Find winter signs. Folk signs about winter - what does a frosty fairy tale tell? Beliefs for February

Which both children and adults are looking forward to. After all, at this time you can eat plenty of pancakes, and also visit the fair, witness fist fights, and, if you wish, even take part in them. Every winter month received its popular name:

  • December is jelly, because the earth freezes all winter;
  • January is the turning point of winter;
  • February – Bokogrey.

In November, the last struggle between winter and autumn ends and icy December knocks on the door. During the first month of winter, the sun warms up less and less often, and if it appears, it weakly warms the earth with its oblique rays. It stands low above our horizon at this time, and shines for only a short time. The days in December are short, and only after the 25th “the sun turns to summer, and winter to frost.” According to the ancient popular belief, on this day the sun dresses up in a festive sundress, tidies up his silver hair with a golden kokoshk and sits in a chariot drawn by three dashing horses: gold, silver and diamond, turning them sharply from winter to summer. It is believed that from the day until the New Year, the day will increase by a “chicken’s step”, or even less – “by a crow’s foot”.

Rejoicing at the victory of warmth and light over the forces of cold and darkness, our ancestors lit bonfires in honor of the sun on December 25 (December 12, old style). The old people noticed that if on Spiridonov day the sun appears on the horizon and begins to sparkle, then all Christmastide will be sunny. But if frost hangs on the trees, they will not only be clear, but also warm.

According to the astronomical calendar, winter begins when the Sun enters the constellation Capricorn (December 22-23), but people believed that winter began when a strong sled track was established and the rivers crackled from the frost.

There is no winter if the toboggan path is not established.

It became winter when the snow fell and the rivers froze.

A long, harsh and cold winter is popularly called: “severe or long winter,” and a mild winter with frequent thaws is called: “orphan winter (frail, insignificant).”

Winter signs

Zimushka-winter is how this cold season of the year was affectionately called in Rus'. The nature of winter determined the entire next year. Without modern technologies Our ancestors could almost accurately predict the volume of the future harvest or the beginning of a thaw. For people who lived in ancient times, signs were very important, because at that time there was no meteorological forecast and modern instruments to find out the weather. In the old days, they understood what winter would be like even before it arrived. In the summer, by the number of acorns and rowan berries, they determined how much snow would fall; in the winter, they judged what the summer and harvest would be like:

  1. As is the winter, so is the summer, and according to it is the harvest.
  2. After a big harvest comes a harsh winter.
  3. A lot of snow in winter means a lot of bread.
  4. If there is a lot of snow at the beginning of winter, it will often rain in the summer.
  5. An abundance of large icicles means a good harvest of vegetables.

Signs, proverbs and sayings about snow

There are many sayings, signs and proverbs about snow:

  1. If it blows snow, bread will arrive.
  2. If the snow has piled up close to the fences, the summer will be bad; and if there is a gap, it is fruitful.
  3. Snow improves the field.
  4. The winter will pass, the snow will melt, and what is sown will come back.
  5. There is no daytime snow. The first reliable snow falls at night.
  6. It will snow overnight and the road will become wintery.
  7. The snow is falling like fluff (falling in light snowflakes).

They noticed that snow should fall in a timely manner - not too early and not too late, which is why they say: “If snow falls in our country at its right time, then God will give us a harvest.”

When a lot of snow fell, they said:

There is plenty of snow in the yard.

Roads become more expensive in winter(has become convenient for travel).

If on the way in winter a person is heavily covered in snow, then they say: “It snowed him.”

It is believed that the toboggan track is not established after the first snow has fallen:

When the first snow fell, it was still forty days until the real winter.

The hunters were also waiting for the first snow:

The snow fell and the trail disappeared.

If it snows, it will leave a trail.

There is no snow - and there is no trace.

Following the snowfall, winter snowstorms begin, which are also called “zavirukhi”:

Snowy snow - because winter is already near your ear.

By the amount of snow that has fallen and the type of crust or “nastuda” formed on it (frozen solid top layer of snow holding a person and an animal), they judge what the weather will be like in the summer:

If crusts have formed, then the year will be good, but if they are not present, the summer will be dry and barren.

If very strong and tall crusts form in winter, then in summer there will be storms and thunderstorms.

An abundance of snow in winter foreshadows an abundance of water and a hot summer. Winter should be frosty and snowy, but a warm winter with little snow does not foreshadow a fruitful summer.

Winter signs for animals (wild and domestic)

Both wild and domesticated animals have excellent synoptic abilities, so their behavior has been carefully observed for a long time:

  1. In winter, wolves howl near human habitation - the frost will intensify.
  2. Until the wolves gather in packs, real winter will not come.
  3. Hares also feel the onset of cold weather and huddle closer to housing: “ Hares have come to the gardens - to the harsh winter" If the obliques go into forests and fields, the weather will be warm.
  4. Before the onset of bad weather, a horse snorts, snores, shakes its mane, shakes its head and throws it up. But if the horse lies on the ground, then snow will soon fall.
  5. The dog is curled up and lying in a ring - in the cold. It stretches out on the ground and lies belly up, with its paws spread out, for warmth.
  6. Cats also pick up on weather changes. Before the onset of cold weather, they choose a warmer and higher place, curl up and, covering their muzzle with their paw, sleep. If a Murka licks its body and tail, scratches the wall with its claws - expect bad weather, licks its paw - towards the wind, rolls over on its back - good weather. Before the thaw, the cat lies down in the middle of the room, stretches out and sleeps.

Winter signs by birds

Crows sense weather changes well. Observing their lifestyle and behavior gives many weather signs at any time of the year:

  1. In winter, crows sit on the tops of trees, cawing loudly and preening towards the snow.
  2. If in the evening birds in a flock rise into the sky and circle in the air, now rising, now falling, without finding a place to sleep for the night, then at night there will be a storm or a blizzard.
  3. Crows hover in the air - in front of the snow, sit on the ground - towards a thaw, sit on the tops of trees or roofs of houses - towards frost, sit on the lower branches of trees - towards the wind.

We carefully monitored not only the behavior of crows, but also other birds:

  1. A magpie crawling under the eaves (roof) means there will be a blizzard.
  2. Sparrows chirp a lot - this means a snowstorm.
  3. Sparrows gather in flocks, sit on top of brushwood and sing - for warmth. But if the birds hide in the middle of the brushwood, then cold weather is approaching. In general, if sparrows become restless in winter, chirp loudly, hide under the roof or in brushwood, then there will be a snowstorm or frost.
  4. A woodpecker chisels trees from the bottom up, tearing off almost all the bark - leading to a snowy and harsh winter.
  5. The bullfinch sings in the blizzard, snow and slush.

Winter weather is also noticeable in poultry:

  1. The rooster crowed in the evening before nine o'clock - the thaw.
  2. Petka will start singing at night not at the usual time - this means bad weather and a change in the weather.
  3. If in severe frost the kochets begin to sing earlier than usual, then warmer and more moderate weather will come.
  4. A rooster stands on one leg in the middle of the yard - it means frost.
  5. Chickens sit on the roost early - it’s cold, and the higher they rise, the colder it will be.
  6. A chicken flaps its wings and twirls its tail in winter to indicate a snowstorm, and in summer to indicate rain.
  7. The chickens have ruffled their feathers, raised their feathers and are huddling one against the other - towards the cold.
  8. Geese hide their faces under their wings for frost, and flapping their wings for warmth.
  9. If a goose cackles in winter, expect warmth, but if it sits with its legs crossed, it means a snowstorm or cold.

Winter weather signs

Many winter signs have survived to this day based on sound, wind, smoke, fog and frost:

  1. An eastern gusty wind with a whistle means prolonged cold.
  2. If it blows for several days North wind, then there will be a storm or a blizzard, and the snow will fall thick and large.
  3. The forest is noisy in winter - a thaw.
  4. The willow makes noise (roars) - a blizzard.
  5. The oak tree makes noise - it means bad weather.
  6. The shutters are creaking and knocking - there will be frost.
  7. The ringing of bells from afar is heard loudly and clearly - in the frost, faintly and dullly - in the snow.
  8. The fog falls to the ground - to warming, stays high above the ground - for good weather.
  9. Frost appeared at night - don't expect snow during the day.
  10. The trees are covered with frost - to the warmth. After 90 days from this day, precipitation will fall: in winter - snow, in summer - rain.
  11. Smoke from the chimney falls down and spreads along the ground - to the thaw; goes up - towards frost.
  12. Clouds move against the wind - towards the snow.

Signs for a stove fire

By the way wood burns in the stove in winter, you can also predict the upcoming weather:

  1. A red stove fire means frost, a white one means warmth.
  2. If you hear squeaking and crackling noises when burning wood, expect cold weather.
  3. The wood in the stove smokes, makes noise and does not burn well - this means warming.

Signs of the sun, stars and moon

  1. Circles around the month or the sun in winter mean frost and prolonged snowstorms.
  2. Light pillars near the sun - it will soon become significantly colder.
  3. If there are “ears” (short pillars) near the sun, then there will be a blizzard and frost.
  4. The rays of light from the sun descend downwards - towards cold, upwards - towards warmth.
  5. Circles near the solar disk indicate severe, bitter frosts.
  6. A lot of stars in the sky means cold. Rare stars mean blizzards and bad weather.
  7. If the new moon is steep and has curved horns, it will be cold for several weeks.

Winter signs by month

Each winter month has its own signs. The first month of winter usually does not set records for coldness and it is extremely rare that it turns out to be colder than January. But December is still rightly called “jelly”:

December chills the earth all winter long.

December pleases your eyes with snow and rips your ears with frost.

December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a go.

In December the frosts get stronger. Usually their peak teaches at large church holidays, which is why people call it December frosts Vvedsky, Spiridonievsky, Nikolsky.

During this period, there is a small influx of solar energy, and what falls on the ground is reflected by the snow cover. The days are dim and short, but the nights seem to have no end.

The first winter month is rich in snowstorms, blocking the road across with snowdrifts.

The common ones include the following:

  1. Snowy and cold December means a bountiful harvest.
  2. If December is cloudy, then expect a good harvest. But a clear December means a hungry year.
  3. In December there is a lot of frost and snow, the ground is deeply frozen - for a harvest year.
  4. Dry December means a dry summer.
  5. The moon shines brightly - it means colder weather.
  6. A clear sunrise, after which the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, promises snowfall.
  7. Sparrows collect feathers and down and insulate their nests - in anticipation of the cold.

They also noticed that if you cut down a timber tree in the last days of December, it will last a long time and will not rot.

January is the coldest winter month. People often call him “prosinets”.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

January is cracking - the ice on the rivers turns blue.

The height of winter usually falls around New Year's. And although the sun has turned to summer, winter still amuses people with frosts. There are still two months ahead of the reign of the white sorceress. It is considered a good omen if there is a lot of snow in January, which was called “peasant wealth”:

Snow on the fields - grain in the bins.

The snow is deep - the bread is good.

Determine the nature of the year, the future harvest and the weather of spring, summer and autumn:

  1. If blizzards and snowfalls are often observed in January, then July will be rainy.
  2. Little snow means a bad year.
  3. If the month is dry and frosty, and the water in reservoirs has greatly decreased, then a dry and hot summer is coming.
  4. A lot of long icicles - for the harvest.
  5. A clear and windless day means cold weather.

Cold January is replaced by February-Bokogrey (blizzard). At first, it is practically no different from its predecessor: with the same starry and clear nights, with the same cold.

IN ancient Rus' it was February last month year, it was called “section”. There are two explanations for this name:

  • February is freezing;
  • month "cuts off" old year from new.

The month was sometimes called “low water”, i.e. the calendar boundary between winter and spring, as well as “fierce” and “snow” - due to frequent snowfalls and frosts. But still, the most successful name for the month is “bokogray”. After all, it is at this time that the sun begins to warm up more strongly.

February is a two-faced month: both fierce and sideways. It will either warm you with the sun or cover the roads with snow. “The little guy is angry that he doesn’t have enough days.”

In February, the peasants could not get out of their heads about spring: when it comes, what will it be like? Therefore, most are turned in this direction:

  1. Long icicles at the end of February - a long winter.
  2. Rainy February means a rainy spring and damp summer, dry February means drought.
  3. Warm February leads to cold spring.
  4. Dry and cold cut - for hot August.
  5. A lot of frost on the trees - there will be plenty of honey.
  6. Snow sticks to trees due to warmth.
  7. Windy weather without frost means a snowstorm.

Signs of winter for every day

· January

Numerous signs about this or that time of year have been formed not only over centuries, but also over millennia, and each nation has made its contribution to the collection of signs. Today, without any problems, we can find out the weather forecast for the near future, and, if desired, for a month, or even six months in advance.

But, despite all the high technologies and the fairly high accuracy of forecasts, we, with bated breath, listen to folk signs and check whether it will come true or not. Either the mystery of the Russian soul, or simply peculiarities climatic conditions led to the fact that they cause special awe winter signs.

And this is not surprising - after all, winter predicts summer and gives clues about what the harvest will be like.

Winter signs had great importance in people's lives, passed on from generation to generation, supplemented by new and more accurate ones. They began to become familiar with numerous signs from childhood.

On cold winter evenings, by the light of a torch, children were often gathered together and told about the importance of omens. For better memorization, most signs about winter were formed into proverbs.

What are the signs?

All signs were divided into long-term and short-term. Long-term forecasts were given for spring and summer. Short-term folk signs made it possible to predict the weather for the coming winter.

Hunters, focusing on signs, decided to go hunting or not, travelers knew whether or not to go on a long journey. For example, a chicken standing on one leg foreshadowed frosty weather in the coming days.

One could also guess from the horses sleeping standing up in the stall that severe frost was ahead. Winter omens for the short term were just as important as long-term ones, because with the advent of winter, even severe ones, life did not stop.

There were also signs of frost that we still pay attention to today.:

  • there are no clouds and the north wind blows;
  • smoke from the chimney stands in a column;
  • it will be frosty if there is a pale moon in the sky, surrounded by a halo;
  • the stars seem to twinkle.

Warm and sunny weather was promised with fluffy frost on the tree branches and streaks of clouds in the sky. Heavy snowfall with “shaggy” snowflakes, fogged windows promised clear weather. The ice cracking underfoot spoke of the rapid end of the frost.

There is no wind, but the smoke from the chimney seems to be spreading along the ground - it means snowfall. The dark sky in the morning, despite the fact that the snow had stopped falling yesterday, also foreshadowed snowfall.

The onset of the thaw could have been predicted by the following signs::

  • water appeared on the surface of the ice, despite the frost;
  • there is almost no draft in the stove, the heat does not last, and the fire is almost white;
  • bullfinch outside the window;
  • Sparrows chirp noisily and cheerfully.

Most accurate forecast weather was given by watching the evening sunset:

  • the setting sun is red - there will be a strong snowstorm;
  • clouds floating across the sky against the wind - toward snow;
  • clouds have arrived from the north - don’t expect any warmth.

All the sparrows are hiding somewhere, but a magpie is flying around the house - frosty days lie ahead. Clear and stable weather could be judged by the color of the sky - it should be pure blue. We noticed a squirrel that left the nest and went down to the ground to stay warm.

Attention was also paid to the behavior of domestic animals, because it is known that animals sense weather changes much earlier than humans.

Most of these observations are associated with a cat, and the prevailing signs are still true today:

  • the cat climbed onto the stove - expect frost;
  • for no apparent reason, start scraping the floor - to a snowstorm;
  • decided to scratch the wall - bad weather;
  • I lay down on the very passage with my belly up - to stay warm.

Winter signs were of great importance for a short period of time for children, quickly memorizing proverbs, they could figure out what the weather would be like in the near future without prompting from adults. Therefore, they knew whether or not it was worth starting games on the street.

Longer-term forecasts could be obtained by looking at the night month - you didn’t even have to leave the hut for this. The gentle month foreshadowed that it would snow for about thirty days. A bold yellow moon in the sky is a sign of a slushy and humid winter.

By appearance The month and moon could determine the weather for the near future. If you notice a reddish moon in the night sky, expect wet snow or even rain tomorrow.

Long-term signs

Winter predicts summer, and summer predicts winter. There is a well-known saying about this: prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter.

Summer weather could be predicted with almost 100% certainty by the weather in winter:

  • warm winter- wait for the cold summer;
  • constant blizzards, blizzards - get ready for summer storms;
  • harsh and frosty winter - the promise of a hot summer.

Each month of winter is rich in its own signs.

What will December tell us?

Yuri's Day in Rus' was celebrated twice a year: December 9 and May 6 (new style). These days were respectively called cold Yuri and warm Yuri. If there was a lot of snow on Yuri’s day in December, by the warm Yuri’s day the grass will already sprout.

The Day of St. Andrew the First-Called is celebrated on December 13th. On this day it was worth going and listening to the water: the murmur is quiet, almost indistinguishable - a smooth winter is ahead, and if the murmur is loud, clearly audible - expect snowstorms, blizzards and other snowy weather.

January forecasts

Winter folk signs in January could tell what the harvest would be like in the summer.

  • The edges of the roofs are framed with long icicles - summer will bring a good harvest.
  • If the winter frosts were the worst on Epiphany, expect a rich harvest.

Frosts in January lead to hot and dry July. Heavy snowfalls in January – numerous rains in July. If it blows on January 21 South wind– There will be many strong thunderstorms in the summer. A warm day on January 24 means early spring, a cold day means late spring.

Signs of February

Wet snow in February means summer will be rainy. Little snow February leads to dry and hot August. But special attention was paid to the wind in February. Strong and cold constant winds promised an excellent harvest.

If the sun is shining brightly on the first day, you should wait for early spring. The wind on Ephraim's day (February 10) indicated that the summer would be damp.

When Candlemas came (February 15), they carefully watched the sun. If the setting sun peeks out from behind the clouds, it’s a sure sign: the end of the harsh winter has come. But if you couldn’t see the sun, it was always behind the clouds - winter is not going to recede.

In fact, there were much more signs of winter time - each province and volost had its own signs of certain events. And this is understandable - winter conditions are different everywhere.

People paid attention not only to how the wind blows, what month is in the sky, how the streams gurgle - they noticed everything: what the harvest of cones was (by the way, a lot of cones - there will be a good harvest of barley), and how the moss grows on the trees when it fell first snow, how animals behave in the forest. Everything mattered because a mistake in weather forecasting could cost lives.

Modern signs

Modern people have an idea only of the most general folk signs - not only has time changed, the nature of the signs that matter has changed. Today, it is much more interesting for a person to know what signs will indicate that the car engine may not start in the morning.

The Russian winter lasts for three months, says a popular saying. According to the astronomical calendar, it lasts from the winter solstice to spring equinox. Meteorologists consider winter to be the entire period when the average daily air temperature is below zero degrees. And the folk calendar states that winter begins with frosts and ends with drops.

Every time we note: when the seasons change, something new appears in nature, something first. Here we are on the threshold of winter - the first frost, the first snowstorm, the first sparkling snowdrift...

Everything in nature became quiet in anticipation of the cold weather. And although in the summer and autumn, with the help of signs, data was obtained about the nature of the upcoming winter, the peasant has his own opinions on this matter - he must check everything himself. He will go out in the morning to ask the cow for food and at the same time look at the sky, notice how domestic animals and the feathered population behave - sparrows, tits, bullfinches. He gets thoughtful, goes into the dressing room, where he has a dry spruce branch nailed, and gives out his forecast for the coming day, or even for the whole week. And what’s interesting is that this old-fashioned forecast almost always comes true.

The clouds go against the wind - towards the snow. The sun sets into the clouds - snowfall. The clouds are floating low - expect cold.

Smoke from the chimneys in a column means cold weather.

A foggy circle near the sun or a broken one near the moon means blizzards.

There is a red fire in the stove and the wood is burning with a bang - there is severe frost.

A quiet breeze blew from the north, and after it, blurry clouds appeared on the horizon - there might be snow. By night he is stronger. This will be indicated by the weak draft in the stove and the smoke from the chimneys, which swirls and spreads, tends to the ground without wind.

If you go out to the river and there is ice on the water, expect rain or great warmth. But people also noticed something else: before frost, the water in the rivers rises. Contradiction? No, before frost, water never comes out onto the ice, but the ice hole is full of water.

Before the cold, the stars shine brightly at night, and in the morning the dawn is always bright. But if you hear thunder and see lightning, then expect a storm.

During the day it was bitterly cold, but in the evening it suddenly became warmer. Don't rejoice - a long cold is still ahead.

Live barometers will notify you of the onset of extreme cold.

There will be severe frost if: the cat is looking for warmth;

a cat in a ball - frost on the threshold;

chickens in the yard twirl their tails;

geese flap their wings and tuck one leg under them;

indoor birds become quiet;

In the morning the tit screams loudly;

suddenly you see several squirrels in one nest;

the crow hides its nose under its wing;

wolves howl near housing.

If you see a dog rolling in the snow, expect snowfall soon;

“There will be a storm at night: the dog is lying in the snow.”

The dog curls up into a ball and lies in a ball - in the cold.

The cat washes itself, licks its paw - towards the bucket, sits in the stove - towards the frost, scratches the floor - towards the wind and blizzard, lies with its belly up - towards the warmth.

One of these signs was reflected in his poem by A. A. Fet:

Mother! Look out the window

You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a cat

Wash your nose:

There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,

Lightened up, turned white

Apparently there is frost.

Before bad weather, the cat reaches for the water and laps it up more than usual.

The whole flock of crows croaked - to the frost;

they staged a round dance in the sky - for snowfall;

sitting on the ground - to the thaw;

sit on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.

A magpie flies near a dwelling, climbs under the eaves towards the blizzard.

In two or three days, our closest neighbor in housing, the sparrow, senses the frost. It’s January outside, and he suddenly started collecting various rags, feathers, threads - as if he was about to build a new nest. This is what he does before the onset of extreme cold.

Before the snowfall, chickens begin to pluck. But during the frost, the smoke slanted, arched like a rocker - which means the frosts will weaken.

Look at the windows: suddenly during the frost they burst into tears, it began to flow from the window sills - which means that tomorrow it will be warmer. People have always expected a thaw if:

during the frost the forest rustled;

during frost, the squirrel leaves the nest and descends from the tree;

the sparrows chirped in unison;

a bullfinch flew to the window;

the fog descended to the ground.

In winter, a horse will not lie down on the ground, unless, of course, it is healthy, but before a thaw it almost always lies down, and then snowfall was soon expected.

People often say that as is the winter, so is the summer. What will they tell us about this? folk signs about winter?

Winter warmth, summer cold.

If it is cold and dry in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.

Blizzards in winter - bad weather in summer.

A lot of frost on the trees means there will be a lot of honey.

Interesting observations of indoor flowers. In winter, before warming and snow, droplets of water appear on the tips of the leaves of calla lilies.

Winter- an amazing time of year. All the children are looking forward to it, to receive a long-awaited gift under the Christmas tree, to have fun sledding, skiing, skating, making snowmen, and playing snowballs. In winter, nature sleeps, gently wrapped in a blanket of snow. Winter is a girl with character: she can scare you with severe frosts, ice, cold winds or snowstorms. There is a saying about this time of year: “The sun shines, but does not warm.” There are also many folk signs of winter that help predict what summer will be like, what weather to expect in the coming days, and what natural phenomenon to prepare for.

Signs about the weather in winter

  • Warm winter leads to cold summer.
  • Dry and Cold winter- for a dry and hot summer.
  • Snowy winter means a long spring and rainy summer.
  • Heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter lead to heavy rains at the beginning of summer.
  • If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.
  • Many large icicles mean a good harvest of vegetables.
  • Thunder in winter means strong winds and frosts, lightning means a storm.
  • The moon with its horns up means frost.
  • Smoke spreads across the ground in calm weather, the moon has a slightly reddish tint - similar to snow.
  • If the clouds move against the wind, expect snow.
  • A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.
  • Fluffy frost on trees and bushes - it will be a sunny day.
  • If there is heavy snow at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will set in during the day.
  • Clouds are moving quickly - good weather.
  • Snow pellets are a sign of an imminent thaw.
  • Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.
  • When it's cold, water appears on the ice - a thaw will come soon.

Winter signs about nature

  • If the crows croak in the whole flock - it means frost, if they sit on the ground - it means thaw, and settle down on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.
  • Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.
  • A crow sits on the top of a tree in the morning and croaks towards the blizzard.
  • In winter, flies begin to fly around the room - a thaw.

For thousands of years, our ancestors observed nature and the weather. From such observations, signs emerged. New observations were passed on from generation to generation and new observations arose. The life of the people, especially before, was inextricably linked with nature.

Many hopes were associated with the future harvest, which is why so many winter signs are associated with the coming spring and next summer. Based on what kind of winter it would be, they tried to predict the weather in spring and summer. Many signs have grown into proverbs about winter.

This page was created to help schoolchildren in grades 2-3 who are actively studying this topic during lessons about the world around them, creating projects about the seasons.

And in the fall, they already tried to predict what kind of winter it would be based on signs.

Signs of a cold winter:

The leaves do not fall from the trees for a long time in the fall before the harsh winter.

The summer produced a lot of berries by the cold winter.

The squirrel stocked up on a lot of nuts to wait for the harsh winter.

A rich harvest of rowan foreshadows a harsh winter.

A large number of acorns on oak trees means a cold winter.

In October, oak and birch fall at different times - expect a cold winter.

There is a lot of husk on the onion and it is thick - for a cold winter.

Snow falling before all the leaves have fallen heralds a severe winter.

Folk signs about winter for schoolchildren

If the most severe frosts of the entire winter occur on the Epiphany holiday, then the year will be fruitful.

Big snowflakes are falling - a thaw.

Trees in the forest are cracking - before a strong cold

Firewood burns with a bang - it means frost.

A bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - a sign of thaw.

If smoke comes out of the chimney in a column, it will get colder.

If winter is warm, then summer will be cold.

Fluffy frost on trees and bushes - it will be a sunny day.

Heavy snowfalls at the beginning of winter lead to heavy rains at the beginning of summer.

Dry and cold winter - to dry and hot summer.

A cat covers its face with its paw - to a blizzard.

The forest is cracking - the frost will linger for a long time.

Thunder in winter means strong winds and frosts, lightning means a storm.

Burans in winter - for a rainy spring and sunny summer.

On which day of winter there will be a storm, on the corresponding day of summer there will be rain.

When it's cold, water appears on the ice - a thaw will come soon.

A crow sits on the top of a tree in the morning and croaks towards the blizzard.

Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.

The friendly chirping of bullfinches and sparrows means a thaw.

Smoke spreads across the ground in calm weather, the moon has a slightly reddish tint - similar to snow.

If in December the snow drifts close to the fences, then the summer will be bad, but if there is a gap left, then expect a big harvest.

If you hear a crackling sound in the forest, then the frosts will last a long time. Cold weather is also heralded by logs burning cracklingly in the stove.

If there is heavy snow at the beginning of winter, then there will be heavy rain at the beginning of summer.

If there was heavy snowfall in the first days of winter, then summer will begin with heavy rains.

If the sky is clear on the first day of February, then spring will be early.

If the sun shines on Tatyana’s day (January 25), it means early spring and the early arrival of birds; if it snows, it means a rainy summer.

If the crows croak in the whole flock - it means frost, if they sit on the ground - it means thaw, and settle down on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.

If December turns out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.

If the winter is snowless and harsh, then the summer will be dry and hot.

If thunder rumbles in winter, severe frosts will soon be expected.

If a cat warms itself on the stove, then it means cold; lying on the floor - for warm weather; scrapes the floor - snowstorms and wind.

If a cat hides its nose under its paw and lies close to the stove, it becomes colder.

If there is heavy snow at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will set in during the day.

If you can hear a tit on the window in the morning, then the night will be frosty.

If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then you need to wait for warmer weather.

If the clouds move against the wind, expect snow.

If tits scream in the morning, this means increased frost.

Winter blizzards mean inclement weather in summer.

Winter thunderstorm - to severe frosts, lightning is a harbinger of a storm.

When windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.

When there is a foggy circle around the sun, it means a blizzard, and if it rolls into a cloud, then there will be a storm.

When crows gather in flocks on the upper branches of trees, expect frost, but if on the lower branches, there will be strong winds.

When the trees are covered with frost, expect warmer weather.

When there is biting frost during the day, and it gets warmer in the evening, there will be a long cold.

When hares are near residential buildings, it means frost.

When snow falls on the ground in large flakes, expect stormy, wet weather.

The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - for warmth.

The reddish hue of the moon means that the next day the wind will bring warm weather and snow will fall.

Chickens sit on the roost early, which means there will be frost, and the higher she climbs, the lower the temperature will be.

The ice is cracking a lot - it will be frosty.

The moon with its horns up means frost.

Many large icicles mean a good harvest of vegetables.

Frosts should be expected if the wind is humming in the chimney and the smoke from the chimney is standing in a column.

Sharp, brightly glowing horns of the moon foretell rain, and steep ones foretell frost.

Sparrows hiding in brushwood foreshadow frosts or a blizzard.

Snowy winter means a long spring and rainy summer.

Snow pellets are a sign of an imminent thaw.

A dry and cold winter foreshadows a dry and hot summer, and a warm winter foretells a cold summer.

Warm winter leads to cold summer.

A foggy circle near the sun means a blizzard.

Harvest of rowan berries - cold in winter.

A cold winter means a warm spring, and a warm winter means a cold summer.

The more snow on the fields, the larger the harvest will be.

The more snow, the more bread. Winter without snow means summer without bread.

Bright, brilliant stars promise frost.

Clear sky - frosty weather.

Folk examples of winter - December, January, February

Winter signs of December

If in December there is a lot of frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.

If in December the snow piles up close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap left, it will be fruitful.

If December is rainless, expect a long, dry autumn and dry summer.

If the clouds float from north to south in December, then the weather will be sunny, and if from south to north, then it will be bad weather.

If the first snow that fell in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.

Frost in December - for the oat harvest.

The northern December wind leads to severe frosts.

Warm weather in December foreshadows a long winter and a late, cold spring.

Warm December means a long winter and late cold spring.

Folk signs January

If there are a lot of long, frequent icicles in January, then there will be a bountiful harvest.

If in January there are frequent snowfalls and blizzards, then in July there is frequent rain.

If the echo goes far in January, the frosts get stronger.

If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas and Sretensky frosts, then there will be a fruitful year.

If January is cold, July will be dry and hot, don’t expect mushrooms until autumn.

If it's March in January, be afraid of January in March.

Frosty January is a fruitful year.

Low temperatures in January mean dry and hot weather in July.

Early in January the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.

Russian folk signs of winter in February

Snowless February threatens summer drought.

At the end of February there are a lot of long icicles - for a long spring.

In early February it is warm, the snow is melting - a mediocre harvest.

There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.

Thunder in February means strong winds.

Rains in February mean a wet summer, a dry month means drought.

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will continue for a long time.

If February turns out to be rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same. A fine February foreshadows drought in the summer.

If February is cold, it means a favorable summer.

As it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall.

The beginning of February is fine - expect an early, beautiful spring

Warm February is deceptive: it will be a cold spring with frosts.

Warm February means a cold spring, and frosty February means a favorable summer.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

February fogs - for a rainy year.

The colder it gets the last week February, the warmer it will be in March.

Bright stars in February mean frost, dim stars mean thaw.

Signs of winter are also found in the works of classics:

Mother! Look out the window
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a cat
Wash your nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
Lightened up, turned white
Apparently there is frost. (Fet)

Folk signs about winter in pictures.

Smoke coming out of the chimney in a column means frost.

If a cat in the house stands up on its hind legs and starts scratching the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.