Prepare a message in language and speech. Report on the topic: “Speech of children and factors of its development. Expression of the emotional component


Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of a particular act of communication continue to be one of the most actual problems of the modern Russian language, because outside the analysis of speech works, based on clear constant criteria, it is impossible to achieve a higher level of speech proficiency.

Among different approaches to the assessment of speech (and its effectiveness in particular), the most productive approach seems to be from the standpoint of analyzing the degree of compliance of speech with the conditions of communication and communicative tasks of speech partners, that is, from the standpoint of communicative expediency. It is this approach that can be carried out when evaluating speech from the standpoint of the communicative qualities of speech (B.N. Golovin’s term, introduced by him in 1976 in his work “Fundamentals of Speech Culture”). According to the definition of the scientist, “the communicative qualities of speech are the real properties of its content or formal side. It is the system of these properties that determines the degree of communicative perfection of speech. B.N. Golovin considered each of the previously known advantages of speech in a new way and systematized them, tracing the dependence of speech on non-speech structures in each of the aspects.

The communicative situation and its components thus turned out to be closely related to the communicative qualities of speech. The communicative qualities of speech cover all aspects of the text, and their ratio and degree of manifestation in the text depend on the genre and style of the utterance, on the individual characteristics of the communicants. The main communicative qualities of speech are relevance, richness, purity, accuracy, consistency, accessibility, expressiveness and correctness. Each of these qualities is manifested in speech to varying degrees and in various proportions with other properties of speech.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to explain what speech is; consider the basic communicative qualities of speech.

Speech and its features

The word “speech” denotes a specific human activity, therefore, to characterize both of its sides, this word in linguistics is used in two main meanings: speech is the process of speaking (in oral form) or writing (in writing), and those speech works (statements, oral and written texts), which are a sound or graphic product (result) of this activity.

Language and speech are closely interconnected, since speech is language in action, and that in order to achieve a high culture of speech, language and speech must be distinguished.

How is speech different from language?

First of all, by the fact that language is a system of signs, and speech is an activity that proceeds as a process and is presented as a product of this activity. And although speech is built in one language or another, this is the most important difference, which, for various reasons, determines others.

Speech is a way to implement all the functions of the language, primarily communicative. Speech arises as a necessary response to certain events of reality (including speech ones), therefore it, unlike language, deliberate And focused on a specific goal.

Speech first of all material - in oral form, it sounds, and in writing it is fixed using appropriate graphic means (sometimes different from given language, for example, in another graphic system (Latin, Cyrillic, hieroglyphic) or using icons, formulas, drawings, etc.). Speech depends on specific situations, unfolds in time and is realized in space.

Speech is created by a specific person in specific conditions, for specific person(audience), therefore, it is always specific And unique , because even if it is reproduced with the help of certain records, circumstances change and the result is the same, which is usually said about: "You cannot step into the same river twice." At the same time, theoretically speech can go on forever (with and without breaks). In fact, our whole life from the moment we start speaking, and until we say the last word, is one big speech in which circumstances, the addressee, the subject of speech, the form (oral or written), etc., change, but keep talking (or writing). And with our last word, speech (only already written or not our oral) will continue. In this plan speech unfolds linearly , i.e. we say one sentence after another in a certain sequence. The process of oral speech is characterized by those that speech proceeds at a certain (sometimes changing) pace, with greater or lesser duration, degree of loudness, articulatory clarity and so on.

Written speech can also be fast or slow, clear (legible) or fuzzy (illegible), more or less voluminous, etc. That is, the materiality of speech can be illustrated by various examples. Language, unlike speech, is considered to be ideal, i.e. it exists outside of speech as a whole only in the minds of those who speak this language or learn this language, and also as parts of this whole - in various dictionaries or reference books.

Speech represents, as a rule, the activity of one person - speaking or writing, therefore it is a reflection of the various characteristics of this person. Therefore, speech was originally subjective , because the speaker or writer himself selects the content of his speech, reflects his individual consciousness and individual experience in it, while the language in the system of meanings expressed by it captures the experience of the collective, the “picture of the world” of the people speaking it.

In addition, speech is always individual , since people never use all the means of the language and are content with only a part of the language means according to their level of knowledge of the language and the conditions of a particular situation, choosing the most suitable ones. As a result, the meanings of words in speech may differ from those that are strictly defined and fixed in dictionaries. In speech, situations are possible in which words and even individual sentences receive a completely different meaning than in language, for example, with the help of intonation. Speech can also be characterized by indicating the psychological state of the speaker, his communicative task, attitude towards the interlocutor, sincerity.

Speech is not limited to linguistic means. The composition of speech means also includes those that relate to non-linguistic (non-verbal, or non-verbal): voice, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, posture, position in space, etc.

All these differences between speech and language relate primarily to speech as a process of using language, therefore, although with a stretch, they are grounds for opposing them, since in this respect the creation of speech as a process proceeds in many respects in stages and partially coincides with the boundaries of the largest unit of language : with sentence boundaries. If we talk about speech as a result of this process, i.e. how about text. That description of speech at this level, in principle, cannot have common criteria with the language, because they are completely inapplicable to the language.

Speech It happens external (spoken or written) and internal (not voiced and not fixed for others) Inner speech is used by us as a means of thinking or internal pronunciation (speech minus sound), as well as a way of remembering.

Speech-utterance takes place in certain speech genres, for example, a letter, a speech, a report, etc.

speech-text should be built in accordance with one style or another: scientific. Official business, journalistic, colloquial or artistic.

speech as text reflects reality and can be considered from the point of view of its truth and falsity (true / partially true / false).

To the speech-text applicable aesthetic (beautiful / ugly / ugly) and ethical assessments (good / bad), etc.

Thus, we see that all the functions of the language are realized in speech. And the language turns out to be the main, but not the only means of its creation. Speech is always the result of the creative activity of an individual, therefore, it is necessary to approach the analysis, evaluation and methods of creating speech in a completely different way than to language.

>Reports on the Russian language

Language and speech

The main questions in linguistics are related to the structure and functioning of the language. For many centuries, this science has been trying to fully explain what language is, how it develops, what speech is, etc. Despite its rapid development, linguistics has not been able to fully study and resolve issues related to language. According to the generally accepted definition, language is a system of signs that correlates spelling and semantic content. In turn, speech is a historically established form of communication between people.

One of the first scientists who laid the foundations general theory language, was Ferdinand de Saussure. He called all the processes of speaking and listening with one general term - speech activity. In the totality of speech processes, he singled out two polar aspects: language and speech. In his opinion, the main part of speech activity is language. Despite the fact that it is represented only by the necessary conventions accepted in society, speech activity would be impossible without language. Language is like a dictionary, without mastering which verbal communication becomes impossible.

Language is a lexical and grammatical system that exists in the minds of people belonging to the same community. Speech, in turn, is the act of using language by a person to express his thoughts. Language and speech are closely related. On the one hand, language is necessary for speech to be intelligible. On the other hand, historically, speech has always preceded language. From this it follows that the development of language is reflected in speech, and living speech is the form of existence and development of speech. Despite this, Ferdinand de Saussure noted that language and speech are different concepts.

The most significant oppositions of language and speech:

Language is a social phenomenon, and speech is a mental

Language is a general phenomenon, and speech is an individual phenomenon.

Language is achronic and ahistorical, but speech is historical

Language tends to be static, but speech is mobile

Language is an abstract system, and speech is characterized by materiality

Language is subject to linguistic patterns, but speech is not.

Thus, language and speech are complex and interdependent phenomena. These terms are often used interchangeably. However, it is necessary to distinguish between them, since language is an ordered system of signs, and speech is the use of language in oral activity. Thanks to language, human society can develop. It is the language that helps to accumulate and transmit information from generation to generation.

Manifestations of linguistic activity are heterogeneous. They can be divided and classified according to individual characteristics.

Oral speech. This is the main type of speech. This is a sound speech that is perceived by others by ear. Oral speech is divided into dialogic and monologue.

Dialogic they call the speech of two or more interlocutors who change roles, that is, they are alternately passive or active interlocutors.

The division into "active" and "passive" participants in the conversation is relative, since both the one who speaks and the one who listens are active, although different. The level of knowledge of the language, its lexical richness, grammatical structure and phraseology, the practice of using the language play an important role in the functioning of the dialogical form of speech.

Dialogic speech is closely related to the situation in which the conversation is being conducted, and therefore it is called situational. At the same time, it is also more contextual, since each statement is largely conditioned by the previous statement, since it is carried out as a certain activity of two or more persons.

Dialogic speech is not sufficiently organized grammatically and stylistically. As a rule, it is carried out with the help of simple language constructions, which are determined by the context, previous statements. A large role in this speech is played by habitual word combinations, replicas, patterns, idiomatic expressions, for example: "so to speak", "here", "and who would have thought", etc.

monologue speech is such a speech when one person speaks, and the rest listen, perceive his speech.

Examples of monologue speech are a report, a lecture, a speech at a meeting, an explanation by the teacher of new material, etc.

This is a relatively extended type of speech. It uses relatively little extralinguistic information that occurs in a conversational situation. Compared to dialogic, monologue speech is a more active or arbitrary kind of speech.

So, in order to declare a monologic act of speech, the one who speaks must be aware of the full content of his thought and be able to arbitrarily build an utterance based on this content or build a series of utterances.

Monologue speech is an organized type of speech. The one who speaks plans or programs in advance not only a single word, sentence, but the entire process of speech, the entire monologue as a whole, sometimes mentally, and often in the form of a plan or abstract.

Monologue speech in its extended forms needs some preparation, which consists in the preliminary selection of content, clear planning and appropriate verbal design.

Written speech. Written speech is a special kind of language process that makes it possible to communicate with absent interlocutors who are not only contemporaries of the one who writes, but will live after him. Written speech is a kind of monologue speech, but it is pronounced as a reading of written written characters (words). Historically, written speech arose later than oral and on its basis.

Compared with oral speech, written speech has a number of specific psychological characteristics. First of all, it is carried out without direct contact with the interlocutor, and therefore excludes from its content intonation, facial expressions and gestures, the perception of the reader's reaction, his remarks, which are important for oral language.

In writing, both the content and your attitude to it must be expressed on paper. Therefore, the text is more detailed than oral monologue speech. In the text being created, it is necessary to take into account the future reader, to ensure that the written signs are understandable to the intended reader.

Therefore, the structural complexity of written speech increases compared to oral speech: it puts forward great demands on the writer, needs a more detailed, dissected, consistent, complete presentation of thoughts, stricter adherence to grammar rules, selection of words and expressions.

If in oral speech the omission of individual words can be filled in certain expressive ways, then such omissions make written speech incomprehensible.

Written speech is the most arbitrary kind of speech.

For the successful use of written speech, you need to master the methods of creating a text. In progress individual development A person learns to write and read much later than to speak. But there is a close relationship between oral and written speech. So, mastery of writing, reading fiction contribute to further development oral speech of a person, enrichment of his active vocabulary and awareness of the grammatical structure.

Written speech is based on oral speech, not only complements, but also leads it to a certain restructuring. For most people, depending on their education and the content of the activity, the written presentation of thoughts is more difficult than the oral one. Therefore, the training of organized cultural speech should include the training of written speech.

inner speech. Oral and written speech can be expressed in a dialogical and monologic form and therefore are forms of external speech.

Another type of speech is inner speech. As the name itself says, inner speech is not aimed at communicating with other people. A person uses inner speech when he thinks about something, plans his actions without expressing them aloud and without writing them down on paper, does not come into contact with people.

The main indicator of inner speech is its soundlessness, although it often manifests itself in the form of a whisper, and sometimes it begins to sound, turning into a conversation with oneself. This happens in cases of great tension of thought, which is accompanied by expressive emotions.

Inner speech differs in its structure from outer speech in that it is greatly reduced, fragmentary, most minor members offers. As a result, it creates the impression of incoherence and incomprehensibility. Often, only the subject or predicate remains in the sentence, which is the center of thought, around which images are combined.

The possibility of reducing operations with thoughts, images and words in inner speech is due to the fact that a thinking person is well aware of what is being said. Therefore, there is no need to unfold thoughts for oneself. The habit of thinking in such a "abbreviated" way has its drawbacks.

Often, a thought is fully understandable in inner speech, in its simplified form and syntactic structure, but it turns out to be far from being so understandable when it is necessary to "translate" its content to other people: individual moments thoughts are unclear, the thought is not argued, logically inconsistent.

There are cases when it is impossible to convey a well-understood idea in a coherent speech orally or in writing.

Inner speech arose in the process of verbal communication of people in connection with the complication of tasks and the content of activities. It is generated by the need to express something orally or in writing, to plan, to outline the main contours, to build an expression, a scheme of actions, before putting them into practice.

External or internal speech of a person are in close relationship and in constant mutual transitions. The ease and speed of such transitions depend on various conditions, namely the content, complexity and novelty of mental activity, language experience and individual characteristics of a person.
The speech of different people has individual characteristics, manifested in tempo, rhythm, emotionality, expressiveness, accuracy, smoothness, loudness, logical sequence, figurative expression of thoughts.

Psychoanalytic interpretation of speech. Classical and, in particular, structural psychoanalysis considers the speech of the subject as a complete representation of the personality. According to the latest postmodern ideas about human nature and the specifics of the determination of personality activity, the functioning of the latter in the universe of culture is a continuous process of discourse production. Discourse as "speech immersed in life", speech, considered in conjunction with its extralinguistic characteristics, is a fundamental phenomenon human existence. Postmodern ideas about the universal nature of the phenomena of speech and language have had the strongest influence on the European schools of depth psychology.

All forms of active life of an individual in society and culture can be considered as a system of discursive practices, which include, for example, politics, religion, ideology, pedagogy, law, etc. Institutionalized forms of speech practices form the basis theoretical knowledge in any field of science, and the meta-discourse that legitimizes it in relation to its truth is the methodology of a particular scientific discipline. The semiotic principle "life as a text" is increasingly used in the practice of modern psychotherapy, and J. Lacan, G. Delez, F. Guattari are guided by this position most radically in their work. Yu.Kristeva and other representatives of European psychological thought.

Language is inextricably linked with society, its culture and the people who live and work in society. The language belonging to society and its use by each individual are two different, albeit closely interconnected, phenomena: on the one hand, it is a social phenomenon, a certain set of units, the rules for the use of which are stored in the collective consciousness of native speakers; on the other hand, it is the individual use of some part of this totality. The foregoing allows us to distinguish between two concepts - language And speech.

Language a system of signs, behind which the content corresponding to its sound image is fixed, it serves as an instrument for expressing thoughts, feelings, wills of people and is the most important means of human communication.

Speech the activity of a person who uses language for the purpose of communication, for expressing emotions, formulating thoughts, understanding the world around him, for planning his actions, and so on. Speech is understood as the process itself (speech activity) and its result (speech texts, oral or written).

Language as an entity finds its manifestation in speech. How is language different from speech?

1) language is a means of communication; speech is the embodiment and realization of language, which, through speech, fulfills its communicative function;

2) the language is abstract, formal; speech is material, everything that is in the language is corrected in it, it consists of articulated sounds perceived by the ear;

3) the language is stable, static; speech is active and dynamic, it is characterized by high variability;

4) the language is the property of society, it reflects the "picture of the world" of the people speaking it; speech is individual, it reflects only the experience of an individual;

5) the language is characterized by a level organization, which introduces hierarchical relationships into the sequence of words; speech has a linear organization, representing a sequence of words connected in a stream;

6) the language is independent of the situation and the environment of communication; speech is contextually and situationally conditioned, in speech (especially in poetic) units of the language can acquire a situational meaning, which is absent in the language.

Thus, the concepts of language and speech are related as general and particular: the general (language) is expressed in the particular (speech), while the particular (speech) is a form of embodiment and implementation of the general (language).

Language features- this is a manifestation of its essence, its purpose and action in society, its nature, i.e. its characteristics, without which language cannot exist.

1. Communicative function means that language is the most important means of human communication (communication), i.e. transmission from one person to another of any message for one purpose or another. Communicating with each other, people convey their thoughts, feelings and emotional experiences, influence each other, achieve mutual understanding.

2. Cognitive (cognitive, epistemological) function means that language is the most important means of obtaining new knowledge about reality. The cognitive function connects language with human mental activity.

In addition to these two, the language performs a number of other functions:

· phatic (contact-setting) - the function of creating and maintaining contact between interlocutors (greeting formulas at a meeting and parting, exchange of remarks about the weather, etc.). Communication occurs for the sake of communication and is mostly unconsciously directed towards establishing and maintaining contact;

· emotive (emotional-expressive) - an expression of the subjective-psychological attitude of the author of the speech to its content. It is realized in the means of evaluation, intonation, exclamation, interjections;

· accumulative the function of storing and transferring knowledge about reality, traditions, culture, history of the people, national identity; this function of language connects it with reality;

· metalinguistic (speech commentary) is a function of interpreting linguistic facts. The use of a language in a metalinguistic function is usually associated with difficulties in verbal communication, for example, when talking with a child, a foreigner, or another person who does not fully know the given language, style, professional variety of the language;

· aesthetic - a function of aesthetic impact, manifested in the fact that speakers begin to notice the text itself, its sound and verbal texture. A single word, turnover, phrases may or may not be liked. The aesthetic function of language, being the main one for a literary text, is also present in everyday speech, manifesting itself in its rhythm and imagery.

Thus, the language is multifunctional. He accompanies a person in a variety of life circumstances.

People can use different sign systems: telegraphic code, transcriptions, numbers, gestures, road signs and so on. In the most general terms, languages ​​are divided into natural and artificial.

natural they call a language that arose together with a person and developed in the absence of conscious influence on him, i.e. natural way.

artificial languages ​​are sign systems created by man as auxiliary means for various communicative purposes in those areas where the use of natural language is difficult, impossible or inefficient. Artificial languages ​​include planned languages(Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua); symbolic languages sciences (languages ​​of mathematics, chemistry, physics); languages man-machine communication(programming, information retrieval).

The Russian national language is a combination of various phenomena, such as the literary language, territorial and social dialects (jargon), and vernacular. Literary language- the historically established highest form of the national language, which has a rich lexical fund, an ordered grammatical structure and a developed system of styles. This is an exemplary, standardized language, described by grammars and dictionaries. The literary language serves such spheres of human activity as politics, culture, science, office work, legislation, official and unofficial communication, and verbal art.

Territorial dialects(local dialects) - the language of a limited number of people living in the same territory. The dialect may differ from the literary language and in its own words (for example, in some places instead of the word squirrel They say veksha, but instead of the word belt - gashnik), and elements of grammar, and features of pronunciation.

Jargon- the speech of individual professional, estate, age groups. Jargon is characterized by the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology. There are jargon criminal world (slang ), youth ( slang ) And professional jargon (musicians, actors, athletes, hunters, etc.). Communication between people in jargon is, of course, possible, but only if it involves representatives of the same team who understand each other well, and the subject of the conversation does not go beyond a rather narrow range of topics.

vernacular- this is the speech of poorly educated, mostly urban residents, characterized by a deviation from literary norms, the use of rude words and expressions. The vernacular speakers are not aware of the difference between non-literary and literary forms.

A person can equally know two or more forms of language (for example, literary language and dialect, literary language and jargon), use them depending on the conditions of communication. This phenomenon has been named diglossia.

Speech the use of language in a communication situation. Man-made speech works exist in two forms- Oral and written. Each form has its own specifics.

Oral speech this is a sounding speech, it uses a system of phonetic and prosodic means of expression; it is created in the process of speaking and assumes the presence of a real interlocutor (interlocutors). Regardless of the presence or absence of preliminary preparation, the speaker creates his speech product literally in front of the listeners. Therefore, the properties of oral speech are irreversibility, progressive and linear nature of deployment in time. Since the speaker creates his speech in on-line mode, the listener's reaction is important for him. Oral speech is characterized by the use of simple, motivating, interrogative sentences; redundancy (repetitions, clarifications, explanations); interruptions, self-interrupting (the speaker, without finishing the sentence, begins another). One of the most striking differences in oral speech is the mandatory presence of non-verbal means of communication: gestures, facial expressions, body movements, gaze, intonation.

Intonation - a complex phenomenon that includes components associated with the sound of the voice: logical and phrasal stress, pauses, tone, timbre, sound strength, tempo. Intonation not only diversifies the sound of speech, but also helps to convey the attitude of the speaker, to emphasize the most important points speech. Intonation functions:

1) emotionally expressive. Emotions: joy, irritation, anger, surprise, malice. For example, " Well done!" can be pronounced with any of these emotions;

2) semantic. Intonation helps to distinguish one sentence from another. And she will do it differently. For example: A shadow flickered in the dusk. Who is this? These are theirs. We hear both a period and a question mark here. And all this was done by intonation. We won! We won. We won?different meaning offers;

3) logical-grammatical. In a sentence, the emphasis falls on the word that carries the main meaning. stressed syllable the main meaning of the word is the intonational center of the sentence. ( Who did homework? Who did homework? Who did homework?).

Oral speech is perceived by ear. To reproduce it again, technical means are required. Therefore, it should be constructed in such a way that its content is immediately understood and easily assimilated.

Written speech secondary to oral and is characterized by the fact that the information in it is transmitted using graphic signs. Written speech, as a rule, is usually addressed to the absent addressee (addressees), it can only be mentally imagined. Written speech is not affected by the reaction of those who read it. The writer has the opportunity to improve his text, return to it, correct it. Written speech is designed for visual perception, it has a clear structural organization, which includes division into sections and paragraphs, pagination, paragraph indents, a system of links, etc. While reading, there is always the opportunity to reread an incomprehensible place several times, make extracts, clarify, check the understanding of terms in a dictionary. Written speech texts are characterized by complex syntactic constructions, a large number of participial and adverbial phrases.

Thus, there are differences in the speech behavior of the person who creates an oral or written statement, in the perception of oral or written speech by the addressee, in the linguistic design of oral and written speech.

Allocate two types of speech by the number of persons producing speech - monologue and dialogue. monologue speech characterized by its development, which is associated with the desire to widely cover the thematic content of the statement, the presence of common constructions, their grammatical design. The monologue gets its greatest development in book speech.

The conditions under which dialogic speech, determine a number of its features, which include: brevity of statements (especially in the answer-question form, to a lesser extent when changing sentences-replicas), the widespread use of non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures), a large role of intonation, a variety of special sentences part-time, free from the strict norms of bookish speech, the syntactic design of an utterance that was not prepared in advance, etc. This form of speech has received the greatest development in colloquial speech. At the same time, the dialogical form is widespread in scientific, journalistic, and official business speech. The image of the dialogue is also used in the language fiction to characterize the character.

When a person uses language to communicate with other people, he is engaged in speech activity. .

Speech activity is a textual activity based on the ability to create and perceive statements (texts) in the process of verbal communication.

Like any activity, speech activity is carried out in stages.

1. Incentive-motivational stage suggests the emergence of the motive of speech activity. If a person decides to get involved in it, the communicative intention of the participant in communication is formed, which is a unity of the motive (is it appropriate to speak, write in this case) and the purpose of the speech action (why speak? why read? what will I say?).

2. indicative stage involves thinking, planning, choosing speech behavior, forming an initial idea of ​​the genre and style of the utterance.

3. Executive stage is the voicing of an intended (conceived) text: we pronounce or write down a deliberate statement.

4. On control stage it is important to analyze both communicative successes and failures that led to the inadequacy of understanding by listeners or readers of the statement created by the author.

Speech activity has several different species. Imagine a well-known situation: the teacher gives a lecture, and the students listen and take notes. First, the teacher uses the language to express what he considers necessary to communicate to the students. This type of activity through which oral communication is carried out is called speaking.

Secondly, students, knowing the language spoken by the teacher, perceive the content of his sounding speech. This type of speech activity, which is based on the perception and comprehension of sounding texts, is called hearing.

Thirdly, with the help of graphic signs, students fix the main content of the lecture in their notebooks. This type of speech activity, in the process of which the content of the utterance is conveyed with the help of graphic signs, is called by letter.

One can also imagine how later students will turn to their notes and draw the information recorded there. This fourth type of speech activity, which is based on the perception and comprehension of a written text, is called by reading.

Basic concepts: language, language levels, speech, functions of language and speech, speech activity, speech behavior, speech situation, speech act, speech passport, oral and written forms of speech, text, meaning of the text, types of texts: narration, reasoning, description, communicative competence.

Language- a system of sign units in abstraction from individual statements of specific people.

Speech- a sequence of sign units of a language, organized according to its laws and in accordance with the needs of the information being expressed.

Language and speech are two sides of the same phenomenon. Language is inherent in any person, and speech is inherent in a particular person.

Speech and language can be compared to a pen and text. Language is a pen, and speech is the text that is written with this pen.

Contrasting language and speech:

Language is

Speech is

Paradigm (vertical)

Syntagma (horizontal)

System of means of communication

Implementation of this system




Usual (common)



Stable, invariant

Variable, variant

social, collective


Functions of language and speech: communicative (communication), informative (messages), influences, voluntarily (expression of will), emotive (expression of emotions), cognitive (cognitive), cumulative (accumulation of knowledge), phatic (contact-establishing), etc.

Speech activity

    a set of mental and physiological works human body necessary for the production and perception of speech;

    production and perception of texts; text exchange, feeling.

Communicating, acting with the help of language, each of the communicative partners performs one or another speech activity. What can be called speech activity? This is an activity, the instrument of which is the language and which has its own motive, goal, end result. A person acts when he speaks, writes and reads, when he listens to another. Thus, distinguish four types of speech activity:

for text production

1)speaking(a type of speech activity through which oral communication is carried out);

2) letter(a type of speech activity, during which the content of the statement is transmitted using graphic signs).

on the perception of the text

3)reading(a type of speech activity based on the perception and comprehension of a written text)

4)hearing(a type of speech activity, which is based on the perception and comprehension of sounding texts)

Types of communication:

- according to the form(oral, written);

- by type of text(monologic, dialogical);

- by the number of people talking(interpersonal (one-one), mass (one-many);

- according to the situation(official, unofficial);

- by the presence - absence of an intermediary(indirect, i.e. through paper, direct);

- by distance(contact, remote).

speech behavior- these are the properties and features that distinguish speech and speech reactions of one of the participants in communication.

Speech situation- is a collection external conditions communication and internal reactions of those who communicate, necessary for the emergence of speech

    internal conditions: reasons, goals, theme (if it is due to internal reasons).

Communicative situation has a specific structure:

    speaker (addressee),

    listener (addresser),

    relationship between speakers

    tone of communication (official, neutral, friendly),

    means of communication (literary language or subsystem: jargon, dialect, vernacular),

    method of communication (oral, written, remote, contact),

    place of communication.

speech act - specific speech actions of the speaker within a particular communicative situation. Text is created in a speech act. Linguists designate by this term not only a written, fixed one way or another text, but also any “speech work” created by someone (whether described or just spoken) of any length - from a one-word replica to a whole story, poem or book. In inner speech, an “inner text” will be created, that is, a speech work that has developed “in the mind”, but has not been embodied orally or in writing.

Communicative competence - possession by a native speaker of “situational grammar”, which prescribes the use of the language not only in accordance with the meaning of lexical units and the rules for their combination in a sentence, but also depending on the nature of the relationship between speakers, on the goals of communication and other factors.

Voice Passport - certain characteristics automatically transmitted through human speech:

- nationality, geographical "origin",

- level of education, upbringing, culture,

- floor,

- age,

- belonging to a profession

- emotional state, mood (sick, tired, cheerful, sad, etc.),

- some character traits (isolation, sociability, etc.),

- an action that accompanies speech (walks, runs, falls asleep, etc.).

Linguistic personality - 1. (according to Yu.N. Karaulov) a set of human abilities and characteristics that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts) by him, differing in the degree of complexity, depth and accuracy of reflection of reality, purposefulness.

2. A native speaker who is characterized on the basis of an analysis of the texts he made in terms of using the systemic means of this language in these texts in order to present his vision of the surrounding reality and, possibly, to achieve some of his goals.

Any person manifests himself and his subjectivity not only through objective activity, but also through communication, which is unthinkable without language and speech. A person's speech inevitably reflects his inner world, serves as a source of knowledge about his personality.