Summary of drawing lessons in kindergarten. Summary of a drawing lesson-game "young artists". Drawing "Firebird"

Target: teach children to draw animals using the poking method. Practice painting with a brush different ways, strengthen color perception. Expand children's knowledge about animals, enrich children's vocabulary. Continue learning to answer questions. Fix the preposition “under”.
Develop attention, memory, thinking through didactic game“Collect a picture”, guessing riddles through the telling of previously studied poems. Fix counting within five, the ability to compare two groups of objects, the name of geometric shapes (semicircle, oval, triangle).
Develop fine motor skills(working with a brush), general mathematics through physical minutes, creating game situations.
Arouse interest in the activity.
Cultivate love for animals, accuracy in work, perseverance.
Demo material:
easel, magnetic board, materials for showing the sequence of work (two brushes with soft and hard bristles), children's crafts (mushrooms and apples), paper flowers for the meadow, a painting of a birch tree, two toy trees.
Landscape sheet, pencil, gouache, napkin, 2 brushes, jar of water, cut-out pictures.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting hedgehogs, learning poems, making crafts: mushrooms and apples, reading stories by E. Charushin “Hedgehog” and Y. Dmitrieva “Hedgehog”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Close your eyes.
I will read a poem to you, and you imagine everything you hear about; beautiful, quiet music will also help you with this.

What is a meadow?
A carpet of grass all around.
Decorative corollas of flowers,
Voiced grasshoppers,
Playful moths
The beetles are leisurely,
With sweet honey bees,
Quail song.
Have you imagined this beauty? Open your eyes: here it is a meadow - in front of you (multi-colored paper flowers are laid out on the carpet)
Oh, what is this? (there are envelopes under the flowers), take one at a time. I wonder what's there?

2. Main part:
Children look into the envelopes and find cut-out pictures in them. I suggest collecting cut pictures to make a whole image.
But first I’ll ask a riddle.

He lives in a dense forest,
He himself is round and prickly.
Guess. Who is this?
Well, of course it is... .(hedgehog)

So your cut-out pictures show a hedgehog. Children work with pictures.
Educator: This means who should come to visit us: Hedgehogs. But somehow they are late.
Let's look for them in the clearing. We didn't find any hedgehogs. But we saw a Christmas tree and a wild apple tree. And what's that?
Children: Mushrooms.
Educator: Where are the mushrooms located?
Children: Under the tree.
Educator: Where are the apples?
Children: Under the apple tree.
Educator: Count how many mushrooms (five)
How many apples? (five)
How can you tell about the number of mushrooms and apples?
Children: Equally.
Educator: So there was a treat for the hedgehogs, but no hedgehogs themselves. Where can I get them? Let's draw?!

Story and demonstration of the method of work, sequence of execution.
A sample is displayed.
The sample is examined by the children and they clarify the names of the hedgehog’s body parts (torso, head, nose, eyes, paws, needles), and the color is specified.
I show that the hedgehog should be drawn large, in the middle of the sheet. I'm clarifying geometric figures that will be used when drawing: semicircle, ovals, triangle.
I show you how to paint the face and paws (soft bristle brush).
I focus on how to paint correctly using the poking method (with a brush with hard, short bristles). I invite children to draw a hedgehog in the air with their finger, while pronouncing the names of body parts.
Independent work of children:
Works with a simple pencil.
Physical education minute.
Under a huge pine tree
In a clearing in the forest,
A pile of leaves where it lies,
A hedgehog runs with its hedgehogs.
We'll look around everything,
Let's sit on the stumps.
And then we’ll all dance together,
Let's anoint our hands like this,
They waved, circled,
And they hurried home.

Work with brushes and gouache (during work, the teacher observes, advises, helps).
For those who have already finished their work, the teacher offers to take one apple and one mushroom each and treat their hedgehogs.

Analysis of children's works:
On a magnetic board - birch. Children themselves determine the name of the tree (white trunk - birch).
Then they bring their hedgehogs and use magnets to attach them under the birch tree.
Educator: What beautiful hedgehogs!
Let's remember the poem?
(children read together)
Under the birch tree, on the hill
The old hedgehog made a hole
And under the tree they lie
Five little ones are eating.

Indeed, our hedgehogs are as if they were alive. Well done! You are good at drawing! The lesson is over!

teacher of MBOU Astrakhan "NSHDS No. 97"

Astrakhan, Russia

, Working with preschoolers , MHC and ISO

Type of lesson: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills.

Kind of activity: Thematic lesson.


  • Creating the image of an aquarium with unique fish.
  • Creating conditions for the creative use of previously mastered techniques for working with art materials and means of figurative expression.
  • Creation of a collective aquarium.


  • Educational: consolidation and generalization of knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes; teach children to independently find methods of depiction, artistic materials and means of figurative expression to reveal this topic; improve artistic and graphic skills; continue to develop artistic needs, the ability to analyze their own work and the work of other children.
  • Developmental: develop creative initiative and imagination, using a variety of art materials in your work; develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition; develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty; development of interest in the surrounding world.
  • Educational: to cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, the desire to sympathize, empathize and help, caring attitude towards surrounding nature and pets.

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, looking at the illustrations for this work.
  2. Examination of pictures and photographs, illustrations and postcards depicting sea, river and aquarium fish to enrich children's artistic experiences.
  3. Conversations about the life of sea and river fish.
  4. Outdoor game “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two...”. Aquarium care: washing plants, stones.
  5. Consideration of aquatic plants and comparing them with terrestrial ones (how they are similar, how they are different).
  6. Sketches of algae and fish from nature, drawing from imagination; cooking and tasting fish dishes and seaweed dishes.
  7. Decoration of fish figures cut out of colored paper.

Methodical techniques: Examine drawings with various aquariums with children, determine what materials they were created with; pay attention to children's posture when drawing, a surprise moment.

Literature: T.G. Kazakova, Lesson for preschoolers in visual arts: Book for educators kindergarten and parents. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Preparatory group. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. I. A. Lykova, Art education program, training and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored palms”.

Music:"Aquarium" Saint-Saens.

Materials and equipment:

  • For the teacher: an aquarium, illustrations with images of fish, children’s work with aquariums made with various art materials, multi-media equipment, a selection of slides of strange fish and aquatic inhabitants, a magnetic board, a music center.
  • For children: easels, tablets, blanks of a round aquarium in A4 or A3 format attached to the tablet with tape, gouache, watercolors, brushes, rags, pencils, wax crayons, black markers, fish decorated by children in advance different colors, glue stick.


1. Organizational moment – ​​2 min.
2. Heuristic conversation – 6 min.
3. Creative search and experimental work – 10 min.
4. Dynamic pause – 2 min.
5. Lesson summary:
a) exhibition and analysis of children’s works – 2 min.
b) self-analysis – 3 min.


1. Organizational moment

Everyone is here!
Adults and children!
We can begin!
But first,
You need to say “Hello”!

D.: Hello.

P.: Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun, which came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever takes it in his hands will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We pass the balloon - the sun, saying a kind word to each other). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate.

2. Heuristic conversation

P.: Children, come to me. Look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. What kind of fish swim in it?
What parts does a fish consist of? What geometric shapes do they resemble? (scales, body - oval, tail - triangle, fins, eyes). Invite the children to show the body parts of the fish and explain their purpose. The fins serve as a rudder and brake, the tail serves as the engine of the fish.

P.: Children, now look here. The teacher takes the children to the TV and shows slides with strange fish. Draws attention to their bright scales.
Who will try to draw a fish? The child draws a fish on a magnetic or chalk board.

3. Practical work

P.:(brings the children to a magnetic board on which aquariums made with various art materials are attached).

P.: What materials and techniques did the artist use to create such beautiful aquariums? What other materials can be used? (Children's answers)
But you can also draw a fish with your own hands.

4. Finger gymnastics:

My fish is silent all the time
Doesn't sing, doesn't growl, doesn't purr.
I don’t understand why, that’s the problem.
Maybe water got into her mouth?

Please come to the easels; aquarium blanks are attached to them. You have gouache, watercolor, wax pencils and black markers. Let's try to create an image of an aquarium with the help of these materials, but so that for each of you it will be different and different from

5. Physical exercise

The fish are playing happily
In blue sunny water,
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Transformation into seagulls.

We are seagulls, we have spread our wings and are circling over the river, looking for prey. They saw a fish, went down to the water, (bent down) caught the fish and flew to the shore.
Children perform actions, expressing their attitude to the artistic word through movements and facial expressions.

6. Analysis and exhibition of children's works

P.: Let's see what you got. Did we complete the task (draw an aquarium)? Who got the most colorful fish? What's their name? Which one has the most fun? Who has the most interesting, fun, beautiful, transparent, magical aquarium? Why? etc. (As work progresses)

7. Introspection

P.: Children, look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. But it's empty. Let's fill it with fish. And here are the fish that we decorated earlier. If you did a good job, then take a red or yellow fish. If you think that you haven’t quite completed the task, you can take a green or blue fish.
Children glue fish onto a large aquarium.

P.: You all did a great job today. Our lesson has come to an end. We still have some fish left, let's give them to our guests as a souvenir of our lesson. See you at the next lesson.


Lesson summary on the topic"Funny boa constrictor Gosha» .

(senior group)

Target: continue contribute:

The development of such mental processes How: attention, memory, thinking,

Development of imagination, creative abilities;

Development of perception, spatial orientation, sensorimotor coordination of children;

Development of independence, arbitrariness of behavior;

Educational objectives:

Teach children to carefully apply pencil strokes

Strengthen children's knowledge about technology drawing.

Developmental tasks:

Develop creative imagination, persistent interest in drawing.

Develop color perception and sense of composition.

Improve fine motor skills of the arms and hands.

Develop shaping abilities.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the image through the image of flowers.

Cultivate a sense of beauty.


White paper A4 size, a simple pencil, colored pencils, squares of colored paper 5x5 cm, glue stick.

Progress of the lesson:

TEACHER. Once upon a time there lived a pencil in a cardboard box. During his short life, he never moved from his place, but only lay and dreamed.

And then one day his most cherished wish began to come true.

When Alena was helping her mother clean out the closet, she saw a box, took it, opened it, and the pencil speaks:

Don't stop me from dreaming, girl!

“Stop lying around doing nothing,” says Alena, “let’s better play.”

“But I don’t know how to play, I only know how to dream,” the pencil answered her.

It's okay, I'll teach you.

Alena took a pencil and started paint. And the pencil immediately saw that he was very talented and... let's see what happens?

(The teacher draws a circle on the sheet of paper)

TEACHER. Children, what figure is this?


TEACHER. What can be round?

CHILDREN. Sun, ball, watermelon...

TEACHER. Well done. But this is not the sun, not a ball, not a watermelon.

(A winding line is drawn from the circle on the sheet of paper)

TEACHER. Now, what do you think it is?

CHILDREN. Ball on a string...

TEACHER. Fine. Our pencil has not finished its drawing yet, let's look further.

(On the sheet we draw in parallel "body boa constrictor» )

TEACHER. What is before us now?

CHILDREN. The road to the lake...

TEACHER. What a great fellow you are. But the pencil is not yet completed the picture, he draws eyes...

(Finishing the eyes)

TEACHER. Who does our drawing remind you of?

CHILDREN. A snake, a worm...

TEACHER. It's great how smart you are - this is boa, his name is Gosha. Let's draw his mouth (draw) What is Gosha's mood?

CHILDREN. Joyful, cheerful...

TEACHER. And so that Gosha is always in good mood, we will give him a multi-colored umbrella. After all, you probably know that snakes do not like the cold; they even crawl onto stumps and warm stones to bask in the sun. (glue pre-prepared cones, creating "umbrella").

So, our Gosha will now always smile at everyone and lift everyone’s spirits. Let’s draw a similar Gosha, and in the evening we’ll give moms and dads a good mood.


Children draw boa constrictor, paint it, glue cones, forming "umbrella".

In the process of creating a drawing, the teacher conducts physical minute:

Poems about a snake

Once walking through the forest, (walking in place)

I picked mushrooms for future use, (simulate collecting in a basket)

Suddenly crawls out of the grass (make wave-like movements with the body)

I'm wearing a funny lace!

“Why aren’t you watching your step?” (lean forward)

He says, confusing me!

"Who are you?" I ask strictly (we spread our hands)

"You do not know? I am a snake!

I was already scared (hides face in hands)

Suddenly it became very scary

But the lace just laughed (turn around yourself)

And crawled around me.

“The benefits from me are enormous, (draw a wide circle with your hands)

I'm not harmful at all (we shake our fingers)

And I call myself very modestly - (pat ourselves on the head)

Common boa constrictor!

At the end classes The teacher suggests looking at each other’s drawings, asking each other questions about the boa constrictors.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for visual activities (modeling) for children 4–5 years old “Boa constrictor” Abstract of a visual activity (modeling) for children 4-5 years old “Boa constrictor” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to roll out a long sausage from plasticine.

Summary of the NOD drawing lesson "Gzhel patterns" in senior group. Goal: - continue to introduce children to Gzhel painting. Tasks:.

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions”. Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions”. Program content: Develop drawing skills using.

Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions” Objectives: To develop drawing skills using non-traditional techniques “Drawing with crumpled paper”, “hard brush”. Strengthen children's knowledge.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing “Painting about summer” using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms) Purpose: To teach.

Drawing in the senior group “How my mom (dad) and I are leaving kindergarten”

Goals and objectives: To make children want to convey in their drawing the joy of meeting their parents. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the difference in the size of the figure of an adult and a child. Reinforce the technique using colored pencils. Create joy from the created image.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys. We have drawing classes with you. Let's sit down straight and take everything out of our hands for now.

Guys, listen to the interesting poem I have prepared for you.

Our favorite kindergarten

Our favorite kindergarten!
He is always very happy to see us!
Greets you cheerfully in the morning,
Invites everyone to breakfast
He takes us for a walk,
And dances and sings...

And without us he is sad, bored,
He forgets about toys.
Even at night he sleeps and waits:
Maybe someone will come...

Well, of course we do
Let's not leave alone -
Let's just rest a little
And let's go to him again...
And we will be happy again
Our favorite kindergarten!

(E. Grudanov )

What is this poem about? Why, guys, do we go to kindergarten? (So ​​that we don’t stay alone at home; while parents work, to learn to write, read; to play with friends)

In the evening, mom and dad come for you. And you go home together. Mom asks what was interesting in the kindergarten? And listen to another poem:

About myself and about the guys

The sun disappeared behind the houses,
We leave kindergarten.
I tell my mom
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in chorus,
How they played leapfrog,
What did we drink?
What did we eat
What did you read in kindergarten?
I tell you honestly
And about everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

You go home with mom and dad joyful. Tell us what interesting happened. Let's draw a picture of you and your mom and dad walking home from kindergarten. Who can tell me how the figures of an adult and a child differ? What differences in clothing will mom and dad have?

Guys, look at the board. I'll show you how to draw people's figures. We start with a rectangle of the torso, then draw the skirt, legs, arms, head and facial features. If this is dad, then draw the trousers (we don’t draw the legs with dashes. Then we draw a child’s figure, it will be smaller in size.

And then we decorate our drawing with trees, the sun, and a cloud.

Let's get to work. I approach each child individually.

Give notice five minutes before the end of class.

Guys, our lesson is over. You made very beautiful drawings.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group "Snow Maiden"

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group, based on Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden"....

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group Topic: “Decorative drawing based on Dymkovo painting”

Program tasks: Strengthen the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circles, dots, stripes, grid, ring, wavy arcs). Strengthen children's ability to create decorative compositions...

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group. Drawing with applique elements. "Tender snowdrops"

Objectives: To teach children to embody their ideas about primroses (snowdrops, scillas) in artistic form. Improve applicative technique. Form compositional skills. Develop a sense...

Drawing lesson notes

in the older group

Theme: "Butterfly"

Prepared by the teacher:

Grigoryan A. A.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Theme: "Butterfly"

Pr.sod.: continue to introduce children tounconventionaldrawing techniques. Learn to create a drawing using the monotype technique.Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that matches the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity.

Material and equipment:

For the teacher:illustrations of butterflies, a sheet of landscape paper folded in half, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, a palette, a rag.

For children: cut out outline of a butterfly, gouache, brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Organization of children and methods of conducting classes

There are pictures on the easel. On the tables in front of the children there are carved outlines of butterflies and brushes on stands.

1. Introductory conversation.

Teacher. Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away.

Children. Butterfly.

Teacher. Right. Guys, how did you guess that this was a riddle about a butterfly?

Children. She has four wings, she sat on a flower and then flew away.

Teacher. Right.

Look how much beautiful butterflies flew to us.

The teacher shows the children illustrations depicting different types butterflies.

Children look at the pictures.

Guys, there are a lot of poems about the butterfly. Now I will read one of them to you.


I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly he asked:

Butterfly tell me

Who painted you?

Maybe it's a buttercup?

Maybe dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sun after the winter boredom?

Who painted you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold:

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer!

A. Pavlova

Teacher. Butterflies want to see how we can draw. In this picture there are red butterflies, in this one they are yellow. They are all cheerful and beautiful. Now look at the tables: butterflies have flown onto them too. But they are a little sad - they forgot to paint them.

2. Setting a goal:

You and I will now turn into artists and help our butterflies become beautiful.

3. Consideration of 2 variable samples by color.

Teacher. A butterfly, guys, is an insect. She, like other insects, has six legs and wings. How many wings does a butterfly have?

Children. Four.

Teacher: correct. Two on one side and two on the other. What shape are they: different or the same?

Children. The same.

Teacher: how are the wings painted?

Children: the pattern is the same on one side and the other.

Teacher. Well done. You are very attentive. The opposite wings of a butterfly are called symmetrical, that is, having the same shape and pattern. What do butterflies eat?

Children. Nectar of flowers.

Teacher. Right. For this she has a long proboscis.

The teacher suggests depicting a butterfly in an unusual way - subject monotype.

4. Partial display:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half to create a fold line.
  2. On the right half of the sheet, draw half a butterfly.
  3. Press the left side to the right and smooth it out thoroughly.

Let's open the sheet... What happened?

Part II

5. Individual work with kids:

Additional examination of samples;




The teacher invites the children to show the outline of the wings in the air with a gesture (the upper one is large, the lower one is smaller).

The teacher reminds you that you need to paint with liquid paints. Draw a silhouette and paint over the background, quickly cover and make a print. While the silhouette dries, show the children the different designs of butterfly wings.

The whole butterfly turned out to be painted! Yes, you are wizards! What beautiful and joyful butterflies! Let's put them on the table and let them dry. And we'll play.

III final part.

At the end of the lesson, all children's work is hung on the board or laid out on the table.

The teacher draws attention to the unusualness of the drawings. Asks to repeat the name of the method of depicting butterflies. Recognizes children who have made additions to their work.

Outdoor game "Butterflies".

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He sits on a chair with a net (cap).

Children-butterflies run out into the center of the free space of the group - “into the clearing”, and fly.

I wanted to touch you with my hands

To the most beautiful flower.

And he, waving his petals,

He took off and flew away under the clouds!

The presenter goes out to catch butterflies, they fly away from him.

Well done! How well you played! Take your butterflies and let them decorate our group.

Quiet music plays, the teacher hangs up drawings.