The development of communicative activity in children with ONR. Development of social and communication skills in children with ONR through media education. Characteristics of the communicative function of speech

Luda Strashkina
Features of communication in preschoolers with ONR


Communication, being a complex and multifaceted activity, requires specific knowledge and skills that a person masters in the process of assimilation of social experience accumulated by previous generations. High level communication is the key to successful adaptation of a person in any social environment, which determines the practical significance of the formation communicative skills and abilities from early childhood.

M. I. Lisina notes that communication for a child is active actions, with the help of which he seeks to convey to others and receive certain information from them, establish emotionally colored relationships with those around him and coordinate his actions with others, satisfy his material and spiritual needs.

In special pedagogy and psychology, speech is defined as the most important mental function of a person, a universal means of communication, thinking, and organizing actions. Many studies have found that mental processes: attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination - are mediated by speech. Deviations in the development of speech adversely affect the mental development of the child, delay

the formation of cognitive processes, make it difficult to communicate with others and, of course, prevent the formation of a full-fledged personality.

In modern correctional pedagogy, an opinion is expressed about the need for an in-depth study of the communication of children with various types pathology, including with general underdevelopment of speech. In such children, in addition to underdevelopment of speech, variably pronounced deviations in the formation of communication skills. Their imperfection does not ensure the process of communication, and therefore does not promotes development cognitive activity.

Numerous studies by B. M. Grinshpun, G. V. Gurovets, R. B. Khalilova, G. V. Chirkina, S. N. Shakhovskaya and other authors indicate the fact that children have e general underdevelopment speech persistent communication disorders, accompanied by emotional instability, immaturity of individual mental functions, stiffness of cognitive processes.

In children with OHP, along with the main speech difficulties, there is an extremely low level of communication skills.

Some peculiarities communication of children with ONP with peers: a significant lag in the formation communicative skills from normally developing children, as evidenced by the persistent inability to regulate the behavior of communication partners. Most have difficulty making contact with their peers. communicative activity was limited.

At an early age, the child first appears and develops non-verbal means communications in the form of various movements, gestures, facial expressions, looks, which are accompanied by vocalization, verbatim vocal reactions (shouting, cooing, babbling, etc.). Researchers (O. L. Lekhanova, 2004, O. S. Pavlova, 1998, E. G. Fedoseeva, 1999) note that non-verbal communication children with OHP has a specific character, it quantitatively and qualitatively differs from that in children with normal speech development.

Features of non-verbal communication is found only at the level of their own use of non-verbal means, when transmitting information transmitted to them by appropriate means. preschoolers with OHP use and understand more "simple" facilities

non-verbal communication (movements, gestures, facial expressions, glances, are more typical for children early age. In the repertoire of non-verbal communications they are dominated by facial expressions and visual interaction (views, while their peers with the norm of speech development use predominantly gestures in the process of communication and, to a lesser extent, facial expressions and glances.

What do you have preschoolers with OHP communication disorders is not limited to the speech component, but covers the entire communication system as a whole. including its non-verbal component. Failure communicative opportunities makes it difficult for children with OHP to interact with other people, upsets the process of forming their ideas about the world around them, disrupts "verbal and thinking activity, which generally leads to a shift in the timing of the formation of objective and other forms of consciousness, to a deformed development of a personality with speech pathology.

From the foregoing, a conclusion follows about the need for targeted work on the development of non-verbal communication in a preschooler with ONR, whose behavior especially important in the early stages of corrective action.

In connection with the issue under consideration, the study by E. A. Petrova, devoted to the study of gesture in the early ontogenesis of children with developmental norms, is of particular interest. The author reveals the "genesis of the formation "language" gestures in children under one and a half years old, reveals the relationship between the development of speech and gestures, shows the role and functions of gestures in early ontogenesis. Special of interest is the position of E. A. Petrova that “gestures are an important element of oral language and play an important role in the period of preverbal communications and assimilation of speech in early ontogenesis. Also noteworthy is I.N. Gorelov’s indication that non-verbal components communications are the functional basis of speech.

Non-verbal means communication is not only a way transfer of information of a certain meaning (expressive and semantic movements, but at the same time, to a large extent serve to express the emotional and expressive state of a person.

In the process of classes, children should be introduced to various means of non-verbal communication. communications. Learn to define (learn) And

differentiate different emotional states of people (dolls, other characters) by their facial expressions, expressive gestures, postures, etc.

To develop in children the skills and abilities to use non-verbal means communications in simulated situations of communication, in games - dramatizations, in music and other activities, in independent games, everyday situations, etc. Learn to express various emotional states using non-verbal means.

Children will have increased social activity: they will become more proactive in interpersonal interactions with peers and adults, use a variety of non-verbal communication means.

At preschoolers with OHP, not only the lack of formation of verbal means of communication is observed, which is due to the main defect. It turns out that the ontogeny of non-verbal communications.

At preschoolers variably pronounced speech difficulties: primitive, poor vocabulary, agrammatisms. In communication, children use a simple phrase, and their answers were short and monotonous.

Game skills preschoolers are poorly developed. This is expressed in the poverty of the plot, in the procedural nature of the game, and low speech activity. As a rule, the games do not last long, as the children could not fully unfold the plot.

Considering features of speech communication of preschoolers with OHP with peers, about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. Peculiarities speech development of children clearly make it difficult to carry out full communication, which is expressed in a decrease in communication, unformed forms communications, behavior patterns. preschoolers they are not interested in contact, they do not know how to navigate in a communication situation, they often express negativism towards their partners in the game. Speech and communicative Difficulties prevent establishing and maintaining contacts with peers.

Thus, the corrective impact should be aimed not only at the development of speech skills, but also at the development of communicative skills of children with this pathology.


The article is devoted to the problem of the communicative development of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment (GSD), analyzes the experimental material on the patterns of communicative development of older preschoolers with GSD, and presents data on the compensatory possibilities of communicative underdevelopment. The data of the experimental study presented in the article suggest that the program of study and correction mental development children with ONR in ad hoc groups can be significantly supplemented by the study and correction of the development of their communicative activity. The timely and competent inclusion of a child in the system of communicative relations, taking into account his communicative experience, can be considered as essential condition the process of socialization of children with OHP at the stage of early ontogenesis.

children with general underdevelopment of speech

communicative activity

communication development

forms of communication with adults

cognitive communication

business conversation

personal communication

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2. Volkovskaya T.N., Yusupova G.Kh. Psychological help preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004. – 104 p.

3. Vygotsky L.S. Problems of defectology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995. - 527 p.

4. Dmitrieva E.E. Communicative development of children with mild forms of mental underdevelopment in the early stages of ontogenesis: Monograph. - N. Novgorod: NGLU, 2004. - 258 p.

5. Sorokoumova S.N., Dmitrieva E.E. Psychological and pedagogical problems of inclusive education of older preschoolers with handicapped health // Privolzhsky scientific journal. - 2012. - No. 4. – S. 255-258.

6. Lisina M.I. Communication, personality and psyche of the child. - M., Voronezh: Institute of Practical Psychology. - 1997. - 384 p.

7. Solovieva L.G. Peculiarities of communicative activity of children with general underdevelopment of speech// Defectology. - 1996. - No. 1. - P.18-23.

Communication with an adult is a necessary condition for the existence of a person and one of the factors of his mental development in ontogenesis (L.S. Vygotsky, M.I. Lisina, etc.)

The study of the process of communication between a child and an adult is of exceptional importance for understanding the features of the formation of the psyche of a child with disabilities. On the example of children with analyzer defects, mentally retarded children, L.S. Vygotsky showed that the leading defect in the development of an abnormal child is an obstacle to communication in a team, to the development of correct relationships with other people. This, in the words of a scientist, “strengthens”, “nourishes” the defect. In the normalization of communication with others, he saw the main way to compensate for defects in the development of an abnormal child.

These fundamentally valuable provisions of L.S. Vygotsky suggest that the study of children with disabilities and the organization of correctional assistance are possible in connection with the study of the child as a subject of communication in the context of his relationships with others.

Of particular interest in this context are children with ONR. A few studies indicate that a complex of speech and cognitive impairments in these children prevents the formation of a full-fledged communicative activity in them (E.E. Dmitrieva, T.D. Volkovskaya, L.G. Solovieva, S.N. Sorokoumova, etc.) . At different age stages, children with severe speech disorders have a reduced need for communication, there is an insufficient level of proficiency in verbal and non-verbal means of communication with others, which complicates the process of interpersonal interaction, pushes children to negative affective manifestations in communication. However, in the experimental plan, the question of the specifics of the formation of communication in children with ONR and the possibility of compensating for a defect in the development of this most important sphere of the psyche remains insufficiently studied. The foregoing actualizes the problem of studying the communicative activity of children with OHP. Of great interest are the stages of early childhood, sensitive for the development of the child's communicative sphere.

The purpose of our study is to study the formation of communication with adults in older preschoolers with OHP and the possibility of its correction in pedagogical conditions specially created for this.

Theoretical approaches to the research problem were identified in the framework of the activity approach to communication (M.I. Lisina) .

At the first stage of the organization of the study, we set the task of identifying the level of formation of communication with adults in older preschoolers with OHP. Selected by M.I. Fox forms of communication with an adult (levels of communicative activity) were used in the study as age guidelines for their communicative development:

  • Situational-personal form of communication (2 months - 6 months);
  • Situational-business form of communication (6 months - 3 years);
  • Extra-situational-cognitive form of communication (3 years - 5 years);
  • Extra-situational-personal form of communication (5 years - 7 years).

For diagnostic purposes, the method of M.I. Lisina, adapted for children with disabilities by E.E. Dmitrieva. The diagnostic procedure is based on the principle of modeling the main forms of communication. The adult offered the child a choice of a situation of business interaction (the adult is a partner in joint activities), theoretical cooperation (an adult is a holistic person striving for mutual understanding, empathy). The main criteria for mastering age-related forms of communication with an adult: an initiative choice of the situation of communication and the content of contacts; the nature of the emotional state and the desired duration of communication.

The study was conducted on the basis of MBDOU No. 36 in Nizhny Novgorod. The experiment involved 60 older preschoolers (30 children with OHP and 30 children with a normal level of speech development).

A comparative diagnostic experiment showed that in 60% of children with OHP, SDFO was predominant, which is inherent in the normal development of young children, 23% of the subjects in this group showed the ability to master VPFO. 16.7% of children were shown as the leading VLFO.

Children without speech problems in 90% of cases mastered non-situational forms of communication with an adult, including 46.6% of the VLFO, which, undoubtedly, is a characteristic of favorable prerequisites for further mental development.

The diagnostic experiment made it possible to reveal the qualitative originality of the formation of communicative activity in older preschoolers with OHP. Children do not show initiative in business interaction, do not seek cooperation, use non-verbal means in contacts. In children with normal speech development, SDFO was observed in 10% of children. These children were distinguished by the desire for cooperation, for the coordination of efforts in business communication with an adult.

23.3% of preschoolers with OHP turned out to be at the level of VPFO. However, the low level of cognitive activity, the monotony of cognitive contacts in terms of content, and the situational nature of communication with an adult distinguished these children from their peers with normal speech development. In similar conditions, the children of this group with VPFO in 43.4% of cases showed a steady cognitive interest, initiative cognitive contacts of various content (questions, messages, requests to read, etc.), were not bound by the conditions of interaction with a partner.

In a situation of personal communication, 16.7% of children with OHP showed interest in discussing moral and ethical problems. However, the children's personal contacts were monotonous and were mainly of a situational nature (the children gave peer assessments in different situations interactions with others). In a similar situation of communication with an adult, children with normal speech development (46.6%) showed a steady interest in personal problems, a desire to coordinate their understanding with an adult, their attitude to the social world. Personal contacts with adults were predominantly non-situational.

Thus, a comparative diagnostic study indicates that older preschoolers with OHP are distinguished by a low level of development of both the motivational component and speech means of communication. Children are distinguished by inactivity in communication, the situational nature of their communication with adults.

The data obtained at the stage of diagnostic study actualize the task of corrective work with children with ONR to overcome their communicative underdevelopment. We have developed and tested in work with older preschoolers with OHP (30 children) a correctional development program, the main goal of which is to overcome the lag of six-year-old children with OHP in the development of communicative activity and bring them to the level of optimally realized age opportunities.

The main tasks that we solved during the implementation of the program were the expansion of children's knowledge about the surrounding physical and social world, the formation of their need for cooperation, cognitive and personal communication with adults, overcoming situational communication. Correction of social underdevelopment was carried out by actively including children in communication with adults. Modeling in the classroom, in everyday situations, various forms of communication, we put the child in front of the need to solve certain communication tasks, use language means to express his own plan and implement full-fledged communication.

The diagnostic experiment, carried out based on the results of the implementation of the correctional developmental program, showed a generally positive trend in the communicative development of preschoolers with OHP. Extra-situational forms of communication with an adult in children have become leading. VPFO became predominant in 80% of children, 13.3% of children rose to the level of personal communication. There have been significant qualitative changes in communicative activity: the level of children's speech initiative has increased, the content of their cognitive and personal contacts has been enriched, and a desire for extra-situational contacts with adults has appeared.

In 6.7% of preschool children, the SDFO remained dominant in communication with adults. However, we recorded in these children the desire to cooperate with an adult in situations of business interaction.

The data obtained in the experiment demonstrate the importance of the special formation of children's communicative activity. They update the tasks of organizing diagnostic and corrective work with older preschoolers with OHP to optimize their communicative development.


Serebrovskaya N.E., Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department social psychology and Pedagogy, NOU HPE "Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business", Nizhny Novgorod;

Sorokoumova S.N., Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Nizhny Novgorod.

Bibliographic link

Dvurechenskaya O.N., Dmitrieva E.E. FEATURES OF COMMUNICATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF OLDER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH GENERAL SPEECH UNDEVELOPMENT // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-1 .;
URL: (date of access: 10/23/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Nowadays, the role of communication plays an important role in people's lives, especially in the life of a child. According to O.S. Pavlova communication is the most important factor in the overall mental development of a child who plays decisive role in enriching the content and structure of human consciousness. Through communication, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through communication, people receive and transmit information throughout their lives. The development of a person as a person largely depends on his social environment. Through interaction with people, the child satisfies his most important need, namely the need for communication, improves his mental, cognitive capabilities and reaches a higher level of his development.

With a general underdevelopment of speech in children, there are difficulties in meeting and developing these needs..

The development of speech communication is one of the main conditions for the comprehensive and full development of the child..

Communication in literary sources is considered from different points of view. In the linguistic dictionary, "communication is" a specific form of interaction between people in the process of their cognitive and labor activity. In the psychological dictionary, "communication is a purposeful process of transmitting some mental content with the help of language." And in the pedagogical dictionary, "communication is the exchange of information between people, during which a person reports his thoughts, feelings, desires, experiences and emotional state." Despite some discrepancies in definitions, the general idea of ​​these terms is that a violation of a person's communication capabilities negatively affects his development.

Pavlova O.S., Gribova O.E., Solovieva L.G., Filicheva T.B. dealt with communication disorders in children with OHP (general underdevelopment of speech). etc. However, this remains unsolved to the end to this day.

Today, one can observe a trend of a massive increase in the number of children with ONR. In the presence of various speech disorders in a child, insufficient formation of certain speech functions, mental and cognitive processes is distinguished. Speech impairment can lead to a variety of serious consequences in the development of the child's personality.

One of the most common and, at the same time, rather complex speech disorders is the general underdevelopment of speech. The prerequisites for the general underdevelopment of speech can be traced even in the process of ontogenesis, at the earliest stages of the development of speech activity. A child with a speech disorder lags behind at the stages of speech development in terms of the timing and quality of speech development in the norm.

Speech is one of the most important mental functions of a person. Everyone knows that speech is universal and available remedy communication of people, with the help of speech people organize their actions. It is difficult for children with OHP to develop their cognitive and mental processes; it is more difficult for such children to adapt in society. It is harder for them to establish contacts with others, to control their behavior and speech. Because of this, children with ONR have great difficulty in developing their speech skills.. O.E. Gribova believes that a violation of one's own speech development can cause problems in communication. A in the most severe forms of impaired speech development, this can lead to the abandonment of speech communication altogether..

O.S. Pavlov says that communication is one of the main conditions for the development of a child. The author explains that the formation of communicative skills is the leading type of human activity, which is aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself through other people. And this means, the author notes, that the use of speech for the purpose of communication is of fundamental importance in the process of child development. According to T.B. Filicheva, children with general underdevelopment of speech have characteristic features: isolation, harshness, shyness, tightness, stiffness, indifference, hypersensitivity, emotional excitability, aggressiveness. For such children, a constant, often causeless change of mood is characteristic. Because of their speech disorder, children do not accept themselves as they are, they cannot be confident in themselves and their abilities; sometimes such children may feel hatred for the people who surround them. These children often have behavioral problems. Data specific features children with general underdevelopment of speech significantly complicate their adaptation in society and the possibility of establishing communication with them, both with their peers and with adults.

According to M.I. Fox's process of developing speech in children as a means of communication is influenced by many factors. A decisive role in the development of speech skills is played by factors of a communicative nature. Communicative factors influence the development of speech activity in children at any age and with any speech disorder, explains M.I. Lisin. Also, the author says that children with general underdevelopment of speech have problems of speech development at the earliest stages of the formation of speech. Consequently, the communication skills of such children are impaired. And with insufficient communication of the child with adults and peers, the rate of development of mental and cognitive processes in them slows down significantly. Such interaction can play a decisive role in the formation of a child's speech development..

It is necessary to note the following: in speech therapy practice, many different facts have been accumulated that The obstacle to mastering communication skills is not the speech impairment itself, but how the child reacts to it, how he assesses his impairment and how he feels his speech deficiency. At the same time, the degree of perception by the child of his speech impairment does not always coincide with the severity of the speech pathology. So, it should be noted that the presence of persistent communication disorders in children with general underdevelopment of speech is accompanied by emotional instability, characteristic features(shyness, tightness, harshness, stiffness, timidity, impulsiveness, indifference, isolation, aggressiveness, etc.) and stiffness of cognitive and mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination, and so on), notes N.S. Zhukov.

According to O.E. mushroom in a child with speech pathology, and in particular, with a general underdevelopment of speech, the need for communication is significantly reduced due to the fact that such children have not formed forms of communication: monologue and dialogic speech, which is the basis for mastering speech as a means of communication. This prevents the implementation of full-fledged communication between children and a child with speech disabilities with an adult., notes O.E. Gribov.

Along with this, L.G. Solovieva speaks about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. The author explains that the peculiarities of the impaired speech development of children impede the implementation of their full-fledged communication in society, which is expressed in a significant decrease in the need for communication of children with speech disorders with peers and adults. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, the greatest difficulties arise in the organization of their speech behavior, these difficulties adversely affect communication with peers (children) and adults around them. Children with speech disorders do not always fully understand the speech addressed to them by the interlocutor; it is difficult for such children to answer it and it is rather difficult to trace the semantic chain of verbal communication.

According to L.G. Solovieva, it is precisely because of this that children with general underdevelopment of speech have serious problems use of speech as a means of communication. In order for a child with general underdevelopment of speech to have no problems associated with establishing contact with peers and adults, it is necessary to provide such a child with comprehensive assistance from all specialists: a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist and other specialists. As for speech therapy assistance, such assistance should be aimed, first of all, at overcoming a speech defect, because, as a result of this violation, the child will experience significant difficulties in mastering communication skills, as well as in the development of motor functions, mental and cognitive processes. Such work should be aimed at the inclusion of the child in society.

Finally, it should be noted that with ONR, children have problems at every stage of speech development. At the same time, the lag in speech skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech reduces the level of communication skills. Children of this category have specific character traits, such as: isolation, timidity, indecision, shyness, impulsiveness, emotionality, aggressiveness, and others. This, in turn, gives rise to special features of speech behavior: lack of communication initiative, limited contact, slow inclusion in the communication situation, inability to maintain a conversation and listen to the interlocutor's speech, lack of ability to agree on something, difficulties in understanding the meaning of the interlocutor's speech, and many others..

Based on this, it can be concluded that corrective work to overcome the violation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech should begin with the correction of the speech development of the child, with overcoming his speech pathology. After all, the level of formation of communication of a child with a general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech capabilities.

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as one of the main conditions for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, the leading type of human activity aimed at understanding and evaluating oneself through interaction with other people (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. G. Ruzskaya, E. O. Smirnova, D. B. Elkonin, etc.)

Communication, being one of the main conditions for the full development of the child, has a complex structural organization, the main components of which are the subject of communication, communicative need and motives, units of communication, its means and products. Throughout the preschool age, the content of the structural components of communication changes, its means are improved, the main of which is speech.

In accordance with the theoretical concepts of domestic psychology, speech is the most important mental function of a person - universal remedy communication, thinking, organizing actions. Many studies have found that mental processes - attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination - are mediated by speech. Communication is present in all types of children's activities and affects the speech and mental development of the child, forms the personality as a whole.

Psychologists believe that the decisive factors in the formation of a child’s communication are his interaction with adults, the attitude of adults towards him as a person, their consideration of the level of formation of the communicative need that the child has reached at this stage of development.

The patterns of behavior learned by him in the family are applied in the process of communication with peers. In turn, many of the qualities acquired by the child in the children's team are introduced into the family. The relationship of a preschooler with children is also largely determined by the nature of his communication with the kindergarten teacher. The style of the teacher's communication with the children, his value attitudes are reflected in the relations of the children among themselves, in the psychological microclimate of the group. The successful development of his relationships with peers has a special impact on the formation of the child's mental life. Thus, with normal development, there is a unity in the formation of the child's communication and the development of his personality.

With insufficient communication of the child with adults and peers, the rate of development of his speech and other mental processes slows down. Deviations in the development of speech negatively affect the mental development of the child, make it difficult to communicate with others, delay the formation of cognitive processes, and, therefore, prevent the formation of a full-fledged personality.

Children with speech underdevelopment against the background of a mosaic picture of speech and non-speech defects have difficulties in the formation of communication skills. Due to their imperfection, the development of communication is not fully ensured and, therefore, there may be difficulties in the development of verbal and cognitive activity. Most children with OHP have difficulty making contact with peers and adults, their communicative activity is limited.

In the studies of S.N. Shakhovskaya experimentally identified and analyzed in detail the features of the speech development of children with severe speech pathology. According to the author, "general underdevelopment of speech is a multimodal disorder that manifests itself at all levels of the organization of language and speech." Speech behavior, speech action of a child with speech underdevelopment differs significantly from what is observed during normal development. With a general underdevelopment of speech in the structure of the defect, there is an unformed speech activity and other mental processes. The insufficiency of speech and thought activity associated with linguistic material of different levels is revealed. The majority of children with OHP have poor and qualitative originality of vocabulary, difficulties in the development of generalization and abstraction processes. The passive vocabulary significantly prevails over the active one and is converted into an active one extremely slowly. Due to the poverty of the vocabulary of children, the opportunities for their full communication and, consequently, the overall mental development are not provided.

Describing the state of speech-cogitative activity of children with speech underdevelopment, acting against the background of persistent dysarthria pathology, L.B. Khalilova notes the noticeable narrowness of their linguistic outlook, the difficulties of programming a speech statement at all stages of its psycholinguistic generation. The speech products of most of them are poor in content and very imperfect in structure. Elementary syntactic constructions are not informative enough, they are inaccurate, not always logical and consistent, and the content contained in them the main idea sometimes not relevant to the topic.

A meager vocabulary, agrammatisms, defects in pronunciation and form formation, difficulties in the development of a coherent speech statement make it difficult to form the main functions of speech - communicative, cognitive, regulatory and generalizing. Violation of the communicative function of speech in children with OHP prevents the full formation of the generalizing function, since their speech capabilities do not sufficiently ensure the correct perception and preservation of information in the context of a consistent expansion of its volume and complication of content in the process of developing verbal communication with others. N.I. Zhinkin believes that the delay in the formation of one component, in this case, speech, leads to a delay in the development of another - thinking, the child does not own concepts, generalizations, classifications in accordance with age, and finds it difficult to analyze and synthesize incoming information. Defects in speech development delay the formation of the cognitive function of speech, since in this case the speech of a child with speech pathology does not become a full-fledged means of his thinking, and the speech of the people around him is not always an adequate way for him to convey information, social experience (knowledge, methods, actions). Often, the child understands only the information that is associated with familiar, visually perceived objects and people in his usual environment. In many situations of activity and communication, the child cannot formulate and convey his thoughts, personal experiences with the help of speech. Often he needs additional visualization, which helps him to perform certain mental operations.

Studying the speech communication of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech in the process gaming activity, L.G. Solovieva makes a conclusion about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. Features of children's speech development clearly impede the implementation of full-fledged communication, which is expressed in a decrease in the need for communication, unformed forms of communication (dialogical and monologue speech), behavioral features (disinterest in contact, inability to navigate in a communication situation, negativism).

Children with general underdevelopment of speech have serious difficulties in organizing their own speech behavior, which negatively affects communication with others and, above all, with peers. The study of interpersonal relations in a group of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, conducted by O.A. Slinko, showed that although there are socio-psychological patterns in it that are common to normally developing children and their peers with speech pathology, manifested in the structure of groups, nevertheless interpersonal relationships children of this contingent are more affected by the severity of the speech defect. Thus, among the outcasts there are often children with severe speech pathology, despite the fact that they have positive traits including the desire to communicate.

Thus, the level of formation of communication of a child with a general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

Speech therapy has accumulated a lot of data that another obstacle to communication is not the defect itself, but how the child reacts to it, how he evaluates it. At the same time, the degree of fixation on the defect does not always correlate with the severity of the speech disorder.

Consequently, speech therapy literature notes the presence of persistent communication disorders in children with speech underdevelopment, accompanied by the immaturity of individual mental functions, emotional instability, and stiffness of cognitive processes.

Despite the constant interest of researchers in optimization problems speech therapy work to overcome speech underdevelopment, there is currently no holistic view of the patterns of formation of communication skills in this category of children and the possibilities of their purposeful development. Along with the priority importance of considering the theoretical aspects of this problem, there is a practical need to determine the content of remedial education aimed at developing communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Conclusions on the first chapter

So, it was stated theoretical aspects formation of communication skills in children with OHP.

From the reviewed material, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) the problem of forming communication skills in children is relevant;

2) an important problem in working with children with general underdevelopment of speech, having problems in communication - the organization and content of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of such children;

3) as a result of underdevelopment of speech in children with general underdevelopment of speech, there are limited available language means, the presence of a special sound-gesture - mimic complex used by children, peculiar difficulties that arise when switching to a word as a means of communication and generalization;

4) without special education children with general underdevelopment of speech do not master the operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization;

5) underdevelopment of speech means in children reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence psychological characteristics(isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed inclusion in a communication situation, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity;

6) Psychologists believe that the decisive factors in the formation of a child’s communication are his interaction with adults, the attitude of adults towards him as a person, their consideration of the level of formation of the communicative need that the child has reached at this stage of development;

7) the level of formation of communication of a child with general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

underdevelopment speech preschool communication

Abstract: The article substantiates the need to develop psychological and pedagogical influences aimed at developing communication skills in older preschool children with speech development problems, and also presents the results of a study of the communicative activity of children with OHP (general speech underdevelopment).

At the present stage, the modernization of education assumes, as one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process in children's preschool development of cognitive and communicative abilities of the individual, education of participants in an open pedagogical process with developed communication skills.

According to the results of our survey of older preschool children with OHP (method of E. B. Chernyshova), we identified the following features of the communicative activity of older preschoolers with OHP.

In senior preschool age children with ONR tend to communicate with close relatives, and not with peers. Children are ready to communicate with peers, but making contact with other children causes them problems. Children have an extremely low level of verbal communicative activity in communication. In most cases, children are not active enough, constrained, tense, do not show initiative, which affects the freedom to establish contact with other children.

Children with OHP lack the desire for broad awareness, low activity of question-answer communication. Politeness of preschoolers to peers is usually lower than to adults, and in a conversation with peers, interruption is considered a necessary element of communication. Children are not characterized by communication with a constant circle of peers, they prefer communication with interlocutors of the same gender as themselves. In communication, they strive in any way to make a positive impression on the interlocutor, to stand out among other children, to draw attention to themselves.

Sociability with close adults is manifested in the low frequency of initiative acts. Children have a need to communicate with an adult, but they need an adult as an assistant, a partner in joint activities. They strive to ensure that an adult praises them, helps them. According to the observation, all children in this group have a low level of focus of the dispute on solving the problem, in disputes they often lose the thread of the dispute, deviate from the original topic and often do not focus on solving the problem, but mainly pursue the goals of self-affirmation.

Children with OHP use elements of adequate non-verbal behavior less often in communication with peers, parents, and caregivers than children without speech disorders.

All of the above allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Difficulties observed in children with OHP in organizing the language system have a negative impact on their communicative activity. Such features of speech development as:

  • poverty and undifferentiated vocabulary,
  • obvious insufficiency of the verb vocabulary,
  • the peculiarity of the associated utterance,

impede the implementation of full-fledged communication, the consequence of these difficulties is a decrease in the need for communication.

Generally, communication capabilities of children with OHP limited and in all respects below the norm. But, it should be noted that all of the above does not fatally affect the quality of the child's communicative activity.

Children with OHP have the same bright signs of communicative activity as children with a speech norm. The analysis of the data obtained indicates the need to introduce special means, forms and methods aimed at developing the communicative activity of children into the correctional and speech therapy work.

Kashina Anastasia Nikolaevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU kindergarten combined type No. 84,