What I know about the war briefly. What do I know about the Great Patriotic War

Ministry of Education Russian Federation

Pedagogical College №5


On the topic of:

What do I know about the Great Patriotic War.


2nd year student

Groups 21 “B”

Efremova A.E.

Moscow 2004

  1. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War……………………………………..3
  1. The defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow…………………..4
  1. The defeat of the German-fascist troops near Stalingrad…………..5
  1. Battle of Kursk……………………………………………………………..7
  1. Battle for the Dnieper. Tehran Conference……………………………...8
  1. The offensive of the Red Army in 1944 - 1945……………………………8
  1. End of World War II. The results of the war………………………...9
  1. The Soviet Union after the end of World War II .................................10
  1. Source……………………………………………………………………………….11

Start Great Patriotic War.

June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany, without declaring war, suddenly attacked the Soviet Union. Violating the Soviet-German non-aggression pact concluded on August 23, 1939. At the same time, Italy, Finland, Hungary, and Romania entered the war against the USSR.

During the years of the pre-war 5-year plans, 9,000 large industrial enterprises were built in the Soviet Union. Industry developed especially hard in the Urals and Siberia. Soviet designers developed new designs military equipment (medium tank t-34, was recognized as the best combat vehicle during the 2nd World War). During 1940, the first half of 41. in the USSR, 2,000 new tanks and about 8,000 combat aircraft were produced, which was clearly not enough to ensure the country's defense capability. Budget appropriations for defense increased from 25% in 1939 to 43% in 1941. total strength armed forces USSR in the prewar period 5 million people. The population of the USSR in 1941 was 192 million people.

In April 1940 In Germany, the Barbarossa plan was developed, which provided for the lightning defeat of our country. The Germans planned to defeat the Red Army in 1.5 - 2 months, capture Moscow and Leningrad, reach the line of the city of Arkhangelsk - the river. Volga. With powerful blows to the industrial Urals, end the war.

At the same time, the Ost plan was developed, according to which the territory of the Baltic republics: Belarus, Ukraine, the European territory of the RSFSR were to be annexed to Germany and settled by German colonies. The local population was turned into slaves or destroyed.

The German invasion army numbered 5.5 million people. (152 divisions), 4,000 tanks, 5,000 combat aircraft, about 50,000 guns and mortars.

The total strength of the German armed forces in 1941. – 8.5 million people (in 1939, german army consisted of 110 divisions, 1941 - 208)

The Germans attacked in 3 main directions:

1. Army Group "North" - through the territory of the Baltic Republic, to Leningrad.

2. Army Group "Center" (the most powerful army group) advanced through the so-called "Smolensk Gates" - Minsk, Smolensk, Moscow.

3. Army Group "South" - Ukraine, Kyiv, Dombas, Crimea.

The Soviet country faced a difficult task: to turn the USSR into a single combat camp in the shortest possible time; increase the number and strengthen the army in every possible way; reorganize the work of the Soviet rear in order to ensure a sufficient output of military equipment; normalize the living conditions of the civilian population in war time.

The success of the mobilization policy: only by July 1, 1941. 5 million 300 thousand people were mobilized.

June 30, 1941 The State Defense Committee (GKO) was formed, which concentrated in its hands all power in the state. For the general management of hostilities, the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was created, the working body of which was. General base. Stalin was the supreme commander and chairman of the GKO.

The average speed of the advance of the Germans, in the first days of the war, was 30 km per day. The border units of the Red Army retreated, many were captured.

In 1941 V German captivity 3 million 900 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers were hit.

Army Group North July 10, 1941 went to Leningrad. The 900 day defense of Leningrad began.

Army Group Center July 10, 1941 went to Smolensk. the most major battle. WITH summer 1941 - Battle of Smolensk - Until September 10, 1941. Smolensk was taken. (For the first time, the Germans met stubborn resistance from the Red Army. Near Smolensk, the losses of the Germans amounted to 100 thousand people.)

Army Group South. July 11, 1941 went to Kyiv. September 19, 1941 Kyiv was abandoned. 30 Sept. 1941 Odessa was abandoned. The 250 day defense of Sevastopol began.

By the winter of 1941. The Germans occupied the territory in which 40% of the population of the USSR lived. More than 60% of coal, 58% of steel, more than 80% of sugar were mined ...

Conclusion: victory was not forged with the help of that powerful potential that was created at such a high price during the years of the first five-year plans.

Reasons for the failures of the Red Army:

  1. the grossest strategic miscalculation of Stalin and his entourage in terms of the start of the war, and in determining the direction of the main blow (Stalin believed that the main blow would be delivered in a southerly direction, to Ukraine), outdated ideas about the methods of waging war, in the initial period.
  2. delay in bringing troops, border military districts, combat readiness. It led to the destruction of almost 80% of military equipment (only on the first day of the war, 1200 aircraft were destroyed at Soviet airfields without even taking off (the Germans lost 35 aircraft)).
  3. mass repressions 37-38g. deprived the army of more than 40 thousand commanders, watered. Workers, military engineers, out of 5 marshals, 3 were shot by the beginning of the war (only 7% of the command of the red army had a higher military education).
  4. the military-economic potential of Germany used the resources of almost the entire Western Europe, and significantly exceeded the military-economic potential of the USSR.

The defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow.

30 Sept. – 20 Oct. 1941 the Germans resumed the general offensive against Moscow (Operation Typhoon, 77 selected German divisions). The Moscow direction was defended by the troops of the Western, Reserve and Bryansk Fronts.

Oct 7 1941 in the Vyazma region, the troops of the Western and Reserve fronts were surrounded (according to German data, 663 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers were captured). The headquarters of the supreme commander decides to merge the Western and Reserve fronts (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was appointed the new commander).

Early October 1941 The State Defense Committee, signed by Stalin, decides on the beginning of the evacuation to the east of industrial enterprises, state and government institutions, residents of Moscow; plans were drawn up for mining industrial facilities that could not be evacuated.

Oct 20 1941 The GKO declared Moscow under a state of siege. It was decided not to surrender the city under any circumstances.

November 6, 1941 at the Mayakovskaya metro station, a solemn meeting was held dedicated to the anniversary of the revolution. Stalin made a report at the meeting, hiding the truth about the huge losses of the Red Army. And determining the possible timing of the end of the war, he said: "... another half a year, well, maybe a year."

November 7, 1941 A parade of Red Army troops was held on Red Square. Troops went straight from the parade to the front.

November 15, 1941 the 2nd stage of the Moscow battle began. The Germans resumed the general offensive against Moscow. As a result of the general attack on Moscow (that is, from September 30, 1941), the Germans captured Klin, Kalinin, Rogachevo, Kryukovo, Istra, approached Zvenigorod (in some sectors of the front, the Germans approached Moscow by 25-30 km.) Mozhaisk, Yelets, Koluga approached Tula. They could not take Tula, they went around from the east, went under Kashira.

November 5-6, 1941 The counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow began. Forces of 3 fronts of Kalinin, Western, South-Western. As a result of this offensive, Kalinin, Klin, Mozhaisk, Istra, Kaluga, Yelets were liberated ... a total of 60 cities, 11 thousand people. settlements, Moscow, Ryazan and Tula regions. the Germans were pushed back from Moscow by 100-250 km.

Conclusion: As a result of the defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow, the plan for a lightning war was thwarted. In the first, the Germans suffered a serious defeat.

By the summer of 1942 An anti-Hitler coalition was formed, which included 28 countries.

May and June 1942 between the USSR, England and the USA an agreement was reached on the opening in Europe in 1942. second front.

The defeat of the German-fascist troops near Stalingrad.

After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, the German command was preparing an offensive in the southern direction. The Germans sought to seize the initiative, inflict a decisive defeat on the Red Army and end the war against the USSR in 1942.

In May 1942 The Germans launched a decisive offensive in the Crimea. They captured the Circassian semi-island and began the assault on Sevastopol.

after 250 days of defense, Sevastopol was surrendered.

In May 1942 a significant part of the forces of the southwestern front was surrounded in the Kharkov region. Leaving the encirclement, the troops of the Red Army suffered significant losses.

In August 1942 the Germans launched an offensive in the northern Caucasus, captured Krasnodar, Maikop, Stavropol, Armavir ... rushed to Baku, but were stopped near Ordzhonikidze.

War, how much cruelty, grief and tears in this word. War is the suffering of mothers. War means millions of dead soldiers, orphans and families left without fathers. War is creepy memories of people. “Yes, what do I know about the war, but what do I know about separation ...” (Valentin Kadetov).

We live in peacetime, when gunshots are not heard, when tanks do not drive through the streets, and the smell of fresh gunpowder is not in the air. I do not know what war is, I did not have to experience separation and loss loved one. Hundreds of films, books dedicated to the war cannot fully convey the horror and fear of this picture. I never thought about this loud word "war". But one day, before the holiday of May 9, my grandmother told me what was hidden under this with a catch ... The story of a person close to me could not but make a deep impression on me. And then for the first time I realized that war is one of the most terrible words that takes fathers from the family, kills sons, brings tears and grief to homes.

Our grandfathers, great-grandfathers served in the name of our quiet life. They shed blood for the Fatherland. It becomes eerie at the thought of how cruelly the Nazis treated Russian soldiers. Terrible grief came to homes that learned about the death of their loved ones. It is terrifying at the thought that the war can be revived again at the present time.

Every year we move away from the Great Patriotic War. But time has no power over what people have experienced. It was the most hard time! But the Russian soldier did not retreat, he went into battle, despite the cold, hunger. By his will, by his blood, Victory over a strong enemy was obtained. There are no limits to the greatness of the feat in the name of the Motherland, just as there are no limits to the greatness of the labor feat of the Soviet people. It is terrible to think that teenagers of our age, children of sixteen or seventeen years old, took an active part in hostilities. On a par with the elders, they were eager to fight. WITH huge losses and it was hard work for us to win this victory.

The Great Patriotic War is a huge spiritual wound in human hearts. Suffered a lot Soviet people four years of struggle. People considered it their duty to die on the battlefield and do everything possible for the future of the country. Mothers and wives could not mourn their loved ones, they themselves took up a gun and went into battle.

Russia is a liberator country, because thanks to the great Victory, she drove the fascist army out of other countries.

Sixty-seven years have passed since the end of the war. And no matter how much time passes, we have no right to forget about what our grandfathers died for. It is important to remember the heroic deeds of our veterans, because it is only thanks to them that we live in such an immense and powerful country.

Alina Berezhnaya.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Pedagogical College №5

What do I know about the Great Patriotic War.


2nd year student

Groups 21 “B”

Efremova A.E.

Moscow 2004

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War……………………………………..3 Defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow…………………..4 Defeat of the German-fascist troops near Stalingrad…………. .5 Battle of the Kursk Bulge……………………………………………………………..7 Battle for the Dnieper. Tehran Conference……………………………...8 Offensive of the Red Army in 1944 – 1945………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… only 8 The end of the Second World War. The results of the war………………………...9 The Soviet Union after the end of World War II ..................10 Source…………………… ……………………………………………………….eleven

Beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany, without declaring war, suddenly attacked the Soviet Union. Violating the Soviet-German non-aggression pact concluded on August 23, 1939. At the same time, Italy, Finland, Hungary, and Romania entered the war against the USSR.

During the years of the pre-war 5-year plans, 9,000 large industrial enterprises were built in the Soviet Union. Industry developed especially hard in the Urals and Siberia. Soviet designers developed new models of military equipment (the T-34 medium tank was recognized as the best combat vehicle during the 2nd World War). During 1940, the first half of 41. in the USSR, 2,000 new tanks and about 8,000 combat aircraft were produced, which was clearly not enough to ensure the country's defense capability. Budget appropriations for defense increased from 25% in 1939 to 43% in 1941. the total number of armed forces of the USSR in the prewar period is 5 million people. The population of the USSR in 1941 was 192 million people.

In April 1940 In Germany, the Barbarossa plan was developed, which provided for the lightning defeat of our country. The Germans planned to defeat the Red Army in 1.5 - 2 months, capture Moscow and Leningrad, reach the line of the city of Arkhangelsk - the river. Volga. With powerful blows to the industrial Urals, end the war.

At the same time, the Ost plan was developed, according to which the territory of the Baltic republics: Belarus, Ukraine, the European territory of the RSFSR were to be annexed to Germany and settled by German colonies. The local population was turned into slaves or destroyed.

The German invasion army numbered 5.5 million people. (152 divisions), 4,000 tanks, 5,000 combat aircraft, about 50,000 guns and mortars.

The total strength of the German armed forces in 1941. – 8.5 million people (in 1939, the German army consisted of 110 divisions, 1941 - 208)

The Germans attacked in 3 main directions:

1. Army Group "North" - through the territory of the Baltic Republic, to Leningrad.

2. Army Group "Center" (the most powerful army group) advanced through the so-called "Smolensk Gates" - Minsk, Smolensk, Moscow.

3. Army Group "South" - Ukraine, Kyiv, Dombas, Crimea.

The Soviet country faced a difficult task: to turn the USSR into a single combat camp in the shortest possible time; increase the number and strengthen the army in every possible way; reorganize the work of the Soviet rear in order to ensure a sufficient output of military equipment; normalize the living conditions of the civilian population in wartime.

The success of the mobilization policy: only by July 1, 1941. 5 million 300 thousand people were mobilized.

June 30, 1941 The State Defense Committee (GKO) was formed, which concentrated in its hands all power in the state. For the general management of hostilities, the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was created, the working body of which was. General base. Stalin was the supreme commander and chairman of the GKO.

The average speed of the advance of the Germans, in the first days of the war, was 30 km per day. The border units of the Red Army retreated, many were captured.

In 1941 3 million 900 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers were captured by the Germans.

Army Group North July 10, 1941 went to Leningrad. The 900 day defense of Leningrad began.

Army Group Center July 10, 1941 went to Smolensk. The biggest battle has begun. From the summer of 1941 - Battle of Smolensk - Until September 10, 1941. Smolensk was taken. (For the first time, the Germans met stubborn resistance from the Red Army. Near Smolensk, the losses of the Germans amounted to 100 thousand people.)

Army Group South. July 11, 1941 went to Kyiv. September 19, 1941 Kyiv was abandoned. 30 Sept. 1941 Odessa was abandoned. The 250 day defense of Sevastopol began.

By the winter of 1941. The Germans occupied the territory in which 40% of the population of the USSR lived. More than 60% of coal, 58% of steel, more than 80% of sugar were mined ...

Conclusion: victory was not forged with the help of that powerful potential that was created at such a high price during the years of the first five-year plans.

Reasons for the failures of the Red Army:

The grossest strategic miscalculation of Stalin and his entourage in the timing of the start of the war, and in determining the direction of the main blow (Stalin believed that the main blow would be delivered in a southerly direction, to Ukraine), outdated ideas about the methods of warfare, in the initial period. delay in bringing troops, border military districts, to combat readiness. It led to the destruction of almost 80% of military equipment (only on the first day of the war, 1200 aircraft were destroyed at Soviet airfields without even taking off (the Germans lost 35 aircraft)). mass repressions 37-38g. deprived the army of more than 40 thousand commanders, watered. Workers, military engineers, out of 5 marshals, 3 were shot by the beginning of the war (only 7% of the Red Army command had a higher military education). the military-economic potential of Germany used the resources of almost all of Western Europe, and significantly exceeded the military-economic potential of the USSR.

The defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow.

30 Sept. – 20 Oct. 1941 the Germans resumed the general offensive against Moscow (Operation Typhoon, 77 selected German divisions). The Moscow direction was defended by the troops of the Western, Reserve and Bryansk Fronts.

Oct 7 1941 in the Vyazma region, the troops of the Western and Reserve fronts were surrounded (according to German data, 663 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers were captured). The headquarters of the supreme commander decides to merge the Western and Reserve fronts (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was appointed the new commander).

Early October 1941 The State Defense Committee, signed by Stalin, decides on the beginning of the evacuation to the east of industrial enterprises, state and government institutions, residents of Moscow; plans were drawn up for mining industrial facilities that could not be evacuated.

We have a textbook published not by anyone, but by the Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators. So, we see that most of the textbooks and manuals available at school today contain an overly simplified and tendentious interpretation of the events of the Great Patriotic War. In particular, the reasons for the defeats of 1941 are reduced to the stupidity and incompetence of Stalin, who, firstly, repressed ...

Unpleasant trembling. I must say that in the history of our country there were many wars. But perhaps the most terrible in terms of the number of people killed, cruel and merciless, was the Great Patriotic War. With the outbreak of the war, Russian literature experienced some decline, as many writers went to the front as volunteers. At this time, the predominance of military lyrics was felt. Poems front-line poets ...

Name "Belgorod". In honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, for the first time in the years of the Great Patriotic War, a salute was fired with twelve artillery volleys. Having defeated the nearest operational reserves of the enemy, Soviet troops entered the territory of Kharkov region. On the night of August 6, a group of "thirty-fours" of the 181st Tank Brigade of the 5th Guards Tank...

He would have to fight a war on two fronts, since at that moment a German attack on the USSR from the west would mean an attack by Japan from the east. The official Soviet publication “The Great Patriotic War. Brief Popular Science Essay" defends the same point of view: "The treaty Soviet Union with Germany played a positive role in strengthening the defense capability of our country. Closing it...

Gorbacheva Elena
WWII quiz "What do I know about the war"

quiz"What am I know about the war» .

preparatory group.

Guys, we talked a lot about the Great Patriotic war, read books, watched videos, presentations, chronicles of the war years and now it's time to test your knowledge. Let's have a little quiz, and it will be from several parts.

part 1 is called "What am I know about the war» .

I will ask you questions, for each there are 3 possible answers. One of these answers is correct. You must name the correct one and raise your hand to answer. I ask questions to each team in turn, if the team answered incorrectly, the right to answer goes to the opposing team. You are ready? Then we listen carefully.

1. When the Great Patriotic War began war?

2. Question: How many years did the Great Patriotic War last war?

3. What countries fought?

Soviet Union with Germany

Soviet Union with America

Soviet Union with Japan

4. What city at the time wars was in blockade for 900 days (almost 2.5 years?



5. How female name was the name of the weapon during wars?

6. What was the name of the place where the soldiers rested after the battle?



Well done! You are good at assignments. We continue.

7. Who first met the enemy for the first time days wars? What kind of troops? (Border guards)

8. What types of troops do you know?

Cavalry, infantry, armored troops, motorized rifle troops, rifle troops, navy, submariners, chemical troops, engineering troops, railway troops, signal troops.)

9. What are the hero cities of Russia?

Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sevastopol; Odessa, Moscow

Brest (fortress-hero, Kerch; Novorossiysk, Tula; Murmansk, Smolensk

How contemporaries honor the memory of those who died in the years wars?

Leading: let's play a little - warm up.


Every day in the morning

We do exercises (marching in place)

We like to do it right

It's fun to walk (march in place)

Raise your hands (raise hands up)

Lower your hands (put hands down)

Squat and stand up (squat and stand up 4-6 times)

Jump and jump (make 10 jumps)

2nd round quiz"What am I I know about Victory"

And the final part of our quiz. I ask a question and offer three answers, you need to choose 1 correct one. I ask questions to each team in turn, if the team answered incorrectly, the right to answer goes to the second team of rivals. Attention to the screen.

1. When is Victory Day celebrated?

2. Where is the main parade in Russia in honor of the Victory?

Poklonnaya Gora

Red Square

Manezhnaya Square

3. What symbolizes eternal memory fallen soldiers?

peakless cap

4. Who is now protecting our Motherland from enemies?

This is where ours ended. quiz. You have all shown yourself to be very smart and knowledgeable children. Hard work - to be the defender of the Motherland. There is a lot to know and be able to master modern weapons and manage military equipment.

Composition on the topic: What do I know about the Great Patriotic war

My first teacher told us a lot about the Great Patriotic War. Every year on May 9 in Šiauliai, war veterans and I laid flowers at the grave of the unknown soldier. And then they shared with us memories of the war.

I don't have grandparents who could talk about the war. My generation does not know all the horrors that the older generation had to endure during the war. But I asked my mother what she knew about the war.

When war breaks into the peaceful life of people, it always brings grief and misfortune. The Russian people experienced the hardships of many wars, but they never bowed their heads before the enemy and courageously endured all hardships. The Great Patriotic War, which lasted five for long years, has become a real tragedy for many peoples and countries, and especially for Russia. The fascists transgressed human laws, so they themselves found themselves outside of all laws.

The best human qualities were manifested in the war: courage, courage, selflessness, love for the Motherland. War cannot harden an honest, noble person, it only reveals best qualities his soul.

It so happened historically that war is a man's business. But she did not bypass Russian women either, the Nazis forced to fight mothers, present and future, in whom the very nature of hatred for murder is embedded. Women worked steadfastly in the rear, providing the front with clothing and food, caring for sick soldiers. And in battle, women were not inferior to experienced fighters in strength and courage. The war brought the death of millions of innocent lives of mothers and children who tried to somehow resist the "black plague".

My mother studied in Leningrad. She knows a lot about this city. And she told me what people had to go through in besieged Leningrad during the war. Now this is reminiscent of a monument erected to the defenders of the city - the Piskarevskoye memorial cemetery. We will never forget the girl Tanya Savicheva, whose diaries became an indictment at the Nuremberg trials against fascism.

This year, all the people of the world are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory - the victory over fascism, the victory of good over evil.

People survived a terrible war, perhaps the most terrible and difficult in terms of its victims and destruction in the entire history of mankind. But they will never forget their heroes.

It is sad to see now the infirm old people, remembering their glorious youth, weeping for their dead comrades. Do you understand how short and vulnerable human life and how much a person can do - to give his life in the name of the happiness of others. We have no right to forget them, who defended the freedom and independence of peoples. And not only to remember, but to be worthy of their feat, to prevent the repetition of a modern war. This is what the fighters of World War II dreamed about, they dreamed that that war would be the last. But how to do that?! Is it possible?! Yes, if you combine all the good forces on Earth. It is not a pity to spend life on this, giving people peace.