A blood test is taken for syphilis. How to take a test for syphilis: preparation, on an empty stomach, how is it done? Classification of methods for laboratory diagnosis of disease

Often young people who do not have experience and knowledge in medicine do not know what syphilis is and, due to their inexperience, make mistakes and waste precious time. You need to know that syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. The disease is caused by a spirochete bacterium, which, when it enters the bloodstream, causes the body to react in the form of antibodies.

The most accurate and reliable test for syphilis is RPHA, which stands for passive hemagglutination reaction. This is a so-called specific test because it detects antibodies produced by the body when spirochete bacteria enter the bloodstream.

None of the tests gives a 100% guarantee that the diagnosis is correct. Therefore, in practice, 2 or 3 research methods are used to mutually confirm or refute the diagnosis. The best results are obtained from methods based on the use of blood serum due to the antibodies present there. Such analyzes take place in two directions:

  1. Non-specific tests, which are not precise, but are simple and quick and are suitable for detecting syphilis in a large group of people.
  2. Specific tests have a high degree of reliability and are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

In this or that case, only a specialist can give an assessment, but patients also have the right to know how the test for syphilis is taken.

Not specific:

  • Microprecipitation reaction (MPR), which uses blood from a finger. The RMP test is effective after a month of infection with syphilis. The RMP method is used for the primary detection of syphilis. If the RMP reaction is positive, the doctor prescribes additional tests. Blood is taken on an empty stomach, so after dinner at 20-00 it is recommended not to eat fatty, spicy, or drink alcoholic beverages. Don't have breakfast in the morning and get your blood tested. During this period you can drink only still water. The RMP method is simple, it gives a quick response to the cause of the disease and is therefore suitable for mass testing of large groups of people. The method is effective after 3 weeks of infection;
  • Wasserman reaction (PB, RW), using blood from a vein. The method is in many ways similar to the previous one, but is less sensitive. Effective 6-8 weeks after infection. Blood is donated on an empty stomach. If the reaction is positive, then additional tests are prescribed.


  • The immunofluorescence reaction (RIF - Koons method), used using venous blood, diagnoses syphilis at an early stage. Using this method, antibodies produced in the blood are illuminated in ultraviolet light and this glow is visible under a microscope. This method has a high degree of reliability after 6-8 months of infection;
  • The passive agglutination reaction (RPGA), using the same venous blood, has a high degree of sensitivity. The property is used when red blood cells of healthy and infected blood stick together, which is visible under a microscope. This method is often used as an initial contamination analysis and requires confirmation by other methods;
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) consists of components - an immune and enzymatic reaction, and provides a high degree of reliability of the result. It is based on an analysis of the quantity and quality of antibodies in the blood of people infected with syphilis. Gives a greater degree of reliability of results at 3 weeks after infection and subsequently throughout the entire duration of the disease. This method is not suitable as a test to confirm the fact that the patient has been completely cured, since a positive reaction can last a lifetime;
  • The Treponema pallidum immobilization test (TPI) provides good reliability after 12 weeks of infection. It is based on the reaction of the spirochete pathogen to freeze in a certain environment. Under a microscope, you can see how many percent of bacteria have frozen and this gives grounds to draw conclusions about the disease. This method is objectively necessary to verify that a patient has been cured of syphilis. It can confirm the disappearance of antibodies produced by the human immune system when spirochete bacteria enter the blood;
  • Immunoblotting is the latest method using the achievements of modern technology; antibodies are detected using radioisotope or enzymatic methods. The materials are being studied by comparing the radioisotope radiation of the patient’s samples with the control ones, and if the spectrum matches, the confirmation of the reaction is almost 100%. The method requires expensive equipment and materials, as well as highly qualified personnel.

All of the above research methods, except the last one, can give a false positive reaction due to various obstacles, and are not 100% reliable. But in a combination of 2-3 methods, the reliability is almost 100%. If patients have additional diseases and take medications for them, then obtaining a false result is very likely.

You must remember that you must always closely monitor your health. Avoid casual sex and use protection.

Analysis for syphilis is done using many methods for detecting the pathogen. With the development of pathology, a large number of specific signs appear, therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, the sick person is examined comprehensively. General analysis blood test is not very informative and is not used in diagnosing this sexually transmitted infection.

Types of research and biomaterials for analysis

Various techniques and biomaterials are used to identify the disease. In the early stages, syphilis is determined using a bacterioscopic test. Samples are examined under a microscope. The device allows you to detect pathogen strains. Serological blood tests are performed later. Thanks to them, syphilis antigens and antibodies are detected in samples.

Methods for determining sexually transmitted infections are divided into 2 categories:

  • Direct, identifying pathogenic microorganisms. These include: dark-field microscopy, RIT analysis (infection of rabbits with biomaterial for research), the PCR method - polymerase chain reaction (with its help, the genetic elements of the pathogen are found).
  • Indirect (serological) tests allow detection of antibodies to the pathogen. They are produced by the immune system as a response to infection.

Serological techniques are divided into 2 categories: treponemal and non-treponemal.

  • Non-treponemal, including: toluidine red test, RSC analysis, RPR test, blood test using the express RMP method.
  • Treponemal, including: immunoblotting, RSK test, RIT analysis, RIF study, RPGA test, ELISA analysis.

The information content of tests for infection varies. Most often, the main types of tests for syphilis are done, which include serological methods.

Biomaterial for research

To identify Treponema pallidum, a pathogen that looks like a spiral and causes syphilis, samples are taken:

  • venous blood;
  • cerebrospinal fluid (secretion from the spinal canal);
  • contents of lymph nodes;
  • ulceration tissue.

If it is necessary to conduct tests to detect syphilis, blood is donated not only from the cubital vein, but also from the finger. The choice of biomaterial and the method of examination are influenced by the severity of the infection and the equipment of the diagnostic center.

Direct research

Convincing evidence of syphilis is the identification of infectious agents under a microscope. In this way, the pathogen is found in 8 out of 10 subjects. A negative result in the 2 remaining patients does not mean that they are not infected.

The study is done at the primary and secondary stages (stages) of the disease, which are characterized by the appearance of skin rashes and syphilomas (ulcerations) on epithelial tissues or mucous membranes. Pathogens that cause sexually transmitted diseases are found in the discharge from the lesions.

More precisely, a complex test called RIF, an immunofluorescence reaction, can detect treponemas. The sample for research is pre-treated with fluorescent antibodies. Compounds that can glow stick together with bacteria. Examining samples under a microscope, in the event of infection, the laboratory technician sees sparkling pathogens.

The test is used for early diagnosis of the disease. The longer the disease lasts, the lower the sensitivity of research methods. In addition, it falls after treating rashes and ulcers with antiseptics and in patients who have undergone treatment. Occasionally, the test produces false negative and false positive results.

RIT analysis is a highly accurate method for detecting syphilis. When conducting a test, you have to wait a long time for results. Until the infected rabbit shows signs of infection. The test is used very rarely, despite the fact that it is extremely accurate.

By using polymerase chain reaction Syphilis is determined by the genetic elements of pathogens. The only drawback of PCR is its high cost.

Non-treponemal tests

Such blood tests help identify antibodies that appear in response to cardiolipin, a compound related to the general structure of the membranes of pathogens.

Wasserman reaction (RW or RW)

The most famous test for syphilis is the Wasserman reaction. RV is included in the category of complement fixation reactions (CFRs). New RSC methods have significant differences from traditional RW. But they are designated, as before, by the concept of “Wassermann reaction”.

The immune system synthesizes antibodies (markers) in response to treponemal invasion. They are detected by a blood test for syphilis using the Wasserman reaction. A positive RW result confirms that the subject is infected.

Hemolysis reaction – index of RT analysis. With it, two substances interact: hemolytic serum and sheep red blood cells. The serum is made by immunizing a rabbit with sheep red blood cells. The activity of biological fluid is reduced by heating.

RV indicators depend on whether hemolysis has occurred or not. In a sample free of markers, hemolysis occurs. In this case, a reaction to antigens is impossible. Complement is spent interacting with sheep red blood cells. When there are markers in the sample, the compliment reacts with the antigens. In this case, hemolysis does not occur.

Syphilis is considered a sexually transmitted disease, the main culprit of which is Treponema pallidum. This bacterium can enter the body after sexual contact, or through household contact.

Diagnostic measures aimed at identifying this disease are complex. Test results can be affected by various antibiotics, pregnancy, and other factors that will be described in the article.

When is a test for syphilis prescribed - indications for diagnosis

Some patients, when coming for examination to a gynecologist or andrologist, do not provide objective information about the quality of their sex life.

Perhaps the reason is simple embarrassment, or perhaps it is due to a lack of information in the field of sexually transmitted diseases.

The doctor can refer you for examination even if syphilis does not manifest itself in any way, and the patient is 100% sure that he could not become infected with this disease. The fact is that the pathology in question can be transmitted through household contact, or be asymptomatic.

Testing for syphilis is prescribed if:

  • You need to register if you are pregnant.
  • The patient wishes to donate blood as a donor.
  • There is a prospect of occupying a certain position (military, medical worker, cook, etc.), which requires passing a special medical commission.
  • The person is in prison.
  • There was sexual intercourse with a patient with syphilis.
  • The mother of a newborn baby suffers from syphilis.
  • The patient showed signs of this disease. Often these are rashes in the genital area.
  • The first analysis confirmed the presence of the disease in question.

Regular blood testing is done if syphilis is present. This is necessary to control the quality of treatment measures.

After therapy, blood is also taken from the patient for research.

How to get tested for syphilis correctly -

For research manipulations they often use blood from a vein. In certain situations, a laboratory technician can take the required sample for diagnosis from a finger or from the spinal cord.

The period from the moment of submission to the receipt of results may vary: from one day to two weeks. Everything will be determined by the type of testing.

When preparing to take a blood test to identify the disease in question, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Fatty foods should be excluded from the diet the day before the test. It will provoke opalescence of the blood serum, which will distort the results obtained.
  • You should abstain from food for at least 8 hours before testing for syphilis.
  • Alcohol and nicotine may interfere with reaction assessment. Experts advise not to drink drinks containing alcohol 24 hours before the test, and you should hold off on cigarettes for at least an hour before the test.
  • If the patient is taking antibiotics, this analysis should be carried out at least a week after the end of treatment.

Methods for submitting material for research and deciphering indicators

Nowadays, none of the diagnostic methods of this disease cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information received. In any case, there are errors, and they can reach 10%.

In this regard, they use complex of research methods.

Serological analysis - nonspecific and specific tests

This type of diagnosis is indicated for limited symptoms of the disease or its complete absence.

There are two types of serodiagnosis:

1.Nonspecific tests

They are relevant when you need to test a large group of people for syphilis, but this technique is not suitable when you need to confirm the diagnosis.

Testing is not difficult, but the final assessment must be made by a doctor.

These types of diagnostics include the following tests:

A) Precipitation microreaction (MR)

Such a study is indicative after one month after infection. The examination requires blood pricked from a finger, but sometimes cerebrospinal fluid can be used.

Positive test result ( Antibodies in titer vary from 1:2 to 1:320 ) does not mean that the patient has syphilis: the diagnosis can be definitively confirmed by taking additional tests.

A negative reaction can result from two options:

  • The patient does not have syphilis.
  • There is syphilis, but at the initial stage of development.

B) Wasserman reaction ( P.B. RW)

The testing material used here is the same as in the analysis described above.

This examination method can provide objective information at least 6 weeks after infection. We can talk about the presence of this venereal pathology if the antibody titers are 1:2 - 1:800.

The results of analyzes for RV are evaluated by the following mathematical signs:

  • « "There is no syphilis.
  • « + “or” ++” - a weakly positive reaction is stated.
  • « +++ "- positive reaction.
  • « ++++ “The patient has a sharply positive reaction to syphilis.

2. Specific tests

There are many different tests for this type of screening that focus on specific antibodies. They do not appear in the blood immediately, but about a month after infection and can remain there for several years (if untreated).

The doctor must reasonably choose one type of analysis or another, know about each of them in detail, navigate the results obtained, and be able to differentiate the diagnosis after receiving an answer.

The most common types of specific tests are:

A) Immunofluorescence reaction (RIF)

Very relevant early stages syphilis, but optimal period The time for testing is 6-8 weeks after infection.

The study requires capillary/venous blood.

  • Pregnancy and connective tissue defects can cause a false reaction, which is assessed by the sign “ «.
  • Positive results are expressed as pluses (“ + ") from one to four.

B) Passive agglutination reaction (RPGA)

During this test, a small amount of blood is removed from a finger/vein, which is then mixed with red blood cells from a sheep/rooster. If the causative agent of this disease is present in the bloodstream, the microbodies stick together, followed by their sedimentation.

This type of testing is highly sensitive: it can confirm a positive reaction to syphilis long after treatment.

Mononucleosis and errors in the structure of connective tissue can also cause a false positive reaction.

It takes a maximum of 1 hour to receive an answer, and patients can test themselves 4 weeks after infection: for more early stages antibodies will not be produced in sufficient quantities.

You can judge how long the infection remains in the blood by the titers:

  • If their value does not exceed 1:320, the infection occurred recently.
  • The higher the titers, the longer the treponema remains in the body.

B) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

One of the most reliable methods for diagnosing this disease, which began to be used at the end of the last century.

It is very indicative already 21 days after infection, and a positive result of 98-99% will indicate the presence of syphilis.

ELISA is often used after nonspecific tests, or in combination with some specific tests.

ELISA test by detecting one or another group of antibodies in the blood ( IgA, IgM, IgG) makes it possible to determine the stage of the disease:

  • If the blood sample taken containsIgA, but absentIgM,IgG: no more than 14 days have passed since Treponema pallidum entered the body.
  • If identifiedIgA,IgM, but noIgG: infection occurred about 28 days ago.
  • The presence of all of the above antibodies in the blood indicates that more than a month has passed since infection.
  • If the blood reaction to the presenceIgA is negative, andIgM,IgG positive: a huge period of time has passed since the moment of infection or the treatment of the disease was successful.

D) Immobilization reaction of Treponema pallidum (RIBT)

One of the most popular methods for diagnosing syphilis.

There is no point in using it in the early stages of infection, however, after the 12th week, the results of the RIBT test are 99% reliable.

Apply this method diagnostics for suspected neurosyphilis, syphilis internal organs, or in combination with nonspecific tests.

When taking durable antibiotics, the patient must wait at least 25 days after the end of therapy. Water-soluble antibiotics require less time to be eliminated from the body: 7-8 days.

Blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach, and the results are interpreted as a percentage of immobilization:

  • If the level of immobilization does not exceed 20%, the test for syphilis is considered negative.
  • If 50% is exceeded, the reaction to this pathology is positive.

In other cases, a repeat study is prescribed.

D) Immunoblotting

One of the newest research methods, which is used when other tests give questionable results.

With this diagnostic procedure, it is possible to detect even a minimal amount of antibodies in the blood: it has almost 100% accuracy.

Not all clinics carry out such testing: it is not cheap.

Laboratory analysis

The cost of the analysis in question is very low, and you can find out the result within 30 minutes.

1. To carry out such a study, a sample is taken from the patient from ulcerative/erosive defects , which are located in the genital area. Microscopic examination of a sample is often carried out in a laboratory.

The affected areas are initially wiped saline solution. This will help protect the damaged area from harmful microorganisms.

2.Next, using a special loop, irritate the surface several minutes until a white-transparent liquid appears. You should be more careful with this manipulation: it is impossible for blood impurities to get into the sample taken.

3. The extracted liquid is transferred to transparent glass. Sometimes it is mixed with saline solution.

We can talk about a positive reaction when typical treponemes are identified, which will have at least 8 curls. If the result is negative, the procedure is repeated (sometimes several times).

As sad as it may be, today there are a huge number of different ailments that can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, at the first suspicious symptoms, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist for help.

Or STDs for short, are a group of very serious illnesses that, if not properly treated, can lead to dangerous consequences. As you might guess from the name, in most cases, infection with them occurs as a result of promiscuous sexual intercourse that occurs without the use of contraceptives. Modern medicine identifies a huge number of diseases, among which the most insidious is syphilis.

As the disease progresses, global viral infection affects the entire body, including the epidermis, mucous membrane, internal organs and bone tissue. In the absence of proper treatment, the patient dies a very painful death. Moreover, in the later stages, many irreversible changes develop that a person will have to live with throughout his life, even after the disease is defeated. Therefore, when the first symptoms of syphilis appear, you must immediately go to the hospital for examination. But in order for the test results to be reliable, you need to know how to properly donate blood for syphilis. This will be discussed later in this article.

general information

If you have carefully read the introduction, then you should not have any questions about why you should donate blood for syphilis. But everyone should be able to determine the presence of infection. Clinical manifestations are the same in absolutely all people, regardless of gender and age category. The very first symptom is syphiloma. It is a dense round spot on the skin of a small size. Later, a painful ulcer forms in its place, which disappears after a certain period of time. Most people mistakenly believe that they have been cured, however, this is far from the case. The disease will progress and affect the body further.

The second symptom of syphilis is spotty rashes all over the body, which may be red or pink. This is a sign of the second stage of the disease, at which the patient can still be cured without any serious complications. Secondary syphilis can last from six months to several years. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. specific person and protective functions of the immune system.

Faced with this, every person should think about where to donate blood for syphilis, because if nothing is done, the disease will develop to the third stage. It affects all internal organs, as well as soft and bone tissues.


Let's look at this in more detail. If you don’t know where to donate blood for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis and other viral and infectious diseases, then you need to contact a dermatovenerologist and, based on a general examination and oral interview, he will direct you to the right office. Most often, patients with suspected syphilis are prescribed the RW test, or, as it is more commonly known, the Wasserman test. This examination method was invented more than a century ago, but even today it is one of the most accurate and informative.

If the patient has no signs of infection, the test results are valid for no more than one month from the date of receipt. At the same time, doctors prescribe RW not only to people who independently went to the hospital with suspected syphilis, but also to all patients admitted for outpatient treatment in the infectious diseases department.

When you decide where to donate blood for syphilis and come to see the doctor, they will take a small sample from you and add a special antigen to it. If it reacts with lipids, then this is a sign of the presence of Treponema pallidum in the body.

It is worth noting that today there are several types of laboratory tests that make it possible to diagnose syphilis.

But compared to them, RW has many advantages, the main ones being the following:

  • high accuracy;
  • the ability to choose the most effective treatment program;
  • a detailed picture of the patient's health status.

It is worth noting that not only those people who are active should have an idea of ​​how to properly donate blood for syphilis. sex life and often change partners, but also pregnant women, as well as patients who are about to undergo surgery.

In what cases can the result be false positive?

In medical practice, it often happens that a person donates blood for syphilis, receives a positive result, but does not have any infection.

This may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • malignant tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • recent antiviral vaccination;
  • traumatic injury.

In addition, a false positive result is the norm in women during pregnancy and menstruation, as well as in people who use drugs and abuse alcohol. Moreover, this occurs most often among representatives of the fair sex. Therefore, if your girlfriend or wife has donated blood for syphilis (a pregnant woman is not taken into account), then you should not immediately panic. Most likely, she does not have any health problems, and a positive result according to the Wasserman reaction is caused by some other reason.

Classification of laboratory diagnostics of syphilis

So what is she like? If you decide to donate blood for HIV or syphilis, then you need to have at least the slightest idea about the basic methods for diagnosing these sexually transmitted diseases. In the early stages of the disease, the bacteriological method, serological tests and many others can be used.

Regardless of the technology used, all laboratory tests are conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. Direct - optical microscopy, PCR, serological and RIT testing.
  2. Non-treponemal - RSC, RPR, RPM, RIT, ELISA, RIF, immunoblotting and others.

Each of the above analyzes is very complex and includes a whole range of activities. However, they are all very informative and allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis and determine not only the presence of the virus in the body, but also the stage of the disease. Today, many people turn to Invitro. Donating blood for syphilis here guarantees complete sterility and safety.

There are branches of this laboratory in almost every major locality Russian Federation. So if you live, for example, in Sterlitamak, you can also donate blood for HIV and syphilis at Invitro, at the address: st. Kommunisticheskaya, 41.

Non-treponemal techniques

In talking about this, it is necessary to say a few words about non-treponemal methods of research. They are aimed at detecting a special group of proteins that are formed only. Compared to direct laboratory tests, they are less accurate and therefore often give incorrect results.

RW analysis

So, here we actually come to the answer to the question of how to donate blood for syphilis. Having noticed the first symptoms of the disease, you need to contact a dermatovenerologist, who will perform a survey and general examination, and based on the information received, prescribe the necessary tests. In most cases, patients are sent for the Wasserman reaction, since this method is one of the most accurate. With its help, in just a few minutes you can confirm the presence of syphilis if the patient was indeed infected with Treponema pallidum.

Not only blood, but also cerebrospinal fluid can be used for research. If there is only one analysis, then the sampling is carried out from a finger, and for complex diagnostics samples from a vein are required. It is important to understand when you can donate blood for syphilis. If between infection and the patient’s referral to medical institution After a little time has passed, the tests may not show anything.

Diagnostic algorithm

If you decide to take a blood test for AIDS and syphilis, it is better to do this at least two months after the suspected infection. There is no point in going to the doctor before, because it will not have time to enter the blood and spread throughout the body, so the results may be false negative.

At the primary and secondary stages of the disease, as well as with latent syphilis, a microprecipitation reaction and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test are most often prescribed. If the doctor has any doubts about the reliability of the results, he can additionally send the patient for RPGA.

If a patient goes to the hospital with secondary syphilis, then instead of blood, treponemes from the skin rash can be taken for analysis, which are studied in detail under a microscope. In the later stages of the disease, some tests completely lose their effectiveness, since they very often provide false results. To prevent this, it is recommended to first prepare your body for visiting a doctor.

Preparatory activities before the examination

In order for the test results to be as accurate and reliable as possible, blood for syphilis must be taken on an empty stomach. Therefore, in the morning you need to give up breakfast, as well as drink tea, coffee and other drinks other than still water. Also, in the evening it is better to refrain from eating too fatty, salty and fried foods.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  1. 7 days before the examination, stop taking all medications.
  2. They do not drink alcohol.
  3. During the day they eat only light and easily digestible food.

These requirements are mandatory to comply with. If a blood test confirms infection with syphilis, then a treatment program is selected based on the stage of the disease, as well as a number of other criteria.

In what cases is the Wasserman reaction prescribed?

This issue deserves special attention. Screening for any STDs is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. The presence of syphilis in one of the partners.
  2. Clinical manifestations of the disease.
  3. Pregnancy planning.
  4. Drug addiction.
  5. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, palpation of which is painless.
  6. Admission of the patient to outpatient treatment.
  7. Blood transfusion.
  8. Passing a medical examination for the purpose of employment.
  9. Repeated examination after completing the full course of syphilis therapy.

In addition, every person who values ​​​​his health can undergo an examination on his own to make sure that he does not have any problems. Doctors themselves recommend doing this periodically for people who have regular sexual relations with casual partners or do not use contraception during sexual intercourse.

In what cases is taking samples prohibited?

This article described in detail how to donate blood for syphilis, but this is not always allowed.

Examination of a suspected patient cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • if the patient has a significantly increased body temperature;
  • infectious diseases are actively occurring;
  • during menstruation in women;
  • in the later stages of gestation;
  • if less than 24 hours have passed since drinking alcohol;
  • in newborns and children under 3 years of age.

If blood is taken in any of the above cases, then there will be no benefit from it. The thing is that during illness or hormonal imbalance a person’s chemical composition blood, so the Wasserman reaction will show a positive result, however, in fact, there may not be any infection. To avoid unnecessary problems, before going for analysis, it is recommended to consult a venereologist and ask him to provide detailed information about how to donate blood for syphilis.

How much will the inspection cost?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since the specific amount depends on large quantity factors. The main one among them is the laboratory research methodology, as well as the type of medical institution. In public hospitals, the cost of patient care is relatively low, while private clinics charge more for the same procedures. In addition, the region of residence also plays an important role. For example, in Moscow the prices for treatment are higher than anywhere in the outback of the country.

In commercial laboratories you can undergo the microprecipitation reaction and some other tests for approximately 400-500 rubles. However, the cost will be higher if you need to study several types of biological materials. But you must remember that each private hospital has its own prices, so the prices shown are average prices.

The most expensive type of analysis today is immunoblot. In some cases, you can pay several thousand rubles for it. But if your doctor does order any tests, then regardless of the price, it is recommended to take them. The results obtained will not only confirm or refute the presence of the disease, but will also make it possible to determine the exact time over which the infection progresses, as well as to create the most productive treatment program.


In the Middle Ages, syphilis was one of the most dangerous diseases, killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world. But today the level of development of medicine is very high, so incurable diseases practically do not exist. The main thing is to start treatment on time, since it is not so much the disease that is scary, but the negative consequences to which it leads. Therefore, if you notice symptoms characteristic of syphilis, then immediately go to a venereologist. In general, it is better to take care of your health and always use protection, especially if you often change sexual partners.

To obtain reliable examination results, you need to know whether you can eat before donating blood for syphilis. Many patients do not attach importance to the preparation stage, and therefore the study of biomaterial often demonstrates false positive or false negative results. Compliance with the basic rules will allow you to avoid such situations and the need to undergo examination several times.

Is it possible to eat before donating blood?

Blood for RW (Wassermann reaction) must be donated on an empty stomach, which means refusing to eat any food 12 hours before the procedure. As a rule, blood sampling from a vein for testing for syphilis is carried out in the morning - from 8.00. This means that on the eve of the test, it is advisable for the patient to eat his last meal no later than 19.00.

Failure to comply with this rule often leads to the following consequences, making it impossible to obtain a clear picture from a blood test:

  • increased cholesterol;
  • increasing the amount of protein;
  • the appearance of “ballast” components that complicate the study of biomaterial.

Such results are often associated with consumption of fatty foods and seafood. Drinking alcohol several hours before donating blood also often leads to false readings.

It is important that dinner is gentle and low in calories. When going to a medical facility in the morning, it would be a good idea to drink a glass of water (boiled or filtered). This is necessary in order to prevent blood clotting. You should refrain from drinking other drinks.

What can you eat before donating blood for syphilis, and what not?

The list of products prohibited for consumption before being tested for syphilis includes:

For dinner before donating blood, you can prepare unsweetened porridge with water (oatmeal, buckwheat), steamed vegetable dishes, and drink herbal tea with unsweetened cookies.

It is better to temporarily exclude fruits from the menu - bananas, avocados, citrus fruits. On the way to a medical facility, you should not chew gum, lozenges, or suck on refreshing lollipops. If you did eat food before the analysis, it is better not to hide this fact and reschedule the procedure for another day.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited for 7 days before testing for syphilis. This will allow you to remain confident in the accuracy of the results obtained.

On the day of donating blood for syphilis, you should avoid increased emotional and physical stress. Shortly before collecting biomaterial, it is important to exclude nicotine from entering the body. It is not advisable to carry out medical procedures if less than one hour has passed since the last cigarette was smoked. In the period between awakening and diagnostics, physiotherapeutic procedures and other types of examinations (x-ray, endoscopic, rectal) should not be carried out.

Patients taking any medications(primarily antibiotics), must inform the medical staff. In this case, you will need to wait a little longer with the blood test. You can take it a week after finishing the course of antibiotic therapy.

Other factors that can lead to false positive results include:

  • acute period of development of infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncological diseases;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • various types of poisoning;
  • allergic reactions;
  • menstruation;
  • the period before and after childbirth (about 10 days).

A study of biomaterial can give a positive result if the patient has already suffered a syphilitic infection in the past, or if he was vaccinated a few days before the tests.

During the procedure, particularly sensitive people may lose consciousness. Before donating blood, you must warn the medical staff in advance about your fear. In this case, the laboratory assistant performing the manipulations will prepare ammonia, or ask the patient to look in the other direction.

What is the probability of error in the results

The error in the results of blood tests for syphilis reaches an average of 10%. In a small number of patients (up to 5%), the diagnosis is made incorrectly, and a positive Wasserman reaction becomes a reason for re-examination. To increase the reliability of the data obtained, they resort to other diagnostic methods - serological analysis (SA), immunofluorescence reaction (RIF), ELISA, RPGA, RIBT, immunoblotting.