Crosswords, rebuses on obzh. Crosswords, puzzles Fire safety puzzles

Toolkit It is intended to help a teacher who conducts life safety lessons in grades 5-11 of a comprehensive school.
In an entertaining way, using various game methods learning (puzzles, crossword puzzles, competitions, intellectual and didactic games and sports events), the author proposes to organize the study, verification and consolidation of the material in the lessons of life safety and extracurricular activities.

Children of any age with great desire and interest solve riddles, puzzles, charades, rebuses, crossword puzzles. Their use in educational activities contributes to the maintenance and development of interest in the subject being studied, diversifies classes, allows in an unusual form not only to repeat and consolidate the studied material, but also to introduce students to new names, concepts, phenomena. You can suggest that they themselves give the latter brief but precise definitions, i.e. do the reverse work. To do this, you will have to turn to dictionaries, additional literature. Schoolchildren can solve complex crossword puzzles at home in their free time.

Solving crossword puzzles develops intelligence, perseverance, ingenuity, the ability to analyze and generalize. In addition, it contributes to a deeper study of Russian or mother tongue- without knowing the correct spelling of a particular word, it is impossible to solve a single crossword puzzle. All this, ultimately, increases the vocabulary, broadens the horizons of children.

From the authors
Ways to activate cognitive activity students in the classroom and extracurricular work on life safety
Entertaining tasks
Verbal puzzles
Crosswords in life safety lessons
Chainwords in the study of life safety
Problematic, partially search and research methods at the lesson of life safety
Game activity
Didactic games
business games
Game situations
Competitive programs
Non-standard forms of classes
Competitive programs, tasks, puzzles, life safety game situations
Visiting Aunt Koshka
Game lesson-competition on the topic "Fire Safety Rules" (Grade V)
Put out the fire before you get into trouble
Game lesson-competition on the topic "Fire safety rules" (VI-VII class)
God saves man, who save himself
Workshop on the topic "Electrical safety" Grade VIII
We want to live!
Speech of the propaganda team on the topic "Prevention of drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism"
We are for it healthy lifestyle life!
Dramatization for grades VI-VII
The game "Who wins?"
Class hour on the topic "Man and his vices" (grades V-VI)
You will be healthy - you will get everything
Collective creative work for V classes
"Wine drowns more people than water"
Oral magazine for high school students on the topic "You and alcohol"
AIDS is a disease of the soul
Theme evening for high school students
for the prevention of AIDS and drug addiction
Drug addiction is a definite no!
Brain ring for IX-XI classes
Cigarette smoke
Class hour on the topic "Harm from smoking" for grade VII
Holiday of health
extracurricular activity for III-V classes
Journey through the kingdom "Be healthy"
Game for II-III grades
Game-journey "Road to good health"
Scenario of the Day of Health for grades III-V
Everyone should know this for sure
Lesson about the Rules of the road for V class
road marathon
Educational game for V-VI grades
Journey to the country of traffic lights
Game program for grades III-IV
traffic light
game for primary school
desert island
Game program for V-VIII grades
Russian extreme
Game for V class
Last Hero
Game for grades VII on the topic "Tactics of survival in conditions of autonomous existence"
All on a hike!
KVN for VIII-IX classes on the topic "Autonomous
human existence in natural conditions»
Strong, brave, agile, skillful
Game for VI-VII classes
Rescuer Tournament
Lesson-game for VI grades
Junior Scouts
Competition game for grades I-IV
Don't get lost!
Orienteering competition
Educational game for grade VIII
Ice is dangerous!
Educational game for VI-VII grades
Playing in the pool for grades VIII-XI
OBZH in a fairy tale, cartoon
Lifestyle for Pinocchio
How to avoid becoming a victim of crime:
Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf
Presentation script for elementary school
Proverbs, sayings and riddles on life safety
Ditties about life safety

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Thematic games on life safety, Methodological guide, Titov S.V., Shabaeva G.I., 2005 -, fast and free download.

Municipal educational institution

"Christmas secondary school"

Istrinsky municipal district

Crossword on life safety for grades 7,8 and 9

"Healthy lifestyle"

Compiled by: Murakhovskaya O.A.

S. Rozhdestveno, 2015


1. A mixture of gases that make up the earth's atmosphere.

2. The simplest form of life on our planet, a microscopic particle that can only reproduce inside living cells.

3. Accurately measured daily routine

4. This is the state of the body, expressed in the violation of its normal functioning

5.Overvoltage condition

6. One of the important signs of life is blood ………..

7. The intake and assimilation of vitamin D3 in humans is possible only under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and therefore, in the absence of this star, this is impossible.

8. This is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimum level of brain activity and a reduced response to the world inherent in mammals, birds

9. One of the factors affecting human health

10. Health Science


1…………..- this is life.

2. Rhythmic movement, the beating of the walls of the arteries, caused by the activity of the heart

3. Absence of illness, disease

4. Physical exercise, prem. in the form of various games or competitions, aimed at strengthening the body and developing mental vigor

5. Entry into the body of plants, animals and humans and their assimilation of substances necessary to replenish energy costs

6. Long lasting life

7. Proteins, ……….. and carbohydrates.

Fire safety intellectual game for elementary school "Fire Experts"

Material Description: I offer you the Regulations on holding an urban intellectual game on fire safety and a script for it. This material will be useful to methodologists additional education, leaders of the Children's Youth League, teachers educational institutions. The intellectual game is intended for children of the 4th grades.

Director of MUDO DDU
_____________FULL NAME
"____" ___________2015

about urban intellectual game on fire safety
"Fire Experts"

I. General provisions
Target: Involving students in the promotion of fire safety rules.
- to test students' knowledge of the basics of fire safety during the game - competition;
- to increase the interest of schoolchildren in firefighting;
- educate respect for the work of firefighters
Organizers: The organization and holding of the competition is carried out by the MUDO "Cheremkhovo House of Childhood and Youth".
Game participants: The game is attended by students of 4 classes of city schools, the team consists of 6 people.
Prerequisites: To participate in the city intellectual game on fire safety "Experts in fire business", an application for participation (Appendix No. 1) is submitted until November 10, 2015 at: e-mail: [email protected]
II. The order of the game
Time and venue: November 17, 2015 in the assembly hall - 14:00 pm MUDO "House of Childhood and Youth".
Evaluation criteria: Correctness of tasks performance; knowledge of fire safety rules; coordination of actions and decisions of the team.
The winner will be the team with the highest total number of points at the end of the competition.
III. Summarizing.
The winners and prize-winners of the city intellectual game according to the rules of fire safety "Experts in fire business" are awarded with diplomas, participants - with certificates.
Inquiries by phone: 5-08-06, methodologist of social and pedagogical orientation Pautova Irina Shakirovna.

Scenario of the intellectual game "Experts in fire fighting"
Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome all those present at the game "Experts in fire fighting". Today we have not quite an ordinary game, it should be especially hot, as it is united by fire and everything connected with it. Today we will play and repeat the rules of fire safety. The game is played by 4 teams of 6 players in each team. Now I invite you to introduce yourself. So, the first team. (Representation of commands).
The responses of the teams will be evaluated by the jury:

Leading: Let's welcome our jury.
Dunno Appears
Dunno: Hi guys, girls and boys. Let's play, look what I have. After all, playing with matches is so cool. See what I can.
Leading: For fun, do not take matches in your hands
Small box of matches
But much can do evil.
Even a little light
Not far from the fire.
Dunno: What are you teaching me, teaching me? I know everything without you! Here, ask me a simple question.
Host: Okay. Why do people need matches?
Dunno: Couldn't you have asked for something easier? Oh, I'm an empty head! Guys, tell me, why? (Children answer).

Leading: Well done boys! So fire is our friend. But when can fire turn into an enemy? ( children's responses). What causes a fire? (Answers of children).
Dunno: It turns out that if I lit a match, and it fell to the floor, would a fire start? Wow!
Leading: Yes, because around us there are various objects that can catch fire from one match!
Dunno: Because of one match? Wow! Thank you for warning me and not letting me make mistakes. May I stay with you.
Leading: Of course, stay Dunno. And you guys have an envelope on the table for each team, questions are written in each envelope, for discussion of which 3 minutes are given. 1 point is awarded for 1 correct answer. We open the envelopes and answer the questions on the sheets of time.
1 round. Questions:
1. What phone number will you dial in case of fire?
1) 02
2) 01
3) 03
4) 04
2. Continue the phrase “Do not touch the matches, in matches ...”
1) lantern
2) beans
3) fire
4) password
3. What is the name of the place for storing fire extinguishing items?
1) shield
2) disk
3) circle
4) layer
4. What is the name of the exit from the premises in case of fire?
1) spare
2) transitional
3) checkpoint
4) underground
5. What color is the fire truck?
1) yellow
2) green
3) blue
4) red
6. What is a fire?
1) game
2) disaster
3) competition
4) entertainment
7. Which one natural phenomena doesn't cause a fire?
1) rain
2) wind
3) lightning
4) sun
8. What should you turn off when you leave home?
1) phone
2) refrigerator
3) electric bell
4) gas, light, iron
Round 2 "Rebus".
Leading: Attention to the screen. Guess the rebus on the topic "Fire Safety". Having guessed the rebus, name the object that is encrypted on the screen. Whose team will answer the fastest, she gets 1 point.
Now tell me how to use it.
(answer: fire extinguisher). Instructions for use: break the seal, pull out the pin, direct the nozzle towards the source of ignition at a distance of 1 meter and press the lever).

3 round. Puzzles.
Leading: For a correct answer - 1 point. For an incorrect answer, the move goes to the opposing team.
The smoke of carbon monoxide swirled,
Gary's room is full.
What does a firefighter wear?
What can't you do without? (mask)

What kind of stairs is this?
Grows out of the car
Rising above the house
All firefighters are so familiar. (ladder on a fire truck)

I rush with a siren to the fire,
I carry water with foam.
Put out fire and heat
We are fast as arrows. (fire engine)

The insidious fire will win
The one who is called... (firefighter)

An ember fell on the floor,
The wooden floor is on fire.
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand.
Fill it up quickly... (water)

What is a cramped, cramped house?
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up like a fire.
Don't mess with your sisters
Thin… (with matches)

He is a friend of the guys, but when they play pranks with him,
he becomes an enemy and burns everything around. (fire)

Hanging - silent,
and turn it over, hisses, and the foam flies. (fire extinguisher)

If it suddenly happens in the house -
Smoke billows from the windows
And the fire, and the heat blazes -
It means there... (fire)

This, son, is not just a joke,
Not wasting a minute
Do not think for a long time, son, -
Call on....! (zero-one)

Leading: And now you guys should find out from which works these lines are from the passage? Whose team raises the flag forward, that is the answer. A correct answer is also awarded 1 point.
1.Long, long crocodile
The blue sea extinguished
Pies and pancakes
And dried mushrooms. ( K. Chukovsky "Confusion")

2. Runs a chicken with a bucket, And after it in full swing
A rooster runs with a broom.
Piglet - with a sieve
And a goat with a lantern. (S. Marshak "Cat's House")

3. “The master became even more angry, ordered the servants to throw the cockerel into the hot oven. They caught a cockerel, threw it into a hot stove - right into the fire. A cockerel
sits in the oven and says: “Spout, spout, pour water! Spout, spout, pour water! - and poured all the fire in the furnace.
(Russian fairy tale "Cockerel - a golden scallop and a miracle chalk")

4. Lena opened the door,
The fire jumped from the log,
Burned the floor in front of the stove
Climbed from the tablecloth to the table.
Ran over the chairs with a bang,
Crawled up the curtains
The walls were covered in smoke
Licks the floor and ceiling. (S.Ya. Marshak "Fire")

Round 4"Flammable Items"
Leading: Dear experts, before you is a piece of paper with a task. Look closely and circle flammable objects.
Round 5"Fire shield"
Leading: And now you will need from the items only those that need to be placed on the fire shield. There is a fire shield in front of you and the pictures you will need to stick the items that you consider necessary on the shield. On reverse side each picture has adhesive tape, you will need to peel off the protective layer and stick the picture on the shield.
6. tour. The pictures should explain the rules of fire safety.
Host: Look at the screen. Whose team raises the flag, a picture appears for that team. 10 points for a correct answer. Let `s start. 5 minutes are given for discussion.
Leading: And now we invite our jury to take stock, and for this go to the deliberation room. And we guys will watch a film about fire safety.
Leading: Look around guys!
Fire is our everyday friend!
But when we're careless with fire,
He becomes our enemy!
Dunno: Guys, follow the fire safety rules!
This completes our game. Goodbye, see you again!

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slide 1

Extracurricular activities for elementary grades.

Primary school teacher MAOU secondary school No. 17, Ulan-Ude, Eliseeva Ekaterina Stepanovna.

slide 2

Everyone knows - a man without fire
Doesn't live a single day.
In the fire, as in the sun it is light,
Warm in the fire and in the winter.
Look guys around:
Fire is our everyday friend.
But when we're careless with fire
He becomes our enemy.

slide 3

slide 5


In a small barn
Holds 100 fires.


Hissing and angry
Afraid of water.
With tongue, not barking.
No teeth, but bites.

Where people are careless with fire
Surely he will be.

slide 6

Molten Arrow
The oak fell down near the village.

I saw smoke, don't yawn
Call us soon.


The midge flew
Aspen leg.
On the stack of the village
I ate all the hay.

Slide 7

Noisy, thundered,
I washed everything and left.
And orchards and orchards
Watered all around.

Back then forward
Walks, wanders the ship.
Stop - grief,
Pierces the sea.

I am furry, I am curly
I am over every hut in winter,
Above the fire, the ship.
I am not without fire.

Slide 8

May melt, but not ice,
Not a lantern, but gives light.

The smoke of carbon monoxide swirled,
Gary's room is full.
What does a firefighter wear?
What can't you do without?


I rush with a siren to the fire,
I carry water with foam.
Put out fire and heat
.We are fast as arrows.

(Fire engine)

Slide 9



Slide 10

slide 11

slide 12

slide 13

Slide 14


slide 15


  • slide 16

    Slide 17

    Slide 18

    Slide 19


    The sea is on fire
    A whale ran out of the sea.
    "Hey firefighters, run!
    Help, help!"

    Slide 20

    slide 21

    What's with the smoke above your head?
    What's with the thunder over the pavement?
    The house is on fire around the corner.
    What is the darkness all around?
    The team puts the stairs,
    Saves the house from fire.

    slide 22

    A cloud of dust interferes with the smoke.
    Fire trucks are rushing
    They click loudly, they whistle anxiously,
    Copper helmets glitter in rows.

    slide 23

    Mother went to the market
    Daughter Lena said:
    - Don't touch the stove, Lenochka.
    It burns, Lenochka, fire.
    Only mother came down from the porch,
    Lena sat down in front of the stove,
    Looks into the red crack
    And the fire is roaring in the oven.

    slide 24

    One steamer went to sea with a cargo of coal. Three more days the steamer had to go to the place. Suddenly, a mechanic from the engine room ran up to the captain and said: - We got very bad coal, it caught fire in our hold.

    Slide 25


  • slide 26


    If you have a small fire...

    1. We must hide under the bed.

    2. It is necessary to extinguish with improvised means (water, a wet blanket).

    3. You have to run away from home.

    Slide 27

    If there is a lot of smoke in the room...

    1. You need to run away quickly.

    2. You need to crawl

    Slide 28

    1. We must leave the premises.

    2. We must hide in another room.

    Slide 29

    If your clothes are on fire...

    1. Run around in burning clothes to put out the flames.

    2. Fall to the floor and roll.

    slide 30

    Call the fire brigade...

  • Slide 31

    Firefighters need to be informed...

    1. Last name, address, age, your height, eye color.

    2. Surname, address, entrance, floor, object of ignition.

    slide 32


  • Slide 33

    slide 34

    View all slides


    Eliseeva Ekaterina Stepanovna

    Primary school teacher

    MAOU secondary school №17, Ulan-Ude

    Subject: life safety


    Fire number: 01"

    Preparation for KVN:

    Come up with an emblem

    Event progress

    Organizing time

    It's always different

    Amazing fire.

    That ugly riot,

    That quiet from the quiet,

    Then he is a hurried snake

    Glides along the dry bark,

    That shaggy red mane

    Blazes at dawn.

    Here on a match, like on a branch,

    The blue leaf is trembling.

    Here, breaking the bars of the cage,

    Predator makes a throw! ..

    Yes, fire is different -

    very kind,

    Very angry.

    Evil fire - the fire of a fire,

    Evil fire-fire of war!

    From the relentless heat

    The days are dark

    The fields are black.

    inhabitants of the world,

    Citizens of any country

    evil fire

    Must extinguish!

    And without a good fire

    You can't get by even a day.

    He is reliable friends with us,

    Drives the cold, drives the darkness.

    He is a friendly flame

    Raises like a flag.

    Everyone needs a good fire.

    And for that he is honored

    What warms dinner for the guys,

    Cuts steel

    And bakes bread.

    "Business card" (3 slide)


    Our motto:


    Our motto:

    “Our squad is always watching

    Let there be no fire!”


    Our motto:


    Our motto:


    Our motto:

    “We must firmly remember -

    Fire doesn't start on its own!


    Our motto:

    Competition No. 1 "Riddles"

    In a small barn

    Hissing and angry, afraid of water.

    With tongue, not barking

    Without teeth, but bites (Fire)

    Where people are careless with fire

    Surely he will be (Fire)

    I saw smoke, don't yawn

    Call us soon (Firefighters)

    Molten Arrow

    Oak dumped near the village (Lightning)

    Flying midge, aspen leg

    Noisy, thundered

    I washed everything and left.

    And orchards and orchards

    The whole district watered (Thunderstorm)

    Back then forward

    Walks, wanders the ship.

    Stop - grief,

    Will make a hole in the sea (Iron)

    May melt, but not ice.

    Competition No. 2 "Puzzles"

    Competition No. 3 "Proverbs"

    Musical break (17 slide)

    Firefighting ditties

    We will sing ditties to you

    About firefighters, about the fire.

    Don't take them seriously

    And that will suffice you blow.

    Standing on the porch and smoking

    Forever our boys.

    They quickly hid the cigarette butts -

    Their pants puffed up.

    How do you leave home

    Turn off all appliances

    Otherwise, you will come from school

    There will be no place to drink tea.

    There are many different professions

    But one of them is more important.

    Being a firefighter means

    Save people from fire.

    Kolya, Kolya, are you away

    Pale, weak, not himself?

    I forgot to put out the match

    Barely got out alive.

    New house - green roof

    Maybe it won't burn.

    My little firefighter

    Protects from fire.

    Open the gate, mom

    I'm taking the fireman.

    He will teach you now

    How to simmer a pan.

    Who went through fire and water

    And marked the helmet with copper?

    This is our brave firefighter,

    If he's around, no problem.

    If there is a problem somewhere,

    Smoky strongly il waste,

    The fireman will come to you

    And will fill any fire.

    My little firefighter

    Wearing a helmet all day long.

    Doesn't break up for a moment

    I'm probably too lazy to take it off.

    Andryushka loved me,

    He doesn't take his eyes off me.

    He can't live without me

    Like a firefighter without a fire.

    They bought me a red coat

    White crepe de chine scarf:

    I'm so cool

    Like a fire truck.

    Learning to "OBZH"

    Our security

    To avoid an emergency,

    Don't be in danger.

    If a fire breaks out,

    You, girlfriend, do not yawn

    - "01" call faster

    And call for help.

    There will be a fire in the school

    We know how twice two:

    Spare door will do

    We quickly run there.

    The sea is on fire

    A whale ran out of the sea

    "Hey firefighters, run!

    With crackling, clicking and thunder

    There was a fire over the new house.

    What's with the smoke above your head?

    What's with the thunder over the pavement?

    The house is on fire around the corner.

    What is the darkness all around?

    The team puts the stairs,

    A cloud of dust interferes with the smoke.

    Fire trucks are rushing

    Mother went to the market

    Daughter Lena said:

    Don't touch the stove, Lenochka.

    It burns, Lenochka, fire.

    Only mother came down from the porch,

    Lena sat down in front of the stove,

    Looks into the red crack,

    Name flammable items.

    Competition No. 6 "Situations"

    If you have a small fire...

    ... you need to hide under the bed.

    ... you have to run away from home.

    If there is a lot of smoke in the room...

    ... you need to quickly run away.

    If the fire cannot be extinguished...

    ... you need to leave the room.

    If your clothes are on fire...

    ...fall to the floor and roll.

    Call the fire brigade...

    Firefighters need to be informed...

    The most important rule not only in case of fire, but also in any other danger:

    Don't panic and don't lose your temper!

    Summing up the results of KVN

    Eliseeva Ekaterina Stepanovna

    Primary school teacher

    MAOU secondary school №17, Ulan-Ude

    Subject: life safety

    Theme of the event: KVN on fire safety

    Purpose: formation of the basics of fire safety of younger students.

    Consolidate and systematize children's knowledge of fire safety rules.

    To instill the skills of careful handling of fire.

    To form children's fire safety skills in various life situations.


    Posters: "Do not touch the matches, there is fire in the matches!"

    “Let every citizen remember:

    Fire number: 01"

    “So that trouble does not come to your house,

    Always be careful with fire!

    "Don't play with fire! Don't play with fire!

    Take care of your health and life!”

    Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic "Fire safety"

    Book exhibition on fire theme

    Multimedia and presentation "KVN on fire safety"

    Preparation for KVN:

    Prepare a team business card

    Come up with an emblem

    Review fire safety rules and actions in case of fire.

    Event progress

    Organizing time

    Host: Guys, today our event is dedicated to fire safety rules.

    Fire is our friend. Without fire, life on Earth is impossible. It is needed everywhere: in homes, in schools, in factories, on farms, in agricultural production. Fire melts ore, helping a person to get metal.

    Fire is a symbol. Bare-headed people stare at Eternal flame at the monuments to the heroes who fell on the battlefields. The fire, lit from the rays of the sun in distant Olympia, is carried in the torch relay by famous athletes from all over the world.

    But fire can turn into a merciless enemy if handled carelessly. A fire can break out wherever the fire finds at least a small loophole. It can be an iron not turned off in time, an unextinguished match, an unextinguished fire, faulty electrical wiring.

    Statistics show that usually 15 to 20% of the total number of fires comes from the mischief of children with fire or heating devices. There are about 5 million fires in the world every year. Every third person who died in a fire is a child.

    It must always be remembered that careless handling of fire can lead to trouble.

    It's always different

    Amazing fire.

    That ugly riot,

    That quiet from the quiet,

    Then he is a hurried snake

    Glides along the dry bark,

    That shaggy red mane

    Blazes at dawn.

    Here on a match, like on a branch,

    The blue leaf is trembling.

    Here, breaking the bars of the cage,

    Predator makes a throw! ..

    Yes, fire is different -

    Pale yellow, bright red, blue or gold,

    very kind,

    Very angry.

    Evil fire - the fire of a fire,

    Evil fire-fire of war!

    From the relentless heat

    The days are dark

    The fields are black.

    inhabitants of the world,

    Citizens of any country

    evil fire

    Must extinguish!

    And without a good fire

    You can't get by even a day.

    He is reliable friends with us,

    Drives the cold, drives the darkness.

    He is a friendly flame

    Raises like a flag.

    Everyone needs a good fire.

    And for that he is honored

    What warms dinner for the guys,

    Cuts steel

    And bakes bread.

    Everyone knows that a man without fire does not live a single day. In the fire, as in the sun it is light, In the fire and in the winter it is warm. Look guys around: Fire is our everyday friend. But when we are careless with fire, it becomes our enemy.

    "Business card" (3 slide)

    The teams enter under the "Hymn of KVN".


    Our motto:

    "Fire is a dangerous thing. He doesn't like jokes about himself"


    Our motto:

    “Our squad is always watching

    Let there be no fire!”


    Our motto:

    “Remember firmly, friends, that you can’t joke with fire.”


    Our motto:

    "In case of fire, in case of fire Every citizen knows. In case of fire, in case of fire We dial "01."


    Our motto:

    “We must firmly remember -

    Fire doesn't start on its own!


    Our motto:

    "Easier than putting out a fire, We warn him."

    Moderator: I present to you the jury that will evaluate each competition.

    Acquaintance with competitive program(4 slide)

    Competition No. 1 "Riddles"

    In a small barn

    Holds 100 fires (Matchbox)

    Hissing and angry, afraid of water.

    With tongue, not barking

    Without teeth, but bites (Fire)

    Where people are careless with fire

    Surely he will be (Fire)

    I saw smoke, don't yawn

    Call us soon (Firefighters)

    Molten Arrow

    Oak dumped near the village (Lightning)

    Flying midge, aspen leg

    She sat on a stack, ate all the hay (Match)

    Noisy, thundered

    I washed everything and left.

    And orchards and orchards

    The whole district watered (Thunderstorm)

    Back then forward

    Walks, wanders the ship.

    Stop - grief,

    Will make a hole in the sea (Iron)

    I am shaggy, I am shaggy, In winter I am over every hut, Over a fire, a steamer, I never go without a fire. (Smoke)

    May melt, but not ice.

    Not a lantern, but gives light. (Candle)

    Carbon monoxide smoke swirled, Gary's room was full. What does a firefighter wear? What can't you do without? (Mask)

    I rush with a siren to the fire, I carry water with foam. Let's put out the fire and heat in an instant We are fast, like arrows (Fire truck)

    Competition No. 2 "Puzzles"

    Teams take turns solving puzzles. (9-14 slides)

    Competition No. 3 "Proverbs"

    Each team is offered the same set of proverbs, cut into two parts. Who will correctly add the proverbs faster. (15-16 slides)

    Musical break (17 slide)

    Sounds music "chastushki minus"

    Firefighting ditties

    We will sing ditties to you

    About firefighters, about the fire.

    Don't take them seriously

    And that will suffice you blow.

    Standing on the porch and smoking

    Forever our boys.

    They quickly hid the cigarette butts -

    Their pants puffed up.

    How do you leave home

    Turn off all appliances

    Otherwise, you will come from school

    There will be no place to drink tea.

    There are many different professions

    But one of them is more important.

    Being a firefighter means

    Save people from fire.

    Kolya, Kolya, are you away

    Pale, weak, not himself?

    I forgot to put out the match

    Barely got out alive.

    New house - green roof

    Maybe it won't burn.

    My little firefighter

    Protects from fire.

    Open the gate, mom

    I'm taking the fireman.

    He will teach you now

    How to simmer a pan.

    Who went through fire and water

    And marked the helmet with copper?

    This is our brave firefighter,

    If he's around, no problem.

    If there is a problem somewhere,

    Smoky strongly il waste,

    The fireman will come to you

    And will fill any fire.

    My little firefighter

    Wearing a helmet all day long.

    Doesn't break up for a moment

    I'm probably too lazy to take it off.

    Andryushka loved me,

    He doesn't take his eyes off me.

    He can't live without me

    Like a firefighter without a fire.

    They bought me a red coat

    White crepe de chine scarf:

    I'm so cool

    Like a fire truck.

    Learning to "OBZH"

    Our security

    To avoid an emergency,

    Don't be in danger.

    If a fire breaks out,

    You, girlfriend, do not yawn

    - "01" call faster

    And call for help.

    There will be a fire in the school

    We know how twice two:

    Spare door will do

    We quickly run there.

    Competition No. 4 "Captains" (18 slide)

    Find in the picture all the dangers that lie in wait for the residents.

    Competition No. 5 "Connoisseurs of literary works"

    Guess from what works excerpts, name the author:

    The sea is on fire

    A whale ran out of the sea

    "Hey firefighters, run!

    Help, help!" (K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion") (19 slide)

    With crackling, clicking and thunder

    There was a fire over the new house.

    He looks around, waving his red sleeve. (S.Ya. Marshak "Cat's House") (20 slide)

    What's with the smoke above your head?

    What's with the thunder over the pavement?

    The house is on fire around the corner.

    What is the darkness all around?

    The team puts the stairs,

    Saves the house from fire. (S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa") (21 slide)

    A cloud of dust interferes with the smoke.

    Fire trucks are rushing

    They click loudly, they whistle anxiously,

    Copper helmets shine in rows (S.Ya. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero") (22 slide)

    Mother went to the market

    Daughter Lena said:

    Don't touch the stove, Lenochka.

    It burns, Lenochka, fire.

    Only mother came down from the porch,

    Lena sat down in front of the stove,

    Looks into the red crack,

    And the fire is roaring in the oven. (S.Ya. Marshak "Fire") (23 slide)

    “One steamer went to sea with a cargo of coal. Three more days the steamer had to go to the place. Suddenly, a mechanic from the engine room ran up to the captain and said: “We got very bad coal, it caught fire in our hold” (B. Zhitkov “Fire in the Sea”) (24 slide)

    Contest for fans (25 slide)

    Name flammable items.

    Competition No. 6 "Situations"

    You will be offered various situations and answer options. You must quickly raise the card with the number of the correct answer.

    If you have a small fire...

    ... you need to hide under the bed.

    ... it is necessary to extinguish with improvised means (water, a wet blanket)

    ... you have to run away from home.

    If there is a lot of smoke in the room...

    ... you need to quickly run away.

    ... you need to move crawling.

    If the fire cannot be extinguished...

    ... you need to leave the room.

    ... you need to hide in another room.

    If your clothes are on fire... around in burning clothes to put out the flames.

    ...fall to the floor and roll.

    Call the fire brigade...

    Firefighters need to be informed..., address, age, your height, eye color.

    ... last name, address, entrance, floor, object of ignition.

    The most important rule not only in case of fire, but also in any other danger:

    Don't panic and don't lose your temper!

    Summing up the results of KVN

    While the jury is summing up, the song “If suddenly” sounds (33 slide)

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    Entertaining life safety tasks

    For students of 1-2 courses

    Developed by a teacher of life safety

    Pron Victoria Dmitrievna

    Lugansk 2017

    1. Chineword on the topic "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge".

    1. Rhythmic beating of the walls of the arteries.

    2. Prolonged spasm of a certain muscle or group of muscles.

    3. The smallest animal or plant organism.

    4. Organic compound, a substance that is part of animal and plant cells.

    5. Reserve carbohydrate of plants, consisting of two polysaccharides: amylose and amylopectin.

    6. A device that radiates intense heat and energy by converting scattered light into a narrow beam that carries a lot of power.

    7. A group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.

    8. Unit of quantity of heat.

    9. Open wound.

    10. Thickening of the inner wall of the artery, due to the deposition of fats, cholesterol and other substances.

    11. Fertilized egg.

    12. A substance whose presence in living tissue stimulates the production of antibodies.

    13. Poisonous alkaloid contained in tobacco leaves.

    14. The necrosis of a tissue area surrounded by healthy tissue.

    15. Rare and difficult bowel movements.

    16. A unit used to measure the level of radiation in the air.

    17. A person suffering from a disease nervous system, developed as a result of prolonged mental or emotional overstrain.

    18. Microscopic blood vessel between an artery and a vein.

    19. Radioactive atom.

    2. Anagrams "Emergency situations of a natural nature."

    By rearranging the letters, form four new words - the names of natural disasters.

    SON + AZ =     

    GNU + ARA =      

    UM + CYAN =      

    AZ + HORN =     

    3. Puzzle on the topic "Extreme situations of a natural nature."

    Write in the boxes the names of natural disasters, in which the third letter is "L".







    4. Puzzles on the topic "Extreme situations".


    1. Chineward

    1. Pulse. 2. Spasm. 3. Microbe. 4. Protein. 5. Starch. 6. Laser. 7. Cancer. 8. Calorie. 9. Ulcer. 10. Atherosclerosis. 11. Zi-gota. 12. Antigen. 13. Nicotine. 14. Necrosis. 15. Constipation. 16. X-ray. 17. Neurasthenic. 18. Capillary. 19. Radioisotope.

    2. Skid, Hurricane, Tsunami, Thunderstorm

    3. Volcano, ice, mudflow, lightning, frost, flood.

    4. Car accident

    Home burglary Pickpocketing

    Aircraft Hijacking Queue

    Unrequited love Explosion in the street

    Public transport

    A source of information.

    Gamzan O.S., Kharitonova N.E. To school with a game: A book for teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

    Igumenova D.B., Ivannikova I.G. To avoid trouble. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1992.

    Latchuk V.N., Markov V.V., Frolov M.P. Fundamentals of life safety 5 - 9 cells: Didactic materials. - M.: Bustard, 2000.

    Mikhailov A.A. “Game lessons in the course “Fundamentals of life safety” grades 5-9. M.: Bustard, 2005.

    Tsvilyuk G.E. Basics of personal security. M.: Education, 1997.