In which group did Baranovskaya sing. Arshavin Yulia: photo, biography, details of personal life. Scandalous parting with Arshavin

Football played a cruel joke with Yulia Baranovskaya. Thanks to this sport, she found her calling - she became a TV presenter. If it were not for the star husband Andrei Arshavin, no one would have noticed the girl. But at the same time, football destroyed her family happiness.

The famous football player now lives with another girl - his current wife Alisa Kazmina. The couple have a joint daughter. And what happens in the personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya? Find out from our article.

How did it all start?

Only a few know the full version of the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya. All that most people know about her is that the girl is the ex-wife of the famous Russian athlete Andrei Arshavin and part-time TV presenter. Let's delve into Julia's biography and find out what she went through on her way to fame.

Typical St. Petersburg intelligentsia - this is how the family of Yulia Baranovskaya should be characterized. None of the girl's parents even thought about a career on television. Mom worked as a teacher. My father worked in the engineering field. Julia was born in 1985.

Julia Baranovskaya: photo

Parents say that Yulia has been a very creative child since childhood. At least they noticed it.

At school, the girl loved to be the center of attention. She was distinguished by a calm disposition, which many classmates could not boast of. Surely, because of the peculiarities of her character, the girl was chosen as the headman in the class.

But not everything in Yulia's childhood was so smooth. When the girl was 10 years old, her parents divorced. The father was the initiator. Soon mom found a new man. However, Julia could not forgive her father for a long time.

broken dream

Like all girls, Julia dreamed of some interesting profession. She wanted to try her hand at journalism. Maybe she could even go to college. If not for one "but". The parents were against it. The ex-wife of Andrei Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya, says that it was at the insistence of adults that she entered the Faculty of Management at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

WITH ex-husband Andrey Arshavin

Studying was not a burden for her. But she didn't enjoy it either. She wanted to bring as much creativity into her life as possible. But I had to be content with only dry data and figures that were given at the university.

Where did Andrey and Yulia meet?

Young people were brought together by Nevsky Prospekt. Andrey Arshavin at that time was still a young football player of Zenit. Young people tried to see each other often. After a while, they realized that they were in love and could no longer live apart. So, a month after they met, Julia and Andrei moved in together.

2 years from start life together Julia got pregnant. She had to take an academic at the university. At that time, she was a 3rd year student. Later, the former student decided not to recover. She was categorically not attracted by the specialty. Even parents could not influence the choice of their daughter.

Julia was happily married to Andrei Arshavin

The young people had a son, Artem. However, Yulia and Andrey were not officially husband and wife. It turns out that it was Yulia who did not want to officially seal her hearts with her common-law husband by marriage.

3 years after the birth of the first child, the couple had another one - the girl Yana. At that time, Julia decided that she would like to devote herself to the family.

After the birth of two children, Andrei Arshavin's career took off. Yulia Baranovskaya supported her husband in every possible way. She did everything possible to ensure that their personal life brought a man one continuous joy.

They dreamed of London sky

Since 2009, a new stage has begun in the life of lovers. Andrei was noticed and introduced to a foreign club. He went to work for the British Arsenal. His family also moved to London with him. Yulia says that she felt very uncomfortable abroad. At that time, she still did not know the language well. Plus, family and friends stayed at home. This situation almost drove the girl into depression.

Julia with her children

Andrei was constantly followed by the press. He became a very talked about person in the British media. His wife had the imprudence to speak negatively towards the locals, calling them too stiff. The media decided to announce a hunt for Baranovskaya. They seemed to be waiting for Yulia to make some kind of mistake.

Soon the situation changed for the better. Julia began to communicate with the wives of other players. At this time, she was pregnant with her third child.

Julia with her eldest daughter

Arshavin had to return to his homeland. Andrei was accompanied by failures on the field one after another. He began to play again for Zenit. Julia was in London at that time. She knew that her beloved had another woman at home.

Julia decided to forgive her beloved, but it turned out that sympathy for another is more than just serious. In court, the girl made sure that Andrei gave her 50% of his income to support the family.

How did Yulia Baranovskaya become a TV presenter?

As a host with Alexander Gordon in the program "Male and Female"

Rumors about a relationship with Andrei Chadov

After Julia became famous, information about her novels with famous actors of Russian cinema and TV presenters often pops up in the press. At one time, the girl was credited with an affair with Andrei Chadov. The young people themselves spoke sharply negatively about such information, assuring their fans that this was gossip. However, from the close circle of young people it became known that for some time they really were a couple. But their love has not stood the test of time.

Also, Yulia was credited with an affair with the host on the TV show "Reboot".

Julia was credited with an affair with Andrei Chadov

A little later, information appeared that the girl was vacationing in Bali with "red-haired Ivanushka." But even here the paparazzi was waiting for a miss. It turned out that the TV presenter was resting in the company of celebrities along with their wives. So it’s not even worth talking about any flirting, let alone romance.

In the "piggy bank" of the novels of Yulia Baranovskaya, the most famous figures of Russian show business. With which of them the girl actually met, and with whom not - one can only guess. The TV presenter does not comment on this matter.

Who is Yulia Baranovskaya dating now?

Fans of Yulia Baranovskaya are interested in who she is dating now ex-wife Arshavin. To their regret, the girl tries to hide from the public the changes that are taking place in her life as much as possible. The Russian magazine COSMOPOLITAN managed to find out if the TV presenter's heart is free. In June of this year, journalists wrote that the TV presenter plans to get married soon and give birth to a fourth child. Let's find out what was the source of such information.

One of the Russian Internet resources quoted Yulia. The girl says that serious changes should take place in her life soon. The TV presenter says that everything could have happened six months ago. But at that moment she was not ready to change anything. She has a premonition that soon a worthy person will appear in her life with whom she could go down the aisle. She will wear a white dress, get married quickly and have a fourth child.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Evgeny Sedoy

It turns out that the news about the imminent marriage of the star is just her personal assumptions. Perhaps in this way the girl decided to prepare fans for changes in her life. The appearance of a loved one and the birth of another child are significant events for every girl that do not just happen. Everything must have its reasons. Perhaps Julia decided not to open all the cards for now and “play” a little on the feelings of the fans.

Yulia Baranovskaya believes that those marriages where the husband and wife are public people are, by definition, unhappy. The girl herself cannot name such famous families in which the spouses would be happy. She says that in such a "star" relationship you need to invest a lot. Also, make compromises. This is the only way to save family happiness. At the same time, we must not forget about work, about the house, and of course, about children. Julia believes that six months after such a life, she would simply go crazy. Going to such “trials” for the sake of family well-being is hard not only physically, but also mentally.

Rumor or truth?

Having figured out what is happening in the personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya, let's return to the tragic love story with her ex-husband.

In July, information appeared on the network that Yulia did not allow her ex-husband to see her children. This was stated by the new wife of the football player - Alisa Kazmina. The girl published a photo on her page where Andrei plays with her children from her first marriage. Naturally, users were outraged by this picture. Many had time to think that it was Alice against Andrei seeing the children. Other users decided that the athlete himself did not want to raise his children from his first marriage.

Arshavin's wife hurried to protect her beloved from negative comments on the Internet. She said Andrei is not guilty of not seeing his children. His ex-wife, Yulia Baranovskaya, forbids him to meet with offspring. A man can only correspond with them.

Yulia's ex-husband married Ales Kazmina

The TV presenter herself at that time did not react to the statement of her ex-husband's new wife. Julia previously stated that Andrei himself does not want to communicate with children. She didn't stop him from doing it.

It is worth recalling that Yulia Baranovskaya was very upset by the breakup with her ex-husband. The TV presenter argued for a very long time that the father of her children was precisely Arshavin. This procedure was necessary for her to start receiving alimony. Keeping three children alone is not every woman can afford. Even if she often flashes on television and is familiar with many show business stars.

Andrei Arshavin lives with his family. This year he had a daughter from his new wife Alisa Kazmina. The girl was called Yesenia.

Blitz poll with Yulia Baranovskaya

This blitz survey will be of interest to those who follow not only their personal lives, but also their careers as a TV presenter Russian celebrity Yulia Baranovskaya.

When asked how her children get along with each other, Yulia says that the children live very friendly. She is glad that the characters of boys and girls are different. Each of them has their own opinion on any occasion. A young mother tries to convey to her children that they are the closest people to each other. And they have no one closer than their brothers and sisters. She really wanted the guys to understand this and live in peace and harmony in the future even when they grow up.

Julia took part in the Ice Age program

Somehow, journalists asked Yulia if she enjoys benefits from the state as a mother of many children. Fans of the TV presenter will be surprised to learn that she managed to issue a certificate of a mother of many children. She wants to get benefits public utilities. Perhaps she does not have enough funds to support the children from her first marriage, which is why Julia goes for these little tricks.

When asked what was the most extreme act in her life, she says that once she took a ride on hot-air balloon. At the same time, the weather was completely non-flying. The girl is still in shock from herself, how could she agree to this.

Julia Baranovskaya now

Julia Baranovskaya wrote the book "Everything is for the better." There she talks about her relationship with Arshavin. The girl explains the success of the book with her sincerity. She says she was as open as possible. Julia believes that she did not deceive her reader. Everyone got what they wanted to know.

Yulia Baranovskaya is the star of Channel One, TNT and the Russia-1 TV channel. The ex-wife of the famous football player Andrei Arshavin managed to make a dizzying career on television and become the standard of female wisdom and beauty for many viewers.


Yulia Baranovskaya was born on June 3, 1985 in Leningrad. The TV star calls his childhood “the usual everyday life of a Soviet child”: father Gennady Baranovsky was an engineer, mother Tatyana Bratseva was a school teacher.

Julia went to an ordinary Leningrad school, where from the elementary grades she showed herself as a diligent student. Teachers noted the responsibility and diligence of the girl, she was elected head of the class several times. And although Yulia's mother was a teacher, for reasons of principle she did not send her daughter to the wrong school where she taught - she wanted her daughter to learn to achieve everything herself from an early age.

In 1995, Baranovskaya's parents separated. The departure of her father from the family was a real blow for a 10-year-old girl, so she stopped communicating with him for a long 15 years.

Yulia Baranovskaya about sports and life

Soon, my mother married a second time. In a new marriage, two more daughters were born - Ksenia and Sasha. Despite the significant difference in age, Julia easily found mutual language with younger sisters, who today are her support and support. She calls them her real family.

There are four women in our family and we are all very friendly. I am the eldest of the daughters, and, according to my mother, I am beloved. But that doesn't affect my relationship with my sisters in any way.


Julia dreamed of devoting her life to journalism, but on the advice of her mother she took the documents to the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The girl easily entered the specialty "Management", but her studies at the university did not work out.

Already after the first year, student Baranovskaya was convinced that she had chosen the wrong profession: “Study was very difficult for me. I am a creative person, and management is not exactly what I need.” Julia did not receive a manager's diploma, because she did not recover after her academic leave.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya. Acquaintance with Arshavin

In 2003, Yulia Baranovskaya met her future common-law husband, football player Andrei Arshavin. That day the girl remembered every minute. In the morning, she went with a friend to the beach to relax after an exhausting session. The girls were so happy with the bright sun (in St. Petersburg this is a rarity even in summer) that they did not notice how they got burned.

When her friends returned home, another annoyance awaited Yulia: some hooligans scratched her car. To distract from all these troubles, the friends decided to take a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. It was there that the fateful meeting with the young football player Andrei Arshavin took place. Then he was a budding player of St. Petersburg "Zenith".

The couple's romance developed rapidly. Within a couple of months, Yulia and Andrey began to live together, and two years later they became the young parents of their son Artem.

Arshavin and Baranovskaya did not formalize their relationship, since Yulia did not want to marry pregnant: “Andrey started talking several times about the wedding, about the number of guests, about where to celebrate and how to celebrate. But I refused, I wanted a real wedding! The moment was lost, and then the second child appeared in the family - the daughter of Yana, and the football player did not return to the issue of marriage. The second birth was not easy for the girl - the doctors had to use a caesarean section.

In 2009, Arshavin was offered a contract with London's Arsenal. The family moved to the UK. While Andrei disappeared in training and games, Baranovskaya took care of the children. At first, it was difficult for Yulia to adapt in a foreign country, since she did not know either the language or customs.

In her first interview with the local press, the football player's wife admitted that Britain does not cause her sympathy. For this, English journalists ridiculed every appearance of the Arshavins for a long time. But over time, the family was drawn into London life. Julia later admitted that at that time she began to hatch a women's club project in London in which she could give advice, lectures and seminars for those who had recently moved to England. But she did not have time to bring this project to life.

In 2012, Andrei Arshavin was invited back to his native Zenit. At this time, Yulia was already expecting her third child, and Artem and Yana began their studies in Britain. Therefore, the head of the family returned to Russia alone.

In St. Petersburg, the football player started a new romance and announced to Baranovskaya that he was leaving the family. Yulia was left alone with three children (August 14, 2012 she gave birth to her son Arseny).

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin: star divorce

A year later, she filed for alimony, but since the couple's marriage was not officially registered, the process dragged on. At first, this case was considered in London, but the St. Petersburg court put an end to the proceedings, obliging Arshavin to pay half of his income to his ex-wife and their common children until 2030.

Life after Arshavin

In mid-2013, Baranovskaya was increasingly noticed with actor Andrei Chadov at social events and film premieres. The girl often posted their joint photos in in social networks.

But the couple denied a love affair, emphasizing that they were just friends. Although the general pictures differed from the friendly ones in the special warmth and tenderness of the relationship between young people. But apparently the distance prevented the development of normal relations. At that time, Yulia and her children still lived in London and visited Moscow on “raids”.

After a high-profile "divorce", Yulia Baranovskaya began to lead an active social life, periodically appearing with new gentlemen. At the end of March 2015, Yulia was seen at the fashion show of fashion designer Yulia Prokhorova in the company of stylist Evgeny Sedoy.

They willingly took pictures and kept together, after which rumors spread in the press that the couple was dating.

Television career

After breaking up with Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya became a fairly well-known media person. To interview the "abandoned wife", well-known publications lined up. And after participating in Andrey Malakhov's show “Let them talk”, where Yulia spoke about her 9-year experience family life with Andrei Arshavin, the whole country sympathized with the difficult fate of the heroine.

Yulia Baranovskaya: Let them talk. Life after Arshavin

Baranovskaya's friends also tried not to leave her alone and began to invite her to private parties. On one of them, the girl met the famous producer Peter Sheksheev. It was he who helped Yulia break into television, but not as a heroine, but as a presenter. First, she was invited as an expert in the post-show of the Bachelor project, which aired on the TNT channel called "What do men want?".

In April 2014, Yulia made her debut in the show "Girls", which has been successfully demonstrated by the TV channel "Russia-1" for 4 years. And although this was not her first experience as a host (back in London, Baranovskaya hosted the Russian Maslenitsa festival for several years in a row, which takes place annually on Trafalgar Square), the girl was very worried about whether she could join the already formed women's team, and in general, in show format. But her fears were not confirmed: Now Arshavin's ex-wife Yulia Baranovskaya

In 2014, Yulia Baranovskaya moved to Moscow with her children, and in September of the same year, a new talk show "Male and Female" was launched on Channel One, hosted by Yulia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon. In the first issue of the program, situations were analyzed when children became a bargaining chip in the divorce of their parents. This topic was very important to Baranovskaya herself, because in her childhood she herself was in such a situation.

Perfect renovation by Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia Baranovskaya now

Despite all the difficulties that the TV star had to overcome, she considers herself an absolutely happy person: “I already have the main thing - a family, my children. I always have all the places at the dinner table will be occupied. And in 15 years there will be three times more people at the table.” Julia is open to new relationships and new projects.

A woman tries to devote every free minute to her children, who have inherited not only the attractive appearance of their father, but also their mother's penchant for creativity. The older children, Artem and Yana, are engaged in the Fidget ensemble. In 2015, the brother and sister performed on the stage of the Kremlin Palace in a concert dedicated to Police Day, and in 2017 they took part in an Adidas advertising campaign. Artem has a passion for acting: at the age of 5 he began attending the London School of Drama, in 2016 he was approved for the role of a cabin boy in the opera Billy Bud, shown at the Bolshoi Theater.

Yulia Baranovskaya is one of the most famous TV presenter. She was able to prove her talent and originality in a short time. For two years, a woman has consistently appeared in the TV program "Male and Female" in company with Alexander Gordon.

TV presenter managed to survive in difficult time lack of money, when she and the children did not even have enough money for food. Julia communicates with her ex-husband only occasionally. She urges Andrei not to forget the children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Baranovskaya

Mother of three children is feminine. She is pretty and thin. Recently, a popular TV presenter spoke about her life, giving all the information about herself, including her height, weight, age. It is easy to find out how old Yulia Baranovskaya is by visiting the website of the First TV Channel where she works. The young woman recently celebrated her 33rd birthday. She is incredibly effective and attractive.

Yulia Baranovskaya, a photo in her youth and now which makes men stop and envy women, weighs 57 kg with a height of 168 cm.

The popular TV presenter maintains her physical form with daily plastic exercises and aerobics. She claims that this is what helps her to always be in a good mood.

Biography of Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia was born in the city on the Neva. Father is an engineer, mother was engaged in teaching children at school. The girl went to grade 1 at the age of 7. She liked learning new things. From the first grade, the girl was among the best students. So that no one would think that Yulia was overestimated, she studied at the wrong school where her mother worked. WITH young years The girl did everything herself. At the age of 10, Julia faced her first drama - leaving her father's family. Man met new love and decided to enter into a new relationship. This was the reason that communication between the daughter and father was interrupted for a 15-year period.

A few years later, Yulia's mother married a second time. In this union, the sisters of our heroine appeared. Until now, the girls communicate and celebrate all the holidays together.

In high school, the girl thought to connect her life with journalism. But having received a certificate, Yulia listened to her mother's advice and began to study management. After studying one course, the girl took an academic leave, but she never recovered.

For several years, the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya took place in the UK. Without knowing the language, Baranovskaya was able to settle in a foreign country. After the betrayal of a loved one, Julia and her children were left without a livelihood.

Soon the girl began to work on television. She is currently hosting the TV show "Male and Female" along with Alexander Gordon.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya

The personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya was full of ups and downs.

Julia met Andrey under strange circumstances. Once a girl, along with one of her friends, were sunbathing on the banks of the Neva. The sun's rays burned mercilessly, so they burned for a short time. Returning to the car, Baranovskaya noticed fresh scratches on its surface. To calm down, a friend persuaded Yulia to take a walk along the river. On Nevsky Prospekt, the girl accidentally ran into one of the famous Zenit forwards - Andrei Arshavin.

After a short bouquet and candy period, young people began to live together. A few months after the first meeting, the lovers go together to Andrey's new place of work. He was invited to play at Arsenal at this time. Promising young man it was not possible to play abroad, so he decided to return back to St. Petersburg, it was worth calling him to the leadership of his native Zenit.

While living in the UK, two children appeared in the family - a son and a daughter. The husband left when the young woman was in a delicate position for the third time. Soon Julia became the mother of a wonderful boy, but her husband did not accept him. He called the woman and announced his decision to leave the family. Left without a livelihood, she decides to return to Russian Federation. She still thought to improve relations with her ex-husband.

When Baranovskaya arrived in St. Petersburg, she found out that Andrei was already dating new sweetheart. Julia believed that the father should take part in the fate of the children. She unsuccessfully tried to urge him to pay child support and communicate with the children. Tired of waiting, the woman defended the interests of the children in court.

Currently, the forward does not meet with children, but regularly pays alimony.

Yulia Baranovskaya, the personal life with whom she is now often discussed in the media in 2016, says that she lives happily with her children. Men have no place in her life yet. But if there is someone who will make her happy and can accept her children, then she will try. Well, let's wait and see.

Family of Yulia Baranovskaya

The family of Yulia Baranovskaya was her support during a difficult period, when she was left alone without a livelihood.

The TV presenter is currently communicating with her father. She, having survived the betrayal of her husband, was able to understand him, who had left the family. Now she sometimes meets with a man, allowing her to communicate with her children.

Mom and sisters help a woman in all her endeavors. The mother helps with the upbringing of the children. The sisters celebrate all family holidays with her.

Julia loves to stay at home with her children. At this time, she tries to fulfill all their needs. Baranovskaya checks the lessons with the elders, sculpts and draws with her youngest son. Everything that is done by children, the popular TV presenter posts on her Instagram page. In this idyll, only a beloved spouse is missing, but many of her admirers believe that it will not be long to wait: such a beauty cannot fail to have a loved one.

Children of Yulia Baranovskaya

The children of Yulia Baranovskaya are brought up in love. A popular TV presenter tries to give everything to her children so that they do not have to feel the neglect of their father, who rarely appears in their house.

Currently, Baranovskaya is raising three children, whose father is the famous Zenit forward Andrei Arshavin. For the first time, the couple became parents in 2005. They had a little boy, who was named Artyom. Then the charming daughter Yanochka was born. In mid-2012, the woman became a mother for the third time. She gave birth to a son, whom she named Arseny.

Currently, a woman gives all her time outside of work to children. She takes the kids to various talk shows for kids.

The son of Yulia Baranovskaya - Artyom Arshavin

For the first time, a popular TV presenter found out that she was expecting a child at a time when she lived happily with Andrei in the UK. They postponed the wedding for a while. The wedding was supposed to take place after the birth of the first child, but happy chores again delayed the event.

The son of Yulia Baranovskaya, Artyom Arshavin, studies at one of the St. Petersburg gymnasiums. He comprehends all sciences, visits sections and circles. The boy likes to play football. He dreams of becoming a football player as famous as his star father. Andrei sometimes comes to visit the children. He says with surprise that the eldest son bears a striking resemblance to him.

The son of Yulia Baranovskaya - Arseny Arshavin

In mid-2012, the popular TV presenter became a mother for the third time. She is raising her son alone. His father did not recognize the boy. He accused his wife of treason, saying that the son was born from another man.

The son of Yulia Baranovskaya - Arseny Arshavin in 2018 will celebrate his sixth birthday. He is healthy and cheerful. The boy does not think at all about the absence of his father. Currently, Arseny is preparing to enter the first grade. He is learning to read and write. The boy likes to draw and sculpt.

Daughter of Yulia Baranova - Yana Arshavin

The daughter of Yulia Baranova, Yana Arshavin, is the second child in a star family. The girl, like her older brother, began to study at one of the London schools. Currently, the girl is a student of the St. Petersburg gymnasium. She studies perfectly, trying not to upset her beloved mother.

In her free time, the girl attends circles at school. She plays sports, performs at various school events. Yana helps her mother with the upbringing of her younger brother Arseniy, with whom she sculpts and draws.

Former civil husband of Yulia Baranovskaya - Andrey Arshavin

Julia met a young man during his successful game for the St. Petersburg football club Zenit. The man has been one of the best Russian football players for 20 years. She played in the UK for several years, but did not achieve much success there.

The former common-law husband of Yulia Baranovskaya, Andrey Arshavin, is currently working in Kazakhstan in one of the local football clubs.

After breaking up with ex-wife the man was legally married. A daughter was born in marriage. Currently, the football player does not live with his second wife.

For several years, Andrei did not communicate with his children, who were born to a popular TV presenter. In 2017, Arshavin began to appear regularly in the company of the elders Artyom and Yana. To the younger Arseniy, the man is still cool.

Photos of Yulia Baranovskaya in Maxim magazine made a splash. Men literally salivated at the sight of a naked young woman. She looked ahead without hesitation, showing her beautiful body. On the cover of the popular presenter appeared in a bathing suit. Her appearance set the tone for the entire publication.

The star of the program "Men's and Women's" appeared at a fashion show made by fashion designer Inna Zhirkova. On the catwalk during the show came out in a translucent dress. It seemed to the audience that she was almost naked. The beauty walked with her head held high and without embarrassment.

Candid photos are sometimes posted by Baranovskaya on her Instagram page. Fans often view the pictures, leaving likes and positive reviews.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Baranovskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Baranovskaya, like many popular people, is. The presenter here frankly and honestly tells about everything that happened in her life.

Wikipedia tells how the life of a TV star went. Here you can read how she met Arshavin, how she became famous.

Registered Yulia Baranovskaya in social networks. She is most active on Instagram. Here he often uploads photos in the circle of his relatives and friends. On the page you can see things made and painted by her children. Julia uploads photos from various events both with colleagues and quiet family holidays. The article was found on

In 2012, news appeared that the former captain of our football team, Andrei Arshavin, after nine years of relationship, broke up with his common-law wife, Yulia Baranovskaya. She with two children, in the fifth month of pregnancy was left alone. Here, perhaps, and all that was known.

Editor-in-Chief HELLO! - Svetlana Bondarchuk - met with Julia to hear for the first time a story that had never been voiced before.

former common-law wife of Andrei Arshavin Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia, you were silent for almost two years, did not give a single comment. What made you decide to be interviewed?

Everything that was written in the press these two years is an absolute fiction, not a word of truth. I learned a lot about myself and my husband. For nine years they wrote how wonderful we have Friendly family, and then completely different publications went: he allegedly cheated on me right and left, changed girls like gloves, we didn’t have a marriage as such, I was suddenly recorded as a cohabitant. Today's conversation costs me incredible efforts, but I would like to dot the "and". Whatever happens to Andrei and me, my family does not deserve these slanders, I want to defend the honor of the family. I lived absolutely happy nine years with Andrey. What happened next is hard to explain. At one point, Andrei ceased to be the person whom I had known all these years. Now the most difficult stage for me has already passed, but I can’t say that everything has completely subsided in my soul. Maybe it will take a lifetime.

editor-in-chief of HELLO! Svetlana Bondarchuk

I know that you lived with Andrei for many years, you gave birth to children for him, but your relationship was not officially registered. Why did it happen?

Last year my friends threw me a party in London for my birthday. Of course, they congratulated, wished ... And that's what I thought then: when we lived with Andrei, I was very skeptical about all these toasts and wishes. I didn't need them, I already had everything. I had enough of everything, I was absolutely confident in the person who was next to me. And I didn’t think for a second that at some point something could change dramatically, I didn’t think how to make sure. It wasn't naivete, it was an internal attitude. I felt married! I still don't like the prenuptial agreement. Since the marriage contract is like a preparation for divorce. What's the point of living with someone you don't fully trust? But this is my position.

You felt like you were married.

Absolutely. Andrey and I built a family, a life, a fortune from scratch. I didn’t come and live in his luxurious house, I didn’t get a car with a driver and a lot of money in the accounts. When we met, his future at Zenit looked very uncertain. He mostly sat on the bench. I came to the match, then to the second one, and even, I remember, without any mockery, somehow Andrey asked: “Why am I sitting here and watching for 90 minutes how some men run, chasing the ball? You don’t care for the last three minutes on you’re leaving for a replacement, so maybe I’ll come up at the end?

No, we started everything together, slowly, step by step ... He himself called me his wife. I realized that there was no marriage only when we separated. Now I think that a formal marriage is necessary. It helps with the crisis of relationships, which happens to everyone, everyone.

Julia Baranovskaya

That is, do you think that if you had an official marriage and there was such a situation that happened, you would end up together?

I think it was much easier to leave without a formal marriage. I got up, took my suitcase and left. No litigation, division, showdown - everything is very simple. An official marriage holds, imposes certain obligations. For me, in fact, official marriage and civil marriage differ only in the ease of parting. Something tells me that, being in an official marriage, Andrei would not behave like that. Relationships are the work and private affair of only two people. And the most correct thing is to leave all the problems within the family. But, unfortunately, when you are a public person and behave the way Andrei did, it quickly becomes public knowledge, an occasion for dirty gossip. But, despite the fact that our relationship was not registered, I still believe that he had no right to do this in relation to his family.

When we first started living together, Andrei really wanted us to have a child. And over time, I got pregnant. Andrei started talking about the wedding, about the number of guests, about where to celebrate and how to celebrate, since the registration of our relationship seemed to him a settled issue. But I said: "What is the wedding now? I want a real wedding!"

Yulia Baranovskaya with children - Artem, Yana and ArsenyIt is clear that every girl dreams of a beautiful wedding.

I didn't really want to get married pregnant. And this moment was missed, and then it was no longer up to it: a child appears, then a second, then moving to London. We return to this topic less and less often. The question has never been acute. "Why aren't we getting married? No, I don't want to marry you! I won't marry you" - there have never been such conversations. "Will we get married?" - "Well, yes, someday we will definitely get married" - this was discussed in passing, in some very light form. Over time, you get used to this situation, and this is not right.

I understand that it's hard for you to talk about this, but come on - about the essence of the problem. Andrei had a relationship with another woman. Couldn't you forgive?

I believe that everything can be forgiven, in principle, if a person repents. To forgive, it is enough that he sincerely repents of what he has done.

These are very wise words. Girls are more typical of a different position: "I will never forgive betrayal!"

Relationships are work. Big job. I do not think that betrayal is something tragic, out of the ordinary. But betrayal is something else entirely. What happened to me, I do not regard as treason. I regard this as a betrayal. Because in such a weak, unprotected position, in which I was, there is no other way to call it. It was the fifth month of pregnancy ...

Julia with Arseny
How did you find out that Andrei had an affair? From the press?

In January 2012, Andrei received several offers from various football clubs to go play in Russia. Ahead was the European Championship, he did not have any success in the London Arsenal. Andrei categorically refused a long business trip, in football slang this is called "rent". He said he couldn't take the kids in the middle school year from school, but does not want to leave me alone. Like, such a load - two small children, I am pregnant, in a foreign country. But I saw that he needed this work like air, otherwise the European Championship would be held without him.

In the end, he signed a contract with Zenit. He left and I stayed. Every day he called many times, asking how we live. In April, we came with the children to St. Petersburg for the holidays. In the two weeks that we were there, Andrei and I did not part for a second. You could say we had the perfect honeymoon. They made plans for the future, even signed a contract with a designer who was supposed to be in charge of the project of a new house.

I returned with the children to London, and a week later I learned from friends that he had been seen with another girl. For me it was like a bolt from the blue. I still don't understand how things could have changed so suddenly. I suspect that the girl was trying to be as "noticeable" as possible, specifically so that their relationship "surfaced" as quickly as possible. That's all. I don't know what it's like to take a man away from a family, I don't know what it's like to fight for a man, because it disgusts me.

90 percent of my friends asked: "Have you talked to her?" I sincerely do not understand what I should talk to her about, honestly. I have friends, relatives, friends, I can talk to them. Maybe this is not the position of a wise woman, but rivalry, the struggle for a man, cunning, intrigue - this is not about me.

Yulia Baranovskaya with children

We have another example before our eyes - Victoria Beckham, in whose family, obviously, everything was not always perfect either. Before the birth of his daughter, David was also convicted of treason. But Victoria was able to survive this crisis as if it did not exist at all.

I have always admired one quality in her - how beautifully she came out of all situations. Family was more important than all this dirt. A lot of nonsense and untruths were also written about us. And I decided not to react to it in any way, not to wash dirty linen in public. After all, you can’t prove anything to people, you just need to be able to ignore all this noise.

If you are a wise person, you simply do not read this. You don’t build a tragedy out of this, you don’t make a scandal at home, and indeed, if something happened, you know how to forgive. Here I absolutely agree with you: betrayal, probably, you need to learn to forgive, but betrayal - no.

I think both are always to blame in a relationship. 50 to 50. But no matter what happens, you need to leave like a human being. Everyone has the right to love - we are not each other's slaves. And no matter how many children, years of life behind you, if you have decided to leave and you think that this is your new path, you can do it. But human and beautiful, not mean.

I don't want to take the "dirty laundry" out. I still want to keep it all between us. You need to be able to respect your past, be grateful to it, and only then a good future awaits you.

Artemy Arshavin How did your friends and acquaintances react to what happened? Did someone take someone's position, or did they try to remain neutral?

In our history, the choice was obvious to everyone. Even Andrey's friends in a harsh form, absolutely openly expressed their position to him. And he, it seems to me, was even offended. Sincerely not understanding why they changed their attitude towards him.

You will laugh, but it's me. This is not my opinion, everyone who knows us told me about it. He always consulted with me, we made all decisions together. We knew everything about each other. But in this story, I could not advise him: "Andrey, you must do this and that" ...

Julia Baranovskaya and Yana Arshavin

Of course I tried. It was very hard. I don’t know if it’s worth talking about it, but in fact, in fact, he didn’t leave. You know, being a wife for nine years, it is very difficult to understand and accept in one week that you have been turned into a mistress. At some point, a terrible thing happened to me. Like, Stockholm syndrome - you know, when the victim falls in love with his tormentor. When she no longer realizes where is normal, where is abnormal. At some point, I got lost. I have not seen what is right, what is right. And it was too much already. It seems to me: another six months, and I would be in the hospital with nervous breakdown. In the film "Twilight" there was such an episode: the heroine, left alone, sits on the couch. The weather changes outside the window, and she sits, staring at one point and flipping through the pages of the diary. November is a blank page, December is a blank page... This moment touched me to the depths of my soul and frightened me, because the months go by, and they are empty, there is nothing. A year later, I was even more frightened, because this situation had already happened to me. It seems to have lived, but it feels like nothing, emptiness.

You were pregnant and already long enough. In this very complex and very important point for a woman, when you want to be looked after, helped, blow off dust particles every second, how did you find the strength to live, give birth?

Don't know. It seems to me that only the Lord God helped me. Honestly. I got up in the morning, went to church, stood a service, which I had never done before. It got easier. She left. By the evening I could feel bad again. I went to church again, there was an evening service. I didn't have a chance to cry out. I could not give vent to emotions: sob, bang my head against the wall. I also couldn't take sedative pills. I was in a terrible state, in a terrible state. Among other things, it was the third caesarean section, and I was diagnosed with "complete placenta previa". In this situation, any stress is dangerous for the child. In addition, on the same days I found out that my mother was seriously ill. I couldn't say anything to my mom, I didn't want to. Mom went through chemotherapy and, thank God, got better. At some point they wanted to put me on antidepressants, but I could not afford it. I understood that time will pass, and my wound will heal, but the child will remain, and if something is wrong with him through my fault, I will not be able to forgive myself for this.

children of Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya with their mother

Was there someone close to you who was the most helpful? The person about whom you can now say that he directly saved me?

I can't single out one. There were a lot of people around me, friends. And everyone, absolutely everyone, made his own contribution, some kind of contribution. If I now start listing the names of the people who were nearby and how they helped, we will not have enough magazine with you, honestly. I am very grateful to everyone.

Did the kids understand what was going on?

No. I didn't want to tell them anything. We lived in London, and Andrei - in St. Petersburg. I told the children: "Daddy plays football." All. They didn't have any questions. I simply understood that the birth of another child for the elders would already be stressful, and I felt sorry for them, I did not want to burden them with this.

Do you receive financial support from Andrey? How did the trial end with which you're trying to secure alimony?

He categorically did not want to share, he constantly scared that he would block the cards. I got tired of enduring it and filed a British court. We didn't speak for three months. Communicated through lawyers. The situation worked out quite well for me. Then Andrei flew to London, and we met face to face, without lawyers. I will not go into the details of our meeting, but I agreed to sign a settlement agreement. And that was my biggest mistake. True, unfortunately, I realized this too late - two weeks after the signing of the contract, when the arrest was lifted from his accounts, he refused to fulfill the terms of the agreement. Then he partially started again, then refused again. And so it went on for several months. So now I had to sue for the second time, already in Russia. Andrew left me no other choice. He had a million chances to solve everything humanly and peacefully, but he did not want to.

It is completely incomprehensible to me how this can be - left without providing for their own three children.

Me too.

It is unlikely that children still do not ask any questions. Perhaps they had to explain everything already?

Now they are dedicated. The elder even jokes about it. Artem watches the news and says: “Mom, you know, Prince Harry is not married. I will write a letter to the queen, I can, I write well, I speak beautifully. I will tell the queen what a beautiful, good, smart mother I have, and that she gave us an audience so that you could get to know each other." (Smiling.)

It's so touching, it's amazing.

It is very funny. The elder does not exclude dad from life. But at the same time, he gives me the right to happiness. I would say so. And I didn't explain it to him, believe me. True, then he watched the news, and it turned out that Prince Harry had a girlfriend. But, in addition to jokes, when I leave home on business, it happens that the children look at me incredulously and ask: "Are you sure you will return?" Because dad left to play football at Zenit, in St. Petersburg. And he had to return. And did not return.

Tell me, please, you now mostly live with your children in London. Although initially this city was not so close, I did not really like it. Why did you make such a choice?

There are two main reasons. The eldest son has been going to school here for three years, and he is used to it. The second reason is that the father of the children is a public person. I did not want to move to St. Petersburg for this reason. Because whatever one may say, Andrey's recognition in St. Petersburg is 10 out of 10, I'm not exaggerating. Everyone knows him. And to bear such a surname on oneself is a lot of work.

Yes, the Arshavins will come to class - conversations are inevitable. By the way, do they have their father's last name?

Yes, sure. Children say what they think. And they say what they hear at home. And I can't be held responsible for everyone who says something cruel to them.

So you want the kids to grow up here until they reach a more conscious age?

I would very much like this to happen, but I think I won’t be able to pull it off financially for a long time.

Maybe, leaving you without security, in this way he wants to return you to St. Petersburg?

Yes, it's probably convenient when you live, and around the corner there is also a family, children. So, just in case, at hand.

On March 8, your debut as a TV presenter will take place - the show "The Bachelor" starts on the TNT channel. This is absolutely accurate - the beginning of a new life, because now you are becoming a public person, no longer as the wife of a famous athlete, but a separate creative unit. Your own career begins. Tell me, how did you make this decision?

In the show "The Bachelor" one man chooses his bride from 25 women. I'm not surprised that I was offered to be an expert on this show. In the format of the show, there is a discussion of the girls who are dropping out, a kind of "analysis of mistakes". We invite them to the studio and find out together with them what they did wrong, that they were kicked out and he did not give them a chance to stay on. These "mistakes" dictate the theme of the show.

I can say that I am an ideal expert, because I have tremendous experience. Usually someone is faced with one problem - divorce, financial collapse, infidelity, pregnancy, three children without a father, I experienced it all in one period of time. And I want to somehow guide young girls, correctly point out mistakes. I want to inspire them, to say that no matter what the tragedy, life does not end there, and you can continue to live. It seems to me that the most important thing is not to fall into a psychological trap, not to make an obligatory pattern out of the experienced situation. I hate this phrase: "All men are the same." They are completely different!

But do you believe that tomorrow you will meet a man, fall in love with him, and you will have complete confidence in him?

I had a difficult story, but I honestly tell you: I have not hardened, I know that for sure.

You know, I think that very soon you will certainly meet a strong true love which will make you forget all the grievances. Paradoxically, but it is stories like yours that cause not pity, but admiration. Today it is really no longer you who need to help, but you can help many.

I know what they say about me: "It's a pity for the girl, three children, who needs her?" But believe me, I am an absolutely happy person, I have three children from one man and a new interesting career on television. Not for a second did I have a thought: “My God, I have three children, what will I do, how will I live?” I already have the main thing - a family, my children. I always have all the places at the dinner table will be occupied. And in 15 years there will be three times more people at the table. I'm very happy. And now, thinking about a new relationship, I'm not looking for a father to my children. If the man who will be with me at some point wants to become one, great. But it will be his personal choice.

Yulia Baranovskaya - one of the most famous "abandoned wives" - is doing very well now. A charming woman, having gone through fire, water and copper pipes, cleaned her feathers, excluded the word “football” from her vocabulary and made a dizzying career on television. Yes, and in the personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya, judging by the photo on Instagram, there have been dramatic changes. But not so long ago, Julia called the departure from the family of her beloved husband a bitter betrayal. And we think that it was just a shameful flight - the usual act of a modern man who prefers to live with a comfortable woman, and not with his beloved. Here is Julia's betrayal of her dream - it's really bitter. After all, she once dreamed of being the best TV presenter, and became the most talked about wife of a football player ...

Biography of Baranovskaya: three big disappointments

Yulia Baranovskaya was born in Leningrad in June 1985 in the family of a teacher and engineer. From early childhood, the girl was very responsible - the result of her mother's strict upbringing. An excellent student, head of the class, a participant in many olympiads was often set as an example and prophesied a wonderful future. But an ordinary Soviet child did not dream of anything like that until a catastrophe happened in his life ...

The first disappointment in life for Julia was the departure of her father from the family. Although my mother soon had a new family, the daughter could not forgive her father for 15 long years. After his departure, a 10-year-old girl suddenly had a dream - she wanted to become famous so that her father would be proud of her and regret his act. A few years later, Julia already knew how to realize her dream, but her mother interfered ...

Mom's "prudence" was the second big disappointment for Julia. Mom did not want to agree to her daughter becoming a journalist and TV presenter, and persuaded her to enter Faculty of Economics University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Studying for a creative girl became hard labor, and she did not know how to pick up the documents so that her mother would not be offended. Here in the life of Baranovskaya there was a fatal meeting. Julia happily abandoned her boring studies and was disappointed for the third time. But more about disappointment later...

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya: one meeting can change your whole life

There are no chance encounters in life. Call it what you want - rock, fate, a move specially directed by someone - but on that day everything turned out so that Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin met. Julia and her friend spent half a day on the beach, and when she was about to go home, she saw that the car was scratched. The frustrated girl changed her plans and decided to take a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. Here she met a rising football star. A month later, Baranovskaya moved to Arshavin. Soon she became pregnant and after an academic leave she never returned to the university. A different life began: motherhood, a famous husband, a discussion of personal life, banter from British journalists because of Yulia's careless remark about dislike for England, photos on Instagram and others like him ...

This went on for nine years. Julia was with her husband: she gave birth to children, waited for him from the training camp, supported him in difficult moments, moved from place to place, was angry with journalists for discussing her personal life, did not believe the rumors. The naive girl never became an adult woman. She was a wife, albeit without the notorious stamp in her passport, and he was a free man. She was fiercely angry when she was told that he had affairs on the side, and blushed sweetly when the journalists started another hurdy-gurdy "about the stamp in the passport." The flight of Arshavin from the family, you can’t call it otherwise, put everything in its place.

Yulia Baranovskaya after giving birth to her 3rd child

Arshavin, as it turned out, does not respect female klush, and Yulia more and more turned into her. After all, he remembered how in the first years of their life together her eyes burned when she told him that she would definitely become a TV presenter. And Yulia remembered how once she had the idea to open a women's club in London, but... she got pregnant for the third time.

Andrey Arshavin with his new girlfriend

Yulia Baranovskaya with children

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya after a divorce

Arshavin left for another woman when Yulia was five months pregnant. To say that it was a difficult time is an understatement. From a severe depression after a divorce, Yulia was pulled out neither by children, nor by friends, nor by her mother and sisters who daily support her, but by a dream. One day, Baranovskaya suddenly felt a strong desire to return to that hot day spent with her friend on the beach and replay it by removing the walk along Nevsky Prospekt from it. And the next day, pick up the documents from the university, and come what may. But it is a sin to think so: if there had not been that meeting, three beautiful children would not have been born. Julia was more and more immersed in herself, forgetting even about maternal responsibilities. And then a dream persistently knocked on the window ...

Dreams Come True

Producer Pyotr Sheksheev, who met Baranovskaya at one of the closed parties, opened the door to the world of her dreams. Yulia's first television project was the post-show "What do men want?", where she was an expert. Then there were "Girls", "Reboot" and, finally, the talk show "Male and Female", where Yulia Baranovskaya, together with Gordon, acts as an arbitrator in family disputes. Star parties, fashion shows, new projects on television, the autobiographical book "All for the Better" - dreams sometimes come true even better than we would like. The main thing is not to betray them...