Presentation for the lesson “Moral lessons of the hero based on the story by V. P. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”. Development of a lesson with the presentation by Astafiev “a horse with a pink mane” Horse with a pink mane presentation for the lesson

Slide 1. Topic: A lesson in moral kindness based on the story by V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"

Lesson objectives:

1. Didactic:

    acquaintance with the artistic world of V. P. Astafiev

    analysis of the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane”


    improve students' dialogic and monologue speech

    expand and enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren

    improve skills in working with text

3. Educational:

    raise an attentive reader

    cultivate a sense of kindness and the desire to remain human in all situations


    improve the ability to objectively evaluate oneself and a friend.

During the classes.

Slide 2 - what can you tell about the author of the work? Many works are autobiographical. What is an autobiography?The story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” reveals a kind and bright world of folk life, seen through children's eyes, showing a lively and observant child's character.

Our task today is to analyze the content of the story and find out what lessons it carries.

Slide 3. Let's look at the title of the work. Why is the work called that?

Slide 4. Do you think there are truly horses with pink manes? (Yes)

Slide 5,6,7. Guys, why is the gingerbread in the shape of a horse?

( The choice of gingerbread shape is not accidental. The horse is a symbol of rural, peasant life. For a peasant at that time, a horse was a breadwinner: it was a means of transportation, a plowman, a carrier of goods, and main character peasant holidays, and a peasant friend looks after a horse like a person, communicates like a friend.)

Why do we give us the color pink? (color of childhood, purity, naivety, innocence, joy)

Slide 8. Which keyword In the title? (gingerbread)

Let's make an associative series for the word gingerbread. (students separate sheets)

Life lessons



Let's read the description of the gingerbread in the text.

Slide 9. What is the basis of the story?

Why did the boy go to the forest? (earn gingerbread with his own labor)

Who did the boy go to the forest with?

Slide 10. Let's name the verbs with which the author describes the trip for strawberries. (entries in notebooks) how did the Levontiev children behave?

Slide 11. What dishes did the Levontiev children take with them? What does the description of the dishes say? (mismanagement)

What did Vitya use to pick strawberries? (neat little thing)

Slide 12. We must determine the names of some words for ourselves. Vocabulary work.




- What families are the children from?

Who are their parents?

It is no coincidence that we started talking about the families of the boys. You agree with me that a person’s life and destiny are largely determined by upbringing.
- How you were raised as a child, what you paid attention to, what you were taught, that’s how you go through life. Growing up, a person can already engage in self-education, but at a young age the educational environment is represented by WHAT? Family.

Slide 13. How was Vitya raised? How was Levontius raised in the family? (discussion: quotes.)

Slide 14. Dispute.

If there is a crime, then there is a punishment.

What is punishment? (discussion with parents)

What could be the punishment?

Slide 15.Did the boy's conscience awaken, shame for what he had done?

- How does grandma reinforce the moral awakening of CONSCIENCE? (gives Gingerbread).

- What did this Gingerbread become for the hero of the story? (a symbol of conscience). WHAT IS CONSCIENCE? (children's answers)

Slide 16. Did the boy’s dream come true?

Slide 17.So, after all, what is the Horse with a Pink Mane in this story? (A toy? A treat? A symbol?)

Teacher's word .Yes, this story is about childhood - a wonderful time of learning about the world, the first encounters with life, the time when you were impossibly happy and hopelessly alone. There is an expression: “We all come from childhood.” It emphasizes that childhood is very important in the development of character, in the formation of ideas about the world and people. This time is warmed by the love and care of loved ones, their endless patience and kindness, and therefore is remembered as a happy time in the life of any person. What if it happened during harsh, hungry years? But even then it was beautiful, that’s why I remember it.

Questionnaires for parents.

Please answer the questions. Mark what you need with the √ icon.

1. You assess your relationship with your son (daughter) as:

a) prosperous

b) disadvantaged

c) find it difficult to answer

2. What problems do you face in raising your growing son (daughter)?

3. Do you often come into conflict with your child?

a) yes b) no c) difficult to answer

4. Why do you have conflicts with your child?


5. Can you apologize to your son (daughter) if you feel that you were wrong?

a) Yes b) no c) I find it difficult to answer

    What kind of help in solving family problems would you like to receive from specialists at an educational institution?

Information about _____________________________________________

Individual consultation (from whom) ___________________________

Something else (what exactly) ______________________________________________________________________

    In your opinion, what problems does your son (daughter) face?


b) find it difficult to answer _____________________________________________

c) he (she) has no problems _________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation.

Dear parents!

Please underline the option or options for the selected answers with a pen. Thank you for your cooperation.


1. Do you know your child well?

- Not good
- Badly
2. How much attention do you pay to raising your child?

All day long
- 5-6 hours a day
- 1-2 hours a day
3. Do you often praise your child for his successes?
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never

4. How do you encourage your child?

Rejoice with him in his successes
- Try to organize leisure time together
- Just praise
- Buy expensive things, gifts, give money
5. How do you punish your child?

You show with all your appearance that you are upset, don’t talk to him
- You scold him, shout at him, sometimes even call him names
- You are not allowed to watch TV, play on the computer, etc.
- Punish with labor
- You are not allowed to go for walks or chat with friends
- Use physical force (slap on the head, and sometimes a belt)

Grandmother to grandson: “I’ll take my berries to the city, I’ll sell yours too and buy you a gingerbread horse.”

Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad.”

Grandmother kept money - a “reserve” for a rainy day.”

Grandmother reproached Levontius for being idle, listing the work that he had to do in the house and around the house.”

Grandmother to her grandson trying to break into Levontius’s house: “There’s no point in peeking out. There is no point in eating these proletarians, they themselves have a louse on their lasso in their pockets.”

A horse with a pink mane galloped on pink hooves across the scraped kitchen table, as if across a vast land with arable land, meadows and roads. “Take it, take it, what are you looking at?”

When you give Levontievsky Sanka or Tanka a bite, you need to hold with your fingers the place where you are supposed to bite.”

Some kind of restlessness, a fever, or something, gripped not only the Levontiev house, but also all the neighbors on payday.”

The greedy aunt Vasenya managed to shortchange herself by a ruble, or even three rubles, when she repaid the debt.”

Their house stood by itself, in the open air, looking out at the white light through its poorly glazed windows. In the spring, the family picked up the ground around the house a little, erected a fence from poles, twigs, and old boards. But in winter, all this disappeared into the womb of the stove, splayed out in the middle of the hut.” “Uncle Levontius was smoking on a log that represented a porch.”

Uncle Levontiy walked around in pants with one button, and his shirt had no buttons at all.”

They climbed into someone’s garden, piled up some onions, ate until they salivated green, and threw away the half-eaten ones.”

They tore the fish to pieces because it looked ugly. They shot stones at flying birds and hit a swift.

Sanka teaches deception: “You push herbs into the bowl, and berries on top - and you’re done.”

A Lesson in Moral Kindness

based on the story by V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"

-Admit what you did

-Hasten to do good

A Lesson in Moral Kindness

based on the story by V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"

- Don't be influenced by others, you might do something bad

-Admit what you did

-Repentance brings relief

-Hasten to do good

-We must always be merciful

-Love your neighbor as yourself



V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"




open lesson moral goodness according to the story
V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"


1. If we punish a child because of our own impatience or bad mood, attacks of anger, then we improve our well-being a little, but from an educational point of view, our behavior not only diverges from the goal, but also causes harm. The child suffers for a minute, maybe cries, asks for forgiveness, but this does not fit into his concept of justice, and he does not feel the necessary feeling of guilt, there is no relief, and no lesson for the future.

2. If a child is punished for any mistake and nothing else, the child will not learn correct behavior. In addition, he will be afraid of the one who punishes and strive to deceive him in order to avoid punishment.

3. Reward and punishment are the main educational means. This means that with their help we achieve a certain educational goal. The purpose of punishment, therefore, is not to drown the sinner, but to save and pull him out! The way to do this is forgiveness.

4. Forgiveness is not a reward, but a release from the tension of guilt, expected or already received punishment. This is essentially reconciliation. Like any liberation, forgiveness gives rise to good feelings towards the liberator.

Slide 2

Lesson plan:

Warm-up – “Brainstorming”. Let's remember the content. Theory of literature. We will retell any episode. We will answer your questions. Let's look at and relate the illustrations to the text. Let us characterize the artistic means of expression used by the author. We work in groups. Let’s compile a small dictionary of “Siberian” dialectisms and local words. Question. What is the main idea this story.

Slide 3

2).Theory of literature.

Fabula is a sequential depiction of events in a work of fiction based on the plot. Episode - excerpt work of art, having relative completeness.

Slide 4

4).We will answer the questions:

“For a long time, my grandmother reviled Levontiikha, Levontii himself, beat herself on the thighs with her hands, spat, and I sat down by the window and looked longingly at the neighboring house...” - What caused this state of the narrator? The Levontief eagles threw dishes at each other, floundered, began to fight once or twice, cried and teased. On the way, they dropped into someone’s garden and, since nothing was ripe there yet, they piled on onions, ate until they salivated green, and threw away the half-eaten ones...” - Write down the verbs from this passage. How do they characterize these guys?

Slide 5

4. Pay attention to how the writer calls Levontie’s children: “Levontie’s kids”, “Levontiev eagles”, “Levontiev brothers”, “Levontieve horde”, people - What can you say about the author’s attitude towards children? How did it change and why? 5. Why, out of the whole story, did the narrator especially remember “that marvelous horse with a pink mane”? What makes this gift so special to him? 6. Has there been deception in your life? Was it possible that you were not punished for this? Why?

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

6).Artistic means of expression.

“It (the house) stood by itself, in the open space, and nothing prevented it from looking at the white light through the somehow glazed windows - no fence, no gate...” - What artistic device did the author use, what role does it play? “- I, Petrovna, love space! – and moved his hand around himself. - Fine! Like the sea! Nothing depresses the eyes!” - Who do these words belong to, how do they characterize him, what do we know about him from the text? Name an artistic medium.

Slide 10


What do a boot, a weather vane, a windbreak and a tree have in common? Do not know? Then read an excerpt from N. Matveeva’s poem: Tell me, why do we need a barrel organ? And she’s completely hoarse, and she’s hoarse. It grinds like a cart, creaks like a windbreak, like a weather vane, like a boot, like a tree with a hollow. All these words serve as comparisons and characterize one property of the barrel organ. Which?

Slide 11

And here is how N. Matveeva speaks about boarding the train: Everyone entered the carriages, Like a river With a proud look enters the banks. I rushed into the carriage, as one rushes into the fire, as one rushes to attack the enemy. How does everyone get in? How can you characterize the hero's behavior?

A lesson in wisdom and kindness

(based on the story by V.P. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”)

How many years have passed! How many events have passed! And I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.

V. Astafiev.

Lesson Objectives:

    reveal the ideological content of the story, the characters of the main characters, the author’s attitude towards them and ways of expressing the author’s position; teach analysis of a work of art in order to reveal the author's intention; continue work on such literary concepts as “antithesis”, “plot”, “literary character”;

    develop the ability to move from the reader’s personal assessments to the author’s understanding of the characters’ characters, situations, and life; the ability to characterize characters, develop creative imagination, enrich students’ vocabulary;

    to interest students in the work of V.P. Astafiev, to draw their attention to the characters of the heroes, to educate kind and decent people.

Vocabulary work: kindness, wisdom, beauty, conscience, memory, morality.

Equipment: portrait of V.P. Astafiev, memos, illustrations for the story, clusters, presentation, song “Parental Home”.

The first verse and chorus of the song “Parental House” sounds.

“We all come from childhood...”

Before we move on to the topic of our lesson, let's pay attention to the words of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

How do you understand them?

Yes, it is in childhood that those human qualities that he will later have throughout his life are laid and formed.

How do these words agree with the words from the song “Parental home is the beginning of the beginning...”

Portrait of V.P. Astafiev.

We continue to reflect on one of the most wonderful stories for children by the Russian writer of the last century, Viktor Astafiev " Horse with a pink mane" . It is based on an incident from the author’s life. The story is small in volume, but how much we learn from it about the lives of the heroes, their characters.

Poem by K. Kuliev.

We know that the title of the collection, which includes the story “A Horse with a Pink Mane,” is called “The Last Bow,” and its first title is “Pages of Childhood,” and V. Astafiev takes K. Kuliev’s poem “Childhood” as an epigraph to it.


What word can be called the key word here?

(Memories )

What words have the same root as this word?

(Remember, memory...) - Why is it that a person who has survived and experienced so much, gone through a terrible war, almost forty years later remembers such an insignificant event from distant childhood?(A person remembers those events that played a significant role in his life.) Lesson topic: “Lessons of wisdom and kindness” So, the topic of our lesson is “Lessons of wisdom and kindness.” - How do you understand the word “kindness”?- How is this word explained in the explanatory dictionary? (Dictionary)

Before we begin to analyze the story, let us remember what a story is. (Dictionary of literary terms)

Who are the main characters of the story?

Why do we all consider the grandmother, who is given so little space in the story, the main character story?

The plot here is very simple. What is a plot? (Dictionary of literary terms)

A plot is an event, or a series of events, depicted in a work.

Let's restore the main plot points of the story.

    Grandmother's promise to buy gingerbread;

    Berry picking;

    Sanka's instructions;


    “Report and calculation.”

We know that in any work there are the following points: Commencement, development of action, climax, decline of action and denouement. Remember what these terms mean? (Dictionary of literary terms)

What did you have to do to deserve it? (Text)

Grandmother returned from the neighbors and told me that the Levontiev children were going to the ridge to buy strawberries, and told me to go with them.

- You'll get some trouble. I’ll take my gingerbread to the city, I’ll sell yours too and buy you a gingerbread.

- A horse, grandma?

- Horse, horse.

Why was the gingerbread horse such a desired gift? (Text)

Gingerbread horse! This is the dream of all village kids. He is white - this horse is white, and his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his hooves are also pink.

Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table. Otherwise it will be bad. But gingerbread is a completely different matter! You can stick the gingerbread under your shirt, run around and hear the horse kicking its hooves on its bare belly. Cold with horror - lost - grab your shirt and be convinced with happiness - here he is, here is the horse-fire.

With such a horse there is so much honor and attention! The Levontiev guys are fawning over you this way and that. And they let you hit the siskin first, and shoot with a slingshot, so that only they are then allowed to bite off the horse or lick it. When you give Levontyev’s Sanka or Tanka a bite, you must hold with your finger the place where you are supposed to bite, and hold it tightly, otherwise Sanka or Tanka will bite so hard that the horse’s tail and mane will remain.”

So, gingerbread– it’s not only a treat and a toy, but what else?

Take the blanks and make a “Gingerbread” cluster. Do not fill out everything, we will return to this task at the end of the lesson.

Why did the grandmother instruct Vitka to pick the berries himself in order to receive the desired gift?

(Any reward must be earned through one’s own labor, then it is valued more.)

In the morning “It was with Uncle Levontius’s eagles that I set off through the strawberries to earn gingerbread with hard work...”(text)

What do we know about Uncle Levontius’ family?

How is this family different from Vitka’s family?

“The child learns everything...

How do you understand this folk wisdom?

Take the notes and give a concise description of the family of Levontius and his grandmother.

Who especially stood out among the Levontiev “horde”? (Text)

« Scratched, with bumps on his head from fights and various other reasons, with pimples on his arms and legs, with red, bloody eyes, Sanka wasmore harmful and evil all the Levontiev guys."

Please tell us how the children behave on the way to the street, what actions they do? (Text)

“The boys played freely, fought, threw dishes at each other, tripped each other, started fighting once or twice, cried, teased...

On the way, we dropped into someone’s garden and, since nothing was ripe there yet, we piled onions and ate until our saliva was green...

Finally the guys reached a ridge where strawberries grew. What happened there?

Why didn’t Vitka want to go with them?

(He had not yet completed his work, had not picked the berries, and he knew that without them he would not get the gingerbread.)

After what did he join the guys?

Sanka began to tease him. (Text)

Are you scared of Grandma Petrovna? Oh you!

But my grandmother will buy me a gingerbread horse!

Maybe a mare! Better yet, you’re afraid of her and you’re also greedy!




You, you!



Do you want to eat all the berries?


I'm weak! I'm weak! Here! Eat with me! (eat berries)

I’ll also steal grandma’s kalach!


Just one roll is not enough!

Take Shaneg!

And better yet, pie!

There will be no excess!


Vitka succumbed to Sanka’s provocation, he doesn’t want to look like a coward and “greedy”, he wants to be a hero in the eyes of the guys, not to lag behind them in anything. We know that the main means of characterizing a hero is act. Vitya shows weakness, wants to show himself as a “daredevil” and, together with everyone else, commits one bad deed after another

The day passes unnoticed, Vitka temporarily forgets about his action, but now it’s time to return home.

« Sad. There is melancholy in the heart - it anticipates a meeting with grandmother, a report and a reckoning.”.

Why doesn't he want to tell his grandmother the truth?

What did Sanka advise him?

And Vitya agrees, he decides to deceive his grandmother, and the first deception gives birth to others.

What's happened climax?(Dictionary of literary terms)

What other bad things did he have to do? (Text)

« I secretly snuck into the pantry, took the kalach out of the chest and brought it to Sanka under my shirt. Then he brought more, and more, until Sanka got drunk.”

What conclusion can be drawn?

You must not give in to weakness, you must be able to answer for your actions, otherwise a lie gives birth to a new lie, and an offense can develop into a crime.

How does Vitya feel after all the events? (Text)

« I fooled my grandmother. Kalachi stole! What will happen? – I was tormented at night, tossing and turning on the bed. Sleep didn’t take me, Andel’s peace didn’t descend on my Varna soul... What if I got off the bed, climbed under the blanket with my grandmother and told everything? I listened. The labored breathing of an old man could be heard from below... No, I won’t sleep until the morning, I’ll watch over my grandmother, I’ll tell about everything: about the little girls, and about the brownie and the brownie, and about the rolls, and about everything, about everything”...

We know that these thoughts were not destined to come true - Vitka fell asleep. In the morning he “lounges” around the house and goes fishing with the “Levontievskys”. There he is distracted from his bitter thoughts, but not for long.

Now let’s pay attention to the landscape that the author paints. Let's remember what it is literary landscape and what role he plays in the work. (Dictionary of literary terms)

« It was a clear summer day. Blue bells dangled from side to side on long stems, and probably only the bees heard them ringing. Near the anthill, striped gramophone flowers lay on the warmed ground, and bumblebees poked their heads into their blue horns. They froze for a while... they must have been listening to the music. The birch leaves glittered, the aspen tree grew dim from the heat, and the pine trees along the ridges were covered in blue smoke. The sun shimmered over the Yenisei... The shadows of the rocks lay motionless on the water... The railway bridge swayed like a thin lace..."

And this beauty makes the boy’s soul even heavier; he feels even more guilty. A boat appears on the river, and Vitya sees his grandmother in it. He runs away, realizing that retribution is inevitable. Aunt brings him home.

In the morning, Vitya hears his grandmother telling everyone about his crime. He wants to “die soon.” Vitka does his best to restrain himself, but his grandfather’s pity causes a flood of tears, these are no longer tears of fear, but tears of remorse. The boy understands his guilt and awaits a fair punishment.

How did his grandmother punish him? (Text)

« And my grandmother put me to shame...that marvelous horse with a pink mane.”

- Why did grandma do this?

What did she, an illiterate simple person, understand?

What other quality of character is manifested here besides kindness?

What do you think wisdom is?

How is this word explained in the dictionary?

What lesson did Vitya learn from his grandmother’s lesson?

What's happened denouement? (Dictionary of literary terms)

Let's go back to our clusters and see what words we can add there. ( Love, memory)

Viktor Petrovich remembered this incident from his life for the rest of his life and carried with him fond memories of his grandmother. In the story “The Last Bow” he writes:

“And lives in the heart of wine. Oppressive, quiet, eternal. Guilty before my grandmother, I am trying to resurrect her in my memory, tell other people about her, so that they can find her in their grandparents, in loved ones and loved ones, and her life would be limitless and eternal, just like human life itself is eternal. kindness... I don’t have such words that could convey all my love for my grandmother, would justify me to her... I know that my grandmother would forgive me. She always forgave me everything. But she's not there. And there never will be. And there’s no one to forgive.”

These words are dedicated not only to Ekaterina Petrovna, but to all close people who raise us with their love, wisdom and kindness.

Please write the syncwine “Grandma”.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev Features of language in V. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.”

2 slide

Slide description:

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev is a famous talented writer, our contemporary. Most of Astafiev’s works are autobiographical, almost all of them are about the homeland of Viktor Petrovich - Siberia, about his distant rural childhood, which was surprisingly beautiful at times. The story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” reveals a kind and bright world of folk life, seen through children's eyes, showing a lively and observant child's character.

3 slide

Slide description:

Warm-up “Encrypted code”. 1. Pranks on the river. 2. Grandmother forgave. 3. Fishing. 4. For strawberries. 5. It’s a pity for the berries. 6. Levontiev family. 7. A marvelous horse with a pink mane. 8. Grandmother is leaving for the market. 9. Theft of a roll. 10. Quarrel. 11. The boy’s experiences while waiting for his grandmother. 12. The deception is revealed. 13. In the forest. 14. Lesson for life. 15. Sanka advises you to deceive your grandmother. Restore the sequence of events. Write down only the numbers in sequential order.

4 slide

Slide description:

Warm-up “Encrypted code”. 1. Levontiev family. 2. For strawberries. 3. In the forest. 4. Quarrel. 5. It’s a pity for the berries. 6. Pranks on the river. 7. Sanka advises you to deceive your grandmother. 8. Theft of a roll. 9. Grandmother is leaving for the market. 10. Fishing. 11. The boy’s experiences while waiting for his grandmother. 12. The deception is revealed. 13. Grandmother forgave. 14. A marvelous horse with a pink mane. 15. Lesson for life. 6,4,13,10,5,1,15,9,8,3,11,12,2,7,14.

5 slide

Slide description:

Guys, please remind me what event is the basis of the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane”? -Have you ever been deceived? What feelings did you experience? The story “The Horse with the Pink Mane” is based on the deception of the dearest person, the grandmother, and fair punishment.

6 slide

Slide description:

Let's check your homework. Talk about the benefits of reading this story, as if this is a person who does not like to read, but you must convince him to read this story (3 arguments or more).

7 slide

Slide description:

Why do you think the author bases the story on such an unpleasant life situation? The story is instructive. Having disgraced her grandmother by deception, Vitka awaits fair punishment. And indeed, Katerina Petrovna, justifying the nickname “general,” desperately scolds Vitka. The disgraced and exposed grandson feels shame and repentance. But what a stunning surprise the gingerbread promised by his grandmother for strawberries was for him, the dream of which Vitka, for obvious reasons, had already said goodbye to. If we translate the behavior of the grandmother (she still gives the gingerbread) into the language of “unofficial pedagogy”, as A. Lanshchikov does, then the grandmother punishes her grandson... with kindness. And it’s not just about understanding that you can’t deceive and betray loved ones, but about realizing the need to forgive. What moral lessons have you learned for yourself?

8 slide

Slide description:

Moral lessons Know how to admit mistakes Know how to say “no” Help others Know how to forgive Don’t give in to provocations Be honest Be decisive

Slide 9

Slide description:

How do you imagine the main character of the story, Vitya? spiritual sensitivity heightened conscientiousness rejection of evil in any of its manifestations love of everything beautiful: how he talks about the “root songs” of every family in the village What would you ask Vitya? What character traits do you have as a hero? Is it possible to learn anything from Vitya?

10 slide

Slide description:

How do you imagine the author of the story? an elderly man who loves his homeland, his family, who knows how to see the beauty around him, knows how and teaches us to love life, to respect everything that a person has in life, all his life he was in awe of the miracle of Nature, Word, Music and he expressed his reverent feeling in a living, full-blooded, musical way rhythm and intonation, Russian language. How does the author create such beauty? The writer used colloquial words, dialects, colloquial words, phraseological units, and incorrect grammatical forms. Why didn’t you replace it with stylistically neutral ones?

11 slide

Slide description:

Lesson-research. Peculiarities of language in V. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” Task 1. Compile a dictionary of dialect words using footnotes on the pages of the textbook. Words must be placed in alphabetical order. Badoga Zaimka Zapoloshnaya Poskotina Tuesok Uval Shanga Yar

12 slide

Slide description:

Task 2. The text of the story uses colloquial words. Find the correspondence between colloquial words and generally accepted normative words. 1. drag around 2. claw 3. rolled away 4. scolded 5. devoured 6. devour 7. sha 8. boy 1. quickly and roughly grab 2. scolded 3. ate 4. freeze 5. walk around 6. teenager 7. quickly left 8. eating

Slide 13

Slide description:

Task 3. Replace colloquial words with stylistically neutral vocabulary. 1. flatter 2. jerk 3. managed 4. pick the ground 5. scold 6. sniff 7. talk 8. swagger 9. disgrace caress move abruptly managed to do too slowly reproach quietly leave talk brave disgraced Neutral vocabulary - common vocabulary, not associated with varieties of styles and without emotional overtones.

Slide 14

Slide description:

Task 4. Write down their meaning opposite the phraseological units. 1. the tail and the mane remained 2. make a feast like a mountain 3. hit the roar 4. hit the hook 5. the leshak is with you As far as possible, with all your might (to hit someone). Noisy feast, party. Cry loudly, sobbing. Make a mistake, make the wrong decision (oud - fishing rod). “To hell with you” (leshak - goblin). Phraseologisms are a combination of words indivisible into individual words, the meaning of which we understand as a whole.

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Building 5. In the speech of the author and in the speech of the characters there are words used in the wrong grammatical form. Form and write down correct form words 1. opposite (author) 2. ikhnem (author) 3. run (Tanka) 4. zapneshsha (Tanka) 5. get out of here (Levonty) 6. zhist (Levonty) On the contrary. Their. You're running. You'll stumble. Get out of here. Life. Colloquial vocabulary is words used in literary language for the purpose of a reduced, rude assessment of the subject of speech. Conversational style - used in a relaxed, free atmosphere, in conditions of free communication.

16 slide

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Task 6. Who is grandma talking about? How do you understand these words? There's a louse on the lasso in your pocket. Grandma says this about poor people. It means your pockets are empty. Poverty. In one pocket there is a louse on a lasso, in the other a flea on a chain. Empty, and hopelessly empty. A lasso - in Tatar, the same as a lasso, in American - is a rope made of horsehair that does not get wet, does not twist, the loop slides easily. They lasso (immobilize) horses, people, etc., and tightly.

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Abstract for the presentation

A presentation on the topic “V.P. Astafiev “A Horse with a Pink Mane” gives a description of the main character’s friends, character traits of the main character. Photographs showing life in the village were used as templates. The images are intended to illustrate the main events in the story.

  1. The beginning
  2. Characteristics of the main character's friends
  3. Character traits of the main character
  4. Climax
  5. Denouement
  6. conclusions


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Nemilov M., Ryabov Yu.





Slide 1

  • Text - Mikhail Nemilov
  • Design - Yuri Ryabov

Slide 2

This work tells about an orphan village boy, to whom his grandmother promised to bring “Gingerbread on a horse” in exchange for picking berries, and his grandmother would sell them. All the village boys dreamed of this gingerbread. This gingerbread: “white-white; And his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his eyes are pink, his hooves are also pink.” If someone had such a gingerbread, then the others immediately began to respect, suck up, and show honors so that only they would be allowed to bite off a piece of the gingerbread or at least lick it .

Slide 3

One of the boy’s friends, Sanka, gave bad advice and encouraged him to do bad things. First, Sanka, as a bet, forced the boy to throw berries out of a half-filled container. The boy did just that. Then he advised me to fill the empty container with grass and sprinkle berries on top; the boy again followed the advice.

Slide 4

Out of joy, the grandmother did not check the berries, praised her for her work and went to bed. At night the boy could not sleep. He thought about what would happen to him and decided to confess everything to his grandmother the next morning.

Slide 5

The next morning, when the boy woke up, his grandmother was no longer at home (she had left for the city). The boy was very upset. He went fishing with his friends on the lake. In the evening I saw a grandmother sailing from the other side in a boat. He ran to the house, but when he saw the grandmother walking from the boat, he decided to run away from there. The boy heard the grandmother screaming after him for a long time, but soon the scream died down. He ran for so long that he himself did not notice how he ended up at the upper end of the village.

Slide 6

The boy remembered that his cousin Kesha lived there. Aunt Fenya, Keshina’s mother, fed the boy, but did not allow him to stay overnight. The aunt took him to his grandmother. The grandmother swore and got angry, so the boy quickly climbed into the pantry. And the grandmother talked with Aunt Fenya for a long time.

Slide 7

The next morning, when he woke up, he discovered that his grandfather had arrived. The boy was afraid to go out for a long time, but his grandfather came in, they talked and the grandfather gave the young man confidence. The boy came out of the closet; grandma was still angry. He sat down at the table and began to eat the food prepared for him. The grandmother grumbled and swore for a long time. He did not argue, because he knew that it would be worse. The boy did not hope for any forgiveness or leniency, But at the very end the grandmother said: “Take it, take it, what are you looking at? Look, but even when you deceive your grandmother...” - she handed the horse with a pink mane to her grandson.

Slide 8

***Astafiev’s work is very instructive, because... it describes as bad character traits: deception, fraud; so and good features: kindness, gullibility, condescension.

  • Slide 9


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    Lesson Objectives

    Lesson Objectives:


    Methodical techniques

    Lesson plan:

    3. Vocabulary work. 1 min.

    6. Physical exercise. 1 min.

    9. Testing. 7 min.

    10. Homework 1 min.


    1. The teacher's word.

    2. Frontal survey.

    3. Vocabulary work: uval, tuesok, shanga.

    4 . .

    5. Dramatizing episodes. Work in groups.


    7. Work based on illustrations.

    8. Testing.(Annex 1)

    9. Conclusions. Generalizations. Ratings with comments .

    Annex 1

    1. What is the name of the hero’s grandmother?

    a) Alyosha; b) Misha; c) Kolya.


    4. Stories by V.P. Astafiev.

    Lesson Objectives: deepen the understanding of the ideological and artistic richness of the story, learn to unravel the author’s intention, and navigate the text well.

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Learning to analyze the actions of heroes through words and actions (verbs).
    2. Formation in schoolchildren of such moral qualities as honesty, kindness, duty.
    3. Fostering a sense of compassion and love for all living things in students, arousing interest in literature lessons.

    Equipment: illustrations for the story, tests, a computer with a projector, vocabulary words (uval, tuesok, shanga).

    Methodical techniques: conversation on issues, retelling of episodes, expressive reading, text analysis, skits.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Introductory speech by the teacher. State the purpose and topic of the lesson. 1 min.

    2. Frontal survey to check students’ mastery of the content. 5 minutes.

    3. Vocabulary work. 1 min.

    4. Retelling episodes using supporting words - verbs. 8 min.

    5. Work in groups. Dramatization of individual episodes. 5 minutes.

    6. Physical exercise. 1 min.

    7. Working with text (selective reading). 5 minutes.

    8. Work based on illustrations. 5 minutes.

    9. Testing. 7 min.

    10. Homework 1 min.

    11. Summing up the lesson. Ratings with comments. 1 min.


    1. The teacher's word.

    The main theme of many of Astafiev’s stories is the theme of growing up, the formation of a person’s personality. The writer shows how one seemingly insignificant incident can affect a person’s entire life, which makes a person older and changes him. The case described in the story is just one of these.

    The class is divided into two groups, where one group looks for words that characterize the positive qualities of the hero-storyteller, and the other group - negative qualities it, verbs, accompanying words are found and confirmed with examples from the text. At the end of the lesson, students make up full description hero-storyteller.

    2. Frontal survey.

    What is the plot of the story?

    (An episode that tells how the grandmother sent the hero to buy strawberries and promised him “a gingerbread horse.” This is almost a fairy-tale beginning.)

    Has the boy's dream come true - to get a "carrot with a horse"? (Yes, it came true. It was a fairytale horse: “A white horse with a pink mane galloped on pink hooves across the scraped kitchen table, as if across a vast land with arable land, meadows and roads.”)

    It would seem like a happy ending to the story. But at what cost did the boy get this horse? Why, many years later, after many events, the author writes: “But I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane”? Let's try to answer these questions following the author,

    How does the hero hope to fulfill his dream? (The hero goes to buy strawberries together with the Levontiev children in order to “earn gingerbread with his labor.” Let’s pay attention to the inversion “with his labor,” which emphasizes the word. “labor” - the boy understands that nothing gets for nothing)

    What important details did you note in the description of the road to the ridge? (The neighborhood kids “carried glasses with broken edges, old birch bark tueski, half torn for kindling... a ladle without a handle.” Broken dishes are not only a sign of poverty, but a sign of their attitude to things, to work in general. Such people themselves do not like to work , and do not value other people's work. Let's pay attention to what kind of vessel the hero-narrator goes for strawberries with: “I took it diligently and soon covered the bottom of a neat little container.” In this family they know the value of work)

    How do the neighborhood kids behave on the road? What verbs can help understand the author’s attitude towards their behavior?

    3. Vocabulary work: uval, tuesok, shanga.

    4 . Retelling an episode using supporting words-verbs.

    (“The Levontief eagles threw dishes at each other, floundered, started to fight a couple of times, cried, teased”; “dropped into someone’s garden”, “they piled up a load of onions” (that means they picked as much as could fit into the shirttails) ; “they ate to the point of green saliva, and threw away the half-eaten one.” Action verbs show that these guys behave unreasonably, like small animals: they grab as much as they can snatch, and at the same time they also fight)

    How are the characters contrasted in the berry picking episode? (The hero of the story works diligently, not even because he wants gingerbread - he doesn’t know any other way: “I took it diligently.” He remembers the words of his grandmother: “The main thing is to close the bottom of the vessel,” this helps him, encourages him: “I began to pick berries faster ". The hero does not dare to go to the river until the berries have been picked, "he has not collected a full dish." "The Lion of Ontiev" is cunning, lazy, and also a sneak. The eldest "kicked" both his brother and sister for " "ate" berries. Here again the author uses significant verbs: "angry", "threw", "eat", "roll", "jumped", "kicked", "howled", "rushed", "fight", "roll" , "crushed")

    How did the hero become dependent on Sanka?

    5. Dramatizing episodes. Work in groups.

    (Sanka uses a win-win technique - he teases the hero: “Granny Petrovna was scared! Oh, you!”, and he lets slip about the gingerbread. Sanka “quickly realized something”: “Better tell me - you’re afraid of her, and you’re also greedy!” Here the hero and comes across "at bait": "Do you want to eat all the berries?" It was too late to retreat. It was important for the boy not to give up, not to be cowardly, not to disgrace himself, not to appear greedy. And so it happened that the "Levontiev horde" instantly destroyed the strawberries, collected with such difficulty by a boy)

    What words convey the hero's inner struggle before he abandoned what his grandmother taught? (These words: “repented”, “I swaggered”, “in a fading voice”, “assumed despair”, “waved my hand”. At this point the hero got carried away - he boasts: “I’ll steal grandma’s roll!” He becomes the same as the Levontiev guys)

    How did the guys have fun after that? Retelling the episode and summarizing after that. (Their entertainment was cruel: they tore apart a fish “for its ugly appearance,” “they shot stones at flying birds and hit the swift,” which died. Having buried the swift, they soon forgot about it, because they found a new entertainment: “they ran into the mouth of a cold cave, where lived... an evil spirit")

    How do the Levontiev boys and the narrator feel about their actions? (The Levontievskys don’t care at all: Sanka “laughed”, he gloated: “It’s okay for us! Ha-ha! But you are ho-ho!” The narrator understands that he will not get away with the crime, he understands that he is to blame. The heroes are opposed through actions: “I quietly trudged behind the Levontiev boys” - “they ran ahead of me in a crowd and drove a ladle without a handle along the road”)


    Why did the hero decide to deceive his grandmother? (Firstly, the “demon” Sanka taught how to deceive his grandmother, and secondly, the hero was already prepared for this deception by all the stupid and bad actions committed during the day. To these actions were added more dirty tricks, which he incited the hero Sanka - the hero steals rolls to appease the blackmailer and sneak Sanka. In addition, he was afraid of punishment and wanted to avoid trouble)

    Is it only fear of his grandmother that torments the hero? How does he change as he thinks? (It was not easy for the boy to be deceived: he “even almost cried,” then “prepared for punishment for the crime he committed.” That is, he understands that he committed a “villainy.” Therefore, he is tormented by his conscience: “He cheated his grandmother. He stole Kalachi. Whatever will it happen?" "What if I wake her up and tell her everything?" Even while fishing, the boy thinks: "And why did I do that? Why did I listen to the Levontievskys? Look how good it was to live! Walk, run and don’t think about anything. And now?" The boy remembers his grandmother, and his mother, and his grandfather, and feels sorry for himself: "And there is no one to feel sorry for me." But when Sanka again begins to teach him how to deceive his grandmother, imitates her, the hero decides: "I won’t do that ! And I won’t obey you!" When the boat with the grandmother appears, shame drives the hero away)

    6. Working with text (selective reading).

    Find a description of fishing, a description of a summer day: “It was a clear summer day.” Let's read it expressively. What is the role of the closed sketch? (At first, the hero simply enjoys the warmth, the smells of herbs, flowers: “the speckled cuckoo’s tears were bending towards the ground,” “blue bells were dangling from side to side on long crisp stems,” “striped gramophone flowers were lying.” Gradually his gaze rises up - to birch leaves, aspen, pine trees. He peers into the distance, sees the lace of the bridge from which the grandmother should sail. He is internally preparing for a meeting and explanation with her, he is tormented by shame. The world of nature, the beauty and harmony of a summer day contrasts with the world of deception and selfishness, where a boy was involved who did not have the courage not to follow the lead of the “Levontievskys”)

    What is the outcome of the story? (The denouement is drawn out, the hero’s internal conflict with himself is still not resolved, the awareness of guilt drags on painfully. The hero hears his grandmother talking about her and his shame to his grandfather: “Then I fell through the earth with my grandmother and could no longer make out what she was saying she is further away because he covered himself with a sheepskin coat and hid himself in it in order to die sooner." The boy feels that his shame is clear to the whole world, that his grandmother told everyone he met about his deception, that he not only deceived his grandmother, but is also to blame for the fact that his grandmother unwittingly deceived strawberry buyers. Finally, the tension reaches a climax: the grandfather took pity on the boy, and the accumulated tears “flowed uncontrollably.” The grandfather helped his grandson get out of an unbearable situation: “Ask for forgiveness...”)

    7. Work based on illustrations.

    What episode is depicted in the illustration for the story? Let's describe the drawing.

    Why did the grandmother finally buy a “horse carrot” for her grandson who deceived her? (My grandmother believed in him, understood that he was suffering and repented of his “atrocities.” Mercy, kindness and forgiveness did what the most severe punishment would not have done. That’s why he writes many years later

    8. Testing.(Annex 1)

    9. Conclusions. Generalizations. Ratings with comments . What moral qualities should we cultivate in ourselves?

    Annex 1

    Test based on the story by V.P. Rasputin "The Horse with a Pink Mane"

    1. What is the name of the hero’s grandmother?

    a) Mikhailov; b) Nikolaevna; c) Petrovna.

    2. What did his best friend ask the main character to blackmail?

    a) kalach; b) a bun; c) shanga.

    3. What was the name of the hero’s brother, whom Aunt Augusta took with her to the forest plot?

    a) Alyosha; b) Misha; c) Kolya.

    4. What happened to the hero’s mother?

    a) She drowned; b) She was hit by a car.

    5. What was the name of the aunt who fed him after the hero escaped from the river from his grandmother?

    a) Vasyan; c) Petrovna; c) Fenya.

    6. What was the name of the object that the guys took into the forest?

    a) basket; b) bucket; c) tuesok.


    1. Lesson developments in literature, 6th grade. (To help the school teacher). V.Ya.Polukhina, V.P.Zhuravlev.
    2. Tutorial for educational institutions(in two parts) 2008
    3. Critical articles from the magazine "Literature at School" 2005 No. 6.
    4. Stories by V.P. Astafiev.