The combination of Taurus and Sagittarius. Taurus and Sagittarius: how is compatibility in love and marriage. Compatibility game "All for the best"

How compatible are Earth and Fire, practical pessimism and irrepressible optimism, stability and whimsical impulses? The answer is simple: for Sagittarius and Taurus Sign Compatibility both must make a lot of effort and adjust their own requests if they want to be together.

Otherwise, that love spark that flares up between these signs can easily turn under the onslaught of the realities of life into smoldering ash on the ashes of a love fire.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Taurus in a friendly way can be described as productive. Sagittarius will push the sluggish Taurus into action, who sometimes just needs a shake-up to get out of his pessimistic cocoon and delve into himself. However, the unbridled restlessness of the fire sign can cause misunderstandings and quarrels in a love couple. Taurus, who does not want to make concessions, will begin to limit an energetic partner, which, in turn, will provoke a protest from Sagittarius.

As you know, in a fit, the sign of Fire often shows tactlessness and some rudeness, and Taurus does not intend to endure this, especially in his address. If both signs from this couple do not have enough life wisdom, or if one of them seriously weakens the desire to be together, a break cannot be avoided.

However, not everything is so bad. A practical Taurus, moving through life a little faster, has a chance to keep up with his partner, provided that Sagittarius himself holds his horses, aiming arrows of unbridled energy towards home comfort.

Given the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Taurus, as well as their individual characteristics, most likely, Sagittarius will have to make most of the efforts to change their perception of the world. This sign is more flexible than its partner, impenetrable Taurus, while being more aggressive. Despite the fact that the period of mutual adaptation in such a pair is not at all smooth and doubly difficult, having survived it with minimal losses for themselves, both Earth and Fire will understand all the advantages of such a union.

Marriage Compatibility

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Taurus indicates that the safety of the family and the entire burden of responsibility will still fall on the shoulders of the powerful sign of the Earth. Loving stability, Taurus must stock up on not hefty patience so that chaos does not reign in the union and an endless series of quarrels and mutual reproaches does not begin. For the sake of a loved one, he is capable of anything; in this marriage, it is worth making a bet on this. Created clearly not for family life Sagittarius in life is trying to help and make everyone happy, sometimes depriving those who are under his very nose of attention. The marriage of Taurus and Sagittarius will turn out quite well if both partners treat it like a kind of business, where responsibilities are clearly defined for each of the parties.

Sexual Compatibility

From the first meeting, there can be a strong sexual attraction. However, Sagittarians crave an explosion of emotions and vivid impressions every time, while Taurus aims for duration and stability.

The constant intensity of passions tires him, but Sagittarius without this will begin to fade. And then he can go all out, this Casanova cannot complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex.

Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

The beginning of a romance in a pair can be a strong physical attraction, the compatibility of the signs Taurus and Sagittarius in terms of characters is not up to par. The first feeling that partners perceive as love will quickly develop into a stormy romance. However, this love story has every chance to end as quickly as it began. Most likely, a caring and patient Taurus man is unlikely to feel happy with an ever-changing partner. Lightning mood swings in a Sagittarius woman, her restlessness and inattention to surrounding trifles, may cause depression in a partner, which will certainly affect his physical condition.

Sagittarius Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility

Things are no better for this couple. The possessive feelings of the Taurus woman will not deter the adventurous Casanova-Sagittarius. On this basis, misunderstanding and mutual resentment arise. If Taurus cherishes his partner and gives him freedom, without which Sagittarius simply cannot live, many frictions in this pair can be avoided. Otherwise, the Sagittarius man, accustomed to the eternal struggle, will not give in to the dispute, and then living together will turn into one continuous grandiose scandal. To avoid war in their own home, both sides must learn to listen to each other and sit down at the negotiating table.

Finally, we can say that bright and cloudless love is not about a couple of Sagittarius and Taurus. Completely different temperaments, attitudes and habits draw the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Taurus not at all in iridescent colors. With the vital wisdom of both partners, patience and a great desire to be together, this couple can exist. It remains to be hoped that the responsible and caring Taurus will warm and calm the rebellious soul of Sagittarius, and he will direct his inexhaustible energy into the family channel.

Anna Lyubimova

The main difference between Sagittarius and Taurus is the pace of life. Sagittarius is active and mobile, not prone to stability, at least he does not suffer from a lack of constancy in his lifestyle. But Taurus wants this very stability and confidence in tomorrow. He lives in the future, Sagittarius - in the present moment. His position is to solve problems as they arise and not torment himself with doubts. This position is not very acceptable to the practical Taurus.

While Sagittarius slows down, Taurus speeds up to match him, if he wants to, of course. But there are still benefits in the union - after all, these couples are not uncommon, they communicate, live together, raise children.

In comparison with Taurus, Sagittarius wins from a practical and everyday point of view. He needs a comfortable life and the citadels of the family hearth. It is pleasant for the archer to spend time in a cozy atmosphere, gaining strength for the upcoming achievements. And he feels this relaxation and comfort next to the restrained, vitally wise and, in his opinion, skeptical and conservative Taurus.

Unlike Taurus, Sagittarius wins from a practical and everyday point of view

Taurus, on the other hand, receives a shake-up and a boost of energy, which dilute the systematic course of his life, introducing positive relaxation and novelty. Although sometimes he is not averse to crushing with his earthly gravity, too much archery fire, which begins to actively and often knock out the calm Taurus from the usual measured rhythm.

Compatibility Chart for Sagittarius and Taurus

Compatibility Male Sagittarius and Female Taurus: the pros and cons of relationships

Sagittarius is a bright optimist and idealist. Often he does not notice the disorder and lack of money, but the practical and not so self-confident Taurus lady is unsettled by such worldly aspects. She is alarmed that Sagittarius often changes areas of activity, does not strive for stability, and a man endowed with high conceit does not want to accept criticism or comments addressed to him. Re-educate Sagittarius will not work. If Taurus can accept his eccentricity, not set strict limits and control over his communication with friends, but simply provide home comfort, then their relationship will enter a positive and harmonious direction. In this case, Sagittarius will appreciate what kind of treasure he got, and the partner’s commercialism will be regarded as rationality and frugality. Sagittarius will show care, attention and desire to justify the hopes of Taurus. Taurus, on the other hand, will feel “recharged” with the energy of Sagittarius, her horizons will expand, and her confidence will increase.

They need to find common interests and common ground, travel together more often, visit companies, build relationships based on mutual respect and value the personal space of each

Are they compatible in love?

The romance of this couple is full of ups and downs, violent quarrels and reconciliations. Home Taurus prefers measured and predictable relationships without shocks and uncertainty. Sagittarius is too mobile and it is difficult for him to sit still even with his beloved. If she does not share his interests, the man will not put up with her demands, limit himself, but will simply go about his business himself. He will not communicate with friends less often, because he does not believe that love is a network, once in which, he must abandon his former habits and activities.

And yet, he always returns to a quiet and comfortable home harbor, which the pragmatic Taurus knows how to build. Her tenderness and ability to compromise smooths out the sharp corners of the relationship, and if she can appreciate and approve his dreams and aspirations, then will become for him the only and beloved in the world for which he is ready to move mountains.

The ability of Taurus to compromise smooths out the sharp corners of the relationship with Sagittarius

Sagittarius guy and Taurus girl in sex

In intimate relationships, this couple is quite compatible. In bed, Sagittarius is ready to take the initiative, and Taurus is very sensitive to physical caresses. Their sexuality is on the same level, completely immersed in sensuality, Taurus expresses no other way than physical bestowal, but it is important for Sagittarius to express feelings in all ways. Verbally included. Here Taurus may seem somewhat insincere and pragmatic to him, as in life. But this is not so at all. It's just that Taurus plunges into the sphere of unreality, which he lacks in everyday life, and enjoys it silently.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

If this couple has decided to be together, which is usually more difficult for Sagittarius, since he really appreciates personal independence, then they should prepare for hard work on themselves in order to adapt as much as possible to the characteristics of each other's characters. In family life, the wife of Taurus, first of all, will be alerted by the impractical handling of money, which is noticed by her husband. He knows how to earn them and considers it stupid to refuse the joys of life, sometimes he spends them thoughtlessly. He reproaches Taurus for greed and hoarding. They have absolutely different views on other everyday aspects which creates difficulties in joint problem solving and approach to raising children. They just need to learn to yield, to see positive sides each other and focus on them. Then the marriage will be developing and strong for both.

Is there friendship if he is a Sagittarius and she is a Taurus

The friendly relations of this combination, in comparison with the combination where “He is a Taurus, she is a Sagittarius”, have more positive forecasts. The indefatigable energy of the Archer does not strain the Taurus too much. She will appreciate his reliability and ability to support, come to the rescue. He can always count on her friendliness and good advice. It is easy for them to communicate, Taurus is not afraid to express his point of view and discuss problems with Sagittarius, who is authoritative for her. He, in turn, condescendingly refers to her banality and naivety in abstract topics.

Taurus will appreciate Sagittarius for reliability and ability to support

How to win a Sagittarius man?

It is not very difficult for a Taurus woman to conquer an impulsive and mobile Sagittarius. She is attractive and smart sincere, has a sense of humor. From the first meeting, she can communicate with Sagittarius easily and naturally. Sagittarius likes positive, cheerful natures, he himself is not averse to being childish and playing pranks. But who will push him away is the bores, whiners and obsessive persons.

Sagittarius is looking for in a woman, first of all, a girlfriend who will share his interests, and will not destroy dreams with doubts and criticism

But the Taurus girl should understand that in the future, such features of him as inconstancy, love of freedom and increased enthusiasm for new people will open before her. Taurus is gullible and will easily accept his promises, which he can forget in five minutes. He can easily start an affair without finding anything dramatic about it. Jealousy will only irritate him, while the unjustified hopes of Taurus will become a prerequisite for disappointment and resentment.

How to get the attention of a Taurus woman?

If the gaze of Sagittarius was attracted by a soft and tolerant girl who, according to the horoscope, turned out to be Taurus, he should understand that she can pay serious attention to him only if she sees a reliable and stable man. Sagittarius, in principle, are fickle by nature, but this is only until the appearance of real deep feelings. If you are a Sagittarius and are really passionate about this woman, it will not be difficult for you to become her only and faithful companion.

She is rational and practical, so you should not immediately show her your optionality in material terms. Perhaps you will reconsider your life positions, seeing worldly wisdom in its restraint and frugality. And comfort and coziness, the absence of which you have not suffered before, will be a pleasant side of living together. Be honest and sincere, compliment the lady and give gifts. Don't provoke her jealousy, she does not like party-goers and regulars of noisy parties, but she will appreciate a romantic evening with beautiful courtship on a full scale.

Sagittarians are fickle by nature until real deep feelings appear.

Compatibility Horoscope for Sagittarius Woman and Taurus Man

In the relationship of this couple, there are too many differences in worldview. The conservatism and stubbornness of Taurus constantly stumbles upon the desire for new experiences and changes of the Archer. Things that he sees a clear practical application usually fall into the field of view of Taurus, and Sagittarius often thinks in abstract concepts. And most importantly, everyone is sure that they are right, because their position in life allows them to live happily, so why do you need to change something.

If they manage to shift the focus from character traits that contradict each other to those that unite them, then the couple will be able to build a good relationship in which everyone will have the opportunity to develop the missing traits.

Love relationship

The love compatibility of a couple is more based on the similarity of sexual temperaments. Sagittarius Girl attracts the Taurus guy with originality and extravagance. She is interesting and sociable. But over time, Taurus cannot resist the manifestation of jealousy, he believes that the beloved should moderate her restless energy, because she forgets that she has a loved one. It seems to him that funny companies she prefers him to society. Sagittarius needs to tell him more often that friendship does not detract from her love in the least, and also show physical signs of attention that prove this fact.

The Sagittarius girl attracts the Taurus guy with originality and extravagance

couple sexual attraction

The Sagittarius girl is impressive and unpredictable not only in everyday life. In bed, her feelings find new manifestations. She loves novelty and experimentation, sensual to physical caresses and gives herself in full. She knows how to caress and undead, and the Taurus guy is very sensitive to the physical manifestation of love. He will definitely like her interesting innovations in sex. Although he is a conservative in life, he is ready for any experiments in sex.


In marriage, disagreements are more pronounced in the domestic sphere.

The spendthrift Sagittarius wife does not want to reckon with the frugality of her husband Taurus, considering him stingy

Their difference of views is also manifested in housekeeping: relax in a country house or an expensive resort, cook a delicacy or a familiar homemade dish, buy a fur coat or a down jacket. If there real love they will find ways to make a difference. Sagittarius will be able to appreciate the benefits of saving, and Taurus will learn to look at things more widely and not limit himself in everything.

How a Sagittarius girl and a Taurus guy are friends

The friendship of this couple in the classical sense is rare. Usually these are relationships based on mutual benefit or just superficially friendly. The couple may well have an affair because they are sexually attractive to each other.

A pair of friends Sagittarius-Taurus may well have an affair

How to win a Taurus man and build a relationship with him?

The Taurus man is very demanding in choosing a companion. He draws attention to well-groomed, calm and educated young ladies, intellectually and spiritually developed, prone to stability and rationality. They have little in common with Sagittarius, because Taurus does not like too much activity and inconstancy. A response in the soul of Taurus can find the earthly addiction of the Archer if she surprises him, for example, with her culinary masterpieces. And it’s better not with expensive delicacies, but with simple homemade dishes. He appreciates thriftiness and aversion to wastefulness.

And Taurus is very sensitive to affectionate and gentle girls, because Sagittarius needs to show him his feelings more often with warm words and touches.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Sagittarius woman?

It is not very difficult to attract the attention of a Sagittarius girl. It is much more difficult for her to match in a relationship. Such a lady does not raise the bar too much when choosing a partner. She needs a man who is easy to communicate, energetic, active, so that he is smart, has a sense of humor, although she often focuses on one quality that attracts her, turning a blind eye to shortcomings. But most importantly, so that the chosen one does not try to limit her personal space and did not feel possessive towards her. This point should be taken into account by Taurus, who are unusually jealous and conservative. After all, Sagittarius appreciates trusting relationships and diversity, she does not like pressure.

For Sagittarius, the main thing is trust in a relationship with Taurus

Another important point in a relationship is not only giving her physical freedom, but also spiritual. Therefore, you should not impose your opinion on a woman, neglect her point of view. She will perceive this as an attempt at moral pressure, which the Archers do not like.

July 24, 2018, 20:25

Love is a feeling that is difficult to control with the mind. It is mystical and mysterious, but at the same time attractive. A person is unable to master it, because it is completely controlled by his feelings. This magic has been known for thousands of years and has been associated with various factors, one of which is the partner's zodiac signs. Whether it's Cancer Taurus, compatibility in a love relationship shows the direction in which such a couple is going.

Compatibility according to the sign of the zodiac - is it worth it to believe?

Many people start their day with horoscopes, build plans based on the information received and decide important questions. They can completely come true, reflect only the general nature of the whole day, or talk about what seemed impossible. Among the millions of people there are those who, by their own experience, will prove the veracity of such predictions according to the sign of the Zodiac. But at the same time, there will be people who will be skeptical of such prophecies and completely refuse to believe in them. Check love relationship for compatibility, you need to start such a stage in life immediately after the prospect appears, because you need to know what you can expect from your partner. But if suddenly such a check gave a negative result, and relations at this stage are really excellent, you should not drop everything and destroy what has already been built. Any difficulties, shortcomings are compensated by love. So if your heart is already in your partner's hands, horoscopes are not something to follow.

Taurus Woman

Amenable to the influence of the Moon and Venus in love and marriage, which depends on many aspects, is very decisive in her actions. She is called upon to deal with material affairs, prefers convenience for big money, pays attention to her appearance, especially beautiful clothes. In a relationship, a Taurus woman is reliable, but emotional.

It is important for her that the partner is not a “burden” for her, but becomes a reliable support, bringing benefits to her life. Being reliable in marriage, she expects the same from her chosen one, while demanding not only emotional satisfaction, but also material. Such a woman is not so much interested in herself as in her partner, and therefore she does not bother with the reasons for her behavior. She loves to feel in control of her life. In this, she is helped by constant planning of days, months, years. At the same time, you should not interfere in her plans, since she will not tolerate this.

Taurus man

Taurus men are calm in any situation. They are not broken by life's difficulties or big failures. The decisiveness of such a man will make him start over. They are not so emotional, radiate confidence, are patient and peaceful. For a Taurus man, simple is better, but good. That is why they prefer discreet but well-tailored clothes, a certain style, rich silks and wools.

Such men avoid disputes, especially if they occur in a raised tone, but are often ready to put up with their soul mate in order to maintain harmony in the relationship. You should not use this, because if patience comes to an end, then the relationship will not last long. The actions of Taurus men are based on internal beliefs that they adhere to in any situation. Feelings sometimes take precedence over reason, which such men are used to and do not oppose. A woman for a Taurus man is his property, and therefore he is ready to fight for what, in his opinion, belongs only to him.

Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius woman is naturalness in its purest form. She is used to being herself in everything and with everyone. Free from prejudices, lively, independent, she surprises those around her with her optimism. A drop of frivolity, readiness for light flirting and love adventures - this is the Sagittarius woman. Compatibility in a relationship with her is determined by whether a man is ready to be there and at the same time give her freedom. Her honesty and decency saves her from worrying about her reputation, because why oppress yourself with thoughts about what others will say if she is who she is and will not change for the sake of others.

In a relationship, she is straightforward, she says everything she thinks about her partner. At the same time, he appreciates sincere, tender feelings from the side of his soul mate, and because of this, they often have to apologize for their faux pas. A man must be understanding and patient. At the same time, she does not tolerate lies, although she often throws herself at them, not realizing that sometimes it is better to remain silent. With a strong love of freedom, she may regard marriage as a cage, but for the sake of real feelings she is ready to be locked up there, next to her partner.

Sagittarius man

Practical, prudent, prudent - this is how He loves stability, therefore short-term relationships are not interesting for him. Sometimes it may seem frivolous, but this is only at first glance. The Sagittarius man is ready to wait for the one who really appreciates him, and loves even the shortcomings, giving refusals to long-legged blondes.

He is ready to adore his soul mate, but not to idealize her, but simply to love the way she is. He shows his devotion with gifts. At the same time, he would rather buy one expensive semantic thing than shower his woman with thousands of simple trinkets. You can rely on him, he will not let you down Hard time. Relationships are built on a solid foundation of sincerity and love.

Compatibility and Taurus men

Sagittarius and Taurus, whose compatibility in love relationships and marriage is full of various nuances, is still a couple. The Sagittarius woman is immediately attracted to the Taurus man, and this connection grows with every minute spent together. The different characters of this couple will interfere with their creation of emotional harmony. For this, both Sagittarius and Taurus must make an effort.

Compatibility in a love relationship first reaches its peak, and a quick romance can end without even starting. A partner in a relationship with Taurus can be fickle, from which he quickly gets tired, and which causes depression. In order to prevent this, a woman must be attentive to the surrounding details and ensure a sense of reliability in her man.

Compatibility Taurus Woman and Sagittarius Man

You need to pay a lot of attention to the pair that Sagittarius and Taurus create. Compatibility in love relationships of these signs shows that a lot of patience and work is needed on the part of everyone. On the basis of minor domestic problems, they may have a misunderstanding. Both the Sagittarius man and the Taurus woman are accustomed to stand on their own principles and not yield in a dispute, which can cause war in the house. Due to the fact that they are completely different in character, their relationship will not be entirely rosy.

But with a great desire to be together, the house can be filled with love and tenderness, which Sagittarius and Taurus will radiate. Compatibility in a love relationship, although it frightens with gloomy forecasts, can still lose its meaning when everyone in a couple is ready to give in for common happiness.

Compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius is difficult to characterize with a specific definition, because the signs are patronized by different planets and elements. And this can not but affect their relationship. Disagreements and misunderstandings are replaced by infatuation with each other.

People with different interests and emotionality make a good tandem for pastime. However, with regard to issues of everyday life and personal space, it causes heated discussions and even conflicts.

A practical and truth-loving Taurus highly appreciates the sincerity of a Sagittarius. Both signs are ambitious. Such people do not have to borrow from others perseverance in achieving their goals.

However, the independence of the archer is somewhat alarming and even angers the calf. But when he sees how his irritant behaves in a company, becoming a universal favorite, he instantly forgets all insults and is again carried away by his partner.

Such a union can be called an exciting journey full of adventure and discovery. Every day will be different from the last. The thoughts and views of the satellite will always be perceived differently, because archers and calves do not repeat themselves in their actions.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Taurus man, Sagittarius woman

Such a union is difficult to predict accurately, everything will depend on the woman’s desire to devote herself to the family, and not to her career. If priorities are set in favor of work, then the Taurus man will not tolerate the long absence of his soul mate.

And it's not just jealousy. He will miss her care, affection and optimism. The husband really needs the presence of his wife in his life. He is not ready to share his beloved even with work. On the basis of constant experiences, Taurus may lose interest in their own work, lose the meaning of life.

After all, all his efforts are aimed at obtaining prosperity for her beloved and only. With the archer's wife, he himself exists.

There is another alignment, when a failed and unrealized calf in a career is jealous of his wife's achievements. Having seated her at home with the children, she tries in vain to achieve financial success, but does not want to let her soulmate go to the working field. Life and need dot all their relationships. But Taurus will not be able to forget his love for a long time.

In this situation, it is most correct to set priorities correctly and not interfere with the realization of a partner as a person and a businessman.

Sagittarius man, Taurus woman

The man in this pair is immediately fascinated by the lady, or rather her elegance, sense of style, goodwill and easy communication. The firmness of convictions and determination conquer the male heart forever.

Even if the union is not destined to last long, the partner remembers his wife for a long time and continues to appreciate her talent. By the way, Sagittarius decides to marry a calf almost from the second date, so it is important for a woman not to stop taking care of herself and her wardrobe in order to maintain a reverent attitude of her husband.

No matter how many times a husband reproaches for spending on dresses and suits, seeing his princess, he will not stop admiring her. But after marriage, a man should not lose his optimism, which feeds his partner.

Difficulties in the union will become surmountable if the woman is patient and does not encroach on the personal space of the archer. He won't let anyone do this.

Negative moments in the union

Interest and passion for each other is overshadowed by the behavior and actions of each of the signs. Moreover, they both know how to substitute the bandwagon. The most common cause of quarrels and disagreements between a couple is considered to be the love of freedom of the archer and the almost home-building mood of the calf.

On the basis of these contradictions, divorces of spouses arise. If we transfer the relationship to the business level, then in terms of joint business, this leads to the division of assets. But it is worth noting that differences in character do not alienate the couple.

After the splashing of emotions, there is a calm and peace. And in times like these, I really want to be with my family. Such outbreaks, if not aggravated by the contradictions of the second half, only stir up interest and attraction to the beloved.

It is difficult for a prudent and judicious calf to break himself and play along with an eccentric archer, who has a lot of crazy ideas. This is truly a serious problem, the same as the invasion of the husband's friends in the house. But the self-satisfied and selfish Sagittarius is not at all ready to listen to reproaches, as well as to accept criticism.

Taurus can also hook a partner to the living, setting their own conditions and deliberately not taking into account the opinions of their husband. And yet diversified development allows you to mock the intellect loved one, especially when he does not have any knowledge.

Summing up the negative factors of this union, we can emphasize the absence of serious reasons for divorce. Both of them can cope with all the unpleasant situations that arise, but on the condition that they are united by real deep feelings, and not by the convenience of living together.

Compatibility in other matters

In sex between Taurus and Sagittarius, there is attraction and passion. Partners attract each other on an energetic level. However, the incompatibility of temperaments can affect the quality of sex. It will be a little boring and monotonous.

Frequency is important for one partner, and quality for another. On this basis, serious ups and downs can flare up, which most often end with ... passionate intimacy. A truce in bed is the strong point of intimate relationships of these zodiac constellations.

In friendship, the guy and the girl are not very interesting to each other. Sagittarius at a young age is active in emotions, egocentrism, frivolity. Therefore, it is absurd to trust such a friend with innermost secrets. But the friendship of more mature people may well exist.

True, there is a danger that a male Sagittarius will be consumerist in such relationships and simply use his girlfriend at the right time. It should be given credit that when turning to him for help, refusal will not follow, but support will be more of an emotional nature.

Friendship with a Taurus man will turn out to be more beneficial for a woman. A fair and appreciative Taurus will move mountains to help a friend. And the simplicity and frivolity of the archer will only attract him and amuse him.

In business, the union of representatives of the discussed zodiac constellations is not the most successful tandem. In terms of cooperation to develop new strategies and tactics, this can bring positive and even promising results. But long-term interaction as business partners is considered doomed.

Different temperaments, approaches to solving issues, attitude to business will become the cause of loud explanations and strife. It won't do any good to the company's reputation. A proper distribution of roles will help correct the situation.

It is better to assign the function of a financier to the calf. He will scrupulously control all flows. And the appreciation of the public is important to the Sagittarius, so he can handle the director's chair. In addition, he has good makings of a manager, which will help him rationally approach management activities.

Percent Compatibility

Astrologers in their predictions about the compatibility of a couple in percentages do not give a clear answer, since for more accurate calculations, specific dates and times of birth should be studied. These factors have a great influence on the character.

But under favorable conditions, the calf and the archer have a fairly good chance of living together (up to 80%). In love, there are more chances to find happiness (70-80%) than in marriage (up to 50%).

When calculating compatibility, the type of couple should also be taken into account: Taurus husband - Sagittarius wife, Sagittarius husband - Taurus wife. The union of the first couple is more doomed to frequent quarrels and disagreements. But the second couple may well find harmony and understanding over the years.

Many people re-read the horoscope every day to find out what is destined for them by fate. Of course, not everything always happens exactly as it is written in the horoscope. But at the same time, if you follow the recommendations of astrologers, you can make positive changes in your life. In this publication, we will look at the compatibility of Taurus and Sagittarius and try to figure out what awaits this star union in love and marriage, and also find out if friendship is possible between them.

What temperament traits are inherent in Taurus

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, prosperity, beauty and pleasure. They belong to the earth sign, which determines their firm position in life. This element endowed people born under this star with a penchant for conservatism, practicality and thoroughness. In addition, Taurus is inherent in reliability and endurance in love relationships, especially for those who are Rabbit, Rooster, Snake and Horse according to the horoscope.

Taurus are balanced and constant. And thanks to their firm temperament, they do not succumb to difficulties. Such people cannot bear pressure from outside. And even friendly advice that really speaks out on the case can be answered with rude criticism. After that they will be very sorry. This impulsiveness can destroy the compatibility in love of Taurus and Sagittarius. However, this behavior is extremely rare. In most cases, they are patient and hardy.

When it comes to love relationships, this representative of the zodiac world manifests itself as a sensual, sometimes even sentimental nature (when the Moon and Venus intersect in the starry sky). But at the same time, even the presence of strong and deep love will not push Taurus to impose his passion on the chosen one. He will turn everything around so that the object of adoration itself will begin to show signs of attention. If we talk about marriage and family, then Taurus is stable and, in most cases, put the family and its well-being on the pedestal of life priorities. For such individuals, it is extremely important that their home is filled with peace and harmony.

Few things can disturb the tranquility of Taurus. Their decisions are immutable, they do not enter into controversial situations. In most cases, these are people at home. Changes in the environment unsettle them. They always dream of having their own home. Taurus love peace and quiet in their home, preferring them to noisy events. For them, their home is their castle. When an unfavorable situation heats up in the house, he hurries to leave it, moving closer to nature for a while. It can be unplanned fishing or hunting.

In sex, people whose sign is Taurus manifest themselves as sensual lovers who are looking for affection and increased attention. And when faced with monotony, they find a replacement in a short time, without worrying much about it. But this is not due to leaving the family, because they do not believe that treason is a reason for divorce. Family relationships are destroyed extremely rarely on their initiative. Taurus wives make good housewives and caring mothers, and husbands born under this zodiac sign will turn out to be quite good.

This zodiac sign has the following advantages:

  • stability;
  • reticence;
  • responsibility;
  • purposefulness.

As for the shortcomings, excessive materialism and impulsiveness often prevent Taurus from building relationships, whether in friendship, at work and in love.

Sagittarius temperament features

This sign is ruled by Jupiter, who endowed people with generosity and justice. They do not tolerate lies, and liars are simply despised. Sagittarians constantly seek knowledge and are sincere in their prejudices. Much of this is due to their unwavering optimism.

The horoscope endowed people born under this zodiac sign with a love of change and travel. Representatives of this zodiac world can sometimes be overly straightforward. Sagittarians have high intellectual abilities (especially those who are Rat, Tiger, Dog and Dragon according to the horoscope), due to which they cannot help but understand how sometimes their words can harm. But the whole problem is that the awareness of the situation comes to them a little later, when the words have already been said, and the actions have been put into action.

Sagittarians are friendly, but often their temper repels loved ones from them. Despite the fact that such people are endowed with increased vital activity (especially when the ascendant is in the Sun), they do not grab onto several things at once. They choose the most profitable offer and bring it to its logical conclusion. And only after that, with a clear conscience, they switch to the next hobby, task or project.

When it comes to love relationships, they are active. Sagittarians prefer romantic evenings, while they are almost indifferent to noisy parties. In this, Sagittarius and Taurus are similar, so their compatibility in love can be very high. In bed, they are indefatigable, which makes their partners very happy. However, good wives from such signs of the Zodiac do not work. True, it all depends on who will be next to her. Whereas the Sagittarius husband will become a support for the family, because most of the household life will fall on his shoulders.

Positive traits:

  • openness;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness;
  • honesty;
  • deep mental abilities;
  • high moral character;
  • wit;
  • resourcefulness.

But excessive temper and uncontrolled rudeness do not always have a favorable effect on relationships with friends, loved ones and relatives.

Compatibility Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman

In most cases, communication between a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman is a forced measure. And even in those cases when the situation requires mutual respect, it is far from good attitude it is extremely difficult for them to interlocutor. The Taurus man and the Sagittarius woman have hostile relations towards each other, and the behavior of the partner is considered absurd. Due to the fact that both Taurus and Sagittarius are not inherent in tact, they will now and then throw sparks of irritation at the interlocutor.

In a love relationship between a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman, only physical attraction is observed, because of which, most often, the union stays together. But sometimes this is not enough for a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman to be able to build a relationship.

The Sagittarius woman and the Taurus man are a rather complicated tandem, but there are times when this couple can build a strong relationship. And how friendship, love and married life develop among these representatives of the zodiac world, we will consider further.

Building love relationships

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man compatibility is low. For a guy, love relationships are associated with stability, mutual understanding and mutual help. He chooses a life partner with his head, not his heart. Whereas the girl is more interested in emotional relationships built on a deep feeling. She doesn't think, she feels with her heart. If a young man was able to win her attention, then she will do everything to contribute to the beginning of a relationship. Moreover, this will happen so quickly that the Taurus guy will not have time to think about whether it makes sense to start this relationship.

At first, the Taurus man and the Sagittarius woman look at each other with interest. And one and the second partner is trying to discern in his chosen one traits of temperament that are not similar to him. For a guy, she is an extravagant nature, and being with her, he will receive new emotions every day. But if in the first couple he is carried away by abrupt changes in events, then after some time he will require certainty. While this can be a little embarrassing for a girl, because she does not make specific plans and cannot guarantee the chosen one that their connection will lead to a serious relationship. On this, the compatibility of Taurus men and Sagittarius women can end.

Of course, he may try to take the lead in developing a more serious relationship and attempt to stabilize the situation. But this will only anger the girl and she will understand that freedom is dearer to her. The imbalance of interests, in most cases, leads to disagreements between the Taurus man and the Sagittarius woman, after which it will be almost impossible to improve relations. And the guy, as well as the girl, will not have much desire to do this.

Married life

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man in marriage is average. Building a family life of this stellar union is a rarity. A couple of a Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man can start a family for three reasons: an unplanned pregnancy, blinding love or self-interest. If Taurus men and Sagittarius women have everything in harmony in a relationship, then only one conclusion suggests itself - they do not have sincere feelings for each other and have a loved one on the side. Although there are exceptions.

Good wives from Sagittarius do not work, because these representatives of the zodiac world consider household chores to be a routine matter. For her, her girlfriends carry more weight. Whereas for a guy whose sign is Taurus, the home environment is very important. In most cases, restoring order and creating comfort in the house falls on the shoulders of the guy. In addition, he will also deal with the financial well-being of the family. The girl is difficult to keep in one place in terms of work. The only thing is, if she is really interested in the occupation, then the work for her will be in the foreground.

Their sex life is active. This is due to the extravagance of the girl, because she longs for something new and unique.

The compatibility of a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman in a relationship of this kind can be low and because of the desire of the fair sex to spend a lot of money on herself and on her entertainment. Whereas for a guy - this is an extra cost.

Friendly relations

Compatibility Taurus men and Sagittarius women in friendship is low. They don't suit each other. There may be communication between them, but not for long. And, as a rule, these are superficial topics: work, art, last news. Each of them constantly catches himself thinking that he does not understand his interlocutor at all. And even if there are common hobbies for the Taurus man, the compatibility of Taurus and Sagittarius, as well as women, they have different values. That is, they treat the same case in completely different ways.

Sagittarius Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility

Sagittarius man and Taurus woman are quite a harmonious combination. Despite such different temperaments, they are compatible in almost everything. He sees her as a reliable partner. But if it comes to joint work, then the girl will soon begin to think that she is the one who performs the lion's share of the duties. So in work, the compatibility of the tandem Taurus - Sagittarius is not very high.

IN interpersonal relationships everything happens a little differently. She, on the rights of his second half, often falls out to remake it. On this basis, Sagittarius man and Taurus woman often conflict.

Affairs of love

Taurus compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius compatibility of these signs in love is extremely low.

The Sagittarius guy and the Taurus girl have completely different views on spending time together. He is a follower free relationship, and she expects seriousness from a guy. Therefore, in order to fall in love with a girl born under the sign of Taurus, a young man must convince her of the sincerity of his intentions, which can take a lot of time.

Sagittarius man and Taurus woman is a rather unexpected union. He is freedom-loving, and she is demanding, which will immediately make him think about the appropriateness of such a connection. For a guy, flirting is the norm, and for his chosen one, it is a reason for breaking off relationships. The man is distinguished by sociability, he loves long trips and visits, while his other half does not express a desire to travel with him, but at the same time he does not let him go far from himself. It is unlikely that anyone will withstand such control. At least, if we are not talking about sincere and deep love, for the sake of which a young man can change his life.


In marriage, compatibility Taurus man - Sagittarius woman is characterized as medium-high. But at the same time, it is worth noting one feature, if a guy and a girl born under these signs of the Zodiac get married in their youth, then they will not have a long family life. And if the representative of the fair sex does not change her life principles throughout her life, then a man at a young age behaves quite actively, which manifests his instability. In the case of late marriage, for wives, their husbands will be quite loyal to home life.

From the wives of Sagittarius, good housewives are obtained, able to establish life and comfort in the house. But at the same time, she does this exclusively for herself and her children, because her husband is not at all interested in this side of the issue. Compatibility between a Sagittarius man and a Taurus woman can be low if she doesn't control his spending. After all, he is not used to infringing on himself in something, and she keeps saving up for new furniture, appliances, etc.


A Sagittarius guy and a Taurus girl can build good friendships. But at the same time, there can be no talk of sincere and devoted friendship. Most often, the Sagittarius man enjoys the kindness and care of the Taurus woman.

If you believe the compatibility horoscope of Sagittarius and Taurus, then the relationship of this couple can develop in different ways. Some unions are made for family life, while others find even friendship difficult. Therefore, in order to improve the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman, or vice versa, a Sagittarius man and a Taurus woman, astrologers recommend following a few tips:

  1. In order for Taurus and Sagittarius to get along with each other, they need to learn how to lead their lives without mutual recriminations.
  2. If the couple begins to show more open feelings towards each other, not being afraid to open up in their revelations, then compatibility in the union of Sagittarius and Taurus will increase significantly.
  3. If you want to maintain a relationship with the second half, Sagittarius must learn to control their rudeness.
  4. Maintaining warmth and mutual understanding in relations will help calm dialogues and resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way.
  5. Learn to trust each other, and then you won't have to torment yourself with jealousy.

Knowing your compatibility with the opposite sex and their temperament, you can win the attention of the chosen one by resorting to the above recommendations. Good luck!