Instructions for use of hawthorn tincture - recipes. Hawthorn tincture: an effective and affordable remedy Hawthorn instructions for use in drops

When taking hawthorn tincture, the instructions for use must be strictly observed.

She possesses useful properties, therefore it is used in medicine (folk and traditional).

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The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

About medicinal properties

This is a low tree that grows throughout Russia. The most popular, among which it is included, is alcohol tincture.

The hawthorn contains:

  • A large number of vitamins (A, C, P);
  • organic acids;
  • Pectin.

Components of the famous decoction

Flowers are needed for healing, because they have a greater medicinal effect.(antispasmodic, sedative). For heart disease, not flowers are used, but fruits.

The older generation at least once with such a disease was forced to use such a medicine.

The bottle contains fruits and 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10. The volume of the bottle is only 25 ml, the container is made of dark glass.

Summarizing, we can say that the tincture helps with:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • fainting;
  • Nervous diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • soothing;
  • Headaches and other diseases.

You need to know the norm of the medicine, do not take more than you should.

Hawthorn tincture is most widely used in cardiology, in cardiovascular diseases.

Pharmacological action is provided by:

  • alkaloids;
  • Tannins;
  • Choline.

For example:

  • Increases the speed of blood flow;
  • The blood is saturated with a large amount of oxygen;
  • The heart muscle is less strained;
  • Increased sensitivity of the myocardium.
  • The heart works more actively.

Once in the stomach, the components are absorbed into the blood, after about half an hour, the positive effect of the drug is felt.

When rinsing the mouth and throat, hawthorn solution can cure sore throat, stomatitis. Ratio per glass of water 1 tbsp.

You can use store-bought tincture or make your own at home.

  1. Puree fresh washed hawthorn berries.
  2. Put in a glass container, pour 250 ml of alcohol (70%).
  3. Cover with a lid, send in a dark cabinet for 21 days.
  4. Sometimes take out, stir.
  5. After 3 weeks, get, strain.
  6. Keep out of the light.


Indications and contraindications

The most important positive property of hawthorn tincture is the ability to cure heart disease (arrhythmia, spasms).


  • neuroses;
  • stress;
  • Heart disease;
  • Overstrain moral and physical;
  • Insomnia;
  • Hypertension;
  • High pressure;
  • Frequent heartbeat;
  • Pain relief before menstruation, during menopause;
  • Helps to remove excess fluid - improves kidney function.


  • Rare heartbeat;
  • Low pressure;
  • Acute heart disease;
  • During pregnancy, lactation;
  • With allergies.

Having reached old age, tincture of hawthorn fruits should be drunk regularly. If exceeded, negative consequences are possible.

Dosage: 30-40 drops of tincture in 1/3 (1/2) cup of cold boiled water. It should be taken 20 minutes before meals.

There may be negative consequences due to the interaction of different components.

The number of days can be reduced if positive improvements in health are noticeable. For children under 12 years old, the dose is given 2 times less.

Overdose leads to negative consequences. If an overdose was, it may be necessary to wash the stomach and intestines.

TO side effects applies to:

  • Drowsiness;
  • Inhibition of reactions;
  • Allergic reaction (rash, itching).

When any of these symptoms appear, you must stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor. In a pharmacy, hawthorn can be bought without a special prescription.

Mixtures of tinctures with fruits

Each combination includes different additives. Each tool has properties and useful substances.

Each mixture is aimed at a particular disease. Consider the basic recipes below.

From nervousness, anxiety

  • Valerian;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Motherwort.

Insomnia and nervous disorders are the consequences of a big city. A mixture of medicinal herbs can get rid of this.

A mixture of these tinctures is safe for people without age restrictions. It affects the body in a complex way:

  • Reduces pressure;
  • The noise in the ears disappears;
  • Nerves calm down.

Valerian calms the body and prevents pressure drops. Motherwort enhances the effect of valerian, helps sleep. Hawthorn increases blood flow, having a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

In this article, we will talk about a tool that should be in every home first aid kit - hawthorn tincture. No, we will not talk about why many people buy this remedy and for what purposes they use it. We will talk about the benefits of this drug for human health and its use. Hawthorn extract is an affordable medicine that can be purchased at any pharmacy pavilion. Hawthorn tincture can eliminate heart disease, strengthen the body and calm the nervous system. Surely, you have already heard about this drug more than once, but this article will allow you to replenish your knowledge box with new and useful information.

It's no secret that imported medicines have inflated prices, which are subject to far from every inhabitant of the country. Therefore, such drugs should be replaced by an analogue - a drug of a domestic manufacturer. Perhaps there are quite a few such analogues, but they exist, and their price will not upset the consumer. Hawthorn tincture is also among these remedies. Not only is the infusion inexpensive, but the search for this medication will not be difficult, because it is located in almost every pharmacy pavilion. If there is any doubt about the domestic manufacturer, the extract can be infused on its own at home.

Application of the drug

The drug affects the central nervous system and cardiovascular system human body. Hawthorn infusion is often prescribed for various heart disorders:

  • angina;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • Heart failure.

Moreover, the drug has an effect on the nervous system if the following diseases are detected in the body:

  • Insomnia, or torment by nightmares;
  • Nervous exhaustion, turning into a nervous breakdown;
  • Cardioneurosis;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Hawthorn extract is able to increase the strength of myocardial contraction, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation in blood clots in the heart and brain, lower the percentage of cholesterol in the blood (eliminating the stocks of malignant cholesterol plaques on the shell of blood clots), and reduce the level of activation of nervous excitation. In addition, the drug is able to normalize the heartbeat, while reducing the frequency of heart contractions. Also, hawthorn tincture has an anti-stress and anti-sclerotic effect, eliminates spasm of blood clots, impedes the development of aging due to a decrease in the number of free radicals, and has a general tonic and stimulating property.

Application of the drug

At the initial stage of damage to the cardiac system, hawthorn extract has a more effective effect on the human body. However, even at a later stage of a progressive disease, the drug in systematic prevention increases the process of exposure to other drugs prescribed earlier. If hawthorn extract is introduced into the rehabilitation course on its own, it is better to inform the attending physician about such a decision. As a result, the dosage of prescribed medications will be recalculated.

As a rule, the infusion should be consumed for 20-30 days. It is recommended to apply the tincture 20-30 drops three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Before use, dilute the tincture with a tablespoon of water 30 minutes before eating.

Extract of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian

In order for the extract to begin to act more effectively as a sedative, it should be combined with additional sedative preparations: motherwort tincture and valerian tincture. This one is enough easy recipe help eliminate the disorder nervous system and take the pressure off nervous breakdown. Moreover, the peculiarity of the infusion lies precisely in influencing both the main nerve and the cardiovascular system.

Another way is to combine the extract with peony infusion and motherwort infusion. The result of such a combination of drugs is also good, especially during insomnia formed on a nervous basis.

You can buy the drugs necessary for the connection at every pharmacy. They should be mixed in equal amounts, and consumed 20-30 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening. Or 40-50 drops at the time of exacerbation of nervous diseases.

Hawthorn tincture at home

Hawthorn tincture, like many other medicines, can be infused on its own. To prepare a medicine at home, you must have not only berries, but also flowers of the plant. Most doctors and famous healers claim that hawthorn flowers contain much more useful things than berries. However, flowers and berries are harvested at different times, because the buds are discarded by the hawthorn at the end of spring, or at the beginning of summer, then the berries are ripened at the end of summer, or at the beginning of autumn. Despite the fact that you managed to collect flowers or fruits, the ingredients should be dried thoroughly in a dry and well-ventilated area, where neither moisture nor the sun's rays can reach. Dried ingredients should be placed in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid.

Extract Recipe

To make an infusion, take finely chopped fruits or hawthorn flowers and fill them with 70% alcohol. It is necessary to combine the ingredients, observing a ratio of 1:10. It is best to insist the drug for three weeks at room temperature. Subsequently, the finished extract should be carefully filtered and can be consumed in the amount prescribed by the attending physician.

In addition, hawthorn infusion is made by adding wild rose and galangal to it. To do this, let the hawthorn extract stand for two weeks, then add dry rose hips, half a teaspoon of galangal and syrup (1 tablespoon of sugar and 50 ml of water) to enhance the woody taste of the tincture. Then tightly close the jar with a lid and let the ingredients brew for another week, also at room temperature.


One of the most important positive sides hawthorn extract is considered to be its relative safety. It is called relative due to the fact that this infusion is made on alcohol, therefore, for a certain circle of patients, it is strictly prohibited and contraindicated. This group of patients includes children under the age of twelve and women up to twelve weeks of pregnancy (if the pregnancy lasts more than twelve weeks, or a woman is breastfeeding a newborn, it is better to discuss the use of the extract with your doctor).

We all know about hawthorn tincture. However, not everyone thought about and knows about the real purpose of this medication.

Pharmacological formulations based on a medicinal plant - hawthorn infusion and liquid extract. The first is prepared by crushing fruits that have reached the full ripening phase. They insist on a seventy percent alcohol solution, pouring in a ratio of one to ten.

The extract is harvested by percolation, that is, the collection of the outflowing juice and essential oils from the seeds of ripe fruits. It is filtered, mixed with alcohol in equal proportions. The latter in therapeutic practice is used less frequently than infusion.

Valuable properties of tincture

There are no data on the first cases of the use of hawthorn tincture in the treatment of heart disease. At the end of the nineteenth century, there was a massive surge of interest in it from practitioners. So in 1896, it was used for the treatment of heart disease by the American physician N. Janing. The specialist noted that the tool stimulates the contraction of the heart, while providing a calming effect.

Another American doctor, Alvarez Clement, experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of the drug by testing its effect on patients and on himself. According to him, hawthorn tincture had a pronounced analgesic effect in angina pectoris in cases where other drugs did not bring relief. The specialist noted the high value of the results of his research and called hawthorn tincture an important discovery of the nineteenth century.

Soviet doctors continued the practice of using the drug. The liquid fruit extract was recommended by the therapist E.Yu. Chassom during the Great Patriotic War, as an affordable remedy for heart disease. Later, Professor Dmitry Rossiysky noted the need to use tincture for diseases of the heart, as well as the thyroid gland with a characteristic palpitation. They were allowed to be used as a tonic cardiac remedy after illnesses.

Studies of foreign and Soviet doctors allow us to formulate recommendations on how to use hawthorn tincture.

  • Hypertension. In the initial stages of the disease, the use of hawthorn tincture reduces high blood pressure.
  • Neuroses of the heart. The drug improves blood circulation in the vessels, stimulating normal blood flow to the heart and brain. Reduces the excitability inherent in the heart muscle in a neurotic state, increases its resistance to stress, stability.
  • Tachycardia. The use of the drug allows you to normalize the work of the heart, eliminates the heartbeat in case of violations of the rhythm of cardiac activity. Due to the reduction of pain in the region of the heart muscle, a general improvement in the patient's condition is achieved.
  • Insomnia. The drug reduces excitability, improves sleep, makes it deeper. Upon waking, the patient suffering from heart disease does not feel the lethargy that other remedies for insomnia tend to produce.
  • Prevention of arrhythmia, support for a tired heart. Hawthorn tincture can be used as a tonic for those at risk of developing heart disease. According to the effectiveness and safety of exposure, it is preferable to bromine preparations, foxglove.

In German medicine, infusions on the fruits and flowers of hawthorn are recommended for the elderly for the prevention and treatment of heart disorders. Especially widely used to normalize the condition of menopausal women.

Application rules

"Hawthorn - indeed, universal remedy from heart disease, - says herbalist Andrey Varenikov. - But, in my opinion, only flowers have such properties. Pharmaceutical preparations are made from berries. If these remedies were as effective as tinctures of flowers, it is difficult to imagine the state of the “sick” who take a couple of vials of medicine at a time.”

The famous Soviet herbalist Mikhail Nosal agrees with the opinion of the herbalist. In the encyclopedia medicinal plants Mikhail Andreevich notes that it is the flowers of the plant that are usually used for medicinal purposes, and the fruits are used more often for food.

The composition of flowers and fruits of hawthorn is different. The flowers are high in flavanoids - organic compounds that have a direct effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The fruits are dominated by sugars and saponins - substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, producing sputum during a cold. Flavaniodes are also found in fruits, but their content is lower than in flowers.

“For the preparation of tincture, I prefer to use only fresh flowers,” continues herbalist Andrey Varenikov. - And the point is not that there are fewer active substances in dried ones, not at all. Just the dried color is hard to keep. If you collect flowers open, in a month only the receptacle and leaves will remain from them. Therefore, harvest the hawthorn blossom in the bud formation phase.”

Fresh flower tincture

cook medicinal infusion you can immediately, as the flowers were harvested, or from properly harvested raw materials. Andrey Varenikov recommends the following technique.


  1. Lay the flowers in a jar loosely, without pressing down.
  2. Pour alcohol with a strength of forty-five percent under the neck of the jar.
  3. Close tightly, put in a dark place for two weeks.

The effectiveness of this tincture of hawthorn has been confirmed by many years of practice. It must be used three times a day. Take thirty drops or up to one teaspoon before meals.

Dried flower infusion

To prepare the infusion, use dried hawthorn flowers collected in buds. Crumbly raw materials are not suitable. Insects settle in the opened flowers of the plant, completely destroying the color during a month of storage.


  1. Pour the dry color into a container, use one tablespoon.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of two hundred milliliters.
  3. Infuse for two hours under the lid.
  4. Strain.

Take half a glass before meals up to four times a day.

Recipe for angina pectoris

A good effect is demonstrated by a combined tincture of hawthorn fruit and motherwort herb, taken in equal parts. It has a pronounced calming effect, relieves pain in angina pectoris and normalizes the work of the heart.


  1. Mix hawthorn fruit and motherwort herb in a container, use six tablespoons each.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  3. Cover, wrap the container, leave for a day.
  4. Squeeze through gauze.

Take the infusion three times a day, one glass. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several days.

Recipe for nervous tension

For neurosis, a combined tincture of hawthorn flowers and valerian root is used. The finished product is offered by the French pharmacological industry in the form of tablets, in which dry extracts are combined in a ratio of one to one.


  1. Prepare an alcohol tincture of hawthorn flowers.
  2. Mix in equal parts with alcohol tincture valerian.

Take thirty drops three times a day.

Overdose and contraindications

Means based on hawthorn are safe, recommended for use by people in old age, with atherosclerosis, neurosis of the heart muscle, concomitant diseases associated with menopausal disorders. The French physician Nikolai Leclerc notes that only hypotension is a contraindication for hawthorn tincture, since the drug moderately lowers blood pressure.

At the same time, the expert pointed out that even with long-term use the drug does not negative impact, does not accumulate in tissues, which is why it was recommended for use by patients with renal insufficiency. Reception in the recommended doses has a positive therapeutic effect. With a slight excess of the dosage of negative reactions does not occur.

An overdose of hawthorn tincture is possible with a one-time threefold excess of the dosage - in the amount of one hundred drops. In this case, cardiologist Nikolai Leclerc noted a slowing of the patient's pulse with signs of depression of the nervous system.

Modern medicine has thoroughly studied medicinal properties hawthorn. Studies on its effects on the human body have been carried out since the late nineteenth century. The benefits and harms of hawthorn tincture are formulated. It is not recommended for patients with low blood pressure, but with signs of hypertension and a number of heart diseases, it can be used in therapeutic practice. Flower-based infusion is one of the safest and most effective means from angina pectoris, tachycardia, arrhythmia, neuroses and for the prevention of heart disorders.

Instructions for medical use

medicinal product

hawthorn tincture


hawthorn tincture

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form

Tincture 100 ml


100 ml of the drug contains

active substance: hawthorn fruit 10g

excipient: ethyl alcohol 70% up to 100ml


Yellowish-orange to yellowish-red clear liquid, sweetish taste

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other cardiotonic drugs

ATX code S01EV

Pharmacological properties

The biological effect of the drug is due to the presence of a complex of biologically active substances (flavonoids, choline, acetylcholine, tannins, phytosterols, triterpene compounds, organic acids, etc.). Hawthorn tincture enhances blood circulation in the coronary vessels of the heart and in the vessels of the brain. Increases the sensitivity of the myocardium to the action of cardiac glycosides. Helps to strengthen the contractions of the heart muscle and at the same time reduces its excitability. Triterpene glycosides and flavonoids

have a certain antispasmodic, hypotensive effect, positively affect the level of venous pressure, improve the elasticity of the vascular wall of arterioles and capillaries.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy

Functional disorders of the heart

Hypertonic disease

angina pectoris

Atrial fibrillation

Increased nervous excitability

Climacteric neurosis

Paroxysmal tachycardia


Dosage and administration

Hawthorn tincture is taken orally before meals.

Adults: 20 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Children over 12 years old - at the rate of 1 drop per 1 year of life diluted in ¼ glass of water, 3-4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 14-15 days.

Side effects


Significant slowing of the heart rate

Allergic reactions (redness and rash on the skin, itching)



Dizziness, tremor


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug

Lowering blood pressure

Heart rhythm disorder

Pregnancy and lactation

Children's age up to 12 years

Drug Interactions

With the combined use of the drug and cardiac glycosides (strophanthin, digoxin, etc.), the cardiotonic effect is enhanced; with β-blockers - it is possible to increase the hypotensive effect.

special instructions

Persons suffering from chronic alcoholism are not recommended to use the drug.

Features of the influence of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms

Use with caution due to the alcohol content of the preparation.


Symptoms: drowsiness, bradycardia

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

Release form and packaging

100 ml in glass bottles with a screw neck, sealed with polyethylene stoppers and plastic screw caps or in bottles sealed with metal screw caps with a control ring.

Group packaging and shipping container with an equal number of instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature of 8 o to 18 o C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

Do not use after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription


Sultan LLP, Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Talgar district, Erkin village

Name and country of the marketing authorization holder

Sultan LLP, Kazakhstan

Address of the organization accepting claims from consumers on the quality of products on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2.2% of the volume of a bottle of Cardiovalen 25 ml

Blood red or Siberian hawthorn (Crataégus sanguínea) extract has been used for centuries in Tibetan medicine. Hawthorn came to Russia as a medicine from countries Western Europe, where the recipes for using the plant were brought by the British at the end of the 17th century.

It is surprising that the "life span" of the hawthorn is more than 400 years, even in the harsh mountain climate. Seeing such an amazing vitality of a nondescript-looking shrub, scientists began to study the properties of the plant.

What is in hawthorn

It turned out that the flowers, bark and fruits of hawthorn contain a surprisingly rich set of natural substances necessary for human health:

  • Triterpene organic acids (ascorbic, ursolic, oleanic, crateric, coffee);
  • Saponins;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Vitamins K and E.

Cardiotonic action

Due to its multicomponent composition, hawthorn has a wide range of applications, but the most important is its cardiotonic effect.

Glycosides have a positive effect on work and prevent its overwork, eliminate failures in heart rate, expand the coronary vessels and vessels of the brain. As a result, hypoxia is eliminated - oxygen starvation of tissues, which is present in almost all elderly people due to wear and tear of the vascular system.

Hypotensive action

Hawthorn is used for hypertension, and it affects the root cause of the increase - constriction of small peripheral blood vessels.

Triterpene compounds reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, thereby removing tissue swelling. But it is precisely because of the edema that the lumen of the vessels narrows, their blood filling worsens and hypertension occurs.

Eliminating puffiness, hawthorn extract lowers blood pressure, relieves tinnitus, dizziness and weakness.


sedative effect

Hawthorn also has a sedative (sedative) effect. Therefore, drugs with it are prescribed for cardiac neurosis, and panic attacks accompanied by palpitations.

Other properties of hawthorn

Hawthorn extract, due to its ursolic acid (a rare and important compound), has an antimicrobial and hepatoprotective effect, protects against inflammation and tumors, and has a diuretic effect.

Hawthorn extract helps to recover from serious illnesses, lowers cholesterol levels and protects the human urinary organs.

Preparations with hawthorn extract in the composition can be used as angioprotective agents. or myocardial infarction. They help fight high blood pressure, relieve swelling and restore vascular function. This drug is - a complex remedy that includes four natural extracts with a similar spectrum of action: extracts , fruits , rhizomes and flowers .

Due to the positive effect on the vascular and cardiac system, hawthorn extract is excellent for menopausal conditions, relieves swelling and reduces the number of hot flashes.

Indications for admission

Indications for taking drugs, which include hawthorn, are:

  • Circulatory failure;
  • Functional cardiac disorders;
  • Hypertension;
  • Atrial fibrillation;
  • Atherosclerosis;