Small kidney stones symptoms. Kidney stones: symptoms and treatment. Contact removal of stones

In the Sayan Mountains and Khamar-Daban and in other mountainous regions of Siberia, in rock crevices and cracks, you can find whitish-yellowish or greenish formations in the form of growths or deposits, called stone oil by hunters and the local population. They are a product of leaching of overlying rocks and, when removed from the rock, are more or less amorphous, shapeless pieces of various sizes, mixed with powder, sour-sweet, astringent taste, highly soluble in water.

What is rock oil?

By chemical nature, stone oil is a natural potassium-magnesium alum. They contain significant amounts of impurities of soluble salts of the rocks on which it was formed. Often the bulk is magnesium sulfate. In addition, included rock oil contains a number of microelements, the composition of which is also determined by the underlying rocks.

Collection of rock oil

The search and extraction of rock oil is associated with a serious risk to life, rock climbing experience is desirable and it is desirable to possess minimal mountaineering skills - rock oil is found in hard-to-reach places - rocks, caves, crevices, canyons, etc.

Anyone who decides to extract STONE OIL must remember that the cure for all diseases is located high up and difficult to access; it is better not to go on a hike alone and without equipment.

Methods for purifying stone oil

Rock oil dissolves easily in water. The purification method is based on good solubility in water.

1. Dissolution in water

The collected raw materials are poured into enamel containers and filled with warm water. Then it is infused for 10-20 hours, stirring occasionally. Next, the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enamel container, and water is again added to the remainder of the grounds, which is drained in the same way after 10 hours.

The first and second solutions differ only in the concentration of stone oil and the content of lime dust: there is more of it in the second solution. You can pour the grounds a third time, but do not drag out the dissolution process over time: the “waste rock” quickly ferments, spreading an unpleasant odor.

2. Filtration

The next stage of purification is separation of the solution from insoluble impurities. Filtration is used for this. The simplest, but longest way is to settle. Cleaning the solution may take up to a month to settle. When the solution is cleared, it is evaporated.

3.1. Evaporation of moisture (hot method)

Water is evaporated from the solution as follows. Take two basins, one smaller than the other. Pour water into a large basin, and a solution of stone oil into a smaller basin. This design is placed on low heat and a fan is placed nearby. It is important that the air stream is directed towards the surface of the solution. The heated solution must be stirred all the time and the temperature checked - stone oil loses its quality when heated to temperatures above 60 C.

The most tedious stage of dehydrating stone oil begins from the moment it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, there is a danger of overheating of the extract; the contents have to be mixed constantly and quite intensively, because a layer of thicker extract forms on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. When the solution begins to resemble a thick syrup, the heating stops and the stone oil is poured onto durable polyethylene placed in bowl-shaped molds. Now your task is to protect the stone oil from moisture so that drying continues.

3.2. Cold cleaning method

The cleaning method by evaporation is considered not entirely correct. During heat treatment, a significant part of the properties of stone oil is lost. Therefore, there is a method of cold drying (natural drying). After filtration, the slurry of stone oil is poured into trays and dried in the open air, drying lasts more than a month.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely.

The history of stone oil

It is called stone oil only in Siberia. In Burma they call it Chao Tui - the blood of the mountain. In Mongolia and Tibet - bragshun - rock sap.

Rock oil has been used for over 4,000 years. Basic information about Bragshun is contained in the manual Tibetan medicine“Shelphreng” (the Tibetan word “bragshun” comes from “brag” - rock and “shun” - melting, leak - rock leak). In other sources, rock oil is called “rock blood”, “blood of the primary elements”, “rock nectar”, “juice of jewels”, “medicinal juice of the five elements of the Earth”, “red element of the Universe”, “suppressing earthly diseases”, “tears of the mountains” , in Egypt - “Illyrian resin”, etc.

Chemical composition of rock oil

At the end of the 80s, a spectral analysis of rock oil was carried out at the Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. The study showed that rock oil contains 49 trace elements, that is, almost half of the periodic table. Unbelievable but true.

Rock oil contains potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, as well as gold, silver, platinum, and others...

Thanks to the research of scientists from Almaty, who first discovered the healing power of stone oil to science, we know that this substance owes its phenomenal properties to the microelements it contains, the properties of which are enhanced by each other.

Both their composition and high concentration are unique. This explains their effective influence on work human body, its individual systems and organs, down to the cellular level. These substances are able to fight various kinds of infections, stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen the circulatory system and immunity, promote the removal of toxins from the body, have an analgesic, wound-healing and even antitumor effect.

Potassium in rock oil

Due to its high potassium content, stone oil is able to normalize the activity of the heart and regulate the water balance of cells. If there is not enough potassium in the body, dry skin increases and acne appears. Frequent colds are possible, mental activity deteriorates, nervousness, insomnia, and depression appear. The lack of this microelement can also affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, diarrhea, as well as unquenchable thirst, nausea and vomiting - all these are symptoms of a lack of potassium in the body. Muscle fatigue, weakness, periodic headaches, pain in the heart can also be caused by a lack of this microelement.

Sodium in rock oil

Calcium in rock oil

Rock oil also contains calcium, which is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth. It is precisely the high content of this chemical element The explanation is that when taking stone oil, bone fractures heal much faster. Calcium is also necessary for the prevention of joint diseases. A deficiency of this substance can cause skin diseases, such as eczema. Calcium ions are involved in metabolism, they maintain normal blood clotting.

Phosphorus in rock oil

Rock oil also contains phosphorus, which is necessary for cell restoration and transmission of nerve impulses.

Silicon in rock oil

Silicon is also part of the “tears of the mountains”. Thanks to this element, stone oil is an excellent cosmetic product: silicon is necessary for the normal functioning of the surface layer of the skin and mucous membrane. In addition, this trace element gives elasticity to blood vessels and prevents heart disease.

Magnesium in rock oil

The body's absorption of mineral elements and vitamins is impossible without magnesium. This microelement plays the role of a “conductor”: it activates the work of enzymes, which ensure the absorption of useful substances. Magnesium deficiency often becomes the main cause of cardiovascular diseases: cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, sudden cardiac arrest. Asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome and pulmonary diseases are also consequences of a lack of magnesium in the body.

Iron in rock oil

Rock oil contains iron compounds. The main function of iron in the body is to participate in the transport of oxygen. With its deficiency, hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted, fatigue appears, hair turns gray, and nails become brittle.

Copper in rock oil

Lack of copper in the body can lead to osteoporosis. Without enough copper, your skin begins to flake and your hair becomes dull. Stone oil contains copper, so taking medications made from it will help prevent these unpleasant phenomena.

Iodine in rock oil

Stone oil also includes such an essential element for the body as iodine. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine leads to disruption of the endocrine system and can cause many serious diseases. Currently, a connection has already been established between iodine deficiency and breast cancer. With a lack of this microelement, endurance and the body's resistance to infections decrease, and unwanted fat reserves accumulate.

Gold, silver, platinum in rock oil

The composition of stone oil also includes precious metals: gold, silver and platinum. Of course, their content is so small that trying to extract these elements from stone oil is pointless. Very little is known yet about what consequences the absence of these elements in the body can lead to. But all three elements play a very significant role in health.

Benefits of rock oil

Rock oil is not a panacea for all diseases! This natural substance is a complex solution of minerals, taken in liquid form, and replenishes their deficiency. Before use, consult a specialist about the compatibility of components and the presence of other reactions.

With regular use, stone oil will also bring significant benefits:

  • If there is a deficiency in the body of macro- and microelements necessary for health;
  • For vasomotor and psychoemotional disorders characteristic of the menopause;
  • With intense mental, physical, stressful and psycho-emotional stress;
  • With a decrease in mental and physical performance;
  • During the rehabilitation period after undergoing surgical operations or long-term illnesses;
  • As part of the comprehensive prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza;
  • For those who live in ecologically disadvantaged areas or working in unfavorable conditions climatic conditions(in conditions of cold, heat, high humidity), works in high mountains or is engaged in underwater or underground work;

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of stone oil

Stone oil:

  • increases the human body’s resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors,
  • improves protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt metabolism,
  • activates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues,
  • has immunomodulatory, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral, antitumor, antispasmodic, choleretic and analgesic effects.

Stone oil for diseases of the digestive system:

For diseases such as gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as food poisoning and diarrhea. When used regularly, stone oil helps accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines affected by the inflammatory or erosive-ulcerative process. Magnesium contained in stone oil, improving the processes of bile formation and bile secretion, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, liver and bile ducts.

Stone oil for dermatological diseases and traumatic skin injuries

Cuts, burns, purulent wounds and ulcers, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, acne, boils, urticaria, bedsores, trophic ulcers, etc. Stone oil contains a complex of macro- and microelements that have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to eliminate itching and pain, and activating the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin areas (among such “wound-healing” mineral components of stone oil are calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, sulfur, cobalt).

Stone oil for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and radiculitis

Fractures, bruises, dislocations, osteochondrosis, arthritis (including gouty and rheumatoid arthritis), arthrosis, etc., as well as neuralgia accompanying these diseases (sciatica, etc.). Stone oil is a rich source of substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage (among such substances are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, as well as silicon, zinc, copper and sulfur that stimulate the natural production of collagen).

Potassium, present in significant quantities in stone oil, helps improve water-salt metabolism, and thereby prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints.

In the treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints (as well as in the treatment of injuries and skin diseases), the most effective combination of external use of stone oil with its regular internal use.

Stone oil for diseases of the urinary system

Stone oil for the cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, stroke, diabetic angiopathy, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels (vasculitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.). Stone oil helps increase elasticity and strength of blood vessels, reducing the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes in cardiovascular system and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries.

Magnesium present in stone oil helps eliminate spasms of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure in hypertension. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus contained in stone oil are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Stone oil for thyroid

Has a beneficial effect on thyroid disease

Stone oil for strengthening nerves and headaches

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (poliomyelitis, polyneuropathy, discirculatory encephalopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, epilepsy, paralysis, etc.), as well as frequent headaches. Magnesium contained in stone oil, having a sedative effect, helps reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system.

Zinc and iodine present in stone oil have an antidepressant effect and help improve memory and mental abilities.

Copper, magnesium and manganese contained in stone oil are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances through which electrical impulses are transmitted between the cells of the central nervous system (neurons).

Stone oil for respiratory organs

Stone oil for iron deficiency

At iron deficiency anemia. Stone oil contains iron, manganese, copper, zinc, silicon, sulfur, cobalt, nickel and other macro- and microelements that stimulate the natural production of the red blood cell protein hemoglobin.

The combination of internal use and external use of stone oil is also very effective as part of a complex treatment:

  • Diseases of the female genital area (uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, colpitis, cervicitis, endometriosis, adnexitis, cyst or polycystic ovary, polyps of the female genital organs, female infertility, etc.).
  • Diseases of the male reproductive system (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, male infertility, oligospermia, hypoaspermia, erectile disfunction(impotence). Stone oil is a rich source of zinc, manganese and selenium - substances that help improve the process of spermatogenesis and increase male sexual activity.
  • Proctological diseases (hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, etc.)
  • Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity (periodontitis, periodontal disease, caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.)
  • ENT diseases (otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.)
  • Diseases of the visual organs (cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, etc.)
  • Oncological diseases (for early stages, only in consultation with the attending physician and only in combination with those necessary for the treatment of such diseases medicines and procedures).

With regular use, stone oil will also bring significant benefits. Recommended:

  • Patients with diabetes and obesity. Stone oil is rich in macro- and microelements that regulate blood glucose levels and play an important role in the process of natural insulin production (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium).
  • If there is a deficiency in the body of macro- and microelements necessary for health
  • For vasomotor and psychoemotional disorders characteristic of the menopause
  • With intense mental, physical, stressful and psycho-emotional stress
  • With a decrease in mental and physical performance
  • During the rehabilitation period after surgery or long-term illnesses
  • As part of the comprehensive prevention of ARVI and influenza
  • For those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas or work in unfavorable climatic conditions (cold, hot, high humidity), work in high mountains or are engaged in underwater or underground work
  • As part of a comprehensive program to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of prostatitis with stone oil is a popular method of combating unpleasant symptoms. of this disease in men.

Rock oil is an aluminum-potassium mixture obtained from leached mountain alum, containing water-soluble salts, magnesium sulfate and a large number of other microelements.

The composition of stone oil includes more than 45 micro- and macroelements, due to which a pronounced therapeutic effect is determined in the treatment of prostatitis. Mineral composition The amount of rock oil depends on the location of the rocks and the mechanism for its production. The composition contains a high concentration of biologically active substances and microelements.

Purified stone oil excludes organic impurities, has a pronounced adaptogenic effect and an extremely wide range of therapeutic effects.

Stone oil has been used for the treatment of prostatitis for a relatively long time in folk medicine, which is due to the following beneficial effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • regulatory;
  • sedative;
  • cleansing;
  • protective;
  • neurogenic;
  • antiallergic;
  • choleretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-stress;
  • diuretic.

Prostatitis can be treated with stone oil due to its antiseptic, immunomodulatory and analgesic effects. It is used in medicine for chronic or acute inflammatory diseases of the prostate or its benign hyperplasia. Positive effects on prostate parenchyma tissue include eliminating intercapillary edema and restoring blood flow.

The production of enzymes, hormones, and local anti-inflammatory immune factors increases. Improving blood circulation leads to the elimination of pain and restoration of the act of urination. Reduced swelling returns the prostate to its previous size, and the discomfort of the pelvic area is significantly reduced. Restoration of immune factors leads to increased stability of the prostate, reducing the frequency of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis.

It has a positive effect even with benign hyperplasia and gradually leads to growth regression. The combination of the therapeutic effects of stone oil for prostatitis leads to an increase in the effectiveness of specific drug therapy and makes it easier to tolerate the side effects of drugs.

For pathological processes in a man’s body related to the reproductive system, it is used in courses as prescribed by the attending urologist.

The substance can be used in various dosage forms:

  • when taken orally;
  • in the form of enemas;
  • in the form of compresses.

How to use stone oil correctly for prostatitis is determined by the attending doctor; it depends on the location of the pathological focus and the nature of the disease.

In acute inflammatory processes, the most relevant is the administration of drugs into the distal intestine using enemas. The methods for preparing medicinal mixtures for enemas differ; there are several recipes with the addition of plant substances, garlic, and plant extracts.

Oral intake of rock oil It is more suitable for a general supporting effect, is characterized by a slow achievement of therapeutic concentration, and is not a quick solution to the problem. Reviews from patients after oral administration focus on the slow onset of the therapeutic effect, but a positive overall effect on the entire body.

In the form of compresses on the outer area of ​​the urogenital diaphragm for prostatitis, stone oil is also used in boiled form for prostate adenoma or intolerance to rectal administration of drugs.

Contraindications for use stone oil prostatitis includes individual intolerance to the active substances, severe allergic sensitivity of the body. Due to the pronounced choleretic effect, it is strictly forbidden to use it for cholelithiasis.

Stone oil: how to prepare a solution, preparation of ingredients, preparation method and recipes

The preparation of the ingredients necessary for the treatment of prostatitis includes several types of treatments to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of the product - stone oil. How to prepare a solution for home use? It is not difficult if you follow the developed recommendations.

Thermal treatment of active substances using high temperatures prepares the stone oil for use and allows it to be thoroughly mixed with other components of the solution. You can begin direct use only after cooling the resulting mixture to room temperature to avoid burns.

When adding various powders or other additional ingredients in solid form, it is necessary to decant the resulting mixture at the end of processing due to the formation of sediment. Rectal administration of a mixture with sediment can lead to overirritation of the intestinal walls and pain.

The method of preparing stone oil for mortar includes:

  • For oral administration: 5 ml of stone oil is mixed with two liters of boiled water and left overnight. Apply three times a day, a glass of the resulting solution between meals.
  • For microenemas: 3 ml of oil is mixed with 0.5 liters of water, used once a day, 50 ml at a time.
  • For compresses: 5 ml of oil is diluted with ½ glass of water, add a tablespoon of honey. Sometimes 10 ml of medical alcohol is added to the lotions. Use once or twice a day for up to twenty minutes.
  • For herbal solutions: 7 ml of stone oil is diluted in three liters of water, boiled over high heat with the addition of herbs. Use a glass a day in a course.

The daily dose of the prepared solution for oral administration is limited and determined by the attending physician as a preventive or therapeutic agent.

If unwanted side effects (nausea, vomiting) occur, you should immediately stop taking the solution.

In addition, the oil can be used for digital massage of the prostate gland as a lubricant.

When using vibrating massagers, the use of oil is also important due to the increased efficiency of both methods and the rapid onset of recovery.

Rapid absorption of active substances into the blood has a cumulative effect on the body. Due to its various therapeutic effects, stone oil can be used for various pathologies as a means of prevention. The use of stone oil in the form of local compresses should be careful if alcohol or other substances are added in high concentrations to avoid traumatizing the skin.

Recipes for the treatment of prostatitis based on stone oil have many variations, the choice of which is determined by the personal preference of the patient and the prescriptions of the attending physician.

The most popular recipes are:

  • Mix 3 ml of oil, 70 g of nettle, 30 g of lungwort with a liter of water, boil for half an hour over low heat. Dissolve the resulting mixture in two liters of water and leave in the window for 24 hours;
  • 5 ml of stone oil, 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil are mixed with ½ glass of water for rectal use;
  • 5 ml of stone oil, ½ cup of nettle decoction for microenemas, after preliminary cleansing of the rectum with chamomile decoction;
  • 5 ml of oil are mixed with 10 ml of water and added to a glass of water at room temperature. Then mix with a tablespoon of honey. Used for compresses and lotions in the area of ​​the urogenital diaphragm;
  • 4 ml stone oil, 1 tbsp. Add green beetroot to a liter of water and boil over low heat. Suitable for oral administration or moistening urethral tampons.

Most often, stone oil is used as a monocomponent for drug therapy due to its high impact on the pathological focus. The good tolerance of the substance makes it popular in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

– a substance that has no analogues for the human body. The properties of stone oil make it possible not only to effectively combat the most severe diseases, including malignant neoplasms, but also have a powerful preventive effect. Stone oil does not allow harmful factors, such as viruses, radiation, poor ecology, toxins, antibiotics, to penetrate a healthy cell and begin to destroy it. The chemical composition of stone oil is truly unique, as is the high concentration of beneficial substances in one gram of oil. About 50 microelements that make up rock oil make it a broad-spectrum drug. In addition, the drug does not have a toxic effect on the body.

What is rock oil?

This is a mineral substance formed in mountain crevices at high altitudes. It is harvested by hand, by scraping from the rock. It has a specific sourish astringent taste, the color is often white or grayish with yellowish tint(but depending on the place of origin and chemical composition, the color may vary and be beige or reddish). It dissolves well in water, leaving a small sediment. Depending on the place and time of collection, stone oil can be varied in composition. Interestingly, wild animals and birds are very fond of rock oil.

Finding and collecting oil is quite a labor-intensive task. The reasons why a substance is formed in a particular place are still unknown. These places are few and sometimes very difficult to access. Therefore, in industrial production and retail sales counterfeits may be used. From us you can buy stone oil from Altai and Transbaikalia directly from the producers.

Rock oil has been used for centuries in medicine in China, Tibet, Mongolia, Burma and Russia to treat various diseases. It is also known that Tibetan lamas had great respect for stone oil. And the Chinese call this substance “food of the immortals.”

Healing properties of stone oil solution

The drug is mainly used in the form of solutions of various concentrations. Sometimes a decoction of herbs is used as a base for the solution.

The properties of stone oil solutions are such that they allow cells to absorb as many microelements as they need. Mother Nature gave us a substance that contains most of the vital microelements, which also easily dissolves in water.

Dissolved in water, the trace elements of stone oil enter the active phase, ready for use by the body, enter enzymatic systems, where they begin to actively act. Absorption occurs instantly, bypassing the long path of decomposition and assimilation in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, you need much less of any trace element contained in stone oil than in another product. Any pathological process in the body is characterized by great diversity and for its treatment requires the simultaneous use of several selective microelements in biotic doses. In medicine, some success has been achieved in the treatment of certain diseases using aqueous solutions of salts of several metals at once. But science has not yet been able to create such a solution for a whole “bouquet” of diseases, but nature has succeeded.

Stone oil: use in the treatment of diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, food poisoning and diarrhea.

Constant use of stone oil helps accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines affected by the inflammatory or erosive-ulcerative process. Magnesium contained in stone oil improves the processes of bile formation and bile secretion, prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder, liver and bile ducts.

Dermatology and injuries - cuts, burns, purulent wounds and ulcers, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, acne, boils, urticaria, bedsores, trophic ulcers.

Stone oil contains a complex of macro- and microelements that have an anti-inflammatory effect, help eliminate itching and pain, and activate the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin areas (among such “wound-healing” mineral components of stone oil are calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, sulfur, cobalt).

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system - fractures, bruises, dislocations, osteochondrosis, arthritis (including gouty and rheumatoid arthritis), arthrosis and others, as well as neuralgia accompanying these diseases.

Stone oil is a rich source of substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage (among such substances are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, as well as silicon, zinc, copper and sulfur that stimulate the natural production of collagen). Potassium, present in significant quantities in stone oil, helps improve water-salt metabolism, and thereby prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. In the treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints (as well as in the treatment of injuries and skin diseases), the most effective combination of external use of stone oil with its regular internal use.

Diseases of the urinary system - urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelocystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, nephrosis and others.

Cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, stroke, diabetic angiopathy, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels (vasculitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis and others).

Stone oil helps increase the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries. Magnesium present in stone oil helps eliminate spasms of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure in hypertension. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus contained in stone oil are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Thyroid diseases.

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems - poliomyelitis, polyneuropathy, discirculatory encephalopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, epilepsy, paralysis and others, as well as frequent headaches.

Magnesium contained in stone oil, having a sedative effect, helps reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system. Zinc and iodine present in stone oil have an antidepressant effect and help improve memory and mental abilities. Copper, magnesium and manganese included in the composition of stone oil are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances through which electrical impulses are transmitted between the cells of the central nervous system - neurons).

Respiratory diseases - pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections (ARVI) and others.

Iron-deficiency anemia.

Stone oil contains iron, manganese, copper, zinc, silicon, sulfur, cobalt, nickel and other macro- and microelements that stimulate the natural production of the red blood cell protein hemoglobin.

The combination of internal use and external use of stone oil is also very effective as part of a complex treatment:

Diseases of the female genital area - uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, colpitis, cervicitis, endometriosis, adnexitis, cyst or polycystic ovary, polyps of the female genital organs, female infertility.

Diseases of the male reproductive system - prostatitis, prostate adenoma, male infertility, oligospermia, hypoaspermia, impotence.

Stone oil is a rich source of zinc, manganese and selenium - substances that help improve the process of spermatogenesis and increase male sexual activity. You can learn more about the beneficial effects of zinc on the functional state of the male reproductive system from the article “Wheat germ oil.”

Proctological diseases - hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and others

Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity - periodontitis, periodontal disease, caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontitis.

ENT diseases - otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

Diseases of the visual organs - cataracts, diabetic retinopathy.

With regular use, stone oil will also bring significant benefits:

Patients with diabetes and obesity. Stone oil is rich in macro- and microelements that regulate blood glucose levels and play an important role in the process of natural insulin production (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium).

If there is a deficiency in the body of macro- and microelements necessary for health

For vasomotor and psychoemotional disorders characteristic of the menopause.

With intense mental, physical, stressful and psycho-emotional stress

With a decrease in mental and physical performance.

During the rehabilitation period after surgery or long-term illness.

As part of a comprehensive prevention of ARVI and influenza.

For those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas or work in unfavorable climatic conditions (cold, hot, high humidity), work in high mountains or are engaged in underwater or underground work.

As part of a comprehensive program to strengthen the immune system.

Cosmetic uses of rock oil

Rich in macro- and microelements that have antioxidant activity, prevent premature aging of the skin and play an important role in the natural synthesis of fibrillar protein collagen (the complex of such macro- and microelements includes calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, silicon, copper, sulfur, selenium, chromium), and also characterized by a high content of zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, stone oil is excellent for cosmetic care for dry, aging and problematic skin.

Stone hair oil prevents the appearance of gray hair, improves hair structure, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Method of using stone oil

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 3 liters of boiled water at room temperature and take 50-100 ml of solution 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment according to this scheme is 4 weeks; if necessary, the course of taking stone oil can be repeated after 1 month (it is recommended to carry out 4 courses of treatment with stone oil per year).

To speed up the body’s adaptation, it is worth starting treatment with small doses (no more than 100 ml 3 times a day after meals), and making a weaker solution - 1 gram of stone oil per 3 liters of water. After a few days, we increase the concentration to 3g per 3 liters and take it 30 minutes before meals.

The prepared solution of stone oil can be stored for no more than 10 days in a dark place at room temperature. The precipitate formed when preparing a solution of stone oil must be shaken before using the solution. The sediment can also be used for lotions and compresses.

For oncology the first week, drink a solution at a concentration of 3g per 3l, in the second week make a solution at the rate of 3g per 2l, then you can do 3g per 1l, and the maximum concentration is 3g per 0.5l (use based on the patient’s condition). The recommended single dose per appointment is 100 ml. Maximum dose 200ml.

Before starting and during treatment with this product (approximately every 10 days), do general tests urine and blood (in particular, control blood clotting). And also check the acidity of gastric juice.

Sometimes, during the treatment of advanced diseases that have become chronic, an increase in the inflammatory process is observed. This indicates the body’s fight against the disease and the positive effect of stone oil. Joint pain or discharge from the female genital organs may increase. If the reaction is very strong, the dosage can be reduced or taken less frequently - every other day, 2 or 3 days. If the discharge increases and is not accompanied by severe pain, the course should not be changed.


Individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood, obstructive jaundice, chronic constipation. Use with caution in combination with hormonal drugs, in case of arterial hypotension, heart defects, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, cholelithiasis, increased blood clotting. Before starting regular use of stone oil, you should consult your doctor. During the course of taking stone oil, it is prohibited to consume antibacterial drugs, alcohol, as well as food products that provoke the development or exacerbation of gout or urolithiasis (any meat other than chicken, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea, radish).

Stone oil treatment recipes

3 grams = 1 teaspoon

Treatment of wounds with stone oil

Dissolve 3 grams of oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Dampen a rag or gauze and apply it to the wound instead of a medicinal ointment. If you still give the solution orally according to the standard regimen, the treatment will proceed faster and healing will speed up two to three times.

Treatment of bruises

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in a glass of boiled water and add 2 tablespoons of honey, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bruise.


Treatment of burns

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten a gauze swab and irrigate the burn area.


Salt deposition treatment

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in two liters of boiled water at room temperature. Take a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals. If the patient has high acidity, then within an hour. The course of treatment is from three months to one year.


Treatment of sinusitis

Rinse your nose with warm water. Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze and place on the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this every other day. Course of treatment 12 times.


Flu treatment

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and drop into the nose 3-4 times a day.


Purulent endobronchitis

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Take a glass three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals.

Inhalation: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 300 ml. boiled water. Do inhalation 3-4 times a day.

Compresses: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bronchus area, alternating every other day, back and chest.



Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of cold boiled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. If the acidity is high - one hour before meals.

Compresses: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze and apply, alternating every other day on the back and chest.


Bronchial asthma treatment

Inhalations: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals, if acidity is high, an hour before meals.

Compresses: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply, alternating back and chest.


Stomach ulcer

Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. For high acidity - one hour before meals.


Cracks in the rectum

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of cooled boiled water. First cleanse the intestines with an enema, then introduce a solution of stone oil. Hold for a while if possible.


Cystitis treatment

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of cold boiled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - 1 hour. Compresses: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in a glass of boiled water, add a tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply to the inflamed area.


Bladder erosion

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of cold boiled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes, with high acidity - for 1 hour. Good results when administered into the bladder, but only with distilled water:

Dissolve 3 grams of rock oil in one liter of distilled water. Administer no more than 100 ml once a day.


Kidney diseases treatment

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 2 liters of boiled water. Take a glass three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. For high acidity – within one hour. For urolithiasis - with the addition of madder.


Vaginal erosion treatment

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Carry out tamponing, preferably at night.


Arthritis, radiculitis treatment

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add a tablespoon of honey. Moisten the gauze, squeeze well and apply to the inflamed area. You can dissolve stone oil in 40% alcohol (3 grams per 200 ml) and make compresses.



Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Take a glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - one hour.

To instill eyes, you need to dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 1.5 liters of boiled water.



Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of boiled water. Take a glass three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. For high acidity – within one hour.

Tamponing: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water, moisten the tampon and insert into the vagina, preferably overnight.



Make microenemas of 30-40 ml from a warm solution (dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water). Do microclysters after preliminary cleansing of the intestines. In addition, use internally according to the following scheme: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 3 liters of cold boiled water, take a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. Repeat if necessary.



Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of boiled chilled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - one hour.

Tamponing: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water.

Treatment of malignant neoplasm with stone oil

For oncology, you can immediately prescribe the drug in a higher concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.

Stone oil is used for oncology of any location, only in agreement with the attending physician and in combination with the medications and procedures necessary for the treatment of such diseases.

Malignant neoplasm of the rectum

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Drink one glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - one hour. You need to drink at least 4-5 g per day for 3-4 months and do micro-enemas according to the following scheme: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water, adding 1 tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is at least five months.

Malignant neoplasm of the lungs

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - one hour.

Compresses: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey, moisten, squeeze well and apply to the lungs, alternating between the chest and back every other day. The course of treatment is at least five months.

Malignant neoplasm of the bladder

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of boiled water. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day for 4-5 months.

In addition, it is advisable to inject into the bladder:

Dissolve 3 grams of rock oil in one liter of distilled water. Administer 100 ml of warm solution once a day.

Malignant neoplasm of the uterus, ovaries or appendages

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Drink one glass a day 30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - one hour.

Tamponing: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water. Moisten a gauze swab and insert it into the vagina. You can add one tablespoon of honey.

Malignant neoplasm of the liver, cirrhosis

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in one liter of boiled, cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity 1 hour before. In addition, 1.5 tablespoons of volodushka herb, pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, cool, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. Apply a compress to the liver area: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water. Moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply to the liver area for 2-3 hours. It is mandatory to do cleansing enemas every 5 days every 3 days. Diet is required.

Malignant neoplasm of the throat

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled, cooled water. Drink 1 glass three times a day before meals, with high acidity - one hour before. Drink in small sips.

Additionally, make compresses externally: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey. Moisten the gauze, squeeze well and apply to the area of ​​the outbreak.

Malignant neoplasm of the stomach

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled, cooled water. Drink the resulting solution 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 12 months.


Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 600 ml of boiled water. Take the resulting solution in a glass, 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals (in case of high acidity, drink 1 hour before meals). This treatment is recommended to be combined with the external use of stone oil - in the form of enemas: after a cleansing enema, do an enema 1-2 times a week from a solution prepared from 3 g of stone oil and 1 liter of water (enemas based on stone oil should be alternated with enemas based on medicinal herbs). The course of such combined treatment for peptic ulcer is 1 month.

Cholecystitis, hepatitis

Dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 1 liter. boiled water. Take a glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with increased acidity of gastric juice - 1 hour before meals.


Dissolve 5 grams of stone oil in 3 liters of water. Drink the resulting solution 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Helpful Tips:

In case of bee or tick bites, immediately apply a pebble of stone oil to the bite site - there will be no unpleasant consequences.

Aqueous solutions with the addition of glycerin are used to treat inflammatory gum diseases that cause bleeding.

To prevent disease and longevity, it is recommended to drink an aqueous solution of stone oil dissolved in water 4 times a year during the off-season for 14 days. clean water according to the standard scheme, but prepare weaker concentrations: 1 gram of rock oil per 3 liters of high-quality water.

During treatment, do not drink tea (except green and herbal), coffee, alcohol and do not eat chocolate. Do not consume antibiotics, pork, lamb, duck, goose, radishes, radishes.

With long-term use of an aqueous solution, a pleasant surprise may be improved vision, normalization of body weight, reduction of gray hair and improvement of hair structure.

A unique product created by nature itself! Mineral with the richest chemical composition, has a wide spectrum of action: wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, antiviral. Treats cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinal and liver diseases, joint and vascular diseases, wounds and fractures, stimulates the immune system, and is a natural adaptogen.

I wish you health and longevity!

With love, Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna.

The benefits of stone oil were considered invaluable. It was used for treatment and rejuvenation. Many traditional medicine recipes included a precious and rare component.
Stone oil was called tears of mountains and stones, brakshun and white stone. There was a secret meaning hidden under different names. People believed that the oil could give immortality. Of course, this is nothing more than a legend. A person needs a beautiful fairy tale, but emperors and high-ranking officials are not our contemporaries, which means eternal life is just a fiction. However, the widespread use of stone oil in folk medicine proves the popularity of the elixir of health.
The path of white stone in Russia began in the time of Peter. He ordered the oil to be extracted in Siberia and delivered to the shelves of pharmacies.
Since then, the mysterious medicine has haunted us and controversy surrounding it continues to this day.

What is rock oil?

Rock oil - what is this product? This is a mineral substance formed on the surface of mountains and rocks. It looks like a kind of growth or powder that is mined in gorges or inaccessible mountainous areas. Fixed and frozen drops are collected with great difficulty.
What does rock oil look like? After cleansing, it becomes a powder or even very fine dust. The taste of the oil varies from sour to bitter. The color palette is also different; it can be red, yellow or white.
Due to insufficient accuracy of information, stone oil is often confused with mumiyo. But the two substances have significant differences. Firstly, mumiyo consists almost entirely of organic matter, which cannot be said about the white stone of emperors. Secondly, the two products have a different spectrum of effects on the body. The only similarity is the difficult prey. Both mumiyo and rock oil are extracted on high slopes or in deep gorges of mountainous areas.

Chemical composition of rock oil

More than 30 trace elements and compounds beneficial to human health were found in the oil. Speaking of the most famous components, we can name magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine and chromium.

This is far from full list, but only a small part of the components of the healing product.
Anyone will be interested detailed information about stone oil: its medicinal properties, reviews and price. But the first thing you should pay attention to is that rock oil has benefits and harms. Whatever the magical idea of ​​the elixir, it is worth considering the nuances of its effect.

Healing properties of stone oil

Medicinal properties stone oil spread to almost all parts of the human body. This scale is truly surprising and amazing.
Indications for the use of stone oil are based on disruptions in the cardiovascular system. This could be high blood pressure or weak blood vessels.
Rock oil may be beneficial for kidney disease. Inflammatory processes or stones in them can be cured with the help of oil.
It is often used as an external remedy for joint ailments, when there is not enough natural lubrication and the cartilaginous partitions are worn out.
Stone oil will help cope with diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the course of female diseases of the genitourinary system. This applies to inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. Men also use stone oil to treat prostatitis and reduce libido.
Stone oil will strengthen the immune system and help with frequent colds and problems with sore throats and tonsillitis.
Surprisingly, when treated with oil, a certain and necessary amount of useful substances enters the blood.

The product cannot be regarded as a short-term solution. This is a treatment method that involves a specific pattern of use and contraindications for stone oil, as well as a time frame for gradual recovery.

Indications and contraindications

Any disease associated with the above list of body parts can be an indication for use.
Contraindications for stone oil apply to the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Childhood;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Before using the oil, you should consult your doctor. The fact is that, like any medicinal product, stone oil has a number of restrictions for use.
While taking it, you should not eat heavy food or alcoholic drinks. The healing properties of stone oil border on negative reviews due to violation of the rules of administration.

Side effects

Rock oil may cause side effects. They can begin due to irregular bowel movements. It is very important to monitor your intestinal health while taking it. Otherwise, constipation may cause the opposite effect of stone oil absorption.
Well, in general, you should monitor and monitor your general well-being to avoid allergic reactions. Still, the product is complex and ambiguous, so extra care will not hurt.

The use of stone oil in folk medicine has its own specific rules and dosages.
Harm from stone oil may be caused by violating the recommendations for use.
How to take rock oil? It all depends on how it will be used: externally or for oral administration.
The instructions for using stone oil state that 3 gr. The product is dissolved in 3 liters of water.
This dosage applies to internal use. The resulting solution must be infused for several minutes. The output will be a liquid with sediment. The liquid must be poured into a clean container and the cake discarded.
At the beginning of therapy, you should take the solution in small portions and after meals. Then the scheme changes and you need to drink a glass before eating. In the first stages, you need to listen to the body and observe its reaction.
Stone oil is not always used to treat a specific disease. For prevention, drink stone oil in an amount of 1 gram. per liter of water. You need to drink half a glass. In this case, the course can last a month or a little more.
The prepared solution can be stored for no more than 10 days at room light and temperature.
For external use, completely different dosages are provided. 3 gr. oils are dissolved in 300 ml. water. A cloth or gauze is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the skin. Thus, wounds and burns.
For a rejuvenating effect, stone oil powder is added to your favorite creams and serums.

Subtleties of purchasing stone oil

Having dealt with the instructions for using stone oil, price is the second most popular question.
The cost of oil starts from 200 rubles. for a few grams of product. It's not cheap, but if you take into account the wide range of effects, it's no more expensive than drugs.
A photo of stone oil will help you avoid counterfeits from unscrupulous sellers who pass off incomprehensible mixtures of strange origin as a valuable product.

Stone oil cannot be purchased at a regular pharmacy. It can be found in stores healthy eating and alternative means of treatment.

Stone oil is a strange and at the same time amazing remedy. A century-old history and a list of susceptible diseases, which is striking in scale. A folk medicine worthy of attention.

Stone oil is a remedy that has been successfully used in alternative medicine for thousands of years.

Its healing properties were officially confirmed several decades ago.

And yet, it continues to remain little known to most of the country's population.

Tibetan “brakshun”, Burmese “chao-tui” - blood of the mountain, Egyptian “Illyrian resin”, “white mummy”, “food of immortal people” in China, white stone of immortality..

This is the different name given to just one substance, which has been used for more than 4 thousand years by the peoples of China, Mongolia and Burma, known for its healing properties among the inhabitants of Siberia.

What do you need to know about stone oil and what is its secret?

Origin and composition

Contrary to the name, it is not an oil at all, but a solid substance.

In its raw form, it may appear as a plate, stone, or powder.

Brakshun is formed in high mountain areas in the form of shapeless deposits on the walls of caves, grottoes and rocky crevices.

Scientifically speaking, this is a mineral substance (alum) of natural origin that appears on the body of the rock by dissolution and removal to the surface groundwater individual rock components.

The color of the mineral depends on the concentration of zinc in its composition and can be white, cream, yellow, red, green, gray or brown.

It is its mineral origin that determines the unique chemical composition of stone oil. As a result of a spectral analysis carried out by scientists, it became known that this substance contains 49 microelements, that is, slightly less than half of all known to science.

Besides precious metals, it contains high content:

  • , sodium,
  • copper, phosphorus,
  • silicon, manganese,
  • , chromium, and cobalt.

Interestingly, in addition to high concentration, all microelements of its composition tend to enhance the effect of each other.

Beneficial features

Scientists, interested in the results of the use of this mineral formation in folk medicine, conducted a series of studies, the results of which established that the basis for the ability of this substance to cure a variety of diseases lies in the effect of its components on the body at the cellular level.

The microelements of the oil interact with the cells of the body, strengthening their protective function, weakened by radiation, viruses, poisons - all possible sources of disease.

Brakshun stimulates metabolic processes in the body, helps strengthen the circulatory and immune systems, and removes toxins.

It helps the body fight infections and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor effects.

Effectively heals wounds and relieves pain.

The phenomenal properties of this natural formation are used to treat a whole range of diseases, from headaches to severe stages of cancer.

Diseases of the heart, digestive organs, breathing, vision, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, diseases of the male and female reproductive system - all this can be successfully cured by taking a natural mineral.

Brakshun is also used for prevention and therapy:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Iron deficiency anemia;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Dermatological problems;
  • Proctological diseases;
  • Obesity.

For cosmetic purposes, braxhun is used to improve the condition of hair, prevent graying and hair loss, and stimulate hair follicles.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect and regulation of sebum production, it is useful for oily, problematic skin. It has an effective effect on aging skin, as it has the ability to slow down the aging process.

The oil promotes rapid recovery of the body after surgery. Due to the high concentration of zinc, it has a beneficial effect on man's health and increases potency.

Medicinal recipes

In medicine, stone oil is effective for both oral and external use.

  • Universal recipe:

Mix 3 grams of purified stone oil with 3 liters of warm boiled water, leave for 2-3 days and strain. Shelf life: 10 days at room temperature, protected from light.

Directions for use: 200 ml half an hour before meals three times a day for 1 month. The optimal scheme for using the solution is 4 courses per year.

In all the recipes below, you must use purified stone oil and boiled water, preferably at room temperature (and not higher than 60°C). All compositions are prepared according to the universal model.

If the acidity of the stomach is increased, the solutions are used 1 hour before meals.

  • Healing burns and cuts: 3g of substance + 0.3 l of water.

To quickly heal a cut, you should periodically moisten the damaged area with the resulting composition. If the cut is fresh, you can sprinkle it with fine braxhun powder.

To accelerate skin regeneration and relieve pain from burns, the resulting composition is periodically irrigated with a gauze pad.

  • Diabetes mellitus: 3g of substance + 2 liters of water.

Dosage regimen: 150 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 80 days.

A course of administration requires 72 g of the substance.

The use of the solution does not replace compliance with the diet recommended for diabetes mellitus. You need to inject insulin on the recommendation of your doctor. Blood donation for control is required every 7 days.

  • Treatment of arthritis and radiculitis: 3g of substance + 200 ml of water + 1 large spoon of honey.

A compress with the solution is applied to the site of the disease. Bruises can also be treated in the same way.

  • Pneumonia. Inside: 3g mineral + 1 liter of water.

Use according to the following regimen: 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 0.5 hours before meals.

Externally: 3g of substance + 0.2 l of water + 1 tablespoon of honey. Compresses are applied alternately to the chest and back of the patient.

  • For gastritis: 5g of substance + 3 liters of water.

Scheme: 1 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Treatment of endometriosis: 3g of substance + 3 liters of water.

Take 1 glass orally 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals.

  • Treatment of prostatitis. Inside: 3 g of substance + 3 l of water.

According to the scheme - 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 glass.

  • Microclysters: 3g mineral + 0.5 liters of water.

Perform the procedure on cleansed intestines, using 30-40 ml of warm product. Duration – 1 month.

  • For urolithiasis: 3g of the substance + 1 liter of water.

Directions for use: 3 times a day, 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Attention! Despite his natural origin and natural, rock oil is a potent remedy. It should be used carefully, following the established norm and dosage, after consultation with a specialist.

The use of solutions requires monitoring changes in blood clotting and gastric acidity, for which blood and urine tests are regularly done.

Who is it contraindicated for, what harm can it cause?

  • Individual intolerance;
  • While taking antibiotics;
  • Together with hormonal drugs;
  • For chronic constipation;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • With obstructive jaundice;

Reception under strict control if there is:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Heart defects;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • Cholelithiasis.

The simultaneous consumption of alcohol, coffee, strong tea, chocolate, cocoa, radishes, radishes and fatty meat is prohibited.

The mineral composition of this substance can cause harm only if used incorrectly - in excess of the concentration or excessive use.

In addition, there are common cases of selling counterfeits, which may not have any effect, or may cause damage to the body.

What else is the benefit?

In the 70s, Soviet doctors developed the drug “Geomalin” based on stone oil. The effectiveness of this product, according to research results, exceeds 85%, it is approved for use and is actively used in the prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases of varying severity.

Selection and storage

Currently, many preparations with stone oil, all kinds of creams and balms, and shampoos are produced. Natural braxun can be purified or unpurified.

The most widely distributed crushed purified mineral is yellowish in color with a sour-astringent taste. It can also be in the form of shapeless pieces and pebbles.

You can distinguish real oil from fakes only by appearance, therefore it is recommended to buy it from trusted manufacturers.

The average price for products containing stone oil in Russia is 150-300 rubles. Prices natural oil in the form of a mineral range from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. per kg.

It is important to know that braxun loses its healing properties at temperatures above 60°C. Therefore, the most effective stone is cold-cleaned.

Brakshun can be stored indefinitely. For better preservation, it is recommended to wrap the container with the mineral in foil.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing once again that the effectiveness of stone oil has been proven scientific research and confirmed through numerous experiments.

This is one of the few means of alternative medicine used by doctors in the treatment of such serious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis, infertility and various oncological diseases.