Solar eclipse August 21 duration. Astrology of lovers in Life. Rest and proper distribution of energy

new moon 21st August 2017 year falls on a total solar eclipse, the exact phase of which will occur at 21:30 by Moscow time.

This event is characterized by the most powerful energy impact on all living beings on the planet, by resetting all energy processes, and as a result, events in people's lives.

A solar eclipse can redraw current events and bring old, forgotten, unresolved, unfinished business and problems, papers, things, people from the past onto the agenda. The peculiarity of this solar eclipse is that it occurs in one of the last degrees of the sign Leo. But all the processes in people's lives caused by this solar eclipse may not manifest themselves in the form of any external activity, but will be a powerful basis, stimulus, impetus for internal processes in the soul and consciousness, in a creative manifestation.

Particularly sensitive to the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 can be people whose natal charts contain planets and other important points in the 27 P 30 degrees of the signs ‹leo, ‚corpio, ‚doley and dace.

On days close to the eclipse, a sparing regimen is important in everything. There is no need at this time to be loaded with hard physical work or try to resolve complex, problematic cases and issues. This is the time when it is wiser to wait, to take a break.

On the day of the solar eclipse P August 21 P, a decline in energy, a deterioration in well-being, a decline in vitality, apathy against a strong exciting and irritating background are possible.

Total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 R is the 22nd eclipse of the 145th ‘aros.

The total phase of the eclipse can be observed on the territory of ‘?Ђ. -solid phases of the eclipse will be visible in North and South America, as well as in Western ... Europe. In Russia, partial phases can be observed in the northeast of the country (-ukotka).

The influence of an eclipse in the sign of the fixed cross (Leo) may not manifest itself for some time, but when manifested, it will act for a long time and thoroughly.

An eclipse in a fiery sign portends trouble for state or influential people: overthrow, exile, imprisonment, even murder, and also indicates military clashes, fires, explosions, fevers, crop failures.

The eclipse in the 3rd decanate of the sign lion indicates captivity, bloodshed, robbery, desecration of sacred buildings.

The strologer Gernadette Gready on the series ‘arosa b 145:

Unexpected events involving friends or a group of people put a lot of pressure on personal relationships. Relationship issues can become exaggerated when the eclipse is heavily affecting the chart.

- A person should be prudent and not make any hasty decisions, as the information is distorted and possibly erroneous. The essence of the eclipse is also fatigue and related health problems.

A look into the past through a series of eclipses on the 145th ‘aros.

The previous 21st eclipse of the 145th ‘aros was widely reported by astrologers P it was total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999. The out-of-sonance configurations of this eclipse have become the subject of great concern for astrologers about the fate of mankind. The well-known 72nd quatrain of Nostradamus is dedicated to this eclipse.

Two days before the eclipse, Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia. On August 16, 1999, 5 days after the eclipse, he was approved as Chairman of the Government by 233 votes of deputies of the state mind.

The main events of 1999 according to the news agency AssociatedPress:

1. ‘events in Yosovo, NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, entry peacekeeping forces in Josovo.

2. President '?' Hill Elinton was not removed from office as a result of the impeachment proceedings.

3. Earthquake in Turkey (18 thousand dead).

4. The second Chechen war began in Russia.

5. Ndo-Pakistani Clashes in Kashmir.

6. ‡Earthquake on 'aivan (2415 dead).

According to the Foundation for Public Opinion (Russia):

The main world events of 1999 were named by the inhabitants of the country as the war in ћgoslavia (13%) and the war in eternity (7%), as well as the terrorist attacks that swept across Russian cities, especially the bombings of houses in Moscow (9%). In third place was the rise in prices (inflation, impoverishment of the population) - 2%.

For more details about the eclipses of the 145th aros, go back a few cycles: the 20th eclipse was on July 31, 1981.

’when the band of the total phase of the eclipse surprisingly stretched almost across the entire territory of ‘‘‘ђ. 'which happened only once.

JULY 29, 1981 The wedding of Prince Arles and Jana Penser. Princess Jana subsequently dies the day before the 1997 solar eclipse. “Aware of the death of Princess Jana on September 1st, Mother Jereza said: I do not always understand the ways of the Lord. Probably this tragic loss means much more than we can imagine. ‘ama mother’ erez died a few days later, before the funeral of princess jana.

Analyzing the events associated with the eclipses of the 145th Aros, we can state that they point to the problems of war and peace, the subsequent world order, events in the life of the first persons of states, redistribution, transfer of power or loss of it.

For those who celebrate their birthday near this date;

On those whose eclipse point is connected by a strong aspect with the moon in the natal chart;

On those who have planets and other important points in natal charts at 29 degrees of the signs 'dace', 'lion', 'corpio', 'above';

The eclipse will take place in the 28th degree of Leo. Kars is at this time in divergent conjunction with the sun and the moon, and in exact sextile (60 degrees positive aspect) with Jupiter, as well as in a grand trine with Saturn and the wound.

The situation that will be affected by this eclipse, both on a global scale and in an individual context, will have a dramatic development. The consonant aspects give hope for a positive and even uplifting outcome. However, the exact opposite situation is also possible, when it will be possible to observe an inflated military super-ego with all the ensuing consequences.

In an individual context, this is a great energy boost and a good opportunity to satisfy the desire for power and realize ambitions. In addition, the solar eclipse will take place against the backdrop of the retrograde motion of Mercury in the signs of Eve and Leo, which will impose additional restrictions on areas related to the exchange of information, the conclusion of contracts, the transition to new job, relocations, flights, undertakings of something new for the future. There may be many small errors.

‘It is worth paying attention to the positive interpretation of the solar eclipse in August 2017. This eclipse is significantly different from the one in February. …his impact will positively affect everyone, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.

The sun and moon at 28 degrees Leo form a conjunction with Kars, at the same time forming a trine (120 degrees positive aspect) with the “wound in the outside and the 'athuric' in the 'sagittarius'. This beneficial combination and the results of its impact on important matters will turn out to be impressive, but you should not hope for their quick achievement, because the aspect involves ‘aturn R Z guardian of time. Most of all, solar energy will affect long-term projects, designed for many months and even years.

Thus, depending on the sign of the karma you have accumulated (+ or _), the consequences of the eclipse for you will unfold according to different scenarios.

_ complain about life;

_ start new business;

_ hold important events;

_ make big deals;

_ to confront;

_ overwork;

_ go on a diet;

So, the already known Corridor of Eclipses continues. And it's time for us to prepare for another important event of this month - the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

Total solar eclipse:
Start — 19:48 Moscow time
Maximum phase - 21:21 Moscow time
End - 23:02 Moscow time
A solar eclipse always occurs during the New Moon, as during this period the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, and the Sun is in the shadow of the Moon.

Private phases of this phenomenon will be visible on the territory of: Mexico, Colombia; Iceland, Holland; Venezuela, Ecuador; Canada, South and North America; Brazil, Ireland, Guyana; UK, Peru; Western Europe, Greenland; Portugal, Guinea.

Unfortunately, in most Russian cities and small settlements the eclipse will not be visible. Only people living on the Chukotka Peninsula and the extreme Northeast will be able to admire its particular phases.

The August total solar eclipse will take place in the creative zodiac sign Leo. This will add love and optimism to us. And from the solar eclipse itself, all signs can expect more positive than negative influences. As in the case of a lunar eclipse, the fixed signs will feel the most influence of a solar eclipse: Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio.

The solar eclipse will give us an impulse to move somewhere and change something. This period will be associated with a bunch of events and rapid changes. There will be creative impulses, courage and courage to act, as well as the opportunity to stand out and show leadership qualities. After this eclipse, many will be able to somehow manifest and show themselves. Changes can be very global, but at the same time they will be made accurately and efficiently. We will have the strength to accept all the twists of fate, as well as the desire for freedom.

All this will happen against the backdrop of optimism and love that will be born in our hearts. Big changes can affect the sphere of relationships. The Lunar Eclipse on August 7th brought many problems to the surface, and the Solar Eclipse on August 21st gives us methods to solve these problems. This period can be a big breakthrough in the professional field, an opportunity to express yourself through creativity, as well as a turning point or transition to a new level in personal relationships. All this will be connected with the movement and actions on our part, to which we are pushed by the positions of the planets during the eclipse.

The eclipses of August 2017 are connected with understanding ourselves and our place in society, with our self-realization and relationships with other people. During this period, it is important not to do stupid things, not to succumb to temporary emotional impulses. All the events that take place during the Eclipse Corridor (August 7-21) and another week after the solar eclipse (until the end of the month) carry great meaning and influence on our lives.

The eclipse, which will take place on August 21, has significant differences from the February solar eclipse. If February was dominated by bad influence heavenly bodies, then in August there will be a rather positive impact. A certain location of Mars, the Sun, the Moon and some other planets during the eclipse allows us to conclude that the formed combination will have a beneficial effect on every person and on global situations.

Long term planning and decision global problems

If during the February eclipse, experts did not recommend starting important things and carefully spending vitality, then on August 21 you can be sure of your energy potential, as well as deal with global issues. The only thing that depresses is the inability to see a quick result. Yes, the outcome of solving problems will be positive, but it will be possible to observe the fruits of the efforts expended at least in a month. This is due to the location of Saturn, which is often referred to as the "guardian of time". It is this planet that will not allow problems to be resolved quickly. The energies that will become dominant on the day of the eclipse will most positively influence the processes of creating long-term projects. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to start business that is designed for several weeks, months or years. They will be successful and will bring considerable benefits.

Thinking about decisions

Experts urge people to be reasonable. This is especially true for personal relationships. Since the eclipse will pass through a fiery sign, both minor quarrels and global conflicts are possible. Don't jump to conclusions by making hasty decisions. Over time, this can be bitterly regretted. Better tune in positive tone postponing the clarification of the relationship for later.

Rest and proper distribution of energy

Due to the fact that on the day of the eclipse many people will feel a surge of energy, emotional burnout may occur. The main thing is not to overdo it, taking on several things at the same time and trying to embrace the immensity. This can easily lead to the opposite effect - the forces will leave, irritation, nervousness and apathy will appear. Any signs of chronic fatigue may appear suddenly. Correctly distribute your forces, rest more.

Body cleansing and health promotion

It is advisable to direct part of your energy to improving the health of the body. If you have been planning to go on a diet for a long time, August 21 will be an excellent starting day for this. After all, the right diet is a project designed for at least 2-3 months. And all global and long-term problems, the solution of which was started on the day of the eclipse, have a great chance of being successfully completed. It will be useful to carry out cleansing and rejuvenating procedures. The process of freeing the body from toxins and toxic agents will be highly effective, will be easy and relaxed. Even if you are not overweight, give your digestive system a rest. To do this, arrange a fasting day, eat only vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, low-fat dairy products.

What can not be done on 08/21/2017?

Avoid conflict

The main enemies that can take away vital energy, make you feel empty and irritable, are quarrels with others. Particularly unpleasant can be the consequences of clarifying relations with relatives and close friends. Therefore, on August 21, you should not swear with anyone, even if there are serious reasons for this. Stay neutral and don't get into arguments. Don't rush into action Making hasty decisions, especially those that matter life situations- not the best occupation for the eclipse period. As practice shows, subsequently people often regret their rash acts. Therefore, do not get excited. If there is a conflict, it is better to back off, even if you are 100% right. Let the quarrel exhaust itself and come to naught. And then, after a few days, you can return to resolving the conflict.

Don't be influenced by negative thoughts

During the eclipse, you should try to get all negative thoughts out of your head. It is important to get rid of negative memories, to forgive yourself and others for the mistakes made in the past. The biggest mistake can be the process of self-flagellation, because many people tend to blame themselves, suffer from remorse. Drive any unpleasant thoughts out of your mind, think about a happy future, tune in a positive way. Do not expose the body to serious stress First of all, you should not overeat and abuse alcohol. It is important to give the body the opportunity to have a good rest at night. Otherwise, you will feel unwell throughout the day. Also, experts do not recommend planning serious medical procedures on August 21 and prescribing any surgical interventions.

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From an astronomical point of view, any eclipse is due to a barrier of light that radiates from one celestial body to another. celestial body. For astrology, eclipses have an important highly informative value and make it possible to understand how strong the influence of certain planets on a particular zodiac sign will be. The eclipse that will occur on August 21, 2017 will have a tangible impact on interpersonal relationships, the sphere of health and love, the political and economic situation on a global scale.

The full phase can be observed in the United States. Carbondale (USA) will become a unique place where 2 total solar eclipses will be observed within 7 years - in 2017 and 2024.

Partial phases of the eclipse will be visible in North America, as well as parts of Western Europe and South America.

In Russia, partial phases of this eclipse will be visible only in the extreme northeast and the Chukotka Peninsula.

in Ukraine and Eastern Europe this eclipse will not be visible.


The last time the so-called "Great American Eclipse" took place was a whopping 99 years ago. In cities located on a strip that corresponds to the trajectory of the sun, it will be difficult to miss a phenomenal event - it can be easily seen with the naked eye.

This eclipse will also be the first since June 8, 1918, to span across the United States from Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coast.



The next solar eclipse, following a similar path across the United States, will occur on August 12, 2045. Most planetariums and science museums will host events and performances related to the eclipse. Many libraries across the country are also participating in the event, giving away free glasses with special protective lenses that allow people to look at the Sun safely during an eclipse.

NASA recommendations. Even though the total eclipse will only last about 2.5 minutes, there are certain safety precautions that must be followed while watching it. Experts do not recommend looking directly at the Sun, as this can adversely affect a person's vision. The only way to observe safely is to use special eclipse glasses with filtered lenses. Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, do not provide the necessary level of protection.

The eclipse will pass through many major US cities, including: Idaho Falls, Idaho; Casper, Wyoming; Grand Island and Lincoln, Nebraska; Kansas City, Kansas; St. Louis, Missouri; Bowling Green, Kentucky; Nashville, Tennessee; Greenville and Charleston, South Carolina.

12 million people live in areas where the Moon will completely hide the Sun, plunging the Earth into darkness, 200 million people will be able to watch a partial eclipse. A number of schools will be closed on this day, while others will have special lessons. Many amateur astronomers have planned trips to the eclipse zone.

Solar eclipses are often associated with bad omens. 2017 was no exception. Astrologers warn that this eclipse in the United States bodes bad news for President Donald Trump. Scientists, of course, say that this is complete nonsense.


In the US, the first total solar eclipse in 99 years has ended, which could be seen from the West to East coast. Millions of people to observe this phenomenon arrived at the so-called "line of total eclipse", in which it was possible to see how the shadow from the moon completely covers the sun. The “line of total eclipse” lay on the territory of 14 states, from Oregon on the western coast of the USA to South Carolina on the East coast, for this reason people called this is the "Great American Eclipse" phenomenon.

Complete solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017 at 21.26. by Moscow time. It will last 1.5 hours. And the inhabitants of the United States will be the best on the planet to admire a rare astronomical phenomenon. Therefore, the upcoming celestial show was nicknamed the "Great American Eclipse."

Recall that the total eclipse could be observed in a narrow strip about 113 km wide and 4200 km long, stretching across the continental United States from Oregon to South Carolina. Residents of the rest of the US states could observe a partial phenomenon.

A total solar eclipse is expected on August 21, 2017. Moscow time it will take place at 21:26, GMT - 18:26. Behind total eclipse only residents of some countries of the American continent will be able to watch.

Private phases of this phenomenon will be visible on the territory of: Mexico, Colombia; Iceland, Holland; Venezuela, Ecuador; Canada, South and North America; Brazil, Ireland, Guyana; UK, Peru; Western Europe, Greenland; Portugal, Guinea.

From an astronomical point of view, any eclipse is due to a barrier of light that radiates from one celestial body to another celestial body. For astrology, eclipses have an important highly informative value and make it possible to understand how strong the influence of certain planets on a particular zodiac sign will be. The eclipse that will take place on August 21, 2017 will have a tangible impact on interpersonal relationships, the sphere of health and love, the political and economic situation on a global scale.

Unfortunately, the eclipse will not be visible in most Russian cities and small towns. Only people living on the Chukotka Peninsula and the extreme Northeast will be able to admire its particular phases.

In which zodiac sign will the eclipse occur and how will it affect society as a whole?

The 29th degree of the fire sign Leo is where the eclipse will occur. Specialists in the field of astronomy and astrologers have noted an interesting arrangement of the planets in this period. So, Mars will be in divergent conjunction with the Moon and the Sun, with Uranus and Saturn this planet will be in a trine, and with Jupiter in a partile sextile. Of course, the technical terms mentioned above are unlikely to be understood by people who are not connected with astronomy and astrology. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what will be the overall impact of the August eclipse on the world and society as a whole.

The situations that will arise on this day are likely to have dramatic overtones. But there is a high probability further development in a positive way. So, it makes sense to hope for a positive outcome. If circumstances do not favor a favorable conclusion, selfish qualities may appear in society. In any case, on August 21, 2017, people will feel a huge surge of strength, which is due to an incredible energy boost. Such a state will dispose to the realization of "healthy" ambitions and the satisfaction of the desire for power.

The eclipse, which will take place on August 21, has significant differences from the February solar eclipse. If in February the negative influence of heavenly bodies prevailed, then in August a rather positive influence will be observed. A certain location of Mars, the Sun, the Moon and some other planets during the eclipse allows us to conclude that the formed combination will have a beneficial effect on every person and on global situations.

Long-term planning and solving global problems

If during the February eclipse, experts did not recommend starting important things and carefully spending vitality, then on August 21 you can be sure of your energy potential, as well as deal with global issues. The only thing that depresses is the inability to see a quick result. Yes, the outcome of solving problems will be positive, but it will be possible to observe the fruits of the efforts expended at least in a month. This is due to the location of Saturn, which is often referred to as the "guardian of time". It is this planet that will not allow problems to be resolved quickly. The energies that will become dominant on the day of the eclipse will most positively influence the processes of creating long-term projects. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to start business that is designed for several weeks, months or years. They will be successful and will bring considerable benefits.

Thinking about decisions

Experts urge people to be reasonable. This is especially true for personal relationships. Since the eclipse will pass through a fiery sign, both minor quarrels and global conflicts are possible. Don't jump to conclusions by making hasty decisions. Over time, this can be bitterly regretted. It is better to tune in a positive way, postponing the showdown until later.

Rest and proper distribution of energy

Due to the fact that on the day of the eclipse many people will feel a surge of energy, emotional burnout may occur. The main thing is not to overdo it, taking on several things at the same time and trying to embrace the immensity. This can easily lead to the opposite effect - the forces will leave, irritation, nervousness and apathy will appear. Any signs of chronic fatigue may appear suddenly. Correctly distribute your forces, rest more.

Body cleansing and health promotion

It is advisable to direct part of your energy to improving the health of the body. If you have been planning to go on a diet for a long time, August 21 will be an excellent starting day for this. After all, the right diet is a project designed for at least 2-3 months. And all global and long-term problems, the solution of which was started on the day of the eclipse, have a great chance of being successfully completed. It will be useful to carry out cleansing and rejuvenating procedures. The process of freeing the body from toxins and toxic agents will be highly effective, will be easy and relaxed. Even if you are not overweight, give your digestive system a rest. To do this, arrange a fasting day, eat only vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, low-fat dairy products.

What can not be done on 08/21/2017?

Avoid conflict

The main enemies that can take away vital energy, make you feel empty and irritable, are quarrels with others. Particularly unpleasant can be the consequences of clarifying relations with relatives and close friends. Therefore, on August 21, you should not swear with anyone, even if there are serious reasons for this. Stay neutral and don't get into arguments. Don't take it easy Making hasty decisions, especially those concerning significant life situations, is not the best thing to do during an eclipse. As practice shows, subsequently people often regret their rash acts. Therefore, do not get excited. If there is a conflict, it is better to back off, even if you are 100% right. Let the quarrel exhaust itself and come to naught. And then, after a few days, you can return to resolving the conflict.

Don't be influenced by negative thoughts

During the eclipse, you should try to get all negative thoughts out of your head. It is important to get rid of negative memories, to forgive yourself and others for the mistakes made in the past. The biggest mistake can be the process of self-flagellation, because many people tend to blame themselves, suffer from remorse. Drive any unpleasant thoughts out of your mind, think about a happy future, tune in a positive way. Do not expose the body to serious stress First of all, you should not overeat and abuse alcohol. It is important to give the body the opportunity to have a good rest at night. Otherwise, you will feel unwell throughout the day. Also, experts do not recommend planning serious medical procedures on August 21 and prescribing any surgical interventions.

How will the eclipse of the Sun on August 21, 2017 affect the signs of the zodiac?


Throughout the day, representatives of this sign may feel a slight malaise. It is better to devote free time to passive recreation with your family. It is advisable to go out into nature, take a walk in the forest, think about the events taking place in life. It is not recommended to make global purchases and go on trips.


Pragmatic Taurus on August 21 will be surprised at their extravagance and some frivolity. But do not resist your mood. Direct energy to improve relationships with household members. Please your life partner, children and other relatives with your attention and pleasant gifts. Spend the evening alone with the other half. For you, the eclipse is a great period to arrange a romantic date.


You will get a great opportunity to go beyond the usual existence and improve your life. Energy will be in full swing, so do not miss the chance to tidy up the financial sector. There is a possibility of receiving tempting offers from business partners. Feel free to agree, a long-term project will turn into a big profit.


People born under the sign of Cancer can be called lucky on August 21st. This is due to the specific arrangement of the planets. There is a possibility of receiving good news related to a promotion. Cancers can also win a large amount or suddenly find out about an inheritance. You will be lucky in literally everything, even in small things. The main thing is not to frighten off fortune with your inaction!

a lion

The powerful influence of the Sun will be exerted on enterprising and assertive Lions. Relax on this day is unlikely to succeed. Representatives of creative professions can visit an unprecedented inspiration. The rest will have a lot of global ideas. But don't forget about reverse side medals." You run the risk of wasting your entire supply of energy on August 21st. And what will remain? In order to avoid a breakdown, take at least short breaks.


The energy emanating from the Sun on the day of the eclipse will serve as a "lifeline" for Virgos. They will feel such a strong spiritual uplift that they themselves will not notice how they will solve almost all their problems. This will allow you to regain your former faith in yourself. The day of the eclipse can be a kind of breakthrough for the representatives of this sign, which will move them to further achievements.


Libra will feel the strong influence of the eclipse, especially in personal relationships with the second half. Quarrels and misunderstandings are possible. It is necessary to avoid aggravation of the situation, it is better to find a compromise or remain unconvinced. But the conflict cannot be developed. This will adversely affect not only the further coexistence, but also the well-being of both partners.


The day of "revelation" will come for you. A project that you have been working on for a long period of time will bring real results. You will find that missing component and you will be able to derive a formula for your personal success. There is no need to worry about health. It won't let you down. The only thing that will make you worry is the envy of others, so boast less about your achievements.


The energy of the eclipse will quickly burst into your body. You will be very active and active. However, you should know your limits. Otherwise, you may feel worse at the end of the day. Astrologers advise Sagittarius to make efforts to resolve financial issues. There are great chances to solve them quickly and easily.


Lethargy, apathy, nervousness and irritability can bring Capricorns to a state of despair. Throughout the day, they will feel a breakdown, not knowing which cases to take on first. Astrologers recommend taking a time out. In this state, you are unlikely to be able to productively solve existing problems. Moreover, you run the risk of making unnecessary problems, and because of an aggressive attitude, ill-wishers in the person of influential people may appear.


The eclipse will mainly affect the spiritual world of Aquarius. The already inventive and creative representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to boast of new global ideas. Moreover, ideas can arise in any field. Many will be lucky in the business sphere, which will allow them to reach a fundamentally new level of life.


Despite the high efficiency, on August 21, Pisces should protect themselves from overload. Their body will become vulnerable to the powerful energies of the eclipse. Postpone all important things, including household ones. Rest is recommended for you, try to get the maximum amount of positive emotions on this day. Pay attention to your loved ones.

  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017
  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse August 21, 2017