What vitamins to take in spring. Vitamins in the spring for children and adults - the best complexes for vitamin deficiency with a description of the composition and prices. Vitamins in food

Most people think about which vitamins are best to take in the spring. And this is not just luxury, but all because after winter period you need to strengthen your body. It is best to think about this issue in advance so that it does not develop. This phenomenon is familiar to almost every person. Between seasons, some experience a lack of vitamins and various microelements.

The main symptoms of vitamin deficiency in spring

To determine which vitamins are needed primarily in the spring, simply pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. You can draw conclusions about what vitamins are missing in the spring based on the frequency of colds. This is especially associated with hypothermia and drafts. It appears the very next day headache and runny nose. Body temperature often rises.

Of course, using various medications will eliminate these symptoms, but they do not eliminate the cause of the disease itself, so the cold will recur in a week or later. Most often this happens in the spring, because... after winter, the body absorbed all the useful microelements and vitamins that were stored since the summer, when a person actively consumed fruits, herbs and vegetables.

By the way, the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the spring are very often confused with the symptoms of acidosis. And this is not without reason, because... both diseases arise due to the fact that a person is malnourished. This leads to a deficiency of nutrients that are required for the full functioning of the body.

In addition to frequent illnesses, the main symptoms are problems with the skin, nails, hair and teeth. For example, bleeding gums appear. The skin becomes dry, dull and pale. You will feel tightness. The lips begin to crack, especially in the corners. Then small wounds appear in these places, which are usually called jams. By the way, acne may appear in the nose, lips and mouth. It's herpes. It is forbidden to squeeze them out, because... You can introduce a secondary infection into the body. Purulent blisters appear on these areas of the face.

Vitamin deficiency also affects the condition of the hair. They become very dry and brittle. The roots are weakened, so the hair begins to fall out.

All these are symptoms of ordinary vitamin starvation, which appears due to a deficiency useful vitamins and elements in the body. Nails also become brittle. In most cases they will peel off. Sometimes their color changes. This condition is very dangerous, because... the human body is weakened, and fungus can develop on the nails.

Vitamin deficiency affects the general condition of a person. He loses his appetite, complains of a bad mood, gets tired quickly and cannot fully rest. This condition is known as chronic fatigue syndrome. The patient's mood changes dramatically, but he is generally apathetic. Irritability, aggression, nervousness often manifests itself, and nervous breakdowns. Many suffer from depression. All this indicates that mood is largely chemically dependent on vitamins and beneficial elements in the body.

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How to choose vitamin preparations?

Of course, the ideal option is to take 1 tablet, and the body already has enough of all the microelements. However, the course of treatment for vitamin deficiency will take more than one week. In most cases, it will take several months to restore normal levels of various vitamins in the human body. Then you will definitely need to take a break, and when the first symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear, you will need to take the drug again. By the way, some doctors do not recommend taking vitamins in the summer unless certain conditions exist. This is due to the fact that there may not be a deficiency of useful substances, but, on the contrary, an overdose. This reaction is explained by the fact that in the summer vitamins enter the body not only through taking the drug, but also through the consumption of large quantities of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in useful elements.

It is best to select vitamin complexes based on your doctor’s recommendations. Most doctors are inclined to believe that beneficial substances can be obtained in the spring thanks to drugs such as Kvadevit, Duovit, Complivit and Multitabs. For other children, the dosage needs to be clarified. From point of view chemical composition, all ingredients in such complexes are completely identical to natural ones. However, very few people know that such medications are produced on the basis of various substances that are formed after processing petroleum products.

Such vitamins will be absorbed in the body for a very long time and difficultly. In addition, if you increase the dosage, then their use is dangerous in various ways. side effects. It is best to buy drugs that contain no more than 20 microelements.

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Useful vitamin A

Spring vitamins are A, E, D and group B. Vitamin A is required to make the skin more resistant to the influence of factors external environment, especially if this influence is negative. This vitamin is very useful for girls. Its deficiency is observed in those people who prefer alcoholic drinks. This is due to the fact that this element will be poorly absorbed. In addition, alcoholic drinks burn all useful substances in the human body, so there will definitely be no reserves.

The main sources of vitamin A are foods such as fish and chicken liver. Beef liver will also work. It is very important to eat cottage cheese, white cheese and other dairy products. The diet must include fruits and vegetables that are yellow or orange.

For example: carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, tangerines, oranges, sea buckthorn, apricots. You can make juices from them.

IN Lately There is a lot of debate about the real health benefits of vitamins. In general, all the nutrients the body needs can be obtained from food. But for this it is important not only to create a balanced menu, but also to find quality products. And this is often a problem. That is why it is important to know what vitamins you need to drink in the spring. A properly selected vitamin complex will allow you to cope with the problem of hair loss, become more energetic and improve the condition of your skin.

What vitamins to take in spring

We will not tell you a secret, saying that consulting a doctor will help you choose the right vitamin complex or dietary supplements. Perhaps behind the standard apathy and fatigue there are other problems, for example, abnormalities in the thyroid gland or anemia. In this case, even the most expensive vitamin set will not help you feel much better. So you should definitely take a blood test and consult a therapist.

First of all, in the fight for beauty and health, it is important to put things in order in your diet. A handful of nuts along with a chocolate bar, a vegetable salad with salmon for dinner, 2-3 servings of fruit a day, less processed foods and flour, more water and green tea - and after a couple of weeks of eating like this, you will not only lose a couple of kilograms, but also feel more energetic .

Although, with the help of products that are sold in our stores in the spring, you still cannot 100% compensate for the deficiency of substances necessary for the body.


What vitamins to take for vitamin deficiency in the spring

Do you know that vitamin deficiency is not the most correct term? This concept in medicine refers to a deficiency of one specific vitamin. In reality, the problem is most often complex. In this case, it is correct to talk about polyavitaminosis.

  • In order to cope with this problem, it is important not only to choose the appropriate set of vitamins, but also to drink them correctly. Here are some rules:
  • The course usually lasts 21 days (don’t miss it!), followed by a 10-day break, after which the course can be repeated to consolidate the result.
  • You cannot violate the recommended dosage - you cannot stock up on useful microelements for future use, but you can disrupt mineral metabolism, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • A course of taking multivitamins can be alternated with taking fish oil (in capsules, of course).
  • Vitamins cannot replace good nutrition, so be careful when switching to diets in the spring.

What vitamins should girls take in spring? Pay attention to these components that are responsible for beauty and health:

  • A - for beautiful skin and a healthy smile, as well as for sharp vision
  • B6 - for normal functioning of the nervous system (against PMS symptoms!), as well as active metabolism
  • C is the main vitamin for immunity
  • E - slows down the aging process, especially effective in combination with A
  • Iron - for strong nails and hair
  • D - to strengthen bones and improve skin condition, especially dry skin.

Vitamins are unique organic elements, without which the normal existence of the human body is impossible. A person’s daily need for vitamins depends on various factors, such as physical labor, diet, and time of year.

The need for vitamins is felt most of all in the spring, when many diseases worsen due to weakened immunity over the winter.

Affects not only the general condition, but also appearance person. The face takes on a grayish tint, dark circles appear under the eyes, the skin peels, hair begins to break and fall out, and pain in the joints occurs.

What vitamins does the body need in spring?

For normal life functions, vitamins A, C, D, E and group B are necessary:

  • A - will help return skin damaged by winter cold to its normal state. A lot of this substance is found in carrots, nettles, beets, pumpkins, corn, apricots and tomatoes;
  • C - protects the body from various infections, increases immunity. This element is found in cabbage, sorrel, citrus fruits, apples, various berries and rose hips;
  • D - produced under the influence of the sun and helps the absorption of calcium, restores nails, hair and bone tissue. It is present in liver, red fish, dairy products, fish oil and caviar;
  • E - nourishes a weakened body with strength and energy, restores muscular system. Contained in vegetable oil, eggs and plant leaves;
  • Group B - will provide oxygen to the body tissues, help cope with fatigue, restore nervous system and improve protein metabolism in cells. It is present in sufficient quantities in various cereals, yeast, meat, bread, legumes, eggs and fresh vegetables.

With the beginning of spring, you should gradually reduce the intake of animal fats into the body. But you shouldn’t give up food of animal origin completely. Having excluded meat from the daily menu, you need to consume more dairy products, such as kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk. It is thanks to these products that you can compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body in the first spring months.

Vegetable oils are also very relevant. It is at the beginning of the spring months that the need increases human body in the consumption of vegetable fats. In the very first spring salads it is useful to add such an ingredient as olive oil cold pressed. Greens can be watered with lemon juice, which will compensate for the lack of vitamin C and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins in the spring can be obtained from last year's reserves of berries: black currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries and apricots. Every day you need to eat a tablespoon of frozen berries, making fruit drinks, mousses, purees, or adding them to porridge and cottage cheese. This will certainly be beneficial and help cope with spring vitamin deficiency.

You can compensate for the lack of minerals and trace elements by eating apples, oranges, grapefruits and bananas. All these fruits are now widely available, so purchasing them will not cause any difficulty. But the first tomatoes and cucumbers will not bring any benefit, since there are practically no vitamins in them, only pesticides, which can be gotten rid of by soaking them in water for an hour. cold water.

The real highlight is considered to be the first greens, with which you can get vitamins in the spring. large quantities. The first shoots of nettle and dandelion leaves are unique products that contain not only vitamins and microelements, but also chlorophyll, which has a powerful rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. It is necessary to collect dandelions and nettles as far as possible from industrial areas and roads. You can add greens to salads, along with green onions, garlic and wild garlic.

You can get it not only by eating healthy foods, but also by taking vitamin complexes and biologically active food supplements.

The awakening of nature and man is always accompanied by an increase in the need of all living things for nutrients, and most importantly – in vitamins.

Exactly the peak of incidence occurs in the spring colds and exacerbations of chronic ailments.

In most cases, this is not due to changes in average temperatures and humidity, but to a lack of certain vitamins.

In addition, there is also a lack of minerals, which are also important for humans.

Find out exactly what substances you need in the article below.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency and its consequences

Not for a single person lack of vitamins cannot go unnoticed.

Despite the fact that a person needs vitamins in very small quantities (the count is literally in milligrams), their lack can cause serious problems. This happens because they participate in metabolic processes.

At its core vitamins – natural catalysts and inhibitors, which, like traffic controllers on the roads, cope with the flow of substances entering the body. Without them, the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats does not proceed as it should - it slows down, or, on the contrary, accelerates.

All this does not go unnoticed and causes the following symptoms:

  • fatigue that bothers you for no apparent reason;
  • fatigue and persistent drowsiness;
  • difficulty falling asleep or waking up;
  • sudden or constant dizziness;
  • lack of appetite or addiction to foods atypical for the human diet.

In addition to these symptoms, people who need vitamins may noticeable changes in appearance appear.

Women notice them especially often:

  • hair becomes dull and loses shine and elasticity;
  • nail plates exfoliate, become brittle, thin;
  • the skin becomes pale, covered with pimples or peels;
  • The gums begin to bleed, periodically swell, and an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth.

Such symptoms are not the worst thing, After all, without appropriate vitamin therapy, irreversible changes can occur in the body.

First of all, the immune system suffers from a lack of vitamins.. Without natural protection, the human body can suffer from anything. Even a mild cold can be complicated by pneumonia or other bronchopulmonary diseases, and dirt that gets on your hands can cause an infection that will be very difficult to cure.

Vitamin deficiency, which is not corrected in time, can lead to changes in the functioning of the following organs:

  • heart and blood vessels– arrhythmia, hypo- or hypertension appears;
  • lungs– the breathing mechanism and the composition of the mucus protecting the respiratory tract changes;
  • nervous system in general, vision, memory, hearing and thinking are particularly affected;
  • musculoskeletal system– bones become fragile, often bend, and muscles are depleted;
  • endocrine system– hormonal disruptions occur;
  • hematopoietic system– the qualitative composition of the blood changes.

Such conditions are especially dangerous for pregnant women, children and the elderly. Especially for them, doctors are developing specialized vitamin diets for the spring, and pharmacists are creating complex preparations containing the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals.

Video: "Lack and absence of vitamins in spring"

What vitamins and minerals do people need in spring?

It is difficult to say which vitamins are more necessary in spring. As a rule, these active compounds do not have the ability to accumulate in the body, so they must be supplied to it constantly. Anyway, It is worth focusing on those vitamins that are definitely useful to the body, tired of prolonged cold and lack of bright sun.

These include:

In addition to them, it’s a good idea to add minerals to your diet - iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. They, in addition to playing the role of building materials for the tissues of the human body, are involved in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.

Sources of vitamins and minerals - healthy foods

To maintain the body in normal condition in the spring, it is recommended to consume animal products at least 3 times a week, and eggs and milk can be used daily.

Plant sources

No less rich in vitamins and herbal products, especially raw or whole grains.

Vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts and grains must be included in the spring diet daily and in increased quantities. In addition to side dishes and hot dishes, it is important to use them instead of the usual sandwiches and fast food.

Winter is over and the human body needs vitamins more than ever, the days are shorter in winter, sunny days very little, there are few products in stores that contain “live” vitamins, food in winter is less varied than in summer, the body wears out, immunity decreases and colds become constant companions of life. The body needs support, especially women, what vitamins should be taken in the spring, so that all the necessary vitamins are present?

Women and seasonal spring vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency occurs when the body experiences a lack of vitamins for a long time. Hypovitaminosis is an extreme degree of vitamin deficiency.

Women react to vitamin deficiency much more acutely than men, because menstruation, which occurs every month, is a loss of blood that must be replenished. It is for this reason that women more often suffer from anemia, a lack of iron in the blood. Women need to take vitamin and mineral complexes in the spring.

In fact, a person needs few vitamins per day, but their constant lack of them in food leads to disastrous consequences. The woman looks bad, is constantly tired, her hair falls out, her skin becomes too dry. Such manifestations of vitamin deficiency are unlikely to please a woman.

Vitamins can be classified: macro- and microelements, water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins

These vitamins easily dissolve in water and are quickly eliminated from the body. Water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C, vitamin PP, B vitamins and some others. Now we will talk about vital vitamins.

  • B1 - is responsible for the normal functioning of metabolism. A lack of vitamin leads to rapid fatigue, disruption of the nervous system, loss of appetite, and the skin loses its healthy appearance. In order to replenish vitamin losses. It is necessary to eat: oatmeal, black bread, liver, egg yolks.
  • B2 - is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, as well as for the condition of the mucous membranes. Contained in fish products, animal liver, buckwheat, milk.
  • B6 - responsible for the nervous system and skin condition. Deficiency leads to the appearance of dermatitis.
  • B15 - is responsible for oxygen metabolism, controls the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin C is the most famous vitamin, responsible for the absorption of iron, and is involved in the functioning of almost all body systems. Contained in many products, for example, lemons, currants, kiwi, sweet peppers, rose hips. You need to know that there is almost no it in “not the first freshness” fruits.

Fat-soluble vitamins

This class includes vitamins A, D, E and F. For the normal functioning of the female body, a normal level of vitamins A, D, E in the blood is necessary. Vitamins that are classified as fat-soluble tend to accumulate in the body, so it is worth monitoring to prevent an overdose.

  • Vitamin A is a growth vitamin; if there is not enough of this vitamin in the body, then immunity decreases, the condition of the skin suffers greatly and vision is impaired. The vitamin is found, for example, in butter, eggs, milk, fish, and foods orange color: pumpkin, carrots, apricots.
  • Vitamin D is a unique vitamin; it is called “sunshine” because the synthesis of this vitamin occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin is important for older women, it is responsible for the condition of bones, and it is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Vitamin E is a beauty vitamin, responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, affects the smoothness and condition of the skin, and is responsible for hair health. In the spring it must be taken additionally.


Don’t forget about minerals, which are also very necessary for the body. The first place is occupied by magnesium, calcium and iron.

Lack of iron, as already mentioned, leads to anemia, calcium is necessary for the good condition of bones and teeth, magnesium affects mood stability, this is especially important before the onset of menstruation.

The “Golden Rule” of Nutrition in Spring

Is it possible to do without vitamin tablets in spring? Of course, natural vitamins are better absorbed, but sometimes their quantity in food is insufficient. In order to get all the necessary vitamins from food, you need to think through your diet very carefully.

To ensure that vitamins are well absorbed, avoid alcohol, coffee, etc. of course, smoking. Take walks more often fresh air and, nevertheless, in the spring it is better to use vitamin-mineral complexes.