Nasturtium ampelous cultivation and care. Nasturtium: growing from seeds, planting dates, care. Watering and fertilizing

The name of nasturtium comes from the Latin word ‘trophae’ - a trophy, according to the helmet-shaped form of some parts of the flower and thyroid leaves.

Or a Capuchin Tropaeolum) is a genus of herbaceous plants of the Nasturtium family ( Tropaeolaceae), which includes about 90 species native to Central and South America.

Nasturtiums are annual and perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants. Stems are fleshy, juicy, highly branched, erect, creeping or curly, up to 200 cm long. The leaves are arranged in the next order, rounded, shield-shaped, with an entire margin, on long petioles and with a waxy coating.

Kristine Paulus

Nasturtium flowers with a delicate, pleasant aroma, irregular, on long peduncles, solitary, located in the axils of the leaves. Calyx with a spur at the base, brightly colored. Corolla free-petaled, with five yellow, orange or red petals. The fruit of nasturtium is collapsible, breaking up into three identical, round-reniform, wrinkled fruitlets. In 1 g 10-40 rounded kidney-shaped seeds, the germination of which lasts 4-5 years. When sowing, shoots appear on the 12-14th day.

In ornamental gardening, the following species are most often grown: Nasturtium big (Tropaeolum majus), Nasturtium foreign (Tropaeolum peregrinum) And Nasturtium is beautiful (Tropaeolum speciosum).

In pre-Columbian America, perennial nasturtiums that form tubers underground were widely used as food. This tuberous nasturtium (Tropaeolum tuberosum), which was cultivated by the ancient Indians in the mountainous regions of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and fine-leaved nasturtium (Tropaeolum leptophyllum) - it was grown in Ecuador and Peru.

Growing nasturtium

There are five secrets to growing nasturtium that beginner growers should definitely consider.

  1. Nasturtium is very thermophilic, so there is no need to rush to sow nasturtium seeds in the garden. Frozen nasturtium seedlings will inevitably die. For landscaping the balcony and for early flowering in the garden, sow nasturtium seedlings in April.
  2. Nasturtium does not tolerate transplanting well (this plant has a superficial and delicate root system). Therefore, it is better to grow seedlings in peat cups or in cups with a retractable bottom.
  3. Nasturtium loves a bright location - plant it in the sun or in light partial shade under the trees. With a lack of light, nasturtium has a miserable appearance: it forms stunted shoots, grows and almost does not bloom.
  4. Nasturtium prefers moderately fertile and well drained soil. On fertile and manured soil, nasturtium develops a lot of greenery, but blooms very weakly; does not tolerate fresh manure. The plant responds well to feeding with potassium and phosphorus, continuously forming an abundance of flowers.
  5. Nasturtium prefers moderately moist soil. Young plants need to be watered regularly, then they grow well. After the nasturtium begins to bloom, it should be watered only when the soil is very dry (otherwise the plant will have few flowers and a lot of foliage). On heavy soil, with excess moisture, the roots of nasturtium rot.

M a n u e l

Sowing nasturtium

Under favorable conditions, nasturtium sets many seeds, which, crumbling, are able to overwinter in the soil.

Nasturtium seeds are large, enclosed in a thick protective shell. The seeds on the plant do not ripen at the same time, as the flowers fade (40-50 days after the petals have fallen). Seed germination lasts 3-4 years.

Ripe seeds - "peas" of nasturtium spontaneously fall off, so be careful if you want to collect seeds. Remove the seeds as they ripen (from green they become whitish, easily separated from the peduncle). If seeds are not needed in large quantities, then faded flowers should be regularly removed to prolong abundant flowering.

  • Nasturtium seeds are sown directly into the ground in May, after soaking them for a day in water.
  • Swollen seeds are planted in the garden in nests: 3-4 seeds in each hole, maintaining a distance between holes of 25-30 cm
  • Nasturtium seeds germinate in two weeks.
  • Flowering begins about a month and a half after germination.
  • Up to the beginning of flowering, nasturtium seedlings are fed with a full complex fertilizer (3-4 times a month).

For earlier flowering of nasturtium, seedlings can be grown. Sow in the first days of May in 9 cm pots of 3 pieces. Seedlings appear in two weeks. Landing in the ground is carried out only with an earthen clod in early June.

Forest & Kim Starr

Reproduction of nasturtium cuttings

Reproduction of nasturtiums is possible by cuttings, which take root perfectly in water and in wet sand. This technique is used when propagating new, and especially terry varieties. Since nasturtium is a perennial plant, you can leave the most outstanding specimens to winter in a pot on a bright, cool window with limited watering, and cut them in spring.

Use of nasturtium in design

Undersized species and varieties of nasturtiums are suitable for vases, borders, flower beds in the form of wide ribbons. Species and varieties with long shoots are used as ampelous plants, for vertical gardening, and as ground cover.

Elizabeth Gomm

The use of nasturtium in cooking

In ordinary garden nasturtiums, all parts of the plant are edible, except for the roots. Rich in vitamin C, fresh young leaves and stems add some piquancy to salads and sandwiches, flower extracts are added to cheeses and butter, nasturtium flowers are infused with vinegar, stuffed with various fillings, and also used as an edible decoration in salads, soups and drinks. Finally, the dried, peeled, and ground seeds have a spicy, peppery flavor and are used as a seasoning for a wide variety of dishes (it is said that ground nasturtium seeds were used rather actively in place of black pepper in many countries during World War II).

Useful properties of nasturtium

Nasturtium is used not only as an ornamental and edible plant, but also as a medicinal plant. It treats beriberi, anemia, skin rashes, kidney stone disease, bronchitis and other diseases, it promotes hair growth. Nasturtium has proven itself especially well as an antiscorbutic agent. The amount of vitamin C in it is ten times higher than in ordinary lettuce leaves!

It is even richer in strong antimicrobial substances: phytoncides and provitamin A. Clinical trials of tropolein, a substance isolated from nasturtium essential oil, showed that when it was used in patients with chronic coronary insufficiency caused by atherosclerosis, angina attacks stopped, pain disappeared, and health improved. Nasturtium became very popular when it was found that dishes from it have dietary and medicinal properties in a number of diseases, and especially in atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders associated with age-related changes. It has been established that tubers in tuberous species contain substances that reduce the level of testosterone in the body and thus act as anti-Viagra.

Pato Novoa

Popular varieties of nasturtium

  • Nasturtium Vesuvius- Upright bush up to 30 cm tall, as it grows, it becomes semi-creeping. The leaves are large, rounded, dark green. The flowers are simple, up to 5 cm in diameter, salmon-pink with an orange tint, on the two upper petals there is a dark red spot with strokes around. The cup is yellow.
  • Nasturtium Garnet Jam(Garnet Gem) - Erect, compact shrub, up to 30 cm tall. The leaves are large, rounded, light green. The flowers are double, rather large, up to 6 cm in diameter, garnet red with an orange tint. Brown strokes on the top two petals. The calyx is bright yellow.
  • Nasturtium Golden Globe(Golden Globe) - Bush compact, spherical, erect, 25 cm tall, up to 40 cm across. The leaves are rounded, light green. The flowers are double, large, up to 6.5 cm in diameter, golden yellow, without spots. The cup is yellow.
  • Nasturtium Globe of Fire(Globe of Fire) - Upright bush up to 45 cm tall. The leaves are light green. The flowers are double, large, up to 7 cm in diameter, bright orange. The top two petals have dark brown streaks. The calyx is dark yellow.
  • Nasturtium Kaiserin von India(Kaiserin von Indien) - Erect bush, 20-25 cm tall, compact, spherical. The leaves are small, dark green with a purple bloom, gray on the underside. The flowers are simple, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, dark red with brown-red strokes at the base of the two upper petals. The calyx is orange-red on the outside.
  • Nasturtium Foyeoglantz(Feuerglanz) - Creeping shrub up to 25 cm tall. The leaves are large, light green. The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, double, fiery orange with dark red strokes on the two upper petals. The calyx is orange-red.

We wish you success in growing this beautiful plant! Looking forward to your advice!

Nasturtium is a flower that can be seen in most city flowerbeds, gardens and even on balconies in summer. Such popularity is explained simply - the plant is unpretentious in care, grows well and is able to decorate any place of its growth. To achieve abundant flowering of nasturtium, you need to know some of the features of growing this crop.

When to plant nasturtium

Nasturtium is a welcome guest in a variety of flower beds and balconies. Few can remain indifferent to the beauty of the capuchin - this is the second name of nasturtium, given in ancient times for the similarity of its flowers with the hoods of the monks of the order of the same name.

These flowers are perennials by nature, but due to the peculiarities of our climate, they are cultivated as annual crops. Most types of nasturtium are propagated by seeds.

Which seeds and seedlings to choose

Nasturtium seeds are eaten, but do so when they are still fresh, Green colour. Over time, the peas dry out, the skin becomes wrinkled and gradually turns into a crust, becomes light beige or Brown. These are suitable for planting on seedlings or immediately in open ground.

When buying seedlings, prefer those plants that have a large number of buds and leaves in a compact size. It does not make sense to acquire a flowering plant. The same can be said about seedlings with a small number of leaves.

Whether to collect seeds grown in your flower bed

This question is relevant for all lovers of growing nasturtium at home. And it's not about the desire to save on store seeds. An inquisitive gardener is always interested in the development cycle of a plant and the possibility of growing it next season.

The answer is simple: it is possible, but this applies only to varietal nasturtium, there is no question of hybrids. Another thing: when should the seeds be harvested? Here you should count forty days from the beginning of flowering and observe the final ripening of the fruit boxes. It is not difficult to find out the right moment - the boxes will acquire a slightly brownish (or they also say - milky-coffee) shade and will be easily removed from the stem. You can simplify the task and collect the seeds that have already fallen to the ground. Your next concern will be to dry and store the seeds until next year. Capuchin seeds can be stored for up to 4 years.

Reproduction by self-sowing

Nasturtium reproduces well by self-seeding. This is important for those who grow a flower at home, where it is always warm, since any frost, even the weakest, is detrimental to young shoots. Therefore, in your apartment you can arrange a year-round cycle of growing nasturtium. But remember that this is only possible if, in addition to heat, it is possible to provide the plant with enough light. Nasturtium is very fond of sunlight, which is so lacking in winter, and replacing it with artificial is not so easy.

Varieties for every taste: ampelous, long-branched, undersized

There are so many varieties of nasturtium that everyone will find what he likes. Usually, ampelous, terry, curly, bush and climbing varieties of this flower are distinguished. All of them can be successfully grown in the garden.

As for growing on the balcony, ampelous semi-climbing varieties are best suited here, which are planted in pots and boxes.

Description of some varieties:

  • Vesuvius is good not only for its compact size, but also for its amazing flowers, where the pale pink shade smoothly turns into orange, there are red spots on the petals;
  • Day and night has flowers of two shades - cream and red. Thanks to this combination, the variety got its name. The flowering of this nasturtium looks especially good against the background of light green leaves;
  • Cherry rose - and the name is beautiful, and the appearance corresponds to it. Anyone who loves unusual shades will love this pink (closer to raspberry) color. The variety belongs to terry;
  • Terry mix - another representative of the terry type, characterized by a wide range of colors. In addition, the plant has the ability to exude a pleasant aroma that attracts pollinating insects to the site;
  • Alaska is the very case when even in a non-flowering form, nasturtium looks spectacular, thanks to the marbled color of the leaves;
  • Yeti - for lovers of long climbing varieties. The whips grow up to two meters, and on the emerald foliage, creamy white flowers bloom with yellow spots closer to the center;
  • The bird (Canarian) is a real exotic in your garden: its petals are somewhat reminiscent of wings or feathers of a bird, and the leaves are not at all like traditional ones, but nevertheless it is nasturtium;
  • Birds of Paradise - a variety that forms neat, small bushes with fragrant and bright flowers. Good not only for the loggia, but also for giving when grown in flowerpots and pots;
  • A diamond is first of all good for a cache-pot. Some may be confused that its lashes grow up to 3 m, so shorten them as necessary, at the same time causing more abundant branching and flowering. Flowers are dark red;
  • Purple gloss has bright red double flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. It is quite compact - the lashes do not exceed 1.2 m in length.

Photo gallery: nasturtium varieties that decorate the home garden

The flowers of the Yeti variety have almost snow-white petals, taking on a yellow tint closer to the center.
A truly exotic variety Bird (or Canary) loves warmth very much, but is able to grow in mid-latitudes
Nasturtium Cherry Rose will appeal to lovers of extraordinary flowers
For the contrast of light and dark flowers, the variety was given the name Day and Night
Alaska - a familiar variety of traditional nasturtium
Nasturtium Terry Blend unique flower shape
Variety Vesuvius is good for its pale pink, turning into an orange shade of flowers.
Purple gloss - a variety with rather short lashes, appreciated by lovers of growing nasturtium at home
Variety Birds of Paradise will make any flowerpot or planter a colorful center of a garden composition
Variety Brilliant bushes well and takes up little space, but at the same time blooms luxuriantly

Planting nasturtium

You can plant nasturtium both by seeds and seedlings. Both methods have their strengths and weaknesses.

seedling method

Planting nasturtium seedlings is a good option when you want to see flowering as soon as possible. Moreover, it can be saved from low temperatures, which can take the plant by surprise when directly sown in the ground. You can start landing in mid-April. This period continues until the beginning of May - it all depends on how quickly the warm period begins in your region.

Boarding order:

  1. Be sure to soak the seeds for at least a day in warm water, then bury them 1 cm into the soil, having prepared small containers of peat in advance. Such a container will be optimal for planting in open ground, since nasturtium tolerates this process very painfully.
  2. After laying the seeds at the bottom of the recesses, sprinkle them with soil and tamp a little. Pour over and cover with foil. The room temperature should not exceed 22 °C.
  3. In a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear. Now the nasturtium needs to provide a slightly cooler atmosphere - up to 18 ° C. It is also recommended to highlight the seedlings so that they do not stretch out from lack of light.
  4. A month later, the seedlings will be ready for transplanting to the site. The main thing is that the threat of return frosts has already passed on the street at this time. When transplanting, be sure to keep the pot so as not to damage the earthen ball. If the forecast promises a drop in temperature in the coming days, cover the planting night with a film.

Thanks to this approach, you will be able to see blooming nasturtium as early as mid-June and admire it until the first frost.

Video: planting nasturtium seeds for seedlings

seedless way

This approach avoids problems associated with the survival of nasturtium in a new place. Plants sown directly in open ground will be stronger, will develop more actively, but will not begin to bloom until mid-July. Another hitch is that seeds are sown in summer cottages, usually in mid-May, and the threat of frost when seedlings appear is still relevant. However, this is the easiest and most reliable way to grow nasturtium.

Necessary actions:

  1. To begin with, we soak the cooked seeds in a damp cloth for up to 3 days (it is best to use a cotton cloth).
  2. When the seeds swell, we prepare for them holes up to 2 cm deep with an interval of 25 to 50 cm (the distance depends on the type of nasturtium: for bushy varieties, the distance between holes is up to 30 cm, and for climbing varieties - up to 50 cm).

The same scheme applies when planting seeds in flowerpots, flowerpots and boxes located on the balcony. The only difference is that in this case it will be much easier to create the necessary conditions for spitting seeds.

Video: planting in open ground and subsequent care

Possible problems during germination

Gardeners often complain that the planted nasturtium does not want to give friendly shoots. Most often this happens with direct planting of seeds in open ground.

  • First of all, this may be due to too much water for irrigation. And the owner of the site is not necessarily to blame for this, diligently trying to provide seeds and soil with water. Sometimes during the planting period there is too much rain, which, in combination with watering, only brings harm.
  • Sometimes the seeds are buried too deep, and they do not have sufficient access to oxygen, and the sprout does not have enough strength to break through to the top.
  • The previous problem can be exacerbated by clay soil, which is not as oxygenated as, for example, loam or sandy loam. Therefore, before planting, be sure to dilute it with peat and river sand, mixing them in equal proportions.
  • Low temperatures have a negative effect on nasturtium even at the stage of hatching, therefore, if the soil has not warmed up enough before and after planting, then it is hardly worth counting on a good result.
  • The simplest reason for the lack of seedlings, if all the previous conditions have been met, is the poor quality of the seeds. Is it worth mentioning once again that you do not need to buy them from the hands of private traders. It is better to trust registered and verified manufacturers. If you collect and harvest the seeds yourself, then remember that the planting material remains viable for 3-4 years.

Description of plant care


Water the nasturtium as needed - when the soil around it becomes dry. Moreover, this recommendation is effective in the first stages of growth, then watering should be reduced. Do not overdo it with the volume of water - it is enough to wet only the top layer of soil, and not shed the area for a week in advance. This is especially true for clay soil, which retains water for a long time.

top dressing

Nasturtium is not one of those plants that likes organic top dressing, and nitrogen fertilizers will not serve her well. It is better to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers like Nitrofoska (4 tablespoons per bucket of water, followed by spraying the leaves) or Agricola (1 tablespoon is enough for 10 liters of water). Top dressing is done once - before the start of flowering of nasturtium. Thanks to her, there will be many more flowers.

Favorable conditions during flowering

In order for the plant to bloom profusely, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Faded inflorescences must be cut off at the first signs of wilting - thereby nasturtium is stimulated to further abundant flowering, because a new inflorescence will soon form in place of the cut inflorescence.
  2. In a similar way, you need to deal with damaged parts of the plant in order to prevent the appearance of diseases or pests.
  3. Loosen the soil as necessary so that water does not stagnate in it and there is always an influx of oxygen to the roots.

Nasturtium, planted in a greenhouse, will save you from the whitefly, placed next to the cabbage will become its protection from the cabbage. Capuchin is often a real target for aphids, and distract pests from other garden crops. Agree, it is much easier to destroy aphids that have accumulated on nasturtium plantings than dispersed throughout the site.

Diseases and pests of nasturtium

Nasturtium has a whole list of "ill-wishers" in the face of aphids, whiteflies, spider mites and other pests, and is also susceptible to various diseases.

Diseases and enemies of nasturtium, methods of dealing with them:

The so-called mosaic on the leaves of nasturtium is usually a sign of a lack of essential trace elements (if the plant is not fed), and does not pose a threat. Is that only the appearance of flowers is no longer so attractive.

Perennial varieties in winter: a greenhouse or a warm balcony

Perennial varieties of nasturtium in our area are grown as annuals, since no shelter will help them survive the winter. However, you can try to keep such a capuchin in your greenhouse or on the balcony, but only if you can provide enough heat and light. Otherwise, consider any nasturtium only as an annual crop.

Photo gallery: flowers for food

Lettuce leaves, asparagus, nasturtium - the basis of salad a la Nice
Nasturtium leaves wrapped in lamb give dolma a piquant taste.
One of the famous Italian sauce pesto is made from nasturtium leaves
Nasturtium pizza also has a place
Pickled green nasturtium seeds will completely replace expensive capers
Spicy nasturtium complements the fresh taste of zucchini salad well.

Subject to the agrotechnical rules for growing nasturtium, the decorative beauty will look more advantageous against the background of exotic flowers. Even a novice grower can plant, grow and care for nasturtium. Nasturtium, like cosmea, is unpretentious to the soil, capable of proper fit and proper care to fill and transform the most unsightly area on the territory. When growing nasturtium in a summer cottage, you can create a fabulous carpet by planting chocolate, beige, red flowers in one flower bed.

How to grow nasturtium seeds outdoors

Of the types of nasturtium grown on the site, one can name bush, terry, curly, climbing and ampelous.

Types of nasturtiums


An annual plant that is used by summer residents to decorate the site. You can plant in separate pots and decorate them with a veranda, terrace, balcony, loggia. At the sight of huge double flowers of nasturtium, it is directly breathtaking and you can admire the beauty that nature has created for hours.


Annual plant, used in landscaping suburban area vertically. It is applied to registration of balconies, terraces, walls.


Suitable for creating hedges or used for simple vertical gardening: it is planted along fences, near arbors, near walls. Curly nasturtium can decorate any unsightly place on the site.


These flowers are used in landscape country design for decorating mixborders, borders, and can also be planted in vases.


Climbing nasturtium. A beautiful plant with yellow, red, orange flowers of various shapes and with leaves covered with a matte coating. Single flowers emerging from the axils of the leaf are located on long pedicels. To achieve early flowering, gardeners prefer to grow it through seedlings.

All of them reproduce by seeds. Plants are unpretentious, but for good development and the flowering of nasturtium still needs to create certain conditions.

The choice of a place for planting nasturtium and the illumination of the site

Growing nasturtium requires a well-lit area, because the plant needs a lot of heat and light. Nasturtium planted in a shaded area will grow its green parts, and its flowering itself will suffer. The plant looks beautiful in single and group plantings, is used in border decoration, and growing in hanging planters, falls down in an elegant cascade, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

Nasturtiums do not like drafts, so when choosing a landing site, it is better to stay in a sheltered area.

Preparing the soil for planting flowers

For cultivation, you need to choose a place with light or moderately fertile soil, but not enriched with organic fertilizers. If there is an excess of nutrients in the soil, then with a large increase in its greenery, the flowering of nasturtium will be sparse and dull. But poor soil also not suitable for cultivation, this will affect the decorativeness of the plant: the stems of nasturtium will be elongated and "naked", the leaves will be small. Heavy clay soil will increase the risk of diseases, the root system may rot and the plant will die. Therefore, planting and subsequent care should be carried out in accordance with the preferences of the ornamental culture.

For your information!

When applying organic fertilizers, you can destroy the plant, the foliage and the root system will simply “burn out”. But mineral supplements are important. In response to the care of the nasturtium, it will give the owner a lush and abundant flowering.

Planting nasturtium seeds

You can grow nasturtium in a seedless way, that is, by sowing seeds in open ground, or through seedlings, when seedlings are grown in the house, and then transplanted to a flower bed.

Using the seedless method of cultivation, we sow the seeds in the last days of May, and in areas with a cool climate - in the first days of June. It should be remembered that nasturtium is a heat-loving plant, so if there is a threat of frost, it is better to postpone the sowing of seeds to a later date or cover the plantings with covering material.

Before planting, pre-sowing seed treatment is carried out. First, they are immersed for 10 minutes in hot water, and then soaked for a day in water. room temperature. For planting seeds, holes are prepared with a depth of 2 cm. Plants are planted at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

To achieve early flowering of nasturtium, seeds are sown in peat cups in May, seedlings are provided with good lighting.


When growing through seedlings, only peat cups are used, so that later, when planting in the ground, the root system is not damaged. For planting, you can not use plastic jars, since then you will have to remove the plants with a clod of earth. The root system can be disturbed and the plants will either take root poorly or die.

Florists prefer growing nasturtium in a seedless way. The method is practical and convenient, allowing you to get strong and healthy specimens. But, with this method of planting, flowering occurs later than when grown through seedlings.

Nasturtium Care

Gardeners fell in love with nasturtium for its unpretentiousness to growing conditions. All that is required is to regularly water the plantings and weed them from weeds in the hot summer.

Watering and weeding

Watering will depend on the stage of development of nasturtium. When the first shoots appear, the plant should be watered abundantly. For active growth and development, seedlings need water. During the flowering period, watering should be reduced, moisten the soil only after the soil has dried. Constant soil moisture contributes to the growth of foliage.

If the goal of collecting seeds is not set, then in order to stimulate flowering, drooping flowers must be removed. Some summer residents - flower growers collect seeds, then the ovaries must be allowed to ripen.

To provide air access to the root system, it is necessary to loosen the soil, as well as weed from weeds. Sometimes the soil around the plants is mulched. This procedure does not allow weeds to grow and promotes greater air permeability of the soil.

Reproduction of nasturtium by cuttings

To do this, you need to cut off the stalk from an adult plant at an angle, put it in a glass of water, or place it in a moist substrate made from peat and sand. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in the ground in a permanent place. If you need to save the variety you like until the next season, the cuttings are cut in late summer, rooted and planted in a flower pot. The flower spends all winter in the house. He needs lighting, watering and warmth. If the pot is on the windowsill, it is recommended to protect it from drafts.

Seed collection

As the seeds ripen, they are carefully separated from the pedicel and laid out on a newspaper to dry. You can dry at room temperature. Ripe seeds are whitish in color. The only variety of nasturtium whose seeds do not fully ripen is curly nasturtium. Seeds are harvested while still green, and then laid out in a cool room for ripening.


Seeds should not be allowed to fall to the ground, therefore, as soon as their color changes from green to pale, whitish, they are carefully separated from the pedicel.

Seeds can be stored at room temperature in cardboard boxes.

How to prolong the flowering of nasturtium

Timely removal of faded flowers and cutting bare lashes will significantly increase the flowering period.

Basic rules for growing nasturtium:

  • start sowing seeds in open ground should be only after warming up the ground;
  • when planting seedlings, it is required to transfer the plant into a prepared and moistened hole along with a clod of earth;
  • when growing nasturtium through seedlings, you can get plants with an early flowering period;
  • excessively fertilized soil with organic matter contributes to the growth of green mass by plants, it can even lead to burns;
  • the introduction of mineral fertilizers contributes to a long and abundant flowering;
  • seeds are harvested as they ripen, avoiding self-sowing;
  • seeds can be stored for 4 years, during this time they do not lose their germination.

Common diseases and insect pests

The specific smell of nasturtium repels Colorado potato beetles, cabbage aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, cabbage bugs. Very rarely, but still, they can attack landings, so it is important to know how to deal with them.

Pest Control Measures

1. Cabbage moth and aphid. Ash helps, it needs to be scattered or sprayed over the plant. It is better to work in calm and warm weather. You need to take a fine sieve, pour in the ashes and carefully, powder the planting of flowers. Pests do not die, but quickly leave the treated plants. If necessary, the ash treatment can be repeated, it will not harm the plants.

2. spider mite. Most effective method pest control - spraying plants and soil with 96% alcohol. If nasturtium is grown in hanging planters, the pot must also be treated with alcohol.

But, if nasturtium does not give in to insect pests, then it is not immune from diseases. Nasturtium cannot resist bacterial wilt, which begins with the weakening of the lower leaflets, and then wilts completely.

Sometimes on the leaves of flowers you can see gray or brown spots, this is gray rot. On plants, you can notice a motley mosaic and rust, which manifests itself in the form of brown or black spots.

Disease Control Measures

  • removal and burning of plant foliage;
  • processing healthy specimens with bacteriological or chemical preparations in accordance with the instructions.

The success of growing nasturtium depends on the pre-sowing treatment of flower seeds, right choice a site for planting, watering, applying mineral fertilizers and timely pest and disease control.

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when the night frosts have definitely passed. Even a short drop in temperature to 0-5 degrees kills the plant.

Nasturtium, or as it is sometimes called capuchin, has about a hundred species.

Nasturtium "Alaska", mix

Nasturtium undersized

Today I will talk about the most popular types and varieties of this crop, as well as its benefits for the garden. By the way, did you know that the nasturtium flower has about 90 species? Yes, scientists know about as many types of these beautiful flowers, but not all of them are used in floriculture. Of the huge number, only about 25 species are cultivated.

When to plant nasturtium seedlings. Growing nasturtium from seeds.

Fragrant capuchin leaves add a refreshing peppery flavor to any salad. Edible flowers of the plant are also used for salads.

With irritability and a bad mood, a tincture of dried flowers will help. Pour boiling water over dried flowers (1 tablespoon of flowers per glass of water).

We forgot that she is not just a pretty flower, but a very necessary plant. There is a magical power hidden in this pretty shy girl. It is useful both for the garden and for the person.

How to plant nasturtium seeds

With the question of when to plant nasturtium for seedlings or seeds, everything is clear. It is also clear with the requirements for the soil. There was a moment about the amount of light. When caring for flowers, there should be a lot of it. Otherwise, the flowers will not be large, their number will not become large, and the duration of flowering will be short. It is not recommended to plant nasturtium in the shade, because there it will give a large number of leaves.

If there is no desire to engage in seedlings, but you want to achieve flowering early, then seedlings can be purchased. In this case, you need to stop at compact bushes with a large number of buds without blossoming flowers, then planting and care will be easier. A young plant takes root faster and easier. But still, it is better to sow nasturtium for seedlings on your own.

Despite a slight oblivion, climbing nasturtium, like many of its other species, is one of the most popular plants, quite loved by gardeners. This is a beautiful perennial with graceful leaves covered with a matte coating.

The seeds are laid out on the bottom of the hole with a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters, it is better to put 2-3 seeds in one hole at once, then the bush will be thicker and there will definitely not be a hole in the garden due to non-germination. The distance between the holes should be about 25 centimeters.​

, There are many hybrids and varieties, but, unfortunately, they do not propagate by seeds, only by cuttings. The homeland of the flower is America, South and Central, where it grows as a perennial plant. In our area, nasturtium is grown as an annual.

. The bushes are compact, low 25-30 cm, well leafy. The stems are erect, the leaves with the original white-and-white ("marble") color. The flowers are simple, large, different shades.

How to plant nasturtium seedlings

Forms compact plants with erect shoots reaching 25-30 cm in height.

Perennial nasturtium is found in Central and South America - the birthplace of this plant. In ornamental gardening, these flowers are grown as annuals. The most common and well-known type is

From buds, unripe seeds and fresh leaves, you can cook irreplaceable spices for meat dishes.

After half an hour of infusion, you can drink it three times a day. Take 1/3 cup.​

So let's remember the lovely nasturtium together and decorate the garden plot with this brightly blooming little miracle with a pleasant aroma.

Most species of this plant are annuals. But digging nasturtium out of the ground for the winter is not necessary. It perfectly covers the surface of the soil and protects it from frost. And in the spring it can be used as mulch.

When to plant nasturtium in spring

  • Here you need to take into account the fact that it has a very fragile root system. Therefore, when sowing nasturtium for seedlings, it is better to immediately choose large containers, so as not to dive later. Because any damage to the delicate roots will lead to their death. During landing on a flower bed, you should try to take out the whole clod of earth or take such containers that will rot in the ground. Climbing nasturtium is not particularly difficult to care for. Growing it in a flower bed or in pots, it is often used to decorate flower beds.
  • If the weather in the spring in your region brings surprises, then the soil is shed with hot water before planting, the sown area is sprinkled with straw on top, and covered with a film. Shelter is removed at the beginning of summer, when constant heat sets in. The most common and well-known species is large nasturtium, it was she who was taken as the basis for breeding hybrids. It has bright, large gramophone flowers with five petals cut to the base of the neck, leaves are round, bright green, stems are erect, from 20 to 80 centimeters in height, or creeping, up to 2.5 meters in length.

What is the care of nasturtium. Planting and care in the open field.

Nasturtium Yeti

​These flowers are perfect for all kinds of floral arrangements. Low-growing varieties are used to create borders, rabatok, flower beds. Varieties of nasturtiums with long shoots are grown in pots, hanging baskets, tall containers. They are used in vertical gardening, they decorate gazebos and arches, decorate fences and compost heaps. It all depends on your ingenuity and imagination.​

big nasturtium

Green, unripe capuchin fruits and buds are pickled with the addition of vinegar and dill, and the petals are ground to a paste and salt, mayonnaise and garlic are added. It turns out an excellent flower oil for a sandwich.

♦ Strengthening immunity.


Now it is supposed to decide when to plant nasturtium for seedlings. It is recommended to perform this action a couple of weeks before transplanting to the flower bed. If planting is at the end of May, then it is advisable to sow in its first half.

Nasturtium during flowering requires regular thorough watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in small doses (about once every 20 days). She loves sunny places, although she feels good in a slightly shaded place.

  • Or they initially plant nasturtium for seedlings
  • Types of nasturtiums: bush nasturtium, climbing nasturtium, dwarf nasturtium, foreign nasturtium, terry nasturtium, undersized nasturtium.
  • . Climbing shoots, up to 2 m long with light green leaves. Delicate, large flowers of amazing color - white-cream with yellow spots in the center.

Nasturtium in landscape design

Given the demand for culture, breeders create new, exotic varieties and hybrids of nasturtium, the number of which is increasing every year. The most popular varieties include:

. It has erect stems 25-70 cm high or creeping stems up to 250 cm long with large flowers of bright color. It was she who served as the basis for breeding many hybrids that are combined into a separate species - cultural nasturtium, or hybrid.

Nasturtium is strength in beauty. My garden, vegetable garden. Piggy bank of country experience.

A very fragrant and healthy tea is prepared from dried flowers.

Hello dear readers!

Take a liter container and put fresh capuchin leaves there to the very top. Fill them with dry white wine.​ nasturtium Nasturtium itself does not tolerate persistent frosts. But for its seeds, frost is not so terrible. Therefore, if their natural sowing into the soil took place, then in the spring new plants may appear there.

Sowing is also carried out by 3 seeds to a depth of 2 cm. To grow strong and strong seedlings, you need to take into account the fact that she needs a lot of light. Therefore, after sowing nasturtium for seedlings and with the appearance of the first shoots, the containers must be placed on a well-lit surface. If the plants are very elongated, they will begin to hurt in a permanent place and will not give abundant flowering.

Nasturtium is planted in loose, well-moistened soil, using a long-acting fertilizer (fresh manure is not recommended). For the period of the cold season, the tubers must be removed and stored in dry peat.

  • . Since this flower has a superficial and very delicate root system, it is better to grow each plant in a separate peat cup, then nasturtium can be easily transplanted into open ground, without stress and damage. Nasturtium planted on seedlings blooms earlier.

Popular varieties of nasturtiums

Nasturtium flower is a rather interesting plant. It is grown for various purposes, including as an ornamental, medicinal and even spicy-flavoring plant. But that's not all.​ Nasturtium "Vesuvius" Bush nasturtium

Who are you, gentle creature

Place the container in a dark room and leave it there for 14 days, strain and take.

  • , planting and caring for which is very simple, will more than thank us for our attention and care.

If you want to admire the flowering until October, then at the end of summer you can dig up the nasturtium and transplant it into a pot.

By doing this important condition, you can ensure that planting nasturtium on seedlings will succeed. When the landing day comes, you need to wait for cloudy weather and place the bushes in the prepared flower bed. Before this, it is advisable to put the containers outside for hardening.

The power of a beautiful flower

Climbing nasturtium blooms a couple of months after planting, continuing to bloom until frost. In autumn, it is recommended to cut the plant right to the base so that there are no problems during transplantation. The plant does not tolerate low temperatures, having a negative attitude even to a light frost, therefore, in order for the plant to continue to please the eye, it should be taken care of overwintering before the beginning of autumn.

Capuchin healer

For seedlings, nasturtium seeds are sown 2-3 pieces in a peat bag to a depth of 2 centimeters. Crops should be kept at a temperature of 20-23 degrees, the soil should be constantly moistened. After the emergence of seedlings, which will happen in 10-15 days, the temperature can be lowered to 17-18 degrees. It is very important to provide seedlings with good lighting at this time, with a lack of light, the plant will be weak, depressed.

​: Vesuvius, Cherry Rose, Day and Night, Canarian Liana or Canary, Terry Blend, Alaska, Yeti.​

All types of nasturtium, with the exception of foreign ones, are useful for the garden and garden. The smell emitted by the leaves of these flowers repels insect pests.

. Bushes are small, compact. Stems with large leaves, erect, 25-30 cm high, semi-creeping as they grow. The flowers have an original color: salmon-pink with an orange tint and dark red spots on the upper petals. Forms compact plants, perfectly holds its shape and is used to decorate flower beds and border garden paths.

The capuchin drives away the scoop, earth flies, root nematodes, slugs, Colorado potato beetle, secretive proboscis.

Use a healing infusion of a teaspoon before each meal (three times a day). A beautiful flower came to us from the hot lands of South America. He found himself in Europe thanks to travelers who brought an overseas miracle there in the 15th century.

In the garden, bush nasturtium is ideal for flower beds and for bordering paths, as they hold their shape well.

After a couple of months, the plant will already be strewn with flowers. This phenomenon will continue until the first frost.

As already mentioned, climbing nasturtiums need regular watering, but excessive moisture is best avoided. Nasturtium is planted on seedlings at the end of winter - early spring, be sure to transplant it to a permanent place along with a clod of earth in which it grew. So she will take root painlessly in a new place. Nasturtium begins to bloom 1-1.5 months after planting and continues until the onset of cold weather.

Color of flowers, leaves, length of shoots. the compactness of the outlet and the height of the bush depends on the variety; there are nasturtiums with flowers of bright orange, coral, yellow, cream, white-and-white. raspberry color. Nasturtium is grown not only as a beautiful garden flower, but also as a medicinal and edible plant.

Just a few nasturtium bushes will protect vegetable plants from whiteflies and cabbage whites. But aphids love nasturtium, but this quality can also be used. For example, plant capuchins near those plants that are suffering from aphids. These pests usually prefer nasturtium and when they settle on the flower, simply remove the aphid-infested whips and toss them into the compost.

Nasturtium "Cherry Rose" Climbing nasturtium

Just a few capuchin plants in a cabbage bed will scare away a harmful white butterfly from it.

♦ Treatment of kidneys and urinary tract. Initially, it was called Indian watercress and was actively eaten.

Climbing nasturtiums are good as ground cover and ampel landings, and especially in balcony boxes, hanging baskets, garden flowerpots.​

plant culinary

When to plant nasturtium seedlings:

When the garden is already equipped, I want to start decorating it. And so that this occupation does not take much time of the gardener. But it was pleasing to the eye for a long time. In this matter, it can be very useful to know how to grow nasturtium in the country. Because it is a very unpretentious plant that is beautiful and blooms for a long time. By the way, it can also become a decoration for a city apartment, since it is quite feasible to grow nasturtium on a balcony. She does not need large areas, and a corner of nature will appear in the house.​

Nasturtium seeds can be stored for four years. Before planting, they can be soaked in warm water for a day.

On the site, nasturtium will delight you with flowering, and will also benefit the entire garden. The fact is that the aroma of its leaves repels harmful insects (whitefly, cabbage whitefly), the smell of flowers attracts useful ones, in general, the bush is a good remedy from nematodes and flexible.

flower protector

Capuchins are recommended to be planted between tomatoes, next to cabbage, potatoes, beans and other crops. They also protect cucumbers and pumpkins. Nasturtium is of great use as a bait for beneficial insects in the garden (it is the nectar of its flowers that attracts them). In addition, along with marigolds, it is a nematocidal plant that favorably affects the condition of the soil. It drives out nematodes and cures fungal diseases. I will tell you how to grow nasturtium in the next article.

. Plants about 30 cm high with many double flowers of an unusual color for nasturtium - crimson-pink. This variety will add juiciness to any flower bed.​

  • Forms long stems and is grown as a ground cover and ampel culture. It can also be grown vertically. Creeping nasturtium covers the ground with a living flower carpet. And ampelous nasturtium forms a cascade of falling flowering shoots.
  • Place a flower bed near the greenhouse, and gluttonous whiteflies will not risk flying there.
  • Gather buds, leaves and capuchin fruits. Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture with half a liter of boiling water.

Nasturtium is a herbaceous plant with thin shoots and long petioles, on which are large, bright green, glossy leaves of a round shape.

Nasturtium is good to use as a border plant and plant it along garden paths. Nasturtium looks especially good when planted in a bunch of several plants. It is also grown in garden flowerpots, containers for decorating terraces and balconies.

Dealing with varieties

Sowing nasturtium for seedlings is possible from the second half of April.

The most famous gardeners - the British, argue that nasturtium should be planted in the garden next to a head of cabbage. Then cabbage pests will come running to its aroma and take to nasturtium, not paying attention to cabbage. And this is not a joke. When propagated by cuttings, a cut of the stem is placed in water or a wet mixture of peat and sand. Nasturtium takes root very easily and willingly. The stalk that has started roots is planted in a peat bag, and then in the ground or a pot. To preserve the nasturtium variety, it is necessary to ensure a warm wintering - at home.

Nasturtium: varieties, types and benefits of it

By the way, not only aphids love nasturtium. For example, I also like to eat it. Somehow I even surprised my relatives and friends with an interesting and at the same time simplest dish: sandwiches with nasturtium oil. They never guessed what an amazing seasoning with a mustard-sweet taste was added to the oil.

Nasturtium "Day and Night"

Types of nasturtium

Small, or Capuchin will become a favorite neighbor of peonies - it will not allow valuable flowers to become infected with fungal diseases. In a water bath, heat the mass for a quarter of an hour, then wait 40 minutes and strain.

Her flowers have an original shape, similar to hoods. Because of them, the plant is also called "capuchin".​Garden

In open ground Interestingly, the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of nasturtium are edible and contain substances inherent in the cabbage family. The taste of young leaves and flowers is reminiscent of watercress or salad mustard, and green pickled fruits replace capers.

For nasturtium, it is necessary to select well-lit, sunny areas, protected from the wind, only in this way it will bloom profusely. In the shade, the plant grows extremely slowly, flowering is poor, the flowers are small. Nasturtium prefers heat, dies from frost. Aphid loves nasturtium, she prefers this flower to other plants. And the recipe is quite simple. Tear off a few leaves and flowers of nasturtium (I took the usual large nasturtium). It is better to take flowers of a different color, then sandwiches will become even more attractive. Rinse the flowers and leaves from dust, shake off the water and finely chop. Then mix them with oil. If desired, you can add a little salt, but it’s better to salt it on top, because not everyone likes salt. Well, then we take bread or a loaf, grease the slices with “flower” oil and serve it on the table. Bon appetit!​

. Compact bushes up to 30 cm tall. Upright shoots with light green leaves. The variety got its name and popularity due to the color of the flowers - red and cream. Such a contrasting mixture of flowers looks very impressive and attractive. Dwarf nasturtium

Nasturtium prevents many diseases (fusarium, root rot) from seizing garden plants. It enriches and improves the composition of the soil. Treat with a decoction three times a day, using half a glass. In our climate, capuchin grows almost everywhere as an annual plant.

“Poets rarely dedicate poems to them. They don’t bring them to sell from the Netherlands and Turkey, but no one cuts them for bouquets - I respect nasturtium most of all in the garden ...” Nasturtium is sown in mid-May directly on a garden bed or flower bed, 2–3 pieces into a hole after 20–40 cm. Seeds germinate within 1–2 weeks. Seedlings are moderately watered and fed with a weak solution of complex fertilizers.

There are two options for growing this plant. The first one is planting nasturtium seeds and growing nasturtium from seeds. This method saves summer residents time and allows you not to bother with seedlings.

Varieties of nasturtium

Soil matters a lot

Plant nasturtium next to a valuable culture for you and aphids will not touch it And one more thing... Not only is this a tasty and beautiful dish, it is also very healthy. This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as beneficial essential oils. Nasturtium leaves are rich in vitamin C (4 times more than in lemon!). Both leaves and flowers contain carotenoids, which have a good effect on eye health (you must admit that in the age of computerization, this property of nasturtium is very useful).

Nasturtium foreign "Canarian Liana" ("Canary") Differs in thin stems from 15 to 35 cm high, small leaves and flowers (up to 3 cm in diameter) predominantly yellow in color with dark spots.

After it, peas, tomatoes, roses, asters grow remarkably.♦ With bronchitis.

This is the perfect plant. Amazing nasturtium, the beneficial properties of which are useful everywhere: in cooking, treatment, in protecting other plants from pests, will become a real treasure of the whole garden. Do you remember

At the end of summer, you can dig up a bush nasturtium and put it in a pot in a protected room. The bushes will bloom until October.

If you choose to grow nasturtium from seeds, then you need to choose the right time for this. Although it is not picky and resistant to frost, you should not rush., It should be fertile, light, drained, slightly acidic. If the soil is saturated with organic matter, too “rich”, then the plant will “fatten”, that is, increase its green mass and bloom poorly. In poor soil, the flower loses its beauty, becomes smaller, the stems are exposed, flowering is absent or defective. In clayey, heavy, waterlogged soil, the roots of nasturtium rot and the plant dies.

. And it’s easy to remove this pest from nasturtium, just cut off the affected stems and burn it. In the garden, nasturtium is recommended to be planted next to tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, beans.

Have you ever eaten nasturtium sandwiches? And some other dishes with her?. The long curly stems of this nasturtium can reach 3.5 m. The small leaves are light green, but absolutely not like the shield-shaped round leaves of other types of nasturtium that we are used to. This variety will surprise you and your friends with its 5-7 separate leaves.

Nasturtium foreign A beautiful flower has more than 80 species. There are very rare varieties, it is almost impossible to meet them in our gardens, but there are also familiar and widespread flowers that are ideal for growing in our conditions.​

About the benefits of capuchins

Take the leaves, seeds and flower buds. Pour the herbal mixture (1.5 tbsp. L) with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse in a shaded place.

Almost all parts of the plant contain abundant supplies of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The flower is rich in phosphorus, iodine, potassium, carotene and sulfur.


Wherever nasturtium grows: on a balcony or a flower bed, we must not forget about weeding and watering. The second point is especially important. Because excess moisture at the flowering stage will lead to its cessation. At this time, it is supposed to simply prevent the soil from drying out.

When to plant nasturtium when growing from seed

The technique of watering nasturtium depends on the stage of flower development. Abundant watering is needed for seedlings and seedlings of seedlings, with active growth and development. But when flowering occurs, watering is reduced, the soil is moistened only after drying. With constantly wet ground, greens will develop, not flowers.

Nasturtium is rich in vitamin C, carotene, many vitamins and minerals, essential oils. The leaves and flowers of nasturtium are eaten.

By the way, in this video there are more interesting recipes and tips:

Its flowers are small (up to 2 cm in diameter) with a fringed edge of canary-yellow color and green spurs. It even seems to me that they called her the Canary variety for a reason. Firstly, the color is appropriate, and secondly ... Just look at the shape of the flowers - it seems that they are about to take off like a bird.

(or Canarian) by appearance very different from other species. The curly stems of this species are a real vine and need support. In addition, this species is characterized by increased demands for heat and moisture. It is she who is often meant when they talk about curly nasturtium. Its stems easily wrap around a support, so it is good to plant it next to a gazebo, a fence, or an unsightly barn that you want to hide.

​◊ Big nasturtium.​

Nasturtium: planting and care | growing nasturtium from seeds -

Drop 20-25 drops of healing infusion into a spoon and drink three times a day.

This plant is a natural antibiotic, it destroys pathogenic bacteria, increases immune strength and regulates all metabolic processes. It was the most popular flower in the 50s of the last century. Beauty was present at that time everywhere: in gardens, front gardens, flower beds and balconies.

By the way, about the ground. Whatever the nasturtium (curly), growing from seed or seedlings requires suitable soil. It should be fertile and light, drained and slightly acidic.

The best time would be from the end of April to the beginning of May. Better yet, read the recommendations for this variety to find out how a particular species relates to frost. It may be necessary to wait until the end of May.​

To stimulate further flowering, wilted flowers, seed ovaries should be removed. If you want to get seeds, then you need to let the ovary develop and mature. Seeds are harvested as they mature, in warm climates they can overwinter in the ground, but usually do not allow self-sowing. Nasturtium is mainly grown by seeds, but it can also be propagated by cuttings, which allows you to save varietal characteristics (terry, complex color).

Nasturtium or Capuchin in their homeland South and Central America considered a perennial plant. In ornamental horticulture, this plant is known as an annual. In nature, nasturtium is found in mountainous, forested areas and lowlands. In Russia, this flower appeared thanks to Dutch flower growers.

The plant has a long flowering and is not demanding to care. It is because of these features that many gardeners choose it. Nasturtium is suitable for decorating any garden, decorating flower beds, borders, arches, arbors, window sills, balconies, hanging baskets, pots, vertical trellises.

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum) comes from the Nasturtium or Capuchin family. It has bright large or small (depending on the species) solitary, zygomorphic flowers of various shades.
The color of nasturtium flowers can be cherry, brown, raspberry, salmon, pink, scarlet, pale yellow, cream, yellow, orange and apricot.

Simple, double, semi-double flowers grow from 2 to 8 centimeters in diameter. The flower consists of a funnel-shaped tube and five or more petals. The flower has a delicate, delicate scent.

Bright green rounded shield-like large leaves are found in most species, but alternate, lobed, entire or palmately divided leaves are also found. They are arranged alternately and have a glossy surface with a wax coating.

The stems, depending on the variety, can be creeping, branching, curly and upright.

Nasturtium is provided by many types and varieties. In floriculture, there are about 25 species of this beautiful flower, while scientists know more than 90 species.

Depending on the place of growth, shrub, ampelous, liana, climbing, creeping varieties are selected. The most common plants are found in the form of vines and shrubs.

Shrub view forms compact plants, holds its shape and is used in the design of borders and flower beds.

Nasturtium tricolor It has powerful roots and weaving stems. Coloring is bright, combines different shades. The look is decorative.

ampel view is a cascade of falling shoots with flowers.

Nasturtium is beautiful has thick rhizomes or tubers. The stems curl, the color of the flowers is red.

climbing view forms long stems and is used for planting on lawns, in flower beds, in pots, baskets, for decorating balconies, nets, arbors, as a ground cover or ampelous plant.

undersized view forms upright compact plants 25-30 centimeters high.

Dwarf (small) nasturtium is distinguished by thinner stems 15-35 centimeters high. The flowers and leaves of the species are small (no more than 3 centimeters in diameter). Flowers with dark spots of yellow.

creeping nasturtium forms a living flower carpet.

Tuberous nasturtium forms tubers underground.

Canarian (foreign) nasturtium is very different from all other species. Curly stems form a vine that grows up to 3.5-4 meters and needs support. It is this nasturtium that is called curly.

This flower has corrugated leaves and small bright yellow flowers. This type of nasturtium grows rapidly and blooms until the first frost. Due to the low resistance to cold in the cultural floriculture, nasturtium is grown for no more than 1 season.

This species is the most demanding for heat and moisture. The plant is suitable for decoration of arbors, fences, outbuildings.

The most famous species is big nasturtium. An upright plant grows up to 25-70 centimeters. The creeping plant reaches 2.5 meters. The flowers of both subspecies are bright, large. Nasturtium major is the parent plant for many hybrids that are combined general view(hybrid, cultural).

Also, nasturtium can be extra-double or thick-double. This species reproduces by seeds or vegetatively. Mostly these flowers are grown as an ampelous plant.

Nasturtium is very popular and breeders bring out new varieties every year.

Popular varieties of nasturtium include:

Variety Yeti has climbing shoots, the length reaches 2 meters. The leaves are light green. The flowers are a delicate white-cream with yellow spots in the center of the color.

cherry rose- this variety can decorate any flower garden with its beautiful and bright colors. Terry flowers have a raspberry-pink color. The plant grows up to 30 centimeters in height.

Variety Vesuvius has compact, small bushes 25-30 centimeters high. The stems are erect, the leaves are large as the plant grows, it becomes semi-creeping. Flowers with maroon spots on the upper part of the flower, salmon pink with an orange tint.

canary liana or Canary (South American liana) is a variety with long curly light green stems, 3.5 meters high. The leaves are light green in color and unusually shaped, with 5-7 separate leaves. The flowers are small, about 2 cm in diameter. The edges are fringed, the color is canary yellow with green spurs.
Flowering of this variety lasts from mid-summer to the beginning of cold weather.

Sort Day and night, is a low bushes about 30 centimeters high. The shoots are erect, the leaves are light green. Flowers are cream and red. This contrast of colors attracts many gardeners.

There are a lot of varieties and can also be distinguished: variety Peach Melba, Alaska, Ladybug, Terry Mix, Gleming Mahagani, Tom Tamb, Lucifer, Golden Globe, Type Top, King Theodore, Moonlight, Black Lady and others.

The flower propagates in three ways:

  • seeds,
  • cuttings,
  • seedlings.

by the most in a simple way breeding nasturtium, this is direct sowing in open ground. But in a cool spring, it is advisable to sow flowers at home for seedlings, and then plant stronger plants in the garden. This cultivation allows you to accelerate flowering. Seeds at home are planted from late March to early April. In regions with a cool climate, sowing is pushed back to mid-April - early May.

Terry and new varieties can be propagated by cuttings. Cuttings are rooted in water or wet sand before planting. This method allows you to maximize the specific (varietal) qualities of flowers.

Biocontainers (compressed vermicompost in granules), peat pots, cups with a removable bottom (10 cm in diameter) or peat tablets are suitable for this purpose.

Due to the weak roots of nasturtium, diving is not recommended.

Sprouts in peat tablets, when 2 main leaves appear, are transplanted into a pot. The tablets dissolve quickly in the soil and improve the quality of the soil and save on fertilizers.

The grown plants are transplanted with an earthen clod or directly in peat pots, biocontainers. Flowers are hardened before planting. At warm weather seedlings are taken out for 2-4 hours a day in the air. Flowering occurs in 1-1.5 months.

Seed and soil preparation

Before planting nasturtium seeds for seedlings, they need to be prepared.

  1. First of all, the seeds need to be sorted and the best ones selected. Underdeveloped, small and damaged are removed.
  2. Then, for disinfection, the seeds are placed for 15 minutes in a potassium permanganate solution heated to 60 degrees.
  3. After that, they need to be placed in cotton cloth or gauze and placed for a day in cool water.
  4. For faster germination, they can be germinated a little and only then planted in pots.

You can buy ready-made soil mixture or make it yourself.

  • A sod layer of earth is taken (1 part),
  • sand (1 part),
  • peat (1 part).

The mixture is thoroughly mixed and sieved. After that, it undergoes heat treatment with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate and boiling water disinfect the earth. The soil mixture remains at room temperature for 1-2 days. Then it is distributed in containers and can be taken for sowing.

Potassium permanganate can be replaced by watering with Fitosporin solution.


Prepared seeds can be planted in the ground.

Varieties that will continue to grow indoors are planted immediately in a pot in a permanent place.

In any container, a recess of 2 centimeters is made. 2-3 seeds are placed in each container.

The earth is pressed a little and watered from a watering can with a nozzle or with a spray bottle. Such watering does not erode the soil and allows you to keep the seeds in their places.

Peat tablets are placed in a container and watered. Each tablet contains 1-2 seeds.

Containers with seeds are placed on a bright and warm windowsill.


Subject to temperature regime(20-22 degrees) the first shoots appear in 13-15 days. After 2 weeks, the growing temperature should be reduced by 2 degrees.

Seedlings should not stretch, otherwise the plants will be weak and will not take root well when transplanted into open ground. In case of poor lighting, seedlings need to provide additional lighting with a phytolamp. Light day should be about 15 hours.

Watering is carried out when the soil dries up. Flowers love dry air and spraying is not required for them. Moisture on plants should be excluded. If possible, water is poured directly into the pan and the roots of the plants receive moisture immediately from the soil.

One strong plant remains in the container with seedlings, the other (weaker) ones are removed.

Nasturtium: cultivation and care - video

Transplanting nasturtium seedlings into the ground

The place of cultivation should be protected from drafts and well lit.
An important factor for plant development is fertile, water and breathable, slightly acidic soil. Depleted soil is reflected in the splendor and flowering of the flower. Land with a high content of organic matter leads to the growth of green mass and the absence of flowers. Plants respond well to mineral fertilizers.

Transplantation is carried out depending on the climate from early May to early June. The weather should be sunny and warm. Seedlings by this time should reach 7 centimeters.

The gap between plants should be at least 20 centimeters, for tall and bushy varieties, the distance increases to 40 centimeters. The pits should be slightly larger than the volume of the pots (cups).

The plant is carefully, together with an earthen clod, rolled into a prepared hole, squeezed with earth and watered under the root. Peat, compost or any other type of mulch is scattered around the plants to contain moisture.

For the first time, in order to avoid freezing at night, the plants are covered with a film.

Sowing in the ground is carried out at the end of frost, depending on the regions from late April to early June. Sown seeds are covered with a film or non-woven material to keep warm and quickly germinate. Covering material is removed in early June.

Seeds before sowing are immersed in hot water (for 15-20 minutes), and then soaked for a day in water at room temperature. Seeds are buried in the ground by 2 centimeters. The gap between the pits is 25-30 centimeters. 3-4 seeds are placed in one hole. The air temperature during cultivation should not fall below 16 degrees.

For faster spitting of seeds, plantings are watered with heated water up to 45-50 degrees.

The first shoots appear after 15 days. This planting allows you to grow plants that are more resistant to diseases and adapted to the conditions of the local climate and soil. Flowering occurs an order of magnitude later than planting grown plants.

Nasturtium care consists of weeding, regular watering, loosening and top dressing. Weeding retains moisture and helps the roots get air. When planting weaving varieties, the soil can be mulched with sawdust, straw, dry fine grass, and needles.

Watering is done with warm water. The first weeks, before flowering, watering should be plentiful, then it is sharply reduced. Moisture is supplied after the soil dries. Excess water leads to the growth of green mass and the absence of flowers.

Before flowering, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil every 7-10 days.

To stimulate lush flowering, all wilted flowers are removed from the plant. Dead stems and leaves are trimmed with a sharp knife.

Nasturtium is not damaged by omnivorous pests (cabbage, aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles).

For this reason, this useful plant is planted between beds with nightshade crops and cabbage. This planting reduces the number of pests.

For other insects, nasturtium is an excellent honey plant.

Of the diseases, nasturtium is affected by bactericidal wilt. The lower leaves at the beginning become weak, and then the plant dies.

Black or dirty brown stains, spots on the plant characterize rust.
With the appearance of gray rot, brown dry spots appear on the leaf plates.

Mosaic is manifested by variegated, bright stains.
Also on the flowers you can see the ring spot virus, leaf spot.

When any of the diseases appears, the affected plants must be removed from the site and burned. The well is treated with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Healthy flowers are treated with insecticides (Ridomil, Topaz, Oksikh).

An excess of moisture and top spraying harms the plant and leads to diseases.
Weeding and loosening the soil avoids infection, and saves planting.

If possible, you can not buy nasturtium seeds, but collect them yourself. To do this, you need to monitor the condition of the fruits formed from the flowers. For seeds, the largest fruits are left. Ripe fruits become whitish.

The ripening period after withering of the flower is 40-50 days. Seeds must be collected immediately, otherwise the seeds will fall to the ground.

Seeds that fall into the soil remain viable and begin to germinate in the spring.

The only type of nasturtium in which the seeds do not fully ripen (in the middle lane) is foreign. The collected seeds reach the windowsill.

Dry seeds are packaged in paper bags and stored indoors (at 22-23 degrees) until the new season.

Nasturtium seeds remain viable for 4 years.

After collecting the seeds, the withered stems are removed from the site, and the soil is dug up.

This beautiful ornamental plant has many useful properties. The flower is used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

This plant is used for beriberi, anemia, depression, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, in the treatment of acne, skin rashes, to stimulate hair growth.

The plant has an expectorant property and helps with coughing.

Provitamin A and phytoncides restore metabolism, help with atherosclerosis. A large number of Vitamin C in the plant helps in the treatment of scurvy. Essential oils are effective in vascular diseases. Carotene and sulfur from the plant are useful in sclerosis.

It contains a lot of phosphorus, iodine, potassium.

Infusions, decoctions are prepared from the plant, juice is squeezed out, vinegar and oil are made. Can be used fresh.

In cooking, the flower is used as a component for soups, salads, and to decorate dishes.

Dry, crushed seeds replace black ground pepper. Pickled fruits resemble capers.

They can be used as seasoning for various dishes. Young leaves can be added to salad. Vinegar and oil are made from nasturtium.

Unpretentious flowers for the Nasturtium garden: video

Observing all the necessary rules for growing nasturtium from seeds, you can get strong and healthy seedlings, and later beautiful bright flowers.