course, is kept in strict confidence. Real Worcestershire sauce is very concentrated, therefore it is used literally in drops in dishes. Let's learn with you how to make Worcestershire sauce at home.

At home, we are unlikely to be able to properly prepare a real sauce. The fact is that all culinary guides usually contain ingredients for making 10 kg of ready-made sauce. And for such a quantity of product, we need microscopic doses of some spices. For example, 1 g of bay leaf and ginger, chili pepper, 4 g of nutmeg, etc. Ready seasoning can be stored at room temperature for 2 years if the bottle is unopened. Once opened, the sauce is best refrigerated. Since it is very concentrated, you need to use it in 3 drops per serving.

Worcestershire salad dressing recipe


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil- 100 ml;
  • Parmesan cheese - 30 g;
  • French mustard - 20 g;
  • Worcestershire sauce - a few drops;
  • spices - to taste.


We thoroughly wash the eggs in warm water, bring to a boil, turn off the fire immediately and carefully pierce each egg with a needle. Then again lower them into hot water and leave to lie there for exactly a minute. This time we take a lemon, cut it and squeeze the juice from one half into a separate bowl. Now we take out a blender or a whisk, chop the eggs with a knife, pour the liquid part of the egg into a glass of a blender, and pick out a layer of protein from the shells with a spoon. Salt everything and beat thoroughly, pouring in gradually lemon juice and continue to stir.

Then grate hard cheese on a grater, pour it into the egg mass and mix well again. After that, add a few drops of classic Worcestershire sauce, put sandwich mustard and sprinkle with ground black pepper to taste. Beating the contents of the glass with a blender, pour in a thin stream of olive oil and bring everything to a homogeneous mass. Dress the prepared Caesar salad with the resulting sauce and serve the dish to the table.

Worcestershire sauce was first made in England, prepared by pharmacists Lee and Perrins according to recipes brought from India, which at that time belonged to the British Empire. When the pharmacists first prepared this sauce, they did not like its taste, but by pure chance they did not throw out the barrel, and after a while it caught my eye again. We decided to try the sauce again, and its taste exceeded all expectations.

In 1838, the sauce was launched in retail sale calling the sauce Worcestershire, in honor of the county of the same name. From the very beginning of the sale, the sauce has become very popular among the population.

In classic composition of Worcestershire sauce includes several varieties of vinegar, molasses, sugar, salt, anchovies, tamarind extract, onion, garlic and spices, the exact composition of which is kept secret. This sauce is slightly lighter than soy sauce, and its taste and aroma are delicate enough not to interrupt the taste of the product, but to emphasize it - after all, Worcester sauce is mainly used not as a sauce, but as a liquid seasoning.

Worcestershire sauce is spicy and highly concentrated in flavor and is the most common condiment in England. The sauce is produced commercially. Worcestershire sauce is used in English national cuisine for meat stews and fried dishes, it is flavored with roast beef, stews, bacon with scrambled eggs, even sandwiches in eateries and bars, and it is also great for boiled and fried fish. Worcestershire sauce is included in many recipes. classic dishes, the most famous of which is Caesar salad (it was the Worcester in the original recipe) - as well as cocktails. For example, in our country “Bloody Mary” is often made without a Worcester, but in a decent bar this sauce will definitely be added.

Otherwise, when using Worcestershire sauce, the main thing is the measure: a few drops are enough to give the dish a special aroma and enhance the taste, and we don’t need more from this sauce.

Here is a recipe for Worcestershire Sauce..

0.5 st. water.

grind onion, garlic, ginger rhizome and anchovy. Wrap onion, garlic, mustard, red and black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom in a tight gauze bag and tie. Put this bag of spices in a saucepan, add sugar and tamarind pulp, pour vinegar and soy sauce. Bring all this to a boil and leave on low heat for 40 minutes. Separately mix salt, water, curry, anchovies and pour into saucepan. Then remove the sauce from the heat and pour it together with a bag of spices into a glass jar, close the lid well and place in the refrigerator. Stir the sauce from time to time and squeeze the bag of spices. After two weeks, the bag should be thrown away, and the finished sauce should be bottled. Sauce is best stored in the refrigerator. and shake well before use.

Worcestershire sauce is perhaps one of the most legendary English sauces. His recipe is still an unsolved mystery, and fame has spread all over the world. Worcestershire sauce has a history of over 170 years. It was at that time that Lord Sandys, the governor of Bengal, returned to his homeland, to good old England. But during his governorship, he had become so accustomed to spicy oriental cuisine that decent English food seemed too insipid to him.

Then the lord invited two agile gentlemen, John Lea and William Perrins, who worked in one of the pharmacies, and suggested that they make the sauce according to the recipe he had preserved. The young people purchased all the necessary ingredients and began to fulfill the task of the lord. To everyone's dismay, the mixture they received was too spicy and smelled bad. The jars with the failed sauce were hidden in the basement and forgotten about for a long time. It wasn't until a few years later, while cleaning out the basement, that Leah and Perrins discovered their failed sauce and decided to try it again. Surprisingly, after a long exposure in a damp cellar, the sauce acquired a delicious taste! Lea and Perrins did not lose their heads, and already in 1837 they began to officially produce and sell Worcestershire sauce under the Lea & Perrins brand.

It must be said that in England the sauce was quickly tasted, and its sales began to grow every year. Worcestershire sauce soon gained worldwide fame. But its recipe is still known only to a limited circle of people. The sauce is said to contain fermented fish, molasses, tamarind, French garlic, English red onion, Madagascar cloves, chili peppers, and more. The technology for making Worcestershire sauce is also classified: special ingredients must mature in special barrels in the basement of the Worcester sauce factory. It takes 3 years and 3 months to make a bottle of Lea & Perrins sauce.

World Favorite

Worcestershire sauce is truly loved all over the world. In Greece and Spain it is added to salads, in China it rivals soy sauce in popularity and is the most popular marinade. in Canada and Central America Worcestershire sauce is served with beans, and in the USA is added to meat dishes and famous hamburgers. Worcestershire sauce turned out to be a truly universal sauce, as it was ideal for any dishes: meat, vegetables, and fish. But that's not all.

The famous Bloody Mary would not exist without Worcestershire sauce. It was the drops of this sauce that in 1921 made the combination of vodka and tomato juice a legendary drink loved by millions.

After the 1886 earthquake that destroyed a village in New Zealand, the only thing that remained intact was found during excavations in the 1970s - the original bottle of Worcestershire sauce.

The famous explorer Francis Edward Young in Lhasa, in 1904, was treated to dinner by Tibetan monks, and there was a bottle of Worcestershire sauce on the table!

Worcestershire sauce is very economical due to its concentrated flavor. It is not poured into a dish with spoons - sometimes two or three drops are enough. But you can't do it on your own. Every company that has tried Worcestershire sauce has failed to replicate the success of Lea & Perrins sauce. At home, this miracle of cooking is definitely not cooked. And is there really a need for this when you can always buy an original bottle of real Worcestershire sauce to enjoy the unique and legendary taste of history itself.

English Worcestershire sauce, which we also call Worcestershire or Worcestershire (in the original - worcestershire sauce), is prepared on the basis of vinegar with the addition of a large number spices and spices. It is an excellent spicy addition to many meat and fish dishes. Worcestershire is easy to make at home, but you will need to get all the necessary ingredients.

worcestershire sauce recipe

  • Time: 3 weeks.
  • Servings Per Container: 400 ml.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The classic Worcestershire recipe has 17 different ingredients. According to the recipe, molasses (industrial molasses) is used, but it can be replaced with burnt sugar.


  • white vinegar - 400 ml;
  • molasses (molasses) - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • tamarind concentrate - 2 tbsp;
  • mustard (seeds) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • black peppercorns - 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cloves - 1 tsp;
  • curry - 1/6 tsp;
  • cardamom - 1/6 tsp;
  • chili - 4 pods;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • anchovies - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • ginger root - 25 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine molasses, vinegar, soy sauce, mustard, tamarind, salt, black pepper, curry, cloves, minced chili, cardamom, cinnamon, minced garlic, anchovy fillets, peeled and chopped onion, and ginger in a medium saucepan.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the gas and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. In a separate saucepan or skillet, melt the sugar over medium heat until caramelized, about 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the caramelized sugar into the boiling billet, stir everything with a whisk, boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. Let the Worcestershire sauce cool, transfer it to a clean glass jar with a tight lid, and refrigerate for 3 weeks.
  6. After the specified time, strain the Worcestershire through a fine sieve, return to the jar.
  7. Store on a refrigerator shelf for up to 8 months, use as needed.

home option

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 200 ml.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A light version of delicious Worcestershire sauce at home can be prepared in just 10 minutes. According to the recipe, fewer spices are used, so the taste and aroma of the additive will differ significantly from the classic one.


  • apple cider vinegar - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • water - 40 ml;
  • brown sugar - 25 g;
  • ground ginger - 2 g;
  • mustard powder - 2 g;
  • onion powder - 2 g;
  • garlic powder - 2 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 g;
  • ground black pepper - 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all of the listed ingredients in a suitable sized saucepan, mix until smooth.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring regularly.
  3. Boil the workpiece for 1 minute.
  4. Pour the cooled Worcestershire sauce into clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

Worcestershire sauce with wine

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 liters.
  • Difficulty: difficult.

The ingredients for this Worcester recipe are over 10 kg. It is used on an industrial scale. For cooking at home, the recipe can be adjusted proportionally.


  • tomato paste - 950 grams;
  • walnut extract - 190 grams;
  • mushroom decoction extract - 570 grams;
  • ground black pepper - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • dessert wine - 760 grams;
  • tamarind - 570 grams;
  • sardelles (spicy fish) - 190 grams;
  • curry - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • red chili pepper extract - 340 grams;
  • allspice - 1/2 tsp;
  • lemon - 190 grams;
  • horseradish - 40 grams;
  • celery - 80 grams;
  • meat extract - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • aspic (concentrated jelly-like meat broth) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 10% maltose - 2300 ml;
  • water - 3000 ml;
  • ginger - 1/8 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • nutmeg - 1/2 tsp;
  • salt -230 grams;
  • sugar - 230 grams;
  • chili pod - 1 pc.;
  • burnt sugar - 20 ml;
  • extract of tarragon - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the peeled vegetables and fruits, place in a pan of a suitable size.
  2. Add all other ingredients, mix, send to a strong fire.
  3. When the workpiece boils, turn off the gas, evaporate the Worcestershire sauce, it should begin to slightly reach for the spoon, the process will take about half an hour.
  4. Strain the cooled sauce, pour into a sterile container, store on the shelf of the refrigerator.
