What is delicious to cook on the grill. Healthy food - grilling. What if I burned the steak to hell

Summer is the time for gatherings in nature and, of course, simple but very tasty food cooked right on the fresh air. Barbecue is traditionally common in our country, but in Lately it is becoming popular to cook on the grill, which provides more scope for culinary creativity. As with all cooking methods, grilling has a few important rules and secrets that anyone who wants to achieve perfection in outdoor cooking simply needs to master.

Your grill is a thing in itself, a complete outdoor kitchen. A host of new possibilities open up before you, from salads with grilled bright summer vegetables to hearty meals from grilled chicken and fish, and even desserts from grilled fruits. This short guide contains the basics to get you started grilling, and with enough practice, you'll practically be doing it with your eyes closed.

What is a grill?

Grilling involves cooking food on a grate over a heat source, usually coals or ceramic briquettes, heated by a gas burner. Direct exposure to heat quickly burns the surface of the food, creating a characteristic, rich aroma, sometimes with pleasant "burnt" notes, and a wonderful crust. If food is cooked over moderate heat, it will acquire not only a crust, but also a more intense smoky flavor.

In addition to what we call a grill here and later in this article, there are other devices and ways to simulate grilling. One of them is the grill pan, a heavy pan with a grooved bottom that allows you to fry food over high heat with a minimum of , getting an appetizing "grid" that is imprinted on their surface. I talk more about it in the article, but here we will talk about outdoor grills.


When choosing between a gas or charcoal grill, focus on which suits you best: the end result will be very similar, if not the same. Of course, charcoal-grilled dishes take on a wonderful aroma, but it can be brought in with wood chips added at the right time. For more versatility, choose a grill with a large frying surface and lid. In the United States, where championship grilling is held, two-thirds of buyers prefer a gas grill because of its convenience and the consistent heat produced by a gas burner, the rest opt ​​for traditional charcoal heat.

Another family of grills are electric outdoor grills, in which the heat source is a coil located under the grate, heated by electricity. This is a very handy device that makes cooking on the grill almost hassle-free, but you won’t take it with you on a picnic, so this is the choice for those who prefer cooking in the yard of a country cottage equipped with electricity.

Among other useful tools that you will need in the process of grilling, I will name the following:

  • charcoal ignition device
  • long tongs
  • shoulder blade
  • brush for lubrication
  • tight mittens
  • wire brush
  • foil disposable tableware
  • meat thermometer

Direct and indirect heat

The basis of master grilling is the correct use of two types of heat, direct and indirect. The difference between them lies in how you arrange the food relative to the heat source, that is, a pile of coals or heated briquettes, as well as in adjusting the heat with a lid.

For thin cuts of meat that cook quickly (patties, steaks, chops, etc.) and most vegetables, direct heat works best - the food is directly above the heat source and the lid is usually not closed. Just like conventional frying, this method involves fast cooking at high heat, and is not suitable for large pieces, because due to the high heat, the surface of the meat will burn before it is cooked inside.

For foods that require a longer cooking time (such as pork shoulder or whole chicken), indirect heat is used - the coals are raked from the edge into one or two piles, and the food is positioned away from them so that hot air circulates around it. With this method, the grill is covered with a lid, which creates convection heat. It's over delicate method grilling, and with it you can completely cook large pieces without burning them.

The simplest rule of thumb for determining the right grilling method is: if the dish takes less than 20-25 minutes, use direct heat, otherwise use indirect heat.

Fillets are an exception. big fish, which works best with indirect heat, although it could be cooked directly over a fire in less than 15 minutes. Fish fillets are so tender that direct heat will cook too quickly and dry out. In addition, if the skin burns, there will be a fishy aftertaste that many do not like. If you use indirect heat, the fish will cook the best and retain their juiciness.

Maintaining cleanliness

Preheat the grate on the highest heat for 10-15 minutes, depending on the cooking method you are going to use. This will help burn off any leftovers from previous use of the grill, so it's easy to clean off. Then go over the grate with a sweep, preferably with copper bristles - steel can damage the enamel of some grates (if you do not have a copper brush, crumple a sheet of foil, pinch it with tongs and wipe the grate). Thoroughly clean the bars of the grate to remove food residue from previous cooking. Repeat this procedure before each use of the grill.

Before the start of the summer season, heat the grill to maximum heat for an hour, and then clean the grate. This should only be done once to prepare the trellis for the season. In fact, by burning everything you can, you are using the principle of a self-cleaning oven for your grill.

Fire up the grill

If you have a gas grill, simply turn on the burners to maximum power. In case you are going to use indirect heat, unplug one side of the grill after preheating.

In the case of a charcoal grill simplest way kindling charcoal or logs is to use a starter, a special ignition device. If you don't have one, just use lighter fluid or crumpled newspaper to light the charcoal. Let the charcoal burn until it is covered in white-gray ash, which indicates that the temperature is right for cooking.

If using the direct method, spread the charcoal evenly over the entire surface of the grill, otherwise separate the charcoal and move it away from the center of the grate, under which place a disposable aluminum dish. Position food over a dish that will catch dripping fat and direct heat towards the food. Many cooks move the charcoal to one side of the grill, leaving the other empty - but distributing the charcoal on all sides of the food (if space permits) creates a sustained heat that envelops it.

How to grill

Actually, in the process of grilling there is nothing complicated, it is only important to maintain the desired temperature and keep an eye on the food so that they do not burn or, on the contrary, do not dry out.

Maintaining the desired temperature on a gas grill is very easy, you just need to turn the knob. On a charcoal grill, the heat is controlled by vents. To avoid restricting airflow, do not block the openings at the bottom of the grill with charcoal. Also, leave the opening on the top of the grill at least partially open. The more you open the vents, the more intense the heat will be. If you want a medium temperature, cover the holes about half way.

Brush the food (not the grate) with oil or marinade to enhance the caramelization and appearance of those famous grill stripes and to avoid sticking. If you don't grease the food, the juices will evaporate as it cooks, and it will come out dry - this is especially true when cooking vegetable pieces.

Imagine a device that allows you to cook food like on a barbecue, but in any weather. Which heats up to 1000 ° C, like white-hot coals. Which makes the cheese sandwich gooey and the steak juicy. Sounds like an ad? Well, actually you already have such a device, and, most likely, you hardly use it.

“The oven grill works like an upside-down brazier and cooks food perfectly,” says Scott Heimendinger, director of applied research at Modernist Cuisine, a culinary arts laboratory in Washington. With it, you can quickly prepare excellent dishes, and you do not need any coal, gas, or special cooking skills.


The grill creates excellent conditions to cook tender meat with a delicious crust. Just turn on the oven at medium power (180-200°C) in the grill mode - and go.

Chicken thighs with orange

Mix 1 tbsp. l. orange peel with the same amount of vegetable oil, ½ tsp. ground smoked chili (or just ground chili) and add ¼ tsp. cumin, ground black pepper and salt. Cover a pound of skinless and boneless chicken thighs with this mixture and place them on a greased baking sheet. Add 2 oranges cut into circles. Place under the grill and roast until cooked through (10-12 minutes).

Steak with onion glaze

Grill 2 ribeye steaks to medium rare (8-10 minutes). Set aside, covering with foil. Cut the onion into half rings, drizzle with oil and grill until soft, about 10 minutes. Add 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar and brown sugar, mix. Season the steaks with salt and pepper and top with the onion sauce.

Pork chop with fennel and apple

Sprinkle 3 handfuls of arugula with wine vinegar, olive oil and salt. A pound of boneless pork chops, season with salt and your favorite spices, coat with Dijon mustard. Put a fennel tuber chopped into thin rings on a baking sheet sprinkled with oil, chops on it, and on top - 2 apples cut into slices and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary. Cook under the grill for about 10 minutes. Serve with lettuce.


The high temperature caramelizes the sugar in fruits and vegetables, releasing even more natural sweetness from nature's gifts.

tropical fruit salad

Place four 1 cm thick pineapple rings and one sliced ​​mango on a non-stick baking sheet. Sprinkle brown sugar on top. Grill until brown scorch marks appear on fruit, about 8 minutes. Mix 1 cup* Greek yogurt with honey (to taste) and 1 tsp. lime zest. Serve fruit with a spoonful of this yogurt.

Cut the head of cauliflower into 1 cm thick plates. Mix 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. Indian masala seasoning (or whatever is at hand, the main thing is that it be spicy and spicy) and a pinch of salt. Brush the cauliflower with this mixture. Lay out on an oiled baking sheet. Grill until soft and crusty (about 10 minutes). Squeeze lime juice on the "steaks" and serve.

Sweet pepper garlic sauce

Deseed 2 bell peppers, cut in half lengthwise and place cut side down on a baking sheet. Cook under the grill until lightly charred (8-10 minutes). Cool and peel off the skin. Grind in a blender along with 1.5 cups of canned chickpeas, ? cups of Greek yogurt, 2 cloves of garlic, juice of half a lemon, ? tsp zira and salt. Dip whatever you want into it.

hot question

What if I burned the steak to hell?

Ronnie Killen, chef at Killen's Steakhouse (Texas) answers:

“Treat it the same way you would treat burnt bread. Take a butter knife and scrape off the burnt crust from the surface of the meat. Doesn't clean up completely? Then, with a sharp chef's knife, cut off the outer edge of the meat. Now soak the steak in water (preferably in beef broth) within five minutes. Re-season and return to the fire, just reduce it. For cooking, use only olive oil or ghee."


The top-down heat of the grill in the oven works with gravity so that the gooey, melted cheese can coat all parts of your dish.

Pita pizza with smoked salmon

Oil two pitas. Grill under the grill until golden brown, about 2 minutes. Top with pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, chopped artichoke hearts, goat cheese and capers. Place back under the grill until the cheese is melted (about 2 minutes). Add smoked salmon and dill, eat.

Cheeseburgers with cocoa flavor

Mix a pound ground beef, 3 tbsp. l. barbecue sauce, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 2 chopped chipotle peppers (or any other chili), 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 tsp. zira and salt. Shape into four patties and place on a greased baking sheet. Cook under the grill for 8-10 minutes. Put a piece of spicy, well-melting cheese on the cutlets. Put it back in the oven so that the cheese spreads well.

Mix 1 cup cherry tomato halves and a glass of cherry peppers (or? a glass of jalapeno peppers). Cook on a baking sheet under the grill until soft (3-5 minutes). Put it in a bowl and add cups canned red beans diced avocado and finely chopped onion, stir. Put the nachos on a baking sheet, cover them with sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese. Cook under the grill until the cheese is melted.


The concentrated heat quickly evaporates the liquid from the food, making it crispy and brittle.

Tortilla pieces with garlic and thyme

Cut two large whole grain tortillas (or thin pita bread) into eight triangles. Brush with olive oil, sprinkle with dried thyme, garlic powder and salt. Grill under the grill until golden brown and crusty (about 1.5 minutes). Serve with grilled sweet pepper sauce (see left).

Asparagus with crispy bacon

Take about 100g of bacon slices and grill under the grill until crispy (about 3 minutes). Cool down and break it down. Drizzle a bunch of fresh asparagus with olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Grill until tender (3-5 minutes). Transfer to a plate, top with bacon bits, grated hard cheese, lemon juice and - ideally - walnut oil.

Zucchini almond coins

Cut two zucchini into slices. Crack an egg into a bowl and beat lightly. In another bowl, mix 1 cup of almond flour (if you don’t have one in the house, do it yourself by grinding the right amount of dry almonds in a coffee grinder), 1 tsp. thyme, salt and pepper. Dip the circles in the egg, then roll in flour and place on a baking sheet. Grill under the grill until crusty, 3 minutes per side. Serve with salsa.

Your oven has the perfect hot point - find it with this formula developed in the culinary labs of Modernist Cuisine.

  1. Measure the distance (D) between the heating elements (when the grill is off!). Let's say it is 10 cm.
  2. Multiply by 0.44. In our case, it comes out 4.4 cm.
  3. Add 0.6 cm. We get 5 cm. This will be the correct distance from the grill to the top of the food. If the racks in your oven are lower, improvise by substituting another upside-down baking sheet under the baking sheet with the dish from below.

One of the best culinary devices ever invented by mankind is the oven equipped with a grill. Once you make it work at full strength, you can get a very good dish that you want to enjoy again and again. We have prepared for you 12 interesting recipes, among them there are both meat treats with homemade chips, and a variety of diet goodies.

Grilled meat

Everyone likes juicy steaks cooked over hot heat, and a tender kebab, completely soaked in smoke, can arouse a feeling of admiration even among ladies who are always losing weight. You just need to turn on your oven in grill mode and set the temperature to 180-200 degrees.

The grill in the oven works like an inverted version of the grill and fries food perfectly

Recipes meat dishes grilled:

  1. Chicken with orange. Quite tasty and unusual delicacy. Take 1 tbsp. l. orange peel, mix with vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of chili. Add a quarter tablespoon of cumin and table salt to the future sauce. Pour the mixture over the skinned and boned chicken thighs (about 0.5 kg), then place the bird on an oiled baking sheet. Add two sliced ​​oranges. Simmer the chicken for 20 minutes until the dish is completely cooked.
  2. Meat steak with fried onions. Cut the meat into slices suitable for a steak, place under the grill and roast for 10 minutes. Take it back, cover with foil. Cut the onion into rings, pour oil on top and continue cooking the steak until it is completely tender. Add another half teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, mix well. Salt, pepper, pour onion-based sauce.
  3. Pork chop with apples. Drizzle 3 handfuls of arugula with olive oil and lightly salt. Sprinkle 500 g of pre-cooked pork chops with spices, add mustard. Arrange two sliced ​​apples and rosemary on a greased baking sheet. Keep in the oven for another 8-10 minutes, then garnish with a green salad.

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Three of the best and useful prescription from fresh herbs

Baked vegetables and fruits

Under the action of high temperatures, caramelization of fruits occurs, under the influence of which even more sweetness is released from ripe fruits. Grilled vegetables contain useful vitamins and minerals, making dishes from them very nutritious.

The high temperature caramelizes the sugar in fruits and vegetables, releasing even more of the natural sweetness from nature's gifts.

Recipes for natural delicacies that can be cooked on the grill:

  1. exotic salad. Take a large pineapple, cut it into 1 cm thick rings and add chopped mango. Sprinkle on top cane sugar. The dish is cooked for 8 minutes, until brown spots appear on the fruit. As a salad dressing, it is best to use a glass of yogurt mixed with honey and a teaspoon of lemon zest.
  2. Cauliflower steak. Another unusual recipe. Take a medium head of cabbage, crumble into slices about 1 cm thick. What is a steak without a delicious sauce? Dial 2 tbsp. l. olive or vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. spicy seasoning (masala). Add a pinch of table salt and stir. Dip the cabbage in the resulting sauce. Then lay on a greased baking sheet. Place the cabbage in the oven and roast until crispy (about 8-12).
  3. Sauce of garlic and sweet pepper. Take two medium peppers, peel the pulp and seeds. Grill vegetables until lightly charred (10 minutes), cool and peel. Then grind the roasted peppers together with 0.5 cups of chickpeas, a glass of yogurt, 2 cloves of garlic, lemon juice and salt in a blender. You can dip anything in the sauce: meat, fish, vegetables.

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How to make shawarma at home? Discover the secret of the perfect shawarma!

Cheese Recipes

Only when grilled, you get a fragrant and stretchy cheese that can melt in your mouth. It is much more difficult to get such a delicacy using a microwave. It is often prepared as an accompaniment to pizza or sandwiches, and processed cheese is often used for sandwiches.

Pita pizza with smoked salmon

Grilled cheese is part of three popular dishes:

  1. Cocoa cheeseburgers. Start by roasting the meat, as cutlets take the longest to cook. Take 500 g ground beef, 3 tbsp. l. favorite sauce, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 2 crushed chili peppers, garlic, 1 tsp. zira and kitchen salt. Roll up 4 cutlets from the resulting mixture, put them on a greased baking sheet. Cook under the grill for 10 minutes. Enclose the cutlets in buns, put a slice of cheese on top.
  2. Salmon pizza. Brush 2 pitas with vegetable oil. They should be placed under the grill and cooked for 2 minutes. Dip the pitas in any hot sauce, top with chopped tomatoes, artichoke, goat cheese and capers. Keep the dish under the grill for another 2 minutes until the cheese starts to melt. Add the fish component, sprinkle with dill.
  3. Super nachos. Mix the tomato halves with the cherry peppers. Spread them out on a baking sheet and place them in the oven. Bake until soft (4-5 minutes). Then transfer to a bowl, add half a glass of beans, avocado cubes with chopped onions, mix. Put the resulting dish on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese and spices on top. Then put it under the grill again and continue cooking until the cheese is completely melted.

Recently, the electric grill has been in high demand and popularity. Meals are less caloric and bring great benefits, as they do not require cooking in oil. Hence, delicious recipes for electric grill suitable for diet food and stand out for their simplicity. It is appreciated by those who dream of losing excess weight or forced to exclude heavy foods from the diet.

The constant temperature, which is maintained by the device, ensures the rapid browning of the crust. In addition, the juiciness and tenderness of meat and poultry is guaranteed. There is a chance to save the most useful vitamins when preparing food on the grill.

Inspiration plus magic, combined with patience, gives a wonderful result in the kitchen - an amazing dish that brings joy and pleasure to relatives and friends.

The electric grill allows you to diversify the menu for every day. Cooked foods are safe for health. The culinary process does without fat.

Simple recipes available to everyone

It does not take much effort and experience to prepare dishes.

garlic croutons


  • baguette;
  • clove of garlic;
  • olive oil.

Cut the bun into thin slices. Brush each slice with oil. We heat the unit and place the bread. After a minute, turn over to the other side and withstand the same amount. Rub the finished croutons with garlic. Suitable for the first course.

onion salad


  • purple onion (4);
  • pepper;
  • oil (1 tablespoon);
  • garlic (8 cloves);
  • salt;
  • wine vinegar (2 tsp);
  • bacon.


Place half of the chopped onion on the foil. Salt, pepper. Place a few strips of bacon on top. They have the second part of the bulbs. Bake for 15 minutes on a hot grill. Pour vinegar and add chopped garlic.

Hearty and appetizing - grilled carp

You will need:

  • 2 pcs. - carp;
  • 1 tsp - marjoram;
  • 1 - lemon;
  • spices;
  • 1 - bulb;
  • 1 - bay leaf;
  • 20 g - dill;
  • 6 art. l. - olive oil.


Wash the fish thoroughly and clean. Salt and pepper rub inside. Drizzle inside the carp with a mixture of marjoram and olive oil (4 tablespoons).

Mix finely chopped dill and onion and stuff the fish with Bay leaf. Secure with toothpicks. Set aside to soak.

After 10 minutes, stuff the carp carp with lemon slices, after making cuts. Drizzle the fish with olive oil (2 tablespoons). Place for 1o minutes to bake.

Option 2


  • 4 tbsp. l. - ketchup;
  • seasoning lemon pepper;
  • ground red pepper.

Cooking progress:

We cut the fish along the ridge, not reaching the end of the skin 1 cm. We unfold it in the likeness of a book. Brush with ketchup inside and out, season with salt and pepper. Put in a bowl and leave to marinate for about 6 hours in the refrigerator.

Then place the fish, belly down, on the grill. We put in the oven, choosing the grill option. Heating temperature - 180 ° C, cooking time - 80 minutes.

Sliced ​​baked mackerel


  • black pepper;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise (2 tablespoons each);
  • lemon;
  • fresh-frozen mackerel (1 pc.);
  • seasoning for fish.

Let's defrost the fish first. Remove the insides, fin, head and carefully clean the black film. Wash the carcass.

You can cook in portions, whole or fillet, carefully removing the spine and large bones.

Rub the fish with a mixture of mayonnaise, ground black pepper and seasoning, ketchup or dip the pieces in the sauce.

Place the whole carcass on the grate, or flatten, or in pieces. Roasts quickly. Don't forget to flip. Decorate with thin lemon slices.

As a side dish, potatoes, vegetable salad: cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes.

Spicy pork ribs


  • 1 kg - ribs;
  • 3 art. l. - vegetable oil, honey;
  • 7 cloves - garlic;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper (red, black);
  • 2 pcs. - onion;
  • 100 ml - table vinegar, apple.

Peel the garlic and crush with a press. Finely chop the onion. Mix with peppers. Combine vinegar with oil and beat. Add to mixture. Pour in warmed honey.

Wash pork ribs, dry, cut into portions. Put in a saucepan, salt, pour marinade and carefully mix. Close the lid and keep cool for about 2 hours.

Then take it out of the marinade. Shake lightly, fry until cooked on the grill.

Chicken roll with prunes


  • chicken breasts (2);
  • honey (0.5 tsp);
  • crackers;
  • prunes (12 pcs.).

Cooking method:

Wash the breast, cut it like a book and beat it off, but lightly. From the very edge, put 3 pieces of prunes and wrap, making a turn. Lay the same amount of dried fruits and roll up the roll to the end. Seam down carefully lay out the products. Top with honey and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Baking temperature - 150 ° C, time - 60 minutes. Serve warm with rice or mashed potatoes.

Chicken legs marinated in yogurt


  • 1 st. l. - cumin, coriander;
  • 150 ml - yogurt (without additives);
  • 2 tsp - turmeric;
  • salt;
  • 8 pcs. - chicken drumsticks;
  • 1 tsp - ground red pepper.

How to cook:

Wash and dry with paper towel. Make several cuts on each leg. Combine yogurt with spices. Fold the products into the marinade. Send to the refrigerator for 2 hours to soak. Grill each barrel for about 10 minutes until crispy.

Grilled chicken fillet

For two servings you will need:

  • cinnamon;
  • red pepper;
  • 200 g - chicken fillet;
  • salt;
  • 2 - lemon.

Chicken fillet cut into large pieces. Then, combining pepper, salt and cinnamon, rub the meat. Then sprinkle with lemon juice. Oppression is placed on top and marinated in a cool place for 30 minutes. Lay out on the grill. Fry for about 6 minutes on both sides.

And for dessert - baked apples

You will need:

  • 50 g - flour;
  • 100 g - oatmeal flakes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - coconut oil;
  • 1 tsp - cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - honey;
  • nuts, raisins;
  • 5 pieces. - apples.

Wash the fruit and remove the seed pod. Mix flour with cereal, nuts, cinnamon and raisins in a bowl. Pour in oil and honey. Stir vigorously. Stuff the apples. Bake for half an hour until the fruit is soft. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Eat for health!

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Since the Neolithic, men's responsibilities have been growing and growing. Every strong male should already be able to change the oil in the engine and hang the wallpaper as evenly as possible, and this is not counting the sacred duties like “build a house” and so on and so forth. After reviewing the list, any sane guy could yell about the injustice and antics of feminism, but here's the thing - we really need to know about such things. Today, these are vital skills that help, if not every day, then they will definitely come in handy once. You can call it a kind of payment for the fact that we are men.

One way or another, most of these skills are only thought about when faced with the problem itself. If a friend suggested that you go to the dacha on the weekend and fry meat in between relaxing in the bathhouse and something no less pleasant, then it's time to think about how to do it in general and how to do it right. At any country get-together, a person at the grill or barbecue enjoys genuine respect, because he has a great, even holy responsibility. You screw up with cooking and the end of your reputation - you will no longer be allowed to this ritual act, and reproaches and indignation will haunt you all your life. Well, okay, we went too far, you, most importantly, do not worry and carefully remember one of the most important instructions in your life.

First of all, it is worth understanding on which “instrument” you have to “play” the culinary “composition”. There is an important fundamental difference between a traditional barbecue and a modern grill, which directly affects the cooking process - the lid. This simple detail makes the BBQ unit absolutely all-weather and adds oven function to it. In addition, the grill used many times will not get your hands dirty, it is not so troublesome to disassemble and assemble, and it looks clearly cooler, in fact, like any thing that came from the West.

Yes, it was there that the barbecue tradition was born in the post-war years. The word, by the way, sounds very French, but this is due to the fact that many African Americans, who were slaves a few decades ago, spoke French (colonies on the hot mainland belonged not only to England) and the new “genre” in cooking was called in its own way - barbe à queue, that is, "from meat to tail." The word was changed by white Americans, and now the whole world speaks in this way, and not otherwise.

1. Good grill

It’s logical - without it, you definitely won’t be able to fry meat. First things first, make sure this thing has air vents to adjust the temperature of the burning coals. But the most important thing is the material, because the quality of your future cooking directly depends on it. Stainless steel and good thickness makes for a good grill. And, of course, a brand that is of great importance, because the grill is the most masculine thing in the world, and it should have its own title. One of the leaders in this area for more than half a century - since 1952 - is the American manufacturer Weber. Actually, its products, like other barbecue installations, can be found in the American Grills online store - here it’s easy huge selection between coal, gas and electric options, and at the same time there are all the necessary accessories.

2. Ideal meat

The sacred moment on which the whole further process depends. Since you are new to us, chilled young pork is ideal. The main thing is that it does not undergo repeated freezing: this can be checked by literally clicking on it - if the freezing is primary, then the hole will quickly disappear and a finger stain will remain. In no case should the meat have excess liquid like blood and mucus, and its age should not reach retirement age. And, of course, the color, which should be juicy and bright, as well as the fresh smell - all these are indicators of good quality.

3. Suitable marinade

An equally important procedure, because even if the meat is not of premium quality, the marinade will save everything - it makes the pieces softer and juicier. This is a rather subtle thing, for an amateur, since the variety of "gravy" is quite extensive. The basis can be both alcohol like beer, cognac or wine (in the process, do not tire of reminding yourself that this is for meat!), Or juice - orange or pomegranate. In addition, suitable soy sauce and wine vinegar. It is advisable to marinate pork for several hours - that is, you take and marinate in advance, at least in plastic bag, but not in aluminum dishes, otherwise the taste will be lost. Cut the meat into small pieces across the grain and go for it.

4. Fuel

If there is a choice between wood and charcoal briquettes, we would recommend the latter, as they are about the same in shape and size - not the most important detail, but a nice one. Build a pyramid out of them, which will fill 70 percent of the entire container and put a few paraffin balls, and then set it on fire. When the center is hot, move the outer coals to the middle with tongs so that they also flare up. When all of them are already fiery-bright and covered with ashes, you can proceed to the main point. And in no case do not use lighter fluid: no one will definitely appreciate the taste of gasoline.

5. The process itself

In fact, there is nothing complicated here - everything is tricky behind. Before putting the meat on the grate, coat it with vegetable oil, and let the product itself rest at room temperature. After spreading the pieces, do not move them until brown stripes from the grate appear on the surface. Only after that turn them over with a spatula - quickly and without unnecessary movements. It is advisable to sprinkle coarsely ground black pepper or sea salt for a better taste - do not be afraid to overdo it, because some of the spices will still absorb the fire. The main thing is to watch the fire: if it is too strong, you do not need to splash water. Just take care of the even distribution of coal in advance, and there will be no problem, but if anything, we are allowed to move the piece under which the flame flared up.

6. “How long are you there?”

You can determine “by eye” the readiness of meat only after receiving the first experience (and then the second, third, and so on). For the first time, we strongly recommend buying a special thermometer that determines the internal temperature. Ideal indicators - 68-71 ° С. In principle, you will see that you have overcooked the meat when it decreases in size and loses its tenderness, but it will be too late. Some "craftsmen" pierce it to see the juice, but this is absolutely impossible to do, since the liquid will quickly evaporate into in large numbers leaving only dry fibers in the meat. When you remove it from the grill, let it brew for about five minutes, and then return it to the arms of the grill for 30 seconds - so the pork will be more appetizing and glowing. And do not forget to immediately clean the grate, otherwise it will be like in the case of a plate of buckwheat. It will take ten minutes at most, but it will save you an hour of suffering the next day.