How the mothers of Vlad Galkin, Valentina Tolkunova and Alexandra Dedyushko live. I realized that I was living wrong. The spiritual quest of Vladislav Galkin From the KP dossier

On February 27 in Moscow, at the age of 39, the famous Russian actor died. Actor Vladislav Galkin, who played in such popular TV series as “Truckers”, “Special Forces”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Plot”, “Saboteur”, “Death” Empire", films "Voroshilov Shooter", "72 Meters", etc. Last job The actor began filming in the television series "Kotovsky". A month ago, Galkin underwent a two-week course of treatment at the Moscow Botkin Clinical Hospital, where he was taken with inflammation of the pancreas. The actor was found dead on Saturday in an apartment on Sadovo-Samotechnaya Street in Moscow. Doctors suggest that the cause of death was cardiac arrest.
We present to readers an interview with Vladislav Galkin, based on his latest interviews, which reveals the character of a person.

About childhood...

They say that as a child you were a bully, a difficult child?

Lies! I cannot call hooliganism what was my human nature, and all natural science and knowledge of the surrounding world was characteristic of it. When a child grows up, everything is interesting to him, and I understand why some parents lose their nerve. Now I’m not at all sure that I myself would have had enough patience for such a character as I was.

And how did you “get to know the world”?

For example, he ran away from home. I got up at first light and started wandering around. I will definitely get lost, and they will look for me and the dogs. I didn’t necessarily need company, I was a self-sufficient person, I could go far alone. In childhood there were, of course, periods of group games. We played war games in the yard. When I was a commander, I awarded my friends with real awards - orders and medals, family heirlooms. Thus, my family suffered serious losses. (Laughs.) I took a lot of things out of the house. Fortunately, our family is ancient and various values ​​have been preserved. But if it weren’t for me, much more could have been left for posterity.

How did your parents react to such “innocent” pranks?

My parents had enough patience with me. I absolutely adore my mother and father for this period of my life. One of my problems as a child was that I had no sense of fear as such. Therefore, I went where I shouldn’t go and did what was not allowed. But the period of cloudless childhood did not last long. At the age of eight I started acting. I learned what work is, responsibility...

Did you already understand this at the age of eight?

I grew up in a family of actors and directors! And such concepts as “image” were in the air! I started reading quite early, I was interested in serious literature, I read Nietzsche and Borges in elementary school, but for me then they were fairy tales. Now I often re-read my favorite books and after many years I discover fantastic things!

Did your father, the famous actor and director Boris Galkin, help you get comfortable in cinema?

He didn't bother me. The family respected me and took me into account. If I showed initiative or made a request, the doors were always open. But there was never any edification or pressure from my parents.

How were pioneer childhood and early acting combined?

I was only an October student, I couldn’t become a pioneer or Komsomol member. But I am not at all proud of this fact.

Were you not accepted as a pioneer because of bad behavior?

A stupid situation happened. In the third grade, just on April 22, Lenin’s birthday, when our entire class was supposed to go to the Mausoleum to tie pioneer ties, I find out that today I have a voice-over at a film studio. I tell the class teacher: “I have a voice-over, I can’t go and join the pioneers!” She was shocked by my impudence. But I said this without a second thought, realizing that people were waiting for me at the studio and this was more important than being accepted into the pioneers... So I was left without a red tie.

Vlad, you have said more than once that you love to study.

The more you know, the easier it is to work. I was an overly lively child, and this sometimes caused problems for both those around me and my parents. All the time I was inventing some kind of entertainment for myself. For me, the process of learning about the world has always been in the first place. For example, I learned to swim very early. On some sea he entered the water and walked and walked. And it was shallow and shallow, and then suddenly there was a wave and there was no bottom under our feet. I didn’t scream, but let’s get out and... swam, swam. And so - I learned to swim. I was very active: I swam far, left. Once I got on the train and went to hell. I arrived at night. I was lost. I was four years old.

Have you been punished by your parents for such activity?

I wasn't punished. There were no prohibitions on anything. I believe that prohibitions do not lead to anything good at all. In addition, we have always been very close to our parents. They scolded me, but probably more out of excitement.

And yet, was there such a thing that he himself understood: he acted badly, perhaps he lied, but the secret always becomes apparent?

Firstly, everything secret really becomes clear (smiles). Secondly, there is another wonderful phrase: “It sucks to lie, because when you lie all the time, you forget that you are lying, and you no longer know what to say: the truth or a lie.” And children's lies, if you can call it that, are for some a way to avoid punishment, for others it is not to upset. I could lie solely in order not to upset. At first I always tried to somehow correct the situation. But when I realized that I couldn’t fix it, I went to admit: well, that’s it, they say. Sometimes you break something, try to glue it back together, fix it, but you realize that nothing works, and you go to your parents: “Mom, dad...”

Well, your childhood knowledge extended not only to books... If I’m not mistaken, did you learn to play preference very early?

Yes, I learned very little. He played well. And then - when I was already teaching my friends to play - I came up with some nuances, amendments to the rules. Well, we had to win! (Laughs.) And I fooled their heads for no reason. But when you do it with absolute confidence and logic, then no one has the feeling that you are fooling your head. Then, after a lot of lying down they told me: “Yes, Vlad. In general, it was strong!”

About women's logic

Do you understand women's logic when conquering a man?

Any logic is clear to me, it doesn’t matter whether it’s female or male. It's a question of attention - how attentively you pay attention to the subject. If you don’t complicate it unnecessarily, then everything becomes clear in any logic. There is no male or female logic - there is one, another, third, tenth - each of us has our own logic, talking about gender is wild. Yes, there are some differences, women drive a little differently, sometimes better, sometimes worse. But to say that this is a woman's style or a man's... I am not a supporter of such a division.

It is also believed that it is more inherent for a woman to live by emotions than by reason.

Also bullshit, it seems to me. Giving definitions is absurd. There are statistical data on which all this is based, there are some similar cases that are classified according to one or another criterion, but again there are nuances. There are emotional men and unemotional women. Eat cold-blooded people, there are people who are very sensitive. There is a person, and there are some qualities inherent in him regardless of his gender. In one situation emotions are manifested, in another pragmatism. The person is unpredictable.

What does it take to make love on screen?

In general, in order for something to work on the screen, you need to feel and be attentive, and this, in turn, depends on your interest in the material. If you believe in what you are playing, then the audience will believe it. The actor is a kind of adapter, a transmitter of material to the viewer. As for the love scenes, thank God, there is no pedaling of physiology in this picture. There are human relationships, and, in my opinion, this is more interesting than some physical acts. I believe that there are genres - erotica, pornography, where it is appropriate, in other cases - I can count on my fingers the films where it is at most beautiful. This distracts from the process rather than introducing something new.

You have a lot of comedies and action films in your filmography. What is more interesting, easier or more difficult? Poking around in relationships or showing physical fitness?

It's difficult to do everything on the screen. I don't remember a single role that was easy to play. If so, it means you are not finishing something. For me, in any case, each subsequent story is a birth. It's a banality, but that's how it is. You practically take what is written as a basis and breathe life into your character so that the blood flows through the blood vessels. On the other hand, it is something separate, living its own life.

Galkin combined the seemingly incongruous. On the one hand - observation, a tendency to analysis, introspection, on the other - emotionality, impulsiveness

You once said that you have no friends, there are only friends, good acquaintances, and friends are your wife, dad, mom...

And now I would say the same thing. Friendship, like love, is a maximalist relationship. You should be there at any moment. At the very least, you should be prepared for this. This is a monstrous responsibility and very serious work. And in our profession, in principle, there cannot be friends. Not everyone is ready to admit this. But I know absolutely for sure that this profession does not imply friendship, because there is a spirit of competition in it. Possible simply a good relationship. So I have several close comrades and a lot of friends with whom I relate extremely well. But speaking from the position of maximalism, I am still at peace that there are much fewer of them than it seems.

Do you know yourself well? If you are prone to introspection...

Impulsive. Not restrained. We have little patience. In general, a gift... I am a very demanding character. I demand a lot from those around me. True, much more from myself. I'm a maximalist. Absolute, callous, aggressive. And in his youth he was generally irreconcilable. As for my difficult character... Yes, we, the actors, cannot be blamed for this! An artist, in principle, cannot be an “easy” person, because he works with his soul, his nerves. One way or another, I know how to control myself. Only for me there have never been any authorities. I don’t know whether this is good or bad, but I have never created idols for myself. I have always been attentive to other people's opinions at the level: listen and draw some conclusions - but no more. I always make the decision myself.

If you start to boil, what or who can stop you?

It's impossible to stop. If you stop, it will only get worse. I have to digest this within myself. And only then, if I feel and understand that I have gone too far, apologize. If not, everything moves on.

Can you call yourself a person of mood?

Artists are generally people of mood, with an active psyche. If you read about clinical descriptions of schizophrenia, then all the actors are schizophrenics, or at least psychopaths. This is a consequence of enormous stress, especially psychological.

Can changing your mood affect decision: Did you think one thing in the evening, another in the morning?

No, the mood changes emotionally - cheerfulness, sadness, etc. But if a decision is made, then it must be implemented. But in principle I am not a cheerful person. I'm more of a thing in myself. And despite being slightly excitable, I am still a fairly calm, focused person.

Not funny... But the sense of humor is excellent.

Well, it happens (smiles). Humor is an important thing. An awesome thing is self-irony. I love people who have this. And I'm afraid of people without a sense of humor. I don't know why, but this has always confused me. Of course, you can't insult people. There are offensive jokes that resemble mockery. I really don't like aggressive people.

You know yourself quite well. Do you think you played a role that was close to you in character and nature?

I don't remember a role that was close to my human essence. They all live their own lives. I. in my opinion, it is very important, it’s good when you can say that this has nothing to do with your life. Although, maybe it would be interesting to play yourself. An actor generally wants to try everything.

Some people believe that talent can forgive anything. What do you not forgive, including a talented person?

As for professional failure, I don’t hold a grudge, I just stop communicating with the person. There is a wonderful phrase: “You, brother, don’t drink according to your talent...” If a person allows himself some luxury of using you or neglecting some things, this is completely different. If you were betrayed once, then why tempt fate and expose yourself a second time? Thank God, no one seriously betrayed me.

But the betrayal still happened last year, which was very unfortunate for the actor.

Last year, the actor was convicted of fighting with police officers. According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, on July 23, 2009, in a cafe in the center of Moscow, Galkin, in response to the bartender’s refusal to pour him whiskey, hit the bar counter with a chair. After that, according to investigators, the actor took out a traumatic pistol, fired from it and threatened the bar staff with the weapon. The police officers who arrived at the scene of the incident tried to calm the actor down, but in response, Galkin hit one of them in the face. The actor was charged with hooliganism and resisting employees law enforcement. At the end of December, the Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced Galkin to one year and two months of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of one and a half years. Galkin fully admitted his guilt and expressed remorse for his actions.

And there was an unpleasant situation in the actor’s personal life. Galkin officially divorced his wife, actress Daria Mikhailova.

“All the documents were signed a week ago, now they are officially divorced,” the artist’s mother Elena Galkina told the Life News website. “But essentially nothing has changed, the family fell apart a long time ago, they no longer lived under the same roof.”

According to the actor’s mother, the cause of the scandalous incident, when the star of the film “Trucker Driver” opened fire with a traumatic weapon in one of the capital’s bars, hit a policeman in the face and resisted the police officers, could have been fatigue and breakdown due to grueling filming, as well as relations with his wife, which became quite tense.

“I was made the last one in this whole story,” Mikhailova said in turn. “For some reason I turned out to be guilty, as if it was I who brought Vlad to such a state. So much dirt was poured on me in the press! I am very unpleasant about what is happening now ... My patience has run out...".

Vladislav Galkin’s wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, gave the divorce papers to her lawyer, choosing for this the most difficult moment in her husband’s life. The crack in the relationship between both spouses, according to their relatives, appeared quite a long time ago: Daria was dissatisfied with the frequent absence of her husband and his drunken sprees. Vlad's career was in jeopardy. In many of the films in which the actor was announced, others starred, so Vlad is constantly depressed, which he tried to suppress with alcohol, and then there’s the divorce.

“We are on the verge of divorce,” Daria Mikhailova answered on the phone. -It’s no secret that Vlad abuses alcohol. IN Lately it became unbearable, I fought, but, alas... There will be no reconciliation.

Fate brought Vlad and Daria together in 1998. Daria Mikhailova staged the enterprise play "Case N" based on Dostoevsky's work "The Brothers Karamazov" and was looking for an actor to play the role of Mitya. Convinced of the seriousness of their feelings, on October 2, 1998, she became Vlad’s wife, the fifth in a row. But Vlad had problems with alcohol since his youth.

“For this very thing, he was expelled from the Shchukin school at one time,” Galkin’s friend told KP. “Vlad was already being treated for drunkenness. But he is very talented, he has been acting in films since the age of ten, and after his expulsion from “Pike” and rehabilitation he was accepted into GITIS, from which he graduated.

He quickly gained a reputation as a difficult but talented guy. The actor could open his fists and fight, but he got away with it. True, there was a period when the producers declared a boycott of him - they say, first “tie it up”, and then we will film it, because there was a risk of disruption of filming.

The wives couldn't stand it either. The first one loved to drink with him, and then filed for divorce, unable to bear his lifestyle. And only when he met actress Daria Mikhailova, it seemed to us all that he was finally in good hands.

Dasha knew how to control her husband. He did not stop relaxing by drinking, which often happens to artists due to nervous overload. But under Dasha, Vlad came to his senses and began acting a lot. On the set of “Saboteur,” he performed a stunt and broke his leg, after which he underwent long-term treatment. They say that at the clinic he became infected with Staphylococcus aureus, for which he was treated in Germany. Vladislav admitted that Dasha carefully looked after him, for which he is grateful to her. It seemed that after everything that the spouses had to go through together, they could not be separated, but fate decided otherwise.

In an interview, Vlad talked about his love for Dasha and his first wives

Today I am married once, there is one woman in my life. Why talk about what happened? The main thing is what happens in this moment. In order to find what you really need, you need to go a certain way. One finds it immediately, the other much later. Anything can happen along this path; a person, out of ignorance or for some other reason, makes mistakes and only then meets his very, only, other half. I walked my path and found Dasha. Or she me.

You speak about Dasha with such admiration. But you have been together for a long time, but nevertheless you make a very fresh impression in a good way. It feels like you know the secret to a happy family life.

We don’t have any shushu-mushu, thank God, but there is absolute attention to each other, and there is always a need to support the other, because the work is hard, sometimes you work so hard that sometimes you don’t understand where is day and where is night. 11o... we are obsessed with each other, which I think is very correct, because, in my opinion, this is what -family relationships. If people are together, they are absolutely together, and freedom can only be from the world around them, but not from each other.

We miss each other, because even when we are close, we are not close, but each is in some kind of cockroaches. It’s a paradox, but at the same time we are constantly together, even when we are not nearby, but work in different cities. We miss you and call a lot of money, because we have long conversations, just like at home, sometimes we manage to quarrel. True, we quickly make peace. In a word, normal real life goes on.

Do you know what depression is? Have you been?

No. Thank God, because Dasha and I have each other. But sometimes there is such a streak that you think: “It’s already going off scale, well, as much as possible!..” - no, let’s drink this cup to the bottom! Sometimes a sense of humor is enough for this, and sometimes you reach the point of rage. At such times, it’s good to pause, take a step back, and look at the situation from the outside. Man is still endowed with an amazing ability to think. This is a great gift that makes it possible not to make the same mistakes, not to step on the same rake.

- How old were you when you first got married?

-So early?! Many men and more mature age they are afraid to tie the knot.

God works in mysterious ways. Everyone has it young man there are some fears, there are certain prejudices. Nevertheless, everyone exists strictly individually in this world, and for some, early marriage is absolutely normal, acceptable and more necessary than for others. Yes, people love each other, and the story of Romeo and Juliet occurs in our time. Another question: it would not be the same story if this happened all the time.

- How did your parents react to the fact that their child decided to get married at such a young age?

I was young at 12 years old, and at 13, 14 I was more mature and conscious. Values, one way or another, have been formed. I have been working since I was eight years old. By the time I graduated from school, I had about 15 paintings, and believe me, this is quite hard work. Therefore, at the age of 17, I was already old enough an independent person. Besides, my parents are my friends.

Usually, until the age of 25, young people do not strive to start a family. They say they haven't had enough time. Have you had your fun by 17?

And I don’t understand what it is. What does it mean to go wild: sleep with just anyone, get drunk, get high?! Why can’t this be done together, why does it have to be done alone or with a group of some rabid teenagers? This has always been inaccessible to me: what do you mean, I’ll take another walk? Man is a paired creature, the result of their joint activities- a product that, as it grows up, also becomes part of a couple. A man and a woman, to put it simply, are created for procreation. One way or another, this is their main purpose. This is the basis.

Relationships between a man and a woman are always a double-edged sword: on the one hand, the experience of meetings, on the other, partings. Have you learned to break up so that the process is less painful?

At the moment of separation, there are always resentments and hurt feelings. Any separation, no matter how it goes, is already stressful. Can't be universal remedy, and thinking about it is in any case a calculation. In human relationships there should be no calculation, if there is one initially - these are no longer feelings, these are some kind of contractual relationships, more professional, let's say. People meet, people separate - that's life. Something has arisen, something has gone, for some it lasts for many years, for others it lasts a moment. Some people force feelings to return, some succeed, some don’t, so it’s unrealistic to talk about some kind of panacea. There can be no general rule.

You said that the main purpose of a person is procreation. And you still don't have children. Are you afraid you don't have enough time to educate?

There is no time not only for education, but literally for this to happen. Everything has its time, I don’t manage to plan anything, I manage to take it and do it.

- “We choose, we are chosen,” relationships between a man and a woman usually develop in such a way that someone has to take the first step, achieve, conquer. Do you prefer to conquer women or, on the contrary, do they conquer you? When you met Dasha, who was the initiator?

I have never achieved anyone and I have never conquered anyone. And when a girl tries to do this, even, say, in a very sophisticated, veiled way, it is still always very visible. This amuses me. Everything happened mutually with Dasha. There is something that is much stronger than us. I am a maximalist, so I am convinced that any attempts to achieve each other do not lead to a positive effect. People must first of all feel each other. Dasha and I feel exactly that.

Since the times of house-building, it has been believed that the husband is the breadwinner, the owner, and the wife is the keeper of the hearth, who in many respects must obey her husband. Times have changed, of course, but nevertheless, in many families, the man’s word is the law, he earns money and he is in charge. Do you think this is correct?

This is bullshit! The breadwinner must be someone who can do this. A man should try to be a breadwinner, at least in order to give gifts to his beloved, but should not be a dictator in the family. In some houses there is a tradition of "give and bring", I do not understand such relationships. People live together, considering each other's opinions and confessing each other. A woman marries her husband. This is some kind of support, some kind of fortress, some kind of rear support, this is security. A man should give a woman exactly this.

-You are filming all the time, you are practically never at home. How does the wife tolerate this?

Dasha is also on the road all the time, always at work. When I have the opportunity, I come to her, when she has the opportunity, she comes to me. Of course, we miss, worry and worry about each other. But this is our profession.

-Are you generally jealous?

Probably yes... I can’t say for sure. Jealousy comes in different forms, sometimes it reaches the point of paranoia: people attack each other with knives. This has never happened to me. Of course, it’s unpleasant when they touch yours, but don’t forget, there is an element of trust in a relationship. Therefore, I treat love scenes in films with Dasha’s participation calmly.

About the "unfreedom of the actor"

- Very often they talk about the “unfreedom of the actor.” About the fact that it depends on the director, on chance...

I have to be dependent on the director for my character. This is what happened to me with The Master and Margarita. I read the novel three or four times. But when I started filming, I said to myself: “Vlad, you haven’t read the novel. At all.” I asked to be given scenes related to my character. Only. And from these scenes he composed the story of Ivan Bezdomny. From point "A" to point "B". I realized that I was creating a fantastic thing, a novel within a novel. The story of one person, one character. I initially liked Ivan in the novel - the most honest and brightest. In all the others there is a moment of deceit. We see how small people adapt to reality. But he didn't adapt. He tried to understand who he was, how he got to know this world at his own level. Then a man appeared who began to explain to him. Ivan goes from teacher to teacher: Berlioz, Woland and finally the Master. And when Ivan leaves this circle, he is already a completely different person who has gotten to the bottom of his truth.

- Is this how you fit into your roles?

Otherwise there is no point in doing this. Why do many directors and actors like to film and act in films based on classic works? Yes because it is very convenient. And if you have to create an image, then you have to work, that’s the problem. Here we need to make people believe, convince. And when you take classical literature, where the image is written out, it is very difficult to ruin it, you just need to professionally recreate it.

You know why I love my profession - you can and should get in and dissect, interpret life the way you want. I like the phrase my father once said: “The degree of an artist’s talent depends on the degree of love for the material.” Very accurately said.

Katin-Yartsev told us wonderfully when I was in my first year: “Guys, no one will ever teach you anything unless you want it yourself.” And if a person wants to learn something, then he does not start arguing. He first tries to absorb everything, comprehend it, and then formulate his opinion. And then it’s worth starting to argue. More precisely, to offer options, because the truth is not born in a dispute.

- In my opinion, this saying sounds exactly the opposite.

War is born in a dispute.

Do you often play military men, but have you served?

Did not have time. But I dreamed of being sent to serve in Afghanistan. I, among other things, am also a complete maximalist. I was 16 years old then, and I was eager to fight!

A normal person would not want to go to Afghanistan of his own free will.

Who said that I am normal? I came to the military registration and enlistment office at the age of 16 and said: “Take me into the army!” To which they answered: “Well, wait another two years, what’s your hurry!” And I say: “Then I won’t have time.” And so it happened, then there was college and work. I never tried to quit the army; I considered it a shame for myself. But then I realized that each of us has our own army. One way or another, we all go through it, and for this it is not necessary to go to a hot spot.

And what “army” did you go through?

I have a rather dangerous profession, which has brought me a lot of injuries, including irreversible ones. On the set of "Saboteur-2" I tore a ligament in knee joint, and then our valiant medicine worked hard. The academics and professors who performed my operations brought in staphylococcus and practically destroyed my knee. I had ten operations in Moscow and two more in Germany. Now I have an iron prosthesis instead of a knee joint.

The material uses interviews from the sites:

His close friend, actress Yana Poplavskaya, told us why the mother of the deceased actor was in dire straits...

7 years have passed since the death of Vlad Galkin. In 2010, the heart of the 38-year-old leading role in the cult films “Truckers”, “Voroshilovsky Shooter”, “In August 44” suddenly stopped. A year before his death, after filming the TV series “Kotovsky,” he apparently decided to celebrate the end of his work in a bar in the capital. He drank whiskey, then the star didn’t like something, he took a pistol out of his pocket and began firing first at the bottles, and then towards the visitors. Thank God no one was hurt. The enraged actor hit the arriving policeman, Vlad was brought to the department. But then my dad, actor Boris Galkin, got involved, called where he needed to, and his son was released. After the hype in the media, Vlad finally received 1.5 years, but conditionally. As a result, the actor’s parents accused the journalists of all mortal sins, who allegedly hounded their innocent son.

3 years after the death of her son, his mother Elena Demidova separated from her husband after 30 years life together- he now has a different family with singer Inna Razumikhina, who is a quarter of a century younger than him. Elena Petrovna, together with her 36-year-old daughter Masha, who was a former sergeant of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, left for a village in the Pskov region. Soon, according to media reports, Elena Petrovna was diagnosed with cancer in the last stage.

After Bori and Lena broke up, he never came to see her,” Tatyana Pavlovna, an employee of the local village council, told - They lived alone with Masha and did not communicate with anyone, they became like hermits, they just ran to church endlessly. We didn’t even know about Lena’s illness.

On May 23, her friend Lada Negrul announced the death of the actor’s 70-year-old mother on the Internet. The woman made a cry to raise money for the funeral: “In order to fulfill Elena Petrovna’s last wish - to bury her next to Vlad - the monument needs to be dismantled and, in addition to the usual costs of a funeral at the Troekurovsky cemetery, one of the most expensive in Moscow, she needs to be transported from Pskov to Moscow. For all this, according to the calculations of Boris Sergeevich, who is involved in this sorrowful matter, 500 thousand are needed.”

Actress Yana Poplavskaya, who was friends with Vlad, admitted: his father did not help Elena after the divorce.

“I heard rumors that Vlad’s mother lived in poverty,” says Yana. - Of course, it’s much easier now to give money to dismantle the monument than to help as a human being. When Vlad passed away and the struggle for his inheritance began, it bore little resemblance to the father’s bitterness at the loss of his son. And all this talk by Boris Galkin about exhumation, about the deliberate murder of Vlad for money is like PR for a tragedy. After all, Vlad earned this money, not Boris. How can we talk about finances when you don’t have a son? Lately Vlad was in extreme despair, he drank, but film set never drank. His heart stopped large quantity alcohol.

Although Boris Galkin did not help his ex-wife much, he saw her off with dignity on her last journey. On May 27, Elena Demidova was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Vladislav Borisovich Galkin (born Sukhachev). Born on December 25, 1971 in Moscow - died on February 25, 2010 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia (2009).

Vladislav Galkin grew up in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow in the family of his adoptive father - actor and director Boris Sergeevich Galkin and theater actress, film playwright and screenwriter Elena Petrovna Demidova.

Biological father - Georgy Cherkasov.

His mother met his biological father in Sverdlovsk, they had a fleeting romance. Georgy Cherkasov learned that he had a son only when Vladislav Galkin died. He himself said that at that time many programs were dedicated to the actor and in one of them he heard that the artist’s own mother, Elena Demidova, gave birth to him on December 25. Georgy, having counted 9 months, realized that it was during this period that he had a relationship with Demidova. “I couldn’t come to my senses for several days - I didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep at night. I made a promise after our fleeting meeting in my youth, in 71, that I would find her. It was in Sverdlovsk - from March 20 to 27,” - he said.

Georgy Cherkasov - biological father of Vladislav Galkin

Elena Demidova - mother of Vladislav Galkin

As a child, Vladislav lived with his grandmother Lyudmila Nikolaevna Demidova, a primary school teacher. Grandfather Pyotr Nikolaevich Demidov was an art teacher who died under the wheels of a bus while rushing to work. He studied at school No. 6 in the city of Zhukovsky, where his grandmother taught. In the summer she worked as a teacher in a pioneer camp, where she took her grandson with her.

Despite his bad behavior at school, thanks to Lyudmila Nikolaevna, the teachers gave Vlad good characterization. The grandmother worked until she was 75 years old, until her granddaughter Masha graduated from school. She died of breast cancer.

It was grandmother Lyudmila Nikolaevna who, secretly from her mother, brought 9-year-old Vlad to the screen test. Vladislav Galkin’s film debut was the role of Huckleberry Finn in the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" according to the works of Mark Twain - then he was nine years old.

Vlad’s godmother, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, also starred in this film.

“My parents were generally against my work in cinema. They knew how hard an actor’s work is, both morally and physically, and did not want me to suffer such a fate. My grandmother brought me to the audition secretly from everyone. My parents were shocked, they didn’t even imagine that that my grandmother, who always had “verbal incontinence,” could hide our secret for almost six months,” the actor recalled.

Vladislav Galkin in the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn"

The next bright work in cinema was the main role in a children's film "That scoundrel Sidorov"(1983). "When I saw the film “That scoundrel Sidorov”, where Vladislav played main role, I realized that my son had grown up. He had acted a lot before this film, but this was real acting work. And then I told him: “Vladyukha, you can be a very good artist.” He was about 11 years old,” said Boris Galkin.

In 1986, Vladislav Galkin starred in the film by A. I. Muratov "Gold chain"(based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Green) as Sandy.

Vladislav started early adult life and left the family at the age of 17. “Initially, we were not fathers and children, but friends. This is how it turned out for us. It seems to me that a family is two people, a husband and a wife. I love my parents madly, but I understand that under no circumstances can I live with them . There is such a thing as personal space. So, people living together violate it in one way or another: one gets up at 8 in the morning, the other at 2 in the afternoon, hence irritation appears. Another thing is husband and wife, they are one whole ", he explained.

By the age of 18, Vladislav had many successful films to his name. Therefore, the choice of profession was predetermined.

After graduation high school he entered the Theater School. B.V. Shchukin (course of Albert Burov), which he graduated in 1992. He also studied at VGIK on the course of Vladimir Khotinenko.

In 1998, he starred in the role of district police officer Alexey in the film by Stanislav Govorukhin "Voroshilov Sharpshooter". This role became the first major one in the so-called “adult” cinema for Vlad.

In 2000, Vladislav played senior lieutenant Tamantsev in the film "In August '44...". This was his first big, serious work, not as a teenager, but as an established actor. “His hero is from that time, he reminded me of my father’s fellow soldiers. Vladislav did even more than just an actor - he imbued with the spirit of that time,” noted Boris Galkin.

Vladislav Galkin in the film "In August '44..."

From 2000 to 2001 he starred in the series "Truckers", which brought him crazy popularity.

Vladislav said that he liked the script for the series right away: “Volodya Gostyukhin and I felt: these are our roles. All 20 episodes are separate stories filmed in different genres. When in just a few months you still have time to play in an action movie, a melodrama, and thriller, and in lyrical comedy." Galkin came up with his famous "suit" - overalls and a Panama hat: "The overalls gave me the opportunity not to change clothes often. I made fun of Volodya Gostyukhin, who changed T-shirts, shirts, jackets five or six times ".

Vladislav Galkin in the series "Truckers"

In 2002, he starred in the role of a GRU special forces soldier nicknamed Yakut in the series "Special Forces" and in the role of the young officer Sergei Vysik, after demobilization, appointed to the post of head of the Moscow region criminal investigation department in the thriller "Beyond the Wolves".

Vladislav Galkin in the magazine "Yeralash"

In 2004, he played in the film “72 Meters,” as well as in the TV series “Truckers 2” and “Saboteur.”

In 2005 he played Ivan Bezdomny in the television series "Master and Margarita" directed by Bortko based on Bulgakov's novel of the same name.

Vladislav Galkin in the series "The Master and Margarita"

In 2007, he starred in the series "Saboteur 2: End of War" and in the film "An Imperfect Woman".

In 2008, he played in the TV series “I’m Flying” as Alexander Nikolaevich Gordeev, a talented surgeon, head of student practice, and “Petrovka, 38. Semenov’s Team” as police major Andrei Semenov.

Vladislav Galkin in the series "Kotovsky"

Scandal in the bar

When filming of the series “Kotovsky” ended, Vladislav came from Yaroslavl to Moscow. On the way, the actor sees a bar, which he enters and orders himself a glass of whiskey. He drinks it in one gulp and asks the bartender to repeat it. The bartender repeats and Vlad drinks again. And so, glass after glass, Vladislav drinks a lot. When the actor asked to repeat it again (and the bartender, seeing that the client was too drunk, decided that enough was enough), the bartender refused to pour whiskey.

Vladislav had a traumatic pistol with him. Angry and heavily under the influence of alcohol, Vladislav first takes a chair and hits it on the bar counter, and then shoots at the bottles in the bar, and then at the customers. At that moment there were few people in the establishment and no one was injured. When the police arrived, Vladislav hit one of the security officers and was arrested. Vladislav was taken to the department.

“He came as “Kotovsky”. He didn’t come out of it. He looked like that. In the bar, when this breakdown happened, he began to behave like Kotovsky, who is a man of the people. And how can it be so - to ban, not to give something like that "And the request in the bar was enough for a Russian person. He was not given something or was forbidden and he simply did not get out of this role, and he began to demand," Mikhail Zakharov recalled.

When Boris Galkin found out about what had happened, he immediately came to the bar, but did not find Vladislav there. Later, Vladislav was rescued from the Presnensky district police station by a visit from his father, Boris Galkin, and several high-ranking police officials.

“10 minutes after Vladislav was taken to the police station, I found myself in that bar. The first thing I asked the bartender was, did Vladislav pay for the drink and did the establishment suffer financially? The bartender replied that Vlad paid, and that the bar was not financially damaged suffered," said Boris Galkin.

He was brought to trial and on December 23, 2009 sentenced to 14 months of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of one and a half years under the articles “Hooliganism” and “Use of violence against a representative of the authorities.”

When Vladislav himself saw the recording from the security camera in the bar, which completely recorded the incident, he said that he did not remember anything.

Vladislav Galkin's row at the bar

Death of Vladislav Galkin

On January 11, 2010, he was hospitalized in the 50th surgery department of the Botkin Hospital in Moscow, where he spent two weeks due to worsened inflammation of the pancreas). Previously, V. Galkin was diagnosed with “acute pancreatitis” (inflammation of the pancreas).

On February 27, 2010, at about 14:00, Vladislav Galkin was found dead in his own apartment at Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya street, building 12/23, apt. 19. The day before, the actor’s father sounded the alarm, informing a family friend that Vladislav had not been in touch for more than a day. Friends arrived at the actor’s apartment, but no one answered the doorbell. The rescue team was called and opened the apartment door at 14:07.

According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down. During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found.

An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest. The death certificate lists the cause as “cardiomyopathy (sudden cardiac arrest).” Also, during the autopsy, doctors came to the unequivocal conclusion that the actor’s body was seriously deteriorated due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Vladislav Galkin was buried on March 2, 2010 in the actors’ alley of the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. The funeral was attended by a small circle of friends and relatives.

Boris Galkin's version of the murder of Vladislav

In the program “Man and the Law,” Vladislav Galkin’s father, actor Boris Galkin, provided facts on the basis of which one can make an assumption about deliberate murder.

So, on February 19, 2010, Vladislav Galkin withdrew $136,000 from the bank, which he intended to spend on renovations in an apartment purchased after separating from his wife. According to his father, the actor kept money at home (which the alleged customers and perpetrators of the crime might have known about); In addition, SMS messages containing threats were sent to Galkin Jr.’s phone, and a few days after visiting the bank, bruises appeared on the actor’s face.

According to Boris Galkin, abrasions and bruises were visible on the body of the already dead actor and during the initial medical examination immediately after the discovery of the corpse.

The amount indicated by Galkin Sr. was not found during the search of the apartment. The father was also embarrassed by the presence of a bottle of cognac and a packet of tomato juice in the room next to the body: after Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, he stopped drinking alcohol and went on a diet.

The investigation into the causes of death also raises a number of questions for the father: for example, one of Vladislav’s close friends is an active law enforcement officer. According to Boris Galkin, he had the keys to the actor’s apartment and thus had the opportunity to influence the course of the investigation.

The facts presented by Boris Galkin are not confirmed by anything and are not reflected in the investigation documents. The official version of the actor’s death remains acute heart failure.

In memory of Vladislav Galkin

Vladislav Galkin's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladislav Galkin:

He was married four times. Had no children.

The first wife is Svetlana Fomicheva. Married in 1988, divorced in 1989.

Svetlana Fomicheva - the first wife of Vladislav Galkin

Second wife - Elena Galkina.

Third wife - Valentina Elina.

Valentina Elina - the third wife of Vladislav Galkin

“I never thought about what love at first sight is. A kind of myth, of which there are many. I have always been a very amorous person, but Dasha and I never crossed paths, although we both spent a long time in cinema: I started acting at the age of 8 , she was 12. But I haven’t seen a single picture of hers, and she has not seen mine. Dasha staged the play “The Brothers Karamazov” based on Dostoevsky and invited me to play the role of Dmitry. We met at the Actor’s House, went into the elevator and... that’s all happened. It's pointless to explain. It's some kind of damn chemical-physical process, some kind of explosion. Then there was a conversation about the play, about the role, but it seemed to me that I was talking complete nonsense. We went in different directions, but I already knew that Dasha “This is my wife,” said Vladislav.

They had no children. They raised Daria's daughter from her first marriage, Vasilisa.

Galkin celebrated his last birthday on December 25, 2009 - two days after the verdict - with a one-day trip to St. Petersburg with his last lady of his heart, 34-year-old Anastasia Shipulina, close friend Katerina Bashkatova and her husband, famous actor Mikhail Bashkatov.

Officially, Vladislav Galkin and Daria Mikhailova never filed for divorce - they didn’t have time.

Filmography of Vladislav Galkin:

1981 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn - Huckleberry Finn
1983 - Dunno from our yard
1983 - That scoundrel Sidorov - Alyosha Sidorov
1984 - Unmarked cargo - younger brother
1985 - There lived a brave captain - a boy-driver
1986 - Ransom - punk Mussolini
1986 - Golden Chain - Sandy Pruel
1987 - Son is a bully
1987 - On his own land - Artyom Zhukov
1988 - Aborigine - Borka Khromov
1990 - Ravines - Timokha
1990 - Face - Tolik
1990 - June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock... - Vanya
1991 - Death in Cinema - Egor
1992 - Game
1994 - Black Clown
1997 - Princess on Beans - driver Vladik
1999 - Voroshilovsky shooter - district police officer Alexey
2000 - Kamenskaya - Zhenya Shakhnovich
2000 - Maroseyka, 12 - Evgeny Kalinkin
2001 - In August 44th... - Senior Lieutenant Tamantsev
2001 - Thief - Glory
2001 - Truckers - trucker Alexander Korovin (“Sashok”)
2001 - Rostov - dad - Vasya Ostapenko, butcher
2001 - Sketch on the monitor - Oleg
2002 - Kamenskaya - 2 - Zhenya Shakhnovich
2002 - On the other side of the wolves - district police officer Sergei Vysik
2002 - Special forces - senior lieutenant Yakov Urmanov (“Yakut”)
2002 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. Arbitrator - Avdeev
2002 - Yeralash - prisoner
2003 - Heaven and Earth - Pavel Susak, dog handler
2003 - Adventures of a Magician - Senior Lieutenant Grigoriev
2003 - Bomb for the Bride / Gossip Chronicles / Theater Blues - Anton Karyagin, photo reporter
2003 - Spetsnaz - 2 - senior lieutenant Yakov Urmanov (“Yakut”)
2003 - Section - Vitaly Stupin
2004 - 72 meters - midshipman Mikhailov
2004 - Saboteur - Grigory Ivanovich Kaltygin
2004 - Truckers 2 - trucker Alexander Korovin (“Sashok”)
2004 - Daughter-in-law - Anton
2004 - Silver Lily of the Valley - 2 - Malkin
2005 - Death of the Empire - Nikitin, head of district counterintelligence
2005 - Casarosa - young Svechnikov
2005 - Lethal force 6 - Bespalov
2005 - The Master and Margarita - poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev (Homeless)
2006 - Savages - Black
2006 - Hot November - Captain Owl
2006 - Vices and their fans - Vladimir Arkhipov
2006 - You are me - Andrey
2007 - Saboteur. The end of the war - Grigory Ivanovich Kaltygin
2008 - I’m flying - Alexander Nikolaevich Gordeev, surgeon
2008 - Imperfect woman - Valery, screenwriter
2008 - Petrovka, 38. Semenov’s team - Andrey Semenov, police major
2009 - Dirty work - Timofey Tarasov, private detective
2009 - Lair of the Serpent - Vladimir Drach, hired killer
2009 - I am not me - Viktor Zapaltsev
2009 - Kotovsky - Grigory Kotovsky
2009 - Love in the manger - Nikolai Evlashkin

His close friend, actress Yana Poplavskaya, told us why the mother of the deceased actor was in dire straits...

7 years have passed since the death of Vlad Galkin. In 2010, the heart of the 38-year-old leading role in the cult films “Truckers”, “Voroshilovsky Shooter”, “In August 44” suddenly stopped. A year before his death, after filming the TV series “Kotovsky,” he apparently decided to celebrate the end of his work in a bar in the capital. He drank whiskey, then the star didn’t like something, he took a pistol out of his pocket and began firing first at the bottles, and then towards the visitors. Thank God no one was hurt. The enraged actor hit the arriving policeman, Vlad was brought to the department. But then the father, actor Boris Galkin, got involved, called where necessary, and his son was released. After the hype in the media, Vlad finally received 1.5 years, but conditionally. As a result, the actor’s parents accused the journalists of all mortal sins, who allegedly hounded their innocent son.

Vladislav Galkin’s mother Elena Demidova / editorial archive

3 years after the death of her son, his mother Elena Demidova broke up with her husband after 30 years of marriage - he now has a different family with singer Inna Razumikhina, who is a quarter of a century younger than him. Elena Petrovna, together with her 36-year-old daughter Masha, who was a former sergeant of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, left for a village in the Pskov region. Soon, according to media reports, Elena Petrovna was diagnosed with cancer in the last stage.

. “They lived alone with Masha and didn’t communicate with anyone, they became like hermits, they just ran to church endlessly. We didn’t even know about Lena’s illness.

On May 23, a friend of hers reported the death of the actor’s 70-year-old mother on the Internet and made a cry to raise money for the funeral.

Actress Yana Poplavskaya, who was friends with Vlad, admitted: his father did not help Elena after the divorce.

“I heard rumors that Vlad’s mother lived in poverty,” says Yana. – Of course, it’s much easier now to give money to dismantle the monument than to help as a human being. When Vlad passed away and the struggle for his inheritance began, it bore little resemblance to the father’s bitterness at the loss of his son. And all this talk by Boris Galkin about exhumation, about the deliberate murder of Vlad for money is like PR for a tragedy. After all, Vlad earned this money, not Boris. How can we talk about finances when you don’t have a son? Lately, Vlad was in extreme despair, he drank, but he never drank on the set. His heart stopped from drinking too much.

Although Boris Galkin did not help his ex-wife much, he saw her off with dignity on her last journey. On May 27, Elena Demidova was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

In May 2017, a great woman, the mother of one of the most popular actors of our time, Vladislav Galkin, passed away. A month before Demidov’s death, Elena Petrovna celebrated her 70th birthday. A creative personality, screenwriter, production designer and director, she quietly died of cancer in the Pskov region in the company of her own daughter Maria. The loss of her 38-year-old son is not the only test that has befallen her. You are invited to read about your life path, work and personal drama in this article.

Elena Demidova: biography pages

The woman was born in post-war 1947, on April 24. Little is known about her. The mother of the Russian cinema star gave birth to two children - a son and a daughter - from different marriages. Vladislav, born in 1971, was raised by his grandparents and spent most of his childhood in Zhukovsky near Moscow. They consider him Georgy Cherkasov, but at school they remember him by his last name Sukhachev. This is exactly how he was listed in the credits of his first film work based on Mark Twain’s work “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Vlad began acting at the age of nine, showing extraordinary talent.

Elena Demidova married for the third time an actor who perfectly embodied the images of military men on the screen. He not only officially adopted the children, giving them his last and patronymic names, but also actually took care of their upbringing. The school remembers that in high school, Vladislav’s stepfather was most often present at parent-teacher meetings. How did Elena Petrovna’s career develop?

Creative activity

The woman played in the theater, in 1992 she starred in a cameo role in the film “Remember the Smell of Lilacs...”, but her cinematic career is more connected with her work as a screenwriter and production designer. Once upon a time, on the set of the film “Matveyeva’s Joy,” she met Boris Galkin. This was her most durable marriage, lasting 30 years.

She is also known as a wonderful film critic. The woman has 8 serious projects behind her. Elena Demidova took part as an artist in four films (the last one in 2006). She did not turn out to be an actress, but her pen produced five scripts that served as the basis for famous films. Among them are “The Game,” her first work (1992), and “Truckers 2,” where her famous son starred.

As a director, Elena Petrovna made her debut in 1995, filming “Male Talisman”, and in 2010 she had to participate in the documentary work “It’s Hard to Be a Hero...”. This year a woman lost her beloved son.

Death of a son and divorce

The official cause of death of Vlad Galkin is heart failure. But many remember the persecution of the press that preceded this event after the actor, while intoxicated, behaved unworthily in one of the bars in Moscow. And although there was a show trial and an official apology was made, it was impossible to calm the journalists down. How did Elena Demidova perceive these events? The wife of Boris Sergeevich Galkin, as they knew, that the breakdown was associated with the hardest work on the film “Kotovsky” and troubles in his personal life. The young man was unable to withstand the “public flogging”.

Already at the funeral it was obvious that the country had lost one of its most talented actors. The parents were supported by the idea of ​​​​creating a museum in an apartment on Prechistinka, which their son bought a year before the tragedy. But after my ex-wife sold the apartment, I had to give up my dream.

And in 2013, Elena Demidova suffered another blow. Galkin's wife was left alone. Boris Sergeevich, who himself performed beautiful romances, fell in love with chanson singer Inna Razumikhin and left the family. For ex-wife he left an apartment in the central area of ​​the capital. Eyewitnesses say that Elena Petrovna herself, distraught with grief, pushed him to take such a step.

last years of life

An illness crept up unnoticed, and Elena Demidova realized that she could not live on her own. Daughter Masha arrived from the Pskov region, forced not to work and to care for her sick mother. After some time, she took her to the village of Konnovo, where she spent her last days and watch Elena Petrovna. Mother and daughter lived on a single pension and were in dire need of support. Until the last minute, Elena Demidova received gratitude from fans of her son, with whom she dreamed of being reunited at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

All the worries about organizing a funeral ex-wife Boris Galkin took over. Several years ago, the couple were separated by the death of their son, but the end to the story of his death was never set for the adoptive father. He is one of those who do not believe in the official version of the death of Vladislav Galkin, believing that in reality a murder took place.