Gas consumption for heating a house of 200 m2. Gas consumption for heating a house: calculator and calculations for a month, season, year. We use modern automation


Now you have an idea of ​​what gas consumption is for heating a house of a certain area. The above calculation algorithm allows you to calculate this indicator in kilowatts. You can also find out the expected consumption based on the data from the technical data sheet. Each manufacturer indicates the level of gas consumption of a specific boiler. Knowing these figures per hour, you can easily calculate the annual budget for “blue fuel” required to heat a particular home.

As for recommendations for saving money, the most important of them is this: choose the right equipment specifically for your home. This way you can avoid fatal error– purchasing unsuitable heating equipment. It also makes sense to take care of the thermal insulation of your home, installing a “warm floor” system, aggregating equipment with external sensors, and a host of other opportunities to make gas consumption optimal for comfortable heating of your home.

How to calculate gas consumption for heating a house

Gas heating is one of the most optimal and profitable. Having chosen it, there is no need to prepare firewood and briquettes before each in winter. However, before purchasing a heating gas boiler, you should know approximately what the coolant consumption will be. The calculated value may depend on many factors:

  • Size of living areas
  • Building materials used in the construction of the frame
  • Quality of insulation of surfaces (floors, ceilings, walls)
  • Heating equipment power

Calculating gas consumption for heating a house is necessary not only to compare the economic benefits of using other sources of thermal energy. It will be possible to determine what measures should be taken to reduce energy costs and their profitability.

We make calculations taking into account the boiler power

Gaseous fuels can be represented by propane, butane, methane, hydrogen, as well as traditional natural gas. Natural gas reserves exceed the volumes of oil and coal, so it is important to correctly calculate such an economical energy carrier used in heating systems, for cooking and other household needs, including hot water supply.

Competent independent calculation of total gas consumption does not require special skills, if you take into account the basic parameters of the equipment.

To perform independent calculations, you will need to know the power level of the boiler used and the area of ​​the room, as well as use tabular data.

Round-the-clock operation of the unit in a monthly mode involves multiplying data in order to obtain kilowatt-hours. The choice of unit power is made based on the total area of ​​the household, and when calculating the consumed volume of blue fuel, you must always focus on the lowest temperature readings outside the window.

By quadrature

It is important to remember that to calculate by quadrature, it is necessary to find the derivative of the equipment power by the number of hours per day and the number of days per week. It is especially important to correctly calculate the energy consumption for heating according to the operating mode and taking into account the use of 1.0 kW for every 10 m² of heated area.

Table: indicators for calculating fuel consumption

For example, for complete and maximum efficient heating of a room with a total area of ​​30 m², you need to purchase a boiler with a power of only 3.0 kW. Consequently, to heat one square meter of area it will be necessary to expend 100 W of thermal energy, taking into account a room height of up to 300 cm.

V = Q / (q x efficiency / 100), where:

  • V - standard indicators of volumetric gas flow per hour for each cubic meter.
  • Q - heat losses and power heating system in kW.
  • q - the lowest specific calorie content of the energy carrier in kW/m³.
  • Efficiency - indicators of the efficiency of the equipment in use.

For example, to warm up air masses in a room with a total area of ​​90 square meters, V = 9.0 / (9.2 x 96 / 100) = 9.0 / 9.768 = 0.92 m³/hour is consumed.

Kzap × OP × RT × KR × 1 kW / 860 kW, where:

  • Kap is a correction value equal to 1.15 or 1.20.
  • OP is an indicator of the total volume of the room.
  • RT is the difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors.
  • KR is an indicator of the dispersion coefficient.

For example, 1,000 mg of standard fuel is 7,000 kcal, and in another expression - 7 × 10 - 3 Gcal, while the ideal indicators under conditions of 1 efficiency are the specific consumption of a standard unit of fuel to generate 1.0 Gcal of heat.

One of the most common options for calculating gas costs for heating a home is to take into account the characteristics of the installed boiler. Before purchasing it, it is recommended not to make a mistake with the power, which can be determined based on the ratio: 1 kW for every 10 square meters of heated premises.

If the boiler power is greater, there is nothing to worry about. However, if it is not enough, you should think about purchasing updated, more modern and productive equipment.

[monthly consumption] = [power]*[average number of days in a month]*[hours in a day]

Thus we get: 10 kW * 30 days * 24 hours = 7200 kW/h. Please note that the boiler is unlikely to function for as long as full day, so the resulting value is divided by two - the result is 3600 kW/h.

[seasonal consumption] = [monthly consumption]*[duration of the heating season]

In each region, the length of the heating season can last differently. When making calculations, it is recommended to take given value, equal to seven. Thus we get 3600 kW/h * 7 months. = 25200 kW/h.

[heating costs] = [seasonal consumption]*[price of 1 kW/h]

It remains only to clarify what the cost of one kWh will be during the winter. By multiplying the numbers, it will be possible to approximately determine the material costs of heating for the entire cold period.

About models and specifications gas double-circuit boilers read here

Firstly, from its power. The larger it is, the higher the consumption of gas boilers will be. Moreover, you will not be able to reduce the appetite of a heat-generating device by using it. If you purchased a 20 kW gas fireplace, then even at minimum it will consume more than a 10 kW device at maximum. Therefore, be careful when choosing the power of heat-generating devices.

Secondly, from the temperature “overboard”. In this case, the already mentioned power regulator comes into play. After all, at a low temperature in the house, we will try to squeeze the maximum number of calories out of the heating by turning the regulator knob to the maximum. And if in relatively warm (for winter) weather the regulator is set to “one” or “two”, then in 30- or 40-degree frosts it is switched to “five” or even “seven”. And the number of cubic meters of gas passing through the nozzles into the combustion chamber doubles.

Thirdly, on the calorie content of the gas. This value is not controlled by the consumer. Therefore, gas distribution companies sometimes play around with the composition of “blue” fuel. After all, the same compressed nitrogen pumped into the central pipeline costs 2.5-3 times less than natural gas. Now, fortunately, such fraud schemes are no longer practiced, but gas workers can easily supply “undrained” gas with a high content of water vapor and other impurities into the pipes.

Fourthly, on the technical condition of the heat exchanger. Heating of water or coolant in gas appliances occurs in a heat exchanger - a special copper pipeline located either in the combustion chamber or behind its walls. And if the heat exchanger becomes clogged with scale or scale residues from the batteries, then you will have to add power, compensating for the decreased heat transfer. Moreover, a clogged heat exchanger steals cubic meters much more actively than real or mythical tricksters from a gas distribution company.

Fifthly, on the number of heating circuits. In almost all modern gas boilers costs more than one heating circuit. After all, such heat-generating devices serve not only the wiring of the heating system, but also the home hot water supply line. To do this, a second circuit is installed into the structure of the gas hearth and the throughput of the nozzles is increased, increasing the power. And the more power, the higher the consumption.

Installation of gas boilers is considered the optimal solution for areas with a gas supply network. Natural gas has many advantages. This is an environmentally friendly product, affordable, and has high heat transfer. But when choosing a boiler, it is important to immediately determine how much gas the unit uses to heat different areas: from 80 m2 to 400 m2.

Factors affecting fuel consumption:

  • Gas boiler power;
  • Area of ​​the house or apartment;
  • Possible heat losses (number of windows and doors, their tightness, wall thickness and other important parameters).

When purchasing a gas boiler for long-term service, it is important to take into account all the nuances of choosing a unit. You should understand in advance how much gas is spent on heating a certain area and volume of the building. Only with a responsible approach can you have economical benefits from such a purchase.

Gas consumption in boilers directly depends on the power of the heater. The necessary power calculation is carried out when purchasing heating equipment. In this case, they rely on the size of the heated area. The calculation is carried out individually for each room, taking into account the lowest average annual temperature.

When calculating power, they use the ratio of kilowatts per 10 m2 of space that is heated. Taking into account temperature changes, only half of the value will be needed, which is only 50 W per hour. For an area of ​​100 m2, 5 kW is enough. Formula for calculating natural gas: A = Q / q * B.

Explanation of the formula:

  • A – the required amount of gas for heating;
  • Q – boiler power for heating a house (5 kW is enough for 100 m2);
  • q is the minimum amount of specific heat, measured in kilowatts and depends on the type of gas;
  • B – boiler efficiency, percentages should be converted.

To determine consumption, simply substitute the original data into the formula. For a house with an area of ​​100 m2, 0.557 cubic meters per hour is enough. For 150 m2 you will need 0.836, and for an area of ​​200 m2 - 1.114. To find out how much a gas unit consumes per day, simply multiply the resulting number by 24. Multiplying the indicator by 30 will determine how many cubic meters are needed for heating per month.

As a rule, economical heating occurs to a temperature of 55 °C, and this must be substituted into the formula. The initial temperature varies and lies in the range of 4-10 °C. For a day, a family of 4 people requires approximately 80-100 liters for all needs, provided that it is used sparingly. It is not necessary to convert the volume into mass measures, since in the case of water they are almost the same (1 kg = 1 l). It remains to substitute the obtained value of QDHW into the above formula and determine the additional gas consumption for DHW.

Heating using liquefied gas is more expensive than connecting your home to the main pipeline. However, “blue fuel” has been and remains the cheapest source of energy for heating systems in residential and industrial buildings. Moreover, the feasibility of using its liquefied or natural version can be determined only after calculating the gas consumption for heating the house. This is what we will do.

How to calculate the need for thermal energy

The simplified formula for this calculation looks very simple - 1 kW of thermal energy is spent on heating 10 m2 of building area. A more accurate formula operates not with areas, but with the cubic capacity of the house, also taking into account the height of the ceilings in the room. But for standard-type dwellings with a ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 meters, the above simplified proportion is valid. An accurate calculation of the need for thermal energy operates not only on the volume of heated space, but also on the heat resistance of walls, openings and ceilings. In addition, in this case, the average annual temperature and other nuances are taken into account.

However, in order to calculate the volume of fuel, a simple formula will be enough for us: 1 kilowatt = 10 square meters. As a result, heating a building with an area of ​​150 or 200 square meters requires spending 15 or 20 kW, respectively. And this is only an hour. But the boiler does not consume gas every minute. The work/downtime period here is divided in the proportion of 50/50 percent. Therefore, per day, a house with an area of ​​150 square meters will spend 180 kW (15x24/2), and a home with an area of ​​two hundred square meters will spend 240 kW.

The cold season in our latitudes lasts from October to April - 7 months or 210 days. Therefore, annual thermal energy consumption will be 37,800 and 50,400 kW. We will focus on these values ​​in our further calculations.

How much heat does liquefied or natural gas give off?

We already know the annual consumption of the heating system. Now we must calculate the calorific value of the energy source itself - liquefied and natural gas. Using these values, we can come up with the amount of substance burned in the firebox of a gas boiler per year.

Calorific value is the ratio of the amount of kilowatt of energy released during fuel oxidation to a unit of mass or volume. Since we are interested in main (natural) or liquefied gas used for heating the house as an energy source, we will use cubic meters or liters as a measure of the substance. According to the tabular data, the calorific value of natural gas is 33.5 MJ/m 3 or 9.3 kW/m 3 (a coefficient of 1 kW = 3.6 MJ is used for conversion). That is, when a cube of gas is burned, 9.3 kW of thermal energy is released.

Liquefied gas is a mixture of propane, ethylene and other flammable carbohydrates. And it is more “caloric” than dietary natural fuel. According to tabular data, the calorific value of a kilogram of such a substance is 45.20 MJ or 12.5 kW. But the generally accepted “unit of measurement” for liquefied fuel is liters, and its density is 0.524 kg/l. Therefore, we can say that when a liter of liquefied mixture is burned, 6.55 kW of thermal energy is released.

Calculation of fuel volume for heating a house

So, above in the text we have established that from a cubic meter or liter of natural or liquefied gas, 9.3 or 6.55 kW of thermal energy is released, respectively. This means that to generate 37,800 and 50,400 kW (costs for the cold season for houses of 150 and 200 square meters) we will need:

  • 4064 and 5419 cubic meters of natural gas (37800/9.3 and so on).
  • 5771 and 7695 liters of liquefied fuel (37800/6.55 and so on).

For accuracy, we must add 10% to these values, since the efficiency of a gas boiler is 90 percent (a tenth of the gas combustion energy is wasted). As a result, we see the following picture:

  • The estimated gas consumption for heating a house with an area of ​​150 m2 is 4471 m3 or 6348 liters.
  • The approximate fuel consumption for heating a building of two hundred square meters is 5960 m 3 or 8464 liters.

The indicated gas consumption is calculated for the entire cold season - seven months, from the beginning of October to the end of April. Therefore, in a warm year, you will most likely spend less gas than we calculated. However, even these results make it possible to determine whether natural or liquefied fuel is more profitable.

Which gas to choose - which is more profitable?

To connect to the main gas pipeline, the user will have to pay for the project and installation work. And these expenses cannot be called insignificant. The growing appetites of gas services make gasification of homes a very expensive undertaking. However, all these expenses pay off during operation. As of March 2017, the cost of a cubic meter of gas, depending on the region of the Russian Federation, ranges from 4.44 to 8.66 rubles. The average price is 6.55 rubles. As a result, heating a house with natural gas of 150 or two hundred square meters, taking into account the estimated consumption rate for the season, will cost 29,825 and 39,038 rubles.

Liquefied fuel does not require insertion into the main line, but to store it it is necessary to build a gas tank - a container that accepts the required volume of fuel. In addition, this container will have to be periodically filled with gas, which is delivered to the site using special transport, and this service is not cheap. And the gas tank will have to be repaired and maintained. After all, the safety of all residents of a house heated by liquefied gas depends on its condition.

At the beginning of spring 2017, a liter of liquefied gas at gas stations cost from 11 to 20 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation. The average cost of this fuel was 15.5 rubles. Therefore, heating a 150-square-meter house with liquefied gas will cost 98,394 rubles. For housing with an area of ​​two hundred square meters you will have to pay even more - 131,192 rubles. As you can see, liquefied fuel has surpassed natural gas in cost by 3.3 times. Therefore, conclusions regarding whether it is profitable or unprofitable suggest themselves - natural (main) gas, with all the bureaucracy and complexity of the connection process, will be much more profitable than liquefied fuel.

How to reduce fuel consumption for the owner of a private house

The amounts mentioned above can stun an impressionable tenant or an ordinary citizen. Well, what can you do - “your own home” was an expensive pleasure at all times. However, unlike a city dweller living in an apartment, the owner of a private home can change heating costs in his favor.

To do this, he will need to do the following:

  • Insulate the facade, foundation, roof, attic and basement floors - even a thin layer of thermal insulation material can make up at least a couple thousand, or even a whole ten, from the gas bill.
  • Replacing old windows with modern double-glazed windows, installing a heat-resistant panel in the doorway is another 5-10 thousand minus. Moreover, doors and windows should be tackled first, since they generate at least 40 percent of heat losses.
  • Install a heat accumulator in the basement or boiler room, change the wiring diagram to a double-circuit or manifold version, which provides the possibility of point thermoregulation of radiators, purchase a boiler with high efficiency. Now there are excellent 95% devices on sale. In this case, savings can be up to 10-15 percent of the total bill.

In short, it is necessary, firstly, to increase the heat resistance of the house, and secondly, to use more energy-efficient equipment. And no one is forcing you to make these changes in one season. You can start with windows, then improve the boiler and get to the walls and ceilings. As a result, you can save up to a quarter of the stated costs.

When designing a gas heating system, all factors affecting gas consumption are taken into account: the size of the housing, the number of floors, insulation of the main structures, power and how many people live in the house. Heating a private home with gas is beneficial from an economic point of view for several reasons.

Benefits of use

Firstly, it is characterized by high efficiency of the combustion process due to its low sulfur content. This also allows you to save resources for cleaning the boiler. Secondly, it is easy to reduce heat losses and gas consumption with the help of good thermal insulation. Thirdly, gas is also an environmentally friendly material, since when it is burned, a very small amount of harmful substances is released into the atmosphere.

When using gas as a fuel for heating, the boiler walls do not suffer from corrosion, which increases the service life of the equipment. It is convenient to use liquefied gas: it has better quality and it is delivered in cylinders to places where there are no highways, making life easier for thousands of people.

Complexity and cost features

Gas consumption for heating a house is directly proportional to the living area of ​​the room. You can calculate the consumption in kW/hours by multiplying the boiler power by the number of hours/day and day/month.

However, this mode is practically not used for everyday life. The real indicator for calculating gas consumption is the average monthly kW/hour. To do this, the maximum monthly consumption for heating a house is divided in half. If this is a residential building, then the calculation is made based on the length of the heating season.


Data for calculating boiler power are based on the ratio of 1 kW/h per room of 10 m². Thus, to heat a house with an area of ​​100 m², you will need to divide it by 10: i.e. the required power will be 10 kW/h.
How much gas is consumed for a different size house is calculated according to the same principle, i.e. the area is divided by 10. For example, for an area of ​​200 m2, the calculation will look like this: 200 m2/10, i.e. 20 kW/hour will be spent on heating this room.

Adjustment for days

Monthly gas consumption is calculated by multiplying the daily requirement of a house of 100 m2 by the number of days in a month: 10 kW/h * 24 hours * 30 days (total - 7200 kW). Since the system usually operates in medium mode, the maximum flow rate is divided in half, and the result is 3600 kW.

Adjustment for the season

If the duration of the heating season is 7 months, then the calculation of gas costs is obtained by multiplying 3600 kW by 7. i.e. heating a private house with an area of ​​100 m² will cost 25,200 kW. Heating a house of 200 m2 will require 50,400 kW, respectively.

If the heating season is shorter or longer than 7 months, then gas consumption is calculated accordingly by multiplying by the period required by the user.

Knowing the tariff for 1 kW/hour, it is very easy to calculate the monetary equivalent of consumption. The cost of 1 kW/hour may vary depending on the region.

Nuances and additional factors

Exist special programs calculating fuel consumption, which will greatly facilitate the work. For apartment buildings that are connected to the main gas supply, consumption standards are established.

Despite the available methods, for a more accurate result it is still recommended to contact specialists. After all, calculating the need for a gas boiler takes into account the use of fuel only for heating the house.

But you also need to remember about the presence of a gas stove and a water heating system, which will increase your costs. The number of people living in a house or apartment is also important for the consumption indicator. All these factors will be taken into account by specialists.

In addition, our experts will help you minimize gas consumption through the use of special technologies.

Features of autonomy

If near a residential or country house there is no gas main, then an excellent solution is autonomous system heating, which runs on a mixture of propane and butane.

The cost of purchasing and installing autonomous heating equipment that uses a mixture of propane and butane as fuel is lower than the cost of connecting to a central gas main.


Such a system reduces the risk of emergency shutdown of pipelines and the threat of a sudden drop in pressure. Heating system has reservoirs that support the possibility of consuming gas for heating for some time.

In the event of a power outage or fuel supply, the safety system with which all boilers are equipped blocks the solenoid valve. After gas supply is restored, you need to start it again.

Tricks for saving

Reducing gas consumption for heating can be achieved in the following ways:

  • installation of an automatic control system;
  • installation of gas sensors, which will also help to detect leaks in time;
  • insulation of the house: sheathing of walls, roofs;
  • compliance with the temperature regime in the room with cylinders not lower than 25°C;
  • purchasing cylinders from a trusted supplier, since poor fuel quality also reduces efficiency.

These measures make it possible to reduce gas consumption by up to 40%, which makes it possible to use 1 cylinder for 3-4 days.

When designing a heating system, home owners must clearly understand How much will it cost to heat a living space?

The reason for unprofitable operation is the incorrect selection of equipment, incorrect design, walls with poor thermal insulation. Because Correct calculation is important.

Upon completion, the person starts from the amount received and accepts final decision on the purchase of equipment.

What is the average fuel consumption for heating a 200m2 house?

It's one thing when expenses are calculated in an equipped house.Record the indicators from the counters, sum them up, and calculate the arithmetic average. But when they're just about to set up house heating system and choose an energy carrier, completely different methods are used.

Photo 1. Diagram of a private heating system two-story house using a gas boiler from a gas holder.

Natural gas

The most convenient energy carrier for heating a private house. Choose a boiler based on its power. Both gas consumption and the profitability of the entire system as a whole depend on it. But power is not the only factor. The influence is exerted by climate, region, insulation, number of windows and much more.

Important! If during the calculation the system requires, for example, 13-14 kW, then the owner should choose boiler with an indicator of 16 to 17.

Formula: V= N/Hi × nj


  • V— amount of heat energy.
  • N- required heating power.
  • Hi— minimum specific heat of combustion.
  • nj— efficiency factor.

Thermal power (N) is calculated in the ratio 1kW/10m 2.

Specific heat of combustion“—” tabular value. Her divide by 2, so we take the average value.

Types of natural gas

Exists 2 types natural gas:

  • Gas type G 20 - 9.45 kW/m 3.
  • Gas type G 25 - 8.13 kW/m 3.

The first type is most often used. The energy potential of the second is less due to the increased nitrogen content.

Efficiency indicated in the product passport, for example, let’s take 84%.

All the necessary data has been obtained, all that remains is to begin calculating the natural gas consumption for a room with an area of ​​200 m 2.

N = 1kW200m2

Hi = 9.45kW/m3

nj = 84%

V= 0.565m3/hour

Now we calculate the consumption for the week: 0.565×24×7 = 94.92m 3.

The duration of the heating season may vary in regions, so let’s take an average 7 months: 0.565×24×30.57 = 2896m3.

In total, knowing the price per cubic meter, it is easy to plan the cost of annual heating.

Liquefied gas from cylinders or gas holder

Used when the house is at a great distance from gas pipelines. Delivered by a special service and stored in cylinders.

Calculating the consumption of liquefied gas is the same as that of natural gas, but has its own nuances. For example, fuel is expressed not in cubic meters, but in kilograms, because it is not a gas.

It is worth paying attention to fuel density (0.524kg/l) And specific heat of combustion (45.2MJ/kg). We use the same formula and substitute the value:

V = 4.7 / (6.58 × 0.88) = 0.81 l/hour

Consumption during the week: 0.8124×7 = 136l

Consumption seasonal: 0.8124×30.5×7 = 4150l

This option will cost a large sum. A lot of money is spent on transporting cylinders. But it is still more economical than, for example, electronic heating.

Useful video

Watch a video that talks about the features of heating a house with liquefied gas.

The owner of a private house, even at the construction stage of the building, is faced with the question of how and how the home will be heated. There are plenty of options. The boiler is the main element of the heating system. Various modifications of devices operate on coal, wood, natural or liquefied gas. Let's say it is more convenient for the owner of a private house to use liquefied gas. What is the consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house of 150-200 m2?

Liquefied gas means a symbiosis of ethylene, propane, butane and other chemical compounds. It releases more energy than other fuels. This is a scientifically established fact.

You can calculate the energy consumption for heating a house of 150-200 m2 using the simplest formula, based on which 1 kilowatt per hour is needed to heat 10 square meters of a building. It turns out that 10 square meters will require 24 kilowatts per day, and 200 square meters will require 480 kilowatts. This formula takes into account all the building’s “needs” for heat.

It is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​the building, but its cubic volume, which involves entering data such as the height of the walls.

If we talk about a standard building, where the height of the walls does not exceed 250 centimeters, then the same simple formula can be used.

It is applicable both if the house is used permanently and when it is used as a temporary home. This is what experienced builders advise.

If a house has a standard wall height of 2.5 meters, then gas consumption for heating is calculated using a simple formula - 10 square meters “consume” 1 kilowatt of energy

If the house is your fortress, and the “weather” inside is an important factor for you, then it is advisable to also include the thermal stability of the entire house and the temperature values ​​outside the window when calculating the cost of heating a house of 150-200 m2. To do this you will have to turn to professionals. Is this option not suitable for you? Then we use a simple formula.

Important: the gas boiler does not operate 24 hours a day. Typically, the operating mode is as follows: the equipment works for 1 hour, rests for 1 hour. This means that, according to a simple formula, the energy consumption per day to heat a 200 m2 house will be 240 kW.

You can learn more about the operation of a gas boiler from the following video:

Let's assume that winter in the region where you live lasts approximately 200 days (October - end of March, beginning of April). Then during the season the building will consume 48 thousand kW. So far we are talking only about energy, and not about liquefied gas itself. It is very important to find out exactly the amount of “power” that the house needs for heating during the entire cold period. This data is necessary to calculate the consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house of 150-200 m2.

Costs of a gas boiler using liquefied gas: calculating the indicators

Over the entire heating season, a house with an area of ​​200 square meters will consume about 48 thousand kilowatts of thermal energy. Liquefied gas has its own ability to “create heat”. It shows the ratio of a unit of fuel to the energy released by it during combustion (combustion).

Scientists have calculated that the calorific value of one cubic meter of liquefied gas is equal to 6.55 kW of heat energy.

One liter of liquefied gas emits 6.55 kilowatts of energy when burned

To find out how much reduced gas is needed to heat a house of 200 square meters, we take the amount of energy that the building will consume during the entire cold period (48 thousand kilowatts) and divide it by the calorific value of this type of fuel (6.55 kW). This turns out to be approximately 7330 liters.

If we add another 10 percent to 7330 liters, we get 8063 liters. This will be the consumption of a gas boiler running on liquefied gas.

Nuances and subtleties

It is important to understand what the consumption of liquefied gas will be for heating a house of 150-200 m2 in order to take care of how the fuel is stored. You can hold it:

  • in cylinders. Their volume is small - from 10 to 50 liters. Regular replacement or refilling is required, which is not very convenient. In fact, approximately 35 liters will be needed per day for heating with liquefied gas;
  • gas holders. This is a special storage (reservoir) for blue fuel. Can hold from 200 to 1000 liters depending on the dimensions. Such a structure must be built in accordance with safety requirements and standards. To refill the gas tank, you will need to call specialists. Attempts on your own may result in fires and explosions.

Gas holder - a container for storing liquefied gas for heating - can hold up to 1000 liters of “blue fuel”

As for the prices for such heating, they depend on the region where you live.

The cost of a liter of liquefied gas varies from 12 to 20 rubles. Based on the average value of 15 rubles, during the heating season you will spend approximately 121 thousand rubles on a building with an area of ​​200 square meters.

Any other type of fuel will be cheaper. For natural blue fuel - approximately 40 thousand rubles, for firewood and coal - about 60 thousand rubles per heating season.

How to reduce consumption?

It is possible to significantly, by a couple of tens of thousands of rubles, reduce the consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house of 150-200 m2. To do this, you will have to properly insulate the room (this is needed if a gas boiler is used in the building).

  • insulate the foundation and roof, attic and basement. You can lay a thin layer there mineral wool(this is the cheapest insulation);
  • replace ordinary windows with plastic ones, which are considered more airtight;
  • insulate the metal entrance door from the inside;
  • believe and reduce;
  • install a modern boiler. Experts recommend trusting companies such as: Bosch, Buderus, Protherm, Vaillant. The price of a new boiler is from 20 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • replace old heating system pipes with new ones, check their tightness and connections;
  • Instead of “ancient” batteries, install bimetallic, aluminum or steel radiators.

To minimize heat loss when heating with liquefied gas, replace old batteries with new radiators


Today, liquefied gas is one of the most expensive types of fuel. If there is no other option, then minimize heat losses at home to avoid unnecessary costs. Heating consumption can be calculated using the simplest formula. This will be enough to understand what amount to target.

10 square meters of building consume 1 kilowatt of energy per day. When burned, 1 liter of liquefied gas releases 6.55 kilowatts of energy. Be guided by these numbers when making calculations.

If a more complete and accurate calculation is required, it is advisable to turn to professionals. Although with a complete and simple calculation the numbers differ slightly, by a couple of thousand rubles.

It is likely that you can save on the services of specialists by not hiring them at all.

You will learn how to make the calculation in the following video.