Lasagna food recipe. How to cook lasagna at home: step by step recipe with photos. Lasagna at home - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Lasagna is a wonderful and very favorite dish in our family. It is not only tasty and beautiful, but also a favorite dish in the biography
the well-known Garfield cat, it is also quite simple to perform (although, at first glance, you can’t say so). It is enough to cook it once, then there is little that can stop you, except for counting the number of calories in one serving of this delicious culinary creation from dough, milk sauce and minced meat.

What I love about lasagna is that lasagna is truly a super-dish that allows you to cook a real holiday dinner from what is in the refrigerator, because the filling can be almost anything (only milk sauce and cheese are required). Instead of minced meat, you can take chicken or replace it with eggplant or mushrooms, you can cook lasagna with salmon, shrimp, feta and spinach, pumpkin, zucchini. The variations are countless! And yet, it perfectly withstands heating (which means you can cook a lot at once and enjoy two days in a row).
I propose to cook the simplest, classic version of minced meat lasagna.

You will need:

500 g minced meat
- 1 onion (finely chopped)
- 2 garlic cloves (chopped)
- 450-500 g of tomato sauce (you can cook it yourself from the pulp of tomatoes, garlic, onions and spices, but now in winter, when you can’t find really tasty tomatoes in stores and even true Italians don’t disdain packaged tomato pulp, lasagna is much it will be better with ready-made tomato sauce)
- 2-3 tablespoons butter (approximately 60-70 g)
- 2-2.5 tablespoons flour

- 4 glasses of milk
- 1 tsp grated nutmeg
- salt pepper
- 150-200 g of hard cheese (parmesan, grana padano and the like)
- 12-15 sheets of lasagna (dry)

Cooking lasagna is not as complicated as it seems at first glance and it consists of three steps. First prepare the bechamel sauce, fry it in parallel chopped meat with onions, and then stew it in tomato sauce, and, finally, we assemble our lasagna from ready-made sheets and all of the above, sprinkling the layers with delicious grated hard cheese.

1. To prepare bechamel sauce, heat the butter in a saucepan, gradually add flour to it, constantly stirring the mixture so that no lumps form. The mixture of butter and flour will thicken quickly, so the milk that we will add to this mixture must be prepared in advance and stand nearby. If you have time, heat the milk, if not, then you can do it, just it will take much more time for the sauce to boil and its further preparation.

2. Once you have mixed all the flour into the butter, start adding milk little by little and stir the mixture constantly. When you add all the milk, turn down the heat (if the milk was cold, do not turn down the heat, but first bring the mixture to a boil, stirring so that the sauce does not burn, and only then turn down), add a little salt, add nutmeg and simmer the sauce over low heat 15 minutes. It will have to thicken and acquire the consistency of liquid sour cream (it helps a lot to understand whether the sauce is ready or not, test with a spoon - dip the spoon into the sauce and look at the convex side if the sauce flows off it without covering the surface of the spoon with a thin layer , so it is not ready yet and you need to boil further).

The sauce needs to be constantly stirred, otherwise it will start to burn from the bottom and this will not only spoil the taste of the sauce itself, but also make you spend a lot of extra time cleaning the stewpan from burnt residues.

3. Along with the bechamel sauce, prepare the meat filling (this is quite realistic, the main thing is not to forget to stir the sauce, however, if you are cooking lasagna for the first time, it will be safer to cook everything separately). To do this, fry the minced meat until half cooked in a pan in vegetable oil, kneading it with a fork (4-5 minutes), add finely chopped onion and garlic to it and cook for another 3-4 minutes. After you have fried the minced meat and onion / garlic, add tomato sauce to them, bring it to a boil. Cook under the lid for 15 minutes (I also add dry basil in large quantities (1-1.5 tsp), it greatly enriches the taste of the finished filling), then remove the lid and boil the sauce until it thickens (minced meat should not float in the sauce) .

When the desired consistency is reached, add salt, pepper and possibly sugar (!) to taste (sugar is needed to balance the taste, sometimes tomatoes can have quite a noticeable sourness). The filling is ready!

4. Preheat the oven to 200 C.

5. Now will collect our lasagna. Lubricate the form (it should be deep, at least 5-6 cm deep) with butter, then pour a small amount of sauce on it.

Lay the dry lasagne sheets on top of the béchamel sauce, slightly overlapping each other.

6. Place minced meat in tomato sauce on top of dry lasagna sheets and smooth it out. Sprinkle the minced meat with cheese, and apply béchamel sauce on top of the cheese (you need to add enough so that the sheets can be soaked with it and "cook" when baking in the oven, if you add too little, the edges of the lasagna will turn out to be too dry, and if you go over with the sauce, then the whole dish will "float" in it, so be careful, trust your intuition).

Next, repeat the layers in this order: lasagne sheets - minced meat - cheese - béchamel sauce - lasagna sheets - minced meat - cheese sauce bechamel, etc. In total you will get 3-4 layers depending on the depth of your form in which you will bake the lasagna.

7. Brush the top layer of the lasagne sheet liberally with béchamel sauce (you still have it, right?) and sprinkle generously with cheese. Let the lasagna rest for 5-7 minutes before placing it in the oven.

8. Bake the lasagna in the oven for 20-25 minutes (be guided by the numbers indicated on the packaging with dry lasagna sheets, they may be different). If the lasagna starts to brown too quickly on top, cover it with a sheet of foil (just don't press down on the top, otherwise the cheese will stick to the foil and appearance lasagna will be irreparably damaged).

9. Once you've taken the lasagna out of the oven, let it rest for 5-10 minutes before cutting and serving (don't worry, it won't cool, if you're worried, cover the top of the lasagna with foil).

Bon appetit!

I offer you a recipe for lasagna with minced meat with a photo step by step. So many now delicious vegetables, so the lasagna will turn out just gorgeous! In general, Italians, of course, know a lot about delicious food and at the same time they are a slender nation, because durum wheat pasta, vegetables, meat are quite healthy food. So feel free to cook this lasagna with minced meat in the oven and enjoy unearthly deliciousness.

You can use any minced meat, chicken, meat or even fish. And if you want to make vegan lasagna, just triple the amount of vegetables. So, classic lasagna - a recipe with a photo step by step.

Lasagna - a recipe with minced meat in the oven


onions - one or two pcs.,

sunflower oil,

carrot - one pc.,

bell pepper - one

garlic - 6 cloves,

4 tomatoes (can be replaced with 2 tablespoons with a slide of tomato paste)

Prepared lasagna sheets (quantity depends on your shape, I took 16)

cheese - two hundred grams,

milk - two tbsp.,

flour - one and a half tablespoons,

butter - one hundred grams,

minced meat - half a kilo

Bechamel sauce - recipe for lasagna

  1. First, prepare the bechamel sauce. Melt one hundred grams of butter in a saucepan.

2. Pour in the same one and a half tbsp. l. flour, it will begin to bubble almost immediately.

3. With constant stirring, add two tbsp. milk, half a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of black pepper and nutmeg.

4. Heat, stirring constantly, over low heat (or medium), when it thickens a little, remove. Do not expect it to boil, or, as soon as it boils, immediately remove it, otherwise it will burn.

Classic lasagna - step by step recipe with photo

  1. Finely chop the onion, garlic, carrot, pepper. You can add other vegetables to your taste - beans, eggplant, etc. . Mix everything and fry for 10-15 minutes.

2. When the vegetables are fried, add the minced meat. Stir and sauté for five minutes, until the minced meat brightens.

3. Then add one teaspoon of salt, and 4 tomatoes, or two heaping tablespoons of tomato paste. Bring sauce to a boil and remove from heat.

4. For lasagna, I advise you to boil a little until half cooked. Place a wide skillet on the stove. Put the first row of sheets (I have 4 sheets in the form), and as soon as they begin to bend (after about a minute), take them out and put them in the form where you will already collect the lasagna.

5. Then lay vegetables with minced meat on top of the sheets (one third of the entire filling).

6. Spread béchamel sauce on top (about one-fifth).

7. Sprinkle with cheese.

Now we will learn how to cook lasagna at home. The main secrets of cooking the most delicious Lasagna from Italian masters of culinary art. How to prepare the dough, minced meat and bake in the oven, resulting in a delicious Lasagna, everyone will understand the first time, even if you are cooking Lasagna for the first time.

Secrets of cooking lasagna at home

Lasagna is another symbol of Italian cuisine, no less significant than pasta and pizza. This dish is a multi-layered casserole made from thin sheets of dough, between which layers of stuffing with bechamel sauce are laid. The top of the lasagna is covered in ruddy cheese crust. It is interesting that the ancient Greeks prepared a similar dish, calling it "lasanon" - "hot plates". In Italian cookbooks, the first lasagna recipes appeared in the 13th century, but in our time, lasagna has become an international dish that can be prepared at home.

How to cook lasagna: making the dough

The dough for lasagna is made in the same way as for pasta - from durum wheat. In stores, you can buy ready-made dry plates for lasagna, but it is best to cook the dough yourself, in this case, the lasagna will turn out to be especially tender, juicy and tasty.

The dough for lasagna is kneaded like on dumplings - the flour is collected in a slide, an egg is broken in the middle, salt and olive oil are added. Classic proportions: 250 g of flour of two varieties, 4 eggs, a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. olive oil. The dough should be tight so that when cooking it does not spread, but retains its shape. After kneading, the dough is wrapped in cling film and leave for half an hour in the refrigerator for the traditional "rest".

The “rested” dough is formed into a sausage and cut into pieces, each of which is rolled into a thin layer about 2 mm thick and cut into squares or rectangles the size of the form in which the lasagna will be baked.

Cooking lasagna sheets

The dough is boiled in the usual way, like pasta, in boiling salted water; To prevent the products from sticking together, add a little olive oil to the water. It is better if the sheets remain slightly undercooked, as Italian chefs recommend - “al dente” (“on the tooth”). In this case, the dish will turn out tastier and healthier.

All toppings are good - choose to taste

The meat filling is made from any minced meat or sausages with the addition of onions and vegetables: the ingredients are fried with spices, then stewed for 15-20 minutes with tomatoes or tomato paste. A combination of ground beef, pork and chicken is considered successful, as well as a combination of meat with fruits, such as pineapples.

Very tasty seafood filling, which is prepared from boiled mussels, shrimp and squid. Next, the seafood is stewed with the addition of a glass of water and tomatoes; for piquancy, you can add the filling with parsley and nutmeg. Also, eggs and any fish, generously seasoned with spices and herbs, are used as a filling.

Mushroom filling is made from any mushrooms and vegetables, for example, champignons, eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers and onions go well together. Vegetables and mushrooms are fried, then stewed with tomato paste or tomatoes, then mixed with bechamel sauce. Cheese fillings are very popular, and fruits, berries, dried fruits and nuts are suitable for sweet lasagna - the finished dish is topped with whipped cream and chocolate. In general, the filling for lasagna gives room for creativity, so you can experiment with any product - Italians are very fond of culinary improvisations.

Cooking lasagna at home: choosing cheese

The ideal cheese for lasagna is, of course, parmesan, which is sometimes mixed with mozzarella, ricotta or mascarpone. The fact is that the combination of Parmesan with these cheeses gives the dish tenderness, juiciness, piquant taste and pleasant aroma. But it is not necessary to limit your imagination to only two varieties of cheese, you can use any hard cheeses with a bright and slightly sharp aroma and soft tender cheeses with a delicate taste. And whether to sprinkle cheese on each layer of the dish or only the top plate is a matter of recipe and personal preference.

What is the best sauce for lasagna?

The classic lasagne sauce is bechamel, it is very easy to prepare. Fry in 50 g of melted butter 2 tbsp. l. flour, pour in 500 ml of cream in a thin stream, cook for 2 minutes until the sauce thickens, then season the bechamel with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Thoroughly stir the sauce until smooth. By the way, cream can be replaced with milk or meat broth.

In addition, tomato sauce with spices and smoked meats is suitable for lasagna, cream sauce, sauces on broths. Do not spare the sauce for this dish so that the sheets of dough are well soaked and the dish is juicy.

Choosing dishes for cooking lasagna

To prepare lasagna, you will need thick-walled dishes in which the dough will not burn - after all, the dish will languish for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. In other words, the dishes must be heat-resistant and reliable, the best for this purpose is a form of ceramics and refractory glass, cast-iron dishes or a container with a non-stick coating.

Bake lasagna in the oven

So, you have cooked the dough sheets, prepared the filling, grated the cheese - it remains to assemble the lasagna into a multi-story structure and bake it in the oven. Grease the mold with olive oil and lay out the layers, with each layer being made according to the following scheme: lasagna sheet, filling, sauce, grated parmesan. There can be as many such layers as you like - up to seven, the topmost layer is smeared with sauce and sprinkled with parmesan again. This is necessary in order to form a golden crisp during baking in the oven. Ready lasagna can be decorated with herbs or roasted nuts.

Cooking lasagna at home: the secrets of Italian chefs

When kneading dough, it is best to take wheat flour two varieties - the highest and the second, lasagna experts say that in this case the dough turns out tastier.

If during the kneading process there is a lack of moisture and the dough crumbles, in no case should water be poured into it, it is better to add an egg or a little olive oil, as water will make the dough hard.

If you bought ready-made dough sheets to cook lasagna at home, carefully read the instructions on the package, as some manufacturers recommend that you do not boil the sheets, but simply soak them in water - it all depends on the composition and method of preparing the dough.

The Italians stack the squares of dough crosswise - that is, the new layer of dough should be perpendicular to the previous layer. This makes the lasagna more stable, so it doesn't fall apart when cut and looks aesthetically pleasing. If we cook lasagna at home in a slow cooker, sheets of parchment paper should be placed on the bottom of the bowl so that the dish does not burn. Lasagna is also wrapped with parchment before cooking in the oven, and it is even better to use a baking sleeve.

Neapolitan lasagna recipe

After you've learned how to make classic lasagna at home, try this Neapolitan recipe with eggs and meatballs.

Boil dough sheets. Dice 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, chop 1 onion into rings and simmer the vegetables in a frying pan with a little olive oil and 50 ml dry red wine - cook the vegetables until half of the liquid has evaporated. Bring to a boil 1 liter of tomatoes in their own juice, they should languish over low heat.

For the filling, thinly slice 60 g parmesan, mix it with 1 raw egg and 400 g ground beef. Blind small meatballs, fry them in a pan in vegetable oil and add to the tomato sauce. Cut 5 boiled eggs and 150 g mozzarella into thin plates.

Lay the layers of boiled dough and filling in the form in this order - lasagna sheet, sauce with meatballs, mozzarella with eggs - and so on in several passes. Fill the entire mold and top the lasagna with grated parmesan. Bake it for half an hour in the oven at 200 ° C and enjoy the exquisite taste of Italian cuisine.

Lasagne with fish and spinach

This unusual lasagna looks beautiful and has a delicate taste. To prepare it, boil 12 plates of dough and make bechamel sauce - fry 40 g of flour in 40 g of butter, add 350 ml of milk, simmer the sauce for 5 minutes, season it with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Warm up in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 300 g frozen spinach until soft, then cut into quarters 4 tomatoes, mix vegetables with sauce and dill, which will make the béchamel more fragrant and expressive.

Put the sheets of dough in a greased form, first the cod fillet, and then the sauce, which should be sprinkled with grated Camembert. For 300 g of cod you will need 100 g of cheese, the number of layers depends on the height of the mold, the main thing is to cover the last layer with cheese. Bake lasagna for 35 minutes at 200°C

Video: Lasagna with minced meat and cheese - a step-by-step cooking recipe

Video: Classic lasagna recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

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The original recipe for shish kebab "Pork on cognac" meat just melts in your mouth, so tender

Italian cuisine is distinguished by its brightness, spiciness, abundance of spices and the ability to transform almost any dish at will. How many types of pasta do you know? Do not run to consult a cookbook, just remember how many varieties of pasta exist and how many sauces you can come up with - it would be a fantasy. In this article, we will explore various recipes for making lasagna. In fact, this is the same paste with a variety of fillers. And, although the Greeks came up with this multi-layered meat “cake”, it has long been “legalized” in Italy and is considered a national symbol.

Despite the many components, cooking lasagna is easier than it seems. Spoiling it, even if the culinary experience is not rich, is virtually unrealistic if you strictly adhere to the rules and take your time.

Minced meat, mushrooms and cheese - this is the filling that is recognized as traditional. It is also the basis of bolognese sauce. As a dressing relies exclusively on bechamel. In total, there are three components necessary to create a “business card” of sunny Italy chefs: “floors” of dough, filling and sauce.

Making lasagna dough with sheets

Important nuance: take flour only from durum wheat. Pay attention to the labeling of products when buying, the one you need is marked with the letter "T".

So, the list of products to knead the dough for lasagna with your own hands,

  • Flour - 600 g;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Oil (preferably olive) - 60 ml;
  • Boiled water (cold) - 120 ml;
  • Salt (to taste).

Add eggs to flour, mix well. Salt, pour water and oil, mix. So that the dough does not tear, and then it bakes well, roll a ball out of it, cover it with a damp towel (you can use cling film) and leave it for half an hour, right on the table. Some move it closer to the heat source, so the mass is more "viscous".

Divide the ball into three equal parts and roll each with a rolling pin into layers, one and a half to two millimeters thick. Cut them into as many sheets as you plan to build in "floors" in a casserole, and give them an hour to dry. For best effect, cover them with a towel.. As you can see, the recipe for lasagna dough is simple, and the active cooking time is a maximum of an hour and thirty. In between, while it is infused, you can do the rest of the components.

Filling and additives inside

Even being classical, the composition of the interlayer is different. Meat lasagna is so called because it is based on minced meat: pork, beef, separately or mixed. There are housewives who add ham or chicken liver, but this is more of a free impromptu than a "classic of the gastronomic genre."

The recipe for lasagna at home is unchanged in one thing - it is recommended to use only Parmesan cheese.

The hardest of all varieties. It cannot be cut, only grated. That is why Parmesan is used only as an additive to pizza, pasta, soups.

The main advantage of this variety is its unique taste, with a subtle nutty note in the bouquet. Its rich, spicy aroma will make it possible to cook lasagna at home, no worse than in a restaurant.

Preparing minced meat and laying layers

The layers in this Italian gastronomic masterpiece must be built in strict accordance with the recipe, otherwise the dough sheets will turn out either too hard or, on the contrary, extremely soft.

Lasagna bolognese, in other words, the central filling for pasta, is made from the following ingredients:

  • Minced meat (any) - 700 gr;
  • Fresh tomatoes (replacement with canned in own juice is allowed) - 4 pcs.;
  • Parmesan - 150 gr;
  • Mushrooms (fresh or canned) - 300 gr;
  • Dry wine (red or white, according to preference) - half a glass;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Greens: parsley, basil;
  • a teaspoon of thyme;
  • Freshly ground pepper;
  • Bulb (medium size);
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves;
  • A tablespoon of dry oregano (spearmint).

Cooking lasagna at home is not complete without a bouquet of seasonings, if the task is to achieve exactly the same taste as professional chefs, and not get a bland likeness.

According to some recipes, in order to properly cook minced lasagne, the meat stew must be stewed in advance before the main “assembly”.

Then a richer taste and aroma is provided. However, this is not important, it depends on the availability of free time and personal desire. It is better to start preparing meat sauce for lasagna - with vegetables. Tomatoes should be dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds, so it is easier to remove the skin.

If you chose a recipe for lasagna bolognese with canned tomatoes, then just peel them off. Next, using a mixer, turn the vegetables into a homogeneous gruel.

Do you want something interesting?

Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic with a press and fry everything until a light golden color. We send minced meat there and fry for about five minutes.

Lastly, put in a saucepan (it is better to cook in it, and not in a pan) tomato gruel, chopped mushrooms, tomato paste and simmer until the juices evaporate. A couple of minutes before removing, pour in the wine and add the spices.

And the final component of this multi-tiered snack is dressing. There are also slight differences in cooking, in some recipes it is advised to add Parmesan cheese to it, and not to the meat filling. In others, nutmeg is excluded from the list of products.

The basic recipe for bechamel sauce for lasagna includes the following ingredients:

  • Milk - liter;
  • Flour - a quarter of a glass;
  • Butter (butter) - 100 gr;
  • Nutmeg - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Salt, pepper (by eye).

If you still decide to add Parmesan again to the recipe for lasagna with minced meat with bechamel sauce, then grate 100 grams, no more. And then it will come out an extremely thick and viscous mixture.

So refueling. Melt butter in a frying pan, add flour and fry. Pour in the milk slowly, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until thickened. Half a minute before removing from heat, pour in all the seasonings and cheese (if you still decide not to exclude it).

Determine immediately how many layers you want to "lay". Do not try to impress guests with the height of the “cake.” Minced meat lasagna is a rather voluminous appetizer, and if you go too far with the “floors”, then there is a risk of depriving everyone of the opportunity to fully enjoy gourmet food.

In boiled water, lower the lasagne sheet for 2-3 minutes - strictly one at a time. Then immediately from hot to cold. This is necessary so that the paste does not tear, is elastic and not stiff.

Lubricate the form with butter, or you can also use white sauce (as bechamel is popularly known), lay the finished sheet on the bottom, evenly distribute the bolognese on top and, at the end, the bechamel layer. Further - according to the same principle. The last sheet is covered only with white sauce and sprinkled with cheese chips.

According to any recipe for minced meat lasagna at home, the oven must be preheated to 200 degrees.

Classic lasagna with minced meat and mushrooms will be ready in half an hour. Serve hot, hot, divided into portions.

What can be used instead of the test

The kitchen is a place where the interests of different countries are harmoniously combined. Culinary and gastronomic. Important results can be achieved without lengthy negotiations - changing the taste of the dish, turning it into a kind of symbiosis of national traditions and reducing cooking hours.

We use pita bread or flatbread

A vivid example of this is lavash lasagna with minced meat. A thin Armenian flatbread does not spoil the originality of the national Italian masterpiece, but successfully complements it.

In addition to replacing the usual dough with a flour product of Armenian cuisine, the rest of the food is the same as in traditional recipe lasagna with minced meat in the oven.

Lay the pita bread on the bottom of the baking sheet, already smeared with bechamel sauce - then the standard sequence of laying layers. By the time the assembly is completed, the oven will just warm up to the required two hundred degrees. We put it inside, we take it out in half an hour.

This method of making is also known as lazy lasagna. As well as the recipe, which will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Fast Cooking Pasta

How to cook lasagna at home quickly, without changing the main set of products? The way out is simple - pay attention to pasta.

The scheme of action is the same as in the traditional recipe, only horns, spirals, snails are used as the “basis” for the casserole - almost any kind of these flour products. Pasta lasagna is baked for 20 minutes.

Multicooker lasagna recipe

The kitchen of every housewife is rich in household requisitions, from a refrigerator to a coffee maker. For those who have long forgotten about the oven, and use modern technology - a recipe for lasagna in a slow cooker.

This "fabulous hill" allows you to minimize the time and not conjure over food all evening. Many housewives even advise not to cook the filling, but to lay it raw, claiming that everything is baked perfectly! Unless bechamel needs to be cooked according to all the rules.

It turns out equally tasty with ready-made pasta, and with dough made by oneself, and with pasta. Having decided on the “base” of the snack, lay the levels according to the standard scheme described above.

Putting everything together, set the “baking” mode, time - 60 minutes. If you want the meat to be softer, and the dough layers are well saturated with juice, give preference to “stewing”, also for an hour.

Helpful Hint: If you use foil or a baking sleeve, the snack will be easier to remove from the bowl.

Fantasies on an Italian theme: changing the stuffing

That is why this multi-layered casserole is good, that the composition can be adjusted according to desire and possibilities. For example, if there is no minced meat in the refrigerator, and you want to treat yourself to something delicious, make lasagne with chicken and mushrooms.

To do this, you need a pound of boiled chicken white meat, the same amount by weight of mushrooms (champignons or truffles), two types of cheese (mozzarella and parmesan), 200 ml. cream (maximum fat content), seasonings, olive oil.

Fry the mushrooms a little, pour a little water and cook until tender. Finely chop the chicken, throw the meat to the mushrooms, sauté together for 5-10 minutes, pour the cream into the mixture, boil until thickened.

You can cook chicken and mushrooms separately. Then you will have to lay them a little differently.

To save time, you can use purchased dough or packaged pasta - sold in all stores. It will turn out faster if they are not boiled before baking. Bechamel is made according to tradition.

Pour the sauce at the bottom of the mold, put a sheet or several on top, depending on the size of the dish. Further, several options for the layer are assumed. You can first apply the dressing, then the filling, sprinkle it with grated cheese.

If the chicken and mushrooms are in separate bowls, combine them however you like. Move the layers in a different order, one on top of the other, or on different “levels” of dough. Do not forget to soak the final layer with bechamel and fill it with cheese "sawdust".

Bake the finished structure in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Take out after 40 min. Serve hot.

Vegetarian vegetable lasagna

If meat is excluded from the diet for any reason, you can cook vegetable lasagna. With zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower or white cabbage – the range to choose from is wide.

The recipe is original, using ricotta cheese and walnuts. You will also need the usual spices for lasagna and two medium eggplants. Determine the proportions yourself, but you should not abuse the cheese, otherwise the aroma of vegetables will be lost.

Wash the eggplants, cut them, sprinkle with salt and leave for a quarter of an hour to soak well. Then rinse, fry, as usual, for 2 minutes on each side, wait until the oil drains.

Chop the onion and garlic, pass in the same pan as the eggplant, until golden brown. Complete the mixture with tomato paste and seasonings. Simmer for ten minutes, stirring constantly.

Now nuts. Clean, rinse with boiling water, grind with a blender. Cut the ricotta into cubes.

Nothing changes in the preparation of pasta - we dip it briefly in boiling water and, for contrast, transfer it to ice water. “Levels” of stele in the following order: two sheets of lasagna, tomato sauce, eggplant, ricotta, nuts are placed on top, everything is sprinkled with grated parmesan and bechamel is poured. The procedure is repeated until the end vegetable stew. 10 minutes are allotted for baking, in an oven heated to 180 degrees.

It turns out tasty and healthy dish not only for vegetarians.

Good afternoon friends!

Lasagna is a popular dish of Italian cuisine, conquering more and more admirers of gourmet food. Now it is not at all necessary to go to Italy to try a delicious and new dish. Recipes for making lasagna are endless, with a variety of fillings: meat, mushroom, fish, vegetable ...

The dough from which it is prepared can be pasta, egg or regular. It is cut into large rectangles, and the factory one is corrugated and it becomes like slate.

But the most important thing in this dish is the famous French bechamel sauce and meat bolognese. Both are widely used in European cuisine.

Classic Italian lasagne with minced meat and bechamel sauce

We will need:

  • beef - 300 g
  • pork - 300 g
  • parmesan cheese - 70 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • stalk of celery - 1 pc.
  • red dry wine - 1 tbsp.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

for the sauce:

  • butter - 60 g
  • wheat flour - 60 g
  • milk - 500 ml
  • nutmeg - 1/4 tsp
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - 1/4 tsp.


Let's start by making the white sauce. It is widely distributed in European cuisine and serves as the basis for various sauces.

The bechamel recipe is simple and easy to make at home. We need only three components: butter, flour and milk, not counting spices.

Melt the butter in a saucepan.

Add flour, mix well. The flour should not be strongly fried, it should only be slightly golden and acquire a creamy hue, this usually takes 1-2 minutes.

Pour a little warm or cold milk, mix quickly until thick and homogeneous. It is important not to be distracted now and not to move away from the stove. Stir without stopping, 10-12 minutes, until the lumps disappear. Keep in mind that the sauce will thicken as it cools.

Add salt and the obligatory ingredients - ground black pepper and nutmeg.

The sauce turned out smooth, without lumps, a little darkish from spices. Bechamel will serve to hold the layers of the dish together and give it a light nutmeg flavor.

Sauce is the most important thing in any dish. An exquisite sauce with various spices will give any product a special taste and make even the simplest dish a meal decoration.

We will prepare the dish from ready-made thin dry sheets. A wide range of them can be bought in the supermarket. Sheets for lasagna come in pasta, regular and egg, usually they do not require pre-boiling.

The next step is to prepare the bolognese sauce with minced meat.

Minced meat is prepared from a mixture different types meat. We take equal parts of the pulp of beef and lean pork, pass through a meat grinder. Do not add onions or rolls to the minced meat.

Fry the minced meat in a small amount of olive oil, add salt and pepper.

In a saucepan, heat the olive oil, spread the carrots, onion and celery cut into small cubes. Fry for 5 minutes and add red wine.

It is important that the vegetables sweat in it and are saturated with its taste. Evaporate wine on vegetables.

Add the fried minced meat and mashed tomatoes to the vegetables. If necessary, add water (broth) and leave to simmer for 1.5-2 hours.

We try. If necessary, add the missing spices.

At the end of cooking, salt and put chopped green basil. Bolognese sauce is ready.

It remains to put the lasagna in a baking dish. And it must be done in correct sequence.

Spread bechamel sauce on the bottom of the mold with the first layer and cover it with sheets of dough. Then bolognese and grated cheese on top.

We spread the lasagna in the correct sequence - bechamel - dough - bolognese - cheese

We send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-4 minutes, covering it with baking paper. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the paper, and continue to bake until the cheese is melted and a delicious golden crust appears. Take out of the oven and let rest for 20 minutes.

This amazing lasagna is sure to please! Bon appetit!

Lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

Cooking hearty homemade lasagna with chicken fillet and champignons from ready-made sheets.


  • 500 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g champignons
  • 300 g jar of tomato in own juice
  • 1 large onion
  • 200 g hard cheese
  • bechamel sauce
  • dry dough sheets
  • ground black pepper
  • basil
  • garlic (optional)


First, let's make the bolognese sauce.

  1. Mushrooms and onions cut into small cubes. Also very finely chop the chicken fillet.
  2. Lightly fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil, then add the chicken fillet cubes. We fry 6-8 minutes.
  3. We spread the mushrooms, salt and pepper. Stir and cook until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated, over medium heat, about 15 minutes.
  4. Open a jar prepared for the winter. The fruits are fleshy, amazingly tasty, with a rich pleasant taste.
  5. Puree them in a blender bowl along with green basil leaves and garlic cloves.

Bechamel sauce we prepared in advance.

  1. Everything is ready, you can collect lasagna.
  2. We lay it out in the following sequence: bechamel - dough sheets - minced chicken with mushrooms - cheese.
  3. Then we repeat the layers again, and complete the assembly of the dish with sheets.

We cover the form with baking paper and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Then we remove the paper and bake the dish for another 10 minutes, until a delicious crust.

Lasagna recipe with pasta and bolognese sauce

Exquisite and very tasty Italian dish. It combines layers of pasta and minced meat topped with aromatic sauce.

Lasagna with minced meat at home

We will need:

for 4 servings

  • minced chicken - 500 g
  • chicken liver - 200 g
  • mushrooms - 80 g
  • bechamel sauce - 250 g
  • sheets - 250 g
  • parmesan cheese - 80 g
  • dry white wine - 250 ml
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.
  • broth and cream - 120 ml each
  • butter - for greasing the mold
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • lemon zest - 1/2 tsp
  • salt, ground pepper
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon - to taste

In order not to make a mistake, and to prepare a new dish for you, stick to the accuracy in the set of ingredients.


Let's start with the tomato. We release them from the skin, for this we make a cross-shaped incision on the pulp and place in boiling water for 10 seconds. We chop the pulp into small pieces.

  1. Onion and liver cut into cubes.
  2. In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry the onion, add the tomato pulp and minced chicken. Fry until half cooked and add spices, tomato paste, wine, stew until the alcohol evaporates.
  3. We clean the mushrooms and cut them in half. Large ones are cut into quarters, and small ones are left whole.
  4. Add mushrooms, liver, cream and broth to the meat. Simmer over low heat until thickened.
  5. Exquisite taste of sauce with spices, teasing with its aroma. It is difficult to agree with the expression that it is impossible to learn how to cook sauce, it requires talent, and you need to be born with this talent.
  6. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the baking dish with butter and lay out in layers: bechamel sauce, dough sheets, meat sauce, grated parmesan. We layer until all the components run out.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for 35-45 minutes.

recipe for lasagna dough

According to this recipe, home-made dough is much cheaper than store-bought, so we cook it at home.


  • 400 g wheat flour
  • 3 large chicken eggs
  • 3 art. l. olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt


In a mixing bowl, sift the flour, add eggs, olive oil and salt.

Knead a stiff dough. We use a Bosch mixer, it will take us only 3 minutes, with our hands we would spend much more time (up to 30 minutes) and effort.

Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 20 minutes. The dough after proofing becomes elastic and elastic.

We crush it with our hands with a small amount of flour and roll it out with a special machine, into a layer 2 mm thick. Cut the dough into desired size and shape.

Homemade plates, unlike store ones, must be boiled, otherwise they will crack and curl. Boil for 1 minute in salted boiling water, dip in a bowl with cold water(possible with the addition of olive oil). Then we recline on a sieve, let the water drain. Lay out on a sheet and dry. Sheets are ready.

Fish lasagne with salmon

Lazy lavash lasagne with minced meat baked in the oven


  • pita bread - 2 sheets
  • onion - 1 large
  • minced meat - 500 g
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • green basil leaves
  • meat broth - 100 ml
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • butter - 50 g
  • milk - 500 ml
  • flour - 50 g
  • salt, ground pepper, nutmeg - to taste


Great fast and tasty snack for a friendly party.

  1. Put onions, garlic and chopped tomatoes in a blender bowl and chop.
  2. Fry in vegetable oil for 5 minutes.
  3. Add minced meat, tomato paste, broth, salt and simmer for 20 minutes under the lid.
  4. In the finished meat sauce, add finely chopped herbs and spices. Salt.
  5. Lavash cut into sheets of the same size. We select it along the bottom of the form, where the pasta will be baked. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with butter.
  6. We start posting. 1 layer - pita bread, minced meat, bechamel sauce.
  7. We continue to spread further, and we got 4 layers.
  8. Sprinkle the last layer with a generous portion of grated cheese.
  9. Bake the lasagna in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Let cool slightly and cut into portions. Bon appetit!

Vegetable with spinach and mozzarella

In this recipe, we will replace the traditional bechamel sauce with tomato sauce. I took the store-bought with basil, but if it's summer and there are good tomatoes, you can cook homemade.

Instead of minced meat, we use a mixture of mozzarella with spinach, flavored with garlic, nutmeg and thyme.

Well, the magnificent mixture of cheeses - mozzarella and parmesan - completes the matter.

Experience Italian culinary arts as you prepare hearty, mouth-watering lasagna and savor it.