The largest ball lightning. Seven mysteries of ball lightning: clues found. What to do when you encounter ball lightning

It is important for every person to know how ball lightning is formed and how to behave, because no one is immune from meeting with it. Scientists believe that ball lightning is a special kind of lightning. It moves through the air in the form of a luminous fireball (it can also look like a mushroom, a drop or a pear). Ball lightning is about 10-20 cm in size. Those who have seen it close up say that small fixed details are visible inside ball lightning.

Ball lightning can easily penetrate enclosed spaces: it appears from a socket, from a TV set, it can appear in a pilot's cockpit. There are cases when fireballs occur in the same place, flying out of the ground.

Ball lightning remains a mystery to scientists

For a long time, scientists generally did not recognize the fact that ball lightning exists. And when there was information that someone saw her, everything was attributed to an optical illusion or hallucinations. However, the report of the physicist Francois Arago changed everything. The scientist systematized and published eyewitness accounts of such a phenomenon as ball lightning.

Since then, many scientists have recognized the existence of the phenomenon of ball lightning in nature, but because of this, the mysteries have not become less, on the contrary, they only become more with time.

Everything about ball lightning is incomprehensible: how this amazing ball appears - it appears not only during a thunderstorm, but also on a clear, fine day. It is not clear what it consists of - what kind of substance that can penetrate through a tiny slit, and then become round again. Physicists currently cannot answer all these questions.

There are many theories regarding ball lightning today, but no one has yet succeeded in substantiating the phenomenon from a scientific point of view. In scientific circles, there are two opposite versions that are popular today.

Ball lightning and its formation in accordance with hypothesis No. 1

Dominic Arago managed not only to systematize all the collected information regarding the plasma ball, but also to make explanations about the mystery of this object. The scientist's version is that ball lightning is formed as a result of a specific effect between nitrogen and oxygen. The process is accompanied by the release of energy, which causes the formation of lightning.

According to another physicist, Frenkel, this version can be added by another theory. It involves the formation of a plasma ball from a spherical vortex, the composition of which is dust particles and active gases created by an electric discharge. This causes the existence of a vortex-ball for a sufficiently long time.

This version is confirmed by the fact that the appearance of a plasma ball occurs after an electric discharge exactly where the air is dusty, and when ball lightning disappears, a certain haze and a specific smell remain after it. From this hypothesis, we can conclude that all the energy of ball lightning is inside it, which means that this substance is an energy storage device.

Ball lightning and its formation in accordance with hypothesis No. 2

According to Kapitza, ball lightning is fed by radio waves, the length of which can be 35-70 cm. The reason for their occurrence is associated with electromagnetic oscillations - the result of the interaction of thunderclouds and the earth's crust.

The academician suggested that ball lightning explodes at the moment when the energy supply suddenly stops. This may look like a change in the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. There is a so-called "collapse" process.

There were supporters of the second hypothesis, however, by its nature, ball lightning refutes it. To date, with the help of modern equipment, the radio waves mentioned by Kapitsa have not been detected after discharges in the atmosphere.

The scale of the event during the explosion of ball lightning also contradicts the second hypothesis: objects of high strength are melted or blown to pieces, logs of enormous thickness are broken, and a tractor was once overturned by a shock wave.

Ball lightning requires special behavior from the one who met it

If there is a chance to meet with ball lightning, it is not necessary to panic, and even more so to rush about. You have to treat her like a rabid dog. No sudden movements or running, because at the slightest whirl of air, lightning can go to this place.

Human behavior should be unhurried, calm. You should try to stay as far away from the lightning as possible, but you should not turn your back on it. If the plasma ball is in the room, it is advisable to get to the window and open the window. The ball can succumb to the movement of air and end up on the street.

Nothing should be thrown at the plasma ball, because it is fraught with an explosion, after which big problems associated with injuries and burns are inevitable. Sometimes people's hearts even stop.

Once next to a person who was unlucky and the lightning touched him, bringing him to a loss of consciousness, he should provide first aid and call an ambulance. The victim should be moved to a ventilated area and wrapped warmly. In addition, a person needs to do artificial respiration.

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One of the most amazing and hazardous phenomena nature is ball lightning. How to behave and what to do when meeting with her, you will learn from this article.

What is ball lightning

Surprisingly, but modern science finds it difficult to answer this question. Unfortunately, no one has been able to analyze this yet. a natural phenomenon using precise scientific instruments. All attempts by scientists to recreate it in the laboratory have also failed. Despite a lot of historical data and eyewitness accounts, some researchers even deny the very existence of this phenomenon.

Those who were lucky enough to stay alive after meeting with an electric ball, give conflicting testimonies. They claim to have seen a sphere 10 to 20 cm in diameter, but describe it differently. According to one version, ball lightning is almost transparent, the contours of surrounding objects can even be guessed through it. According to another, its color varies from white to red. Someone says that they felt the heat emanating from the lightning. Others did not notice any warmth from her, even being in close proximity.

Chinese scientists were lucky to detect ball lightning using spectrometers. Although this moment lasted one and a half seconds, the researchers were able to conclude that it was different from ordinary lightning.

Where does ball lightning appear?

How to behave when meeting with her, because a fireball can appear anywhere. The circumstances of its formation are very different and it is difficult to find a definite pattern. Most people think that you can only meet lightning during or after a thunderstorm. However, there is a lot of evidence that it also appeared in dry, cloudless weather. It is also impossible to predict the place where an electric ball may form. There were cases when it arose from a voltage network, a tree trunk, and even from a wall of an apartment building. Eyewitnesses saw how lightning appeared on its own, met it in open areas and indoors. Also, the literature describes cases when, after a normal strike, ball lightning occurred.

How to behave

If you are "lucky enough" to encounter a fireball in an open area, you must adhere to the basic rules of behavior in this extreme situation.

  • Try to slowly move away from the dangerous place for a considerable distance. Don't turn your back on the lightning and don't try to run away from it.
  • If she is close and moving towards you, freeze, stretch your arms forward and hold your breath. After a few seconds or minutes, the ball will circle around you and disappear.
  • In no case do not throw any objects at it, as if it collides with something, the lightning explodes.

Ball lightning: how to escape if it appeared in the house?

This plot is the most terrible, since an unprepared person can panic and commit fatal error. Remember that the electric sphere reacts to any movement of air. Therefore, the most universal advice is to remain still and calm. What else can be done if ball lightning has flown into the apartment?

  • What to do if she was near your face? Blow on the ball and it will fly off to the side.
  • Do not touch iron objects.
  • Freeze, do not make sudden movements and do not try to escape.
  • If there is an entrance to an adjacent room nearby, then try to hide in it. But do not turn your back on the lightning and try to move as slowly as possible.
  • Do not try to drive it away with any object, otherwise you risk provoking a strong explosion. In this case, you are threatened with such serious consequences like cardiac arrest burns, trauma and loss of consciousness.

How to help the victim

Be aware that lightning can be very serious injury or even take your life. If you see that a person is injured by her blow, then urgently take action - move him to another place and do not be afraid, since there will no longer be a charge in his body. Put him on the floor, wrap him up and call an ambulance. In case of cardiac arrest, give him artificial respiration until the arrival of doctors. If the person was not badly hurt, put a wet towel on his head, give two analgin tablets and soothing drops.

How to save yourself

How to protect yourself from ball lightning? First of all, you need to take steps that will keep you safe during a normal thunderstorm. Remember that in most cases people suffer from electric shock while in nature or in the countryside.

  • How to escape from ball lightning in the forest? Don't hide under lonely trees. Try to find a low grove or undergrowth. Remember that lightning rarely strikes conifers and birches.
  • Do not hold metal objects (forks, shovels, guns, fishing rods and umbrellas) above your head.
  • Do not hide in a haystack and do not lie down on the ground - better squat down.
  • If a thunderstorm caught you in the car, stop and do not touch metal objects. Don't forget to lower your antenna and drive away from tall trees. Stop at the curb and do not enter the gas station.
  • Remember that quite often a thunderstorm goes against the wind. Ball lightning moves in exactly the same way.
  • How to behave in the house and should you worry if you are under a roof? Unfortunately, a lightning rod and other devices are not able to help you.
  • If you are in the steppe, then squat down, try not to rise above the surrounding objects. You can take cover in a ditch, but leave it as soon as it starts to fill with water.
  • If you are sailing in a boat, then in no case do not get up. Try to get to the shore as quickly as possible and move away from the water to a safe distance.

  • Take off your jewelry and put it away.
  • Turn off your cell phone. If it works, then ball lightning can be attracted to the signal.
  • How to escape from a thunderstorm if you are in the country? Close windows and chimney. It is not yet known whether glass is a barrier to lightning. However, it has been observed that it easily seeps into any slots, sockets or electrical appliances.
  • If you are at home, then close the windows and turn off electrical appliances, do not touch anything metal. Try to stay away from outlets. Do not make phone calls and turn off all external antennas.

Ball lightning. This mysterious phenomenon of nature is still very little studied. There are many cases when this clot of crushing energy enters our homes. It penetrates the room through the slightest cracks, chimneys and even through smooth glass. Ball lightning is a fleeting phenomenon, but sometimes it can be observed for 20 seconds.

Ball lightning is considered a special type of lightning, which is a luminous fireball floating through the air (sometimes it looks like a mushroom, drop or pear).

Getting into the apartment, ball lightning behaves differently: it either goes out, or "splashes" with a crash. Its sizes vary. The most common lightning is about 15 cm in size. But there are times when it reaches 1 meter or more in diameter. In contact with a person, in general, the matter ends tragically. But in rare cases this does not happen. Not so long ago, such a contact happened in China: surprisingly, having hit the same person 2 times, she did not kill him (the incident was shown on TV).

A case of such a meeting with ball lightning is described: in Zimbabwe (Africa), a young woman escaped with such contact with only the loss of her dress and hairstyle. In Pyatigorsk, a roofing worker burned his hands while trying to brush off a small ball that seemed to be hovering over him. I had to be treated for a long time, because such burns do not heal for a long time. But there are many more cases that end tragically. In the summer there was a case when a still not old man was killed, who was grazing public cattle in the pasture. Ball lightning destroyed him along with his horse.

There have been instances where aircraft encounter these fireballs. But the death of the aircraft or the crew has not yet been recorded (only minor damage to the skin was noted).

What does ball lightning look like?

There are ball lightning different shapes: round, oval, conical, etc. The color of lightning also has a full range of colors. There are red with different shades, green, orange, white. Some types of lightning have a luminous "tail". What is this natural phenomenon? Scientists say that ball lightning is a clot of plasma, the temperature of which can be 30,000,000 degrees. It's higher solar temperature at its center.

Why does this happen, what is its nature of occurrence. Observations of the appearance of these "balls" from nowhere were noted - on a sunny clear day, mysterious orange balls moved close to the surface, in a place where there were no high-voltage wires and other types of energy sources. Maybe they arise deep in the bowels of our planet, maybe in its faults. In general, this mysterious phenomenon has not yet been studied by anyone. Our scientists know more about the origin of stars than about what goes on under their noses from age to age.

Types of ball lightning

Based on eyewitness accounts, two main types of ball lightning are distinguished:

  1. The first is a red fireball descending from a cloud. When such a heavenly gift touches some object on earth, such as a tree, it explodes. Interesting: ball lightning can be the size of a soccer ball, it can hiss and buzz menacingly.
  2. Another type of ball lightning travels along earth's surface and glows with a bright white light. The ball is attracted to good conductors of electricity and can touch anything - the ground, a power line, or a person.

Time of existence of ball lightning

Ball lightning exists from a few seconds to several minutes. Why is it so?

One theory claims that the ball is a small copy of a thundercloud. Here's how it might happen. The smallest dust particles are constantly in the air. Lightning can impart an electrical charge to dust particles in a certain area of ​​the air. Some dust particles are positively charged, others are negatively charged. In a further light presentation lasting up to many seconds, millions of small lightnings connect oppositely charged dust particles, creating in the air the image of a sparkling fireball - ball lightning.

The first written mention of the mysterious and mysterious fireballs can be found in the annals of 106 BC. e .: “Great fiery birds appeared over Rome, carrying red-hot coals in their beaks, which, falling down, burned houses. The city was on fire…” There were also many descriptions of fireballs in Portugal and France in the Middle Ages, the phenomenon of which prompted alchemists to spend their time in search of an opportunity to dominate the spirits of fire.

Ball lightning is considered a special type of lightning, which is a luminous fireball floating through the air (sometimes it looks like a mushroom, drop or pear). Its size usually ranges from 10 to 20 cm, and it itself is blue, orange or white (although other colors can often be seen, up to black), while the color is heterogeneous and often changes. People who have seen what ball lightning looks like say that inside it consists of small fixed parts.

As for the temperature of the plasma ball, it has not yet been determined: although, according to scientists, it should be from 100 to 1000 degrees Celsius, people who found themselves near the fireball did not feel the heat from it. If it suddenly explodes (although this is far from always the case), all nearby liquid evaporates, and glass and metal melt.

A case was recorded when a plasma ball, being in a house, fell into a barrel, where there were sixteen liters of freshly brought well water. At the same time, it did not explode, but after boiling water, it disappeared. After the water finished boiling, it was hot for twenty minutes.

A fireball can exist quite long time, and when moving, it suddenly changes direction, while it can even hang in the air for several minutes, after which it abruptly, at a speed of 8 to 10 m / s, go to the side.

Ball lightning occurs mainly during a thunderstorm, but repeated cases of its occurrence in sunny weather have also been recorded. It usually appears in a single copy (at least modern science has not recorded another), and often in the most unexpected way: it can descend from the clouds, appear in the air or swim out from behind a pole or tree. It is not difficult for her to penetrate into an enclosed space: there are cases of her appearance from sockets, a TV, and even in cockpits.

Many cases of continuous occurrence of ball lightning in the same place have been recorded. So, in a small town near Pskov there is a Devil's Glade, on which black ball lightning periodically jumps out of the ground (it began to appear here after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite). Its constant occurrence in the same place made it possible for scientists to try to fix this appearance with the help of sensors, however, to no avail: they were all melted during the movement of ball lightning across the clearing.

Secrets of ball lightning

For a long time, scientists did not even allow the existence of such a phenomenon as ball lightning: information about its appearance was attributed mainly to either optical illusion or hallucinations that affect the retina after a flash of ordinary lightning. Moreover, the evidence of how ball lightning looks did not coincide in many respects, and during its reproduction in laboratory conditions, it was possible to obtain only short-term phenomena.

Everything changed after the beginning of the XIX century. physicist Francois Arago published a report with collected and systematized eyewitness accounts of the phenomenon of ball lightning. Although these data managed to convince many scientists of the existence of this amazing phenomenon skeptics still remain. Moreover, the mysteries of ball lightning do not decrease over time, but only multiply.

First of all, the nature of the appearance of an amazing ball is incomprehensible, since it appears not only in a thunderstorm, but also on a clear fine day.

The composition of the substance is also incomprehensible, which allows it to penetrate not only through door and window openings, but also through tiny cracks, and then again take on its original form without harming itself (the physicists of this phenomenon can be unraveled on this moment unable).

Some scientists, studying the phenomenon, put forward the assumption that ball lightning is actually a gas, but in this case, the plasma ball, under the influence of internal heat, would have to fly up like a balloon.

And the nature of the radiation itself is not clear: where does it come from - only from the surface of the lightning, or from its entire volume. Also, physicists cannot help but face the question of where the energy disappears, what is inside ball lightning: if it went only to radiation, the ball would not disappear after a few minutes, but would glow for a couple of hours.

Despite a huge number of theories, physicists still cannot give a scientifically sound explanation of this phenomenon. But, there are two opposite versions that have gained popularity in scientific circles.

Hypothesis #1

Dominic Arago not only systematized the data on the plasma ball, but also tried to explain what the riddle of ball lightning is. According to him, ball lightning is a specific interaction of nitrogen with oxygen, during which energy is released that creates lightning.

Another physicist Frenkel supplemented this version with the theory that the plasma ball is a spherical vortex, consisting of dust particles with active gases, which became such due to the resulting electrical discharge. For this reason, the vortex-ball may well exist for quite a long time. His version is supported by the fact that a plasma ball usually appears in dusty air after an electric discharge, and leaves behind a small haze with a specific smell.

Thus, this version suggests that all the energy of the plasma ball is inside it, which is why ball lightning can be considered an energy storage device.

Hypothesis #2

Academician Pyotr Kapitsa did not agree with this opinion, since he argued that for the continuous glow of lightning, additional energy is needed that would feed the ball from the outside. He put forward a version that the phenomenon of ball lightning is fueled by radio waves with a length of 35 to 70 cm, resulting from electromagnetic oscillations that occur between thunderclouds and the earth's crust.

He explained the explosion of ball lightning by an unexpected stop in the supply of energy, for example, a change in the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations, as a result of which rarefied air "collapses".

Although many people liked his version, the nature of the fireball does not match the version. At the moment, modern equipment has never recorded the radio waves of the desired wave, which would appear as a result of atmospheric discharges. In addition, water is an almost insurmountable obstacle to radio waves, and therefore it would not be possible for a plasma ball to heat water, as in the case of a barrel, and even more so to boil it.

It also casts doubt on the scale of the explosion of the plasma ball: it is not only capable of melting or smashing strong and strong objects into pieces, but also breaking thick logs, and its shock wave is capable of overturning the tractor. At the same time, the ordinary "collapse" of rarefied air is not capable of doing all these tricks, and its effect is similar to a bursting balloon.

What to do when you encounter ball lightning

Whatever the reason for the emergence of an amazing plasma ball, it must be borne in mind that a collision with it is extremely dangerous, because if a ball overflowing with electricity touches a living creature, it may well kill, and if it explodes, it can smash everything around.

Seeing a fireball at home or on the street, the main thing is not to panic, do not make sudden movements and do not run: ball lightning is extremely sensitive to any air turbulence and may well follow it.

You need to slowly, calmly turn off the path of the ball, trying to stay as far away from it as possible, but in no case turn your back. If ball lightning is in the room, you need to go to the window and open the window: following the movement of air, the lightning will most likely fly out.

It is also strictly forbidden to throw anything into the plasma ball: this may well lead to an explosion, and then injuries, burns, and in some cases even cardiac arrest are inevitable. If it so happened that a person failed to leave the trajectory of the ball, and he touched him, causing a loss of consciousness, the victim must be transferred to a ventilated room, wrapped warmly, artificially respired and, of course, immediately call an ambulance.

Questions of the existence of ball lightning - a luminous electric ball hovering above the earth - have worried scientists for many centuries, creating around themselves a huge layer of myths and legends. This mystical natural phenomenon, which can also be called "earth lightning", usually appears during a thunderstorm in the form of a sphere drifting above the ground - the color range of these objects varies from orange to yellow. The phenomenon lasts, as a rule, not for long - only a couple of seconds, but is accompanied by a hiss and a pungent odor.

Lightning as such is an electrical discharge caused by positive and negative imbalances within the clouds themselves or between thunderclouds and the ground. A lightning flash can heat the air around it to five times the temperature of the sun. High temperatures cause the surrounding air to rapidly expand and vibrate, hence the thunder.

What is ball lightning?

Ball lightning is a luminous spherical bunch of electric current. Even if it exists, and some scientists doubt it, it is very rare. However, many amazing stories are known about the tricks of ball lightning.

What does ball lightning look like?

Descriptions of ball lightning are very different from each other, so it is not possible to accurately answer the question. So, some eyewitnesses described them moving up and down, others - to the side, others - along an unpredictable trajectory, fourths - were in a static position, fifths - against the wind. There were also claims that fireballs could be repelled by people, cars or buildings without any impact; others claim that this phenomenon, on the contrary, is attracted by surrounding objects.

Some eyewitnesses claim that fireballs are able to pass through solid objects - metals, trees without any effect; others say that upon contact with the "fireball" substances explode, melt or otherwise destroy. There was evidence of lightning occurring near power lines, at different heights, in thunderstorms and in calm weather.

Eyewitnesses gave the phenomenon many different types- transparent, translucent, multicolored, evenly lit, emitting flames, threads or sparks; and its forms vary no less - spheres, ovals, drops, rods or disks. Some people often confuse ball lightning with the Fires of St. Elmo, but you need to understand that these are two different natural phenomena.

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The balls were reported to disappear in various ways - vaporizing, disappearing abruptly, gradually dissipating, being absorbed by nearby objects, crackling, exploding loudly, or even causing damage to everything around. The danger to people is also very different from witness to witness - some talk about complete harmlessness, others scare with mortal danger.

In 1972, an attempt was made to analyze all available information about ball lightning and create the most accurate image of this natural mystery. It turned out that the fiery sphere has the following properties:

  • appears almost simultaneously with a lightning discharge;
  • usually has a spherical or pear-shaped shape;
  • diameter varies from 1 to 100 cm;
  • the brightness is about the same as that of a conventional table lamp;
  • there is a wide range of possible colors, the most common being red, orange and yellow;
  • duration of "life" from 1 second to a whole minute. The brightness is maintained throughout the phenomenon;
  • usually moving, but mostly horizontally at a speed of several meters per second.
  • sometimes they can move vertically or just stand still;
  • can make rotational movements;
  • some witnesses reported feeling hot when they were close to lightning;
  • strive for metals;
  • can appear in buildings, passing through doors and windows;
  • some spawned in metal planes without causing any damage;
  • disappearance can occur both with an explosion and in the form of silent evaporation;
    odors often reported are ozone, sulfur, or nitrous oxide.

Types of ball lightning

Based on eyewitness accounts, two types of ball lightning are distinguished. The first is red lightning coming down from the cloud. When such a heavenly gift touches some object on earth, such as a tree, it explodes.

Interesting: ball lightning can be the size of a soccer ball, it can hiss and buzz menacingly.

Another type of ball lightning travels along the earth's surface for a long time and glows with a bright white light. The ball is attracted to good conductors of electricity and can touch anything - the ground, a power line or a person.

eyewitness accounts

Ball lightning observations go far into the wilds human history. Many eyewitness accounts have been recorded of such a rare and amazing natural phenomenon. But even despite a large number of eyewitness testimony, until 2010, the theory of the existence of ball lightning was a big question.

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And while the scientific world is in ignorance and controversy, offering as many as more than 400 different theories, you can draw a conclusion for yourself about the reality of ball lightning by reading the history of recorded eyewitness accounts of this mystery of nature.

Thunderstorm at Widecombe-in-the-Moore

One of the earliest accounts tells of the "Great Thunderstorm" that took place at the church of Widecombe-in-the-Moor in Devon, England, on October 21, 1638. During a strong storm, a huge luminous ball flew into the church, almost completely destroying it. Stone elements and huge wooden beams were thrown many meters in different directions. Eyewitnesses stated that lightning crushed everything in its path - benches and glass - it filled the entire church with a sulfurous smell and dark thick smoke.

The victims said that at some point the mysterious ball split into two parts - one of them went out the window, breaking it, and the other evaporated in the church itself.

Eyewitnesses - because of the smell of sulfur and the destructive power of the phenomenon - agreed that it was the devil himself, who unleashed God's wrath on people. It was believed that two parishioners were to blame for everything, who decided to play cards during the sermon.

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, English writer, in 1864 in his book "A Guide to scientific knowledge things” talks about ball lightning. There he describes this phenomenon as slow moving balls of fire and gas that can fall to the ground or move quickly along it during a thunderstorm. The writer talked about the fact that the balls can explode "like a cannon."

Wilfried de Fontvieille

In his book Thunder and Lightning, the French writer Wilfried de Fontvieille claims that over 150 reports of ball lightning have been recorded.

These are probably the most famous cases in history, but there were many others.

On April 30, 1877, ball lightning entered the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India and exited through a side door. Several people witnessed this phenomenon and the incident is recorded on the front wall of Darshani Deodhi;

Pilots in World War II described an unusual phenomenon for which a version of ball lightning was offered as an explanation. They saw small balls of light moving in strange trajectories, which became known as foo fighters.

In 2005, there was an incident in the skies over Guernsey when a plane was struck by lightning. Witnesses to this event claimed to have seen fireballs.

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On December 15, 2014, during flight BE-6780 in the UK, passengers observed ball lightning in the front of the cabin shortly before lightning struck the aircraft.

How is ball lightning formed?

visual hallucination

In 2010, scientists from the Austrian University of Innsbruck published their hypothesis, which for the first time fell under Popper's criteria (that is, this is the first hypothesis that can be considered scientific). Experts considered that the phenomenon of ball lightning is not a natural anomaly, but only a phosphene (that is, a visual hallucination that occurs without direct exposure to light on the eye receptors, causing the observed images of luminous points and figures that appear in the dark).

Pir and Kendel suggest that changing conditions environment, arising from lightning strikes, affect the optic nerves of people in such a way that it seems to them that they see fireballs. A similar effect can be caused even at a distance of 100 meters from the immediate point of a lightning strike.

For two years, this theory was considered the main one, and it seemed to the scientific world that the issue was resolved, but in 2012, something happened in the Tibetan Plateau that returned ball lightning to the agenda. Chinese meteorologists who installed spectrometers to observe ordinary lightning, were able to fix the glow of ball lightning. It lasted exactly 1.64 seconds, and the specialists managed to register its detailed spectra. They are very different from ordinary lightning, which has lines of ionized nitrogen, whereas ball lightning had iron, silicon and calcium contained in the soil.

Thus, we can conclude that the hypothesis of the Austrian scientists is not exhaustive. But there is still no irrefutable theory about why such an anomaly occurs. AND many experts doubt its existence at all.

Chemical reaction

Chinese meteorologists from Lanzhou, who recorded ball lightning in 2012, published their hypothesis of the occurrence of ball lightning. So they suggested that the anomaly occurs due to certain chemical reactions between oxygen and elements that evaporate from the soil when lightning strikes. This ionized air, or plasma, can also cause another effect called St. Elmo's Lights (they are a stationary glow that often occurs at the ends of the masts of ships. It is sometimes confused with ball lightning).

But this was not the only theory published in 2012. At the same time, another assumption was made, according to which glass can become a source of ball lightning. So experts suggest that ions from the atmosphere can accumulate on the glass surface, and if they are sufficiently concentrated, a discharge is generated, which becomes ball lightning. Four years after these two studies, an article appeared reporting that microwave radiation, arising due to a lightning strike, can be “encapsulated” in a certain ball of plasma - this is ball lightning.

microwave beams

But scientists tried not only to analyze the evidence that came from the past, but also tried to recreate this mysterious phenomenon in the laboratory. So Israeli specialists from the University of Tel Aviv were able to call their own version of ball lightning using microwave beams. In a very recent experiment in 2018, quantum physicists set out to create ball lightning using a synthetically coupled magnetic field.

But these are far from all theories of the appearance of ball lightning, but only the most recent of them. Scientists continue to puzzle over such an elusive phenomenon, which is not the fact that it even exists.

Laboratory experiments

Scientists have long tried to recreate ball lightning in the laboratory. Although some experiments have produced effects that are visually similar to those of natural fireballs, it has not yet been confirmed whether there is any connection between the two.

According to reports, Nikola Tesla could artificially create small luminous balls with a diameter of 30-40 mm, and also held some demonstrations of his skills. But this was just a hobby for the great scientist, so he left no notes or explanations. He was more interested in higher voltages and powers, as well as remote power transmission, so the balls he made were just a manifestation of curiosity.

The International Committee on Ball Lightning (ICBL) regularly held symposiums on this topic. The group uses the common name "Unconventional Plasma". The last ICBL Symposium was tentatively scheduled for July 2012 in San Marcos, Texas, but was canceled due to lack of abstract submissions.