Aquarius horoscope for men. Health in the year of the Rooster Aquarius. Love and family

Aquarius, belonging to the air element, symbolizes lightness, mobility and warmth. The best way to describe his character is the phrase “water of knowledge,” which the sign generously pours out on humanity. The horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius will radically change the plans of the conservative representative of the celestial slope. The sign’s character map will tell you how to respond correctly to a rapidly changing future.

The ideal environment for Aquarius is equality, brotherhood, justice, universal commune. However, the materialization of such ideas often leads to the opposite consequences.

Aquarius is not difficult to recognize. He is active and friendly - he tries to help, he is inventive, prone to abstract thinking, his ideas are worth listening to, they are often ahead of their time.

The sign gives out his ideas and inventions left and right, without even thinking that their implementation could bring profit and popularity. Financial well-being is the last thing Aquarius cares about - he will give his last shirt with a pure heart.

It's a pleasure to be friends with a sign. He is generous, not vindictive, and will make any sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones. His dream is to see all people healthy, well-fed and happy.

The only thing Aquarius cannot come to terms with is the limitation of their own freedom. This is a citizen of the world, his home is the Universe. His thoughts and actions should not be locked into walls, limited by rules and requirements. Aquarius does not accept barriers, authorities and conventions.

9 out of 10 representatives of the sign are idealists and perfectionists. But this does not mean that they are not adapted to realities modern life. They often have a great understanding of people, grasp the hidden motives of their behavior, secret goals and plans.

Aquarians also have a lot of determination and independence. These are excellent craftsmen who, in a matter of minutes, can disassemble a complex household appliance and find the cause of the malfunction.

Sometimes it seems that fate truly loves Aquarius! Something always happens to them: today a brilliant idea came to mind, tomorrow a bucket fell on their head, the day after tomorrow they lost the only copy of their diploma or won the lottery.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

At the very beginning of the year, you will be able to meet a person from your “past” life, and memories will come flooding back. There will be a real chance to renew old relationships or put an end to them forever.

From the end of winter you can begin to develop your professional skills, especially in the field of trade. The important thing is not to expand your functional skills, but to deepen them.

With the arrival of spring, updates will come into your life, both in your work and personal life. A pleasant acquaintance will be of a romantic nature. To meet a character to match yours, visit exhibitions, parties, cultural events. As soon as peace reigns on the love front, take the initiative at work. Feeling a rapidly growing workload? Benefits are just around the corner!

In April, relationships with colleagues will worsen. Apart from temporary tension, the situation will not have negative consequences.

In the fall, Aquarians must devote themselves entirely to work. Set new goals for yourself and move towards them slowly but surely. Make useful contacts, learn languages, specialties, etc.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius man

Do you want to arrange your personal life? You will have to fight for the lady of your heart, because another man occupies her thoughts. Before you start active actions, answer yourself one last time: is the game worth the candle? If so, use your entire romantic arsenal: arrange romantic dates, make surprises. And most importantly, gestures from the heart will not ruin you.

In the summer you will have to keep your behavior under control, otherwise you will run into rudeness. An unbalanced opponent can cause not only moral, but also physical injuries.

December 2017 – best time to change jobs.

Horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius woman

The Year of the Fire Rooster strongly recommends that representatives of the fair half of Aquarius complete all the projects they start, and not abandon them halfway. Those who cannot find the strength to finish what they started face disharmony and financial losses.

In the spring there will be a real chance to miss the love of your life. If you like a man, throw away all your principles and go towards your happiness.

Aquarius women should not lie loved one. Treason is tantamount to betrayal. Once you destroy bridges, you cannot build them again.

Aquarius in 2017. Love horoscope

The Fire Rooster portends an active and sensual year for all representatives of the sign. When feelings take over, Aquarius can easily lose their head.

Being in a love whirlpool, most Aquarians will experience real euphoria. Emancipation and love of freedom will go off scale. Don’t let the surging storm of emotions pull you out of the usual flow of life. So it won’t be long before you lose your job.

To raise self-esteem, single Aquarians will strive to diversify their intimate life. In an effort to “conquer” as many “fortresses” as possible, you will completely forget about feelings.

The Universe wants to protect you from the troubles associated with such promiscuity. This is fraught with not only moral, but also physical injuries.

Those lonely Aquarians who can pull themselves together can count on building serious relationships in the fall.

Aquarius in 2017. Money horoscope

In 2017, Aquarians will attract money to themselves like a magnet. Even if you encounter setbacks at the beginning of the year, these will be minor difficulties on the path to a brighter future.

Hard work will bring financial satisfaction. Sum monetary reward will exceed all your expectations. Don't be too happy about your successes and talk less about them. If Aquarius has an important purchase planned for a long time, now is the time to make it.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, financial transactions will rarely be profitable. If possible, delay them as much as possible. If the case is on fire, strengthen control over it and carefully study the accompanying documentation.

Aquarius in 2017. Professional horoscope

From the first days of the year, management will not miss the opportunity to remind you of your responsibilities and promises made long ago. Do your work with love and responsibility, your boss will appreciate it.

Does not work? Stop thinking about extraneous things that distract you every now and then. Plan your time correctly; periods of work should be replaced by periods of relaxation and rest.

Hard work will bear fruit in the third quarter of the year. Management will offer you a promotion. Ready to take on even more responsibility? Go for it!

A new position will open up profitable prospects and new useful contacts for you. Don’t get carried away with narcissism, accept your success with a cold heart.

Aquarius in 2017. Health horoscope

The “weak spot” in 2017 is the genitourinary system. To prevent an unfavorable outcome of the disease, it would be a good idea to visit a specialist and take a general tests and undergo a preventive course of treatment.

Do you have a couple of hours of free time? Sign up for Gym, to yoga classes, to the pool. And, of course, walks on fresh air– a free way to maintain your health in good shape. Walk with children, with friends or alone. In the latter case, you will feel incredible relaxation and filling with vital energy.

“Danger zones” of Aquarius in the year of the Fire Rooster: endocrine system, psychological state.

Solution to the problem: aroma and herbal medicine, eating green vegetables and fruits.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Aquarius

Christian Dior, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Leonid Yarmolnik, George Gordon Byron, Boris Berezovsky, Tina Karol, Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladimir Zelensky, Jose Mourinho, Leonid Parfenov, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonid Gaidai, Christian Bale, Boris Yeltsin, Shakira, Felix Mendelssohn, Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronald Reagan.

Aquarius birth dates: 21.01 - 20.02

Ruling planet of Aquarius: Uranus.

Element of Aquarius: Air.

Aquarius symbols: Aquarius, silver hands, wings, youth, wisdom.

Happy days of Aquarius: Wednesday Saturday.

Unlucky Aquarius day: Sunday.

Aquarius Metal: tin, uranium.

Aquarius Gemstone: opal.

Aquarius plant: Apple tree.

Numerology of Aquarius: number 8.

The most inspiring color of Aquarius: brown, electric.

Opposite sign of Aquarius: A lion

2017 will persistently send Aquarius back to their origins, to the past. Representatives of the sign during this period will be inclined to constantly return to past affairs, analyze them and draw conclusions. Long-past matters will become relevant and require immediate intervention. However, the stars say that there is no need to be afraid of this, because this way the representatives of the sign will be able to understand where they made a mistake. The information obtained as a result of a thorough analysis will help resolve all cases in the most favorable way.

The year may present Aquarius with a surprise in the form of meeting old acquaintances. These will probably be people with whom the representatives of the sign had pleasant communication and, for some reason, lost contact. The stars do not rule out meeting with ill-wishers from the past, so Aquarians should be on guard so that the meeting does not become an unpleasant surprise. It will be difficult to call all these meetings random; it is better to treat them carefully, as well as all the circumstances that will occur at such moments. It is possible that one such meeting will be fateful.

In the first half of 2017, many Aquarians will be drawn to risk; they will want to take part in an adventurous event. When getting involved in risky situations, representatives of the sign should be extremely careful, assess the possible risks, and decide whether the game is worth the candle.

During this same period, you will want to change your life, try yourself in something new, previously unknown. New beginnings and projects should be approached very carefully; it will not happen that everything will work out by itself. If representatives of the sign really want change, then they will need to put a lot of effort into this to get a good result. Otherwise, all plans will remain unrealized, and over time they will be completely forgotten.

The horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius will require high activity and efficiency, delay will be fraught with emergency mistakes, and matters not resolved in time will accumulate like a snowball. However, this zodiac sign will be able to cope with all tasks. Representatives of the sign will not sit aside from events where life is in full swing. Ingenuity and developed intuition will serve Aquarius well; they will need to listen to their inner voice in deciding everything important issues. Representatives of the star sign are recommended to use this significant and strong advantage in all areas of life.

Work for Aquarius in 2017

In 2017, Aquarius will have to remember their responsibilities and promises made quite a long time ago. At work, they will need to try to fulfill their duties as carefully as possible. A responsible and scrupulous approach to work will allow representatives of the sign to earn the respect of management, the gratitude of colleagues, and become confident in their abilities. If representatives of the sign do not think about unnecessary and extraneous things during the work process, then they will be able to do it many times more efficiently. Aquarians need to plan their time correctly; they themselves will be surprised at how much more efficient the work process becomes, and how much can be done if you develop a schedule.

Success will await Aquarius in large projects involving a large number of people, which will be relevant in the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, representatives of the sign will be able to demonstrate their professional abilities to the fullest, thereby earning respect and establishing themselves well in the eyes of management. The result of fruitful work will be a promotion; a new position will open up new pleasant prospects for representatives of this horoscope sign. The stars recommend Aquarius not to fall out of the working pace, not to stop there in order to achieve great success in the future.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

Finance promises to please you in 2017. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign may experience some difficulties with money, there is no reason to be upset or worry. Starting from the second decade, things will return to normal, step by step Aquarians will be able to achieve success and rewards for their efforts. Hard work will allow them to receive quite a substantial profit at the end of the year, which can be used for a major purchase.

The Year of Fire will not be the most favorable time for representatives of the sign to enter into important financial transactions. If this is possible, it is better to postpone the signing of agreements. In case of urgent execution of the case, it will be necessary to carefully study all the documents. There are real risks that a mistake will be made, which Aquarius will have to spend a lot of nerves and time to eliminate in the future. Representatives of the star sign are advised to be more prudent and attentive in matters related to finances, especially at the beginning of the year.

Prudent behavior in 2017 will help strengthen the financial position of the representatives of the sign. They will need to focus on accumulating funds and investing wisely. The capital that Aquarius will be able to increase in the fall will become a safety net in the future, when they will have to remember their foresight more than once with a kind word. The risk of financial loss will occur in the middle of the year.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

Those who have not yet finally decided on their feelings and have not made a choice in love may not even expect that they will succeed in the first half of the year. The difficulty will be large quantities options. Self-confidence, sociability and charm will provide Aquarius with increased attention from the opposite sex. Many Aquarians will not be ready to commit serious relationship, they will be selfish in love, putting their desires and feelings first. They will not pay due attention to their partners.

Representatives of this sign will be able to move away from flirting and non-binding relationships only in the second half of the year, closer to autumn. This time will contribute to the fact that Aquarius will begin to take more responsible and serious steps in relation to opposite sex. If they can meet their soulmate among the countless number of contenders for his heart, Aquarius will not hesitate and will be able to fully experience all the romance of love. Such relationships have every right to be successful and long-lasting.

For family Aquarius, the horoscope promises a stormy and restless period. For a whole year they will live like on a volcano, there is a high probability of major quarrels and scandals. The other half will be determined, so representatives of the sign should not hope for calm; a showdown cannot be avoided. The optimal behavior for Aquarius will be a calm attitude towards everything that happens in the relationship; they do not need to engage in all sorts of provocations or nip in the bud any signs of a flaring conflict. A philosophical approach to life will help representatives of this zodiac constellation get out of difficult situations and stay on horseback; they will also have to learn to keep their emotions under strict control, not allowing anger to break out.

In 2017, Aquarians will practically bask in the positivity emitted by the planets. The opportunities that will be at your disposal are quite numerous and “taking” them will be easy and affordable. The favorable transit of Jupiter will allow you to select the keys to almost any situation. And Saturn will help ensure that your efforts and results are appreciated.

In addition, Jupiter in the 9th house will provide you with the opportunity to get enough of new impressions, expand your horizons and increase your own spiritual level.

So, there will be positivity in your life; You can be sure of that. But try not to break away from reality, do not allow yourself to go into the world of fantasy, to dream about what could still be, what else you could claim. And one more thing: remember that in a team of like-minded people you will always act more comfortably and efficiently than alone.

Love and relationships: horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

This side of life in 2017 will by no means be limited to direct relationships with a certain narrow circle of people. New acquaintances and great success with the opposite sex are likely.

You will want your interest in your partner to not dry up, and you will try to “warm up” it in every way available to you.

During this period, you will almost certainly meet some very old acquaintances. Communication with this person will be pleasant and maybe even useful for you, because he (or she) will be able to contribute to your success in the professional field, in terms of organizing meaningful leisure time, etc. And it is even possible that thanks to this you will significantly change your attitude towards life or your own principles.

As for the general recommendations that you should follow, they are as follows. Avoid making promises that you know you cannot keep. Pay attention to detail; it’s the little things that will help you subtly feel certain things important points in relationships, and also avoid situations in which you could find yourself in an unpleasant position.

Career and finance: horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

In the professional sphere, you will be, as they say, in your place. Especially if you begin to act independently and not be afraid of creativity. Uranus, which is in Aries, will push you to act this way. And if you follow this message, then you will be able to be at the forefront of career and current social trends.

2017 is an excellent period to replenish your intellectual luggage. If you have the opportunity to attend any interesting courses (trainings, master classes, etc.), be sure to take advantage of it. And even at your leisure, don’t waste time. Let there be a place in it for theaters, literature, and museums...

Financial issues will not be a stumbling block for you. Aquarius women will almost certainly feel an improvement in their material well-being starting in spring. Aquarius men will also not experience any particular financial difficulties. True, they should be extremely careful when carrying out large financial transactions. There are possible pitfalls when preparing documents.

Health: horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius

Health in 2017 will not stop you from going about your business. Moreover, this applies to both Aquarius men and women. There is, however, a risk for you of problems associated with the nervous system. More precisely, with an unfavorable psychological state, which can arise either from confusion in thoughts, or from overexertion, or from searching for yourself... Convincing you not to allow all this in yourself is pointless, because it is still impossible. But you can try to neutralize such effects on your psyche. Doing this, in essence, is not so difficult, at least if you do it systematically and consistently. But you need to do simple things - get out into nature more often, adjust your diet by introducing seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits and other healthy and simple products. In addition, think about aromatherapy, take a massage course, and make some kind of sport part of your daily life.

If your Ascendant... (You can ): Aries: It will be interesting for you this year. There will be many events, and they will be different. In general, Aries will provide you with a lot of help. However, sometimes its influence will become too much, so you risk spilling yourself over the edge, wasting your resources and causing negativity from others. Taurus: You will try to make your life as pleasant as possible. There is nothing wrong with this, especially since you will have plenty of resources for this. But don’t try to hoard (any kind - both material and emotional), don’t limit yourself and don’t put anything off for later. Gemini: You risk wasting an unaffordable amount of resources this year. Apparently, luck and opportunity will fall into your lap too easily. And your boasting can play a cruel joke on you. It’s hardly worth persuading you to take life more seriously than is typical for you... But you still need to try, because it would be very useful for you. Cancer: You will either doubt something, or waste yourself on emotions and sympathy... All this will probably not arise out of nowhere. And you will have no escape from yourself. But still, try to believe that nothing threatens you, and there will be much fewer pitfalls in your life (at least this year) than you think. Leo: You should not have any serious worries about the coming year. During this period, you will be able to realize everything you desire. True, not everyone who has to deal with you will like your way of thinking and behavior. But what do you care about all this? Virgo: You will probably be able to successfully transfer some of your capabilities into practical use. And you will have a lot of success. But some resources will be wasted, because you will either be prejudiced against something, or too pedantic, or too calculating. Libra: You will be able not only to navigate well in the current circumstances, but also to attract other people to your affairs. It would not be true, of course, to say that during this period you will always succeed in everything. But in the end, you will be satisfied with the year you lived. Scorpio: This year you will live many rich and meaningful moments. You will be able to fully implement some of your plans, and you will be able to plan some with confidence. And you will have enough reasons to treat yourself with respect and even pride. Sagittarius: You will be able to live this year with pleasure and positive attitude. It's not like everything you do goes perfectly smoothly all the time. But general impression in the end it will be quite satisfactory. Capricorn: During this period, you are likely to place emphasis on the material side of your life. This is both natural and logical for you. However, this could become a rather serious limitation for your development next year. Try to go higher. Aquarius: Next year will awaken in you a lot of new desires that you may not have even thought about before. Moreover, this will not force you to neglect what has already been achieved. It would, of course, be untrue to say that you will live this time with a feeling of euphoria or on a wave of sheer positivity. But it will definitely be a sin for you to complain. Pisces: You will tend to see more difficulties in everything than they really are. You will often want to get away from everyone, hide from the bustle and noise. And, ultimately, you run the risk of greatly impoverishing your emotional life and not taking advantage of all the opportunities that will be at your disposal during this time.

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In principle, studying is the same work, and is in almost the same area of ​​interest, so we do not separate these concepts in our horoscopes on the website

So for those who are still learning enough for themselves, instead of the word work, insert the word study in our horoscopes.

Aquarius horoscope for 2017 work, career, business and study.

In the professional sphere, the horoscope promises a truly brilliant year for Aquarius! In the last two years, the professional sphere of Aquarius has been extremely confusing. Many Aquarians did not know where to go, who to go with, and walked without purpose or direction. In 2017, the general situation in your professional field will begin to improve. Not immediately, not abruptly, but gradually, like a thaw after a long winter. And, as you know, in the spring, the first thing to appear from under the snow is... the ram, and not the green shoots, so at first Aquarius will need to carefully run along the career ladder so as not to step on it and not get into trouble. The main thing is that in 2017 Aquarians will begin to correctly evaluate and position themselves, and this will give you the opportunity to choose the right direction in your professional field. The accumulated difficult experience will help you lay a good foundation, given that now you will know exactly what you want and where your place is.

In the first half of next year, Aquarians must develop a clear plan for several years ahead and plan their future. It is clear that life will make its own adjustments, but 2017 is the time when you can not only lay the foundation, but also plan to climb several steps in your career and financial well-being. You know how any week begins with the question: “how far is it until Friday?” So the year 2017 for Aquarius should begin with the question: “how far is it still from my “Napoleonic plans”. And don’t be afraid to plan exactly “Napoleonic style.” Life will still reduce your appetites.

Aquarians, don’t be afraid to plan “in the Napoleonic way.” Life will still reduce your appetites!!!

The main thing is from the very beginning of the year, start restoring or re-creating your image - that you can do everything at work, well, or almost everything. Therefore, even if a colleague asks you to do something incredibly difficult, you don’t need to look for excuses in the style of: “Oh, this is not mine, my hands are growing out of my ass...” Otherwise, you may hear: “Why can’t you reach it?” And since Aquarians can really do a lot, don’t be modest and don’t bury your talents. And even if this is something you will be doing for the first time.

Yes, and starting from July 2017, the time will come when Aquarius will have to realize themselves, their talents and the plans that you made in the first half of this year. Of course, in July, you will have to slightly adjust your plans compared to what you planned in January, but this will be even for the better. In the second half of 2017, Aquarians need to concentrate on financial issues at work. Always think about the financial side of the issue. In the second half of 2017, you will have the opportunity not only to earn money, but also to receive what you have not earned.

In the second half of 2017, Aquarius leaders and Aquarius businessmen need to carefully study critical remarks. You may need to pay attention to the analysis of consumer groups for your products, or work with your target audience. Respond quickly and correctly to negative comments. Aquarius leaders need to pay special attention to quality. Achieve quality from your subordinates, this is the key idea of ​​the second half of 2017. Otherwise, you know, as is usually the case with us, at first we boast that we didn’t study shit and did a damn good job in the exam. Then, after a few years, we brag about how we don’t work for shit and get a shit ton of money. And then we complain that we pay a shit ton of money to some idiots who don't do anything. So in 2017, Aquarians must break this vicious circle. Next year you should show simply huge volumes for relatively little money. And very high quality.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius Finance – save both your money and your nerves.
In 2017, Aquarius will be in their element. You will have the opportunity to earn more and spend more. For Aquarius, like many other zodiac signs, finances next year will be very much tied to relationships. Perhaps you will have several new lovers or mistresses, you may want to buy someone's love. Or perhaps just family expenses and expenses for your loved ones will bring you both pleasure and satisfaction. In 2017, Aquarians need to avoid gambling, especially if it is a desperate attempt to hide their broken heart after a failed relationship. This is the worst option you can choose. Why do you need empty pockets in addition to an empty heart? As Norman Peale said: “Empty pockets will never stop us from becoming what we want to be. Only empty heads and empty hearts can prevent this.” Therefore, it is better to look for where you can earn money, and not where you can give even more. Some Aquarius adults can rely on financial help from loved ones or even children in difficult moments. Still, try to avoid in 2017 financial risks and strict financial obligations.
But, you shouldn’t tear your hair out or panic in 2017 because of high expenses. As in a situation where a patient was saved from a heart attack in a paid clinic, and when he found out the price for treatment, they saved him again, he came to his senses, but the price increased even more, and then he was saved again, so it would have continued if non-cumulative discount system. Therefore, Aquarians, take care not only of your money, but also of your nerves, especially since, as we have already said, you will have the opportunity to earn more and spend more. Well, force yourself to spend less!

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The horoscope for 2017 says that Aquarius will face hard work, strained nervous forces and overcoming their own shortcomings. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of this - along with a lot of obstacles, this zodiac sign also expects a worthy reward. First of all, this concerns finances and careers - in the year of the Fire Rooster, Saturn will pass through the points responsible for professional growth Aquarius. Personal relationships should also not be overlooked. Despite their unprecedented communication success and the ease of making pleasant and useful acquaintances, Aquarians may overlook the problems that oppress their old friends or family members.

In addition to the fact that Aquarians will have to strain themselves at work, they will most likely have to clean up old sins. Mistakes of the past in the form of bad breakups, unpleasant people from the past, forgotten promises and debts will regularly remind you of themselves on many days in 2017. However, if the sign of Aquarius adequately copes with these difficulties and manages to maintain its reputation, its representatives will experience relief from remorse and personal growth. After all, it’s always more pleasant to develop further if nothing holds you in place.

The Oracle recommends not resisting change in 2017. In particular, Aquarius should take care of the condition of their home and make repairs there. This will help to avoid constant reproaches from your other half, and will become an activity that will bring the representative of the sign satisfaction from the work done. In addition, the conditions for repairs are the most favorable - Aquarians in the year of the Fire Rooster do not experience financial difficulties.

It is recommended to spend the summer near water. The Oracle does not specify how exactly your vacation should be organized - whether it will be an expensive resort by the sea or admiring a renovated dacha coupled with fishing on the lake. The main thing is to take your other half with you and think about a common leisure activity that would bring pleasant impressions to both of you. The sign of Aquarius must carefully avoid conflicts in the family and personal relationships and be attentive to their loved ones. Therefore, giving them extra time and organizing a decent vacation is one of the best things this zodiac sign can do in 2017.

Changes can affect Aquarius not only within their home. It is quite possible that they will change both their social circle and their job in 2017. You shouldn't be afraid of this. If there is nothing holding you back in your current job, and you feel that you are ready to realize yourself more fully, feel free to pack your things and move to a new place of work. With friends, things will be a little more complicated. However, if you persistently feel that friendly relationships are burdening you, try to gently eliminate communication with people who are not interesting to you.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Aquarians must trust their intuition and at the same time think about all their financial investments. In 2017, there is an extremely high chance of being deceived and falling for the trick of scammers. Therefore, do not look for third-party sources of income and do not be tempted by overly lucrative offers. It is also recommended to wait with large purchases, or even better, ask for help from a reliable, pragmatic friend who will help assess the safety of the investment.

Money and work

Mountains of work to do at work will bring Aquarius a well-deserved high income. Despite the fact that the first ten days of the year may leave representatives of the sign with the impression of unaffordable waste, after the New Year holidays this feeling will dissipate. During the year, Aquarians will simply have no time to spend money on small things - throughout the first half of 2017, work or business will completely concentrate their attention.

The astrological forecast recommends giving in to circumstances and devoting yourself to work, and saving money in case of necessary expenses. You should not make large purchases this year, and if you need to do so, it is better to postpone the transaction until the fall and carefully prepare for it.

The business forecast for Aquarius promises favorable conditions for career growth. If you gave your best at work during the first half of the year, then in the second half you can reap the fruits of your labors with self-esteem.

Even if your relationship with your superiors remains cool and no promotion is expected, keep your eyes open throughout the year - you will probably be invited to a more lucrative job. If this offer comes from a reliable source, do not think about it for days, but feel free to agree. Surely you will be able to realize your professional and Creative skills You will be much more successful in a new place of work than where your efforts remained unappreciated.

In 2017, the sign of Aquarius should be wary of theft, especially in the very first decades of the year. During the winter holidays, do not relax while traveling in public transport and do not leave the apartment empty for a long time. And, of course, don't overdo it with alcohol. Use it in moderation and only in the company of trusted people, otherwise you risk not only losing your wallet, but also seriously damaging your reputation. This is especially true for New Year's corporate events. Remember: no matter how hard you work in the future, the impression of your inappropriate behavior from the memory of your colleagues and superiors will no longer be erased.

Aquarians who run their own business should also not relax in 2017. The most important thing that you should be guided by in your activities is your reputation. And in the year of the Fire Rooster, which brings with it many conflicts, among your competitors there will be enough people who want to ruin it. Therefore, do not pursue easy money if it involves illegal activities or deceiving clients. You won’t miss out on your finances by earning them through honest, hard work, but once the company’s reputation has been damaged, nothing can rehabilitate it.

Love and family

There may be disagreements in the Aquarius family in 2017. Relatives will begin to crush this zodiac sign with reminders of unfulfilled promises, and Aquarius, in turn, will begin to find fault with others because they do not correspond to their ideas. At some point, Aquarius will experience a period of severe irritability or even despair from the feeling of not being understood by their family. However, take the initiative - start by fulfilling feasible requests and organizing a joint vacation. This will straighten out your relationship.

Don't be afraid to invest in your family. Pamper your loved ones with pleasant gifts, pay for your children’s education, and create home comfort. Your family and friends are one of the few sources of unconditional love and support. If you have difficulty communicating with your family, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with a high income or public attention, so take care to make your family relationships full of patience and comfort.

Both the Aquarius man and the Aquarius woman have approximately equal chances of meeting their soulmate in the year of the Fire Rooster. Don't run away from this possible connection - your romance will be bright and memorable. However, avoid long-term relationships with a married partner. Even if you entered this dangerous game, prepare yourself for a dignified termination of this relationship. You obviously don’t want scandals and grief in someone else’s family - let your lover know about this.

Health and vacation

After reading the horoscope for 2017, Aquarius may be horrified by the barrage of work and personal problems that may fall on his head. Therefore, it is not a sin for him to rest properly. Since the sign of Aquarius, in accordance with its name, is associated with water, rest should be appropriate. Go to the sea, to warm countries. The holiday promises to be full of impressions and not overshadowed by road troubles. But remember about possible pitfalls! Choose trusted travel companies and beware of theft on the road. Otherwise, you can rest assured – nothing will disturb you on the sunny coast.

The health of Aquarius can fail due to worries, stress and constant busyness. These factors can push representatives of the sign to overeat or abuse alcohol. Don't give in to whims nervous system and take control of your health. If you want to eat, don’t order food at home or buy semi-finished products, but master the preparation of some complex dish. Instead of alcohol, choose a long walk outdoors or another form of physical activity. Very soon you will feel not only relaxation, but also pride in yourself.

The Year of the Rooster is favorable for starting sports. Due to the busy work schedule of Aquarius, regular workouts in fitness clubs or swimming in the pool are suitable for them. Such a change in lifestyle will have a beneficial effect on the health of the representatives of the sign, and on appearance. It would also be a good idea to visit relaxing treatments – massage, spa, yoga. In between hard work and taking care of your health, find a couple of hours to read a book or watch an intellectual movie. This will help you maintain a conversation in society and rethink your own attitude towards life.

Let's sum it up

Despite hard work and overcoming their own shortcomings, the sign of Aquarius will remain the winner in 2017. Productive professional activity will bring new status and decent pay, compromise and openness to family members will strengthen support and good relationships. Together, all this will give a reason and opportunity to have a good rest in the second half of the year.

Aquarians should be attentive to their health and everything related to money. It is best to make large purchases in the fall, and, if possible, postpone them until next year. A profitable tactic for managing finances in 2017 is accumulation. Try not to waste money unnecessarily; consider all purchases carefully and preferably discuss them with your family. You shouldn’t skimp on just your own health and children’s education.

The forecast also recommends a responsible approach to affairs with married people. It is best to completely abandon these connections, or at least avoid their prolonged course. Lonely Aquarians can start whirlwind romances with partners free from relationships and receive positive emotions from this. However, be careful: casual relationships once or twice can bring undesirable health consequences.