Forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory description. Nature, plants and animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. "Timber industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in Eastern Siberia, in the basin of the Yenisei River. Includes archipelagos and islands of the Arctic Ocean (Severnaya Zemlya, Nordenskiöld, Sibiryakov, etc.). Stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the mountainous regions of Southern Siberia for almost 3000 km, it is distinguished by exceptional diversity and richness natural conditions and resources. The relief of the region is diverse: lowlands, plains, plateaus and mountains. In the south, the Sayan mountain ranges rise, in the center - on the right bank of the Yenisei, the vast Central Siberian Plateau is located, on the Taimyr Peninsula and along the left bank of the Yenisei, a strip of lowland stretches. In the north, the region is washed by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. In the east, the region borders on the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Irkutsk region, in the south - on the Republic of Tuva and the Republic of Khakassia, in the west - on the Republic of Altai, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, as well as on the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. The geographic center of Russia is located on the territory of the region in the vicinity of Lake Vivi (Evenkia). Main river- Yenisei. The territory of the region together with the former autonomous regions - 2339.7 thousand sq. km, National composition: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Khakasses, Tatars, Evenks, Dolgans, Nenets, Yakuts, Nganasans, Kets, etc.; urban residents - 73.9%. The Krasnoyarsk Territory includes 42 districts (including 2 administrative-territorial units with a special status: the former Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Okrugs), 15 cities and 4 ZATOs (closed administrative territorial entities). Large cities - Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk-26. The administrative center is Krasnoyarsk. It is located 3955 km east of Moscow, on the banks of the Yenisei, at the intersection of the river with the Trans-Siberian Railway.

In most of the region, taiga forests. The total area of ​​lands of the forest fund, in total, thousand hectares - 164072.4, forest cover in% - 72.1. At the northern border of the forest distribution, Siberian larch dominates, forming sparse lichen, long-moss and dwarf dwarf stands. Pine, spruce and other species are found only in the form of impurities, play an insignificant role in the formation of landscapes. The middle taiga subzone includes the forests of the Yenisei Ridge and the southern part of the Turukhansk region. The main forest-forming species are pine and larch. Dark coniferous plantations with a predominance of fir appear on slopes above 600 m above sea level. Spruce forests are confined to river valleys, cedar occurs sporadically. The most common are green-moss pine and larch-pine forests. Alder, honeysuckle, mountain ash and juniper are noted in the undergrowth. Southern taiga forests occupy most of the Angara, Yenisei and some other regions of the region. Here are concentrated the main arrays of pine plantations of national importance. Southern taiga forests occupy most of the Angara, Yenisei and some other regions of the region. The main massifs of pine plantations of national significance are concentrated here. Spruce and spruce-fir stands with Siberian pine cover less than 30% of the subzone and are confined to the lower reaches of the Angara and the left bank of the Yenisei.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the total area of ​​forest fund lands as of January 1, 1999 was 87.6 million hectares (about 8% of the total Russian), of which 81.1 were under the jurisdiction of the Forest Committee Krasnoyarsk Territory, the remaining 6.5 million hectares - under the jurisdiction of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The forest map (Fig. 1) was prepared by O. E. Yakubailik on the basis of an electronic forest map Russian Federation. As of January 1, 2000, the area of ​​forest fund lands in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (excluding the Taimyr and Evenk Autonomous Okrugs) amounted to 58.4 million hectares. The area covered with forests is about 50 million hectares, of which 74% is occupied by coniferous forests, in which 81.3% of the timber stock is concentrated. The total stock of wood is 7.4 billion m 3 (coniferous species 80%). Mature and overmature forest stands 5.2 billion m 3 , including 3.4 billion m 3 possible for exploitation (coniferous 2.8 billion m 3 ). The distribution of forest-forming species is presented in the table.

AAC for final fellings in 1998 was 54.5 million m 3 , for conifers - 33.3 million m 3 (table). Clear cuttings account for 99.9%. The main fund of preparations falls on the regions of the Angara region. The allowable cutting area is approximately doubled, so it is possible to increase logging for coniferous farming up to the level of 16–17 million m3 per year [Sokolov, 2000]. The allowable cutting area in the region is used by only 10.3%, and the release of timber for coniferous farming is 94.5%. In 1998, the amount of use per 1 ha of forests available for exploitation in the region was 0.23 m 3 . Ten years ago it was 2.9 m 3 in Finland, 2.6 m in Sweden, 4.4 m in Germany, 1.4 m in Canada, and 1.3 m 3 in the USSR. The decrease in timber harvesting is due to the decline in industrial production, the increase in the cost of timber products and the lack of solvent consumers.

As of January 1, 1998, the areas of reforestation lands of the Forest Fund amounted to 1,795.4 thousand hectares, of which 989.1 thousand hectares were restored naturally, 402 thousand hectares due to the promotion of natural regeneration and 4,04.9 thousand hectares - through the creation of forest plantations. In 1997, the area of ​​reforestation work exceeded the volume of felling and destruction of stands by 63.7 thousand hectares, in 1998 - by 159.0 thousand hectares. And for the period 1994-1998. the area covered with forests in the region, which is under the jurisdiction of the forestry committee of the Krasnoyarsk region, increased by 717.7 thousand hectares (table). Accordingly, the increase in timber stock in the region since 1997 amounted to about 0.1%. At the same time, there is an increase in the area of ​​coniferous young stands. This trend gives hope for an improvement in the structure of the forest fund of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the future.

outbreak of mass reproduction Siberian silkworm, which is the main pest of the dark coniferous taiga, in 1994-1997. in the region of the Angara and the Yenisei hit the forests on an area of ​​1 million hectares. The forests perished on an area of ​​14,000 ha, and the volume of forest destroyed at the vine amounted to 50 million m 3, which is six times the volume of timber harvested in 1997 and is almost equal to the annual allowable cut in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The occurrence of forest fires in the region is due to violation of the rules fire safety population (54%), lightning discharges (30%). The Angara region accounts for 70-85% of forest fires in the region.

The protection of forests from fires has been and remains a serious problem (table). Although 43.0 million hectares of forests in the region are actively protected from fires, of which 38.4 million hectares are aviation forces, 38 million hectares are controlled by space monitoring, the level of protection of forests from fires is currently reduced. Due to insufficient budgetary funding, the regulations for patrol flights of aircraft are not observed, fires are detected late and, as a result, take on large sizes. Also, the technical base for the localization of fires is weak, forest fire propaganda is insufficient. And the total cost of protecting 1 hectare of forest area in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is an order of magnitude less than in the developed forest countries of the world.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Siberian State Technological University

Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of Distance Education


"Timber industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Completed: student of the specialty

form of education correspondence record book code


Relevance of the research topic . The interest in the activities of forest industry enterprises, especially in the current economic conditions, is due, firstly, to the role that forest industry enterprises play in the management system of local territories. Secondly, the importance further development foreign trade activities for our country, as it has moved to the market from a system of economic relations with a dominant state form of ownership and unified forms of economic organization. Thirdly, the opportunities for the formation in the process of development of the forest industry of diverse economic and social relations, which make it possible to better use the potential of management. Fourth, the fact that the domestic forest industry is an important branch of international specialization. Russia was and remains the first country in the world in terms of forest reserves. At the same time, both in terms of export earnings and a number of other industry indicators, Russia lags behind the leading countries - leaders in the global timber market. One of the reasons for such a lag is the historically established inefficient orientation of exports to the country's raw materials, which continues to negatively affect the state of the forest industry, undermines the basis for the development of forest industries, and makes the prospects for their development unclear.

In addition, the importance of studying the timber industry is also associated with the social problems of society. This is due to the city-forming role of enterprises in this industry, and the fact that a very large number of people are employed at timber enterprises.

Characteristics of the timber industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the most "forested" regions

Russian Federation, which accounts for 14.5% of the forested area. The area of ​​forest land - 160 million hectares - is 15% of the territory of Russia covered with forests.

However, the share of the region in the production of timber products

Russia is only 2.48%. This is due to the underdevelopment of deep wood processing and the pulp and paper industry. For example, the neighboring Irkutsk region, with a logging volume of 23 million m region annually.

The total volume of forest reserves of the region (including Taimyr and Evenkia) is approximately 6% of the world forest reserves. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the timber industry complex occupies the fifth place in the structure of the region's industrial production.

The total volume of timber products produced in the territory of the region is estimated at $0.25 billion. The share of the forest industry in the structure of industrial production of the region is 3.8%.

The average net profit margin of the 12 largest profitable enterprises in the region is 7%. More than 3 thousand enterprises of the timber industry complex are registered in the region. Forest users are about 1800 commercial enterprises, 1500 of which are small businesses.

About 50 thousand people work at the enterprises of the timber industry complex, which provides 15% of employment in the region. But, according to our estimates, this figure is underestimated by 1.5 times, since it does not take into account data on small businesses, illegal workers, and also, as a rule, does not take into account migrants from foreign countries(Ukraine, China).

Most timber companies are privately owned (91%).

Table 1: Form of ownership of timber companies in the region

Source: Regional Committee of Statistics

Timber base

The region accounts for 14.5% of forested areas. The total forest stock along the region, taking into account the autonomous regions, is 11.9 billion m3. The total allowable cutting area is 59.7 million cubic meters. m3.

AAC is used in the Krasnoyarsk Territory by only 15.3%, including for coniferous farming - by 24.1%. This is primarily the result of the lack of logging roads and the concentration of harvesting in areas located along the main transport routes. The low utilization rate of the cutting area is also associated with an insignificant degree of consolidation of logging and timber processing enterprises and the low quality of equipment and machinery.

The total forest stock is dominated by mature and overmature stands. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, they account for 70.6%. The predominant place is occupied by coniferous plantations.

Table 2: Characteristics of the forest resources of the regions.

Krasnoyarsk region

Area covered with forest vegetation

Total wood supply

Stock of mature and overmature stands

of which conifers

annual growth


Actual felling by main use

Total volume of felling

Wood harvesting from 1 hectare.

Use of AAC

Source: OAO NIPIEIlesprom

The most valuable species in economic terms is pine. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, this is the main object of logging. The main area of ​​pine forests is concentrated in the Angara River basin along its entire length, in the southern part of the Central Siberian Plateau, where a special kind of pine also grows, called Angara pine (pine Siberian stone). The second place in terms of economic value is occupied by larch wood. Larch forests predominate in the northern regions in the basins of the Podkamennaya and Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Vitim rivers.

Table 3: Species composition of the forest, thousand m 3

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region



The timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2004 can be represented as follows:

Logging - 9.5 million m 3

Production of lumber - 1.8 million m 3

Production of fiberboard - 52.6 million m 3

Production of chipboard - 37.8 thousand m 3

Pulp and paper industry: 1.12 thousand tons of market pulp, 43.4 thousand tons of paper, 58.2 thousand tons of cardboard

The main types of products manufactured in the region are:

· products of logging production (industrial timber, round timber);

· products of woodworking production (lumber, railway sleepers, fibreboards);

Pulp and paper products (pulp, cardboard).

Figure 1. Structure of the main types of products


According to the results of 2004, the volume of logging in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is approximately 9.5 million m3. The total volume of logging has increased over the past 6 years by 28%. However, when comparing logging with Soviet period, then the volume of logging was at that time about 25 million m3. According to the results of 2004, only 15.9% of the allowable cut was used in the region. The main reasons for not developing the full volume of the allowable cutting area, according to LLC Russian Investors - Siberia, are:

1) Transport inaccessibility of a number of sites (Right bank of the Angara River, Evenkia).

3) The impossibility of a number of companies to master their cutting area in full (as a rule, many logging enterprises master no more than 70% of the cutting area).

According to various estimates, the volume of illegal logging annually ranges from 0.5% (FALKH in the Asnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr and Evenkia). The average price of one cubic meter of forest (lease) on the vine is about $ 1-3 (depending on the conditions of forest management) per m3. The cost of harvesting-removal is $12-17 per m3 (with the whiplash method of harvesting). The prime cost is constantly increasing due to the growth of prices for fuel and lubricants and wages in the region. At the moment, several main technological types of logging prevail in the region:

1) Using chainsaws.

2) With the use of feller bunchers.

3) With the use of automated complexes.

Logging by automated systems is just beginning to gain its positions in the region. From open sources of information, it is known that so far only two enterprises in the region have mastered this method of harvesting (Shiversky LPH, Angarsk LPH). But, as the practice of Finland, Canada and the European part of Russia shows, this is one of the most effective ways. OOO “Russian Investors - Siberia” 9 April 2005

In addition, when using this method harvesting, the share of fuel and lubricants and wages in the cost price decreases, and these are the two main categories that cause an increase in the cost of production.

A number of enterprises of the region use in their activities the labor of foreign workers (mainly from Ukraine). According to information from unofficial sources, teams of Ukrainian workers are equipped with logging equipment (chainsaws) and inventory and receive remuneration according to a piece-rate system for a certain amount of logging.

The main logging companies in the region are: Group of companies "Maltat" (harvesting about 700 thousand m3), OOO "Shiverales" (harvesting about 120 thousand m3), CJSC "Pashutinskoe" (harvesting about 250 thousand m3), CJSC "Angarsky LPH "(harvesting about 200 thousand m3), Sibartles LLC (harvesting about 200 thousand m3) and a number of other companies.

Roundwood prices are currently on the rise in the Japanese and Chinese markets. The growth rate of prices for the period January 2003 - January 2004 amounted to 15-20%.

More than 5 million m3 of roundwood is exported from the region every year.

Lumber production

The Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks third in Russia in the production of sawn timber after the Arkhangelsk and Irkutsk regions. The total volume of lumber production in 2004 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory amounted to about 1,821 thousand m3.

Figure 2: Sawn timber by regions of the Russian Federation, 2004, thousand m 3

Source: Goskomstat RF

The share of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 15% in the total Russian production of sawn timber. On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are two largest producers of sawn timber in Russia with production volumes of over 400 thousand m in 2003 amounted to 430 thousand m3 of lumber), which are located in the city of Lesosibirsk.

In addition, OJSC Maklakovsky LDK is located in Lesosibirsk (production volume in 2003 amounted to 160 thousand m3 of sawn timber).

Figure 3: Dynamics of lumber production, thousand m 3

Pulp and paper production

According to statistics, the pulp and paper industry produced: 1.12 thousand tons of market pulp, 43.4 thousand tons of paper, 58.2 thousand tons of cardboard. The only manufacturer of pulp and paper products in the territory of the region is Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, which is part of the Continental Management group.

Figure 4: Dynamics of paper production, thousand tons

The Pulp and Paper Mill includes: timber production, wood-pulp shop, cooking shops (pulp and semi-pulp production), paper mill, containerboard factory, cardboard drying shop, paper processing shop, acid shop, bleaching shop, chemical shop , treatment facilities, auxiliary production shops.

At the moment, the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has announced plans to build two pulp and paper mills in the region: in the city of Lesosibirsk and in the Boguchansky district (on the basis of the Boguchanskaya HPP).

Figure 5: Dynamics of cardboard production, thousand tons

Source: ULC Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Fiberboard production

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the leader in the production of fiberboard in Russia. The region's share is 24% in the total Russian production of WPV. Fiberboard production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2004 amounted to 59.2 million m 3 .

Figure 6: Dynamics of fiberboard production, thousand m 3 Source: ULC Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

There are two largest fiberboard producers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - CJSC Novoeniseisky LHK (production volume in 2003 amounted to 25 thousand m2) and OJSC Lesosibirsky LDK-1 (production volume in 2003 amounted to 24 thousand m2), which located in Lesosibirsk. The volume of fiberboard production in 2004 increased by 10.8%.

Chipboard production

The volume of chipboard production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2004 amounted to 72.8 thousand m 3

Figure 7: EAF production dynamics, thousand m 3 Source: ULC Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In 2004, the output of particle boards decreased by 7.5%.

CJSC "Krasnoyarsk DOK" is the main producer of chipboard in the region. The decrease in the production of chipboards was due to the shutdown of the production of PLC at the beginning of 2004 for the overhaul of equipment.

CJSC "Krasnoyarsk DOK" does not produce laminated chipboard, which is in demand among furniture manufacturers, furniture makers of the region are forced to import this type of raw material from neighboring regions. The company's products are consumed mainly by the construction industry.


The main component of the timber industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in foreign economic activity is the export orientation of the industry. In terms of exports, it is in 3rd place after non-ferrous metallurgy and the petrochemical complex. The main timber consignors in 2000 were CJSC Novoeniseysky Timber Chemical Complex, CJSC Lesosibirsky LDK No. 1, OJSC Igarsky Sea Port, LLC Taiga-Ex, CJSC First Siberian Forest Company, CJSC Dilen, OJSC JSC "Yeniseiles".

Exports of wood products and wood products can be divided into two relatively separate groups:

- raw timber- export in 2000 amounted to 25.1 million US dollars, having increased by 14.6%. The first position in the geographical structure over the past few years has been occupied by China (90.5%). However, it is worth noting the fact that raw wood is exported to China at a price of about 60 US dollars per 1 cubic meter, mainly to Manchuria, where the so-called "Forest Base" has been created. This is a huge center from which Siberian products are sold on the territory of Central and South China at a price of 120 US dollars, the creation of this base was initiated not by Russia, but by the Chinese side, so the main efforts should be directed to the development of relations with the southern provinces of China, which have benefits for conducting foreign economic activity.

- processed timber- exports in 2000 amounted to 101.3 million dollars, having decreased by 5.8% compared to 1999. The price for exported products varies from $80 per 1 cubic meter. m. up to 295 per 1 ton. This group makes up the main share in the commodity structure of exports - more than 60%.

The main positions in this group are still occupied by the two largest sawmills of the region, CJSC Novoeniseisky Timber Chemical Complex and CJSC Lesosibirsky LDK No. 1, located in the city of Lesosibirsk. In total, these enterprises produce about 900 thousand cubic meters of export sawn timber per year, for which the coefficient integrated use wood reaches 95%.

At the highest prices (per 1 ton of timber), products were exported to Syria ($295), Tunisia ($268), Great Britain ($248) and Spain ($203.7), while the lowest to Turkey (174.5 US dollars), Egypt (178 US dollars) and neighboring countries (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan). However, if in the early 90s the countries of Central Asia were the main consumer of these products, today their share in consumption is very low.

One of the most important reasons for this situation was the existing policy of the Ministry of Railways of Russia regarding export tariffs for goods to the CIS countries. Today, it is more profitable for enterprises of the region to supply their products to the countries of the Far Abroad, for example, to China, than to the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result, the delivery of products from the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Krasnoyarsk Territory is carried out mainly with the help of vehicles, which does not allow us to provide the volumes of supplies of products necessary for the enterprises of the region and fully meet demand.

Another reason that many enterprises are aimed at Western foreign partners is the prevailing level of prices for timber products of the region, which is inaccessible to the Central Asian market, and the introduction by the Republic of Kazakhstan of a duty on transit transportation of products to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Also, sleepers for railway and tram tracks, chipboard, fiberboard, plywood are exported from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. These are mainly the countries of Central Asia, Egypt and Syria, however, here, too, the tariff policy of the Ministry of Railways of Russia has led to a reduction in the number of contracts concluded for the supply of products from small and medium-sized enterprises of the timber industry complex of the region. D

Suffice it to say that in order to send one wagon of chipboard to Tashkent, it is necessary to pay a railway tariff in the amount of about $ 2,600, which is more than 60% of the price of the goods in the wagon. In general, the share of these commodity groups in the total volume of exports, according to 2000 data, amounted to 5.6%.

- pulp, paper and cardboard- exports in 2000 amounted to 3.99 million US dollars, which is 30% higher than in 1999. It should be noted that in 2000 the export of wood pulp began - to Greece (448.5 thousand US dollars) and China (50.2 thousand US dollars), while in 1999 this product was not exported.

In 2000, exports of paper and paperboard amounted to US$ 3.49 million, an increase of 29%. In contrast to 1999, deliveries to the countries of Central Asia increased - Uzbekistan (+40.4%), Tajikistan (+58.9%), Kyrgyzstan (+50.9%). Deliveries to Kazakhstan decreased (-7.4%), which is the main importer of paper and kraton.

Export to other regions

The main timber and paper products, which play a significant role in the markets of other regions of Russia and are exported by the Krasnoyarsk Territory, are commercial timber and sawn timber.

Export to foreign markets

The main flows of timber products are directed along the Trans-Siberian and Lesosiberian railways, as well as along the Yenisei and Angara rivers.

Huge forest areas in the north cannot be developed due to x distance from roads. and the share of the Krasnoyarsk Territory accounts for 5% of all-Russian timber exports. In the total volume of timber exports of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the main share is accounted for by roundwood and sawn timber.

The export of timber and paper products from the Krasnoyarsk Territory is mainly focused on non-CIS countries. The share of the CIS countries is insignificant. The main roundwood importing countries are China and Japan, which account for more than 90% of the total export of roundwood from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Lumber is exported to many countries in Asia, Europe, North Africa: Japan, China, Egypt, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Lebanon, Greece, Italy, France. Pulp is exported to China, Ireland, Italy, Republic of Korea, Poland, Slovakia.

At present, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Irkutsk Region are exporters of sawn softwood on the Western European market. The largest importers in this market are France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy and Germany.

The main timber industry regions of the region

Conventionally, the territory of the region can be divided into several timber processing districts: the city of Esosibirsk (sawmilling center), Boguchansky district (logging center), Kezhemsky district (logging and sawmilling), Krasnoyarsk (sawmilling and pulp and paper mill), Kansk (sawmilling).

Timber industry district Lesosibirsk

Lesosibirsk is the largest timber industry center of the region and the largest city in the Nizhneangarsk region, which is located on the Yenisei tract 260-280 km north of Krasnoyarsk. The city is located at a distance of 27 km south of the mouth of the river. Hangars. All riverside timber enterprises on the Angara River have an inconvenient transport location, and the city of Lesosibirsk will remain the only place through which forest streams will pass (raft downstream the Angara River). In addition, in Lesosibirsk there are Railway Achinsk-Lesosibirsk (274 km). CJSC Novoeniseisky LHK, CJSC Lesosibirsky LDK-1, OJSC Maklakovsky LDK are engaged in sawmilling and woodworking. In addition, there are about twenty small enterprises in the city that are engaged in sawmilling, mainly on the basis of P-63 frames, or reselling sawlogs to China.

Boguchansky district

The Boguchansky District is the leader in logging in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the results of 2004, harvesting volumes in the Boguchansky district amount to 3.1 million m3. Sawmilling in the area is not developed. Several small enterprises carry out sawmilling in the area on the basis of the R-63 sawmill, as well as a number of other small lines (machine tools). The average volume of production of sawmills does not exceed 10-20 thousand m3 of sawn timber annually. The transport infrastructure is poorly developed in the region, the main ways of exporting raw materials from the region are: the railway (single-track line from Karabula station) and the Angara River.

Most of the logging enterprises of the region, located on the left bank of the river. Angara, send their products for export to China and Japan, due to high prices for products in 2004. Right-bank enterprises cannot take the prepared volumes to the railway sidings, and are forced to float them to the city of Lesosibirsk along the Angara River.

The largest logging enterprise in the region is the Maltat group of companies (harvesting about 700 thousand m3), which is part of the MS Management group. In addition, harvesting is carried out on the territory of the district: Shiverales LLC (harvesting about 120 thousand m3), CJSC Pashutinskoye (harvesting about 250 thousand m3), CJSC Angarsky LPH (harvesting about 200 thousand m3), LLC Sibartles" (harvesting about 200 thousand m3) and a number of other enterprises. Currently, the main harvests are shifting to the right bank of the Angara River due to the depletion of forest reserves on the left bank.

Kezhemsky district.

Timber industry district of Krasnoyarsk

In the city of Krasnoyarsk there are a number of industries aimed at timber processing. Among these industries: OJSC "Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill", OJSC AK "Eniseiles", CJSC "KLM Co", CJSC "Krasnoyarsk DOK", OJSC "Krasnoyarsk BHZ". In addition, in 2004, the Yenisei woodworking plant was built in the village of Berezovka.

The advantages of the city of Krasnoyarsk, as a site for the processing of raw materials, are:

Availability of qualified personnel.

Developed infrastructure.

Availability of a pulp and paper mill, where part of the waste can be delivered


The disadvantages of the city of Krasnoyarsk, as a site for the processing of raw materials, are:

The lack of raw materials in the vicinity of the city leads to growth

transport logistics at least $9-20 per m3 of lumber.

Growing environmental requirements for city enterprises.

High land fees.

According to Russian Investors - Siberia LLC, projects related to the deep processing of wood will be developed in the city. Lumbering district of Kansk There are two main sawmills in Kansk: CJSC "LDK Kansky" and LLC "Kanskwood". In addition, the city has Kansky BHZ JSC, which accepts sawmill waste - wood chips and sawdust, etc. According to information obtained from open sources, CJSC LDK Kansky produces about 46 thousand m3 of sawn timber annually. In December 2004, a new shop for drying lumber was opened in Kansk. According to the public statements of the management, already in 2005 the enterprise will process 100,000 m3. Kanskwood LLC is part of the MS Management group and produces about 15-20 thousand m3 of lumber annually. The company is focused on the production of high quality larch lumber.


The concept of development of the timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In 2004, the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory adopted the "Concept for the development of the timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the period 2004-2015"

Implementation of the Concept and main directions for the development of the forest complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the period 2004-2015. will make it possible to involve in industrial production more, currently unclaimed, resources of low-quality raw materials (due to the commissioning of new capacities for deep processing of wood), while ensuring the growth of marketable products from 1 m3 of harvested wood from $25.2 to $70-80 in 2010 and $140-160 in 2015

In case of implementation of the concept (see Table 4)

The volume of harvesting will increase by 1.8 times - from 9.5 to 18 thousand m3

The production of sawn timber will grow by 2.5 times - from 1.8 to 4.5 thousand m3

Conditions are being created to increase profitability in forestry activities (on average 3 times).

The annual profit of the industry will be 16.6 billion rubles, while the budget revenue will be about 13.0 billion rubles.

The number of timber workers will increase by 15-16 thousand people.

The average salary will be about 16 thousand rubles.

The timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of profitability can reach the level of investment self-sufficiency for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, as well as accumulate funds for equity participation (in the amount of 50-60%) in investing in new construction of forestry facilities, including the development of timber resources that were previously inaccessible .

Table 4: Calculation of marketable products in 2015 (“Concept for the development of the timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2004-2015”)


Production volume

Production cost (mln.$)

Wood removal


Total main products

Other products -3-5% (joinery and building products, sleepers, wood chemistry, etc.)

Total timber products

2 362,2-2 408,1

million rubles


1. Granberg A. G. Fundamentals of regional economics - M.: GU HSE, 2000

2. Regional economy: Textbook for universities / T. G. Morozova M.P. Pobedeeva et al., 2001

3. The economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2001. Statistical Yearbook

4. Overview of the timber industry complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory LLC Russian Investors-Siberia. Statistical review 2004

5. Magazine "Expert-Siberia" ("Top-200" Krasnoyarsk Territory)

The Great Yenisei and taiga, the Arctic Circle and the Museum of Permafrost, Tunguska and Taimyr - all this is the Krasnoyarsk Territory, one of the most unique corners of our planet. It is here that the geographical center of Russia (Lake Vivi) is located and the extreme northern tip of Eurasia is located. It has its own Moscow (this is the name of one of the mountains in the Sayan mountains, and 99% of the platinum reserves of our country are concentrated here.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies an area 10 times the size of the UK, with a fifth of the region located outside the Arctic Circle. Vegetation and animal world Krasnoyarsk Territory are unique. On the territory of the region there are 30 nature reserves, more than 300 thousand lakes, Bolshaya Oreshnaya is considered the longest cave in Russia, the Yenisei is the deepest river, and the Kinzelyuk waterfall is the largest in our country.

Flora of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Krasnoyarsk Territory stretched along the Yenisei in the center of the Eurasian continent. In the north, the edges are dominated arctic deserts with sparse vegetation. A little to the south, the tundra zone begins, dominated by lichens, mosses and dwarf shrubs. Cereals, cabbage, cloves grow here, poppies are often found from flowers, 15 species of mushrooms, over 70 species of mosses and as many as 89 species of lichens were found.

There are even more mosses and lichens on Tamyr - over 200 species. But among the trees, Daurian larches are most often found.

The tundra is replaced by forest tundra, in the space of which there are rare thickets of deciduous trees.

But more than 70% of the region's territory is occupied by taiga. Majestic, rich in resources, the taiga zone stretches for almost 1300 km along the Yenisei. Larch, spruce, fir, tall taiga pines and unique Siberian cedars grow here. Actually, over 80% of the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are coniferous plants.

The southern part of the region is famous for its chernozem forest-steppes. This territory is the most developed by man, and most of the area of ​​the forest-steppe zone is plowed under the fields.

The forest-steppes border the edges of the steppe, most of which are concentrated in the Minusinsk depression. And in the very south rise the peaks of the Sayans - a mountain system where nature has been preserved in its original form. This is a real oasis of virgin nature, carefully wrapped in a taiga cover and thoroughly penetrated by the crystal waters of rivers and lakes.

Most famous nature reserve this area - "Pillars". Many plants of this region are listed in the Red Book: slippers, orchid, feathery feather grass, May palmate root.

Fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The fauna of this part of Siberia is incredibly rich. Species diversity gradually changes depending on climate zone. If you group by type, you get the following picture:

Mammals. There are over 90 species of mammals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the mountains there are argali, rams, Snow leopards, in the north - polar bears and reindeer, in the steppe - shrews, wolves, hares, lynxes, ground squirrels and wolverines. But, of course, most of the mammals in the taiga are sable, arctic fox, ermine, squirrel, fox, which are of commercial importance. On Stolby you can meet truly taiga animals - deer and elk, musk deer and martens live here, white hare and brown bears are found.

There are over 400 species of birds in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. These are storks and petrels, loons and geese, woodpeckers and cranes, swifts and flamingos. Of commercial importance are chicken, different kinds geese, plovers, pigeons and pelicans.

But there are few reptiles in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Only 4 species of snakes are known (vipers, snakes, snakes and muzzles) and 2 species of lizards (viviparous and nimble).

Amphibians are also sparingly represented. The most common are newts, frogs, toads and Siberian salamanders.

On the other hand, the ichthyofauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory includes more than 50 species of fish, of which 22 are of commercial importance. The region is especially famous for salmon, smelt, carps, catfish, cod and pikes. Sturgeons, lampreys and catfish are caught here, and omul, breams, carps and ides are caught on Baikal.

Unfortunately, the deterioration of the ecological situation has led to the fact that more than 140 species of representatives of the fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are currently listed in the Red Book. The rarest animals of the region, which once were its pride, now live only in reserves. These are red wolves, ibex, snow leopards, herring whales, fin whales, Siberian roe deer. Marals and Siberian sturgeon are also under the threat of extinction.

Climate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is sharply continental, since most of the territory is located far from the seas and oceans. There are three climatic zones in the region: temperate, arctic and subarctic. Therefore, the change of seasons occurs in different ways, depending on the climatic zone, proximity to the Arctic Circle and the proximity of the mountains.

In the north of the region, winter lasts a long time, and there are no more than 40 days a year when the air temperature warms up to +10 ° C. Here is short summer. And the cities of Igarka, Norilsk and Dudinka are generally referred to as points of the Far North.

Spring is short, but very stormy, filled with sunlight and the intoxicating aroma of flowering plants.

In the central part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, summer also does not last long, but in this region it is hot. In general, this part of the region is characterized by sharp temperature changes.

In the south of the region, summers are hot, and winters, although long, have little snow and are not so severe.

General characteristics of forests

The area of ​​forests in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as of 01.01.2008 is 163.6 million hectares. All forests of the region are divided into the forest fund (LF) and forests that are not included in the forest fund. Forests not included in the forest fund include forests of the Russian Ministry of Defense (military forestries) and urban forests.

The area of ​​forest fund lands as of 01.01.2008 amounted to 158.5 million hectares. In the regional state institutions of the "forestry" of the region, previously located in the structure of the Ministry natural resources RF, it is 155.8 million hectares (including 102.1 million hectares covered with forests). The area of ​​rural forest enterprises is 2.8 million hectares (including 2.6 million hectares covered with forests).

Characteristics of the forest fund, which is under the jurisdiction of the agency of the forest industry of the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the territory includes the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets and Evenki municipal districts). Forest and non-forest lands are distinguished as part of the forest fund lands. Forest lands are represented by areas covered with forest vegetation, and areas not covered with forest vegetation, but intended for its restoration (cutting areas, burnt areas, areas occupied by nurseries, etc.). Non-forest lands include lands intended for forestry (clearings, roads, etc.).

As of January 1, 2008, 57 regional public institutions"Forestries", FGU Zapadno-Sayanskoe CFM and KSU "Krasnoyarskles", as well as rural forestry enterprises.

The main forest-forming species are larch (43.7 million ha), birch (13.6 million ha), pine (13.1 million ha), cedar (9.7 million ha). Coniferous plantations occupy more than 77.4% of forested areas.

The age structure of forest stands is characterized by the predominance of mature and overmature plantations, which make up 59.7% of the land area covered with forest vegetation. In the composition of coniferous forests, their share exceeds 66.2% of the recorded areas.

According to the state accounting of the forest fund, the total timber stock in the region is estimated at 11.2 billion m3. The volume of coniferous wood is 9.6 billion m3, of which 6.8 billion m3 are mature and overmature plantations. The stock of softwood timber as a whole does not exceed 1.6 billion m3, including 1.1 billion m3 in mature and overmature forests. Up to 3.0 billion m3 of mature and overmature wood is concentrated in forests that can be exploited.

The distribution of forest fund lands on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by forest groups in the context of administrative territories is presented in Table 5.1.

The total area of ​​forests of the first group of the agency of the forest industry of the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory as of 01.01.2008 amounted to 50,754 thousand hectares, or 32.5% of the total area of ​​the forest fund, forests of the 2nd group - 720.0 thousand hectares (0.5% ), forests of the 3rd group - 104307 thousand hectares (67%).

Forest management

The following types of forest management can be carried out in the forest fund:

Wood harvesting;

Preparation of resin;

Harvesting of secondary forest resources (stumps, bark, birch bark, fir, pine, spruce paws, Christmas trees and others);

Secondary forest management (haymaking, grazing, placement of beehives and apiaries, harvesting of tree sap, harvesting and collection of wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, and other food forest resources, medicinal plants and technical raw materials and other types of secondary forest management;

The use of forest fund plots for the needs of the hunting economy, for research purposes, for cultural, recreational, tourism and sports purposes. The use of forest fund plots can be carried out both with the withdrawal of forest resources, and without their withdrawal. A plot of the forest fund may be provided for the implementation of one or several types of forest management to one or several forest users.

In 2007, the actual volume of wood harvesting for all types of cuttings amounted to 15653.6 thousand m3, including 14150.4 thousand m3 for coniferous farming.

Table 5.1 Distribution of forest fund lands by administrative regions and forest groups, 2007

The main forms of organizing forest management are the lease of forest fund plots and forest auctions for the sale of standing timber (Table 5.2). In 2007, forest fund plots were not leased out based on the results of auctions for the sale of the right to conclude a lease agreement due to the lack of a regulatory framework.

Table 5.2 Leased Forest Fund Plots

In 2007, 77 auctions were held for the sale of the right to conclude a contract for the sale of forest plantations, where 914 cutting areas were sold. The volume of timber sold amounted to 1,383.4 thousand m3, including 1,197.1 thousand m3 (86.6%) for coniferous farming. The auction price of 1 m3 of wood sold was 124.07 rubles. (coniferous - 127.72 rubles, softwood - 100.65 rubles), and the cost of 1 m3 of wood at the minimum rate was 29.91 rubles.

The main use of the forest

In 2007, compared to 2006, the AAC for the main use amounted to 66,354.7 thousand m3, including 41,596.6 thousand m3 for coniferous farming. The actual volume of fellings for the main use in the region in 2007 amounted to 10257.5 thousand m3 with the development of the allowable cutting area by 16%, for coniferous farming - 22%, for deciduous farming - 6% (Table 5.3).

On leased forest fund plots, 7.7 million m3 of wood was harvested (in 2006 - 7.3 million m3).

Intermediate use and care of the forest

Thinning is aimed at improving the species composition of forest stands and the quality of wood, the formation of sustainable and highly productive forest stands, the preservation and enhancement of their useful functions, as well as the timely use of wood.

In accordance with forestry requirements, 156.9 thousand hectares of plantations per year need care on the lands of the forest fund. In fact, in 2007, 39,176 ha were covered by thinning (in 2006 - 27,000 ha), while 1,575.1 thousand m3 of marketable wood was harvested.

Table 5.3 Use of AAC for final fellings in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2007, thousand m3

Intermediate felling had a positive impact on improving the species composition of plantations and the quality of wood, the formation of highly productive forest stands. Information on the actual execution of intermediate fellings is given in Table 5.4. Compared to 2006, the area where thinning was carried out increased by 12,000 ha. In 2007, the areas of thinning and passing cuttings also increased significantly (by 42%).

Table 5.4 Volumes of intermediate fellings in the Krasnoyarsk Territory


The complex of works on reforestation includes the creation of forest plantations, the promotion of natural regeneration of forests, the implementation of additions and agrotechnical care for forest crops, the harvesting of seeds and the cultivation of planting material, the introduction of young stands into the category of economically valuable tree plantations, the maintenance felling in young growth, breeding work, etc.

The volume indicators of reforestation are set in accordance with the recommendations of the forest inventory, data from the forest fund accounting and the amount of work provided for by federal and regional target programs.

Reforestation was carried out on an area of ​​60.4 thousand hectares, including:

Forest cultures have been created on 10.2 thousand hectares;

Assistance was provided to natural regeneration on an area of ​​50.2 thousand hectares;

Carried out agrotechnical care for forest crops on an area of ​​50.5 thousand hectares, sowing seeds in a nursery on an area of ​​44.5 hectares.

In 2007, an additional planting of forest crops was carried out on an area of ​​2.6 thousand hectares, soil was prepared for next year's forest crops on an area of ​​7.4 thousand hectares, and 20.2 tons of forest seeds were harvested.

The presence of seeds in the forestry enterprises of the region as of 01.01.2008 amounted to 13.1 tons, of which seeds of small coniferous species - 4.5 tons. The volume of cultivation of standard planting material amounted to 40.3 million pieces.

The data of the autumn inventory of forest crops, nurseries, areas with measures taken to promote natural regeneration indicate the following:

In general, for forestry enterprises of the forest industry agency, the standard survival rate for all three years of accounting is as follows: 2007 - 89.0% with a standard survival rate of 86%, 2005 - 86.2% with a standard one - 82%, 2002 - 80.9% with the normative 78%;

The planned output of standard planting material from a unit area is ensured;

Young stands were introduced into the category of economically valuable tree plantations on an area of ​​73.3 thousand hectares, including forest crops - 10.2 thousand hectares, young stands grown as a result of measures to promote natural reforestation - 46.1 thousand hectares and areas renewed as a result of natural overgrowing - 17 thousand hectares;

Own needs for sowing and planting material are provided.

The cost of reforestation activities in 2007 amounted to 63.7 million rubles.

An important place in the performance of work on the reproduction of forests is occupied by issues of forest selection. In 2007, the range of selection works included:

Establishment of 5 hectares of forest seed plantations, establishment of 1112 hectares of forest crops using planting material from seeds of forest seed plantations and sowing seeds from a permanent forest seed base (PLSB), establishment of permanent forest seed plots on an area of ​​10 hectares;

Care of seed plantations, archives of clones and mother plantations on an area of ​​92 ha, care of test forest crops on an area of ​​16 ha, care of seed plots on an area of ​​73 ha and thinning - 20 ha;

Vaccination 1.0 thousand pcs. cuttings for growing selective planting material.

The costs of selection work in 2007 amounted to 1.1 million rubles.

As a result of reforestation work, the area of ​​land covered with forest vegetation in 2007 increased by 73.3 thousand hectares: due to the transfer of forest plantations to the area covered with forest - by 10.2 thousand hectares, due to the transfer of plots with measures taken to promote natural regeneration forests, as well as at the expense of areas renewed as a result of natural overgrowing - by 63.1 thousand hectares.

As of January 1, 2008, the area covered with forest vegetation is 102,119.5 thousand hectares, of which 348.7 thousand hectares are closed forest cultures. The area of ​​closed forest plantations for the summer period of 2007 increased by 7.8 thousand hectares. The area of ​​non-closed forest plantations in 2007 increased by 2.4 thousand hectares and amounts to 83.6 thousand hectares.

As a result of reforestation activities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a positive balance has been achieved between logging and reforestation. In the period 2003-2007. 254.4 thousand hectares were cut down, 36.8 thousand hectares of land covered with forest vegetation died from forest fires and other causes, which amounted to 291.2 thousand hectares. During the same period, 530.9 thousand hectares of unforested lands of the forest fund were restored and transferred to forested lands.