The head of the open government, Mikhail Abyzov, spoke about the implementation of the reform of control and supervisory activities. When can a new law be passed?

On December 15, the government of the region is publicly discussing the results of the law enforcement practice of the territorial federal executive bodies - participants in the reform of state control and supervision in the Siberian Federal District. The balance event is led by the curator of the reform - the Minister of the Russian Federation for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov. The event is attended by the Acting Governor Novosibirsk region Andrei Travnikov.

The participants of the meeting discuss the results of law enforcement practice of supervisory authorities regional government Rosprirodnadzor, Rostekhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor for the Siberian Federal District for nine months of the current year.

Mikhail Abyzov recalled that now up to five percent of the gross domestic product is made up of business costs due to the activities of regulatory authorities: “One of the main objectives of the reform is to reduce the inefficient control and supervisory burden on business.”

Mikhail Abyzov recalled another task of the reform - to reduce the death rate of the population due to risks controlled by the state (mortality at work, poisoning, road accidents, etc.).

“Of course, the practice of applying 294 of the Law of the Russian Federation brings results, less and less often we hear complaints from small enterprises about the activities of control bodies, but the sharpness of negative reviews from large enterprises does not weaken,” said Acting Governor Andrey Travnikov. The head of the region explained that upon completion of today's meeting and discussion of problems, work on reforming control and supervision activities will be continued.

“It would be a wonderful result of our today's meeting and work with the governor, if we had an agreement in the near future, according to which there would be a clear distribution of powers in the field of federal and regional veterinary supervision. The problem is that we currently do not have unified system the distribution of supervised objects of control, who monitors what - is not delimited, the requirements that are presented are the same. Here it is necessary to distinguish between responsibilities, so that everyone does his own thing. Because entrepreneurs have problems when regional veterinary supervision comes to them today, and federal supervision tomorrow, because information databases are not combined, they do not see each other's checks and results, but live together, this is not enough. We need to make the system understandable for entrepreneurs, among other things. Therefore, here with the governor, think over, prepare and sign an appropriate agreement and report,” said Mikhail Abyzov, Minister for Open Government Issues, during a public discussion of the law enforcement practice of territorial control and supervisory authorities in the Siberian Federal District, addressing the head of Rosselkhoznadzor Nikolai Vlasov.

Also today, Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov and Acting Governor Andrei Travnikov will take part in the work round table"On the progress of the formation of a system of openness of the activities of authorities in the Novosibirsk region on present stage". The event is held on the initiative of the Public Chamber of the Novosibirsk Region, within the framework of the project of the Public Chamber of the region "Open Dialogue".

Minister for Open Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Abyzov in an interview with RNS spoke about the revision of the control and supervisory functions of the state, the conditions for introducing an analogue of the "tax on parasitism" and work on amendments to the "Yarovaya Law".

- How will the revision of legislation take place as part of the state control reform?

Today the system state regulation establishes 2 million mandatory requirements. There is no talk of canceling them. But in the next six years, it is necessary to audit all the requirements of state control and supervision. As part of this analysis, it is necessary to check how relevant these requirements are, whether they are redundant, whether they duplicate each other, and then carry out work to eliminate contradictions. Such a task is faced by each control and supervision agency and sectoral ministries. There is a long process of interdepartmental coordination ahead. Now we are often faced with the fact that the norms established by some industry requirements are in conflict with others. As a result, fulfilling some requirements, the entrepreneur obviously begins not to fulfill others. Such inconsistencies must be removed.

- Have you encountered opposition from departments that do not intend to lose their powers?

There are different examples. Now we have launched work on updating the requirements of labor legislation. There are about 7,000 documents adopted during the times of the USSR and the RSFSR. Now we have divided them into groups, formed expert platforms and started to revise this legislation. In the case of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud, we see full-fledged cooperation, there is no resistance. The Minister of Labor and the head of the federal agency understand that the regulatory framework is far from modern and generates large unreasonable business costs. It is impossible to carry it out from the point of view of real labor protection. A transition to a new regulatory system is required. The number of documents that regulate labor relations is very difficult to administer, it is a huge array. Change and optimization of the whole system is required. There are also examples of very conservative, closed, actually caste-based industrial communities that clearly do not want changes. There are examples of outright sabotage. These are subject to administrative authority. And we are talking about civilian departments, because the security forces work in terms of control and supervision under a separate program.

- How much do you estimate business losses from unreasonable supervisory requirements?

For two years, HSE experts have estimated the losses to the economy from observance of outdated norms, the result is up to 7% of GDP.

- In what terms should the departments analyze their regulations?

A full audit can be carried out in one and a half to two years. And the entire system of legislation needs to be updated by 2024. This does not mean that during the audit we will not change frankly outdated norms. Already this year, at a meeting of the commission on administrative reform, on behalf of the president, 58 functions of the state were issued with signs of redundancy and irrelevance. 17 of them decided to liquidate. Any state control and supervisory function under itself has hundreds of legal requirements. So we will not only reduce duplicate functions, but also get rid of obsolete norms.

In your opinion, is now a good time to start a discussion about a possible change in the tax system and an increase, in particular, in personal income tax?

Now is an unfortunate and inconvenient time to discuss taxes. Because in general the investment climate leaves much to be desired. Given the negative dynamics of investment in fixed assets, our progress in this direction is very modest. We need institutional reforms. Against this background, any decisions showing the inconsistency of tax policy will scare off investors. This is extremely dangerous. It is possible to have discussions about the future image of tax administration, exemptions and, in general, the taxation system, if we are talking about the horizon after 2018 or 2019. Last year, we assumed obligations, which we reaffirmed at the end of meetings with the President and the Prime Minister - until 2018, the tax system should not change. And if you made a commitment, then you have to fulfill it.

- Will you involve the expert council under the government in the discussion of the draft "parasitism tax"?

While it is discussed as a certain idea. There is no draft of such a law either in the expert council or in the government. It has not been published in the manner prescribed by the regulations. The essence of this proposal is clear: there is a “gray market” of labor that is not transparent for the state, and the social infrastructure of medical and pension services is the same for everyone. A person has equal rights to health care, education and pensions, regardless of whether he is employed in the "white" or "gray" market. The logic of the initiators of this idea is understandable, they want to make this sector transparent and share the burden on social infrastructure with it. But in this regard, many questions arise, including how to distinguish the self-employed from people who are not really involved in the labor market. How to determine if they have income for such payments? Until we answer such questions, such decisions cannot be made. They can provoke social outrage. This law will not be fair, and to be fair is one of the tasks of legislation.

Society is being prepared for the fact that the usual volume social services will it no longer be possible to receive free of charge in the new budgetary conditions?

It is not necessary to link this issue with the budget deficit. Five years ago, experts raised the issue of the need for citizens to co-finance social services, depending on the income of the population. I think that in any case, such a public discussion is extremely important. This needs to be discussed publicly and openly.

- Will the open government join the discussion of a new model of the accumulative pension system?

As soon as this question is formalized in the form of a document, it will definitely fall into the expert council. All reforms of the pension system are an absolute priority for the Council. First, it is economically and socially important question. Secondly, one of the best specialized competencies is now concentrated in the expert council.

- Are adjustments to the “Yarovaya law” being worked out?

The Expert Council prepared an analysis of the potential costs of market participants for the implementation of this law. An opinion was also prepared on the technical risks of implementing the law and the availability of the necessary technologies at the international and Russian markets. In principle, there are many problematic points in this law. It cannot be done tomorrow. Therefore, legislators have postponed the implementation of this law until January 1, 2018.

- Is this a realistic time frame?

The President gave a set of instructions to the government to work out the technical, financial and economic aspects of the implementation of the law during this time. Consultations are currently underway at the site of the Ministry of Communications with special services and market participants, who are preparing an assessment of the costs and possibilities of producing the necessary equipment in Russia. The work should be completed by the end of this year. It is too early to draw conclusions about the entry into force of the law. As you know, the President of Russia did not rule out making additions to it. Their content will be determined after the execution of the President's instructions and a scrupulous detailed study of these issues.

A number of oversight agencies have already introduced checklists - lists of control questions, without which inspectors will not be able to conduct scheduled inspections. 9 road maps have been approved to eliminate redundant and outdated business requirements. Business is directly involved in making key decisions as part of the reform. The first results of the implementation of the priority program for the reform of state control, as well as further steps to implement it, were discussed on October 10 at a meeting of the Public and Business Council of the reform with the participation of the curator of the reform, the Minister of the Russian Federation for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov. The minister said that the fundamental law developed in close cooperation with business, which will fix the new principles of state control, is planned to be adopted before the end of the year, and the "zero" reading of the document will be held on October 19 in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

One of the most difficult reform projects, according to Mikhail Abyzov, is the revision of redundant, outdated and duplicating requirements. For this purpose, 19 working groups have been created in the Public and Business Council, which consists of officials and business representatives. They prepared about 400 proposals for the elimination of unnecessary requirements. Based on these proposals, 9 "road maps" were prepared and approved, containing specific steps to amend the regulatory legal acts. There are plans to approve a number of such "road maps".

If the requirements are not changed, the reform will not be successful. In order for our work to reform state control to be irreversible and effective, we need to focus on changing the requirements, because they set the rules of the game in laws and regulations,” Mikhail Abyzov emphasized.

The revision of the requirements, as the minister noted, is generally on schedule. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Justice states that some supervisory authorities are already deviating from the deadlines for fulfilling their obligations to amend the regulatory framework aimed at eliminating unnecessary requirements.

A real product that businesses have already seen for a number of types of supervision is checklists - lists of questions to which the entrepreneur can answer “yes” or “no” during the verification of compliance with the requirements. For some supervision, they have been working since October 1, and from July 1, 2018, all 12 supervisory agencies participating in the priority program will have to switch to checklists.

When working on checklists, it is important that they reflect the most significant mandatory requirements, and not the entire list of requirements arising from the existing regulatory framework”, - stressed the chairman of the Public and Business Council, head of the RSPP Alexander Shokhin.

Supervisory agencies often include in the checklists requirements that are not a priority, but exist in the regulatory framework, Mikhail Abyzov pointed out. Rostrud, for example, believes that all requirements should be included in the checklists without exception.

One of the possible options is to visually highlight in the checklists the most significant requirements to be checked in priority order - to provide for the so-called red form. We will regularly evaluate the practice of applying checklists. Every month we will discuss the use of checklists during inspections, receive feedback in order to eliminate situations that can lead to excessive pressure on business,” Mikhail Abyzov said.

The checklists, as the minister emphasized, should be in electronic format, in addition, they should be made publicly available so that business representatives have the opportunity to conduct a self-audit and eliminate violations before the inspector arrives. However, checklists are valid only during scheduled inspections. This is about 400 thousand checks per year, while total number inspections carried out by supervisory agencies exceeds 2 million. Until May, it is necessary to introduce a risk-based approach when conducting unscheduled inspections, the minister stressed. According to this approach, the inspector will go for an inspection only when it comes to a significant threat to life and health. In other cases, it will be possible to confine ourselves to remote control.

The minister supported the proposal to “technologize” the format for collecting proposals from businesses to eliminate redundant and outdated requirements and make it regular. For this, according to him, it is necessary to establish the procedure for moderating these proposals, as well as to provide an information platform - to create a special resource on the Internet. At the same time, the Ministry of Economic Development will have to think about how to link this format with the existing procedure for assessing the actual impact. Mikhail Abyzov also suggested that the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Justice and the Reform Project Committee work out the possibility of passing new regulations through the working groups of the Public and Business Council, but at the same time not allowing duplication of the regulatory impact assessment.

Mikhail Abyzov said that a pilot project on the codification of legislation containing requirements for business will be launched in the near future. Three areas have already been defined: the powers of the FAS to regulate the tariffs of natural monopolies, the powers of Rospotrebnadzor in terms of SanPiNs and the powers of Rosprirodnadzor. There is experience in codifying legislation abroad, and some Russian supervisory agencies also have it. So, since 2004, this work has been carried out by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in terms of fire supervision.

Prevention is the main principle on the basis of which controllers will have to work. On the basis of the Standard for the Prevention of Violations of Mandatory Requirements approved by the reform project committee, all supervisory authorities will be required to develop their programs for the implementation of preventive measures. One of the elements of prevention is the holding of balance public events at which supervisory authorities and businesses discuss the results of inspections and the most typical violations. Mikhail Abyzov invited the members of the Public and Business Council to participate in such “balances”, emphasizing that this is not an exhibition work, but a mandatory quarterly procedure that is carried out by each territorial agency for those supervision that are included in the priority project. This is a good format that allows you to change the communication between the inspectors and the verifiable, the minister believes. He announced plans to raise such events to the level of vice-premiers. So, in the 4th quarter, it is already planned to hold similar meetings with the participation of Igor Shuvalov - on tax and customs supervision, with the participation of Arkady Dvorkovich - on the authority of Rosselkhoznadzor, with Alexander Khloponin - on the work of Rosprirodnadzor.

On October 19, according to Mikhail Abyzov, the State Duma will hold parliamentary hearings on the draft law on state and municipal control, which has been developed for more than 2 years at the site of the Open Government and the specialized subcommittee to improve control, supervision and licensing functions with the participation of the business community and has undergone many iterations.

In the near future, the draft law is expected to be submitted for discussion by the government commission on legislative activity, then it will be submitted to a government meeting. In general, we are on schedule, and by the end of the year this bill will be submitted to the State Duma and recommended for adoption. It, in fact, will replace the current 294-FZ on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs during control and supervision activities and will establish uniform rules of the game, so for entrepreneurs it has a very great importance", - said Mikhail Abyzov.

Mikhail Abyzov emphasized that latest version draft law was discussed with representatives of all business associations, and it took into account all comments sent earlier. Moreover, business associations supported the adoption of the draft law at a meeting of the subcommittee on improving control and supervision functions. If since then there have been new ideas for editing the bill, then they should be presented, but this should not become an obstacle to the further movement of the bill, the minister stressed.

It is very important for us to fix everything on basic, fundamental issues by May 2018 and convert it from design documents into regulatory documents. Then it will be the foundation of the ongoing reform and will be implemented by the new Cabinet of Ministers in the order of succession,” Mikhail Abyzov concluded.

Mikhail Abyzov - on the reform of control and supervisory activities

The Roadmap for Improving Control and Supervision Activities for 2016-2017, which was approved today by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, is the first comprehensive document that systematizes the main directions of the reform of state control and supervision. The head of the government subcommittee on improving control (supervisory) and licensing functions, Minister for Open Government Affairs MIKHAIL ABYZOV spoke about the main positions of the document to Kommersant.

The problem of reforming control and supervisory activities and reducing administrative pressure on business is constantly being raised at various venues, both the president and the prime minister have repeatedly spoken about the need for changes in this area. What role will the adoption of the "road map" to improve control and supervision activities play in solving this problem?

Indeed, the issues of reforming state control are raised today almost every day. Most recently, at the RSPP congress, at a meeting of the president with the business community, another detailed discussion of the activities of control and supervisory bodies, their redundancy and often unreasonable pressure on business took place. There are several reasons for this state of affairs. These are obsolete norms and requirements that have existed since the time Soviet Union. And a huge number of government agencies exercising control both at the federal and regional levels, as well as the low quality of their work. At this meeting with business, the president recalled that the so-called first approach to reforming the control and oversight activities was undertaken back in the late 1990s. It must be admitted that over this long period of time we have not been able to radically improve the quality of state control. Indeed, according to experts, the costs of excessive control and supervision measures range from 1.5% to 7.5% of GDP. The main objective of the adopted "road map" is to radically change the situation with state control and supervision, significantly improve its quality, but in fact we are talking about the need for a serious breakthrough in improving public administration in this area.

- What are the main solutions to the problem, due to which this breakthrough will be possible?

The main directions of a breakthrough in the improvement of control and supervisory activities are obvious and recognized at all levels. Firstly, this is the transition to a risk-based approach to inspections. Now, as a result of countless inspections, real violations are revealed in about 60% of cases, and only in 10% of these cases, violations are associated with an immediate threat of harm. Now the supervisory authorities will have to abandon the notorious "stick system" and concentrate in inspections on those types of objects that pose a real danger and significant risks for a variety of areas, be it the environment, the economy or national security. For example, large production facilities, such as factories and nuclear power plants, of course, need to be checked more often, because violations can lead to a man-made disaster with all the ensuing consequences. And, here is a small shop "a thousand little things" and a hairdresser's "on the corner" can be completely exempted from planned control for several years, if there are no violations there. True, one cannot be guided here only by the scale of the enterprise and the magnitude of potential damage. It is necessary to look at the frequency of violations - malicious violators, of course, should be visited more often.

The second is the transition to modern information technologies and the interaction of control and supervisory bodies with business on the basis of remote information exchange. The Federal Tax Service already has such a positive experience, which has introduced a system of virtual personal accounts for taxpayers. And Rostekhnadzor, in turn, creates a remote monitoring system technological processes on objects. This is a truly new innovative mechanism that allows you to get all the information about the safety of the enterprise without leaving the place.

The third direction is the formation for entrepreneurs of an exhaustive register of mandatory requirements that they must comply with. To do this, it is necessary to analyze what requirements are placed on them now, whether they duplicate each other, whether they are still relevant or already outdated. In the future, it is planned to introduce a system of checklists of requirements that are clear and understandable for both entrepreneurs and regulatory authorities. The prototype of such a checklist can be called the Electronic Inspector project implemented by Rostrud. Ideally, with a correct and honest self-examination, a business will receive a kind of indulgence from subsequent scheduled inspections. Today we have 140 types of state control, about 40 control and supervision bodies, but it is not clear how many activities are carried out for each of them. As a result, we get 2 million checks per year. Our goal is to exclude the situation when various regulatory authorities “in a circle” check the same thing with entrepreneurs.

And the last thing: today the number and size of control and supervisory bodies cannot afford the state. It is necessary to significantly optimize their structure, stop producing supervising monsters and switch to a system of “smart” control, which will be aimed primarily at preventing violations, and not collecting tribute from business through far-fetched inspections.

All these areas are covered by the road map approved by the government, which should become the foundation for business development and for improving the efficiency of the state as a whole.

The benefit of this document for business and the state is clear. But will these innovations and the reduction in inspections be at the expense of the safety of citizens?

Reducing the number of checks is not an end in itself. Although some experts, based on international practice, believe that the reform can reduce the number of inspections from 30% to ten times. These are, of course, impressive figures, but one should not strive to reduce control activities to zero at all costs. I repeat, the main thing for us is that inspections become “smart” and are not directed at everything, but only at those enterprises whose activities involve real danger and risks for the population. The principle is simple: the higher the risks, the more frequent scheduled inspections; if there are no risks, there are no scheduled inspections.

It is clear that business and regulatory authorities have their own interests and tasks. How did you manage to reach a compromise and did it succeed?

The work on the "road map" was carried out not behind the closed doors of the ministries, but openly and publicly - in the format of the Open Government - with the involvement of leading experts and all business associations. Initially starting this work, we set ourselves the task that this "road map" should be a joint product. It should be equally dear to both business and government agencies, so that all participants in the development equally consider it their own and share its main tasks and ways of implementation.

As the minister responsible for coordinating this process, I can say that a lot of work has been done. The discussion went on in several stages at various levels - both at the site of the expert council under the Government, and at the Ministry of Economic Development, and at meetings of our subcommittee on improving the control, supervisory and licensing functions of state bodies, and within the framework of the government commission on administrative reform. The degree of discussions often increased, but as a result, we managed to collect and take into account the views of almost all interested parties. As a result, all business associations and relevant departments agreed on this road map. For the first time, a compromise on such a large-scale and sensitive topic has been reached. Together we have created a universal "dashboard" for the implementation of state control. There are a number of other proposals that require additional elaboration, in the future they may also be included in the road map.

- Have there been any attempts to create such a universal document before?

Such a large-scale work on the preparation of a basic document in the field of control and supervision has not yet been carried out. The administrative reform in our country began back in 2003, but its activities were rather fragmented, there was no comprehensive approach to solving problems.

And how will the control over the execution of this document be carried out? After all, often the deadlines marked in the "road maps" are ignored.

Control over the implementation of the "road map" will be provided at the highest level, and the results of the implementation will be heard at the government commission for administrative reform. The subcommittee on improving the control, supervisory and licensing functions of the federal executive authority, which I head, will become the center for operational control over the implementation of this document.

Moreover, the president instructed to establish personal responsibility for the implementation of the "road map". This instruction was reflected in the order signed by the chairman of the government on the approval of this document. The heads of oversight agencies will have to determine their deputies who will be personally responsible for the implementation of the road map. In addition, the heads of departments will have to develop plans and schedules for the implementation of the document and move clearly along them. I would like to emphasize that the relevant reports on the implementation of the road map measures will be sent directly to the head of state.

Does personal responsibility imply the dismissal of employees for non-compliance with activities or failure to meet deadlines?

It is too early to talk about any layoffs and, probably, wrong, but disciplinary measures will be applied to inefficient officials.

- The Roadmap is designed for a two-year perspective. And how will the reform of control and supervisory bodies be ensured in the future?

The main directions for improving control and supervision activities will soon be reflected at the legislative level. Currently, active work is underway on the basic bill on state control and supervision, which the President instructed to develop last year. I note that its adoption is also noted in the road map.

Initially, it was planned to submit a draft of this law to the State Duma on September 1 last year, but at that time the document was "raw" and practically did not take into account the opinion of the expert and business community. If the draft law had been adopted in this form, it would not only not have improved the situation with control and supervision in the country, but, on the contrary, would have aggravated all the negative phenomena. Therefore, it was decided to postpone the deadlines in order to prepare a quality document. Our goal is not to write another "framework" document, but a law that would describe the full legislative "perimeter" of state and municipal control. Starting from the creation of a clear list of requirements for supervised entities, and ending with the legislative consolidation of types of control and supervision.

- When can it be accepted? new law?

Now the work is in the final stage. We expect that the bill will be submitted to the State Duma in the spring session and adopted by the deputies as soon as possible.

Interview prepared by Dmitry Butrin

Inspectors of control and supervision bodies will communicate with entrepreneurs through electronic "personal accounts" and will not be able to conduct on-site inspections if they are not in the unified register of inspections.

This is provided for by the Standard for Informatization of Control and Supervisory Activities, which was approved by the project committee of the priority program "Reform of Control and Supervisory Activities", according to the website of the Open Government. The committee also approved draft government resolutions establishing risk categories and criteria for types of control carried out by Roszdravnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor. The corresponding protocol was signed by the curator of the state control reform, the Minister of the Russian Federation for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov.

Informatization and automation of state control is one of the key areas of the reform of control and supervisory activities. Implementation information technologies in the work of inspectors will free them from unnecessary work and save businesses from excessive administrative burden, and will also help reduce corruption risks.

According to the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Oleg Pak, the document contains a target model for the formation information environment control and supervisory activities based on a number of principles. Thus, all information resources of control and supervisory authorities will have to be maintained in in electronic format with legal significance. We are talking about registers of inspected objects, mandatory requirements, types of control and supervision, and so on. All interaction between participants in control and supervision activities will have to be carried out using the e-government infrastructure and the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. When assessing risks, information contained in a single information environment will have to be used.

It will be impossible to carry out a control and supervisory measure if his passport is not in the unified register of inspections. It will also be impossible to include a requirement in the checklist if the corresponding type of control is not included in the register of types of control. All interaction with the consent of the person being checked will need to be carried out through “ Personal Area”, including on the public services portal. If it will be possible to replace the full-time, field check to another format, such as electronic self-declaration or data collection using sensors, then those formats should be preferred. The project does not envisage the creation of any new state information system.

It is expected that the document will be updated every six months. Now departments are at different levels of informatization, so the standard provides for 3 levels of maturity. All departments participating in the program can correspond to the minimum level of maturity, taking into account the current level of funding, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is sure. Mikhail Abyzov agrees with this.

We were able to coordinate this document both with departments that are very lagging behind in terms of technical equipment, and with very advanced ones. The task that we set for the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications during these discussions was to propose a menu in which everyone can find the right format, with reservations and buffer zones in terms of moving from one level of maturity to another. This also applies to funding issues. I asked my colleagues from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications separately whether there are such bodies among those participating in the program that cannot cope within the current budget with the lowest level of compliance with this standard. The report that I received indicates that there are no such bodies,” Mikhail Abyzov said.

At the same time, according to the minister, part of the financing of the program " Digital economy”, if a decision is made to allocate additional funds for its implementation. Mikhail Abyzov instructed the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to prepare proposals for the inclusion in the Digital Economy program of measures to informatize the control and supervisory authorities participating in the reform. Earlier, the issue of allocating additional funding for the program was discussed at a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to Mikhail Abyzov, it was about the amount of 70 to 100 billion rubles, which must be directed, among other things, to provide infrastructure for the digital economy.

The project committee instructed the supervisory authorities to be guided by the informatization standard when finalizing departmental information systems, and the terms of reference for their revision should be submitted to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications by June 30.

The reform of state control is based on the transition of supervisory authorities to a risk-based approach when conducting inspections, which involves the concentration of supervision on the most dangerous objects, violations of which can lead to significant damage to life, health or the economy. To do this, the departments participating in the program must divide all supervised objects into risk categories. Draft government decrees on the establishment of risk categories and criteria are being prepared by all departments, except for the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service, the criteria for Rostrud have already been approved. The project committee approved the draft resolutions prepared by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is recommended to submit the previously approved draft resolution to the government. Other departments participating in the program - FAS, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, Rostekhnadzor were instructed to finalize the documents prepared by them, and those who have not yet submitted draft resolutions to do so before July 3.

When determining the level of risk, it is not yet possible to calculate historical damage and it is difficult to collect current information in order to accurately determine this damage, said Alexander Bragin, a member of the Expert Council under the government.

This issue is systemic for all supervisions. We will not determine the criteria with an accuracy of a millimeter, we need to look at practices. This is living matter. I ask you to prepare proposals on systemic solutions: how and within what timeframe we should update this, taking into account the practice of applying a risk-based approach. This should be fixed when issuing relevant government decrees,” Mikhail Abyzov emphasized.

Supervisory agencies are also preparing draft government decrees on the introduction of checklists - lists of control questions to verify compliance with mandatory requirements. According to the Ministry of Justice, the supervisory authorities have already submitted drafts of such resolutions to the government, and there are problems with a number of types of control related to their non-standard nature. Checklists should be implemented by the end of the year. To prevent these deadlines from being missed, the project committee recommended that the oversight agencies begin developing checklist forms in parallel with the submission to the Government of draft regulations governing the use of checklists, without waiting for their adoption.

The state control reform provides for measures to prevent corruption violations in the work of supervisory authorities and improve the level of training of employees of supervisory agencies. To this end, the Ministry of Labor is developing a standard for personnel management and guidelines on the assessment of corruption risks. The project committee still assesses the quality of preparation of these documents as unsatisfactory. The Ministry of Labor was instructed to ensure their completion as soon as possible.

Special attention, according to the minister, deserves the experience of the Federal Tax Service in implementing the principles of "smart" state control. The Federal Tax Service does not have unscheduled inspections, and permission for an on-site inspection is given only after it is included in the plan. The service relies on tax monitoring, when the inspector gets remote access to the accounting systems of taxpayers, who themselves implement internal control systems. Thanks to these and other innovations, the volume of tax revenues has already exceeded all economic indicators of the Russian Federation. The Federal Tax Service has divided supervised facilities into 3 risk categories. The service classified only 700 thousand organizations out of 8 million as high risk - these are those who evade taxes. 1 million enterprises are in the zone of least risk.

The tax authorities have already done a lot, and it is extremely important that they reworked internal regulations. And today everyone will have to rebuild internal regulations. Our Analytical Center under the government is now preparing a program of training, education, exchange best practices at the top level. I ask you to work with them on the possibility of discussing the experience of the Federal Tax Service,” Mikhail Abyzov said.

To date, 21 checkpoints of the priority program to improve state control have been implemented. New system approval of documents in a draft format, according to Mikhail Abyzov, has not yet started working - government agencies do not understand how to use the new mechanism, and prefer to use the usual regulations. The minister suggested holding a strategic session in July to analyze what could be changed not only in the state control reform project, but also in the project activities of the government as a whole, in order to make it more efficient.