Tyumen Industrial University list of applicants. Tyumen industrial university. Why in Tyumen

Tyumen schoolchildren are already finishing the unified state exam and are preparing for a new stage in their lives - entering a university. Higher education institutions, by the way, are also waiting for applicants and are already posting information about budget places and the minimum passing score.

There are six in total in Tyumen state universities, each of which has its own rules. If in some it is enough to successfully pass the unified state exam and provide a certificate, then in others you will have to work a little more and prove yourself in the entrance tests.

How many budget places are now allocated by universities and how much is the minimum tuition fee - read in the material.

TIU (Tyumen Industrial University)

This year flagship university developed a new training program for first-year students entering on a contractual basis, which involves a reduction in tuition fees due to a high USE score. Moreover, the choice of specialties at this university is very diverse: more than 40 offers for applicants. Number of budget places - 1680 for programs higher education full-time education. The average USE score is 64.

– This year, more than a thousand state-funded places have been allocated for bachelor's and specialist's programs at TIU. In total, the university plans to enroll more than 2,500 people for full-time higher education programs. By the number of budget places in full-time education, three large groups of training areas can be named - “Construction”, where there are 575 budget places, “oil and gas business, geology, applied geology, applied geodesy, geological exploration technology”, where a total of 471 budget places, and "engineering, equipment and technologies of land transport, management in technical systems"- 233 places," said the head of the admission committee of TIU Vasily Shity.

The cost of studying at this university starts from one hundred thousand rubles on a full-time basis and from 50 thousand on a correspondence course. The maximum price is 186 thousand rubles.

Tyumen State University

The institution offers applicants about fifty specialties for every taste - from management to landscape architecture.

Tyumen State University includes: School of Advanced Studies, Polytechnic School, Institute of Biology, Institute of State and Law, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Physics and Technology, Institute physical education, Institute of Finance and Economics, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Earth Sciences, Institute of History and Political Sciences, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Institute of Philology and Journalism.

“In total, 1729 budget places were allocated this year, the largest number of them are distributed among such areas as teacher education, physics, biology, ecology, mathematical software and physical education,” the university website says.

Tuition fees at Tyumen State University start at 96,000 rubles full-time and 41,000 extra-mural. The maximum price is 250 thousand rubles. The average USE score is 62.

Tyumen State Medical University

This university trains in the following specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing. And although the list is not that big, the chances of getting a budget place here are very high - 460 places have been allocated this year.

The cost of education in medical school not small: the minimum fee is 143 thousand rubles. And the maximum is 180 thousand rubles. The average USE score is 72.


The Tyumen State Institute of Arts is also ready to accept applicants both on a paid and free basis. You can study here in 18 specialties: architecture, tourism, folk art culture, socio-cultural activities, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage, directing theatrical performances and holidays, library and information activities, choreographic art, musical art variety art, musical and instrumental art, vocal art, art of singing, conducting, arts and crafts and folk crafts, painting, graphics.

The average USE score is 62. However, passing the unified state exam will not be enough to enter TGIK. In almost all directions, a prerequisite is a creative test. The cost of education at this university starts from 114 thousand rubles for full-time and 46 thousand for part-time. The maximum price for training is 190,365 rubles.

State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals

Tyumen graduates have already begun to apply to this university. According to preliminary information, the specialty "Agroengineering" is still popular among those entering the correspondence form. However, the university itself provides applicants with a choice of 16 areas, among which are "Technospheric security", "Forestry", "Gardening" and "Veterinary".

This year, 437 students will be able to study here free of charge. The largest number of budget places were allocated to the specialty of agroengineering, agronomy and veterinary medicine. The minimum cost of studying at an agricultural university is 102,450 rubles. The maximum price is 142,870 rubles. The average passing score of the USE is 51.


Education at the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering School can be obtained free of charge, however, in order to get here, you must pass the Unified State Examination in mathematics, Russian language and physics, and also have good physical fitness. For successful selection, the candidate must perform three exercises: pull-ups on the crossbar, a run of 100 meters and three kilometers. All standards are submitted on the same day.

Applicants can choose a military specialty, which they will study for the next five years:

  1. "The use of engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons."
  2. "Application of units and operation of engineering electrical facilities".
  3. "The use of controlled mining units and the operation of radio-electronic means of engineering weapons."
  4. "The use of engineering positional units, the construction and operation of fortifications, and camouflage."

There are no problems with living in TVVIKU: first-year students are settled in barracks, and senior cadets live in hostels.

- Meals are free here, in the dining room they serve food like a buffet. At the disposal of cadets there are educational buildings with specialized audiences, educational and art libraries, an Internet class, specialized training simulators, an automated autodrome, a leisure center with a museum, a large sports base for sports, the institution said.

Upon graduation, graduates will be awarded the rank of lieutenant and a diploma with the qualification of an engineer.

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The number of budget places has increased at the Tyumen Industrial University. The flagship university offers more than 40 areas of undergraduate/specialist education, and admission to updated educational programs is open.

How can applicants do right choice and calculate your chances of success - the recommendations of the head of the admission committee of TIU Vasily Shitoy.

Vasily Petrovich, 1,680 budget places for admission to full-time higher education programs have been allocated at TIU this year. What is the reason for the annual increase in budget places at the Tyumen Industrial University?

In terms of the number of budget places for technical areas of training, TIU is among the top ten universities in Russia. Several criteria influence the allocation of the number of budget places by the Ministry of Education and Science: this is a predictable indicator of the development of the industry for which the university is training personnel in the region and neighboring regions. The second criterion: the indicator of the university's activity - the higher the quality of training of specialists, which is assessed according to the methodology of the Ministry of Education and Science, the more the number of budget places allocated to the university. I would like to note that TIU is a member of the Russia's Flagship Universities program, as well as a flagship university for several multinational companies, which in turn affects its performance.

- Please name the leading areas of training in terms of the number of budget places.

In full-time education, three large groups of training areas can be named: "Construction", where 575 budget places are allocated, the group "Oil and Gas Business, Geology, Applied Geology, Applied Geodesy, Geological Exploration Technology" - 471 budget places, "Engineering, Engineering and Technology land transport, management in technical systems" - 233 places.

- This year, TIU announced a set of updated training programs.

Innovations in educational programs are dictated by the development of the modern labor market and the needs of employers. This year we have five areas of undergraduate training, where admission is conducted directly to the training profiles. These innovations have affected educational programs"Technology of Transport Processes", "Operation of Transport and Technological Machines", "Trade", "Mechanical Engineering", "Biotechnical Systems and Technologies". Two master's programs "Geonavigation" and "Offshore Drilling" are launched (training area "Oil and Gas Business"), which will be fully taught in English language. We also offer two new master's programs "Development and sales technologies" (training "Construction") and "Technological solutions for the construction of wells in fields with complex geological and technological conditions for their development" (training "Oil and gas business").

- Vasily Petrovich, what are the deadlines for different categories of applicants to TIU?

On July 10, the acceptance of applications for those who enter the full-time study on tests conducted by the university ends - these are graduates of institutions vocational education. This period is also included for school graduates who enter the "Architecture" and "Design of the architectural environment" areas of study, as they pass two additional creative tests: "drawing" and "composition". A novelty this year is that these tests can also be taken at the branch of the university in Surgut. This was done for the convenience of applicants, since it is much closer to get to Surgut from the northern cities than to Tyumen.

On July 26, the acceptance of applications for those who enter by USE results for full-time education. Applicants for undergraduate/specialist degrees can choose three areas of study. The original documents for one of them must be submitted by August 1 by 17:00. Enrollment will take place on August 3rd. If the applicant did not see himself in the lists of those enrolled, then you need to come before August 6 and transfer the original as part of your application. The enrollment of the second wave will take place on August 8.

For applicants for training under SVE programs, the deadline for receiving documents is August 15, 19 and 24 - the date depends on the form of study and the choice of specialty or profession. On August 21, the original documents must be provided by applicants for budget places to the magistracy.

- Can an applicant increase the chances of entering the university with the help of a portfolio?

Behind individual achievements an applicant can earn an additional three to ten points. Champions and prize-winners of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, school graduates awarded with gold or silver medals have advantages. Prize-winning places in olympiads are also taken into account, in the organization and conduct of which TIU takes part. IN admission committee schoolchildren can submit the results of their performances at the interregional multidisciplinary Olympiad "Mendeleev", the sectoral Olympiad for schoolchildren of Gazprom PJSC, the International Youth Architectural and Art Festival "Golden ArchIdea", the competition "InTraInventor".

- New for this year - special program bonuses for contractors.

This year, Tyumen Industrial University has developed a special loyalty program: the higher the USE scores, the lower the cost of studying at a university. Also, when paying for tuition for a year or for the entire training cycle, the amount is recalculated down. The tuition fee is reduced if the applicant has scientific, creative achievements. Discounts are valid only for individuals entering full-time education.

The quality of education at the Tyumen university was rated at international level. On what conditions do Foreign citizens to the Tyumen Industrial University?

Foreign citizens come to us according to quotas allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In general, universities provide 15 thousand places, TIU accounts for about fifty. Applicants from other countries come to us on a general basis. Representatives of Colombia, Venezuela, and Zambia have already confirmed receipts under the quota. In 2017, for the first time, a student from Zimbabwe will study at TIU.

Vasily Petrovich, all the same, can applicants calculate the course of action in order to try to protect themselves from not being included in the coveted list of TIU freshmen?

The most correct thing for an applicant, after he passes the exam, will receive the total amount of competitive points, is to look at the passing scores of the previous year and compare his chances of admission. In the application, the applicant can indicate up to three areas of training. I always recommend a sober assessment of the chances of admission. For example, if an applicant has 195 points, he wants to enter the "Oil and Gas Business" of the Institute of Transport, where last year there was a minimum passing score of 191, there are chances of admission, but there is also a chance of staying below the line. Therefore, if I were an applicant, in my application I would put "Oil and Gas Business" in the first place, the second would indicate the direction of training, lagging behind my results by about 15 points, and the third option would choose such a direction of training in order to have thirty points in reserve, and would follow the formation of the rating.

- If applicants have questions, where can they turn for advice?

Applicants can ask their questions by phone hotline 8 800 700 57 71. In the selection committee, consultations are carried out by specialists from the department of career guidance and representatives of the educational departments of TIU.

The university admissions office is located on the street. Respubliki, 47. Additional points for receiving documents are located at: st. Kyiv, 78/1 (Oil and Gas College named after Yu. G. Ervie), st. Energetikov, 44, building 1 (College of Informatics and Communications), st. Kholodilnaya, 85 (Department of SPO of the Institute of Transport) and Lunacharsky, 2 (STROIN, INZHEKI, ARKHID).

The number of students, taking into account all educational levels existing at the university, is about 39 thousand people. 1.5 thousand citizens from near and far abroad study at the university. Cooperation between TIU and foreign partner universities is developing more and more actively through the mediation and financial support of interested foreign enterprises in the oil and gas sector of the economy. TIU fruitfully cooperates with universities in Germany, France, USA, Cuba, Asia-Pacific countries, and others.

The university has a developed infrastructure of the scientific and educational complex, modern equipment for the development of fundamental and applied research. In the structure of the university: 7 institutes, 3 colleges, a general education lyceum, 4 branches located in the south of the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YaNAO, 14 research institutes and laboratories, International Training and Simulation Center, Center for Petroleum Geosciences, Center for Distance Education, Library and information center, Student campus, including 17 dormitories.

The material, technical and information base, as well as the human resources of the university correspond to the world level and allow solving urgent and complex scientific and technical problems of two strategically important industries in the region. Over the years, the university has trained more than 200 thousand specialists. Among the graduates are well-known politicians, ministers, governors, heads of the largest oil and gas and construction companies in Russia, highly qualified specialists in the fields of fuel and energy complex and industrial and civil construction, creative and sports stars.

Over the years, partnerships between the university and the largest domestic oil and gas, transport and service companies have been developing. In 2015, the university received the status of a flagship university of PJSC Gazprom, is a strategic partner for OJSC Rosneft, OJSC Surgutneftegaz, PJSC SIBUR, and other major oil and gas and service companies in the country. The university is a participant in a number of State and Federal target programs of Russia, the owner of grants from the Governor of the Tyumen region - a leader among universities and scientific organizations in the region. It ranks 41st in the ranking of the best universities in Russia, 20th in terms of demand by employers.

The University strives for the ideal of a scientific and educational corporation that attracts talented young people, the best scientists, high-tech businesses from Russia and abroad, designed to train its graduates as successful professionals.

TIU's strategic guidelines have been approved by the country's leadership. The university is moving to a new stage of its development, the goal of which is to form a flagship university in the field of engineering education, the first university of corporations, influence the formation of the global competitiveness of the region and improve the quality of life of the population.

At the university, the average passing score approached 170.

The first wave of enrollment took place at the Tyumen Industrial University on August 3. Orders with the names of those who entered the first year of undergraduate and specialist studies were signed by acting. Rector of TIU Veronica Efremova and published on the official website of the university.

According to the results of the first wave, the increase in competition occurred in all areas of training. According to the head of the admission committee of the university Vasily Shity, the university does not have a single area of ​​training with an average USE score below 60, the number of areas with an average score of 70 and above has significantly increased. At the university, the average passing score approached 170.

“It has become unrealistic to enter many areas of training if applicants have less than 200 points. And this trend will continue: the number of applicants themselves and the level of their training are growing. School graduates get acquainted with the passing scores in advance and already understand that for successful admission to the university they need not 200-210, as it was in previous years, but 230-240, but rather 250 points,” commented Vasily Shity.

Popular areas with the highest passing scores this year were Oil and Gas Business, Applied Geology (specialization Oil and Gas Geology), Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Information Systems and Technologies, "Automation technological processes and production”, “Biotechnical systems and technologies”, “Technology of transport processes” (profile “Logistics and supply chain management”), “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology", "Heat power engineering and heat engineering", "Architecture", "Construction of unique buildings and structures", "Construction, operation, restoration and technical cover highways, bridges and tunnels.

Most of all applicants to TIU "raised the competition" at the "Oil and Gas Business", where the minimum entry mark increased by 45 points.

Applicant - record holder for the Unified State Examination Andrey Shabarchin from the Chelyabinsk region will study at the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Engineering. With a total score of 278 points (USE - 273 points and 5 points for personal achievements), he entered the "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology."

“It so happened that in some areas of training, applicants do not pass through the competition at TIU, but can enter “on the budget” in Moscow or St. Petersburg. But it is worth calculating the economic side of the issue. First, take into account the cost of renting housing, since not all metropolitan universities due to a large number nonresident students are ready to provide them with a hostel. TIU offers 4,500 places in hostels, the cost of living is from 4 to 7 thousand per year. Second, the cost of travel public transport in Tyumen is lower than in Moscow, and our students use a campus card, upon payment of which they receive a 50 percent discount. Plus other ongoing expenses that arise when a student lives away from home. It turns out that the cost of parents for the maintenance of the child in the capital will be much higher than the cost of training with us "on the contract," - said the head Vasily Shity.

Recall that an applicant who did not pass the competition for a budget place, but decided to study at TIU on a contractual basis, must visit the selection committee no later than August 10.

The second wave of enrollment in higher education programs of the budgetary form of education will take place on August 8. To participate in the second stage, applicants must provide original documents before August 6.

TIU was formed as a result of the reorganization of two Tyumen universities - the State Oil and Gas University and the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. In accordance with the tasks of the region, the Tyumen flagship university is called upon to train engineering personnel of a new formation, to carry out new technological and technical breakthroughs.

Tyumen Industrial University is a powerful educational, scientific and industrial corporation that can compete with the leading universities of the country and take its rightful place in the European educational community.

The scientific and educational complex has a modern infrastructure, the latest equipment for the development of fundamental and applied research.

The material, technical and information base, as well as the human resources of the university correspond to the world level and allow solving urgent and complex scientific and technical problems of two strategically important sectors of the region - oil and gas and construction.

The programs of the Tyumen Industrial University are focused on new industrialization and have an important strategic goal, which is expressed in maximum practice orientation. Together with TIU, this task is solved by the main partners:

  • PJSC "Gazprom";
  • "LUKOIL";
  • Rosneft,
  • Surgutneftegaz,
  • "SIBUR" and other enterprises.

An important area of ​​activity is international relations. TIU fruitfully cooperates with universities in Germany, France, USA, Cuba, Asia-Pacific countries and others.

TIU is a participant in a number of state and federal targeted programs in Russia, the owner of grants from the governor of the Tyumen region, and a leader among universities and scientific organizations in the region.

Over the years, the university has trained highly qualified specialists, including well-known politicians, ministers, governors, heads of the largest oil and gas and construction companies in Russia, specialists in the fields of fuel and energy complex and industrial and civil construction, creative and sports stars.

The University strives for the ideal of a scientific and educational corporation that attracts talented young people, the best scientists, high-tech businesses from Russia and abroad, designed to train its graduates as successful professionals.

More Hide https://www.tyuiu.ru/