Abstract: Measures to protect rivers and reservoirs from pollution, clogging and depletion and for their integrated use. Measures to protect rivers and reservoirs from pollution, clogging and depletion and for their integrated use Causes of water pollution



MBOU secondary school No. 10 8 “A” class

Head: Shardykova Irina

Mikhailovna, teacher of biology and ecology




Our earth is a unique planet in the Universe, our only home. The ecology of the Earth is suffering more and more every day. New factories are being built, more and more cars are appearing on the roads, rockets and satellites are being launched. This leads to air pollution, global warming As glaciers melt, ozone holes appear. Entire species of animals are becoming extinct due to deforestation. Many aquatic mammals and fish have long been endangered due to pollution of water bodies, because many motorists wash their cars in natural sources using household chemicals.

In big cities, people suffer from respiratory diseases

due to poor environment. Outside the city limits, heaps of garbage are growing because bags and bottles are not recycled but thrown away. To protect our Earth from destruction, everyone must start with themselves. First of all, there must be a careful attitude towards nature, the plants that give us air. You should not pollute cities with small garbage, which is not difficult to carry to the trash bin.

If we characterize the current state of the nature around us and compare it with what we would like to have, I think that the conclusion will be this: “What we have is clearly different from what we want.” And if everyone looks into themselves and remembers how much harm they have caused to nature, and then tries to be wiser and more caring, then our green planet will exist hundreds of years longer along with our descendants.

Many students of our school have looked into themselves and now for many years they have been trying to make our village cleaner and more elegant, taking part in various environmental events: “Let's help the river”, “Plant a tree”, “Take care of the primroses”, “We are cleaning the Trinity necropolis”, “Our love and care for the birds”, “Feed the birds in winter”, “One leaf, two leaves” and many others.


Environmental problems have always been and will be in the center of our attention as the most important. 2013 in Russia is officially declared the year of protection environment. My comrades and I are active participants in all environmental actions in our area. Approaching beach season. A massive appearance of urban residents on the shores of reservoirs in our village was expected, so we decided to develop a project to prevent pollution of the shores of reservoirs by vacationers. Since not all adults have the right level of environmental awareness, our project also involved cleaning the banks of reservoirs from household waste.

I was chosen as the project coordinator because I have experience working in environmental areas on a regional scale.

To implement the project, the following goals and objectives were set:

TARGET: the formation of an environmental culture among students and the adult population of the village.


Promoting environmental culture among the younger generation and the adult population of the village through practical activities for cleaning water bodies;

Development of students' organizational abilities;

-increasing the level of public interest in protecting and preserving natural environment.


I .Preparatory:

Studying relevant literature to produce leaflets.

II .Basic:

Study of the ecological state of the village’s water bodies;
- conducting a survey of students and residents of the village;

Carrying out activities aimed at improving the ecological condition of the village’s water bodies.


- summarizing;

The discussion of the results.


1. Questionnaire.

2.Statistical data processing.



For achievement desired result The following forms of work were used:

1. Issue of leaflets.

2. Collective labor activity of putting up leaflets.

3. Collective labor activities to clean up local water bodies.


1. Uniting the children's team.

2. Careful attitude towards surrounding nature the younger generation and the adult population of the village.



I stage:

At the first stage of our project, everyone was given the task of publishing as many leaflets as possible calling for cleanliness in recreation areas on water bodies and about the harmful effects of garbage on the environment. We studied the relevant literature and published leaflets, posting them in all the entrances of houses. Everyone was active, there were a lot of leaflets. We hoped that the residents would think about these wonderful lines:
“Nature will forgive a lot,
But there is a limit where, without forgiving,
She will take severe revenge
While dying herself..."

II stage:

At the next stage, students shared how they could solve this problem, what methods and approaches to use. To effectively study this problem, the project participants divided into groups: sociologists conducted a survey of the population, “passport specialists” began certifying garbage dumps on the banks of reservoirs. In each group, the guys evenly distributed roles, each was responsible for their part of the work.

A survey of school students and the adult population of the village was conducted on the following questions:

1. How do you assess the ecological condition of the shores of the village’s reservoirs?




2.Who should be responsible for the decision environmental problems?


City government

Utility services


(diagrams in Appendix 1)

Previously, we approached local authorities with a request to install garbage containers on the beaches. Containers were installed, but not all vacationers cleaned up their trash. There was both household waste and broken glass.

We took part in actions to clean the banks of reservoirs in places where vacationers gather: the Burtsevsky quarry, lake No. 115, and the Teplushka River. (Appendix 2). In the Teplushka River, residents of our village and townspeople wash carpets and rugs, throwing boxes from washing powder right on the shore.

Parallel this project We took part in the interregional Internet network project “We must live on this land.” The novelty of the project was the use of information and computer technologies. Using new technologies that are exciting for our generation, the project allowed us to do what we love and at the same time benefit the world around us.

Project goals:

1. Identify environmental problems in our village.

2. Identify one of the most relevant ones.

3. Find out the history of this problem.

4. Find out what has already been done to solve this problem.

5. Outline ways to solve the problem.

Problems of our village:

1. The problem of water pollution.

2.The problem of air pollution.

3. The problem of micro-landfill formation.

We found that the main sources of water pollution are:

1. Insufficiently treated wastewater from industrial and municipal enterprises.

2. Residents of the village.

We have planned ways to solve the problem:

Ways to solve the problem

The advantages of this

problem solving (+)

Disadvantages of this solution to the problem (-)

1. Carrying out measures to improve water health

Water purification


2. Creation of a headquarters, which includes representatives public organizations and municipal authorities

The unification of public organizations and authorities will provide more opportunities to solve the problem

Reluctance of public organizations to work as part of the headquarters

3. Promoting respect for water bodies among the population

Participation of school students and their parents and teachers in events


On October 17, our class again took part in cleaning the shore of lake No. 115 on the territory of our village as part of the All-Russian environmental practical lesson (Appendix 3).

III stage:

At this stage of the project, we jointly discussed the activities carried out and added conclusions and suggestions. After discussions, we chose the most acceptable ones from a large number of proposals and put forward ways to solve the problem:

1. Elimination of garbage in unauthorized landfills on the banks of water bodies (by students).

2.Control by the village administration over the process of garbage removal from the banks of reservoirs.

3. Setting fines for violations.

4.Hanging posters on environmental issues in places where landfills may appear (by students).

We collected a lot of garbage and stored it in places for removal in agreement with the village administration. Summing up, we were pleased with the result. The results of the design research were presented in the form of a presentation.


We all worked as a close-knit team. The result was not long in coming. The banks of the reservoirs are now clean. It's nice to take a walk admiring the views of the lake. You never get tired of looking at water, and even more so when it’s clean.


The following took part in the implementation of the project:

    Students in grades 6-8.

    School teachers and counselors.


The project did not require any special financial costs. Materials available at school were used: paints, sketchbook, pencils, glue, garbage bags, mittens.


The project has been implemented, but we know that we will continue to work to maintain cleanliness on the banks of reservoirs outside of its framework.

Man can save nature! There would be a desire! More than a hundred years ago, the American philosopher G. Thoreau rightly noted: “Only that dawn rises to which we ourselves have awakened.” The time has come for the ecological dawn. It depends on all of us as a whole and on each individual whether the song of the nightingale will sound, whether the transparent springs will breathe coolness, and whether the fish will splash in clean water rivers and lakes, will there be a blue sky above us?

So let's make our lives better, and the planet even more beautiful, because life in natural balance brings happiness!


Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

June 2013. Shore of the Burtsevsky quarry.

Appendix 3.

Lake shore No. 115 before cleaning

While cleaning

Garbage storage

After cleaning

As we found out when considering the first and second questions, the main cause of the environmental disaster of our reservoirs is one or another human activity. Now let us turn to the question of how the same person can contribute, if not to the elimination, then at least to the reduction of the harm he causes, as well as to the restoration natural communities reservoirs. In our opinion all measures to protect rivers and reservoirs from pollution, clogging and depletion and for their integrated use:




Now let's try to look at each of these events in more detail.

Security, as the name suggests, should include all activities related to the security of existing communities and their preservation at least in the state in which they currently exist. These measures include the fight against poaching; a special place is given to the protection of nesting sites of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds, and the protection of places of mass spawning of fish. No less important remains the issue of combating fires and illegal logging along the banks of water bodies, and the pollution of water bodies with poisonous and toxic substances, as well as heavy metals. It should be noted here that most water bodies have not yet lost their ability to self-heal, and if measures are taken to prevent further pollution of water bodies and damage to their inhabitants, then after a certain period of time, which can last for more than one decade, the ecosystem of water bodies will self-heal and possibly before that states as they were before human intervention. At the same time, we understand that no matter how much we would like to, a person will not be able to completely abandon interference in the life of water bodies (for example, abandon navigation, use water for irrigation of agricultural lands, etc.) This is why the use of protective measures alone insufficient to restore the biocenosis of water bodies, it is necessary to apply the other two types of measures.

The measures taken to rehabilitate and improve ponds, rivers, and streams bring water bodies into a state of ecological balance, which has a positive effect on the flora and fauna of reservoirs and coastal areas.

Ecological rehabilitation of reservoirs includes:

implementation of design and survey work (description of the object: field surveys of adjacent territories, mapping, report preparation; laboratory studies: sampling and analysis; recommendations on the technical and biological stages of rehabilitation of reservoirs)

cleaning the reservoir bed from contaminated sediments;

pond waterproofing project, bottom strengthening;

accumulation and purification of drainage and storm waters feeding reservoirs

reclamation of watershed areas;

bank protection project, landslide and erosion control measures

colonization of reservoirs with hydrobionts, planting of aquatic vegetation;

environmental rehabilitation and improvement of floodplain areas;

improvement, landscaping, landscape design of coastal and recreational areas.

Environmental rehabilitation consists of several stages:

1. Preparatory work stage;

The study of the hydrogeological characteristics of the reservoir, its morphological parameters (depth, bottom topography), sampling of water and silt deposits for laboratory analysis for chemical contamination is being carried out.

2. Stage of technical rehabilitation of the reservoir;

Depending on the size of the reservoir, the presence of hydraulic structures, hydrogeological characteristics of the area and a number of other circumstances, the need for mechanical cleaning of the reservoir bed from silt deposits is determined.

3. Biological rehabilitation stage;

A natural reservoir is a balanced ecosystem in which self-purification mechanisms operate.

The colonization of water with living aquatic organisms is carried out based on the results of biotesting of the reservoir. A species community of such microorganisms, invertebrates, and mollusks is selected for colonization, which makes it possible to restore the hydroecosystem of the reservoir.

4. Creation (restoration) of the coastal ecosystem;

Correctly located and formed coastal zones largely determine the future qualitative composition of water. They help shape the natural landscape and provide a food supply for the biota of the reservoir. The restoration of a certain type of green space and various living organisms in the coastal zone has a beneficial effect on the ecosystem of water bodies.

5. comprehensive improvement of the adjacent territory;

The quality composition of the water in the pond largely depends on the surrounding area. During environmental rehabilitation, a necessary condition is the correct layout of the territory, providing convenient approaches to water, observation decks, distribution of recreational load. Preventing wastewater from entering the water area.

Reclamation measures also include artificial breeding and subsequent release into the habitat of fry, primarily of those fish species that have suffered the greatest damage and whose populations have either already reached or are on the border of the level at which self-recovery becomes impossible.

The next type of measures under consideration are economic activities, one of which is the rational use of natural resources. Nature management in any industry is based on the following principles: the principle of a systems approach, the principle of optimization of environmental management, the principle of anticipation, the principle of harmonization of relations between nature and production, the principle of integrated use.

Let's look briefly at these principles.

The principle of the systems approach provides for a comprehensive comprehensive assessment of the impact of production on the environment and its responses. For example, rational use of irrigation increases soil fertility, but at the same time leads to depletion of water resources. Discharges of pollutants into water bodies are assessed not only by their impact on biota, but also determine the life cycle of water bodies.

The principle of optimizing environmental management is to make appropriate decisions about the use of natural resources and natural systems based on a simultaneous ecological and economic approach, forecasting the development of various industries and geographic regions. Mining has an advantage over mining in terms of the use of raw materials, but leads to loss of soil fertility. The optimal solution is to combine open-pit mining with land reclamation and restoration.

The principle of outstripping the rate of raw material extraction by the rate of processing is based on reducing the amount of waste in the production process. It involves an increase in production through better use of raw materials, resource conservation and improved technology.

The principle of harmonization of relations between nature and production is based on the creation and operation of natural-technogenic ecological and economic systems, which are a set of industries that ensure high production performance. At the same time, maintaining a favorable environmental situation is ensured, and it is possible to preserve and reproduce natural resources. The system has a management service for timely detection of harmful effects and adjustment of system components. For example, if a deterioration in the composition of the environment is detected due to the production activities of an enterprise, the management service makes a decision to suspend the process or reduce the volume of emissions and discharges. Such systems provide for the prediction of undesirable situations through monitoring. The information received is analyzed by the head of the enterprise, and the necessary technical measures are taken to eliminate or reduce environmental pollution.

The principle of integrated use of natural resources provides for the creation of territorial production complexes on the basis of existing raw materials and energy resources, which make it possible to more fully use these resources, while reducing the anthropogenic load on the environment. They have specialization, are concentrated in a certain territory, have a single production and social structure and jointly contribute to the protection of the natural environment, such as the Kansk-Achinsk Heat and Power Complex (KATEK). However, these complexes can also have negative impact on the natural environment, but through the integrated use of resources this impact is significantly reduced

The next activity is rational water use. Water use is the totality of all forms and types of use of water resources in the overall system of environmental management. Rational water use involves ensuring the complete reproduction of water resources of a territory or water body in terms of quantity and quality. This is the main condition for the existence of water resources in life cycle. Improving water use is the main factor in modern economic development planning. Water management is determined by the presence of two interacting blocks: natural and socio-economic. As resource-saving systems, river water intake should be considered as part of earth's surface. River water intake is a functionally and territorially integral dynamic geosystem, developing in space and time with clearly defined natural boundaries. The organizing principle of this system is the hydrographic network. Water management is a complex organized territorial system, formed as a result of the interaction of socio-economic societies and natural water sources.

An important task of water management is its environmental optimization. This is possible if the water use strategy includes the principle of minimizing disruption to the structure of the quality of a water body with a catchment area. Return waters after their use differ in composition from natural waters, therefore, for rational water use, maximum savings and minimal interference with natural moisture circulation at any level are required. The reserves and quality of water resources are a function of the regional conditions of runoff formation and the technogenic water cycle created by humans in the process of water use. An assessment of the water supply of a territory for a region can be presented in the form of a set of highly informative hydrogeological indicators corresponding to various cost options for organizing water use. In this case, at least three options must be presented - two extreme and one intermediate: natural conditions, which correspond to a minimum of resources and zero costs for their extraction; conditions of expanded reproduction that appear as a result of expensive engineering measures; conditions of maximum water use that would occur if the full annual flow generated in a given territory was used, which corresponds not only to the maximum of resources, but also to the maximum of possible costs. Such conditions are unattainable, but when modeling and forecasting in theoretical terms, their consideration is necessary to obtain an idea of ​​the processes being studied and as a comparative value for economic calculations. No less important here is the construction of treatment facilities, or the modernization of existing ones, the use of which guarantees the reproduction of “high-quality” water resources, which, after being used in human economic activity, are returned to water bodies.

An effective form of protecting the natural environment during industrial production is the use of low-waste and non-waste technologies, and in agriculture- transition to biological methods of pest and weed control. The greening of industry should develop in the following areas: improvement technological processes and the development of new equipment that ensures less release of pollutants into the natural environment, large-scale implementation of environmental assessment of all types of production, replacement of toxic waste with non-toxic and recyclable waste, widespread use of environmental protection methods and means. It is necessary to use additional means of protection using treatment equipment such as devices and systems for treating wastewater, gas emissions, etc. Rational use of resources and protection of the environment from pollution is a common task, for the solution of which specialists from various branches of technology and fields of science must be involved. Environmental protection measures should determine the creation of natural-technogenic complexes that would ensure the efficient use of raw materials and the preservation of natural components. Environmental protection measures are divided into three groups: engineering, environmental, and organizational.

Engineering activities are designed to improve existing and develop new technologies, machines, mechanisms and materials used in production, ensuring the elimination or mitigation of technogenic loads on the ecosystem. These activities are divided into organizational, technical and technological. Organizational and technical measures include a number of actions to comply with technological regulations, gas and wastewater purification processes, control over the serviceability of instruments and equipment, and timely technical re-equipment of production. The most progressive continuous and enlarged production facilities are provided to ensure the stability of the enterprise. They are also easy to manage and have the ability to constantly improve technologies to reduce emissions and discharges of pollutants.

Technological measures by improving production reduce the intensity of pollution sources. This will require additional costs to modernize production, but by reducing emissions there is virtually no damage to the natural environment, so the return on investment will be high.

It is also necessary to pay attention to environmental measures aimed at self-purification of the environment or self-healing. They are divided into two subgroups:



The abiotic subgroup is based on the use of natural chemical and physical processes that occur in all components.

Biotic measures are based on the use of living organisms, which in the zone of influence of production ensure the functioning of ecological systems (biological fields for wastewater treatment, cultivation of microorganisms for processing pollutants, self-overgrowth of disturbed lands, etc.).

The group of organizational measures is determined by the structure of management of natural-technogenic systems and is divided into planned and operational. Planned ones are designed for the long term of the system’s operation. Their basis is the rational arrangement of all structural units of the natural-technogenic complex.

Operational measures are usually used in extreme situations that arise in production or in the natural environment (explosions, fires, pipeline ruptures).

The above measures are the basis of human activity creating environmentally friendly production and should be aimed at reducing the technogenic load on ecosystems, and if it occurs, contribute to the prompt elimination of the causes and consequences of accidents. The methodological approach to the selection of environmental protection measures should be based on the principle of their environmental and technical and economic assessment.

In addition to the above, I would like to note that for transboundary reservoirs, of which the Amur is an example, the development of national and international legal documents that may be required to maintain the quality of water resources primarily for the following purposes:

Monitoring and control of pollution of national and transboundary waters and its consequences;

Controlling the transport of pollutants over long distances through the atmosphere;

Control of accidental and/or arbitrary discharges into national and/or transboundary water bodies;

Conducting environmental assessments, as well as compensation for damage caused by one of the parties, the user of a transboundary reservoir

21. The concept of legal liability and the basis for its application.

22. Criminal and administrative liability.

23. Civil liability.

24. Disciplinary responsibility.

25. Legal liability for pollution of water bodies.

26. Legal liability for contamination of water bodies.

27. Legal liability for depletion of water bodies.

Water pollution is a decrease in its quality as a result of various physical, chemical or biological substances entering rivers, streams, lakes, seas and oceans

Depletion of waters (water bodies)- is a sustainable decrease in the minimum permissible flow of surface water or a decrease in groundwater reserves

Legal protection of waters

Characteristic feature The legal regime of waters is a comprehensive regulation of their protection from various harmful influences.

Legal protection of waters is a system of measures enshrined by law aimed at preventing their pollution, clogging and depletion. Water legislation recognizes the deterioration of water quality as pollution or clogging as a result of the discharge into water bodies or the entry into them in any other way of harmful substances (pollution) or objects or suspended particles (clogging). Water depletion is a sustainable reduction in their volume (Article 1 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation).

In the field of protection of water bodies, the development and implementation of government programs on water use and protection, environmental monitoring of water bodies, implementation of state accounting of surface and ground waters, maintaining state water cadastre *.

In order to ensure compliance by legal entities and citizens with the established procedure for the rational use and protection of water bodies, standards, regulations and rules in the field of use and protection of water, the regime of use of territories of water protection zones of water bodies and other requirements of water legislation, state control for the use and protection of water by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and state bodies in the field of environmental protection **.

The legislation stipulates that the use of water bodies should be carried out with the minimum possible negative consequences for water bodies. When using them, citizens and legal entities need to carry out production, technological, reclamation, agrotechnical, hydraulic, sanitary and other measures to ensure the protection of water bodies. These requirements are disclosed through the system discussed above responsibilities the specified subjects forming the content of the water use right.

At the same time, water legislation establishes a number of special measures, requirements and prohibitions for water protection.

Maintaining surface and groundwater in a state that meets environmental requirements is ensured primarily through the establishment and compliance standards for maximum permissible harmful effects to water bodies. They are set based on:

The maximum permissible value of anthropogenic load, the long-term impact of which will not lead to a change in the ecosystem of the water body;

The maximum permissible mass of harmful substances that can enter a water body and its catchment area.

In order to protect water and ensure the health and safety of the population, standards for the content of pollutants and harmful substances in water are established - their maximum permissible concentrations(MPC). Water legislation that regulates economic activities that have a negative impact on waters is aimed at maintaining water quality that meets these standards.

To prevent and eliminate pollution of water bodies that may occur as a result of this activity, sources of pollution are identified. Sources of pollution objects from which discharge or otherwise enter water bodies of harmful substances are recognized, deteriorating the quality of surface and ground waters, limiting their use, and also negatively affecting the condition of the bottom and banks of water bodies.

The protection of water bodies from pollution is carried out by regulating the activities of both stationary and other sources of pollution.

Citizens and legal entities when operating economic and other facilities that affect the condition of water bodies, they are obliged to take measures to prevent pollution, clogging and depletion of water bodies and the harmful effects of water (Article 106). Wastewater discharge, containing harmful substances, is allowed if there is licenses, issued by the authorities governing the use and protection of the water fund, and also if such a discharge does not lead to an increase in the content of pollutants above the established standards - standards for maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water (MPC).

In this regard, each source of pollution must comply with the standards established for it by the competent government authorities maximum permissible emissions pollutants (MPE). Standards for maximum permissible emissions of harmful substances are established based on the condition that the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water bodies are not exceeded.

When operating economic and other facilities, it is prohibited:

Discharge into water bodies wastewater that is not treated and neutralized in accordance with established standards;

Collect water from water bodies that significantly affects their condition;

Discharge wastewater containing substances for which maximum permissible concentrations are not established, or containing pathogens infectious diseases.

In case of exceeding MPE standards or discharge of wastewater containing substances for which appropriate standards have not been established, or violation of other requirements for the rational use and protection of water, the discharge of wastewater may be limited, suspended or prohibited up to the termination of activity production facility by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation or executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the proposal of water management bodies, environmental protection or sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

When locating, designing, constructing, putting into operation economic and other facilities, as well as introducing new technological processes, their impact on the state of water bodies and the natural environment must be taken into account. Construction (reconstruction) sites economic and other facilities affecting the condition of water bodies, as well as construction, dredging, blasting and other works on water bodies must be coordinated with the water fund management body, the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision body, and other bodies governing the use and protection of natural resources.

Commissioning is prohibited:

Household and other facilities, including filter storage tanks, waste disposal sites, city and other landfills not equipped with devices, treatment facilities, preventing pollution, clogging, and depletion of water bodies;

Water intake and discharge structures without devices that ensure the accounting of intake and discharge water;

Water intake and other hydraulic structures without establishing sanitary protection zones and creating observation points for indicators of the condition of water bodies.

Sources of pollution located on land should not cause pollution and clogging of water bodies in excess of the established standards for impact on water bodies, which should be ensured by priority use technologies, not providing negative influence on the natural environment, limiting the use of toxic substances and heavy metals, introducing scientifically based methods for measuring and calculating wastewater discharges into water bodies.

The law establishes the obligations of water users to take measures to reduce water consumption, stop the discharge of wastewater by improving production technology and water supply schemes(use of waterless technological processes, air cooling, closed technical water supply systems, etc.) (Articles 98, 105 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation).

In the interests of sustainable satisfaction of the water needs of the population and economic sectors, maintaining optimal conditions for water use, rational use of water resources and ensuring a favorable ecological and sanitary-epidemiological condition of water bodies, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation establishes for water users water use limits.

Water use limits (water consumption and water disposal) are the maximum permissible volumes of withdrawal of water resources or discharge of wastewater of standard quality into water bodies over a certain period of time *.

* Clauses 14-18 of the Rules for the provision of state-owned water bodies for use, the establishment and revision of water use limits, the issuance of water use licenses and administrative licenses, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 1997 No. 383.

In order to protect waters from clogging It is prohibited to discharge industrial, household and other waste into water bodies and dump them in them (Article 96 of the RF CC).

It is prohibited to bury and discharge radioactive and toxic substances (materials) into water bodies, as well as to carry out work on water bodies that uses nuclear and other types of technologies that are accompanied by the release of radioactive and toxic substances.

Owners of funds water transport, floating and other structures on water bodies, timber rafting organizations must prevent pollution and clogging of water due to loss of oils, wood, chemicals, petroleum and other products.

It is not permitted to operate self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels, as well as other objects located on the surface of water bodies, without devices for collecting wastewater, waste and waste generated on these vessels and objects.

Enterprises, organizations and institutions are obliged to prevent pollution and clogging surfaces of watersheds and ice cover of reservoirs industrial, household and other waste and waste, as well as petroleum products, pesticides and other harmful substances, the flushing of which will lead to deterioration in the quality of surface and groundwater.

Essential feature legal protection waters is establishing water protection zones water bodies.

A water protection zone is an area adjacent to the waters of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other surface water bodies, where a special regime of economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation and depletion of water bodies, as well as to preserve the habitat of animal objects and flora.

Compliance with a special regime on the territory of water protection zones is integral part a set of environmental measures to improve the hydrological, hydrochemical, hydrobiological, sanitary and ecological condition of water bodies and the improvement of their coastal territories.

Within water protection zones, coastal protective strips, in the territories of which additional restrictions on environmental management are introduced. The legal regime of these territories is regulated by the Regulations on water protection zones of water bodies and their coastal strips.

In order to protect water bodies used for drinking and domestic water supply, as well as medical, resort and health needs of the population, sanitary protection zones and districts.

The Water Code of the Russian Federation also regulates issues emergency water pollution as a result of salvo discharges of harmful substances, the concepts of zones are defined environmental emergency and environmental disaster on water bodies(Articles 97, 116 of the RF CC), measures to prevent and eliminate consequences are provided harmful effects of water(floods, inundations, destruction of banks, dams, etc., waterlogging and salinization of lands, soil erosion, mudflows, etc.).

The legislation provides for the creation of various categories specially protected water bodies- natural ecosystems that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are completely or partially, permanently or temporarily withdrawn from economic activity. These can be areas of inland sea waters, wetlands, watercourses and reservoirs classified as unique natural landscapes, zones for protecting the source or mouth of water bodies, spawning grounds for valuable fish species, etc. The Special Federal Law “On the Protection of Lake Baikal” establishes a special legal regime for the protection of a unique ecological system - Baikal natural area, which is natural object world heritage.

Ponds inhabited by frogs, on the banks of which irises grow, are becoming increasingly rare. Some of them were drained, others gradually turned into landfills. In this regard, the importance of small garden ponds is gradually increasing. Many animals need them.

Conservation measures

Current situation

The decline in the populations of once common species of various animals and plants indicates how important a role ordinary ponds and lakes play in the lives of animals. Many organizations and societies are involved in the protection of coastal vegetation, which increases the value of water bodies and helps animals. Ponds should be kept clean, deepened, facilitating the settlement of new species of fauna and flora, marshy banks should be strengthened, and efforts should be made to return to them those species of animals and plants that are typical for a particular biotope.

New reservoirs

Landowners should be encouraged to install ponds on their land, given instructions and financial assistance.

Nature conservation

Pollution and oversaturation of water bodies with fertilizers can be prevented by increasing control over the use of chemicals - herbicides and pesticides. It is better to completely abandon artificial fertilizers on personal plots. But against pests you can use their biological enemies and decoctions of appropriate herbs.

How can we help?

You can join a local conservation organization and volunteer to count the bodies of water in the area where you live and research their condition. If dragonflies fly around the pond, then the water in the pond should be relatively clean.

If there is an almost dry or heavily polluted pond on a territory that does not belong to private individuals, you can contact the relevant authorities with a proposal to organize the cleaning of such a reservoir.

Create a pond in your garden. Even a pond, the diameter of which is about one meter, is a convenient place for many animals to live.


Many ponds look like natural bodies of water, but they are man-made. Some ponds were used as watering places for livestock. Fish, mainly carp, are often bred in ponds.

In the past, the pond was the source of water that turned the mill and powered the steam hammer. Some ponds are formed as a result of water filling depressions that were left in areas where clay, sand and gravel were mined.

There are ponds that were originally part of protective moats around fortresses and castles. Ponds are usually located in places where there are sources of water: near streams and surface groundwater. Thus, stagnant reservoirs were constantly supplied with fresh water, which compensated for losses due to evaporation and leaks.

People dug small ponds themselves; large ones were formed as a result of erosion of the banks. In a pond, aquatic plants usually occupy the entire muddy bottom, since the water everywhere warms up well and in summer there is little oxygen in it. Common algae found in ponds are water lilies and bladderwrack.


Ponds, rivers and lakes are inhabited by rich fauna, if people do not pollute the reservoirs. Natural lakes, ponds, and other small bodies of water play an important role in nature. Many freshwater animals live in them, for example, fish, swimming beetles, frogs and dragonflies breed. The temperature of the surface layer of water in ponds, which is several centimeters thick, is constantly changing - it quickly heats up during the day and cools down greatly at night. Some animals, such as mosquito larvae, require such temperature fluctuations.

Mosquito larvae develop very quickly, so they can live even in small puddles - small temporary reservoirs. The larvae of aquatic insects serve as food for fish and newts, which in turn are eaten by birds. Tubifex worms are not harmed by temporary drainage of the reservoir, since they bury their eggs in the silt at the bottom.


There's not a single one free in the pond ecological niche. Plants take root at the bottom or float on the surface of the water. Animals burrow into the mud, stay on its surface or swim in the water column. No two ponds are alike. The differences between them usually relate to how much oxygen the water contains, essential for life. Aquatic plants produce oxygen only during the day, since the process of photosynthesis occurs in their cells under the influence of sunlight.

At night, plants absorb some of the oxygen themselves, so if there are too many plants in the pond, fish will not be able to live in the pond due to lack of oxygen.

It must be remembered that duckweed is also a plant. Shallow ponds are usually less saturated with oxygen than deep ones because the water temperature in them is higher, and warm water is known to contain less oxygen than cold water.

Fisherman to Fisherman. Video (00:27:17)

Broadcast on the protection of water bodies in Penza region and their maintenance by tenants. A raid with inspectors on rivers and lakes and a trip to a pond improved by man.

How to breed fish. Organization of a reservoir for fish breeding. Protection and care of the lake. Video (00:53:48)

How to breed fish. Organization of a reservoir for fish breeding. Protection and care of the lake. Fish with us - a channel about fishing for carp, pike, catfish and many other types of fish. On the channel you will see and hear how and what to catch pike perch, where catfish and burbot hide, how to choose places for winter fishing, what gear to fish with, what bait and bait to use.

Reservoir protection. Video (00:06:35)

The importance and protection of fresh water bodies. Video (00:01:47)

Social video. Water protection. Video (00:03:00)

Protection of the main source of water for Moscow. Video (00:00:58)

The work of private security officers to ensure the security of objects in the water area

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Freshwater bodies perform several functions. On the one hand, rivers and lakes form an important part of the water cycle in nature.

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On the other hand, it is an important environment for life on the planet with its own unique complex of living organisms.

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Large rivers and lakes are a kind of heat trap, since water has a high heat capacity. On cold days, the temperature near bodies of water is higher, as the water releases stored heat, and on hot days, the air above lakes and rivers is cooler due to the fact that the water accumulates excess heat. In the spring, lakes and rivers become resting places for migratory waterfowl, which migrate further north, into the tundra, to nesting sites.

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Rivers and lakes serve as the only accessible source of fresh water on our planet. Currently, many rivers are blocked by hydroelectric dams, so the water in the rivers plays the role of a source of energy.

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Picturesque banks of rivers and lakes allow people to enjoy the beauty of nature. That is why one of the most important meanings of land-based bodies of water is a source of beauty.

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In the Arkhangelsk region, in addition to the listed functions, rivers play the role of transport routes along which various goods are transported.

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Previously, timber rafting was carried out along the Onega, Northern Dvina and other rivers. With this method a large number of logs were floated downstream on their own during the spring flood. Thus, wood was delivered free of charge from logging areas to large sawmills in Arkhangelsk. This method of floating trees caused irreparable damage to nature. The bottom of the rivers where moth rafting was carried out was heavily clogged with rotting logs. Such rivers became unnavigable in the summer. As a result of wood rotting, there was a low oxygen content in the water.

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Consequences of mole alloy.

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Despite its high economic efficiency, this method of transporting wood caused great harm to the environment. Therefore, it has now been abandoned. Nowadays, wood is transported along rivers in the form of large rafts. In this case, there is no loss of logs, and therefore, rivers and the sea are not polluted.

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Timber rafting along the Northern Dvina.

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Northern rivers are famous for their abundance of diverse fish. They are inhabited by whitefish, char, omul, and herring. The rivers flowing into the Beloe and Barents Sea, in the spring, the valuable commercial fish northern salmon, or salmon, comes to spawn. Currently, the number of this species has greatly decreased due to poaching. To preserve salmon, the state regulates fishing standards for special fishing teams. But sometimes residents catch salmon with nets on their own without permission from fisheries conservation organizations; in this regard, the problem of poaching in the northern rivers is especially acute.

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SALMON is an anadromous fish of the salmon family. Length up to 150 cm, weighs up to 39 kg. After feeding in the sea, it migrates to rivers to breed. There are two known races of salmon in the White Sea: autumn and summer. The Northern Dvina salmon run begins in the spring and continues until freeze-up.

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Basics bad influence human influence on the condition of rivers and lakes lies in their pollution by chemical waste. The Northern Dvina is the most polluted. The largest pulp and paper mills in Europe are located on this river. One of them is located near Kotlas, in the city of Koryazhma, and the other two are in Novodvinsk and Arkhangelsk.

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The total pollution of the Northern Dvina is so high that in summer it is not recommended to swim in the river within the city of Arkhangelsk. The problem of water pollution in Arkhangelsk is especially acute, since in this city the river is the only source drinking water. To control the quality of fresh water, the state has developed a Water Code. In law Russian Federation“There is a separate article on the protection of the natural environment on the protection of fresh waters. In Russia, maximum permissible concentrations and maximum permissible standards for discharges of harmful substances from industrial enterprises have been developed. The General Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is responsible for the implementation of these laws and for monitoring the quality of wastewater.

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Another source of pollution of rivers and lakes is domestic wastewater. Most of the large cities in the Arkhangelsk region are located on the banks large rivers. Therefore, large amounts of insufficiently treated wastewater can end up in rivers and then into the sea. To maintain high water quality in the rivers of the Arkhangelsk region and preserve the diverse flora and fauna, industrial enterprises must comply with pollutant emission standards, and the population must comply with environmental laws and take care of the wealth that nature has awarded.

Slide 21

Ecology of the Arkhangelsk region: Tutorial for students of grades 9-11 of secondary school / Under. Ed. Batalova A. E., Morozova L. V. - M.: Publishing house - Moscow State University, 2004. Geography of the Arkhangelsk region (physical geography) 8th grade. Textbook for students. / Edited by N. M. Byzova – Arkhangelsk, Pomeranian International Publishing House pedagogical university named after M.V. Lomonosov, 1995. Regional component of general education. Biology. - Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region, 2006. PSU, 2006. JSC IPPC RO, 2006

The main sources of water pollution are domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater. Surface runoff (storm water) is a variable factor in the pollution of water bodies in terms of time, quantity and quality.

Pollution of water bodies also occurs with waste from water transport and timber rafting. According to the “Sanitary norms and rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution” (No. 4630-88), reservoirs and drains (water bodies) are considered polluted if the composition and properties of the water in them have changed under the direct or indirect influence of industrial activities and household use of the population. The criterion for water pollution is deterioration in quality due to changes in organoleptic properties and the appearance of substances harmful to humans, animals, birds, fish, food and commercial organisms, as well as an increase in water temperature, changing the conditions for the normal functioning of aquatic organisms.

Water use is distinguished into two categories: the first category includes the use of a water body as a source of centralized or non-centralized household and drinking water supply, as well as for water supply to food industry enterprises; to the second category - the use of a water body for swimming, sports and recreation of the population, as well as the use of water bodies located within populated areas. Water use points of the first and second categories are determined by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service with mandatory consideration of official data on the prospects for using the water body for drinking water supply and cultural and everyday needs of the population.

When discharging wastewater within the city (or any settlement) the first point of water use is the given city (or locality). In these cases, the requirements established for the composition and properties of water in a reservoir or stream must apply to the wastewater itself.

The main elements of water and sanitary legislation are hygienic standards or MAC - maximum permissible concentrations at which substances do not have a direct or indirect effect (if exposed to the body throughout life) and do not worsen the hygienic conditions of water use. MPCs serve as the basis for preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision. The limiting sign of harmfulness, according to which the traffic rules are established: sanitary-toxicological (s.-t.), general sanitary (general) and organoleptic (org.). The limiting sign of harmfulness is taken into account when several harmful substances are present simultaneously. If several substances of hazard classes I and II are present in water, the sum of the ratios of these concentrations (C1, C2. Cn) of each of the substances in the water body to the corresponding maximum permissible concentrations should not exceed one:

In accordance with the classification of chemical substances according to the degree of danger, they are divided into 4 classes: Class I - extremely dangerous, Class II - highly dangerous, Class III - dangerous, Class IV - moderately dangerous. The classification is based on indicators characterizing the degree of danger to humans of substances that pollute water, depending on general toxicity, cumulativeness, and the ability to cause long-term side effects.

The composition and properties of water in a water body at points of household, drinking and cultural water use should not exceed the standards presented in Table. 16-18; water bodies for fishing purposes - in table. 19 (standards approved on October 24, 1983; No. 2932-83-04.07.86; No. 42-121-4130-86).

Table 16. Maximum concentrations of harmful substances in water of water bodies for domestic, drinking and cultural water use

*" Within the limits calculated based on the content of organic substances in the water bodies and according to the indicators of the military-industrial complex and dissolved oxygen.

*2 Harmful if absorbed through the skin.

*3 For inorganic compounds

*4 Taking into account the oxygen regime for winter conditions.

*5 MPC of phenol - 0.001 mg/l - indicated for volatile phenols that give water a chlorophenolic odor during chlorination (test chlorination method); MPC refers to water bodies for domestic and drinking water use, subject to the use of chlorine for water disinfection during its purification at water supply facilities or when determining the conditions for the discharge of wastewater subjected to disinfection with chlorine. In other cases, the content of the amount of volatile phenols in the water of water bodies is allowed at a concentration of 0. 1 mg/l.

*6 This also means fluorine in compounds.

*7 Taking into account the chlorine absorption capacity of water bodies.

*8 Simple and complex cyanides (with the exception of cyanoferrates) calculated as cyanogen.

Table 17. Approximate permissible levels (TAL) of substances in water of water bodies for domestic, drinking and cultural water use

Table 18. General requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies at points of domestic, drinking and cultural water use

Table 19. General requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies used for fishing purposes

Sanitary protection of small rivers. High anthropogenic load causes a potential risk of deterioration of water quality and disruption of water use conditions in certain sections of small rivers (watercourses up to 200 km long), increases the risk of intestinal infections and intoxications among the population due to the flow of wastewater containing pathogenic microorganisms, pesticides, and heavy salts. metals, etc.

Small rivers usually have low water flow, low water supply and depth, and low flow speed, which creates relatively unfavorable conditions for mixing and, accordingly, dilution of pollutants. Small rivers, being the initial link of the river network, influence the entire hydrographic network; it is possible to spend a significant part (of the total runoff) on local economic needs and retain it in watersheds (reservoirs, ponds).

The formation of reservoirs and ponds has positive value(increase in volume, natural settling and aeration of water). At the same time, a decrease in the flow of water bodies under the conditions of economic activity can negatively affect the intensity of self-purification processes, worsen the dilution of pollution, be accompanied by “blooming” with a deterioration in the organoleptic properties of water, and during the period of algae dying off - the appearance of toxic products of their decomposition in the water.

The main tasks of state sanitary supervision are: characterizing the state of the river and assessing water quality; identification of main sources of pollution; justification of hygienic measures to protect small rivers from pollution and ensure favorable conditions for water use by the population; control over their implementation.

From a hygienic point of view, special attention should be paid to determining the water quality of small rivers at control points, which should be installed in accordance with the existing and planned use of the river, the presence of a source of pollution upstream from the point of water use: in areas used for domestic and drinking water supply; within the boundaries of a populated area; in places of mass recreation of the population. Observation sites should be located 1 km upstream from points of domestic and drinking water use and places of public recreation (with the exception of cases when the sanitary situation requires closer placement). For each site it is necessary to have information about the distance from the nearest source of pollution and the average water consumption per year of 95% supply.

The sanitary characteristics are given on the basis of: the results of laboratory studies of water quality at control sites; data on sources of pollution and composition of wastewater; results of analyzes of wastewater entering water bodies in order to determine compliance of the discharge with the requirements " Sanitary standards and rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution" No. 4630-88; obtaining the necessary information from the bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Hydrometeorological Committee, and other institutions that monitor the use and protection of water; survey of the population and analysis of citizens' statements about the conditions of water use.

In areas of recreational water use, water is examined 2 times before the start of the swimming season and 2 times monthly during the swimming season; analyzes can be limited to organoleptic (smell, color, floating impurities, film) and bacteriological (coli index) indicators.

In cases of centralized household and drinking water use, the frequency of sampling and the list of water quality indicators are established in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules" (at least 12 times a year monthly).

Within populated areas, the frequency of sampling is established by the local sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, depending on the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

Preventive sanitary supervision over the sanitary condition of small rivers is carried out when considering projects of sanitary protection zones for sources of centralized household and drinking water supply and coastal strips (zones), norms of maximum permissible discharges (MPD) and other design materials submitted for approval.

When assessing the sanitary condition of small rivers and monitoring the implementation of measures for their protection, first of all, the main (priority) types of their pollution should be taken into account; drainage from livestock complexes, farms, poultry farms, grazing and watering areas for livestock; surface runoff from residential, agricultural and industrial areas, and in the southern regions - return and collector-drainage waters; wastewater from health care facilities; drainage in places of mining (ore, coal, oil), discharge of blowing water from circulating water supply systems of large industrial facilities, wastewater from dry cleaners, etc.; industrial wastewater in areas where territorial production complexes, individual large industries and industrial hubs are located; use of sections of small rivers by the population for recreational purposes. The discharge of wastewater from livestock (pig) complexes and poultry farms into small rivers without complete biological treatment is prohibited (for details, see “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of small rivers and sanitary control over measures for their protection in places of water use” No. 3180-84).

Sanitary protection of coastal sea waters. According to the “Rules for the sanitary protection of coastal waters of the seas” (No. 121074; see also “Guidelines for the hygienic control of marine pollution” No. 2260-80), the coastal protected area of ​​the sea is determined by the boundaries of the area of ​​actual and future marine water use of the population and two belts of the zone sanitary protection (SPO): area of ​​direct water use - areas of the sea used for cultural, domestic, health and medical purposes with a width towards the sea of ​​at least 2 km; zone I ZSO - to prevent exceeding standard indicators of microbial and chemical water pollution within the limits of actual and future water use from organized wastewater discharges (along the coastal length and width towards the sea at least 10 km from the border of the water use area); zone II ZSO - to prevent water pollution in the water use area and zone I ZSO from the sea from sea vessels and industrial facilities for mining. The boundaries of this belt are determined towards the sea by the boundaries of territorial waters for internal and external seas in accordance with the requirements of international conventions adopted by the USSR.

It is prohibited to discharge wastewater into the sea, which can be eliminated through rational technology, maximum use in recycling and reuse water supply systems, or through the installation of waste-free production; containing substances for which maximum permissible concentrations (MACs) have not been established. Discharges of treated industrial and domestic wastewater (including ship water) within the boundaries of the water use area are prohibited. Requirements for the composition and properties of sea water in the water use area of ​​the 1st and 1st zones of the WSO, see table. 20.

In public bathing areas, an additional indicator of pollution is the number of staphylococci in the water; signal value is an increase in their number by more than 100 per 1 liter (in places of water intakes of swimming pools with sea water, the number of bacteria of the E. coli group and enterococci, respectively, is no more than 100 and 50 per 1 liter).

For the first zone of the Western Zone, the coli index of wastewater is no more than 1000 with a concentration of free chlorine of at least 1.5 mg/l. When discharging wastewater from the shore beyond the boundaries of the first zone of the Western Zone, microbial pollution of sea water at the border of the first and second zones of the zone should not exceed 1 million according to the colon index.

Maximum permissible concentrations for harmful substances apply to water intakes for drinking water and recreational medical use of sea waters and areas of marine water use (temporarily until standards are developed for coastal sea waters).

For coastal areas of seas with specific hydrological conditions and unsatisfactory sanitary, hydrophysical and hydrological features of the area from a hygienic point of view, causing stagnation or concentration of pollution in coastal waters, the requirements and standards for the first zone of the WSS should be attributed to wastewater without taking into account possible mixing and dilution with sea water.

To prevent pollution of the coastal protected area of ​​the sea from ships in ports, port points and from ships stationed in roadsteads, it must be possible to discharge wastewater (through drainage devices, sewage vessels, etc.) into the citywide

Table 20. Requirements for the composition and properties of sea water in the water use area of ​​the 1st and 1st zones of the Western Socialist Zone

sewerage; solid waste, waste and garbage must be collected in special containers on board the ship and delivered ashore for subsequent disposal and neutralization.

To clean the sea from oil (petroleum products), ports and port points must have equipment - special mechanisms, ships or craft that ensure the collection of oil and subsequent disposal of oil residues.

When exploring and developing the resources of the continental shelf, it is necessary to provide for protective measures to prevent pollution of the shelf and the aquatic environment above it by industrial and household production waste.

Conditions for the discharge of fresh water. Requirements for the conditions for the discharge of wastewater into water bodies apply to the discharge of all types of industrial and domestic wastewater from populated areas (urban, rural)
and separate residential and public buildings, including mine water, waste water from water cooling, hydro-ash removal, oil production, hydraulic stripping operations, waste water from irrigated and drained agricultural areas, including those treated with pesticides, and other waste water from any objects, regardless of their departmental affiliation (the requirements also apply to storm drainage).

The conditions for the discharge of wastewater into water bodies are determined taking into account the degree of possible mixing and dilution of wastewater with the water of a water body on the way from the place of wastewater discharge to the design (control) site of the nearest points of economic, drinking and fishery water use" and the water quality of reservoirs and watercourses above the place projected wastewater discharge. Taking into account the processes of natural self-purification of water from substances entering it is allowed if the self-purification process is sufficiently pronounced and its patterns have been sufficiently studied.

Sanitary supervision of sewage treatment plants. Sewage is understood as a set of sanitary measures and engineering structures that ensure the collection and disposal of wastewater, its purification, neutralization and disinfection. During mechanical treatment, the liquid and solid phases of wastewater are separated: grates, sand traps, settling tanks, septic tanks, two-tier settling tanks. The liquid part of wastewater is subjected to biological treatment (natural or artificial): natural - in filtration fields, irrigation fields, in biological ponds; artificial - in biofilters, aeration tanks. Sludge (sewage sludge) treatment is carried out on sludge beds, in digesters or in mechanical dewatering and thermal drying plants.

Sanitary supervision includes inspection of treatment facilities and assessment of the effectiveness of their operation through systematic visits to the facilities, laboratory control, and identification of the impact on the sanitary condition of the reservoir. The dimensions of land plots for structures and sewers during artificial biological treatment are given in Table. 21.

Table 21. Size of land plots for sewerage treatment facilities during artificial treatment

For the dimensions of sanitary protection zones between sewage treatment plants and residential areas or food enterprises, see SN 245-71.

The territory of treatment facilities must be landscaped, landscaped, illuminated and fenced. Facilities for mechanical wastewater treatment include screens, sand traps, and settling tanks.

When inspecting the grates, it is important to pay attention to the timely removal of retained substances from the grates (clogging of the grates is detected externally by the amount of waste on the grate and by raising the level of waste liquid in front of the grate by 5-8 cm).

Correct operation of the sand trap is ensured by timely removal of sediment; When sediment accumulates, suspended substances are removed from the sump.

Sedimentation tanks are used for preliminary wastewater treatment (if biological treatment is required) or as independent structures (if only mechanical impurities need to be separated from wastewater). Depending on their purpose, settling tanks are divided into primary and secondary. Primary ones are installed before biological wastewater treatment facilities, secondary ones - after these structures. Based on their design characteristics, settling tanks are divided into horizontal, vertical and radial.

Primary settling tanks can provide a liquid clarification effect of up to 60% (usually within 30-50%).

Facilities for treating sewage sludge include septic tanks, settling tanks and clarifiers, digesters, digesters, sludge beds. Septic tanks are structures in which the clarification of waste liquid, long-term storage and decomposition of the fallen sludge occur simultaneously (the sludge is stored from 6 to 12 months and under the influence of anaerobic microorganisms are destroyed, insoluble organic substances are converted partly into a gaseous product, partly into soluble mineral compounds); The waste liquid is clarified for 1-3 days, which provides a relatively high clarification effect. Two-tier settling tanks are used for treatment plants with a capacity of up to 10,000 m3/day. The sediment that falls into the sludge chamber is fermented under the influence of anaerobic bacteria with the formation of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Normally, the process of anaerobic destruction of organic substances occurs in an alkaline environment (pH 8.0). The acidity of the environment serves as an indicator of the normal operation of these structures. The process of rotting sediment takes a long time (60-180 days). The sediment is considered technically mature when it easily releases moisture when dried and does not emit a bad odor. It rots domestic water sludge well.

The clarifier-digester consists of a clarifier with natural aeration and a digester located concentrically around it. The digester is a cylindrical or rectangular reinforced concrete tank with a conical bottom. In digesters, the gas resulting from fermentation is collected in a bell located at the top of the gas-tight ceiling, from where it is removed for use. To speed up the fermentation process, use various techniques, for example, heating the sludge and mixing it. The fermented sludge has high moisture content. There are various techniques for drying sludge; the most common is drying on sludge beds. Silt pads consist of graded plots of land (maps) surrounded on all sides by earthen ridges.

When examining sludge sites, it is necessary to pay attention to the general operating mode of the sites (number of maps) - the thickness of the layer of accepted load, drying periods, the degree of drying, the system for removing and using sediment, the absence or presence of overloading of sites with sediment. The silt layer on the maps should be 20-30 cm in summer and 10 cm below the height of the rollers in winter. When overloaded, the drying period is shortened, the soil of the sites becomes silted, and working conditions for removing sediment from the sites and removing it are difficult.

Agricultural irrigation fields (AIF) are intended for round-the-clock and year-round neutralization of wastewater, which is used for irrigation and fertilization of agricultural crops. According to the “Sanitary Rules for the Construction and Operation of Agricultural Irrigation Fields” (No. 3236-85), it is not allowed to establish a ZPO on the territory of the 1st and 2nd zones of the sanitary protection zone for sources of centralized household and drinking water supply; in the area of ​​pinching out of aquifers and fractured rocks and karsts; within the resort sanitary protection district; when the depth of groundwater from the ground surface is less than 1.25 m on sandy and sandy loam soils and less than 1 m on loamy and clayey soils.

To collect drainage water and then use it for irrigation, it is necessary to provide storage ponds.

A sanitary protection zone is established between populated areas and the territory of the ZPO, the width of which depends on the irrigation method and should be (at least): for subsurface irrigation - 100 m; with surface irrigation - 200 m; when sprinkling: a) with short-stream devices - 300 m, b) with medium-stream devices - 500 m, c) with long-stream devices - 750 m. The sanitary protection zone to the main roads must be at least 100 m, including the right-of-way.

Along the borders of irrigated fields on the side of populated areas, it is planned to construct sanitary protective forest belts with a width of at least 15 m, and along highways - 10 m.

Filtration fields are used to purify the liquid phase of wastewater. When choosing a territory for their location, they are guided by the same rules (see above, No. 3236-85). The most suitable soils for filtration fields are sand and sandy loam.

During sanitary supervision of the operation of irrigation fields and filtration fields, attention should be paid to the conditions for filtering waste liquid through the soil (ensuring a normal filtration rate): frequency of waste liquid injection, correct site planning, systematic plowing of the site soil, timely cutting of furrows, weed control, absence of overloading of fields and their individual sites (maps) with waste liquid. It is important to maintain the trays and channels that supply liquid to the fields and individual field maps, which must be free from blockages and overgrown grass. Valves for switching the liquid supply to different sites must be in good working order. The roller system must reliably protect against spillage of wastewater into the area surrounding the map. It is necessary to systematically monitor the increase in groundwater levels under the influence of irrigation.

Biological filters consist of an impervious base, drainage, side walls, filter media and distribution devices. The biofilter consists of a container; filter load; a distribution device that ensures uniform (at small intervals) irrigation of the surface of the filter media; bottom with drainage, through which purified water is removed and through which the air necessary for the oxidation process enters the biofilter body. The filter media material must be sufficiently porous, durable and resistant to destruction from mechanical and chemical influences (boiler slag, certain types of coal, coke, gravel, crushed hard rock and well-burnt expanded clay). Passing through the filter media of the biofilter, contaminated water leaves suspended and colloidal substances in it due to adsorption. organic matter(not settled in primary settling tanks), which create a biofilm populated by microorganisms. Biofilm microorganisms oxidize organic substances. Thus, organic substances are removed from wastewater, and the mass of active biological film in the biofilter body increases (spent and dead film is washed off by flowing wastewater and removed from the biofilter body). The cleaning effect of biofilters is very high (BODb 90% or more). Laboratory monitoring of the operation of biofilters is carried out by taking samples of incoming and outgoing waste liquid (average samples taken in separate portions every 30 minutes for 4-6 hours). Determine the temperature appearance, smell, transparency, insoluble substances and their ash content, oxidizability, BOD, stability, dissolved oxygen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, chlorides. With efficient filters, the waste liquid becomes transparent and the turbidity disappears; the fecal odor of the water changes to earthy; transparency increases to 20-30 cm according to Snellen; the amount of insoluble substances decreases slightly, since the water supplied as a biofilter has already been settled; oxidation drops by 60-80%; biochemical oxygen demand decreases by 80-95%; relative stability increases to 80-90%; ammonium nitrogen almost completely turns into nitrate nitrogen, and nitrites are found in small quantities (up to fractions of a milligram per 1 liter); dissolved oxygen appears in an amount of 3-8 mg/l; the concentration of chlorides in the waste liquid does not change.

The aerofilter is intensively blown from the bottom up with air, so the oxidation process is more intense than in biofilters (approximately 2 times), and, therefore, the amount of waste liquid being purified in this case can be significantly higher. Depending on the climate zone and the capacity of the structure, bio- and aerofilters should be placed in heated rooms or unheated rooms of lightweight construction. When monitoring the operation of bio- and aerofilters, it is necessary to monitor the uniform distribution of waste liquid over the surface of the biofilter, the good condition of the loading material, and the cleanliness of the drainage space under the filter and discharge trays. In case of surface siltation of the filter material and stagnation of water on the surface of the filter, the wetlands should be loosened and washed with a stream of water under pressure.

An aeration tank is a reservoir in which a mixture of activated sludge and purified waste liquid moves slowly (constantly mixed with compressed air or special devices). Activated sludge is a biocenosis of microorganisms - mineralizers, capable of sorbing on their surface and oxidizing organic substances of waste liquid in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. The mixture of waste liquid with activated sludge must be aerated throughout the entire length of the aeration tank (with blowers). When monitoring the operation of the aeration tank, it is necessary to monitor, first of all, compliance with the duration of residence of the waste liquid in it, the content of the required amount of activated sludge and the air supply regime over the entire area of ​​the aeration tank, timely removal and treatment of excess activated sludge. Laboratory monitoring of the efficiency of the aeration tank is carried out using the same indicators as for biological filters.

Secondary settling tanks are designed to retain biological film from waste liquid after biofilters or activated sludge coming with liquid after aeration tanks. In addition, they are used as contact tanks when chlorine solution is added to wastewater. Secondary settling tanks, which are technologically connected structures with aeration tanks, serve only to separate activated sludge from wastewater purified in the aeration tank. The duration of settling of the sludge mixture in the secondary settling tank is 1-0.5 hours (the sludge is completely removed from the secondary settling tank). It is necessary to maintain the uniformity of the flow and exit of wastewater from the secondary settling tank (less than 1 mg/l).

Biological, or treatment, ponds are used as independent treatment devices or as facilities for the post-treatment of wastewater pre-treated in biological structures (biofilters, aeration tanks). In the first case, wastewater, having passed through settling tanks, is diluted before entering the ponds with 3-5 volumes of technical or household drinking water. When operating ponds, the load on them is assumed to be: for settled wastewater without dilution - up to 250 m3/ha per day, for biologically treated wastewater - up to 500 m3/ha per day. The average depth in biological ponds should be no more than 1 m and no less than 0.5 m. In the spring, before putting biological ponds into operation, their bottom is plowed, the ponds are filled with wastewater and kept until ammonia nitrogen almost completely disappears from it. The period of “ripening” of ponds for the central zone of the USSR is at least 1 month. In the fall, after the biological ponds are finished operating, the water is released from them (in the winter, biological ponds are operated by freezing ice on them).

Since wastewater from any populated area must be regarded as containing pathogenic microbes, disinfection must be provided in all cases of artificial treatment. Currently, wastewater disinfection is provided after both mechanical and biological treatment. Disinfection is carried out with liquid chlorine: the dose of active chlorine after mechanical cleaning is at least 30 mg/l, after incomplete biological cleaning - 15 m/l, after complete artificial biological cleaning - 10 mg/l. At small treatment plants with a capacity of up to 1000 m3/day, the use of bleach is allowed.

Chlorination of waste liquid is carried out in special contact tanks, arranged like horizontal or vertical settling tanks. The duration of contact of chlorine with the liquid must be at least 30 minutes, so if purified water passes from the treatment station to the reservoir for 30 minutes or more, then contact tanks do not need to be installed. The content of residual active chlorine in the waste liquid of at least 1.5 mg/l serves as an indicator of the sufficient depth of its disinfection.

When monitoring the operation of a chlorination plant, it is necessary to take into account the thoroughness of mixing chlorine with waste liquid, the uniformity of chlorine supply, and the contact time of chlorine with waste liquid. Sediment that accumulates at the bottom of contact pools must be removed after 2-3 days. For each installation, instructions on chlorination of wastewater, storage of chlorine and safety precautions must be drawn up.

When deciding on the issue of sewerage, treatment and disposal of wastewater from an industrial enterprise, the possibility and feasibility of using wastewater in the recycling and reuse water supply system of enterprises or workshops should be considered, depending on specific local conditions.

Drawing up a project for sewerage, treatment, neutralization and disinfection of wastewater should be based on taking into account the quantity, composition and regime of wastewater disposal; sanitary condition of the water body in the area of ​​the designed facility; sanitary situation above and below the wastewater discharge of this facility; use of the water body for domestic and drinking water supply and cultural and everyday needs of the population and for fishing and other purposes at present and in the future. In the absence of established standards, before the start of design, water users must ensure that the necessary research is carried out to study the degree of harmfulness of the substances contained in wastewater and justify the maximum permissible concentrations for them in the water of water bodies according to the nature and category of water use.

Sanitary protection of water bodies from pollution by wastewater from large livestock and poultry farms. Drains from livestock farms are hazardous from a sanitary and epidemiological point of view (they contain typical and atypical cultures of microbes of the Salmonella group, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.). The total amount of manure runoff from livestock complexes and industrial farms is calculated taking into account the volume of excrement (feces, urine) of animals; water for their removal from production premises; water spent on washing floors and equipment; water leaks from drinking bowls; hourly and daily coefficient of uneven water flow.

The approximate daily amount of manure waste generated at a pig farm from one animal is 40 liters, and from a pig farm for 108 thousand animals per year - 3000 m3, for 54 thousand animals per year - 1500 m3. When animals are kept in stalls and pastures, the amount of manure is reduced by 50% due to loss on pastures and by 12% on walking areas. The volume of waste liquid from milking platforms is 62 liters per head (the proportion of excrement in it is 8-10%).

Manure runoff from livestock farms can be a factor in the transmission of more than 100 infectious diseases (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.). From the liquid fraction of pig manure, from 11 to 21 strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and from 22 to 59 strains of salmonella are isolated (see also Chapter 17).

The epidemic danger of manure runoff from livestock farms consists not only of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and their high concentration, but also of long survival times. The survival rate, for example, of Brucella in undiluted manure at a temperature of 25 ° C is 20-25 days, and that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is 475 days. As the moisture content of manure increases, the survival time of pathogenic bacteria increases. Pig manure and wastewater may contain viable eggs and larvae of helminths that are dangerous to humans. In warm weather, when manure waste is stored in manure storage facilities, the survival rate of helminth eggs reaches 4 months. In cold weather, even a longer period of holding wastewater does not ensure its complete deworming. 80-90% of viable helminth eggs (ascaris) remain in manure and manure drains.

Collection and removal of manure and manure waste from livestock buildings is carried out using mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic (flush, gravity) methods. The gravity system is used for keeping animals without bedding on slatted floors. Manure channels must have reliable waterproofing. The settling-tray system is recommended for keeping animals on slatted floors without bedding, which provides for the periodic accumulation of animal excrement in manure channels (7-14 days) when they are filled with water to a height of 15=20 cm. With a flush system, daily use of water is provided for the removal of animal excrement from manure channels.

The most appropriate way to transport manure and manure waste from livestock complexes and industrial farms to storage and processing sites is to supply them through a closed pipeline. In some cases, it is allowed to use mobile transport to transport liquid manure to the place of application to the soil, for which appropriate justifications must be given in the projects. For storage and dewatering of litter manure, non-buried waterproof areas or containers with a depth of 1.8-2 m are provided.

Facilities for storing liquid manure and manure waste must meet the following requirements:

Ensure prevention of the spread of infectious diseases (“interim” quarantine);

Avoid infiltration into soil and groundwater,

The total capacity of manure storage facilities should be designed for a period that ensures the release of manure from pathogenic microorganisms and helminth eggs (at least 6 months) from the moment of receipt of their last portions.

The quarantine period for manure must be at least 6 days, which corresponds to the incubation period of infectious diseases.

Manure infected with persistent pathogenic microorganisms in quarantine containers (pathogens of anthrax, plague, rabies, tuberculosis, etc.) is burned after pre-moistening with disinfectant solutions. Disinfection of liquid manure with formaldehyde during an epizootic should be carried out in quarantine containers, based on the rate of reagent consumption and contact time: for manure infected with salmonella and colibacteria - from 0.04 to 0.16% of the volume of manure with a contact time of 24 hours and homogenization for 3 hours; for manure infected with pathogens of foot-and-mouth disease and Aueszky's disease - 0.3% of the volume of manure with a contact time of 72 hours and homogenization for 6 hours.

Mechanical processing of liquid manure is used to separate solid particles from its mass.

Currently, manure and manure runoff generated on livestock complexes and farms are mainly used to fertilize and irrigate agricultural fields. The main hygienic requirements aimed at ensuring complete neutralization of manure are: the presence of a sufficient number of areas for disposal, favorable soil-climatic, hydrological and hydrogeological conditions.

Irrigation fields are established on chernozem, sandy, sandy loam, loamy soils and drained peat bogs. The groundwater level must be at least 1.5 m. If the groundwater depth is less than 1.5 m, a drainage system is necessary. Drainage water is prohibited from being discharged into water bodies (it is recommended to reuse it for irrigation or diluting manure and slurry before applying it to fields).

In cases where soil methods cannot be applied, it is recommended to install artificial biological wastewater treatment facilities, followed by additional treatment in biological ponds and discharge into water bodies or use them for irrigation. To provide efficient work for artificial biological treatment facilities, the dose of activated sludge should be at least 10-12 g/l. The BODb load on sludge should not exceed 100 mg/g sludge per day. The silt index of such sludge is 60-120 mg/g. The increase in activated sludge is 40% of the COD at a humidity of 96-97%.

The solid fraction of manure (with a moisture content of no more than 70%) is composted or piled on special waterproofed sites that have a slope towards drainage ditches (the sites are buried in the ground up to 1 m). The liquid released from the solid fraction of manure, together with precipitation, is sent to a slurry collector for further processing.

The holding time of the solid fraction of manure in piles is at least 6-8 months. It is recommended to cover the piles with sawdust, peat or soil with a thickness of 15-20 cm in summer and 30-40 cm in winter. This ensures that the temperature in all layers of the piles rises to 60 ° C, which is destructive for pathogenic microflora and helminth eggs. After neutralization, the composts are transported to fields as fertilizer.

To dilute manure and manure runoff on irrigation fields, it is necessary to have reliable water sources (drainage water from irrigation fields can be used). In irrigation fields, measures must be taken to prevent manure and manure runoff from entering open water bodies (installation of rollers, storage ponds, drainage and bypass canals, etc.). The capacity of storage ponds is determined taking into account the accumulation of the entire amount of wastewater over 6 months.

The distribution of preparatory manure runoff on irrigation fields is allowed by irrigation along furrows and strips with low-directional sprinklers, mobile means (with appropriate justification) and underground (subsoil) irrigation. The rates for applying manure and manure runoff to irrigation fields should be calculated taking into account the type of crops, their removal with the harvest and natural losses during the irrigation process (20-30%). When supplying liquid manure to irrigation fields, special flow metering devices (water meters) must be used, built into the structures for the release and supply of wastewater to irrigation or into sewer pipes.

Land irrigated with manure runoff from livestock farms is allowed to be used only for forage grasses, forage-row-crop and grain-fallow crop rotations (feeding of forage crops is allowed after ensiling or heat treatment, i.e. processing into vitamin flour).

Bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological service (sanitary and epidemiological stations of autonomous republics, territories and regions) carry out sanitary supervision at the stage of selecting a land plot for the construction of livestock complexes, linking projects of livestock complexes and projects of manure and manure wastewater treatment systems to the site, and also consider manure use systems and manure runoff for fertilizing and irrigating agricultural lands.

When considering projects of irrigation fields for the use of manure and manure runoff from livestock complexes, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of the allocated land areas with the amount of manure runoff generated. Calculation of areas is carried out in accordance with permissible load standards and additional allocation of areas for passages, embankments, canals, etc. (15-25% of the total territory). Manure treatment facilities are located below water intake structures and production areas.

When carrying out state sanitary supervision during the construction of systems for the collection, removal, storage, disinfection and use of manure and manure waste, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of objects and structures with the approved project; construction deadlines, bearing in mind that the commissioning of treatment facilities must precede the completion of construction of the livestock complex.

Current sanitary supervision is carried out in the following areas: a) conditions for the formation of manure and manure waste on livestock farms, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics over time: upon completion of construction of facilities and during operation;

b) assessment of the efficiency of manure and manure waste treatment systems based on sanitary-chemical, bacteriological, helminthological and other indicators; c) the influence of manure and manure runoff on the condition of the soil, open water bodies, groundwater and atmospheric air; d) study of the sanitary living conditions of the population in the areas where the livestock complex is located. Constant monitoring of the operation of facilities for the treatment and disinfection of wastewater from livestock complexes, their impact on surface water bodies and The groundwater, atmospheric air, soil and plants are provided by a departmental production laboratory.

Sanitary protection of water bodies from pollution by pesticides. Pesticides enter reservoirs with rain and melt water (surface runoff); during air and ground processing of agricultural land and forests; when directly treating water bodies with pesticides; with drainage and collector waters when growing cotton and rice; with wastewater from pesticide production plants and generated in agriculture as a result of the use of pesticides (see also Chapter 17).

Samples for water testing are taken quarterly (more often if necessary). During the period of pesticide use in agriculture, monitoring of water quality and the sanitary regime of reservoirs in the immediate vicinity of the fields is established (water samples are taken before and after treatment, at the end of work with pesticides). The content of pesticides in drainage and collector waters is systematically monitored (sampling frequency is set depending on local conditions). Simultaneously with water sampling, sludge samples are examined. In water samples from artesian wells, wells, captages in the nearest and more distant areas, where, according to local conditions, deterioration in water quality can be expected, drinking water is analyzed according to general indicators and specific determinations for the presence of pesticides used in the treatment process. Drainage and collector waters containing pesticides in concentrations above the maximum permissible limits are prohibited from being reused for irrigation.

When choosing the form of the drug from the standpoint of sanitary protection of water bodies, preference should be given to granular forms, since in this case the danger of the drug being carried into the water body is significantly reduced and a gradual release of the pesticide into the external environment is ensured when the granules are destroyed. The least favorable in this regard are dusts.

Treatment of agricultural areas with pesticides may be permitted if it is possible to maintain a sanitary protective gap of at least 300 m between land and water bodies.