Sanitary passport of the informatics office. Requirements for placement and storage of equipment

Municipal budgetary educational institution

middle School of General education



Chairman of the trade union committee


"__" _________ 201_


Director of MBOU secondary school



«__» ________ 201_ years



Office Responsible:



2015 /2016 academic year


Explanatory note

The Informatics classroom is an element of the educational and material base necessary for the quality of the lessons on the subject program "Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies", as well as for circle work after school hours and self-training of teachers and students.

The office of informatics is entrusted with the solution of the following target tasks:

    creating the necessary conditions for personal development, professional self-determination and stimulation of creative work of students;

    the acquisition by students of sustainable skills and culture of working on a computer;

    formation of developed operational thinking in students;

    organization of meaningful leisure;

    formation of a common culture of students.

The Informatics Cabinet must meet the following requirements:

    be a room that is convenient for classes, meeting sanitary and hygienic standards;

    be equipped with the necessary computer equipment and software that meets modern requirements;

    be constantly ready for lessons, classes and extracurricular activities;

When equipping an informatics classroom, it should be borne in mind that the computer equipment used in the learning process must be equipped with licensed or freely distributed software that meets the requirements for the content of the training and corresponds to the current level of information technology development.

Cabinet characteristics

1. Full name of the head of the cabinet: Mamatov Rasim Rimovich,

2. Parallels for which the classroom is equipped: 5-11 grades.

3. Length, width and height of the cabinet: 8.10 x 5.50 x 3.40 m.

4. Cabinet area: 44.55 square meters m.


Heating - central;

Ventilation: natural and artificial;

Air conditioning: no

Airing: before lessons, in the morning, at recess


Window orientation: southeast

Availability of sun protection devices: blinds

Artificial lighting: general

Fixture type: fluorescent lamps

Placement of fixtures: on the ceiling, parallel to the windows

Student Safety and Protection System:

Primary extinguishing media: fire extinguisher (powder)


First aid kit.

Occupational health and safety materials:

SanPin requirements for the computer science cabinet

Occupational health and safety instructions

Job Descriptions

Safety instructions in the computer science room (Stand)

Safety Journal

Regulations on work on the Internet

Description of exercises for the eyes to avoid overworking them

Appointment of the study room

A computer class for conducting computer science lessons, as well as other classes that require computer equipment.


    interactive board- 1 PC.

    PC assembly (system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse) - 10 pcs.

    Demo screens - 2 pcs.

    Computer tables - 10 pcs.

    School desks - 5 pcs.

    Table for acoustics - 1 pc.

    Tabletop for office equipment - 1 pc.

    Student chairs - 20 pcs.

    Teacher's table - 1 pc.

    Teacher's chair - 1 pc.

    Built-in wardrobe - 1 piece

    Wardrobe - 4 pcs.

    Information stand "Information" - 1 pc.

    Information stand "Safety" - 1 pc.

    Information stand "Safety Corner" - 1 pc.

    Information stand "Today at the lesson" - 1 pc.

    Fire extinguisher - 1 pc.

    Network filter - 6 pcs.

    Blinds - 3 pcs.

    Router - 1 pc.

    HDMI adapter - 1 pc.

    Acoustic system - 1 pc.

    Printer - 1 pc.

    MFP - 1 pc.


    The classroom must be open 15 minutes before class starts.

    Students should be in the classroom only in the presence of the teacher.

    The office should be ventilated every change.

    The office is cleaned at the end of class.

    Other rules are described in the attached safety instructions in the computer science room.

Inventory list for technical teaching aids of the computer science cabinet

student place

Inventory number

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Processor type / railway capacity

Pentium E6500/298 GB


Type, volume of operas. memory

DDR 2, 2 GB

Monitor Size

Acer V193WL , 18.5''

Periphery equipment

Name of equipment

Manufacturer, model

Inventory number

interactive board

Smart Board SB68V-H2-011148


Demo Screens

Acer V193WL , 18.5'' (2 pcs)




Hewlett-Packard LaserJet



Director of MBOU secondary school



computer science teachers



I bring to your attention that I brought the following personal items to the computer science office for temporary use:






Technical condition

Acoustic system



Acoustic system

Music center LG FFH 2000K (amplifier, two speakers, two microphones)


Adapter HDMI

HDMI to VGA adapter


G. _____________

For a qualitative study of the subject "Informatics and information and communication technologies", it is advisable to equip the informatics classroom with the following equipment:

    Roman curtains

    Air ionizer.

In terms of increasing the methodological level of studying the subject, it is advisable to have N. Ugrinovich's textbooks “Informatics. A practical guide to working on a PC”, L. Bosova “Textbook for grades 5, 6, 7, 8”, as well as others, other authors who would compare favorably with their modernity, depth and detail of the presentation of the material, as well as the consistency and optimal dosage of information . Every new tutorial contains updated material with a focus on acquiring the skills of a qualified user, as well as for the development by students of specialties in which there is a significant proportion of the functions of the professional use of computer technology.

Perspective plan for the development of the cabinet


What is planned




Purchase of Roman blinds


Solving the problem of excessive lighting in the office

Purchasing an air ionizer


Administration of MBOU secondary school _________

Improving the composition of the air mixture

Cabinet repair


Administration MBOU secondary school


Improving the interior of the office

Cabinet work program

Academic work in the computer science classroom with middle and high school students is conducted in accordance with the author's programs of L. Bosova and N. Ugrinovich according to their textbooks "Informatics and ICT" for grades 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

The computer science office is faced with the task of promoting the high-quality mastery of computer skills by school students, the formation of creativity and advanced operational thinking.

In the process of mastering the Curriculum, a differentiated approach is necessary for each student, taking into account the level of his preparation and the degree of assimilation of the curriculum. For this purpose, annual correction of curricula is necessary, taking into account the preparedness of individual groups and each student.

IN classrooms school informatics classroom is used in accordance with the approved lesson schedule. At the same time, it is considered expedient to use the computer science classroom for conducting classes not only on the subject of the subject "Informatics and information and communication technologies", but also on others requiring the use of a PC and / or demonstration equipment.

Elective and optional classes in computer science with students are held in the computer science office after school hours.

Additional classes in the informatics classroom are conducted by informatics teachers after school hours, based on their personal work schedules and in accordance with the workload of the classroom with educational and elective classes.

The work plan of the informatics office for

2014/2015 academic year.


What is planned


Collection of methodological and software educational process.


Analysis and adaptation of computer programs to the thematic plan of educational programs.


Training of the teaching staff of the school.


Improving the teaching of informatics in a continuous course from grades 8 to 11


Update of educational, methodological and didactic material


Continued work on the systematic formation of a unified information and educational space of the school.


Participation in competitions, presentations


School website administration


Site administration Dnevnik.Ru


Cabinet refurbishment


(end of the school year)

Scheduled upgrades for operating systems and workstation software


Scheduled cleaning, repair and modernization of the technical equipment of the office


Educational and methodological support

educational process of informatics

  1. Work programs




Program Informatics and ICT. Grade 5 Compiled by Mamatov R.R.

Program Informatics and ICT. 8-9 grade. Compiled by Mamatov R.R.

Program Informatics and ICT. Grade 10. Compiled by Mamatov R.R.





Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT. Profile level: textbook for grade 10 (3rd edition, corrected) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 387 p.: ill.

Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT. A basic level of: textbook for grade 10 (4th edition) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 212 p.: ill.

Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: textbook for grade 10 (7th edition) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011. - 212 p.: ill.

Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: textbook for grade 9 (3rd edition) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. - 295 p.: ill.

Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: textbook for grade 8 (2nd edition) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. - 295 p.: ill.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: a textbook for grade 7 (3rd edition, corrected) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 229 p.: ill.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: a textbook for grade 6 (6th edition, corrected) - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 208 p.: ill.

Bosova L.L. Informatics: textbook for grade 5 - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. - 192 p.: ill.

  1. Electronic educational resources


publishing house

The year of publishing





Today in class

Safety Corner


Office employment for the 2015-2016 academic year








Work on the Internet

Work on the Internet

Work on the Internet

Work on the Internet

Work on the Internet

Work on the Internet. Prevention.


Exercises are performed standing or sitting, turning away from the screen with rhythmic breathing, with a maximum amplitude of eye movement.

Option 1.

    Close your eyes, strongly straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1-4, then

open your eyes, relaxing the muscles of the eyes, looking into the distance at the expense of 1-6.

Repeat 4-5 times.

    Look at the bridge of your nose and keep your eyes on the count 1-4. Until

eye fatigue cannot be brought. Then open your eyes, see

away at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

Option 2.

1. Close your eyes, without straining the eye muscles at the expense of 1-4, wide
open your eyes and look into the distance at the expense of 1-6 Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Look at the tip of the nose for a count of 1-4, and then look away

away at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3 . Without turning your head (head straight), do slowly circular
eye movements up-right-down-left and reverse side:
up-left-down-right. Then look into the distance at the expense of 1-6.
Repeat 4-5 times.

Option 3.

1 . Blink, without straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 10-15.

2. Without turning the head (head straight) with closed eyes
look right at the score 1-4, then left at the score 1-4 and straight on

score 1-4
3. Raise your eyes up for a count of 1-4, look down for a count of 1-4 and

look directly at the count 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Look at the index finger away from the eyes

distance of 25-30 cm, at the expense of 1-4, then look into the distance to the account

1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. At an average pace, do 3-4 circular movements in the first

side, the same amount to the left side and, relaxing the eye muscles,

look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 1-2 times.

inventory medicines

first aid kits

    Activated charcoal - a remedy for poisoning, indigestion 1pc

    Motherwort tincture - sedative 1pc

    Non-sterile medical bandage - dressing agent 1pc

    Medical plaster - a remedy for the treatment of minor wounds 1pc

    Ammonia - 1 pc.

    Non-sterile medical cotton wool - for applying bandages 1pc

    Iodine solution - wound treatment agent 1pc

    Antiseptic spray - 1 pc.

    Sterile gauze pads

    rubber band

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the computer science cabinet

1. The room of the IWT cabinet must have natural and artificial lighting in accordance with SanPiN

2. The main flow of natural light should be on the left. The orientation of window openings should be north or northeast. It is not allowed to direct the main luminous flux of natural light behind and in front of the PC operating. With double-sided lighting at a depth of more than 6 m in the cabinet, a right-sided lighting device is required, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor.

3. In the lighting installations of the IWT cabinet, a general lighting system should be used, made by ceiling or pendant fluorescent lamps, evenly spaced along the ceiling in rows in the form of solid lines on both sides of the desktop with a PC or VDT. Lamps, as well as window light apertures, should not be reflected on the screens of a PC or VDT.

4. Illumination of the surface of student tables under artificial lighting should be in the range of 300-500 lux. Luminaires must have light-scattering fittings.

6. For classrooms with PCs and VDTs, lamps of the LP036 series with high-frequency ballasts should be used. It is possible to allow the use of luminaires without VChPRA in the "oblique light" modification.

7. In rooms with a PC, due to air pollution by anthropogenic organic substances and carbon dioxide, it is recommended to have supply and exhaust ventilation that provides optimal temperature and humidity conditions for all climatic zones.

Optimal parameters

Valid parameters

Temperature, C

Rel. humidity, %

Temperature, C

Rel. humidity, %

8. In the absence of supply and exhaust ventilation, air conditioning can be arranged using household air conditioners. Calculation of air conditioners should be carried out by a ventilation engineer depending on their performance, the amount of excess heat from cars, people, solar radiation and artificial lighting sources.

9. The IWT cabinet must be equipped with a washbasin with hot and cold water supply.

10. The power supply of the cabinet must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28139-89 and PUE.

11. The supply of electrical voltage to the tables of students and teachers must be stationary and hidden.

12. The location of the electrical panel and the residual current device should give the teacher the ability to instantly turn off the power supply system. Recommended placement is to the left or right of the chalkboard.

13. To ensure fire safety MBT office should be equipped with 2 carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (type OU-2).

14. For painting walls and panels, light colors of paints should be used (p = 0.5-0.6). The composition of the paints must exclude the occurrence of lime dust.

15. The surfaces of the enclosing structures of the classroom, blackboard, desktops should be matte.

16. The surface of the floor should be smooth, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet cleaning, and have antistatic properties.

18. For interior decoration of premises with PCs and VDTs, it is not allowed to use synthetic materials that release harmful chemicals and compounds into the air. These include chipboard, laminated paper plastic, washable wallpaper, rolled synthetic coatings, etc.

19. The noise level at the workplace in all classrooms with VDT and PC should not exceed 50 dBA. ( Sanitary standards permissible noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and on the territory of residential development N 3077-84, clause 7.2).

Requirements for the premises of the ICT office

1. The office of informatics and computer technology (MWT) is organized as an educational unit of a secondary general education and vocational school, a training and production plant, equipped with a set of educational computer equipment (KUVT), educational and visual aids, educational equipment, furniture, office equipment and devices for conducting theoretical and practical, classroom, extracurricular activities at the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" (OIVT), both basic and specialized. In addition, KIVT can be used in teaching various subjects, labor training.

2. The area of ​​the premises of the IWT office is determined in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory document "Educational and material base of an educational institution of general secondary education" part I. "Norms and requirements for educational buildings and school plots", as well as SanPiN

3. Placement of KIVT in all educational institutions in the basement and basement is not allowed.

4. The minimum area per one PC must be at least 6 sq.m., and the volume - at least 24.0 cubic meters. with a height of at least 4 m. With a lower height of the training room, it is recommended to increase the area by one workplace.

5. At the office of IWT, a laboratory area of ​​at least 18 sq.m. should be organized. The laboratory room should have two exits: to the training room and to the landing or to recreation.

6. The area of ​​the cabinet should allow furniture to be placed in it in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

7. The front wall of the KIVT is equipped with a blackboard for felt-tip pens, a screen, a cabinet for storing visual aids and information media.

8. At the entrance to the IWT office, built-in or wall-mounted cabinets (shelves) for briefcases should be provided.

9. To the left of the blackboard, in the teacher's working area, an electrical switchboard with a control panel for powering the workplaces of teachers and students should be fixed on the wall.

10. Drawers for tables are installed under the board or separately under the stands. Holders (or a bar with holders) are attached to the upper edge of the board for hanging tables.

11. On the wall opposite the windows, exposition boards with permanent and temporary information are placed.

12. Along the back wall, it is possible to install a sectional cabinet for storing educational equipment and information media, depending on the area of ​​​​the office.

13. The upper part of the back wall of the classroom should be designed to display the manuals necessary for studying individual topics of the program.

Requirements for a set of furniture in the classroom

1. The office and the laboratory room must be equipped with a certain set of specialized furniture that meets the requirements of GOST 22046-89, which has a certificate of conformity with technical documentation and a hygiene certificate. The cabinet should have furniture for: - organization of the teacher's workplace; - organization of students' workplaces; - for the rational placement and storage of teaching aids; - for the organization of the use of equipment.

2. The laboratory room must have the following furniture: radio editing table, office desk; shelving for storage of tools and a safe.

3. Furniture for the organization of the teacher's workplace should include a table with a place for equipment (graphic projector) and a computer, a cabinet for a printer, a chair, and a blackboard.

4. Furniture for the organization of students' workplaces includes single student desks for a computer (GOST 11015-93) with chairs of different height groups No. 4,5,6) with color marking with lifting and swivel chairs.

5. Furniture for the rational placement and storage of educational equipment should consist of a combined cabinet in accordance with GOST 18666-95.

Requirements for the organization, jobs of teachers and students

1. The teacher's workplace is located on the podium and is equipped with a table equipped with equipment in accordance with the "Lists", two cabinets (for a printer and a graph projector), a blackboard, a screen and an electrical switchboard with a control panel. The teacher's table must be supplied with power to connect a PC, printer, graph projector.

2. Dimensions of the teacher's table: cover length - not less than 1300 mm, mm, width - not less than 700 mm.

3. In the pedestals there should be 1-2 drawers with dimensions of 350x500x100 mm for accessories, magnetic media and banners based on the current day of classes.

5. Workplaces of students equipped with personal computers (PCs) should consist of a single table and a lifting and swivel chair. Additionally, the computer science room is equipped with double student tables (GOST 11015-93) in accordance with the number of jobs for students when working on a PC or VDT. Student tables are located in the center and are designed for theoretical classes. Tables and chairs should be of different height groups with color indication. Furniture group Chair seat front edge height, mm Height group, mm Marking color Table height, mm 4 380 1460 to 1600 Red 640 5 420 1600 to 1750 Green 700 6 460 1750 to 1800 Blue 760

6. The modular dimensions of the working surface of the table for VDT and PC, on the basis of which the structural dimensions should be calculated, should be considered: width - 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 mm, depth - 800 and 1000 mm with its unregulated height equal to 725 mm.

7. The student's desk must be connected to the power supply and the LAN cable. The table must be anchored to the floor.

8. The arrangement of workplaces for students in KIVT should provide free access for students and teachers during the lesson to the workplace.

9. To ensure the safety of students and teachers, electrical safety and the creation of constant levels of illumination during work, a perimeter arrangement of desktops with a PC is recommended (row arrangement of student tables with a PC or VDT is not recommended.

10. With the perimeter arrangement of workplaces, the following distances must be observed: a) along the width of the office: - the distance between the wall with window openings and tables must be at least 0.8 m; - the distance between the wall opposite the window openings and tables with a PC must be of the order of 0.1 m, and in some cases, depending on the video monitors used, the tables can be installed directly against the wall; b) along the length of the KIVT, tables with a PC can be placed without breaking and with a distance between them.

11. When tables with PCs are arranged in rows, each table must have a protective screen on the side of the back of the video monitor. The screen is attached to the table at a distance of 3-5 cm, its area should be sufficient to protect the power wires.

12. The number of jobs for students can be 9, 12, 15, depending on the class size.

Requirements for equipping the office with equipment and devices.

1. The number of student PCs required to equip the ICT cabinet should be at the rate of one computer per student, taking into account the division of the class into two groups.

2. One machine for the teacher with the appropriate peripheral equipment should be included in the IWT cabinet.

3. The IWT cabinet must be equipped with a graphic projector, a video recorder, a TV set (diagonal not less than 61 cm), a slide projector and a screen.

4. The demonstration TV is mounted 1.5 m from the floor on a bracket to the left of the blackboard.

5. The graphic projector should be located on a pedestal next to the teacher's desk.

6. When demonstrating filmstrips and transparencies (with a screen width of 1.2-1.4 m), the distance from the screen to the first tables of students (for theoretical classes) should be at least 2.7 m, and to the last tables no more than 8.6 m. The height of the lower edge of the screen above the podium is at least 0.8 m. The optimal viewing area for television programs and videos is located at a distance of at least 2.7 m from the TV screen to the first double tables of students (during theoretical classes).

Requirements for equipping the classroom with educational equipment and necessary documentation.

1. The composition of educational equipment in the office of the MVT is determined by the "List of computer technology, educational equipment, basic and applied software for computer science classrooms, classes with VDT and PC in educational institutions of the general secondary education system."

2. The ICT classroom should be equipped with: - educational software for the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", both basic and specialized; - tasks for implementing an individual approach to teaching, organizing independent work and exercises for students on computers; - a set of scientific - popular, reference and methodological literature; - a magazine of introductory and periodic safety briefings for students (recommended); - a magazine for using a set of educational computer equipment at each workplace; - a magazine for machine failure and their repair; - holders for demonstrating tables and stands for exhibiting students' work; - an inventory book for accounting for the educational equipment available in the classroom, annual plans for the additional equipment of the KIVT approved by the school principal; - pharmacy first aid; - fire extinguishing equipment.

3. In the IWT office there should be a card file of educational equipment indicating the storage locations.

Requirements for placement and storage of equipment

1. Educational equipment and aids must be placed and stored in a closet.

2. Demonstration aids and DIY equipment should be kept separate.

3. Discs with software must be stored in special small boxes, protected from dust and light, according to classes and sections of the program; the drawers are placed in the cabinet, and the places for storing disks in it are marked with inscriptions.

4. Tables should be stored in boxes under the board or in special compartments according to sections of the program and classes, taking into account the dimensions.

5. Audiovisual aids should be stored on cabinet shelves, filmstrips and transparencies - in stacks with recesses for boxes. Cells and boxes must be labeled.

6. Reference, educational and methodical and popular science literature should be stored on cabinet shelves.

Requirements for the interior design of the office of informatics and computer technology

1. The manuals necessary for the study of individual topics, sections of the course, should be exhibited on the wall of the office, opposite the blackboard.

2. For the exposition of books and materials, the cabinet must be equipped with removable stands.

3. On the wall opposite the windows, boards are placed with reference tables permanently located in the classroom, acquainting students with safety regulations, the main computer components and their functions.

4. On one of the walls, along with the stands, a table "Rules for the work of students on a PC and VDT" should be placed.

5. Different fonts can be used in the design of stands: printed and handwritten, Arabic and Gothic. Headings and subheadings should be in the same style.

Rules for using the Internet in MBOU secondary school p. Karamaly-Gubeevo

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules for the use of the Internet in MBOU SOSH p. Karamaly-Gubeevo (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have the status of a local regulatory act of the MBOU secondary school with. Karamaly-Gubeevo (hereinafter referred to as the school) and are based on Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) of access educational institutions Republic of Bashkortostan to information Internet resources within the framework of the implementation of the priority national project "Education".

1.2. These Rules govern the conditions and procedure for using the Internet at the school.

1.3. The use of the Internet at school is aimed at solving the problems of the educational process.

2. Organization of the use of the Internet at school

2.1. The issues of using the possibilities of the Internet in the educational process are considered at the school's pedagogical council, which develops the Rules for using the Internet, considering, and, if necessary, supplementing and concretizing the Regulations independently, or with the involvement of external experts, which may be:

- teachers of other educational institutions who have experience in using the Internet in the educational process;

- specialists in the field of information technology;

- representatives of educational authorities;

- parents of students.

2.2. When developing rules for using the Internet, the pedagogical council is guided by:

- legislation Russian Federation;

- expedient experience and effective organization educational process using information technologies and Internet capabilities;

- interests of students;

- the goals of the educational process;

2.3. The rules are put into effect by order of the head of the educational institution.

2.4. The Principal is responsible for ensuring effective and secure Internet access at the school, as well as for enforcing established policies. In order to ensure the access of participants in the educational process to the Internet in accordance with the rules established at the school, the principal of the school appoints by his order a person responsible for organizing work with the Internet and restricting access.

2.5. Pedagogical Council schools:

- makes a decision to allow/block access to certain resources and (or) categories of Internet resources;

- determines the nature and amount of information published on the Internet resources of the school;

2.6. During lessons and other classes within the curriculum, the control of the use of the Internet by students is carried out by the teacher leading the lesson.

In doing so, the teacher:

- takes measures to prevent access to resources that are not related to the educational process.

2.7. During the free access of students to the Internet outside of classes, the control of the use of Internet resources is carried out by school employees, determined by order of its head.

An employee of an educational institution:

- monitors the use of a computer and the Internet by students;

- takes measures to suppress the suppression of access to resources that are not related to the educational process;

- informs the class teacher and the school administration about the student's deliberate attempts to access resources that are not related to the educational process.

2.8. When using the Internet at school, students are provided with access only to those resources whose content does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and which are directly related to the educational process. Compliance with such a requirement is checked using special technical means and content filtering software installed at the school or provided by the communication service provider.

2.9. Internet users at school should take into account that technical means and software cannot provide complete filtering of Internet resources due to frequent updates of resources. In this regard, there is a possibility that students will discover resources that are not related to the educational process and whose content is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Participants in the use of the Internet at the school should be aware that the school is not responsible for accidental access to such information that is not posted on the school's Internet resources.

2.10. The assignment of certain resources and (or) categories of resources to the appropriate groups, access to which is regulated by technical means and content filtering software, in accordance with the rules adopted at the school, is provided by a school employee appointed by the school principal.

2.11. The principles of posting information on the Internet resources of the school are designed to provide:

- compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the interests and rights of citizens;

- protection of personal data of students, teachers and employees;

- reliability and correctness of information.

2.12. Personal data of students (including last name and first name, class/year of study, age, photograph, data on place of residence, telephone numbers, etc., other personal information) can be posted on Internet resources created by the school only with the written consent of parents or other legal representatives of students. Personal data of teachers and school employees are posted on its Internet resources only with the written consent of the person whose personal data is posted.

2.13. In information messages about events posted on the school website without notification and obtaining the consent of the mentioned persons or their legal representatives, only the last name and first name of the student or the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, employee or parent can be indicated.

2.14. When obtaining consent to the publication of personal data, the representative of the school is obliged to explain the possible risks and consequences of their publication. The school is not responsible for such consequences if the written consent of the person (his legal representative) was previously obtained for the publication of personal data.

3. Using the Internet in an educational institution

3.1. The use of the Internet at school is carried out, as a rule, for the purposes of the educational process.

3.2. With the permission of the person responsible for organizing the Internet at the school and restricting access, teachers, employees and students have the right to:

- post your own information on the Internet on the Internet resources of the school;

- have an email account on the school's Internet resources.

3.3. The student is prohibited from:

- access resources whose content and topics are not allowed for minors and / or violate the laws of the Russian Federation (erotica, pornography, propaganda of violence, terrorism, political or religious extremism, national, racial, etc. hatred, other resources of a similar orientation);

- carry out any transactions via the Internet;

- upload files to the school computer without special permission;

- disseminate offensive, untrue, discrediting other persons information, threats.

3.4. In case of accidental discovery of a resource, the content of which is not related to the educational process, the student is obliged to immediately inform the teacher conducting the lesson about this. The teacher is obliged

fix the domain address of the resource and the time of its discovery and inform the person responsible for the operation of the local network and restricting access to information resources about this.

Responsible must:

- receive information from the teacher;

- send information about an uncategorized resource to the operator of technical means and software for technically restricting access to information (within 24 hours);

- in case of a clear violation by the discovered resource of the legislation of the Russian Federation, report it on a special " hotline» to take measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (within 24 hours).

The transmitted information must contain:

- domain address of the resource;

- a message about the subject of the resource, assumptions about the violation by the resource of the legislation of the Russian Federation or its incompatibility with the objectives of the educational process;

- date and time of detection;

- information about the technical means of technical restriction of access to information installed in the OS.

REGULATIONS for access of educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan to information Internet resources in the framework of the implementation of the priority national project "Education"

I. General provisions

This regulation defines the procedure for access of educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan to information Internet resources in the framework of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" (hereinafter referred to as PNPP).

    An access point to Internet information resources (hereinafter referred to as the access point) is created as part of the implementation of the PNPO and operates using a content filtering system.

    The use of Internet information resources from the access point is free for users.

    Access point users are employees and students of an educational institution who have been registered and have committed to comply with the working conditions.

    Internet access is carried out in accordance with the work schedule of the educational institution.

    The provision of an Internet session is carried out on the basis of a preliminary entry in the access point log or subject to availability.

    A prophylactic day is set at least once a month.

II. User registration rules

    Users who have previously registered in the content filtering system are allowed to work on the Internet.

    Employees of an educational institution receive a registration login and password from the Deputy Director for IT (or from the person responsible for organizing content filtering).

    Students receive registration login and password through the class teacher or computer science teacher.

III. User rights

Users in an educational institution have the right to:

    Enjoy access to global Internet resources,
    including educational resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan posted on the Internet.

    Work on the Internet for one hour. If necessary, the working time can be increased by agreement
    with the person responsible for the access point and in the absence of other persons wishing to use access to Internet resources.

    Search for relevant information, including related
    with national and regional features of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

    Place your own information on the Internet.

    Get advice on issues related to
    using the Internet.

    Save the information received on electronic media, which must first be checked for viruses.

    Print the received information on the printer, in accordance with the conditions established by the educational institution.

IV. User Responsibilities

Users in an educational institution are prohibited from:

    Carry out actions prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

    Visit sites containing information that is incompatible with educational activities.

    Transfer information that is a commercial or state secret, disseminate information that discredits the honor and dignity of citizens.

    Install additional software on computers, whether obtained from the Internet or any other.

    Change the configuration of computers, including changing the system settings of the computer and all programs installed
    On him.

    Turn on, turn off and restart the computer
    without the consent of the person responsible for the access point.

    Carry out actions aimed at "hacking" any computers located both in the educational institution and outside it.

    Any copying from electronic media to hard drives.

    Work with large volume resources (video, audio, chat, games, etc.) without approval with the person responsible for the access point.

    Work under a false login name, tell someone your password, log in to the system at the same time from more than one workstation.

    The user must remember his password. In case of loss of the password, the user is obliged to inform the Deputy Director for IT (or the person responsible for organizing content filtering) about this.

V. Responsibility of users

Users in an educational institution are responsible for:

    For maintaining silence, order, cleanliness and following the instructions of the person responsible for the access point.

    For causing any damage to the access point (damage to property, decommissioning equipment).

    Persons who do not comply with these work regulations are deprived of the right to work at the access point.

1. General Provisions.
Filled in in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

2. Sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises

Total class area
Number of workplaces
Window orientation
Coloring Floor
window frames
Coating and finishing materials Finishing
The presence of curtains on the windows (size and color)
Ventilation (special, natural)
Noise level
Vibration level
Air ionization level

3. Safety

4. Fire safety

5. Access mode to the informatics cabinet

6. Characteristics of jobs

7. Working hours of the informatics office

"______" __________________ 200__

Appendix 2

A set of exercises for the organs of vision

Exercises are performed sitting or standing, turning away from the screen (monitor).

  1. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles at a count of 1-4, open your eyes, relax your eye muscles, look into the distance at a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze at a count of 1-4, close and open your eyes, look into the distance at a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  3. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your eyes on the score 1-4, look directly at the score 1-6. Perform the exercise also to the left, up, down.

Move your eyes to the right, up, left, down, straight ahead at the count of 1-6, left, up, right, down and away at the count of 1-6.

Annex 3

A set of exercises for physical culture breaks

A physical culture break filled with special exercises increases motor activity, stimulates the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems, relieves general fatigue, increases mental capacity for work.

  1. Walking in place for 20-30 seconds, average pace.
  2. Starting position (ip) - main stance (o. s.), arms forward, palms down, arms to the sides, palms up, stand on the nose), arms up, bend over, and. n. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. I. p. - legs apart, slightly wider than shoulders. Move your hands behind your back and tilt your body. Repeat 6-8 times.
  4. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Hands behind the head, turn the body to the right and left. Hands to the sides, lean forward. Repeat 6 times.
  5. I. p. - arms extended forward with palms down. Squats with arms out to the sides. The pace is average. Repeat 6 times.
  6. I. p. - legs apart slightly wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Circular movements of the body. Repeat 4 times.
  7. I. p. - legs apart shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Circular movements of the head in different directions. The pace is average. Repeat 4 times.
  8. I. p. - hands in different directions at shoulder level. Circular movements of the hands clockwise and vice versa. Squeeze and unclench your fingers at the same time. Repeat 4 times.
  9. Walking in place slowly with even breathing.

Explanatory note

Informatics cabinet - an element of the educational and material base necessary for the quality of the lessons on the program of the subject "Informatics and information and communication technologies", as well as for group work after school hours and self-training of teachers and students.

The office of informatics is entrusted with the decision of the followingtargets :

    creating the necessary conditions for personal development,

    professional self-determination and stimulation of creative work of students;

    the acquisition by students of sustainable skills and culture of working on a computer;

    formation of developed operational thinking in students;

    organization of meaningful leisure;

    formation of a common culture of students.

The informatics office must meet the followingrequirements :

    be a room that is convenient for classes, meeting sanitary and hygienic standards;

    be equipped with the necessary computer equipment and software that meets modern requirements;

    be constantly ready for lessons, classes and extracurricular activities;

    contain educational literature and visual aids on the subject"Informatics and ICT".

On the computer equipment used in the learning process, licensed software must be installed that meets the requirements for the content of the training and corresponds to the current level of information technology development.

Passport of the study room of informatics

    Full name of the head of the cabinet: Mukagova Marina Islamovna

    Full name of laboratory assistant:Mukagova Marina Islamovna

    Class responsible for cabinet: - no

    Address: 363003, North Ossetia-Alania, Pravoberezhny district, Farn village, st. Jimienwa, 48

    Floor, area: second, 48.5 m2

    Lighting: fluorescent lamps, natural

    Heating: central

    Classes for which the office is equipped - 8, 9, 10, 11

    FULL NAME. classroom teachers: no

    Number of seats: 16

Inventory list for technical teaching aids of the informatics classroom

Object name

Work place of the teacher



Inkjet printer A3

Workplace disciple


System unit

Board interactive

Multimedia projector

Student's table

Teacher's table

Student's chair

Computer desk


Sound speakers

3.List of cabinet equipment

4. Type of computer

student place

Memory size, Mb

Hard disk capacity

Monitor Size

23 .5

Cabinet work program

Educational work in the computer science classroom with students in grades 8-9 is carried out in accordance with the author's program N.D. Ugrinovich, 10-11 grades (basic level) is conducted in accordance with the author's program N.D. Ugrinovich.

The computer science classroom is faced with the task of promoting the high-quality mastery of computer skills by school students, the formation of their creative abilities and developed operational thinking.

In the process of mastering the Curriculum, a differentiated approach is necessary for each student, taking into account the level of his preparation and the degree of assimilation of the curriculum. For this purpose, annual correction of curricula is necessary, taking into account the preparedness of individual groups and each student.

In the classrooms of the school, the computer science room is used in accordance with the approved lesson schedule. Extracurricular activities with students are carried out in the informatics office after school hours from 14.00 in accordance with the plans of elective courses approved by the school director.

Additional classes in the informatics classroom are conducted by the informatics teacher after school hours, based on their personal work schedules and in accordance with the workload of the classroom with educational and extracurricular activities.

Cabinet Tasks

    Creation of optimal conditions for students to master basic knowledge in subjects.

    Providing the necessary conditions for strong and weak students to master knowledge.

    The possibility of obtaining additional classes for students on the assimilation of knowledge.

    Creating optimal conditions for the application of the most effective methods and receptions in the classroom, in extracurricular activities.

    Creating conditions for individual work each student.

Rules for using the cabinet

    The classroom opens 15 minutes before class starts.

    Students are in the classroom only in removable shoes and without outerwear.

    Students are in the classroom only in the presence of the teacher.

    An office to ventilate every change.

    To clean the workplace by students after each lesson and extracurricular activities.

    Carry out general cleaning at the end of each quarter.

    At the first lesson in the office, students get acquainted with the instruction on labor protection.

    Before the start of classes, students check the condition of their workplaces and immediately report any problems to the teacher.

    Students start working on the computer only after the permission of the teacher.

    It is forbidden to use flash drives, CDs in the classroom without the permission of the teacher. If such permission is obtained, then before work it is necessary to check the floppy disks for VIRUS using anti-virus programs.

    During classes, students do not leave their workplaces without the permission of the teacher.

    Students keep the classroom clean and tidy.

    During each break, students leave the classroom, and the classroom must be ventilated.

Folders with practical tasks(handouts):

    Microsoft Office Word

    Database Microsoft Office Access


    Microsoft Office Excel

    Computer modelling

    Objects and systems

    Data processing

    Algorithms and Quantities

    Primary School

Thematic folders:

    Tests and tests

    Tasks for zero cut in informatics and ICT

    Materials for preparing for the exam

Computer science office hours


14.00 - 14.50 - classes with weak students


14.00-14.40 - classes with motivated students

15.00 - 17.00 - access to the Internet


8.30 - 9.10 - informatics 9 cells

09.20 - 10.00 - computer science 11th class.

14.00 - 17.00 - access to the Internet


8.30 - 9.10 - computer science 10 cells

09.20 - 10.00 - free lesson

10.10 - 11.40 - computer science grade 9

11.10 - 11.50 - computer science grade 8

15.30 - 16.15 - circle

16.30 - 17.00 - access to the Internet


9.00 – 9.45 – free lesson

10.00 – 10.45 – free lesson

10.55 – 11.40 – free lesson

11.55 - 17.00 - preventive measures


Rules for using informatics classrooms

    School students have the right to:

1.1.Use informatics classrooms in order to master ICT tools in informatics lessons and in their free time from lessons.

1.2. Use computer science classrooms to prepare for lessons, create and edit reports, abstracts.

1.3.Use informatics classrooms to work with training programs in various subjects.

    Student Responsibilities:

2.1. At the first lesson in the classroom, students get acquainted with the instructions on labor protection.

2.2. During each break, students leave the classroom, and the attendants air it out.

2.3. Students occupy only the jobs assigned to them.

2.4. Before the start of classes, students check the condition of their workplaces and immediately report any problems to the teacher.

    School students are prohibited from:

3.1. To be in the office of computer science in outerwear.

3.2. There is in the computer science office.

3.3. Run around in the computer science room, leaving garbage behind.

3.4. Start working with a computer with dirty hands (after eating, etc.).

3.5. Turn on the computer and run programs without the prior consent of the teacher.

3.6. Work with flash cards, CDs without first checking them with an anti-virus program.

3.7. Change computer settings (including desktop view, monitor settings), install programs without the consent of the teacher.

3.8. Use informatics classrooms for other purposes.

    Student Responsibility:

4 .1. In case of violation of the requirements of paragraph 2, the teacher has the right to restrict the student's admission to the computer science room.

4.2. In the event of a gross violation of the rules of conduct in the computer science classroom or the instructions on labor protection, it has the right to prohibit the student's admission to classes held in the computer science classroom. In this case, the material is studied by the students on their own and is submitted in the form of a test.

4.3. Students and their parents are personally responsible for damage to equipment and / or software that occurred through the fault of the student. Repairs are made directly by or paid for by the student or parent and do not relieve the student or parent of any damages incurred by the school due to equipment and/or software failure. Rules for using the office of informatics.

Safety instructions and rules of conduct in a computer class for students

It is strictly prohibited:

    be in the classroom without the permission of the teacher;

    turn on or off the equipment without instructions from the teacher;

    work with the keyboard without instructions from the teacher;

    be in the office in top or wet clothes;

    touch the equipment with wet or dirty hands;

    get up without the permission of the teacher from their seats when visitors enter;

    touch the protective screen or monitor screen;

    touch the connectors of the system unit and grounding devices;

    put books and notebooks on the monitor or keyboard;

    independently troubleshoot the computer;

    run around the office

    work when you feel unwell;

    interfere with the work of other students;

    interfere with the teacher's work.

During operation, keep a distance of at least 50 cm between your eyes and the monitor screen.

Start work only on the command of the teacher.

During work, strictly follow all the instructions of the teacher.

Visually impaired students are required to wear glasses.

The continuous duration of classes directly from the PC should not exceed:

For students aged 16 and over, the first hour of classes is 25-30
minutes, on the second - 20 minutes;

For students aged 14-15 - 20-25 minutes;

For students aged 11-13 - 15-20 minutes;

For students 7-10 years old - 15 minutes;

For students 6 years old - 10 minutes.

Classes in circles using a PC for each circle member should be held no more than once a week with a total duration of:

For students 7-10 years old no more than 45 minutes;

For students aged 11-13 no more than 60 minutes;

For students aged 14-15 no more than 75 minutes;

For students aged 16 and over, up to 90 minutes.

Instructions for labor protection when working with computers, printers, copiers and other electrical appliances

1.1. To work with computers, printers, photocopiers and other electrical devices, persons trained in this specialty, who have passed an introductory briefing on labor protection, briefing on labor protection, safety briefing directly at the workplace and briefing in the volume of the 1st group on electrical safety.

1.2 When working with displays, it is not allowed to locate workplaces in rooms without natural light.

1.3. Workplaces with displays should be at least 1.5 m from the wall with window openings, and at least 1 m from other walls. The distance from the rear and side walls of the display to another worker should be at least 1.5 m.

1.4. The dimensions of the working surface of the tabletop must be at least 1600 x 900 mm. There must be free legroom under the table top with dimensions of at least 600 mm in height, 500 mm in width, and 650 mm in depth. The workplace must be equipped with a footrest 350 mm wide and 400 mm long.

1.5. To protect against direct sunlight, sun protection devices should be provided (film with a metallized coating, adjustable blinds with vertical slats, etc.)

1.6. To eliminate reflection glare on screens from general lighting fixtures, you must:

    apply special filters for screens, protective visors or place light sources parallel to the direction of view of the screen.

    The floor of the room must be covered with materials that do not emit harmful substances, absorb noise, and do not accumulate static electricity.

    Permissible levels of electrostatic fields in the workplace should not exceed 20 sq / m (GOST 120.145-84).

    The exposure dose rate of low-energy X-ray radiation at a distance of 5 cm from the screen, the rear and side walls of the display should not exceed 100 μR/h (0.03 μR/s).

    The power of ultraviolet radiation should not exceed 10 W / mh-2 W / mh at a distance of 5 and 30 cm from the display screen (GOST 27954-88).

1.7 The display keyboard should not be hard-wired to the monitor. The area of ​​the premises per person should be at least 6.0 sq.m.

1.8 At workplaces, it is necessary to ensure microclimatic parameters, noise illumination levels and the state of the air environment in accordance with sanitary standards.

1.9 Lighting should be mixed (natural and artificial).

1.10 Lighting installations should provide uniform illumination using predominantly reflected or diffuse light distribution. They must not create glare on the keyboard and other parts of the console, as well as on the display screen in the direction of the operator's eyes.

1.11 To exclude glare from lamps on the screen, it is necessary to use special filters for screens, anti-glare grids, visors or place light sources parallel to the direction of view of the VDT screen on both sides.

1.12 To prevent and protect against static electricity, neutralizers and humidifiers should be used, and floors should be antistatic. Protection against static electricity must be carried out in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic standards of the permissible electric field strength.

1.13 Employees must immediately inform the manager about cases of injury and detection of equipment malfunction. It is forbidden to work on faulty equipment. It is not allowed to allow persons who are not related to this work to your workplace.

1.14 Employees are obliged to comply with safety rules, if a possible danger is detected, warn others and immediately inform the manager; keep the workplace clean and not clutter it with foreign objects.

1.15 Persons guilty of violating the requirements set forth in this instruction are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with applicable law.

Instructions for labor protection when working in the computer science office

    .General requirements security

1.1. Students from the 1st grade who have been instructed in labor protection, medical examination and have no contraindications for health reasons are allowed to work in the computer science room.

1.2. When working in the computer science classroom, students must comply with the rules of conduct, the schedule of training sessions, the established work and rest regimes.

1.3. When working in a computer science classroom, students may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

    adverse effects on the human body of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation of video terminals;

    adverse impact on vision of visual ergonomic parameters of video terminals that are outside the optimal range;

    violation of posture, curvature of the spine, the development of myopia with the wrong size of student furniture;

    impaired visual acuity in low light in the office;

    defeat electric shock.

1.4. The informatics room should be equipped with a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries or if you feel unwell.

1.5. When working in the computer science office, observe the fire safety rules, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment. The computer science room should be equipped with two carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

1.6. About each accident, the victim or eyewitness of the accident must immediately inform the teacher (teacher). If the equipment malfunctions, stop work and inform the teacher (teacher) about it.

1.7. In the process of working with video terminals, students must follow the order of work, the rules of personal hygiene, keep the workplace clean.

1.8. Students who have failed to comply with or violate the instructions on labor protection are held accountable and all students are given unscheduled instruction on labor protection.

    Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Thoroughly ventilate the computer room and make sure that the air temperature in the room is between 19 - 21°C, relative humidity is between 62 - 55%.

2.2. Make sure that the protective earthing of the equipment, as well as the protective screens of the video terminals, are available.

2.3. Turn on video terminals and check the stability and clarity of the image on the screens.

    Safety requirements during work

3.1. Do not turn on video terminals without the permission of the teacher (teacher).

3.2. Lessons at one video terminal by two or more people are not allowed.

3.3. When the video terminal is running, the distance from the eyes to the screen should be 0.6 - 0.7 m, the eye level should be at the center of the screen or at 2/3 of its height.

3.4. The notebook for notes should be placed on a stand with an inclination of 12 -15 ° at a distance of 55 - 65 cm from the eyes, which should be well lit.

3.5. The image on the screens of video terminals must be stable, clear and extremely clear, do not have flickering symbols and backgrounds, the screens must not have glare and reflections from lamps, windows and surrounding objects.

3.6. The duration of work with video terminals should not exceed: for students of grades 1 (6 years old) - 10 minutes, for students of grades 2-5 - 15 minutes, for students of grades 6-7 - 20 minutes, for students of grades 8 -9 classes - 25 minutes, for students in grades 10-11 - with two lessons in a row on the first of them - 30 minutes, on the second - 20 minutes, after which take a break of at least 10 minutes. to perform special exercises that reduce visual fatigue.

3.7. During the production practice, the daily duration of work at video terminals should not exceed 3 hours for students over 16 years old and 2 hours for students under 16 years old with mandatory eye exercises every 20-25 minutes. work and exercise every 45 minutes. during breaks.

3.8. Classes in circles using video terminals should be held no earlier than 1 hour after the end of classes at school, no more than 2 times a week with a total duration: for students in grades 2-5 - no more than 60 minutes, for students 6th grade and older - up to 90 min.

    Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a malfunction in the operation of the video terminal, turn it off and inform the teacher (teacher) about this.

4.2. If you feel unwell, have a headache, dizziness, etc., stop working and inform the teacher (teacher) about this.

4.3. In case of electric shock, immediately turn off the video terminals, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution and inform the administration of the institution about this.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. With the permission of the teacher (teacher), turn off the video terminals and tidy up the workplace.

5.2. Thoroughly ventilate and carry out wet cleaning of the computer science room.

5.3. The teacher must close the windows, turn off the lights.

Informatics cabinet work plan

for 2016-2017 academic year

Tasks of the informatics cabinet:

    Ensuring the high-quality implementation of the program in informatics and ICT in grades 5-11.

    Organization of frontal educational activities using a multimedia projector, as well as Internet resources and copyright DERs.

    Organization of training and access of teachers and students to Internet resources.

    Organization distance learning and networking.

    Ensuring comfortable working conditions at the computer, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the office.

    Maintaining the computers in the office.

    Replenishment of the office with modern computer equipment.

Organizational activities in preparation for the new academic year:

head of office

Conduct an inventory of the software available on the computers of the teacher and students


head of office

Conduct computer inspections


head of office

Refresh medicines in the first aid kit.

head of office

Conduct safety briefings and work rules in the computer class with students in grades 5-11.

head of office

Make a schedule for the office of computer science

head of office

Update health and safety instructions

head of office

Obtain an act-permission to work in the office in 2016 - 2017 academic year.

head of office

Educational and methodological activities:

head of office

Draw up and approve work programs for computer science lessons in grades 8-11.


Create and design a stand "Health Corner"

head of office

Actively use a multimedia projector, accumulate educational material in electronic form.

During a year

head of office

Participate in municipal, regional and all-Russian competitions in Informatics and ICT

During a year


Render methodological assistance students in creating and publishing their own sites on the Internet.

During a year

head of office

Spend a week of informatics


To provide methodological assistance to teachers who are mastering the creation of their own sites and their publication on the Internet.

During a year

head of office

Conduct an open lesson on informatics in grade 8


Regularly update the school website

2 times per week


Actively participate in the work of SMEs and RMOs of teachers

During a year


Provide all conditions for the preparation of graduates for the final certification

During a year

head of office

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, maintenance of computers:

Conduct computer inspections

2 times
per month

head of office

Clean up your hard drive from junk files

1 time per month

head of office

Defragment the disk

1 time quarter

head of office

Check disk for errors.

1 time per semester

head of office

Perform minor computer and network repairs.

As needed

head of office

Carry out daily office cleaning


head of office

Ventilate the classroom after each lesson


head of office

Conduct general office cleaning

1 time per month

head of office

Observe light and heat conditions


head of office

Receive and send email in a timely manner.


head of office

Perspective plan for the development of the cabinet

for 2017-2019



8-11 grades

  1. Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science. Basic course. Uch. For 8 cells/. 5th ed. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2012

    Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science. Basic course. Uch. For 9 cells /. 5th ed. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2012

    Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science. Basic course. Uch. For 10 cells/. 5th ed. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2012

    Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science. Basic course. Uch. For 11 cells/. 5th ed. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2012

Teaching aids for teachers

    Bosova L.L. Teaching computer science in grades 5-7./L.L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. - 342 p.

    Semakin I.G. Informatics and ICT. A basic level of. Grades 10-11: methodological manual / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 102 p.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Teaching the course "Computer Science and Information Technology": a manual for teachers. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2002. - 168 p.

additional literature

    Nurmukhamedov G. M. Informatics for the entrant. Theoretical basis informatics (+ CD-ROM). Elective course: textbook / G.M. Nurmukhamedov. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. - 125 p.

    Computer science. Grades 9-11: project activities of students / av.-comp. E.S. Larina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 155 p.

    Computer science. Grades 9-11: Control and independent work on programming / av.-stat. A.A. Chernov, A.F. Chernov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 202 p.

    Informatics and information and communication technologies: Elective courses in pre-profile training / Comp. V.G. Khlebostroev, L.A. Obukhov; Ed. L.A. Obukhova. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005 - 112 p.

    Pankratova L.P., Chelak E.N. Control of knowledge in computer science: tests, control tasks, examination questions, computer projects. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2004 . – 448 p.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and information technologies. Textbook for 10-11 grades. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007. - 511 p.

    Ugrinovich N.D., Bosova L.L., Mikhailova N.I. Workshop on Informatics and information technology. Textbook for educational institutions. – M.: Laboratory of basic knowledge, 2001. – 256 p.

    Ugrinovich N.D. Informatics and ICT. Basic course: textbook for grade 8. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007. - 205 p.

    Kovalko V.I., Health-saving technologies: a schoolboy and a computer: grades 1-4. - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 304 p.

    Drakhler A.B. Network of creative teachers: a methodological guide. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 171 p.

    Educational Projects Using Microsoft Office: Tutorial. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007. - 230 p.

    Educational Projects Using Microsoft Office: Tutorial. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007. - 230 p. – 2 hours

    Prokhorov A. I can work in a modern office. – M.: Internet-un-t Inform. Technologies, 2005. - 264 p.

    Educational projects using Microsoft Office: a teacher's guide. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007. -93 p.

    Frolov M.I. Learning to work on a computer: Tutorial for children and parents. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2004. - 383 p.

    Berliner E.M., Glazyrina I.B., Glazyrin B.E.Microsoft Windows XP. Tutorial. Special edition. - M .: Binom-Press LLC, 2004. - 416 p.

    Tretyak T.M., Kubareva M.V. Workshopweb-design. - M.: SOLON-PERSS, 2007. – 176 p.

Turbo Pascal Programming

    Okulov S.M. Fundamentals of programming / M.S. Okulov. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 440 p.

    Okulov M.S. Programming in algorithms / M.S. Okulov. - M.: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007. - 383 p.

    Rapakov G.G. TurboPascalfor students and schoolchildren. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2007. – 352 p.

Teaching aids for preparing for the exam and GIA

    The most complete edition standard options real tasks of the Unified State Examination: 2010: Informatics / ed.- comp. P.A. Yakushkin, D.M. Ushakov. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. – 251 p.

    Churkina T.E. USE. Computer science. Workshop on the implementation of standard test tasks USE: teaching aid. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2010. - 182 p.

    Zorina E.M. USE 2010: Informatics: a collection of tasks. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 208 p.

    USE 2009. Informatics. Collection of examination tasks. /auto-state P.A, Yakushkin, S.S. Krylov. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 160 p.

    Samylkina N.N. Getting ready for the exam in computer science. Elective course: study guide. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008. - 298 p.

    Informatics and ICT. Preparation for the Unified State Exam-2010. Entrance tests. / Ed. F.F. Lysenko, L.N. Evitch. - Rostov-on-Don: Legion-M, 2009. - 336 p.

    Trofimova I.A. USE. Computer science. Universal reference book. – M.: Eksmo, 2010. – 288 p.

    Krylov S.S. USE. Computer science. Thematic workbook FIPI. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2010. - 151 p.

    Excellent student of the exam. Computer science. Solving complex problems / FIPI. – M.: Intellect-Centre, 2010. – 152 p.

    Samylkina N.N. USE 2010. Informatics: Training tasks. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 208 p.

Teaching aids for preparing for the Olympiad

    Olympiad tasks in informatics. 9-11 grades / aut.-stat. E.S. Larina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. - 111 p.

    Mendel A.V., Kolegaeva E.M. Computer science. Grades 9-11: preparing students for the Olympiads. tasks, exercises, guidelines. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 167 p.

Municipal educational institution

Tavrinskaya secondary school

office of informatics

Head office: ,


Rules for using the office of informatics. 3

Documents: 4

Means of logistics. 5

Educational and methodological support. 6

Textbooks. 6

Methodological aids. 6

Further Reading: 7

Programs.. 7

Tables.. 8

Electronic resources: 9

Articles: 11

Cabinet work schedule I half-year: 12

Cabinet work schedule II half-year: 12

Rules for using the computer science cabinet

1. At the first lesson in the office, students get acquainted with the instruction on labor protection.

2. Students are in the classroom only in changeable shoes and without outerwear.

3. Students are in the classroom only in the presence of the teacher.

4. Students occupy only the jobs assigned to them.

5. Before the start of classes, students check the condition of their workplaces and immediately report any problems to the teacher.

6. Students start working on the computer only after the permission of the teacher.

7. In the classroom it is forbidden to use floppy disks, CDs without the permission of the teacher. If such permission is obtained, then before work it is necessary to check the floppy disks for VIRUS using anti-virus programs.

8. During classes, students do not leave their workplaces without the permission of the teacher.

9. Students keep the classroom clean and tidy.

10. During each break, students leave the classroom, and the attendants air it out.


1. Law on Education of the Russian Federation

2. The act of acceptance of the computer science cabinet for readiness for the new academic year

3. Sanitary and hygienic passport of the cabinet

4. Job description for labor protection for a teacher

5. Instructions on labor protection when working in the office of computer science IO

6. Instructions for labor protection when working on VDT ​​and PC IOT

10. Instruction on labor protection and safety precautions during the educational process for a teacher of additional education

11. Hygiene requirements to the PC and the organization of work San Pin 2.2.2/2.

12. Sets of exercises to relieve fatigue when working with a PC

13. Certificates of conformity

14. Requirements for the equipment of the educational process. Informatics and IT

15. Passport of the informatics cabinet

16. Journal of administrative and public control over labor protection

17. Law "On the legal protection of programs for electronic computers and databases"

18. Regulations on the website of the MOU Tavrinskaya secondary school

19. Regulations for the work of ped. employees and students of MOU Tavrinskaya secondary school on the Internet

20. Regulations for the work of ped. employees and students of MOU Tavrinskaya secondary school with e-mail

21. Instructions for organizing anti-virus protection of computer equipment in the Tavrinskaya secondary school

22. Standard of basic general education in informatics and ICT

23. Standard of secondary (complete) general education in informatics and ICT (basic level)

24. Standard of secondary (complete) general education in informatics and ICT (profile level)

25. Job description of a teacher (teacher) of computer science.

26. Methodological letter on improving the teaching of computer science in high school.

27. Job description of a laboratory assistant

Logistics facilities

No. p / p



Inv. No. by school

Desk computer teacher

Student computer table

Chair computer teacher

Student computer chair

Teacher's computer

Intel Celeron 1.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD, Internet connection

Student computer

Intel Celeron 766 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 17 GB HDD

Student computer

Intel Celeron 2.2GHz, 256MB RAM, 30GB HDD

Student computer

Intel Celeron 3.0GHz, 512MB RAM, 100GB HDD

Student computer

Intel Celeron 2.27GHz, 384MB RAM, 80GB HDD

Laser printer

(black and white print)

HP LaserJet 1200

Laser printer

(color print)

Uninterruptable power source

multimedia projector

LG SVGA DPL-Projector RD-JT51

network hub

3Com Baseline Switch2016

Standard basic software package for educational institutions:

First Aid 1.0

1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0;

Content filter;

4.Microsoft Vista Business Edition Upgrade

5. Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Russian

6. Microsoft Office Professional 2003 Rus

7. Microsoft Visual Studio Pro 2005 Eng

8 Borland Developer Studio

9. Borland Pascal 7

10. 1C: Enterprise 8. Programming version

11. 1C: School management

12. Adobe Creative Suite 2.3 Premium

13. Acrobat 8 ​​Professional

14. Dreamweaver 8

15. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Production Premium

16. Corel Draw Graphic Suite X3

17. Compass 3D LT V9

18. Corel Draw clipart

19. Corel Draw photos and fonts

20. Corel Shop Pro Photo XI English

21. Corel Painter Essentials 3 English

22.Microsoft Visio Professional 2007

23.ABBYY FineReader 8.0

24.Microsoft Office Front Page 2003

25. Microsoft Office SharePoint Desinger 2007

First Aid 2.0

1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0;

Content filter;

2.Microsoft Windows XP with SP3

3. Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

4.Microsoft Windows Vista SP1

5. Microsoft Office 2007 SP1

6. Microsoft Office 2003 SP1

7. Compass 3D LT V10

8. Adobe Creative Suite 4 Premium

9. Corel Draw Graphic Suite X4

10.Microsoft Visual Studio Pro 2008

11. Delphi 2009, C++ Builder

12. 1C: Enterprise 8. Programming version

13. 1C: School management

14. Electronic educational resources of a new generation.

Free software package

For educational institutions of the Russian Federation

1. Light Linux

2. Linux Junior

3. Linux Terminal

4. Linux Master

5. Accompanying materials for the open source software package


1. USE in Informatics: test tasks

2. USE in mathematics: test tasks

3. Preparation for exams in computer science Grade 9

4. Student projects:

· Tractor

・Animation creation

5. Student projects:

The laws of mechanics

Issue 2006

6. Project "Formula of Success"

7. Analytical report 2007

8. Personal documents

9. Work programs