Proper nutrition for a week for weight loss. Proper nutrition menu for the week with recipes. Recipes for proper nutrition

The best diet is proper nutrition. It doesn't make you starve yourself. Doesn't require spending weeks on low-calorie celery and water. It even lets you indulge in some healthy goodies! And at the same time, it works better than a diet - after all, kilograms dropped correctly are no longer restored. What is the secret?

The basics of proper nutrition

It is impossible to choose a diet that would equally suit you, your office colleague and neighbor Katya, and, moreover, act equally effectively on everyone. Everyone’s metabolism and health are different, and therefore what a friend successfully built on may turn out to be useless or even harmful for you. But a healthy diet has a huge plus: it does not force those who are losing weight into a strict diet, allowing them to think through their menu on their own. The whole task is to know how to approach this process and what rules to follow.

  • Frequent meals are almost the main condition proper nutrition. Reviews say: three main meals and a couple of snacks per day completely relieve hunger and make it possible not to sweep everything that is found in the refrigerator into your plate in the evening.
  • Small portions. Again, to the question of the fight against appetite! If you eat 5-6 times a day, you will not have the desire to eat a pot of borscht alone and eat potatoes with mushrooms in a pan. Hunger just won't bother you.
  • Light food. Many volumes have been written about the dangers of fried, fatty and sweet foods. The first two components are completely excluded from your menu, the last - sweet - eat strictly metered. And instead of donuts with jam, choose healthy sweets.
  • Vegetables and fruits should make up the largest part of the diet. Ideally, your plate should be quartered each time. Two of them are reserved for vegetables, one for a side dish (cereals, pasta) and one more for protein.
  • Doubt what to prefer, fish or meat? Definitely choose fish.
  • Soda, chips, sausages and everything in which preservatives and flavor enhancers are present in abundance, definitely remain “overboard”. There is no benefit in this food at all, and the number of calories and harmful components that inhibit metabolism exceeds all reasonable standards.
  • Salt. The “white poison”, which causes so much controversy, is necessary for our body, therefore, it is by no means impossible to exclude it from the diet. But it is very desirable to reduce the daily rate to 5-15 g.
  • Refusal to eat before bed. By the way, more and more nutritionists agree that the notorious “6 pm” after which it was previously supposed to put aside a fork with a spoon is not entirely correct. At this time, you need to eat quite tightly for the last time of the day, but do not refuse food until the morning. Especially if you go to bed close to midnight! In this case, be sure to have a light snack 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Water. It should be present in your diet in the amount of 1.5-2 liters, and no less.

That's all. And don't be intimidated by the thought that the rules healthy lifestyle lives were invented for people with a steel will, and mere mortals will never pull them! The main problem of proper nutrition is to one day break the craving for bad habits and switch to new, useful ones. Taking the first step is really hard. But as soon as you decide to change and hold out for the first 3-4 weeks, the new principles will become the norm. You'll see, you just don't want to go back to the old fast food and eternal attempts to lose weight through diets.

One of the options for proper nutrition: a correct table.

Proper nutrition: menu

Although the rules for a healthy approach to eating are simple, they can be difficult to master for a beginner. Every now and then questions arise: “what to eat? what to cook for lunch? Do all dishes go together? If you also doubt your ability to immediately create a healthy and correct diet for weight loss, make it easier. Refer to, study articles about or use the options below.

Proper nutrition: menu for the week

Breakfast (choose one of the following dishes):

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porrige on skim milk;
  • cottage cheese with herbs or kefir with fruits;
  • two boiled eggs or scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • cheesecakes baked in the oven.

  • without adding potatoes, tomato salad with green onion feathers and parsley, 200 g of boiled meat;
  • fish roll with garlic and spices, stewed vegetables;
  • onion soup, a piece of turkey stewed in tomato sauce, lettuce; fish meatballs and coleslaw; zucchini boats with meat and cheese, cooked in the oven;
  • cold tomato soup with cottage cheese and liver stewed in sour cream;
  • pumpkin porridge with rice.
  • vegetable stew with spices;
  • cottage cheese casserole with 1 tsp. jam;
  • two seafood skewers (string several shrimp, scallops and mushroom caps on skewers soaked in water, sprinkle with soy sauce and oil, salt and bake in the oven);
  • sweet salad of grated carrots, apples and a spoonful of honey;
  • fruit mix of two oranges, grapefruit and cranberries.
  • Greek salad with a few cubes of feta cheese;
  • pineapple-berry smoothie with a few slices of fresh pineapple.

Snacks choose from the following options:

  • apple (can be baked), pear, 5 plums, a large slice of watermelon or melon, a handful of berries;
  • 30-40 g of nuts or dried fruits;
  • a glass of kefir, milk or natural yogurt.

The required 2 liters of liquid should consist of: water, mineral water, green and black tea, freshly squeezed juices.

Do not forget that this is just an example of proper nutrition for every day. No one is asking you to follow it verbatim. Against! Rearranging dishes in places, removing and adding new ones, changing them based on your taste and budget, you can easily plan proper nutrition for a month, two or more. The only condition is to remember the menu planning laws that we discussed at the beginning of this article. And be sure to combine changes in diet with exercise! Only in this case the effect will be noticeable, quick and very pleasant for you.

Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss

What do all healthy food recipes have in common? It's not hard to guess. They never or very rarely allow roasting. Do not include fatty and heavy foods. Contains a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

And they are also very tasty. An example of this is a simple and mouth-watering pumpkin salad, for which you will need:

  • 100 g of pumpkin;
  • apples
  • carrots;
  • lemon juice.

  • Grate all fruits and vegetables on a coarse grater, put on a plate in layers, pour over lemon juice and eat right away. If you have any doubts about eating raw pumpkin, put the salad in the oven for 20-30 minutes, then sprinkle with cinnamon and mix well. The juice that is released during the baking process will make the salad more tender.

A very interesting dish of proper nutrition is tomato soup with cottage cheese - original and slightly spicy. For it you will need:

  • 0.5 l of tomato juice;
  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice to taste;
  • dill and parsley;
  • a third of a teaspoon of sugar;
  • black pepper, cumin;
  • salt.

Using a blender, mix tomato juice with cottage cheese, sugar, salt and spices. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chicken rolls with omelets look really festive and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. And most importantly, they fully comply with the requirements of proper nutrition. The recipe will require:

  • chicken breast fillet - 2-3 pieces;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g broccoli;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Beat eggs with finely chopped broccoli and spices. Pour onto a flat plate and microwave until tender (1-2 minutes). Beat the chicken breasts. Cut the omelette into portions, put on the breasts and roll up into tight rolls. Tie with a thread, put the rolls in a baking bag and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Salt, add spices and herbs. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Proper nutrition for men

Nature took care to make men real hunters and getters. Unlike women, to whom she assigned the role of mothers and keepers of the hearth, the stronger sex is endowed with a slightly different metabolism, has a slightly greater muscle mass and spends a little more energy every day than beautiful ladies. This means that the rules of healthy eating for men will be somewhat different.

How to make a proper diet for a man?

First. Since - we have already discussed this - your missus initially has more muscles, he needs protein to keep them in good condition. If a woman can easily spend a day or two or a week on salads, fruits and cereals, then a man cannot do without meat. Of course, this does not mean that he cannot be a vegetarian or, say, fast! But in this case, the man’s menu should be filled with vegetable protein - nuts, fermented milk products, potatoes and mushrooms. Legumes will not interfere either, with the exception of beans and lentils, which stimulate the production of female hormones and in large quantities men do not need to.

Second. Since we are talking about hormones, which of them is the "calling card" of the stronger sex? That's right, testosterone. And proper nutrition of a man should, to the best of his ability, contribute to its development. Stay healthy and strong long years help your husband:

  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • pollen as a biologically active food supplement;
  • alcohol in strictly defined doses (a glass as an aperitif before meals, if there are no contraindications).

In addition, men need:

  • zinc (apples, lemons, figs, dates, raspberries, liver, etc.);
  • selenium (nuts and pumpkin seeds);
  • phosphorus (egg yolk, fish, bran and many other products);
  • lycopene contained in red fruits - this element protects men from prostate cancer and significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • In addition, the strong half cannot do without vitamin E.

But from soy, instant coffee and beer so beloved by men, you should stay away. All these products stimulate the reproduction of female hormones in the body, which means that they should be consumed in a dosed manner.

And finally, the third. The daily dose of calories in a man, depending on how active he leads, is from 2400 to 3300 calories. Hard physical labor and sports training allow you to gain maximum, constant sitting at the computer and the lack of sports require you to adhere to the lower limit. But all the same, the "male" norm remains higher than the "female" one. Keep this in mind if you are planning to lose weight with your husband.

An example of proper nutrition for men

  • Breakfast. 200 g of porridge with a piece of boiled meat and a cup of tea or freshly brewed coffee.
  • Snack. Toast, a piece of cheese (about 30 g), a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. A plate of any soup without potatoes, 150 g of baked or boiled fish, a serving of vegetable salad, durum wheat pasta or stewed mushrooms.
  • afternoon tea. Unsweetened natural yogurt or a couple of fruits.
  • Dinner. 200-gram pack of cottage cheese with dill, parsley and fresh cucumber.

Proper nutrition for girls

It may seem that the ladies are less fortunate. The calorie content of their daily diet is only 1700-2000 calories, moreover, only athletes are allowed to gain the upper limit! However, women's meager lunches and dinners compared to men's can be both pleasant and varied. And just like men, girls have their own secrets and nutrition and special “female” products. Take note of them so that your body does not lack the substances it needs.

Calcium. This element is always needed, and starting from the age of 50 it is simply vital. The fact is that calcium tends to be excreted from the female body during pregnancy, various ailments and simply with age, and it is very important to replenish its losses in time with the help of proper nutrition. In the diet of any lady from 15 years old and indefinitely, there should be:

  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • quite exotic for our country tofu;
  • almond;
  • leafy greens.

Iron. We can safely say that the beautiful half of humanity has a complex relationship with this microelement. On the one hand, it is impossible to stay healthy without it. On the other hand, the female body loses up to 100 mg of iron every month along with menstrual flow. And that is not all! The main female hormone estrogen actively interferes with the absorption of this necessary element from foods, therefore it is necessary to constantly replenish iron stores. Girls of any age need to eat liver, dried fruits (especially dried apricots, prunes, dried apricots and dried apples with pears), drink cocoa and rosehip infusions and gnaw pumpkin seeds more often.

Vitamin C improves the activity of the nervous and immune systems, is a natural antioxidant and stimulates the production of collagen. Ladies can't do without it! Contains vitamin:

  • in all citrus fruits without exception;
  • strawberries;
  • kiwi;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • green and yellow pepper;
  • in the already familiar rosehip. A decoction of its dried berries is generally almost a panacea for all diseases and has very few contraindications.

Folic acid. Especially needed during pregnancy, it not only helps the unborn baby to form healthy and strong, but also participates in many of the mother's metabolic processes. At any time of the year, women should regularly appear on the dining table:

  • dark leafy greens - spinach, lettuce, parsley (in addition to being saturated with useful elements, they remove toxic toxins and decay products from the body);
  • broccoli;
  • White cabbage;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • avocado;
  • watermelons;
  • peaches;
  • lentils;
  • green pea;
  • beans;
  • nuts. Nuts, by the way, relieve blood vessels of cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But carefully count the number of calories in each serving so as not to gain excess weight- almost all nuts threaten with additional kilos if consumed excessively.

Also, girls should enrich their diet with truly “female” soy, sprouted grains and cranberry juice - a “folk” doctor that prevents diseases of the genitourinary system.

An example of proper nutrition for weight loss for women

  • Breakfast. Omelette of three proteins and one yolk, tomato, a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. You can drink a cup of coffee, but not instant.
  • afternoon tea. 30 g almonds and a couple of plums.
  • Dinner. Green soup with broccoli, vegetable salad with beans and turkey, tea.
  • Snack. Apple fresh or baked with dried apricots, prunes and raisins.
  • Dinner. Several boiled shrimp with a salad of diced avocado, tofu and spices.

Video: healthy foods for girls

Proper nutrition for children

To make a healthy one, you need to take into account many factors. Judge for yourself.

The child is constantly growing and developing, which means that every day he needs a fairly significant amount of calories:

  • up to 3 years - 1500;
  • up to 5 - 1800;
  • up to 8 - 2400;
  • up to 16 - 2500 or 3000.

And this is even more than what is required for an adult man who is not engaged in hard physical labor!

Children are constantly on the move, playing and running - which means they need carbohydrates to replenish energy.

Actively growing and strengthening bones - calcium is needed.

Muscles increase - protein is needed.

The brain and mental activity are developing - this is already a whole complex of vitamins and microelements.

Children's metabolism works like clockwork, so sweets do not cause such harm to health as an adult. And cholesterol, which is dangerous for moms and dads, is involved in the formation of cell membranes!

However, this, of course, does not mean that babies can eat whatever they want and in any quantities. If we are talking about a child who has already gained extra kilos - for example, due to a passion for fast food or some kind of disease - proper nutrition for weight loss should be organized as soon as possible.

  • Try to create definitions of the mode of eating, but do not build it into a cult. If the child does not want to eat this moment, do not force him to do this by all means.
  • Use the system of snacks - a kind of "fractional nutrition" for kids. An apple, baby crackers, a small box of yogurt will not kill the appetite, but will help the baby to strengthen his strength until lunch. Fruits in general can be given almost anytime and as much as you like (with the exception of cases of allergies and diathesis).

  • One meal a day should contain protein. Suitable boiled chicken breast, cutlets (preferably steamed), cottage cheese, oatmeal or pea porridge.
  • By the way, dairy products are an obligatory component of the children's menu.
  • Sweets can and should be given. But strictly dose them! It is wise to let your child eat one or two candies or a small cake after a meal. And it is even wiser to try to transfer your child to healthy sweets - honey, dried fruits, sweet fruits and berries.
  • Constantly, but without violence, teach children to drink water. By equipping your offspring with the healthy habit of drinking a few sips whenever the first signs of thirst are felt, you will do him a great service for life.

A growing organism cannot be deprived of any vitamin or microelement. But he especially needs phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, and zinc, from which the successful mental activity of the child depends. Numerous studies prove that the lack of iodine also reduces the ability of children to learn, and the lack of vitamins B, C and E worsens the situation even more.

An example of a simple healthy diet for a child

  • Breakfast. Fritters with applesauce and apple juice or compote.

  • afternoon tea. Pear, or baby biscuits, or dried fruits soaked in fruit juice.
  • Dinner. Soup on chicken broth, 2-3 meatballs with fresh vegetable salad. Compote.
  • Snack. A sandwich made from a piece of bread and cheese.
  • Dinner. Oatmeal or rice porridge, a glass of milk, kefir or jelly.

Proper nutrition and sports

Sports and healthy food are inseparable. If they do not go hand in hand in your life, about a healthy body and beautiful figure do not have to speak. Moreover, it is not enough to follow a diet or make sure that the number of calories that you consumed today is burned during training. Everything is much more complicated!

  • During sports, muscle building and growth takes place, which requires a large amount of protein obtained from various sources. This means that you can’t limit yourself to, say, cottage cheese - you will need meat, eggs, and nuts. There is also a special one that best contributes to the recruitment of muscle mass.
  • In this article, we have already mentioned that our body is best provided with carbohydrates for energy. Simple ones (sugar, honey, sweets) are best avoided, complex ones (cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain bread) should be included in your menu more often. Be sure to eat something carb 1-2 hours before your workout!
  • Not all beginners know this secret, but half an hour after class, you need to have a carbohydrate snack to regain vigor. It can be a banana, energy bar or low fat milkshake. And after an hour and a half, eat a full meal. It is especially important that at this time protein is on your plate, since in the first two hours after training it is absorbed as well as possible. Everything eaten will go straight to the muscles!

  • No matter how the word “fat” scares you, proper sports nutrition should definitely include it. Vegetable oils, nuts, seafood, sea fish and flax seeds will help you get the necessary substances without fear of getting better.
  • A quarter of all food eaten per day should be fruits and vegetables. In addition to complex carbohydrates, these are also vitamins and fiber.

The correct diet depends on the sport you are passionate about. A professional bodybuilder uses one diet, a gymnast another, a runner a third ... But if you do not want to delve into the jungle of rules and regulations, build your diet based on sample menu for an athlete.

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal, 1-2 eggs.
  • Snack. Milkshake.
  • Vinaigrette with a 200-gram piece of fish or meat.
  • afternoon tea. 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Rice porridge with meat, 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • 1.5 hours before bedtime. Kefir or milk.

Video: how to eat to gain muscle mass?

Proper nutrition table

Make your menu based on the data in the table so that a slender body, strong muscles, healthy skin and hair remain with you for many years.

The main question that interests many women is what is proper nutrition? If to speak plain language It is a balanced food that helps the body to function well.

Proper nutrition is products that include all the necessary vitamins and minerals. They help the body replenish energy, maintain health and promote weight loss.

The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss

There are many diet menus for weight loss that are based on proper nutrition.

The process of losing weight at home is a stressful period. That's why the body needs to replenish all the useful substances, which are lost along with kilograms. And before changing the diet, it is important to calculate the body mass index.


  • Proper nutrition for weight loss - menu for the week
  • How to lose weight by 7 kg in a week at home
  • How to get rid of acne with diet?
  • Diet during menstruation for weight loss

You can't limit yourself to one type of diet. Proper nutrition includes yourself a great variety healthy recipes and products for weight loss.

The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss at home:

  • Diet variety. You can select products to your liking and enrich the menu with them;
  • Avoid starvation and overeating;
  • Freshness of products. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber. They help to improve metabolism and contain the necessary amount of vitamins;
  • Food compatibility. Some foods are not consumed in one meal. They can adversely affect the body in the aggregate;
  • Calorie Calculation - this is the most important factor in the process of losing weight. Need to choose daily allowance and follow her.
  • Drinking the right amount of liquid. Water is the main product of proper nutrition. The more water you drink per day, the better.

Where to begin?

Making certain changes in a woman's habitual lifestyle is not an easy task. Especially when it comes to food.

IN modern world the cult of food is widely developed. To start losing weight on proper nutrition, it is important not to succumb to temptations. A woman needs to eat healthy and wholesome food.

  1. The first thing to do when losing weight is to make a menu per day/week/month.
  2. Further, create a daily meal plan. It is best to divide it into 5 receptions.
  3. It is important to paint the menu for every day by the hour.
  4. To switch to proper nutrition for weight loss at home, gradualness is important. Need to smoothly remove from the usual menu food that contains simple carbohydrates. This is sweet, baked goods, fried, smoked and other junk food.

Proper transition to proper nutrition

Knowing how to switch to proper nutrition for weight loss at home, you can improve your health and get rid of extra pounds.

To protect herself from breakdowns, a woman needs avoid abrupt transition to a new diet. It is necessary to gradually remove harmful products, replacing them with useful ones.

Important avoid starvation while losing weight. The body must always be full, otherwise overeating cannot be avoided.

What should be the diet?

A proper diet for weight loss for every day should contain a full complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They will be well absorbed in the body and enrich it with vitamins and nutrients.

How to make a diet for weight loss? — A proper diet should include 5 meals, For example:

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal or buckwheat on water, without sugar and salt. You can add fruits, berries or nuts;
  2. Snack - yogurt, fruit or vegetable;
  3. Dinner - light soup or the second - vegetables with lean meat;
  4. Snack - only vegetables or unsweetened yogurt;
  5. Dinner - more fiber - vegetables and fish; Maybe a piece of chicken.

Such a healthy diet and balanced menu fill the body with all the necessary substances and begin to promote weight loss.

Do not forget about water during weight loss. You need to drink 2 liters clean water in a day.

Grocery list

List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss should be enriched with the necessary supply of nutrients.

Food products must contain slow carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids.

For foodstuffs that contain "slow" fats, include:

  • olive, corn and sunflower oil;
  • varieties of nuts (sunflower seeds and others);
  • avocado;
  • dark chocolate with a maximum cocoa content.

A large number of squirrel contained in:

  • lean meat;
  • eggs without yolk;
  • fish and seafood;
  • cheese products, up to 30% fat;
  • dairy products with a minimum fat content.

The amount of slow carbohydrates, which are not reflected in weight, can be found in:

  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and millet);
  • durum pasta;
  • bran-based bread, without yeast;
  • baked potatoes without oil and salt.

The list of healthy foods is very diverse. This allows you to significantly enrich the menu and make it not only useful, but also tasty.

Proper nutrition for weight loss at home for women over 30 should include foods rich in calcium. It is after 30 years that a significant decrease in this substance in the body occurs.

Proper nutrition at home implies an exception from the woman's diet of alcohol and coffee drinks.

When losing weight, the use of canned food, smoked meats and Foods high in cholesterol are prohibited.

In the menu for weight loss, you need to include as many vegetables and fruits as possible. to resume metabolism and stabilize the vitamin balance in the body.

Proper nutrition for weight loss at home for women over 40 depends on individual characteristics.

At this age, due to hormonal changes, metabolism slows down. A complete transition to proper nutrition improves health and promotes weight loss.

Food should contain a low amount of Kcal, but at the same time be as useful as possible.

In the menu for weight loss, you must include products that speed up metabolism and improve digestion:

  • dairy products;
  • lean meats/fish;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • greenery;
  • seafood, etc.

Menu and diet for the week

To create a menu for a week for weight loss, you need to determine your taste preferences. It is important to consider the compatibility of products and separate them by day. For example, one day - chicken, the second - fish.

Calculate the daily daily intake of essential substances and Kcal. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each day is:

  • 50% - carbohydrates;
  • 30% - proteins;
  • 20% - fats.

Snacks should be light to slightly dampen the feeling of hunger during weight loss.

According to the nutrition plan the main diet should be vegetables and fruits. All high-calorie foods are best consumed in the morning, while not exceeding the daily calorie intake.

So, the menu for the week for proper nutrition when losing weight:

  1. Breakfast: rice porridge with pumpkin;
  2. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese;
  3. Lunch: low-fat soup; baked salmon with vegetables;
  4. Snack: 1 large apple;
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad and boiled brisket.
  1. oatmeal porridge and a slice of hard cheese;
  2. dried fruits;
  3. vegetable soup, boiled buckwheat and baked low-fat fish;
  4. low-fat yogurt;
  5. cottage cheese casserole and green tea.
  1. low-fat cottage cheese and 1 egg;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. puree soup, rice porridge and baked fish;
  4. 2 apples;
  5. boiled brisket with vegetables;
  1. omelet with vegetables;
  2. a handful of nuts;
  3. vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with a steamed cutlet;
  4. kefir;
  5. vegetable salad and 120 g of steamed fish.
  1. Buckwheat porridge with milk and 1 egg;
  2. fruits;
  3. Vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge, boiled brisket;
  4. 1 low-fat yogurt;
  5. Salad of fresh vegetables, steamed fish.
  1. low-fat cottage cheese and 1 egg;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. vegetable soup, steamed vegetables and brisket;
  4. dried fruits;
  5. baked fish and rice with vegetables.
  1. oatmeal porridge, 2 cheesecakes;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. puree soup, buckwheat with low-fat fish;
  4. low-fat cottage cheese;
  5. salad of fresh vegetables and brisket.

Making a menu for a week for weight loss, it is important to take into account the physical or mental stress on the body during the day.

Monthly program

The monthly nutrition program for weight loss includes the following:

  • fractional nutrition;
  • product compatibility;
  • distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • the use of foods with low Kcal;
  • the predominance of fiber;
  • a ban on salt and sugar;
  • regular use of clean water;
  • a ban on flour, fatty, smoked;

The main point of this weight loss program is calorie balance. It is important to maintain a stable calorie intake throughout the month. Calorie expenditure should be greater than intake.

Best Recipes

Proper nutrition and menus for every day include recipes for delicious and healthy meals.

A simple recipe based on proper nutrition - chicken and vegetable casserole.

To prepare the casserole you will need:

  • carrots (1 piece of medium size);
  • chicken fillet (200 grams);
  • cauliflower and broccoli (250 grams each);
  • Cherry tomatoes (you can also use regular ones);
  • parsley;
  • 30 g parmesan.

For sauce:

  • chicken broth (150 ml);
  • seasonings - pepper, nutmeg;
  • hard cheese;
  • flour;
  • milk or low-fat cream;
  • 2 yolks.

Cooking method:

Rinse the cabbage and divide into inflorescences, boil until half cooked. Add broth, cream, seasonings to the cabbage water and cook for 5 minutes, stirring the sauce constantly. Beat the yolks and add to the sauce, then leave to thicken in a water bath.

Grease a casserole dish with oil and lay out boiled chicken, cabbage and carrots. Pour in the sauce. Add tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 15 minutes until cheese crust forms.

So simple and delicious recipe perfect for lunch or dinner.

Breakfast Recipes

We all know that the best meal of the day is breakfast. It is after waking up that the body is able to quickly absorb the food that enters it. For the full functioning of all organs, it is important to start every morning with a glass of clean water at room temperature.

The menu includes a full breakfast that can enrich the body with the necessary energy.

Breakfast recipes that are good for health and weight loss include the following dishes:

Frittata vegetable


  • chicken eggs;
  • parmesan (optional)
  • broccoli;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • pastel;
  • tomatoes;
  • greenery;
  • leek;
  • olive oil or vegetable oil (vegetable composition can be changed).

Cooking method:

We take a bowl. Beat 4-5 eggs in it. We cut vegetables of the same size. Take a frying pan, add oil and heat it up. Next, pour well-mixed eggs into it, pour in the vegetable composition and greens. Sprinkle all this with cheese if desired. We put in a preheated oven for 8-10 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole for weight loss


  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • vanilla
  • butter (for greasing the mold).

Cooking method:

Beat cottage cheese, milk, sugar, vanilla and yolks with a blender. We turn everything into a homogeneous mass. Next, beat 2 egg whites separately until fluffy. And we add all this to the curd mass. We mix. Pour into an oiled mold. We bake for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.

Rice porridge with pumpkin


  • rice - 200 gr;
  • water;
  • pumpkin:
  • milk.

Cooking method:

We clean the pumpkin, cut into cubes. Put in a saucepan. Add milk, rice and some sugar. Cook the porridge until the rice is ready.

During breakfast, it is better to refrain from coffee or tea, if possible, do not drink food.

Healthy lunch

Lunch, with proper nutrition, should be complete and healthy. Soups are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. When losing weight, it is important to avoid fried foods. It is better to boil, stew, bake or steam it.

Broccoli and Spinach Soup


  • broccoli - 500 gr (fresh / frozen);
  • 2 bunches of spinach;
  • 2 small onions;
  • vegetable broth;
  • low-fat cream - 200 gr;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

Boil broccoli (frozen - 30 minutes, fresh - 15 minutes). Do not pour out the broth. Cut the onion and finely chop the spinach. After the broth is cooked, we take out the broccoli from it. We take a bowl, put chopped onion, spinach and boiled broccoli in it. Grind everything with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is formed. We add all this to the broth, add cream to it and put on fire.

Bring the soup to a boil over low heat. We add spices. After that, cook for another 5 minutes and turn off. The soup is ready!

Fish baked in the oven


  • salmon/carp;
  • lemon;
  • parsley;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

We clean the fish. Salt and pepper it to taste. Cut the lemon into 2 halves. Squeeze out the juice from one part, cut the second into circles. Mix lemon juice with parsley and olive oil.

Next, take a baking sheet and cover it with baking paper. Put the fish on it. We put lemon circles in the abdominal part (you can use a sprig of rosemary / mint). All this is sprinkled with oil (with parsley and lemon juice). Lay out the onion in a circle. We put in the oven (preheated to 180 degrees). Bake for 30 minutes.

Steam cutlets for weight loss


  • chicken fillet - 500 gr;
  • white bread - 2.5 slices;
  • milk - 1/3 tbsp;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

We take bread and soak it in milk. We chop the fillet in a blender (you can also use a meat grinder). We cut the onion and also add it to the blender. Next, beat the egg, salt. You can add herbs and garlic. Mix it all up and make meatballs. Next, put them in a double boiler for half an hour.

What can you eat for dinner?

Recipes for dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss are diverse. Dinner should be light, high in fiber. Slow carbohydrates are best excluded from the menu.

Side dishes can be a great weight loss dinner option:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, peppers;
  • cereals;
  • hard pasta.

Animal protein can be added to vegetable dishes, in the form of:

  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • legumes.

baked salmon


  • 1 salmon steak;
  • salt, pepper, dry basil.

Cooking method:

Salt the salmon steak and put it in the refrigerator for 20 min. After that, we take out, pepper, add basil. Next, the fish must be wrapped in foil, sprinkled with olive oil and put in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.

After 25 minutes, if you make a small hole in the foil and leave the fish for a few more minutes, you can achieve a golden crust.

Rice with vegetables for proper nutrition and weight loss


  • 1 bell pepper;
  • greenery;
  • 1 onion;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • salt, spices (pepper, turmeric);
  • canned corn (or green peas).

Cooking method:

Boil the rice (it should turn out crumbly). Next, cut the onion into cubes. Put it in a frying pan with oil and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add grated carrots and chopped peppers. Simmer until half cooked.

After that, add boiled rice, peas (corn) there. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with turmeric and simmer for another 5 minutes. After that, the rice is ready to eat.

Such recipes for a healthy diet not only contribute to weight loss, but also improve digestion.

Proper snacks

Snacking with proper nutrition is especially important for weight loss. To achieve the desired result, it is important to be full all the time, but not to overeat.

Snacking helps replenish energy and effective work brain, so it should be light, healthy and satisfying.

For a light snack when losing weight, ideal:

  • fresh fruits/vegetables;
  • unsweetened yogurt or kefir;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • dried fruits;
  • a handful of nuts (pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.);
  • bars made from natural ingredients (dried fruits, varnishes, etc.);
  • quality dark chocolate and green tea.

What can be the results?

Proper nutrition and active physical activity will help you achieve effective weight loss.

A healthy diet for weight loss and a balanced menu can rejuvenate a woman's body, make her slim and attractive.

The results of people who managed to lose weight on proper nutrition are simply stunning.

So, the results of losing weight on proper nutrition - photos "before" and "after":

So behind all the holidays, trips to the guests and tables full of all sorts of yummy ... And what's ahead? And ahead - treacherously protruding tummies and plus a certain number of kilograms on the scales. An excellent motivation to finally take up the mind and bring your weight and figure in order. After all beach season just around the corner - just some three months, you won’t even have time to blink an eye. And in order not to go on mocking super diets that promise “minus N kilograms in a week”, “Culinary Eden” offers you something like a weight loss nutrition program, as a result of which your unwanted kilograms will not come back, and the figure will please you, becoming better and better. better every week.

Here are some tips from nutritionists that will help you bring your appetite and weight back to normal.

Make it a rule to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day. Drink water, even if you don't feel like it, half a glass every hour.

. Drink water no later than 30 minutes before meals and do not drink food. After eating, you can drink no earlier than 40 minutes.

To gently activate the digestive tract, first of all drink a glass of fairly hot water in the morning. You will feel sick, perhaps after a glass of hot water you will not want to have breakfast at all - this is normal, after a week everything will return to normal. By the way, hot water in the morning perfectly starts the kidneys, and this is very important for losing weight.

Avoid alcohol, especially beer. A glass of quality dry red wine once a day is allowed.

Eat like in kindergarten - often and little by little. 5-6 meals a day for losing weight is optimal. Two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and a constant glass of kefir at night - and portions of 200-250 ml.

. Eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. You can drink water at any time of the day.

Drink tea and coffee without sugar. Buy stevia and make a cool syrup type infusion by adding it instead of sugar.

Avoid bananas and grapes. Any other fruits are welcome.

If you like fasting days, arrange them once a week. Just do not unload on apples, they play out a brutal appetite.

. Be sure to eat breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. For breakfast, you need to eat complex carbohydrates and protein. TO complex carbohydrates include cereal cereals, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta (you need to cook them without adding any kind of fat and oil). Protein is eggs, meat, seafood and legumes.

For lunch, eat clear soups, broths, lean boiled meat or fish, vegetables and fruits.

Ideal afternoon snack: natural yogurt without additives (it is better to cook it yourself from special starter cultures that you can buy at a pharmacy or health food stores), cottage cheese, a handful of nuts or a sandwich (a piece of grain bread, boiled meat and a lot of greens or vegetables).

. Make a salad for dinner cottage cheese casserole And vegetable stew- in general, everything that you eat during the day, only a portion, do not forget, should be only 200-250 g.

Fruits are best eaten in the morning.

Fried foods are banned!

The list of prohibited foods also includes: convenience foods, fast food, salted or sweet nuts and seeds, chips, carbonated drinks, bread and pastries made from flour premium, mayonnaise.

There is no need to severely limit yourself in the consumption of fat, it is very important for the normal functioning of the body. Just remember the measure and do not use artificial fats.

Go to the trick and buy yourself a small plate and eat with a teaspoon, at first it will be unusual, but over time the stomach will decrease in size and will not require the former giant portions.

Here are some simple and affordable breakfast recipes.

Menu for weight loss - breakfast.

1 stack milk,
½ stack hercules,
½ stack any fresh or fresh-frozen berries,
honey, maple syrup or fructose - to taste.


Pour milk into a saucepan, pour in oatmeal and heat to a boil, stirring occasionally. Boil the porridge until tender, add berries and honey.

150 ml milk
10-13 tablespoons oatmeal,
1 banana
1 tbsp cocoa powder.

Blend all ingredients, except cereal, in a blender until smooth. Pour the oatmeal with the resulting mixture and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Garnish with bananas or dried fruit.

Omelet with vegetables. Prepare the egg mixture: Whisk eggs with milk and a pinch of salt until fluffy. Stew any vegetables a little in a pan with vegetable oil, pour over beaten eggs and put in a hot oven or cook on the stove under the lid. Sprinkle with herbs.


4 eggs,
4 tbsp flour,
4-5 apples
1 stack milk,
salt, vanilla, butter.

Peel the apples, cut them into slices, and sauté them in little or no butter to reduce calories. In a bowl, beat the eggs with vanilla, salt and flour, then pour in the milk and mix well. Pour some of the egg mixture into a frying pan greased with butter, lay out the apples and pour over the remaining eggs. Place in oven on medium heat and bake until done.

Breakfast in thin pita bread. A quick breakfast that you can take with you to work if you don’t have time to eat at home. Cut any boiled or baked meat (chicken, veal, lean pork) into thin sticks. Toss with cabbage, sweet peppers and tomatoes finely chopped and seasoned with lemon juice, salt and pepper. You can add Korean carrot salad. Mix low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt with lemon juice, salt if necessary, and season with a mixture of vegetables and meat. Wrap the mixture in pita bread and heat it in a dry frying pan or in the microwave.

300 g oatmeal,
200 g almonds
100 g of peeled seeds,
80 g sesame seeds,
250 g seedless raisins,
100 g hazelnuts (coarsely ground)
½ stack coconut flakes,
50 g natural brown sugar,
6 tbsp liquid honey,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp sea ​​salt.

In general, there is no strict recipe for granola, you can add absolutely any nuts, seeds and dried fruits to it according to your taste and desire. In particular, if you want to improve bowel function, add about half a cup of flaxseed. Now the actual recipe. Mix all nuts and seeds with oatmeal, add vegetable oil, sugar and honey. On a baking sheet covered with baking paper, spread the resulting mixture in an even layer and place in an oven heated to 170 ° C for 35-40 minutes. During the baking process, stir and salt the mixture several times. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add raisins and / or other dried fruits, mix. Store granola in airtight containers. If you want to make snack bars, then after adding the raisins and dried fruits, compact the granola and let it bake. After cooking, turn the finished granola on the foil and cut into sticks.

250 g wheat flour,
10 ml of water
6 g fresh pressed yeast.
For test:
250 g wheat flour (you can take 200 g wheat and 50 g rye),
100 g bran (wheat or rye),
30 g sugar
15 g butter,
8 g salt
6 g fresh pressed yeast
180 ml of water.

Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients and leave under the film for 3-3.5 hours. The dough should rise and begin to fall. For the dough, mix the dough and the rest of the ingredients and knead the elastic soft dough. Set to ferment warm place covered with a napkin. The dough should ferment for at least 1.5 hours. Half an hour after the start of fermentation, punch it down and let it come up again. Punch down the risen dough and divide into 8-9 equal parts. Roll each part into round buns, cover with a napkin and let stand for 30-45 minutes. In an oven preheated to 230 ° C, put a pan with water, then, after boiling water, put a baking sheet with bread and bake for 5 minutes with steam, then remove the pan, reduce heat to 210 ° C and bake for 15-20 minutes. Ready bread should be lightly browned.

Menu for weight loss - lunches.

400 g fresh mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms),
350 ml of water
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 tbsp flour,
1-2 tbsp dry white wine
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.


Cut the mushrooms and quickly fry them until golden brown. Combine all ingredients in a blender bowl and grind. Then pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on a slow fire and cook, stirring, until tender. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Boil the chicken breast on the bone, but without the skin, cut the breast into pieces, and strain the broth. Place broccoli and/or cauliflower florets, diced carrots, diced onions into a simmering broth and cook a clear soup. When serving, put a piece of breast on a plate and sprinkle with herbs.

1 small head of cabbage
5-6 bulbs
3-4 tomatoes
2 sweet red peppers
1 bunch of celery.

Cut all the ingredients into strips and put in boiling water. Bring to a boil, boil for another 10-15 minutes and remove from heat. Serve with greens.

250 g boiled beans,
250 g fresh mushrooms,
1 pickled cucumber
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add the diced cucumber, chopped mushrooms and simmer. Pour boiling vegetable broth or water, salt to taste and add beans, previously soaked and boiled. Serve with any greens.

2 carcasses of pollock or any other low-fat sea ​​fish,
⅔ stack. rice,
300 g canned seaweed,
2 eggs,
1 large onion
2.5 liters of water,
spices to taste
natural soy sauce.

Finely chop the onion and marinate in soy sauce with spices to taste. Boil the rice until half cooked, add the fish cut into pieces and cook until tender. sea ​​kale squeeze and chop, drain the marinade from the onion and put everything in the soup. Pour the beaten egg into the soup in a thin stream, mix and immediately remove from heat. The onion should remain crispy. This soup can also be eaten cold.

Menu for weight loss - dinners.

500 g fillet of sea fish,
lemon juice, salt, ground black pepper,
Brown rice.

Defrost the fish fillet, rinse and dry with a napkin. Drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with pepper. Let stand for a while, then salt, wrap portions in foil as tightly as possible so that the juice does not leak out, and place in a hot oven for 20-25 minutes. In the meantime, cook brown rice by boiling it in a little water or steaming it (so it will be crumbly). When serving, put the fish on the rice and pour over the juices released during baking.

1 boiled chicken breast,
1 bunch lettuce
1 bag of wheat crackers without additives,
100 g mozzarella,
1 jar of natural yogurt (no additives),
olives or olives - to taste.

Cut the boiled breast and cheese into cubes. Olives or olives - rings. Tear the salad with your hands. Combine chicken meat, cheese, olives, crackers and green salad in a bowl, mix and season with yogurt. For a brighter taste, add lemon juice to the yogurt.

Spaghetti made from durum wheatseafood

100 g spaghetti,
200 g sea cocktail,
2 ripe tomatoes
basil, dill, parsley - to taste,
hot peppers.

Prepare tomato sauce: chop tomatoes together with spices in a blender, salt a little. Fry seafood in a spoonful of olive oil for 5-8 minutes. Pour tomato sauce and simmer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the spaghetti, drain the water and place them on a flat dish in the form of a ring. Put seafood in the center, pour sauce and garnish with herbs.

300 g pink salmon fillet,
150 g broccoli,
100 g of rice
salt, pepper, lemon juice.

Boil the rice in salted water and drain in a colander. Fish fillet, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and boil for a couple. Also boil broccoli in water or steam (which is preferable). Serve garnished with herbs, along with a fresh vegetable salad.

100 g fresh mushrooms,
2 eggs,
1 tomato
½ bunch of green onions
salt, vegetable oil.

Fry the sliced ​​tomato in vegetable oil, add the mushrooms and simmer until tender. Add chopped onion and top with beaten eggs. Cook covered over low heat.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Today we will talk about the so beloved by many adherents of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. What is proper nutrition for weight loss, what is its essence? This is a set of methods and rules that allows us to provide our body with all the necessary substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, trace elements, minerals, ballast substances, etc.), while consuming a minimum amount of food.

A prerequisite for proper nutrition should be an energy balance, in which the number of calories absorbed should be higher than those spent by the value of the basal metabolism.

The benefits of proper nutrition

  • Elimination of digestive problems (belching, heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen, constipation).
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Increase in working capacity.
  • Just good health and positive emotions!

The digestive tract is a complex system, in addition to digestion, it performs several other vital functions, such as:

  1. Endocrine (production of hormone-like and regulatory substances).
  2. Immune (the appendix or caecum is precisely the immune organ. When the appendix is ​​removed, immunity is significantly reduced).
  3. Maintenance of microflora (useful intestinal microflora promotes deeper digestion of food, stimulates the immunity of the whole organism, produces a number of vitamins, protects the body from pathological microorganisms).

If at least one of the above functions of the gastrointestinal tract is violated, the whole body suffers, immunity decreases, the level of iron in the blood decreases, weakness, malaise, constipation, increased gas formation appear, various chronic diseases appear.

Modern life imposes its own restrictions on the way of life of a person, on his daily routine, on the products consumed. Let's talk about what we eat. The modern food industry can no longer do without preservatives, fillers, thickeners and flavor enhancers.

A simple example, how can you grow saffron for hundreds of millions of people who eat saffron-infused food every day? The answer is to create a synthetic analogue with a saffron flavor and add it to food. The shelf life of food products has increased many times, can you imagine a cake that can be stored for up to six months? Why doesn't it spoil? What will happen to your stomach when you eat this pie?

There is nothing better than natural food, it is it that gives health. When choosing products, pay attention to the shelf life and composition. Buy fresh vegetables, meat and cook any dishes from them. It will take longer, but the health benefits will pay off!

Another problem of modern human nutrition is refined products. For example, refined and deodorized sunflower oil, refined sugar, etc. Did you know that refining oils removes fat-soluble vitamins (A, K, D, E) and the most beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids? It turns out just pure useless fat. Refined sugar lacks many biologically active substances found in dark sugar. It's just calories. Try to avoid using various spreads instead of butter, as cheap coconut and palm oil are added to the spread.

Let's not talk about fast food. Eating on the go, huge chunks and semi-synthetic food is not unequivocally beneficial.

There are few enough simple rules nutrition that will allow you to improve digestion, well-being, reduce body weight without contacting a professional nutritionist.

General rules:

  • Eat more often, but less. It is optimal to divide the daily amount of food into 5 meals. Below is an approximate daily diet of proper nutrition for weight loss.
  • It is best to take food at the same time. The mode contributes to the development of stereotypes, which contributes to a deeper digestion of food, rapid saturation, and, as a result, a decrease in the total amount of food. It is not recommended to delay eating for more than 40 minutes.
  • A calm environment, without TV and books, helps to improve digestion! Turn off your mobile phone.
  • Chew food thoroughly. This is important enough, since the processing of food by enzymes and preparation for digestion in the stomach begins in saliva. The number of chewing movements for solid food should be at least 20. It is better not to swallow even liquid food right away, but to “chew” a little. Slower food intake significantly reduces the total amount of food, improves the efficiency of digestion.
  • Before eating, it is not recommended to drink various drinks, especially alcoholic ones.
  • After eating, it is better to refrain from drinking liquids for at least 40-50 minutes, so that the digestion of the stomach proceeds more efficiently.
  • Refined oils. It's just fat.
  • Red sausages. Often they are tinted with nitrites, which is a poison in itself.
  • Alcohol. Aged cognacs and dry wines are considered the highest quality alcohol. They have the least amount of fusel oils.
  • Greenhouse vegetables. Often, in the process of growing greenhouse vegetables, a significant amount of mineral fertilizers is used, which greatly affects the composition of the crop. Usually, this is an excess of the level of nitrates and nitrites.
  • Dairy products with a shelf life of more than 5 days. Such products do not carry any biological value, although they may not even contain a preservative.
  • Be careful with exotic food. Food not typical for the region of residence can be harmful. Examples of this are coffee and alcohol.
  • Avoid eating white flour baked goods. They contribute to rapid weight gain, but do not carry any benefits for the body.

  • Wholemeal bread. Contains a large number of ballast substances and vitamins of group B.
  • Milk porridge. Great breakfast!
  • Fermented milk products with a shelf life of less than 5 days or home-made (recipe included).
  • Spices (ginger, cinnamon, black and red pepper, turmeric). There are even medicinal spices.
    Fruits, vegetables, nuts.
  • Low fat soups.
  • Meat low-fat varieties(beef, veal, chicken breasts).
  • Sea fish contains a sufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus and many other essential minerals and trace elements.
  • Green tea, fruit juices.
  • Homemade milk. One of the most useful products ever!

  • Breakfast

Several slices of rye bread
Weak tea or coffee.

  • Lunch

Apple (banana or a couple of tangerines)

  • Dinner

Low fat vegetable soup
Fish or meat dish with garnish
A glass of juice

  • afternoon tea

A glass of kefir or warm milk

  • Dinner

Vegetable salad or fruit smoothie
Weak tea

Fruit can be added in almost any amount to any meal except dinner.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: the essence and a clear recommendation on what to do (video)

Very often, a modern person underestimates the contribution of proper nutrition to weight loss and health. And the body pays him the same - chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, obesity, gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, sigmoiditis and many other diseases arise due to malnutrition and lifestyle. Let's eat right and stay healthy!

Latest news

Only proper nutrition for weight loss by day, the recipes of which are proposed in this article, will help you achieve harmony. Without changing the diet, physical activity will not bring the desired result.

In ordinary life, we sometimes starve, sometimes we overeat, instead of eating in a balanced, separate and regular way. Fitness girls who train 3-4 times a week should know how to replenish energy costs without harm to the figure.

Diet basics. Where to start and why you need it.

Proper nutrition for the whole day is a guarantee of health and harmony: using recipes for weight loss, you will adjust to correct mode without pain and hunger. It is worth noting that supply system, designed for every day, has many advantages:

  • lack of hunger and stomach cramps;
  • menu planning on an individual basis;
  • the absence of categorical taboos.

The only difficulty in the proper nutrition menu is the long-term process. A diet based on healthy food will be more effective if you do fitness or take a massage course. Exercises for weight loss at home are suggested in this video.

List of products for weight loss: proper nutrition menu for every day

Based on healthy foods containing fiber, minerals and vitamins, you can make individual menu . Beneficial features vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish should not be underestimated. All weight loss products can be divided into main categories:

  • Protein;
  • Dairy;
  • Cereals;
  • Nuts;
  • Vegetables fruits.

Sea bass, flounder, pike, mackerel and carp contain valuable protein. However, fish should not be eaten more than four times a week. Chicken and Turkey - the best varieties meat, for those who are losing weight. For example, Ducan's diet, known throughout the world, suggests combining pure protein with vegetables at the alternation stage. You can learn more about this power system in this video.

The calorie content of an egg is only 80 kC, proteins and vitamins are perfectly absorbed by the body.

Without dairy products, you will not get rid of extra pounds. Linoleic acid and calcium contained in kefir, cottage cheese, help to satisfy hunger. Mozzarella, feta and Adyghe cheeses are low-calorie varieties that are rich in vitamins.

Many phytonyashki refuse cereals, and in fact it is cereals help you lose weight because it removes toxins from the body. Cooking should be done with water without oil.

Barley is hypoallergenic, and millet lowers cholesterol. Buckwheat is a source of iron, and oatmeal has a cleansing effect, so it is considered a beauty product.

Without vegetables even daily workouts in the gym will not help to make a slim figure. Pay attention to the items that must be on your menu for sure. Carrots and tomatoes remove cholesterol, protect against oncology. Zucchini, celery and beets improve bowel function. Cucumber and cabbage make muscles more resilient, while pumpkin speeds up metabolism.

Proper nutrition menu for the week: recipes for every day for health and harmony

Without a diet, you will not achieve results. How to lose weight if you eat half of the daily diet during dinner, and there is simply no morning meal?

The secret to proper nutrition for weight loss is simple - calorie consumption should be more than the amount of food consumed for energy. A food calorie table will help you create an individual menu.

Using mass index calculator, you can get your ideal weight based on age, height, physique. By calculating the body mass index, you will understand how many extra pounds you need to lose.

Healthy and proper nutrition for every day is an ideal scheme for losing weight, and recipes do not require long preparation. We offer healthy nutrition options: the menu for every day will help to achieve weight loss and avoid the lack of valuable trace elements.

For breakfast- cottage cheese casserole, which can be prepared the day before.

The calorie content of the dish is 90kC/100g.


For cooking you will need Ingredients:

  • Eggs-3pcs;
  • Sugar - 100g;
  • Cottage cheese-500gr;
  • Semolina-2 tbsp. l;
  • Raisins and dried apricots-50g;
  • Sour cream -100g;
  • Salt.

Semolina is combined with sour cream and mixed to swell for half an hour. Pour raisins and dried apricots with boiling water. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender to make the casserole more airy. Sugar and eggs are added to the pureed curd mass. Pour semolina with sour cream into the total mass.

Remove excess moisture from dried apricots and raisins by blotting with a napkin. The form is greased with butter and put the mass into it. The dish is placed in the oven, heated up to +180 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes until golden brown. When serving, decorate with fruit, sour cream.

Lunch meal necessarily includes a hot dish. We offer to cook a delicious rice soup with squid and peas. The calorie content of the dish is 145kC / 100g.

Soup with squid and rice

For cooking, you need Components:

  • Squid fillet-400g;.
  • Rice - 2/3 cup;
  • Green peas - 1/2 cup;
  • Bulb;.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l;.
  • Salt, spices, herbs.

Rice groats are boiled until half cooked, and the vegetables are cut into strips and sautéed in oil. squids clean, cut. Vegetables are put in the broth, after 15 minutes rice, squid and peas are added. Cook until done. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Dinner should be rich and light. An ideal option for proper nutrition is a recipe for stuffed zucchini. The calorie content of the dish is 80kC/100g.

Stuffed zucchini

To create a culinary masterpiece you will need such products:

  • Minced meat - 300g;
  • Zucchini - 2pcs;
  • Rice - ½ cup;
  • Carrot-1pc;
  • Bulb-1pc;
  • Broth-1 glass;
  • Sour cream and tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt, garlic, pepper.

Zucchini cut into transverse pieces, after removing the pulp. Rice is boiled until half cooked and mixed with minced meat. Zucchini "boats" stuffed with the mixture, placed in a mold and poured with sauce.

To prepare the sauce, use the pulp of zucchini, carrots and onions.

The ingredients are stewed in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of oil, garlic, broth (water) are added. On final stage- put tomato paste with sour cream, salt, pepper.

Zucchini in sauce are stewed for 40 minutes under the lid. Sprinkle with fresh herbs when serving.

Proper nutrition: proven recipes for guaranteed results

Usually phytonies do not have enough patience and time to check the proper nutrition table and calculate the calorie content of each piece. If scrupulousness is not characteristic of you, use diet for the lazy: the result is minus 12 kg in 2 weeks, and the reviews are only positive!

The peculiarity of the meal plan is that you can choose one of the options for a particular meal. Be sure to alternate dishes, and do not get hung up on the same positions.


  1. Cottage cheese with sour cream and fresh fruit.
  2. Sandwich with chicken breast or salmon. A glass of kefir, curdled milk.
  3. Oatmeal, rice or millet porridge. You can add some nuts or dried fruits.
  4. Omelet from 3 eggs, fruit salad.


  1. Cream soup vegetable rice.
  2. Vegetable lasagna.
  3. Goulash with whole grain pasta.
  4. Breaded cauliflower.


  1. Vegetable ragout with chicken breast.
  2. Seafood with brown rice.
  3. Boiled beef with vegetables.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole and salad.

When building a proper nutrition menu, do not forget that prohibited such positions remain as fast food, pastries, confectionery, dry mixes and muesli. Give up carbonated drinks and alcohol - and in a week you will see the result. Fatty and smoked foods lead to acne, acne, oily hair problems. By clearing your menu of harmful products, you will see not only a decrease in volumes, but also external signs recovery of the body. Healthy eating videos for every day will help you achieve your desired goal.

Snack options: healthy eating

High-calorie nuts give a feeling of fullness, so they are an ideal product for snacking. Peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts rejuvenate and speed up metabolic processes. Daily rate- no more than two walnuts or 20 pieces of almonds.

Foods containing fiber - berries and fruits. Delicious treats save you from hunger in between meals. Pay attention to grapefruit, pineapple and apple, which contain pectin and vitamin C. The beneficial properties of these fruits are known to everyone.

In addition, you can crackers with low-fat cheese. Get rid of the annoying feeling of hunger will help raw carrot, mango, dried cherries. Drink a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives.

Tips for women after 30-40 years. Where to begin. How to plan.

IN adulthood the body begins to change. If you can lose weight at the age of 20 in just a week, then after the 40-year mark, metabolic processes slow down, and therefore fat is deposited. The main recommendations for nutrition are:

  1. More calcium, protein and water.
  2. Minimize carbohydrates and fats.
  3. Fluid restriction can lead to sagging skin.
  4. You can keep your body weight normal with the help of fasting days.
  5. An optimal training program is needed.

The optimal number of calories per day is 1500. You can calculate the amount more accurately using a simple formula: multiply the weight by 22 and subtract 700. Give preference to fish over meat, as it contains unsaturated fatty acids. The best start to the day is lazy oatmeal, which can be prepared the day before.

Oatmeal for the lazy

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Oatmeal - 30g;
  • Chia seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Greek yogurt - 60g;
  • Milk - 80 ml;
  • Honey - 1 hour. l;
  • Pomegranate grains;
  • Coconut;
  • Cinnamon or sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Nuts - 1 tbsp.

Several types of oatmeal will help you get an energy supply in the early morning. These ingredients are designed to prepare two desserts. various kinds. The dish does not require cooking, and overnight the porridge will acquire a soft texture. The video below will help you get the most tasty breakfast without much hassle.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: combining products

Did you know that the wrong combination of products can lead to weight gain, disruption of the digestive tract? Protein foods are combined with cabbage, beans, zucchini, spinach and other foods that do not contain starch.

Starch-containing supplements with herbs, radishes, tomatoes and radishes. No wonder nutritionists advise not to combine potatoes with bread, as these products are poorly absorbed by the body.

Fruit and nuts are the perfect combination. Eat garden products for breakfast or dinner, but do not combine many types, especially exotic ones. Experts recommend eating fruit separately 30 minutes before the main meal.

You do not have to memorize the calorie content of all positions by heart. Just pay attention to the content of BJU and the number of calories when buying goods in the store. Ideal correct harmony- get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Even if you treat yourself to dessert or cake, do not panic. Stress contributes to the fact that you will absorb food in unrealistic quantities, not feeling the taste and satiety. Knowing that you have a “sin” in the form of an excess of calories, work off what you eat during your workout.

Systematic proper nutrition for weight loss by day- much better than rigid diets: recipes for simple and healthy dishes will diversify your diet.