Storage water heater for summer cottages - how to choose the right model: requirements, types, installation. Choosing a good storage water heater for the dacha Choose a boiler for heating water for the dacha

Dacha is a change of scenery and activity. pleasure from surrounding nature and labor on earth. A comfortable stay in the country, largely depends on the amenities. The presence of hot water in the house is one of the necessary conditions for normal living there.

Central water supply, on the territory of summer cottages - it is impossible. The only solution to the problem is the installation of an electric water heater. It remains only to decide on the choice of the most suitable. What characteristics are important for a country water heater?

Storage water heaters

You will have to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and varieties of water heaters.

  • What special requirements should such a heater meet?
  • Resource for heating and maintaining water temperature.

The collected information will help to analyze and select, for specific requirements, the necessary electric heater.

  • What trade offers
  • storage water heater
  • Choosing a water heater
    • The first criterion is the volume of water
    • Criterion two - winter
    • Third criterion - energy
    • Fourth criterion - tank volume
  • Conclusion

What trade offers

Choose the right one equipment is easy. It is necessary to determine the requirements for the heater. I can tell you, for an apartment and a summer residence, the requirements are approximately the same. In any case, let's see:

  • On the energy carrier (availability of gas or electricity);
  • On the quality and possibilities of electrical wiring;
  • For the needs of consumers:
    • Length of stay per year;
    • Seasonality of equipment use.
  • Target use of the resource:
    • Number of shells;
  • For the price.

Dacha, non-private house, non-year-round residence. You need to choose the right one. What they sell:

  1. Electric flow.
  2. -//- accumulative pressure.
  3. -//- accumulative non-pressure.
  4. Gas flow.
  5. -//- cumulative.

Different companies and different prices. Each of them has its own positive sides, as well as negative ones.

These heaters are sold with one watering can. Easy, install an additional tee and bring out the second exit to sink.

Does not take up much space and easy to use. Such a characteristic of instantaneous water heaters.

Opening the tap, we automatically turn on the water heaters. They quickly provide the required temperature to the liquid flow. When the tap is closed, we automatically turn off the power to the heating elements. A very economical system.

By purchasing an electric flow heater, you may encounter some difficulties:

  • The light went out and that's it, there is no hot water
  • A good flow heater is a powerful heater. Such a water heater requires wiring suitable for the load. It becomes impossible.
  • A weak heater may not be able to cope with the required level of flow heating. They are designed for low consumption of hot water.

However, these devices are inexpensive. They are small in size and create a quick heating of water. Because of their functionality, they very economical. Although the heating elements consume a lot of electricity, this happens only at the moment the water is turned on.

storage water heater

Most people in need of hot water choose a storage water heater, the so-called boiler. It is really great for an apartment, a private house, and for a summer residence. Such a boiler is able to provide heat supply for a long time.

Good thermal insulation, maintains the temperature of the water, long time. heating elements, systematically turn on and bring the water to the required degree. The mode of operation of such devices is around the clock. TENs with a maximum power of up to 2 kW. This makes it possible to install water heaters without changing the wiring.

The advantages of the purchased pressure water heater can be safely attributed to a stable temperature in the tank. Possibility of manual adjustment of temperature parameters. Easy connection to the existing network.

Even in the absence of electricity, a pressure water heater continues to provide hot water to the water supply system. The only situation he can't handle is the lack of pressure in the system. Even if the tank is full, this is not enough, pressure is needed. It is worth noting such situations are extremely rare.

The disadvantages include:

  • Boiler dimensions;
  • Electricity consumption;
  • Difficulties in installing equipment.

In trade you can find gas storage water heater. It can hardly be called a dacha option, not every dacha has gas.

They are more economical due to low gas consumption while maintaining the temperature. There are also disadvantages. Very complex installation gas equipment. The need to register this heater in the gas office.

Non-pressure storage water heater

For providing hot water cottage, it is worth considering non-pressure storage water heaters. If there is no running water in the house, and water has to be carried by hand, this option will turn out to be a pretty good choice.

conventional water heater works under pressure - when the tap is opened, the water pressure pushes the heated water out, leaving no empty space. Automatically the tank is always full (constant pressure inside the tank).

The pressureless tank system is simple - water flows out by gravity. Automation controls the temperature and water level.

Non-pressure water heaters have their advantages:

The price is lower than others. There is no need to create pressure, the main thing is the presence of water in the tank. The pressure is created atmospheric pressure. The water heater works without plumbing. Simplicity of a design provides ease of service and repair.

The main and only drawback:

  • It is almost impossible to find such a water heater on sale, a rarity. It can be found in shops in the countryside.

Most summer residents make such heaters on their own, from improvised materials. They find a suitable tank, fit the purchased TEN and install it in a convenient place.

Choosing a water heater

We ran through the range of possible options for giving. Now let's try to find out the selection criteria. We will select the best option in each individual case.

Consider the first criterion - the volume of hot water consumption

How much hot water is consumed every day. The water heater itself depends on this indicator: a flow or storage tank is needed. We'll have to do an analysis of the consumption of hot water. How often do you use it, for what purposes and how much do you use it.

For permanent residents in the country, all year round or from spring to autumn, storage water heaters are suitable. They take a shower or bath every day, wash dishes and do laundry. A constant supply of hot water at the required temperature will always be provided by these heaters.

If the summer resident does not live alone, or even not together, then a storage water heater will be the best choice. He will be able to provide the consumption of all residents of the cottage.

If there is one consumer of water on the site, and even that one, uses water in the shower, after a hard day. Water consumption is minimal and buying a storage water heater will be a waste of money. There is no need to heat water around the clock for a 15-minute shower in the evening. It would be much wiser to install a flow-through water heater. It heats the water only when needed, when the faucet is turned on.

For summer residents who appear on the site once or twice a week, everything is simple. Weeding the beds and harvesting, eating barbecue and taking a break from the city noise is all that they need from the site. They do not require hot water supplies. Investing in a storage water heater is pointless. The flow heater will calmly cope with the shower at the end of the day, and with the dishes after dinner.

It is worth remembering about the factor of stagnation of water in the water heater. Non-renewable water in the tank corrodes the device itself and promotes the growth of bacteria.

The second criterion is winter time for the heater

For those who constantly spend their time in the country, installing a storage heater is the most suitable solution. Day and night, opening the tap, you always get, in the required quantity, hot water.

Only one question: what about in winter if you don’t live there? It is worth taking care of this in advance. Be sure to install a special drain valve. Through it, conveniently when leaving, water is drained from the water heater.

All is well if mothball the dacha until spring. Another question: sometimes you have to go to the dacha even in winter. Leave the heater on, unattended? Or, upon arrival, fill the tank with water and heat it? This will take several hours.

Installing an instantaneous water heater helps out in such a situation. In the absence of a tank, there is nothing to freeze and break. Hot water will flow on demand, just open the tap. We ensure the safety of water supply and save on electricity during the winter period.

The third criterion is energy resources

Electrical appliances do a great job where there is electricity. This is why electric heaters have become so popular.

Before installing a water heater, it is worth checking the electrical wiring and finding out its capabilities. In a situation where the wiring is old and weak, it will have to be changed or equipment of lower power installed.

The simplest solution to this issue is to connect the water heater to the mains through a separate RCD line and a circuit breaker.

Given the new, power wiring, there is a very simple solution. The flow model of the water heater, absolutely copes with the needs of hot water in the country. Even in conditions of permanent residence.

It is worth considering that such heaters are usually of high power. It is worth protecting yourself and stretching a separate power cable. A residual current device, next to the water heater, will not be superfluous.

A rare case when there is gas in the country. In such a situation, it is quite acceptable to install a gas heater. It does not need to be connected to the mains. As a flow heater, it quickly heats up water. Using gas is cheaper than electricity.

The whole complexity of a gas water heater is its installation and connection. Such equipment is not allowed to be installed in every building and not in all rooms.

In many gardening partnerships, there are power outages. In similar situations, the installation of an electric storage water heater can be recommended. Due to the good thermal insulation of the tank, the water will remain hot for a long time.

Central water supply in dachas or in villages, works intermittently in summer. A pressureless water heater will eliminate this inconvenience. It, if necessary, can be filled from a bucket.

The last criterion is the volume of the storage tank

It is not difficult to determine the required specific case, the volume of the water heater tank. To calculate the required amount of hot water, it is necessary to calculate the number of users and the number of outlets.

  1. Wash dishes, hands, and so on, little by little.

Enough is not an expensive model of a storage water heater with a tank of 10-20 liters. A low-power, instantaneous water heater is quite suitable. There are also small models of non-pressure tanks. Pleased with the price of these models.

  1. If you add a shower to one sink.

You can safely focus on the volume of the tank at 50 liters. The most common volume of the drive, there is plenty to choose from a water heater.

  1. Two people live in the country. One sink and shower.

Of course, you can install a water heater with a tank of 50 liters, but comfortable use of hot water will be with a storage tank of 80 liters.

  1. Three adults.

Here, of course, you can argue, 80 liters. or 100 l. It is better to count the number of fence points. If, all the same, a sink and a shower, an 80-liter boiler may well come up.

  1. Four consumers live in the country.

Everything will depend on the appetite of the residents and the number of points of consumption. It's safe to say that 80 liters is not enough. For a guaranteed and comfortable stay, you can safely choose a 120-liter water heater.


Carefully read the above, this information will help you decide when choosing an electric heater.

Spending all our free time in the country, we want to create comfortable living conditions on it. And the main requirement is the availability of hot water. Since there is no centralized hot water supply here and will not be, this issue should be resolved with the help of a water heater. How to choose a water heater for a summer residence and what to look for when buying it?

In order to answer this question, you need to understand:

  • In varieties of water heaters and their characteristics;
  • In the requirements for country water heaters;
  • Available resources for heating water.

By gathering and analyzing information, you can optimal choice and purchase a suitable water heater.

The main types of water heaters

We already know how to choose a storage water heater for a home - you need to focus on the power of the wiring, on the needs of consumers, as well as on the availability of energy carriers (gas, electricity). Proper selection of equipment will ensure fast and inexpensive preparation of hot water. And how to choose a water heater for a summer residence? Here the number of factors that need to be assessed and analyzed is greater:

  • The length of stay of residents in the country;
  • The need for use in the winter;
  • Availability of energy resources and the state of their supply channels (gas or electricity);
  • Purposes of using hot water (bathing, washing, washing hands, washing dishes).

As a rule, a dacha is not an object for year-round use, so a lot of questions need to be resolved before buying a water heater.

To begin with, let's deal with the types of water heaters that we can use in the country. We sell available electric flow models, electric storage pressure models, electric storage non-pressure models, as well as gas storage models. All have certain pros and cons, which we will talk about next.

Flow heaters for giving

A flowing water heater can be equipped with either a single watering can or a washbasin faucet, or a special tee to which both of these devices are connected.

Miniature and simplicity - this is what instantaneous water heaters differ in. They heat water only when the tap is open, ensuring it quickly warms up to the desired temperature. Powerful heating elements and temperature controllers are installed inside the water heaters. When the faucet is opened, the heating elements turn on and begin to actively heat the water. As soon as the tap is closed, the heating will automatically turn off. The scheme is quite economical, although not without certain drawbacks:

  • Low-power water heaters do not provide the required level of heating and are focused on short-term water consumption in small quantities;
  • Powerful water heaters require powerful electrical wiring, which may not be available in country conditions;
  • Lack of hot water during a power outage.

But there are also advantages - these are small dimensions and a high rate of heating water. Despite the use of powerful heating elements, these heaters are considered economical, since heating elements only work when hot water is needed.

You can buy instantaneous water heaters for summer cottages, find out their prices and characteristics, in any online store or in a heating engineering store. In addition, information about popular models can be found on the pages of our website.

Storage water heaters for summer cottages

A pressure storage water heater can provide you with a supply of hot water even when the electricity is turned off. But if the cold water supply is turned off, then you will not have a chance to get hot water, even from a full tank.

Consumers love and respect storage electric water heaters very much, considering them to be an ideal option for summer cottages, apartments and private houses. They provide heating and storage of hot water in an internal tank, dressed in effective thermal insulation. Such water heaters provide continuous temperature support due to a thermostat and a built-in heating element. It turns out that they work around the clock, including heating elements as needed. But the power of the heaters used here rarely exceeds 2 kW.

When choosing a storage water heater for a summer residence, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of the purchased equipment. These include the constant availability of hot water, relative temperature stability, the ability to set and maintain the desired temperature, and the absence of the need for a separate electrical line to connect to the network. Disadvantages included large boiler sizes, reduced efficiency and the need to comply with installation requirements.

There are also gas storage water heaters on the market. They have a higher efficiency, which is associated with low gas consumption to maintain the temperature. But they have disadvantages associated with the complexity of installation and the need to register equipment connected to the gas network. In addition, gas is not available at all dachas.

Storage water heaters can be floor or wall mounted. Floor models are characterized by increased capacity and are mounted in any premises. When choosing wall-mounted water heaters, you need to make sure that there is a good load-bearing wall - it should be made of brick, not wood.

A non-pressure storage water heater is a good choice for cottages where there is no running water at all, since water can also be drawn into it manually.

When choosing a water heater for a summer residence, you should pay attention to non-pressure models. The above-described storage water heaters operate according to the pressure scheme - after opening the tap, the consumed water is immediately replaced by water from the water supply system (the water is under constant pressure inside the tank). Non-pressure models are simpler - water is supplied here manually or using automation, but there is no pressure in the tank (the tank design is open).

Advantages of non-pressure water heaters:

  • No need for high pressure - the main thing is that there is water in the tank;
  • Ensuring pressure due to the own weight of water;
  • Ability to work in the absence of supply cold water- bulk water heaters;
  • Simple construction;
  • Increased safety due to the lack of pressure in the tank;
  • Ease of maintenance and repair.

Their main disadvantage is their almost complete absence in the market. Therefore, many summer residents make them on their own, using improvised tools, suitable tanks and heating elements sold in stores.

How to choose a water heater for a summer residence

Now you know which water heaters can be used in the country. Next, we will understand the selection criteria and try to find the best options for each case. First, let's talk about the volume and frequency of hot water consumption.

Water consumption intensity

To decide between instantaneous and storage water heaters, decide how often and how much hot water you use while in the country.

Are you going to buy a water heater for your country house, but you don’t know a flow or storage water heater better, you need to carefully analyze the frequency of your appearance on suburban area and consumption volumes. If you live in a country house throughout the entire warm period or even year-round, we recommend that you pay attention to storage-type water heaters. They will provide almost instantaneous hot water, heated to the temperature you specify. Since you live in a dacha, you need to wash dishes, do laundry, take a shower and bath - in all these cases you need a constant supply of hot water.

Do several people live in a country house at once? Then the volumes of water consumption will be large, which means that the purchase of a storage water heater will be the most the best option. Such a heater will provide a stable supply of hot water for all household consumers.

Consider another option - you live in a country house in splendid isolation, and you need hot water literally once or twice a day (for example, to swim after a day's work on the site). In this case, the purchase of a storage water heater will be unjustified. Such a heater heats water around the clock, and it takes a maximum of 15 minutes to take a shower. It is best to pay attention to choosing an instantaneous water heater that only works when you need to provide hot water (that is, when taking a shower).

If you appear at the dacha once a week to pull weeds, harvest fruits and vegetables, take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy barbecue, then in this case, buying a storage water heater will be an empty investment - a flow model will suit you here. After all, you don’t need a lot of water to wash dishes or take a quick shower.

You also need to remember that prolonged stagnation of water in a storage water heater is undesirable - it must be regularly updated. Otherwise, corrosion will accelerate and pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply.

Winter work

If you have installed a storage water heater in your country house, then in winter, before leaving, be sure to drain the water from it through a special tap installed in advance.

The accumulative water heater for summer cottages is an excellent solution for those who spend all their time in their summer cottage. At any time of the day or night, you can open the tap and get the required amount of hot water at your disposal. If you regularly come to the dacha in winter, then you will face a small difficulty - before leaving, the water from the tank will have to be drained, and upon arrival it will be refilled. After that, you still need to wait for warming up (this takes several hours).

In this situation, an instantaneous water heater will help you out. It does not have a tank, so nothing in it will freeze or break. As for hot water, it will flow at your first request - you just need to open the tap. Thus, you will ensure the complete safety of the water supply system and be able to save money due to the lack of water consumption in the non-residential period.

Dealing with energy resources

Electric water heaters are good because electricity is available almost everywhere. Therefore, electric models have become so widespread. You just have to deal with the possibilities of your electrical wiring. If it is weak, it must either be changed, or storage water heaters with less power should be used. By the way, there are special models on sale in which the heating power can be adjusted.

To connect a high-power water heater to the mains, a separate line with an RCD and an automatic device must be allocated.

Does your country house have excellent electrical wiring and excellent power input? Then you can safely use flow models. But remember that if you purchased a water heater with a heating element power of more than 2 kW, then you will need to stretch a separate line to it and install it next to the RCD heater. When buying wires, you need to withstand the required cross-section of conductors in order to ensure the ability to connect powerful equipment.

If your dacha has gas, and you live in the dacha year-round or spring-summer, then you can install a gas heater here. It is economical, does not require an electrical connection and provides fast heating of hot water. The main difficulty will be the installation and connection of the heater. The thing is that the installation of gas water heating equipment is not allowed in all buildings and structures.

If there are regular power outages in your dacha partnership, and you may need hot water at any time, we recommend that you purchase a storage electric water heater for your dacha. Thanks to the tank with thermal insulation, it will be able to ensure the preservation of hot water for several hours.

Are there interruptions in the water supply at the cottage? Then we can recommend the purchase of a non-pressure electric water heater. It is filled not only with tap water, but also manually - for example, from a bucket.

Volume of storage water heater

In order to correctly determine the volume of the water heater you need, determine the number of people who will use hot water and the number of water intake points.

When choosing a storage water heater for a summer cottage, you need to take care of its volume. In solving this problem it is necessary to determine the volume of consumption of hot water. If the heater is needed exclusively for washing dishes, it is enough to choose a model with a capacity of 10-20 liters (among them there are often flow-accumulative models and non-pressure models). To perform more serious tasks, for example, to take a shower, you need to focus on the capacity of the tanks from 50 liters.

Do you live in a cottage together? Then the recommended tank capacity should be from 80 liters. For three people, a 100-liter tank is enough, but nothing prevents a more spacious boiler from being installed in the country. Four consumers need a 120-liter water heater, and five need a tank of at least 150 liters.

Final Conclusion

As we have already seen, in order to choose a water heater for a summer residence, it is necessary to collect and analyze a bunch of data - you need to understand the possibilities of electrical wiring, the quality of water and its supply, as well as the time spent and living in the country. We have given you our recommendations, and you just have to read them and compare them with your situation.

Electric water heaters for summer cottages are used for a very obvious purpose: to provide the proper level of comfort and ensure the supply of hot water for washing dishes, washing, showering, etc. These devices may have very different designs, but they share a number of common features.

To make it easier for you to choose the type of water heater and its specific model, in this article we have tried to systematize the most important information.

Heater Requirements

For many of us, a dacha is not only a piece of land with beds and fruit trees. With due diligence and certain financial investments, the cottage can be turned into a full-fledged suburban area with a comfortable house where you can live from early spring to late autumn, and only in winter move to a city apartment.

However, for full life it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the main communications. And here you can not do without electrification, as well as water supply. In addition, in summer cottages, central water heating stations are the exception rather than the rule, and therefore additional care must be taken to install a device that is responsible for hot water supply.

If your cottage is electrified, then the best choice there will be an electric boiler.

It is desirable that it meets the following requirements:

  • Economical energy consumption. Country networks usually do not have high power, and the load on the generator must be minimized, so it is worth sacrificing the heating rate to the detriment of the rational use of electricity.
  • Ease of adjustment. It is desirable that there is a function to maintain a certain temperature level: it will be much more convenient to use the device.
  • Significant tank volume. The more water we can heat at once, the easier it will be for us to take a shower or even a bath. Yes, and washing a large number utensils will be much lighter.

This requirement does not apply to flow models, which we will discuss in the corresponding section of our article.

  • The instruction also recommends choosing models that do not require frequent maintenance and prevention.(replacement of heating elements and other components). If the cottage is far from the city, then it will be equally expensive and inconvenient to bring the boiler to the service center and invite the master.
  • Finally, do not forget about such a requirement as safety at work.. Of course, electric heaters are not included in the list of leaders for the causes of fires, but it is still better to choose models with the most reliable protection of electrical circuits from short circuits.

As for such a parameter as price, it is largely determined by the requirements for the device, as well as your financial capabilities. Both budget models are available on the market that can heat a small amount of water for washing, as well as branded products for several hundred liters. If you can’t imagine a good rest without a bath, you will have to pay!

Main types of devices


The most popular model, which is used to provide a private house with hot water, is a storage heater, better known as a boiler.

The design features of this device are as follows:

  • The installation is connected to the water supply system, therefore boilers are used only where there is either a centralized water supply or an automatic pumping station.
  • Through a system of valves that prevent reverse movement, water enters the storage tank (the optimal volume is from 50 to 100 or more liters).
  • The tank contains a heating element connected to a thermostat. The operation of the heating part can be adjusted by setting the desired temperature on the control panel.
  • The option to maintain a certain degree of heating is very convenient: the heater turns on only when the water in the tank cools down a few degrees below normal.

The key disadvantages of such systems are:

  • High energy consumption.
  • Dependence on the stability of pressure in the pipeline.
  • Considerable cost.

However, the convenience that the boiler provides more than compensates for these disadvantages.


Features of such devices are as follows:

  • The unit is mounted on the wall, as close as possible to the point of hot water consumption.
  • A supply pipe is connected to the device, through which cold water enters.
  • Passing through a system of tubes with internal heating elements, the liquid is heated to a certain temperature. The degree of heating can be adjusted on the control panel or using a special valve.

Despite a sufficient level of convenience (we get heated water almost immediately), flow models have serious limitations:

  • First, for them effective work stable high pressure is required. If the water supply in your village provides it - well, if not, then you will have to install an additional pump with an expansion tank.

During the mass watering of gardens, the pressure in the system drops very much, so you need to focus on this particular period.

  • Secondly, the performance of the device is low. You can wash your hands under a thin stream, it’s already more difficult to take a shower, but you definitely can’t fill the bathroom in this way.
  • Thirdly, the features of the heating part affect the nature of the operation of the installation: the peak power of the instantaneous water heater is quite high, so the load on the wiring will be serious. To avoid accidents, it is worth connecting such devices through a separate RCD.
  • It is also worth noting that the system works most efficiently on the principle of "one heater - one tap". So for you have to buy two installations.


Self-contained bulk electric water heaters for summer cottages are used where water supply is not organized.

In fact, such devices are improved washstands:

  • The basis of the system is a container (from 20 liters or more), inside which is a heat-insulating casing made of durable plastic.
  • The top cover of the container opens, which allows you to pour water from a bucket or hose.
  • Water heating is carried out due to the operation of the internal heating element.
  • At the bottom there is a faucet that allows you to adjust the water pressure. There are also models with an additional tank for cold water: their tap works on the principle of a mixer, regulating the temperature.

Despite the fact that this model is inferior to the above in terms of convenience, it also has its advantages:

  • Firstly, it is elementary mounted with your own hands: the tank can be hung on the wall or installed on a fairly solid base.
  • Secondly, it can be used where the source of water is a well without a pump.
  • Thirdly, such devices are quite economical in operation, and they are cheaper than flow and storage boilers.


Storage, bulk and instantaneous electric water heaters for summer cottages are used almost everywhere today. In order not to wash dishes in cold water and not to squirm while washing under an icy stream from a tap, it is worth considering purchasing one of these systems. You can find a more detailed overview of them in the video in this article.

Excellent article 0

Main comfortable rest condition, which a modern dacha has, is the presence autonomous system hot water supply. High-quality water heaters of well-known companies are rightfully considered the best of modern household appliances for heating storage-type water: Hungarian Hajdu, German Aeg, Italian Superlux, Ariston, Korean Hyundai, Russian Thermex, Elsotherm, Swedish Electrolux, Timberk.

An electric, energy-efficient storage water heater is the best solution to the problem, given the lack of a centralized hot water supply. Such a storage type water heating boiler is an original design consisting of a powerful electric heater and a heat-insulated tank. Usually dacha not used for permanent residence of the owners, therefore right choice the volume of the storage capacity of the household heating device has great importance for saving energy. Powerful storage boiler, made of alloyed alloys, quickly raises the temperature of the heated water in automatic mode, consumes a minimum amount of electricity.

High-quality storage water heaters for summer cottages will provide the necessary conditions for fruitful work and comfortable rest!

Today, a person is quite dependent on utilities that supply hot water to the house. As you know, planned work on the pipeline occurs frequently, and the lines are completely blocked. All this brings only inconvenience to the house.

Additionally, various accidents should be added to this, which are sometimes eliminated for a very long time. The central highways are far from the holiday villages, so their repair is much more complicated. Nowadays, the problem with hot water can be solved quite simply. Conventional water heaters that run on electricity help summer residents in this matter.

How to decide on a purchase?

So, (electric). Which is better for giving? Answering this question, first of all, you should decide on the dimensions of the device. If the family in the country is going to be large, then it is best to give preference to storage models. They are quite large in size, but their performance is good. Additionally, such electric water heaters for summer cottages consume an order of magnitude less electricity. If we consider compact models for domestic needs, then flow devices are more priorities. First of all, it is worth noting their low cost.

They are also easy to manage, so anyone can figure them out. In installation, such systems are not difficult. The average power of the device should be around 15 kW. In this case, the performance depends on the type of the selected water heater. Average this indicator is in the region of 6 liters per minute. The power source of the water heater is a network with a voltage of 220 V. The maximum deviation must be 20 V. In addition, the manufacturer indicates the frequency of the equipment. The stability of the heating element depends on this parameter. This indicator is measured in Hz. For a water heater with a power of 15 kW, the limiting frequency indicator should be at the level of 40 Hz. Maximum temperature water welcome 50 degrees. The protection class of the device is indicated by the company in the form of markings on the product.

Most often you can find the inscription on the package: IP25. This tells the buyer that the water heater is protected from leaks, and a system is installed in it that monitors all malfunctions. This is extremely important, because if it fails, then the model must be turned off. The same applies to water supply. When the tank is not filled, then the protection in the water heater must work.

Reviews of the models "Electrolux"

Data for giving reviews are very diverse. It is important for the buyer to know that the products of this company today are quite in demand. Control systems for water heaters are usually hydraulic. Overall performance is acceptable, but when compared with other companies, there are not so many interesting models.

Most buyers choose products of this brand because of the economy. In installation, electric water heaters for summer cottages are simple, and standard plumbing is included in the kit. The average pressure of the system is maintained at 5 MPa. Some models are able to reach a maximum temperature of 60 degrees. Among the shortcomings, consumers note the high prices for the goods. This is especially true for models with fairly large displays.

How to choose a good water heater "Electrolux"?

Companies "Electrolux" how to choose (electric) for giving? In answering this question, it is important to understand that the performance of the models varies quite a lot. The systems of the first series are distinguished by their versatility, but they do not have a thermal fuse. As a result, the mechanism often breaks down, and this gives the owner a lot of trouble.

Thus, it is better to choose a model from new devices for giving. The fuses they have installed are quite high quality, there have been no complaints about them. Cylinders, as a rule, are installed copper. In terms of dimensions, it is not particularly difficult to choose a model, and the design in general of storage (electric) water heaters for summer cottages is interesting. For control, it is best to choose a simple modification with a small display. Usually the company sets on two modes.

Consumer opinion about Termex devices

The Termex trademark has good accumulative (electric) water heaters for summer cottages. First of all, the models of this company are known for their versatility. They are functionally suitable for almost everyone. Of the shortcomings, only certain problems with the cable clamp can be distinguished. It breaks down quite often, but this is more due to network outages. You can solve this problem if you additionally install a surge protector.

Thermal fuses in water heaters are of high quality. The cylinders in many models are copper. If we consider outdated electric water heaters for summer cottages, then they were used there and did not stand out for their reliability. Cold water inlets are made with protection. There is a pressure switch in the system, so the mechanism is not afraid of high pressure. The block in the device is usually installed terminal. As a result, the temperature can only be controlled stepwise.

Choosing the right Termex water heater

Companies "Termeks" how to choose water heaters storage (electric) for a summer residence? To answer this question, you need to weigh the needs for hot water volumes quite accurately. Compared to other manufacturers, this company is able to offer many budget options. At the same time, the characteristics of the devices are acceptable. Speaking specifically, the average productivity of the RS series models is 2 liters per minute. In turn, the power of the devices fluctuates around 5 kW.

By installation, the models are divided into vertical, as well as horizontal. By design, they are quite similar, so in this regard, the consumer is limited. The power supply of all water heaters is carried out from a network with a voltage of 220 V. The maximum deviation of the RS series models is 20 V. The limiting frequency of the system fluctuates around 30 Hz. The indication mechanisms are installed in a variety of ways. A good model should withstand a maximum pressure of at least 5 MPa. Additionally, you should check the presence of a manual switch in the water heater. The protection system must be IP25.

What do they say about the Vailant models?

Firms "Vailant" electric water heaters for giving reviews are mostly positive. Many buyers prefer the models of this company because of the high degree of protection. First of all, it should be noted the automatic temperature maintenance system. The power of the device can be selected manually. Electric water heaters for summer cottages can be connected to a plastic pipeline without any problems, and this is good news.

The water flow regulator in many models has a built-in type. Cases in modifications of the latest series are made by the manufacturer shock-resistant. Cables to the water supply are connected through a hermetic insert, so leaks are very rare. In general, pipe laying can be done open or hidden. Thus, it is possible to plan the connection system.

Water heaters "Vailant" for giving

Company "Vailant" electric water heater for giving how to choose? This question worries many people, and it requires careful consideration. Experts advise choosing a model with a high temperature limit of about 55 degrees. Additionally, the buyer should pay attention to the water heating time. A temperature maintenance system must be installed. If we consider budget models, it is better to give preference to devices with manual controls. The protection system is welcome in most cases IP26.

The tank itself from the inside must be made with an anti-corrosion layer. The control unit for specialists is welcomed by the electronic type. If the water in the country is of poor quality, you need to learn more about the filtration system in the water heater.

Today, there are many tools for cleaning pipes. As a rule, special mesh filters are installed at the outlet of the nozzles. These elements can significantly extend the life of the water heater. The pricing policy should be approached individually. If less than three people use the device in the country, then inexpensive models can be considered.


Considering all of the above, we can conclude: the most interesting are the models of the brand "Electrolux". If the water in the country with a normal level of iron, they will work properly for a long time. Considering budget devices, you should not discount the Vailant company. Many models are manufactured with convenient controls and additionally boast reliable heating elements.