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Witchcraft and divination

An essential element of any religion is witchcraft, that is, a series of superstitious actions that are accompanied by the utterance of mysterious words that supposedly affect supernatural forces and lead to useful (for the sorcerer and people who turned to him for help) or harmful (for enemies) results. Divination, witchcraft, interpretation of dreams - all these are peculiar forms of witchcraft.

In Babylonia and Assyria, magical manipulations accompanied by incantations were widely practiced along with the worship of the gods. If prayers and sacrifices did not reach the goal, then people experiencing distress tried with the help of sorcerers to influence supernatural forces.

Entire collections of spells have come down to us from the library of Ashurbanipal maklu And shurpa("burnings"). According to popular beliefs, witches made figures of their enemies from clay, resin, honey, dough, wood, etc., and pierced them in order to destroy those people whom they resembled. Witches could be beaten with their own weapons. An experienced sorcerer made their images and then broke them or threw them into the fire. At the same time, the following spell was pronounced:

Who are you, poisonous witch, in whose heart the name of my misfortune is hidden, on whose lips my poison arose, in the wake of which death follows?

You witch, I'll grab your mouth, I'll grab your tongue, I'll grab your sparkling eyes, I'll grab your quick legs, I'll grab your moving knees, I'll grab your swinging arms and I'll tie them behind your back. Luminous moon god overthrow your body and let him cast you into the depths of the sea and fire.

In order to expel the disease from the body of the patient, the sorcerer tore and threw shreds of wool into the fire, saying:

How this wool is plucked and thrown into the fire,

And the blazing flame devours her,

And no weaver will make clothes out of her,

So is the curse, torment, illness, sin, excommunication,

Found in my muscles, my members,

Will be torn apart

Let the blazing flame devour them today.

The Assyrians and Babylonians believed that along with the good gods, who could be moved to pity by prayers and propitiated by sacrifices, there were evil spirits that could not be appeased by any means. These were the seven spirits of the abyss. They appeared to be sexless creatures

(“they are neither men nor women, they have no wives and do not produce children”).

They do not heed prayers and amaze everyone who meets them. The only way to protect against them is witchcraft.

Among the ferocious supernatural creatures created by the fantasy of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians, there are also two evil goddesses: Lilith (“Night”) and Labartu, Lilith still appears in Sumerian mythology as a forest sorceress nesting in a tree trunk. The Assyrians and Babylonians represented her as a ferocious sorceress who willingly attacked children. Labartu, daughter of Anu, a monster with the body of an ass and the face of a lion, was considered another scarecrow of children. Her image, along with the figure of a black dog, was placed for three days at the head of a sick child, and then both figurines were broken, buried in the ground and poured with mealy stew.

Of course, the Assyrians and Babylonians relied on the protection of the gods, who could repel evil forces from them. But it was believed that good gods could also be angry with a sinner who offended them with his behavior, giving him to be torn to pieces by merciless demons, who were just waiting for an opportunity to deal with a defenseless victim. Here is how one of the Assyrian texts says about it:

The curse has risen from the bowels of the sea.

Excommunication descended from heaven, evil spirits covered the earth like grass.

They rushed to where the wrath of the gods gravitates, with a loud cry.

They attacked a man who had been abandoned by his god and his goddess,

They fit his body like clothes,

They spat poisonous saliva out of him,

They tied his hands and chained his feet,

Cursed and excommunicated, his body was squeezed,

Choking and coughing weakened his chest,

Saliva and foam filled his mouth,

He couldn't calm down from the pain.

The belief in the effectiveness of magical actions gave birth in the religion of the Babylonians and Assyrians to the belief in the ability to predict the future in various subjects.

Divination was mainly practiced by priests. They divined from the flight of birds (like the Roman augurs), from the fluctuation of the flame of a candle, from the liver of a sheep (like the Greeks and Romans), from various abnormalities in newborn animals (for example, in a calf with two heads or with a bump on its forehead).

They believed that a hyena crossing the road portends misfortune, red cockroaches - happiness, and black ones - failure. It is difficult even to enumerate the endless examples, striking in their absurdity, which were carefully registered and entered into long lists.

The stars played a big role in predictions. In the surviving records we find, for example, such explanations of the influence of heavenly bodies:

“If on a person’s birthday Ishtar (i.e. Venus) rises and Marduk (Jupiter) sets, then that person’s wife will be stronger than himself.”

Horoscopes were compiled for the child based on the location of the luminaries at the time of his birth. Attempts were made to predict the weather and the onset of a harvest year (or crop failure), again based on observations of the starry sky.

“If during the month of Sivan (May-June),” the Assyrian text said, “from the first to the twentieth day an eclipse of the sun occurs, then the growth of cereals in the country will stop.”

During the time of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, priests and magicians (whom the Greeks called Chaldeans) developed predictions from the stars into a whole science, more precisely, pseudoscience, using observations to the most fantastic conclusions.

Storm Demon. Bronze figurine. Paris. Louvre

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A great opportunity to look into the depths of the mystery and see the answer to your question in her heart. Virtual (on-line) fortune-telling and predictions of this section of the site are ancient, slightly simplified, but nevertheless not losing their strength, prediction systems based on invisible common man laws of nature and the universe.
Also in this section there are fortune-telling, which are the keys to the person himself and help him, with the help of simple tools, to discover the gift of a predictor in himself and step with his mind into a world wider and more global than ordinary reality.

Divination and predictions online

  1. Book of Fates- open the Book of Fates and look into the secret with the help of this online divination...
  2. Reply from a Tibetan Monk- a unique divination to get an answer from the most enlightened Lama.
  3. Space Oracle- the answer to any question. There is no question that the Oracle cannot answer, which you will receive immediately.
  4. Divination by the Book of Chaos- the secret of divination lies in the fact that the answer comes to you from the sphere of the unconscious - from chaos, and by interpreting the signs you receive, you get the answer.
  5. Divination in the mystical circle of Solomon- the opportunity to find out what the future holds for you.
  6. Divination by numbers- in this divination, the knowledge of numerology is used, i.e. interpretation of the dropped out certain numbers.
  7. Divination by stones- ancient divination with the help of 16 stones will give you the answer to your questions.
  8. crystal ball- crystal ball divination. You will receive an answer to any of your questions, whether it concerns the past or the future.
  9. Online divination by coin- a wonderful divination on an old Russian coin will help you look into the secret and hidden from you.
  10. Magic circle divination- in this virtual divination, special symbols, a circle and matches are used for divination.
  11. Divination by colored matter- an interesting old divination with the help of colored patches of fabric.
  12. Book of Destiny - fast way learn more than is known - by asking the virtual Book of your Destiny.
  13. Divination by aphorisms- a very wise type of divination according to the statements of the greats of this world.
  14. Advice from your Guardian Angel- a prediction for the near future and a warning from your Guardian Angel.
  15. Circle of Fortune- the mystical wheel of the goddess of fortune will open the curtain of your future before you...
  16. 40 saints- original divination by 40 numbers with their unique interpretation.
  17. Web of the Future- our world is like a web, in the center of which sits the Spider of Time. In this divination you will know your future.
  18. The Messiah Handbook by Richard Bach- Do you remember the story "Illusions" by Richard Bach, in which main character open a cryptic reference book at random and get answers? This divination is exactly according to the same reference book of the Messiah ...
  19. Divination for a past life- fortune-telling with the help of cards will allow you to open the curtain of the secrets of your past life.
  20. Divination by seven matches- everything is like in life - you take seven matches, throw them, and find out the answer to your question ...
  21. Fortune telling on the pyramid of Atlantes- this is a unique, almost forgotten, ancient divination of the bygone civilization of Atlantis.
  22. Oracle of Light- here you can get a prediction from a Light Being, and learn his advice.
  23. Magic clock- this is really a magical watch, it predicts the future.
  24. Divination for love- Ask the Oracle of Love for advice.
  25. Divination "The Power of Love"- in this fortune-telling you enter your name and the name of the person you love - fortune-telling will allow you to find out the power of love between you.

Divination of the peoples of the world

  1. Gypsy divination- traditional gypsy divination with a knife and a circle.
  2. Tibetan divination MO- the ancient Tibetan system of divination.
  3. Book of Changes- a system of divination, which appeared in ancient times in China, will allow you to learn a little more about yourself and the world around you.
  4. Egyptian Oracle- a system of virtual Egyptian divination based on Egyptian religion and symbolism.
  5. Divination by coffee beans online- old African divination with 16 coffee beans.
  6. Oracle Cat- fortune-telling from ancient beliefs and honors of a cat, as a symbol of mystery and mysticism.
  7. Fortune telling according to the ancient Book of Ventala- a prediction, or more precisely, a subconscious understanding of what is happening according to the Chinese book Dan Shen.

Rune divination

  1. Virtual divination by one Rune- a method of divination for one day, it is used when you urgently need to know the answer.
  2. Divination by three runes- this method of prediction is useful if you want to get into the essence of what is happening at the moment and know what to do.
  3. Fortune telling by five runes - best option predictions for a long period of time, i.e. for a month or more.
  4. Divination by the Seven Runes- this divination allows you to learn about the very distant future and penetrate into its essence.
  5. Nine Worlds of Being- online divination by the ancient system of runes, which includes knowledge about the structure of the universe.

Divination on the bones (dice)

  1. Divination by one cube (dice)- a simple fortune-telling, but with a very broad interpretation of each dropped number.
  2. Prediction by two dice (dice)- the most common (classic) fortune-telling on cubes, a good interpretation is given for each value that has fallen out.
  3. Divination on three bones (dice)- ancient divination on three bones, quick and short answer-interpretation.
  4. Divination by domino bones- ancient Chinese fortune-telling, in which you choose domino bones and you are given an interpretation based on their meaning.

Fortune telling on cards online

  1. Fortune telling on cards online- ancient fortune-telling on cards (usual playing cards with 36 cards are used).

Virtual Flash fortune-telling

  1. Divination for love- a beautiful flash-fortune-telling on a flower on the issue of love (folk version). Probably the oldest of all divination on earth.
  2. Flash divination "Book of Fate"- original flash-fortune-telling based on the famous Book of Fates.
  3. Fortune telling "Oracle of Fates"- flash-fortune-telling in which you click on the question of interest and you are given an answer from the Oracle.
  4. Divination Berendeev- a very beautiful flash-fortune-telling by the leaves of plants, which came to us from the mysterious people - the Berendeys.

Presented the program "FOUNDING FROM THE BOOK OF CHANGES".
The I-CHING program implements two fortune-telling methods:
The first is divination by the yarrow method,
the second is divination by year, month, day and hour.

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Title Name Generator

The program "GENERATOR OF NAMES AND NAMES" is very useful for those who write science fiction or come up with a name for their company. You can set some rules for generating words.
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Osho Neo-Tarot

Osho Neo-Tarot. Divination. Interesting programs.
Electronic version of Osho Neo-Tarot cards.
The Osho Neo-Tarot contains 60 cards that illustrate the stories told by Osho between 1974 and 1981 in the city of Pune, India. Stories are simple examples through which a person can most fully understand the complex aspects of situations. human life.
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Fortune telling according to the Book of Changes. dream interpretation

FORTUNE BY THE BOOK OF CHANGES. Dream Interpretation. Divination. Moon calendar dreams. Fortune telling program according to the Book of Changes. Dream Interpretation Program.
Fortune-telling program according to the BOOK OF CHANGES. Version 3.56 includes, in addition to Divination from the Book of Changes, a Dream Interpretation and a Lunar Calendar, which helps determine the type of dreams on a particular day of the month.
The FORTUNE program according to the BOOK OF CHANGES is made very soundly. Registration is not required.
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RUNES. Divination. Interesting programs.
RUNES - Program for divination on runes (RUNES v. 1.0).
Runes are ancient letters used by the Germanic peoples in the 1st ... 13th centuries. The word rune comes from the Gothic runa, which means magic, mystery, secret knowledge. According to legend, the one-eyed god Odin hung upside down on the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days, without food or water, in order to gain the runes and the keys to their understanding. There are "senior" and "junior" runes. "Junior" - were used approximately until the X century, "senior" - in the X ... XIII centuries. Runes were also divided into Gothic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian.
For divination, the "younger" runes of the Gothic alphabet are used. This alphabet (Futharc, or futhark), named after the first six characters, contains 24 runes, and, apparently, therefore, does not complain much from fans of the occult. Ah, if only there were 22 runes, like the Great Arcana of the Tarot, like letters in the Hebrew alphabet, like paths between the Sephira of the Tree of Life!.. But there are 24 runes, and this completely excludes the possibility of any analogies with the above-mentioned symbols.
With the introduction of Christianity in Europe, runic alphabets, with the active support of the church, began to be replaced by Latin, which ultimately led to their complete oblivion. The tradition of divination on runes (Runemal) was also lost, although much later - somewhere at the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries.
The current rune divination technique was restored from separate surviving written sources by Ralph Bloom. At the same time, the researcher used both the runic sources available to him and other oracles close in spirit, for example, the famous Chinese Book of Changes.
The direct and inverted position of the runes are different. Although in the interpretation of Ralph Bloom, symmetrical cards are considered not to have an inverted position, some sources give an interpretation for any inverted runes. In the event that you think that you should distinguish the position of all the runes, do not forget to mark (for example, with a dot or line) the bottom edge of the image.
The RUNE program uses a divination variant called "Norns". It suits most cases.
First, the topic is clearly defined. Press and hold the "Start" button. Three runes are laid out in a row from right to left. Then the values ​​​​of the runes are determined and, accordingly, the result of divination.
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Date of death

INTERESTING PROGRAMS. FORTUNE. DATE OF DEATH. Find out the date of death. The program allows you to determine the life expectancy of a person and even ... the exact date and presumable cause of his death. The development and decay of each person is subject to the corresponding laws of nature. The purpose of the program is not only to indicate the last day of a person's life, but also to convince him to change his lifestyle in order to increase life expectancy. To do this, the program issues a TEST RESULT with detailed description(down to the alleged cause of death) and recommendations for lifestyle changes. Download Divination. Date of death.

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Fortune teller program

INTERESTING PROGRAMS. FORTUNE. FORTUNE PROGRAM. Fortune-telling "Attitude" A small fortune-telling program that allows you to find out how your loved one treats you, or what awaits you with him in the future. The program was created on the basis of card divination. Program in two languages ​​(Russian, English). Download Divination. Fortune teller program.